#hit me in the feels with luisa tho
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angel-milano · 3 months ago
What would be each of your muses dream vacation?
under a readmore so i don't flood the dash!
ANGEL - tbh i think she's always secretly wanted to see the world. she was very convinced she would be stuck in america for her entire life and has only recently been able to branch out, first with swynlake and then anywhere that karen has been able to take her. if given the chance i think she'd jump at the opportunity to go somewhere in asia. she'd love to explore the cities, trying out street food, but would also love wolfing out in entirely new biomes!
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DARIUS - lame as hell and he'd never admit it to anyone but now that he's reconnected, he'd love to go on a family vacation. growing up, he and his siblings didn't have the means or time for trips, so now that he has that he'd love to gift them with the trip of a lifetime. his own frame of reference is really just the isles, so go to would be the Knee, but his research and teaching has opened him up to other places around the world, particularly south america! he'd love to see magical cultures that aren't his own (and hey he's already dealing with a dictatorship at home, why not abroad!)
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LUISA - she just wants to see the shores of her hometown island one more time 🥲 going with her fam would be ideal
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BONES - he's been everywhere and done everything. an ideal vacation for him would be a staycation where everyone gets some time off and gets to relax, which it sounds like the hauntley crew is doing this year <3
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DEVYN - the weeb answer, they'd love to go to japan. they want to go akihabara and the pokemon center and stationary shops and konbinis and live out their anime fantasies. ofc they'd love to go with their brothers or the magnifiques!
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RALPH - ralph doesn't usually get to relax. an ideal vacation for him would be less about the place and more about the atmosphere, getting to just chill out, play video games, nap, and eat good food. ideally alone away from other people, or with a few friends. so putting that together with his preferred climate, id say a cabin or airbnb out in the snow
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ATTA - va-cay-tion...? never heard of it. no but fr she'd love to go see other hollows out there in the world. her heart really breaks for milori and his people and she wishes she could have seen it in its heyday. selfishly, she would love to go somewhere with no light pollution so she could see the stars in their entirety and the milky way
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BEN - i don't know if ben has ever let his guard down in his life or if he ever would. i think the only place he'd feel comfortable relaxing is deep in the ocean, where he could be in his true form freely and not have to worry about running into anyone else (except those pesky mermaids...)
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mmollymercury · 3 years ago
Random Encanto Headcanons I Want To Word Vomit:
Mirabel isn't cured of her bad eyesight; not because Julieta doesn't want to, it's just that there's only so much she can cure.
Pepa was picked on for the gap in her teeth and smiled with a closed mouth for a while until Félix came along.
PB&J had sleepovers in Julieta's room very often but then she got married.
Camilo eats everything he puts on his plate.
Dolores won't eat certain foods because the sounds of crunchy things hurt her ears. When the miracle leaves, she tries out things she's never had before and loves them.
Mariano thought he was in love with Isabela, his family didn't completely arrange it and neither did Isa's, Alma wouldn't let her marry him if she knew she didn't love him.
Said it once and I'll say it again: Aroace Bruno supremacy.
Bruno teaches his rats tricks, like fetch, that's how they knew how to bring his vision back to him, as well as food scraps.
Bruno is actually very good at drawing, his simplistic drawings might fool you but they show how he has the knowledge to reduce something to its basic shapes and still make it recognisable.
Sometimes, Antonio wonders if the animals lie to him.
Alma considered putting Bruno's picture in her locket along with Pedro's, after he left.
The concept art has Dolores liking music and playing her own. But imo, music irritates her ears. (I talked abt this briefly before-but I have an idea for a fic, after the fall of casita, where Dolores hears music for the first time)
Pepa and Dolores finally get closer after casita falls. Pepa gets very emotional, she loves her babies❤️💖
Alma's opinion of Agustín changed greatly after she learned he could play piano. The woman loves herself some talents.
Luisa doesn't have muscles because of the miracle, she'd be strong regardless (example: her ceremony photo and the fact that she couldn't lift a plant pot once her gift started fading) she works out purposefully because she wants to be muscular. (plus, a cute lil addition: when she was around 11 or 12, she learned about Hercules, probably from her pa reading the myth to her-and idolised him, then asked for her first set of weights for her birthday so she could look just like him!)
Camilo is a theater kid (obviously) and is in the drama club at school. He can hit high notes pretty well.
Mirabel is actually very popular with some villagers, they feel less anxious to speak to her without the unspoken power imbalance that is having a gift, others though, do think she's strange and a bad omen.
Mirabel doesn't really have many friends at school but she never misses a day, she pushes through and forces herself to stay chipper even though it hurts.
Dolores is autistic.
Camilo is such a mama's boy, he and Pepa often go out together and have a 'girls night'.
Bruno has OCD intrusive thoughts (like me😳😳) and an eating disorder (like me. Dw, I'm recovered now tho). Because I love projecting -
Julieta stress eats and sometimes gets insecure.
Pepa has anxiety. Duh.
Camilo wonders if he is actually the way he looks or if he's just shifting subconsciously, he worries he might never truly know what he looks like if that's true and often feels like a fraud or a different person in his own skin, that's why (I think) after he lost his powers, the first thing he did was look at his hand, to see if it changed.
That's enough for one day-
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space-ghost-with-the-most · 3 years ago
Grandkid Roundup
Everyone shut up I’m about to start PROJECTING /j
Okay but I want to talk about Mirabel’s relationships with her cousins. We see how she interacts with her sisters somewhat and obviously she’s close to Antonio, but I’m going further.
Multiple of my irls said I look and act like Camilo and now I’m legally obligated to project my own friendship with my cousin onto him and Mirabel
Dolores seems like a very kind person, I mean she never told the rest of the family about Bruno living in their walls to keep his secret safe. Plus when Mirabel was worried about the magic she did let her know about Luisa’s eye twitching. Growing up she was constantly compared to Isabela who’s a few months older than her, the Perfect Golden Grandchild of the family. Before the generational trauma hit tho, I like to believe they were very close and saw each other as twins because they are literally a few months apart. 
