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masayuki038 · 2 years ago
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ようやく暖かくなってきたこともあり、正直自宅で仕事するのに飽きてきたこともあり、最近はたまに出社している。普段は自宅で色々と考えてることが多いんだけど、家の中でロジカルに考えを進めていくと何か普通の結論にしかならなくて、悪く言えばコンサバな進め方になる傾向がある。もう少し色んな考えを取り入れ、チャレンジしたいが、朝起きて家で仕事を始め、仕事が終わって自分の時間が来るともう仕事のことを考えなくなっているので、新しいものが入ってくる余地が少ない気がする。自宅にいると本も読まないし。 音楽も、外で聴く方が良いと思うことがある。昨年の冬に肩の治療の待ち時間によく日比谷公園をブラブラしていた。その時に聴いていた Ross From Friends とか Henrik Villard が公園の風景と結びついて記憶に残っている。昨年も一年を通して色々と音楽を聴いたはずなのに、景色とともにあるこれらの音楽の記憶が突出して強いのは面白い。 先月、以前一緒に仕事をした人と会った。彼は仕事をしなが��楽曲制作やライブを続けていて、今でもそれを続けている。一緒に仕事をしていた頃はお昼によく音楽の話をしていた。その後音楽を作るようになったのは彼の影響が大きい。会った時に、彼は近日中にまたライブをする、と言っていた。残念ながら別の用事があって行けなかったが、後日そのライブハウスが撮った動画が Youtube にアップされていた。この写真はその動画から。次はライブハウスに行って観てみたい。 (Ross From Friends とか Henrik Villard のリンクをインスタのハイライト "20230309" にアップしています。) #リモートワーク #日比谷公園 #rossfromfriends #henrikvillard #house #housemusic #hitote #DTM https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpkgqgyvp6w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fyeahygocardart · 2 years ago
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Mayosenju Hitot
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maraschinotopped · 8 months ago
i dont think i ever mentioned it here but i got into yugioh recently... while i do have a cyberse deck for actual play i feel like im honestly having more fun just collecting cards i like? its just clicking for me more.
also realized how much i love robot designs because god so many of the yugioh cyberse cards have such KICKASS robot designs.
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sosasensei72 · 5 months ago
What’s your favorite Yosenju card
Mayosenju Hitot. I think he looks the coolest
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kattiperkele · 1 year ago
Ajattelin jakaa tämän ihan vain siksi, että jos sulla on ollut huono päivä, niin toisen tuska on yleensä tosi piristävää. Joten jaan nyt tuskaani, olkaa hyvät. (ei oo enää ihan tuoretta tuskaa, joten enemmänkin tykkäisin jos vaan nauraisitte tälle mun kanssa, koska en ois ikinä uskonut että hautajaisista voi saada aikaan jotain tällaista.)
Koska jos ikinä kuvittelit, että sun elämässä on joku draamalaama, niin sori, mun veli on laamampi kuin sun laama.
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Veljeni on vihainen koska äitini osallistui isäni hautajaisiin.
Kaikki tämä vain siksi, että velikulta itse ei osallistunut lainkaan hautajaisiin, sillä hän loukkaantui suuresti siitä, kun ärähdin kaksi tuntia ennen hautajaisia että olisi voinut antaa minulle ensin sen voiveitsen. Hyi minua.
Joten kun velikulta ei lähtenyt, niin pyysin itku kurkussa (hitot, itkin vuolaasti ahdistuksesta) että äiti tulisi mun kanssa (olivat eronneet vuosikausia sitten, toim. huom.), koska hajoan jos joudun menemään yksin.
Joten, nythän tämä kaikki on äidin syytä. Miten kehtasikin.
Joten, velikulta on nyt vakavasti loukkaantunut. Hän ei voi puhua puhelimessa. Hän ei voi tulla käymään. Hän ei kerta kaikkiaan voi kun häntä on niin väärin nyt kohdeltu. Koska "Sä oot aina Kattiperkeleen puolella".
Toivottavasti mun tuskani piristi. Nyt voit kuvitella mitä tapahtui, kun velikulta kuuli että äiti osallistui myös uurnanlaskuun, johon velikulta itse ei voinut osallistua koska "hän ei tiedä mistä sitten taas riidellään".
Hyi minua.
Hups. Unohdin mainita. Jätkä on 30v.
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yoshifawful64 · 3 years ago
So I have made a deck. Is it a good deck? No. Should I probably be playing HEROs or Harpies? Yes. Is it a fun deck? Absolutely
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Just being able to go: scale, scale, pend summon Hitot and Daibak and bounce opponent's board before slamming for like 7k is so fun
Oh yeah nice, that does sound like a lot of fun!
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maerikaroliina · 3 years ago
The Sims 4: Oikukkaat Tarinat -haaste
✧・゚: * Whimsy Stories Legacy Challenge *:・゚✧ suomeksi vapaa suomennos alkuperäisestä postauksesta
Tuntuuko sinusta, ettei tarinointi suju sinulta luonnostaan? Löydät itsesi usein toistamassa samaa vanhaa tarinaa uudestaan ja uudestaan?
Haluatko olla se simmaaja, joka osallistuu simiesi elämään lähes mielipuolisella tavalla? Tämä haaste on juuri sinulle!
Rakastu monimutkaisiin ja kauniisiin simeihin Whimsy Stories Legacy -haasteen parissa! Herätä mielenkiintoiset tarinat eloon pikseliystäviesi kanssa!
Huom! Voit tottakai lisätä pelikokemukseesi mitä tahansa ylimääräisiä elementtejä, draamoja, ideoita - mitä tahansa keksitkään! Haasteen tarkoitus on monipuolistaa pelaamista, ei rajoittaa sitä.
Rahakoodit ovat SALLITTUJA (tietyissä määrin) ellei toisin mainita. Rahakoodeja voi käyttää esimerkiksi ilmaisen talon hankkimiseen (freerealestate) ja tarinallisiin tarkoituksiin tarvittaessa.
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SUKUPOLVI 1: Ilman kotia, vaan et ilman rakkautta
Tarinamme alkaa, kuten useimmat tarinat.. sinnikkyydellä.
Olet koditon.
Olet lähtenyt maailmaan mukanasi ainoastaan teltta ja unelmia. Lapsena sinulla ei koskaan ollut kotia. Sinua siirrettiin paikasta toiseen. Unelmoit aina omasta kodista esikaupungissa, jossa asuisit oman perheen kanssa.
Olet koko ikäsi kaivannut normaalia elämää. Olet kyllästynyt siihen, että kaikki ympärilläsi on myrskyisää ja rikki, joten etsit iloa arkipäiväisistä asioista.
Elämä on alkuun yksinäistä, mutta onneksi löydät rakkaaksesi toisen kodittoman simin. Sinulla ei ole mitään, mutta kumppanisi kanssa sinusta tuntuu, että sinulla on kaikki mitä tarvitset.
Olet huoleton, luontoa rakastava ja hyväuskoinen unelmoija. Jotkin saattavat kutsua sinua hipiksi, mutta sinä kutsut itseäsi onnelliseksi.
Rakennat kaiken tyhjästä.
Valmista kynttilöitä, luo omat huonekalusi ja pengo roskiksia. Lopulta sinulla on oma koti, jonka olet rakentanut omin kätösin.
Eikä ainoastaan pikkukoti, vaan pikkuruinen koti esikaupungissa! Unelmasi on viimein totta!
Asut tässä mukavassa, pikkuriikkisessä kodissa lopun elämäsi. Hoidat puutarhaa, kasvatat lapsiasi ja elätät perheen myymällä tuotoksiasi.
Rakastu toiseen kodittomaan.
Anna kaikille lapsille luontoon liittyvä nimi.
Asu koko elämä esikaupunkityylisessä pikkukodissa (minkä rakennat ilman huijaamista). Talon on oltava mikrokoti vähintään nuoren aikuisuuden ajan, myöhemmin voit laajentaa.
Olet kasviaddikti (Siis.. kotisi on TÄYNNÄ kasveja. Yllättävää, miten paljon mahtuu 32 ruutuun).
Hanki vähintään 3 tatuointia.
Maksimoi valmistus-, kätevyys- ja hyvinvointitaidot.
Omaa Ulkoilmasim ja Freegani -luonteenpiirteet.
Saavuta Verraton valmistaja -tavoite.
Työskentele freelancerina (Tee se itse -sim).
Pidä harvoin meikkiä tai pukeudu hienosti.
Piirteet: Ulkoilmasim, freegani Tavoite: Verraton valmistaja Ura: Freelancer (Tee se itse -sim)
Vartuit vanhempiesi äärettömässä rakkaudessa ja huolenpidossa. He olivat täydellinen pari. Seurattuasi vierestä täydellistä rakkaustarinaa koko lapsuuden, sinusta tuntuu, ettet voi saavuttaa samaa.
Koko ajatuskin alkaa jo kuulostaa pelottavalta.
Päätät pysytellä kaukana rakkaudesta. Saatat käydä treffeillä silloin tällöin, mutta viime kädessä pelkosi ja ahdistuksesi kumppanin suhteen pitää sinut sinkkuna lähes koko elämäsi.
Vaikket koskaan välittänytkään löytää kumppania, rakastat lapsia. Olet aina halunnut olla äiti/isä. Sinua lämmittää ajatus siitä, että antaisit pienelle simille kodin ja rakkautta lopunelämäksesi. Haluat olla sellainen jollekulle.
Kuka sanoikaan, että tarvittaisiin kumppani lapsien hankkimiseksi?
Sanot hitot yhteiskunnan normeille ja adoptoit neljä lasta elämäsi aikana. Kasvatat heidät yksin. Vaikka olet ainut vanhempi, he saavat kaiken tarvitsemansa rakkauden. He ovat onnellisia. Perheesi on täydellinen.
Olet SUPERVANHEMPI ja sinusta tuntuu, että elämäsi on täynnä rakkautta, vaikka et koskaan ollutkaan kiinnostunut romanttisista suhteista.
Ainakaan kunnes ikäännyt vanhukseksi. Aivan puskista, tapaat jonkun, jonka kanssa sinulla on välittömästi yhteys. Olette molemmat jo eläneet omaa elämäänne ja tunnette olonne täysin rakastuneiksi, täysin odottamatta.
Elät loppuelämäsi uuden sielunkumppanisi kanssa ja neulot söpöjä asioita lapsenlapsillesi.
Adoptoi 4 lasta.
Älä seurustele ennen vanhuutta.
Mene naimisiin vanhuksena.
Saavuta Superkasvattaja -tavoite.
Omaa Epäromanttinen ja Perhekeskeinen -luonteenpiirteet.
Maksimoi vanhemmuus sekä tutkimus- ja väittelytaidot.
Juhli täysillä jokaista vuodenaikaa ja juhlaa. Siis, kotisi on KORISTELTU. Kuusesi on täydellinen. Kotisi tulisi olla lehdessä. Joo, sellaista omistautumista.
Saavuta Opetusalan huippu.
Taloudessa on oltava aina vähintään yksi lemmikki.
Omista seinä täynnä perhekuvia.
Piirteet: Epäromanttinen, perhekeskeinen Tavoite: Superkasvattaja Ura: Opetus
Heti kun kasvat teini-iästä (mikä oli villiä biletystä ja myöhässä olevia läksyjä) ryhdyt paikallisen baarin mehumestariksi.
Olet kömpelö sim, joka pelkää sitoutua, mutta rakastat hauskanpitoa. Tykkäät käydä treffeillä uusien ja jännien simien kanssa, mutta et koskaan sitoudu mihinkään sen kummemmin.
Rakastat työtäsi ja sitä, ettei sinun tarvitse esittää kellekkään.
Jos sinun ei tarvitse esittää, et voi aiheuttaa pettymystä.
Eräs aamu rankan bileyön, kuplien puhaltelun ja juomisen jälkeen, sinusta tuntuu, että jokin ei nyt tunnu normaalilta. Olet väsynyt, voit pahoin ja ruoka kuulostaa vastenmieliseltä.
Teet testin ja olet raskaana!
Välittömän pelkotilan jälkeen kosketat vatsaasi ja tunnet lämpöä ajatuksesta, ettet ole enää yksin. Vaikka lapset eivät olleetkaan se ensimmäinen ajatuksesi, et voi kieltää ettetkö olisi ajatellut hankkia niitä myöhemmin. Nähtävästi nyt on se “myöhemmin”.
(Jos simisi ei pysty tulemaan raskaaksi, vauva “jätetään portaillesi” kolme sim-päivää myöhemmin. Et tiedä kuka lapsen vanhempi on. *voit käyttää tähän adoptiota*)
MUTTA. Kuka lapsen toinen vanhempi on? Tajuat, että vaihtoehtoja on kolme, etkä tiedä totuutta, ennen lapsen syntymää.
Kohtaatko vanhemman, kun saat sen selville ja hyppäät parisuhteeseen sekä yhteishuoltajuuteen, vai huolehditko lapsesta yksin? Saat päättää!
Saavuta Sarjahurmaaja -tavoite.
Saavuta ravintola-alan huippu (mehumestari).
Omaa Kömpelö, Sitoutumiskammoinen ja Ulospäinsuuntautunut -luonteenpiirteet.
Aloita elämä yksin likaisessa San Myshuno asunnossa.
Sinulla on aina kirkas tai hauska hiusväri.
Yritä saada vauva kolmen eri simin kanssa yhden illan aikana.
Jos sinulla on MCCC, aseta ‘yritä saada vauva’ onnistumisen mahdollisuudeksi 50%. Jos simisi ei voi tulla raskaaksi, adoptoi lapsi kolme päivää myöhemmin, jolloin ovellesi jätetään tuntemattoman vanhemman lapsi.
Nimeä lapsi jonkin alkoholipitoisen juoman mukaan (sori)
Maksimoi tanssiminen, drinksun sekoittelu ja mehunsihistystaidot.
Harrasta mehujen sihistystä.
