#historical events pls stop happening
arcadeii · 2 months
as a queer 15 year old in one of america’s most progressive cities, I urge everyone who can to vote for kamala harris. If it’s somehow not harris, vote for whatever democrat is on the ballot.
I am dead terrified of what trump could do to this country, and many of you suggest voting for a more progressive independent candidate. In mine and most’s eyes, there is absolutely no way an independent candidate would win. project 2025 is such a disaster that my younger brother genuinely thought it a myth. I genuinely cannot read their ideas without wondering how such an evil thing could be thought up, much less widely known and supported as it is today. If I were feeling philosophical i might doubt the existence of an evil and good in the world, but here is one of the circumstances where I feel completely confident. Project 2025, and what it could do to america, is evil.
setting up the necessary campaign for an independent candidate to be even widely known about in years would be unprecedented. much less, 3 months. Regardless of a democratic candidate’s potential blunders, anything will be better than inadvertently contributing to the downfall of democracy in america (an exaggeration? I don’t know. you tell me. :) ). Maybe biden or harris have done something you could consider evil. All of us know that biden continues to support israel in the current conflict. That stance and the war itself is on my list of evils and I truly believe it is something that everyone should be able to see the evil in.
However we cannot forget that trump has said he would be harsher on palestine. this article highlights just some of that. In specific reference, trump had reportedly said in reference to the college protests that swept the nation:
“Well, if you get me elected, and you should really be doing this, if you get me reelected, we’re going to set that movement back 25 or 30 years.”
That is not someone we can elect. Those are the words of a man who will do nothing but worsen the problem. perhaps kamala harris will be more progressive on the issue than biden, even.
yes, this election will be a bit of a trolley problem. yes, it may not feel great to vote for someone who you don’t agree with. but much worse would be electing a president that will do absolutely nothing good and turn this country not greater, but into a ditch by the road, thereby taking the rest of the world with it.
on a lighter note, earlier today I was more scared than I am now. a lot of you online are hopeful and I will join you in that. My doomscrolling has turned to “hope”scrolling as the day progressed, as I saw someone else say. Once again, I can’t vote, but I’m going to be helping my mom and my grandma write postcards encouraging others to vote. I can’t vote but I will try my hardest to help out in any ways, i suppose starting in small part by this post. Alone I will have little impact but I believe that if we can raise 52,000,000$ in one day, 27,5000,000 in FIVE HOURS, we can win this election.
Keep the energy up,
ps. i found out biden dropped out 2 hours after leaving a vacation with my republican grandparent. bullet dodged. then had a wonderful hour long conversation with my awesome grandma at home ❤️
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taxreturnslut · 1 month
Just posting this so I have an idea of where all the pieces are at the end of Egghead:
(for real, don't read this if you haven't caught up with chapter 1123)
1 - the strawhat pirates, *Lilith, Bonney, Kuma and the giant pirates are now heading to elbaf.
2 - Trafalgar Law & Bepo are at some unknown location, heavily beaten, the rest of the crew remains at large. Their pirate ship has been sunk.
3 - Eustass Kidd & his crew's current status is unknown, but they were last spotted near Elbaf. (I am assuming they are still alive because this is one piece.) ((Potential reunion with the strawhats incoming?))
4 - the Marines, Kizaru and St. Saturn are at Egghead. (This arc definitely seemed to be sowing seeds of doubt into Kizaru's resolve in the Marines.) They could possibly head to Elbaf, like the fleet is still at Egghead and they know the giant pirates are with Luffy so it would make sense to continue pursuit. But they also may stick behind to clean up Egghead. It is also worth noting that they thought they destroyed the civilian ship that was leaving. I am not sure if this will be brought back up, but afaik they don't think there are any civilian survivors from egghead.
4.5 - SWORD, recovered Koby and left Garp behind. Currently discussing their next steps while Koby resolves to stop Luffy.
5 - Vegapunks. All dead except for Lilith and York. York does not know Lilith is still alive.
6 - The Revolutionary Army is still at Kambakka Island. Sabo has informed Dragon & Iva about the existence of Imu. And VP's broadcast confirmed Sabo's story about Lulusia so they have no reason to doubt him.
7 - the world knows about an ancient weapon, the rising sea levels, the disappearance of Lulusia, & that the void century exists.
8 - Perona was last seen on Hachinosu trying to free Moria but we don't know the results of that.
9 - the Cross Guild is hyping themselves up to find the one piece thanks to Buggy strengthening his resolve.
10 - Shanks, annihilated Kidd and then presumably bounced from Elbaf, whereabouts unknown.
11 - Blackbeard is about to learn a lot of thanks to Caribou. It's unclear if he has returned to Hachinosu and seen the aftermath of the raid. *Blackbeard is confirmed not at Beehive as of 1121, doubtful he's made it there within the last two chapters.
12 - Smoker was last seen leaving the SWORD HQ presumably after talking with X Drake, current destination is unknown. *I take this back up on further review it seems like Smokey is heading towards the hospital/SWORD
13 - it is worth noting that the gorosei (minus Saturn) have returned to Mary Geoise. We also keep getting small frames of the dude with moon shaped hair who's name I'm forgetting. So something will presumably happen with them + him and his other holy knights.
There are so many moving parts and I still feel like I'm forgetting something. If anyone knows something I messed up or knows a person or group I missed pls let me know.
14 - we got a new silhouette a chapter or two ago. Man marked by flames?
15 - CP0. We know Lucci, Kaku & Stussy are still on Egghead. It's unclear but it seems like their loyalty to the WG is starting to waver.
16 - Vivi & Wapol are aboard Big News Morgan's airship. Vivi is wanted by Imu & we learned she is a bearer of the will of D & Wapol witnessed King Cobras assassination as well as the forms of the gorosei. We do not know what part of the world they are flying over.
17 - The Straw hat grand fleet is currently out and about in the world. I mention them because at the end of Dressrosa we were told they are the cause of some historic event, so we shouldn't forget about them.
18 - the og Stussy is on Sphinx island with Marco. We saw Weevil captured by greenbull and it seems like Marco is being pressure to save him.
* Thank you @brookstolemybrand for the help! I really appreciate it!!
** Please read through the comments. I did not remember this all on my own and had a lot of help. I appreciate everyone who mentioned something.
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randoimago · 11 months
Can I please request Jonathan, Speedwagon, and William A. Zeppeli(assuming they both fall under jobro, sorry if I misread) adopting a child with a stand that causes inexplicably damage when the child is scared pls? I know they can't see it, but that's why I think it'd be interesting especially with you writing it ^-^
Thank you for writing!
Helping Child Reader with Their Stand
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Character(s): Jonathan Joestar, William A. Zeppeli, Robert E.O. Speedwagon
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): You're good! I definitely count Jonathan's Zeppeli as a Joebro (the guy sacrificed himself to save JoJo, if that's not a homie idk what is).
But this is such an interesting concept because they can't see Stands. I really would love to know what Stand each of them would have if Araki did include stands for Part 1
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When Jonathan sees that his child is scared, he's ready to jump in to calm them down. But he stops when he sees a wave of destruction unleashed. Thankfully they're unharmed even if he might get some injuries from shrapnel and such.
It just makes him want to protect the kid more. He does his best to talk to them about what just happened, but doing so in a way that doesn't make them fearful again. He's so worried about his child and doesn't want harm to befall them at all.
Would look into so many historical books to try and find some kind of answer with what is going on with his child. He wants to be able to help and his knowledge is too limited at the moment. So, his time really is divided between caring for his child and helping them feel safe and calm while he's also trying to look through any text he can about the strange power his kid has.
Definitely the most lost the first time he watches destruction being dealt to whatever had scared his child. While he wants to think it was a random event, he knows better. His travels with JoJo and Zeppeli taught him that something is going on with his kid and he needs to get to the bottom of it.
He'll happily hold his child and keep them happy and safe, but he has sent letters to both JoJo and William in hopes of receiving some help with looking into this matter. I'm sure that whenever he does get the Speedwagon Foundation running that he makes sure to have them pour some resources into this too.
While Speedwagon is a very good father, he just knows this is way out of his element. But he still does his best to be emotional support for his kid and keeping them calm or providing alternative means to deal with their fear while he hopes that his friends can help look into what's going on.
I feel like even though he can't see the Stand, he definitely knows something is up. Maybe it's his Hamon telling him that his kid has some sort of power that hasn't been identified yet.
But he notices how scared they get, and he easily pieces together that destruction follows when they are afraid. What he finds interesting is that the majority of that destructive energy is unleashed on whatever had scared them in the first place. It helps him figure out that whatever this is, he knows it's trying to protect them.
Does his best to help his child. He has the patience of a saint. In fact, William probably teaches them some Hamon and breathing techniques to keep them calm and help them be able to control their stand quite a bit.
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WHAT DO YOU MEAN TANG DYNASTY CANNIBALISM?? /gen /that sounds so interesting /pls ignore if you don't feel like talking about this
Oh ho im always down to chat about history. I actually cant name any specific instance of tang dynasty cannibalism, since my knowledge of chinese history stops after 300 CE, but in general the cultural attitude towards cannibalism has been fairly pragmatic. It's not considered a moral event-horizon you can't return from. Of course, every society has instances survival cannibalism, e.g. you’re under siege/ theres a famine/ some other infinitely nuanced circumstance. But outside of actually history, cannibalism shows up in basically every single story. Not even as a major plot point it’s just there.
Take the 4 great classics:
Romance of the three kingdoms: a hunter kills his wife and uses her flesh to feed the virtuous Liu Bei. This is framed as a noble and selfless act. bonus autocannibalism; Xiahou Dun eats his own eyeball due to *checks notes* filial piety.
Water Margin: i cant remember the name of this guy, but there was this inkeeper who was killing passerbys and feeding them to the guests. He joins the main lineup of heroes. This is never brought up again.
Journey to the west: every demon wants to eat the Tang Monk’s flesh to gain immortality. Happens every 10 pages. Not technically cannibalism by the standard definition but it is a) consumption of human flesh and b) they are humanoid/are embodiments of human vice. So im gonna count it. my blog my rules.
Dream of the red chamber: havent read it and at this point im afraid to ask.
Historical tidbit: Lingchi (death by slow cuts) was sometimes followed up by selling the person's flesh to the crowd, either as medicine, or if the person had committed a particularly egregious crime, it was a way for the people to show their hatred. The phrase "the people want to eat your flesh" is a byword for "they fucking hate you, dude." though this is more to do with desecration of a corpse than the actual consumption, because if a body is destroyed, the spirit will not be whole in the afterlife.
followers feel free to chime in!
