#history mcq
historbuff · 9 months
Top 50 General Knowledge Questions 2023 :-
1). Which of the following Vedas deals with magic spells and witchcraft?
A. Rigveda
B. Samaveda
C. Yajurveda
D. Atharvaveda
Answer - ( D )
2). The later Vedic Age means the age of the compilation of ?
A. Samhitas
B). Brahmanas
C. Aranyakas
D. All the above
Answer - ( D )
3). The Indus Valley civilization can be said belong to the ?
A. Paleolithic age
B. Primitive age
C. Neolithic age
D. Chalcolithic age
Answer - ( D )
4). After the partition of India, the largest number of Harappan towns and settlement have been found in ?
A. Punjab
B. Haryana
C. Gujarat
D. Uttar Pradesh
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amandayetagain · 5 months
Heimler “where did the unit review videos go” fuck you fuck you fuck you. How dare you give us something useful that we came to rely on and then take them away for profit.
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studiestoday123 · 2 months
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"Explore CUET History MCQs on Colonialism and Rural Society with Evidence from Official Reports at StudiesToday. Enhance your understanding of historical events, their impacts on rural life, and the nuances of colonial rule. Ideal for students preparing for CUET exams."
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aspirecoding · 1 year
Which of the following is a high-level programming language?
a) Machine Language b) Assembly Language c) C++ d) Binary Code
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callmearcturus · 1 year
Regarding the reception of Ilsa's death, what personally upsets me about it is that by refusing to interact with it on a story level (ie blaming McQ's misogyny, saying that it's just fridging), people completely miss out on the thematic richness of the movie, and how much that death influences that.
It's a pity that people aren't giving them any credit for the story because they focus on that part of it, so thank you for talking about it!
(Sorry, not really a question!)
(heads up this is gonna be a bitchy post!)
Yeah I am to a point that I'm becoming actively annoyed at the discussion around DR1 because I walked out of that movie both times like "I cannot BELIEVE what they're doing here with the IMF, with the ethos of the movies, I can't wait for ppl to get over their shock over Ilsa's death and actually think about the point"
and that has just not happened and it's so boring. To watch DR1 and go "i hate this movie bc Ilsa's death was pointless" and to keep thinking that even after you've cooled off is imo a media literacy failure. like, DID WE FUCKING WATCH THE SAME MOVIE?
did anyone else see Ethan's introduction to the movie, where he gets to play an elder member of this organization basically inducting and welcoming someone into the fold with a distant kindness?
did anyone else see how the Entity affects the entire western intelligence community and cements them as the villain while the IMF are fighting to maintain basic free will?
did anyone notice the purposeful contrasts, how everyone swayed by the Entity's potential power exist in flashy ultra modern sets while Ethan's team live in the warm shadows of old abandoned buildings?
how about the return of Kittridge, the spectre of history and obligation cast over everyone?
HOW ABOUT REFASHIONING THE MYTHOS OF THE IMF INTO A "CHOICE" EXPLICITLY MAKING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE SELF-SELECTING AGENTS OF OUTRAGEOUS ALTRUISM. I'm sorry but how the fuck are people not losing their fucking minds over the fact Christopher fucking McQuarrie has been building on this IDEA since Ghost Protocol, that Ethan Hunt doesn't believe in the trolley problem, that if you present him with a trolley problem he will try to kill himself pushing the trolley off the tracks, there are no acceptable losses even in the face of nuclear armageddon, and they made it fucking CANON
and then they made Luther and Benji go "well yeah that's the IMF, we all chose to be this kind of batshit fanatical to the preservation of life"
Ilsa died OPTING INTO THAT. she was never IMF, she was a loner who occasionally fell into the orbit of Ethan and co, and rather than leaving it up to Ethan to make a choice, she walks open-eyed to save a woman she doesn't even know because why would that matter do you get it yet, we're talking about themes here
I'm just. I get it. Or I got it. For the first few weeks after DR1 came out, ppl were sad that Ilsa died
but now that we are this far out from it and people are still saying "her death was pointless", my patience is done. you failed to read the movie. which pisses me off because i am super into what this movie, this franchise, is trying to say!