Mikäli päätät huolehtia lapsesta yksin, voit koodien avulla lisätä joka viikko 500 simoleonia “elatusmaksuja” talouden rahoihin.
(Sinä VOIT hankkia lisää lapsia ja/tai mennä naimisiin ensimmäisen ei-toivotun lapsen jälkeen)
Piirteet: Kömpelö, sitoutumiskammoinen, ulospäinsuuntautunut Tavoite: Sarjahurmaaja Ura: Ravintola-ala (mehumestari)
Olet pitänyt taloista ja arkkitehtuurista niin kauan kuin muistat.
Myöhäisinä iltoina, kun sinua on kuljetettu lapsenvahdin luokse vanhempasi työskennellessä pitkiä öitä baarissa, tuijottelit aina ikkunasta ulos katsoen hylättyjen kotien reheytyvän piiloon. Tunsit piston sydämessäsi.
Rakastat paitsi taloja, myös kadun päässä sijaitsevia ränsistyneitä omakotitaloja. Niitä, joista kukaan ei enää huolehtinut. Niitä, joita uskoit jonkun rakastaneen kauan aikaa sitten.
Pystyt näkemään potentiaalia ja historian havinaa jokaisessa puulaudassa ja tiilessä, jotka pitivät noita ränsistyneitä taloja vielä pystyssä.
Teininä ja nuorena aikuisena huomaat, että sinulla on huonona tapana ystävystyä ja tapailla rikkinäisiä simejä. Sellaisia, jotka kaipaavat korjausta. Kasvaessasi kaaottisessa huushollissa oli vaikeaa olla tuntematta tällaista.
Sinun oli opittava oman käden kautta ettet pysty korjaamaan toisia simejä, joten sinun oli pysyteltävä talojen korjaamisessa.
Otit tavoitteeksi muuttaa kauniiksi sellaiset talot, joita pidettiin jo kelpaamattomina. Kunnostit kaikki talot kotikadultasi, kaikki ne vanhat ja kulahtaneet talot olivat nyt kuin uusia. Hitaasti, mutta varmasti kunnostit koko naapuruston uuteen uskoon.
Remppaamisen ohella työskentelit freelancer-taiteilijana, jotta saisit vähän voita leivän päälle. Pinterest on kirjaimellisesti paras ystäväsi.
Sinulla on myös menestynyt simstagram-sivu, jossa postailet uusia kuvia projekteistasi ja päivittäisestä elämästäsi!
Kaiken tämän keskellä löydät elämäsi rakkauden ja menet naimisiin simin kanssa, jonka intohimona on puu- ja käsityöt! Yhdessä te kunnostatte katastrofeja, jotka olivat ennen kauniita unelmia toisille simeille.
Huomaat pian olevasi oikeassa, että näitä koteja voi vielä rakastaa uudestaan.
Aloita elämä Courtyard Lanelta, Willow Creekistä. Remppaa jokainen naapuruston talo elämäsi aikana maailmojennhallinnan kautta. (Sinun ei tarvitse asua talossa, jotta voit kunnostaa sen) Voit lisätä näille tonteille omia ränsistyneitä rakennelmia, jotka sitten kunnostat. Mikäli tahdot extra-haastetta - arvo käytettävä budjetti! Voit lisätä budjetin yli jääneet varat simisi talouteen rahakoodin avulla.
Mene naimisiin simin kanssa, joka työskentelee ruumiillisen työn tekijänä ja harrastaa puutöitä.
Omaa Itsevarma ja Kunnianhimoinen -luonteenpiirteet.
Työskentele freelance-taiteilijana.
Kaikkien lapsien nimien on alettava samalla kirjaimella.
Maksimoi kätevyys, maalaus- ja valokuvaustaidot.
Postaa someen joka päivä.
Asu talossa, jonka kunnostat viimeisenä.
Pukeudu aina näyttävästi. Varttuessasi pukeuduit käytettyihin vaatteisiin ja tunsit itsesi vaivaantuneeksi. Nyt voit pukeutua niin fantastisesti kuin haluat!
Piirteet: Itsevarma, kunnianhimoinen Tavoite: Ei määritelty Ura: Freelancer-taiteilija
Olet koko lapsuuden ihastunut naapurissa asuvaan tyttöön/poikaan.
Olette toistenne parhaat ystävät sekä ensimmäiset ihastukset.
Kasvaessa teineiksi aloitte seurustella! Se kävi järkeen. Te yhdessä, se vain kävi järkeen. Ensimmäisistä ystävyksistä ensimmäisiksi kumppaneiksi. Tämä oli iänikuinen juttu jo alusta alkaen. Se on harvinaista, mutta se tapahtui teille.
Tämä siis, kunnes vanhempasi päättivät pakata kimpsut ja kampsut ja muuttaa takaisin kaupunkiin.
Kyynelten saattelemana tienne erkanevat, kun päätätte, että molempien on parempi jatkaa omille teilleen. Onhan San Myshuno aika kaukana pienestä Willow Creekin naapurustostanne.
Olet aina ollut todella akateeminen ja valmistautunut yliopistoon jo lukiosta lähtien.
Opiskelet ahkerasti. Kotiläksyt ja lukeminen ovat sinulle kaikki kaikessa. Sydäntäsi särkee välillä ikävä ensirakkauttasi kohtaan, mutta keskityt kouluun hukuttaaksesi tunteesi.
Käyt treffeillä silloin tällöin eri tyyppien kanssa, mutta se ei ole mitään verrattuna aiempaan rakkauteesi.
Haet yliopistoon täyden kympin lukiolaisena ja haaveilet työstä korkeimman oikeuden tuomarina. Tiedät, että voit tehdä positiivista muutosta maailmaan.
Sinut hyväksytään! Ja ensimmäisenä päivänä kampuksella, suureksi yllätykseksesi, näet henkilön, jota olet ajatellut joka päivä viimeiset kolme vuotta.
Lapsuutesi rakkaus.
Olette välittömästi uudelleen tekemisissä ja nopeasti rakkaustarinanne jatkaa kulkuaan. Tällä kertaa mikään ei erota teitä. Valmistumisen jälkeen teillä on kauniit häät ja pysytte yhdessä kunnes olette vanhoja ja ryppyisiä.
Maksimoi logiikka, tutkimus- ja väittely sekä karismataidot.
Saavuta Sielunkumppani -tavoite.
Omaa Lukutoukka ja Romanttinen-luonteenpiirteet.
Saa parhaat arvosanat koulussa.
Hanki kaksoset.. kahdesti.
Hae yliopistoon ja suorita historian tutkinto,
Saavuta lakiuran huippu tuomarina.
Järjestä kaikkien aikojen häät.
Ole paras ystävä toisen simin kanssa koko lapsuusaika, deittaile teininä ja sitten teidät erotetaan.
Kohdatkaa toisenne jälleen yliopistossa, jonka jälkeen olette yhdessä koko lopun elämää.
Piirteet: Lukutoukka, romanttinen Tavoite: Sielunkumppani Ura: Lakiura
Siitä lähtien, kun muistat, et ole ollut varma mistään.
Et ole varma mikä on lempivärisi, lempimusiikkisi tai edes lempiruokasi!
Sinä tunnut vaihtavan mielipidettäsi samasta aiheesta kymmenen kertaa päivässä. Se väsyttää muita ihmisiä ympärilläsi, mutta sinulle se on normaalia.
Vaatteesi eivät sovi yhteen. Sinulla on erilainen tyyli joka päivälle ja jokaiselle asulle. Kotisi on sekoitus nykyaikaista, perinteistä, eklektistä ja modernia.
Elät sotkun keskellä. Ja sitä on.. paljon. Mutta sinä et haluaisi elää muulla tavalla. Jollakin tapaa sotku antaa sinulle lohdutusta.
Sinulla on jatkuvasti uusi taito, mistä olet kiinnostunut ja poimit aina uusia “asioita”.
Ja ristiriitainen mielesi yltää jopa sinun suhteisiin, joihin säntäät yhtä nopeasti sisään kuin uloskin.
Vanhuusikään mennessä olet ollut naimisissa kolmesti ja asetut viimein aloillesi simin kanssa, joka on täysin vastakohtasi. Hän on perfektionisti, joka hyväksyy aiheuttamasi kaaoksen, sillä hän rakastaa sinua aidosti. Hän ei halua muuttaa sinua, ja se saa sydämesi sykkimään. Koko elämäsi ennen häntä, sinua on haluttu muuttaa.
Kuljet virran mukana, vaihtelet hiustyyliäsi, aloitat puutyöt vaikka keskiyöllä. Sielusi on kaoottinen, kaunis sekamelska - juuri kuten haluat sen olevan.
Saavuta Moniosaaja -tavoite.
Käytä erilaisia tyylejä ja/tai huonoja väriyhdistelmiä kaikissa asuissa.
Randomoi yksi asu kokonaan (noppa-painike siminluonnissa).
Vaihda hiustenväriä aina, kun ikäännyt.
Mene naimisiin kolmesti (ja eroa kahdesti).
Hanki viisi ystävää ja menetä ne.
Saavuta taso 3 neljällä eri uralla.
Vaihda nimeäsi vähintään kerran.
Löydä perfektionisti simi, jonka kanssa menet naimisiin aikuisena.
Omaa Hassuttelija ja Sottapytty -luonteenpiirteet.
Piirteet: Hassuttelija, sottapytty Tavoite: Moniosaaja Ura: Vähintään neljä eri uraa tasolle 3
SUKUPOLVI 7: Luonto pitää meitä lähellään, kun muut eivät
Ah, asuminen rauhassa ja hiljaisuudessa. Ainut ääni on virtaava vesi mökkisi takana (sellainen, jossa on täydellinen estetiikka).
Ei ole tarvetta haaveilla, sillä tämä ON sinun elämääsi!
Varttuessasi olet intohimoinen ympäristöä ja ympäröivää maailmaa kohtaan. Vanhempasi oli yksi SOTKU. Sinulla oli hauskaa lapsuudessasi, mutta vanhempasi jatkuva hyppiminen harrastuksesta toiseen aiheutti järkyttävän ympäristön.
Heti, kun kasvat nuoreksi aikuiseksi luovut kunnallisesta sähkö- ja vesiverkostosta (eli elät kantaverkkojen ulkopuolella). Haluat perua simien aiheuttamaa tuhoa maapallolle kaikin mahdollisin keinoin.
Vietät päiväsi korjaten tuulimyllyjä ja aurinkopaneeleita, käyt suihkussa sateessa, maalaat elättääksesi itsesi ja osallistut protesteihin kaupungilla aina kun mahdollista, vaikka vihaatkin poistua eristyksissä olevasta kodistasi.
Elät ollaksesi yksin, mutta enimmäkseen siksi ettet oikein osaa puhua toisille ihmisille. Oikeiden suhteiden luominen on sinulle vaikeaa, mutta haluat joku päivä elämääsi toisen hiljaisuutta rakastavan ihmisen.
Sinut voi löytää vapaa-aikanasi usein vaeltamasta, pyöräilemästä, uimasta, sukeltamasta ja jopa Komorebi-vuorelta! Luonto on läheisin ystäväsi.
Kun et ole vaeltamassa, leikit lemmikkipesukarhusi kanssa. Löysit sen eräs päivä penkomasta roskiasi, etkä voinut vain jättää sitä. Koska siis, katsokaa näitä kiiluvia pikkusilmiä!
Eräänä päivänä vaelluksella löydät toisen yksinäisen suden.
Toisen hiljaisuuden ja luonnonrauhan rakastajan.
Tunnet lämpöä rinnassasi, sellaista mitä et ole tuntenut vuosiin.
Yhdessä te kasvatatte yhden lapsen (rehellisesti, edelleenkään ette välitä ihmisistä TURHAN paljon) ja elätte lopun elämäänne lämpimässä kotikolossanne.
Omaa Synkistelijä ja Yksinäinen susi -luonteenpiirteet.
Saavuta Intendentti -tavoite.
Ole partiolainen lapsena.
Asu pienessä rantatalossa TAI metsämökissä.
Elä koko elämä kantaverkkojen ulkopuolella.
Osallistu mielenosoituksiin aina kun mahdollista (tai lahjoita rahaa asian puolesta)
Omista lemmikkipesukarhu.
Maksimoi maalaus- ja kuntoilutaidot.
Saavuta maalariuran huippu.
Omaa ainoastaan kolme läheistä ystävää.
Hanki ainoastaan yksi lapsi.
Piirteet: Synkistelijä, yksinäinen susi Tavoite: Intendentti Ura: Maalari
SUKUPOLVI 8: Yksi todellinen ystävä on arvokkaampi kuin 1000 silmää katsomossa
Olet ollut huomion keskellä siitä hetkestä asti, kun avasit silmäsi. Olit ainoa lapsi perheessä, joka asui pienessä syrjäisessä mökissä, mutta kaipasit jotain enemmän.
Teininä seinäsi täyttyivät poikabändien julisteista. Lauloit jatkuvasti, ja teininä ihastuit näyttelemiseen.
Halusit olla tunnettu, haluttu, nähty. Halusit olla kaikkien simien tuntema.
Olet myös piiiikkuriikkisen täynnä itseäsi. Mutta emmekö me kaikki välillä olla?
Kuitenkin itsekeskeisen kuoren alta löytyy suuri sydän. Teet vapaaehtoistyötä joka viikko, lahjoitat hyväntekeväisyyksiin aina kun mahdollista, ja rakastat eläimiä.
Varttuessasi nuoreksi aikuiseksi muutat heti Del Sol Valleyyn, missä aloitat uran näyttelijänä. Tapaat pian megajulkkiksen, jonka persoonallisuutensa ei täsmää julkisuudessa annettuun kuvaan. Rakastut nopeasti ja menette naimisiin nuorina aikuisina.
Pian saatte yhden lapsen, mutta huomaat ettei kaikki ole miltä näyttää.