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drowninginthoughts27 · 6 months
Em I am intrigued pls tell more about history repeating itself
OK OMG YES!!! I’m gonna put this under the cut cause I rambled quite a bit…
For background I’m a history major so I could talk abt this for ages but a lot of it’s relatively dark topic and mostly involving genocide war etc. which I don’t really want to talk about on dash so I’ll keep this brief so I can stay away from more triggering topics but fair warning this is a bit depressing but the topic of history repeating itself is basically that we tend to experience the same variations of historical events in cycles such as a global pandemic every 100 years and the most impactful empires lasting only about 250 years. A lot of these are a result of butterfly/domino effects and are all interconnected which is part of this historical repetition but a lot of it has to do with the generational effects… basically a lot of major events repeat every generation because the new generation didn’t live through the last event and therefore they don’t remember the impact that it had and the proceed to make the same mistakes again and again similarly leading to these issues happening in other parts of the world cause those regions had less to do with the previous issue,,, as humans we are creatures of habit and there for tend to cause history to repeat itself over and over again… but what’s really cool is that with things like social media and more documentation as well as the problems never fully going away and instead gradually stacking on top of each other we are starting to see merging in some things especially in more minor patters such as fashion and art (which I think is really cool but I don’t know as much about) any way I could say a lot more about this and go into a lot more detail cause this is the topic in history I’m super passionate about but I’m gonna stop here :)
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quodekash · 1 year
first lemme make myself an ice tea and then we’ll get into the ridiculous commentary (which will probably be entirely keysmashes but anyway) 
fingers crossed for something benchopper 
also i find it rly interesting that the series i finished with when going through all the our skyy shows is the one that theyre start with 
also also idk anything about the order for our skyy but i do know that there’s no way bad buddy isnt the final one 
ICE TEA HAS NOW BEEN ACQUIRED, NOW WE SHALL COMMENCE THE COMMENTARY (that a lot of you seem to like, why do you like my commentary) 
literally shaking what the hell
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ok so judging from the intro, it’s nlmg first, and then simm, then THE ECLIPSE MY BOYS AAAAAA, AND THEN VICE VERSA, AND THEN MSP HEGUERIHBGKREJB, im literally vibrating with excitement rn help, and then abaab, AND THEN BAD BUDDY GERJHBGUKREJBKGURBJ, AND THEN 1000STARS 
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palms hair is so freaking pretty what the hell 
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i sense a sponsorship
palm is so happy to see him and he’s trying to be sweet but nueng is moody and i guess i get why but also pls just be happy to see him again 
okay they are happy now yayyy 
yup i was right theyre sponsored by suzuki thats kind of hilarious 
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damn, two sponsorships within like ten minutes of each other, they really went all out 
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well that guy was confusing. ‘you guys are soulmates and youre fate but also you cant be together but you will be but you wont’ 
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also like oh shoot they might be about to die 
but also just imagine walking around every day with a sword 
the power 
id never like actually hurt anyone with it and id probably rarely take it out of the sheath 
but seriously. sword. its so cool. 
not cool that theyre probably about to hurt nuengpalm and probably that poor woman 
holding hands and running for their lives, absolutely nothing new here 
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heh i paused it at a funny moment 
he’s such a good bodyguard/protector/boyfriend/whatever ghrjgbhr 
ill show you what happens to heroes. they wake up in historical clothing. 
why are the roles suddenly reversed 
and why is palm the only one with knowledge of the present time and the only one without a clue about whats going on in this au  version of events 
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see, at first i was pretty sure he was faking it cos it didnt make sense that only palm was aware of the present, surely it would be both of them, but then he confused me, but its fine cos he remembers him YAY 
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wait this entire thing is a complete repeat of the series just switched and historical
their first major interaction was being introduced via parent sending child to work for the other child 
their second major interaction was at the pool, and in this version its by the lake 
their third major interaction is the master making the servant eat with them because ‘theres too much food for me to eat by myself’ when really its just bc he wants to spend time with him 
wait please let chopper and ben be in this historical version of life 
phum is there 
surely its plausible to think that benchopper could be there too 
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i freaking love these two 
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its okay tho theyll iron out the conflict, its fine 
see, they figured out the conflict 
well that was wonderful but it is now 1am so i need to go to sleep 
goodnight folks! im gonna spend the next 24 hours Thinking About Them 
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actualbird · 2 years
//cn spoilers
hey zak!
the new pv had my friends & i looking at everything to try and figure out what the au might be about. we've pegged it down to a 1920s Mafia AU (and i hope it's true). But if it's really set in 1920s China err... Stellis, this AU is going to be chaotic. For the sake of my sanity I'm only gonna cover the shit that happens in Shanghai because it involves a gang so I can insert Marius in there xD.
First, 1920s was at the turning point that marks the end of 青帮 (green gang) rule over Shanghai (and yes, they were like the unofficial rulers in place of a real government).
Second, there was the two political parties, Nationalists vs Communists, fighting for control over the country. (temporarily forming an alliance against the other factions)
Third, a bunch of foreigners essentially split Shanghai after China lost the Opium Wars, so the French, the British, Japanese, and Americans all had a mini colony within the area (French Concessions, International Settlement), and they were basically colonizing the area, though it wasn't ever "official".
Finally, as the rotten cherry on top of this long-melted sundae nobody wants, due to the awful working conditions and shit wages that didn't even let you feed yourself, labor unions were standing up against foreigners and gangsters. there were hundreds of strikes with hundreds of thousands of workers alone in Shanghai in one year, demanding fair treatment.
No matter what year of the 1920s it's set in, shit is going down fast due to the aforementioned issues. Of course, if they get closer to 1930s, even more shit happens cause Communists and Nationalists stop being allies and turn against each other, and they'll recruit whoever they can to dispose of the other party.
With all that history said (HELP I DIDN'T REALIZE IT WAS THAT LONG), I'd be really interested in seeing one of the boys represent each of the factions.
Luke as a political spy
Marius as head of the Pax Gang
Vyn as a foreigner
Artem as someone related to the workers (factory worker artem is a weird concept)
Rosa as someone close to the four, being different in every card ofc xD
irt the new cn server teaser
oh mANNNNN, pls first off i really appreciate the long rundown of history because aside from vaguely being familiar 1920s shanghai Look (from old movies and the like), i did not know anything about the legitimate history behind it. so, tot aside, this was a really interesting read :DDD
but taking it into consideration WITH tot, you are SO RIGHT THAT THE FACTIONS OF EACH BOY WILL BE INTERESTING!!
given that this will be adapted to stellis (maybe? idk, i didnt spoil myself on the actual plots of the bakerlon event, which also was a regional-historical au, did they just say it was london? or did they make a tot world version like uh.....lobdon..HVKSDJHFVSJDH), thatd be really cool cuz since im an insane person who constantly reads Big Data Lab entries, im aware that stellis city has a pretty interesting history.
orchidshine district was the city's birthplace, but it's not mentioned just how far back it had Begun. but by the 1930s, stellis city went through a Lot of development and was participating in international trade via stellis harbor (now called the airport district, because theres an airport there now. thanks for the creativity, stellis city govt jhvjhVKJH), which ended up turning into the hub for all commerce. by the 1970s, the fancier districts like hemingway heights and long beach are getting spruced up further
BUT WHILE ALL THAT IS HAPPENING. THERES A PLAGUE. in the 1930s, the trading via stellis harbor brought in the NXX gene which cause "a pandemic of an unprecedented scale" and all the consequences that come with a shitshow widescale pandemic
ANYWAY i bring that all up just cuz the 1930s seems like a perilous time in stellis' canon history, with many opportunities but also a lot of danger too. it'd be cool if they delved into that while incorporating some of the actual history of 1920s shanghai
also, your assignments for the boys are SO SPOT ON and im excited to see how this event's au plays out and how it will look like in the full card cgs and full event pv :DDD
(.....tho i most probably wont be spoiling myself for the actual stories HAHA, i quite like the experience of playing it on my own firsthand without knowing any spoilers beforehand. though ive broken this rule many times cuz a card just looked SO DAMN COMPELLING JHVKJVKJH)
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sonyanightmare · 3 months
This is a multi-fandom story I been working on and off on for a long ass time lmao!
But if your interested in me writing more of it, lmk pls, the encouragement helps a lotttt
(Things that are highlighted are mostly for myself to help keep in mind of the timeline and when/where certain events happen but yous can go by them too if yall want)
-Btw none of these images belong to me, credits go to original creators/artists-
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Immortality vs Love: Which do You Choose
Keep in mind about the timeline era
Team Fortress 2 takes place in 1968, and the storyline extends up to 1972.
Cold War: March 12, 1947 – December 26, 1991
Tf2 started and ended in the middle of the Cold War according to the actual historical event and the game itself: TF2 official comics help know what happens
Random storyOc x Sniper           +18 content: includes possible sexual themes, detailed gore, etc., multi-alternate universe crossovers (cringe-worthy)
!Read at your own risk!
(most likely going to be an unfinished story anyway, haha)
More research to one of few of my main OC story timelines where she takes place during the Vietnam War/Cold War, so that some characters will come from the Call of Duty franchise, specifically the Cold War.
• TF2: 1968-1972
• Historical Vietnam War & Cold War: Vietnam; 1955-1972 CW; 1947-1991
• Call of Duty Cold War/Vietnam War: 1968(during both wars)-1980s (atomic Bomb tensions) might be mentioned
Love Over Immortality
“Ya bloody wanka!” Sniper had woken up from his nap to the feeling of his hat being taken off his face, where he had placed it to shield any possible shine from the afternoon sun.
The Aussie should have known better, for the only woman on their team would always do something like this to the Marksman. She and the Sniper were close, though their bond was so tight the rest of the Mercenaries were getting irritated that neither of the two made a move. It was obvious that they liked each other but damn the annoyance that the team even tried to help them get together, from leaving the two alone at the base while the rest went into town to mixing up their sitting spots at the dinner table so that they were sitting next to each other. But enough about the impossible couple to happen.
The woman that caught the Assassin’s heart was Sonya Nightmare, and it’s now the second year she has been with the R.E.D team. The team is close to her, although the team doesn’t know her painful past and secrets. They were so close to her, yet they knew little to nothing about her. That doesn’t stop her from enjoying as much time with them as their mortal lives will allow.
Sniper had gotten up from the chair he was napping on as he saw Sonya look at him with that adoring smile as she placed her free hand on the wall side where a door could be. With the other hand that held his hat, she teasingly shook it behind her back as she turned the corner and ran, hearing the familiar sound of boots clicking the wooden floor as they ran towards her, not even close to catching up with her. She giggled the whole way, turning corners sharply as she let Sniper catch up to her now and then, looking back to see a tripping friend trying to do those sharp turns. This continued until she arrived at the destination of her choice; it was Snipers’ tower. Sonya thinks she has lost Sniper, so she climbs the ladder to try and hide her cornered self. But the sound of those boots was getting louder and louder. She backed up as much as possible, hitting her back on the small table in the shadowy corner.
The window nearby may be boarded, but it gave off enough lighting in the room to see a possible shadow below if the sun was high enough. The Sniping from the window was perfect from enemy fire. But the two were in danger because they ran outside the base and into the battlefield, on their side at least; who knows if neither their Spy nor the B.L.U enemy Spy was near.
Sniper finally made it up the ladder, plastering a playful but sinister grin on his handsome face. Sonya played around with her bottom lip as she giggled with a speck of pink that was dusted on her face. His forehead was littered with scraps of sweat, and his breath was raspy; he must have been exhausted chasing her throughout R.E.D’s side of the battlefield.
“You’re a real pain in me arse, love.” Sniper led out a breathy response as he walked long strides toward Sonya. Biting her bottom lip with a smirk, she backs up as much as she can, hat still in both hands behind her back.
“Am I too much for you to handle, Mundy sir?” 
“Ya know bloody well you are, Shelia.” Sniper was almost chest-to-chest with Sonya, her question lingering in their small space. Standing straight, Sonya was only an inch or two shorter than him, but he didn’t seem to mind as he tried to distract her by leaning dangerously close to her face. She’s seen this trick before and got out of the mini trap she was in, and the marksman was playing a game of ‘try and catch me as the long-haired woman and himself chased each other around the sniper towers’ space. Finally, Sniper caught her and pinned her to the boarded window, not realizing their position.
