#his new ship is cool and badass but there is no room for cuddles
Idk of this request is even possible but what if: the reader gifted Din a Razor Crest?
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It's very subtle (b/c i wrote it then forgot i wrote it then remembered and haven't finished fleshing it out), but in the early chapters of AFS Peli and Nima mention the Razor Crest. They're currently in the process of rebuilding it. It's a full ass process though b/c they're building it from ground up essentially.
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Mirdal’ika (Din Djarin x f!Reader)
Summary: Reader takes care of the Razor Crest and the child while Mando is out hunting. When Mando doesn’t return when he’s supposed to, the book-smart reader has to learn some street smarts and help her Mandalorian.
WC: 4.6k
Warnings: violence, cussing, mentions of blood
A/N: Okay, I’m a nerd, a certified nerd as if that wasn’t clear. This is my love letter to the nerds out there, to the ones who had their first kiss a little late, who stayed in and read books rather than partying. I love you, you’re cool. Italics are for emphasis and internal dialogue, but in some places also to show that another language is being spoken. Hopefully that’s clear! Oh, also: mirdal’ika is a word of my own creation. No Mando’a word exists for “nerd” that I could find, so this is my interpretation of the language using my best etymological skills!
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mirdala= intelligent, clever -’ika = suffix meaning small or little mirdal’ika = intelligent little one; Mando’a slang meaning nerd.
Growing up, you were the kid who had her nose buried in a book at all times. You rarely interacted with the outside world. While the other children on Tatooine made sandcastles or played games, drawing in the sand, you read encyclopedias and fact books, learning about the other planets in your systems and other cultures. Your fixation at age 12 had been on Mandalorian culture, fascinated by the warriors that were like faraway, mythical knights to your young self. As a child enraptured by fairy tales and stories of intergalactic heroes like Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, you’d somehow always been enchanted by the bad-boy type, the dark and mysterious man who reluctantly saves the day, more along the lines of Han Solo. Naturally, the fact that Mandalorians never showed their face was mysterious, and you’d admit that you dreamed of being swept away by the Mand’alor and having the privilege of being the sole person to see their face, of being a queen and finding true love. You later moved on to research other cultures, even teaching yourself various galactic languages should you ever get the chance to travel. That didn’t seem likely, growing up on a planet where the only claim to fame was Luke Skywalker’s brief residence a few towns over. Your knowledge of Mandalorian culture was part of what made you so special to Mando, your employer-friend-coworker-roommate-co-parent whose name you had yet to learn. You never asked questions of him. Never asked him to take off his helmet, never asked him what was under it, never asked anything too personal, understood that the helmet could only come off in front of members of his clan. You’d cut him off and finish a sentence when he’d explain something of his customs to you, stunning him with your knowledge. He liked it, and by association he liked you. You had bore much of your life story to him, and he gladly would’ve given you some of his. He had come to like you, to trust you even, but you never asked. For fear you wouldn’t want to hear it, he held back. You even spoke Mando’a, though he didn’t know that. It always brought a smirk to your face as he’d turn his back after calling you some sweet words in his native tongue, thinking you’d be oblivious. It shocked you at first; you didn’t expect such a stoic and silent man to be so openly flirtatious, but after a while it most certainly grew on you. You would tease him equally in another tongue, calling him handsome or dashing in Pak Pak or Bothese. It was fun, the way he’d try to guess what you were saying, usually assuming it meant something negative.
With your vast knowledge of languages, you’d both expected that you would be able to interpret the words of Mando’s adopted son, that his babbling would be easily deciphered into some species’ tongue. Eventually you realized that he wasn’t speaking a language yet, simply regurgitating syllables like any child would. He was a baby, after all. You set out to make it your mission to teach the child languages when Mando was away, and he had begun to identify the meaning of words, even if he couldn’t say them himself. He could identify body parts on himself, you by your name, and Mando by his; well, the name you called him, which you knew wasn’t his real name. Mando had taken you on as a crewmate for the Razor Crest a few months ago now, and you still knew next to nothing about the beskar-clad warrior. He was a forward man, so you assumed he would tell you things when he was ready. That’s about all you knew: he was a man, and he was a Mandalorian. He wanted to tell you everything, especially the fact that he had been enchanted by your intelligence and wit since the first time he met you, stopping on Tatooine for a bounty and encountering you when he asked a fellow villager who the most knowledgeable person around was. The tiny green thing he held was a menace, and you cared for him while the Mandalorian man went and hunted his bounty. The child was hesitant to leave you, getting attached after a quick few days of staying in your hut, and the man had decided you could be valuable. Just before he walked through the door, he turned and offered you a job. You were shy when you accepted, and had nursed a crush the whole time you two had traveled together. You couldn’t believe the situation, just like in those trashy novels you’d read when you were interested in his culture. Now that you lived with him and the tiny green thing, you stayed aboard his ship while he hunted and cared for the kid, cleaned, fixed up the piece of junk, and generally ran the almost-household. It was enjoyable; you liked the man, especially once you came to find his sense of humor similar to your own, and you absolutely adored the child in your care. Your little ragtag crew fell into a rhythm after the first month or so: Mando would leave on a hunt for a few days. While he was gone, you’d play with the baby, feed him and care for him. You washed the blood and dirt from the man’s clothing and the child’s bile from the clothing belonging to you and the baby, taught the child new words, and generally… well, raised him. The baby felt like your child when you two were alone, but when the Mandalorian came home, he was the only thing visible in that child’s round black eyes. It was all about him, sitting in his lap, babbling incoherent words to him, playing with him. Luckily for you, the Mandalorian is on a hunt. You and the child sit in the bed compartment; you lie on the mattress and the child rests in his mesh hammock above the entry. At the last port, you picked up as many books as possible to entertain both you and the child. He loved listening to your voice, and so you happily read aloud to him as you rest together. The Mandalorian should be home tonight, you figured, since he told you that this was a rather easy bounty and that it should take him no more than 3 days. It’s now a couple hours after the third day, but you’re sure it’s fine. The child’s eyes droop closed as you read to him, flawlessly translating the book from the Pak Pak it was written in. The Basic words pour from your mouth, and the little thing gives a gentle yawn before curling up with his favorite blanket and silver ball and passing out. Looking up, you laugh at the sight softly and transition to reading in your head. Not long after the kid falls asleep, you follow. It was unintentional, but reading soothes you, and the perfectly cozy bed that smells like Mando draws you in further and further until sleep washes over your body. You hug one pillow to your chest as you sleep, imagining it was the man’s body you cuddled up against. - Mando is 24 hours late. You’ve been pacing in the ship since you realized it’s officially a day later than he said he’d be back. Dammit, you’re going to find that man. You’re not unaccustomed to violence, having been in scuffles as a child and teen, fighting off Jawas or unsavory men in Tatooine cantinas. You need to track him down and find him. First, you go up to the cockpit and look at the comm watch he gave you. It has a two-way tracking device; one for him to find you, and one for you to find him. Mando has the technology to see where you are built into his vambrace. You, however, have nothing. After searching the cockpit, you find and crack open a tracking fob he used in the past. You open the back of the comm watch, finding the bit with the tracker and wire it to the fob. As you connect two wires, the fob suddenly blinks with light. Laughing at the fact that you made it work, you relax a little. Now you can track the Mandalorian man down. After slipping the fob into a pocket of your pants, you scoot back down the ladder and to the cargo hold’s back wall: Mando’s arsenal. You can do this, you tell yourself, and dare to open Mando’s personal armory built into the wall. You strap a holster to your thigh, adding a vibroblade there. A belt with two guns rests on your hips. An ammo belt drapes across your chest, settling between your breasts and pulling your black tank top tight, the back of the leather sash holding Mando’s backup pulse rifle. You take a look in the mirror of the refresher, and you have to admit that you look badass. Weapons and homemade tracker at the ready, you set out to find him. You leave the baby with a trustworthy woman at the hangar, one who has babysat him before for Mando, then enter the bustling city. - Following the blinking and beeping of the fob, you find your way to the opposite end of the city, to a building located near the outskirts. It’s run down and looks abandoned. It makes perfect sense that someone would hide here. As you approach, the beeping of the fob encourages you; the Mandalorian is definitely here. You disable the sound on the fob and slip it in your pocket, grabbing one of the blasters from your hip. As you approach, the building is silent. The roar of the city is quiet but present, and you slip through an open doorway quietly. You scan the rooms, blaster held in front of you and ready to shoot. You take inventory of the first floor and find nothing. The staircase looks terribly old, and you wince as you take your first step onto it and it makes a noise. Now or never, you tell yourself and quickly run up the steps, knowing the noise can’t be avoided, so you’d better make it quick. You reach the top of the steps, pulling out your other blaster, and find a male Twi’lek standing over  a pile of silver and black on the floor. Mando. He’s most definitely unconscious, maybe even- no, he can’t be dead, you can see his slow breathing and the way it makes his body rise and fall. “Fuck,” you say out loud, and the Twi’lek turns towards you. The man is large, much larger than you. He’s overweight and dressed in combat clothes, his face battered and bloody. Your heart sinks as you realize this man is the bounty Mando was going for. You need to start thinking on your feet, and quickly. The man starts to move toward you and you hold out both blasters. “Easy there, nerra,” you tell him in Twi’leki, calling him ‘brother’ to attempt to put him at ease. It doesn’t have the effect that you hoped. “Why are you here?” he asks back, also in Twi’leki, reaching for his weapon. “Don’t draw,” you threaten and inch closer. He was a bail jumper, Mando had informed you before he left, but not for a petty charge; he had escaped in order to avoid several charges of murder. He was a former bounty hunter, who Mando had encountered once. The idea strikes you. “I’m here for him,” you say and nod to the lump of beskar behind the man on the ground. “There’s a bounty on his head. I… heard whoever turns him in gets to keep the beskar too,” you say, raising an eyebrow as you look at him. “You going for him too?” The Twi’lek man shakes his head. “No. He was coming for me. Thought he could beat me.” You seize this opportunity. “From what you look like, I don’t think anyone could. This one is worth a lot of credits. Enough to run away to a pleasure planet… twice over,” you say, inching closer. Mando makes a soft groan and it breaks your heart as he gains consciousness. He must notice you; he starts to moan out words, but you know he can’t speak or he’ll expose you both. “Silence, Mandalorian,” you say again in Basic, words holding acid. “Twice over… let’s bring him in together. Find some wonderful planet to share that bounty on…” you offer, raising an eyebrow and slowly creeping closer to the man. “What’s your name?” You ask. He tells you his and you tell him yours, then give him a seductive smile. The man’s face falls into a smirk. You put both blasters in your belt once more and his posture relaxes fully. “Sounds wonderful to me, beautiful.” “Wow. For a jaded bounty hunter, you’re more foolish than one could ever believe.” Before the man can process your words, you’ve slung the pulse rifle over your shoulder and pull it into position. You shoot a