#his whole brand is gross and creepy
not-spiders · 2 years
hey man what if we stop acting like elijah volkov is at all redeemable and/or attractive and/or shippable with sydney. cut that shit out
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rowretro · 7 months
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✧taglist✧:@sunwonkiworld @nikipedia07 @nshmrarki @v3lv3tsin @haerinsii @meromisblog @lilyofhoon
The girl shot up as the loud blaring of her alarm entered her earholes. Fatigue was written all over her face as she kicked off the loud device. Another cold, boring Monday morning. Y/n groaned as she dragged her feet toward the restroom.
Not liking the idea of leaving her bed, her mind was still groggy as she splashed her face with water as a wake-up call. As she brushed her teeth, she had the recurring thought of bunking the first few lessons. She would've done so, she'd pepper her parents into calling the school saying she was sick.
But she didn't. Missing those lessons comes with a consequence. It wasn't the fact that she had to catch up on all those notes she'd have failed to take, nor was it because she loved school...
It was the thought of missing a day of Seeing Nishimura Riki... The boy she has a crush on, the one she is indeed in love with. Just the thought of him, replaced the faint fatigue as the girl got ready for school.
 . . .
As the weather seemed nice, the girl decided it would be perfect to walk to school for once. A typical Monday morning, however, the sun was somewhat visible today, though the clouds kind of dimmed its vibrant rays. In the surrounding dull, and presumably eerie-looking environment, Something, unusually vigorous caught her eye...
Just by the tall oak tree, where she'd often hang out with Sunghoon, in a dark corner, by the trash bags, laid an unusually pale corpse. The whole scene was covered in blinding neon tapes, police here and there, and sound pollution by the blaring sirens and loud people.
It was a horrid sight, the one day she chooses to walk to school, as if it's a warning, the corpse lies there. The body was unusually pale, its hands missing and its jaw was ripped wide open...
It was clearly the work of a psychopath... however, something very out of the ordinary caught her attention... the very, dangerously deep marks on the body's neck... presumably a bite... And the shocking of all, not a single trace of blood was found on or near the boy, even the clothes were clearly brand new...
Her deep, disturbed thoughts were interrupted by a sudden tug on her backpack, the girl screeched in shock as she stumbled back into a familiar embrace...
"We're going to be late tiny! why are you standing here?" Sunghoon asked as y/n frowned, seemingly startled as the boy finally noticed the horrifying scene before him. "Oh that's why..." The male trailed off as he dragged her away.
"Chop chop- if we're late- I'll make you clean my bedroom-" Sunghoon smirked as the girl grimaced "GROSS- U HAV UNDIES EVERYWHERE- AND PICS OF YOUR crUsH EVERYWHERE- CREEP-" y/n gagged as Sunghoon chuckled, playfully slapping her back.
"It's not creepy- it's love- and also my rooms a mess what do you expect?" The male shrugged "STOP DRAGGING YOUR FEET OR ELSE I WILL CARRY YOU TO SCHOOL TINY." Sunghoon yelled as y/n took her backpack off and teasingly hit him with it.
. . .
2 long, dreading hours passed as y/n slept through the majority of her first 2 lessons. The girl stretched her arms out, cracking her neck as she finally woke up, feeling a little energized, her brain automatically tuned out as she heard her teacher speak... until she heard a little sentence that sparked her interest.
"And for this project, I want you to work with the person beside you!" The teacher finished. Immediately, her head turned to the male beside her. He sighed to himself as he turned to the smiley y/n.
"What are we doing a project on? my brain automatically tunes out boring voices..." y/n trailed off. "You should've listened, you sleepy head" Riki coldly muttered as he eyed the girl.
"Meet me in the library at break time, I'll explain, I took brief notes if you want-" Riki grabbed his book as y/n kindly declined the book offer "No need... Library sounds sweet~" Y/n smirked, earning an eye-roll from the pretty boy
. . .
Their time in the library started off silent, not the awkward kind of silence, but quite the silence one needs to focus on. y/n’s chin rested upon her hand as she admired the male before her while he was lost in his own world of books and notes. His dark, exotic orbs scanned through the thin lines of black words.
the male somewhat bit at the outer skin of his lower lip, his hands delicately turning the pages slowly. And to top it off... Those moles, as if god splattered them over his face ever so perfectly, were something to die for.
On the spur of a moment, his pretty eyes pierced through her love-struck ones the way Cupid's arrow pierced through her heart. The boy immediately knew she was checking her out, as he noticed how the girl seemed dazed, her lips slightly parted "It's not nice to stare you know" his deep yet dreamy voice cut the silence between the 2.
"What? Not nice to stare at pretty words?" y/n asked as she nervously turned to a random book she grabbed, making sure the book covered her plush pinkened cheeks from his view. A tiny smile made its way on his lips at the girl's little acts "I never knew you could read upside down-" Riki snickered to himself, as Y/n’s eyes doubled in size, she felt extremely stupid.
"y-yeah I can- whatever- now about the project???" Y/n asked, completely changing the subject "We basically need to study the psychological effects left behind on a human, after either, childhood experiences, drug usage, genetics, etc, and compare some criminological theories, just find a few criminals and study them really-" Riki explained, the smile was long gone.
Riki turned back to his book, as Y/n opened her mouth to say something, the slightly empty book cupboard suddenly shook slightly vigorously.
"Riki-" "Shh-" "But Riki-" "Shut up!" the boy snapped seeing the cupboard lose its balance Y/n tried to pull him away but it was too late…
»»-————𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝒶 𝓂𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂————-««
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f0point5 · 11 months
Sorry for the rant.
I think you all missed the point on kelly. I get what you are trying to say but, it's not her not working that bothers Max fans. It's her claiming she does. The issue isn't what she doesn't or does do. It is her lying about it and making it seem that she contributes to the lifestyle she has, when in reality, she has all of that because of Max (an estimate is that over 60% of her followers are there becauseof Max), because of kvyat and her dad. It's the using of Maxes fame and f1s popularity to her own benefits while claiming she is independent and works for her coin. It's her using "woman in motorsport" when she isn't a woman in motorsport because she hasn't contributed to motorsports in any way, with that she is sending a horrible message to young women in motorsport. That is why people call her a leech. If she acted like, for example, Lily, nobody would call her a leech (even tho she is in a way leeching of alex) because of her gratitude towards what she was given and because she has her own thing.
It's kelly looking for cameras and pushing RB mechanics out of the way so she can have 5 minutes of fame. It's her tagging brands in pictures of her and Max. All props to her on capitalising on her relationship (most wags do the same), but come on.
It's her saying that there are more important things than sim racing and max building his own team, as if that is not Max building his future after f1. (The whole sim racing thing is something people should give Max props for, but people aren't taking it seriously, and she is contributing to that)
With everything she was given, she decided to promote herself, lie, and dragg Maxes name through the mud by being problematic.
As mean, as it is to call her a leech and gold digger, that is exactly what she is. (and most of the other wags are, but at least they aren't making their boyfriends look bad)
Where has Kelly ever claimed to “contribute” to the lifestyle? Someone better pull up with cold hard evidence of her saying she pays for this or that, or something other than her just living her life and people thinking that her influencing somehow infers that she’s pretending to be financially independent.
Go away with this “women in motorsport messaging” garbage. She has no responsibility to send a message, positive or otherwise, to anyone.
“If she acted like”?! The idea that someone should have to act a certain way for people to mind their own damn business and walk away from the content that doesn’t serve them just infuriates me. If you acted like a person with the ability to just scroll past her we would all be having a more peaceful time in the world rn. Nobody owes you a show of gratitude. If you like to only follow people who do that…feel free to do so.
She drags Max’s name through the mud? Or people who don’t like her or her opinions drag her through the mud and Max is dragged by the association that he CHOOSES to have with her?
Not even touching on that (what I assume is deliberate) misinterpretation of that quote in the Time article.
“Mean” is not the word. It’s trashy, it’s misogynistic and it shows a gross disdain and lack of understanding of reality.
I am not that person that’s going to be like “don’t come in the inbox to talk about x person” but I’m being serious if you come in here with this nonsense, save yourself some time and go to another blog.
I don’t like you.
Cancel me for saying it idc the way people have it out for people they are not forced to watch is just creepy to me. Like…scroll by.
And this is coming from a person who doesn’t even like Kelly’s vibe 😂
If you can’t be respectful of people’s right to live how they want then you need to that elsewhere.
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rmbunnie · 2 months
Some thoughts while reading through Grant Morrison's Batman and Robin 2009 (doing my best to be unbiased and also to not sound like the CinemaSins guy:)
Just finished issue 2. I don't know if the art is quite my thing but it is unique and interesting, I just find some of the textures unsettling. There's a weird kinda Meet the Robinson's retrofuturism thing going on? I don't get the toad, in general I find the original villains perplexing, there's a sense of humor going on there that i don't think resonates with me. Professor Pyg grosses me out as a character but he's effectively creepy and the bright coloring does a lot to support the very visceral grossness there is to his scenes. Dick approaching Batman as a performance is interesting and a good character move incorporating his past, although I'd argue Batman is already a performance to some extent considering the way Bruce intentionally creates a mythos/widespread perception of Batman as a symbol to build fear among criminals, so i'm not sure how unique this is to Dick beyond the link to his backstory.
Issue 3, they seem to really like stretching one sentence out over the whole page, which is a really memorable working well for the action scenes. The onomatopoeia made out of various materials like explosions and blood is interesting. The Professor Pyg disco sequence was... weird... which I guess it was meant to be? I don't think it was much of anything in particular for me, not scary, or funny, I get that it was meant to convey Pyg's insanity but I got that with the faces, a lot of the dialogue was more confusing than enhancing the issue for me. Sasha though, is in a scary spot. The pages with her getting left behind in the lab setup are HORRIBLE. Overall I feel like the tone is a nauseating type of unsettling, a very Killer Klowns From Outer Space kind of aesthetic going on. Jason just showed up and I am. not particularly enthused by that.
Up to issue 5. The "hood becoming a blindfold" line Dick says to Damian is pretty clever with the angle they're taking of Red Hood being... the way that he is. The aforementioned angle they're taking with him is odd, to me. This isn't news to anyone. The social media, the branding, the way he talks with/about Sasha ("The mask made her crazy??????") is bewildering. Regardless of whether it's good or bad characterization (which don't get me wrong I sure don't think it's good) I don't understand the choice to make Red Hood the character linked to this theming, there's really not any cohesion there with his earlier character expressly abandoning the (debatably) empty imagery Batman used in exchange for logoless pragmatism. All theatrics in previous appearances past a dramatic personality were for either the purpose of communicating with Bruce, who is dead here, or just sending a message to black mask or his colleagues, not the general public of Gotham. Regardless of whether or not it reads as lame it doesn't read as HIM, which is more of a sticking point to me. Also minor line but WHY did Dick call Sasha his girlfriend. Like it's not even that i'm offended or shocked genuinely why is that line that. If it's to characterize him as a more lighthearted Batman it wasn't particularly funny, but I get the feeling there's a good amount of humor that just isn't landing for me.
