#his silly friends n family drew on them
wil-fae · 4 months
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when it's a rare sunny day in gotham, it's time to break out the skateboard
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targaryenluvs · 6 months
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Pairings: Demon!Dean Winchester x Fem!Hunter!Reader
Summary: Sam had placed you in a safe home when learning that Dean had somehow gotten away. But Dean promised you, a few games have to be played, and maybe you might just get away. Silly you, a Demon never keeps his word.
Warnings: Dark themes per usual, established relationship, chasing, taunting, use of force, threats & anger, hair pulling, threats, dacryphilia, sexual implications, vulgar language
Word count: 1.7K Words
A/N: Here it is! My first Supernatural fic, I’m so excited to write for these two! I'm still on season one so forgive me for any inaccuracies <3
Gif not mine, credits to the owner!
Your heart was beating erratically, and rightfully so.
The literal demon version of your own boyfriend, Dean, was currently chasing you around your place. So much for safe home.
“The more you run, the more angry I get Y/n/n.” His voice sent chills down your spine but you knew you had to keep going. You rounded the corner and grabbed the stair case banister to haul yourself upstairs. You could hear his footsteps, loud and clear.
“I gave you a chance, remember that.”
The house that was now trapping you inside, used to be your safe haven.
“Why won’t you just tell me what’s going on Sam?!” His eyes wouldn’t meet yours, the entire time he drove. Sam’s knuckles kept wrapping around the wheel, his knuckles were white and his grip unrelenting.
You’d met Dean not long ago, whilst you were still a baby hunter. Only a year had gone by since you’d lost your best friend whilst she and her boyfriend were on a hunt. It was your first time, and when you’d found out about the supernatural world. A wrong swing, a sharp knife and the dark of night caused her to pass away that night.
You were thoroughly traumatised from losing someone you were so close to, and the job wasn’t complete yet. But Jake called in reinforcements, in the form of Sam and Dean.
From then you’d continued to keep in touch with them, mostly Dean, talking to him helped you immensely when dealing with the pain of losing someone you loved. And when you’d run into them in California, and Dean asked you out, you were jumping for joy.
Within the two weeks you’d spent with them, hunting, travelling and living, you’d never felt happier. So when Dean asked you to stay with him, to be his?
You agreed with no hesitation.
But with a sick family member, you drew back. It’d been over a month and in that time you’d missed so much. So when your family got better and they all dispersed to their rightful places, you were surprised when Sam all of a sudden came to pick you up.
And you’d wound up at your safe home. With no explanation and a lack of communication, you found yourself lonely. Dean never reached out, Sam only checked in on mornings to make sure you were okay. Sam had literally taken your phone, giving you another with only his number.
Of course you’d asked questions, but you trusted Sam. So when he told you it was for the best? You’d listened. You’d wanted more information, but not like this.
The ringing of your phone had awoken you that night, you groaned as you turned over glancing at the alarm clock to your side.
“Sam what—,”
“Are you okay?”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you sat up in your bed, “I’m fine, what’s up?”
“You need to check the doors. The windows— god everything. You need to make sure you’re safe. Do you have access to your weapons?”
“No, I left them in my car. Most of my weapons stash is downstairs, I only have a few handguns and knifes in the bathroom. What’s wrong Sam?”
“It’s Dean, I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you Y/n. He’s not safe, he’s…” You got up from your bed, heading downstairs. You needed water if you were going to continue with this weird conversation.
You refrained from rolling your eyes, what hell is up with the dramatics? “He’s what Sam. A vampire?” You joked whilst grabbing a glass from the cupboard.
“Nope, not a vampire sweetheart.”
The glass shattered on the floor at the sound of his voice, it’d been far too long since you’d heard it.
‘Y/n? You still there?’ His voice was so close yet so far.
‘'Y/n? Is he there?" His voice was so close yet so far. Dean’s eyes were dark and black, nothing like the green you found yourself loving everyday. As if the eyes weren’t enough to tell you something was wrong, the hammer in his hand and the dark expression on his face.
It was the one word that seeped into your mind from Sam’s screeching through the phone. Dean’s smirk made your heart beat faster. "If I was you sweetheart, I’d get to runnin’."
So you did. 
With all the energy your drowsy body could muster, you ran past him and into the dining room before turning the corner. His taunts followed as you turned a corner, only to be met with a hard chest. “You’re making this too easy baby. How bout’ this, you hide and I seek. And if I catch you,”
You tried to pull away from him, but Dean was stronger now. “If I catch you, well you don’t wanna know.” His eyes flicked from green to black, and your heart dropped. His grip faltered and you took it as your chance to go. You ran to the back door, only to find it locked.
“Thought I told you to hide?”
“Shut up! I’m not playing!” You shouted as you ducked behind the kitchen counter, hopefully he hadn’t seen you by now.
As you peaked from behind you noticed the black boot by your foot, “You always looked best beneath me.” A wave of disgust rolled through as you grabbed onto his leg and pushed, swiping it from underneath him.
You ran back to the stairs.
“I gave you a chance, remember that.”
The words echoed through your head as you ran upstairs into your bedroom when the alarm system began blaring.
A bit late for that, you thought.
The crimson red seeped through the whole home, indicating an intruder. Shivers went up your spine at the thought of a demon chasing you, red consuming you.
You were a hunter, yes. But not emotionless, so a literal Demon chasing you through your home with the face of your boyfriend was more than enough to cloud your judgement. On one hand, all you can see is Dean. You can stare into his eyes, whether they're green or black, you can see the familiar stature that always cuddled you.
You could hear his voice, and boy was it hard to not listen.
Leaning against the door, you closed your eyes and breathed heavily in an attempt to calm yourself down. Was Sam on his way? Or were you defenceless against him?
As you calmed down, your eyes widened in terror. The bathroom door to your right was open, and led right into your room. You scrambled to your feet and rushed to the door but were knocked back down.
You were right, a Demon's much more menacing with a red glow. he was entering the bathroom with a smile on his face.
"There you are, sweetheart." He raised his arms outwards in a mock hug, those open arms were usually your safety. But now? You weren't so sure if they'd be the best place to be.
"Now I told you not to run, you can't get away. Be realistic baby." His footsteps were slow and menacing, but he hadn't entered the room yet. Your eyes flickered momentarily to the door, and an idea rushed through your mind.
Dean seemingly caught on, "Don't you dare—,"
The slamming of the door cut him off as you swiftly rose to your knees, turning the lock. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you got up with the help of your bed. "Okay, now I'm mad."
And you sure as hell were not in the mood to experience it. So you slowly tiptoed over to the bedroom door, unlocking it. The eerie silence did nothing but raise your heartbeat. Where was he?
You turned to look back at the bathroom door, you couldn't spot any shadows. Either you barricade yourself upstairs and pray for a miracle in the form of a certain Winchester, or you take your chances with the stairs and risk getting grabbed.
You had a good feeling about the stairs, and if Dean was following then you'd for sure hear him with how loud his steps were, right?
The bedroom door closed behind you as you slowly made your way to the top of the stairs. You couldn't hear anything, or see anything besides red. So you ran.
With each step your faith in getting away was renewed.
But as you made your way to the ground an arm harshly dug into your stomach as you screamed. "Told you I'd getcha." You squirmed in his grasp, clawing at the door to pull yourself away from him. "Keep moving like that and I'll crush your skull in." That got your attention, your arms dropped to your side as you stood on the ground.
"Always so good for me baby, yeah?" You shook your head as he chuckled, "You don't want to be my good girl?" His voice was hot in your ear, and his words went straight down to your--
"I'm talking to you." Dean spun you around, you were chest to chest now, his eyes bore into yours as he awaited a response. His stare was too intense so you settled for staring at the ground. He didn't like it.
His hands dug into your chin, forcing you to look up at him, "Yes or No?" Your lips inched closer to his as he grinned, "Missed me have you?" The distraction was all you needed, the hunter in you telling you to run. Dean groaned as you ran towards the door having swiftly kneed him in the groin.
As your hands fumbled with the latch, a hand twisted around your hair before yanking you back, "You bitch, you think you're slick?" You cried out as he climbed ontop of you, his eyes flashed back to black as a scowl overcame his face.
His hold never relented as he dragged you upstairs, “Please Dean!” Despite your pleading he continued to walk, your pleas seemingly driving him. “You want to be a bitch? I’ll treat you like one.” You wheezed as you made impact with bed, courtesy of Dean’s harsh push.
You turned over, trying to crawl away as his hand wrapped around your ankle, “Stop!” His chuckle was deep and his hand bruised you. You couldn’t help the tears that ran down your face, this wasn’t your Dean.
“Fuck you look pretty when you cry. Y’know, I’ve missed this.” His hands ran down your stomach, and back up your chest as you attempted to shimmy away. A hand wrapped around your hip, digging in to hold you down.
“Missed these tits too.”
Your eyes widened as his hand unbuckled his belt.
“We’ve got time to spare, right?”
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simpforrooster · 1 year
heard it all.
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Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x f!Reader
summary: reader vents to mav and penny about her feelings for a certain mustached fighter pilot. a/n: my take on a request from @kpopgirlbtssvt. i latched on to one part of the request and took off. i hope you still like it!
"What's going on in that head of yours?" the low voice of Maverick pulls you from your thoughts.
"Hmm, I don't know what you're talking about," you reply, continuing on without another thought.
"You've been wiping down that same spot of the bar for ten minutes."
Maverick and Penny, your boss, exchange a knowing glance. You look at the rag in the hand as if seeing it for the first time.
"I think it's plenty clean, y/n," Penny comments, winking at Mav.
Placing a hand on your hip, you stare the two of them down. "What are you two silently saying to one another?"
Penny shrugs a shoulder. "Oh nothing." You can see it in her eyes though. She knows exactly what has your brain all a-mush.
More like who.
Bradley Bradshaw.
The Hawaiian shirt wearing aviator.
The hot Hawaiian shirt wearing aviator.
He captured your heart the first day you met him. Sure, his looks were what drew you to him initially. But he was so nice. Like green flags all around.
You shake your head at the two people who have become a pseudo family to you. Tossing the rag onto the counter, a sigh escapes your mouth.
"Y'all just give it up. We're just friends." Your voice breaks on the word friends, and your eyes squeeze shut to hide your embarrassment.
"Come on," Penny starts.
Holding up a hand, you stop her. "Penny, please. It already hurts enough. He's the nicest, sweetest guy I've ever met."
Your chest heaves as you breath through your emotions.
"I have never met another man like him. He makes me feel seen. He makes me feel beautiful."
Maverick makes a move like he is going to say something, but Penny lays a hand on his arm, stopping him.
"And as if the silly little age difference isn't enough, he only sees me like a sister." A tear falls along your cheek, surprising you. Of course, you've grieved the non-relationship before. It isn't out of the norm to sob into your wine glass with Phoenix.
It's the first time you've ever cried in front of Penny and Mav.
The sound of a clearing throat has your spinning around.
Rooster looks at you, his brows knit together. You can't read the look on his face, but it can't be good. It tells you everything you need to know.
He heard it all.
And he doesn't feel the same.
Reaching up to sloppily wipe your tears, you tried to step around him, mumbling something so incoherent you can't decipher the words.
Rooster's strong arms reach out and stop you in your tracks.
"I can promise you I do not see you as a sister," he says, his voice low.
Not that you try, but words refuse to come out your mouth. How could they? The way he's staring at you has your heart beating in overdrive.
"Did you really mean all that?" he asks. His eyes roam over your face, searching for something. It takes you a second to realize he looks a little scared.
Scared of being rejected.
Bradley doesn't like you back. There's no way. He's had plenty of opportunities to make a move and hasn't.
He takes one step closer to you, the soles of your shoes meeting.
"Of course, Bradley." The sentence comes out barely a whisper, but he heard it. His hand snakes around your neck and settles into your hair. "Why wouldn't I be madly in love with you?"
A delicious groan escapes from his mouth before he closes the space between you. His lips meet yours and suddenly the Earth moves beneath your feet as the planets snap into alignment.
Bradley's lips are finally on yours, and it feels every bit as right as you imagined.
He pulls back so his mouth is feather light against yours. "Sweetheart, I am wildly in love with you." The words fall on your ears in soft whispers. Your eyes fall closed to relish in the way all this feels.
Bradley brings his mouth back to yours, pulling you tight against him. Your height difference has never been more apparant that right this second.
"Okay, okay, get a room," Maverick calls, followed by a, "Oof," as Penny's arm comes into contact with his solid stomach.
a/n: i hope y'all enjoy this one! i've been struggling with a little bit of writer's block.
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jesterwriting · 11 months
characters: sanji x vampire!gn!reader
contents: handjobs, bottom sanji, blood drinking gone sexual, reader is slightly animalistic from hunger, sanji is always happy to provide a meal, medically inaccurate, not proofread
word count: 1.5k words
note: i got vampire brainrot at 3 am last night. that is all.
playlist: tear you apart - she wants revenge
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You were painfully hungry.
Your stomach clenched, growling so loud, you were sure it would wake the crew. Though your heart no longer beat, you couldn’t help the fear that coursed through your veins at the thought. The last thing you needed was one of your friends coming across you when you were starving, slathering like an animal as you paced on deck in the dead of night.
Everything hurt. Your instincts were going haywire with the all encompassing desire to feed; to sink your claws into whatever living creature who dared cross your path and bleed them dry.
The new moon hung overhead and the deck was bathed in shadows. Your sight was not hindered by the lack of light, pupils dilated so large your eyes were sure to be a sea of black. Stalking forward, your footsteps faltered when you heard a sound from the kitchen.
A heartbeat. Your lips pulled back in a snarl as saliva pooled in your mouth. It was a lone heartbeat, pumping liters of fresh blood through the veins of a silly little human who was up too late for their own good.
Your world was bathed in shades of gray. The varnish of the wood at your feet seemed to be etched in silver. Night vision was not only practical, but beautiful. If you weren’t so damn hungry, you would take a moment to appreciate it.
Opening your mouth, you scented the air. You recoiled when the sour, but familiar, taste of cigarettes hit the back of your throat.
You knew who was waiting for you in the kitchen. The one whose heartbeat called to you, sang to you, begged to be devoured. Your hands shook at your sides, the door to the kitchen growing closer as your feet moved of their own accord. The rational side of you screamed at you to leave, to lock yourself in your room until morning where you would land on an island and finally restock your blood supply. The animal side of you, however, was never one to give up on a meal.
You loved your friends, they were like family to you. Not once did they make you feel guilt for your dietary needs, nor did they make you feel like a monster. Now, as you ran your tongue over your fangs, you wished they were scared of you. The desire to hunt was buried deep in your very marrow, muscles clenched tightly in preparation to pounce as you turned the knob. You dreamed of the sensation of sinking your teeth into soft, prone flesh. Warm with life, so different from your own.
