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hardstudentobject · 19 days ago
Toshiro and Rukia being stylish:
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 6 months ago
what are you preferred bleach ships?
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i apologize to my bleach watching mutuals who are about to be exposed to my bleach degeneracy (i mean at least @strawberrystepmom and i will have at least one orihime ship in common though lmao)
i am a multishipper and it truly reflects in everything i ship in bleach. i swear i have shipped rukia and orihime with everyone at some point and you won't see me stopping anytime soon lmaooo
i remember this one deleted hitsuruki fic i read back when i was in early middle school??? on ffn and i still think about it even now. like they met in a library and eventually the relationship happens but rukia has some sort of mental illness she needs medication for which is why byakuya was so protective during the fic also hisana wasn't rukia's sister?? i don't think, she was like a gf byakuya had that he was hesitant introducing to rukia... i can't remember all the details, it was a fun ride though
ironically enough my main hitsugaya ship isn't even with anyone from bleach? it's hitsusaku, yes as in sakura from naruto jndksjdnf (who i also ship with everybody regardless of if they were from naruto or not. edsaku was one of my greatest hits (edward elric from fma edsaku))
but some shipping highlights
hitsusaku (i am telling you i have read so many good fics on ffn)
ginsaku (yes... as in haruno sakura from naruto)
chadichi/sadoichi (tbh idk what their ship name is)
ichiuzu (as in uzume from sekirei. i read a fic, it changed my life)
ichisaku (yes as in haruno sakura from naruto)
sakuhime (yes. as in haruno sakura from naruto lmaooo)
norihime (as in kakyoin noriaki from stardust crusaders)
johime (as in higashikata josuke from diamond is unbreakable)
okuhime (as in nijimura okuyasu from diamong is unbreakable)
inuhime (as in inuyasha from inuyasha i'm dying)
aisaku (yes we been through this, sakura from naruto)
ulquisaku (do i need to say it again at this point)
grimmsaku (...)
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orihime is my favorite character from bleach so as you can probably tell a lot of these ships have to do with her. i should honestly just make a selfship between us at this point because inside me are 2 wolves and one hates her tybw outfit and the other wants to shove my face in the window of it
12 of my total top bleach ships aren't even with characters from bleach i'm wheezing
sakura, as you saw, made quite a few cameos on this list but is2g some of the best bleach fics i read were about sakura somehow joining the soul society because hollows started attacking konoha
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thewriterowl · 2 years ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Oh this is nice! And difficult, ok, uh, let me see...it's hard cause I do not do self-love well...but:
What the Stars Let in: the one that really started my obsession for Dinluke and still my most popular story yet--so much love has been given to this fic.
Sunburst: My newest fic and different from the rest, may not be as popular as others but I have a soft-spot for it and it's "epic level" I'm going for. My sort of love-letter and hope to one day write something physically published (maybe a Luke book if Lucas gets Star Wars back)
How the Blooms Yearn: Such a guilty fic and it was so well received. A sort of confirmation to me that you write for yourself and it will find people who love it as well. Makes me want to write something even MORE guilty-fic-like.
Little Bird: My first dark-Din-fic. Caused controversy, got me some hate, but I have a soft-spot for this story and that I managed to find people who enjoyed it as well and found some of my all time best friends through this fic.
Searching for a Little Slice: Felt like a fluffy piece needed added in too--and this one with them both being dumb and soft and so hot for each other is a giddy of a little fic.