Issue 6. Casual Homophobia Damian is the first joke in this series that's been funny to me but MAN is it funny to me. Perhaps not in the intended way but it is kinda hitting!
Also still on issue 6 was Jason's response to Dick offering help meant to be genuinely emotional? The panelling and lack of action gives me the sense it might have been but if so it did not hit. If it was meant to be comedic/a dig it was slightly more effective but still overall confusing. I REALLY don't get who the "archenemy" is supposed to be. Sasha's ending was DEFINITELY meant to be emotional and maybe if i had less of a cynical mindset from the issue before it it may have been, but it just seemed weaker than the entirety of like, everything before that's happened with Sasha. Idk what's going on with this issue. It's funny that Judd Winick comes in a dozen issues later and completely retcons the Sasha thing. Also why is Talia's medical team here now. Talia isn't in this one???
Issue 8. I understand there is some kind of tie-in going on but what the FUCK is happening. army of batman replicas????? Why is everyone here british. (side note, Kate Kane says "hate to say i told you so" here and it's criminal that that hasn't been repurposed for a Good Luck, Babe! edit.) I was going to ask why Dick's so unconflicted-ly down to use a Lazarus Pit for Bruce but they address this by saying Jason's trickery has influenced him? Which 1. this take on Jason does not seem competent enough to do trickery and 2. when has Dick ever succumbed to Jason's trickery on Jason's best day? "I have to die, no, i'm serious, I have a plan" is unfortunately REALLY funny dialogue. Point 2 on the jokes, Grant Morrison.
Issue 9. "this is horrible... her radio's still sending out an SOS which nobody can hear way down in a coalmine...." Point 3 Grant Morrison. "Y do oll my thots turn 2 smashed glass wen i try 2 think?" this moment with pretty strong potential for horror is also featuring lolcat speak? I feel like this could have been avoided if we kept the oddly split up phonetic speech and didn't incorporate numbers but the "2"s really are giving this a uniquely Myspace tinge. Like the dialogue is really interesting here, but also How are you doing that with his mouth. "STEPPING IN GASOLINE WAS YOUR BIGGEST MISTAKE????" good lord Damian was born to be in the comments section. "your pickup lines need work" ???? i guess a kinda snappy one liner but that is Bruce's lesbian cousin WHY does Dick keep accusing his family of being in weird and concerning hetero relationships like this is a pattern now. "I have this thing for crimefighting readheads..." !!!! WHY'S DICK FLIRTING WITH KATE NOW LEAVE THAT LESBIAN ALONE????? she was a lesbian in 2006 too i really don't understand why we're doing this.
Issues 11 and 12. "permission to terminate." ok namedrop. They're doing talia really weird in this one. The way she speaks like an over-controlling soccer mom, the way she's drawn, it all just feels very odd. Again, not news. Dick confronting Slade about Bludhaven is a neat concept. WHY are they doing an "everybody on the count of three" hands thing. OH FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFFF THIS STUPIDASS JOKER REVEAL IS THE WORST THING SO FAR BY FAR
I like the Damian fight paneling in Issue 16. There's definitely a unique style to the writing. It has a pretty quirky tone.
WELL! That's that, I've now read the 2009 Batman and Robin run! I also read the Tomasi, Cornell, and Winick 3-parters, as well as the final issue, but I feel like those aren't really so much part of Morrison's continuous run. That was a comic, and now I know what happens in it! I will get around to reading Morrison's Animal Man run because I really do want to see what others seem to see in their writing and I love a good metafictional narrative so hopefully I'll get more out of that than i got out of this. I see the stylistic appeal, the brand of horror Morrison uses here is really unique, there's a very off-kilter and weird vibe to the whole thing, and many of their contributions to Batman lore such as Professor Pyg and Damian (I need to read Son of Batman sometime too, just because it's such an iconic Damian book) are very interesting! Having said that, I honestly don't know if I can say I enjoyed reading this series. I found large chunks of it deeply confusing, and not in the way that I didn't understand what was happening, and many of the elements that caught my attention such as the horror in Issues 2 and 3 didn't persist throughout the book. I'm glad I did tho! Also I maintain that that Joker reveal was HIGHLY bullshit (in the sense that i didn't like it.) I have to admit I clocked out a little emotionally after that.
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stillness-in-green · 2 years
Advisorama Asks
Two from @shockersalvage that have been waiting for an inexcusably long time to one I just got from @plf-advisor-stan that is relevant to the theme. Included: Spinner's advisors, Bindi the Younger and The Question, and Scarecrow maybe has an actual name?!?
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She is not alone in thinking that it’s some real BS, let me tell you.  Like, if nothing else, I don’t think the back edges of that mob should have even been able to hear all the dialogue going on at the front.  Anyway, while I definitely don’t think Kurogiri should have left Spinner on the floor when he even bothered to bring Mic along, if he did, maybe Nimble will live up to her fan name I gave her her position as Spinner’s No. 1 and evade capture long enough to get Spinner out of there.
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Hmmmm.  I assume you meant these two?
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I guess they could be.  They’ve got similar silhouettes and broad similarities—short hair that divides in the middle; a white mask with a dark pattern—but there’s just enough different going on that I would probably not assume so without further appearances.
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In direct comparison, Big Sis Bindi lacks those over-the-eyes bangs, her hair is a darker shade, and she of course has the big sweater neck thing.  The left figure’s hair lacking the screentone shading could just be because they’re so far in the background, but it doesn’t seem to be an issue for various other tiny background faces, so I don’t see why it would be an issue for this one.  Likewise, the horizontal dash just below the nose could be the outline of the sweater neck, but it looks more like a mouthline to me.
The other figure has the white mask down, but the enormous Kamen Rider-esque eye pattern is quite different from the question mark that should be there.  More subtly, the white mask seems to continue all the way down the neck, cowl-style, while The Question has that high black collar.
But!  That said, I appreciate that I’m not the only one obsessively looking for Advisor Appearances, so I thank you for calling my attention to it.  If anything, I expect we’ll see at least Big Sis Bindi again, probably with Brand, since we haven’t seen where he wound up yet, or possibly Hose Face, though we’ve already seen him once and not, as I recall, with any other pre-established PLF faces.
I do wonder where Spinner’s Number 3 has gotten off to, though…
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HMMMMM. I wonder if that is his name, or if it's just Horikoshi shorthanding what Scarecrow's whole deal was going to be?
I ran it by friendchat and @codenamesazanka found that the Japanese on the original version of that page is a little unclear; a fan translator took their best guess about it, back when the volume it was in came out, and offered ヴィスガスタス”, visugasutasu, which no one could make any sense of.
However, Nal also noted that if the smudgy first character was di instead of vi, you got disugasutasu—Disgustas, which sounds an awful lot like Disgust, and disgust was a major theme in his speech to the hospital mob, like so:
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So is this a reclamation thing? He had the "you're creepy and gross" sentiment thrown at him so much that he decided to take it up as a weapon? Or is it, again, just a shorthand for his general shtick? How does it compare to other examples of Horikoshi's design-phase sketches and notes? And if Horikoshi had the name picked out, why not include it anywhere? Just another example of Horikoshi's ongoing refusal to give plot-significant heteromorphs actual names?[1]
I also initially thought that Disgustas doesn't fit the typical MLA name scheme, but there are enough caveats there that I wouldn't consider it wholly disqualifying. Skeptic, Trumpet, Curious and Sanctum are all well and good English words, but Destro is not the same as Destroy, Re-Destro even less so, and Geten a complete outlier. So "word that resembles a relevant English word but is itself not quite that word" is not completely unprecedented.
It still makes me frowny, though, that the MLA gets shafted, the heteromorph plotline gets shafted, the single most eloquent speaker on the matter of heteromorph oppression gets EXTRA shafted, and also maybe that speaker's name is a reference to how gross the people who oppressed him and scarred him for life thought he was.
Like, for real, I have enough problems with Shouji preaching the moral superiority of passive endurance in the face of discrimination. By contrast, the MLA's whole deal is the violent overthrow of the harmful status quo; they won't even use a term their own founder's martyred mother coined because that term has been too bastardized by society at large. Spinner's #2 specifically decries various aspects of the status quo as phony, a sham, a false and shallow facade that's incapable of providing the "light" that heteromorphs need. He's the last person who should be willing to wear a label foisted off on him by the non-heteromorphic majority.
It all just feels like more of the entirely unnecessary two-faced bent #2 showed at the hospital, and, I suppose, in that regard, it's not entirely unfitting. I even kind of like the way, if his name is Disgustas, he answers his own question with both a verbal answer and a visual one via his dramatic face reveal.
"Take a look beyond the cities! What do they still say there?" In pulling off his hood, he implies the answer is him, his name: disgust. Disgust is what the people beyond the cities say. "'You give me the creeps.'"
It's a powerful moment. Indeed, language reclamation is always powerful. Still, though, that kind of internal calculation runs counter to the true believer zealotry he'd been written with prior to the hospital scene, and I admit I'm still pretty sore about that discrepancy.
But! In any case, thanks very much for bringing it to my attention! Anything about the advisors is a thing I will always want to hear about. For the time being, I'm going to keep on calling #2 Scarecrow, but if he ever turns up being called Disgustas (or Disgastas or Disgustus or however it gets romanized) in a volume extra or databook or something to that effect, I'll make the best of it at that time.[2]
Thanks for the asks, both of you!
------ 1: GIVE HER A NAME, HORIKOSHI. 2: Or I'll keep quibbling about it like I did Dabi's quirk being named Blueflame in the Hawks Villain Report. Like hell it is! ------
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nyxneon · 2 years
I like fanvids and edits on tiktok but whenever I get videos about books...dear god, it's like getting slapped in the face. (This is about Stephen King's Carrie.)
So, yesterday I happened to see a video where a girl was complaining about how Stephen King described Carrie, in particular her body and how she got her first period. However, the whole thing was very... vague. What i got was that "he was creepy and disgusting and he should have never been allowed to write about underage girls". (Does this remind you of anything???? Because this does remind me of some specific fandom discourse... but I digress) so I went to the comment section, and 99% of the comments were actually about THAT infamous IT scene. So, yeah, it wasn't very enlightening as to what the fuck was wrong with King's depiction of Carrie...