Light blinded you for a second. You blinked a few times, adjusting to the brightness, before Sanji’s figure drew your eye. He was hunched over the sink, staring out of the porthole.
You could smell him from here. What would his blood taste like, you wondered. Rich, meaty, or floral. Your fingers twitched in anticipation, clawed nails grazed the flesh of your palm. Sanji still hadn’t noticed you, too caught up in his own thoughts to see your approach. Every squeaky board on the ship was memorized in the back of your head. It was almost a dance: step, turn, dip, step again, as you quietly stalked toward the ship’s cook.
You could see the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Sanji whipped around, revealing an ashtray with a still smoking cigarette resting in it.
The acrid stench of fear filled the room, if only for a moment, before Sanji relaxed. You met his eyes and mimicked his stance, mouth open slightly to taste the air. He was so close, you could practically taste him. It wasn’t until you heard a loud ‘plop,’ did you realize you were drooling.
Concern flitted over his face as Sanji drew closer to you. He was so warm, smelled so delectable, it took all of your self control to keep from pouncing on him and draining him dry. You gripped the counter so hard it cracked.
The noise caused Sanji’s expression to jump. Gently, he placed his hand on your shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“Hungry,” You ground out.
You didn’t realize he had removed his coat until the top few buttons of his dress shirt were loose. Sanji tilted his head to the side to reveal the pale column of his throat. You swallowed hard.
“So eat.”
Hands shaking, you struggled to contain yourself as you approached him. “I don’t want to kill you.”
“I trust you,” Sanji said, as if you weren’t a monster, drooling at the sight of him.
You trailed your fingers down his cheek and along his jaw, watching a trail goosebumps well in their wake. He trembled under your grasp, but there was no longer the scent fear in the air. Sanji was telling the truth, he really trusted you.
Breath shaky, you brought your lips to his jugular. “Kick me if you feel faint.”
“I won’t have to do that.”
The scent of him was driving you mad. Unable to control yourself any longer, you sank your fangs into his tender flesh. Sanji let out a gasp and brought his hand to cup the back of your head as you started to suck. Your fingers tangled in his hair to drag him closer to you. He tasted heavenly and floral. Almost like rose water, but richer, the barest hint of iron tickling the back of your throat. You moaned, sending vibrations against his skin as you drank from him, desperate to fill yourself with as much of him as you could.
Sanji’s whimpered as your tongue darted out to caress him, the pink muscle leaving a sticky trail of saliva as your feast grew sloppier. You wanted more of him, from flesh, to bone, to marrow, devouring him whole until nothing was left behind. Sanji’s sweat was salty. It only added to the bouquet of flavors you were indulging in. Gently, you stroked his face with your free hand, a silent praise of how good he was being for you. With a breathy gasp, Sanji tilted his head back, eyelashes fluttering against your palm.
“Taste good, love?” You tried not to focus on how his voice hitched when your lips suctioned against his jugular. An insatiable heat pooled in your gut.
You responded by placing an open mouthed kiss to his skin. He shivered under your lips. He could feel you smirk as you dragged your hand down his chest and along his hip to his crotch where you met the hard bulge in his slacks. Your fingers were gentle, toying with him.
“Say the word and I stop,” You muttered.
Sanji bucked into your palm. “Please, don’t stop.”
Expertly, you unbuttoned his pants and slipped your hand under his waistline. His cock throbbed when you gripped him, a small moan falling from Sanji’s lips and into the air where you could taste his arousal. He was hot, almost too hot, against your palm. There was a small part of you that was worried your naturally frigid body temperature would be a turn off for him, but he seemed to be enjoying it if his desperate thrusts into your hand were any indication. You spread precum down his cock until he was slick enough for your hand to glide along the length of him. He whined when your thumb brushed over the head, only for the noise to cut short when you suckled the sensitive skin of his throat. Your sharp fangs lightly nipped at whatever inch of skin you could find.
He was delicious, pliant and soft under you. What you wouldn’t give to have Sanji moaning like this every night. With the taste of roses on your lips, you sped up your ministrations, moving on from lazy flicks of your wrist to rapid strokes that met the speed of his thrusts. He was shuddering as he panted, the noise so hot you could barely stand it. What was once feeding became a trail of hickies along his collarbone. You could feel his body tense, Sanji’s grip in your hair tightening.
“F-Fuck, I’m cumming,” Was the only warning you got before he spurt hot ropes of cum against your fingers and into the fabric of his underwear.
You continued to stroke him, giggling as he twitched in your arms, before removing your hand from his now soft cock. Full for the first time in days, you lapped at Sanji’s wound until it closed. Healing spit was one of the few benefits of being a vampire, aside from enhanced strength and speed. You pulled away and wiped your lips with the back of your hand, smearing blood and semen across the bottom half of your face. Sanji stared down at you as if you were the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on, even as filthy as you were.
He stumbled, and you took great care to slowly bring him to a sitting position on the floor. “You’re probably lightheaded, I drank a lot.”
Somewhat pale, Sanji met your worried gaze with a smile. “Nonsense, my angel, Next time you're hungry, feel free to seek me out. I am a meal made for you to enjoy.”
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kteezy997 · 5 months
Daddy’s Boy- Part Ten
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Warnings: mention of sex, cum, and impregnating, otherwise just lots of fluff!
two years later
It was finally here. The week of your wedding to the love of your life. You were officially going to be Timothee's wife and share the same last name as your son. This was a time that you thought only dreams were made of.
You had been showered with gifts and hugs and sweet wishes from family and friends. Your soon to be mother and sister-in-law threw your bridal shower. It was a beautiful day, though it was strange to have the party be all about you. You were used to spending your days working and hanging out with Theo and Timmy, which you loved, but it was special to be treated like such a princess by all the women in your life.
Your bachelorette party was another rarity for you: a night out on a party bus with all of your friends, drinking and dancing the night away like some college kids. It was a lot of fun, but you were even happier to see Timmy when he picked you up at a random bar at the end of it all, at nearly two in the morning. His parents had graciously agreed to keep Theo overnight so Timmy could collect you after the party bus. You ran to your fiancé and leaped into his arms, ready to go home and fall asleep under the covers with him.
That night, he helped you get out of your dress and into your cozy pajamas as well as taking your makeup off for you. You were too drunk and silly to do it yourself.
"Hold still, y/n, I can't get it all if you don't stay still." he'd say, wiping your eye with a cotton pad as you giggled.
When you finally go into bed, you snuggled up with the blankets, closed your eyes and felt his lips kiss your forehead.
"I'm glad you had a good time tonight, baby." Timmy cooed.
Your wedding itself was set to be big and beautiful, but still somewhat private, as private as the wedding of an A-List actor could be. There would one hundred guests, but your wedding party was small. The most important thing to you and Timmy was to have your family and closest friends there. It wasn't a social event for paparazzi to find or for other celebrities to show off their designer dresses and suits.
Theo was probably the most excited that his parents were going to be married. You were already a family, but the wedding was a time to celebrate it being official. And Theo figured this was the next step towards getting a new sibling. He wanted a little brother or sister to play with and look after so badly.
As the big day drew closer, you started to feel different. You were nauseous at times, and your breasts started to hurt. With all the planning and excitement of the wedding going on, you didn't pay much attention to how you were feeling. But you finally realized that you hadn't had a period in two or three months.
You didn't want to cause a fuss with Timmy and Theo, just in case you weren't actually pregnant. You didn't want them to get excited over nothing. You wanted to find out for yourself. Because maybe it was just a fluke, maybe your stress level had messed up your hormones instead of a pregnancy.
The boys were busy playing video games, so you ordered a few different pregnancy tests from CVS Pharmacy online and had them delivered to your door.
That night after Theo had gone to bed, you told Timmy to come into the bedroom. You waited for him, and he had a silly grin on his face when he walked in.
"Baby, what's going on?" he smirked, tilting his head as he looked at you.
You were nervous, not because of his reaction, but because of the news being so close to the wedding. Everything was all mushed together and there was just such a feeling of unknown, which was scary.
"Come here, sit down." you said to him, gesturing toward the bed.
Timmy did as you told him to do, biting his lip as he sat down and said, "Is it sexy time, my love?" He put his arms out to you.
You let him softly grab you and pull you close. You petted his hair, smoothing it back as he gazed up at you lovingly. "Well, I wanted to give you something first." you said. You hoped that your nerves weren't causing you to shake or tremble to the point of him noticing. You really didn't want him to worry about you.
"Oh, you don't have to get me anything. You've given me everything I could have ever wanted. I love you so much, y/n.” he smiled wider, “I can’t wait for you to be wife." he replied, hugging you tighter.
"I got you something anyway." you backed away from his embrace, "Um, close your eyes and hold out your hands." You watched him as he followed your instructions. Though he had his eyes closed, he still kept a look of bewilderment on his face.
"Should I be scared?" he asked as you had walked away to pick up one of the pregnancy tests from the en-suite bathroom.
You giggled, "No, I don't think so." You walked back over to him, placing the stick onto his palms. "Okay, look now."
Timmy opened his eyes, squinted at the pregnancy test in his hands. You watched him as he read the small print on it, which read, “pregnant.”
He looked up at you, wide eyed. He took a deep breath and shuddered softly; you could see a glimpse of fear in his eyes. After the initial reaction, he stood and grabbed you, hugging you tightly. He whispered in your ear, "My love, we’re gonna have another baby. I'm so happy, I could just hold you forever."
You ran your hands up his back, squeezing him back affectionately. "Oh, please do. I love you, baby." you cooed. As you pulled away from the hug, you put your hands on his cheeks, "Are you okay? It's normal to be nervous." you said, looking in his eyes, trying to gauge his mental state.
Timmy let out a little sigh, nodding. But he looked down at your stomach, placing his hand on you there.
You felt an instant warmth from his touch, and somehow in that very moment, you knew that everything was going to be okay. It would be more than okay, it would be perfect, your own kind of perfect.
"Our second child, I can't believe it." he said lowly, rubbing his palm over your tummy. "Well," he looked at you with the smirk you knew all too well, "I can believe it, but still, this is such a crazy feeling, babe." He then pressed his forehead to yours.
You saw his bottom lip quiver ever so slightly, then a single tear fell from his eye. "Aw, my sweet boy." you wiped his tear, "Don't worry. You're an amazing father. This baby will love you and obsess over you just like Theo does." You kissed Timmy's cheek for reassurance.
"I know, I know we'll be fine. It's just," he looked down at the ground, "I feel like since I met Theo when he was three, that was kind of an easy age, you know? But a baby is totally different, like there's so many ways to screw it up."
You put your fingers under his chin, forcing him to look in your eyes. "Don't think like that. I don't believe that there is such a thing as an "easy age" when it comes to raising kids. It's all hard, and we will both screw up, but it will be worth it. You're going to be wonderful with this baby."
Timmy smiled softly, kissed you, then said, "That you babe, you always know how to make me feel better. Theo is gonna freak out! We have to go tell him." he grabbed your hand, trying to pull you out of the bedroom.
"No, no!" you squeezed his hand but kept your feet planted though he was pulling you. "He's in bed and it's still really early in the pregnancy. We have plenty of time to tell him." you insisted.
"Okay, you're right." he said, calming himself. "Should we wait until after the wedding to tell him?"
"Yeah, I think so. I love him, but I don't trust him to keep it to himself." you giggled.
"Yeah, he'll be too excited, he'd have to tell someone." he grinned, pulling you into him again. "Hmm, I wonder if it happened on Valentine's Day. We really went all out that night." He leaned in, nuzzling his nose onto yours.
You laughed, "That's definitely possible. But I mean, you don't like wearing condoms, so it really could have happened anytime."
Timmy hummed, put his head down into your chest. He started to kiss your neck. "You make a good point." He spoke in between kisses. "You like that I put another baby in you? You like that my cum is gonna make you so big and round and pretty."
He was practically purring as the words danced into your ears. You grew weak in his arms. "Yes, I'll have as many babies as you want, Timmy."
He suckled on your throat, stopping briefly to say, "Oh, don't worry, I plan on getting you pregnant again and again and again. The world will know how good I fuck you."
You felt his lips on your skin as they turned up into a grin. You giggled, putting your arms around your man. Your feet left the ground for a moment as Timmy picked you up and took you over to the bed.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen @yukideadinside @elloise0 @thatoneweirdgirl17 @mel-vaz @sammy-halpert @iwishchalamet @briefkittenearthquake @that-one-fangirl69 @jindongdongie
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beneathsakurashade · 4 months
why did my favorite game turn into a dating sim? twst x gen reader (crack fic) CH: 2 me. u. church. in wedding outfits. rn
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CH: 1
The two of you sit across from each other on opposite sofas.  Enjoying a pleasant late afternoon meal of tea and various cakes, it felt like a scene from a fluffy fanfic.  “Man, I remember one time I had a birthday party at a cafe or something and we got served lemonade and cookies” you smile, serving yourself another small cake.  “Lemonade and cookies? I haven’t heard about that before, processed sweets and drinks are forbidden in my household” Riddle remarks taking a small sip of tea.  “Damn, that’s crazy, is that why your fave food is strawberry tarts?” You reply.  “Yes, the tarts that Trey makes are my exception to that rule.  In fact, Trey bakes all of the desserts for our dorm.” he explains.   
    “Wait Trey makes these? Like ALL of them? Dang, bro’s a great baker, I’m banned from the kitchen in my household for some reason” you say “Banned from the kitchen? H-how did that happen?” He sighs nervously and you shrug in response “I think it was because of that one time I microwaved a mozzarella stick for like a minute and almost burned down the house.  Or that time I gave my family food poisoning the first time I cooked dinner.  Wait maybe it was that time I cooked a pizza and it fell down to the bottom of the oven from the rack and we had to buy a new oven… Dunno, tbh they're prob just being haters”.  Riddle chokes on his tea and coughs “Uh-I-I see…I suppose then I’ll have to be the one cooking in the relationship”.