Mundy had pinned Sonya’s wrists with the left on top of her left and his right on top of her right, his chest touching her slightly arched back, and his private area sat firmly on her curvy bottom. Sonya’s hitched voice made him realize their awkward position, but he didn’t say a word to her. They looked at each other for a moment, Sonya breaking contact first as she quickly looked down, then back to him, then to his slightly chapped, parted lips. Without warning, Sonya arched her back, pressed her firm ass more onto his pelvis, and started to grind slowly and roughly. Letting out a deep breathy grunt, Sniper began to do the same and pressed up against her body. Both let out occasional moans as the man rested his head on her shoulder; neither looked at the other as they started getting rougher in their grinding. Mundy let go of one of her wrists and placed his now free hand firmly on her hips, Sonya reaching around and holding his neck as she leaned back and went directly onto his ear, letting him hear her delicate moans more clearly.
Mundy then let go of her other wrist and onto the other side of her hips, forcing her to grind more. Mundy started to lightly kiss and lick at her neck and earlobe, causing her to let out more shaky breaths and moans and hold onto one of his hands that grabbed her hips, dropping the hat. He made Sonya turn relatively fast, almost impatient. He lifted her, her back against the boarded windows, and they continued to grind on each other, a prominent bulge causing friction between the two of them, creating a symphony of moans. Their faces were close, but neither pulled the other closer, letting their hot breaths run all over their flushed faces. Sonya grabbed Mundy’s vest and pulled it off him as he carried her to the small table not far from them. Sonya was laid out for him as they grew closer to one another’s faces; her struggle with his belt left him in a breathy laugh, and he started to take it off. The belt was off, and the pants were loose enough on him that they were beginning to slide the faster they ground. Sonya grabbed the sides of his face with her hands, forcing him to look at her, and they could not stop staring into each other’s eyes. As Sonya was about to pull him in for a kiss, they were interrupted by none other than the Engineer himself.
“Sniper Sonya, y'all up there?” Mundy almost ignored him and was about to kiss her, but she stopped him by placing a singular finger on his lips. He knew Sonya was too kind-hearted towards the Texan to ignore.
“Y-yeah, we are Dell. We’ll be down in a moment.”
“Alrigh’ then darlin’. All I wanted was to know ‘cause dinner’s ready.” The sound of his boots distancing from the two started to fade.
“Bloody hell Sonya, that was too close. I’m sorry, love.” Mundy finally spoke as he grabbed his belt, then the vest and hat.
“Oh, do not worry yourself, Mundy. It will pass by momentarily, so do not be so paranoid.” Mundy was confused as he watched her fix her silky, smooth black hair and set her kimono. She had already finished going down the ladder as she waited for Mundy. Once he was down, they started walking towards the home base as they walked and chatted the whole way to Dell’s delicious dinner.
Sonya had always been such a mystery to Mundy, the whole R.E.D and B.L.U teams. Coming to the hidden base in the mountains without a record of any sort, she’s a ghost to them. All the team knows they are the slight hints she says in her stories or when she was a part of some critical and dangerous military group (must be Special Forces, they all thought). Spy could not find even her military records, nothing under a Codename Altair or her actual name, anything! All the Frenchman found were photos willingly taken with a specified group, the time during Vietnam, but that war is still ongoing. Even if they have a lead from Spy, how would they know where to look for one of these two men? One looked rough and beaten but still could kill, and the other, despite all the cuts and dirt, had slick black hair with the eyes of a sharpshooter. Only one person knows, and she sits right next to their Marksman at the dinner table.
Dated flashback; 2 years, seven months ago
Day 1 at R.E.D
The car ride to base was quiet, even a little too soft for Ms. Pauling's taste. Now and then, Ms. Pauling would look from her driver’s seat to the woman in the passenger's seat, wondering if she should say anything. Being a woman experimenting with relationships, she wasn’t sure if what she was feeling towards the woman in the kimono was a little crush or something else. Ms. Pauling wasn’t sure what her increasing heartbeat was from, to begin with, not from the tense atmosphere or from the attractive woman that sat next to her.
“So, Ms. Pauling.” Sonya started, breaking the silence.
“Oh, uh, yes, dear?”
“What is the team like?” Sonya turned her head from the window to look at the woman in purple.
“Well, from what you told me, you’re used to being the only woman on a team, right? So this is a mercenary group of men.” 
“Hmm, so nothing new I have to worry about then,” Sonya said, smiling kindly toward Ms. Pauling.
When the woman in the driver’s seat looked at Sonya, she couldn’t help but blush at how kind she was, especially when she smiled so nicely.
The drive was quiet as it was long, and even the small conversations were still awkward, but it helped the two become closer, hopefully in a future friendship.
“So, Ms. Pauling.” Sonya started as she looked over at the woman in purple.
“A-ah er, yes, what it is?” Ms. Pauling responded, looking at her with a smile and then back on the road, awaiting her question.
“What are these men like, might I ask?” Sonya questioned, looking outside through the driver’s seat window to avoid the awkward silence lingering in the vehicle.
“Well, most are foreign men. I should warn you if the accents are too much-” Ms. Pauling started ”-One comes from Russia, the deep snowy mountains; one’s a German medical scientist; one comes from Boston, the marksmen come from Australia, and the last is a french man who’s stealth is as skilled as his flirts for women -womanizer- that you should try and avoid, in my opinion.”
“Ah. A German Scientist and a French Spy?” Sonya sounded irritated and almost displeased when she looked at the woman in the passenger seat.
“Well, the German is nice, but he is sorta out of it- a psycho when on the battlefield, and the French man, he’s known for his actual skilled fighting compared to the others, and he can make you fall for such careless charms so please be careful around that one.” Ms. Pauling answered, sounding worried near the end.
Sonya smirked at the thought, “Oh, Ms. Pauling, please, I don’t fall for careless charms and those trying to earn my hand. Besides, you know very little about me; you have no idea what I’m capable of...”
When the two arrived at the base, Ms. Pauling pulled their little truck into a small but perfect spot in the shade of the trees around them; Soya was greeted with the fog-like aura of nature. The sun settled low enough that the bottom barely grazed the distant mountains. The slight squeak of the car as the truck door reared opened and finally stepped out for a well-deserved stretch of relief. This base location was very different from the desert Valley one Sonya was for sure going to until he met with Ms. Pauling. 'Hardwood' was this locations name. It was a nice area, and Sonya was most for sure going to enjoy this future battlefield experience.
"Hopefully the team is waiting behind the volt doors for us; as I made it clear to them, by calling twice yesterday, they should be eager to introduce themselves to you." Ms. Pauling sounded a bit agitated at the 'calling twice' part.
'Must be something that happens often,' Sonya thought holding back a chuckle as she followed behind the woman in purple.
"Agh! How long we gotta wait for Pauling to get 'ere, huh?" Scout was walking around, waiting impatiently for the two to show up.
Spy then sighed in annoyance and shook his head, leaning against the wall a freshly lit cigarette rested between his lips. Medic was seated on the couch trying to ignore the Boston man as well. Heavy was with Pyro, Demo, and Engineer in the kitchen helping set up a small variety of the food presentable for their new addition to the team. And the only other member of the team was most likely hiding away in his camper or room within the base that he basically never uses coincidentally right next door to the room their new Mercenary will be sleeping in. We'll not for a long while for the poor quarters is still under deep cleaning of useless stored items and decor, trying to find somewhere to put these items at.
"Zhe more jou complain, nerviges kind, Zhe more agitating jou get Scout." Medic was finally able to speak up after trying to make sure what he was going to say to their newbie about sleeping arrangements. He had the small Hospital beds in the Med Bay, he just hopes that will do for now.
"Well, what 're ya gonna do about it, huh, doc?" Scout taunted, spreading his arms out in a 'come at me stance' towards the German.
"Zhat's it!" Medic grabbed his bonesaw not far from where he stood and started at the Boston.
Scout was running and tripping around the room, dodging a few of Medic's swings and managed to trip just out side the exit area and startled the two women, Scout almost hitting at the bottom of Sonya's Kimono.
Sonya instinctively moved in front of Ms. Pauling blocking the commotion but nothing of danger happened other than the Boston man grunting on the floor from the impact.
Oks das it lol 🤷🏽‍♀️🙃😂🖤
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What is a historical event you would like to see turned into a movie?
so many. i'll list a few. and not all of these would necessarily be a movie but maybe a miniseries.
the expedition of the ten thousand. would be an epic adventure film. full stop.
a comedy drama about santa anna. seriously, if you look at him from a certain perspective this dude's life is a comedy. seems like his whole life was just him failing upwards and getting himself in the craziest situations.
syagrius and the kingdom of soissons. it's little detail about this so there's a lot of room for artistic license but i think it's an interesting setting. the last remnant of the roman empire in gaul, alone surrounded by enemies.
honestly, anything pirate. i love pirates and there is a lack of good pirate movies. i'll take anything but i'd love to see something about henry avery and the ganj-i-sawai.
the peloponnesian war, especially the sicilian expedition and all that drama. probably better as a miniseries.
literally so much about rome. from the gracchus brothers and their land reforms to sulla and his civil war to aurelian and the palmyrene empire.
bleeding kansas. probably a good miniseries.
the war of roses. miniseries. i mean, it inspired game of thrones. come on.
so many colonial america things. king philip's war, the plundering times, the merrymount drama, etc.
lewis and clark expedition. again probably better as a miniseries.
vikings colonizing america.
robert matthews and his little kingdom. or, alternatively, joseph smith and the mormons and their journey across the country.
biopics about various figures: cesare borgia, da vinci, hypatia, tycho brahe, lorenzo de medici, robert guiscard, john hawkwood, oleg of kiev, alexander hamilton, eleanor of aquitaine, justinian, abd al-rahman i, philip the good, charles martel and pepin the short and so so so many more.
oh you know what i've always wanted? a miniseries about jesus' followers after his death. i wanna see all the internal politics and competing theologies of all his disciples. then i want it to culminate in the jewish-roman war and the destruction of the temple.
a good movie about the politics and intrigue of the french revolution, especially the reign of terror.
munster rebellion.
i think some mass migrations could be interesting. like the proto-indo-european migrations (so many options), the sea peoples (it's probably a mass migration and little is known so lots of artistic license), or the germanic migrations (follow the visigoths and their internal power struggles as they march across europe), or even the alans (going all the way from central europe to north africa? wild).
coal wars.
war of the league of cambrai.
abbasid revolution.
a horror loosely inspired by whatever was happening at herxheim.
columbus discovering, exploring, and governing the new world.
fourth crusade.
the constitutional convention (pls).
horror loosely inspired by roanoke colony.
i can keep going but you get the idea.
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raethedragon · 1 year
can we stop having historic events happen pls
I woke up late today and it was so dark I thought I'd somehow slept all day.
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senzacaponecoda · 2 years
my conlang iḿ never satisfied with
p t ts c k ħ 2
b d dz j g 3 h
m n ń
l ĺ
w y
Oral obstruents are realized as fricatives in codas and phrase initially. (p irregularly changes place from bilabial to labiodental. c is x tS, j is x dZ, 2 is ? ie glottal stop, 3 is \? ie a pharyngeal fricative. ń and ĺ are palatal nasal and palatal lateral approximate. r is a tap, trilled when geminate). (t d) are dental. Orthography is based on whatever's convenient really though; Vp is usually f, ħ might be 7, ipa is fine, whatever.
Each can be uvularized. (k g) become q ġ in these environments. Technically l is uvularized n, as the two are in complementary distribution. However this relationship is historically reversed word initially, and opaque enough that natives consider them separate sounds.
All non-palatalized consonants are slightly palatalized before i.