and to be silly--back in my fanfiction.net days I started a little wave for the crack pairing of Hitsugaya/Rukia from the anime series Bleach with the fic Conversing the Dragon, so that has a soft spot too lol
and for those to be tagged:
@starboundanon @aureutr @inky-starlight @positivityjediprince @elloitselmo (if there are no fics you have/want to share you can say the ones you like to read for self-love cause it makes you happy XD)
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chuchiotaku · 2 years ago
Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Bleach Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hitsugaya Toushirou/Kuchiki Rukia, Kuchiki Byakuya & Kuchiki Rukia, Kuchiki Rukia & Kurosaki Ichigo, Abarai Renji & Kuchiki Rukia, Kuchiki Rukia & Kusajishi Yachiru, Kusajishi Yachiru & Zaraki Kenpachi, Ichimaru Gin/Matsumoto Rangiku, Unohana Retsu/Zaraki Kenpachi, Kuchiki Rukia & Ukitake Juushiro, Hinamori Momo & Hitsugaya Toushirou Characters: Kuchiki Rukia, Hitsugaya Toushirou, Kurosaki Ichigo, Abarai Renji, Kuchiki Byakuya, Sode no Shirayuki, Hyourinmaru (Bleach) Summary:
When the Quincy Blood War arc ended in a tragic disaster that threatens the fabric of realities, Rukia Kuchiki, through her lingering connection with the hogyoku, becomes her world's last hope. Thrust back in time that is not quite hers, with a mission to stop both Aizen (again) and Yhwach from destroying her world with the help of the awakened Kings of Heaven. And maybe kick some ass, save her friends and find herself along the way?
Rukia-centric. Time Travel. Semi-AU. HitsuRuki.
Official NaNoWriMo 2018 Winner.
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rukia-my-beloved · 2 years ago
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ginjaanimeloversstuff · 2 years ago
As much as I love Ichika, abarai, I am a multi shipper, so here is the children of Hitsuruki and renmomo
Zen abarai- son of renji and momo
Yukihime- daughter of toshiro and Rukia
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xxchaoticdreamerxx · 3 years ago
When Rangiku Meddles
Title: When Rangiku Meddles Pairing: Hitsugaya Toshiro/Kuchiki Rukia Genre: Romance, Idiots in Love Summary:
It was hot this time of year, not that Rangiku used that to her advantage. No, why would she, on the hottest day of the year, fake an injury in a bid to get the Captain to take over her drills. She also wouldn’t even dream of messaging her best friend, someone she knew had a crush on said captain, when it was time for said drills so she could watch him sweat from afar.
In which Rangiku meddles. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34585027 Written for a dear friend on her brithday,Happy Birthday @lethanwolf it’s late, but we also celebrated early so it balances out right? :D Honestlt Lethan is amazing! Server Dad of the amazing @theseireitei discord server, and amazing writer to boot. You should deinetly check out her writing https://archiveofourown.org/users/LethanWolf/works. Here’s six sentences for a snippet, based on the Six Sentence Sunday prompt of Amazing.
First his haori, thrown without a care to one side. Then his kosode, still tucked in and hanging around his waist and finally his shitagi, hanging down with his kosode. In the span of ten minutes, calm collected Toshiro Hitsugaya, captain of the tenth had melted into a puddle of utter sex appeal. Especially since, with the ending of the Quincy War and the honing of his mature bankai. He was no longer the scrawny kid he was when Rangiku first found him all those years ago.
“Amazing...” Rukia muttered and Rangiku chuckled, reaching for another mochi.
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rhazziiiiiiii · 5 years ago
I ship RenRuki and IchiRuki and RukiHime and IchiHime and IchiRen and TatsuHime and ChadIchi and ChadIshi and IshiHime and IshiRen and GinRan and ShuuRan and SoiRan and HitsuRuki and HitsuKarin and ByaRen and ByaKen and BASICALLY I AM A MULTI SHIPPER AND THE SHIP WARS WON'T TOUCH ME BWAHAHAHAHA
The ships I'll go to hell for, however, YoruSoi and ShunUki. I WILL slice a bitch who dares to trash talk those two.
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geishaaa · 5 years ago
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Artwork by the amazing Ammsterdamn
Toshiro’s POV, written by Geishaaa: ‘Romantic Gesture’ - Ao3 & FFN
On the day of Rukia's freeskate final, Toshiro draws inspiration from his parents to pull together a massive romantic gesture for the Irish skater.
Rukia’s POV, written by LethanWolf: ‘It All Comes Crashing Down’ - Ao3 & FFN
Rukia had taken everyone’s advice and placed her quad right at the beginning of her programme, and she focused on it with all her might, turning her back, left foot gliding on her outside edge. Then her right foot was cutting down into the ice with all the speed and strength she had, launching her into the air.
