sliceoflife90 · 7 months
The Cromlech of Stonehenge
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The Stonehenge Cromlech, an ancient marvel towering majestically in the British countryside, represents the most famous and imposing stone circle, known as a cromlech. This extraordinary monument is composed of a circle of colossal megaliths, imposing upright stones that support horizontal connecting lintels, some of which rise impressively in height. Stonehenge is an ancient and fascinating example of a trilithic system, a structure built with three main elements: two vertical uprights and a horizontal lintel.
While the impressive stones of Stonehenge underwent modifications during reconstruction work in the first half of the 20th century, they still maintain an alignment that some believe faithfully reproduces the original one. This precision has led to speculation about Stonehenge's possible role as an ancient astronomical observatory, particularly relevant during solstices and equinoxes. However, the interpretation of its use for this purpose remains a subject of debate.
In addition to attracting tourists from around the world, Stonehenge holds deep significance for followers of Celtic traditions, Wicca, and other neopagan religions. Throughout its history, Stonehenge has also played a significant role as the site of a free music festival held from 1972 to 1984.
However, 1985 marked the end of this festival as the British government banned it following a violent clash between the police and some participants, an incident known as the Battle of Beanfield. Stonehenge, with its rich and varied history, continues to be a source of mystery, fascination, and spirituality for those who visit.
Detailed Description of Stonehenge:
The Altar Stone:
At the center of Stonehenge stands the imposing block of green sandstone known as the Altar Stone. This majestic monolith reaches a height of five meters and captivates with its imposing presence. The stone is carved from an extremely hard variety of siliceous sandstone, naturally sourced from about thirty kilometers to the north on the Marlborough Downs. Its geographical origin adds an element of mystery, highlighting the logistical complexity of ancient builders.
Inner Structure – Bluestone Horseshoe:
Within the main circle is the complex structure known as the Bluestone Horseshoe. This formation consists of much smaller stones, each with an average weight of four tons. Surprisingly, these stones traveled a long distance to reach Stonehenge, originating from the Preseli Mountains in southwestern Wales. The variety of stones, including dolerite, rhyolite, sandstone, and volcanic limestone ashes, adds a unique dimension to the geological complexity of Stonehenge.
The Heel Stone:
Once known as the Friar's Heel, this stone tells a captivating story related to its origins. According to a popular tale dating back at least to the 17th century, the devil himself purchased these stones from a woman in Ireland, wrapped them, and transported them to the Salisbury Plain. While one of the stones fell into the River Avon, the others were strategically placed on the plain. The devil, confident in his cunning, exclaimed, "No one will ever find out how these stones got here." However, a wise friar retorted, "That's what you think!" In response, the devil hurled one of the stones at the friar, striking him in the heel. The stone embedded in the ground, where it remains anchored to this day, a silent witness to an ancient showdown between good and evil.
Historical Mentions and Scientific Investigations of Stonehenge:
The historical roots of Stonehenge extend into the mists of time, capturing the interest of ancient writers and modern scholars. In the 1st century BCE, the Greek writer Diodorus Siculus mentioned a place similar to Stonehenge in his Bibliotheca Historica, referring to an island called Hyperborea, beyond the Celts, dedicated to Apollo. Some scholars in the past have speculated that Hyperborea could indicate Britain, and the spherical temple mentioned by Diodorus could be an early reference to Stonehenge.
However, archaeologist Aubrey Burl has cast doubts on this theory, as some parts of Diodorus's description do not seem to fully reconcile with Stonehenge and its surrounding geography. Burl particularly highlighted the mention of Apollo "touching the earth at a very low height," a phenomenon incompatible with the latitude of Stonehenge.
The earliest detailed investigations into Stonehenge date back to 1640 when John Aubrey proclaimed the monument the work of Druids, an idea later amplified by William Stukeley. Aubrey, a pioneer in site analysis, created the first detailed drawings, laying the groundwork for a better understanding of its form and significance. From 1740 onwards, architect John Wood conducted further research, interpreting Stonehenge as a site for pagan rituals. This interpretation, criticized by Stukeley, reflected the beliefs of the time about the nature of the monument.
Isaac Newton, influenced by Stukeley, undertook a symbolic analysis of Stonehenge's stones in the context of the non-geocentric configuration of the solar system. This perspective, derived from his conception of a perfect model based on the Temple of Jerusalem, suggested that the builders of Stonehenge possessed ancient scientific knowledge.