Non-uvularized consonants can be palatalized before i.
u i
(e) (ë) (o)
Each vowel can be long. Short a is naturally close to ə
In the environments uvularization occurs, vowels can be realized with -ATR (RTR). The effect sounds like English centralization/lax vowels. Might be the same phenomenon. -ATR a is back; +ATR a is front, close to English æ
e and o are primarily allophones or allomorphs (short e and o from long e and o) of ay/aw. ë is inserted by a process breaking clusters late in phonology. Phonetically it's closer to ɨ than ə due to short a crowding the space.
Feet are left aligned and iambic at the word level. The rightmost H spreads over every leftward µ. Phrasally, non-lexical H is deleted over the leftedge µ, and, if the rightmost µ is open, 2 is inserted on the end. Phrase final t debuccalizes.
ë is inserted on non-edge CC clusters from the right. Phrase edges basically allow deleting an unaccented nucleus permitting CVCV edges to be realized as clusters. If this happens the upstep of the accent is kind of smushed over the entire initial CCV(V) syllable for something like Swedish's acute accent.
C - Indicative, Interrogative, Consecutive, Imperative, Admirative
T - Ø, Past (aux), Future (aux)
N - Adverbial with DPs, statives. Auxiliaries with eventives.
A - Imperfective (morphological): Continuous , Progressive, Inchoative . Perfective (morphological): Perfect, Stative, Cessative
v - Ø, Causative, Passive, Middle (accidental, non-agent subjects), Antipassive
D - definite (aux), indefinite (morph)
P - 1 2 3 (morph)
Num - Ø (mass), sg, pl, col, du
G - Ø, f
Head initial, relatively strictly until morphology. Fusional. Focalizing. Mildly topicalizing as well. Marked Nominative but splits between the eventive and stative; patterns like English, French, but not German, Russian, etc for eventive verbs. Patterns like Basque for statives and eventives derived from statives (causatives).
Verb merges with v, A, T, and C somewhat.
Max string: C_ (Focus) T_ A{v.V}=s=i=o S O I Adj
Verb raises to merge with voice. This is merged with Aspect which determines the phonetic stem. This combines with Ø T. If merged with T and C allows it, this whole thing can merge with C. Pronomial subject, indirect object, direct object are realized as particles. Adj is adjunct, not adjective.
DPs: P D N.n _ D Adj.n _ D RelC.n _
Adpositions are preps. They communicate case. They are themselves also adjectives that can agree with nominal heads.
Nouns raise into the slot of the possessor to create fusional forms. The adjectives and relative clause particles agree in this respect.
Case marks nominative, accusative, and a genitive and oblique form. Verbs agree with the phi person, gender, number of subject DP.
There are multiple degrees of genitive. Compounding handles semantic compounding, possession with 3P dps, and some other things. A nisbe-like deravation handles attribution (of origin, etc). The prep ni "of" handles the rest.
Verb-thing morphology:
pc-voice-{aspect}-derivation-mood=personal suffixes
pc being the prefix conjugation person markers and accompanying voice, {aspect} being the aspect stem. - is essentially agglutination or agglutination with metathesis, {} means supplementation or the miwok-semitic nonconcatenative morphology thing. = means basically enclitics.
Noun morphology kind of weird:
def: art-case=num-{noun/num}-derivation
indef: num-{num/noun}-derivation-art-case
Verbs are semantically verb framed. The equivalent of gerundives are communicated by a sort of verb chaining of two fully conjugated verbs; this is only grammatical if both verbs share the same coindexed theta arguments. This principle is also extended to for some atelic-telic verb pairs, as semantically the language strongly distinguishes eventive and stative verbs. It can also apply to certain semantically similar verb pairs.
It can be grammatical to coerce eventive verbs to conjugate as statives and vice-versa. This is the typical way to derive the eventive infinitives/participials; much rarer the other way around, some statives coerced this way can take on eventive meanings outside the causative morphology.
The stative is also the typical way to communicate gnomic and habitual aspects.
Certain common moods communicated by auxiliaries or morphology in other languages are communicated with adverbs due to being in an awkward point in grammaticalization. Desire, potential, moral/ontological necessity, for example. This is in addition to the kinds of adverbs called modal adverbs in German, that might actually just be a language universal thing that people who don't teach/learn German just aren't sensitive to. Words like "even", "just", etc in English.
Descends from Proto-Afroasiatic and is extraordinarily conservative in many respects. Rough history, given my unorthodox opinions.
6500 BP - ish, proto-Afro-Asiatic period. Spoken between Amhara and Khartoum.
6000 BP - Green Sahara collapse, relexifying Nile. Common ancestor of non-Ethiopic AA moved north along red sea coast and nile.
5500 BP - Sister to pre-Egyptian. Doesn't merge most of the consonants. Similar vowel length rules. Maintains the prefix conjugation and the m- participials.
5000 BP - Predynastic Egypt. Parallels the palatalizations of the OK. Some of Egyptian's mergers from PAA spread. Follows in the aspiration of the voiceless series. Grammaticalizes -yan- "say" as a kind of consecutive mood after Egyptian.
4500 BP - Old Kingdom. Distinct enough not to be a dialect anymore, by any means. Follows in developing new focus pronouns. Develops a parallel consequential (if-then) mood. Similar constructions, syntax. Follows in deglottalizing the ejectives
4000 BP - Beginning of Middle Egypt. Strong areal influences in syntax and phonology; most non-core vocabulary is calqued or borrowed from ME, especially agriculture, religion, art, high culture words. Egyptian d not yet glottalized, borrowed as t.
3500 BP - Second intermediate begins and the culture breaks off from Egyptian influences. By now the right edge is very weak and parallel vowel changes to proto-Coptic have taken place. Borrowed the dynamic preverb iw to develop similarly to coptic. Serves as a basis for a topic - focus paradigm.
3000 BP - Wander the desert instead of rejoining Egypt. Pick up some Cushitic influences similar to Beja's. Middle Egyptian like vowels recollapse. Essentially pAA's have rotated; i -> a -> u
2500 BP - Develops a pitch accent system and redevelops length in contact with tonal Nilo-Saharans. New suffixes cause vowel harmony effects radically relexifying the language. Most nouns get diminutive and "temetive" derivations. Verbs get parallel frequentive/durative derivations.
2000 BP- Settles in fictional oases south of Siwa. PA system becomes like modern. Vowels rebalance length. Picks up serialization.
1500 BP - Strongly influenced by a dead Northwest Afrasian crown language. Picks up or calques certain features associated with Tuareg and Tamazight, especially lifestyle words. Aligns the verb system to the stative - imperfect - perfect system. Analogy causes the split of the stative into continuous and stative-perfect forms. Tenuis develops into emphatics that spread harmonically over a stem. Uvular fricatives turn into pharyngeals but are redistributed back into k/g. Begadkephat like Hebrew, many NWAA, etc takes hold in the middle of that process.
1000 BP - Strongly influenced by Old Nubian, partly relexed chiefly in trade goods. Pitch accent reinforced by new tones. Admirative mood borrowed; inchoative aspect borrowed. e and o develop but don't quite take hold. Cessative evolves in analogy to inchoative. Picks up Nubian article en. Develops case.
500 BP - Influenced by Siwi, picks up double datives. L/n split. Oddly rebrackets the Northwest Afrasian article onto the Nubian article which fuses with case. Number also awkwardly follows the article rebracketing to the front of the NP.
0 BP - Influenced by Egyptian Arabic most dominately, English secondarily for Islamic and modern technical vocab. EgyAr also supplies a lot of modern/city lifestyle terms; cinema, pet ownership, politics, etc. MSA influences pseudo-etymological Arabicization of the phonology causing e/o to be perceived as low prestige
Went from ag to basically bedouin to basically what the Siwi have in terms of lifestyle. Daily life used to be mostly raising goats or chickens with the occasional raid in desperate times. Now it's become something of an urbanized lifestyle involving a lot of wage work and stationary living.
Extremely pragmatist culturally, basically libertine in so far as it doesn't get in the way of things. Known for liking to play small pranks on outsiders by outwitting them; British, Egyptian, whatever. Not really a please and thank you culture. Not an ask permission culture. Albeit authorities tend to either come down with extreme force or not at all. In ways both extremely embracing and rejective of feminism; on one hand, brings in money, on the other, how can the children be raised or the food be cooked or the textiles repaired etc? Similar laxness on at least bisexuality like pre-modern Islamic world; generally would be considered homophobic by our standards, in the sense that people who can't be in a heterosexual relationship (Iran like takes on trans people though) are considered defective, selfish, degenerate, disgusting, and either worthy of pity or something to laugh at. Not really the roman top/bottom thing though, though macho notions do show up.
Uncommonly pay both a dowry and a brideprice, but typically in gender role´d goods; so a bride gets cookware and textile tools and such from her mother in law, a groom gets livestock/etc from his FIL. Tradition also pays out to the youngest son before the oldest at the time of death, since it was often the case that a father would die after his eldest sons had married and established themselves; the language reflects this by calling the youngest brother the "first" brother, the second youngest the "second", etc. Elder siblings would pay out the dowry/brideprice for their youngers in the event of a parents' death. Those without either were generally considered almost unmarriageable, on about the level of a houseless person in America would be in America.
Almost have a national epic. A poem/recitative prose that tells of a story of a meek king. Betrayed by his brothers and exiled, he wanders the wilderness/desert until encountering an old hermit man who serves as a kind of mentor. Work switches into wisdom literature for a while, before returning and telling the story in reverse; King meets his encounters and defeats them, until reentering his city-state and taking it back with ferocity like Odysseus. Of course local music, food, etc. Though mostly supplanted by Egyptian styles.
Managed to maintain a secret folk religion descended from Egyptian religion with folkloric influences like West African religion in West Africa; only recently has mainstream Muslim influence grown strong enough in the community to try to stamp out traditional medicine as witch craft and those aspects of the folklore/the secret actual belief among some members of the society as shirk.
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momowho34 · 3 years
Here are some jewish myths you might still believe!!!!
(Pls read and reblog I’m tired of people echoing shit like this)
Jesus was not a rabbi. He lived a hundred years before rabbinic judaism even started to develop. Please stop saying this as if it lends him credence in our religion, because no. It doesn’t.
Yeah, Jesus was jewish, but he also rejected mainstream Judaism and hated it. Stop pretending he means anything to us. Idk if you guys have even read your own books, Matthew is like 60% about how the Pharisees are bad and wrong and evil for sticking to the traditions that have kept them alive for 100s of years. It’s also, y’know, historically inaccurate to the actual behavior of the Pharisees in that time period. Seriously man he is not ours and means nothing to us, keep your Jesus and stop trying to shoehorn him into judaism.
Our god is not yours “minus the Jesus.” In trinity terms; divide the Holy Spirit by the Father and then subtract the Son and that is a bare bones grasp of what god appears as for Jews.
Jews are not white as a whole. Are there white Jews? Yes. Are there jews who are literally every other skin tone? Also yes!! We are all over the place. India, numerous Middle Eastern countries, Morocco, Spain, and a lot more I can’t be bothered to list. You are actively hurting poc jews by pretending that all jews are European, holy shit stop doing that please!!! Most white jewish people are Ashkenazi, which is just one type of judaism.
