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evakuality · 5 years ago
Hi Allie! :) I have some numbers for you: 3, 8, 9 and 13 for the Matteo ask game?!
Camilla 💜 Thank you for sending these!
3: already answered
8. Do you have anything in common with Matteo?  Too much, tbh.  I feel like his way of operating reminded me a lot of myself, except that I’m not quite as ‘little shit’ as he can be (I’m too self conscious too often).  But his first few episodes really resonated with me and tbh I got a lot of nostalgia about how it was in those first flushes of liking someone/getting to know them.  Peak ‘stuttering mess’ representation!
9. Has Matteo and his season impacted your life in any way?  Again, probably too much!  First, I guess feeling ‘seen’ in a lot of ways was so cool, and it made me examine my own mental health considering I could see a lot of how I am in him.  Not that it was explicitly addressed in the show, but the amount of speculation made me look a bit more closely.  Also, I never expected to get so involved in another Skam fandom.  I tried many of the remakes earlier (including Druck) but I didn’t connect with any of them so I ended up refusing to even consider any of them after a while.  Then came Matteo’s season and the trans Even rumours and I gave it another shot.  And I’m so glad I did.  This season was amazing and it changed both how I feel about certain remakes (though I still haven’t really watched any of the others since none of them resonate for me in the same way), and introduced me to a whole bunch of really cool and fun people.  This fandom is a joy and I love it.
13. Did Matteo inspire you at all? I don’t think ‘inspire’ is quite the right word for it, but I did fall for him and I do think he’s so very relateable that it’s nice to be able to use him to be nicer to our own selves a bit more.
Please do send me some more questions from the Matteo list
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tristealven · 6 years ago
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this is for you, @hjertetssunnegalskap1 <3
gratulerer med dagen camilla!!! her er litt noe som er inspirert av ficen din, draumekvila. håper du liker det, og håper dagen din blir kjempefin!
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aimeegbbs · 5 years ago
Hi! 💛 Could you do Ragnarok for the fandom thingy - if I'm not too late?
adjsgsgs no you’re not too late, thank you for sending this!! 💜
the first character i ever fell in love with: isolde!!
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i literally disliked most of the characters right from the beginning and only started to like/tolerate them after a while so no one really
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
my ultimate favorite character™: isolde (i love pain) and i’m gonna say laurits because he’s actualla alive
prettiest character: isolde again!! and also saxa and iman
my most hated character: vidar
my OTP: isolde x being alive
my NOTP: magne x gry (can we get a guy and a girl just being friends pls)
favorite episode: 1.06
saddest death: isolde :(
favorite season: s1
least favorite season: also s1 i guess??
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate only started liking towards the end: fjor (wasn’t a fan of him until the fifth episode)
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: laurits adjssgsgs i love him and he’s one of my faves but he’s a real dumbass sometimes
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: isolde!!
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: i guess fjor x gry are kind of cute but fjor x laurits would be cuter
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hachibe · 6 years ago
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity.
It’s my birthday today, so let’s see.
1. laying down in a bed with freshly washed sheets
2. saturday mornings when i’m alone in the house
3. when the cat suddenly jumps up my window scaring the shit out of me (i love when he’s all like ‘so, whatcha doin?’’)
4. good food, that one you’re craving and finally have it
5. when i see a piece of art, or i read something, and the world just shifts a little and my vision gets a little more clear.
+ spending time with friends (living far away from them made me treasure those moments even more)
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hachibe · 6 years ago
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No bingo :(
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I wanted to try one of these bingo things as well! Fun times! 😂
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lune-claire-art · 4 years ago
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@lazy-t-rex @myrimyworld @hjertetssunnegalskap1 @meebee2 @shameless-loser @the-essa @pawiinna @katemonig-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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theskamlibrary · 5 years ago
75 dates in the Skam Universe Masterpost
Thank you so much for everyone who participated, we had a total of X dates in the Skam Universe. We are so grateful for every content creators who put such hard work and shared it with us, you are the backbone of this fandom and the ones who make it worthwhile. 
Support your content creators! Reblog their posts, give them feedback, comment, share the love.  
Cliché by @catloves3 {WTFock - Zoë Loockx/Senne De Smet - 497 words}
written for (fun)fair
Senne, Zoe, Jana, and Luka at a funfair.
click by @butforwardiscalling {Skam Italy - Niccolò Fares/Martino Rametta - 1613 words }
written for shooting photos 
niccolò has a camera. martino is his preferred model, willing or not.