Kumppanisi jää kiinni pettämisestä kilpakumppanisi kanssa. Tiedät oman arvosi ja katkaiset suhteen heti pitäen lapsen itselläsi.
Aloitat kaiken alusta ja rakennat urasi itse. Olet yksinhuoltaja, mutta vahva ja sinnikäs.
Kaiken tämän keskellä saat kuuluisuutta. Löydät myös todellisen rakkauden simistä, joka ei ole kiinnostunut parrasvaloista, ja omaa myös lapsen.
Elätte elämäänne kauniissa kattohuoneistossa ihaillen täydellistä uusioperhettänne.
Omaa Itsekeskeinen ja Hyvä -luonteenpiirteet.
Tee vapaaehtoistyötä joka viikko.
Lahjoita hyväntekeväisyyteen joka viikko.
Omista aina kolme lemmikkiä taloudessa.
Mene naimisiin nuorena aikuisena simin kanssa, joka on romanttinen ja ilkimys.
Hanki yksi lapsi puolison kanssa.
Saa megakuuluisa puoliso kiinni pettämisestä simin kanssa, joka on vihollisesi.
Rakastu ei-kuuluisaan simiin, jolla on lapsi.
Päädy asumaan kattohuoneistossa (rahakoodia saa käyttää).
Maksimoi näyttelemis- ja karismataidot.
Saavuta näyttelijän uran huippu.
Saavuta Mestarinäyttelijä -tavoite.
Piirteet: Itsekeskeinen, hyvä Tavoite: Mestarinäyttelijä Ura: Näyttelijä
SUKUPOLVI 9: Joskus totuus piilee sydämessäsi
Olet sateenkaaren määritelmä.
Olet kirkas päivänpaiste sadepäivänä ja RAKASTAT värejä!
Luovana siminä vietät vapaa-aikasi kirjoittaen ja haaveillen uusista tarinoista.
Mutta sinulla on salaisuus, joka piilee sisälläsi.
Olet äärimmäisen pakkomielteinen yliluonnollisia asioita kohtaan. Tavoitteesi elämässä on todistaa jokaisen okkultismin olemassaolo, joista on kuiskuteltu vuosien ajan. Nuo tarinat löytyvät kauan unohdetuista pölyisistä kirjoista.
Lapsena kasvoit oopperataloissa ja teattereissa vanhempasi mukana, ja kipinäsi syttyi kauan unohdettujen haamujen tarinoista. Haamuista, jotka piileskelivät vanhojen rakennusten varjoissa.
Haluat todistaa maailmalle, että nämä asiat ovat totta, sillä aurinkoisessa sydämessäsi tunnet, että taikuutta on oltava olemassa.
Siispä pakkaat tavarasi ja muutat kylään, jota lähes kaikki simit välttelevät matkoillaan.
Muutat Forgotten Hollowiin. Et anna periksi naapureillesi ja vaali heidän tyyliänsä. Rakennat räikeimmän kodin, mitä siellä on koskaan nähty.
Olet hyvin vainoharhainen, mutta tarkoittaako se, että olet väärässä? Et usko niin.
Vietät elämäsi etsien okkultisteja.
Ja mikä parasta? Löydät joka ikisen.
Kirjoitat kirjan kohtaamisistasi ja kuinka ystävystyit näiden kaikkien kanssa.
Päädyt jopa menemään naimisiin varsin komean loitsijan kanssa!
Vaikka sinulla on rauha itsesi kanssa, että olit aina oikeassa, eikä elämäsi ollut turhaa, muu maailma ei tunnu uskovan tarinoitasi. He rakastavat kirjojasi! Mutta uskovat niiden olevan fiktiota.
Se on sinulle okei. Koska sisimmässäsi, tiedät totuuden. Ja nyt sinulla on pieni osa taikuutta myös itselläsi.
Saavuta Menestyskirjailija -tavoite.
Maksimoi kirjoittaminen ja vampyyrien perimätieto -taidot.
Kirjoita kirja kaikista okkultisteista: vampyyrit, loitsijat, merenneidot, kummitukset, alienit. (Jokaista kirjaa varten on nähtävä todisteita okkultistin läsnäolosta tai ystävystyä niiden kanssa).
Asu Forgotten Hollowissa.
Pukeudu aina värikkäästi.
Omaa sätenöivä koti.
Mene naimisiin loitsijan kanssa.
Käytä voodoo-nukkea vapaa-aikanasi.
Saavuta kirjalijan uran huippu.
Omaa Vainoharhainen ja Luova -luonteenpiirteet.
Piirteet: Vainoharhainen, luova Tavoite: Menestyskirjailija Ura: Kirjailija
SUKUPOLVI 10: Tiedän että olen outo, mutta taikuus ei ollut sitä mitä pyysin
Syntymästäsi lähtien sinusta hehkui taikuutta. Kaikki tunsivat sen.
Sinä myös tunsit itsesi erilaiseksi.
Mutta mitä erilaisuus tarkoittaa? Tiedät, että vanhempasi viettivät koko elämänsä etsien vastauksia paranormaaleihin kysymyksiin. Tiedät, että he uskovat siihen koko sydämestään. Mutta sinä olet skeptinen. Kunnes eräänä päivänä tutkit heidän kirjansa sivuja epätoivoisesti, etsien tietoa itsestäsi.
Suureksi yllätykseksi satut outoon käytävään, jossa on taikaportaali toiseen maailmaan. Astut varovaisesti portaaliin haudaten epäilyksen tunteesi, mutta toiveikkaana. Toiveikkaana vastauksille.
Saat selville, että todellisuudessa olet loitsija. Etkä ainoastaan sitä, vaan että toinen vanhemmistasi on loitsija myös. Tuona hetkenä maailmasi kääntyy ylösalaisin.
Yrität tutkia, mitä kaikki tämä tarkoittaa. Tutkit noituutta, löydät sauvan, apuolennon ja luudan. Yrität kaikkesi palataksesi keskinkertaiseen elämääsi, mutta paluuta ei enää ole.
Taikuus on nyt koko elämäsi.
Mutta maailma ei ole valmis taikuudelle. Simit ovat peloissaan kaikesta tuntemattomasta, joten piilottelet salaisuuttasi kotiesi seinien suojassa.
Rakastut kuolevaiseen ja lopulta löydät rohkeutta myöntää olevasi loitsija. Hän ei edes räpäytä silmiä kuullessaan. Hän tiesi, että sinussa on jotakin erilaista. Mutta myös niin ihastuttavaa.
Lopulta, hän päättää ryhtyä loitsijaksi itsekin.
Yhdessä te elätte kaunista ja taianomaista elämää. Eikä mitä tahansa loitsuja ja juomia, vaan se on täynnä kaikista erikoisinta taikuutta. Rakkautta. Luotte yhdessä kauniita muistoja.
Ja kuinka siirappiselta tämä kuulostaakin, elätte elämänne onnellisina loppuun saakka.
Kasva aikuiseksi tietämättä vanhempasi olevan loitsija (ignoraa simisi taikuus tämän ajan, okei? tässä tarvitaan hieman mielikuvitusta).
Pidä aina viisi läheistä ystävää (ihmiset rakastavat energiaasi).
Saavuta Loitsintaa ja noituutta sekä Taikajuomien toimittaja -tavoitteet.
Maksimoi loitsijataidot.
Liity liiketalousuralle ja eroa noustessasi tasolle 5.
Tee talouden lemmikistä apuolentosi.
Matkusta taikamaailmaan ensimmäisen kerran nuorena aikuisena ja etsi vastauksia.
Omaa Hilpeä -luonteenpiirre.
Ole oikukas pukeutuja (sinä päätät mikä on sinulle oikukasta, tämä tekee siitä oikukkaan!)
Rakastu kuolevaiseen, joka ryhtyy lopulta loitsijaksi.
Asu oikukkaassa ja taianomaisessa loitsijakodissa (ajattele hobittien koloja).
Piirteet: Hilpeä Tavoite: Loitsintaa ja noituutta + Taikajuomien toimittaja Ura: Liiketalous (tasolle 5)
Iso kiitos haasteen alkuperäiselle luojalle ja teille, jotka haastetta pelaavat! 💜
2 notes · View notes
thefinalcinderella · 6 years ago
Tsurune Book 2 Chapter 3-Bow-Crazy (Part 1)
In this chapter: Everyone gets to touch Masa-san’s belly (except Minato) and we get a random genetics lesson
Since it’s Motomura’s birthday today, it’s only fitting that I release this chapter where he is a Very Good Boy
The twins may be obnoxious and rude, but their concern for Shuu is really adorable
Glossary here
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
1. The word for dance here is “buyou (舞踊)”, used to refer to traditional Japanese theatrical dances like in kabuki. There’s a pun here where Masa-san says the “bu (武)” of “budo (武道)” leads to the “bu (舞)” in “buyou (舞踊) ”.
2. Monoecious trees are trees that have both male and female reproductive organs
3. Seiya refers to dojo yaburi, which was a thing in martial arts like kendo where someone would go to another school and challenge everyone there
4. The abdominal rectus muscles or the rectus abdominal muscles are the abs basically
5. Yuuzen is a dyeing technique for fabrics. It is now mainly used for kimonos.
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Afternoon classes during the rainy season. Standing next to the students who were reading their textbooks aloud, even the teacher was yawning. Minato watched the raindrops running down the window.
He loved the sound of rain. The falling drops drew ripples, the transparent living creatures jumping and dancing. A gentle melody enveloped the town, but if one was listening carefully to the sounds of the rain beating down on the ground like rage itself, one would feel like it was erasing a great number of words in one's head.
He could hardly wait until after school, but there was no helping it. I want to shoot. I want to face the targets much, much more.
I have to get better quickly——.
After they lost at the regional tournament, Tommy-sensei spoke to them.
"Well, I'd like to say how unfortunate it was, but even if everyone hit at this competition, I might not be able to praise you."
They had never heard Tommy-sensei's candid thoughts even once, and Minato and the others kept silent at those unexpected words.
Ryouhei asked him straightforwardly.
"Why, sir?"
"The answer to that is what you all need to find out. Everyone, think about it."
After Tommy-sensei left his seat, the five boys sat on the floor. Masa-san still hadn't shown up.
Ryouhei smiled bitterly.
"It's all because I missed… Saying that he couldn't praise us even if we all hit, is he saying that we don't have enough skill?"
"No, we had seventeen hits out of twenty shots, so as a competition result it wasn't so bad. There's also random chance involved in quickly facing a strong team in the tournament matchups, so I think there's some things that just can't be helped."
Seiya answered, and next to him, Minato also nodded.
As it got gloomy, Nanao spoke as brightly as he could.
"Well, first of all, we shouldn't be dwelling on our defeat, so let's focus our energies on the national tournament in the summer. Anyways, we're still first years, so we can challenge it again next year."
"That's right, there's nothing we can do about our loss this time. Anyways, all we can do is practice."
Kaito backed Nanao up.
However, Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo, who were listening from nearby, joined the circle, and then Seo spoke.
"Sorry, but I was listening to you guys, and I understood the reason why Tommy-sensei is grieving. What is it? You're all responsible. But you're still archers? So uncool."
"What are you talking about? Don't talk like you know something we don't. What do you think, Seo?"
"Didn't Tommy-sensei say that you guys are the ones who have to come up with the answer?"
"Aah, good grief."
Kaito was frowning and pondering on it, but Minato wanted to get to practice soon rather than think about a competition that had already ended. It seemed that there were competition matters that Tommy-sensei couldn't accept, but he hadn't missed in any case. Even if they didn't get perfect scores, it shouldn't have been bad.
Minato spoke.
"Let's leave checking answers with each other later and get to practicing. We're wasting time."
"Right. Let's go through with shooting a hitote in zasha."
At Seiya's voice, the five boys rose with heavy feelings and began to practice.
Masa-san showed up when the five had finished exiting, and called Minato to a waiting room. Minato wanted to continue practicing as he was, but he reluctantly took off his yugake.
"Minato, you're banned from practice for a while. That includes entering the kyudojo."
Distant thunder sounded.
He was so shocked that he couldn't say anything.
The rain was intensifying. The sound of the rain drowned out voices, so he couldn't make out the continuation of the conversation very well. Minato moved his ear closer to Masa-san's mouth once more.
"This is based on a discussion with Tommy-sensei."
He finally opened his mouth.
"How long is a while?"
"One week, or more."
"No way. We won't be able to defeat Kirisaki or Tsujimine if I take a break for that long. Wasn't Shuu first place and Nikaidou second place in the individual competition?"
"Are you yourself aware that your shooting lately wasn't good?"
He knew that he was shooting like he was ignoring his teachings. He didn't stretch his left elbow when he was protecting his hurting wrist. Because of that, he had to shorten his kai, minutely adjust his right fingertips and release his arrow. The shooting method that made him rely on his intuition could go amiss at even a little break in between, but this time he should have survived it.
"But, didn't I fulfill my duties as ochi properly?"
"Is it the duty of an ochi to get a four-arrow kaichuu? So, as long as you hit, it doesn't how unsightly your form is, and your shooting quality is inconsequential?"
"I didn't say that!"
"Minato, at that time you were a slave to hitting. Kyudo is tainted by your heart in that state, and you won't be able to make a beautiful tsurune once more. I'm not telling you a metaphor, but the facts as they are now. If you shoot badly, your bow will show deformations, and if it's a bamboo bow, you won't even be able to use it. Warning you against 'uchikiri'—not doing yugaeri on purpose—is because that way of shooting will crush the futures of the bow and the archer."
Yugaeri was the act of the bow turning in the hand when the arrow is released, and the string rotates to the back of the hand. It would not turn when one was gripping too hard.
"I know that, you don't have to tell me. Don't treat me like a beginner!"
Minato shouted. He felt that the issue at hand was quickly getting off-point, but he did not know how to return to the main issue.
Masa-san suddenly grabbed Minato's left wrist.
