#history museum dubai
equatortravel · 2 months
Dubai Crocodile Park: Tickets & Tours | History Museum Dubai Experience - Equator Travel
Visit Dubai Crocodile Park for an exciting adventure! Get your tickets now to explore the crocodile park, learn about history at the museum, and enjoy the Dubai Natural History Museum. Book your Dubai Crocodile Park tickets today!
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toychest321 · 6 months
I cannot stress enough that this might be the most important doll I've posted about.
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Meet Jafra, the Palestinian fashion doll.
Information on her took a bit of digging, but as far as I can tell she debuted in either December 2015 or January 2016. She was initially available for purchase through her website, and after a year began to be (and still is as) sold at Hamleys in Jordan, UAE, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi. In 2021 the Palestine Museum began selling her for $49.99 each, and is now completely sold out.
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Each doll wears a detailed thobe, the longer one in front for their bridal collection. The thobe is a traditional Palestinian dress with tatreez (embroidery) which uses color to indicate what region the wearer is from. During the First Intifada in the 80s, it became a symbol of resistance against Israeli Apartheid, and of Palestinians' connection to their land. (Credit to Handmade Palestine and @nickysfacts for this information)
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As far as I can tell based on discrepancy in stock photos, the dolls with embroidered thobes were considered collectors items with a higher price. Meanwhile the details might have been printed for playline/budget releases, likely to lower the price for better availability.
Jafra's dream is to "empower all the beautiful girls from the Middle East". She lives away from her homeland, but hopes to design and build her own house in Palestine. She grows Chamomile and Thyme in her garden, studies architectural design in college, and always tries to volunteer and help others. Her thobe binds her to her home country, passed down from her ancestors.
"Jafra is beyond a doll... beyond an idea. It's a deep-rooted tradition mixed with history and memories"
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I hope I have made it abundantly clear that I do and always will support Palestine, and encourage anyone who considers this genocide a "war against Hamas" to unfollow and block me immediately. You have been given every opportunity to educate yourself and sympathize with the innocent Palestinians suffering at the hands of Israel, and your ignorance does not deserve a listening ear over them.
To my followers, I implore you to do your daily click. Contact your representatives. Attend protests. Donate or buy an e-sim if you can. We need to let our government know we are not going to fucking stand for this, and support Palestinians however remotely possible.
A ceasefire WILL be reached. Palestine WILL be free. No matter what actions Israel and its disgusting supporters commit Palestine WILL NEVER DIE.
Ramadan Kareem, and Free Palestine.
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uglyandtraveling · 2 years
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platoapproved · 2 months
Okay so I'm looking back on season 2 and having some Thoughts about Dreamstat.
In 2x01 Louis says "he came by invitation," which is be backed up by how he consciously dismisses Dreamstat in 2x04. But in my opinion, it all gets way messier when - in 2x07, deeply shaken by talking about the trial - Louis hallucinates Lestat in the Dubai penthouse. It's SUCH a jarring moment; Louis' unreliability is at the forefront of the audience's mind since he has just admitted his version of Claudia's turning from 1x04 was inaccurate. Then the audience is shown that Louis is omitting things, particularly continued hallucinations. (We also see him have further non-Lestat hallucinations in 2x08 when he is plotting his revenge).
With all that in mind, I'm inclined to think that he's way less in control of Dreamstat than he insists he is. Louis says otherwise, but this is the Unreliable Narrator Show™.
So. Why I was thinking about this in the first place...
I see lots of people bringing up Dreamstat's reactions to things, mostly in a context of being angry with Louis. And I get it! Dreamstat is mocking and cruel. But I also think it's wrong to blame Louis fully for those things? At least, to blame him in the way people seem to do.
These are not things he is choosing to think, or that he is saying aloud. They exist only within his own head. Dreamstat is all his Louis's worst instinctive reactions and snap judgments, vocalized internally (we just see and hear them as the audience).
His paranoia while being romantically pursued, an understandable response given how things went down with Lestat:
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His self-loathing (always comes back to the self-loathing with Louis :c):
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His frustration while having an argument with his companion situationship:
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These are Louis' thoughts, yes. But they're gut responses, all emotion, without filter or reasoning.
And I just can't wrap my head around thinking less of Louis for having these responses. It's a very honest and unflinching depiction of someone whose response to trauma (both from his relationship with Lestat but also, like, his entire human life) is kneejerk resentment and pettiness that he very VERY rarely vocalizes.
Even as Dreamstat is mocking Armand's romantic overtures, Louis is continuing to have discussions with him, to ask him what he needs to be happier in their relationship. Armand wants him to come around more, he shows up to the disastrous dinner where he fights with Santiago. Armand wants to bring flowers and apologize, Louis hears him out. He is CHOOSING, in spite of the cruel automatic responses of his thoughts, to treat Armand with as much fairness and gentleness as he can.
As a side note, I really read Dreamstat's laugh in the museum scene much differently than others on here. A lot of people seem to see it as Louis mocking Armand's history of sexual abuse. But Dreamstat only scowls through all that (which is, again, not great but it is understandable, given how Lestat deployed his Magnus story to win Louis back after exploding in anger, and the whole setup for Armand talking about his past is him explaining why he is not like Lestat). Dreamstat's only real reaction comes when Armand has moved on from that part of his speech, to discussing the vampiric cycle of violence.