Actually, the historical relationship between Jews and Muslims is a lot more complicated then you think it is. Sometimes we got along, sometimes we didn’t. Some would argue that Jews were treated better by Islamic caliphates in the Middle Ages then they were by Christian kingdoms. Stop trying to pretend we are and have always been “arch nemeses” or some fucking bullshit (that would be the Amalekites for us, actually, and not the Muslims) Also we’re honestly more similar to them when it comes to traditions then christians so like take that into account thanks
Hey guys listen to Romani when they talk about the Holocaust too!!!!! Please, they have a different experience/perspective and deserve to have their voices heard. Don’t pretend they don’t exist and that it didn’t effect them because uh.... it did. To a degree that I don’t think I can properly explain. Do not overlook them and then pretend it’s just because ur a “jewish ally” or whatever the fuck.
Stop pretending that we’re the same as Christianity. We aren’t. Stop stop stop holy shit stop. That’s not how any of this works at all. Christianity is so so so different, it takes like a handful of jewish beliefs and runs with them. Christianity is its own thing and so is Judaism, stoppp.
Not all Jews are zionists. some are explicitly anti-zionists. Not all zionists are anti-Semitic, but some of them are. Basically, jews aren’t inherently zionists and anti-Zionism isn’t inherently antisemitic. That being said, some people do use anti-Zionism as a cover for their anti-semitism. Watch out for those people, they’re not that hard to spot. That’s all I’m going to say about that, don’t want to start on this issue because it isn’t what this list is about.
Jews never actually lived by the literal laws of the Torah. We did not stone people. There is no archeological evidence of that and actually more evidence pointing to the opposite. jewish communities actually held capital punishment as being inherently immoral and was very very very rarely used in some communities. Understand that. Don’t ever say shit like “but the Jews used to live by the Bible too, and they stoned gay people!!!” No. No we didn’t. Ever. Nobody did that in ancient times.
Guess what, jews are not rich or greedy! what the fuck are you talking about??? Quit it please. This stereotype has literally been used since the Middle Ages to alienate Jews as a more privileged “other” that deserve their prosecution. Stop stop please stop, please!!!!! People actually believe this shit and commit hate crimes, stop, even as a sarcastic joke.
The Old Testament is not the same as the Torah/Tanakh. It’s just not? For one thing, the Old Testament is a translation of a cut down version of a translation of a different modified version, so no. Not the same. Also the books are ordered differently and the sections are mixed up.
God does not abandon the Jews in the Tanakh or the Old Testament for that matter. It’s like... sort of implicated to happen between the two testaments in Christianity. The Old Testament basically structured the books non-chronologically so that the last one would be Malachi because his prophecies are supposed to echo Jesus. We end the Tanakh on Nehemiah, and there is no “New Testament” for us because there’s only one and it ends at the end of the story.
Antisemitism is definitely still a thing. I don’t know who the fuck told you about this one? The Jews got treated like shit after the holocaust, and some of the few survivors 70 years later got reparations so now everybody’s acting like antisemitism doesn’t exist. It does. It really, really fucking does. Please listen to us.
Holocaust denial isn’t “a fringe conspiracy theory,” it’s genuinely awful and dangerous and hurts real people. I’m serious about this one, holocaust denial (and any genocide denial for that matter, whether it’s talking about the Armenian genocide or Holdomer or any others) is legit dangerous. Pay attention to it and have 0% tolerance for that shit
You are allowed to be invited to a jewish event if you’re not jewish! We literally do not care. Respectfully participating in traditions if you’re invited to is fine! The issue is when people take a jewish tradition and twist it into something for them. That’s a no-no, but getting invited to a seder/bar mitzvah/bris is fine. just show respect to traditions you see, even if you don’t entirely understand them. Do that and you’ll be fine.
Jews are a ridiculously diverse group of people with a lot of different beliefs! We all have vastly different ideas of fucking everything from god to the purpose of pomegranates (not a joke). Accept that we think differently form eachother and aren’t a monolith please
These are all the ones I could think of lol, jewish friends add more if you can think of some. Ok and encouraged to reblog for everyone.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hey love, I wanted to ask if you could write me some ships pls?🤍🌿
Fandoms would be: Grishaverse, Harry Potter and LotR (I didn't see it on your ship list, so if you don't write for those characters, you could pick a Marvel character)✨️
My pronouns are she/her, infj, Aries ☀️ leo 🌙 libra ⬆️, I'm bisexual (tho mostly attracted to men) and a hufflepuff.
Physical description: I'm 5'4", 20 years old, I've got very long dark brown hair down to my butt, my eyes are also dark brown. I've got tan skin. Not a size 0 but I'm quite happy with my figure. I don't personally think I'm that short, but my friends are all taller than me.
Character: I can be a bit shy and awkward at first, but I've gotten a little more confident over the years. I overthink a lot, sometimes my brain can't stop running in circles. That's why I'm not a very spontaneous person, I might say I'll do something but the closer that moment comes, the more hesitant I get. I can get angry very fast (fire signs complicating my life) and I may not forget, but I certainly forgive. I'm smart and a quick learner. I'm also stubborn and don't cope well with being criticised by friends or family.
Hobbies: I like staying in reading or watching films, I'm very excited for autumn, cause I just moved to a very woodsy place. I'm studying textile design, so I like knitting, sewing, crafting, I started making my own clothes a few years ago. Other than that I also draw a lot. I played a few instruments in my life, currently trying to teach myself how to play the ukulele, and I like singing (don't know if I'm good tho). I'm interested in mythologies and really enjoy watching documentaries about different civilisations and ages. I love period dramas and am obsessed with historical fashions. I like cooking but don't like doing the dishes afterwards.
Okay, that's all I can think of🤍🥲 I'd be so happy if I could get a ship from you! I already read some of your writing and you're so damn talented!
Thank you so much and I hope you have a lovely day !!🤍✨️
Want to be shipped? Here be the instructions 🦋
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏: ✧ Chivalrous ✧ Brave ✧ Good-hearted ✧ Stubborn ✧ Gryffindors
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I ship you with Matthias Helvar! I think you would suit characters that have a noble, chivalrous personality. Someone who would always do good by you, no matter what. 
・He is SO PROTECTIVE OF YOU. And I mean overly - on multiple occassions you’ve had to command, “Druskelle,” while grabbing his arm. He’s honestly like a guard dog. 
・He loves eating and always overbuys; so you never feel hungry because there’s always a feast
・You love making him blush, and he’ll pretend to hate it. But really he absolutely loves it. 
・He is actually very very funny. It’s a lot of witty remarks and blunt statements. It takes you aback, but you always laugh. Because he doesn’t mean it to be funny, he’s just saying what he thinks 
・Relationship Tropes: 
  ✧ Big Reserved x Smol Fiery
  ✧ Mutual Pining But Neither Saying Anything Until A Dangerous Event Happens
  ✧ Would Die For The Other
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
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I ship you with Harry Potter! I think you two would have a very genuine, authentic relationship. He would be so excited to have someone - a person who he can call family and feel secure with.
・With Harry’s inheritance from his parents’, and along with your in put, you guys are able to buy your own house from a young age (4 years after the Battle of Hogwarts) 
・It’s very cottage-like, and Harry wanted it that way because he always felt safe at the Burrow. So having aspects that reflect the Weasley’s made him immensely happy. 
・Definitely buying pets, and Harry is a bit hesitant at first but you’re so excited. 
・He’s probably an auror, and whatever job you choose, you would come home to a tired yet happy Harry, whose already started on dinner. 
     “Honey, aren’t you tired?” You cooed, coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist. 
   “Not too tired for food,” he replied, turn in your arms and kissing your forehead. 
・On your one year anniversary, he gave you a beautiful necklace with a gorgeous pendant. It was a sapphire stone laid in an oval gold plating that seemed to be enchanted, because it glittered even in the darkness. (Hermione helped him ... he knew what he wanted to get you, but he knew Hermione could make it even better. So the enchantment isn’t just for beauty but also for protection). 
𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with Arwen! I just think you need someone with a soft touch, but is also ready to fight when necessary. She would always protect you, but nurture and care for you as well. 
・She loves braiding your hair; her hands are so soft and her nails gently scratch your scalp. It’s in those moments when you understand why dogs allowed themselves to be pets
・Gives you a weapon and makes sure you know how to use it 
・Teaching you words in Elvish and giving each other pet names in the language
・Playing with her hands and she feels giddy because Elves aren’t very affectionate. 
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Some time seems to have passed between the end of the last lesson and the beginning of this one. Levi’s tired after pulling an all-nighter with Diavolo to finish a game and Mammon’s laughing at all the pictures Luke is sending him of all the desserts his making and the step by step process he’s following. Beel happily notes that Mammon & Luke have been chatting a lot lately. Mammon red in the face but smiling happily says it’s like he’s got a new minion who’s also fun to mess with, Asmo says it looks more like Mammon’s got a tiny little brother with the way Mammon’s being fawning over him (my heart this is so cute I need to write more fics with them interacting), Mammon denies it but Asmo says it holds no ground when Mammon can’t seem to stop smiling so happily. Lucifer has found an art book that Satan’s being looking everywhere desperately for and invites Satan to come take a look at it together, Satan postures a bit but agrees. Belphie says there’s a lot of strange friendships popping up lately, though Beel’s happy that Satan & Lucifer have been getting along better, Asmo thinks the way Satan’s being acting around Lucifer recently is strange and Belphie says it’s a sign of Armageddon. Asmo asks MC if they knew any reason behind the sudden change and they just say the two discovered new sides of each other which makes the other 3 more confused, with Asmo particularly lusting for the gossip. Belphie wonders if this means the anti-lucifer league would disband and Satan who hears this says that’s dumb cause he can take the chance to pull a prank of Lucifer when he goes to his room to check out the book. MC says they thought him and Lucifer were finally friends but satan says even the thought makes him sick, Asmo asks if he’s sure since the two seem like the best of friends recently. Satan quotes Sun Tzu saying “If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles”. A door bell rings and Lucifer tells MC to go get it. It’s Solomon & Barbatos and MC asks them what they’re doing here together. Solomon reveal’s it’s time for their sorcerer’s preliminary exams. (Did MC get all 7 stars already? Or 6 I guess if this exam gives the last star)
Ok so MC has 4 stars the preliminary is for the 5th star and final is for the 7th. Asmo has apparently filled the others on what’s gonna happen. Mammon asks for compensation, Beel wishes MC good luck, Lucifer tells them they should actually fill MC in, Asmo says Solomon had contacted him asking the brothers to help with the exam, MC says “cool what do I gotta do”, Solomon says they have to win a game of Tail Thieves and gets Barbatos to explain, Barbatos complains how Solomon always makes him explain things to people and I completely forgot that Solomon has a pact with Barbatos meaning they must be pretty close, meaning Asmo & Barbatos must be pretty close too and I need to see the dynamic between these 3 more. Solomon is going to use magic to give everyone animal tails and MC has to be the last one standing, if they lose their tail they fail the exam. (AND AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’d love to see the animal event costumes being used in the main storyline and MC getting a tail? It’s have to be a sheep right?) To motivate the brothers to steal MC’s tail, stealing someone’s tail means they’re cursed to obey one command from you and sure that’s not gonna end in disaster. MC’S A SHEEP!!!!!! I’ve had this idea of what their costume would look like for a while ahhhh Also Barbatos is a bat? Do bat’s have tails? I feel like I should know this… (it apparently depends on the species of bat, given his colour lets just say Barbatos is a devildom bat). MC goes hey so this is 1 vs 8???? And Solomon says he’s giving them Asmo & Barbatos. Mammon brings up the fact that MC can just command them and Solomon says that’ll be against the rules. Barbatos asks if MC can use his or Asmo’s powers and Solomon says it’s fine as long as it’s a direct order from MC meaning they can’t use their powers themselves. MC brings up the fact that since they don’t have a pact with Barbatos they can’t use his powers and to make up for it Solomon gives MC Barbatos’ grimoire which will give the bearer full control over the demon who it belongs to even without a pact. MC has a flashback to the tomb under the HoL and the brothers’ grimoire, remembering that a command powered through a grimoire can overpower a command from a pact & that everything about a demon rides on their grimoire meaning they can never let it be stolen. Levi is absolutely stunned that Solomon has something so personal and precious and Barbatos reveals that he entrusted it to Solomon on his own free will and holy shit Barbatos & Solomon must be way closer than I realised… which even Levi says. Lucifer says if they steal MC’s tail and command them to hand over the grimoire they would be able to read it and Barbatos laughs and says that they’d find out everything about him and suddenly the whole game has become about reading Barbatos’ grimoire (even Asmo seems interested), which Solomon seems pleased about since it’s given all the brothers a more solid goal. Solomon starts the game.