anyway yeah my name is arcturus, i love ilsa faust, and i love that she died because her death fucking meant something /jazzhands
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lunebits · 1 year
ap class tips
for those in ap classes who are struggling. also for those who aren't really. whatever.
just as an intro to my qualifications:
i go to a stem high school (will be graduating next sem!) where all the classes are already advanced as is (our ap classes are also taught differently!) i've taken a total of 10 ap classes during my time, and while that isn't as much as others, i'd say i have a pretty good spread of ap classes i took!
general ap class tips
remember that the ultimate goal for you taking this course is to take the exam and get a 4/5 (reach for that 5!). yes, the grade is important, but that score at the end after that exam might save anywhere from $600-$1200+ in college. so focus your energy on that exam once the exams are encroaching!
make friends in your ap classes. trauma bonding is real (/j) so making friends that will help you study or might save you when you accidentally forgot is key.
and while they all say "study a bit every night!" that's hard to do. the rule of thumb here for every class will be in the categorized sections, so don't worry (i gotchu!!)
ap math (calc ab/bc, stat, physics, chem, etc.)
i personally didn't take physics or chem bc i didn't want to, but i did take bc and got a 5 (yes, i'm so proud)!
rule of thumb for studying at home: do your homework everyday and actually take the time to understand what the hell you're doing. understand what the process is behind solving the problem. be able to pull out the variables. practice, practice, practice. also, this is one of those subjects where it's actually worth it to study it at home everyday.
ANOTHER RULE: practice tests. these math exams are about stamina and speed. if you can solve a problem, great! but now here comes 20 more screaming your name. but, if you can get the timing down before your exam, that's even better. so go waste your saturday afternoon at that mock exam if you need to. another saturday will come in time anyway. ask your teacher for mock exams. get that practice workbook. whatever it takes. get the timing in your hand.
just as a quote from my teacher, "life is about choices, and we are all busy people." don't waste your time doing something that'll waste your time. even if you can't remember it, that's okay. just keep moving and score more points somewhere else. and also, do the easy route. only memorize the easy route.
math is about patterns. patterns rule math. extract that pattern out of that problem, memorize it, and you'll be just fine.
FRQS WILL HURT YOUR BRAIN AND THAT'S OKAY! collegeboard has a very specific way it wants you to answer these questions. the best way to learn the format is to do so many frqs your hands hurt. because in any exam that involves math, you genuinely need to do better on the frqs. they'll land you more points. yes, the mcq might get you that 5, but the frqs become the basic 3 or 4 that you need. your teacher will hopefully teach you the format, but if they don't, the collegeboard ap website has all the past frqs they've ever made.
YOU WILL BE OKAY. I PROMISE. make sure that if you cry, you understand your disappointment then move on to a larger action plan.
ap histories/humanities (art history, u.s history, euro, world, etc.)
i've taken all the histories that my school offers (apush, euro, apwh, apah, etc.)
rule of thumb: don't study at home unless there's a test coming up or you're bad at putting stuff in order.
GET YOUR WRITING SKILLS DOWN PAT. this is the thing that'll get you the most points. that mcq section is a killer, but doing 3-6 (looking at you apah exam) right after might just kill you. so please, get your stamina up. just write. just keep writing.
timeline shit for history. because when it comes down to it, knowing the sequence of events and knowing the events themselves are more important than dates or whatever.
if you're worried about coherency in your writing, jot down a small pre-writing list.
memorize every single rubric. luckily, the dbq/leq rubric is the same across apush, apwh, and euro. you'll get away with just memorizing the two. the apah rubric is a little different, and the ap lit rubric is a little different. just memorize them as best you can.
when writing, cater to your reader. make things easy to spot and easy to grade. they'll give you a higher score if they can clearly see where things are.