So, let me ramble a bit about this.
I first read Carrie (in the italian translation) when I was about...14/15 I think. (So, about 23 years ago, for reference.) Bought a cheap paperback at the supermarket (yes). And I read it and re-read it. I think I know some bits by heart. I loved it. And why? Let me tell you.
First of all, as a teen who felt awkward and fucking ugly, I saw a lot of myself in Carrie. The descriptions of her body, which apparently creeped out those people in the tiktok video, felt right to me. It conveyed disgust and curiosity and the potential for pleasure. Idk if you get what I mean...
(Also, btw, all the people grossed out on tiktok forget that Carrie is actually at least 16 in the story so...i mean, she's not a baby. Also the story is set in the 70s if I remember correctly, and you don't need to have a history degree to know that at the time people...well, were doing a lot of "grown up stuff" around 16/17. That's just how...it was. But apparently gen z have no sense of history whatsoever.... sorry.)
Moreover, people were getting offended (so I gathered) because King was "kinda disgusting and creepy" because he wrote about Carrie getting her first period like that. *major sigh here*
Look, i got my first period when I was 11. And it was fucking traumatic for me. Basically, i've been having periods longer than the people in the video and comments have been alive. Periods are nasty, uncomfortable and a pain in the ass. They're gross... they suck. King described the whole thing in a way that felt...real. (and also symbolic in a way, but this is for another time.)
A man can't write about it? Why? No, don't answer... i'm afraid i know the reasoning behind this brand of idiocy.
I gathered that they complained about the sexual undertones. Have those people ever been teenagers? Teens have sex on their minds quite a lot. I was like that and I was also pretty annoying and weird about it.
And lots of the comments were about how King was high on coke most of the time back when he wrote his most famous stuff and I was... baffled. Lots of artists have created great stuff while being high as fucking kites... y'all are clearly not so open-minded and accepting of drugs as you claim to be if you're dismissing King's writing because he was on drugs.
Also, one last thing that made me laugh:
Someone in the comments wrote that "King is considered high art while twilight is considered crap". My sibling in Christ, I can assure you that Stephen King is definitely not considered high art anywhere. He's a genre writer and genre writers are basically never considered high art. Like, at all.
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iwanttoplayagame20 · 2 years
100 favorite horror movie deaths PT 6!!
51. Deputy Anthony Perkins- Scream 4
This wasn't a gross kill really, he was just stabbed in the head. But I like it cause he still tried fighting despite what had happened. He stayed alive for a few more seconds before finally falling over dead and his partner did not despite being stabbed once too.
52. Margaret White- Carrie (2002)
I specified the movie here because I think this Margaret's death was a lot cooler than the other two. She had her heart stopped with someone's mind. I think I'd be terrified to go out this way and I honestly think that it was a cool way to go. Any supernatural like death is cool to me as long as it's done right.
53. Dr. Foley- Cult of Chucky
I kind of hate this character, but he got his face absolutely smashed in by Nica. Yes she can't walk but she was technically possessed, so she was able to smash in Foley's face with the brand new red heels that had placed on her by him. (Cause he's a creepy fuck)
54. Pete- Shaun of the Dead
He was bitten off-screen but I think he makes a cool zombie even if the look is so simple. He was angry alive and he was angry as a zombie too. This one is cool because it's kind of comical if you think about it really. His personality seemed to stay the same even when he turned, though you can't tell too well since he acts like every other zombie. It's the facial expressions for me.
55. Buddy Repperton- Christine
He gets ran the fuck over by a flaming fucking car. If that isn't cool I don't know what is. And he really deserved it cause he was such an ass toward Arnie. I think all antagonists of horror films need to go out in cool ways like this one, it makes it all the more satisfying.
56. Dr. Brenden Ryan- Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings
This is the most mechanical trap in all of the franchise. And it's really Saw like too, which is cool. He's pulled up by gears and had barb wire wrapped around each limb, which is then pulled off one by one until all is left is his head and torso. Shitty way to go for someone who didn't deserve it but it was cool.
57. Peter Strahm- Saw V
Another death that makes me really sad. I really liked Strahm and loved his chemistry with Perez. But he had to fucking die because why not and I'm pissed about it. Although he went out in a really gross way, he was trapped between walls closing in on him and he got squished like a big. You could see his bones snap and tear through his skin and it was nasty and you know that feeling when you watch something like it's happening to you? Yeah get the same feeling watching this scene.
58. John Bishop- Childs Play
He gets killed by his own bullshit because he stupidly has a voodoo doll of himself and leaves it down where a two-foot menace can grab it. Though I think being killed by voodoo magic is a cool way to die.
59. Henry Bowers- IT Chapter Two
Glad we got to see him die and glad we got to see Richie kill him. It wasn't really gross or anything but the scenes leading up to it definitely had me intrigued. The whole fight between him and Mike was cool and it was well done, and right before he can finish his shitting comment about Mikes parents dying in a fire he gets an axe to the head. Good job Richie.
60. Carlos Rodriguez- Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Another example of love this kill but hate this movie. This movie is absolute garbage and would be the worst of the franchise if it weren't for that shitty remake. The one good thing about this movie is this kill. Everyone is sensitive to the whole "nails on a chalkboard thing" right? But this takes it to a whole nother level. Carlos has a hearing aid and Freddy's knives on a chalkboard eventually makes his head explode since it became too much for him to handle. I think it looked cool even if a lot in this movie is like a looney tunes joke.
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allthemusic · 14 days
Week ending: 29th May
Summer is round the corner, and with it a return to form - or a return to musical theatre, at least, which has been one of the mainstays of the UK charts up until now. It's nice to see that it's still such a strong presence, honestly - kind of reassuring.
On The Street Where You Live - Vic Damone (peaked at Number 1)
This song is from the at this point two-year-old musical My Fair Lady, and to be honest, even if I didn't already know this, you immediately know, from note one, that we've looking at a big old show tune. Something in the way Vic starts - he makes it sound big and epic, from the get-go, aided by a truly lush orchestral backing.
That's something I honestly am appreciating more and more as the rock and roll era gets going - times were, every other song had this lush, cinematic orchestral backing, all violin and brass and flutes, and now that we've gone the other direction, just drums and guitar, it's quite nice to occasionally hear a harp glissando or a sweeping set of strings.
I think it helps that this track is well written, with a sweet, romantic concept - Vic's walking around the city, and finding the whole place pretty enchanting, but it's only because he's on the street where his love lives: Are there lilac trees in the heart of town? / Can you hear a lark in any other part of town? / Does enchantment pour out of every door? / No, it's just on the street where you live. People are stopping and staring at him as he wanders, and he doesn't even care. It's cute.
It also doesn't hurt that Vic has a good voice for it. An Italian-American bandleader initially spotted by Perry Como, he's got a warm, slightly whimsical tone throughout, and goes big where he needs to, but also hangs back at points. He sings clearly and smoothly, and it's all very pretty. I think you can get off with that a bit more in musical theatre than pop music, nowadays - while popular music is getting a bit simpler, lyrically, and a bit more driving and hard-edged, musically, musical theatre remains a lot closer to the flowerier, lusher tracks that were charting back in 1952, and can get off with a bit more softness and earnest sentimentality, as a consequence. I don't mind it at all, as a palate cleanser.
Kewpie Doll - Perry Como (9)
And then, as if to prove that the two worlds - smooth covers of show tune standards and harder-edged rock and roll numbers - aren't as different as all that, along comes Perry, crooner extraordinaire, and discoverer of one Vic Damone, with a solidly rocky song, one that you could honestly imagine the Everlys or Buddy putting out.
Or perhaps you can't, because there's definitely something a bit fake about this. I think it's something about the guitar in the intro and first lines, which is just an off-brand, softer version of the start of Jailhouse Rock. That, or the fact that it's a song about winning a Kewpie doll on a fairground stall - it's trying so hard to be a song about teenage dating and romance, in the mould of Wake Up Little Suzie, and it just doesn't quite work, seeing as how Perry's literally in his mid-40s at this point. You should not be singing about dolls, dude! The whole thing smacks of Perry trying to stay relevant, and it's notable that this is basically his last US hit for a decade. It's not bad, but there's definitely soemthing a little bit inauthentic about it all.
I do appreciate the attempt to tell a story, though, as Perry is lured into a "test your strength" thing, and wins a Kewpie doll - which he doesn't want, since I got me a real live Kewpie doll / And she's the cutest one of them all. He then hooks a duck and the same thing happens again, and again, he doesn't want the doll, his date's the only doll he needs. It's sweet but a bit creepy - reducing your date to a doll is kind of gross, right? And then, to my delight, the story flips the script, as the date has a go on a stall. The date turns out to be a dead-eye dick (!) and wins a doll of her own, only to protest, since I got me a real live Kewpie doll / And he's the cutest one of them all. D'awwwwww. I can just imagine Perry blushing and stammering and the stall owner having a laugh at his expense. It's a fun image.
I should mention here that I didn't have a mental image for a Kewpie doll, so I looked it up, at this point, and it turns out Kewpie dolls are kind of horrifying? Imagine a weird, tiny, naked baby, with a bulging belly, a huge head, a shifty-eyed smile and a weird stiff-necked, hunched-shoulder posture, with a single little tuft of hair right on top of his head. They were apparently originally conceived as cartoon characters by one Rose O'Neill in 1909, and celluloid Kewpie dolls had become popular carnival prizes in the UK. Except... I dunno, they just scare me a bit. I would also prefer a doggie, a teddy bear or a banner for my wall, please!
Both of these songs were... fine, but I think in terms of quality, authenticity and listenability the show tune has to take it. The story in Perry's song this week was kind of funny, but it's not enough to overwhelm my inherent annoyance at songs attempting to be cutesy and childlike. And at 40 year old men singing about winning dolls - creepy much?