"Does it hurt? It hurts this much, and you're making light of me?"
"Let, let me go!"
Minato shook free of Masa-san's hand and backed up to the wall behind him.
I don't know this high-handed Masa-san.
"So that you won't secretly shoot at another dojo, I will hold on to your bow and arrows. I actually wanted to keep your yugake too, but it is your tranquilizer after all."
"…That's cruel!"
"This is the 'Kazemai High School Kyudo Club.' For many people, high school kyudo is their gateway to kyudo, and the 'martial' in martial arts leads to 'dancing.' (1) If you are not a beginner, you have to refrain even more from dances that makes the people watching uncomfortable."
Minato clenched his left hand hidden behind his back.
Don't take the bow away from me.
Of all people, why is it Masa-san who…
"What's wrong with you, you shitty, perverted old geezer!"
Minato flew out under the pouring sky. Noticing that, Seiya and Ryouhei looked between Minato's back and Masa-san.
"He'll get soaked again. What would he do if he caught a cold…"
The man with an iron-plate smile hid his eyes.
A severe earthquake ran through Kirisaki High School as well.
"Shuu will be absent from club for a week!? Why!?"
Senichi's and Manji's voices overlapped. The students walking in the hallway were turning their heads at the high synchronicity rate of the two.
Before going to club activities, Motomura and Sase invited Senichi and Manji to the terrace in the back yard. The school building after the rain was dyed in amber, and four long shadows grew. It was slightly late for afternoon tea, but on the table there was a teapot and cups, snacks served on the cake stand, and so on.
Motomura spoke.
"As the regional tournament is over, he would like to recharge alone in preparation for the national tournament. That is the official explanation."
"You said 'official explanation,' so what's really going on?"
"Fujiwara-kun is going to Kazemai High School."
Senichi's and Manji's mouth hung open.
"Eh, eh, what does that mean? Why is Shuu going to Kazemai? Isn't this weird?"
"Right, right! It's exactly as Sen-nii said!"
"Motomura-senpai, was it alright to let Shuu go? No, no way, does he plan on transferring to Kazemai High School… Were we abandoned by Shuu——?"
Sase flicked Senichi's and Manji's foreheads one after the other, as they were having stage-actor-worthy reactions by clutching their heads.
"Owww… What are you doing, senpai!"
"You guys are overimagining things. Nope, nope, it's not that at all."
"Then, why is Shuu going to Kazemai?" Senichi asked.
"It seems that he is going there to meet their coach for some reason. The coach over there is close to Fujiwara in physique, and apparently he's the grandson of Yasaka-hanshi, so he probably thought he could learn something? Besides, his two former teammates are there, after all."
"That's why, I hate this! It isn't like Shuu to hang out with old friends who never know when to let him go!"
I—we—want to support Shuu. I thought that Shuu responded to our feelings. Even though we should have become one at that moment in the regional tournament…
I knew that we lack ability. But, I didn't that he had so little confidence in us that he had to go to another school. After all is said and done, Shuu didn't even speak a word of it to us.
So frustrating. I'm so frustrated that I want to cry.
What's up with you, Shuu. What was that huddle with our shoulders joined together? Even though I was so happy that even Shuu could do such an enthusiastic, fervent thing.
I want to hit him.
Senichi bit his lip.
Motomura poured black tea into the teacups while everyone else was talking. The rich scent tickling their noses, the four brought their cups to their mouths before uttering another word.
Senichi and Manji also reached out for the sandwiches on the bottom of the cake stand. Feeling that they could not have this conversation unless they were eating something, they also stuffed their mouths with the scones on the second layer. Choosing to do it when the cookies and fruits on the top layer disappeared, Motomura spoke.
"Fujiwara-kun's master is still Saionji-sensei. However, when it comes to Fujiwara-kun's level, his master no longer makes any comments on his shooting technique. He would not tell him even if he asked. Furthermore, as it seems that Saionji-sensei currently cannot hold a bow, he cannot acquire new skills by watching anymore. He can search for a new teacher, but basically, people who are attempting to master something can only study it by themselves. They can only open up a path by——"
The fallen leaves scattered with the lukewarm wind, carrying the fragrance of the trees and flowers. Senichi covered his mouth at the grassy scent that was characteristic of monoecious trees. (2)
"What an outrageous thing to say… I feel like there's nothing at all we can do for Shuu."
"Is that so? Fujiwara-kun needs a place where he can return to with ease. We can watch over him and wait for him to return. Are those not things which only comrades can do?"
"I…might not be able to wait. I'm not that patient."
"I think that's fine the way it is. You may act according to your judgement."
"I will do so."
Motomura smiled gently at Senichi's words.
He had the same way-seeker's face as Shuu.
It was after school of the next day.
There was an unusual crowd seen around the Kazemai High School Kyudo Club. Female students filled up the area around the fence that surrounded the range, scrambling with the Nanao Fan Club for spots. As the Nanao Fan Club had rules such as not making any noise during their viewing tour of kyudo practice, and for how many minutes each day, so it was a scene that would be impossible normally.
Nanao whispered into Kaito's ear.
"Hey, hey, Kacchan. How did this happen?"
"No idea. But I feel kinda irritated when I see Masa-san teaching him."
Shuu was there.
He went before the targets along with Ryouhei, and Masa-san was coaching them. Thanks to the considerable dignity and curiousness of three men using yobisun-nobi—two-hundred-and-thirty-three centimeter—bows, even Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo were watching in fascination. Since the sounds of the arrows flying were loud and the time it took for them to reach the targets was short, it was impressive to see.
Ryouhei turned to Shuu with a smile.
"Shuu-kun, your shots are so majestic, they're super cool! I can't believe that we're both high schoolers. I'll practice a lot too, since I want to catch up to everyone soon."
"There's no need to rush. Although you can't improve in one bound, if you do practice that fits your current level and do your very best at it, you will be surprisingly successful at kyudo."
"Yes. It's easy for taller people's upper bodies to go off-center, so the open width between your feet is important. Ryouhei, you often correct your stepping at ashibumi, but it looks nicer if you do it in one go. Since you can't look at your feet in reishakei, I marked the length of my arrow (yajaku) on the floor at home and practice that way."
"I'll try doing that too! Tommy-sensei and Nanao also talked to me about ashibumi."
Through Ryouhei, Shuu was reminded of when he himself began kyudo. He was happy just being able to shoot a bow, he had fun, and he was impatient for the seemingly distant days of practice. When shooting became an everyday routine, he had forgotten the elation of those days.
After Ryouhei left the targets, Kaito drew closer to Shuu.
"Oi, Fujiwara. I'm only gonna say this. Masa-san is our coach."
"It seems that Kazemai's coach is good at shooting through the hearts of archers, since he's adored by even you."
"I didn't say anything like that!"
At almost the same time as the ban on entering kyudojos was handed down to Minato, Shuu appeared, as though to replace him. The club members, who had no way of knowing the promise between him and Tommy-sensei, were constantly tilting their heads in confusion at the student from another school who was called the Young Prince.
Seiya put his elbow on Kaito's shoulder.
"I also want to ask you about what you came here to do. Did you come here to challenge us or something like that?" (3)
"I've never heard of challenging other dojos in kyudo, but I did not come here to do such an anachronistic thing. My advisor just had me come to join your practice, as there was an introduction from him. But it's a shame that Minato is taking a break."
"His wrist will get better faster if he doesn't use it. My dad wrapped a bandage around it. I asked him to walk Bear in the meantime, but it seems like he didn't go for some reason. Aah, he's really sulking a lot."
"…Could he be nearby?"
Outside the fence, in a corner of the group of female students, there was a male student crouching down to hide in the shrubbery.
Even though Minato was ordered to not attend club and that there was absolutely no use arguing about it, far from walking Bear, he did not feel like going out with his classmates or relaxing at home either, he ended up coming to the kyudojo.
He got emotional and called his master a shitty old geezer. He might not teach me anymore. On the contrary, he might not even speak to me… To begin with, why is Shuu at Kazemai in the first place? Could it be that I was in the way of Masa-san teaching Shuu?
His head was in a state of going around in circles with speculations and delusions. If he watched for a while, he then stood up and walked back and forth in front of the kyudojo entrance, so from an outside point of view he looked like nothing but suspiciously behaving person.
Just beside Minato, there was a shady duo who were also crouching down. They were dressed in uniforms that could be recognized as belonging to another school, and they were creating a perfect symmetry.
Senichi and Manji were whispering.
"Oi, Narumiya. Why are you here?"
"That's supposed to be my line. Since Kirisaki has a semester system, now the club activities are being stopped before the tests, right? I'm banned from entering the dojo, though."
"What's up with that?  So laaaame."
The two said at the same time.
Senichi and Manji were not able to wait patiently for Shuu's return. They investigated the advisor for the Kazemai High School Kyudo Club, snatched permission for entering the school, and started off by scoping out the lay of the land.
"So, Sen-nii, what are we going to do now? March into the kyudojo and bring Shuu back?"
"It'd be better to not do such aggressive things." Right when they were having their strategy conference, the two's shoulders were suddenly joined from behind.
"Gyaaah, let me go! Don't touch Sen-nii either! Oh, aren't you Ryouhei?"
"You remembered my first name."
Behind an astonished Minato, there was another boy.
"Kyaaaa, Nanao-kun!"
The Nanao Fan Club simultaneously clasped their hands together, as though praying.
"Sorry, everyone. We're doing combined practice with a student from another school for about a week, so could I have you all refrain from visiting? If there's so many cute girls here, I feel like I'd get too nervous."
"Alright! Everyone, disperse, disperse!"
At the words of the leader of the groupies, the girls dispersed. Nanao then winked at the three who are left.
"Gentlemen, come. Tommy-sensei said to come learn by watching the practice. Come on, you too, Minato."
Nanao forcibly made Minato stand up and pushed his back. Senichi and Manji also passed through the entrance of the kyudojo while being held from behind by Ryouhei, and they greeted everyone inside.
Masa-san appeared in Minato's field of vision. Normally, it would have been a situation where Masa-san would grin at him, but he felt a little sad at his weary expression.
Shuu and Seiya held back a laugh at seeing Senichi and Manji with Ryouhei hanging from their backs.
After Minato, Senichi, and Manji sat on the raised seating area in the judge's area, Masa-san turned his back to Minato.
"Since Fujiwara and Nanao asked me to teach about 'breathing method (ikiai)', let's talk about that today. Let's start with you, Nanao. What are your questions?"
"The Kyudo Textbook says that 'ikiai is respiration that results from the stimulation of bodily activities along with the activation of the consciousness, not physical breathing, and it becomes the driving force of the invocation of fighting spirit, especially in regards to kai and hanare,' but could you elaborate on that?"
"There are two kinds of breathing. The normal, physical breathing we do unconsciously, and the breathing in which we consciously stop and take deep breaths. The latter is called 'ikiai.' I think those who do yoga know this, but when we exhale, our muscles relax. To prevent the collapse of our postures, in archery we begin all our movements with breathing in."
"Hmm, I see."
"Although you can move your lungs consciously, there is no force to move the lungs themselves, and it is the external intercostal muscles and diaphragm that move them. Abdominal breathing, where you breathe using the abdomen, is done by lowering the diaphragm and taking in air."
"Oh, I saw the mechanism of that breathing in a science experiment at cram school!"
Ryouhei exclaimed excitedly.
"In order for your arrows to fly where you are aiming them at, first make sure your feet and your torso, which become the main axis, do not deviate. Kyudo emphasizes that vertical line, and one of the most important parts for maintaining that upright posture is the abdominal rectus muscle. (4) For 'holding your breath in your abdomen' and 'putting your sentiments into your dantian,' it is important to not relax the abdominal rectus muscle, or in other words, to exhale so that your abdomen will not cave in. At that moment, clench your butthole tightly."
Masa-san turned his gaze to Shuu.
"What did you want to ask about, Fujiwara?"
"It's not that there is an organ called dantian, but it is to create a 'place' or 'state' by breathing, correct? I seem to lack the feeling of having this dantian. How much breath are the senseis actually holding in their abdomens?"
"Well then, let's try it a little. Fujiwara, put your hand in the front sash of my hakama, and feel my abdomen."
"There's no way you can touch the abdomen of a hanshi-rank master, right? Put your hand slightly below my belly button."
Masa-san started with douzukuri without holding anything, then performed the movements of raising a bow. In that way, he did daisan, hikiwake, and kai, following the Shahou Hassetsu.
Normally, the belly rose and sunk with respiration, with breathing in causing the belly to swell and breathing out caused it to sink in, but Masa-san's belly did not move. For that reason, Shuu's hand stayed inserted in the front sash of the hakama and also did not move.
Senichi and Manji leaned against Minato from both sides, and whispered in his ears.
"Does your coach always teach like that?"
Minato vigorously shook his head. It certainly might be easier to understand it than to explain it in words, but it wasn't done in a relationship that wasn't very familiar. It was a coaching that was equivalent to selling something way below cost at a giant discount.
Masa-san questioned Shuu.
"How did that feel?"
"I felt that you were holding a proper amount of breath, or rather, your abdomen that was filled up with one breath stayed very firm."
"Puff, puff, puff, like how a fish exhales, you exhale thin and long breaths."
"Is that what is called underwater breathing?"
"The breathing at kai is called 'underwater breathing.' In order to not release the tension of the abdominal rectus muscle, it is necessary to gently breathe out. Even among high-ranked archers, there are differences between them for where to inhale and where to exhale during shooting, and I believe each are correct, but I think that 'quiet and long breathing' is probably common for all of them."
"So, now I just have to use ikiai in conjunction with movements like kai and hanare, and practice it until I can even do it unconsciously."
Seeing Shuu convinced, Ryouhei and Nanao jumped up and down.
"I wanna touch Masa-san's belly too!"
"Me too, me too!"
"Really. Hey, wait, take turns. Only touch where I do dantian breathing."