Cheats and Prank Wars by @toobaddiane {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/David Schreibner - 2507 words}
written for prank war
It’s the summer after their first year in university started and the boys are just lazying around. After an episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine gives Jonas an idea, they engage in a harmless prank war. What could possibly go wrong when someone is super competitive and their boyfriend is their teammate?
Or Matteo and David are teammates in a prank war and David is a competitive jerk.
I think I like my eyes by @ayellowcurtain {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 1026 words}
written for building a pillow fort 
shut up and kiss me by @orpheuscris {Skam Espana - Cris Soto/Joana Bianchi - 3441 words}
written for study date
Joana and Cris have been at odds nearly the entire time they've been sitting next to each other in class. So that’s why it’s such a surprise when one day, near the end of the semester, Cris invites Joana over to her house to study. And why she’s even more surprised by herself when she accepts.
show me the things (that you believe in) by @softdemaury {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 6329 words}
written for at home movie night
“Guess there goes your movie, then.” Lucas says while they’re sitting down at the kitchen table.
“Wait, you didn’t organize this to get out of watching that damn thing, right?” Eliott squints his eyes at Lucas, raising his fork in an attempt to look threatening.
Lucas laughs, “You think I’d do that? Of course I didn’t. We’ll just watch it next time, no big deal.”
5 times Eliott fails in making Lucas watch 10 Things I Hate About You and the 1 time Lucas takes the matter into his own hands
Future Little Koala by @youleavebehindmemories {Skam Italy - Eva Brighi/Giovanni Garau - 2697 words }
written for wedding 
It's basically Giovanni and Eva at the wedding of Marti and Nicco with glimpses into Gio & Eva's future, domestic life! (as well as background moments from others)
Feels like Love by @tunonseisolonico {Skam Italy - Niccolò Fares/Martino Rametta - 2602 words }
written for karaoke 
“Come on, Marti! Let´s go and sing a song, the two of us!”
“You for real?!” Marti immediately exclaimed, being full of doubts.
He couldn't help but got flashbacks in his head, thinking back to Silvia´s 80´s party, him sitting close to Nico on the couch, Emma on Nico��s other side. Niccolò asking them to sing a song with him, Marti already refusing to do so back then.
“Of course, I´m not joking!”
“Well, sounds like it. No, I´m not going to sing a song with you!”
come with me, my love (to the sea of love) by @lepetitepeach {Skam France -Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 4816 words }
written for aquarium
there’s a small touch of wonder to everything that lives in the ocean
critter cottage by @spacekardemomme {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 1546 words }
As he walked further into the room, he watched the rise and fall of eliott's chest, the way his hair is messily sprawled along the pillow, a few strands scattered across his forehead and cheekbones.
this is who i’m meant to spend the rest of my life with
Yearning for more than a blue day by @modestytreehouse  {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 3723 words  }
written for brunch date 
He really should leave while Isak is still asleep and spare him the awkwardness of waking up beside Even. Spare himself the shame when Isak recognizes him.
Kings of the cargo hold by @evakuality {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen -  3029 words}
written for cruise // art created by @hjertetssunnegalskap1 
“You’re early,” a voice says, a breathy, stuttery quality to it as its owner pants into the room behind Isak, the clatter of his feet loud as his footsteps echoes off the metal of the walls. “I was supposed to be here before you.” “What is all this?” Isak gestures at the table laid out in front of them. “Well, you agreed to eat with me,” Even says, his unfairly gorgeous blue eyes lit up as he stares into Isak’s soul
Aka, the one where Even gets extra as he prepares for the perfect moment with Isak.
sens de la vie by @livvyblxckthxrn {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 2809 words}
written for museum date
a little dive into all of those instagram pics and stories
det betyr jo alltid noe, det gjør jo det by @pagnilagni {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 8722 words }
written for apple picking // in Norwegian // translation in English by Bolomapa
Han står oppgitt ute på den overgrodde plenen og ser på epletrærne. De er gamle og krokete, har altfor mange greiner, de henger for tett sammen under den tette trekronen, tynget av røde epler tett i tett, de skulle vært tynnet, sa naboen, og treet skulle vært beskåret, han sa det et par uker etter at han beskar sine egne trær. “Men det er for sent nå, sevjen stiger, treet kommer til å blø i hjel. Du får ta det neste år i stedet”, hadde han sagt, mens han klappet ham faderlig på skulderen.