Favourite song of the bunch: On the Street Where You Live
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knucklesex · 3 months
hey i'm sorry for the intrusion but i saw you rbed this post abt toonimal kamariya/755417844563460096 and i just wanted to give you a heads up, the "toonimal callout" was specifically abt him running a "pedophile liberation" site that welcomes minors and adults. it wasn't just targeting him for being trans, a lot of the people speaking out abt it are trans, as are some of the victims on the site. efsp/738237205819146240 and like there's definitely still issues with how people responded, esp w how the victims were often included in posts as well, and there's still plenty of fair criticisms abt the right way to handle someone doing harm, but also there's been this push to frame the situation as if he was just targeted for being trans and didn't do anything, and that's definitely not the case. ofc not accusing you of supporting his actions i just saw you had radqueers dni in your pinned and that's like, exactly how he branded himself, so i figured you'd never heard of him before
you don't have to apologise. and i understand where you're coming from. idk what the OP of the post meant specifically, so sorry in advance if they meant something else entirely, but my opinion of the situation was and is this: (sorry cause i already know im going to ramble and go on tangents)
firstly, idc about paraphilias. while i really dont want to talk to a pedophile or zoophile for my own peace of mind, i realise that a lot of these people are "anti-contact" and are like this because of trauma. ocd also intersects with these paraphilias which yk, also not anyone's fault. the "radqueers dni" in my intro is for pedophiles and zoophiles (im uncomfortable with interaction from anyone who posts about those things) and no other paraphiles. it's also for transid people- whom I actually hate w my whole heart. i dont support the whole transaged or transabled or transrace bullshit. radqueers dni is mostly for transid people.
now about toonimal: irdc if he's a pedo or zoo. i do care about the other allegations that have been made, such as him being pro-contact and talking about sex to minors. while this callout shit was happening tho, most people did not even mention those last parts or they didn't know about all that. literally every other post i can find on the topic harps about how him being a pedo and zoo is The Problem.
some of them do mention the creepy behaviour towards minors, which i think should be what we focus on, instead of preaching about The Dangers of Paraphilia Pride. like genuinely idc if he posts gross digital art or whatever tf, i care that he has a large following and lets minors join what should be adult spaces and is def dangerous. if there's anything else like that he's done/doing, lmk.
there was a large subset of trans people who were "condemning" him for being a paraphile from what i can remember and like, i dont like that that's what they were focusing on instead of all the objectively wrong shit he's done. it's very Cutting Out The Bad Kind of Trans Rep, yk. he wasn't the first paraphile blog on Tumblr to be called out, too, and i remember sooo many posts just floating around on my literal dashboard- which typically doesn't have any non-political discourse- basically going like, "look this trans person here is a proud [x]phile!!! mass report them!!!" and then i would look at said person's blog and find nothing objectively wrong. no creepy xphileposting or whatever, just posts about Being a xphile. obviously not the same issue as toonimal, but this is the direction the discourse flowed in.
i more or less don't care about the toonimal discourse, i have literally no way to help the victims and im not going to call the cops on a microinfluencer across the ocean. i just dont like how often i see people jumping on a chance to call a trans person problematic and dangerous and how they'll often try to share the sentiment (actual words I've read), "see trans pride is good and all BUT" as if transgenderism is to blame here. the narrative, especially in cis spaces, shifts to (or starts with) "look at this account with a furry icon and rainbow banner!! they're a proud pedophile!! how dangerous". it really affects the trans community as a whole when instead of taking Actual action, actually boycotting, they talk about the person for WEEKS, weeks where "gay, furry, trans, pedo" is all that accumulates into people's brains. and other trans people do this too obv but theyre vehemently like this is NOT trans pride guys, please dont think we're like THAT person.
atp im too tired to keep typing though there's still stuff id like to elaborate on. but basically what i mean is: i dont think toonimal is innocent at all, i also dont think most (80%) of the people calling him out were completely innocent. like u said, there were problems with the way this was handled. imo the people who only discovered this shit by reading posts and not because they know anyone involved-- most of those people easily forgot the actual creepy shit he did. they were too busy making quirky memes and calling paraphiliacs disgusting, as if that has anything to do with yk. actual actions.
if u think there's more i should know about, feel free to lmk.
0 notes
The two-hour session with the new client went well. He is a very decent person. He didn’t want to get straight to the sex when he arrived. He wanted to talk and establish a little bit of a connection first. I appreciated that.
He, like my other clients, took the time to read through my website and blog posts. I’m still so surprised to find that clients want to get to know you.
Anyhow, we spent about 25 minutes talking before we got physical. I really enjoyed talking to him. He asks a lot of questions. He’s inquisitive but not in a creepy way. I felt very comfortable with him.
I found out we grew up in the same city and where he went to school. I noticed a fraternity branding on his arm and we had a funny discussion about this because I didn’t know the name of the Greek symbol and that was just offensive to him. Some black frats take their Greek culture very seriously. I was a being a little facetious (I regret that now) and told him I didn’t know anything about fraternities or sororities. Well, he’s very much into it. Thankfully, he isn’t one of those insufferable black frats.
He’s a bit sadistic during sex I kind of like that. He’s also into a little BDSM (he wants to be peed on and he likes to spank). He also likes prostate massages which is great because I really want to learn.
He is very well dressed and he is a professional. He was wearing a button down gingham shirt. I think there’s a joke in sex worker communities that if a guy wears a gingham button-down, best believe he’s got money but I’ve never encountered one personally.
Anyway, while we were warming up to one another, he said that he is a nice guy and he pretty generous to those in his “inner circle”… I don’t know if he meant sex worker inner circle or just people in his life that he appreciates and loves… I made a joke and said that I need buy a ticket to his inner circle and we had a good laugh about that.
Anyway, he said he likes to bring wine to sessions. I told him that I’ve been off alcohol for close to two years and he said he will bring my favorite Whole Foods treat next time and asked me to send him a photo of the packaging.
He said that when he sees sex workers, he likes for that to be his sanctuary, an escape from his home life (he admitted to being in a sexless marriage and he wife runs out of bed after he gets his nut). That was good to hear. So helpful. Normally, my hate for men comes out at the wrong times and I need to learn to keep that in check when I’m with clients. I need for this client to keep returning because I think he may be useful in my life.
I need to bring out that generosity in him, though. I need to do that by first realizing that I am worthy and highly deserving of his generosity. I tend to downplay my own positive attributes and beauty when I am with clients and I need to stop that. I need to be a little more entitled.
Also, he said that because he’s married, he actually prefers providers who have private incalls (apartments). I had no idea so many girls in my city used their apartments as incalls. I am seriously considering using my house to host this client…
The entirety of their payment will go to me.
He’s very professional and dresses really well. He’s the kind of guy that I would prefer my neighbors see coming and going.
Of course, the main issue is preparing my house for him, because… ew: my bathrooms and kitchen are gross… and the house smells like mildew (I think it’s because of certain weeds in my lawn).
Anyway, yeah - he said he much rather go to a private incall because he has a lot to lose and needs to keep his shit on the super low. If using my house as an incall is what it takes to keep him, I am on board.
My other regret is that I got distracted by my phone as he was dressing to leave and I should have been more attentive. I was having trouble cashing out my CashApp account and I was freaking out. I need to just do that admin stuff after clients walk out the door.
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sanzoumon · 3 years
Here we go again! Same things apply, warnings at the start of the prompts. Everything is bottom!Morty unless otherwise stated. Also some prompts are gen.
70, guys. 70! And here I thought I was out of ideas. Anyway you can tell the moments when I was super horny while coming up with ideas. Some of these prompts get detailed and long but as always feel free to play around with the ideas.
Also with some of these I had no idea where I was going with them so pfft.
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MPreg. Post-Promortyus. Those parasites reflected their own feelings. Morty asks Rick about it, what they did and said. Long story short, after some pressing, Rick admits everything that parasite said was true, he loves Morty and wants to have a baby with him. Morty finds the idea appealing, to be honest. He thinks about being pregnant with Rick’s baby and loves it.
Angst. As they get older Rick starts becoming forgetful and develops dementia. Morty is with him through it all and Rick can feel his own brilliant mind fading away, it scares him. They still have sex but as time goes on Rick gets less and less lucid. Eventually Rick dies in his sleep one night.
Non-con. Thriller. On the Citadel. There’s a serial rapist and killer loose on the Citadel. He targets Morty’s. The Morty’s disappear for 3 days and turn up dead on the forth. The police know the culprit is a Rick, given the DNA left behind, but DNA doesn’t vary much between dimensions so it doesn’t help much. They call in a specialist, a Rick who understands people and specializes in Profiling. The culprit redressed the bodies, showing them reverence, he loves these Morty’s. Things become complicated when Profiler Rick’s Morty gets abducted. ((Criminal Minds inspired))
Hebephilia. This Rick is a straight up Hebephile and has tried to reject that part of him his whole life. Morty happens to be right in his strike zone. He even left his own Beth when she was 13, fearing he might go after her. He thought these urges would mellow out in his old age but being around Morty is a challenge. And now Morty is confessing he’s in love with Rick and that he’s attracted to older people. After resisting his whole life Rick finally gives in and feels like a piece of shit for it.
Prison. Dub-con. Rick and Morty get arrested and everyone wants Morty’s ass to make him his bitch. Rick isn’t about to let that happen, fighting off anyone who tries to lay a hand on Morty. But every time Rick leaves him alone someone tries something. So Rick does the only thing he can, after beating Morty’s assailant to a pulp, he takes Morty in front of other prisoners to show who he belongs to. Morty is freaked out but damn Rick is giving him pleasure he never knew existed. Everyone backs off Morty but he wants Rick to fuck him again and again.
Omegaverse. Everyone knew that Alpha’s were supposed to care for their Omega in exchange for the Omega’s submission. Rick doesn’t do the whole caring thing but due to the proximity they have Morty recognizes Rick as his Alpha and he wants to be cared for. Eventually Morty breaks down. This triggers Rick’s Alpha nature and he gives Morty all the affection he’s been craving. Rick fucks him slowly, gently, in a comforting way, to help calm him. Tells him how good he is, etc. Finally he knots Morty and Morty feels like he’s whole again.
Angst. Rick and Morty are goofing around, just having a good time. They end up with their faces close together and Rick kisses Morty. Morty doesn’t react well. Will he come around?
Morty is desperate to be with Rick. He just wants Rick to stay with him and he’ll let Rick do anything to him. Abuse him. Fuck him. Anything.
Anything based on the song “Pretty When You Cry” by VAST.
Morty has a kink for seeing Rick cry.
Morty likes the feel of Rick’s wrinkly and saggy skin. Sometimes he just messes with it because it feels nice.
Age Problems. For all his sexual prowess, Rick is still an old man and sometimes it’s hard for him to get it up. And it’s really humiliating and frustrating because he is horny and his dick just isn’t reacting. Morty doesn’t mind that much, it happens. Besides, Rick is still damn good with his hands.
Electro Play. Rick hooks up Morty to all sorts of sex toys. They all send electric shocks to his dick and asshole. Rick also uses a wand to shock Morty on his thighs. He also won’t let Morty cum. Eventually he fucks Morty while still shocking his dick.