They’d have tea parties in the Nursery and Isabela demanded Felix teach her how to do Dolores’ hair, while Dolores often braided hers. When Isabela got her gift (the door even grew flowers) it put a strain on their relationship bc of Abuela’s projection onto Isabela. She still tries to hang around Dolores as much as she could but eventually she slipped into Señorita Perfecta full time. When Dolores get’s her gift it only gets worse cause of her own role to play for the family.
Isabela spent as much time as she could with Luisa, but still wasn’t around often. Dolores isn’t a fan of babies because of her gift but she still spent some time with Luisa once she was better at controlling her volume around Dolores. For awhile Abuela didn’t have a use for her gift so she just helped with Luisa, alongside Bruno who was the designated babysitter of all the grandkids. When Luisa got her gift, she only did small jobs because that’s a five year old, she is not moving bridges. But eventually she also loses herself to the role and doesn’t interact with the others as much. (She still loves them! She’s working her ass off to keep her family safe)
When Camilo and Mirabel were born a few months apart, they grew close like Isabela and Dolores were. Isabela adored Mirabel but was annoyed at another baby to the family since Luisa was three when she was born. Luisa grows used to having Mirabel around quickly and tries to keep her safe since she’s a clumsy child. (Girl can’t see) Camilo was a LOUD child, can’t convince me otherwise. Little man was here and he’s going to announce his presence like a true theater kid. Dolores still spent a lot of time around him, enduring some pain to see him smile at her.
Camilo and Mirabel are attached to the hip, they claim be twins cause they look scarily alike. Sometimes you have to really triple check which child your holding because of how often they pretend to be each other. They like to match all the time. When Mirabel didn’t get her gift, Camilo kept sneaking into the Nursery or inviting her to his room for sleepovers. They were close in canon, trust me i worked on the movie /j They grow up as each other’s bestie, literally the best of friends. (I am, projecting.) They are siblings your honor.
I feel like Pepa was pressured into having Antonio for the Encanto after Mirabel didn’t get a gift. Felix and Pepa definitely still love him just as much as his siblings, it was just a complicated situation. He was a quiet baby so Dolores watched over him a ton when her mama was busy, she liked to listen to him sleep. When Pepa was asleep and Antonio started crying, Camilo would shift into Pepa to calm him down. Mirabel and Antonio definitely are close because they both live in the Nursery. Antonio just grew up seeing Mirabel as his older sister, I mean Camilo literally calls her his twin. When he finds out Mirabel is not his sister he just continues to call her his sister. He didn’t see Luisa or Isabela often but he still thinks their cool cousins.
Me and my cousins view each other as siblings bc we’re just that close, and I’m normalizing that and projecting thank you <3
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kaemaki-enthusiast · 3 years ago
may i have an encanto match up please<3
Hi my name is rex, i’m queer and use they/them pronouns and i’m 15. And i would prefer someone not over the age of 18 plz.
have like a caramel colored skin-tone and im 5’3 (short king). Rn i have a purple-pink short mullet and i have pretty curly hair(the ethnic popped off hehe), im pretty chubby but i have an hourglass shape, im pretty busty(im a fuckin k cup bro😭) and thicc thighs(thicc thighs save lives, sorry i’ll stop). I dress pretty alternative but i cant just choose one subculture tho, i wear a lot of heavy eye makeup. I could say i dress kinda “showy” but thats kinda what only fits me, but also who gives a fuck.
Im a libra sun, scropio moon, and gemini rising. This means that im a pretty social person and always wanna hang out with friends and just have fun, but moon in scropio makes my emotions rlly haywire and kinda boosts any sorta negative emotion, which is hard when you have chronic anxiety and major depressive disorder. Which also means i take medication for it, which i forget a lot. And because of these things i have anxiety tics, where it ranges to making noices and twitching a bit to full on hitting myself and saying random shit. But I really like making people laugh, it makes me feel helpful, but im also good at being to mother figure for people. I also like playfully bantering with people, like i love you but will full on roast you and get into fake fist-fights. I am a bit of a violent person at times but I have a punching bag and boxing gloves which help a lot. But I only get that angry when someone uses an insecurity of mine against me or is talking bad about someone i love, cause it you do that im beating your ass. I do have a bit of body insecurities mainly about my hip-dips and stomach. But because im curvy i get hit on by adults a lot and its creepy as fuck.
My hobbies include art (painting, drawing), sleeping (because i stay up mad late😭✌🏽), reading comics, Marvel and D.C superheroes, and super villains, cartoons, and anime/manga.
My favorite music genre’s are rock, alternative, emo, rap, and a little bit if indie music.
Personality: funny, sarcastic, creative, kind, inappropriate and the right times. Like im not gonna pull out a dick joke in front of your family
Im bad at describing what i look like so here:
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hello!!! 1, you are very attractive, 2, i’ve decided to match you withhh
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HE LOVES YOUR STYLE SM!!! he makes you do his makeup instead of his sister doing it
loves that you dress “showy”
whenever you feel especially anxious, especially in a public situation, camilo will lead you away from it and have you focus on him, then list off things you see
makes sure you take your meds bc they’re important shawty
whenever your tics become more harmful (such as hitting yourself) camilo will place his hand against where your hitting so that it softens the blow, etc
camilo will playfully argue and fight with you, but he is a wimp so he’ll probably run away
will reassure that he loves everything about you
will either turn into luisa or send the real luisa + isabela to beat up whatever adults r talking abt u
sorry if this seems short, hope u like it ❤️❤️
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thirstyforred · 4 years ago
i know that my witcher games canon is like absolutely fucked up, mainly because I simply replaced geralt with my oc, Nam 😔 but just recently it hit me how hilarious it actually is
bc to side step the whole triss vs shanni i have instead nam befriending mary Luisa la valette and leaving alvin with her and her kids, who are similar age
which means that Jacques actually remembers that Mary Luisa was his guardian for a while and even as an adult man he would feel a lot of respect towards her (and maybe a tiny bit of fear bc Mary seems to be that kind of loving but hellishly stern mother figure), so ofc he would always be very polite and chivalrous
which leads to at least one talk from foltest about how, while technically there not married, baroness la valette is very much taken and if the grand master plans to keep at his pitiful attempts at wooing her, then better if he reconsidered
so Jacques, as much as he can, checks out of the court life and makes roderick de Wett take his place as the royal advisor from the order, which turned out to be kinda good decision (even tho Roderick got involved with Adda which is just as bad idea as it sounds)
on top of all that is siegfried of Denelse and i really really love the idea that he's cousins with both Aryan la valette and radovid of redanian (mostly bc it let's RV Stern take petty revenge for all the shit the two of them put him through in childhood just bc he was the youngest)
and of course Siegfried is so feed up with his actual father that when people ask him about these rumors that he's JdA bastard, he just does that thing where he talks about how awesome grand master is, but never actually denies it. bc fuck eyck of Denelse right. and like Jacques might try, but the louder he says that he never fucked siegfried's mom just more ppl hear about this. and it's not like you can ask the only person that will know for sure bc the woman is long dead
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lucy-shining-star · 5 years ago
So, I rarely do episode reactions but this is finale, so I need to do it:
Mingo, Zoom and Estrella <3
Hi Marlena. I think Marlena is my one of my favourites minor characters for if only because I think she has sibling like relationship with Mateo. So I’m glad she did get lowkey bigger role this season even though it’s still small.