The line he reacts to is Armand saying "Magnus who begat Lestat, Lestat who begat Louis, on and on, and on and on." And Dreamstat... doesn't laugh? I see people describing it as a laugh. He yells 'HAH!' in the angriest, bitterest, disbelieving voice. To me this is not Louis being unimpressed or mocking Armand's trauma, it's him adamantly refusing to be included in the narrative as a part of vampire culture / as a victim. We know Louis does not like people labeling him as a victim or abused. We know he wants to opt out of all Claudia's searching for vampire culture and vampire history. To me this moment is not at all about Armand, it's about Armand implying that Louis is connected with the covens, with a larger narrative of vampirism, including a narrative about makers exploiting and harming their fledglings.
No, Louis isn't perfect, and his handling of Armand is not perfect. But I think people are way too harsh on him for this scene and just in general. He is not his worst thoughts. His actions are much, much, much, much more important. He chooses Armand. I think he chooses to be as careful with Armand as he knows how to be, given the tools at his disposal. Yes, there's a horrible gremlin (ha, see what I did there?) in the bottom of his brain that tosses up vile mean judgy nonsense, but Louis then elects to ignore all that and be as kind as possible.
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carveredlunds · 8 days
So, I just found @interviewwiththevampireart, and it inspired me to look for this portrait in the dining room of the Dubai apartment (screenshot from 1.02):
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It took about two minutes of Googling to find out that it's Rembrandt's Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee, painted in 1633.
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This is from the Wikipedia entry on the painting:
Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee is a 1633 oil-on-canvas painting by the Dutch Golden Age painter Rembrandt van Rijn. It is classified as a history painting and is among the largest and earliest of Rembrandt's works. It was purchased by Bernard Berenson for Isabella Stewart Gardner in 1869 and was displayed at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston before its theft in 1990; it remains missing.
This is such a small detail, but it just proves how amazing the set design is in this show. Loumand have one of the most famous missing pieces of art in America just hanging in their dining room. I'm sure other people have noticed this before, but I thought it was so cool, and I wanted to share!
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twopoppies · 2 months
Yes absolutely I would do these things with him for real, I didn’t just make that list (hi it’s me, I made the list. I’m Lindsay). They’re basically all things I did when I was getting to know my best friend in Boston. They’re fun to me and also it is important to think of things we could do together not just be like “make him buy me jewels” or “go yachting/fly private to Dubai.” That’s 1- boring 2- taking advantage of someone 3- just not a cool way to be with people. Things I did not mention: gossip. No I don’t care about celebrity tea per se but everyone loves a little gossip about friends so tell me dirt and I’ll tell you dirt, Harry. Do you have a neighbor you think is a jerk? Let’s tan about them. Absolutely no hot yoga/exercising/pilates/ice baths. It’s important that we have separate interests Harry and all of those suck and I hate sweating. Don’t ask me to do it, I’ll flake. Afternoon on a sailboat/sailing lessons. IF you prove yourself to be good and decent IRL Harry, I’ll introduce you to my niece and nephew they are the best people I know and age 1 and 3. Film photography including developing in a darkroom to see how our work turns out. Share our secret favorite songs from albums that aren’t that well known (this sounds pretentious I realize but I want to play him Both Hands and Untouchable Face by Ani Difranco because I loved those songs when I was like 17 and they’re still good). Topic: animals especially the history of animals and discussing which are interesting and which are not. For example, the giant platypus as mentioned. Who was your first celebrity crush (Mine: Christian Bale in Newsies)? Roof activities- roof parties, roof drinking, roof dining, roof hanging out. Summertime is when the roof hangout is supreme. Explain London neighborhoods to me in detail and tell me what’s actually cool and what’s not and I’ll do the same for you for NYC and Boston. Like is Hammersmith interesting? Do people ever stop name dropping Shoreditch because there are actual good neighborhoods? I’ll keep it secret if necessary. Absolutely no form of Soho House and/or related properties, that whole franchise is corny and not private. Tell me about Jenny Lewis but that’s the only shop talk I’ll ask I swear. And it can just be “is she cool? Is her hair as gorgeous in person as it looks?” I just want to know if she’s cool, basically because I think she is. Falafel. Vegetarian cooking, I am very good and it is fun. Museum gift shops for coffee table books. Mixtape (or Spotify, whatever). Play records because we are being pretentious! Niche foreign beer tasting. Key lime pie. Aaaaaaaaaaand your friends can come hangout with us too Harry if they’re not 1- revolting and/or predatory in my opinion, I have veto power and James can never come. 2- interesting and engaging and not that into themselves or status or clout. We’re not instagramming our way through the hangout, we’re actually hanging out 3- kind. No jerks. Hmm I think that’s all for now but those are all things I would do with Harry if we befriended each other.