What if she failed and she fell in front of everyone who had come to support her? What if she let her brother down so badly that he left and didn’t want to be her coach ever again?
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lethanwolf · 5 years ago
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FINALLY got a picture commissioned for The Omega Project!! And look how amazing it is!!!! 😍😍😍😍 My girl, Rukia, looks fierce as shit! Like none of these men are good enough for her.  Art by the AMAZINGLY talented Ammsterdamn: https://www.deviantart.com/ammsterdamn ----- ‘These new orders are… a little unorthodox,’ the Head Captain shared a look with his Lieutenant who gave him an encouraging nod. ‘But they’ve expressed strong wishes for a minimal of two powerful souls to be born by the end of the year.’
He let the words sink in and for some of the more astute souls in the room there was instant shock. Rukia felt it in her whole body… that was why the room was only filled with Alpha and Omega souls, and of the uppermost rank with the highest spiritual pressure.
‘You can’t be serious?’ Captain Kotetsu said finally, breaking the silence. Rukia could feel Ichigo’s puzzled and naive stare boring into her, but she gave the squad four Captain her full attention as she challenged the older man.
{Following the final war, Central 46 have issued new orders that don't bode well for our favourite characters. Head Captain Kyoraku has a plan, the Omega's and Alpha's will go through a series of compatibility tests to determine which souls would be best suited for each other. For Rukia, this involves a lot of dates and social interactions she wasn’t prepared to deal with. With the thought of a baby on her mind, she must navigate new territory with some of the people closest to her.  Fic is designed to keep final pairings a mystery and to keep you guessing.} Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23000683/chapters/54992011 FF Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13514559/1/The-Omega-Project
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chasehermes · 5 years ago
If the Bleach anime won’t magically switch it up to IchiRuki, I would love to see Hitsugaya and Rukia getting together.
It’s fresh, new, and completely unexplored. These two beautiful and powerful and lovely shinigami finally getting their much-deserved screentime together.
I can just imagine
The visuals. The panels. Hitsugaya and Rukia are beautiful on their own. Now imagine them—together.
Watching them transition from subordinates to comrades to friends to close friends to confidantes to—well, until one of them has the guts to confess
Hitsugaya calling her “Rukia”, after years and years of addressing her as “Kuchiki” (and realizing he liked the former so much more)
Him asking her to stop calling him”—taicho” and to please switch to “—san”
Somewhere along the road of their relationship that takes years to build, he thinks he understands why he hates it when people call him by his first; because when says it, it feels like someone has finally gotten it right
Rukia hiding her obsession with Chappy and all the cute things
Him finding out and trying to deny that he doesn’t find her cute
Her asking him to help her with her bankai since he’s immune to cold anyway
Him confused with all the hormones because he doesn’t do. . . love... and attraction...
Their development finally crushing the childhood trope that seems to perpetuate throughout the series
Their kids having the most beautiful and strongest snow and ice zanpakuto
Also having white hair and purple eyes
Or black hair and teal eyes
Hinamori and Matsumoto having a field day because their little Shiro chan is finally growing up
Matsumoto giving Rukia the girl talk
Rukia delivering paperwork to the Tenth, and their captain tries to focus on his work but he just can’t
People trying to understand how these two got together but having a difficult time because they’re not into PDA
All the bets around Soul Society—will they or will they not?
The Kuchiki elders freaking out because he isn’t a noble but a child prodigy (so their criticims are completely cancelledt)
Their conversations and silences
How beatiful they’d look together
Him apologizing for not trying harder to save her from her execution
Her saying it isn’t his fault; that he shouldn’t put so much burden on his shoulders unless he would share it with her
Hitsugaya trying to adjust to clan affairs, only because Rukia
Introducing her to their grandma
Rukia denying that she may have feelings for him because it doesn’t make sense
Hitsugaya slowly establishing respect for her because he grew up in Junriran but she managed Inuzuri
Ukitake (because he is alive, which should be the case this time around because killing him is a wrong move) trying to matchmake them in the not so subtle manner
People having conversations about them being opposites but actually complimenting each other in the ways that count
Renji and Ichigo initially threatening him then realizing that he is a captain and he can also freeze their sorry asses
Ichigo and Renji calling them the “midget couple” (and getting frozen into big blocks of ice afterwards)
... scarf couple works too
The meet-cutes. How their relationship would progress. All the in-betweens
Kurosaki Isshin rejoicing that his third daughter got together with his talented third seat whom he learned to love as his son
The most priceless of all: Kuchiki Byakuya lowkey shipping them because of all people who could be with Rukia, it’s Hitsugaya whom he trusts the most (and deems most likeable)...