The brothers all scatter to hide leaving MC, Asmo and Barbatos in the living room. Barbatos says the brother’s have probably left to find a place they can use to their advantage and that if they are able to figure out what that place would be for each brother they could make strategies to counteract them. Asmo swoons about how Barbatos is the whole package by being handsome and intelligent. Asmo says this makes him more interested in finding out more about Barbatos and he asks MC if he can take a teensy peek at the grimoire and they immediately shut him down. Barbatos thanks them for being a decent person (honestly the lowest bar to clear) and says because Solomon thought it was the best decision to give MC the grimoire he won’t object but also “we don’t really know each other at all so pls don’t use that it literally contains a record of my entire past” MC readily agrees because “the only conversations we’ve ever had is about tea we’re definitely not ready for any deep therapy sessions”. He’s grateful but emphasizes on it again and MC promises they won’t use it. Asmo complains about this, saying it’ll be impossible to beat the others while only using Asmo’s powers. Mammon hears that MC won’t be using the grimoire and reveals himself, Asmo says he was stupid for not finding a place where he’d have the advantage and MC says maybe this is that place for him, Asmo says that maybe cause this is where Lucifer always ties him up he thinks of this as his home turf. Mammon gets ready to fight Asmo & MC, Barbatos says “lol lemme take care of this and prove to you that I’m dangerous even without my powers”.
Barbatos manages to defeat Mammon and hang him from the ceiling using only hand to hand combat. Asmo tells Mammon if he can’t beat someone using only hand-to-hand combat MC might end up firing him, Mammon gets freaked out MC nods along and asks if they’re serious and they tell him not to worry cause they aren’t, he’s happy and calls MC the best, Asmo just sadly calls MC a simp. Asmo says that Barbatos has tied the ropes looser and that Lucifer ties them in a tight artful style. Whether MC pulls the tale off in one swift movement or gently it’ll tickle. He returns to normal and immediately starts yelling at MC to hurry up an give him an order and Asmo realises how scary Solomon’s curse really is. Asmo says even when Mammon is not cursed MC can get him to do pretty much anything by asking the right way cause Mammon’s whipped, so really they won’t be getting anything new or special. Barbatos provides a solution for this by telling them they can get him to admit something he usually wouldn’t. MC asks him; 1.) who his favourite brother is –  he says, “That’s easy! It’s Lucifer, of course. I’ve always loved him and I always will.” I like to think MC knew exactly what he was going to say and took out their phone to record it to later show Lucifer. 2.) If there’s a brother he’s keeping a secret from – He took clothes and shoes from Asmo’s cupboard and sold them. Asmo swears to kill Mammon once all this is over. 3.) If there’s anything he loves more than money – MC. He says there’s nothing and no one more important to him. He says he loves them and that he’d take them over money any day. Asmo who’s honestly MC and Mammon’s #1 shipper (remember the beach event, and the parfait devilgram and the chat where he got excited when MC smelt like Mammon) laughs and says “I knew it!”. For all 3 Mammon realises what he’s said and tries to take it back. They are later unable to find Lucifer – who would be the hardest to beat according to Barbatos - in the music room, Barbatos recalls Simeon telling him how Satan and Lucifer have started getting along and Asmo says he’s suddenly got a bad feeling.
they don’t find anyone in either Satan or Lucifer’s rooms, Asmo suggests MC using the grimoire to locate Lucifer, MC shuts it down and Barbatos thanks them and tells Asmo to drop it. Asmo asks MC why they have to be so serious despite him loving that part of them. Asmo asks MC if they know what Barbatos can do, how powerful he really is, they say he can see through time and Barbatos agrees with it but Asmo asks him to give MC a more detailed description of his powers since he anyway made them promise not to use his grimoire. He then says he has the power to create a portal to anywhere, including through time but creating portals through time has much more limitations than creating a normal portal to just a different place and that his control also becomes less stable. Asmo asks if that’s why Barbatos doesn’t let him go to the past or future no matter how much he begs. Barbatos says, “no that’s cause ik if I did you’d either fuck some powerful historical figure and mess up the entire timeline or you’d try to fuck yourself and the entire universe would implode”. Asmo calls him mean and Barbatos laughs but does say that since his control through time is not the best a person may end up skipping either backwards or forwards through time each time they pass through a doorway after they travel through his portal to the new time. He says that’s all he’s willing to tell MC. Asmo asks MC where they would go if they could go anywhere. If they say past Barbatos asks if there’s something they want to change or if there’s someone who’s past they want to spy on. If they say future Asmo says he’d love to go to the future to see how much more beautiful he’s become and to see how his and MC’s relationship has progressed. MC asks Barbatos where he’d like to go and he says nowhere, cause his place is by Diavolo’s side. MC asks him why he serves Diavolo and what he did before it – he says he’s not gonna answer cause he isn’t sure if it’s a good idea to trust MC the same way he trusts Solomon. Asmo giggles about how cold Barbatos is but says that’s one of the things he loves about him. Barbatos asks Asmo if he might know where Satan is and he says he has an idea.
They go to the home theatre where one of Satan’s favourite movies – about a deadly monster shark – is playing until suddenly everything goes dark. Someone wraps their arms around Asmo and he squeals telling MC they’re so naughty for wanting to do something here in the dark when Barbatos was with them, Satan tells him that he’s restraining Asmo not embracing him. The lights are off cause despite being brothers Asmo could charm them by looking into their eyes. Asmo complains but also loves the “roleplay” they’re doing and how Satan snuck up behind him and restrained him and now he needs a moment to get his boner down, Satan’s understandably very upset by this. Lucifer ends up sneaking behind MC and restraining them (despite it being dark Barbatos is able to see him coming and tries to warm MC), he’s impressed that they were able to recognise him but says they shouldn’t have left their back open. Barbatos asks why they left him free and Lucifer says he knows MC won’t use the grimoire, even if it’s their last option, cause it would upset Barbatos. Lucifer goes to remove MC’s tail but MC signals Barbatos with their eyes and he sees the remote next to him and grabs it & throws it to MC (so I guess this establishes that Barbatos can see in the dark). MC catches it and presses a quick combination of buttons that plays a movie about three cats going on a journey together. Satan obviously starts gushing about the cats and lets Asmo go, Lucifer calls him an idiot and MC commands Asmo. Satan initially doesn’t even notice Asmo cause of the cats which pisses him off but in the end the roleplay made him excited which made his charm more appealing. Lucifer had used every ounce of his willpower and just managed to escape but they take Satan’s tail.
In the twins’ room Asmo laughs about the face Satan made at whatever his order was and Barbatos says Satan making such a face could signify the end times and Asmo says it’s no joke if Barbatos is saying that. Belphie’s fast asleep in his bed and MC leaves him for later cause it wouldn’t be fair to take the tail now. Asmo wonders why Solomon made this MC’s exam when their final exam won’t give a shit if they’re good at tail thieves or not. MC says maybe he thought it’d be funny to see Barbatos disagrees with thar but Asmo says it’s natural to jump to their own conclusions when Solomon never answers questions and that Solomon hasn’t changed in that way since they first made their pact. MC asks for the story behind it Asmo says Solomon knew exactly what to say to get what he wanted from Asmo but could also dodge questions without making it obvious he was doing so. On the first night he’d met Solomon Asmo had been really depressed cause he’d spotted a cute human but the other people who were hanging around her had stated calling him “evil and wicked and other horrible things” and he couldn’t get close to her (so last yr someone told me the actual biblical story behind this and it’s FUCKED UP and I like to imagine that’s what actually happened in OM! too but Asmo is heavily censoring it for MC. Remember the pretty graphic description Asmo gave to MC about how he’d kill them in S1? Yeah I 100% believe he’s lying to MC about how things went down here). He’d been sitting in a tavern sulking when Solomon had started talking to him. He had listened to Asmo and had been so warm and caring Asmo had accidentally let it slip that he was Lucifer’s brother, they’d drunk the night away and when Asmo woke up the next day he had somehow made a pact with Solomon and HOLY SHIT this is so shady Solomon wtf. Barbatos says it probably wasn’t a coincidence he ran into Solomon and Solomon would have known who he was from the beginning (imagine how pissed off Lucifer must have been when Asmo came back with a pact). Asmo says Solomon and Barbatos meeting wasn’t a coincidence either and Barbatos agrees but says it happened long before Solomon and Asmo made a pact. Solomon had summoned Barbatos using a special incantation that he’d created himself and Asmo’s shocked that doing all that and summoning a demon as powerful as Barbatos hadn’t killed him. Barbatos said that Solomon had actually been on the verge of death when Barbatos arrived. MC asked why he’d risk it to summon Barbatos, Barbatos said that even back then there was something Solomon wanted even more than his own life and that the encounter made Barbatos curious and he wanted to learn more about Solomon and eventually this would lead to him forming a pact with Solomon (given how Barbatos is I’d imagine it took time for Solomon to form a pact with him because Barbatos would need to be able to trust him first). He says that though it’s hard to say what Solomon’s plans are he thinks highly of him enough to trust him with his grimoire. He says whether his decision is good or bad is up to them to judge but that their teacher is a genius unlike anyone else in the 3 worlds. Saying their break’s being long enough they head to the kitchen.
They find Beel eating and Asmo scolds him for using the ice cream maker without permission after Lucifer banned him cause last time he ate so much he got sick. Asmo uses this to blackmail Beel into giving up his tail. Removing it tickles a lot and as he’s handing it over Beel blushes and apologises for “the weird little shriek” he made at the end. Barbatos wonders why the fuck the seven of them are considered to be among the mot powerful demons in the Devildom when this is what they’re actually alike and Asmo says Barbatos should be disappointed in Beel and not the both of them. Asmo says that this whole exam seems pointless when this is what it’s like but when Beel starts begging for orders he tells MC to give one. They ask him what they would like for their final meal ever (the other two options are ‘let’s get romantic’ and for him to feed something to Barbatos) He says one of Simeon’s BLTs but then starts listing food from both the human world and Devildom before ending with apple pie….and isn’t apple pie the answer Beel’s VA gave for this same question? That’s really sweet that they added it.  Asmo says by the time he finished all that he’d have passed his death. Beel’s still begging for orders and they realise the curse is to follow the orders of the person who pulled the tail off and not MC. Asmo gets waaay to excited for this and Beel freaks out and uses puppy dog eyes to start pleading with MC for help, MC tells Asmo to cool it but Asmo says he’ll never get a chance like this again and Beel despairs. And that’s it. Beel’s doomed to his fate and we have no idea what happens.