I must note despite everything kids didn’t boo at ‘lying cousin Esteban’
Shuriki from Spirit Wolrd: I do not do high-fives, and did you just make me dance? And I wouldn’t let Esteban dance also. 
Puppets facial expressions are something else
I love how Armando had puppet Gabe on his head for a moment
Lmao, I think getting public to not be angry at Esteban wouldn’t be that hard if now it can be singed ‘Poor Victor and Carla Delgado’ after they have been wanted criminals for like...two years?
Puppet Esteban hiding behind puppet AshXD
Armando and Marlena are so cute
I love the parts when kids are singing
I really love ‘long may she reign’ part
Also, I was confused everytime when someone was singing/saying ‘four years’ cause I was not sure if that was ‘four years’ or ‘for years’
Zuzo, don’t scare her
‘You can’t believe everything a whispering campfire tells you’ I love Zuzo being dissmisant of prophercies.
Elena with that excited ‘I waited four years’ 
I saw that people were worried that Francisco was dying because of that and later and I’m like...it didn’t cross my mind that it could mean that.
Well, it’s not last
Naomi,Isabel,Gabe and Mateo are relatable.
Sorry, Dona, Zuzo ruined your chance in previous episode
How Elena doesn’t know she has to do these things? She was heir to throne since birth? She was so busy preparing two episodes ago? HOW litterally everyone else knows and treats like it’s obvious!? 
Elena making Gabe and Mateo hold hands <3
Royals <3
‘I can’t wait to try your fine cuisine’ I see king Toshi has same priorities as me.
I see Alonso looks slightly different than last time?
Valentina being in carriage with Alonso and his father <3 Now that I think about it, Cordoba and Paraiso are both close to Avalor, so they are probably close to each other too?
Hector in carriage with these two kings who he used to boss around until Elena came. I assume they made up and now are equal friends?
Poor Armando. Also, Valentina little too late to say thatXD
Wait, what they were about to do? What runthrough?
That looks beautiful
Lmao at Ixlan not caring
Warning isn’t enough, but does that mean they didn’t warn her? Or they did? Though, if they did they shouldn’t be surprised that she came
Lmao at them knowing she will go anyway
So...that means when Craig said that Franciso may now be ashamed (that was what he wrote?) of his vote about Esteban he was probably just tired of that question and decided to troll?
Elena’s ‘Not anymore’ is kind of scary.
I still can’t believe how naive Ash is
Chatana...Tziloco found it? Okay, he didn’t notice that he found it, but still, that was joined effort.
How did she know it’s under the ocean not on it?
I love how they look at Isa with such admiration cause she invented poisonous arrows.
Only Antonia from the rest of the guards?
Ooo...you are both adorable sidekicks.
Esteban and Elena conflict third season is really direct opposite of Cassandra and Rapunzel conflict in tangled third seasonXD I mean in how how traitor-antagonist and protagonist react to each other.
I’m lowkey surprised that Mateo is surprised that she got his name rightXD 
Esteban and Ixlan sceneXD
I think Isa also thinks that jellyfish is a baby.
Poor Carla.
Why Esteban teleported there?
Wow, Elena really control her emotion powers.
Unforunately, she still let emotions decide for her.
Lmao at Shades renaming themselves.
Mateo, sweetie, that was stupid.
Ixlan finally seeing challenge.
Mateo with glowing green eyes looks nice. Scary, but nice.
Isa already taking charge.
At first I thought Elena’s angery magic started kicking in here. Also her angery face here is glorious.
Okay, Vuli’s face colours changing are like Elena’s dress, but his main colour is green so...I dunno,it’s kinda weirdXD
I think that is my favourite song in whole episode. 
Those Shades really likes to invade Esteban’s personal space
I heard Ozai with angery ‘Tell us!’
I see Hetz actually have to think about what to sing.
Cahu’s voice hypnotizes me. Like when she talks also,but singing is double powerful. Also, I’m not sure if she is the most powerful? Like,on one hand, her powers is the scariest. On the other,she is the only one that needs a tool.
Oh, even Cahu saluted
I love how Cahu sang ‘We’ll meet them’
‘So you can rule your subjects like their puppets on a string’ I see Yolo is planning Esteban rule to be like this Zuzo au.
Did Esteban realize something is off when Cahu sang ‘And we’ll finish what we started long ago?’ I guess he did and then forgot the second she finished that line.
I’m sad we didn’t get to see Ash face when Bobo said ‘The one and only’. She was probably like ‘Hey,that’s my line’
...Now I’m imagining Ash trying to rule the Zanies. Just out of spite.
I wonder, did Isabel and Elena tell anyone else about that vision?
I see Naomi remembers Valentina’s got magic since I guess it’s like ‘Valentina definitely can help, and maybe someone else’
Elena finding out she has more body count than she thought.
‘Oh,drama’XD He is so happy about it
She plays pretty well for someone who can’t stand it.
‘Us probably’ it’s great line,but they are already looking away.
So the answer is Valentina.