Radiocarbon dating has revealed that Stonehenge underwent construction phases between 3100 BCE and 1600 BCE, with the circular earthen mound and ditch built in 3100 BCE. The visible stones today mainly belong to the Stonehenge 3 phase (2600 BCE – 1600 BCE). Recent research, such as the 2020 XRF spectrophotometry, has provided new data, indicating a dating of 2500 BCE.
Theories about the construction of Stonehenge, once tied to the Druids, have been challenged considering the late spread of Celtic society. Moreover, the practice of Druid rituals in forests suggests that Stonehenge might not have been the ideal place for their "earth rituals." Ongoing scientific research is gradually unraveling the mysteries of this monument, shedding new light on its past and true nature.
Controversies and Discoveries:
Restorations and Disputes:
Since the early 19th century, a series of modifications and restorations have shaped Stonehenge's current appearance. Victorian engineers, with zeal and preservation intentions, positioned many of the fallen stones in their current locations. Recent research indicates that these restoration works continued into the 1970s, introducing substantial changes to the original arrangement. Archaeologists from English Heritage acknowledge that, without these interventions, Stonehenge would look significantly different today. Very few stones still retain their original positions, erected millennia ago.
Discoveries in the Vicinity:
Just 3 km from Stonehenge, researchers from the National Geographic Society discovered a village dating back to 2600 BCE. This settlement, consisting of approximately twenty-five small dwellings, is presumed to have accommodated builders of the complex or participants in specific ceremonies. This discovery provides a broader insight into the life and social organization of ancient times, connecting Stonehenge's history to a wider context.
Prehistoric Astronomical Observatory:
Stonehenge's function as a prehistoric astronomical observatory is a subject of debate. The monument's axis is oriented towards sunrise during summer solstices, suggesting a connection with astronomy. However, this orientation does not occur during winter solstices, fueling mystery and conflicting interpretations about its real utility. The complexity of Stonehenge continues to intrigue scholars and enthusiasts, and its alleged astral function adds a layer of mystery to its history.
Denial of Roman Theories:
Contrary to the theories of Inigo Jones and others, suggesting that Stonehenge could have been built as a Roman temple, the historical fact that the Romans first arrived on the British Isles with the arrival of Julius Caesar in 55 BCE negates these hypotheses. Stonehenge, with its intricate history and connection to distant eras, continues to challenge and fascinate those seeking to unravel its secrets hidden over millennia.
Theories about Construction:
Extraction and Transport of Large Stones:
The majestic stones of Stonehenge, some of which weigh an impressive 25/50 tons and are made of gneiss, were extracted from a hill located 30 km from the archaeological site. The process of transporting these massive stones involved the use of sledges sliding on wooden rollers, pulled by dozens of men through likely collective efforts. This titanic operation represents an extraordinary expression of engineering capabilities of the time.
Origin of Smaller Stones:
The smaller stones, an integral part of Stonehenge, were extracted from various locations, expanding the logistical complexity of the project. A site just 3 km away contributed some of these stones, while others were extracted from more distant sites, including a location in Wales over 200 km away. The variety of sources underscores the geographic scope of the efforts made for the construction of Stonehenge.
New Research and Rejection of Previous Theories:
A study published in June 2018 challenged the previous theories of geologist Herbert Henry Thomas from 1923, which had influenced the scientific community regarding specific extraction sites and stone transport methods. The new research suggests that the Bristol Channel was not used as previously supposed, but that the stones might have been transported through internal roads. Additionally, it is hypothesized that the Altar Stone could come from Senni Beds, a sandstone formation extending through Wales to Herefordshire in eastern Wales. This conceptual shift sheds new light on the intricate logistics of Stonehenge.
Erection and Construction Process:
The raising of the vertical stones involved a complex process. Initially, the stones were dragged to a hole in the ground, then slid into the hole using a lever system resting against a "castle" of logs. Once in the upright position, the stones were secured using ropes, and the hole was filled with stones. The assembly of the lintel occurred gradually, using wooden scaffolding and levers, highlighting the technical mastery of Stonehenge's prehistoric builders.
Legends and Myths Surrounding Stonehenge:
Association with King Arthur:
Stonehenge is shrouded in the legend of King Arthur, where the wizard Merlin would have requested the removal of the monument from Ireland, originally built on Mount Killaraus by giants who transported the stones from Africa. After being rebuilt near Amesbury, the legend states that Uther Pendragon and later Constantine III were buried inside the stone circle. This mythical connection adds an epic charm to Stonehenge's story, intertwining the ancient monument with the legends of one of Britain's most famous rulers.