pulse and it finds its target in his chest. He groans in agony and falls backwards, directly on top of Mando. Wincing for the man beneath the hulking Twi’lek, you grab a blaster, shooting the man in each leg. “Mando, hey, it’s me,” you tell him as you roll the behemoth from on top of him. “I’m here,” you murmur. He starts mumbling back, but it’s in Mando’a. That makes sense, you suppose, that he’s reverting in such a moment of crisis. “How hurt are you?” you ask, beginning to speak Mando’a to him in hopes he’ll understand you better. Mando’s brain works through the fog, hearing your words and recognizing that it’s you. “Real bad,” he groans out, speaking his native tongue. You touch his elbow, unprotected by beskar, and he whines. “No, no,” he whimpers, sounding almost like a child. You sigh. This was going to be harder than you expected. “Fuck, how am I going to get you out of here?” The brain function that the Mandalorian has left is your saving grace. “Speeder bike. Hidden down there. We can get on.” “Yes, but how are we going to get you downstairs?” He doesn’t respond, simply groans in pain. If this was going to work without immense pain on his part, some kind of miracle was going to need to happen. “I’m going to drag you down the stairs as carefully as I can, okay? We’ll let gravity do the work. Do you have a good arm?” “The left one… so clever, so smart, pretty girl,” he breathes out, words rasping. You blush at the words but chuckle. He’s in so much pain there’s no way he can think straight now. “I’ll go get the bike, then we’ll get you down there.” This is the hard part, you think to yourself. First, you run down the steps and search for the speeder bike Mando mentioned. You find it and sigh in relief. It’s a piece of junk, but it should do. You position it at the bottom of the stairs and then run up them again. “Okay, this is going to hurt. Can you roll yourself?” “No, shoulder’s all fucked up,” he mumbles and you groan. “Well, I’ll have to drag you on the good one. Get ready.” Taking his good arm, you begin dragging him towards the steps. He groans and you wince. “I’m so sorry, you’re doing so well,” you tell him as you move him. “Here we go.” Once he’s at the top of the steps, you hold him under his armpits, blushing at how close you are. He’s so strong, even injured, and you smile softly to yourself. You lower the two of you down the stairs with careful movements and manage to hold him long enough to get him seated on the speeder bike. He leans forward onto the handles. “One moment,” you tell him. Running up the stairs once more, you shoot another pulse into the bounty. He gives a dazed nod, clearly not understanding anything through the pain he’s in. You can’t let Mando leave this man behind. You’re sure he’s unconscious, so you repeat the same movements as before but with next to no gentleness. You toss him on the back of the speeder bike, where the gunner would sit, and tie him down with ropes before covering him with a blanket. “Alright, back to the ship as quick as we possibly can,” you inform Mando and get the speeder to a door wide enough to fit it through. Once it works, you hop on between Mando and the handlebar and start it up, moving as quickly as you possibly can. Soon enough, you’re back at the hangar that holds the Razor Crest. You enter the back way, using the speeder bike entrance. You hop off quickly and park it by the Crest. “Stay right there, I’m going to get this asshole into the carbonite,” you tell Mando. His consciousness hasn’t been clear for at least a day. He didn’t even process the fact that you had grabbed the bounty. “What? You got him?” “One of us had to,” you tease, enjoying the fact that the two of you are finally conversing in his native tongue. You’ve always loved Mando’a, the way the words sound rolling off your tongue. You untie the man, still unconscious, and haul him up the ramp of the Crest. You’ve seen Mando work the carbonite freezer once or twice, and you hope you press the right buttons as you force the man onto the slab. “Come on, baby,” you murmur to the machine, hoping it’ll work. With one final button, there’s a hiss and cold air blows from it, freezing him. You sigh in relief. You return to the main hold and pop out a cot for him to lie on. Running back down the ramp, you find the dazed Mandalorian in the exact spot you left him in. “I’m going to carry you into the ship,” you tell him, grunting with effort as you lift his practically deadweight body off of the side and into a standing position. You drag him up and immediately shove him onto the cot. “Fuck, I’m sorry,” you cringe as he moans in pain at the contact with the cot. “One more thing and we’ll get some bacta in you.” The owner of the hangar is waiting for you outside the ship, holding the kid, both confused by the commotion. You very quickly and hurriedly explain to her that everything is fine now, thank her and pay her a generous amount of credits, and rush back onto the ship with the baby. “Keep the speeder!” You shout behind you as you close the ramp. - A full day and a half later, the Mandalorian awakens from a deep slumber with a pounding headache. He sits with a jolt, which only makes the headache worse. He looks around to find that he’s in the Razor Crest, the familiar hum indicating that he’s in hyperspace. The events of the past few days begin to manifest in his memory and he groans, lying back down on the cot. You climb down from the cockpit as you hear him stirring and find him on his side. “Good morning,” you say softly as you sit on the edge of his cot, the kid in your arm. You set the child down and he toddles off elsewhere.  “You were out for a good day and a half,” you tell him and stroke his side softly. “How do you feel?” “Like shit,” he groans, rolling to his back again. He’s hyper aware of your touch, the way your fingers drag down his- oh shit, he’s shirtless, armorless- skin, avoiding the bruises. “You… thank you,” he says, gravelly voice soft. It sinks in that he’s wearing just a pair of shorts and his helmet. You must’ve undressed him, cleaned and bandaged his wounds. His breath catches in his throat. You nod and stroke his good arm. “Of course. That’s why you brought me on, isn’t it?” you tease. He chuckles, but it’s clear that takes effort. “Really, thank you. And you got the bounty too! Shit, mesh’la, I-” he says as he starts to sit, but you push him back down with a hand to his chest, caressing the side of his beskar helmet. “Nayc, stay down,” you tell him, chuckling softly. “Rest. I’ll bring you some water and go back up to the cockpit so you can take off the helmet,” you say with a soft smile, standing and going to where you keep the food and water bottles. As you move, he mulls over the events that led him here. He got knocked down and beat by the man that was supposed to be his bounty. That never happened. You came to rescue him and- wait. You just told him no, nayc, in Mando’a. In fact, you were speaking Mando’a to him the whole time you rescued him, reassuring him and directing him in his native tongue, which he had no idea you spoke until just now. You return with a nutrient bar and water bottle, setting them next to his side on the cot. “I’ll head back up-” you start to say, but he stops you by grabbing his wrist. “You speak Mando’a,” he says simply, looking up at you with wonder behind his mask. “Yeah,” you chuckle and admit, face flushing with warmth. His is equally heating beneath the beskar. He sits up slightly but instead you come to his level, sitting on the edge of the cot and pushing him down with a firm palm to his chest. He chuckles softly. “So you’ve understood me every time I’ve called you beautiful,” he says, a tinge of shyness in his modulated voice. Nodding, you tuck a stray hair back from your face. “I… yes, I have,” you nod, giving him an awkward smile. “I hear you talk in Mando'a in your sleep too, sometimes.” Even his chest is flushing with warmth now. You look away, at a corner of the ship “You talk about your life. People from your past.” The silence hangs between the two of you, your hand still resting in the center of his chest. You slowly drag it to his good shoulder, and down his arm. He clasps your hand in his when it reaches his fingertips. “Have you heard the name Din?” He asks in his native tongue, and you shake your head softly, truthfully. It never came out. “That’s… my name. Din, Din Djarin,” he admits to you, hand squeezing yours softly. You gasp softly, not expecting that information from him. A smile settles on your face after a moment. “Well then. Hello, Din.” You lean down and press your forehead to where his lies beneath the metal. A keldabe kiss, you know, the most intimate gesture a Mandalorian can do. It truly melts his heart, the organ pumping frantically in his chest. “Hello to you too, gorgeous. Wait,” he stops and pushes your face from his, gently. He returns to speaking Basic with a chuckle. “How many languages do you speak?” You look upwards, mentally counting. “Uh. 8 and a half. I’m still not finished with Ubese,” you say and turn back to face him, a shy smile gracing your face. “Wow. You’re a mirdal’ika,” he tells you, the smile evident in his voice even though you can’t see it through the mask. Separately, the syllables make sense. You understand the direct translation, but it’s odd, and you cock your head to the side as you look down at the Mandalorian- no, Din. “Little clever one?” You ask, unsure if you heard him correctly. “Yes, well, that’s the direct translation. It’s really more of a slang term.” “For?” “In Basic… I believe the equivalent would be… nerd.” “Din!” You squeal and laugh, smacking his good shoulder lightly with a backhand. “Excuse me, that’s rude,” you chuckle, the smile growing even wider on your face as you look down at him. He doesn’t respond for a moment and you give a soft sigh. “Well, you need to drink that water. I’ll head back up to the cockpit,” you tell him, really meaning to leave this time, the smile falling. Once again, as you stand and try to move, he grabs your arm. “I… I think I’m going to need help with that,” he admits, almost ashamed. “Please. Stay.” You nod, but then realize what it implicates. “No, Din,” you sigh, shaking your head. “I can’t do that to you, you and that helmet, it’s… it’s your everything, I couldn’t possibly-” “Please, cyare,” he asks in his native tongue again, and your heart melts. “I want you to see me. I need you to see me.” Heart pounding, you take a beat before you respond with a nod. You sit down once more, hands slowly tracing up his sides, then his chest and up to the base of his helmet. “You’re sure. Positive,” you ask. “Of course I am.” With a nod, you allow him to bring his hand to the side to unlatch the lock. Once it releases, he lifts his head just above the pillow and you slide off his helmet, catching the back of his head with one hand and easing it back down to the pillow. You make sure the helmet rests on the floor before you finally look at him. He’s gorgeous, truly. His tanned skin, which you saw when cleaning his wounds, is covered with dark stubble and a mustache on the lower half of his face, broken by two plush lips. Your fingertips trace his jawline as you take in his softly hooked nose, his dark eyebrows, his dark and messy hair, but most importantly, his eyes. His eyes are a beautiful chocolate brown, set gently into his face and looking at you like you’re a shimmering supernova, no, something even more beautiful. For a moment, you get caught up staring at him. “You’re absolutely beautiful, Din,” you mumble in Mando’a. He just gives a soft smile and murmurs his thanks. After you finish staring, you shake your head quickly. “Sorry, the water,” you chuckle nervously, turning to grab it from your other side. Din’s hand catches the side of your face. “The water is a secondary need,” he says softly in Mando’a, turning your face back to his. “I took this off for something else.” His eyes hold a question as he looks up at you. You bite your lip for a moment before breaking into a smile and nodding. The Mandalorian pulls your face down to his, and, ever so gently, your lips finally meet, real and warm and absolutely delicious. You sigh softly, putting a hand on the side of his face too. His lips are softer than you’d expected, while yours are just as beautiful as he dreamed about at night. You both continue for a moment, his hand drifting to your neck, completely lost in each other. A moment later, you pull back and giggle. “I have to admit something, Din,” you tell him and lovingly stroke the side of his face. “It better not be that you’re secretly engaged,” he asks teasingly, a soft smile on his face and raising an eyebrow at you. “No,” you laugh and run your hand through his curls, carding your fingers between the surprisingly soft locks. “That…” you gulp and look away before looking back at him. “Was my first kiss,” you admit and bite down on your bottom lip. He laughs softly but there’s love in his eyes. “A girl as beautiful as you never dated when you were younger? Never went out and flirted with her classmates?” You shake your head. “I was generally too busy at home, reading or teaching myself the language of the man who’d eventually be my first kiss.” You both laugh at that and you grin. His hand rests on the side of your face, gently sweeping his thumb across the skin beneath his fingers. “Of course you were. My little mirdal’ika,” he laughs, bringing your face to his to kiss you once more.