Do they know Marissa? Also it’s nice to see Naomi and Marissa coming here together after Naomi hated Marissa that much.
Lmao at Raul and Lucia’s reactions.
Hi Orizaba
First of all: Zoopitole is Mateo��s body count
Which makes me remember I used to think Mateo is ‘looks like cinammon roll,is a cinnamon roll’ while Naomi is ‘looks like they could kill you,can actually kill you’ but it sure looks different. Naomi, you dissapointed me.
So I need to completely change how I see this meme when it comes to all four amigos. So Mateo ‘looks like a cinammon roll,could actually kill you’, Naomi is ‘looks like they could kill you, is actually cinammon roll’ Gabe is ‘looks like a cinammon roll, is a cinammon roll’ and Elena is ‘looks like could kill you,could actually kill you’
Although actually I think they are all capable of killing.
Second of all: Here they should be Flo shouting ‘I was right!’
‘Elena victims club up high!’ is great, tho.
Oh, I didn’t notice earlier that Cahu did little ‘no,don’t say that’ geture to Vulu after he said ‘let’s make it ours’. It looks kinda cute.
‘It’s that you,moustache’ ‘That’s king moustache too you’ lmao
‘They are our allies’...um,Esteban? 
It kinda looked like Vuli is about to touch Abigail’s bust
They are pretty calm for being touched with chaos touch. Like they just hit the hitting bals with clubs.
Chloe and Dona hereXD
Also, is Dona escaping and Naomi right after saying she has some ideas finale foreshadowing on her being new chancellor?
‘If I told you,you wouldn’t let me do it’ ‘What? Isabel!’ Isa, he has enough of this with your sister
‘Your forecast, looks bleak’ I like that line
Isa on her way to have body count
Isa killing powerfulf shade. Gabe and Luna being proud of her <3
Yolo getting scared and Hetz appearing in spirit world immadietely. I love this whole sequence
Elena looks so cute here when she realised she should go after Ash
‘If you keep hearing in the darkness of your past, you will never see a brighter future’? Though I’m not sure if hearing was the word used here
Wait, that’s still don’t explain everything. Did Esteban make deal with Shuriki knowing that she would invade anyway hoping if he help her she wouldn’t hurt his family? Did he try to convince her to not attack and then she manipulated him with saying she is going to listen to him when his family didn’t?
Vuli really likes to sing.
Ixlan is sure confident.
What exactly Valentina wanted Alonso to do? He has no magic, no sword, no lasso, no fancy cool inventions? I doubt he has much body strenght?
Oh, Vuli being sad for Hetz <3
Oh, Alonso protecting Valentina <3 
Did Esteban just...slide down the railing?
Luisa had great speech 
Esteban really did not realise he is a villain? 
Cahu summed up Esteban great.
But that also mean they saw everything...I think they know that is was really Ash who freed them.
Also, Elena is too focused on revenge, is too emotional, and too focused on past, and Esteban trusts who pretends to listen and wants power to be heard...
They are both Anakin 
That’s why everything ended well in episode with Mark Hamill XD
When you walk in to some evil lady being dangerously close to your first cousin who happens to be often swayed by evil ladies (oh,and also you grandparents are turned to a stone right next to it). No, but seriously she really was close. Isa is going to have trauma
Some time later:
‘Isa: Please tell me you are a gay or ace.
Esteban: What? Why...I’m...
Isa: Please!
Esteban: Okay...So...I’m ace?
Isa:That’s a relief, thanks.-she goes
Esteban:What was that about?
Elena,seeing scene from some distance:No,seriously, what was that about?
Naomi,Mateo and Gabe who know what this is about exchanging”we are not telling her” looks in the bakground’
Rafa didn’t notice something is wrong?
Flo making sure she annoys Grand Macaw enough she would let her out too
...Actually Elena could just tell him she brought Flo to life with her emotions and he would kick her out to not risk having more creatures like this in his nest.
Thank you Bobo for vocalising your irritation with that. You saved Elena
Didn’t Ash find it suspicious that Elena stopped Bobo or she didn’t notice?
Hi Sanza 
Hi Shuriki, I see you saw that kid eating popcorn during the song in the beggining and decided you want it too.
Also, she is probably happy right now that Elena loses only to find out Elena goes back to real worldXD Unless she knew it, Troyo didn’t seem surprised.
Also, I wonder how music and dance hater feels about being stuck at eternal party. I suppose she found that olaball game moment of relieve
Zoopitole, that was harsh. I can’t believe they made me feel sorry for Ash. I hope she didn’t hear ir.
Mateo’s sad voice when he told shades had taken over Avalor :(
Isa’s sad voice when she said ‘I’m sorry’ :(
‘Pride had put my heart to sleep, but now I’m wide awake. I have hurt everyone, the damage is done’ I love this part. Also love Esteban’s eyes when he opens the door.
The change of scene with fountains is beautiful.
I’m little dissapointed that Isa didn’t talk during that part so I would have all main characters kinda-shared song. Even though only two sing, but still that would be little something.
Elena hugging Skylar <3
Esteban on that throne :(
Carmen’s face after little touch of chaosXD
‘You don’t wanna mess wtih Vuli’ ‘Okay’ I love Migs here
Vuli, you really are attacking your friend for accident?
I love that Gabe didn’t use tamborita in the finale but got his main skill show off just with his tool powered up by a Mateo. 
Also love that got to use his signature move that got stolen by two peopleXD in real fight.
Also, Antonia used tamoborita...I’m kind of starting to think there is some general rule that women more often have natural talent for magic.
‘Or send us’ and not reacting to Elena’s ‘wait, you didn’t mention that’. Same feral energy as Isa’s earlier.
Oh, Yolo (Vulu too? I’m not sure) is happy to see Hetz again <3
Mateo and Gabe turned into a stone right after their sucess :(
Also, I think they are the only one besides Francisco and Luisa to be two people turned into same stone? That’s kind of shippy
Elena’s face after that
Skylar :(
That’s sadistic on one side, but on the other,good that she decided to torture her before killing
Good choice, Esteban. Extremely predictable way to reedem him but that’s a good thing.
Congratulations Esteban on earning your redemption.