Rick sends Morty to school with a vibrator in his ass. Throughout the day he turns the device on to make Morty squirm. By the time lunch period comes, Morty can’t stand it anymore. He finds Rick waiting in a bathroom stall, dick hard and waiting for Morty, looking smug. Morty practically jumps on Rick’s lap and Rick takes the vibrator out. Morty rides him and moans so loud it’s a wonder the whole school doesn’t hear.
Public Sex. They have a very specific kink for fucking in portable toilets, like you see in construction sites or during fairs. It’s so unsanitary and smells disgusting and anyone could hear them but that’s what makes it hot.
Feminization Kink. Morty has a kink for beating treated like a woman. Not crossdressing tho. He likes it when Rick calls him a bitch, his wife, princess, his ‘pretty little girl’, calling his asshole a pussy or other such things, calling his dick a clit, talking about knocking him up. Things like that. Morty likes holding his legs open, begging Rick to fuck his pussy.
Morty is a straight up slutty little cock whore for Rick’s cock. Loves riding it. Loves being plowed by it. If Morty has it his way he’d just live life with Rick’s cock in his ass.
Exhibitionism. Degradation. Rick takes Morty to a special club where public sex happens on a stage. Surrounded by a bunch of Rick’s they all hoot and holler, calling him a slut, a whore, offering his Rick money so they can fuck him, etc. Morty never cums so hard in his life.
On the Citadel. A Rick books a private lapdance with a Morty at the Creepy Morty. Like most strip clubs there’s a “look, don’t touch” rule. But for a bit of extra cash many of them will let you do more than just look. And Rick is so desperate for the sexy little Morty gyrating on his lap.
Mind Break. Rick fucks Morty hard and rough for so long that Morty can’t live without being fucked by Rick anymore. He just wants Rick to take care of him, feed him, bathe him, then fuck him like a cheap whore. Being a living sex doll for Rick is the best thing that ever happened to him.
Miami Rick x Miami Morty. Sometimes Rick’s enemies put their hands on Morty. Morty almost pities them. Almost. Rick practically runs the underworld in Miami and everyone knows Morty belongs to him. Sometimes Rick needs to remind everyone that he’s an amoral old bastard who fucks his grandson so good that the kid begs for it.
Miami Rick x Miami Morty. Branding. Morty isn’t blind, he knows his grandfather is a criminal and knows people will target him to get to Rick. Morty also notices that Rick brands the shit that belongs to him and that no one touches it. Morty asks Rick to brand him so he’ll be safe, that people will know they’ll have to cross Rick Sanchez if they touch him. After getting the brand his ass hurts so much but he’s so turned on by the knowledge that Rick owns him now. He begs Rick to fuck him. And who is Rick to deny his cute grandson?
Set during Close Rickounters. They’re filthy, tired, and stranded. Rick is aggravated with Zeep, who keeps riling Rick up. Being in close proximity to each other for months makes it awkward sometimes. Like when Morty gets turned on seeing Rick in just his tank top, violently attempting to craft something like a mad man. He looks absolutely feral and Morty can’t help but moan at the thought of Rick fucking him like that. Rick notices, of course, and he’s in such a frenzied state that he doesn’t think twice about using Morty as an outlet for his frustration. He fucks him raw, with little prep, scratches, bites, pulls his hair, spanks him, slaps his face, taunts him, even spits on him, utterly degrading Morty and treating him like a sex toy. And Rick looks, smells, and feels so gross and dirty that it drives Morty insane. He can’t believe it’s happening, that Rick didn’t even care to ask Morty if he wanted this or not (Morty does want it tho). To just be taken and used as a stress outlet? It’s the best.
ABO Kink. They’re not from an ABO dimension but they both sure as hell find it hot. Basically they’re normal but know of ABO dimensions so Rick roleplays as an Alpha and Morty an Omega.
Rick x Morticia. Breast Play. Morti has surprisingly large breasts under her baggy t-shirt. Something happens to their clothes on an adventure and Rick gets an eye full of what Morti’s been hiding. She’s ashamed and embarrassed by them. Rick doesn’t see why, she’s beautiful. Morti stares at him and he realizes he said that out loud. Morti moves her arms from her chest and, very shyly, shows Rick everything. Rick realizes this is an invitation to touch and he takes it. He has her moaning like a whore in seconds. The next morning Morti comes down stairs wearing a v-neck top, showing off a little cleavage. The family is surprised because Morti was always so ashamed before. Morti just says she got a little confidence recently and gives Rick a knowing look. Rick decides he’s definitely going to fuck her boobs later today.
Rick x Morticia. Pregnancy Kink. Rick wants to get his 14 year old granddaughter pregnant. Wants to see her waddle around, have her breasts swell up, and wants to see her walk around knowing that’s his child in her belly. He wants to keep her knocked up all the time, keep her locked up at home, barefoot and pregnant, taking care of all their kids. Putting in another baby as soon as the current one pops out. He wants to make her his little breeding slave. He wouldn’t, of course, one kid is already too much for them but it’s still hot to think about.
Cheating. Cuckolding. Morty goes out of his way to fuck other guys just to make Rick jealous. Rick comes home to find some guy plowing him and Rick goes ballistic. He never hurts the other guys, just violently tosses them out. Then he holds Morty down and fucks him to remind him that he belongs to Rick. And that’s what Morty is really after. He wants Rick to be possessive, to fear losing him. NOTE: This isn’t a cuckolding kink, Rick isn’t into being cucked.
Rick x Morty + Summer. Morty wants Summer to watch Rick fuck him and to make humiliating / degrading comments about him during it. She’s getting paid for it but she’d be lying if she said her panties didn’t get soaked during it. Seeing her baby brother get plowed by a huge cock belonging to their grandfather was pretty hot, especially when Morty started moaning like a slut. She starts grinding into the chair she’s sitting on and cums from it. Morty doesn’t notice but Rick does, even tho he didn’t say anything.
Gun Play. It’s an Earth gun, pretty archaic by Rick’s standards. But Morty wants him to fuck him at gun point with a loaded standard 9mm. Even gives the gun a blowjob. Morty’s such a little freak.
Casual Possessiveness. When they go out, adventure or not, Rick puts his hand on the back of Morty’s neck. A hand on his waist. Hand on his shoulder, pressed against Rick’s side. Morty loves the feeling of protection and Rick loves protecting his little Morty.
Slow dancing. Rick and Morty are at a party, dancing and having a good time, then the music slows down and people couple up. Morty laughs it off and turns to leave, but Rick offers his hand to him instead - an offer to keep dancing. Rick ends up being a pretty good dancer and Morty finds himself mesmerized by Rick in this moment.
Hurt/Comfort. Spooning. Rick has a nightmare and wanders into Morty’s room. He lays down next to him, with his back facing Morty. Morty notices and hears faint crying coming from Rick. Morty pulls Rick into a hug, snuggling against his back. They stay like that for a little while until Rick calms down. Rick gets up to leave but Morty asks him to stay. This time Rick lays down facing Morty and they just sorta hold each other.
In Mortyberg. Most of the Morty’s there are Rickless but a few still have them. As C-137 Rick and Morty watch the few Rick’s left find their Morty’s, clinging desperatly to them, happy to be reunited - they see one pair kiss passionately. The couple gets odd stares. The Rick picks up his Morty and the kiss even deeper. C-137 Rick and Morty feel awkward about watching it and notice a few other Rick’s and Morty’s are giving them sneers. But Morty thinks they seem happy together, he’s a little jealous. He grabs Rick’s hand and just holds it, smiling up at him.
In this dimension, Rick has been around Morty’s whole life. They’re very close to each other. As a small child Morty always wanted his grandpa to pick him up and hold him. Morty’s 14 now and that really hasn’t changed.
Rick goes full on Grandpapa Wolf when Morty is in danger. He cries out “NO! MY BABY!” when Morty gets hurt.
On the Citadel. A story about Citadel cops who respond to Domestic Violence calls. Most times it’s Rick’s abusing Morty’s, sometimes Rick’s abusing Rick’s, Morty’s abusing Morty’s, and on rare occasions it’s Morty’s abusing Rick’s.
Mental Age Regression. Past Child Abuse. Rick suffers a blow to the head and passes out. When he wakes up he doesn’t remember anything from after he was 10 years old. It’s weird for all of them and Morty falls into the roll of primary caretaker. Rick gets into a bit of trouble when he accidentally breaks something of Morty’s. Morty yells at him and only stops when Rick is cowering on the floor, begging Morty not to hit him, then Rick starts mumbling “I’m sorry daddy please don’t hit me I didn’t mean it”. Morty gets down next to him and holds him, apologizing.
Past Non-con. Past Child Abuse. Still having Rick’s memories on hand, Morty decides to watch more. He sees all the pain Rick has gone through, his father raping and abusing him, his mother knowing and ignoring it, bullying in school, countless instances of Rick being sexually assaulted throughout his whole life. Even some up until right before he came to live with the Smith family. He sees a memory he can’t recall where Rick took Morty’s place when some aliens intended to rape him (Rick must have erased it from Morty’s memories). Morty comes too and sees Rick ripped the device away. Morty was crying and the tears wouldn’t stop. It’s Rick who comforts him, holding him, telling him it was all in the past and that it’s okay now.
Non-Con. Time Travel. Morty travels back in time to when Rick was his age. They bond pretty quickly, spending all day together. At the end of the day Morty realizes he has nowhere to go so Rick invites him to stay the night. In middle of the night, Morty finds Rick isn’t in bed and goes looking for him. What he finds is noises coming from behind a cracked door. He peeks inside and sees Rick and Rick’s father, Rick is crying and his father is plowing into him. Morty makes a noise and next thing he knows he’s dragged into the room too. Rick begs his dad to leave Morty alone. Instead, Rick’s dad tells Morty to sit there and see what Rick is really like, then decide if he wants a friend like him afterward. He shoves Rick on top of Morty and starts fucking him again, Rick is crying, apologizing. Rick starts to unravel, begging for more. Rick’s father leaves the room once he’s done. Morty cleans Rick up and takes him back to bed. Rick begs Morty not to leave so Morty stays in bed with him, just holding him, and Rick kisses him on the mouth before going to sleep. In the morning he gets woken up by his Rick. Morty wants to wake up young Rick but Rick stops him, shaking his head ‘no’. So they leave. Before Morty can ask Rick tells him that when he woke up that morning he cried like a bitch when he saw Morty was gone. He tells Morty everything about his father, that it never stopped until his father died. That even today that man still haunts his nightmares. This time Morty kisses Rick, letting Rick hold onto him like a lifeline. Rick apologizes that Morty has to see all that but it was always going to happen.