just practice mcqs. all the stimulus will have something you can pull out of it (unless it's like apah where you're meant to memorize the works). but every question will have an answer that's in the passage. practice finding that answer. (this one is still really hard)
all these tests are tests of stamina. and sometimes, they're on the same goddamn day because collegeboard hates love us. just keep going. grab a snack. rest your eyes, go.
essays are the bane of everyone’s existence in ap courses because you’re on this strict rubric and have this mythical complexity/sophistication point that you need to give your hopes and dreams of achieving. BUT. but. you’ll be okay. especially for exams like the ap lit/apah exam, you get to come in knowing at least a bit of the exam (for ap lit, a good part of the frq weight. for apah, 90% of the test). TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT!! know a novel inside and out. know the works inside and out. you’ll be okay. stretch your hands, breathe, write.
ap sciences (bio, physics, chem, psych, econ)
i've personally taken bio and both econs, but these are all concept based, so the same general tips apply.
rule of thumb: if you don't understand it in class, you need to study it at home asap. seriously. because you sure as hell won’t be able to put it together during class the next day. whats good though is that there’s so many resources online (esp videos!!) for all the ap sciences that it’s actually crazy.
read your textbook. science is great with a textbook in your hand. you don't even need to read the whole thing. just skim through it to add information to your class notes. most times that works.
because the questions are concept based, the mcq/frqs are a little hard to get used to. SO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS: don’t ignore your responsibilities and learn what these questions look like.
flashcards. USE FLASHCARDS. so much of science is not only understanding concepts but applying them. to apply them, you need to know them by heart. and to know them by heart means flashcards to drill yourself.
and speaking of applying your knowledge, you need to take things slowly. approach questions with this framework: 1) read the problem + understand what concept it’s asking about. 2) pull out that information from your sexy brain. 3) solve the problem based on what you can remember. to truly understand, include a lot of examples in your notes. AND MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHY AND HOW THEY WORK. the why and the how are more important than the what.
misc tips 🌷
burnout is inevitable if you don’t manage your time correctly. there’s people online that can explain how to manage your energy more than me so please go watch them instead lmfao
try your best to stay on your schedule. the more you push your tasks to this arbitrary tomorrow, the more you absolutely won’t do them.
honey, you need to bring a snack and a water bottle to those exams, you get like a 10 minute break that isn’t enough for the mental taxation (without representation) that happens on those exams. they’re brutal.
the classes themselves are not as bad you think. i promise. most of the time, you’ll actually have fun. and it’s really cool to be learning at a college level. so keep at it! the moment you hate something, the moment you begin to stop trying as hard and your grades start slipping. keep finding the next thing to delude yourself into enjoying (/hj).
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pocketvenuslux · 13 days
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I'm doing another lingerie history throwback post, this time about the short lived diffusion line, L'Agent by Agent Provocateur.
L'Agent launched in 2013, when diffusion lines for luxury labels had become the norm in the fashion industry. These younger sibling brands offered goods at more accessible - though still expensive! -price points that allowed luxury brands to court aspirational shoppers without damaging the perception of exclusivity for their main lines. L'Agent followed this same strategy, with prices that were roughly 50% cheaper than AP.
Although many diffusion lines were eventually phased out, I think there were other reasons for L'Agent's doomed history, including the fact that it was such a latecomer to the diffusion game. Most popular diffusion lines at the time had launched more than a decade earlier and at this point, were considering shuttering operations. D&G closed in 2011, Marc by Marc Jacobs in 2015, Burberry Brit in 2016. While diffusion lines allowed luxury brands to build a larger, younger customer base, they also demanded more administrative and marketing resources and for many brands, they failed to differentiate themselves enough from main lines, dragging down that perceived luxury prestige.
Which brings me to my next point. A number of L'Agent's designs were clearly reworked versions of AP's designs. Obviously they were not exactly the same and the materials were different - but the latter is not something you can really appreciate when you're shopping online. Although AP digitally isolated L'Agent into an entirely different website, which it did not do with Soirée*, I feel its own designs were so distinctive, that didn't matter. At certain angles, I can't even tell the difference between L'Agent's Danita and AP's classic, Nikita.