“Speaking of this relationship, am I gonna take your last name for a month?  Or are you gonna take mine?” You ask “I thought about this, and while I would like to keep my name.  I don’t mind taking yours, it is only a month after all”. “Hmmm, Y/N Rosehearts or Riddle L/N…” you sigh “Quite the conundrum” “Indeed…”     The door is flung open by two students who you recognize as Ace and Deuce.  You jump in surprise and drop the cookie that you were holding.  “Housewarden Riddle! Is it true that you’re gonna get married?” Ace exclaims and Riddle stiffens “Y-yes that’s correct, but only temporarily! A month at most”.  You pout and pick up the fallen cookie “Rip soldier” you mutter and turn to the two “What have you to say for killing my cookie?” Deuce bows “Our deepest apologies!” Ace groans “No need to be all proper Deuce, its not like they’re a celebrity or something” he smiles “The names Ace Trappola, and this here -he points to Deuce- is Deuce Spade”.  You sigh “Erm actually, I have three hundred and sixty seven followers on hoyolab, so yes, I am a celebrity. Also I know, Riddle complained about how you’re among the worst students that he’s seen in all his twenty years.  Btw I’m Y/N L/N, professional failure and yapper, with rizz”.     “I feel bad for ya’ to be honest.  With all the rules here n’ stuff” Ace sighs and sits down beside Riddle on the couch, much to the other’s chagrin.  You shrug in response “I know, but that’s the price you pay for love I suppose.  I don’t mind it if I can be married to my husband here for a month”.  Riddle turns red and Ace laughs “We better get used to seeing a strawberry red housewarden Deuce!” Deuce responds confused “Okay!” You smile “You two are silly, I like it, but stop harassing my pookie”.  Riddle turns an even darker shade of red if that was possible and collars Ace.  Deuce watches on in confusion, unsure of whether to defend his friend or his Housewarden.  You liked Ace, he reminded you of a childhood friend that you had back home, though said friend always pretended not to know you at school for whatever reason.  That’s probably what drew you to his character in Twisted Wonderland.  Deuce reminded you of yourself, though not the whole middle school gangster thing, your mom would kill you if she ever found out that you used to ditch school and joined a gang.  But the whole working hard and it never being enough, nothing ever sticking in your head no matter how many times it was drilled into you, staying up till ungodly hours in the night to get a good grade to impress her. 
    The two of you, yourself and Riddle, head back to his room.  “Did we miss a few chapters?” You tease and Riddle turns to you confused.  “Pardon?” You sigh “Of course you wouldn’t get it…” he still looks confused while opening the door “Guests first” he smiles and you walk in.  “Woooah, aw man, there’s only two beds” you mutter “Is there something wrong?” Riddle inquires. “Nah, just a fanfic reference, iykyk” you shrug and sit down on the twin bed near the wall. “Fanfic?” “Yea, y’know, fanfiction?” You lie down on your back and turn your head to face him. “Fanfiction? Oh, Cater mentioned something about that…” he nods and sits down on his bed “Is your bed comfortable, Mx. Y/N?”. “Its nice, but it would be better if you were here with me” you sigh dramatically.  To which he blushes and sighs in mock annoyance “Y-you’re certainly quick to act like a married couple Mx. Y/N”.  You turn and set your chin on your palm “Call me Y/N, we’re more than a married couple less than lovers correct?” He sighs softly “I suppose that’s a rather accurate description, forgive me for acting incorrectly at all during our time together.  This is the biggest thing that I’ve done without Mother’s permission…besides that one time I got fast food with Cater”.  The teasing look vanishes from your face “Your mom doesn’t let you get fast food??” You gape.  “She considers it extremely unhealthy, saying that fast food is the beginning to a short and poor life.”    You blink and finally say “So…she’s an almond mom?” He looks down “Cater said something like that once…I researched the topic and it isn’t an incorrect description of my mother.  But she’s a good woman! She is a doctor so she knows all about what she is talking about! Mother wouldn’t lie to me…she wouldn’t…”.  You sense the saddening gloom that's starting to settle in the room.  Riddle's mom was a sore subject for him, most of the fandom, (his stans especially) absofuckinglutely hated her guts, you couldn't blame them though, she was a real daughter of a nice lady... “Welp, usually I’d say listen to your parents.  But I have an idea, how about we go to a fast food place for our first date as a couple?  You guys probably have a McDonald’s or something like it here right?”.  He brightens up at your enthusiasm “Are you sure about that? Aren’t first dates usually more classy?”.  You respond smugly “That’s what the tv shows say, but my broke ass says otherwise! Don’t worry pookie, I’ll make our first date the best that you’ve ever seen!”
AN: hiii everyone its me, also random thing but I remember the time I was reading a twst fic on wattpad and there was a comment that I found so goofy and what made it extra memorable for me was that the user of the commenter was theevilfoodeaterbanica or something like that and it made my Evillious Chronicles fangirl heart happy. Anyways hope you all are doing great! (つ≧▽≦)つ⊂(。・ω・。⊂)
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milaisreading · 1 year
Wedding nightmare
Itoshi Rin x Reader (hint of Itoshi Sae)
Warnings ⚠️: characters are aged up. Reader uses she/her, there is angst but read till the end, it doesn't end sad! Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Rin for a long time didn't know what exactly his dream was. At first both him and Sae dreamed of becoming the World's number 1 and number 2 players. Slowly, after Sae left for Spain, that dream dissipated and the silly childhood promises turned into nothing. He wanted to crush his brother after he humiliated him at the playground, for stealing the childhood dreams they had and for... for just not being the big brother he knew and loved. Now, at the age of 24 Rin pretty much forgot all the resentment he held for Sae. He had accomplished a lot ever since he entered Blue Lock at the age of 16. From becoming one of the World's best strikers, to playing for a well-known French club, to winning the World Cup, Rin had it all. The fame never got much to his head and he pretty much stayed the same, stoic and somewhat sarcastic man he used to be in his teenage years. Well, he was like that towards the outside world, to his beloved girlfriend it was a whole other story. As much as Rin didn't want to admit that Blue Lock changed him as a person, it was the truth. He entered the project and boom fell hard for the manager. (L/n) (Y/n), Rin sighed dreamily as he remembered the day they met. Just after the 2nd selection started he met her in the hallway as she was helping one of the players. And boy was he whipped! From her looks to her caring personality, everything drew him in and he was determined to get to know her better. At first it was hard, with (Y/n) having a close bond with the players of Wing 5, to them also liking her and to his standoffish personality. But he somehow made it work, he somehow got her to agree to go out with him and here he was. After 3 years of dating, he was getting married. Rin chuckled a little as a blush made it on his face as he remembered the day he proposed to (Y/n). It was a intimate proposal, in the safety of their shared apartment on their anniversary day. He still remembered the happiness he felt when she said yes, hugging and kissing him. Rin was finally at peace. And today was finally the day Rin had waited for so long. The wedding ceremony itself was a pretty small one, only family members and a few close friends.
"Ahhh~ my baby is getting married! I never thought of seeing this day!" Rin smiled as his mother shed a few tears. His father fixed up his tie as Sae stood coldly to the side, glaring at Rin from time to time.
"I honestly didn't think that either of you would get married, with how obsessed with football you are. But it's finally happening!" His mom hugged Rin as his father tried to calm her down.
"Honey, you are being a little dramatic. Both Rin and Sae are pretty young. Who knows, maybe next thing we know Sae will surprise us with a girlfriend he kept hidden." The father teased as they looked at the said redhead.
"You are in a really foul mood today, Sae." His mom noted, wiping a few tears away.
"Yeah, cheer up or else you might scare (Y/n) away." Rin teased, satisfied that Sae never got and never will get the chance to know (Y/n) the same way he did. Sae let out a sigh and looked at the trio.
"I just didn't sleep enough. After all, it's not everyday Rinnie gets married." Sae said, faking a smile. Rin frowned at the nickname, he didn't like it when Sae used it.
"Besides, it's not everyday that a girl like (Y/n) is joining the family, am I right?" Sae asked again, directing the question to the youngest.
"Yeah, true." Rin gave a fake smile back as the parents stayed oblivious to their rivalry over the girl. There was a knock on the door and the maid of honor peeked into the room, nervously looking at Rin.
"Rin-san? Could you come with me?"
"What is it? Weren't you with (Y/n)?"
"I... it is about (Y/n), she has been crying for the past hour or so." She answered back. This caused Rin and Sae to look at her in panic while the parents gave her a worried look.
"What?! Why didn't you call me an hour ago?!" Rin yelled in worry as he walked towards the door.
"Rin, please calm down!" His mom tried to argue and Sae watched him storm out.
"I will go and take some fresh air. All this wedding stuff is ticking me off." Sae sighed and walked out, ignoring his father's calls.
Rin stormed towards the room (Y/n) was in, worry written all over his face.
"Ah! Rin-san, good that you are here! She doesn't want to talk with us." Her step-brother said as he and his wife were waiting in front of the door. Rin nodded his head and told them to go freshen up while he deals with it.
"(Y/n), baby what's wrong?" The teal-eyed man asked as he walked into the room, his heart breaking when he saw her crying. She looked up and flinched when she saw Rin.
"Rin... I am so sorry..." The woman cried out, getting up from her chair as Rin ran over to her.
"What are you apologizing for? Come here." The teal-eyed man said trying to hug her, but to his surprise she rejected the idea.
"No... Rin, I can't marry you. God I should have said something earlier..." Rin felt his knees shake at that, but spoke up.
"Haha... (Y/n), don't joke like that-"
"It's not a joke! I can't marry you... I love someone else, Rin."
The football player felt his heart shatter when she cried out those words.
'No no no... this can't be real. She loves me, she told me that last night.'
"(Y/n), you can't be for real. You told me last night that you loved me." The woman let out another sob and shook her head.
"No Rin, I lied. Truth is, I am in love with someone else, have been for 2 years and he knows it." (Y/n) admitted. Rin felt like he couldn't breath, this couldn't be real! They were supposed to get married, have a family and live a happy life! What was this?!
"And... and who? How did you fall for him?" Rin asked, although he wasn't really sure if he wanted to know her answer. After all, his world was falling apart because of him.
(Y/n) glanced at the person standing behind him and sighed, wiping her tears away.
"You remember the time you couldn't come to Madrid with me?" Rin thought for a moment, then his eyes widened in realization as to who the man was.
"Sae... You fell in love with him?!" Rin yelled in disbelief.
"Don't blame her, little brother. After all, it was you prioritizing your career over (Y/n)'s feelings." Sae spoke up as he walked past him and to where (Y/n) was, giving her tight hug.
"You... you bastard! How could you do this to me?! And let her go!" Rin yelled in anger.
"Rin, it's my fault, don't be mad at Sae. Back then, you just barely ever made time for me and just talked about football. You acted like I was am afterthought, Sae on the other hand... he really made time for me, made me feel special and we kind of hit it off." (Y/n) said, burying her face into Sae's chest.
"(Y/n)..." Rin muttered as he watched the two, realizing what she meant.
'Why can't I move? I want to punch Sae so bad! But my feet won't listen to me.'
"Sorry Rin, but it looks like you will forever be the 2nd best." Sae chuckled, kissing (Y/n)'s forehead.
'No way... not (Y/n)! He can take my fame and talent for all I care, but not her!'
"(Y/n)? Please don't, I will do better, but please don't go for Sae! Please!" Rin begged as tears started sliding down his cheeks.
"It's too late, Rin..." (Y/n) shook her head.
"No! It's not! Please (Y/n)!" The room started spinning and Rin felt like he was about to lose consciousness any time.
"Please!" Rin cried out and sat up on his bed, panting and sweating as he looked around.
"What was... where am I?" The teal-eyed boy thought as he frantically looked around the room.
'This is my room? Was that a dream?' Rin thought as he took his phone from the nightstand. Unlocking it, he quickly dialed a number and waited for an answer. After about a minute, a voice spoke up from the other side and Rin felt a few tear drops fall down his face.
"Hello, Rinnie? Are you alright?" (Y/n) asked, clearly startled from his call at 4 in the morning.
"(Y/n)?! Thank God... how long have we been dating?" He asked, trying to calm his racing heart down.
"What... like a year? Rin, why are you asking me that now?" (Y/n) asked in worry as Rin laid down again.
"No reason... say, did you make any plans for next week?"
"I thought I told you... but we made those plans for Spain, but I have to cancel them tomorrow, since you have to prepare for the championship." (Y/n) yawned.
"Why would you cancel? You told me you wanted to visit Spain, my championship has nothing to do with it." Rin raised an eyebrow.
"I am not going alone there. I want to spend time with you." Rin wanted to say it was stupid and to go without him, but then remembered the dream he had a stopped himself.
'This is my chance... the dream was like a warning.'
"You are not canceling anything! I am taking next week off and we are focusing all our energy on Spain and going wherever you planed." Rin said sternly.
"But the champion-"
"Screw that! We are going there next week and the championship is in like a month anyways. That can wait."
"O-ok..." Rin could clearly hear how startled she was, making him realize just how much he put his work before her. He will need a balance, he will make this work.
'I will be the only one to make you feel special. I promise.' Rin nodded to himself as they spoke on the phone for the next hour. Slowly Rin forgot about the nightmare and he became calmer, enjoying his conversation.
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mycenalucentipes · 1 year
Can I request Draco Malfoy falling for a gryffindor reader head cannons? I can't shake the curiosity.
Draco Malfoy x Reader || Falling for Gryffindor
a/n: Hi! Sure! Let’s find out how this goes haha. I’ll admit, this was a bit harder for me lol, but fun nonetheless!
Word count: ~1.2k
Summary: How Draco Malfoy would be crushing on a Gryffindor reader. At least how one scenario might work out?
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Draco was most certainly appalled by you at first. You had usually been one of the more reserved and quiet Gryffindors, but hung out a lot with Ron Weasley. Yours and his family had been long time friends, so there was no doubt you’d be around him. 
Draco could never bring himself to actually hate you though. You had a certain charm, intelligence, and beauty that drew him in. For 2 years of this he tried to deny any feelings towards you that weren’t disgusting. 
Throughout years 1-3, you and him spent time bickering over little silly things in class. Well, it was more so him attempting to rile you up and get a reaction out of you. It only worked a few times, which had landed the both of you in detention. The only times you were really vocal were when Draco was harassing the Golden Trio. You always stood up for that Weasley boy. He couldn’t understand why you had to hang around him so much. Was he jealous?...No, why would he be? Hm?
You had so many classes together, that bickering with him in class was just second nature to you both. It felt weird if you hadn’t bickered at all. Like, something was missing from him. He was a little instigator. In all of those years, you had never once started one of those arguments. 
Draco had a very, very difficult time coming to terms with his feelings. He would shoot you little glares in the Great Hall during meals or walking down the halls. Towards year 5, his glares became more of soft stares. Sometimes, he would get lost staring at you, that his entire hard glare would be completely gone. One of his friends would have to shake him out of his daze. 
Another of his struggles would be figuring out how you would react. You were a Gryffindor and he didn’t know of your blood status. Imagine his parents finding out. He doesn’t think they would be so accepting. He didn’t know if you would accept him. All he’s ever been was plain rude to you and your friends. Plus your precious ‘Weasel-Bee’ was always by your side. He felt lost and hopeless. Little did he know, you were having the same thoughts of him, not knowing if he would or could ever reciprocate your feelings. 