Han ser på epletrærne med den modne frukten, en mengde epler har falt ned i natt, mange flere enn i går, han burde plukke dem nå, han burde absolutt det. Men hva skal han med dem, lurer han på, en fortvilende klump i magen spør ham om svaret på det, for han aner ikke, å bruke en kilo epler er greit, kanskje to, han kan vel bake to eplekaker, men alt dette, det må være hundrevis av kilo, hva faen bruker folk dette til?
You’ll never believe how ice cream helped this man to get a date by @nofeartina    {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 3333 words }
written for ice cream 
If it wasn't for Magnus, Isak would never have ended up at this ridiculous hipster ice cream place. But then again, he never would have met that ridiculously cute ice cream guy, either.
Sometimes it really pays off being a good friend.
Or 5 times Isak buys ice cream for Magnus and 1 time Even buys it for Isak.
come and fade me by @ho1ogram {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 3957 words}
written for grocery shopping
And no matter how many times he repeats the same lines over and over again till he runs out of reasons to support why dating should be banned (it's a lie; Lucas will never run out of reasons for this purpose, he just gives in to the looks the boys - or Eliott - throw at him) that his friends understand his struggles, his pleas for them to stop. And always, like clockwork, he ends in having them set him up with an unknown guy.
or, Lucas is tired of going on dates after dates with guys that aren't Eliott, and Eliott has a few tricks up his sleeves.
Thousand spires and thousand bridges by @hjertetssunnegalskap1 {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/ David Schreibner - 46352 words}
written for vacation // art by @hjertetssunnegalskap1
In this world, Matteo and David met during Abitur back in Berlin, just like in the canon story and they made sandwiches and almost kissed at the neon party, but David backed out, Matteo did the same and.... nothing more happened.
Now they are studying in Prague. Matteo thinks he lost his chance with David a long time ago. What David thinks, nobody knows.
it's nice to have a friend by @livvyblxckthxrn {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 6592 words}
written for rollerskating
5 times eliott and lucas definitely were not on a date, and one time they were
to all who come to this happy place, welcome by @tawmlinsun {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 4703 words }
written for disneyland // art by @cottonsdraw
"eliott demaury, you just passed your bac. what are you going to do now?"
"i'm taking my boyfriend to disneyland!"
Super Smash Bros by @thegirlnooneknows5 {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 11672 words}
written for video games // playlist
“Okay. Pretend I’m a customer. Sell me this game.”
Eliott's smile was determined. “You ever had a customer you wanted to throw into the wall?”
“Knock-Out X lets you live that fantasy.” He pulled the game off Lucas’ lap and held it up. The thought of Eliott’s hands so close to him coloured Lucas’ face pink. Eliott continued, “Just imagine if you could throw that customer into a wall and leave with no scratches, bruises or consequences. And look super badass while doing it.” “Seriously, though. You’re going to love it.”
-Or, a Striking Vipers Elu au in which they fall in love through a virtual reality game because love transcends all
Coffee, Gay Gurus, and a Dance by @amyriadfthings {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/David - 1242 words}
written for coffee date
Good things happen over coffee. David & Matteo visit a veritable Berlin cultural institution and learn how to swing dance. Gay Gurus in action. Bonus gay gurus to appear eventually.
Small Things by @probablydaydreamingg​ {Skam Italy - Niccolò Fares/Martino Rametta - 3232 words}
written for concert
Martino gave Nico two tickets for a concert as a graduation present. A cute date ensues.
Hedgehog, on the rocks by @flying-elliska {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 4635 words}
written for drinks
Lucas's boyfriend just left him, two days before he has to go to his cousin's wedding, who just so happens to be marrying the town billionaire, and his friends are all otherwise engaged...
So as he arrives alone, he heads to the bar for some liquid courage.
Turns out the bartender isn't having a great evening either. So he embarks Lucas in a creative quest to find him the perfect beverage...
It's not a date yet. But there's still time...
If I Should Fall Behind by @irazor {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 14732 words}
written for fancy dinner // art by @lovethem2121
The plan for tonight had been crystal clear. Stay close to his best friend, and steal her away if needed. Hold her hand through the ordeal of meeting Noora again for the first time in years. Then Even shows up – and suddenly, nothing goes the way it was supposed to.
Or: 3 times Isak didn't know what to say to Even, and 1 time he did.