Spanking. On the Citadel. It’s not uncommon to see Rick’s punishing their Morty’s by spanking them in public. Guard Rick’s punishing Guard Morty’s. Teacher Rick’s punishing Student Morty’s. Rick’s just going about the Citadel, their Morty’s being little brats, stopping to bend them over and whip their behinds. Some Rick’s pay good money to spank Morty’s. Some Morty’s pay good money to get spanked by Rick’s.
Rick falls in love with Morty the very first moment he sees him, when Morty was a newborn. Throughout the years and their adventures, those feelings changed into something more romantic and sexual. It makes Rick feel sick. He doesn’t want to hurt his precious grandson but he keeps pushing the envelope with the boy to get more of his love and affection. He even asked Morty to kiss him! On the lips! He hates himself more when Morty kisses him on the lips.
Pet Names. Getting Caught. Rick has a lot of pet names for Morty: babe, baby, honey, sweetie, sweetheart, affection insults (bitch, lil shit, etc.). But Morty’s favorite is when Rick calls him “my love”. It rarely happens because it’s not one of those pet names you could mistake for familial at all. Sadly Rick uses it during dinner with the family one night without thinking about it. Everyone did a double take and then the interrogations started.
In a dimension where Rick isn’t a scientist, he’s a criminal. Thief, murderer, arsonist, a lot of bad shit. 4 years ago kidnapping got added to his list of crimes. He tracked down only daughter and abducted his 10 year old grandson, Morty, wounding his pre-teen granddaughter (who was babysitting) at the time. They haven’t been seen or heard from since... until today. A high speed chase, a shootout, Rick being shot, bleeding out, Morty crying, rushing to him, holding him, trying to stop the bleeding, kissing Rick, telling him he’ll love him forever, Rick dying. It was all televised on the news. Beth gets her son back but does she really? Just what exactly did Rick do to the boy in 4 years?
Vore. Microphilia. Morty gets shrunk down, clothes not included. Rick messes with him by putting him in his mouth. Then he tastes something weird in there and feels something strange. Morty is grinding against Rick’s tongue and came from it. Rick’s into it.
Paternal Instincts. Caretaking. Morty wets himself during an adventure. Once they get safely home he collapses and starts bawling like a baby, his pants still wet. At first Rick tells him to stop being a pussy but that makes Morty cry harder. It triggers something in Rick and suddenly his long buried paternal instincts gutpunch him. He scoops Morty up, holds him against his chest and says “now, now, grandpa’s here, baby” and tells Morty he’ll take care of him. He takes Morty to the bathroom, undresses him, and wipes him down with a warm washcloth. He then helps Morty into his pajamas and picks him up again, asking if he felt any better and if he wants to take a nap with grandpa. Morty feels like he can’t speak so he just nods yes to both.
Taking it Slow. Making Love. Rick is really DTF-y (Down To Fuck) pretty much all the time. When he and Morty start their relationship tho, Rick tells him he’s not ready to have sex yet. Morty thinks it’s just Rick having hang ups over the whole grandson thing but no, Rick doesn’t care about that. His age then? Morty starts thinking Rick just isn’t attracted to him so Rick finally tells him he’s plenty attracted. He just wants to take it slow, not because of Morty but for himself. Morty finds out that Rick was the same with Diane, even when she was DTF. Morty thinks it’s kinda sweet so he stops pestering Rick. They date, cuddle, make out, sometimes do hand stuff. After about 6 months of dating, Rick takes him to a fancy dinner then a hotel, telling Morty he’s ready. Then he makes sweet tender love to Morty and Morty finally gets what people mean when they say “good things come to those who wait”.
Necrophilia. Character Death. Angst. Morty dies because of Rick. Rick doesn’t take it well at all. He digs up Morty’s body in the dead of night, tries to go full Viktor Frankenstein and bring him back. But nothing works. He knows it’s just an empty shell, but he can’t stop himself from caressing his body, kissing his lips, undressing him, and thrusting into him. It’s cold, there’s not an ounce of warmth left in Morty’s tiny little body. He keeps the body longer than he should after that. It’s not long before he’s found out.
Past Non-Con. Public Restroom Sex. Healing Sex. After the Mr Jellybean incident, Morty is terrified of public restrooms. Rick makes it better by giving Morty a good time in a restroom, reassuring Morty that he can put a stop to this any time. Not that Morty wants to stop. Rick comforts and praises him the whole time.
Guard Rick x Morty. The Morty of a Guard Rick loves the way Rick looks in his uniform.
Pony Rick x Pony Morty. The good thing about Equestria was that they didn’t think twice about PDA. A stallion nuzzling his grandcolt wasn’t that odd. Behind closed doors he was nailing his grandcolt’s plot pretty much every night. Rick thinks he should be careful, at this rate Morty’s cutie mark will end up being a picture of Rick’s cock.
Primitivism. In a dimension where modern tech doesn’t exist, there’s various tribes that exist. Morty’s mother Beth leads their tribe after her father stepped down. When Morty’s 14th birthday arrives, the battle for his hand in marriage begins. Being the second child (with Summer being Beth’s heir) that means Morty will leave and marry into the tribe of the victor. It’s an open contest, anyone can enter. No one ever expected Rick to enter and dominate the competition. Beth has no choice but to declare him the winner. As per tradition they must now consummate their union. Morty is afraid, but Rick makes it good for him. Afterward Morty asks why Rick did it. Rick tells him it’s because Morty always belong to him, he just made it official.
Non-con. On the Citadel. There’s a serial rapist going around targeting Rickless Morty’s. Detective Rick is determined to catch the Rick responsible, his Morty was a victim of the rapist and killed himself over it. Problem is the culprit looks like a plain normal Rick. One Morty was different from the rest, most skittered away to avoid Rick’s and the Cop Morty’s has to tend to them. This Morty however clung to Rick like a lifeline. Rick’s gut told him this Morty knew more than he was letting on.
After the events of S5, Rick decides it’s time to make a change. He’s tired, old, he wants to settle down. To do that he needs to sober up. No more alcohol, no more drugs. It isn’t easy going cold turkey, it’s painful, he’s going through all sorts of widthdrawl. But sweet little Morty is there to help him through all of it, cleaning up his vomit, keeping his temperature down, keeping Rick away from anything that would help him get any sort of fix, soothing him, even feeding Rick when he’s too exhausted to feed himself. It hurts, but Morty is worth it.
In this dimension Rick isn’t the smartest man alive. He’s just a loving father and grandfather who moved in with his daughter to be closer to his grandchildren. Morty loves his grandpa so much and they spend so much time together. Ever since Morty was a child he liked to sit on grandpas lap and cuddle up to him. This hasn’t changed now that he’s a teenager. Behind closed doors the two are much closer than anyone would ever suspect.
Set during that whole ride scene during The Vindicators. Rick’s drunken video confession ends up being a love confession and marriage proposal to Morty. Morty evaluates his feelings for Rick on the ride back. When Rick asks him what happened, Morty just smiles and says “yes”. He knows Rick doesn’t remember but he’s the smartest man in the universe, he’ll figure it out... eventually. BONUS: Million Ants comments that he senses a great deal of love and affection all of a sudden.
Summer POV. She sees the way they act, how they look at each other. How devoted they are to one another. They’re hopelessly in love and neither wants to admit it for the obvious reasons. In this infinitely cruel multiverse she doesn’t understand their hangups and why they’d deny themselves this shred of happiness. She wants them both to be happy, she really does. The day it finally happens she’s happy enough to cry.
Beth finds out about Rick and Morty. Instead of lashing out over the wrongness of it she turns on Morty, accusing him of stealing her dad away, calling him a slut, asking what was so special about him. Rick is stunned. Summer and Jerry run to them, Summer instantly getting between Morty and their mother, holding him close while he sobs into her chest. Jerry tried to pacify Beth, leading her away. Of all things Rick never expected Beth to accuse her own child of being to blame here. He was the adult, she should be angry with him. He leaves Morty with Summer, he needs to have a serious discussion with Beth about everything. NOTE: Beth is infatuated with Rick and is jealous of Morty. Rick has no such feelings for Beth and is in love with Morty.
In this dimension, Morty’s parents and sister died when he was six. Jerry’s parents had already passed so Morty has no one left to be his guardian except Rick. So Rick moves into the Smith household so he won’t have the uproot Morty’s life. Their relationship dynamic turns out quite different from other Rick’s and Morty’s because of it. For example, Rick is haggling over a deal in space, he’s being mean and aggressive about it. Then Morty wanders in just when Rick is about to get violent. Rick here’s Morty say “grandpa?” in a sweet little voice, not understanding what’s going on. Rick’s attitude does a 180, going into doting grandpa mode, saying “hi, sweetie, grandpa and his friend are almost done talking so go wait in the car, sweetheart”. As soon as Morty’s gone he reverts back to being violent. Basically, Rick only shows his doting grandpa side in front of Morty, he doesn’t want Morty to see his hyper aggressive side.
Evil Rick x Evil Morty. Possessive Protectivness. Morty hates Rick, but there was one good thing about him. Come hell or highwater, Rick wouldn’t let others hurt Morty. It becomes easy for Morty to manipulate Rick into getting rid of problems this way. All Morty has to do is tell him someone tried to hurt him and Rick will kill them no questions asked.
Past Non-Con & Child Abuse. During the S5 finale, Morty asks Evil Morty just what the hell his Rick did to him to make him hate Rick’s so much. Evil Morty lashes out, tells Morty he won’t just tell him - no, if he loves Rick so much then he needs to experience the pain himself. EM jabs Morty with another memory device and Morty doesn’t just see the memories, he experiences them, feels them. All the rape, abuse, death, torture, the fear. He vomits when he comes back to reality. His Rick looks concerned, but Morty is shaking like a leaf staring at him. Morty can’t see his Rick without seeing Evil Rick. Evil Morty asks him if he understands now why he hates all Rick’s. What happens next?
Big Bad Wolf Rick x Little Red Riding Hood Morty. Dub-con. Morty’s mother tells him to go deliver some food to his Grandpa Rick’s workshop, but not to stray from the path because ‘Wolves’ (which is code for ‘those creepy pedos who hang out in the woods and need to bang kids to return to human’) will get him. Along the way a Wolf tries to lure him off the trail. Morty doesn’t fall for it. Eventually he reaches his Grandpa’s workshop. Something is off about his Grandpa’s voice. And ears. And teeth. And eyes. Also all that body hair. Yeah, Morty can see where this is going. The Wolf reveals that he’s actually Morty’s Grandpa Rick, throws him on the bed, telling Morty he’s going to ‘eat’ him. Okay Morty didn’t expect him to actually be his Grandpa so he’s nervous now. But wait, if Rick fucks him then he’ll go back to normal, right? He can do that for his beloved Grandpa, he has to.