Similar Neolithic Circles:
Stonehenge is not the only prominent Neolithic circle, and several similar structures date approximately to the same era. Among these, the "Ring of Brodgar" in northern Scotland offers another example of Neolithic complexity. Additionally, a similar circle, dating to around 4900 BCE, is found in Goseck, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. These structures suggest the presence of ancient communities sharing ideas and construction practices.
Calendar Circle at Nabta Playa:
A complex known as the "Calendar Circle," originally built at Nabta Playa and now displayed at the Nubian Museum in Aswan, predates Stonehenge by at least a thousand years. This ancient structure, with its astronomical implications, highlights the diversity and spread of construction practices in ancient times.
Megalithic Circles in Italy:
In Italy, several examples of megalithic circles are found in Sardinia, adding a touch of mystery and global connection. The "Circle of Li Muri" in Arzachena and the "Circle of Pranu Muttedu" in Goni are examples of ancient megalithic achievements that emphasize the presence of common practices in different regions of the ancient world. These testimonies speak of a past rich in symbolism and meaning, where communities expressed their connection with the divine through majestic stone constructions.
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hopeschmidt · 8 months
The Lion Monument At Lucerne, Switzerland
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Switzerland's majestic Lion Monument in Lucerne: a sight that will leave you roaring for more.
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rahullyt · 9 months
Unlock the Past: Explore Historical Monuments of Himachal Pradesh with LockYourTrip
Embark on a captivating journey through time and heritage as you explore the awe-inspiring historical monuments of Himachal Pradesh  with LockYourTrip. Our dedicated travel experts have meticulously curated an experience that allows you to step into the remarkable history of this enchanting state.Himachal Pradesh, cradled in the embrace of the Himalayas, is home to a wealth of ancient architectural wonders and heritage sites. From the ancient temples of Shimla to the storied forts of Kangra, these monuments narrate tales of valor, artistry, and cultural significance.
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culinarygenes · 1 year
🌟 Explore the Rich History of Tuscany and Savor Culinary Delights on 'A Taste of Tuscany' Adventure! 🍷🌿
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Step into the enchanting world of Tuscany, where history, culture, and gastronomy intertwine to create an unforgettable experience. As you embark on our culinary adventure trip this Autumn, prepare to be captivated by the region's historical monuments and mouthwatering flavors.
🏰 One of the iconic treasures you'll encounter is the magnificent La Cattedrale Di Santa Maria Assunta. Standing proudly in the heart of Tuscany, this stunning cathedral epitomizes the architectural brilliance and religious heritage of the region. Immerse yourself in its grandeur, admire the intricate details, and feel the reverence that has echoed within its walls for centuries.
🍷 But that's not all! Our culinary adventure is designed to immerse you in the richness of Tuscan cuisine. Indulge in authentic flavors, discover traditional recipes, and learn from our chef Pasqualina, who will guide you through the secrets of Tuscan gastronomy. From farm-to-table experiences to delightful wine tastings, each moment will leave you craving for more.
🌿 As you traverse through picturesque landscapes and charming villages, you'll witness the vibrant tapestry of Tuscany unfold before your eyes. From the rolling hills adorned with vineyards to the quaint cobblestone streets, every corner reveals a story waiting to be told.
✨ Join us on 'A Taste of Tuscany' culinary adventure and let the magic of this region sweep you off your feet. Immerse yourself in its history, savor the flavors, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Saturday - Saturday, September 16 - 23, 2023 - SOLD OUT
Sunday - Sunday, September 24 - October 1, 2023 - 1 ROOM LEFT (DOUBLE OCCUPANCY)
Click on our website for further details.
As always, we will arrive as strangers, but leave as family!
Hope to see you among us!
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labhgarh · 1 year
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hondamarysville · 1 year
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Known by locals as “The Shaded City” because of its charming streets lined by maple trees, Marysville, OH, is a small city located in central Ohio and about 35 miles northwest of the Columbus city center. With plenty of historical monuments and local landmarks, this place is a great spot for a day trip or a weekend escape. Here are three of the most famous tourist attractions you should definitely check out while in our lovely town!