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strawbearisamu · 3 years
♥︎ ship your moots! (only if you have time tho no pressure ofc)
yes my time has come.
@woahsamu + atsumu. hshjsjsj yall are so freaking annoying. you spoil him to bits bc that’s what u do and he treats you like damn royalty. still flirts and acts like he’s trying to woo you. prob does dumb shit intentionally when u have a bad day to make you laugh. unrelated but you guys do really good impressions of each other. kisses you and runs away, tries to get you to chase him, u guys fall & land on top of each other like a rom com get a room ew.
@arrogantsonofabiscuit + mattsun. BBY I KNOW U AND MATTSUN would be amazing tgt. he would tease u endlessly but also yall kinda have that sweetheart and hot guy dynamic. yeah idk what that is either HHSHS. also u guys watch horror movies tgt.
@sumine + suna. JASMINE the both of you have such chill vibes. i’m thinking cafe hopping, picnics, soft dates. but i’m also thinking waterparks, splashing water at each other and tryna see who can hold their breath the longest, you catch him cheating coming up for air halfway and you start play fighting shjsjsj. u guys are always lost in your own world. you hang out w your friends and sometimes he’ll tag along just because.
@charlie-jay + akaashi. u guys are intellectuals. the both of you just connect. you guys would talk for hours at a coffee shop, under the stars, in the sun, you name it. you share a deep and intimate connection bc you guys are so intentional about everything. akaashi probably write you love letters, and you guys have these inside jokes that no one else understands HAHA.
@etherrreal luna + osamu. LUNA imagine cooking tgt w him, youre locked between his arms and the counter and as he guides your hand, molding the rice. PLAYFUL KITCHEN FIGHTS shut up i know it’s cliche HHAHSHS but i KNOW this is u guys. osamu gives u a piggy back everywhere. dawn + oikawa!! i feel like you have similar vibes. oikawa is so whipped for u lol and sometimes you can’t help being dramatic along with him (omg i’m sorry we don’t know each other that well yet dawn please forgive me TT)
@kuroowo + osamu. i feel like the both of you are such self-starters and always pushing each other to do better? late night drives talking endlessly about everything and nothing. always hugging, or holding hands or giggling at each other. like yeah we get it you’re in love HAHASHHSHS. starts setting his alarms an hour early bc u aggressively cuddle him and tell him 5 more mins every morning.
@etherealtobio + mattsun. MAB u and mattsun👌 that super cool couple everyone is envious of. first of all visuals? also you do everything tgt. bookstore- tgt, grocery shopping- tgt. and i feel like mattsun is really good at driving so you guys regularly go on these crazy road trips, fast food, sunsets, making out in the car, u get the vibe :”.
@stationery-store + kuroo. i feel like you guys have the same vibes yk what i mean. like slight crackhead (in the most affectionate way possible), but witty and smart as well. yall would be able to like prank someone and also have deep discussions on existentialism or smth LMAO.
@sunkeiji + akaashi. WHATS NEW HAHA. we all know you guys are disgustingly sweet and unintentionally make everyone else feel really single bahshs. the small little things he does for you? he loves staring at you when you’re so intently focused on something and will spontaneously get the will to hug u HSHD.
@bokutoism + timeskip kenma. hello u guys are the hot badass power couple?? spoils you w stupidly expensive stuff. but also lazy days in bed tgt. if u play games yall r always competing but if you don’t he’ll make you sit on his lap as he plays. prob teaches you how to play a new game the same way. will plan extravagant self-care sessions for u.
@sunatooru + hirugami. b b b. u would look sooo good w hirugami (sachiro). i feel like the both of you are so sweet and caring and empathetic (and cmon he’s so hot), you’re that “love for humanity and the world” couple who’s always iniviting people over, reaching out to friends, and showing them your amazing hospitality in general. but yall do it tgt <3 cus love LOL
@thighridingsamu + iwaizumi. ok morgan i know u love football and i feel like you guys would rave about sports tgt? but more importantly he would be ur hype man 24/7 like you show him an outfit and he’ll be like “hot 💯,” “ass looks good in this.” shskkdjd he probably cooks for u too and makes sure you’re eating right.
@ioveangel + sakusa. you’re a ray a sunshine in his life. you guys balance each other. he’s clingy bc poor babie is touch and attention starved. prob puts socks on your feet on a chilly night but will vehemently deny it. a babie.
@xybi + tendou. HEAR ME OUT. yall prob sneak around tgt. giggling to each other as another one of your victims fall prey to your shenanigans. u guys hang out w each other way too much LOL but really though you guys are just two really sweet people tryna brighten someone’s day tgt. cuddles. lots of em. but also u guys are just devilish for no reason sometimes nd u love it.
@keijee + sakusa. u have a sunny infectious energy and honestly sakusa could benefit from that LMAO. lets you play w his hair but will pretend he hates it. you’re the only person he can recharge with it’s ridiculous, like he’ll randomly cuddle u in the middle of a party just to recharge.
@m3gumiis + komori. athena what can i say. two little puppies.
@oi-oikawa-chan + ushijima. addy this little olive tree will do anything for you. talk to him about anything, he listens so intentionally. and also idk why but imagine u guys w a lot of little adopted pets and plants cus u guys are absolute sweethearts.
@elitparadox + akaashi. like u guys would go on dates to the museum, slow dance in the quiet of the woods, kiss under the night sky. yall are so dramatic for no reason.
don’t boohoo to me if you don’t get your fav HAHA jk kith 😚 i’m drowning in work rn so i’m sry i couldn’t tag everyone but KNOW that ILY :”) mwaa alsoo i jumped around w this and u can 100% i got so tired w some LMAO sry shdjskajs
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myherokatsuki · 3 years
my ask deleted help 💔💔 but for the event!! my self ship is w kirishima! (ofc) we met first year of college! we have the friends to lovers trope bc we did pine after each other for a bit. we are also the extrovert bf x introvert gf type. we often watch movies and cuddle together bc he’s busy and i’m more of a stay at home type person so when we’re together it’s mostly relaxing or if neither of us are too busy we’ll go out on adventures (usually not planned) and do whatever. or late night drives while we listen to music and go get ice cream or something. i hope this was enough! i cant wait and congrats again bb!! 🥺🖤
Thank you Jupiter!!  Hhhh you and Kirishima are so dang cute together.  >w<  I hope you enjoy <3
Event Status: Closed
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“You really wanna watch this movie again?” Eijirou asked, collapsing back against the couch, a hint of a whine to his deep voice as you changed the channel to the same movie you’d been playing the other day.
“What, it’s a comfort movie!” you insisted, poking him in the side to make him jump, laughing as he threw you the most petulant look.
“Alright fine, what would you rather do?” you asked instead, leaning your head against his shoulder and looking up at him.
A grin stretched across his face at your question and he twisted to press his lips against your forehead.  “Let’s go on an adventure!” he exclaimed, and you found yourself hauled to your feet as soon as you laughed your agreement.
Despite the chill in the air, Eijirou’s hand engulfing yours was nice and warm, and you walked as close to him as you possibly could without climbing into his coat.  “C’mon, let’s get some snacks,” he suggested, pulling you into the convenience store near your apartment.  The door chimed as it opened and you grabbed a basket, following your giant giddy boyfriend around the small store.
“Ooo, I’ve wanted to try this, and we gotta get some of these, they’re your favourite!” he exclaimed, tossing the treats into your basket.
If Kirishima was a dog, he’d be a golden retriever, easily distracted, and you would have sighed every time he stopped to point something new out if it weren’t so damned endearing. 
“What do you think, huh?  Aren’t these sunglasses cool?  Do they make me look badass?” he asked, poking his head out from behind the display, a pair of thick red rimmed glasses perched on his nose.
“Yeah, you look great,” you replied, giggling at the tag that hung over his nose.  “But isn’t it a little dark for sunglasses?”
“Only cool kids wear sunglasses at night!” he teased, his grin stretching playfully.  “C’mere, we need to pick some out for you too, babe!” he insisted, holding out an oversized pair for you, gently placing them on your face as you shuffled closer.
“What d’ya think?” he asked as you studied your reflection in the tiny mirror in front of you.
“Hmm, I like them.  Do you think they fit my face though?” you murmured, turning back to Eijirou.
“You look great!  But of course, you always do,” he exclaimed, his bright toothy grin filling you with affection.
“Alright, alright, we’ll get them.”
Once you were back outside, you looked up and down the street.  “Where to next?”
Kirishima pondered for a moment, his short brows drawing together in thought before he grinned.  “Let’s go to the arcade!” 
Slipping his hand back in yours, ridiculous sunglasses still perched on his nose, he took off down the street, pulling you along with him.
At this time of night the arcade was relatively empty and Eijirou pushed the dark tinted glasses up into his hair so he could see in the dim room, only lit by the neon lights of the games.  
Hanging back, he let you pick the game, unsurprised that you’d gravitated to the Dance Dance Revolution machine.  No matter how bad both of you were at it, you never failed to want to play at least one round.
“Hey,” Kiri said as you waited for the countdown, turning to grin at you, a softness in his ruby eyes.
“Hmm?” you asked, glancing over at him.
“I love you,” he said, leaning in to steal a kiss, his warm lips moving tantalizingly against yours.
Three, two, one, dance!
Taken off guard by his sudden kiss, it took you a moment to realize he’d already started, leaving you behind, missing several of the arrows already.
“You did that on purpose, Eiji!” you cried, though there was no heat to your exclamation, laughter taking over as you hurried to hit your marks.
“It’s not manly to cheat!  I just wanted a good luck kiss!” he gasped, and you couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not, though honestly he was probably being completely earnest and you loved that about him.
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whumphoarder · 4 years
Who Needs Disney When You Have Russell Crowe?
Summary: When Peter’s ear infection gets a little out of hand, Tony and Morgan have slightly different ideas of how to help.
Word count: 1,874
Genre: Sickfic, domestic fluff, Whump Lite™
A/N: Thanks to @xxx-cat-xxx for beta-reading and ideas <3
Link to read on Ao3
Peter wakes to the sound of quiet whimpering.