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While L'Agent was meant to be more youthful than AP, its early collections, especially the sets that did not crib from beloved AP designs, lacked a strong, cohesive voice. Despite this, L'Agent expanded rapidly, opening its own stores with what must have been a considerable outlay of capital. Here's an image of L'Agent's fourth store, which opened in Montreal in 2015.
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Honestly, this Victoria's Secret-esque retail environment, nothing like the lush, boudoir-vibes of AP boutiques and their shop girls in their pink Westwood uniforms, strikes me as less fun and cheeky and more cheap and tacky - which is a shame because their lingerie was much better than what you could pick up at a VS.
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While I didn't feel compelled to purchase a L'Agent set, I did pick up a pair of Idalia knickers for prosperity's sake. You can see the top photo of this post for the whole set. The panty has a number of costlier details such as picot edging, hidden seams, i.e. no gusset "pocket", and a two-toned lace. The stitches on the narrow elastics are actually three-point zigzags so they're tiny. However, the materials are a huge step down from AP. The lace feels stiffer and rougher and while the picot is cute, it irritates my skin a little.
You can still see many examples of other L'Agent sets online. I'll link to a few examples below.
Screenshots of the original website provided by its design agency
SS 2014
AW 2014
AW 2015
SS 2016
AW 2016
SS 2017
In contrast to L'Agent, diffusion lines that were more successful were those that meaningfully created a "conversation" with the main line while having its own distinct voice. For example, I could always recognize a McQ piece, even if it was more editorial. They often repurposed elements you'd see on the Alexander McQueen runway into more streamlined, streetwear inspired pieces such that you'd never mistake a McQ piece for an Alexander McQueen RTW piece. McQ persisted through the 2010s and it was only in 2022 that the line was "suspended."
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In addition to struggling to find its own voice, financial troubles at AP, which would eventually lead to the company's bankruptcy, proved to be the final nail in L'Agent's coffin. By late 2016, AP announced that it would be downsizing both stores and staff at its headquarters by a brutal 30% and L'Agent was definitely in the cross-hairs. L'Agent bit the dust the following year - it held a final sale for the 2017 post-holiday season and by February 2018, it was all over.
Despite this, I feel like L'Agent lives on. Current AP lines like Fia, Laily, Whinette and Yara all have a L'Agent vibe to me. Which is to say, the luxurious details I associated with older AP sets have increased in price at AP while L'Agent-ish sets that have simpler designs and cheaper materials have created a lower tier to AP's lingerie without actually being cheaper than the cheapest AP sets back in the day. In this way, the inflation of AP's prices are better hidden from the consumer. Can you tell from the photos below which model is wearing L'Agent and which is wearing AP's Fia?
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In 2021, AP tried its hand again at the diffusion game with its "All Hours" line. This one was much shorter lived and you can read an analysis about its failure on The Lingerie Addict. Only the Lucky line survives in an "Anytime" collection.
Interestingly enough, in 2024, we are starting to see the return of the diffusion line. Society has not emerged from the pandemic unscathed and the cost of living crisis as well as punitive measures against workers have crushed the spending power of aspirational shoppers. Meanwhile, capitalists have only gotten richer. As a result, prices in the luxury sector have rocketed skyward as brands zero in on their rosters of VICs (Very Important Clients) with specialized services and double down on exclusivity. But it seems like younger brands like Aries, that may lack the rolodex and capital of more established houses, are once again, returning to the diffusion line while older lines like Comme des Garcons' Play appear to be selling well.
Personally, I'm not sure if we'll ever see a diffusion line from AP again. Because AP's brand is already youthful, playful and cheeky and no one wants expensive basics from a brand like AP, there is nowhere for an AP diffusion line to go. But the fallout of the decimation of the middle class is still playing out. And we will see if AP has what it takes to respond to this tread of increasing income inequality and financial precarity.