Hi, darling. I think those all sound like excellent ideas. Very well-rounded and much more interesting than the average get together. I might need to take notes. 😂
In reference to this (and the everything else in the tag)
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rizwanlal · 7 months
Certainly! Here's a list of some of the world's best places to visit:
1. **Paris, France**: Known as the City of Love, Paris is famous for iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral.
2. **Rome, Italy**: Home to ancient ruins like the Colosseum and the Roman Forum, as well as Vatican City and St. Peter's Basilica.
3. **Kyoto, Japan**: Rich in history and culture, Kyoto is filled with beautiful temples, traditional tea houses, and stunning gardens.
4. **New York City, USA**: The Big Apple offers a mix of culture, art, food, and entertainment, with attractions like Times Square, Central Park, and the Statue of Liberty.
5. **Machu Picchu, Peru**: This ancient Incan city nestled in the Andes Mountains offers breathtaking views and a glimpse into the region's rich history.
6. **Santorini, Greece**: Famous for its white-washed buildings with blue domes, stunning sunsets, and crystal-clear waters, Santorini is a picturesque island paradise.
7. **Great Barrier Reef, Australia**: One of the world's most spectacular natural wonders, the Great Barrier Reef is a haven for snorkelers and divers.
8. **Serengeti National Park, Tanzania**: Known for its vast plains and diverse wildlife, including the Big Five, the Serengeti offers unforgettable safari experiences.
9. **Marrakech, Morocco**: With its bustling medinas, vibrant souks, and stunning architecture, Marrakech is a feast for the senses.
10. **Iguazu Falls, Argentina/Brazil**: This awe-inspiring natural wonder consists of 275 individual waterfalls and spans the border between Argentina and Brazil.
11. **Dubai, UAE**: A modern marvel with skyscrapers, luxury shopping, and desert adventures, Dubai is a city of contrasts.
12. **Banff National Park, Canada**: Majestic mountain landscapes, turquoise lakes, and abundant wildlife make Banff a must-visit destination for nature lovers.
13. **Bora Bora, French Polynesia**: Famous for its overwater bungalows and pristine beaches, Bora Bora is the ultimate tropical getaway.
14. **Angkor Wat, Cambodia**: The largest religious monument in the world, Angkor Wat is a stunning example of Khmer architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage site.
15. **Rio de Janeiro, Brazil**: Known for its lively carnival, iconic beaches like Copacabana and Ipanema, and the towering Christ the Redeemer statue overlooking the city.
These are just a few of the countless amazing places to visit around the world, each offering its own unique charm and experiences.
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traveltricksblog · 4 months
Seamless Travels and Dazzling Events: Top Destination Experts Agency in Dubai
Welcome to the world of unparalleled travel experiences! As the top travel agency in Dubai, we take pride in creating unforgettable journeys tailored to your desires. Our renowned Destination Management Company (DMC) combines innovation and excellence to craft bespoke travel experiences that cater to both leisure and corporate travelers. Dive into a world where every trip becomes a seamless and memorable adventure.
Destination Expertise: Your Gateway to Dubai's Wonders
Beyond the well-known sights, Dubai has many hidden gems. Our destination expertise extends to those off-the-beaten-path experiences. Discover the rich history at the Dubai Museum, explore the artistic Alserkal Avenue, or enjoy a peaceful day at the Al Qudra Lakes. We know where to go for those special moments that make your trip unforgettable.
Customized Event Experiences: Bringing Your Vision to Life
Every event tells a story, and we ensure yours is unforgettable. As experts in event management, we handle everything from intimate gatherings to grand corporate functions. Our customized event experiences are tailored to meet your unique needs and preferences. With our meticulous planning and creative flair, we transform your vision into reality.
Corporate Travel Solutions: Enhancing Business Journeys
Traveling for business should be efficient and enjoyable. Our corporate travel solutions are designed to make every business trip seamless. We handle everything from flight bookings to ground transportation, ensuring you arrive relaxed and ready for work. Our services cater to individual business travelers and large corporate groups alike.
Customer-Centric Approach
We listen to your needs and preferences, creating travel experiences that are uniquely yours. Our customer-centric approach ensures you feel valued and understood. We build lasting relationships with our clients, many of whom return to us for their travel needs.
Trusted Partnerships
Our trusted partnerships with hotels, airlines, and local providers give us an edge. These relationships allow us to offer exclusive deals and experiences you won't find elsewhere. We leverage our connections to provide you with the best value and service. Trust us to deliver a travel experience that exceeds your expectations.
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suncitytours · 9 months
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Abu Dhabi City Tour Unveiled: Landmarks, Culture, and Ferrari World Thrills
Explore the vibrant capital of the UAE in an exhilarating Abu Dhabi City Tour coupled with an exclusive visit to Ferrari World – a journey that commences at 8:30 am, unless you opt for the bespoke, exclusive tour experience. This comprehensive excursion encompasses the essence of Abu Dhabi's iconic landmarks, promising an unforgettable adventure. Embark on this odyssey from your choice of location – be it your hotel, residence, cruise terminal, or either Dubai or Abu Dhabi airport – as we whisk you away on a captivating voyage through the heart of Abu Dhabi.