It was somewhat ridiculous to see people lining up to touch Masa-san's abdomen. Even though they had gotten completely off track, Kaito shrewdly lined up.
Minato clenched his fists on top of his knees. It was irritating to be treated as a "visitor" along with the twins. The content of what he was talking about was completely different between Shuu and himself. Above all else, Shuu learned from him in only a few hours.
Minato quietly left the kyudojo.
When practice ended, Shuu was about to get into the car that greeted him, but Senichi and Manji called out to him.
"Shuu, you can go to Kazemai if you want, so just please tell us properly as well."
"That's right. Even if it's not me, can't you say a few words to Sen-nii at least? We're worried, you know."
"…Worried? Sen and Man about me?"
"We are! We're comrades, after all."
"I see, I'm sorry. Since I don't have a habit of reporting things to people or discussing with them, I never realized."
Shuu had always considered things by himself and acted by himself. He never learned to rely on or depend on anyone in the same generation as him.
"It's a week-long warrior training journey. Sen, Man, will you wait for me?"
"Yeah, we'll wait for you."
The corners of Senichi's and Manji's mouths lifted.
Afterwards, the car Shuu was riding in passed through a large front gate.
In the modern Japanese-style building which made heavy use of solid wood, the open ceiling spread out over the entrance hall. For the walls, decorations arranged with wooden panelling in a chic colour, Japanese paper and yuuzen-dyed (5) woven fabrics were done, and the combination of varying materials was beautiful.
Shuu looked up at the night sky. The shining moon with a blurred blue outline was gentle. Just thinking about his rival being beneath that sky made the depths of his body grow hot.
"Young master Shuu, welcome home."
"I'm back, Toujou-san."
Prompted by the butler Toujou, Shuu received his bow and quiver and walked on. The maids who waited at the entrance also bowed their heads.
"As it was unusual for the young master to request a car, I, Toujou, am deeply moved. Better yet, we shall have a car will drop you off and pick you up at Kirisaki High School henceforth as well."
"No, Father was said to also move with his own feet while he was young, so only when I go to Kazemai High School. For this time, I was only thinking about reducing time."
"I understand. I said something too impertinent."
"No, there's no problem. Where is Mother and Sae?"
"In the Skylark Room."
He pushed the door open, stepped on the carpet, and he saw a woman and a young girl who looked like life-sized Japanese dolls.
"Shuu-niisama! Welcome home."
"Mother, Sae, I have returned."
"Today, Sae had violin practice. Next time, I shall let Shuu-niisama listen to me."
"Yes, I'm looking forward to it."
Shuu held his younger sister Sae up in his arms.
Their mother smiled at Shuu without exchanging a word with him.
The Fujiwara family had the blood of a former nobleman flowing through their veins, and Shuu was the great-great-great-grandson. The viscount was a businessman who managed a real estate business in various places, and even now the Fujiwaras were prominent figures in the region. He should have been the target of respect and envy, but people always looked puzzled before Shuu, inferred something on their own, and shut their mouths.
That was because Shuu didn't resemble anyone in his family.
Contrary to Shuu's exotic-seeming looks, his family was Oriental with his single-lidded-father, and his mother and sister with black hair and dark eyes.
Shuu was a quarter-blood. His grandfather was British, and his blood skipped over his mother and were displayed prominently in his grandson Shuu only. That phenomenon was called Mendelian inheritance, and traits such as hair colour were determined by the genes inherited from parents, but the ones that were expressed were called dominant, and the ones that were hidden were called recessive. Those hidden genes were suddenly expressed in only one person in the grandchild's generation.
However, he was never abused or ostracized by his family because he didn't look like them. However, ever since Sae was born, the fact that he was different was thrusted before him.
Truthfully, the one who was the most bewildered was his mother.
For her, there was Shuu's appearance of course, as well as having no idea what to do with a son who had very little emotional ups and downs. Even though he is my child, he acts so reserved, like a stranger. To be honest, she didn't like children very much. Shuu was brought up a wet nurse, and he spent long breaks such as summer vacations at his grandparents' house.
Jealousy and envy were possessed by not a little amount of people, probably. Shuu learned the technique of turning those negative feelings into mental nourishment from elderly people.
On a certain day in fifth grade, his father spoke.
He said, "I found someone who is willing to teach Shuu in kyudo."
His busy father remembered Shuu saying that he wanted to learn kyudo. He took pains for his sake. Even now, he vividly remembered thanking his father with trembling lips.
Shuu, who shut his eyes at memories of his mother.
Minato, who treasured his memories of his mother.
The one who never had it from the beginning, and the one who had it but lost it. He didn't know which one of them was more misfortunate, but they were probably the exact opposite in everything. That was why he could not help but turn his eyes away.
Jet black hair and depthless eyes.
Even though his instincts had told him that he must not look into them, he committed that taboo. He harboured an impossible wish.
I might have wanted to become Minato——.
Sae was cute. Although that feeling wasn't a lie, he thought it was forbidden for him stay too long by Sae's side in front of his mother.
"Mother, Sae, I will be taking dinner now."
"Okay, Shuu-niisama. Farewell!"
After he finished eating, Shuu returned to his room.
When he took out his phone, Ryouhei's name was displayed on the screen. Shuu usually only replied with the bare minimum. Almost ignoring it.
(I was able to do ashibumi in one go)
(Tomorrow I'll try it with a bow)
(Shuu-kun look look)
(I'll bring the sweets my sister recommended tomorrow)
(Shuu-kun eat them eat them)
…What is this.
Minato and his friend were both somewhat ditsy. They were also similar in that they did not hold themselves back.
Shuu smiled, then replied with only "Got it."
The moon was still shining.
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nosweetdreamm · 6 years ago
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aethernalstars · 3 years ago
What’s your favourite misplay that people make against you? Personally, people trying to use destruction effects on Red Nova never gets old
Oh, back when I used to play a janky What Grows in the Graveyard plant synchro build, people trying to use trap cards on Barkion's summon was always funny. I wish that deck still worked :( the skill being nerfed killed it.
Or people using any kind of targeted destruction on basically any part of the Yubel Nephthys deck.
But the funniest one is definitely people going set 2 pass, when they know I have either Mayosenju Daibak or Hitot with the scales to summon them again.
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utaites-esp · 3 years ago
リスクテイカー / Risk Taker - Strawberry Prince [Kan/Rom/Esp]
Risk Taker - Strawberry Prince single?
Vocal: すとぷり
Words: るぅとxTOKU
Music: るぅとx松
Arranged: 松
nukedashite misero
"Salgamos de aquí".
kurayami ni shinobu yoru wa santan
sandan kowashite yoru ni thumb down
escape from deadscape now
yami wo matoi osoikuru marude SATAN
算段壊した 夜にthumb down
escape from deadscape now
Arrastrándose miserablemente en la oscuridad,
desaprobando la noche en la que se descontroló todo.
Escapar ahora del paisaje muerto,
mientras pareciera que el mismo Satanás nos atacara en la oscuridad.
show down?? all falls down??
muri na soudan naraba let's dance!!
kuranda DISTANCE
deguchi no PIECE hitotsu HAMAranu CHASE
Show down?? All falls down??
無理な相談 ならばLet's dance!!
¿¿Confrontación?? ¿¿Todo cae??
Es imposible consultarlo, ¡así que bailemos!
Suspenso de un crimen,
desorientación entre la distancia,
una sola pieza para llegar a la salida y escapar de esa persecución.
yoiki to kodou no narusu RHYTHM
kyoufuto risei ga tsumabiki dasu MELODY
chiranaru angou doushiyou mo nai hodo
THRILL no aji yami tsuki ni naru
散らばる 暗号 どうしようもないほど
スリルの味 病みつきになる
El ritmo de los suspiros y los latidos,
hacen a la melodía que mezcla al miedo y a la razón.
Los códigos dispersos son los que dan
ese sabor emocionante y adictivo.
"hora suki darake"
"Mira, ahí está la abertura".
hora mitsukete sono mujihina hitomi
yureru yureru inochi no fuchi de
shinzou no haneru oto mo
naniyori bokura furui tataseru darou
ほら見つけて その無慈悲な視線
揺れる揺れる 命の淵で
心臓の 跳ねる音も
Vamos, encuentra esa despiadada mirada,
balanceándote, balanceándote en la línea de la vida.
El sonido que rebota de nuestros corazones
nos inspirará a seguir, más que cualquier otra cosa.
hora sagase kono mujihina yoru ni
mawaru mawaru butai ni mayoi nayo
daremo inochi wa yasu urishinai
ほら捜せ この無慈悲な凶夢に
廻る廻る 舞台に迷いなよ
誰も 命は安売りしない
Vamos, busca en esta despiadada pesadilla nocturna,
y no te pierdas en este escenario giratorio,
nadie vende la vida a precio de ganga.
nando nigedashite mo matsuwa ritsuku HAZE
doko ni itemo sasoi komu MAZE
koko wa mou nukedasu koto no dekinai kariba
nigeba wa nai
ここはもう 抜け出すことの出来ない狩場
Neblina que se aferra a ti sin importar cuántas veces intentes escapar,
un laberinto que te invita a entrar, en donde sea que estés,
un coto de caza del que ya no podrás salir.
No hay escapatoria.
"nee kocchi muite"
"Hey, mira por aquí".
hora kikasete sono kanbi na koe wo
madoe madoe inochi no fuchi de
zetsubou no ameku oto ga
naniyori kimi wo utsukushiku kazeru darou
ほら聴かせて その甘美な悲鳴を
惑え惑え 命の淵で
絶望の 叫く音が
Vamos, déjame escuchar ese dulce grito,
desconcertado y confundido en la línea de la vida.
El grito de desesperación
te quedará maravilloso, más que cualquier otra cosa.
hora ochite kono kanbi na yoru to
odore odore butai ni agari na yo
SCENARIO wa kimi wo goshomou sa
ほら堕ちて この甘美な凶夢と
踊れ踊れ 舞台に上がりなよ
脚本(シナリオ)は 君をご所望さ
Vamos, piérdete en esta dulce pesadilla,
baila, baila en este escenario,
después de todo, el guión te quiere a ti.
welcome!! it's showtime!!
yoi ni dasshuu kou nai shoutai
unready?? sore jyaa deadly!!
owari no mienai kimochi wa doudai?
Welcome!! It's Showtime!!
宵に脱出口無い 招待
Unready?? それじゃあDeadly!!
¡¡Sean bienvenidos!! ¡¡Es hora del show!!
Invitaciones nocturnas de las que no puedes escapar.
¿¿No estás listo?? ¡¡Entonces hazlo mortal!!
¿Y qué hay de aquellos sentimientos que no desaparecen?
soukai soukai aa sonna monkai
sonna teido no mondai kurai younai
shoumonai choujou no night
RISK TAKER kurai ga choudo ii
そうかいそうかい ああそんなもんかい
しょうもない 超常のNight
Así es, así es. Aah, ese tipo de cosas,
no necesito esa clase de problemas
pues es una noche paranormal.
Ese quien toma los riesgos es perfecto.
『zettai ni nogasanai』
"Nunca podrás escapar".
hora mitsukete sono mujihina hitomi
yureru yureru inochi no fuchi de
shinzou no haneru oto mo
naniyori bokura furui tataseru darou
ほら見つけて その無慈悲な視線
揺れる揺れる 命の淵で
心臓の 跳ねる音も
Vamos, encuentra esa despiadada mirada,
balanceándote, balanceándote en la línea de la vida.
El sonido que rebota de nuestros corazones
nos inspirará a seguir, más que cualquier otra cosa.
hora sagase kono mujihina yoru ni
mawaru mawaru butai ni mayoi nayo
soshite GAME wa mato kurikaesu
ほら捜せ この無慈悲な凶夢に
廻る廻る 舞台に迷いなよ
Vamos, busca en esta despiadada pesadilla nocturna,
y no te pierdas en este escenario giratorio.
Y entonces, la tragedia se repite de nuevo.
Es el tema del tercer aniversario del videojuego "Identity V"
Desde que salió esta canción no paro de oírla, es que me encanta, aaaaA. TT //se muere.
Sí, sí, intentaré ser constante con las traducciones ahora sí. TTTT Es sólo que no tengo los ánimos a veces, y no puedo hacerlo. Les quiero traer una letra de mono palette. porque los quiero mucho, pero no sé cuál porque tienen como 3 canciones originales y 1749527 covers en su YT, SHSJHBHBVJJV. También quiero traducir de ChocoRabi pero creo que ellos tienen que esperar porque literal nadie los conoce. Equis, les recuerdo que pueden pedirme rolitas, sin pena, porque a veces no sé qué traducir de tantas canciones que quiero hacer. Si conocen otros grupos y quieren que traduzca de ellos, también e pueden decir y yo trabajaré en las canciones (siempre y cuando no tengan los subtítulos en YT o, si los tienen, éstos no sean muy entendibles). <3
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kelkkamonologi · 7 years ago
Lehto/Koskela VOL 2.0 (VOL 1). Mä kaivoin ittelleni kuapan tossa lopussa ja näin :D Jatkoo tulee, koska tää jäi kesken :D
Kirjoittaja: @poskihammas eli mä.
Päähenkilöt: Koskela ja Lehto, myös mm. Rokka ja Hietanen vilahtaa.
Vastuuvapaus: Hahmot kuuluu Linnalle.
Varoitukset: jonkin sortin panikkikohtauksen kuvailu, painajaiset, paljon kiroilua, itsemurhayritys.
Summary: jatkuu edellisestä
Lehto tuntui jaksavan paremmin kun Koskela oli antanut hänen nukkua tämän jalkojen päällä parina yönä. Koskela oli huomannut Lehdon lisääntyvän jaksamisen. Riitaoja oli saanut osansa alikersantin hyvin nukutuista öistä. ”Saatanan tonttu, liiku ny helvetti eteenpäin, perkele!”