* While brands were launching diffusion lines, some also launched higher-tier "demi-couture" lines like Burberry Prorsum that featured more expensive and experimental materials and fashion forward, editorial designs - AP pursued this tactic as well with its Soirée line which launched earlier than L'Agent in 2009.
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chweverni · 10 months
got the music in you, baby
pairing - lee jung chan (dino) x reader synopsis - yes, you are the youngest in your family; yes, you are the perfect pancake with no personality; yes, you're overlooked, a lot actually. and maybe a guy you had no intention of making friends with, actually gets you. and maybe you kinda like it. warnings; kinda angsty, they turn from ?? to ??(with possibilities of being lovers in the near future), reader trauma dumps to dino but that's all! (also this kinda revolves around middle school so sorry for that <3) author's note; exam szn ended y'all!! but this was kinda written based on my life lol i've been having a hard time irl lately but its fine, bc just like dino, i never bow <3 btw dino is pink!!
today's the last day of exams, you're sitting in front of your school desk, with your answer sheet which you revised three times already. honestly, the test today was quite easy, and you don't understand why you cried over the stupid dates in history when they came up in MCQs instead. you sighed, as you checked the wall clock.
three minutes more till the final bell. you began spinning your pen in your hand impatiently, as the invigilator got up from his seat to collect your papers. you packed your belongings in your bag and the bell finally rung. chaos was restored as students got up from their seats to discuss their answers with their peers.
you would've talked with them too, if it weren't for lee jung chan, your desk mate who got you first.
"y/n-nie!! wait up for me! we have to talk!"
you turned around to face the boy in confusion, as he smiled at you. "how'd you do in your test?". why was he asking me that? you tilted your head towards the right and asked why. chan simply replied, "eh just curious how my amazing desk mate did in her test, nothing more, nothing less." he shot out his smile again, this time holding your shoulders and turning you back towards the door, as he pushed you outside along with him.
"okay, what do you want?"
"so i was wondering if you'd tell me what you were up to just a few days earlier at the convenience store nearby at 10 pm into the night?"
what the fuck. how'd he know about that?
okay, let's rewind back to last saturday and find out.
"mom! i ranked second in that math olympiad i attempted earlier!", you screamed from your room with excitement. you ran outside your room, carrying your laptop to the kitchen to show her the e-mail. "how much did your sister get? check that for me pretty please." your mom replied, eyes fixated on the vegetables she was cutting on the cutting board. ouch. you did as she asked anyway and replied,
"she got 52 originally but after counting in the negative marks, its added up to 32, placing her on the 15th Merit rank."
your older sister stood beside your mom, explaining why she scored less, your achievement being long forgotten. i mean, is wanting encouragement and appreciation from your parents selfish? you watched your mom as she comforted her and talked about some tuition classes your sister could sign up for to score better next time.
your mother admired your sister more, because the first pancake is always spoilt, and has more personality, with burnt edges and unwanted curves which made it interesting. the second ones were more perfect, made with care in the beginning, just to be eaten afterwards. they had no personality or quirks. and maybe you were fine with being perfect. but maybe not. atleast not this time.
you got up, headed to your room, picked up some money from the drawer and went outside to the convenience store nearby. the clock read 9:45 pm. but man, you really craved something spicy to burn down your throat because a big lump had formed there, and it was definitely not thinking of going away.
you went inside, and bought two cups of instant ramen and opened one immediately as you sat on one of the mini tables there to eat.
you wanted to feel fine, but the parasitic thought of being an unwanted child rang at the back of your head. you had experienced numerous instances where your achievements were overlooked by your lovely sister, who always seemed to do it better the second chance. you didn't really mind it all these years, but it had finally reached your head and wasn't planning on leaving.
thinking about it involuntarily pulled out tears from you and you began ugly crying your eyes and heart out as you slurped in the spicy ramen. god, this felt so good. all the weird burdens you tucked away in your sleep were lifting off of your body and you cried more. it was therapeutic to do and you wondered why you didn't do it sooner.
and little did you know, lee jung chan, your deskmate at school, who had just gotten there to get himself a can of soda, had the perfect luck to be a witness to this.
now, he could let it go, but he could not, possibly.
because if it weren't for his very big and obvious to everyone but not you crush on you that made him stop on his way back and think about approaching you after exams at school, he would've totally just stride back home and study.
back to the hallways, dino stared at you with high expectations, that you'll tell him what happened, while you just stood there,
"why are we doing this again? i think we've talked like three times this whole year."