Your itinerary unfolds with a splendid panorama of must-see attractions. Marvel at the architectural marvel, the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, an awe-inspiring testament to intricate design and grandeur. Traverse through the opulence of Emirates Palace Hotel, soak in the ambiance of Marina Mall, and delve into the rich heritage at the captivating Heritage Village.
Immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of Abu Dhabi's culture as you explore the bustling Abu Dhabi souk, meander along the picturesque Rulers, Break Water Point, and delve into the captivating history at the Abu Dhabi Museum. Gaze in awe at the magnificence of the Etihad Towers and catch a glimpse of the stately Presidential Palace.
As the tour progresses, prepare for an adrenaline-pumping escapade to Ferrari World Abu Dhabi. Experience the thrill of speed, innovation, and excitement in this world-renowned amusement park dedicated to the Iconic Italian Automotive Brand. With your ticket in hand, indulge in a myriad of exhilarating rides, immersive experiences, and interactive exhibits, creating lasting memories of unparalleled excitement.
Throughout this captivating journey, revel in the personalized attention of our knowledgeable guides, ensuring every moment is brimming with insights and captivating narratives about Abu Dhabi's rich history and modern marvels.
Book your seat on this extraordinary tour that encapsulates the essence of Abu Dhabi's allure and offers an unforgettable experience, combining cultural immersion with the Thrill of Ferrari World's adrenaline-pumping adventures.
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careindia · 1 year
Dubai is known for several popular tourist attractions, including:
Burj Khalifa: The world’s tallest building, offering stunning views from its observation decks.
The Dubai Mall: One of the largest malls globally, featuring countless shops, restaurants, and entertainment options, including an indoor ice rink and an aquarium.
Palm Jumeirah: An artificial palm-shaped island with luxury resorts, shopping, and dining options.
Dubai Marina: A modern canal city with waterfront promenades, restaurants, and high-rise buildings.
Burj Al Arab: A luxury hotel shaped like a sail, known for its opulent design and breathtaking views.
Dubai Fountain: An impressive choreographed fountain show set to music, located next to the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall.
Desert Safari: Experience the desert with activities like dune bashing, camel rides, and traditional performances.
Jumeirah Beach: A popular spot for relaxing and enjoying the sun and sea.
Dubai Creek: A historic area where you can take a traditional abra (boat) ride and explore the old markets.
Dubai Museum: Housed in Al Fahidi Fort, this museum offers insights into Dubai’s history and culture.
Remember, Dubai has much more to offer beyond these highlights. It’s a dynamic city that blends modernity and tradition, making it a fascinating destination for tourists.
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hamzamoosakambi · 1 year
Hamza Moosa Kambi Dubai Travel Tips and Must-See Attractions - Your Ultimate Vacation Guide
Dubai, the crown jewel of the UAE, is a city that seamlessly blends tradition with modernity, offering a wealth of experiences for travelers. Dubai has something for everyone, from iconic skyscrapers and luxurious shopping malls to cultural heritage sites and stunning desert landscapes. In this ultimate Hamza Moosa Kambi Dubai — Luxury, Culture, and Adventure: Hamza Moosa Kambi's Guide to a Memorable Dubai Vacation, we will provide you with essential travel tips and highlight the must-see attractions that will make your trip to Dubai an unforgettable experience.
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Planning Your Trip to Dubai
Before embarking on your Dubai adventure, planning your trip is essential. Start by determining the best time to visit, considering the weather and any significant events or festivals happening in the city. Then, pre-book your flights and accommodations to secure the best deals. Additionally, make sure that your passport and visa requirements are in order.
Getting Around Dubai
Dubai boasts a well-connected transportation system that makes navigating the city a breeze. With its extensive network, the Dubai Metro is an easy option to travel between major attractions. In addition, taxis and ride-hailing services are readily available, providing additional flexibility. Consider purchasing a Nol card for seamless use on public transportation.
Exploring Dubai's Must-See Attractions
(a) Burj Khalifa: Visiting Dubai is incomplete without marveling at the world's tallest, Burj Khalifa. Then, ascend to the observation deck for panoramic views of the city skyline and beyond.
(b) The Dubai Mall: Adjacent to the Burj Khalifa, The Dubai Mall offers a shopping experience. Explore its vast retail outlets, enjoy entertainment options, and don't miss the mesmerizing Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo. (c) Palm Jumeirah:
An architectural marvel, Palm Jumeirah is an artificial island shaped like a palm tree. Visit the Atlantis, The Palm Hotel, relax on pristine beaches or indulge in water sports activities.
(d) Dubai Creek:
Immerse yourself in Dubai's history and culture at Dubai Creek. Take a traditional abra boat ride, explore the Gold and Spice Souks, and visit the Dubai Museum to learn about the city's heritage.
(e) Desert Safari:
Experience the tranquility of the desert with a thrilling desert safari. Enjoy dune bashing, camel rides, and an authentic Bedouin-style dinner under the stars.
Embracing Dubai's Culture
While Dubai is renowned for its modernity, respecting and appreciating its rich cultural heritage is essential. Therefore, visitors should dress modestly when visiting religious locations and public areas and familiarize themselves with local customs and etiquette.