Draco wasn’t really sure how to start building a relationship that wasn’t based on rude comments and sneering looks. His comments never held any venom or real mean intent behind them. They were the same old type of remarks he used as a 12 year old. (Little did he know, you had long since figured that he didn’t have malicious intent behind his words. To you, the bickering was exciting and fun, seeing what new childish arguments you would have next). 
Being the Grffyndor you were, you took this into your own hands, not being able to stand it much longer.
“Hey dimwit, I–” “Hello, my name is Y/n L/n, and yours is?” You stuck your hand out for him to shake, leaving him dumbfounded. “What the hell L/n? We’ve known each other since first year.” You stood there in silence with your arm still extended towards him. He eyed you up suspiciously. “Malfoy, Draco Malfoy,” he eventually took your hand in his, giving it a small, but firm shake.
“Nice to meet you, Draco.” His heart skipped a beat, hearing his name roll off your tongue so elegantly. “Nice to meet you too, Y-Y/n.” His voice wavered with uncertainty. It felt odd saying your first name to your face. He had never done so. He quickly recovered though, “Now, do you want to tell me why you’re doing this?” It might’ve come out a little harsher than he intended. 
You shuffled, your confidence wavering only slightly, “I want to start over, clean slate, turn a new leaf, whatever you want to call it.” Draco’s eyebrows raised, curious at your declaration. “Oh? And?” He signaled for you to continue.
You nodded and took a deep breath, “And, I’vehadareallyhugecrushonyousincelastyearandamtooafraidtoknowhowyouwouldreacttoaGryffindorconfessingsoI’mgoingtoleavenow.” (I’ve had a really huge crush on you since last year and am too afraid to know how you would react to a Gryffindor confessing so I’m going to leave now.) Draco stared at you with wide eyes. You weren’t sure if it was because he hadn’t understood what words your mouth just poured out, or if he was deciding if he should make fun of you for your confession. It never crossed your mind that he might feel the same way. 
Deciding not to find out this moment, you spun around, quite flustered, and tried to walk away. Tried. Draco caught your wrist, gently tugging you back towards him. 
“You, you like me?” He asked, shock still present in his voice. Your eyes flickered everywhere except his. He used his free hand to bring your face to fully look at him.
“I–I believe that was what I said, y–yes. I, Y/n L/n, like you, Draco Malfoy.” Heat was rising to your face. You felt like it was on fire from embarrassment.
“You mean to tell me that, you’re not crushing on Weasle-bee?” He was still very much in disbelief. 
You fake gagged, “Ew, god no. He’s like a brother to me. We practically grew up together, you weirdo.” You snorted at his face when you called him a weirdo. 
“I, I like you too, Y/n. I was worried you hated me.” He said as a small blush crept onto his cheeks. 
You scoffed at this, “Hate you? I could never. Sure, you might be a total arse and prickhead, but… I always thought of our bickering as fun and games. So, no hard feelings. Maybe other than all the times you actually insulted my friends though.” 
Draco playfully rolled his eyes as you giggled. “So, would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me on Saturday, Draco?” You beat him to the confession and to ask for a date. You sure were a bold little Gryffindor. Soon to be his little Gryffindor. 
“I would love that, L/n.” 
“Oh you little twat!” You laughed loudly.
From there, you both would jokingly address each other by last names still. He did eventually find out you were a pureblood. Not that your blood status would change his feelings towards you at all. However, he had a much better shot at gaining his parent’s approval with this newfound information. (His parents would be a much later problem he decided though)
Ron would tell you both to knock off your bickering in class, he said, “I can practically feel the sexual tension leaking from the both of you. It isn’t even bickering anymore, it’s like you’re trying to have sex through your words. Please stop! It’s bloody disgusting.” You cackled and lightly punched his arm. 
“You’re just jealous that you haven’t gotten with Hermione yet.” You whispered quite loudly. Just as Ron opened his mouth to retaliate, Draco appeared from around the hall corner. 
“Ready to go, love?” He said sweetly to you. You nodded in excitement. You loved your weekends out with Draco. He made you feel safe and loved. He cared so much for you.
So I feel like most of the part going through Draco’s developing feelings would be him in denial, then him trying to push down his feelings. He can’t believe that he’s fallen for a Gryffindor haha. You did wonders on him, changed his world view, opened his eyes. 
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fleckcmscott · 1 year
Pillow Talk
Summary: While Y/N spends some time away, she and Arthur find a way to play.
Words: 3,992
Warnings: Smut, Swearing
A/N: This story stems from a request made by @jokerownsmysoul​. I really hope I got it right. 😂 Please enjoy, everyone! And thank you for reading! 💜
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
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Y/N's happiness at attending the Atlantic Legal Society's conference had rubbed off on Arthur. Made her upcoming absence worth it.
Often he'd tag along, see the sights while she worked. Check out clubs, sign up for open mics where no one would ever see him again. Low-risk refinement. But this week's jobs were too good to pass up, and Amusement Mile's opening day meant lots of families and plenty of tips.
He could hold down the apartment. Hell, maybe he'd even enjoy it. Pour condensed milk over frozen strawberries, smoke as much as he wanted, catch a movie on Gothamvision. (When their rabbit ears had required aluminum foil to get a TV signal, he'd convinced her cable was a dire need.)
He wrapped an apple in a paper towel, tore a banana from the bunch, and stuck both in her purse. A breakfast that'd tide her over for the three-hour ride to Baltimore. Stirring milk into her coffee, he side-eyed the oven clock. When the java was halfway cold, he made his way to the bathroom.
Toes flexed in annoyance, Y/N grumbled around her toothbrush. "I can't believe I overslept."
"You'll get there," he said, and took the hairbrush from the shelf. "Here, let me." He drew horsehair bristles through her untamed mane.
"Thanks." The foam in her mouth made it sound more like fankhs. She spat into the sink, rinsed and spat again. "I don't want to buy another ticket."
A soft scowl crossed his brow. "You shouldn't've had to buy the first."
"Well, you know my boss. He didn't think it was necessary, which is silly with the WARN act being passed. That kind of ridiculousness makes me want Phil to come out of retirement." She hung her robe on the door hook and jogged to the bedroom, calling over her shoulder. "At least they're paying me!"
Minutes later Y/N emerged, frazzled around the edges but smart. She straightened a ruffle at her collar, tugged the corner of her blazer. She wore her age and era with pride. She guzzled her coffee like an engine on empty, poured herself another and skipped the dairy. "I'll regret this on the train."
They dashed to the elevator, vinyl suitcase in his grasp, her hand hooked at his elbow. As the steel doors parted, he made a show of holding them open with his foot. A beam to rival the rising sun crossed her face. 
"Thank you, sir," she said, and curtsied. The gesture made him want to lift her, spin around. They were running late - and she'd still taken a spare second to be playful.
God, how he loved her.
At this early hour, only a handful of Gothamites rode the subway. A guy sat in a corner seat. Sixty, gray stubble, wearing a flat leather cap. His outstretched arm held a wrinkled centerfold. Ms. December, judging by the Santa Hat, the sole fabric in the photo. A familiar friend that must've been in his pocket for a while.  
Y/N grasped the stanchion at the other end of the car. Arthur moved to stand behind her, a protective arm at her waist.
At every stop she inched towards him. Her round bottom nudged his thighs, her back grazed his chest. She smelled good, like the strawberries he'd eat tonight. He pressed his nose to the crown of her head, filled his veins with her scent.
A scarlet stripe bloomed from collarbone to temple, her ear a crimson shell. The corner of her mouth threatened to curl. Pink tongue darting to wet satin lips.
He squeezed her hip. "What is it?"
"It's nothing," she said. An obvious untruth given how her neck tightened.
Suspicion slanted his stare. But he let it lie. For now.
Wayne Central Station was a Beaux-Arts beauty smack dab in the middle of modernization and commercialization. And it had far too many flights of stairs. After the ups and downs of finding the right track, they landed on thirty-seven, the platform for the commuter line.
"You know," Y/N said, steps slowing to an amble. "I bet there are clown conferences. You could learn to juggle."
His days of working with other clowns were long behind him. But the suggestion was sweet, so he smiled. "My hands are already busy. You're a handful."
She stopped at a concrete column and riffled through her purse. "I'll call you when I check-in and give you the room number. There'll be a direct line." Then her riffling escalated to a frantic search. Patting her coat, the inner breast pocket. Checking her bag one more time. Taking advantage of her distraction, Arthur reached into his jacket. Anticipation tickled his shoulders into a shrug.
"Oh no," she said. "I could've sworn I put my ticket with my credit card."
He reached as if to tuck her hair back. Pulled a green card from behind her ear. "Is this it?" A relieved huff as she snatched her prize. She swatted his chest, wound her arms about his neck.
The squeal of metal on metal bounced off tile walls, announcing the oncoming train. A gust of wind whirled her silvery brown locks. Despite the mundanity of it all, the thousands of people about to step onto public transportation, the moment felt like a movie. A bona fide blockbuster. The ordinary suddenly extraordinary.
Fingers brushing his, she took her bag, speaking between kisses. "I love you. We'll talk soon."
The McKeldin Exhibition Center seemed a blunt, bulky building for the Atlantic Legal Society's twenty-fifth conference, a number Y/N would've considered celebratory. Four stories of concrete, cold steel, muscular exterior. A once modern design that now represented an idea of the future that, if the first five months of 1990 were to go by, wasn't bound to happen.
The registration attendants were friendly and professional. But Y/N wasn't a member of the guild, so she was directed to a line at the other end of a vast, airy hall. The additional hundred dollars she'd paid to attend included extra exercise. A gilded stripe ran along the top of her name tag, like she was a flake of gold to pan for, from which extract a membership fee.
Goodie bags contained the usual swag. A pen with the organization's logo, two legal pads, a folder to hold her notes. At the bottom were a blue stress ball and a gavel pinback button, which she'd pin on Sylvia back at the office. The young intern had received so little recognition in her short life that it'd thrill her.
White tablecloths and serving trays covered the tables in the reception area. Y/N maneuvered to a buffet to the right, snapped a napkin, two cheese and pepperoni skewers, and a paper cup of goldfish crackers. Munching away, she took the temperature of the room.
Lawyers and attorneys general, magistrates and judges swarmed, chatting and laughing, giving handshakes and back slaps. Legal secretaries and paralegals circled up to chat amongst themselves. Judging by overheard introductions, their origins stretched from the Eastern Seaboard all the way to Chicago.
Y/N recognized a former Gotham District Attorney, a lawyer from one of Shaw & Associates' satellite offices. The passing years had salt and peppered his hair, too. The city's newest criminal court judge was on the premises, one Henry Jake. An upset after an affair with one of his legal aides, his promotion from magistrate had been splashed on all the front pages.
He appeared eager to continue the scandal, proceeding to flirt in the way of men who like to wield their authority. A palm on the forearm here, an unwanted compliment there. It made Y/N want to chuck a stress ball at his head.
She stirred powdered creamer and irritation into a styrofoam cup of coffee, noted the restroom sign on the left wall. A woman in a floral shower curtain of a dress approached with tiny steps. Said she'd never been to a big city before, took a sip of Lipton and pushed her plastic glasses up the bridge of her nose.
"I'm Flossie Barteux, but all my friends call me Flo." The red stripe on her nametag denoted her as a fresh recruit.
"Nice to meet you, Flossie." Though maintaining distance, Y/N spoke with warmth. "I moved from the Ozarks to Gotham ten years ago. The lobby has some brochures. I think there's an aquarium on the waterfront, a couple museums, too. You should take advantage while you're in town." Then she gave a friendly nod and excused herself to the Industry Auditorium to sign up for presentations.
Whistleblower protections sounded interesting, considering past capers; she made a note to review Gotham's statutes for the next. Tips for wage and hour investigations filled an entire notebook. The presenter droned on in one agonizingly long sentence. It was impossible to keep up, even in shorthand. Y/N's fingers grew so fatigued she dropped her pen. It took several tries to regain the ability to make a fist.
When the conference broke for the evening, Flossie hopped in the same revolving door as Y/N and suggested dinner at a chain steakhouse across the street. A good number of attendees already stood in line.
To be honest, she could've used a break from the whole thing. But she didn't want to hurt the woman who sorely needed a work friend. She put their names on the waitlist and browsed chalkboard specials. Listened to Flossie's story of how going through probate for custody of her granddaughter had led her to the legal profession.
By the time Y/N stumbled back to her hotel, she could've dozed upright. At the bar, she ordered a variation on a Sidecar, a little number called Between the Sheets. She didn't ask for permission to take it to her room. She dropped a dollar bill in the tip jar and turned towards the lobby.
It was well equipped, a fax machine and pay phone in one corner, a stand with free chocolate chip cookies to the right. In the center of the far wall stood a bookshelf, flanked by overstuffed aqua chairs. A sign was propped on the coffee table: "Please read and return!" A set worthy of Donahue's photo studio.
She stepped onto the woven rug to browse the plethora of outdated bestsellers. Self-helps with mountains on the covers, charlatans offering poor financial advice. Children's books were piled haphazardly on the bottom shelf. And right in the middle was an entire row of romance novels, the ones in which every heroine's bosom heaved and bodice ripped. Ragged covers told the tale of how popular they were, spines split from overuse. As a pre-teen, Mabel had caught her reading a few. ("Why's your face red, Y/N? Are you sick?") Amused, Y/N took the one with the deepest seams.
Forbidden Seas was a terrible if fitting title, given the coverhunk's puffy shirt. He was alarmingly muscular, as though a bee had stung him, and he desperately needed an ice bag. Long, blonde tresses brushed the careening cleavage of the woman bent over his knee. Arthur's wiry frame held a hidden strength, cleaved her tightly whenever they danced, but that position would've ended with her on the floor.
Cackling, she returned the paperback to its place, betting the hunk would be at full mast by chapter four.
When she reached her room, she stretched her arms over her head, pushed herself to her tiptoes, released a short squeal. The conference center's folding chairs had next to no padding. Soreness nagged at her tailbone, a deep-seated throb ached her rear. She could really use a bath. She checked her watch. Arthur would be calling in about fifteen minutes. Luckily, the restroom had a phone.
Pantyhose rolled down her legs, a nail caught on the reinforced toe. The star-patterned vinyl floor was cold on her feet. A claw clip kept her hair off her shoulders, spare tendrils falling to her cheeks. Steam coated the mirror as the room filled with a pleasant heat. She dabbed away her mascara and eyeliner before it could streak. She sipped her cocktail, stepped into the bath. Gave her breasts a casual squeeze and sighed out the stress of the day.
The ringer rang right on the dot.