"it's actually eight.. but never mind!"
"you counted?"
dino just cleared his throat and looked at you with those piercing eyes of his again.
i mean trauma dumping in front of a teenage boy who you barely knew didn't feel like a foreign concept because boys were stupid and how was chan any different?
but something about his demeanor made you dumber, and you proceeded to tell him everything about last saturday, as you two walked out the school, towards that same convenience store.
chan was surprisingly a good listener and you noticed that he would think it through and ask," can i advise you on this?", which you found really cute but you're too tough to actually admit it.
both of you counted the money you had on yourselves and bought two cups of instant ramen again.
now you stood across dino, in a mini table, and your conversation now concerned cats, instead of your very terrible saturday.
"don't you think naming cats Ivan, The Terrible would actually be accurate? as they literally assert their dominance on your bed after they become comfy!"
"and how would you know that?"
you asked, a playful smile plastered on your face, as you noticed the slight red blush that ran through his face due to the spice levels of the ramen. that kinda made your heart flutter, but you ignored that. chan replied soon after with a cute pout on his face, "because i own one! they're so bossy! i literally scoop their heavy duties with my hand and that's how they reward me." You chuckled at his words.
"did you just.. chuckle?" "am i not allowed to .. ?" "so you did!"
chan's smile grew wider over the seconds and he began rambling with the speed of light, "OMG! i made you smile! oh wait- a chuckle is more than just a smile! i made your mood just ten times brighter! we should totally hang out more! see, our interests line up so well! you're welcome to come and hang in my house anytime, y/n-nie! i'm always there, teehee."
that was.. something.
why'd that something make you feel giddy?
the end! (or nah depends on you! yes, you! lmk if you want an extension of this!!)
all creds to chweverni only on tumblr. come back for more! reqs for short drabbles are now open woohoo!!!!
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saltyfilmmajor · 1 year
Lost dog anon here.
*Blinks at you seductively* Talk to me more about Solomon Lane and how Ethan gets exploited for his big dumb heart (and also how he’s such a fucking sub oh my god just look at him).
None of my friends care about MI. So I just have to sit here with my thoughts. But I’m bad at articulating things so it’s just flashes of scenes from the movies superimposed on top of each other.
I hope in part 2 they reveal that Ilsa is alive (I refuse to believe she’s dead. They can’t just kill her off that’s rude) and Lane somehow shows up again too and the three of them get to have a nice little Spider-Man pointing session. And then idk. They throw Lane back in jail I guess 😂
Hello Lost Dog Anon!
Sorry it took a while for me to reply I’ve had a response drafted and then forgot to post haha.
With regard to Lane, I know that McQ stated that that Sean Harris was definitely interested in returning so maybe we will get a Spider-Man pointing meme 😂. Before he nuked his twitter McQ also said that he “knows how He wants [lane’s] story to end” so the it’s likely that Lane could return. I hope so at least, I’d very much be interested in seeing how he would react to Ilsa’s death for like narrative head canon reasons.
As for the potential of Ilsa’s return, I wouldn’t count it out of the realm of possibility but personally I actually am very compelled by her staying dead and how that affects the team.
With regard to Ethan, I have written some sub ethan smut which is very fun to be honest. And I’m most people who subscribe to this headcanon do so for similar reasons as I, being that he has to be able shut his mind off for a little bit at least.
I’d very much be interested in seeing how Lane and Ethan would interact in Dead Reckoning Part 2 given their shared history, and how Lane is really the only one established in canon to be similar to the entity (in terms of being described as being omniscient almost) . Ethan’s team have always said that “x happens because Lane wants it to happen.” Similar to The Entity.