Enjoying Dubai's Culinary Delights
Dubai is a melting pot of cultures, reflected in its diverse culinary scene. Indulge in traditional Emirati dishes, savor flavors from around the world at renowned restaurants, and explore vibrant street food markets for a truly gastronomic experience.
Conclusion Dubai is a city that captivates with its stunning architecture, rich heritage, and luxurious experiences. Following these travel tips and exploring the must-see attractions will create memories that will last a lifetime. So whether you're fascinated by towering skyscrapers, seeking cultural encounters, or craving thrilling adventures, Dubai has it all. If you wish to know more about professional business development, read Hamza Moosa Kambi Dubai - Professional Can Solve All Business Development Woes next. Good luck!
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equatortravel · 2 months
Leading Tour and Travel Agency in Dubai | Equator Travel
Equator Travel Management is your premier choice for corporate travel management and tour and travel agency services in Dubai. Our experienced business travel agents offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your company's needs. Trust Equator Travel Management, the best travel agency in Dubai, for seamless corporate travel experiences.
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thedalatribune · 1 year
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© Paolo Dala
Klee, the Music Painter Paul Klee and Cutback Studio (2022) Infinity des Lumières (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
Instagram And Art
Instagram has more than 500 million daily users, and its focus on images has made it especially popular among those who make and appreciate art. We are all just singular humans rooted in space and time, but Instagram gives us access to creative production all around the world, whenever we want it. Hooray! But what is it doing to us?  Is it changing the way we interact with and experience art?
The benefits of using Instagram became clear pretty soon after it launched in 2010, for institutions and individuals alike. For photographers and designers and artists of all kinds, Instagram is your own free gallery. Well, if you don't count the cost of giving away your data and attention to advertisements, but it does give power to artists who represent themselves outside of traditional systems. You don't have to wait to be taken on by a gallery or make the kind of work a gallery thinks they can sell. You hold the reigns and can show your art how you'd like it to be seen. You can share aspects of your process and demonstrate that you are a person outside of your work...
Art history has tended to provide us only a handful of iconic images of artists seriously engaged in their work or posed with a painting conveniently in the background, but Instagram gives us views into the daily lives of a multitude of artists, making visible the diversity of the individuals producing art today and allowing each the ability to represent themselves, and Instagram is an outstanding networking tool, allowing you to not only build and cultivate community among other artists, but also speak directly to followers, fans, and potential collectors.  
When most commercial galleries take 50% of a sale, the ability to connect to potential buyers without a middle person can be a real boon. As galleries are painfully aware, rent is high and employing people is expensive. While showing your work in person may be the ideal scenario, it's not always feasible, especially if you live in a place that isn't a cultural mecca, which is most places.  
Does Instagram favor particular kinds of work? Heck yes. Square!  Bright! Easily legible! Immersive!  Some artworks come across better in photos than others, but most can figure out a way around these problems if they want to, and plenty of artists have used the platform as a strategic aspect of their work, recruiting participants and fundraising for performances and events, and sharing documentation with those who can't be there in person. 
Some have used the images they find on Instagram to make actual works in real life. Ai Wei Wei has consistently shown us the power of social media to bear witness to his own experience of censorship and to injustice and suffering around the world, all of which are integral to the work he presents in museums and galleries, but Instagram can be a limiting influence for artists just as it's an empowering one. Like the rest of us, artists are susceptible to the dopamine rush that comes from likes and instant feedback. Artist Andrea Crespo admitted in a 2018 Vulture article, "Reward systems in social media were influencing my decisions while art making. I would think about what people would think based off of likes and comments."  
Artists have long sat out insight and criticism from friends and colleagues, but more often than not, the feedback offered on Instagram is superficial or purely congratulatory or when offered by anonymous strangers, unconstructively cruel. Exposing your work on Instagram can also make it vulnerable to copycats, other artists as well as companies just trying to decorate their stores. An artist doesn't have to have their own account for this to happen either. Anyone can snap a pic of your work and post it with your name associated, making you present on Instagram even if you don't want to be, and what about Instagram's effects on museums and galleries?  
Most not-for-profit institutions have missions that involve sharing their collections with the public, and their publics used to have pretty finite geographical boundaries...
Today, their conception of public can be much more expansive and inclusive. They can now try to create meaningful experiences with art for anyone with an internet connection and Instagram plays a big role in these efforts.  
Museums have the problem of only being in one place. You've got to take the bus or drive and pay for parking and do all the walking. Social media platforms give museums a way of reaching people where they are, sharing works from their collection, promoting special exhibitions, and luring people out of their hidey holes with glimpses of the cool things they can be doing out in the world, and the magical part is that it doesn't have to be one way communication anymore. For so long, museums were the authority, imparting knowledge upon the huddled masses, but with social media, the huddled masses can easily impart their knowledge on the authority, explaining what they value about their experiences and what they don't.  
If art museums are trying to show us the best of what's around, the peak moments in human creativity, do we want them heavily weighing Instagrammability when deciding what shows to devote money and scholarship to?
