#☬}: Shared Thoughts [Answer]
goddessseal · 1 year
PotC Sentences :{☬}: Accepting!
@burntchild​ asked:  “The world used to be a bigger place.”
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Furiae stared at the blond for a moment like she didn’t understand. She honestly didn’t at first since the world was still very large in her eyes. She thought that of the strange one she found herself in now. “I take it you are well traveled?” She envied that but kept herself from frowning so it wouldn’t show. “I’m afraid I cannot agree. There is much that I haven’t yet seen. I would ask for your escort but I do not wish to burden you.”
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goddessseal · 1 year
PotC Sentences :{☬}: Accepting!
@argentumvolvi​ asked: (For Furiae) "Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different?"
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Furiae could entirely agree with the first part of what the man said. She knew better than anyone that life was cruel. She tried not to show her unease but ended up pinching one of her fingers out of nerves anyway.
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“I would like to think that the afterlife would be at least a little kinder. Then... perhaps no one would not need to fear it. Th-that is not to say that people need to die, just... just that they would not do so with dread in their hearts. To ease their spirits when there’s no other choice but to perish. ...Do you not think people deserve that much?” (I don’t. I hope they all go with regret. I hope that they all suffer for not even trying to save me from this torment.)
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goddessseal · 1 year
PotC Sentences :{☬}: Accepting!
@argentumvolvi​ asked: (For Asherah) "What a horrible way to live."
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Asherah smiled at Urick and slowly nodded in agreement. “It is. But there are moments when it is not so bad.” She reached up and pushed a bit of her dark hair out of her face. “Perhaps I have it better than those before me since Hierarch Verdelet lets me visit the neighboring kingdom, but even without that, I am not entirely isolated. Being stuck inside the the Castle of the Goddess keeps me fairly deaf to all the verbal knives many are ready to drive into my back. And I am well taken care of.
But the ‘duties’ expected of me are all rot. It is not easy to pray to those that hate you when their reminder of it overwhelms your body and mind.”
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goddessseal · 1 year
send 👌 if your muse would bang mine :{☬}: Accepting!    
@kingdomofbellows​ asked: 👌- Irene to Asherah
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“Irene would? With me? Why, I’m flattered! I am not so well versed in pleasuring other women but I’d be willing to learn with her. And she is a rather beautiful young woman, I’m sure I would learn a lot from her. And she from me as well. ♥”
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goddessseal · 1 year
Symbol Talk :{☬}: Accepting!  
@blindedguilt asked: 👪 and🕯️!
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“Someone important to me or simply someone important? That list is a rather small one either way... I suppose I could talk about the Hierarch, but there isn’t much that others don’t already know. And I’m sure he’d rather I kept quiet over the one thing they don’t.
I cannot say this memory is important but it is one that I tend to think back on. This was before I was cursed, I was... a little past my 20th year if I remember it right. I was out running an errand that day and one of my returning visitors had seen me. He was a kind man, I think he was a soldier? He had treated me to a meal and purchased my things for me. Very sweet... I had only seen him one other time after that and then never again.”
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goddessseal · 2 years
@voicelesshatred​​ asked: 【A small parcel lies in wait within the Goddess’ tent. Blood. The scent of it and the stain gracing the corner should have been enough of a tell of who it had left it behind. At rest within, a necklace simple yet elegant enough due to the pendant of sapphire it boasted. A small leaf of paper lay beneath the jewelry with a message written in a deceptively refined hand;
Happy birthday, dear little sister.】
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Furiae wasn’t expecting a present at all and certainly not one from Caim. She had always thought he was too preoccupied with the fighting to even remember her birthday. “Caim...” She held the necklace close to her heart. She would cherish this gift.
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goddessseal · 2 years
⚠️ + WoL lmaooo
Muse Rating! :{☬}: Accepting!
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"That man has the physique of a 10 but unfortunately, the scale is so small so I've no choice but to give him a 5."
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"...Maybe a 2. He was kind to me when we spoke but..."
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"I certainly don't know him either. But if that decorated armor of his means anything, he may rank up to a 1."
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"I'm not yet sure what to make of that man. So long as he does not do anything to oppose the Knights, I suppose a 2 would work."
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goddessseal · 2 years
“For how long have you been having nightmares like this?”  (- The Doll, for Furiae!)