It takes a few seconds for his groggy brain to register where he is, but the warm glow of the bunny-shaped night light on the opposite wall illuminating the Arendelle toy castle and the pile of stuffed animals on the floor gives it away. He’s in Morgan’s room. Morgan, who insisted on getting a bunk bed for her sixth birthday so that she and Peter could have sleepovers whenever he came to visit.
Morgan, who is clearly in the midst of a nightmare.
“Mo...” Peter whispers hoarsely. There are a few more quiet, pained whimpers. “Mo,” he tries again, louder. His left ear is throbbing and it’s ridiculously stuffy in this room—he’s actually sweating. Kicking the tangled bed covers off of himself, he lifts a hand to tap the wooden bed frame over his head. She stirs. “Morgan, wake u-up.” His voice cracks on the last word.
Morgan sits up in her bunk. “Yeah?” she asks drowsily. She leans over the edge of bed to look at him, strands of her long hair falling in her face. “What is it?”
She doesn’t seem particularly upset, which Peter finds strange. “Did… did you have a b-bad dream?” he asks.
In the dim light of the room, he can just make out her curious expression. “I don’t think so.” She swings her legs over the side of the bed and shimmies backwards down the ladder. “Did you?”
“Wh-What?” His ear is ringing, the pain feeling almost bone-deep. There’s another whimper, barely audible.
“You’re crying,” she says simply, perching herself on the edge of his bed. Her brow knits together. “Are you sad?”
Peter wipes the back of his hand roughly across his face and finds it’s wet with tears. It takes a second for his addled brain to realize that she’s right, and then an instant wave of self-consciousness washes over him as he looks into the eyes of the frowning six-year-old. “No, sorry, ‘m fine.” He pushes himself up on his elbows, hurriedly brushing the tears away.
Morgan’s eyes go wide. “You’re bleeding!” she gasps.
“Huh?” Peter follows her horrified gaze down to the pillow he’s been using. It’s covered in something dark and sticky. Alarmed, he lifts a shaky hand to his throbbing ear and feels more liquid trickling down. “Oh – um – wow, uh...”
“I’m getting Daddy!” Morgan declares, jumping up from the mattress and spinning on her heel. “Hang on!”
“Wait, no, don’t freak him—”
But she’s already out of the room.
“...out.” With a small groan, Peter carefully sits the rest of the way up and flips the lamp on. The pastel lilac pillowcase is stained with a mixture of blood and yellowish fluid. Grimacing, he grabs some tissues from the box on Morgan’s dresser and dabs them carefully at his dripping ear, hissing sharply at the stabbing pain it causes.
Within a minute, Morgan is back, dragging the hand of a disheveled but surprisingly alert-looking Tony in after her. “See? He’s crying and bleeding out of his ears!” she blurts.
“Just one ear,” Peter corrects, lowering the tissue down to look at the fresh blood and pus on it. “Gross...”
Tony rolls his eyes. “Oh, well in that case I’ll just go back to bed—you’re perfectly fine.” He moves over to the bed, Morgan following close behind. “Anything you wanna share with the class? You take any good hits to the noggin’ recently? Blow something up?”
Peter shakes his head as much as he dares, which only increases the ringing sensation. “No, nothing like that,” he mutters. He wishes this was something cool and Spider-Man related, but he’s pretty sure it’s just his patented Parker Luck™. “Ear started hurting a couple days ago,” he admits. “Thought it would go away.”
Tony pulls out his phone and flips on the flashlight. “Can I see it?”
“Yeah,” Peter says, wincing. He bites his lower lip and does his best to keep as still as possible as Tony peers into his ear with the light.
“What does it look like?” Morgan asks curiously.
“Ugly as hell...” Tony mutters. He flicks the light off and turns to Peter. “Pretty sure you ruptured your eardrum, kiddo.”
“Ah.” The pain seems to ramp up with the confirmation. That checks out. Certainly feels like someone just bored a hole through his ear. He can feel the fluid dripping out down his cheek.
Tony must notice it too because he grimaces and pulls a couple more tissues out of the box to hand him. “You know, if you weren’t feeling well, you could have told us that when you got here,” he points out. “Instead of waiting until”—he glances at his lock screen—“3:37 in the morning.”
Peter manages a small smirk. “Gotta keep you on your toes. You know, now that you’re retired and all...”
Looking very unamused, Tony extends a hand and helps pull Peter up to standing. The movement only increases the throbbing in his ear and Peter squeezes his eyes shut tightly against a wave of dizziness.
“Alright?” Tony checks, still gripping his arm tightly.
“Yeah,” Peter breathes, the ringing growing louder. “Sorry. Just... really hurts.”
“He can have some of my medicine,” Morgan offers in a slightly hushed voice. “The one Mommy gives me when my ears hurt.”
Tony lets out a short laugh. “That’s nice of you, sweetie, but I don’t think grape-flavored Children’s Motrin is gonna cut it here.” He gestures up to the top bunk. “Why don’t you hop back up there and try to sleep some more while I go get Peter fixed up?”
Morgan sticks her lip out in a pout. “But I’m not tired now.”
Instant guilt comes over Peter at having woken her up, but Tony doesn’t miss a beat.
“Nope, you are, you just forgot,” he says knowingly. He lets go of Peter’s arm for a second to scoop the now quietly giggling six-year-old up and deposit her on the top bunk. “Count some sheep, kid,” he advises, flipping off the lamp and snagging Peter’s ruined pillow to toss in the laundry.
With Morgan situated, Tony guides Peter out of the bedroom and down the stairs. He leaves Peter to clean up in the bathroom before heading to the kitchen in search of some kind of painkiller that might work on an enhanced metabolism.
Eventually, Tony returns with a bottle of Tylenol-Codeine, a glass of water, and an apologetic look. “It’s the strongest stuff we’ve got here. Might take the edge off at least.”
Peter murmurs his thanks and takes the pills, mostly to humor him. They both know it’s a lost cause. He can burn through a dose of morphine in less than ten minutes; there’s no way over-the-counter meds are going to do anything.
“First thing in the morning, I’ll take you to see Bruce,” Tony promises. “We’ll get you on some antibiotics and something better for the pain.”
Peter just hums in response.
Tony sighs. “We can try a heating pad,” he suggests. “That helps Morgan sometimes.”
“Sure.” Peter shrugs, listless. He’ll do anything at this point to make his ear stop aching.
Tony locates the heating pad and gets Peter set up on the chaise section of the couch under a blanket with the heating pad resting on the pillow under his ear. It helps marginally, which is slightly more than Peter can say for the pills.
“Sorry, kiddo. If only you’d known me in the nineties,” Tony says with a sad chuckle. “Could’ve tried all kinds of stuff on you.”
Peter lets out a short, empty laugh. “Yeah, too bad. Sure May would’ve loved that…”
Tony settles down onto the other end of the couch and flips on the TV for distraction. After a bit of channel flipping, he picks a period war drama about a badass sea captain fighting during the Napoleonic Wars, starring Russell Crowe.
(It was that or “My Strange Addiction” on TLC, and neither of them felt like watching a woman eat a couch).
Peter doesn’t exactly sleep, but he closes his eyes and drifts in and out while the movie plays low in the background. He’s kind of queasy—probably a combination of the otherwise useless drugs and the low grade fever he’s pretty sure he’s got going—but it’s nothing too awful. At least the sounds of cannons firing and battles being waged on screen drown out the incessant ringing in his head.
He isn’t sure how much time passes before a new voice joins the mix in a stage-whisper:
“Are they gonna cut his arm off?”
Peter’s eyes snap open. He sees Tony dozing on the other end of the sofa, so he sits up a little straighter and turns around to look at the staircase behind him. Sure enough, Morgan is sitting on the fourth step from the bottom, just high enough to see over the couch to the TV.
“I thought you went back to bed,” Peter whispers.
Morgan shrugs. “Counting sheep is boring.” She stands up and tiptoes down the rest of the stairs and into the living room. “Are they gonna cut his arm off?” she repeats.
Peter looks back at the movie. The ship’s doctor is in the midst of a rather intense amputation scene on a young boy’s infected arm. “Yeah, looks like it,” he says through a wince. He should probably change the channel to something more child-friendly, but Tony’s got the remote balanced on his knee and he’s all the way on the other end of the sofa. Oh well.
Morgan nods at the screen, looking impressed. Then she looks back to Peter. “Does your ear still hurt a lot?”
“Nah, it’s not so bad,” Peter lies. “No need to cut it off or anything.” He scoots over on the cushion a bit. “You wanna sit here with me?”
“Yeah.” She nods and hops up onto the couch beside him, snuggling against his right side. “Did Daddy give you medicine?” she inquires.
“Yeah, he did,” Peter assures.
She nods approvingly. “And did he give you the heater thingy?”
Peter lifts the heating pad up slightly for her to see. “Yep.”
“Good.” She nods again. “And cuddles?”
“Eh…” His gaze drifting to his quietly snoring mentor, Peter smirks a bit. “I think I’m getting too old for those.”
“Everybody needs cuddles,” she says knowingly. Scooting a little closer to him, she wraps her arms around his waist. “See?”
A small smile creeps across Peter’s lips. “Yeah, I see.”
They sit there for a moment, Peter doing his best to focus on the steady pressure of the six-year-old’s gentle squeeze rather than the thumping in his head. It’s almost peaceful.
“Either that, or you need a stick,” Morgan pipes up, breaking the spell.
Peter’s brow furrows. “A stick?”
“To bite down on,” she explains, pointing at the TV. “Like the boy in the movie.”
Peter blinks, then shifts his gaze sideways to the little girl watching nineteenth-century field surgery technique with genuine interest.
“It’s so he doesn’t scream,” she informs.
Peter holds out his hand. “Just give me the remote, Mo.”
Link to all my fics
If you enjoyed this story, you might also like: Adventures at the Stark Lake House
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ericsonclan · 3 years
The Sea’s Mesmerizing Trance
Summary: The Ericson pirates venture forth into an unknown cavern where the sound of singing turns everything into chaos.
Word Count: 4399
Read on AO3:
It was a beautiful day out at sea. The clouds were a pure, fluffy white and the sea’s water was a clear crystal blue. The birds above lazily cawed here and there as they searched for a nice snack to devour while the Ericson pirates enjoyed the peaceful afternoon. The sounds of a sparring match rang throughout the air.
Brody slid backwards with a confident grin as she dashed forward with her training sword. With a well placed step she shifted her weight and sent her weapon crashing down towards Mitch. Her love grinned and blocked the attack with ease. He spun around his wooden dagger with a smirk as he looked at his wife. “Just watch, I’m gonna win this match,” Mitch declared proudly.