The answer doesn't have to be yes or no, and museums often navigate this by creating Insta-worthy moments within exhibitions, even if the art itself isn't so Insta-friendly...
For some, it might just be, art is cool. Me is cool, too, but I think there is more to it, or at least there can be. The research on this is just beginning, but a study of one exhibition in 2014 suggested that visitors use Instagram in meaningful ways to promote the exhibition, not replacing the in-person experience, but encouraging others to see it for themselves. The study found that visitors' use of Instagram was actually connected to their aesthetic experience. They captured mostly close-up images of the objects in the show and focused on their details. Only 9% of the images in the dataset included people.
Now, this was just one single exhibition in Sydney, Australia about the history of shoe design from the 1500s to the present. It was not a Kusama infinity room, where almost any photo is a selfie, but it's still showing, at least in one case, what I'd call real engagement with the objects. What we're really getting to here is how we construct meaning around art, right? Like, the old way was to just look at the thing, walk around it, observe it, and maybe read about it and talk about it with others.
Perhaps the camera and Instagram are tools we now use in this construction of meaning, revealing details we might not have noticed through our eyes alone, selecting and framing alternative views of the art. Does this add to the way we understand art or does it replace the traditional methods of direct observation and reflection?  If, on average, we only look at a work of art for seven seconds, does our photographing it extend our engagement or does it take the place of what might have been a more fulfilling experience? Is one way better than the other or in the wise words of the internet's favorite young lass, "Why don't we have both?"  
...One study published in 2017 found that taking photos with the intention to share them on social media actually undermines your enjoyment of the thing you're experiencing, increasing your feelings of anxiety. By worrying about presenting yourself in a positive light, you've lessened your engagement with the experience.
One of the co-authors of the study Alixandra Barasch, suggests you might take the pictures but wait until after the experience to share them, or you might even just take pictures for your own memories, which I think we can all agree is weird. I mean, who does that? But it's complicated. I really enjoy virtually visiting artworks and shows I can't get to by following artists and museums and galleries and curators on Instagram, and by exploring hashtags and geotags, I can find out about the ways other people experience the art I can get to. Like when I visited Prada Marfa in the middle of nowhere, Texas, I spent mediated as well as unmediated time at the site, but later, I found it really enriching to discover who else had been there, famous and not famous, years ago or just an hour before or after I did. This expanded my experience of it, extending the work beyond just an interaction between me and the art.
...Now, of course seeing an image of an artwork on a phone is not as good as being there, but social media gives us access to art and ideas that were previously off-limits for many of us due to geography or privilege and sharing art on Instagram is clearly something people want to be doing, at least right now. Museums would be foolish to ignore or resist our strong impulse to capture and share our experiences, but hopefully, we'll all evolve better, healthier ways of doing so, ways that deepen our engagement instead of making it more superficial.  
Instagram can't last forever. No platform does. Maybe one day, we'll just get tired of filtering our lives through screens and museums will still be there for us. Not as stage sets for our individual dramas, but as destinations in themselves, whole places filled with voices and visions, past and present, where we can come together and interact in real time and real space, or maybe we'll come to some sort of equilibrium between those poles. Until then, I'll see you on Instagram.
Sarah Urist Green Is Instagram Changing Art?
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emiratesviisa · 2 years
12 Free Things to Do in Dubai
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You might believe it will be challenging to travel to Dubai on a budget because it is recognized as a center of modern design, grandeur, and luxury in general—but you can think wrong! There is good news for vacationers on a tight budget: there is a tonne of free activities and attractions in Dubai. Here are 12 of the finest free things to do in Dubai, whether you want to take in the gleaming modern skyscrapers, learn about the emirate's history and culture, or simply walk outside and enjoy nature. One can get emirates visa for Egypt citizens to simply enjoy the things. 
1. Visit the Coffee Museum in Dubai 
Fans of coffee, raise your hands! The Dubai Coffee Museum is a fascinating location to learn about everything related to coffee, including its history, various foreign methods and flavors, books and videos to investigate, and even ancient coffee pots and other coffee-making equipment. Additionally, the baristas here are knowledgeable about the brews, so feel free to ask them any questions you may have about beans or brewing; if you're interested, they'll be happy to share their knowledge with you.
2. Ride an abra 
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Although it's not exactly free, for only $0.30 USD, it might as well be! We're happy that riding an abra is a reasonably priced activity for most people because it's a must-do in Dubai. Get a taste of history by using this, Dubai's customary ferry system, to traverse Dubai Creek (and a convenient form of transportation). To go to the Dubai Old Souk station or the Bur Dubai station, cross the creek at either the Deira Old Souk abra station or the Al Sabkha station. Apply emirates visa for Egypt nationals to get a ride on Abra. 
3. Wander through the Al Fahidi historic district
Are you prepared to learn more about Dubai's past and present? Enjoy a leisurely stroll through the Al Fahidi Historic District. The Al Fahidi Historical Neighborhood has a lot to offer, and most of it is free to view, including historic buildings, tea houses, museums, art exhibits, markets, and more.