Voice as light as a game of I Spy, she said, "This isn't reception telling me to pipe down, is it?"
On the other end, Arthur's smile sucked his teeth. "No, it's just me."
"I'm glad it's just you."
The day had gone well, he told her. One of his gigs had cancelled, but that was all right. It let him get some work done around the apartment. He'd replaced the window shade that no longer rolled up, mopped the kitchen, sorted the drawers of his desk. He'd just tuned into a movie on TMC, a screwball comedy she'd deem too silly and dislike.
When he asked how the conference was going, she told him about Flossie, how she hoped the woman's eagerness to excel wouldn't result in her being suckered into membership upgrades. That the WARN act - while a step forward - put some guardrails on the mass layoffs that'd become the norm in the last decade but didn't prevent them. And the overeager judge she was happy to never have to face in court.
"You should teach a class on how to be a gentleman." She slunk deeper into the heat. "I'm learning a lot, but I'll be happy to be home."
"You're not missing much."
"I'm missing you."
"But you saw me this morning!" His protestations didn't fool her; he was pleased as punch.  A hitched giggle, one of his many laughs she loved. "Me, too. I mean, I can't wait to see you. But don't worry. I'm fine. Talk to me more. Tell me about the hotel."
"We'll have to stay here someday. There's a bar with a player piano, and I'm having a cocktail in the bath."
"You- You're on the phone in the tub?" The sound of him puttering. A drink set on the coffee table, a middle-aged groan as he sat on the sofa. "There is one thing I can't get out of my head." Nervous tongue smacked his lips. "What were you thinking about on the subway?"
Mercury threatened to crack the thermometer. But still. She was reticent to go there. "I already told you. It was nothing."
"Come on. You were as red as my clown nose."
She pressed the cool glass to her sweaty forehead. The flight of fancy had been completely inappropriate, not to mention out of character. She knew exactly what telling him would lead to, the direction in which this conversation would race. Tacky and cheap, belonging to a $3.99 a minute hotline.
And yet. She was grateful to have a husband she could blush around, whom she could fantasize about, whom she wanted to fantasize about. Besides. It'd been a stretch since they'd last made love. Tacky and cheap might be just what the Doctor of Laughter ordered.
She let the cognac trickle down her throat. Knuckles dragged up and down her breastbone. Her forearm brushed her pebbled nipple. A drop from the faucet plopped.
"Do you want to continue this?" she asked, an eager if uncertain invitation.
"Yeah," he purred. That rasp, the one positive of his cigarette addiction. "But I'm- I'm not sure what's next."
Neither was she, not quite. The next steps felt at once natural and as if they belonged to an unread novel on a hotel bookshelf. But it was him, so it would turn out all right. They'd figured it out every time before. "Tell me what you're wearing," she said. "Or what you're thinking about. Whatever you want."
"I'm in my pajamas. Um. I found my old journal when I was cleaning. I hadn't read it for years - it has everything from when I met you. Anyway, I read what I wrote our first night together? I'd wanted to touch you so badly and-" He gave a throaty laugh. "And all I knew what to do was squeeze your breast too hard."
The recollection struck a match in all the right places. She'd wanted him, too, more than was smart after such a short acquaintanceship. There'd been something that'd set him apart immediately. Whenever he'd looked at her, her heart had skipped to a new but familiar beat. His good looks, his kindness. Passion and flair hiding beneath a surface shyness, a mask you could see through if you took an extra minute.
"You knew how to look at me. How to listen. How to be gentle." She caressed her hip absentmindedly, a movement that soon became deliberate. "And when not to be."
Her knee shifted to rest on the lip of the tub, opening herself to the warm water. "I wouldn't want you to be gentle now," she whispered, and tugged at the curls between her thighs.
"I wouldn't be." Ragged breaths tempted over three hundred miles. A muted moan that meant he was palming his shaft. Her own palm felt empty. How she hungered for him to be in her grasp. Then he asked, "What- What did you pack for bed?"
"The blue nightie you gave me. The one that ties at the neck." It was six years old but a perennial favorite for both. The approval that'd radiated from him when she'd modeled it flashed in her memory. Strokes blazed at the crease of her thigh. "I'll wear it tonight - unless you want me to sleep naked."
A husky chuckle before he pressed her. Again. "Tell me what you were thinking about on the train. I wanna know."
Fingertips dipped to where she ached for him. Lower to tease plush, squishy flesh, plump with desire. Her eyelids fluttered shut, returning to the occasions she'd pleasured herself in front of him, both when he was inside of her and out. Even on the occasions he wasn't able to get hard, he loved it, asked her to do it again. Holding her. Stealing her breath from her mouth. Covering her hand with his. His thumb taking over until she cried his name.
Fever rippling through her arteries, she tapped her slick nub, body throbbing with need. She cleared her throat. She thought she'd lost her ability to be bashful with Arthur. But dirty talk didn't come as naturally now that she was alone, not the way it did when it was foreplay. When she'd beg him to fuck her, plead for more, more, more.
Yet, she wasn't alone. Though he was afar, she was abuzz with his presence. Spreading joy and happiness to others, always entertaining his audience, he was the performer in the relationship. Tonight the performer became the audience, and she was putting on a show for one.
A show she'd drag out a bit longer. Make it worth his while. "I'm touching my clit, Arthur. Slow and soft, like your tongue. God, I wish it was your tongue. You feel so good."
He groaned. Her grip on the telephone tightened, knuckles gone white. "When we were on the train," she began. "I imagined you shushing me. Your breath was hot on my ear. I wanted you to put your hand on my skin, down my skirt." Her strokes halted while she laughed. "I don't know why. I wasn't even horny."
"You're horny now."
"All hot and bothered."
A grunt came through the copper wire, luring her along. Her foot pressed the tub's curved rim. Splashes of imagery knotted her belly. The play of light on his slender abdomen when he'd put on a shirt. How his biceps flexed when he'd wash his hair. The tightening of his brow the second he lost himself to euphoria. The musky weight of him on her tongue.
She rubbed herself a little harder. A steady, firm pace. "When I come I feel your cock at my back-"
"Keep talking."
"-and I have to bite my lip to keep from moaning, because I know you'll fuck me as soon as we walk through the door."
"Oh, fuck..."
Water licked at her labia with each flick of her wrist, awakening every nerve ending, cresting wave upon wave of sensation. She shoved the receiver under her jaw, lifted her shoulder to lock it in place. Cradled her breast, nipples just at the waterline Lapping, lapping, lapping. She circled the right with her middle finger, wishing her hand was as large as Arthur's, so that she could play with the left. Shivering, her knees drew together and upward, pelvis striving towards her wanton touch.
Splish, splash. Splish, splash.
A growl rumbled out of him. "I- I'm gonna come."
She was there. She was there. About to fly over the edge, her feet about to leap. Gasps caught in her throat. Half his name lost in a whimper. The peak of delight finally reached...
The phone tumbled off her shoulder and plunged into the water. Landed on the fiberglass. An unenthusiastic thud.
"Shit, shit-"
Locked in spasm, she watched air bubbles rise from the sunken plastic. It was hard to move mid-orgasm. Her legs weren't yet in the Jello stage. Hanging onto the towel bar, she stood on very shaky ankles.
She plucked the receiver from the water, shook it out over the tub. Yanked the drain and placed the handset on the rim. Fingers a blur, she dialed their home number on the bedside phone. How quickly had Arthur realized she wasn't on the line?
Had he heard any of the denouement?
Nine rings and Arthur answered, out of breath but with a laugh. "What happened?"
She covered her face. "I dropped the phone. It's ruined." It would be the one time she would pay a fee for damages.
"Oh. Well, I was just cleaning up."
The cord twined through her fingers. "Did you?"
"Good. Me, too."
"I know. I heard half of it."
Giggling, she excused herself to dry off. Pulled the clip from her hair, retrieved her nightie from her bag. She crawled between cool sheets, fluffed her pillow, pressed Arthur to her ear.
"What'll you do tomorrow," he asked, scratching his cheek.
A Department of Labor inspector would give a presentation on the Severe Violators program, a list of closely monitored companies that violated labor laws like it was a talent and never lifted a finger to change their ways. The padding to their bottom lines was bigger than the fines. She'd chatted with the inspector during a break.
"ACE Chemicals being on the list isn't a surprise. But Wayne Steel?" A sharp inhale before she yawned the rest. "I hadn't even heard of them."
"You're tired.”
"No. Relaxed. Happy. But not tired." She curled up on her side, burrowed deeper into the blankets. "This bed is empty. I have no one to press up against." Another yawn betrayed her.
At her third, Arthur interrupted. "Y/N, go to sleep." A grin in his words, like he was about to call her cute. "You need your rest."
"And why is that?"
His voice lowered to the volume of secrets. "Because when you get back, I'm going to fuck you as soon as we walk through the door."
Her eyes went wide, then she burst out laughing. A wave of dizziness swept through her. She brought the heel of her hand to her forehead. "What time'll you wake up tomorrow?"
"Six, probably. Maybe 5:30?
"Let's have coffee together. I'll make a cup at 6:15."
He agreed before she'd completed the request, said how dearly he loved her. And, yes, to her consternation, called her cute. She kept the eyeroll out of her reply. "You're wonderful, too. Now take your own advice and get some sleep. No journaling until dawn. All right?"
"All right. Have a good night. And Y/N?"
She was already fading, his lilt her favorite lullaby. "Yeah?"
"Wear your blue nightie for coffee. I’ll be in my briefs."
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​​​​​ @ithinkimaperson​​​​​ @sweet-nothings04​​​​​ @stephieraptorr​​​​ @rommies​​​​​ @fallenstarsabyss @gruffle1​​​​​ @another-day-in-chuckletown​ @hhandley80​​​​​ @jokerownsmysoul​​​​​ @rafaelbottom @ralugraphics​​​​​ @iartsometimes​​​​​ @fleckficgirl​
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sgt-scottymoreau · 5 months
Rogue Soldier
Summary: Scotty dissapear after a previous mission went south. For months, no one can't figure out where she is, till one day.
Warning: Violence, description of injuries/pain
Words: 4k // Masterlist
A/N: Another cheesy fic slightly inspired by the Winter Soldier idea. I wrote that like over a year ago and only post it now because I'm running low in Canon content lol Enjoy!
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Every night for the last months, he woke up in cold sweat, dreaming again and again about the same failure he did. Price told him over and over that it wasn't his fault, so did Soap and Gaz. They all tried to support him, but it happened under his watch. He was supposed to protect her. He pushed the blanket, heading to the bathroom to wash up his face. He closed the tap, his eyes lifted to the mirror in front. Ghost saw how tired and horrible he looked. Worse than usual. He could hear her saying so and a small smile drew on his lips. Which then was followed again by her screaming out his name. His knuckles tighten around the towel. 
During a mission, Scotty had been kidnapped. They tried their best, pulled every string from all their connections without avail. Laswell didn't find anything, neither did Nikolai or Farah. Even Alenjandro and his Vaqueros had no intel. The 141 kept this secret for a month, before the day he dreaded happened. Without any news on her whereabouts, she had to be declared M.I.A and the news had to be brought to her family. Ghost was glad he was not the one who explained them, Price had the obligation as her captain to do it. Nonetheless he was there when the news was spoken. It felt like once again he let down his family. Another failure on his part. Scotty's dad remained clear headed the whole time, her mother wasn't hysterical but no amount of reassurance would calm her. Gabrielle was also there and she was speechless, but her face spoke of the pain. She was in shock. None of them promised the family they would find her again, but they would never stop looking. 
Despite all of this everyone refused to believe Scotty was dead. They had no body to prove she was dead. So maybe there were still small hopes. Hopes who were slowly dimming away as more weeks passed by. He returned to bed. A bed that felt so empty now. That's why he never wanted to get attached because in their line of work you never knew when one wouldn't not come back home. Ghost turned around in the bedsheet, gazing at the ceiling, watching the clock, trying to sleep. He was restless. He thought that mindless scrolling on his phone would help. It did till, for whatever reasons, Ghost went to check the pictures. Not that he had taken much of her; it was in fact the other way around. Scotty was always taking pictures of them and would send them to him. He simply saved them. He looked at her smile or that one silly picture she sent or the one he took of her sleeping on the couch in the most uncomfortable position, yet looked beautiful to his eyes. His heart ached. 
Ghost would never admit but he was thankful to his friends to be there for him. It was hard for everyone, but they knew how it was harder for him. She meant everything to him. So they kept taking turns to keep his mind off the darkness, not leave him alone too much even if it was all he said he wanted. Soap remembered one day he went to Ghost's place, only to find him looking more miserable than usual. Like he hadn't showered or eaten in days. He really felt bad for him. After some encouragement, the Scotsman finally made him dress up and they went out for a drink. Ghost needed some fresh air according to him. 
They enjoyed some snacks and drinks at the local pub. Ghost was still brooding, but Soap terrible attempts at jokes did drag a smile out of him here and there. He was fidgeting with his drink when two girls showed up at their tables. He did not even bother lifting his head to face them. "Come here often, handsome?" One of them advanced to Soap. 
"Sorry ladies, not interested tonight." He shut them down quickly. 
"What about your friend here?" One lady asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. Ghost tensed up and shifted away. "Jeez no need to be so rude. Not with an attitude like this and this… mask that you gonna get a girl." 
The glare he gave her made the girl move five steps back. "I suggest you leave." He let out coldly. The two girls didn't try to argue. Ghost sipped on his drink. If only they had known how this mask and attitude indeed got him a girl…
Missions felt different. Not too much, they were used to missions where she wasn't there. But her snarky comments, her goofing around with Soap and Gaz, her accidental flirting with Ghost, all were missing. Just like today. Soap was complaining on the com. Till Gaz replied. "Pretty sure Captain, don't want someone to go full clean everywhere."
"I know my tactics are brute force sometimes, but do I really need to be overwatch?"
"A little focus, lads." Price intervened. 
Despite her absence, Soap and Ghost both heard her. Her remark every time Price would say this. And girl. Obviously their coms never sparked her chuckles. Soap looked at his friend who focused himself on his scope. He had a visual on Price, Gaz and Stevenson. Someone who had worked with them before and was again paired up for this mission. 
"I got a visual on the target. He's talking with someone." Ghost said. "Garrick, he is only a few meters away from you."
"Any hostiles that might be with him?" Price asked. 
"I see nothing sir." Soap replied while scouting with the binocular. 
Ghost watched through the small crowd. "Hold that thought…" He noticed something off. Someone who was trying to blend in the crowd. However, said person did not look to be part of their current target affiliation. He adjusted his snipe. His blood went cold when the person turned around. "Johnny!" He shouted louder than expected, making him jump. "Check the person with the black hood, near the restaurant, there!"