(also, he had bet almost a fortune that they’d get together and the Kuchiki clan wouldn’t appreciate having their entire savings wiped out)
Kuchiki-Hitsugaya being cute and—scarf family
Of course, it will take some time. And it’s by a long shot. But I can just imagine all the omakes and extra episodes they will make—not to mention their visuals as a couple.
Like wow. If I’m not getting IchiRuki, HitsuRuki would be more than sufficient. It is a shonen manga, but a ‘lil bit of romance won’t hurt—most especially when it’s concerning these two cute ice-wielders. ;)
For the last one, the last arc of Bleach and their interactions kind of says it all.
Also that chapter where Hitsugaya is concerned and he just asks for Kuchiki and Kuchiki; then asks if Rukia is okay
Also that zanpkuto story where Senbonzakura and Sode no Shirayuki threw a party and Rukia was apologizing profusely... and Hitsugaya was letting it slide??
If not IchiRuki, it’d be nice to have another slice of chemistry >>> history
I wouldn’t get my hopes up. Since the likelihood of that happening is close to zero.... I’ll just write fanfics and cute one-shots about them in and these events instead. That or you can read the recommended fanfics of HitsuRuki in my other post. Glacial Treasures and Mon Ceour are jewels.
Shameless plug @/idiosyncrasies on fanfiction.net and @/silvercastles on ao3. Who knows, I might drop a chapter or one shot soon ;)
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incorrctbleach · 6 years ago
Toshiro: Team 5'5 and under where ya at?!
Rukia: They didn't let us in they thought we were 12.
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saijspellhart · 4 years ago
When are you gonna finish My Sweet Sacrifice, (if ever)?! I just really love it and keep checking to see if any new chapters are added.
Hey, I’m not the author of “My Sweet Sacrifice.” I’m merely the customer. Hikari-chanX is the author, and she deserves the credit for the awesome fanfic. I only pitched the general idea/plot, ship, and offered suggestions while she wrote.
And just like the last ask I answered, I cannot seem to get into contact with her. I’d love for the story to continue. I loved it, and I’d be more than happy to continue funding it. I’ll try to email her again. But I cannot make any promises. I’m real sorry.
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chuchiotaku · 2 years ago
Hi I just found out that you have a tumblr and I just want to say I've reread four kings and a kuchiki for like a hundred times both in ao3 and ffn lol I don't even usually read AU but damn it's really good!
I was debating whether to message you here or not because I don't want to pressure you but if there is any slightest chance of you continuing the fic I'd be the happiest fan in the world
Thank youuu and have a good day
Hey there! Thanks so muc for checking in on me! I haven't been online for ages because I had to move and I couldn't find the time to write. But yes, I'll still be writing 4 kings and a kuchiki, and I'm working on the next chapter right now. I hope to post it this December or early January, no later than end of that month. I really want to get it out there. 😁
Thanks again so much for your support for my work and I hope you'll still continue reading 4 kings and a kuchiki. So great again to hear from you.
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muuichirou · 5 years ago
I ship Ichirenbyakaihitsugrimmruki, back off.
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wickedlemony · 5 years ago
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I am so proud of my two cute, small, cold, strong, ice and snow wielders, has a thing for the Kurosaki's, Isshin's subordinate and his third daughter, they have white hairs if Rukia goes Bankai, they both have BEAUTIFUL BANKAI TRANSFORMATIONS, they have scarves, they love Byakuya, SMOLL, ANGRY CAPTAINS AND MY CHILDREN I'm so proud of them.
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