Seuraavana iltana Koskela ehdotti, että Lehto nukkuisi muiden kanssa teltassa. Lehtoa ajatus puistatti. ”Jos ne paskiaiset saa tietää, niin minä vedän niistä jotakuta.” hän hymähti. ”Oles ny ihan rauhassa. Lupaan, että varmistetaan sulle paikka mun vierestäni. Hietanen varmaan änkee toiselle puolelle, mutta ei sen pitäisi haitata.” Koskela rauhoitteli Lehtoa.
Illalla Lehto oli ensimmäisiä, joka nukahti. Kaikkia tämä ihmetytti ja Lahtinen oli heti kommentoimassa asiaa. “Mikäs Lehdon pojalla o? Ei kai se pikkupaskiaine vaa oo väsymässä? Paree ois et se jaksais.” Lahtinen ihmetteli ja käänsi kirjastaan sivua. Riitaoja tuhisi Lahtisen kyljessä. “Mää en tiär yhtikäs mikä sitä vaivva. Tiäräks sää Koskela?” Hietanen kuiskasi, ettei Lehto, Määttä ja Riitaoja olisi heränneet. “Ja hitot. Hää esittää jot hää nukkuu.” Rokka ilmoitti. “Jaha. Eiköhän meitinkin kannattas nukkua.” Koskela kommentoi asian tiimoilta. Lahtinen murahti ja jatkoi lukemistaan, mutta Hietanen ja Rokka nukahtivat lähes heti. Koskela otti Hietasen viereensä ja lämmitti tätä, nukahtaen pää miehen niskassa.
Yhtäkkiä Hietanen kuuli huutoa läheltään ja heräsi. Hietanen avasi silmänsä ja näki Koskelan nukkuvan itsessään kiinni, mutta Lehto oli istuma-asennossa ja näytti hikoilevan. Hietanen vapautti itsensä Koskelan syleilystä ja liikkui mahdollisimman hiljaa Lehdon viereen. Rokkakin heräsi.
Lehto hengitti terävästi ja Hietanen pelkäsi tämän alkavan hyperventiloimaan. “Lehto, mikä sul on? Lehto, kuulek sää mua? Jumalaut kuulek sää?” Hietanen kuiskasi ja huomasi Rokan kävelevän teltan toiselta puolelta Lehdon viereen. “Mitä helvettiä sä siinä teet? Mee takas nukkumaan, jumalauta.” Lehto rähjäsi, mutta ei korottanut ääntään. Hengitys oli edelleen epätasaista. “Sää huusisit unissas ja mää heräsisin siihe. Mikä helvetti sul on?” Hietanen rauhoitteli Lehtoa. “Ei mikään. Herätä Koskela.” Lehto ähkäisi ja pyyhki hikeä otsaltaan. “Jumalaut. En mää hänt herätä. Anneta häne nukkuu kerranki.” Hietanen vastasi nihkeästi.
Rokka rauhoitteli parhaansa mukaan Lehtoa, mutta ei onnistunut. Lehto hengitti edelleen terävästi ja Rokan oli pakko herättää Koskela. Vain vänrikki saisi Lehdon rauhalliseksi. Rokka tökkäsi Koskelaa kylkeen ja vänrikki heräsi.
”Perkele. Mitäs te meluutte täälä?” Koskela kysyi unisena. ”Lehon poika meinaa alkaa hyperventiloimaa ja hää on iha hikinen niinko hitto. Ei hää miulle tai Hietaselle puhumaan suostunt. Öitä.” Rokka sanoi ja lähti omalle paikalleen. Hietanen teki saman.
Lehto hengitti edelleen epätasaisesti ja Koskela koski Lehdon olkapäätä. Lehdon kaula tuntui kuumalta ja Koskela pelkäsi tällä olevan kuumetta. “Lehto, ota rauhassa. Käydään ulkona rauhottumassa, okei?” Koskela kysyi ja Lehto nyökkäsi. Pojan hengitys oli edelleen hieman terävää ja epätasaista, mutta Koskela toivoi asian ratkeavan käymällä ulkona.
Rahikainen oli vartiossa ja paranteli nuotiota, kunnes huomasi Koskelan tulevan Lehdon kanssa ulos. Lehto oli hikinen ja näytti jollain tasolla pelokkaalta. Koskela viittoi Rahikaisen menemään telttaan. ”Me ollaan tää yö loppuun.”
Lehto istui kannolle nuotion viereen ja yritti tasoittaa hengitystään. Koskela istui pojan viereen ja kokeili tämän otsaa. Ihan normaali, ei siis kuumetta, joka oli hyvä asia.
”Ei saatana.” Lehto sai sanotuksi. ”Sama kuin se mistä kerroit?” Koskela rohkeni kysyä. ”Ei. Mua… hakattiin puukoilla ja jollain nuijalla.” Lehto vapisi. Koskela kietoi kätensä raukalta näyttävän pojan ympäri. ”Ei perkele. Haluutko kokeilla nukkua taas mun jalkojeni päällä?” Koskela silitti Lehdon hiuksia. ”Joo… Jos siitä ei ole vaivaa.” Lehto vastasi arasti.
Koskela istui maahan ja Lehto painoi päänsä vänrikin reisille. Koskela oli jo tottunut siihen, mutta olisi itsekin halunnut nukkua. Hän peitteli Lehdon univormun takillaan ja heitti itsensä päälle manttelinsa.
Aamulla Koskela herätti Lehdon ennen kuin kukaan ehti tulla ulos. Lehto näytti jotenkin vaivautuneelta ja ei-itseltään. Jotain oli selkeästi vialla.
”Lehto, mikä sulla on?” Koskela kysyi. ”Vituttaa vaan kun muut nukkuu helvetin hyvin ja sitten oon minä. Jumalauta.” Lehto murahti ja otti lakkinsa maasta. Koskela hymähti. ”Hietanen mitään hyvin nuku. Viikko sitten se heräsi hädissään ja tökki mut hereille. Siitä lähtien olen nukkunu siinä kiinni… Niinä öinä kun sinä et ole nukkunu jalkojeni päällä.” hän vastasi. ”Ai.” Lehto ihmetteli. Hän oli pehmennyt Koskelan käsittelyssä, mutta ei sitä muille voinut näyttää. ”Riitaoja hakee turvaa Lahtisesta.” Koskela tiesi kertoa. ”Niin ja Rokka ja Tassu toisistaan. Ei ne sitä uskalla kertoo, mutta tiedän. Parina yönä ei ole oikein tullu uni ja olen tarkkaillu teltan liikehdintää.”
Päivän marssilla Lehto esitti pahaa poikaa Rokalle, jonka Koskela oli määrännyt Lehdon pariksi, ja Koskela kysyi vieressään olevalta Hietaselta: ”Tieräkkö Lehdosta? Miks se ei nuku ja tälleen.” Hietanen nyökkäsi. ”Painajaissi mää veikkaa.” Koskela näytti peukkua ja Hietanen tiesi osuneensa oikeaan. ”Rokka tiätä kans.” Hietanen kuiskasi ja Koskela nyökkäsi vastaukseksi.
Lehto räyhäsi Rokalle eilisillasta ja tämä nyökkäili. Rahikaista ja Määttää, jotka marssivat parivaljakon perässä, parivaljakon rähinä ihmetytti. ”Perkele, et sitten kerro tai minä lyön sun nenäs hajalle saatana!” ”Kyl, tän mie uson.”
Koskela päätti antaa joukkueelleen tauon ja samalla hän jutteli Lehdon kanssa. Asiat eivät voineet jatkua samanlailla. Koskelan oli itsekin pakko saada nukuttua.
”Mitäs sanoisit, jos kokeilisit nukkua Rokan kanssa? Eihän se ole samallaine kun minä mut… Kai sä siitä turvaa saisit. Ja se kumminkin tietää asianlaidan eilisen takia.” Koskela ehdotti hymyillen. ”Ei helvetissä. Sillä on jo Tassu.” Lehto torjui esityksen ja sytytti tupakan. ”Tassu kyllä selviää yhren yön ilman Rokkaa.” Koskela vakuutteli. ”Hietasta ei missään helvetin tapauksessa. Rokka käy.” Lehto myöntyi.
Koskela kävi kertomassa asiasta Rokalle, joka oli yhtä hymyä. ”Meil tulloo olemaan hito lustii! Lehon poika saap nukkua minu vieres. Kyl Tassu pärjää.” Rokka katsoi vieressä istuvaa kaveriaan. ”K-kyl. Kyl mie selviän, jos vä-vänskä s-sitä v-vaa-vaatii.” Tassu vakuutti. Tassun änkyttäminen oli Koskelalle jo tuttua ja vänrikki hymyili kannaslaiselle. Tassu yritti puhua parhaansa mukaan. Koskela tiesi Rokan kertoneen Tassulle Lehdosta.
Illalla teltassa Riitaoja käpertyi taas Lahtisen kylkeen ja tämä murisi jotain epäselvää. Hietanen naurahti tilanteelle. Lehto nukkui Rokan kyljessä ja kukaan ei kommentoinut asiaa. Hietasen teki kyllä mieli, mutta Koskela esti asian.
”Jaha. Rankka päivä takana nii varmaa olis meitin hyvä nukkua. Pannaan maaten.” Koskela haukotteli. ”Lehon poika tos jo tuhisoo.” Rokka nauroi ja taputti vieressä nukkuvan alikersantin olkapäätä.
Lehto löi unissaan Rokkaa nenään ja Rokka heräsi tähän. Lehto pyöri ja tärisi. Rokka yritti herättää Lehdon, mutta poika ei kuullut. ”Ei hitto. Jos hää nyt kuolee nii…” Rokka kuiskasi itsekseen. Rokka katsoi nopeasti ympärilleen. Lahtinen oli hereillä ja luki kirjaa. Rokka viittoili häntä apuun. Lahtinen mutisi jotain Riitaojasta, mutta laittoi kirjansa sivuun ja meni auttamaan Rokkaa.
”Lehto! Saatana! Herääs ny!” Lahtinen läimäisi Lehdon poskea. Ei auttanut. Lehdon hengitys oli katkonaista. ”LEHTO PERKELE!” Lahtinen kajautti ja koko joukkue heräsi, Lehto mukaan lukien.
Koskela raahasi itsensä Lehdon viereen. Muut katsoivat silmä kovana alikersanttia. Lehto nojasi polviinsa ja itki. Kaikki ihmettelivät.
”Mennäänkö teltan ulkopuolelle?” Koskela kysyi rauhalliseen tapaansa. ”No, vitunko… väliä sillä enää on... kun koko saatanan joukkue tietää.” Lehto yritti olla itkemättä. Koskela näki, että tilanne pelotti sekä ahdisti Lehtoa ja päätti mennä tämän kanssa teltan ulkopuolelle.
Teltan ulkopuolella aamu oli pimeää eikä Ukkolan pitämä nuotio paljoa valaissut. Jostain syystä Ukkola oli siirretty Koskelan joukkueeseen. Koskela viittoi tätä menemään telttaan.
”Jaha?” Koskela sanoi Lehdon istuttua nuotion ääreen. ”Sama mikä viime yönä. Perkele, en mä edes tiedä enää. Tällä kertaa minua vain löi Lammio.” Lehto nyyhkytti ja raapi päätään. Koskela kietoi kätensä pojan ympäri ja painoi leukansa tämän päälakea vasten.
Lehto oli pehmennyt todella paljon Koskelan käsittelyssä ja häpesi itseään. ”Millon musta tuli tämmönen?” Lehto huokaisi syvään. ”Jaha… En tierä. Mut kai sinä tierät, että mulle voi puhua?” Koskela pörrötti Lehdon hiuksia. ”Juu.” Lehto vastasi vaimeasti ja kuivasi kyyneleensä.
Koskela jätti Lehdon nuotion ääreen ja viittoi teltasta Hietasen vartioon. Tämä ei ollut saanut vielä unenpäästä kiinni ja tuli mielellään.
Koskela ja Lehto palasivat telttaan nukkumaan. Koskela painoi päänsä Lehdon niskaan, yrittäen näin tehdä pojan olon turvalliseksi.
Aamiaisella Lehto oli haluton syömään. Puurovelli lillui pakissa ja lusikka sekoitteli sitä. Yhtäkkiä hän tyrkkäsi pakkinsa Riitaojalle. ”Syö sinä. Mun ei ole nälkä.” Lehto sanoi, otti kiväärinsä maasta ja lähti tiehensä. Koskela antoi nopeasti ohjeita Hietaselle ja lähti juosten Lehdon perään. Kivääri ei vaikuttanut hyvältä.
Koskela sai viime tingassa Lehdon kiinni. Lehto oli jo kerennyt lataamaan kiväärinsä ja oli painanut sen leukansa alapuolelle. Koskela lähestyi varoen alikersanttia.
”Hei, hei, ota ihan rauhassa. Ei tässä ny itteään tappamaan pidä ruveta.” Koskela sanoi varovasti ja otti kiväärin pois Lehdon kädestä itselleen. Koskela tyhjensi patit. ”Minä en kestä enää saatana.” Lehto sanoi ja hapuili vyötäröltä puukkoaan. ’Se on tosissaan.’ Koskelan aivot jyskyttivät.
Koskela taklasi Lehdon ja painoi tämän kädet maahan. ”Perkele. Sulla on vaikeeta mut niin on meillä muillakin. Kotopuolessa 14-vuotias velipoika painaa yksin hommia kun äite ja isä ei jaksa. Vanhemmat velipojan kuoli talvisodassa. Ja nii, tästä välikohtauksesta ei saa kertoo kellekkään tai sinä menetät sotilasarvos ja jourut hullujenhuoneelle, missä muut on vielä hullumpia kun sinä. Jostain syystä luulin, että joutuisin estämään ensimmäisenä Riitaojaa mut että sua? Se ei käyny mielessänikään. Mä ja Rokka voiraan alkaa sulle isähahmoiks, jos sinä semmosta tarttet. Tää sun pelleily, vai mikä lie, saa kyllä luvan loppuu. Lupaakko?��� Koskela käytti koko kroppansa painoa pitääkseen rimpuilevan Lehdon maassa.