They’re both able to exploit Ethan’s pattern of behavior to their advantage. I’d argue that Lane is more effective given that he is human compared to an ai that cannot account for the unpredictability of human nature.
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historbuff · 9 months
Indus Valley Civilization MCQ :-
1). The earliest city discovered in India was ?
A) Harappan
B) Sindh
C) Mohenjodaro
D) Punjab
Answer :- ( A )
2). The Social system of the Harappans was ?
A) Slave Labour based
B) Colour Varna based
C) Caste based
D) Egalitarian
Answer :- ( D )
3). The Harappans did not know the use of ?A). Gold
B). Copper
C). Bronze
D). Iron
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booksbluegurl · 5 months
My Itinerary for my exams in June'24
Subjects: Geography, Sociology, English literature
I'm utterly confused about how to go with this so I'm just sharing here. Also to get some accountability.
(Human Geography, Resource Geography)
Have to read:
Study all the maps from Resource Geography textbook and Human Geography textbook.
Study all kinds of MCQs.
Study all the topics that are a part of the syllabus from the textbook.
Read Short answer questions from the mock material.
Extra work:
Study the other topics which aren't a part of the textbook in both the subjects of geography.
English literature
(17 poems, 2 plays, 1 book and 11 prose)
Have to read:
Read all the poems and prose atleast 10 times before June.
Read the poems 5 times before the exam.
Read the paraphrases of the poems or watch/read for explanations.
Study on all the 12 literary terms and make notes.
Look up the Authors and Poets, make a small note about each.
Read Emma once.
Read Sacrifice by Rabindranath Tagore atleast once.
Read Arms and the Man thoroughly.
Read the questions and descriptions of the Prose from the mock booklet and make notes.
Read up on the history of English literature.
Revise the grammer. Use other textbooks.
Extra work:
Read short answer questions from the mock booklet.
Anotate Emma.
Learn history of English lit from the starting.
(Rural Sociology, Social Research)
Have to read:
Read up on and study in detail all the topics mentioned in short answer questions in Rural Sociology.
Make shorter notes of the detailed material in the same.
Read the short answer questions of Social Research before starting anything else.
Learn the techniques of data collection from the textbook.
After all this read the major content of Social Research.
Extra work:
Read the Rural Sociology textbook. All of it.
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liaazhang · 7 months
hi!! how was ur board?
i was actually on the way as i was texting 😭😭😭
hey! history was really good! just made like 1 or 2 marks ka error in mcqs and one other answer but other than that it was great! wbu? how was yours?
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studiestoday123 · 2 months
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Explore CUET History MCQs focusing on Agrarian Relations in Ain-I-Akbari, curated by StudiesToday. Enhance your understanding of historical traditions and ace your exams with our comprehensive, expertly crafted multiple-choice questions. Perfect for students and history enthusiasts.
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aspirecoding · 1 year
The acronym URL stands for Uniform Record Locator.
A. True B. False
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callmearcturus · 1 year
sup i'm watching rogue nation and just analyzing physicality
i did this with fallout before, time for my fave
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sue me but i do really like the IMF plant that ethan immediately imprints on at the start of Rogue Nation, the very slow way he approaches as they poke each other about music history, it's measured and its not direct, he's moving at angles. "Do you know why they called him Shadow?" "Because he had a very light touch." That feels like the call-and-answer to confirm he's IMF, but they immediately are vibing so strongly that it could just be a conversation. It's cute! it's also just fun for me to compare Oldthan versus Twinkthan, bc younger Ethan never felt approachable, he felt like an intruder to be handled. Older Ethan either knows how to turn that default intimidation off or it's not his default anymore.
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When Lane makes Ethan watch, there is a completely unmasked rawness in Ethan's face as he realizes this plant he could have probably lingered around the shop to talk music with is about to die and it's a staged act specifically for him. She didn't do anything except be someone to hurt Ethan with. It's kind of an interesting play with the idea of fridging? That is explicitly what is happening here, it's a manipulation on Ethan, and he knows it, and yet it's going to work, it's a hook Lane makes him swallow.