Soap wasn't sure why. Ghost wouldn't be vague like this for no reason, he was always direct. His gaze followed the instruction and his own heart skipped a beat. "It's her!" He exclaimed. The two men looked at each other; they had to focus on the mission but how did she just reappear out of nowhere. "Captain! We have a visual on Scotty!" Soap radioed quickly. 
Price, who was sitting on a bench, tried to look for the position they pointed him to. He couldn't make up her face, but he did see the woman with the hood. Gaz, who was also nearby, lost focus for a moment and searched for her. Being closer, he saw her features. "I would say you guys are crazy, but no it is her." He confirmed. 
"I saw her too." Stevenson came in. "Keep your eyes on the main target, I'll make contact with her.”
From their spot, Ghost told Soap to keep watch on target, he will keep eyes on Scotty. He lost her once, he won't lose her a second time. Through his scope, he watched Stevenson approach with a friendly embrace. But something was off. She didn't seem to remember him? Ghost kept watching. They had worked with the man not long before she was kidnapped. For sure she would know his face. Ghost gestured at Soap to also watch, confirming that it wasn't his mind playing tricks. Her stance was stern and cold. They both saw Stevenson only at arm length. He seemed like he said something. Her course of action took their breath away. Scotty grabbed the man's arm, swiftly flipped him around, forced him on his knee and plunged a knife in his neck. The crowd scattered in fear, causing chaos to their main mission. 
"What the fuck happened?" Price yelled getting up ready to jump in the action. 
Ghost's words almost got caught in his throat. "It's Scotty… she is… hostile." 
Soap turned to him with confusion on his face. Price was also stunned by this realization but kept his head straight. With the crowd panicking, their target could get away easily. He ordered Gaz to capture him before he could ask. The sergeant agreed and swiftly made his way through the crowd. From their higher ground, Ghost and Soap didn't let go of both, giving updates on their movements. Gaz was about to intercept the target, when Ghost saw it.
"Garrick! Watch your back!" He yelled in the radio quickly.
Gaz turned around to see Scotty about to knock him out. He ducked in the time and slipped to the side. The woman placed herself between the two men, almost as she was protecting him. The target smiled. "Do you like my new pet? She turned out to be quite an asset once we were done." He explained. 
Ghost's hands gripped his sniper so hard, his knuckles hurted. He did not like the way he was talking about her. "What did you do to her?" Gaz asked, taking a defensive stance.
"Isn't it obvious? She is here to protect me… and kill all of you. Isn't that right, love? It's the 141 after all." With this, Gaz saw her pull a gun out and aim at him. He dodged quickly before trying to find cover.
"She has a gun. We can't let her be in the middle of this chaos, going around shooting!" Gaz radioed to be sure everyone would hear. Price was already by his side by then. He had to think quickly of a solution, while he could see the gun being pointed in his direction. It wouldn't take long for local authorities to also show up. She had to be drawn somewhere else without any civilians being able to point out the direction. However one detail made no sense to him. If Scotty was indeed the target's protection, why would she keep her face out in the open? Anyone would be able to identify her. Unless this was part of their enemy's plan. But for what? Price pushed Gaz behind cover with him. By reflex, they both grab their weapon, fully aware that none of them wished to arm her. 
Ghost followed the exchange with a caution eye. He wasn't the type of man to lose his cool during a mission or a high stake moment. But right now, he felt his body being tense; his breathing was heavy, his grip was strong and his mind racing. Price hadn't ordered anything yet, which gave him the idea that he was probably in the same mindset as him. Finding a solution that would not result in more blood. The crowd cleared from their position. This gave Ghost an opportunity to test something. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves, before pulling the trigger. The bullet hit the ground right behind her. By her surprised reaction, his guess was right. She was not aware of their position. 
Price and Gaz took advantage of this distraction to jump on the woman. With not much success. Gaz had sparred with her in the past, he knew how she danced. Now, it felt like he was fighting someone else. She easily got the upper hand. A pressure on his shoulder followed by a loud bang made him realize much. A stinging pain and warmth overwhelmed this part. Another sniper shot was fired and Scotty jumped back again. Price tempted another attempt at getting a hold of her. Despite the confusion, Scotty was able to get him first. With a quick move, Scotty spinned him around, his back against her, his arm above her shoulder and pulled on it. A loud crack and pain jolted through his elbow to his shoulder. If it wasn't for a third snipe shot, Price would have probably received a gunshot wound after the broken arm.
Ghost saw that he finally had her full attention to the building when she dropped Price and scouted their direction. Soap had a better idea to help. He stood at the window, waving. "Hey! Over here!" He shouted. As expected, they watched her rush toward their position. 
"What do we do now? It's not like we can shoot her…" Soap groaned. "We don't even know why she's acting like that!"
"I have an idea why…" An idea that made him sick and enraged. "We need to stop her without any harm." 
Soap agreed. The two men took position for ambush. They waited…waited…and waited. Ghost glanced by the window. Price was taking care of Gaz, but no Scotty in sight. What was she doing? The lieutenant gestured to Soap to slowly move from his position to check out. He did so, crouching to reach the door. He pushed it with his gun. No riposte. Was she in the building or not? Soap tempted a check; his head picking just a little to see the hallway. Nothing. "Negative on…" He was interrupted by the door slamming on his face violently. Soap stumbled back, broken nose. He lost balance, fell flat on his back and a foot stopped on his chest pinning him down. Scotty was above him, ready to shoot. The sergeant grabbed her leg and pulled as hard as he could to destabilize her. It worked, although in her fall she did pull the trigger. The bullet grazed his arm. Ghost sent a warning shot to get her attention. He saw enough friends being hurt. 
‘‘Drop the gun!’’ He ordered, doing the same. ‘‘We are not gonna hurt, but if you force our hands.’’ Scotty did not move a muscle, always aiming at him. At the moment he was the treat. Ghost’s brain was working overclock to make sense of what was going on. Try to piece together what was happening to her, with his own experience. Disappearing for months, reappearing as a changed person, ready to kill in cold blood… He gritted his teeth. Soap took the opportunity of their silent exchange to push back one more time. He pushed himself on his feet despite the pain and disarmed her. Not without struggle, but he was able to get the gun out of her grip. He had forgotten about the knife though. Something he was reminded of when he avoided it just by an inch, his cheek being cut in the process still. 
It was a game of distraction and action. Ghost took Soap’s distraction to his advantage this time, jumping on her, holding her as much as he could. Scotty squirmed to get out of his grip, kicking him. Her head hit his own. Thanks to the mask, he did not get anything broken but the shock was enough for him to lose his grip. Which was all she needed to slip away. The rogue soldier spinned around with the knife about to dig in Ghost’s tight. He avoided it just on time. She riposted by swiftly going for a slice up. All she managed was to graze his bulletproof vest. Ghost could have gone for his own knife or gun or anything to stop her, but he couldn’t get himself to hurt her. The last time he had to face someone in the same situation it had been so easy to kill him. No second thoughts. However this time, it wasn’t so easy. He dodged every single of her attempts to kill him. ‘‘Come Scotty! Don’t you recognize us? Me?’’
‘‘You are 141, you need to be killed!’’ These were not the words he expected to hear from her after months. But at least it made everything clear. It did clear up that this wouldn’t finish with either them dead or her knock out. Ghost will apologize for it later, for now he has to protect his team. Just like Gaz, he noticed her different fightstyle and had to adapt to it. He had to give it to her, she was still able to get him a few times. Knife cutting through his clothes dragging blood. Despite hating this, he did succeed one or two hits on her too. A bleeding lip, bruised cheeks, kick in the shin. Yet, she was still standing, always coming back at him with the same energy. Whatever the enemy used to brainwash her, they really worked her resolve into not giving up till they were dead. Even if it killed her. On the outside, sirens from ambulances and police flooded the place. Even if they made it out alive, it would be hard for extraction. This had to finish now.
He saw the opening and went for it. Ghost rolled under her leg, pushing her up with his shoulder. Before she even tried to regain her balance in the fall, he slammed her against the floor. The shock knocked the air out of her lungs. He had only a fraction of a second to get her and knock her out. She kicked and tried to punch him before she went limp. Ghost let go quickly before it would kill her. Out of breath, Soap and him looked at each other now that the heat had cooled off. It was time to leave without attracting attention.
When she finally came back to herself, she was at the base’s infirmary. Her head was aching like the worst hangover she ever had. With a grunt, Scotty tried to lift her hand to massage her temples but restraints held her down. She was confused for a moment. While would she need these? The same for her ankles. ‘‘What the fuck.’’ Scotty breathed. She tried to put the pieces back together, thinking of what happened before she found herself here. But everything was a blur. Did she really drink that much and this was some sort of joke? Soap was probably behind this. Incapable of moving more than her head, she looked around. She was plugged to a bunch of wires, a beeping machine and a half asleep Soap in the chair, with his feet resting on the bed, next to her. 
‘‘Hey McTavish!’’ She called him out, making him jump. He looked terrible. Left over of a broken nose, healing bruises on his face. ‘‘What happened to you, you look like shit.’’ 
‘‘You happened.’’ He shifted in his seat stretching his muscles. ‘‘You think we can remove the restraint or you will jump on me again?’’
‘‘The fuck are you talking about?’’ 
‘‘Let me get the captain. I think we have a lot to explain…’’ He left her to her wondering. She must have missed a good one. Five minutes later, Soap came back with Price and the other two. They all looked like hell. Ghost much less than the other, but when was the last time he had some good sleep? Both Price and Gaz had splints.
‘‘How are you doing, lass?’’ The captain asked to take a seat. 
‘‘Like I have the worst headache and everything is fuzzy in the brain. Still it seems like I’m doing better than all of you.’’ They all chuckled at her remark.
‘‘You have been in and out for a week now. I know it might be hard but I need you to tell me what happened three months ago. Do you remember anything?’’
Scotty took a moment to think. ‘‘We were in Germany, trying to take down someone… Then…I think something went wrong… and…’’ The memories hit back hard. They were more flashes, but enough that she could recall what happened after the enemies got their hands on her. A cold cell, sleepless night, needles, burning sensation in her body… Bright light… Electric shock… Pain. Then nothing. Till now. Her skin itched at the ghostly sensation of the needles and the shocks, maybe her brain was blocking the memory but her muscles hadn’t forgotten. ‘‘I remember people talking, like they are giving me instruction…’’
‘‘Like kill the… 141?’’ Gaz said. She noticed them tense up at the word. Scotty watched them confused. A wave of relief took them when they saw how calm she remained. Price allowed the restraints to be removed. The captain took the time to explain all that happened a few days ago, not chewing his words when it came to what she did to them. Scotty sunk in the bed. She was the one responsible for their state. She almost killed them all… because she had been told to do so. 
‘‘We figured out that you might have been brainwashed, with a trigger. It seems like 141 was it.’’ Price explained. ‘‘Glad to see it seems to not be the case. I still want you to see a psychologist when you are out. I don’t want to take the risk.’’
‘‘Sure captain.’’ She fidgeted with the sheet. Tears blurring her vision. ‘‘Guys, I’m so sorry! I hurted you so bad, tried to kill you and…’’ Any more words got lost in sobs. 
‘‘We’re good Scotty. Don’t worry, mate.’’ Soap reassured her. ‘‘Gaz gets some days off and needs physical rehabilitation, but at least he lives. Cap is also alive with a painful shoulder nothing different than his old bones and I just get a re-facing, I’ll be pretty in no long. Don’t sweat it.’’ Between sobs, she laughed at his casual description of everything, but she still felt guilty. The only one who still hadn’t talked since was Ghost. He actually kept himself a bit aside from the small crowd. Price knew why and after a quick wrap up, he gestured to the two other sergeants to leave the room. Gaz closed the door behind him, allowing some privacy. 
Scotty was whipping her tears while Ghost sat on the bed. They remained silent for a minute. ‘‘Looks like you are the one with the least damage.’’ She smiled. ‘‘I really feel bad for Gaz; he is the one I hurt the most.’’
Ghost kept silent. He didn’t know where to even begin. ‘‘Don’t worry about us. You should take care of yourself. I know too well how brainwash can leave damage.’’ He didn’t have to explain more on what he meant, nor that she would have to explain to him in detail what she had been through. He knew first hand. Her hand slided towards him and her fingers wrapped around his hand. His shoulders fell down. Ghost had been holding a lot of tension and this small touch made it melt away. To hell with being professional, there was no one in the room. He wrapped his arms around her, hugged her so tight she could barely breathe. 
‘‘I thought you were dead. I was sure I would never see you again, that I lost you forever.’’ He wasn’t quite crying, but every word was punctuated with emotions. Scotty slowly raised her arm, gripped on his back and buried her face in the crock of his neck. 
‘‘You are the reason why it took them a while to break me and even then. As much as they wanted me to, I can’t kill my friend and I definitely can’t kill you.’’ Their hug lasted a few minutes, letting go only because their muscles were sore. Ghost didn’t take off his mask, but lifted it enough to have his lips free and kiss her. God he missed that. To feel her against him, to have his anchor to sanity and the world, his love. 
‘‘I’m sorry I was not able to protect you back when they got you. I should have been able to stop them.’’ He said, his forehead against hers. ‘‘Don’t say it’s not my fault, it was.’’
‘‘I don’t want to think about who’s fault it was or not. I’m just glad to be home.’’ She would never blame him for this. It was a risk she was aware of. No amount of preps could have prevented something that was supposed to happen. But for now, she was back home and it was time to heal. And make up for the trouble she caused. Ghost was happy that he wouldn’t sleep alone after so long. 
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello! I'm in need of comfort from Papa Jack, so… could you do a little story about him trying to calm down the little reader girl who is crying really bad because at her school her whole class commonly ignored her and when she said something like "when I grow up I want to be x thing", both students and teachers laughed saying that he could never do anything.
I'm sorry if it's something strange, but since I was very little I was in a school where everyone treated me that way because of my tastes and family. Thank you so much in advance linda <3
-Jack knew immediately that something was wrong when you arrived home from school, and not because he could see your inner colors of sadness, but by the tears on your face.
-He immediately leapt to his feet, rushing over to you and kneeled before you, “Y/N, what happened my darling?” his hands were gentle, brushing your tears away gently as you sniffled, “My- they all-they all laughed at me!”
-Jack was confused but decided on trying to get you to calm down first, as you were starting to hiccup from crying so hard, before he would find out what was wrong.
-Jack picked you up, holding you close to his chest, radiating warmth only because he was furious, seeing you in tears, seeing that someone had upset you.
-After about twenty minutes you finally calmed down, letting your papa wash your face before he made you a cup of hot chocolate with extra whipped cream which made you smile brightly. Jack couldn’t help but smile as well when you unintentionally gave yourself a whipped cream mustache.