“Oh?” Brody returned the expression. “Is this going to be like last time we sparred and you ripped your pants trying to do a badass move?” Her words made Mitch grow embarrassed and a frown appeared on his lips.
“Whatever, I’m gonna kick your ass this time,” The street rat ran forward and began to send a flurry of attacks at Brody. The auburn pirate had a sturdy defense though and continued to block the moves with ease. Brody would wait for the perfect opening. She had sparred with Mitch so many times over the years that she knew all of his tells. Brody parried and blocked some more moves. Mitch dashed around this way and that, slashing and spinning his blade around to get in the winning move.
After a while Mitch had grown cocky in his fighting and she suddenly spotted his opening. Dancing around his few quick dagger jabs, the auburn pirate lunged forward with a powerful attack. But as soon as she did so a smug smirk appeared on her husband’s lips. Mitch sidestepped the attack and quickly sent his blade slicing upwards, disarming his wife. Her sword flew up in the air and Brody fell onto the deck.
“Looks like I win this time, Brodes,” Mitch caught his love’s sword in his hand then pointed it at her. Brody let out an annoyed groan before an idea appeared in her mind. She was about to turn the tables on her love. Getting up, Brody cupped Mitch’s face and kissed him passionately, making him drop both of the training weapons.
Brody pulled back with a confident grin. “Are you sure I haven’t won?” The auburn pirate walked away and immediately became overwhelmed by her own romantic power move. Mitch stood there in a happy daze, still processing what had just happened. Brody continued to walk forward. She was sure to be quiet as she strolled by the hammock on the upper deck.
Ruby and Aasim were peacefully sleeping there. Ruby’s arms were wrapped around Aasim who had a soft smile on his face while he napped. His hand was intertwined with Ruby’s and the two continued to cuddle as the hammock rocked with the gentle waves that crashed against Ol’ Kickass. Ruby mumbled something and moved her head closer towards her husband who sleepily kissed her hand and fell back asleep.
“Come on, Marlon, please!” Willy begged as he held Garbage who was hissing rather insistently. “Play that new song that you picked up at the last town!”
“Yeah, please!” AJ looked up at the blond pirate with big eyes. Rosie whined too in agreement as Tenn gave her some pets. He was silent but Marlon could tell the teen also wanted to hear the song.
“Ooo, are you about to play the flute, Mar?” Sophie walked forward, her hands casually placed behind the back of her head. The swords on her sides clinked as she walked and the sun shone brightly on her thumb braces. Her warm smile made Marlon’s heart flutter and he glanced at the ground as he spun the flute in his right hand.
“Yeah, Willy, Tenn and AJ wanted me to play that new tune I picked up,”
Rosie barked at his answer.
“Oh, and Rosie too,”
The pitbull’s tail wagged at those words.
“I’d love to hear it too. I bet it's a great one to dance a jig to!”
“It is,” Marlon smiled up at his best friend then he looked over at the others. “Alright, I’ll do it.” The blond pirate’s words made the others cheer. Taking a deep breath, Marlon placed the flute up to his lips and began to play the tune. It was a happy, joyful tune that had a clear, playful edge to it.
Willy bounced up and down and began to dance right away with Tenn and AJ. Garbage bounced on his head, hissing loudly but not moving. Sophie laughed and clapped before Tenn pulled her into the dance. The redhead pirate’s smile grew as she locked arms with her brother and spun round. Her dancing caught Marlon’s eye and he felt his heart warm. Turning round he began to dance around Rosie who hopped this way and that, barking and panting happily. Omar walked by with some new ropes for one part of the rigging when AJ and Willy spotted him.
“Omar, dance with us!” Willy exclaimed and spun in a circle while hugging Garbage. The possum hissed somewhat happily as she looked up at the street rat.
“Maybe after chores,” Omar smiled at the pirates.
“New chore just got added,” Sophie grabbed his arm and pulled him into the jig circle. “Mandatory jig time!”
“Woooo!” AJ beamed and linked arms with Omar and started up the dance again. The group laughed and smiled as the waves rocked the ship, the force of which shifted the small planks of wood Prisha and Violet sat upon while on barnacle duty. The ropes creaked as Violet and Prisha held on for a moment due to the force of the wave.
“Shit, that was a big wave,” Violet took one of the barnacle scrapers and got back to work.
“Yes, it was unexpected,” Prisha began to work again. It took some navigating and angling to knock off the barnacles on the side of the ship with one hand but Prisha made it work. The couple continued to work in silence for a few moments before Prisha glanced over at her wife’s hand. A part of her felt frustrated that she couldn’t hold Violet’s hand and unbarnacle the ship at the same time. Violet glanced over at Prisha who felt slightly embarrassed by her stupid frustration and had returned to work.
“After we finish this chore you want to cuddle for a bit?” Violet’s words made a smile form on Prisha’s face. The blonde pirate didn’t have to look to know the answer.
“Yes, the barnacles aren’t bad today. We should be able to finish this in no time!” Prisha declared and returned to the task with new determination and vigor. Violet smiled softly and returned her focus back onto a stubborn barnacle that wouldn’t let go of the ship.
Ol’ Kickass moved a bit to the right as Clementine turned the wheel. A happy, peaceful smile was on her lips as she took in the salty air. Nothing felt more natural to her than guiding a pirate ship. She continued to gently move the wheel as the ship cut though the water and moved to the next unknown location that the Ericson pirates had in mind. Clementine’s gaze was focused on the sea when all of the sudden she felt arms wrap around her waist.
“Hugs are the best,” Louis whispered and kissed her cheek before he rested his head on top of hers. Clementine chuckled softly as her husband melted into the hug. The two lived in that moment and let the cool air blow around them. Clementine lifted up one of the captain’s hands and placed a soft kiss on it. Louis smiled and gave Clementine continuous kisses on the cheek.
“Louis,” Clementine smiled and giggled before her eyes caught sight of something that made her pause. There, a short distance away, were two large, jagged rock structures that spanned many miles. So much so that it would take forever to get around them. A small opening stood between them.
“I’ll get the others to drop anchor.” Louis gave his love one final kiss then walked away. “Alright everyone, let's prepare to drop anchor!” His loud voice caused his crew to look at him and woke up Ruby and Aasim. “Aasim, meet me in the cartography room in five minutes!” Louis instructed. The pirates all nodded and began to get to work. Willy, Tenn and Marlon worked to drop anchor while Sophie teamed up with with Brody and Mitch to close the sails.
“Someone should be in the crow's nest. We’re nearing Dead Eyes’ territory so we need sharp eyes!” Louis calmly spoke to his crew.
“I can be in the crow’s nest!” AJ immediately volunteered himself and ran forward towards the captain. Louis smiled and ruffled AJ’s afro.
“Alright, I’m counting on you, little man,”
AJ beamed at Louis’ words and he gave a firm nod before scampering off towards the rigging.
“Careful for the right corner of the rigging! It needed reworking,” Omar called out to the youngest pirate who gave a thumbs up and continued to climb up the rigging.
“Louis, I’m ready when you are,” Aasim poked his head out of the cartography room. The captain gave a nod and disappeared into that room. Aasim immediately pulled out the map of the area and flattened it onto the table. He moved a few items to make sure the map didn’t curl up. “I’m guessing you wanted to know whether or not there’s a way to get around that huge rock structure out there safely?” The cartographer looked up at the captain.
“That's right,” Louis sat down in a chair and stared at the map. His eyes studied it carefully and he soon noticed that the huge obstacle that stood before them now wasn’t on the map.
“You see it, don’t you? This map tells nothing of that area before us. But what it does show is that the area to the left and right of this structure are dangerous.” Aasim pointed at the map that was marked with different points to avoid. The entire area surrounding the rock structure was covered with warning marks. “We thought that we could cut through Dead Eye’s territory by going straight through the middle. This structure doesn’t change that. The only risk is that we don’t know what's inside.” Aasim looked at his captain who was deep in thought.
“Then we’ll prepare the cannons and make sure everyone is armed. That's all we can do. I don’t want to risk anyone’s life by scouting it out by rowboat first.”
Louis’ decision seemed sound and Aasim nodded and rolled up the map. “I’ll let Clem know the plan,”
“And I’ll let the crew know to prepare,” Louis stood up, his pirate coat swaying lightly with the abrupt movement. He strode out of the cartography room and started to share his plan with his crew. Prisha and Violet got back up onto the ship and started to gather the weapons while Mitch worked with Brody and Willy on setting up the cannons. Clementine was in a discussion with Aasim about the plan to sail through the opening of the rock structure.
After about a half hour of making sure they were all set the anchor was pulled up and the sails were set at half mast. Louis began to climb up to offer to switch look out duty while Clementine guided Ol’ Kickass towards the entrance. Her eyes wandered round and saw the lush green plants and trees that covered the large, jagged rocks. Fog covered the entrance to the area, curling around the ship as it slowly moved through the greenish water below. The clouds had turned a more ominous grey and the waves were picking up in intensity. Clementine could feel her stomach turn; she felt sick. Mitch, Willy and Brody stood by the first set of cannons while Violet and Tenn stood at the ready to switch the height of the sails at a moment’s notice. Sophie, Marlon and Aasim stood on the other side, their hands on the hilts on their swords as they stood at the ready by the other set of cannons.
The ship sliced through the eerie fog and revealed the inside of the hidden waters of the rock structure. Ships lay shattered all around them and the area was filled with jagged, sharp deadly rocks jutting out of the water. Prisha walked forward towards the very front of the ship. Her brown eyes scanned the area to the left. A huge ship stood there, completely wrecked as shattered wooden boards floated around lazily in the greenish water. Blood dripped from the defeated ship, splattering in the water where a few bones lay half submerged.
The sight sent a shiver down Prisha’s spine. She glanced over to see that Sophie was studying the other side of their surroundings. More ships stood in this massive graveyard of fallen souls. Crushed skulls lay on rocks and bobbed in the water. An odd sound began to emanate throughout the cavern. Tenn and Willy clutched their heads and began to wince in pain.
“Shit, Tenn, are you okay?” Violet placed a hand on his shoulder and looked at him with concern.
“Yeah, my head just started hurting,” His gaze wandered over to look at Willy who was trying to shake a headache of his own. Garbage scurried around him and hissed worriedly while Brody and Mitch asked the teen if there was anything they could do to help. The sound grew louder and turned into a much sweeter tune. It was a soft, mesmerizing song. It seemed as though it was sung with the intent to lull the listener into long, comforting peace.
Sophie searched around to try and find the source of the singing. “Mar, do you have any idea where the song could be coming from?” The redhead pirate glanced back at her friend who had a rather flirty expression on his lips. Marlon reached up his hand and brushed back his hair as his eyes looked directly at Sophie. The look made Sophie’s face heat up and her heartbeat quicken. Was Marlon really trying to hit on her right now? The blond pirate strode forward and Sophie backed away.