4. Or flash-forward to the modern era at Alserkal Avenue 
More hipster information than historical? Not to worry. Locals congregate on Dubai's obscure Alserkal Avenue, where there are constant events going on and much of it is free to explore. The area is home to art galleries, pop-up stores, cafes and coffee shops, event centers, and more. Experience modern-day Dubai life while spending the day at Alserkal Avenue. 
5. Take a day to explore The Dubai Mall 
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If you can resist the over 1,200 stores placed inside this huge mall, then yes, this is completely free. One of the largest shopping centers in the world, the Dubai Mall features a wide variety of stores and eateries as well as an aquarium, a movie theatre, an ice skating rink, a virtual reality park, and more. There not being enough shopping for you? Even if you just want to window shop, the Mall of the Emirates boasts a tonne of entertainment options and retail stores.
6. Visit an authentic souk 
Of course, you can also have a genuine Dubai shopping experience at a neighborhood souk if a mall isn't quite your thing. Our favorite souks are the Spice Souk and the Gold Souk. Even if you decide not to make a purchase, a stroll around these traditional markets while window shopping is the ideal opportunity to fully experience Dubai's sights, sounds, and fragrances.  
7. Take a free tour of the Bur Dubai Grand Mosque
Are you curious to know more about Dubai's culture? The Grand Mosque, one of Dubai's most recognizable houses of worship, is a good place to start. The tour, which is entirely free, includes a tour of the mosque, a prayer demonstration, an explanation of Islamic principles, refreshments, and more. If you're interested in Islam or Dubai's culture, you should also visit the Jumeirah Mosque. For further details, visit their website, and be sure to dress modestly.
8. Go hiking at Hatta 
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One of Dubai's most well-known attractions is Hatta, and it's the ideal location to visit when you need a vacation from the city. Take a bike ride, take in the scenery, go trekking in the foothills of the Rockies, or do something else. Of course, exploring is free, but if you have extra cash, there are adventurous activities like paragliding, horseback riding, and kayaking available. 
9. Get a tan 
Take your pick from the deserts or the beaches in Dubai; it's simple to accomplish this. Add Kite Beach Dubai and The Beach opposite JBR to your list if you're prepared for a day at the beach (those are our favorites). You have a tonne of options if you're going to the desert: spend money on an overnight desert safari or camp for nothing at Al Qudra. Even though it's only a fast 30-minute drive from the city, you'll feel like you're in the middle of nowhere with the opportunity to explore both lakes and sand dunes.
10. Bask in Dubai’s stunning architecture
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Of course, you may experience Dubai on a budget without leaving the city. Among the top free activities in Dubai? Take a tour of the area to see some of the city's most beautiful buildings and skyscrapers. A must-see is the Burj Khalifa, the highest structure in the entire world, the Burj Al Arab, and the Cayan Tower. 
11. Soak in the sunset at the Dubai Marina
Want some instantly captivating views? You only need to consider the Dubai Marina. There are plenty of activities available if you want to spend the afternoon or just go for a fast run around the 5.3-mile boardwalk loop that is surrounded by stores, accommodations, and restaurants. Visit at sunset for the greatest sights, expert advice advised. 
12. Watch the flamingos at the Ras Al Khor wildlife sanctuary
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Animal lover? The flamingos steal the show at this nature refuge, which is conveniently located close to the city and is home to thousands of birds, fish, and other animals. Come for some photos for Instagram and stay to discover more about the amazing creatures and distinctive habitats they call home. You can get emirates visa for Egypt passport holders and enjoy in Dubai. 
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{{ History asks! 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 23, 24, and 29? I've seen a lot of historical fashion and photography on your blog, but I don't know if that's a Passion^tm or a passing appreciation.
4. Favourite historical era?
Tough call, but in recent years I've been very interested in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, particularly the social/cultural history aspects that most ~WWII historians~ give short shrift.
7. Historical dressing, uniform, or costume?
I do like 30s/40s/50s dress, as well as Victorian dress and certain stages in the development of traditional Japanese dress (although unfortunately Heian court wear does very little for me to look at even though the concepts behind it are really interesting). I wouldn't say it's my main focus as an historian--that's religious history--but I'm passionate enough about it to more or less keep up conversations with my friends @absynthe--minded and @marzipanandminutiae, both of whom do specialize in fashion history.
8. What is the last thing you have read, listened to, or spoken of with historical reference?
I'm reading a book as we speak (The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik) where the narrator recently discussed the contemporary-history fun fact that Dubai is built on indentured labor.
10. What pieces of art (i.e. paintings, sculpures, lithographies, etc.) related to history do you like the most?
Ooh, extremely broad question. There's a painting in the Vatican museums called "The Triumph of History over Time" whose title I love, but the picture itself isn't anything particularly special. There's also a bust of Emperor Vespasian at the archeological museum in Naples that I'm especially fond of because he looks exactly like an aging, chubby, glad-handing "retail politician" today. Some things never change!
11. Have you ever participated in reenactment? What it was like?
Not yet!
12. Would you take part in reenactment? In what era and as whom?
Watch this space.
14. Why are you are interested in history?
I have a nostalgic temperament and grew up in a very history-rich area by American standards. It's also an interest that my late grandfather had and I was very close to him; part of my semi-focus on WWII is that he was a Pacific Theater veteran.
