#hisuain sneasel
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When you forgot what Christmas was but still feel the need to take a family Christmas photo for sharing XD
More normalish photo under the cut
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#one more reblog a week before chrimmis XD#i need to make another holiday one eventually but also i wanna work on a 2nd anniversary image too for january#EITHER WAY ONCE AGAIN!!!#MERRY CHRISTMAS AND TO ALL THE PTHER HOLIDAYS OTHERS PARTAKE IN#may your holidays be warm and safe and you enjoy the time spemt with family and friends!#i still love the sneasling whos fighting for his life XD#pokemon legends arceus#warden ingo#warden melli#lady sneasler#hisuain sneasel#legends arceus#arceus#PLA#pokemon#submas#subway master nobori#subway boss ingo#christmas#holiday#sneasel#sneaslings#sneaslets#sneaslings greetings#Ah i have realized the pun may not reach folks
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A sketch of Ingo covered in sneasels
#shiny legends au#pokemon legends arceus#submas#subway boss ingo#warden ingo#sneasel#Hisuain sneasel#my art#Multi’s Art
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All the shinies in these screenshots (except for the Shinx in my party) are up for trade in Pokemon Legends Arceus. Reply to this message or DM me if interested.
Here are the shinies I’m looking for:
Cleffa or Clefairy
Tentacool line
Magnemite line
Magby or Magmar
Porygon line
Cyndaquil or Quilava
Scyther line
Johtonian Sneasel
Nosepass line
Barboach line
Spheal line
Turtwig line
Chimchar line
Piplup line
Cranidos line
Shieldon line
Wormadam (or FEMALE Burmy)
Misdreavus line
Glameow line
Gible line
Finneon line
Tangela line
Lickitung line
Petilil line
Hisuain Zorua line
Goomy line
Hisuain Basulin line
Hisuain Quilfish line
Hisuain Growlithe line
Alolan Vulpix line
Hisuain Voltorb line
Bergmite line
Note: None of the Pokemon that I’m offering are alphas. When I say “line”, I am referring to any Pokemon in the Pokemon’s evolution family.
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i see u post about that purple sneasel and it took me till now to realise it's hisuain sneasle (i havet played arceus yet) and this whole time i just thought it was a fan design who decided fuck it, lets make this bitch purple and everyone jumped on board fgkjewqbfekrewmjfd
Catt seeing Hisuian Sneasel
#asks#catt-crossing#FGSJHSJHG SO FAIR THO#catt u should.... gimme ur friend code... and any of my other moots
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Ok so add Big Joltik, sitting cutie emolga and litwick and tynamo, hisuain sneasel, and the egg incubator backpack. Treat yourself or whatever.
We ordered a doujinshi of me coming back from Hisui (cute art!), plushies of my starters (Forrest the turtwig and Dante the cyndaquil), that very scrunkly espurr plush (Mimi) for Emma, Arceus (bastard), and celebi (Egg). And I want the Big cyndaquil plush and maybe hisuian sneasel. And I wanna get Elesa an emolga but she keeps saying she doesn't need one.
Uhhh tldr I Want Things orz.
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Clay wakes up as the plane lands. Two weeks have passed since the ursaluna appeared. Using his knowledge of ancient mythologies, he was able to determine it wasn’t a normal ursaluna. It was an alpha. Thankfully he was able to put it in a special ball that won’t connect to the internet, guess that is one of the bright sides of living out in the country. You get creative and have to adapt. The Heracross, which he nicknamed Herc stayed back at his place. Since he doesn’t plan on battling, he only brought two Pokémon. Galven the joltik and bishop the bisharp. His cousin Emma is waiting for him. Emma Light. She was always top of her class, a prodigy in the most traditional sense. So it was surprising to everyone when she didn’t choose a traditional job and went to become a fashion designer in nimbasa. Clay was surprisingly the only person who supported her. After all, he was already an outcast so why not just say what he believed was right. And that was one of the best things he ever did, Emma went on to become an underground sensation. Even Elesa has worn her clothes to fashion shows before. Emma was smart enough to hide her identity, she never really cared about fame or popularity.