Nightmares and Sleeping! :{☬}: Accepting!
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"I..." Furiae frowned sadly and lightly pulled at her own fingers. "I cannot remember. I think they started on my elder brother's coming of age? Since that is when..." She went quiet since she didn't want to talk about what happened that day.
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goddessseal · 2 years
💞- Does Asherah have any pointers for Willow on how to get her crush to notice her?
💞 + Any Dirty Questions! :{☬}: Accepting!
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"The little princess has a crush? That is sweet... I don't know if I am the right one to tell her such advice. Not unless she plans to warm a bed with whomever it is. And telling her to wear things that would accent her breasts would probably set the hounds upon her. Nobility is always rather strict on that sort of thing."
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goddessseal · 2 years
➹ ➹ ➹ ( for all thee of them :3c ✨️ )
Arrows for Thoughts! :{☬}: Accepting!
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"I wonder what land he hails from. I've never seen armor like his anywhere in Midgard before, it's beautiful. I should ask but there's something intimidating about him."
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"It is that man again, the one Caim found. If he's here to help, that is kind of him. That had better be all he is here for."
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"Should he ever grow lonely, I've plenty of space for him in my bed. The Hierarch would protest but who would pass up a chance to lay with the Goddess? ♥"
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goddessseal · 2 years
[ LEAN ]- from Dustine to Furiae
Tol and Smol! :{🌙}: Accepting!
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Furiae liked Dustine a lot more than she did his sisters but she wasn't sure why that was. She was always disappointed when they had to leave Caerleon but she didn't expect the goodbye she got this time to be a kiss to her forehead.
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"Are you sure you have to go?" Furiae asked as she tried not to focus on how soft the taller Dustine's lips were and how nice it was that he did it. She knew he was no Inuart or Caim but she liked him anyway.
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goddessseal · 2 years
Smash or Pass :{☬}: Accepting!
For @sanctiichor​ because I promised lmao
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“There is no other option than smash for him, of course. Anything less would be an insult.”
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“I don’t believe I understand the point of this, or the meaning either. I’m not looking to harm anyone unless they give cause for it, so I would say pass.”
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goddessseal · 2 years
@corditeheart​ asked: shoves xu in here for smash or pass WHY NOT
Smash or Pass :{☬}: Accepting!
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(I don’t recall seeing her near Caim at all.) “...She is pretty and she was very kind to me. I don’t think I would feel right to pass.”
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goddessseal · 2 years
@balladless​ asked: |[Inuart for the Smash or Pass. Furiae's answer, of course.]|
Smash or Pass :{☬}: Accepting!
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”Inuart? Well, I... It would be wrong to be betrothed and say he would be a pass.” (He is not who I want... but he is not my last choice either.)
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goddessseal · 2 years
[ LEAN ] |[Furiae]|
Tol and Smol! :{🌙}: Accepting!
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Furiae knew that Caim never meant the gesture as she'd hoped. She would grow sad over that fact but it would always be clouded by the fact that he did it. She would always cherish the wishes for a peaceful sleep anyway because they were from him. She always had pleasant dreams because of him.
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"Good night, dear brother." Furiae wished that just once he would stay and let her return the favor.
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goddessseal · 2 years
[ BEND ]- Willow is demanding to give kisses to all the goddesses but she is very smol at 5 ft so there’s just a lot of grabby hands
Tol and Smol! :{☬}: Accepting!
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Asherah looked down as she felt the little tug to her sleeve. She was pleased to see the younger princess but was a little confused. She leaned over as she was pulled to somewhat match Willow's height and could only smile when she got a kiss on the forehead for doing so.
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"You are such a sweet little thing. Did you know this?"
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Furiae wasn't sure what to expect from the gesture Willow made. She was honestly still questioning how the other princess was older than her since she didn't act or look like she was. She tried not to frown up from the kiss to her forehead since she only enjoyed them from her parents and brother.
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"What was this for, Willow?" Furiae asked as she tried to bury her true feelings.
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"Your Highness?" Eris wasn't sure of what she'd done to be so eagerly pulled down much less earn a kiss to her forehead. She gripped her spear and wondered if it was in thanks to her for warding off those brigands. "Surely such thanks is a little much, don't you think?"
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