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kingk8art · 4 years
hetalia rant
pls ignore how I won't use any proper punctuation or capitalization because my arms and fingers all hurt from volleyball :( Edit: My arm’s are better now so I’m actually using proper capitalization and punctuation (special thanks to my friends for proofreading and also Google autocorrect.) Special thanks to my friend for helping me out with writing this.
so i'm one of those people who joined the hetalia fandom like REALLY late, having first watched the anime in like 2017 or 18. Nevertheless, when I heard about how the anime was coming back in 2021 I was really excited!! I’ve been reading world stars lately but there’s just something in the hetalia anime that made me love it so much. the voice acting and how it’s animated and everything, it really brings the characters to life! out of curiosity I searched up hetalia on twitter. keep in mind that i’m pretty new to the fandom so i never really got to see the shipping wars, or really any toxic part of the fandom, since i wasn’t there when hetalia was at its peak.
What i saw was really different from what i expected to see. I kinda expected twitter threads hyping up the new season, or things like that but most of ones I found in the top section were hate comments about hetalia, and things about why it shouldn’t come back. I was reading these and I was like, wait why? Some of them actually made sense, and the others had flawed logic. Here are my rants on why hetalia ISN’T anti-Semitic or problematic (as of now).
Misconceptions About Hetalia
1. Hetalia is About Nazi Germany or the Holocaust
If you’ve actually watched the show/read the manga, it’s quite obvious that although some of the events take place during WW2, it never mentions Hitler, Nazis, the Holocaust, or anything like that. and there’s a good reason for it. In the first place, hetalia isn’t meant to be a serious comic. The manga only focuses on subjects like funny things that happened to historical figures/occurrences during a war, weird inventions; generally those kinds of things. It focuses on the cultural differences between countries, or wholesome moments in history (such as when two enemies stopped fighting on Christmas day to play soccer.) Hetalia itself is antiwar. Consider the main character himself: he absolutely hates fighting. I don’t see how hetalia can be anti-Semitic or pro-war at all. But what I will say is fucked up are those certain cosplayers that did the Nazi salute, posed in front of a Holocaust memorial, etc. But I can still guarantee that the MAJORITY of the fandom is not like this. Every single fandom has its bad apples, some more than others. It’s not right to generalize the entire fandom as anti-Semitic, racist, disrespectful shits.
Do people realize that Germany’s character in Hetalia isn’t Nazi Germany?  In the first place the Holocaust wouldn’t be Germany’s responsibility — the depictions of these characters are meant to portray the people as a whole, not their systems of law or government. It’s stated in the series that nations MUST obey orders from their “boss” (which probably refers to the country’s ruler, president, prime minister, or other leaders at the time. Nations can’t choose what their superiors do, or what those under that control do. Saying Germany is humanized Nazi Germany is like putting that label on all German people without considering factors like time period or representation. Hetalia characters are a mere representation of each country’s people, nothing else.
How does mentioning WW2 in a comedy make it offensive? There are PLENTY of movies, novels, and other kinds of media that take place in WW2 and yet are in the comedy genre. Ever watched Jojo Rabbit? If you thought Hetalia was offensive, have you ever watched South Park or looked at CountryHumans? I do get why some people dislike Hetalia, but why does it receive so much hate for something that was never in the series (or generally speaking, for the wrong reasons)? It may have flaws, but there’s a strong definition to what those flaws actually are. It doesn’t revolve around antisemitism or Nazism. 
2. Hetalia is Racist and Stereotypes People
Now this is a pretty controversial topic. Being a comedy about personified countries, stereotypes are really something that HAS to be used at some point to make the characters funny. But does that automatically make it racist? No. I saw this on a YouTube video comment section somewhere, but stereotyping (generalizing) that all stereotypes are ‘bad’ (or have negative connotations/associations) is literally stereotyping. Not all of the stereotypes are bad. Like the way Britain acts like a gentleman or likes drinking tea, which in a way, is a British stereotype. That’s not a bad thing, just funny to see in the show — played for comedy purposes, and not necessarily offensive.
Although Hetalia characters are sometimes influenced by stereotypes that revolve around the actual countries and represent the people in general, they DO NOT always represent what those country’s people are actually like. Also, I’m pretty sure the point of comedy about personified countries is to use some of those generalizations. Specifically, stereotypes that the Japanese have about foreigners. France is portrayed as a flirty man because in Japan France is known for being a “romantic country.” But that doesn’t mean that they think all French people are like that — it’s just a lighthearted joke. And now, Hetalia characters have grown to be more of their own character rather than simply a humanized country at its base. Despite being a personification, they’re like their own person, not just used to depict stereotypes. Just because a character has a certain personality trait doesn’t mean Hima believes that everyone from that country has the same trait. It’s not meant to be racist, and isn’t. 
What I Think Was/Is Problematic
As much as I love this show, there were DEFINITELY some problematic things that people tend to ignore.
1. Korea Controversy
As a Korean American, I have to say that I was quite disappointed when I learned about how Hima portrayed Korea in the manga. I won’t go that deep into this one since it’s not that relevant to what I'm talking about now, but it was definitely a HUGE problem and I’m glad that he was removed from the series.
2. Iron Cross on Germany
The iron cross that Germany wears in Hetalia (in every time period) is a military decoration that was used since the King of Prussia until the time period of Nazi Germany in WW2. Today, it’s considered a hate symbol, similar to and alongside the swastika. To be fair, it wasn’t just a decoration used purely for the Nazis, unlike several other examples of Nazi symbols and memorabilia, so I suppose it could be up to each person to judge whether it should pass or not, despite the surrounding circumstances — it isn’t up to me as part of the fanbase. But personally, I think it should have been removed/not used in the first place. I mean, it wasn’t that necessary, seeing all of the military uniforms drawn in Hetalia were simplified anyways. Perhaps it would be much less problematic if Hima didn’t draw the iron cross, and the same goes for the other presented issues.
3. Japanese Imperialism
The way Hima portrays Japanese Imperialism was pretty offensive in my opinion. An instance is the presentation of the Japanese invasion of Korea. It wasn’t just like how the colonies were under Great Britain’s rule. It limited much more of Koreans’ rights and was much more gruesome. I don’t know about anyone else and can’t speak for each individual, but as a Korean, portraying all of this as Japan merely patting Korea on the  head is fucked up. This ties to the controversy of Korea’s character. From what I’ve seen, Hetalia is pretty close to a rightist (in Japan, not the US) series. I won’t dive too deep into that, but rightist — or in Korean, 우익 — animes are animes that glorify their country’s past/country, or  use content to make fun of or criticize other nations. Actually, it’s probably much more complicated than that, but as of now I don’t know much about it. It mostly ties to the tension between Koreans and the Japanese, so if you’re not either, there’s not really much to worry about. But (maybe because I’m Korean) I found it weird that the manga seems to give every single character a bad/negative characteristic except Japan. I guess it’s only natural, since the creator is Japanese. But then again, France was basically drawn as a rapist/pedophile, but I have never seen a French person complain about it. Or maybe they just completely avoid Hetalia? If anyone knows about it, I would be glad to listen. Perhaps it’s just a bias that I have as a Korean. It could also be a cultural difference too, since we tend to be very patriotic.
4. The Title: Axis Powers
Although the main character is Italy, and the story revolved (emphasis on the past tense) around the 3 countries that were part of the Axis, Hima should have been more considerate with the title of the show, thinking about what the Axis Powers actually did during WW2. Just “Hetalia” would have been fine. But it also should be considered that when Hima started drawing the manga, he did not expect it to become a long-term thing or for it to blow up so much. Thankfully, only the first two seasons of the anime were titled as Hetalia: Axis Powers, and later seasons were titled more acceptable things, like World Stars (manga) or The Beautiful World.
5. Seychelles
Personally I don’t find a problem with there not being that many African/South American countries in the show. Africa’s country borders (and all of that related material) were very different from what they are today, and it would be really fucking hard for Hima to keep track of all of those while still writing good characters. And unlike Europe, Africa’s history was not transcribed much, and is a lot less-known. The problem with Seychelles was her skin color, which wasn’t accurate. But that’s since been fixed.
Is Hetalia Really Problematic?
My most straightforward answer for this question would be no, it is not problematic as of now. Something I realized while listing all of the aspects of Hetalia that I personally thought were wrong to put in was that most of them don’t exist anymore. Besides Germany’s iron cross, all of them were removed from the show. Korea was banned from the anime, and he no longer appears in any of the manga strips. The manga strays further and further away from topics like Japanese Imperialism or WW2. Most of the time in the manga, countries do not wear their military uniforms anymore, but stick to more casual clothes. The characters stray further away from stereotypes that Hima used to use as a comedic effect when he first started drawing. My point is: Hima learned his mistakes. Which only makes sense, considering all of the criticism he probably received when the series first started. I think that’s a good thing. Now back to what I was ranting about earlier. I don’t get why people are saying Hetalia shouldn’t come back! The new season is most likely going to be based off the most recent Hetalia manga series, which is Hetalia World Stars. If you’ve ACTUALLY READ THE MANGA AND DIDN’T JUDGE THE ENTIRETY OF HETALIA BASED ON ITS FIRST FEW SEASONS, you would know what World Stars is about. It’s about all sorts of things. My personal favorite strips are the ones about ancient Rome! It’s not just drawn to give readers a laugh but it actually teaches you some history. Other than Rome, the manga is also about the trends of clothes in certain countries/time periods, industrial revolutions, or just the interactions between the characters in general. I really don’t see how animating these would be harmful at all. The subjects don’t revolve around what a lot of opposers say/negatively connotate the series with. If you think bringing Hetalia back is a terrible thing to do because the fandom would return and start doing toxic/weird things, I really don’t know how to respond to that. The fandom already died out around the time the last season was released. Now newer fans will come around, and the former fans would return (hopefully) matured up. It's already been 5 years since the last Hetalia season aired, after all. And like I said earlier, toxic fans never represent the entire fandom. If you really hate the fandom that much, I recommend not getting involved at all.
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bangtanlalaland · 4 years
honsool | myg (m.)
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synopsis ↳the ongoing war between two countries has finally been settled once and for all after two decades. Emperor Min Yoongi now rules and he’s able to rest after five years of holding the throne, that is, when he orders to have a private session with the districts best — yet the dynamic of the encounter changes.
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— historical!au
→pairing: emperor!min yoongi x gisaeng!female reader
→genre: smut, crack, pwp
→word count: 2.3k+
→contents ⨯ warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption, drunk yoongi (duh lol), unprotected sex (pls wrap it up), exhibitionism (a little), overstimulation, impreg kink, teasing, oral sex (f receiving), some spitting, some ass slapping, creampie, hair-pulling, yoongi is a total dom but he’s also soft (don’t @ me), daddy kink (more like the use of “sir”)
song rec: “honsool” by agust d
a/n: just PURE fucking, filthy SMUT with 0% plot & NOT edited because i’m a SLUT for AGUST D/SUGA/YOONGI MIN! FuCK, like if you haven’t listened to D-2 yet, you’re clearly lacking some good DICK in ur life so make sure you go stream it because FUCK have I NOT been able to function since it’s release & the whole album has been on repeat & GODDAMMIT I am now officially YOONGI’s MAIN BITcH!!!
☞ disclaimer: Please drink responsibly. If any of the warnings listed above offends you in any way, please do not read. I am not 100% knowledgable of the history of Korea, therefore if any characters, settings, and/or facts/statements are incorrect, please disregard. However, this body of text is for entertainment purposes only. All characters, settings, scenarios, and dialogue are fictitious. Any similarity to events or persons, whether living or dead, is coincidental.