Clay smiled as he steps outta the plane with his bags, although it’s only for a couple days before he heads out to head to Castelia city for the huge ranger meeting. He plans on having some fun in the city. However he also plans to see Emmet. After all, he was one of the first to be put on that case. He had personally asked for it, after all he always did look up to the two. Clay even wanted to be a subway boss like them at one point. But that went dashed up in flames, but that’s a story for another day. He smiled as he might’ve finally had some clue to Ingo’s location. That ursaluna and Herc both had the same energy signatures on them as he detected in the same place Ingo was last seen. But Clay isn’t the kind of guy to give hope without knowing if it’s true. As he stepped to see his cousin in person for the first time in over 2 years, he could tell something was bugging her. Maybe quite literally. Then again, Emma did have a phobia of bug type Pokémon. Especially beedrill, a terrible experience when your little will do that to you. Thankfully, from what he’s heard from her anyway, she is getting better with it. She was even the one to ask if Galven could come. Clay was ok with it, after all. He didn’t wanna leave Galven to eat all the batteries he has. After a bit of chit chat, and introducing Galven, they head to her place so Clay can unpack. It was much easier to stay with family than pay for a hotel he would barely be at.
When he finally arrived he could tell something was strange. Emma finally said it “so… I saw a Pokémon I didn’t recognize last night. I tossed a pokeball in reflex. And it worked. I thought you’d recognize it.”
Clay walked into the room it was in… his jaw almost dropped. It was clearly a sneasel, but not one he’d ever seen before. It was purple. It was acting very docile, again nothing like he could expect. He pulled his Pokédex out, but nothing. He then started to inspect it. And he realized what it was… hisuain sneasel. But that’s impossible… then again he did find an ursaluna recently. However what caught his attention the most, was a single piece of cloth. It was part of Ingo’s famous coat. Clay now knew there was a connection between the ursaluna, this sneasel, and Ingo. But how?
Meanwhile in another place
A man wakes up looking into the skies. A familiar place, but not one he recognized one bit. Or at least, he couldn’t remember if he could. Before he could get up, a Pokémon’s claw stretched out to help him
#pokemon#pokémon-ranger-site-agent#pokémon oc blog#pokémon ranger site agent#clay light#the plot thickens
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Injured Ingo Au - Even More Info
When Ingo woke up, he was told he would never speak again. He responded to this with “no” (and he hasn’t stopped speaking since-)
Melli acts pretty much the same towards Ingo as he does in game, but he gets genuinely concerned when Ingo is having a hard time
When Ingo starts helping out in the training grounds, Zisu is quick to help him should he need it. He ends up needing help somewhat frequently because of all of the big and/or unwieldy training equipment
Ingo and Zisu both love pokemon battles, so they often talk strategy with each other
They also often battle. Zisu is impressed by Ingo’s battling prowess and Ingo just loves battling
Lady Sneasler gets annoyed when she sees Ingo pushing himself (which happens a lot)
If he ends up injuring himself from doing this, she’ll let him get fixed up then just picks him up and brings him to her den, sitting him down and not letting him move for a while
All of the sneasels (both Hisuain and Jhoto) will cuddle up with Ingo when this happens
Em gets the best spot every time and is protective of it
Ingo tries to talk her into letting him go back to work, but she won’t let him
Irida, one of the only other humans allowed to enter Lady Sneasler’s den, will look for Ingo, then find him there covered in Sneasels
#submas#injured ingo au#pokemon legends arceus spoilers#subway boss ingo#warden ingo#captain zisu#warden melli#lady sneasler#Ingo: please Lady Sneasler I have jobs I need to-#Lady Sneasler: *grumpy cat noises* (NO. Kitten stays until Kitten is better)
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I saw ur Injurned Ingo headcanon and I was like:
Wow the angst will be Immaculate for this.
I have to ask, does anyone in Hisui treat Ingo different? How was the recovery for him without modern medicine? Does it take longer for him to regain memories thank the Player because his amnesia happened organically and not because of God? How does Ingo feel about himself after his injury? And maybe a further down the line question, how does Emmet handle his brother coming back so injured?
Sorry 4 the long ask, this idea is just really fun!
Hullo! No need to apologise for the long ask, I’m glad to hear you like my au :3 I’ll separate the questions to answer them easier so this may be a bit of a long post.
Does anyone in Hisui treat Ingo differently?