Fontainebleau by @hallo-catfish {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 12770 words}
written for camping
Lucas, let’s go camping, Eliott says, and with a vision of perfect quiet and green leaves unfurling before his eyes, Lucas agrees without even looking up from his problem set.
The summer after Lucas' first year in university, Lucas and Eliott take a weekend trip to Fontainebleau. 
Under Starry Skies Above by @fille-lioncelle {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/David Schreibner - 7197 words}
written for weekend getaway 
Matteo and David have been feeling a little dejected, so Matteo suggests they get away for a weekend trip.
Lost & bound by @hjertetssunnegalskap1 {Skam Norway -  Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 16397 words)
written for bicycle date
Even has been in a bicycle accident and he has lost his memory of the past three years. However, Isak gets a shock when Even tells him that they’re bonded soulmates, and expects them to be a couple.
Così fan tutte by @hallo-catfish {Skam France - Chloé Jeanson/Lucille, Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 14070 words}
written for opera
Lucille goes to the opera. It’s another double date.
➔ @hjertetssunnegalskap1 : X - X
➔ @cottonsdraw : X
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flirtyflorenzi · 5 years ago
still in awe of the beautiful paintings I received from @hjertetssunnegalskap1 for the druck fandom gift exchange. :,) Probably one of the best gifts I ever received. Forever gutted that my printer sucks and I can’t hang them up lmao
thank you sweet :)
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evakuality · 5 years ago
Hi, Allie! What about 2, 5, 10 and 37 for the David ask thing? :D
2. What's your favourite thing about David?  My brain shut down for a few seconds while trying to process this.  I ... don’t know?  I love how he expresses himself.  I love that he tried to keep himself aloof but he couldn’t resist being his natural self with Matteo.  I love that he’s kind and patient.  I love that he doesn’t compromise his personal ideals.  I love that his flaws are realistic and understandable.  I just love everything about him.  
5. What do you think David would do for a job after school?   I think he’s likely to be doing that film school stuff and honestly, I can see him as someone who would pursue his passions to their conclusion.  If he didn’t do that I can see him doing some sort of advocacy.
10. Were you surprised by David as a character?   In the sense that I had expected to never engage with remakes at all and then he came along and flipped all of that on its head.  David himself, no not really.  It was clear very early on that he was different from Even, despite having similar motivations and so anything he did that was new wasn’t ‘surprising’ as such, but definitely fascinating.
37. Do you believe we'll get a David season? If so, why?  Um ‘believe’ is a strong word, but I think I kind of do.  I absolutely want it, and it just seems like something that there’s been a lot of thought put into.  From character backstory to the way they framed the end of s4 etc etc.  I mean, sure a lot of this is people reading what they want to read into things.  But on balance, yeah I think assuming we get ‘only gen’ characters as mains again, then yeah I believe his will happen.
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tristealven · 6 years ago
when you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!!)
@hjertetssunnegalskap1 asked: when you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!!)
thank you for considering me as one of your favorite followers, both of you!!! (i’d put a bunch of heart emojis here but i worry tumblr is going to eat my whole answer if i do that). i can’t come up with 10 things i like about myself, tho, so i’m going to answer only once. even five is kind of a lot, isn’t it?
i like that i like helping people
i like that i don’t take any shit 
i like that i can make people laugh, sometimes
i like that i can see and take into consideration things that others often miss 
i like that my writing can make people feel things and even cry
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evolveevee · 5 years ago
Hello, @hjertetssunnegalskap1 I’m your secret gift giver for the Druck exchange. I tried to have a winter theme and I know you said you enjoy stories when people fall in love and it's not really that, but more of a pre-falling in love stage or something. Anyway I had a thought of David still being quite new to Berlin and the thrill of being a bit lost and not knowing your way around a new city while discovering it with someone. Hope you like it♥♥ 
Thank you @shakshuka-grandpasweaters for organising this, really good initiave!
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canonicallyanxious · 5 years ago
druck handwriting tag
Thank you to @hjertetssunnegalskap1​ for the tag!! Pls excuse my chicken scratch!!! Also these pics are stupidly bad quality bc i took them on the bus rip sorry
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like everyone I would tag this in has already been tagged lol but @arindwell​, @kapplebougher​, and anyone else who’s still into druck feel free to do this!