Pet Names. Morty calls Rick by pet names too. What really gets Rick going is when Morty calls him “stud”.
Bottom!Rick. When Rick gets really emotional while drunk, he wants to bottom. He wants to be loved, filled, comforted, praised. He cries throughout the whole thing, but Morty knows it’s just because he’s feeling vulnerable. Morty likes to take care of Rick when he’s like this.
Bottom!Rick. It’s their first time and Morty is a nervous wreck. Rick takes the lead in a different way, riding Morty cowgirl style. To be honest, Morty is pretty small and Rick is pretty loose down there so it’s physically not as great as Rick would like but it feels nice and Morty sure as hell enjoyed it. Didn’t exactly last very long.
Orgasm Control Training. Morty can’t control his damn dick so Rick decides to train him to hold back his orgasms. Cock cages, chastity belts, cock rings, nothing seems effective so he trains Morty’s body to need prostate orgasms instead. Which is to say now Morty can’t cum without having his prostate stimulated and he can’t do that without Rick’s fingers or his dick. He knows. He’s tried toys and they can’t get the job done.
Prostate Orgasm. Rick’s robot arm has a vibrate function. He loves unraveling Morty by hitting his prostate with his fingers and turning on the vibration. He can tease Morty for hours this way, denying him release when he’s so close. He never lets Morty touch his dick anymore. If Morty wants to get off he needs to beg Rick to abuse his prostate.
Size Difference Kink. Stomach Buldge. Rick is like 6’4-6” tall while Morty is only like 5’2”. Their dicks have the same proportionate size difference. Rick’s is huge while Morty’s is smaller than average. When Rick fucks him you can actually see the buldge of Rick’s cock in Morty’s guts. Rick loves how tiny and hot Morty is, loves his tiny little dick, his tight ass, his little mouth. He hopes Morty doesn’t grow much more because he doesn’t wanna lose his cute little Morty.
Hand Holding. Rick’s taken up the habit of holding Morty’s hand like he’s a child everywhere they go.
Rick contemplated moving into a younger body to spend more years with Morty. When he brings this up Morty isn’t keen on the idea. Turns out Morty isn’t really attracted to Rick’s younger selves, he fell in love with Rick as an old man and that’s just how he likes him. Sure if it’ll help Rick stick around longer he gets it but does he have to go too much younger? Like Morty could be okay with a 50 or 60 year old Rick. Rick decides to stick with his current body for a while longer.
Yandere Rick. Non-con. Captivity. Traditional Wife Kink. Rick won’t allow anyone to even lay eyes on his precious Morty. He takes him off world, on an isolated planet, keeps him locked up in a cozy little home just for the two of them. Rick gave up on most of his adventures, only leaving for short periods of time. Morty is expected to keep the house clean, make dinner, do all the chores, and most importantly take care of his husbands sexual needs. Morty is terrified but, so long as he doesn’t fuck up any of his wifely duties, Rick is gentle with him. If he burns dinner, forgets his chores, anything — Rick punishes him, he sees it as Morty not wanting to be with him. It doesn’t make any sense to Morty and he knows this is going to be his life until Rick dies. What Morty truly hates is that he looks forward to Rick fucking him each night. In those moments he’s able to lay back and let Rick do all the work, Rick wants him to feel good during it after all. It’s also the only time Morty gets leeway on his chores because Rick gets cuddly after sex. When Morty gets sick he tells him he won’t have to do any work today too. Morty doesn’t want this at all but he finds these peaceful moments.
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oliver-svkes · 3 years
after years of abandonment of this band blog, i’m here just to say that honestly the jack barakat allegations don’t even surprise me lmao
he was known all over the band fandom for being very sexual and literally built a brand off of that being his humor, even when they had a predominantly teenage fanbase. Looking back now his whole ‘nice boobs’ persona is just so gross, but nobody talked about it back then.
the only thing that surprises me is that i’m just now realizing how creepy jack barakat actually is
I think we were, or at least I was too young and naive to even begin to understand how innapropiate it was. and man, that’s fucked up
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My whole post on The Keepers series because this is the place where I infodump. Warning: I talk about warnings for this book! If you are triggered by the words mentioning triggers, be careful!
#2 on the list of books I read over vacation was The Harp and the Ravenvine, sequel to The Box and the Dragonfly, (The Keepers series, book 3 is The Portal and the Veil) (Note that this review/infodump/thoughts/etc. is mostly about both of the two books I have read. I haven’t made it to The Portal and the Veil yet). Also a GREAT series! The lore! The science-that-looks-like-magic! Great characters and masterful use of future seeing so that the climax and the payoff are very satisfying. Ugh I just love this series. It follows Horace F. Andrews (his middle initial is important believe it or not) as he discovers an old warehouse filled with Tanu, mysterious instruments that seem to defy physics, but in actuality use science. With a few words of warning and guidance, as well as a run in with a creature that is not quite human, and Horace is pulled into a brand new world of danger and intrigue. Along the way he meets people like Cloe, who later becomes his closest friend, or Mr. Meister, the strange old man who is more-or less the leader of the people in possesion of these Tanu, and many more. 
Oh! Almost forgot warnings! Thankfully there aren’t a lot of your classic warnings. There’s no sex, no blood, no character death. There is fantasy violence, and mentions of alcohol, mind control, magically inflicted pain, stuff like that. The creatures are kinda twisted to creepy proportions, but not crazy gross. All in all a very nice family friendly book that’s not as low as a children’s book.
I’ll put my more messy thoughts in another post, this is getting a bit long.
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enigmaticxbee · 3 years
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✖️✖️ 7x18 Brand X
The one where... Mulder gets infected with genetically modified beetle larvae from the cigarette smoke of a newly developed brand of Morley cigarettes.
Best: Skinner bringing in his bestest agents on a tricky case and following their lead, no questions asked.
Worst: Mulder’s lungs are full of beetle larvae. It’s so gross. So, so gross. The bugs eat people’s faces! No.
❌ Flashlights
❌ Woods/Desert
❌ Slideshow
✔️ Autopsy
❌ Evidence Disappears
❌ Scully Misses It
❌ Mulder Ditch
❌ Sunflower Seeds
❌ Voiceover
❌ Catch Phrase
❌ Scully is a Medical Doctor
❌ Mulder is Spooky
❌ Scuuullllaaaaayy! Muullllderrrr!
❌ Fox/Dana
✔️ Inappropriate Touching (that I am here for)
❌ Casual Scully
❌ Casual Mulder
❌ Trench Coats
❌ Bad Tie Watch
❌ Glasses Watch
✔️ Taking! It! Personally!: Scully
50 States: North Carolina x4 (40/50)
Investigate: Together & Apart
Solve Rate: 62%
✔️ Bechdel Test
MSR: 🐝🐝🐝
Goriness: 👽👽👽👽👽
Creepiness: 👽👽👽
Humor: 👽
Rewatch Thoughts:
SOSS: She doesn’t want him to take up smoking - sure, because she’s his doctor, but also because she wants that mouth smoke free (for all the kissing)
Does the show not remember that Scully’s a former (maybe still occasional based on 3x13 Syzygy) smoker?
If it might be a contagion did you ever think of... PPE?
Skinner lets the guy smoke that cigarette in front of him for way too long - do you WANT lungs full of bugs, Skinner?
Two weeks later and NOW she’s telling Mulder how they saved his life with nicotine 🤔 The whole ending just feels rushed.
Episode-Related Fanfic Recs:
Red Sun at Morning by pinebluffvariant - lovely pre- and mid-episode vignette, scenes from a new relationship.
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amanda-glassen · 3 years
The Wonder Years: Part 6
While getting ready for her first school dance, twelve-year-old Olivia starts a path toward discovering who she is truly meant to be. Parts 1-5 can be found under the the tag #alex and liv: the wonder years
Thank you to everyone who reblogged the last chapter and an extra special thank you to @imaginaryoperagloves ​@oliviaswifey and my lovely anon for your comments.
...and a very happy day THREE of birthday week to my love @ghostwritingcabenson
Olivia had kissed her girlfriend just three more times before Abbie and Serena interrupted their time alone. She had now kissed Alex a total of five times and each kiss had been better than the one before. And it’s going to keep getting better. 
“You guys missed the best thing to happen at the dance,” Serena excitedly told her best friend. She sat down on the bench next to Alex and squeezed in as closely as she could so Abbie could sit down on the other side of her. “Logan in our homeroom asked Ava to slow dance with him even though he’s with Allie and when Allie found out she splashed an entire cup of punch on him and his white shirt. Everyone, even the seventh and eighth graders, were laughing at him. He’s such a creep. It’s gonna be the topic of conversation all day on Monday and I can’t believe you guys missed it.”
“What were you doing out here anyway?” Abbie asked. “Were you sick of the eighth graders? The way they dance is just grinding on each other. It’s so gross and they think they’re so much cooler than everyone.”
Serena gasped. “I know why they were out here.” She started to stare at her best friend’s face. “Something about you is different, Alex. You’re glowing and you’re like a whole new woman. You and Olivia were kissing! Tell me all about it. Did she slip you the tongue? Wait, you can’t tell me that in front of her. Call me as soon as you get home and tell me every detail.”
“What?” Alex’s eyes widened. “No! Olivia and I don’t do that! We just kissed normally.”
Serena nearly pounced on her best friend. “You and Olivia kissed? I’m so happy for you! You still need to call me tonight and tell me everything, though. Are her lips soft? Abbie’s are really soft and she wears vanilla chapstick. She tastes like a birthday cake and you know how much I love birthday cake.”
“I’m right here, Serena,” Abbie said in a frustrated tone of voice. “And none of that slipping the tongue stuff for us either. That’s so gross. I have enough spit of my own. I don’t need yours, too.”
Olivia glanced over at the pick-up and drop-off area and noticed a man around her mom’s age pull up in a black sports car. Her mom drove a hybrid and hated men who drove sports cars because she said most of them were pretentious, but Olivia had to admit it was one of the coolest cars she had ever seen. 
“That’s my uncle Emerson,” Abbie told them. “My parents are having date night tonight so I’m staying with him.”
“Can we check out his car?” Serena asked. Before Abbie could respond, Serena grabbed her by the hand and started hurrying her over. 