Hmm, now all of show main male characters are turned into stone. 
The forgivness dress is white! Yeah, I thought so for longer time!
Though the reason is most probably either cause white is angelic colour or mixed coulour of rainbows I thought this because of that dress (and...that might be foreshadowing of white forgivness dress?):
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And to lesser extent that:
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Because of that first dress being in episode where Esteban after making mistake decided that he (well,and Naomi and Mateo and Luna.Though not really Luna) owes her more than apology, and also because that’s where we got little more of his backstory.
And the second because Esteban was reffering to this episode in his clue, even though she didn’t have that dress in scene he was reffering to. Also, in that episode Elena was especially worried about being noble leader, and she was afraid of losing everything again even though there was no real threat at those point.
Also, that’s why I kinda tried to find connections to certain episodes in Elena’s other colours. 
'You can’t change what you did before, but you can change what you do next’ right?
Wow, how she control that. And it’s beautiful <3
Oh, and she remembers that others need to be saved to without having to see them
Valentina hug-spinning Alonso <3
Gabe and Mateo nicely landed.
Also, I was lowkey surprised here that Naomi first checked on Mateo, despite being suggested to being in love (in relationship?) with Gabe, but since every other from amigos ships was teased, and that was only Naomi and Mateo one-on-one interaction in the whole special, I’m happy with that.
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...How Esteban managed to aim correctly when Elena has to work on that pretty long?
Elena:Well, I let you use my tool, so now I’m going to use yours
Did flames told Quita Moz after the test what it was or he just didn’t tell Elena earlier? Or he figures out himself what test was?
Wow, Luisa is surprised that Elena forgave Esteban
Elena and Esteban hug <3
Elena and Isabel hug <3
Amigos hug <3
We have a queen to crown <3
That pose during changing of the scene is cute:
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Mingo, Zoom and Estrella <3
Hector bowing <3
Tomiko doing ‘<3′ <3
I love how all teen(wait,no...young adults?) royals are in the same shot <3
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Elena looking at Esteban and he bowing <3 Dona smiling <3
Hi Sofia! And Amber! And James! And Miranda! And Roland!
Although James, Sofia and Amber look kinda weird
Technically, Elena isn’t one yet too, since she isn’t crowned yet
 Also now I kinda wish we had seen Vor in spirit world cause I still don’t know if Sofia has body count or that was just exorcism
‘Elena,queen of Avalor’<3
‘All hail the queen’<3
Lmao at Gabe and Mateo
I saw people saying it looked like marriage proposal before I saw episode, and I thought it was just shipping googles, but damn, it really did look like that.
Daniel and Scarlett already proud in the background
‘With the best insticts in the kingdom’ Naomi, you are awesome
‘Gabe,you’ve been by my side since my first day of rule’ <3 Love Gabe’s eyes here. 
‘Mateo,we’ve been through so much together, you and I’ <3
Mateo is so cute here
Okay, so that was like super cute and ship teasing all ships between Elena and her amigos,but...Does Gabe and Mateo’s new titles change anything for them? Or was Elena just like ‘Okay, I’m going to be queen, I’m going to make Naomi chancellor and Isabel royal inventor...boys would have feel left out. My boys also need fancy titles’
Isa being royal inventor and that hug <3
Elena teasing Mateo and Gabe XD
Kinda thought she might choose Esteban. Still,cute <3
Four servants giving guitars, to four people, and one of them isn’t even from royal family. Wow
Elena touching all amigos hands <3
For some reason I kinda don’t like line ‘And now you’ve crowned me’ but like. Literally only that line. And I don’t know why.
Elena dancing with Francisco <3
Elena hugging Isa and Luisa <3
Elena twirling with Naomi <3
Gabe and Mateo twirling Elena in the while lifting her <3
Gabe putting his hand on Mateo’s shoulder <3 
Elena hugging Skylar <3 Luna being only one eating, relatable. And Skylar coming for more hugs <3
She seemed surprised that they started signing here. But only for a moment
That hand move with ‘I know we gonna be alright’ looks so cool
Mateo and Gabe lifting Elena while she is sitting<3 
Esteban breakdancingXD Though, for being such major character there was very little of him in that last song.
I love the way Naomi pulled Gabe into dance
Isa and James look cute
Lmao, Craig said that he THINKS Ixlan and Antonia share some scene when they actually had a dance with in which Antonia holds Ixlan down with that face? 
Also, Ixlan is impressed
‘Are you ready for day two?’ ‘I am!’ <3
Mateo and Carla buming heads and holding hands <3 I was hoping for some positive interaction that could be seen as ship tease with tight shipping googles but turns out googles didn’t need to be that tight. Also I think I would be happy if that actually means they are confirmed. Like, eleteo is still my otp, but I really love this one too. Kinda like I’m happy with ichihime being canon depsite ishihime being my fave Orihime ship also though it probably helps that ichiruki is my notp and renruki is my otp for whole manga but also why i’m taliing about bleach while didn’t read most of it. Altough that could be just, okay now let’s dance together like normal people
Alonso and Valentina being their extra selves together <3 I waited for any interaction for so long, and now I’ve been fed so much <3
Oh, Hector and Abigail walking-jumping hand in hand. Cute
Marissa twirls beautifully. I lowkey laugh at Marzel’s walk though.
Dona seemingly kissing Julio behind that fan really took me by surprise. I didn’t expect that level of ship tease.
Elena and Sofia being last dance <3
I didn’t notice earlier Naomi threw scepter to Elena
That beautiful spoiled shot <3
Elena’s crown falling down, and she having to adjust it, and Naomi’s face and Isa laugh <3 
Wow,background to credits is stunnigly beautiful.
So anyway, I really love the finale! It’s so emotional and beautifully concludes everything. 