“Marlon, I-” She paused when she saw her friend walk past her. That made no sense. Who was he trying to flirt with? Everyone else on this ship was taken. Sophie’s gaze followed Marlon’s movement; he was heading right for the edge of the ship. Sophie jogged forward and looked over into the sea to see a girl with long, beautiful black hair and piercing green eyes. Her lips held a seductive smile as she hummed softly. She reached out a hand that had thin, nearly transparent webbing in between the fingers.
Marlon smiled flirtatiously and reached out his hand. The girl returned the smile then opened her mouth to reveal rows upon rows of sharp teeth. Slivers of bone and droplets of blood covered the deadly teeth. Marlon didn’t react at all to this though. Instead he stretched his arm out further towards her mouth. Sophie felt her heartbeat quicken - she had heard of this type of sea monster. They were in siren territory.
“Marlon, stop!” Sophie grabbed her friend’s ass and yanked him back. “We gotta cover your ears and-”
Suddenly the ship veered right and scraped against a medium sized rock. The ship rocked from the move and Sophie stumbled forward, nearly falling into the sea. She looked over to see Clementine staring off with a dazed, happy expression on her face. Her right arm was lazily resting over the wheel while her left arm propped up her face. Soon her expression turned more flirtatious and her eyes danced with confidence.
“Come with me and I’ll show you the wonders of the Seven Seas!” Clementine moved away from the ship’s wheel, causing it to spin. Ol’ Kickass veered strongly to the right and was sailing closer and closer to a massive, jagged boulder.
“Shit!” Sophie yelled then looked towards the pitbull. ” Rosie, hold onto Marlon for me!”
Rosie barked and ran forward. Her mouth clamped onto the seat of the blond’s pants. Marlon let out a pained yelp. Sophie ran forward to help Clementine when she noticed that others were becoming affected by the siren’s song. Tenn was trying to snap Violet out of her trance while Mitch was swaying around as Willy tried to talk to him.
“Sophie! Get Prisha!” Brody instructed as she stumbled forward to reach the ship’s wheel so that the ship didn’t crash and sustain irreparable damage. The redhead’s eyes looked around for her friend when she heard the older pirate’s voice.
“Your eyes are like sapphires of the sea. How I would love to become lost in them,” Prisha smiled and began to walk on the bowsprit of the ship. Her bare feet clutched onto the thin slab of wood that was above the figurehead. “Your voice heals my aching pirate soul and your smile is mesmerizing,” Prisha looked at a brunette siren that was in the water below her. The siren smiled, showing her sharp, unnerving teeth.
Sophie ran forward, her feet whacking on the boards of the deck as she desperately tried to reach Prisha. With a long jump she landed on the bowsprit and closed most of the distance between them. Prisha twirled her braid around with her finger and was about to leap into the sea when Sophie’s arms locked around her waist like a vice. With a grunt Sophie pulled Prisha back and the two fumbled around backwards before the redhead shifted her weight and they fell back onto the ship.
“Why did you do that! Why are you keeping me from my love!” Prisha glared up at Sophie.
“That isn’t your love! That’s just a siren! Your wife is on this ship, dumbass!” Sophie snapped at Prisha. Suddenly footsteps echoed on the stairs that lead to the lower decks. Ruby and Omar emerged and looked utterly lost as to what was happening. Ruby’s eyes caught sight of Clementine who was walking towards the side of the ship.
“I’ll be showing you the ultimate treasure,” Her peg leg clacked against the deck as she strode forward.
“Good Lord! Did Clem get bit by another love leech!” Ruby soon realized that wasn’t the case though as multiple people were acting like they were in a lovesick trance.
“That was real?” Sophie struggled to hold Prisha back as the older pirate continued to recite long monologues of love.
“You thought we were making that up?!” Ruby grunted as she pulled back Clementine who had almost successfully fallen into the siren infested water. “You believed us about Cthulu! We found you in a giant seashell!”
“Listen-” Sophie was about to continue when she saw what Mitch was doing. He was struggling to get his shirt off and after a few seconds had thrown it overboard.
“Come and get it, ladies!” He began to shimmy his chest and strolled forward until Willy tackled him.
“Mitch, stop, you're with Brody!” Willy scolded as Garbage hopped down and bit Mitch to try and snap him out of his trance. Brody watched in disbelief and quickly turned her attention back to steering the ship and guiding them out of this sirens den.
“We need to gather them up and restrict their movement,” Omar remained calm as he ran off to grab some rope. Ruby and Sophie shared a look and began to get to work.
“I’ll draw a map and follow it to your heart,” Aasim leaned against the edge of Ol’ Kickass, his eyes locked with a blonde siren’s as he undid his cravat. Ruby huffed. Storming forward she quickly lifted up her husband and moved him away from the edge. Ruby didn’t consider herself the jealous type but this was irking her.
“Guys, what's happening? Louis is acting weird!” AJ called out from the crow’s nest. Sophie, Brody and Sophie all glanced up just in time to see Louis holding onto a rope and placing his pirate hat on his heart.
“My love is out there in the sea! I hear her voice calling for me!” The captain tossed his hat aside and gripped the rope. With a mighty swing he swooped down toward a redheaded siren. “Your soul sings the same song as mine! My heart belongs to you!” Louis let go of the rope and outstretched his arms only to belly flop into the sea. His landing made a loud clapping sound and soon the sirens were swimming towards him.
“I’ll save him!” Willy sprinted forward and grabbed a rope with a hook on it before diving into the water to retrieve the captain. It was a risky move as sirens were swarming round the area. Willy saw their scaly long fish tails as he swam underwater to hook Louis’ pants with the rope. The lanky teen emerged back above water and flicked back his sopping wet hair.
“Tenn, AJ! Pull the rope!”
Tenn wanted to but he was worried about Violet who had a dorky expression on her lips as she wandered around. His worry about her finding the ship’s edge was soon proven faulty though when she ran right into the ship's mast and fell over.
“This is the first time I’ve ever been glad that Violet is blind,” Sophie commented as she worked with Rosie to hold back Marlon and Prisha.
“I’ve got the rope!” AJ climbed the rigging and moved to the right part of it heading towards where the hooked rope lay. Suddenly he felt the ropes holding him snap and he swung out towards the sea at an alarming rate. He had completely forgotten about Omar’s warning about the damaged rigging. AJ knew he had to be brave though; Louis’ life depended on it.
With a long jump he desperately reached out for the hooked rope. His hands slid down its length as he clutched on to it. Rope burn covered his hands as the tween pulled on the rope. The action made Louis get yanked up by his pants, safely away from the sirens.
Tenn ran over to help Willy out of the water while Violet ran into another one of the masts and fell over onto the deck, rolling along it. Tenn soon reached his friend and used a rowboat oar to whack away some sirens before grasping Willy’s hand and pulling him up.
“Round them up!” Omar called out as he ran forward with a rope. The crew nodded and started to herd all their friends who were in the trance. AJ worked along with Willy and Tenn to get Louis back onto the deck while Ruby and Sophie teamed up to gather the others. Sophie lifted up Violet who had run into yet another part of the ship while Ruby picked up Aasim and bustled over as she carried him.
“Brody, turn the wheel ninety degrees to the right!” Omar directed.
The auburn nodded at the pirate cook’s words and harshly spun around the wheel. Ol’ Kickass jerked wildly to the left causing Clementine, Mitch, Prisha and Marlon to fall backwards.
“We’ve got all of them!” Sophie turned and looked at Omar. Omar nodded and gave one end of the rope to Rosie.
“Help me out, girl,” Omar smiled at Rosie who barked and bit down on the rope. The pitbull ran around the crewmembers that were stuck in a love trance while Omar ran the opposite direction with the other side of the rope. The rope caught the pirates and jerked them back as it dug into their guts. Soon the seven were slammed against one of the big masts. Sophie and Willy worked together to tie the rope tightly while the others turned their attention back to helping Brody guide the ship to safety.
The auburn navigated the dangerous waters where sirens continued to sing. Their voices made the mesmerized pirates continue to call out to them, declaring love and demanding to be let go. Brody focused entirely on the task at hand when suddenly she felt a strong wind. She could use this to propel the ship forward.“Guys! Pull the sails up to full height!”
Omar and Ruby nodded and  pulled on the ropes, lifting them up to full mast. The wind caught  the sails and Ol’ Kickass began to cut through the water at a faster speed. The ship whacked against the sirens, crushing them under its mighty strength as it neared the exit point. Brody swore under her breath as she moved the wheel. She had to carefully dodge dozens of sharp rocks and any shipwrecks that stood in the way.
Moments later Ol’ Kickass burst out from the crevice and onto the open sea. They had made it through the sirens den; the song had stopped. After a few minutes the seven pirates that had been under the sirens’ bewitchment snapped out of it. All of them were confused at the joy on their friends’ faces and why they were tied up.
“Woooo!” Sophie crowed and picked up Tenn, spinning him around.
“We did it!” Willy high fived Brody who collapsed onto the ship’s wheel. Omar calmly undid the ropes as AJ and Ruby ran forward to check on the seven pirates. All of them were too stunned to talk except Mitch who was staring down at his chest.
“Where the fuck is my shirt?”
“It's a long story,” Sophie replied and laughed as Marlon was shocked by the hole in the back of his pants that Rosie had made.
“One that we can talk about over food,” Omar added.
“Just get ready for some embarrassing tales,” Brody smiled and let Tenn take a turn at the ship’s wheel.
“What does that mean?” Prisha asked with large eyes. The crew members that hadn’t been under the trance shared a playful smile which just made the others all speak up at once. Now that there was no danger the pirates returned to their regular ways and began to tease those who had been under the sirens’ spell. This dinner was surely going to be an unforgettable one.
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bl597 · 4 years
requested by my dear @whack-ed ♡: "não resisti e vou escrever isso em pt, pq sim kkkkkk. okay, então primeiro parabéns pelos 300 seguidores cara, isso é bom demais! pra comemorar junto eu queria um 🍒. Sonserina, bissexual, ela/dela, teatro/escrever/desenhar/costurar, cabelos e olhos castanhos, o cabelo liso e curtinho. cara, pra simplificar, eu me descreveria com essa musica "Good Girls - Elle King". é isso meu amor, e de novo, parabéns! vc merece <3"
I accidentally posted the request and I had to delete it jssjksskjdjd anywayssss obrigada meu amor!!! 🥺❤ eu ia responder em português, mas me sinto meio estranha já que tô meio acostumada em escrever em inglês sksjdjdkdjk espero que tu goste!! 💕
warnings: just fluff, really. it took me a very long time to finish it because i procrastinate quite a lot hahaha i need to stop doing it, i really suck at writing headcanons maybe i'll start writing blurbs instead of them hmmmm. a few curse words i guess :p, english is not my first language, so i'm sorry for any mistakes! requests are closed for now!!
my masterlist ♡
I ship you with... Fred Weasley!