“You want to see it, too, don’t you?” Alex asked Olivia. “Nevermind. I don’t even have to ask. Let’s go see it.”
The car was a brand new Mustang and Olivia was in awe of the interior and all the features it had. “Uncle Em, these are my friends Alex and Olivia,” Abbie told him, bringing Olivia out of the trance she was in from staring at the car. “And the beautiful girl in the same dress as me is my girlfriend Serena.”
“It’s nice to meet you girls,” Emerson said to them. He was handsome and well dressed with brown hair and brown eyes and Olivia was sure she had seen him somewhere before even if she couldn’t figure out where.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” Olivia blurted out.
“You’re Serena Benson’s daughter, aren’t you?” Emerson asked. 
“...yeah,” Olivia hesitated. “Do you work with my mom?”
Emerson shook his head. “No, I haven’t seen your mom in thirteen years. She and I were best friends in college. We did everything together. She was in my fraternity’s sister sorority and I found out her dorm room was a few doors down from mine. We were both pledges at the same time so we’d swap horror stories about pledging every night at the cafe on the first floor of our building.”
“My mom never talks about college,” Olivia said glumly. “She doesn’t show me pictures either, but I saw her sorority keepsake box this past summer and I think that’s where I recognized you from. You guys went to formal together, right?”
Emerson slicked his hair back with his hand, trying to recall when he and Serena had gone to formal together. “Freshman, sophomore, and junior year,” he said matter-of-factly. “Now that I think about it we went every year other than senior year because your mom moved back home to LA when…”
“When she was pregnant with me?” Olivia asked. She could feel Alex, Abbie, and Serena staring at her, but she didn’t care. Whenever she asked her mom or even her aunt and uncle who her dad was, she was always met with a vague answer of her dad being someone her mom knew in college, but she was now face-to-face with someone who could possibly give her answers and she didn’t care how anyone reacted to her getting them.
“Would you girls excuse me?” Emerson asked. “Olivia, do you want to step aside and talk? I can see you have some other questions and it’s better if I answer them privately.”
“I’m her girlfriend,” Alex crossed her arms. “Olivia and I don’t keep secrets from each other, so anything you can say to her can be said to me.”
“Is that okay with you, Olivia?” he asked.
“...yeah,” Olivia responded nervously, now wondering if this conversation was still a good idea.
The three of them were standing close enough for Emerson to keep an eye on Abbie and Serena but far enough for the two of them not to be able to hear their conversation.
“Your mom was something,” Emerson chuckled. Judging by the expression on his face, Olivia could tell he was thinking of fond memories. I’ve finally found the right person to give me answers. “She was president of Phi Delt in her junior year. She was sick of weekly weigh-ins and all of this asinine stuff the girls were forced to do so I got a call from her at 3 a.m. and she’s saying she had an epiphany and that she’s going to run for president so she can change everything she hated about the organization. She laid out her entire campaign plan for me and I remember being so in awe of her because her plan worked. Serena was so fiery and so much fun. That woman was my everything when I was an undergrad. She found out she was pregnant a couple of weeks after our junior year ended. She had gone back home to LA for the summer and she called me a few minutes after she found out she was pregnant. She ended up taking a year off of school and I never saw her again.”
“She should be here any minute,” Alex said, her arms still crossed as she talked to Emerson. “If you and her were such great friends, I’m sure she’d love to see you.”
“I better not,” Emerson responded. “Serena and I had a falling out. I’m not sure she’d be as happy to see me as you think she’d be.”
“Why?” Olivia asked. “Did it have to do with my dad? If you were her best friend and the person she spent all her time with, you had to know him. Can you tell me something about him? Anything?”
“Were you jealous of him?” Alex narrowed her eyes at Emerson. “She liked some other guy so that’s why you stopped talking to her?”
“There was no other guy,” he said to Olivia, completely disregarding Alex. “That May, when she got pregnant with you, there was no other guy.”
“How?” Olivia asked. “If there was no other guy, then how did she-oh. You’re my...” It had suddenly become too much for Olivia. She wanted to cry, she wanted to hug him, but mostly she felt angry with her mom for keeping him from her all these years. 
She knew she only had a couple of minutes left with him, so she clinged to her dad tighter than she had ever clinged to anyone before for fear that the moment she let go, she’d realize that this had all been a dream. 
Emerson wrapped his arms around her, placing a kiss on top of her head. “I’ve been waiting so long to hold you, ever since I found out your mom was pregnant.”
“You have?”
“I loved your mom with all of my heart,” he said as she caressed Olivia’s back to comfort her. “I wanted us to be a family, but she didn’t want that. She didn’t even want me to see you, but I’ve watched you grow up online. Your mom and I aren’t friends on social media but I’ve seen your pictures through friends of friends. Abbie says you’re a great basketball player. You and I have that in common. I played when I was your age and in high school.”
“I get it from you then,” Olivia managed to say through her tears. “My mom knows nothing about sports.”
“Olivia,” Alex tried to get her attention. “Your mom should be here any second now. We have to go, unless...Emerson, you’d like to see Serena? Serena and her perfect girlfriend who is tall and strong and can probably hurt any man who messes with Serena.”
“Your girl is a fiery one, too,” he said to Olivia. “I know your mom should be here soon, so I’m going to give you my number and you can call or text me anytime you want.”
Olivia pulled away so she could get her phone out of her back pocket. Once she got his number, she immediately texted him so he could have hers. Her text message simply read, ‘Hi, Dad.’ but she had waited a lifetime just to be able to call someone that.
Olivia watched her dad drive away, wondering if she’d get the opportunity to see him again or if her mom would keep him from her for another 12 years. I don’t care what she says. This is her fault. We could have been a family this whole time but she ruined it for us. She ruined everything.
“I don’t like him,” Alex said as they walked over to where Jamie’s car had just pulled up. “There’s something creepy about him. Your mom seems cool, Olivia. She’s even taking us for frozen yogurt right now when most parents would never do that for their daughter’s boyfriend or girlfriend. If she’s cool about other things, don’t you think there’s a good reason why she never told you about him? And he knows your mom wouldn’t want you to talk to him, but yet he says you can text him behind your mom’s back? A responsible adult would first try to make amends with your mom and then build a relationship with you.”
Before Olivia could respond, Serena came rushing over to her. She had removed her stilettos and set them down on the grass so she could walk faster. I don’t even want her touching me. But the moment she was wrapped up in her mom’s embrace, Olivia couldn’t bring herself to be mad at her. “Ollie, sweetie, why are you crying? You had me so worried.” 
She felt the softness of her mom’s sweater dress and smelled the familiar scent of her Burberry Blush perfume and the product she used whenever she wanted her hair in beach waves. Everything about her mom felt like home and she never wanted to upset her or do anything to hurt the woman who loved her more than life itself.
“We just found out something very disturbing, Ms. Benson,” Alex began. “Mrs. Rodriguez, our science teacher, is giving us another science project. It’s really going to cut into Olivia’s ESPN time.”
“My girl,” her mom said as she began to caress her back the same way her dad did just a few moments before. “Is that what’s wrong? You know I’ll help you with your project.”
“Yeah,” Olivia nuzzled into her mom’s shoulder. It wasn’t exactly a lie. She did have a project.
Her mom placed a kiss on Olivia’s nose. “I love you so much Ollie. You’re my smart girl and I know you’re going to do great on your project but if you ever need help with anything at all, you can always come to me. Now let’s go get you girls some frozen yogurt. I want to hear all about your date and get to know your Disney princess.”
“Ms. Benson, stay here. I’ll go get your shoes,” Alex said. “They’re Louboutins. They should not just be lying in the grass.”
“Your girlfriend knows her shoes, Ollie.”
“She knows everything,” Olivia beamed with pride. 
“Apparently she knows how to kiss, too, because I can see some glitter lip gloss on your lips.”
Olivia immediately covered her mouth. “Mom, I-wait, is that a mark on your neck?”
“I’m allergic to our fabric softener,” Serena quickly responded.
Olivia was grateful when Alex returned with her mom’s shoes and they could finally drop the subject. “Ms. Benson, your cheeks are so pink. What blush do you use?”
“Oh, I’m not wearing any,” Serena responded. “I only wear foundation, mascara, and lipstick.”
“You’re glowing!” Alex told her. “I need to know your skincare routine.”
Olivia took a second glance at her mom. She did look different. Her cheeks were pink, her lipstick that was usually perfectly applied was somewhat faded, and she had a dark mark on her neck. What did she….oh, MOM! Yuck! She was making out with Jamie right before picking us up. I’m never gonna be able to look Jamie in the eyes again.
But on second thought, now she can’t ground me for kissing Alex. If she does, I'll ground her for making out with Jamie. 
Olivia wasn’t sure if she should talk to her mom about meeting her dad or if she should even continue texting him behind her mom’s back no matter how much she wanted a relationship with him. But she had until the end of the night to think about it. For the next hour, she was going to eat some frozen yogurt with gummy worms in it and try to avoid getting grounded.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
6 Anti LO Asks
1. Slap some night vision and scifi dreads on Hades because the dude has managed to out predator himself this latest fast pass. Holy hell, I thought Rachel’s retcon was supposed to spruce up his image. I mean, everyone in the critical studio knows better but GODDAMN. Gotta go wash my eyes out with bleach. Also, surprise to no one but Eros is a shitty friend and a worse partner.
2. Why did her "other " self come out with the solf
3. the whole ~magic tree~ aspect would actually work if it werent for the fact rachel made it modern & the kingdoms businesses, because it looks really stupid that he became a ceo king (how is that even a thing that makes sense in her head? should we make jeff bezos king of america off that logic?) because he ate some magic fruit that nuked his balls. it's not clever, it's just stupid when its supposed to be a modern, tech filled world that's stuck with ridiculous off-brand disney fairytale logic.
4. Rachel Smythe's Hades and Persephone are becoming Elon Musk and Grimes
5. Minthe and Thetis slut-shaming anon here. I never really considered the dearth of healthy female friendships in LO, thanks for bringing that up! Does Perse and Hera/Megaera count? I felt like RS was trying to contrast Perse’s supportive interactions with these two women with the toxic friendship between Minthe and Thetis somehow. What about Artemis? Their friendship was made toxic by Artemis dismissing Perse’s hatred of Apollo but prior to that, they seemed pretty healthy.
6. its honestly kinda impressive in a way how rachel took an already kinda gross myth and couple and made it a thousand times worse and more creepy. that's a real talent.
(Accidentally deleted one of the asks but here's what it said: In the new fp, is Echo confirmed to be Hera's girlfriend?)
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