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on-the-outskirts-of-town · 7 years ago
Life update & @taylorswift appreciation/ thank you post 🦋
Life update: I just watched the entire vintage footage my mom recorded on my phone in Dublin when we saw @taylorswift and I am so emotional right now ❤️ like a year ago I did not even dream I would see the angel that has made me feel understood and like I matter when I felt all alone and misunderstood, heartbroken or just any emotion on the planet during the last 10 years ... you and your music have had my back and strengthened me when I was bullied in school, when I felt insecure, when my friends betrayed me, the guys I liked looked me over,... and most recently when I decided to quit law school and make the scary uncertain move to follow my passion instead ❤️ i as a person had completely lost who I am ... my joy, work ethic and happy persona were gone... instead I was struggling to keep my head up not even enjoying my hobbies because I was struggling with depression as law school was not the right fit for me yet quitting and deciding what do do next has been the scariest thing I have ever done even tho I had already hit rock bottom!!! During that time your clean speeches have me courage and inspiration assuraning me that even tho I had lost myself and made mistakes I was not damaged goods I was wiser 🦋 and you were right ... I learned unbelievably much and while I am still recovering I am stronger and see life differently now because I know so much more ❤️ my friends and parents stand behind me as after a process of thorough testing and looking I have decided what to do next: I will follow my passion and combine two of the things I like to study most ... fashion and economy —> I will start studying fashion and design management at an amazing private university with impressive alumni’s that inspire me and the possibility to make my dream to study abroad in NYC for a year reality ❤️ it wasn’t easy but after running my car if the road once I am holding the starring wheel steady on the street focused and anticipating what’s to come but also with the knowledge that my mental health and happiness are to be prioritized at any time to avoid old haunts ❤️❤️❤️ @taylorswift thank you from the bottom of my heart through the entire last year of struggling in law school the thing that kept me holding on was first LEYMMD & RFI then reputation and then knowing that I would see you in Dublin on tour ❤️ that was literally all that kept me standing ❤️ shortly before Dublin I came clean to my parents and we started looking at Unis ... I remember how I thought will this be the end of all the endings? At for now it seems yes as I got into my dream uni ❤️ in a flashback to my days of being bullied and dreading goin back to school the next day I listened to RED every night as I fell asleep mostly crying myself to sleep yet this record made me strong enough each night to go to school strong with my head held high the next day ❤️ the dark dark thoughts and toxic ways where I lashed out on my body where not nearly as intense as they would have been otherwise ... years later I had already overcome the eating disorder I developed as a way to cope with school but still struggled with self acceptance I read if your anything like me and it has helped me tremendously on the journey of loving my body ❤️ yes tay I am everything like you - THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING ❤️
Love, Luisa 🇩🇪
@taylornation @tree-paine
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wearethegladiators · 6 years ago
Ptn I’m so inspired but I’m so busy like!! Pourquoi je m’inscris à 2 forums en même temps aussi
Anyway have you seen Tom Felton’s latest IG posts because CASSIEL FEELINGS ARE STILL GOING STRONG
 Visual representation of Wynona by the beginning of Incendio:
Tumblr media
Also I guess she’d be sort of middle-ground between Sacha and Nathan?? The dragons are her kids yo, she’s literally in a “the more family I lose the more dragons I will have” sort of shit. BUT at the same my girl likes a good fire…. And so dragons…..
Plus I mean it’s obvious she’s never given up on the Rebellion. She did not want to join originally because of the kids, but she hates so goddamn much this government and like?? The Ryders are muggleborns?? She’s angry as fuck rn.
(The fact that she’s siding with the Muggleborn Resistance is proof of that ofc, but it’s also out of opportunity. She can rebel while doing her own thing, that’s good with her atm. Or so she tries to believe)
Mdrrrr nan c’était pas cringy!! En vrai autant je trouve que certains de mes plots étaient invraisemblables autant j’ai pas été choquée par notre manière d’écrire mdrrrr (bon sauf quelques traits d’humour. Ça, je. Hm. Oui.)
GIVE NATHAN SOME SOLID BROMANCE 2K19 Avec le Charlie Hunnam là, Lily dit pas non :siffle:
  Mdrrrr ouais all this pureblood shit is so awkward for her I swear to God. Pretty sure that at one point she showed up in a Sioux outfit and everyone was like “…….. *cricket noises*”
Tbh Emori’s glow-up for the prime thingy is a 100% Wynona showing up to these events (plus they have relatively similar styles au quotidien) YASSS QUEEEEN (still a weird thought yeah mdr) (i thought at some point Luisa would be a good fc for Wyn btw) (and also Indyamarie Jean!! plus she’s like half native american or so) (but your last gifset i mean??)
Omg I didn’t think about it (whispering the names before going to sleep) but 100% this is so HER
I mean even though she stopped her terrorist “phase” (IT’S NOT A PHASE MOM) she’s still living by the words of her family. She’s still angry. She’s still about fire. Tbh she’s gonna die in a ring of fire one way or another
(mdr Nathan sweetheart btw)
“but they would put her head on a stick so maybe not.” yeah what about trying to avoid that amirite
“did she anger the yaxley family and if so can nathan and her go after rick yaxley like the power couple they are?? just couple things… murder….arson…” well I mean if Rick and Wynona ever sat at the same table to talk about politics…. I don’t think he would really like her…
plus he’s on the list anyway because he hurt Nathan and Nathan is part of The Tribe™ and no one hurts The Tribe™
Mdr can you imagine Wyn literally bringing Rick to Nathan like “woopsie doopsie I think I may have a present for you” :arrow: (MAYBE A SIMPLE TEAMING UP WOULD DO UH) (mdr Rick is a bitch don’t tell me he’s not gonna make girlfriend jokes)
RED. Honestly I thought she’d be dead BUT I actually like to think of her as having survived the shitstorm, being still relatively sane and undyingly loyal to Nathan?? Because that’d be quite a plot twist judging who she is, but it would be interesting to see her as “wiser”, and especially, the ride-or-die lieutenant (ISN’T THAT SUPPOSED TO BE LILY THO OY)
(I mean especially if Red was close to Aron, she’s definitely trying to live up to his memory, so there’s that as well)
Wesh Win is gonna make so much fun of the MacFusty if they didn’t even play the dragons card 
NOW I really think Carmen and Win must have teamed up on some terrorist shit. No wonder the world c o l l a p s e d
(yeah yeah, Nathan-Carmen-Wynona is such a bad idea. Let’s not do it. Never ever. *winkwink*)
I mean they could be a trouple. I wouldn’t be incredibly surprised to learn that Win has hooked up with Carmen once or twice tbh :siffle: (WHY IS EVERYONE HAVING SEX WITH EVERYONE)
And meanwhile
My girl Lily
Anyway. NATHAN EXPELLED WYNONA. No wonder there’s some unresolved angst™ (actually, maybe not so much. Wynona is all about justice and she’s going to respect any decision/”trial”. She’s a “I did what I did and I will face the consequences of it” gal.)