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okay so first of all
you + Freddie = chaos
you two started dating on your fifth year
and you and the twins always pulled prank together
Filch hates you three so much skshdkdjd
you always used the Marauders map - before the twins gave it to Harry - to sneak around in the middle of the night
and if you ever happened to be caught, you always found a way to get out of this
because come on
you probably study theater and you're an amazing actress
so you could always come up with an excuse for why you were outside bed at past cutfew
not that the teachers actually believed it tho
and Fred just thought you were bloody brilliant because?????
how could he not!!
and he always smiles like a fool when you try to convince the teachers that you did nothing wrong
even though the strong smell of dungbomb literally reports you guys
he didn't really like you at first
because you're a Slytherin and he thought you were an asshole just like most of your housemates
but turns out that you're different from them
you're so unique and so you
with all your sarcasm and cheeky replies
he couldn't help but fall hard for you
so one day he just randomly asked you out
and you said yes bc you thought he was cool too
and also bc hes fred fucking weasley i mean?????
so after a little while you started dating
and oh boy is this man the best boyfriend ever
he always flirts with you, no matter how long you've been dating
because he loves the tiny little blush that spreads over your cheeks
Fred loves to cuddle you and to run his hands through your soft short hair
and omg your eyes
he swears he could spend the rest of his life just admiring them
because they're so beautiful!!!
he will always support you
either it's with your passion for theater
or you art
or anything you do
he loves it all and always lets you know how much he appreciates them and you
he loves it when you read the things you wrote
because you write things so beautifully and so wonderfully
and the proud small smile you give him when he asks you to read to him is enough to improve his whole week
he also loves your drawings and how you put your heart in every single line of it
you once drew him and he almost cried a bit
you always cheer for him during quidditch matches
even though your housemates give you disappointed looks
you couldn't care less
you just wanted to support ya boy
ok so
about his family
they were extremely happy for Fred when he told them he was dating
but they were a bit apprehensive when they found out you were a little snake
because of the house bad fame and everything
but he was fast to calm them down and say you weren't like the other Slytherins
and didn't give a shit about blood statuses or some shit like that
so they invited you to spend a week at the Burrow
to get to know you better and to make sure you were a good person for Freddie
and in the very first minutes you spent there
you managed to steal everyone's heart
you got along pretty well with everyone
and they simply loved you almost as much as Freddie boy does
you and Molly would sit down and talk for hours while she teaches you how to knit
she gets even more excited when she learns you know how to sew
in less than one week, you unofficially became a Weasley :D
Fred loves you and he was extremely happy to see his family loved you too
his family is everything to him and their approval of your relationship was very important to him
I ship you with... Sirius Black!
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ben barnes is such a cutie
well lets begin shall we
Sirius is head over heels for you
no one can deny it
you'd be just breathing and he'd be like
ohmygod shes so cute hskshsdjdjksajjdjdks
and you two are like the cutest badass couple ever
but at first it was very completely different
simply because you're a snake and he's a lion
and he hated the Slytherin house because of his family
he hated every single person in Slytherin, and he wasn't really ashamed of that
poor baby he deserved a better family than those assholes :(
one day he happened to accidentally bump into you
and he was going to help you
bc his family was shitty but they taught him some manners
but he abruptly stopped when he saw the green in your robes
and he said something rude and left
but you definitely did not stay quiet
so you just argued with him
and told him to go to hell ooops
and he was like :O
and then you left with your classmates bc you were going to be late to Divination
and Sirius was fucking intrigued
i mean???????
and then when they arrived at the Gryffindor common room
Remus scolded him for being rude to people, specifically Slytherins
and told him to apologize for his childishness
and Sirius was like "hahahaha nice joke Moony"
but he realised Remus was being serious
and he was kinda confused bc??? why is he defending the enemies???
he somehow convinced Sirius to talk to you
which he did, but whining like a child when their parents don't give them a new toy
you thought he was going to say some shit like that day
so you were with your wand in hand, ready to jinx the shit out of him if he did something
that gladly didn't happen
you were extremely confused and you thought it was a prank
but you saw it wasn't
so you accepted his forced apologies
and after some kinda weird moments of you talking
you decided to be not enemies
you weren't friends yet but weren't enemies either
well I'll start the part where you two are dating or else it'll get longer than it already is lol
when you started dating
your housemates were like
what the fuck??
and you just kinda ignored them bc you were actually happy with Sirius
and let me teLl you
Sirius is a smoll bean even though he has this badboy fame
he loves to see the things you wrote or drew
he absolutely loves them and always tells you how talented you are and how proud of you he is
I don't even have to say that you two pull pranks together
you just like to mess around together
bc you like each other's company
and being chaotic is a bonus
i mean, who wouldn't want to pull pranks with Sirius and mess around with him??
when you came out as bi to him he was very supportive and was ready to beat the shit out of anyone who dared to say shit about you or your sexuality
Sirius says lgbtq+ rights and fuck jk rowling
he was so excited when he transformed into Padfoot in front of you for the first time
and he was so proud of himself when you smiled widely and showered him with questions about it
you always stayed with him after the full moon and helped madam Pomfrey
bc you wanted to see your baby alright :(
Sirius is really into pda and 100% would randomly kiss you in public
just because he can lol
you love each other too much
you're the best couple ever change my mind
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lurafita · 5 years
Kitten Peter! ch. 2
Go here for the plot bunny that started it all: clickbait
Go here for the actual first chapter I wrote for the plot bunny: more clickbait
Go here for the Ao3 link: how can there be even more clickbait
Okay, let’s start this. As with all the other stories, EVERYONE that comments on any of the parts, get’s automatically put down in the tags. If you don’t want to be tagged for this or future parts, (but still want to comment, in which case: bless you), just write “no tag, please.” Or contact me via messaging here. I completely understand if you want to keep your notifications as clear as possible.
Despite the many, many promises that he was not about to have a mental breakdown because his ex was coming back, Pepper had herded Tony (and Peter) out of the lab and into his living room. Then the fiery redhead had made him something to eat. A very poor attempt at fried vegetables with rice, that the billionaire had forced down his throat through pure will power. The woman was a great friend, a fantastic assistant and a marvelous CEO, but she could barely boil water.
Not that Tony would ever tell her that.
As he chewed his way through the mushy rice and cotton like broccoli (how did you even get vegetables to take on this kind of texture?), he couldn't help but envy Peter. The little kitten was happily munching on his chef cooked, kitty appropriate, fish dinner.
It had taken another hour after that to make the woman believe that he really was okay, before Pepper had finally left for the night. With the sudden absence of someone inquiring if he really was alright, Tony found himself asking the very same question.
Was he okay?
The feeling of tiny claws digging into his pant leg diverted his attention momentarily to the tiny brown kitten scrambling up into his lap.
"You realize these pants cost 900$, right? And here you are, poking them full of tiny holes and spreading your hair all over my general wardrobe."
Contrary to his words, he immediately scratched Peter's head once the kitten had made his way up and into his favorite spot.
"We are going to get some visitors tomorrow, Petey. This tower was actually not always this empty, you know? I mean besides the business departments and all the other S.I. staff."
Peter was apparently not finished with climbing his human, and proceeded to scale up the inventor's shirt. Tony kept a careful hand underneath his kitten, content to let Peter climb up on his own, but ready to catch him should he slip.
"They used to live here, you know? The Avengers. Earth's mightiest heroes. I was one of them. AM one of them, but you know this. You have seen my suit. I'm Iron Man, and therefore the best, right?"
Peter had made it up to Tony's chin and was rubbing his little body affectionately along his beard and cheek. Tony smiled.
"Right. Anyway, the rest of the team has been away for some time... I think they left about two weeks before I found you, and they are coming back tomorrow and I... I don't know how I feel about that."
He sighed deeply, as if finally admitting that part to himself, after having spent the last few hours denying any negative thoughts to Pepper.
Peter settled himself on his right shoulder and rubbed his head against the skin on his neck, letting out a tiny mewl that sounded almost prompting.
"It's not that I don't want them to come back. They are my friends, and I actually like having them around. Even Barton, and that guy is a menace, I tell you. If he tries kidnapping you into the vents, you go ahead and scratch up his stupid face, got it?"
He ran his fingers over Peter's small back, and the kitten started purring. Tony relaxed.
"You will like them. There is Rhodey, who is my best friend, actually. I met him in college and he... well, he has been looking out for me ever since. He is also an Air Force Colonel and probably the most level headed of all of us. He has a suit that is almost as cool as mine, but he buckled under the peer pressure and gave himself the moniker of Iron Patriot, which isn't even a fraction as cool as his previous 'War Machine'. Then there is Bruce, my science bro. He is the strongest Avenger and he might even be smarter than me, but we are not gonna tell him that. He also turns into a tall, green rage monster on occasion, but he is really just a big ol' marshmallow on the inside. Clint is our modern day version of Robin Hood, just without the stealing from the rich and giving to the poor thing. ... On second thought, scratch that. He always stole my fucking coffee and then drank it himself. As if he wasn't perfectly capable of brewing his own. So, yeah. Modern day Robin Hood with less altruistic intentions and only marginally better fashion sense. I'm not sure if Thor is on earth right now, so he might not make an appearance tomorrow. If he does, try not to climb him, okay? I know he is easily confused with a tree, and his stupid cape is probably a very big temptation for your little claws. But you just never know when that big lug decides to twirl his glorified hammer and light up like it's the fourth of July. And if Thor electrocutes my little Petey-Pie, I'm gonna blast his head off, Asgardian royalty or not. So we better avoid that and don't go climbing up any aliens, okay? Trust me, it's not worth it. His beard doesn't hold a candle to mine."
On cue, Peter rubbed his head against the billionaire's bearded chin, letting out a contented mewl.
"Natasha is a bit more difficult to describe. I'm pretty sure if Fury ever manages to clone her, he will jsut retire every other superhero and agent on the planet and fill all his mission teams with Black Widow clones and take over the world. ... Come to think of it, that's a very scary thought. Friday, remind me to hack into Shield later and see if they have any kind of cloning research in the works."
"Of course, boss."
Peter didn't startle anymore when Friday's disembodied voice sounded throughout the tower, but he had started batting his paw in the air whenever she spoke. Like he was waving hello. Tony thought it was precious.
"Anyway, Natasha is pretty badass, but I don't think you have anything to worry about. Just hit her with the eyes and she is gonna be a goner for sure."
He could actually picture Natasha stopping in the middle of kicking Clint's ass, just to give Peter a tummy rub. He would have to be vigilant from now on. He wouldn't put it past Barton and Romanoff to try and kidnap (catnap?) his little Petey. He was going to write an anti-kitty-napping code into Friday's mainframe.
"And that brings us to... to Steve."
His mood took a nose dive. There was the crux of the matter. Steve.
