lockawayknight · 1 year
@hithernthither said: “ it looks kind of beautiful in a morbid up sort of way. blood on snow. the kind of thing you usually only see in stories. ” (pate to creighton :3 )
from blood related prompts [accepting!!]
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Somehow, that’s exactly what Creighton needed to hear to calm his panicked heart.
It’s rare that the wandering folks of Irithyll target the two’s snowy little home. Rare enough that Creighton wasn’t at all expecting it — had panicked, totally and unprofessionally, when the two men and their hunting hounds began to bray and bark and fire their arrows at their windows — and had ran out into the snow barefoot to hack the accusing party to pieces.
Scavengers, probably. Bandits. Criminals of a different ilk. Bastards looking for an easy target — a quiet, comfy home to loot — not knowing who the place belonged to.
Anxiety and stress courses his veins and pulses in his ears louder than his own blood, but Pate’s hand upon his shoulder and his cooed words in his ear help calm the knight’s breathing, like the snout of a therapy dog placed gently upon his lap. Something that says, it’s okay. Something that says, we’re alright.
And Pate is right, honestly. Pate is always right.
… And Creighton’s feet are cold.
It takes a few more moments for the knight to fully gather himself after the rush of the fight before he is able to untense his arms and straighten his spine, letting the head of his axe smack the snow with a soft plop. He breathes deep… and exhales long. “Always sorta liked the snow for tha’ reason,” he says, which is true. “Like a canvass, it is.”
He examines his bloody work. The coming blizzard will take these bodies away like all the others. For now, it’s just paint for the landscape. For now, they should probably head back inside.
Deep breath. “Like somebody went an’ spilled a fine wine.”
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bloodrosebriars · 1 year
what is your duality?
Mohg’s result: girl best friends (this will not end well)
this is almost akin to cannibalism. something toxic and hateful exists in the way you hold yourself. you tout self-love, but is it actually that? or is it punishment? like the way two young girls who have no one else love and know each other, there's something deeply poisonous about how you handle your own feelings and self-worth. you are eating yourself alive trying to appease. please, by all means. start going apeshit on anyone mean to you.
Alberich’s result: you and the hat man
oh boy you're fighting demons aren't you. it's like you're in a constant staring competition with something that's always in the peripheral. what the fuck. (at least, that's how people who don't know you would react). at this point you've probably gotten pretty familiar with the hat man. he's a reliable kind of guy. keeps to himself, sure, but you can trust him to be there. maybe a haunting isn't too bad if it's never left your side. you can only imagine what it will be like when he's not there any more.
tagged by @irregulator!! ty ty ty💕
tagging: @medicus-tenebris @hithernthither @spellbladerogier @fellomenking @yellowfingcr @grimoirerat !! and anyone else!!!
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xy-art · 3 years
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[ Happy birthday 🎁 🧡 // @hithernthither ]
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voicelesshatred · 3 years
@hithernthither​​​ ::   “Why are you covered in blood?!”
Blood Sentences [meme] :: Accepting
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【Another set of red eyes robbed of life. The body under the fallen prince’s boot was one of many that day whose blood decorated his body like medals of wrath. He was pleased, pleased... but not satisfied. Pressure, bone dully snapping within the fresh corpse as he walked over it. Every last bastard of the Empire must be put to the sword, he silently muses with a smirk. But there were too few in this area. The green must run with rivers of red... But a voice from behind stopped him in his tracks.
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He turned about to face the inquirer, gloved fingers squeezing upon his sword’s handle. Who was this? What did he want? Caim raised his sword and pointed it directly at the man.】 “......” 【Whomever he was, he was now on a time limit that would only expire come an explanation or his blood joining the prince’s dressings.】
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blindedguilt · 2 years
“You should learn to like yourself.” - Sinh (it's dragon day i have decided. he's more observant than one might think even when he naps a lot lol)
".... No..." A single word was spoken softly, though so quickly and with such protest it was as if he thought the very suggestion he try to even remotely forgive himself was a sacrilege in and of itself. Leonard's blind gaze turned towards the ground as if trying to ward off the dragon's stare on him. "My sins are.... Too great. Innocent lives taken by my own absence, my own blood... While I..." "...."