Transcript under the cut:
Name: Sarah [they/them]
Age: 22 years
URL: canonicallyanxious @ tumblr, canonlyanxious @ twitter, strangetowns @ ao3
Favorite season: I mean come on
Favorite characters: David Schreibner, Matteo Florenzi, Amira Mahmoud [lol]
Favorite quote: “I’m a boy; I just have to try a little harder.”
Favorite in-show joke: “shh my sister” “ShHh YoUr SiStEr”
Favorite fandom joke: “I don’t know if you know him” *insert meme song*
Why do you love DRUCK?: First of all from a remake perspective (I’m sorry, it is an adaptation so I kind of have to compare) it feels evident to me that they really made an effort to capture the core of what made the OG so special. Ofc it’s not perfect but the care they took with casting (eg - a hijabi Muslim for Amira; a trans man for David; people of the appropriate age), listening to feedback, doing their research, and striving to understand the point of original clips/storylines in order to make deep and substantial changes over superficial ones... All of this makes the show a very rewarding experience for someone who tends to find the way stories/adaptations engage with their predecessors utterly fascinating.
On a personal level, the characters of the show really make it for me. Of course they have their counterparts in the OG but they all feel like unique and complex people with their own struggles in their own right. I also find them - David and Matteo and Amira in particular - to be incredibly relatable characters. like, I see a lot of myself in them. So it’ll always be a special show to me bc it gave me these characters.
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hjertetssunnegalskap1 · 5 years ago
Druck handwriting tag
So @evakuality tagged me in this so I had to try! ❤️ If you can read my writing, you’re good. 😁
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Already spotted one mistake - my URL is @hjertetssunnegalskap1. 🤷‍♀️
I wanna tag @tristealven, @arindwell, @canonicallyanxious, @kapplebougher, @mynameisnotthepoint, @julerocks, @annahmariah, @spiegelmeisje1, @your-local-bi @call-this-a-mask, @yeo-rims, @rikotin, @emmanette, @newtiepie11, @strawberriespluscigarettes, @lilyflorenzi , @houseofunknowingpatrons. Feel free to ignore it, of course. And I have forgotten several I want to ask, I know it. So. If you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged! 😁
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julerocks · 5 years ago
i was tagged for the druck handwriting tag from @hjertetssunnegalskap1 and @amiras-bitch Thank you 💙 this sounded fun although the most people struggle with my handwriting 🙈 and I can understand that 😁
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I completely lost the overview who was tagged too, therefore I would go with my tag game buddies @newtiepie11 and @merldruck and if @amyriadfthings and @mariijke want to do it also I would love to see your pages 💙
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evak-fic-rec-turtleanon · 5 years ago
Evak Fics - Genderqueer
Includes transgender, genderfluid, non-binary, genderswap characters. Please let me know if I should include any other fics. Fics are under a read more.
Here's a piece of art created for one of the fics below by @hjertetssunnegalskap1
The research nerd and the storyweaver by evakuality (SERIES, 4 FICS) - Trans Even
An Eternal Golden Braid by Stria (Asia117) (SERIES, 4 FICS) - Trans Isak
Missyadventures by Laika_the_husband (SERIES, 6 FICS) - Genderfluid Isak. Starring or featuring Isak's alter ego Issy-Missy. She's a riot. Co-starring Mister Even, ultra polite dom and an old fashioned gentleman. Co-co starring Magnus, the new member of this poly family.
im a fucking mess sometimes by queerness (196 words) - Trans Isak. Isak's on his period and Even ate his fucking candy
blood in the water by orphan_account (2.4k words) - Trans Isak. Isak has always hated this time of the month.
Feeling Fizzy by colazitron (2.6k words) - Genderswap. Isabell's life feels like it's slowly unravelling, and then this gorgeous girl approaches her in the bathroom.
now and forever by reasoniwantyoutostay (4.1k words) - Trans Isak. Isak began transitioning two years ago and there'd been many milestones along the way. Coming out to his friends and family, changing his name, starting his hormone therapy. But this milestone, one he'd been dreaming about for far too long, was just for Even and him to explore together.  
Little Black Book by Laika_the_wife (4.3k words) - Genderqueer Even. Isak Valtersen is studying his third year at the University of Oslo and having the time of his life. Enter Evy Bech Næsheim, straight out of Nissen, in his stockings, mini skirts and bubblegum scented lip gloss.