 I read “try yoga hug” and I’m honestly here for it
“I AM going to be 23 and who am i??? i cry at cute animals videos!!! sometimes i forget to eat!!!” This was so relatable it kinda hurt tbh :////
Nathan and Lily are gonna have so much fights omg
RICK GETTING INTO LILY’S HEAD????? …. kinda makes sense….
“how is nathan supposed to RELAX and let lily BE when she’s always in so much trouble?????” TROUBLE USUALLY FINDS ME BITCH. True tho, sorry big bro
“ça me fume” ptn Elo t’es si française jpp j’adore
I don’t even think that would be a trigger for Lily tho tbh because active denial™ BUT there definitely would be people calling her on her bullshit (maybe even Fury??? Who sort of created this whole dynamic, or at least pushed her into that direction)
 Gnnn I actually love Fury so much, I’m binge-watching Peaky Blinders rn and I LOVE CILLIAN MURPHY TO DEATH and it just hit me that Fury could be an!! Irish!! Traveler!! THE POTENTIAL. Gypsy magic I’m so so so here for it
(also people probably don’t understand any shit he says so Lily has to translate it all)
(he likes (well, respects) Nathan a lot btw, too bad it’s not réciproque :( probably really likes the Blackbird girl too hihi)
“it’s okay they’ve been busy they just kinda forgot that they’re not JUST the red leader or morrigan or an auderic or a mudblood, they’re also FAMILY” THE TEARS IN MY EYES BITCH THIS IS SO TRUE
They really really really really need to talk it out/hug it out
Lily’s so far deep tho, like even if Nathan calls her out on her bullshit once she’d be like “Idk what you’re talking about, I’m fine, really, SI SI”
BUT she really needs to have this emotional breakdown where she goes like “there HAS TO be a reason why I’m still alive?? I HAVE TO save these people?? My people???”
Omg this moment is 10000% happening when Nathan’s losing his leg
She’d feel so guilty, like she failed to protect him
One thing I’ve always liked about Nathalily’s relationship is how it’s not what it seems like at first glance?? Cause it sounds like Lily is heavily dependent on Nathan’s for protection and Nathan’s needs Lily so much to “protect him emotionally” sort of? And actually Lily needs Nathan so fucking much to stay sane/ALIVE and Nathan needs his baby sister to save his drunken/reckless ass every once in a while :’))) IN MY MIND IT’S WAY CLEARER BUT ANYWAY
She’d be there in a SECOND as soon as she hears about Nathan getting hurt
Idk why I have the scene of the Weasley twins after George lost his ear in mind
That’s definitely round 2 of “you’re my family too, I lost sight of that” and “I’M SO PROUD OF YOU BITCH” (mdr the “Nathan doesn’t cry but I sure do” part was so relatable mdrrrr)
Anyway drama drama drama feels feels feels!!
Also I actually don’t want Nathan to lose his leg, he’s already in emotional pain yo :’(((((
Can we talk about how Nathan and Wynona used to be sex-symbols/rock stars/badass athletes and now they’re both CRIPPLED
(I’m sorry but Nathan losing a leg also quite inevitably means Wynona being back into the picture)
Maybe he’s been sent to the Blackbird ranch for recovery :’)))
Makes me think that Lily is actually still… “whole”??? Like she’s got scars and shit but in spite of everything she’s been through she’s physically still ok? (besides the Occlumens thingy)
Interesting how the weaker one is still fully in capacity hé
I mean she’s got that black magic wound thing…. WAIT
I always thought this was a progressive thing and this would eventually kill her
Have I already considered having Lily die in the middle of the night because of this when she survived so much shit?? YES YOU’RE NOT THE ONLY ONE CAPABLE OF THIS
But my girl deserves better so
Anyway what if it’s a curse actually related to death and this is why she attracts/is attracted to death so much???? Deatheaters may have done that to make fun of her survivor/Banshee vibes but that would make sense?? (i don’t really appreciate death eaters’ humor yo)
What’s this quote again
“Her presence always signed imminent death, torture, betrayal, or some other horror”
I’m having I D E A S I need to sort this out
 ‘est-ce que lily va se faire soulever un jour’ MDRRRRR didn’t have a drink but it was TOUT COMME ptn Lily’s MY DAUGHTER j’étais pas prête DU TOUT
En vrai interesting because they’re all screwing each other but Lily… I mean she was supposed to hook up with this one guy on Excidium but besides that?? I honestly don’t think she’s ever been with anyone else since the beginning of the war??
Mdr she had so many boyfriends in Hogwarts and now look at her
But she doesn’t have time for that? And she doesn’t want it? And she wouldn’t be able to take it if she lost that other person too?
ACTUALLY that would do her so much good but she just can’t see that
Mdr sorry pls let her have a nice functional guy
(funny how Wynona’s quite openly bisexual when coming from a very close-minded family and I think of Lily and Aron as strictly straight when they come from a much more tolerant background?? Idk)
(anyway yeah the Evans were Christians but at least for the parents it was this whole “RELIGION IS ABOUT LOVE, ALL TYPES OF LOVE” vibe)
(anyway je diverge)
Also she’s still pretty much traumatized by the fact that she lost her first love and learnt about it… almost a year later mdr
She carried the earrings he gave her for SO LONG, she probably lost it by now but still
It’s like the original trauma of the war
(sometimes I think about the toxic aspects of Mily’s relationship but today is not the day)
“do you think nathan will ever see that lily is not a kid anymore or will he always be like “oh yes my little sister she’s like… 15….” even when they’re both 30…40…50 years old lmao” MDR BIG ASS MOOD I LOVE THEM
Wait Edan’s ooooold
Sacha’s breaking my heart pls tell him I’m sending a hug
Lily probably felt this so much when she first arrived to the Rebellion, she was still a kid and Nathan was overprotective and she wasn’t a great fighter and no one could understand how she had made it??