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You’d been arranged a sudden journey to the dong of Myeongryebang, having received a letter from a nearby official that the emperor of Korea has requested your services. You carried nothing more than your cloth, tight-fitted hanbok. The emperor you’d heard of went by the name: Min Yoongi. Many townspeople spilt gibberish about his supposedly “ravishing” looks, yet you had never encountered him — not even once. If you could have pulled extra information from within “the book of gossips amongst the people of Jung-gu” you’d also discover that citizens raved mostly about his feline tendencies. Which was odd enough, you wouldn’t have known until you actually met him.
It was a brief moment when you’d taken in his appearance for the first time, and sure enough everyone was right. He looked exactly like a cat that it was nearly frightening. But fascinating at the same time. His rich, coffee-colored irises captured your attention. Evidently, you never knew any man with such intriguing, hooded lids that peer into your soul as if you’d just set up a “For Sale” sign. But it wasn’t just the eyes, it was him entirely. Lengthy, blonde strands draped down his figure, paired with those golden charms that dangled and adorned his ears. The geumbak-printed pattern of his black, silky hanbok shimmered on sight, startling whomever within his vicinity.
Yet again, it wasn’t just that.
The final attribute that grasped your attention, maybe even just did it for you like a finishing touch. The massive scar over his left eye, almost as if a sword had taken a clean slice. You’d only assumed it was evidence from a battle in which he’d won. But it was oh, so beautiful. The blemish spoke a thousand words — showing you that he’s powerful, willing, loyal, and courageous.
The moment Emperor Min laced his fingers around your waist and gazed deeply into your eyes, after you’d cited a few old Korean proverbs and sang a song, your entire being electrified with an overwhelming sense of lust. It was almost as if he’d lured you into a trance. And before you knew it, his cupid bow-shaped lips smashed with yours. The slightly dry texture rubbing against your top lip, and tugging your bottom lip back into place. His brawny, large hands grasped you tighter, pulling you flush to his body.
He smelt of flowers you’d happen upon somewhere in the fields, and his lips tasted of the deep, red bokbunja-ju he doused during your performance. He was intoxicated; the blackberries working as an aphrodisiac, clouding his judgment that he could no longer control himself, needing some type of relief especially during these hard times — a dry spell long overdue. He tugs your lip and sucks harshly, his kisses filled with nothing but lust and hunger. His erection throbs reluctantly at the sound of your soft whimpers.
“Shhh, princess. Can’t let anyone hear us, now can we?” He pulls away to whisper in your ear, sending chills down your spine. You nod your head in a “no” gesture, fully aware that your duties are to not involve sexual or romantic matters within your line of work — all the more reason the situation is exhilarating. His thumb and index finger lift your chin up and he cocks his eyebrow at you.
“Answer me, princess.” He demands, a slight sparkle in his eye from the ambient light of the oil lamps in the palace.
“Yes, Sir.” You slip, with a whine followed afterward. A coy smirk appears on his face, and he slips his hand behind your head to pull you towards his lips again, and this time he presses further. His tongue glides across your bottom lip, and you give in easily consumed by him and nothing but him. Before you could process everything, the night had just begun with pieces of your hanbok strewn across the flooring of the bedroom, left only in your undergarment. He has you underneath him, caged in his embrace as he hovers over you, planting love bites along your chest and being cautious to delicately nip at your neck and jawline, to not mark you enough that people would notice his markings on your body. The harmony of muffled moans and wet kisses fills your eardrums.
Your fingers find placement in Yoongi’s mane, the silky strands landing gracefully along and around your skin. Having removed your jeogori, your breasts on full display, Yoongi eases down your body to place kisses along your sternum and tummy.  He trails his lips back up again and presses them against your nipples, easing his tongue out to work in a clockwise motion around your areola. His lips encase around your stiff bud, sucking ever so greatly, resulting in a rapid heat building down below. You quietly slip a whine, grinding yourself up against him.
“Look at you.. Warm and ready for me.” Yoongi coos while massaging your tits and flicking his tongue along your nips.
“Should I fill you up with my children? Make you so full of me that when anyone asks of your Emperor, all you’ll think of is how full you are of his cum, hm?” His fingers dig into your sides while he continues to suck your breasts as if they oozed milk. You delay in answering him, and he slaps your thigh, a sudden gasp escaping your lips.
“Speak when you’re spoken to, princess.”
You nod quickly, “Y-yes, Sir!” Desperate for his touch and cock.
“I don’t think you deserve my children, do you?” He abruptly stops his sucking session, and you squirm in response, needing to feel his mouth on you due to the rising heat within your core.
“Yes! I do, Sir. Please. Want you to fill me up so much.”
Your desperate cries and his desire to roam your body leaves Yoongi with no choice but to un-tie your dari sokgot. His fingers find placement on the thick material, the veins in his hands popping as he does so. Your wet pussy revealed to his eyes. He hums in response, flinging the fabric out of reach. Your impatience grows, as Yoongi places kisses along your abdomen, moving along your inner thighs. He notes your hips bucking in response to his ministrations.
“Patience, my princess.” Your eyebrows furrow due to the arousal peaking within the pit of your tummy. You need him badly, it’s now or never. Your kitty clenches, and it’s as if he senses this, his cold fingers slither up and down your folds.
“Mmm, Yoongi.” You moan, bucking your hips upwards yet again. He plants a gentle kiss on the mound of your cunt, slowly easing down to your outer lips, teasing you just an inch more. He uses his index and middle fingers to spread your lips apart, displaying your throbbing, drenched, cunt that aches for his attention. He gazes upon you and notes your fucked out expression — a small smirk appearing on his face.
“Is this all for me, hm?” His warm breath blanketing your core as his fingers  coat themselves with your wetness, dragging them along your folds and salivating at the sight. You nod as a reply, your nerves anticipating for his next move. His thumb pulls your clitoral hood back and he teases yet again with a soft kiss straight onto the bud.
Your legs fight back, wiggling and writhing underneath him, but he applies pressure onto you, holding you still to the bed. Your core glistens in the small space of the atmosphere, and with that his tongue lays flat and glides up your lips in one lick.
“Ungh, Yoongi!”
It’s the eyes. They will be the death of you, literally. Yoongi glares into your hooded lids as his tongue travels up, down, and all around your core. He continues to eat you out as if it’s his last meal, like the 너비아니 (neobiani) he’d consumed for dinner that same night. Savory, juicy, and full of flavor. He laps and sucks at your clit, making the most obscene noises with his tongue and lips that drive you wild. Your hips grind in rhythm towards his gestures. A shot of vibration flows from below. You realize Yoongi is moaning into you and it’s nearly enough for your orgasm to impend. He pulls away to drop a line of saliva onto your already soaked pussy, he eases his index finger inside of you, your walls calling his name as they continue to contract, drawing his finger in deeper.
“Mmm that’s right, princess. So tight and warm all for me.” His digits slide in and out continuously while rubbing your clit with his thumb. He eases in a second finger, stretching you slightly to prepare you for his member soon. His tongue finds your clit again, flicking and sucking harshly. Your toes naturally begin to curl, your fingers find their path into Yoongi’s strands, pulling tightly.
“I-I’m going to-” Your breath hitches and Yoongi witnesses your reaction, admiring the vision in front of him.
“Cum.” He more-so demands, rather than finishing your sentence for you. His fingers still inside of your cunt, rubbing against that one spot in your walls, with his lips wrapped around your clit.
But again.
It was the sight of those feline eyes, focusing on you, that was enough for your orgasm to crash upon you. Your thighs trembled and shaked violently, while calling out his name, and Yoongi wasn’t sure if it was the wine he’d become drunk off of, but there was a sentiment of nostalgia there. Hearing you murmur his name repeatedly, like it was a daily prayer or mantra. Your walls contracted around his fingers, and he couldn’t place another feeling in the universe that he’d rather feel everyday for the rest of his life and never grow weary of. Observing the blissful expression on your face from his simple gesture of pleasing you, sparked something in him.
Yet, the night advanced with his naked form underneath you. His breathtaking, blonde mane strewn along the bed of which you both laid upon. You distractedly began playing with the strands, admiring how lengthy each fibre was. His cock erect and mushroom tip a deep-rosy shade of color, oozed of precum. He stroked his member as he watched you pet his hair softly, which felt like pure silk.
“Princess?” He slips while loosening his grip from stroking himself. Your eyes meet his, and he’s already smiling softly at you.
“Yes, Emperor Min?” Yoongi snarks at your sudden formality. A smirk re-appearing on his face.
“That’s not what you were just calling me a few minutes ago.” You roll your eyes in return, which results in a harsh smack on your left ass cheek.
“Going to be nice to me, now?”
Your eyebrows furrow in response to the small shock of pain, slightly turned on at the same time. “Y-yes, Sir.”
“Hm, good girl.” Yoongi wraps his fingers around his cock, and you take note of how gorgeous it is. He’s not too big and not too small, just right. He rubs his member along your folds, coating his tip and mixing your juices with his precum. You slowly sink yourself down onto him. His hands grip your hips to help ease you down further, and there’s a slight burn from the thickness of him that feels beyond words. He stretches you more than you have been before, and you can’t help but moan his name for the thousandth time. He bucks upwards, giving you the last few inches of himself and he’s buried to the hilt.
“Oh, Princess!” He moans, and it even shocks you. Some part of you feel that it’s the alcohol talking. “Wow, you’re so wet. You feel so good, I don’t want- Fuck. Please don’t leave me. Stay. Stay here with me. I’ll arrange for us a-” he cuts himself off, eyes shutting at the tightness of your pussy wrapped around his shaft.
“Wedding. We’ll get married and have- we’ll have” You move yourself up and come back down, and again. And again. Your hips grind back and forth, sucking his cock inside of you and gliding along your walls. Your head falls back, completely wrapped up in the pleasure of his rock-hard member massaging your walls to the fullest amount of pleasure. He felt amazing, and he still does.
“Children. Many children.” Yoongi bucks back up into you again, gaining some control. And he doesn’t let up, no. For the remainder of the night, he fucked you into oblivion — orgasm after orgasm followed. You’d ended the night, wrapped up in his arms, trembling from overstimulation. But, it wasn’t the first time. It continued this way, every night when he’d drink himself into a pool of lust, and he loved fucking you. You even recalled one night when he couldn’t hold himself any longer yet again and proceeded to screw you from behind at the gates near the entrance of the palace. He slipped your sokgot completely off and bent you over, ramming into you relentlessly, his hand covered your mouth to muffle your moans and groans.
A rush of excitement coursed through you, knowing that the guards could catch the two of you consumed in your lewd actions. The sound of Yoongi’s balls slapping against your ass, echoes within your thoughts as you recall the memory. You remember the stinging sensation from the breeze freezing your ass cheeks mixed with the pleasure of Yoongi’s balls deep inside you.
“Don’t ever want to stop fucking you, my princess.” His hand grips your hair, pulling it back in a rough manner. Your back flushed against his chest as he whispers in your ear, “Have my children.”
With his last few thrusts, your body jerking forward, Yoongi pants as his orgasm crashes upon him. His groin tightens and stiffens itself, streams of his cum spurts deep into your core, coating your insides with nothing but him. He rests his forehead onto your shoulder, his warm breath smothering your cheek, contrasting with the cool, fall weather of the night.
“I love you, dear ____.”
A small sigh of relief escapes your lips. And at this moment, you couldn’t ask for anything else to make you happier, the warmth of Yoongi’s cum seeping from your sore kitty and the sound of his raspy voice causes your heart to flutter, and now you feel like you’re flyin’.
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