16. Do you own some historical item (e.g. coin, clothing, weapons, books, etc.) If yes, which one is your favourite?
I own quite a few antiques, yes. My favorite is an honest-to-goodness piece of eight (Spanish milled dollar) that I found at an antique shop in Ship Bottom, New Jersey for twenty or thirty dollars, a steal even then, when I was thirteen or fourteen years old. I misplaced it somewhere in my parents' house years ago, though, so my favorite antique of whose whereabouts I'm currently certain is a 1940s rayon crepe dress that I bought from a vintage clothing dealer I know.
23. What’s your favourite historical song or song containing historical references?
I'm not sure how to interpret this question; sorry!
24. Who do you consider to be one of the most underrated historical figures?
Emperor Antoku is underrated among Japanese rulers because he's one of the very few who never did anything reprehensible, seeing as he was killed by his grandmother to avoid capture at the Battle of Dan-no-ura when he was six years old.
29. Are there any great historical mysteries that you are interested in?
Wallace Fard Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam. We know nothing about him for certain before or after his work setting up the religion in Great Depression-era Detroit, and what's known inconclusively, or suspected, has a ton of inconsistencies. He was born in Oregon, or Afghanistan, or New Zealand, or somewhere else; he lived in North Carolina, or California, or both, before showing up in Detroit; he was a restaurant manager, or a carny, or both, by occupation...you get the idea.
I’ve seen plenty of “Tumblr Ask Challenges”, but none involving history. What a shame…
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Abu Dhabi City Tours: A Journey Through the Heart of the UAE - Desert Safari Dubai Adventures
Abu Dhabi City Tours, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, offers a mesmerizing blend of tradition, modernity, and breathtaking landscapes. From awe-inspiring landmarks to rich cultural experiences, a city tour in Abu Dhabi City Tours promises unforgettable memories. Here’s what you can expect from an Abu Dhabi City Tours.
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1. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque: A Symbol of Islamic Architecture
The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is one of the largest mosques in the world and an iconic landmark in Abu Dhabi City Tours. With its stunning white marble structure, intricate floral designs, and expansive courtyard, it is a must-visit for anyone exploring the city. The mosque accommodates over 40,000 worshippers and is a masterpiece of Islamic architecture, offering guided tours to educate visitors on its history and religious significance.
2. Louvre Abu Dhabi: A Cultural Masterpiece
Art enthusiasts will find a haven in the Louvre Abu Dhabi City Tours, an art museum that brings cultures together. With its distinctive dome that allows sunlight to filter in as if through palm leaves, the museum offers a unique experience. Inside, you'll find an impressive collection of artifacts, artworks, and exhibitions from different civilizations, showcasing the UAE’s dedication to cultural preservation and global collaboration.
3. Emirates Palace: Luxury and Grandeur
One of the most luxurious hotels in the world, Emirates Palace, is a sight to behold. Abu Dhabi City Tours opulence is evident from the golden domes, lush gardens, and lavish interiors. While staying at the hotel might be out of reach for some, visitors can still enjoy a stroll through its public areas, try the famous gold-infused cappuccino, or simply marvel at its grand architecture.
4. Heritage Village: A Step Back in Time
For a taste of Abu Dhabi City Tours past, the Heritage Village is a recreation of a traditional desert village. Located along the Corniche, this open-air museum offers insights into Bedouin life, showcasing ancient crafts such as pottery and weaving. Abu Dhabi City Tours also features traditional houses, a mosque, and a souk, giving visitors a glimpse into the UAE’s humble beginnings.
5. Yas Island: Fun for the Whole Family
If you're looking for modern entertainment, Yas Island is the place to be. Home to attractions like Ferrari World, Yas Waterworld, and the Yas Marina Circuit, this island is perfect for thrill-seekers and families alike. Whether you're racing on the Formula 1 track, enjoying world-class shopping, or relaxing by the beach, Yas Island has something for everyone.
6. Qasr Al Watan: The Presidential Palace
A visit to Qasr Al Watan, the presidential palace, offers a deeper understanding of the UAE's governance, culture, and history. The palace is a working government building but also serves as a cultural landmark, with its grand halls and stunning architecture open to the public. The exhibitions inside highlight the UAE’s contributions to science, arts, and diplomacy.
7. Corniche Road: Scenic Waterfront Views
Stretching along the northwest shore of the city, Corniche Road offers stunning views of the Persian Gulf. With its clean beaches, parks, and cycling paths, Abu Dhabi City Tours the perfect spot for a leisurely afternoon. Whether you’re looking to take a walk, ride a bike, or simply enjoy a sunset, Corniche Road provides a refreshing break from the city's hustle and bustle.
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10. Conclusion: Abu Dhabi - A City of Wonders
Abu Dhabi City Tours is a city that truly offers something for every traveler. Whether you're interested in its rich culture, modern attractions, or natural beauty, a city tour will leave you with unforgettable experiences. From the splendor of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque to the excitement of Yas Island, this city is a destination that reflects the spirit of the UAE—bold, beautiful, and full of surprises.
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