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alltopicswebsite · 1 year
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yourvacationsindia · 2 months
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Humayun's Tomb, located in Delhi, India, is a magnificent Mughal architectural masterpiece that stands as a testament to the grandeur of the Mughal Empire. Built in the mid-16th century, the tomb is the final resting place of Emperor Humayun, the second Mughal ruler of India. Commissioned by Humayun's widow, Empress Bega Begum, the tomb was designed by the Persian architect Mirak Mirza Ghiyas and completed in 1572.
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travelwithcrush35 · 1 year
Unveiling the Charms of Panhala Fort in Kolhapur
Panhala Fort, situated in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, is a captivating historical monument that showcases the grandeur of the Maratha Empire. This impressive fort offers an immersive experience into the region's history, boasting magnificent architecture, ancient temples, and scenic vistas. Exploring Panhala Fort allows you to witness the remnants of the glorious past, including the iconic Teen Darwaza, the Kalavanticha Mahal, and the Ambabai Temple. Discover the best time to visit, historical significance, available accommodations, and more by reading the comprehensive article: Panhala Fort Kolhapur - Best Time, History, Hotels, and Timing in 2023.
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todayonglobe · 1 year
Tourist Faces Serious Consequences for Vandalizing the Colosseum in Rome
A shocking incident unfolds at the Colosseum in Rome as a tourist is filmed carving his fiancée’s name into the historic landmark. The minister of culture expresses deep concern, highlighting the significance of preserving such iconic sites for future generations. The act of vandalism could lead to severe penalties, including substantial fines and possible jail time.
Read more:👇
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xantthec · 1 year
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Palace Tomb _ Petra #petra #palacetomb #nabateantombs #nabateankingdom #tombsinpetra #historicalmonument #carvedandbuilt #allaboutfacade #facade #royaltombs #sandstone #random #liferecorder #mountalkhabta https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAEM-2PfI8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sliceoflife90 · 7 months
Megalithic Constructions
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In the final phase of the Neolithic and the subsequent Eneolithic period, a remarkable development of megalithic constructions emerged, a term derived from the Greek ("mégas" for large and "lithòs" for stone). These imposing structures, largely dedicated to worship and collective burials, bear witness to the ingenuity and spirituality of ancient civilizations.
Menhir: Towering Monuments of Symbolic Meaning
Menhirs, derived from Breton ("men" for stone and "hir" for long), are tall monoliths driven into the ground, often marking burial sites. Their height, ranging from 2-3 meters to 6 meters, can reach extraordinary peaks, as highlighted by the Breton menhirs of Kerloas and Locmariaquer. These monoliths can be isolated or arranged in straight or circular alignments, often oriented in precise astronomical directions. In Carnac, Brittany, a complex of about 3000 menhirs extends in parallel rows, oriented westward, creating a captivating panorama over a kilometer long.
Dolmen: Innovative Trilithic System in Funerary Architecture
The dolmen, derived from Breton ("doul" or "tol" for table and "men" for stone), constitutes a form of funerary architecture. Composed of two or more stone blocks driven into the ground, surmounted by a horizontal slab, this trilithic construction system represents mankind's first use in this regard. The dolmen, primarily sepulchral, can be an individual or collective tomb, often characterized by an access corridor. Initially covered by stone or earth tumuli, the oldest dolmens in Italy are found in Sardinia, Apulia, and the Alpine region for the Copper Age.
Cromlech: Concentric Monuments of Astronomical Significance
Cromlechs, derived from Breton ("crom" for round and "lech" for stone), represent the monumental application of the trilithic system. These consist of series of dolmens arranged in concentric circular figures. Widespread in Neolithic and Eneolithic Europe, cromlechs originally served to define the lunar cycle, later adapting to indicate the movement of the Sun and the progression of seasons. In addition to their practical utility, these sites were spaces for collective ceremonies, including funeral, agricultural, and fertility rites.
Allée Couverte: Collective Funerary Constructions in France
Another application of the dolmen, particularly common in France, is the Allée couverte ("covered alley"). These collective funerary constructions are composed of stone slabs supported by vertical structures or dry-stone walls, sometimes reaching considerable dimensions. A notable example is the Allée couverte du Mougau, erected between the end of the Neolithic and the beginning of the Eneolithic, which stands out for the presence of engravings. The structure, 14 meters long, has a north-south orientation, with a northern entrance and a chamber at the southern end, likely preceded by a vestibule.
In Conclusion
Megalithic constructions bear witness to the rich cultural and religious landscape of ancient civilizations, offering a detailed look into how these communities conceived the world and the divine.