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plantyl · 7 years ago
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Snow Hair: @darkosims3 [x]
Hitote Necklace & Collier De Chien Cuff: Toksik [x] [x]
Trapler Top & Pants: @magnolia-c [x] 😘
Gucci Sandals: @serenity-cc  [x]
216 notes · View notes
grev777 · 5 years ago
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Viikonlopun aikana alunperin piti käydä neljä laatikkoa tqpetrade kassut läpi (1990-2011), mutta hitot siitå mitään tullut. Tänään hätäpäissään n. 3/4 ekasta laatikosta kävin läpi, joten ens viikolla jatketaan. Perkeleen tyhjä olo on ollut jo pidemmän aikaa. En nyt millään jaksaisi masentua ja silleen. V#ttu. #tapetrade #cassettes #tapes #metalmusic #demos #rehearsals #autumn #depression #september (paikassa Mäntsälä) https://www.instagram.com/p/B14H8s-Jyp9dzy7AgIyoWU8EKSlHrNVDp4EFWI0/?igshid=x1m95n2a6sxw
0 notes
erdariel · 7 years ago
TEE SE! Ihan vaan koska hitot siitä, miksi ei, me eletään vaan kerran ja joskus täytyy tehä kaikkee tyhmää :D
Ok tee tai älä tee eihän tää minun valintani oo, mut niinku. Kaunis idea.
kirjota toi prompt 192. I swear I didn’t mean to touch your butt teemalla muumit, koska oon kauhee ihminen
Lintumamma ei
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thefinalcinderella · 6 years ago
Tsurune Book 2 Chapter 1-Two People, Travelling Together (Part 2)
In this chapter: A bit of Kazemai, a lot of Kirisaki, a lot of exposition.
This part was long.
Glossary here
Full list of translations here
Transation Notes
1. Tenugui Shibori=手ぬぐいしぼり (lit. hand towel squeezing). Hannen Hanjaku= 半捻半弱 (lit. half twist, half bind). This refers to the thing where the right hand twists a little inwards, and the left thumb presses into the right side of the bow as much as possible. (probably got this wrong but I can only stomach so much kyudo terminology)
2. Akahon (lit. red book) refers to a set of university entrance exam preparation workbooks published by Kyogakusha. They contain past exams and are extremely popular.
3. Four and a half tatami mats is about  2.73 m × 2.73 m.
4. A nigiri-guchi is the door to a tea hut. It looks more like a window than a door if you look at the images.
5. An andon lamp is one of those traditional paper-enclosed lanterns. See some here
6. Sen no Rikyu was a major figure in the development of the tea ceremony,  particularly its simplicity. 
7. A repechage is a practice in a competition that allows failed participants to have another chance to move onto the next round.
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The sky in the breaks of the rainy season was blue, and the chirps of little birds could be heard. The exhilaration from placing his hands on the kyudojo's door never disappeared no matter how many times he did it. A different dimension that suddenly appeared in the world of school. Minato liked that.
The Kazemai High School Kyudo Club was working hard at practicing for the regional tournament that was drawing near quickly.
Seiya changed into his hakama and took off his glasses. The hidden mole next to his right eye became exposed.
"I was surprised when you brought Shuu home with you yesterday, Minato. Did he call you after?"
"He said we should practice together once summer vacation starts. Will you come too?"
"Of course I will, but you know what he said when he saw my face? 'Why are you here?' What rudeness towards his former teammate. I'll punish him next time."
"That's because you couldn't stop talking about soccer. Shuu was really hungry, you know. He even fell asleep on the return bus. Didn't he often fall asleep on the bus on the way back from trips in middle school?"
"…He never slept even once when he sat next to me. Probably not just with me, but next to anyone."
"Was that how it was?"
"Shuu's a charismatic guy with a lot of pride. Everyone shrinks when they're in front of him, or rather, they humble themselves, so it might be that he can become plain around you."
"I just thought he was a normal guy except for being really good at kyudo."
"Your sense of normal is paralyzed."
Hearing their conversation from next to them, Ryouhei leaned on Minato as though he was about to ride on his shoulders.
"I wanna try talking to Fujiwara-kun too. He's super cool. I wanna shoot like that too."
"Ryouhei, you're too heavy. Why are all the guys with big bodies who are next to me randomly leaning on me? Alright, you come shoot with us too, Ryouhei."
"Really? Yes! Fujiwara-kun uses a yonsun-nobi bow (233cm) too, right?"
"Yeah, it's rare for a high schooler to be taller than a hundred and eighty centimeters. People with big physiques probably have their own troubles, so Shuu might be able to answer anything we don't know about."
Kaito, changing next to them, turned to them with a sharp gaze.
"You guys, don't get all friendly with the enemy. Don't relax just because Narumiya got a kaichuu at the prefectural finals."
"Even if you call him the enemy, he's still my bow friend, and even you would think that it's educational to watch a skilled person shoot, right, Onogi?"
"If you want a guy who's tall and shoots well, then don't we have a coach named Masa-san here?"
"Masa-san and Shuu shoot differently. You can't know who would suit Ryouhei better."
Kaito and Minato calling each other by their first names was for only a moment of that competition, and they had once again returned to addressing each other by their family names.
There, they heard the sound of "Merha!"
Nanao peered at Kaito's face while a big grin appeared on his face.
"Geez, Kacchan, you're so shy. Just honestly say, 'I'm also interested in Kirisaki's Fujiwara. Why don't you invite me too? Invite me, invite me!'"
"Na-na-o. Don't make stuff up."
Nanao stuck out his tongue.
The five finished preparations and began practicing in the competition format.
Kyudo was done in "close-distance" (kinteki) and "long-distance" (enteki), and what Minato and the others were doing was a close-distance competition. They were competing for the number of arrows that hit the kasumi-mato with diameters of thirty-six centimeters from a distance of twenty-eight meters. The regional tournament would have teams of five and four arrows to each person. They would be shooting a total of twenty arrows within a time limit.
"Zasha" was the case of shooting after kneeling in the kiza position at the "shooting line" (shai), then turning to the wakishoumen, and then standing and doing ashibumi. The case of shooting by doing ashibumi while still standing at the shooting line was called "rissha." The left and right hands were called the "yunde and mete" or the "oshide and katte," and the eight-step process of shooting an arrow was also named. It was called the "Shahou Hassetsu."
The Shahou Hassetsu were as followed.
First, ashibumi: Spreading the feet, and making the correct posture for shooting.
Second, douzukuri: Placing the bow on the left thigh, and placing the right hand on the right hip. At this time, "tsurushirabe" and "noshirabe" are also carried out.
Third, yugamae: Taking the bowstring with the right hand ("torikake"), arranging the left hand ("tenouchi"), and viewing the target ("monomi").
Fourth, uchiokoshi: Raising both hands holding the bow and arrows upwards. There is "shoumen uchiokoshi" and "shamen uchiokoshi."
Fifth, hikiwake: Parting the raised bow evenly to the left and right. There are three ways to do this, one of which is "daisan."
Sixth, kai: The state of completing hikiwake.
Seventh, hanare: Releasing the arrow.
Eighth, zanshin: The position after releasing the arrow.
The first archer—the oomae—Kaito spread his feet widely.
He was holding two arrows, a "hitote." He nocked one of the arrows, and held the other one with the pinky and ring finger of his right hand.
Taking the string with his right hand and arranging his left hand, he then gently raised his two fists up to the same height. He pushed his bow, drew his string, and parted his bow left and right equally, and then made his arrowhead approach the center of the target. In order to not be defeated by the restoring force of the bow, he stretched vertically by stretching his spine and stretched horizontally by tensing his left and right arms. His arrow went towards the target along with a loud tsurune. "Alright!" The girls cheered.
Following Kaito, Ryouhei, Seiya, Nanao and the very last archer, the ochi, Minato each shot an arrow in that order, and the results after finishing with twenty shots were 4:2:3:3:3, a total of fifteen hits.
Tommy-sensei and Masa-san stood before the five.
"Although you are all restless with the gap between the prefectural and regional tournaments is closing, keep this up."
"Yes, sir!"
Tommy-sensei's smile widened at Ryouhei's energetic response.
"Improving your shooting form is not about trying to not think about hitting. In order to make your arrow fly straight, it is less deviating to draw with your whole body rather than the tip of your hand. "
"Ooh, I see."
"The fundamental form of kyudo takes the form of the 'tateyoko juumonji,' which consists of a combination of the vertical axis made up of the feet, hips, backbone, and neck, and the horizontal axes made up of the shoulders, arms, elbows, and hands. I want you to think of the Shahou Hassetsu that explains the method to create the fundamental form, so to speak, as a routine for hitting turned into a law."
"By routine, do you mean like the series of movements a baseball player must always carry out in the batter's box, sir?"
"That's right. Many etiquettes and behaviors may have begun with someone's routine that others copied, made into laws and rules, and spread."
"As expected of Tommy-sensei, he knows everything."
"Oh no, I was actually only speaking irresponsibly."
"Irresponsibly? What do you mean?"
The kyudojo instantly calmed down at Ryouhei's spacey reply.
Tommy-sensei put effort into teaching Ryouhei. Kyudo's close-range competitions had a hitting system where points already gained from previous rounds counted, so a one-hit reversal could not be hoped for. There was no way of victory other than each person making sure to not miss.
Masa-san called Minato to the makiwara equipped with a mirror.
"You were sort of twisting your right elbow a lot today."
"Oh, I was just trying to imitate Shuu's shooting a little."
"Kirisaki High's Fujiwara Shuu, my former teammate. I met with him unexpectedly at Saionji-sensei's house the other day."
"Do you mean Saionji Kazuyoshi-sensei? Another big name appears. Do you know him well?"
"He's mine and Shuu's first kyudo teacher. Although he is elderly, he also said that if I was able to stand before the targets for club, it would be better to not have two teachers, though I was taught by him until the end of my first year of middle school."
"For five years, he's a legend who's never missed a shot in an official setting such as a competition or a ceremony. Now that you mention it, Fujiwara's shooting form might be similar to Saionji-sensei's. A skilled archer calls it a 'tenugui shibori' or 'hannen hanjaku,' where the left hand rotates clockwise, and the right hand adds a hineri contrarily to that." (1)
"I want to try doing that too. At prefecturals, I was told by a sensei from somewhere to try doing hineri a little bit."
"In your case, your right hand is stronger, and when I look at you from the side, your bow is not straight, but tilted backwards. Also, you're wearing a supporter, but does your left wrist still hurt?"
"I don't know if there's a dull pain, or if it didn't get any worse but not healing at all."
"When you draw a bow, you hurt your left wrist when you bend it. Try watching your zanshin in a mirror. Do you see? Your wrist gets folded at the moment of hanare."
"I didn't notice that at all. Why do I do that?"
"I've told you a million times. When you miss, it's generally your left hand that is weak."
"Do you mean tensing my tenouchi's little finger? I was planning on doing that, though."
"Planning on doing it is no use; you don't do it at all. Don't add more tasks for yourself. Do what I tell you to do first. If you don't fix your habit, the more you shoot, the more you will hurt your wrist."
"Got it."
"Who's your kyudo master now?"
"Huh, …Tommy-sensei and you, Masa-san."
"That's right. Don't add anything extra from anyone else except for me."
What's with that? What's with that?
You didn't have to say it like that.
Recently, Masa-san was harsh. There was a frustration that couldn't be embodied, even though he understood it in his mind. A worthlessness.
Minato rubbed his left hand.
Tap, tap. Multiple matooto resounded.
"Alright!" The reverberating cheers indicated that Kirisaki High School was a powerhouse school.
However, Senichi's heart did not clear up. That was because Manji, who was always behind him, was not there. Manji was at the makiwara more than anyone else, doing nothing but practicing to prolong his kai.
A practice match participated in by the archers was being held on this day, and Kabashima occupied the third archer's position, replacing Manji who had been out of form in the prefectural tournament. After shooting four arrows in two sets, the match ended with thirty-two hits out of a total of forty shots.
Shuu and Senichi set down their bows and sat next to each other. Shuu took off the glove, "yugake," protecting his right hand, exposing from beneath a shitagake (underglove) with a purple pattern dyed onto a white background.
"Shuu, you changed your underglove? That's a nice pattern."
"Yeah, the dragonfly is said to be a winning insect, so it's a design preferred by warriors."
"Where'd you buy it?"
"I got it as a one-month late birthday present."
The underglove, used for protecting the deerskin yugake from things like sweat, was mainly made of cotton, and there were many who were picky about thickness and shape of the cloth. White was recommended for examinations and the like, but there was an abundance of colours and patterns, and it was also an unseen enjoyment for archers.
On the advisor's signal, they dispersed and it was decided that they would stretch target paper over the frames (matohari). They removed the papers that were full of holes and repapered the frames with new target papers.
The club president, Motomura, spoke.
"After peeling the paper, please clean the frame with a scrubbing brush and water, then dry it."
"Motomura-senpai, Sase-senpai. The third-years should leave already, since we will be doing it afterwards."
"Thank you, Senichi-kun. But please allow me to repaper the targets I use, at least."
"Is that so? Then, please feel free to do it."
The target frames became chipped and cracked when arrows just barely hit the target, and were completely worn down.
While they waited for the washed frames to dry, they prepared the target papers and the under-papers. They cut Kraft paper into circles that were a size bigger than the frames, then made cuts at the edges with scissors. This same treatment of edges was applied to the target papers as well.
Motomura held a brush and coated the back of the papers with glue with practiced movements, and then other people quickly stuck them on the frames. They affixed the under-papers and target papers in that order, then arranged them so that they didn't overlap in order for them to dry. There would be wrinkles on them right after they finished sticking the papers, but after they dried for a while, the papers would automatically stretch and finish as neat-looking targets. The sight of the large number of targets lined up together was quite impressive, and it felt good to look out over the renewed targets.