I would say yes. Some people overestimate or underestimate the amount of things he can do with his injuries and disabilities, either pushing him too hard or coddling him a bit too much.
For the most part, they don’t treat him too differently as he can still do his job well and helps where he can. (Also he can’t play the flute like he normally does, instead he just blows the flute like a train whistle and Sneasler knows what it means).
Lady Sneasler is also more protective towards him. When she first saw him, she mistook him for one of the non-Hisuain sneasels that had been showing up and even if she on some level knows he’s human, she still treats him like one of her cubs (basically hurt him and you will die from her claws).
How was the recovery for him without modern medicine?
It was difficult for him, there were moments when those in the Pearl Clan thought he wouldn’t make it and some of his injuries may not have been so permanent had there been modern medicine to use.
The process of healing was slower as well, since not only were they limited by the medicine of their time, but he wasn’t the only one getting injured and they didn’t have an infinite supply. Sometimes he’d just have to tough it out through the pain.
Does it take longer for him to regain memories than the player because his amnesia happened organically and not because of god?
It’s not that it takes particularly longer, just that it doesn’t happen the same way. In the original game, memories came back slowly and in parts. In this au, some come back like that, but others come back in foggy chunks that make his head pound.
On particularly bad days, he has to take the day off from his warden duties because his mind is too focused on the memories that he dissociates and can’t focus (which can be dangerous in the wilds).
He also has a notebook he carries around, in which he writes down or doodles what he can remember in an effort to try and remember more (or just in case he forgets again). He becomes quite good at drawing and has caught the professor’s attention more than once with what Pokémon he can remember.
How does Ingo feel about himself after his injury?
At first, he doesn’t think too much about it. After all, he has no memory of what it was like before and his mind is too busy being fuzzy to dwell on it.
But sometimes, it just feels wrong, like he remembers having something there and being able to see more and shouting on a regular basis but now he can’t and it’s wrong. And sometimes, it hurts. Either the phantom pain from the missing limb or the scar tissue being too sensitive or him trying to shout and pushing his damaged vocal chords too far.
Though by the time the player comes along, he’s grown as used to it as he can.
How does Emmet handle his brother coming back so injured?
Now for Ingo coming back, I’ve decided that while he spent years in Hisui, he was only missing in Unova for a few months. Emmet is obviously stressed at his disappearance, but he didn’t have to wait for years for his brother to come back.
When he does though, Emmet is distraught. His brother looks like he’s been through hell. He’s missing an arm, has a blind eye, is covered in scars and is unnaturally quiet. How did this happen? (How could he let this happen?) Emmet becomes very protective over his brother and has bad separation anxiety now.
Until they could fall into a new normal, Emmet would sometimes dote too much and Ingo would have to stop him and remind him he can still do certain tasks, even with one arm. I can imagine Emmet unintentionally getting louder to compensate for his brother’s quiet voice as well.
#submas#pokemon legends arceus spoilers#subway boss ingo#warden ingo#injured ingo au#subway boss Emmet#steelix may also be banned from the subway
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They’ve got a Zorua! (And a Hisuain Voltorb) snag it while you can!!
And I would love a Hisuian sneasel as well!! ;w;

Kleavor and Hisuian Zoroark plushes are coming to Pokémon Center Japan tomorrow, Pokémon Center US will likely follow with this in the future.
I’m still holding out on plushes of Sneasler, Ursaluna, and Hisuian Avalugg. They’re my favorite Hisuian Pokémon!!
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Just found your Injured Ingo AU and it's living in my head rent free now! And now i have questions!
I wonder if Ingo ever says a sentence along the lines of "Em, it is not the time for-" and some rush of emotion cuts him off because he inadvertently said "Emmet" aloud? Do you think saying it aloud would bring any memories back or just leave him confused?
Does Em ever get the zoomies and smack into something only to pretend that never happened?
How often does Ingo have to go get Em or the other sneasels out of trees? Has Em climbed to the top of the Arena before? Does Ingo ever use reflective objects + the sun to make the equivalent of a laser pointer? (and if so does it work on Lady Sneasler?)
Sorry to rapid fire so many, hope you're having an awesome day!