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lanternlightersblog · 2 years
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#Repost @artbymoresk • • • • • • Old streets of ancient city of Fez . . . . #morocco #travel #historicalmonument #sacredmusic #fez #ancientcity #oldbulding #oldstreet #trip #islamicartwork #islamicdesign #islamicart #Ukrainewillwin https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj6JMeWLjCA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rahullyt · 9 months
Explore the Rich Heritage of Historical Monuments in Himachal Pradesh | LockYourTrip"
Embark on a captivating journey through time as you discover the enchanting historical monuments in Himachal Pradesh with LockYourTrip. Our travel experts have handpicked the most culturally significant sites that allow you to delve into the intriguing history of this majestic state.Himachal Pradesh, nestled in the lap of the Himalayas, boasts a treasure trove of ancient architectural wonders and heritage sites. From the ancient temples of Shimla to the historical forts of Kangra, these monuments narrate tales of valor and artistic brilliance.
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x-heesy · 2 months
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𝙿𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑 (1858–1956), 𝙵𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎
(𝙳𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚜) #vintage #vintagefashion
#fashion #fashiongram #fashionable #fashionphotography #fashionlover #fashionart #fashionaddict #fashionphotographer #fashionpost #fashionshoot #fashionlove #fashionlovers #fashioneditoral #editoral #catwalk #history #historyofart #historycal #historyfacts #historylovers #historyinpictures #historymade #historygeek #historyera #historyphoto #historyclass #historychannel #historylesson #historygram #historynerd #historytour #historyofphotography #historyplace #historylover #historyphotographed #historymatters #historyoffashion #historyiscool #arthistory #historical #historicalplaces #historicalpix #historicalclothing #historicalphotos #historicalromance #historicalmonument #historicalfacts #historicalart #historicalsnapshots #historicalphotography #historicalphoto #historicalpictures #historicalhome #historicalcenter #historicaldesign #historicalfantasy #historicalusociety #fashion #fashiongram #fashionable #fashionphotography #fashionlover #fashionart #fashionaddict #fashionphotographer #fashionpost #fashionshoot #fashionlove #fashionlovers #fashioneditoral #editoral #catwalk
𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔: 𝙵𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜 & 𝙵𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 - 𝙳𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚣 𝙺𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚕 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚡 𝚋𝚢 𝙽/𝚊, 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚊
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normally0 · 3 days
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A Tale of Two Protests: From New York Graffiti to Stonehenge Vandalism
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, spray paint graffiti emerged as a form of expression in the urban landscapes of Philadelphia and New York City. Artists like Cornbread in Philadelphia and young writers in New York City began tagging public spaces to make their mark on the world. This art form, initially simple tags and signatures, evolved into intricate pieces and throw-ups, becoming a vibrant element of hip-hop culture and gaining global recognition through media and art galleries.
Fast forward to June 19, 2024, and we witness a different kind of public marking. At the ancient site of Stonehenge near Salisbury, Wiltshire, two protesters from the climate action group Just Stop Oil covered parts of the historic stones in orange powder paint. This act of vandalism, was akin to the early graffiti movement's disruptive spirit.
This protest, while destructive, draws a parallel to the origins of graffiti in New York, where young people used public spaces to voice their frustrations and desires for change. The climate activists' choice of Stonehenge, a monument of immense historical and cultural significance, emphasizes the gravity of their message. They target not just the UK's policies but also the global narrative of consumption driven by nations like the United States, whose gas-guzzling habits have long been a point of contention in environmental debates.
Protesters argue that, in the pursuit of global peace and environmental justice, drastic measures are necessary. They propose an audacious recompense for the inconvenience caused: building a dolmen, a megalithic structure akin to Stonehenge, on the scale of a skyscraper in New York City. This hypothetical monument would serve as a stark reminder of the need for harmony between human progress and environmental stewardship.
Just Stop Oil ‘s act of vandalism, like the graffiti of New York, forces a cultural argument over architecture and public space. It challenges us to rethink our relationship with history, art, and the environment. While the means may be controversial, the message is clear: the fight for a sustainable future requires bold actions and, sometimes, the disruption of the status quo.
#Stonehenge #ClimateAction #JustStopOil #Graffiti #EnvironmentalProtest #PublicArt #UrbanArt #Sustainability #CulturalHeritage #GlobalAwareness #Architecture #ClimateChange #NYC #EnvironmentalJustice #HistoricalMonuments
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