Just thinking how the rebellion may have tried somehow to exploit Lily’s banshee capacities and how Nathan would not appreciate it :’) but she’d thought it was kind of her only weapon so
Idk but yeah banshee!Lily is canon I guess
Tbh I LIVE for the idea of characters never meeting in Hogwarts even though they were so close?? Idk like Wynona/Nathan, even Sacha/Lily
Or maybe she’d know him vaguely
Lily was quite known as the gnome that will kick anyone’s asses for calling someone a Mudblood so maybe something like that, but not a full-fledged friendship?? Or once again they almost killed each other in Quidditch you know, shit happens
That’d be fun tho if they recognized each other
Meanwhile Wynona
·         lmao no one: 
·         literally no one:
·         wynona: hey you want to FIGHT bITCH?
Mdrrrr bah Kira avait quand même mis une tarte à Lily (ou l’avait poussé dans un mur aussi je crois) et il était devenu son psy LE CHAOS
(bon et Milo essayait de noyer Lily/lui faisait exploser des bouteilles de bière sur la tête/faisait des rape jokes aussi des fois)
Anyway: chaotic energy is the least we can say mdrrrr
Mdr I’m here for a weekend d’escapade tbh (NO JOHN DO involved tho)
Mdr Nathan really was a piece of shit on Les AM sometimes :’) can Lily tell him already how she admires that he became a better man at war
I mean she kind of feels it you know
NATHAN AND WYNONA CASUALLY DISCUSSING TRAUMA IS *chef’s kiss* (mdr sorry but this whole part about emo!Nathan made me laugh so much mdrrrr)
They’re definitely gonna fight on their first meeting and I’m here for it
I mean Wyn is NOT hard to trigger and she’d be so mad she may let slip some personal stuff like “SO YOU’RE THE ONE NEVER SHOWING UP TO LITTLE PURIES PARTIES”
Also it’s a fun dynamic bc that means they may know their whole names and faces and sort of family backgrounds when the Rebellion was still all about anonymity at that time?? Mdr she’d feel so threatened she’d probably think “I won’t hesitate to murder this mofo if he becomes creepy yo” but then he’s hot
Wynona leaving him kicking his ass without giving the info
Wynona showing up to the next rebellion meeting without him being aware, grumpy face bras croisés *sigh*
I don’t why I’ve always felt a Dorne vibe with both the Blackbirds and the Shafiqs but ANYWAY they could get along well
Too bad Wyn just wants lands for her kids and dragons
Mdr now I have that in mind THANKS ELO
I mean…. That we could be a temporary thingy…. We’re trying to heal each other we love each other… until we realize we’re burning each other up too much…. *falls* *dies ensouvelie sous les feels*
Mdr the pureblood reactions
Btw vu que je rame sur mon chapitre JE SPOILE mais en gros je voulais finir sur une base de 2 mangemorts qui discutent de la newbie Blackbird et qui finissent par lâcher un « faudrait peut-être redessiner les plans de table. Manquerait plus qu’elle s’accoquine avec l’Auderic » MDRRRR
I mean she needs to come to the wedding
PLOT TWIST²: the “bad guys” (Ydria, the Americans) are actually HELPING the rebellion (they’re still scary people tho I’m not sure we should want that)
they’re all originally coming for the wedding
(but!! Native American magic!! Sorry)
There are wolves on the Blackbird ranch, we don’t know why they’re from BUT THEY’RE HERE
(or if they’re still en froid just mentioning it casually thinking it’ll make him happy)
Aron found a dog at some point and it literally ended up being his last true friend/source of joy and this dog MAY VERY WELL HAVE LOOKED LIKE A WOLF
This dog may be following Lily everywhere now?? (Or did she let him go because this was too painful)
Aron had also adopted a kid btw mdr
A kid Lily is now raising :’) Mom!Lily may be rising in the end
Wynona showing up to the battlefields with 2 dragons and Nathan with wolves?? Has anyone ever made fun of our crippled huh????
(I’m here for a pureblood recap thingy bc I actually don’t know enough about them to write about it hihihi)
(merci pour la chrono btw!!!!!)
 just seen one of the gifsets you’ve reblogged and is Nathan ever gonna call out Lily on a “THE MORRIGAN? IT’S A STORY FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD” basis??
idk if you can tell but I stopped the 100 for a while, went back to it and I’m having loads of Blake siblings feels zhgfshfslq
I’m also having Nathange feels now. Why can’t Nathan have simple relationships with women
PTN IF RICK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR NATHAN’S LEG I know at least 2 women that will come for him :face: :face: :face:
CARMEN GET IN LOSER you’re also part of the Nathan defense squad amirite
the Morrigan, a child ripper and une ex-tueuse à gages come knocking to your door
Wynona raised one of her dragons. He’s a scary dragon. He’s a threatening dragon. What if the dragon raised by Sacha is goofy af and keeps on making “”jokes”” and Wynona’s always looking at him like “……..” but she secretly loves him/her to death just like Sacha arfhdhsfhqfcq and also she can ride him/her!!!!!
And Sacha will never be at peace anymore because this dragon is always watching his ass :’) through his window while he’s sleeping :’) through the ranch while he’s working :’)
(I also appreciate Nathan and Wyn together A LOT because they’re both such n e r d s like omg some of the discussions they must be having)
Just saying I’m very excited for Nathan’s story hihihihi!!!!!! It’s been so long since I haven’t read you btw!!!
Alice’s death :’(((
NATHAN ALREADY LOST HIS LEG???? I’m not ready I don’t want this bb :( :(
Ptn je regarde plus TWD depuis des années mais je viens de voir une vidéo sur Carol and NOW I NEED une ex-Auror trop badass, genre Maugrey Fol Œil en féminin, dans la résistance et/ou la rébellion
Ecoutez j’ai un train à 7h demain il me semble plus raisonnable d’aller se coucher c’en est trop pour mon cœur
Je sais pas si j’ai dit quoi que ce soit de constructif dans ce post mais yallah bye homies <3
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