ZOOM IN ON ETHAN'S EYES. like goddamn. McQ. /whistles
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i am O B S E S S E D with the omnidirectional horniness of the Bone Doctor. there is an almost effete weirdness to him, he has super odd gestures. given how few lines he has, he still has a ton of interesting lil moments, like the putting his finger in his mouth to remove his ring, and the wink when he steals benji and the very off little judgy face when he unmasks benji later. dude is doing a lot, i see why TC and McQ were like "actually he's not gonna die in this scene, we changed our minds, we love the bone doctor"
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ethan sees the omnidirectional horniness and sluts it up in response obvsly
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Punct pointed out that, like, presumably this was Ethan's escape plan the whole time, he doesn't do it until Ilsa is in danger, ergo he could have done it at any time, he was just hanging out to get some info from his torturers first. why the fuck is he like this. also that arm strength is truly 100% batshit
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the fucking barefoot combat is so funny to me. yes obvsly both of them are barefoot for this, its a Shared Intimacy. we now know that in the original plan, Ilsa was in those fucking heels for this sequence until TC was like "take em off" so my question is was ethan in shoes before that? because if I was a weirdly astute actor-producer who understood the inherent symbolism of that motif, i would also make sure my character was barefoot to establish that thread of vulnerable connection to one of my two love interests.
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lmao behind ethan in the phone booth is an ad for "unhurried massage and domination" its an ad for my fic actually
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its small but the way ethan does not know where the fuck to go for a solid moment after everything's gone tits-up is nice. he has no plan, he doesn't know what his next step is. and he's been shot.
also Benji's interrogation scene is delightful
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There is that moment of eye contact across the room that's like "well, here we are again" with these two, who have been covering for Ethan this whole time
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and RIGHT before Benji starts lying out his ass with grace and poise, there's just this tiny smile of acknowledgement on Brandt's face, it's like two frames before the cut happens, but it just speaks to how Brandt is fully aware that Benji is going to pull this off like he does every fucking week
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Rogue Nation really is Benji's movie, full stop
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also he is so genuinely happy to be going to the opera. like, he's an IMF ghost, he should be ultra suspicious of winning a sweepstakes to get tickets in the mail, but he doesn't care, his job is miserable and he loves theatre so much he'll take the win
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boasamishipper · 9 months
Degas and Briggs for the character asks
Jasper Briggs
Sexuality Headcanon: gay (he is the living embodiment of the homosexual urge to catch his man) Gender Headcanon: male A ship I have with said character: briggs/ethan and i am so so desperate to know more about their history. 'this guy - you know him?' 'not personally' 'but it IS personal' (jennifer lawrence voice) what do you mean?? what do you MEAN?? A BROTP I have with said character: briggs&degas!! that's his partner and protege and son and i will sell mcq my kidneys to get more one-on-one scenes with them in mi8. A NOTP I have with said character: briggs/kittridge A random headcanon: jasper briggs is dan briggs's son and nothing can convince me otherwise General Opinion over said character: he's hot as fuck and unhinged and winked at kittridge what's not to love
Theo Degas
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual Gender Headcanon: male A ship I have with said character: degas/paris 2kforever (they're hot and competent and speak french and he cradled her face in his hands and told her to stay with him, need i say more) A BROTP I have with said character: love his relationship with his unhinged old man partner whom he likes and respects and trusts implicitly (to the point where he climbs on top of a moving train after briggs) A NOTP I have with said character: Anyone Who Is Not Paris A random headcanon: it's easier to list the languages that degas is Not fluent in (which is how he and briggs first met; degas was assigned to briggs as a translator because briggs's french was not up to par, and they have worked together ever since, with degas now as briggs's partner and second in command) General Opinion over said character: agent degas i’m free on thursday night and would like to hang out, please respond and then hang out with me on thursday night when i’m free
send me a character!
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