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"...This mind is beyond any hope of salvation now. My only hope of putting this guilt and sin to rest lies in the possibility that I may ever be redeemed for my crimes." As if in response to that memory, Leonard ran his hand over the hunting knife that hung from his hip. That knife... A brief expression of pain shot over his face, but just as soon as it appeared did it fade into a look of deep ill-content. His brows furrowed, and his lips set back into a deep grimace. "... I am weak. But... I am not ignorant to my sin. So long as I remain aware of it, I... Cannot."
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ornot2be · 2 years
Pate offers 2B Leonard's cloak that he unintentionally stole. "Here, to protect you from those who can't keep their hands to themselves."
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2B was not so quick to accept the cloak but did. "Appreciated." She wrapped it around herself only to look it over curiously. "This thing is massive. It might hinder my maneuverability."
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goddessseal · 2 years
➹ ➹ ➹ :3c
Arrows for Thoughts! :{☬}: Accepting!
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"He passed the tent, didn't he? That man with the silver dragon... If it was him, then..."
"Please... don't tell me he heard me... I know he will forget but..."
"Did he leave? No... No, come back. Come in. Help me. Help me forget like you do...!"
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puercoeurdraco · 3 years
The silver dragon stares long and hard at the strange human child before him. Something was off about his existence. He decides then to give Nowe a sniff, green eyes squinting suspiciously. "Why do you smell like a dragon?"
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Nowe wasn't expecting to see a dragon near the camp at all or at least one that wasn't red. He was surprised but felt a little better because of the dragon's presence. He wasn't expecting to be sniffed though.
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"You can smell Legna?" Nowe asked. He didn't expect Legna's scent to linger on him this long. "Well, he was my father and my companion. But I... I'm afraid we've been separated." He couldn't exactly say why or he could really mess things up once he was able to return home.
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yellowfingcr · 3 years
@hithernthither said: squints
“Squint in good company, Pate!”
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The red phantom claps his shoulder, jolly.
“How’s it going. How are you. Everything alright with Creighton?”
The hand is still on his shoulder.
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lanternfading · 3 years
“What difference between he who prays and he who kills? Fools, one and all.”
Drakengard Sentence Starters
The ailing man was silent, pondering the words of the stranger... Young as he was, he's lived long enough to recognise that there was very little difference...
"... Such lines oftentimes become blurred... A holy man will kill hundreds in the name of faith, and he will believe that he will have made the world a better place... The world... Is full of fools."
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lockawayknight · 1 year
★ for creighton (u can do pate here too if u want hehe)
from send me a ★ [accepting!!]
for Rogier:
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
for Pate:
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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bloodrosebriars · 1 year
what is your underlying motif?
Alberich’s and Mohg’s result: The Dog
whether it’s the way you bare your teeth when backed in a corner, your loyalty, or your tendency to act on instinct, your reoccurring theme is the dog. like mitski said “i get mean when im nervous, like a bad dog” or how halsey said “i won’t smile but i’ll show you my teeth” even when migos said “dance with my dogs in the night time” the essence of the dog runs through you. you’re tough and a quick draw on the outside, but if we got down to it we’d see you’re acting the only way you’ve ever known how. it doesn’t make you bad, survival is natural, your loyalty and determination is commendable. i don’t blame you for the way you act when your back is against a wall, but please remember to not bite the hand that feeds.
tagged by: @irregulator ty ty!!
tagging: @medicus-tenebris @hithernthither @spellbladerogier @fellomenking @grimoirerat !!