We Can't Choose How We're Made by Sandpfote (6.4k words) - Trans Even. Isak had been crushing so hard on – falling in love with - Even in the past months, and now Even wouldn’t even tell him, what was wrong. Maybe he just grew tired of Isak. Decided to get someone, who wasn’t as needy and young and boring.  
Plum by Jamz24 (13k words) - Non-binary Even. Pretty teacher!Even asks masculine! plumber!Isak to fix a broken shower on a scorching hot summer day...
Girl Of My Dreams by DustyAttic (13k words) - Genderswap. Isabel is a member of the girl squad and, in this story, there is no Noora. Evelyn is a transfer student from Bakka who tried to kiss her best friend Sonja.
shred by Jules1398 (22k words) - Trans Isak. There were two versions of Isak Valtersen. He was cool, smart snowboarder guy. The real Isak, was also trans, gay, and a father. Keeping the two Isaks separate wasn't that difficult. At least, not until he saw Even again. There's also a part 2 that's a oneshot: first tracks by Jules1398 (1k words)
A Wolf And A Lioness by Flatfootmonster (31k words) - Trans Isak. Prince Even is in line to the throne, and a desperate search is underway to find a suitor. But this life really never was for him... and then he meets a beautiful Princess who gives him the courage to live the life he wishes to, and find the love he is deserving of.
pynk by panshambles (41k words) - Genderqueer Isabelle and Trans Eve. They meet online, and trust only each other with their vulnerabilities. DELETED :(
This Love Has No Ceiling by photographer_of_thoughts (45k words) - Trans Isak. On his seventeenth birthday, Isak did three things. He cut his hair, he gave himself a new name and he changed his gender from ‘female’ to ‘male.’ In his third year, Even finds himself needing his wheelchair more days than not. It’s the year his supply of optimism begins to dwindle.
Moondust Will Cover You by Laika_the_husband (76k words) - Trans werewolf Isak. Isak is an alpha, but his body is an omega. Basically, a trans werewolf. Who has a human for a best friend. As if that wasn't complicated enough, one night he meets a guy he's really kind of falling for - but he's an alpha too. 
********** WIPs **********
Beautiful Creatures by Jamz24 (last update in March 2019) - Genderfluid Isak. Rich artist!Even struggles to find love while prostitute!Isak tries to earn enough money to leave the slums and find a new life in America.
The Darkness Just Lets Us See by imaginaryturtles (last update in July 2018) - Genderswap. In a parallel universe not far from this one, Isak is Isra, a girl whose just trying to survive school without outing herself to everyone she loves. In this universe, Even is Evanna, a girl whose just merely existing, not living.
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flirtyflorenzi · 5 years ago
Post 6 random facts about yourself and tag 10 people
First of all thank you Steph @clariserenaldi and Alex @thebipanfangirl for tagging me and sorry that it took me so long to post this.
1. I watched the entirety of S3 of Druck with my mum and my dad. Samstag 20:55 was the moment I regret my decision to watch it with them. :D No but seriously I‘m so glad that we did watch it together. Their reactions to David being trans were priceless. My little brother is trans (yes he is okay with me posting this) so they were really happy about that kind of representation. :)
2. I feel like I‘m a very selfconscious and socially anxious person. Except for one thing: acting. It is a passion of mine and I surprise myself every time. It‘s so funny to me how easy and natural it feels for me to act even infront of a group of people but as soon as I‘m not playing a role anymore I get super nervous and anxious again.
3. I am a very picky eater. I eat barely any vegetables. I only eat unhealthy stuff like Pizza, Fries, Burgers etc. but even with sweets like cake I‘m super picky. I don‘t eat any cake with baked fruits. It‘s weird :D I hate the feeling of warm and gooey fruits or vegetables.. I even get the chills thinking about it. :( I can eat as much unhealthy rubbish as I want I will not gain weight. I‘ve tried for years and I‘m still stuck at the same weight which is in my opinion a little too light
4. I work with children right now and I am planning to be an AuPair in Italy next year. I enjoy the work with children and I would love to learn the language because it‘s absolutely beautiful.
I‘m just going to stop here because I don’t have anything else on my mind right now :D
I‘m going to tag @julerocks @shakshuka-grandpasweaters @maybeineternity9 @hjertetssunnegalskap1 @dreamy-slytherin @dykeleonierichter @massiveweirdo @angelika-kk @startagainbuttercup @gleedegrassi-bigfan @tirpse @unterwasser-schmetterlinge please don‘t feel pressured to do it :)
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