-Jack sat next to you, petting your hair gently, “Now then- tell me what happened?” you sent silent, looking down at your mug for a moment, still feeling upset about what had happened at school today.
-You hesitated only for a moment before you spoke, knowing that you could tell your papa anything, “We… my teacher taught us about careers today, about the different things we could do when we grow up. We had to draw what we wanted to be and then show and tell the rest of the class.”
-Jack was curious with what you wanted to be, because last week you wanted to be a princess, then the week before that you wanted to be a gladiator, and the week before that you wanted to be an astronaut!
-You sniffled softly, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand as Jack pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, silently urging you to continue.
-You looked up at him, your eyes shiny with tears, “I drew a tea party shop! Like the one you and Uncle Hercules and me went to. I want to open my own tea party shop!” Jack knew what you were talking about, it was a tea shop that offered afternoon tea parties.
-Jack’s eyes closed, remembering that fondly as you had such a big smile on your face because the three of your dressed up for it and you had so much fun.
-Jack’s brows furrowed in confusion, “What happened?” you broke eye contact, looking back down at your hot chocolate, the whipped cream almost completely melted now, “They- all the other students and my teacher laughed at me. They all said that was silly and my teacher said that wasn’t a career.”
-Jack felt his blood boiling, but didn’t let it show, he never wanted you to see him angry, “They’re the foolish ones, Y/N. Your dream isn’t silly- it’s admirable. You want to make other people happy- remember how happy you were when the shop proprietress brought the tea tower over and you made her smile- that’s what you want to do for others, right?”
-You nodded, your eyes sparkly, “Yes! And wear fancy aprons and make fancy cakes and tiny sandwiches!” Jack chuckled warmly, his eyes closing, “Then do it- if that’s what you want to do- I’ll support you. They shouldn’t have laughed at you- none of them should have, especially your teacher. It’s important for adults to inspire and empower children- no belittle them. She was wrong to that, Y/N, and your friends were wrong to laugh at you. Did you laugh at their dreams?”
-You shook your head, smiling up at him, “No I clapped and told them how amazing they were for wanting to be their own careers.” Jack pecked your forehead, “Then they should have done the same thing for you, because that’s what friends are for.”
-Your eyes were wide, and you smiled softly, calming down now as you hugged him tightly, “Thank you papa.” He smiled, wrapping his arms around you, hugging you back, “You’re welcome my darling. However… I don’t want this to happen to other students, so maybe I need to have a word with your teacher.”
-You didn’t hear the meaning behind his tone, but after talking for a while, you both had an idea, throwing a tea party at school, as the tea shop you went to did catering!
-Your friends were all in awe over the fancy (plastic) teacups and the tea towers filled with cakes and sandwiches the following day, all of them in awe and having so much fun as you beamed, telling them that this is what you wanted to do.
-Many of your friends apologized, after they said this was amazing but you reminded them that they all laughed at you and called your idea silly the previous day. Jack was happy to see you happy again, however your teacher wasn’t happy, as Jack put in a formal complaint against her for her treatment against you, finding it unprofessional and now she was going to be subjected to a review of how she did things in her class.
-However, she knew better than to mess with you until then, not with the chill she felt from your father when he arrived in the principal’s office that morning for the formal meeting. She couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling she had about him, one that told her not to mess with him or you.
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rugggie · 1 year
malleus draconia x F!reader fluff
Synopsis- malleus visits y/n and she teaches him how to play a few games!
B/n = brothers name
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You were just about to go to bed, but the bright green light that appeared just outside your yard meant one thing, malleus had come to visit!
You had just put your sleep set on, but decided it was a bit to chilly outside for tiny shorts and a tank top so you grabbed a sweater and your beat up f/c converse on ran outside going to great your friend.
"Hello child of man." He said rather formally
"Hi malleus!" You beamed, It's been a while since you two have had one of your night walks.
Without saying a word you both took the familiar dirt path, walks like these were very relaxing. Especially after a long week of cleaning up after the adeuce duo. "How was your week?" He asked gently
"Good, except yesterday would have been my little brother, B/n birthday.." you sighed feeling extremely homesick. It's already been 4 months since you came here, and it feels like Crowley never makes any progress on finding you a way home.
"Ah, I see. I'm sorry you have to miss such a important event, how old is he turning?" Malleus apologized, feeling remorse for you.
"13 he's going into 7th grade." You said with a small smile thinking about all of your guy's silly moments together.
It almost seemed like malleus didn't know what to say, almost all of him wants you to stay here forever. Be with him forever, but he knows your only human. He feels incredibly selfish for feeling this way, (which he should) so he suppresses it. But that tiny, tiny bit of him just wants to see you happy, the love of his life (even if he hasn't told you yet) happy, back home with her family.
"Ah- sorry for pushing that on you, it's sorta a touchy subject so I get a little sad thinking about it" you apologized feeling a little embarrassed
"Don't apologize, I was just thinking." He said, with a very content face. "So how was it like growing up with your little brother?" He added very intrigued.
"He was quite the handful to say the least." You giggle reminiscing on the days when he was younger. "This one time we were playing tic-tac-toe and he got so mad at me he ripped the paper up and threw it at me." You kept rambling on with different stories of you and your little brother, malleus intently listened happy to be getting a small peek into your upbringing.
"Hey, do you maybe wanna play tic-tac-toe?" You asked when you both made your round back to ramshackle.
"Sounds delightful" he said taking a seat on the concrete stairs.
"Okay! Lemme go get pens, and paper" you said rushing back into the dorm, you loved this game since you were little due to the fact you always won. You collected the materials and ran back outside excited to show him.
"You've played before, right?" You questioned taking a seat on the stair below him.
"Mhm, though it was a while ago so i may be rusty." He muttered watching you draw the battle field. Sure it was a little messy, but you drew it.
"What color?" You held up a pink and orange pen waving them in front of his face. "Orange it is" you said as he snagged it out of your hand
You both started playing, since he was the "newbie" you let him go first, he placed his X right in the middle. You placed your O in the top right corner setting your plan into motion.
Malleus never saw it coming, you just kept winning how? He thought looking over at you.
"How do you keep winning?" He said examining the paper
"It's my secret strategy!" You teased "wanna know it?" You whispered leaning closer to him
He felt weird excepting, the emphasis on secret made it feel like something he shouldn't know. It being your secret was what made him feel him feel dirty as he nodded his head letting you show him.
"See if you fill out these 3 corners than you have an automatic win!" You smiled showing him the paper.
"Child of man, you truly are fascinating.." he said with the most childlike curiosity ever.
"Hey, malleus thank you for helping me take my mind off my home world things" you said with the utmost gratitude, it has been weighing on you for quite some time now
"You're welcome, though that wasn't my intention." He said feeling his checks heat up, with you he never seemed to realize how time flew by. Even though he cannot tell you how he feels about you right now. this was good enough for him.
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kianasflowers · 6 days
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—In which you use Sunday as an escape from your past experiences from the Astral Express, but as a consequence, you hopelessly fall in love. But when two personalities clash and love tangles itself in depths of you aching heart, how will you escape as you watch him drift from your embrace, returning to the once place you called home as you take his?
—ANGST?, FLUFF, chucky time-skipping (Was meant to be a fic, but I gave up lmao), OOC, arguments, light gore, swearing, grammar mistakes, suggestive language, and hinted NSWF.
—WC : 2.5k. The second part will make up for it... half of this got deleted, and I gave up because of that. That's why it doesn't flow very well. But it's for a friend so.
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❛Do you think people are liars, Y/N?❜
The words the red–head mumbled that day stayed in your head. Each sound, the very movements of her mouth—embraced in the back of your mind as you stared at the ring with utter confusion. How long? You were unsure, but this wasn't your plan. To be wedded to the Head of the Oak Family was one's dream, but not yours... or so you thought at the time.
Do you regret saying yes? Watching as he slipped that beauty along your bare finger, pushing past your skin until it was perfectly in place? Or perhaps love had crowded your mind and that once selfish desire was burnt to a crisp, lust, and love being the thing you so desperately wanted to feel with him. To be cradled in his arms, finding contentment as he whispered sweet nothing's, admiring your curved figure with his delicate gloved hands as he did so.
Silly you, the voice always managed to muster against those feelings. He'll break you. No one deserves love. Especially a creature like you. Maybe Ruan Mei was correct. You were just an experiment, but right now, why couldn't you be here? Crying in his arms as happiness evaded your mind into a fog of everlasting love and lust. To feel and love him completely for him—oh, how much you hadn't realised you had craved this flutter in your heart.
Or maybe you regret leaving them? Your home, letting yourself glide through the galaxies with a smile—laughing and screaming as you fought back against the rather... intimating monsters slashing their claws against your soft skin, leaving large gashes and scars, but that's a part of the nice, is it not?
But it's fine. You laid in bed beside him, tracing up and down his figure as he planted kisses along your collarbone, "Look at you... can you believe that we're getting married tomorrow? You'll look even more like a goddess than you do now." Oh, how he had a way with words, so charming, so soft. Each sound rolling off his tongue—so calculated, and slowly, it made you melt on the exact spot. He was so—different—around you... His hand ran to glide down your hip, his fingertips drawing patterns until he drew closer to your inner thigh. It left you with a shiver as you pushed him onto his back, "Hey!" You giggled, cheeks flushed with a light pink.
He smiled, catching your lips against his. It was calm and loving. A feeling you didn't want to ever escape—his arms crept up your waist, dragging you over so you were now on top of him. You slowly pulled back, watching his face pulled a fake pout at your movements. As you saw his bottom lip form downwards, you snorted, playfully yet lightly, hitting his shoulder, "Oh you big baby!" You giggled, the noise making Sunday soften.
You drew your head to burry into his neck, gently taking in the warmth the winged-man held. He went still, his golden eyes staring at the ceiling. Maybe life wasn't always going to be so controlling and organized? Perhaps it was time for him to finally lay back, have some fun with a genuine smile. All his loved ones were busy or simply in the sky, but with you here, that was different.
The silence was heavy but it was cut off by the hums of the man—he did it every night, gently rocking and singing a lullaby to soothe you into a deep slumber. Sometimes you wished you could do the same, to ease the stress that played his heartstrings. To let him go, to help him feel the feeling you felt but— you were out cold. Embraced in his arms with a soft smile.
❝Sleep well, my little dove. For tomorrow is a new day without worries.❞
And so it was...
Through the haze of never-ending solace or anger buried deep in your heart, swirling as you find yourself dizzy, you twirl in his embrace. Your dress fluttering as you giggle, the noise falling off your lips as he pushed your flower littered veil backwards, "Look at you, so gorgeous." He mumbled, his features soft as his forehead pressed against yours.
And for a spilt second, just one, every hour you spent trying seemed to disappear. Himeko said your fate was yours to make. It didn't matter. So, like the freedom the Path of the Trailblazing gave you, the freedom of Harmony offered. It was so perfect. Like nothing could go wrong, "You really think so?" You said, trying to ignore the tears of happiness swelling in your e/c eyes.
His soft smile and perfect facial features didn't falter under your gorgeous gaze, "I know so." He muttered, his gloved fingers tracing over the collarbone of your neck. His breath was warm, controlled—hot and fuzzy until the shimmer of lights casting down onto you both. He buried his face into the crook of your neck as the rhythmic melody came to a pause. You could feel the buzz and vibrations of his lovely whispers, "A beautiful angel from heaven." You felt him plant a kiss on your sensitive skin which left your face red and heart beating in a flustered manner, "Forever mine, like I am to you." Again with the compliments... he knew how to push each and every one of your buttons. How... charming.
It did feel strange, to be married to such a man... but it was nice, for now I suppose. So you let yourself be free, to enjoy the days to come in his embrace. To feel him for himself, to guide each other into skies... hand in hand, smile plastered on both of your features—forever tied together, tangled in the fate of red string called love.
Or was that so? Every since you two had gotten married he became... colder. I suppose the Charmony Festival was approaching but it felt off. When you went to visit him in his office, it was a lot eerie. You wanted to speak, but something kept your throat closed as you glanced at him—papers on papers, leg tapping and finger tapping drifting the tense silence away.
When he offered for you to help him—to join the Oak Family, you accepted! Thinking it would bring you closer to him but that was a sweet lie. He gave you jobs to do with the odd kiss on your cheek. You felt alone, abandoned under his gaze.
So you clenched your folders of letters, slowly dragging yourself into his office with a huff. When you found yourself in there, the smell of coffee wafted into your nose. You muttered words under your breathe, praying to the Aeons above that he was okay and he wasn't holding a grudge against you.
When you found him, he was sat down at his desk—pen in hand as he wrote words on words. You slipped past him, walking over to place down the letters, "How are you going, dear?" You asked but no response. You huffed, eyes turning to look at him until you noticed something... a rather large red cut along his cut.
..Why didn't he go to you for help? Or at least tell you?
You walked over, gripping his shirt as you forcefully grabbed his cheek, the cut feeling warm against your skin, "You fucking idiot! You're hurt... how are you so calm about this?" Your voice came out sharp and fast, almost shaky. He sighed, pushing you away as he grabbed his pen which he had dropped, "Oh, you are not working." You said with disbelief in your tone to which he responded with a death glare, shooting daggers into your face. You stepped backwards, your legs loosing balance.
"You treat me like a child. Y/N, if you're not going to be helpful then you can be dismissed." You watched his hand clench tightly against the table. Your body grew into a shake as tears swelled in your eyes, head dipping downwards with sorrow. He saw your movements, all of them, but choose to ignore them, "I'm stressed enough with Robin's condition, I don't need your bickering. If you cared for Robin then you'll leave."
"..If you stop being so controlling and stubborn, maybe I would understand! And yes, I do care for Robin. For the sake of Harmony, she's one of my closest friends. I-I just... your my best friend Sunday. So fucking realise that and LISTEN to me!" Waves of tears fell down your face, you tried to rub them away but no matter what you did, nothing seemed to soothe them. "I have a question..."
He looked at you, "If me and Robin had swapped places. If... I was the one getting shot, would you care this much as you do with Robin? Or am I just an object for you to use?"
No response. Bitter silence.
Everyday after that, his heart ached. Unsure how to make it up to you as you stumbled around his office, complaining and questioning your love to him. It hurt, but he didn't want you to see that. Never, ever could you know that he was breaking, slowly loosing his sense of reality as he became the puppet on the strings. So, forcing himself forward he decided it would be best to see you. To make it up, even if it wouldn't solve all the problems he had caused.