Senichi, separating from everyone else to wash his hands, whispered to Manji.
"It's so amazing for Motomura-senpai and the others to do matohari, even though they're third-years. And, doesn't Shuu seem kinda down today?"
"That's cuz he lost the prefecturals even though he had by far the greatest number of hits, so it's impossible for him to cheer up right away. Even I, who rarely gets depressed, still can't break free from the hayake damage yet."
"It's not that, he's calmer than usual, or rather, mellower."
"I don't think he changed that much."
"So what was that urgent business of his yesterday?"
"Who knows? He'll tell us if we ask."
"We can't ask now. Aren't you frustrated? Someone who isn't us cheered Shuu up while we were unaware of it."
"Isn't that good? I thought that I haven't heard his voice a lot lately."
"Yeah, that's it. That's what I noticed too. I thought that Shuu seems to give advice to everyone, but he actually only answers questions, and he has never given advice of his own accord. Since no one, including me, asked Shuu questions lately, he doesn't need to talk."
"I feel like Shuu isn't very interested in other people. The only person he pays attention to is Narumiya from Kazemai High…"
Senichi and Manji first knew Shuu at the individual competition of the middle school prefectural tournament.
It was shocking. That there existed a boy the same age as them who was such a skilled archer.
The two boasted of having the highest hitting rates in their club, but the moment they saw Shuu shoot, they prostrated themselves before that overwhelming strength. For that reason, they asked an unreasonable favor of their parents and chose Kirisaki High School instead of a local high school. Unless they overcame Shuu, they were no match for the national finals. They thought that they would get close to him and steal his skills.
However, that intention vanished right after they enrolled.
Shuu was the Young Noble.
Without mentioning his good-looking appearance and a robust physique that surpassed those of others, someone who also had a sharp mind, an ancient and honorable pedigree, and a personality where he didn't self-deprecate as well as act conceited, was faultless and beyond reproach. As they continued to watch Shuu shooting from nearby, they were charmed by him more and more. How could he move his body so precisely? His shots were so unparalleled in their accuracy that one could think that there wasn't even one millimetre of deviation. It was worthy of being called a superhuman feat.
However, with Shuu missing the final shot at the prefectural tournament, they became aware of the pride and the heavy pressure of those who stood at the top. He missed, and yet his face did not crumble. Even now, he couldn't forget those empty eyes in his smiling face.
How embarrassing. The him who only stood next to Shuu and praised him. He was a cheap, insignificant existence.
Shuu was the "solitary" Young Noble.
There was no one here at Kirisaki who Shuu acknowledged, who stood next to him. There were no comrades for him.
"Sen-nii, you worship Shuu too much. Leaving that aside, keep me company for my hayake prevention training."
"Yeah, okay."
Manji wasn't as engrossed in Shuu as Senichi was. The brothers always spent the same amount of vigor and fire, but the time for separation might be approaching.
The two were going on their own paths.
"What is it, Sen-nii?"
"I'll move on from fast-shooting too. I'll definitely turn you back into a regular."
"I'll stop worshipping Shuu too."
"Yeah, that's good."
After they finished changing, they left the kyudojo.
There were almost no students left. Senichi and Manji returned to the dorms, but Shuu headed towards the bus stop by himself.
Senichi faced Shuu.
"Shuu, do you want to eat together after?"
"Sorry, my homework is piling up."
"Then, then, we'll see you off at the bus stop."
Senichi continued to talk as he walked.
"Hey, Shuu, do you have a brother?"
"What's with this all of a sudden? I have a sister who's a lot younger than me."
"What's your favorite food?"
"Really? That's a bit surprising."
"To be precise, I like Japanese food in general."
"What about hobbies?"
"Open fires. When I watch a swaying flame, I strangely calm down."
"Calm down…"
He realized that Manji was panicking next to him, saying, "Sen-nii, Sen-nii, what are you doing!?"
This is hopeless. This is like a mixer or a marriage interview.
Senichi pulled himself together, and then revised the content of the conversation.
"Shuu, you could tell me and Manji apart from the very beginning, right? With which part do you usually do that?"
"Which part? I could tell immediately because your colours are different."
"Colours? No way, you can see the colours of people's auras?"
"I mean the personal characteristics, the features of something. The presence that exudes from a person, like facial expressions, mannerisms, thinking, actions, and so on. Well, before colours, you two have completely different faces. Sen looks more mature."
That's right. Shuu had never lumped us together as "the twins."
Even though we're twins, he recognizes us as separate people.
When the bus approached, Shuu turned away from them.
"Shuu. Will you watch my shooting tomorrow?"
"Okay, if you don't mind me doing it."
"I'll watch your shooting too. I'll immediately know the spots where you're different from usual. I watch you shoot every day, at any rate."
"…Yes, that's true."
Shuu turned around and placed his hand on Senichi's shoulder. This was the first time Shuu touched one of his teammates himself.
Shuu, wait for us.
We won't end up as just followers.
Senichi ran to the dorms, with Manji chasing behind him.
Kirisaki High School was not a boarding school, but there were many who lived in the dorms.
The Art Deco-style building was used as a vacation home and was remodelled, becoming a structure that was quite luxurious for a building that was intended for students.
Motomura's and Sase's room was the dorm leader's room, located in a corner of the top floor. The trees and high sky could be seen from the window, and there were not only writing desks and beds in the room, but also a sofa on which one could lie down. Of course, Sase's favourite idol, Noririn, smiled neatly and cleanly from atop his desk.
When Sase returned to his room, he first sat down on the right end of the sofa. That was because there was a window right next to it, and it was the best place for sunlight to shine in during the daytime, and moonlight during the night. For Motomura as well, the figure of his roommate there was strangely comforting.
Motomura took the position of dorm leader in his first year of high school. The dorm leader was chosen each spring from the residents by a majority vote. Usually, it was the oldest third-year who took the position, and was replaced every year, but the dorm leader at the time recommended and approved Motomura on a whim, and it continued on like that without him getting replaced. It seemed to be a very unusual situation.
And, the dorm leader was able to designate their roommate. The one he had always designated was Sase.
When Motomura first entered middle school, he had felt out of place in class. To give an example, he might have felt like a Japanese exchange student at a public school. Among his classmates who had to carefully think about how to treat a boy who was already brimming with refinement at a young age, Sase was the one who talked to him proactively. Sase loved idols, but he himself had idol-like qualities and a personality that was not bashful.
A young family head and a refreshing sportsman (who was an idol otaku on the inside). This slightly strange duo both chose the kyudo club for club activities, became friends, and that was how it was to this day.
Motomura sat next to Sase. He straightened his back and opened his notebook.
"Motomura, when's Kokutai?"
"It'll be a while, then. Even though you've been doing the qualifiers since January."
"That's right."
"Will you be okay? You have your parent-teacher meeting, so give your chores to me."
"Yes, I would have asked you even if you had not told me to."
Being a third-year in high school also meant preparing for university entrance exams. Many people retired from their clubs, not just the kyudo club after the prefectural tournament in June, went into exam preparation mode. There were not many who still continued their club activities, and they feel an anxiety all the same. The Interscholastic Athletic Meet, also known as the "National Tournament (High School Generals)" was in August, and the National Athletic Meet, also known as "Kokutai," was in October. It was not easy to sustain motivation.
Motomura and Sase were no exception. The two considered public universities and well-known difficult private universities—in other words, going to Tokyo. They had to decide their future course according to their situation from now on. A strong preparedness was needed to balance studying for exams and athletic activities.
Sase was said to be strong when it mattered, and he himself also thought that, but in fact it was different. As long as he was not someone who shot a hundred hits, he would have ups and downs. Sase was able to bring along with him the highest, best positions of those waves to when it mattered, in other words, to important days. Motomura watched Sase and learned to read his own waves and assemble a schedule.
"Motomura, rub my feet."
Sase threw his feet onto the sofa. With a "good grief" look on his face, Motomura pressed his thumb to the arches of his feet.
"Ooh, I'm in heaven. While you're at it, could I have you rub my calves too? Owww, your nails are cutting into me!"
"It's good that Senichi-kun and Manji-kun are working very hard, isn't it. I want to cheer them on."
"Those two are always glued to Fujiwara's sides. The former synchro twins are now the 'symmetrical twins.'"
"Don't you think Fujiwara-kun is such a waste? There should have been an invitation to enter the Kokutai qualifiers for him as well. You can participate Kokutai boys' division from the age of fifteen. They should not have ignored him, who was the champion for the overall individual competitions."
"He's still a first-year, so he doesn't have to rush, right?"
"We don't have a lot of time left. While knowing that we were getting busier and under a lot of pressure, we took on the tournament. I do not want to do things by halves."
Sase put his feet back on the floor and patted Motomura's knee. Upon that, it was Motomura's turn to put his feet on the sofa. Massaging each other was a daily routine for the two of them.
Motomura was thinking.
That he might be pretending to devote himself to kyudo.
He would like to delay choosing his future course after high school, and if possible, he did not want to choose. Even though he had managed to discover such a comfortable place, why couldn't it stay like this?
In reality, even though he had lost to the younger Fujiwara for the individual competition, he had felt almost no feelings of frustration. Instead, he had even felt cheerful. He just loved shooting a bow and was indifferent to winning, so the feeling of guilt of whether or not he should be participating in the High School Generals and Kokutai was always in a corner of his mind.
As though he had seen through to Motomura's feelings, Sase stopped his hands.
Beneath the crescent moon, a cat with golden eyes smiled.
"Well then, shall we invite our cute kouhais?"
"We must give them a pep talk, don't we?"
The two brought their faces together and laughed.
Some time later, Shuu was invited to eat dinner at the dorm, and after eating, he, Senichi, and Manji were invited to the room on the dorm's top floor.
Sase spread his arms wide.
"Welcome, to Daigo's & Hiroki's room!"
"Ooh, so cool—. It's got a good view. Wah, there's so much workbooks. Hieeee!"
"You'll do these Akahon when you're graduating." (2)
"No, I'll have to pass on them."
The five freely sat on the floor.
Even though it was after dinner, they arranged the drinks and sweets that they had brought with them and stuffed their mouths with them all at once. Perhaps to be polite, no one sat on the sofa, which had room for three people.
After he satisfied his appetite for a while, Manji looked around the room.
"Motomura-senpai, you said something like how this room is a bit different than the others, but there's nothing really different about it? It just has a wider layout and a sofa."
"Haven't you noticed? There is not enough of what can be said to be a characteristic of a corner room here."
"Not enough?"
Senichi and Manji examined their surroundings once more. They looked under the beds and opened the closets. They were about to put their hands on the drawers, but because it was quite possible that they were going to search the entire room, Sase told them the answer.
"The characteristic of a corner room is having a lot of windows. There are many cases where there are windows not only in one direction, but also on the side. But somehow this room only has a wall there."
"Wall…so there is a dead body buried in it after all…"
Ignoring Senichi and Manji, who were making faces, Motomura and Sase moved the sofa in front of the wall. After they had done that, a small sliding door, big enough to allow one person to go through, appeared at the bottom of the wall.
"Please come in," Sase said, indicating with his palm.
While the twins were deciding who was going to enter first, Shuu got on his knees on the floor, crawled and entered inside. Behind him, Senichi, Manji, Motomura, and Sase followed.
What Shuu saw was a tatami-matted floor, a tokonoma, and mud walls. The size of the room was only about four and a half tatami mats. (3)
"This is…could this be a tea room?"
"Yes. That door was a 'nijiri-guchi.' (4) This dorm was originally used as a vacation home by a British couple, so I think they likely built it by imitation. This tea room is probably the playful spirit and imagination of that couple. Although it was turned into a storeroom, Sase and I moved everything out and tried to restore it."
Regarding Motomura as the host, the five sat.
The flickering light of the andon lamp. (5)
Moonlight poured down from the high window.
"Today, we have something important we want to talk to everyone about, so we invited you here. This summer, I want all the members here to take part in the national tournament."
Senichi's and Manji's voices overlapped. The shadows on their faces darkened, and the tatami mats creaked.
"Motomura-senpai, what are you saying? We lost at the prefectural tournament. We lost…"
Manji grit his teeth, and even Shuu was infected by that pain.
It was unnecessary to search for a cause of defeat in kyudo.
They lost because Manji and Shuu missed.
The Kirisaki High School Kyudo Club's "summer" had already ended before they could greet summer.
"The name of the door that we went through, 'nijiri-guchi,' means the shuffling door. Just as that suggests, you cannot enter inside without bending to your knees and shuffling your feet. It is probably the embodiment of Sen no Rikyu's (6) ideology to favor neither those of high social status nor low, but for us, it is the door to another world. Only when you are on your knees and hanging your head can you see through to the other side."
Shuu clenched his hand.
What do our senpais want to say?
No way——.
Senichi, thinking of Manji's and Shuu's positions, raised his voice.
"I'm really sorry, senpais, but we have already moved on. Kirisaki High School will win the kyudo selections in the fall and next year's nationals, and we will report that to you."
"Aaah, so they don't get it."
"It seems so."
Sase and Motomura said, seemingly enjoying themselves.
"It was bad of Sensei to not explain it properly as well, but none of you seemed to have read the tournament main points properly. Kyudo selections in the fall? Next year? So you've set the goal of being national champions a long time ahead. Don't you have to win the regional tournament that's right before your eyes?"
"Of course we want to win. But, even if we win the regional tournament, we can't advance to nationals. Only the schools that won the prefectural tournaments can take part in the national tournament."
"That's true usually. However, this year's Inter-High is a once-a-decade commemoration tournament. In the year of a commemoration tournament, the number of participating schools will be increased, but the condition is 'regional tournament champion school.'"
Someone made a gulping sound.
"If we win the regional tournament, we can go to nationals?"
"——Yes, it's a repechage." (7)
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