No need to apologise for the multiple questions! Any kind of asks are great to get :3 Now for the questions:
Ingo accidentally saying ‘Emmet’
As soon as he says it, he’d trail off his sentence. He knows the name, he’s sure of it, but he doesn’t remember.
He doesn’t know he’s crying until Em or someone else gets his attention. He brushes it off and wipes the tears away, but he’s left with the feeling that he’s missing something.
Does Em get the zoomies?
Em absolutely gets Zoomies and this often results in him crashing into people. When he does crash into people, he decides it’s climbing time and proceeds to climb them. This can go different ways depending on the person.
Some people think it’s cute, like Irida or captain Zisu, some people are nervous/annoyed but allow it, like some of the galaxy team members or Melli, others just run which Em interprets as a game so chases after them. He’s a very chaotic little sneasel.
How often does Ingo have to get sneasels down from trees?
Hisuain Sneasels are practically built for climbing, so they don’t get stuck in trees. Jhoto sneasels on the other hand do get stuck. When alone, Ingo will try to get the sneasels down, but as you can imagine, climbing with one arm is not a good idea.
If Lady Sneasler spots him doing this, it’s straight to the den with him. Lady Sneasler handles getting the Jhoto sneasels down and is very grumpy about Ingo trying to climb trees.
As for Em, he’s probably climbed the galaxy hall before. If it’s climbable and tall, then Em has probably been there.
Does Ingo use a makeshift laser pointer on the sneasels?
I can see him doing this, I like the image of Ingo just directing a bunch of completely enamoured sneasels around with the patch of light while others look on at this ‘sorcerery’.
I’m not sure if Lady Sneasler would fall for it, but she’d probably try to resist it, then ultimately give in and chase it.
#submas#pokemon legends arceus spoilers#injured ingo au#Em the sneasel#subway boss ingo#warden ingo#pokemon legends arceus#ask
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Injured Ingo Au - More Info
More ideas for the injured Ingo au let’s go:
After the ‘incident’, Ingo is terrified of steelix (and onix, but to a lesser extent). He’ll avoid the area he was injured in, as well as any place with steelix or onix activity
If a steelix gets too close to him, he’ll have a panic attack
He doesn’t like being approached from his left side, since it’s his most vulnerable side. He won’t do/say anything if you do approach him like that, but you will spook and/or upset him
His voice is scratchy and quiet, he uses it more than he probably should given how damaged it is. Sometimes he can manage to be loud for a few syllables if he pushed himself, but this always ends up hurting him
Ingo near silent when he walks, he’s accidentally snuck up on a lot of people as a result
Sometimes when he dissociates, he’ll stare into a mirror or mirrored surface. It reminds him of someone he can’t quite remember
He has a Hisuain sneasel (one of Sneasler’s kits) that follows him around almost everywhere he goes. He’s taken to calling this sneasel Em and has given him a hat similar to his own
Em often poses with him for fun and it makes Ingo both happy and sad for some reason he doesn’t know
#submas#pokemon legends arceus spoilers#pokemon legends arceus#injured ingo au#warden ingo#subway boss ingo#I did not start this post with Em the sneasel in my mind#but hey things happen-#Em the Sneasel
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When you forgot what Christmas was but still feel the need to take a family Christmas photo for sharing XD
More normalish photo under the cut
Look at them rascals, how many times do you think they have to reshoot for the squirmy ones because they we’re blurry?
#pokemon legends arceus#warden ingo#warden melli#lady sneasler#hisuain sneasel#legends arceus#arceus#PLA#pokemon#submas#subway master nobori#subway boss ingo#christmas#holiday#we all know theres one kiddo in a family picture whos NOT having a good time#refuses to join#MOTHER HAS FORSAKEN US WHY DO WE HAVE TO WEAR THESE THINGS?!#A POX ON MY FAMILY LET ME GOOOOOOO#meanwhile the others are just having fun#and the only lil lady is just happy with mama sneasler XD#yes ingo gave Akari/Rei their own card and paid extra to the photo guy for dealing with rambunctious sneaslings#somehow sneaslings greetings slowly became seasons greetings and no one could trace the origins of the phrase#sneasel#sneaslings#sneaslets#sneaslings greetings#Ah i have realized the pun may not reach folks#incase folks may not catch it sneaslings greetings is just#seasons greetings#but sneaseled XD
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