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xy-art · 3 years
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[ Thank you for always being supportive, I hope your holiday is as comfy as this 💕 Merry Christmas // @hithernthither ]
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voicelesshatred · 2 years
@hithernthither​ :: "Where is your sister?" The silver dragon asks, pretending to be curious and not at all nefarious in nature. Pate was the dragon now, of sound mind if not for the red glow of the Watcher's in his green eyes.
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【A dragon. It was a dragon! Awe was the first expression on his face, never believing that he would ever encounter a great beast in all his days. This was certainly a spectacle he’d be certain to remember. However... Why was it asking about Furiae?】
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“...” 【Caim was not certain how to respond, unnerved by the fact that this grand creature even knew he’d a sibling despite having never met until this very moment.】 “With respect, Dragon... how did you know I have a sister?” 【He had to ask. Certainly there would be a reasonable answer... wouldn’t there?】
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blindedguilt · 3 years
😰 (pate lol)
😰 - something about your muse that worries mine Leonard is only vaguely familiar with Pate, enough so that he could put a face to the name and... Perhaps a memory or.... Two, but he wasn’t even entirely sure if that was him. He supposed he just had to trust his gut on this one... “I have little to hold against one such as him,” Leonard’s voice was slow and contemplative. Would he really have to state his worries about a near-stranger for the sake of a game...? He knew he didn’t have much say in the matter, but... “I have little relation to him. Though I have noticed... He seems a very nonchalant sort. He regards matters with such indifference that I find the idea of his being in battle worrisome. I fear... That lightheartedness may not serve him well.”  He felt rather bad for saying it, as Leonard was actually rather fond of him because of his indifference to everything, because they were still half-strangers to each other. He enjoyed that distance that made himself feel... A somewhat bearable person to live as. Pate didn’t know about his... Issue, he hoped, and so he was truly.... Nonchalant to him. That, and they weren’t necessarily even acquaintances as they were a familiar face (Or voice, in Leonard’s case) to each other, so he doubted he would really grow suspicious nor ask any prying questions about him... He hoped. He really hoped. And for that, Leonard also truly hoped this man (Who’s name he had already unfortunately forgotten by now) could keep himself alive through the battles so he could have some sort of company who’s nonchalant shrugs could keep him alive, even if it was a distant sort kind of.... Friendship? .... No, he didn’t like that word. It didn’t fit. Well..... It truly did worry him a little, but overall he just appreciated Pate for not... Seeming to care at all.
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of-forossa · 3 years
attraction meme? :U
@hithernthither // these are the chances we always took too late, left up to the hands of time and fate // accepting.
💔 -> non-existent.
💗 -> very low.
💗💗 -> a little.
💗💗💗 -> hopeful.
💗💗💗💗 -> high.
💗💗💗💗💗 -> maximum.
( purely aesthetic appreciation of looks. )
"I... would like to admit something. Of the many trials and tribulations I have faced on my journey, none have been so... gods-damned frustrating as the number of charlatans, cutthroats, rogues and thieves that never look or seem the part. It goes beyond mere suspicion and doubt, of course-- of damned course it does --and delves deeper into the knowledge that even whilst knowing these devils are devils, it hardly makes any difference. Ever. Even now, after scrubbing every speck of soot and smoke from my armor from that rigged chest of his, I still cannot get past his way with words nor the handsomeness of his features. It's infuriating, to have walked into the mouth of the wolf while he grinned at you all the while. I will enjoy breaking his handsome face, starting with his jaw."
( how close a friend they consider them. )
"I have every intention of nailing him to the nearest building with his own spear. We'll see if he can glean anything from the experience; namely, the wisdom in why one should always be wary of trifling with Forossans."
( wanting to have sex with them. )
"I crave a certain intimacy with Pate. That of feeling his pulse jump and race between my fingers, in admiring the way his slim throat fits so well in my calloused hands and feeling the hitch of his breath against my lips... while I'm choking him to death with my bare hands."
( hoping for a romantic relationship. )
"Whatever it is my kinsman and that charlatan have going on between them, I want no part of it."
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