As you walked through the streets, face dazzled in awe, you found a hand sliding up your back—you gasped, shoulders hunching as you felt the figure pull you backwards... but your fright came to an ease as you saw wings flutter in front of your face, "Careful," He muttered, drawing his arms to wrap his jacket around you, "You'll get sick in this weather." His soft lips perked up against your forward which you returned with a tight hug. He sighed softly, rubbing your back slowly as his fingers snaked around to twirl your strands on hair.
It was... unusual. You didn't know whether or not you liked the feeling.
But as the words echoed off his mouth, you sneezed, head bouncing forward with the movement. You watched his eyebrows furrowed inwards as his grip tightened, "How long have you been outside for? Your skin, it's freezing." His warm gloved hands caressed up and down on your exposed areas. You shifted to the side, trying to ignore his question but he didn't listen. Instead, he leaned forward and hovered his lips against your ear, "Are you going to respond to your poor old husband..?" A laughter escaped his throat as you felt his hands now secluded around your hips.
You gulped, now admitting defeat as you buried your face into his shoulder, "Sorry..." You groggily slurred out, but again, you sneezed. He sighed, taking your hand into his as he stared out towards the city lights. He looked so enchanting, so dazzling against the shimmers... you always wondered how you got so lucky but, knowing everything going on, you didn't know if you and Sunday were truly a thing. Were you truly the stars in heaven, the salt in the water, the sun to his moon? Was everything he said ever true? Perhaps yes, perhaps no, but why did it matter? Everything was perfect right now and being in his arms was just enough to keep the memories at bay.
You flicked his golden earring backwards and forwards, the weight feeling like a feather on your fingertips, "Let's take you back. You're freezing. I'll go run your errands for you. I'll mark you off work for the day," He hummed, his face finding it's way to burry into the crook of his neck—as you went to speak, you felt the vibrations of a 'shush' glide across your skin, goosebumps forming as a result, "Don't even bother to feel bad, nor waste a single breath on it. I think your health is more important than some papers that need to be delivered. It won't affect my work a little." Lies. But sweet lies to soothe the ache in your heart and he knew it.
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..Do you enjoy those memories with him? Did you enjoy the happiness, the sorrow? The time he had used you to bring back Ena? Yes. He did love you but he was a puppet on strings and if betraying you was apart of the plan, he would do it. He would slash your back, forcefully grab your heart if he needed too. And though the sins would haunt him, it was for THEM... for a better life.
The worst part? The family made you the head of the Oak Family. It scared you, deeply. To carry his sins on your back as you helped Penacony through the troubles. Sunday's ex-wife, taking his position, how... ironic. 
You didn't know why Jade let you see him, but it ached. Watching him shudder under the chains as he pleaded for you to leave, telling you to run off with Robin, guide her to safety since he simply couldn't—every single time you inched closer to his broken body, he looked down at ground, simply... unable to look at his now ex–lover, "I told you," you muttered, shaky hands drawing forward as your heart started to beat fast, "I was afraid to love. But watching you, all my doubt disappeared. It was one step closer to feeling free. So darling, don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years, and I shall for a thousand more." You kissed his forehead, drawing your body away as tears poured down your bruised face. He blamed it all on himself, everything.
"But you're that one step closer to freedom... and I'll continue to wait for you. Be free, my dove, fly the skylines, and find your peace."
All his doubts disappeared, like a click. As your figure started to fade, he called out, "From day one, your beauty still stands. An angel from heaven, a blooming forever rose. I'll love you until I venture back to you, where we can be together once more for one last time." That didn't help the tears... but a soft smile found your features. Chuckling, you turned around to look at him with a smile, "You've grown so much... isn't it fun, Sunny? I'll wait until that day."
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You grabbed his hand, tugging him forward with a bright smile. His eyes, swollen from the boiling tears swelling in his eyelids, glanced at your figure before freezing on your soft facial features. The way your cheeks raised and how the words hummed off from lips, each sound coming from your throat drenched in the sweet essence of honey was just comforting to him. Oh, how he had longed to hold you in his arms, whisper the sweet nothing's into your ear as he twisted the expensive ring on your finger. But all he was doing was fidgeting with the piece of jewellery you had given him all those years back.
The sliver metal engraved with his birth flower and stone in the middle, he couldn't help but let a tear shimmer down his face as he listened to your voice on the radio. As it faded away, a tune, soft and melodic filled his ears. He lightly gasped, head jerking to look at the ground with shaky eyes, "We we're never meant to be." He muttered, "For the bird, whose wings ran dry and ugly, could never stand beside the two who were laced with elegance and beauty." He slipped off the ring, "For you and I,"
It fell, "We're never truly together."
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fecto-forgo · 4 months
Zan Parmesan
not her name.
favorite thing about them:god ill never get tired of an evil woman w a serious attitude whos a massive cunt n silly abt being evil n murder-y.mix her w being an overly loyal subordinate to someone who doesnt deserve it from how they treat her at all which ties into the games themes of healthy n unhealthy relationships ?? kumazaki did you make her for me.
also the kirby character whose lore had to be censored in translation bc of a v obvious implication she attempted suicide.they had so much fun w KSA.shes amazing fr
also also shes seems to be a competitive sore loser thats so endearing
least favorite thing about them:there is no flaw in perfection.
favorite line:ok listen ik her twitter nicknames r hilarious n calling taranzas face idiotic was even funnier but calling magolor a "self proclaimed best friend" was COLD.get his ass ig girl godamn
brOTP:i like to think she n taranza get along um.eventually.i think he was just rly sympathetic abt her situation even if shes...not the best to work with at first
OTP:suzan is my favorite yuri i think theyre soo fun to pair together in personality n as foils if youre delulu enough like me
nOTP:hyness.even if the person doesnt interpret them as family i just loathe it id bite someone over this.
also magolor bc i frankly rly dig the theory magolor used to be in the jamba cult so to me theyre some kind of siblings.even if hes absolutely disowned lmao
random headcanon:ok ok yk how the one time i drew the mages gijinkas i designed them to look more like corpses in a way? that translates over to my headcanon designs of their official designs ! since she died from a lighting strike she has a lichtenberg scar on her back that never faded (she does get them p often from her own magic but the others all fade quite fast).the strike also gave her some degree of hearing loss n shes since developed some vision problems as well.the way i hc the girls revivals worked is their bodies r stuck w the damaged state ? as the default so those dont heal away w any convenient magic, theres still some magic aids though.she could also just get glasses for conveniences sake but i think shed rather die
unpopular opinion:ppl who call her or her sisters or even hyness underwritten can fight me.i literally dont know what theyre on abt theyre developed the same way other kirby characters r n zans character specially ties in w the relationship theme KSA has?? theyre completely fine characters what the hell r you guys on abt.i dont wanna point fingers but sounds like that+a lot of common KSA complaints r another case of fandom "something in this game didnt satisfy me so im latching on every stretched complaint to have a better excuse to be angry" syndrome
song i associate with them:partner in crime by madilyn mei + chop suey by system of down
favorite picture of them:
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look at her 🥺 shes so cutie patootie 🥺
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chazmcfreelyhater · 11 months
omg. so I realised that after I drew Chaz/TOBOR content one time that i haven’t actually shared how important they are to me. erm. so I have made a silly little document of background/headcanons that could have been pages long but I didn’t want to be TOO insane.
also BIG DISCLAIMER the TOBOR headcanons and art at the bottom belong to Chiptoons on Insta/Chipt00ns on Twitter. SHE IS AMAZING and helped me to edit this doc so thank u for ur service chippy. thank you for inventing tobor mysims
They became friends because we were friends and it was like dragging our children along to a function and being like “ok now go play w the other kids” lol. lmao.
We both have OCs x canon with the robots so that's pretty much where it all started from- I probably won’t do a whole timeline at least for now but basically Makoto, Naomi (Louie’s OC) and Vivian (Chippy’s OC) would all spend time together regularly until they started inviting the bohs along
TOBOR was. a bit suspicious of Chaz at first since he had some pretty bad trust issues when it came to humans, and also because that’s usually the normal reaction to meeting Chaz, but he honestly wasn’t super phased by it. Chaz was used to people being kinda cold towards him yet also had a tendency to latch onto them anyway. Even though he spent hours actively trying to annoy him and talk about bike mechanics, which was pretty much just his attempt at being friendly and having fun- the biggest thing for TOBOR was that Chaz would never use the fact that he was a robot against him. Like he would never treat him like any less of a person, to Chaz he literally was just Some cool dude with a green head
Even when they become like Friend friends they still are surprisingly careful around eachothers’ boundaries. Tbh a lot of their relationship is built off things most people wouldn’t expect from them, as in the two scary bitch boys are actually very respectful of eachother and keep secretz and look out for the other n their bffs. It’s not OOC if we make the chars. IDGAF
They actually didn’t think they’d get as close as they did: TOBOR and Chaz essentially see eachother as brothers at this point, since they (mostly through accident) found out they had a surprising amount in common, with the way people kinda assumed stuff about them beforehand and were not the nicest . Chaz considers him one of his best friends bc he is CRINGE and is still constantly out to annoy him but at this point TOBOR just effortlessly shows him up. Chaz also likes to bully him on account of he hearts Vivian and you know what who doesn’t. They both got parental issues too which they also kinda relate to each other with; sometimes there will be stuff between them that they tease eachother for RELENTLESSLY, but if anyone else were to bring it up at all they would be killed within the second. TOBOR tends to stick up for Chaz a lot since he is more naïve and struggles to see when people are actually trying to upset him instead of just being Chaz Haterz for fun. Defending people and having their backs is his love language.
There is also a whole thing in the future with him/Makoto being more closely associated with the Delarosarenas but I don’t want to overshare or b cringe but Kerry literally adores TOBOR and the fact he loves cooking :> he simply IS her new son and she displays interest in hiring him one day. If the lab thing doesn’t work out. Which it is not. Again they r like BROTHERS make no mistake we do not ship them.
Silly little HC list for the fun of it:
Chaz likes to attempt to tackle TOBOR every time he sees him and it always ends in an injury.
TOBOR is secretly very good w Chaz’s younger family members.
TOBOR attempted to teach Travis how to cook for Chaz romantic style. After it all went to shit he informed the Englishman the only way to save it would be to fake his own death.
Chaz’s favourite name for TOBOR is “Flat Head Ass”, closely followed by “Toby”. His bro name for them is “Chobor”. TOBOR is repulsed by every single thing that comes out of his mouth.
TOBOR considers Naomi a little sister. Not super relevant but when Chippy said he probably did I wept. oh how I wept
Toborviv bridal party at Chavis wedding. I may be cringe but I am free.
TOBOR succumbs to the fact he is in love with Vivian. Instead of confessing, he panics and asks Chaz, who has NO electronic experience, to program it out of him. They both damn near die, bro style
TOBOR LETS HIM INFODUMP he is happy that Chaz trusts him ahehe
WTF!!! Da gallery:
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gorgugplushie · 9 months
Nobody asked but i cant stop thinking abt it so
Fabian - canonically doesn't know what mobile games are, much less actual videogames. He sort of sees them as pointless (why do quests and adventures in a videogame when he could just do them in real life?) Of course the bad kids pull him into their gaming sessions, though he spends most of them asking what the controls are again and raising an eyebrow at their shenanigans. Ragh sits him down and makes him play some sport based video games which he does enjoy, he can get really into it if you give him time (he yells so so loud) he also gets into ddr style games bc he likes beating the other bdkds at them. Videogames are a good excuse to hang but he'd rather go out and play football irl.
Kristen - coming from a heavily sheltered and what i assume monitored family, kristen probablyyy isnt all that into videogames. At most i think she'd have some mobile games like idk candy crush on her phone, like fabian she'd get confused and spend her in game time running around and just watching the others play, she goes along w the others shenanigans v easily tho and loves doing silly bits while playing.
Riz - Riz is the type to play window games on their families shared computer for hours on end. Stuff like sudoku, pinballs, or solitaire. He'd love those games like the nancy drew mystery ones, or those games where you find items like I Spy. The only downside is he gets unhealthily fixated and will spend 3 days getting to lvl 100+ on Tetris if you let him, obsessed w 100% games and making funny number go up. Surprisingly good at rhythm games.
Adaine - into open world games, like fallout or outerwilds. Will spend days writing and churning out backstory and lore for her in game character. Veryyy picky and wants every decision to be true to their newest ocs backstory, will spend a solid hour on the character creation screen. She also loves more violent shooting games, although playing online with strangers gives her anxiety and she cannn get gamer rage, she'll get fixated on getting stuff like headshots and Winning and Being a good teammate that she'll start shaking and have to step away from playing for a bit. Single player fighting games w blood where she can turn her brain off and just fight are more cathartic for her. I feel like she ends up doing insane shit in them like saw and hack off limbs and go full dark story mode route and then regret it so so much and lie awake at night not sleeping bc of it and delete the save file. Its her dark secret shell take to the grave.
Fig - plays a large range of games, mainly more colorful and silly goofy ones she can play with the badkids. Shes sort of a little nuisance in games tho, she will troll and grief a lil bc she finds it funny. In singleplayer games she does love being a huge stinker and do silly stuff like pickpocket and get caught or accidentally set a bomb off in the middle of a cutscene or glitch her character to a-pose, she does a bunch of shit and laughs and doesn't take it seriously at all. Like adaine she also gets gamer rage. she gets them both banded from online for a month bc they team up to cast a spell on someone thru the screen. LOVESS shit like guitar hero and skater games sooo much, also into those wwe type games. Cant stomach horror at all but will make the rest of the kids sit down and play horror games w her so they can laugh and scream together.
Gorgug - he tends to like more older games, say in the style of star fox/loz and stuff. His parents gave him and older gaming system when he was younger n he still has it around and collects games for it, its seeing a lot more use than it originally did bc now he has friends to play with. The type of guy to still carry their ds around. I feel like hed also modify and rom hack stuff for his friends. He likes going to the arcade in person and playing there than sitting in front of a computer.
Ayda - yes im including her shes a gamer girl in my heart. I feel like she loves life sims/complex puzzle games, stuff like slime rancher, portal, animal crossing. She has 1000+ hours into a single sims save file. She spends hours and hours building and working on the most elaborate farming system for whatever new sim shes getting invested in. She especially loves organizing in games, she gets a bit antsy playing more survival based games with the bad kids because they leave their systems so unorganized (shes def the type to redo the entire base from top to bottom in dont starve while the rest die off screen). neat and orderly decoration is soo fun for her and the bad kids try not to step on her turf too much. refuses to play multiplayer if it's with anyone else but the badkids, but if anyone would start a gaming channel its her. will do obscenely gay cutesy stuff w fig n game. They build their own little base and junk and pretend to hosts weddings n stuff. Shes also very into speed running and breaking games with glitches to figure out how they work.
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