Peter, clever little kitty that he was, noticed the change in his human immediately, and bumped his head against Tony's cheek with a questioning meow.
"It's... complicated. Steve and I, we used to be in a relationship. Shoot, I haven't given you that particular talk yet, have I? So, when one mature cat really likes another mature cat, and they decide to have a bunch of little kittens together... wait, that's called a litter, right? Okay, so if these two cats really like each other, and are both of a consenting age, they might decide to have a litter of adorable little kittens together, you know, if one was in heat and it's like mating season... do cats have mating seasons? Actually, this comparison doesn't really work, because neither Steve nor I were trying to get each other pregnant... You know what? You are way too young for this kinda talk, mister."
He carefully took Peter into his hand and held the kitten in front of his face, so he could look directly into the big, round eyes.
"I do not want you getting any ideas of running off with any mangy, ruffian tom cat, or some little pussy hussy, that tries to lay their dirty, perverted paws on you, got it?"
Peter leaned over the rim of Tony's hand and licked him on the nose. Tony grinned.
"Okay. But we will be having a 'stranger, danger' talk later."
He then cradled the kitten in both hands and cuddled him into his chest.
"So, back to the Steve issue. We were together. As, in a relationship. All official like, with going on dates and pet names and everything. The media even had a ship name for us: Stony; which, not very original, but no one has ever accused mass media of originality, so what can you do. Anyway, Steve and I were a 'thing', and I thought we were a 'good thing', you know? I mean, we hadn't dropped the L-word yet, but we had been going steady for a pretty long time, and that was kinda a first for me, and... I liked it. Him. Us. Being an 'us' with Steve. And it was good. Comfortable. And then Barnes came back."
His hand stopped petting Peter at the memory, and the kitten softly tapped his paw against Tony's thumb. When Tony looked down, he once again couldn't stop the thought that Peter must somehow understand him, because right then, the little kitten was looking up at him with an almost too human expression of worry and sympathy. He smiled at him and resumed his petting.
"Long story short, Steve slept with Barnes and broke up with me. And, look, it's not like I don't have sympathy for the guy. The things Hydra did to him and made him do... Suddenly being free of all that and having your best friend there with you...  And I understand Steve's side of things as well. Kinda. Those feelings he has for Barnes, they probably weren't anything new. But back in his time, same sex relationships weren't simply frowned upon, but downright illegal. Then there was the war and the serum and everything else... They probably never really had the time or opportunity to realize exactly what they felt for each other. And then suddenly Steve wakes up decades in the future; and everything is different and he gets put on this team of super idiots and there is fighting and aliens and more fighting and in the midst of all of this, there is the cultural shock of having just skipped like two whole generations..."
Tony had been thinking a lot about it, actually. He wasn't always honest with himself, and he wasn't always good with his emotions. It was something Rhodey had said to him a long time ago. That sometimes, in order to understand our own feelings, we had to understand the feelings of those around us.
And with Peter's calming influence, he had been thinking a lot about Barnes and Steve and himself and their relationships.
At first, fresh after the break up, Tony had just been angry. Hurt, too, but that was so much harder to face than the anger had been, and so he had settled on that instead.
After the team had left for the compound (and Tony understood that his personal relationship drama could not stand in the way of the Avengers availability for missions and their need to keep up their training regimen.), he had locked himself in his lab for three days, trying to tinker his anger and hurt away. Then Pepper had lost her patience with him and hauled the genius out of there and made him see a therapist and sleep and eat (not in that order, though).
Any protestations that he didn't need to see a shrink just because his boyfriend broke up with him, were waved away by the woman ("Someone taking care of your mental health has been long overdue.")
It hadn't helped. The therapist and the food and the sleep, non of it had helped and Tony just got angrier and angrier at his own inability to let it all fucking go. (He had missed his Iron Man suit, and being an active Avengers, but even Tony, as much as he hated to admit it, knew that he hadn't been in the right frame of mind for it)
But then had come that fateful night, where Tony had taken his therapists advice to take a peaceful, relaxing stroll around some neighborhood. It hadn't been peaceful, and it hadn't been relaxing, and Tony had been pissed all the more for it. And then he almost got shot by some two bit thug. But he didn't regret it one bit, because those were the circumstances that brought Peter into his life.
Ever since the little kitten had launched himself at Tony's almost murderer and saved the billionaire's life, things had started getting better. Having a tiny, fluffy creature to take care of and adore, had left Tony no time to dwell on his anger. Watching as the kitten explored his new home with too much enthusiasm and too little coordination, had made the man smile and laugh more in those first few days, than he had in weeks (months?).
Cuddling up with Peter anywhere and having the little fluffball purr up a storm, never failed to relax Tony and often lulled him into a deep, and thankfully dreamless, sleep. He quit going to his therapist and started taking Peter with him wherever he went. Pepper wasn't impressed the first time he showed up to a board meeting, with the kitten neatly tucked into his shirt's breast pocket. But she had quickly given in when she saw that Tony actually paid attention during the meeting, and was much more open to listening to the boards suggestions, while he was playing with Peter.
He talked to Peter all the time, about everything. S.I. business, new projects, what he thought about any particular book or movie, his robots, his suit, absolutely anything that came to mind. Aside from the Avengers. Until now.
"So, really, I get it. Those two are probably some kind of star-crossed, destined to be, once in a lifetime, lovers. And I don't even begrudge them finally being together. I just... I hate how it happened. I hate that Steve all but ignored me when Barnes came back from the dead. I hate that he slept with him while we were still an item. I hate that it made me feel like I had been a stand-in for Barnes all along. I hate that I have hardly talked to any of the team since they relocated to the compound. I hate-" He sighed. "I hate that I don't hate him. I kind of want to. I feel like that would be easier, you know?"
Peter just looked at him with his big, adorable eyes and laid his little paw on Tony's chest, right where the genius' heart was beating. Really, sometimes it felt like the kitten understood every word.
"I miss him, but not in the way one misses a significant other. I miss arguing about reading the newspaper on my tablet versus reading it on paper. I miss confusing him with pop culture references he doesn't know about. And I miss him getting on my case about spending too much time in the lab. But I'm not too hung up about all the couples' stuff. Not saying I didn't enjoy the se-  wait, this isn't appropriate for young kitty ears. It's not like I didn't like our 'intimacy', but looking back on it now, I think Steve and I, we were always more of a 'friends with benefits' type of relationship, with more weight placed on the 'friends' part of the deal. Don't get me wrong, I'm still angry about Steve cheating on me like that, and how it all went down, but I think I can forgive him. I mean, obviously we will need to have it out, first. We didn't really get to the 'break up talk' before I pretty much kicked everyone out, and I guess that's partly on me. But, I want to forgive him. So, if Steve and I manage to clear the air between us, and all that sentimental stuff, ... yeah."
Peter had climbed back up to Tony's shoulder and lovingly rubbed his head against every part of his human's face he could reach. Tony laughed.
"Love you, too, Petey. You are the best kitten in the world, you know that? I will tell Vincent to make you something extra special for breakfast tomorrow."
Tony brought his hand up to massage his fingers into the soft fur, while Peter burrowed himself into the man's neck and purred until they both fell asleep.
Okay, let me first say, I understand if people might be a bit confused over Tony's seemingly easy forgiveness here, but I hope I managed to portray that in this story, Tony and Steve's previous relationship isn't meant to be the main plot point. It's actually not even meant to be a particularly important plot point. The story's main plot is the relationship between Tony and Peter, and Peter being an adorable little ball of fluff. :-)
Also, I didn't want Tony to be completely broken up because things with Steve went south. Matter of fact is, romantic relationships sometimes don't last. They sometimes don't work out. And sometimes someone messes up. Steve cheated on Tony. That was a douche move, no question. But I didn't want to just bash his character. Steve didn't cheat on Tony because he didn't value him, or because he is just is a super asshole. These are very special circumstances, and things didn't go great, and Steve isn't perfect, and he messed up. But he didn't do it with malicious intent, and he is still a good guy, and he will try his best to repair the trust between him and Tony.
Tony is gonna get a bit of funny, petty revenge on Steve, though. With Peter's help, of course. ;-)
Sidenote: I would really like to know your opinion about Tony's aborted efforts to have 'The Talk', with kitty Peter. :-) :-) :-) I hope it was as funny to read, as it was to write!
Please tell me if tagging didn’t work, or if I forgot anyone!
TAGGING: @ theonemetorulethemalll  @ sapphire-of-shield  @ plueschpop  @ deliciousflapbanditfarm  @alanaaw88
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barnesthesarge · 5 years
Bucky X Reader
Summary: You’re a nighttime vigilante, and become something between friends and more with the Winter Soldier. There comes a day you’ll have to take off your mask though. TAKES PLACE AFTER THE EVENTS OF ENDGAME
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff!!
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The familiar THUD of Bucky joining you on the rooftop was more than welcome, “Hey Nov, hungry I hope?” You grinned as he sat beside you, he handed you a cheeseburger that you happily accepted.
“Stopping crime does leave one hungry.” Bucky was the closest person in your life, and yet he didn’t even know your actual name.
“I figured, plus its prime-midnight snack time.” He bumped shoulders with you, pulling his hair into a bun. “What’ve you achieved so far?”
“Stopped a jewelry heist, a bar fight, and took a nap against that wall over there.” You shrugged, “How’s avenging?” Bucky’s world was much different from yours.
“Same ol’.. Can’t legally tell you much, took down another HYDRA base, can’t tell you where. Unless you want to join the Avengers.” He winked at you and you rolled your eyes.
“Too much for me personally, its the fact I get to do this on my own terms, and that I can stop little things from hurting people worse. I like it down here Buck. Have you seen Steve lately?” You changed the subject off the Avengers job opportunity again.
“Today actually, yeah.” Bucky rolled his shoulders and moved his legs so his thigh would be touching yours, “He’s still an old bastard. Don’t tell anyone though.” You chuckled and leaned against his shoulder.
“No one knows I’m Novan, I’m not a credible source.” Bucky’s arm was around your waist, holding your hip.
“Just like I know you’re Novan, but somewhere in New York, you’re someone else.” He sighed, “Are you ever gonna even tell me what you actually do for a living?”
“I work a couple jobs.” You drummed your fingers on his knee, “I didn’t go to school, so I take what I can get without a degree.”
“You can be my personal assistant if you want, I’ll pay you handsomely.” You elbowed him in the ribs and he groaned, “What? You act like it would be awful, maybe if you want a better pay, and one job, you can come be an Avenger, we get our own floors to ourselves.”
You heard a commotion down the street and looked at Bucky, he nodded and you both jumped off the roof and through the portal you conjured. You landed down the street in front of a corner bank, where a couple men were using crowbars to break open the ATMs.
You used your purple magic to sound the alarm, while Bucky took on two of the men. You took down the other one by making a portal under one of the fallen crowbars and making it land on the thug’s head. Once all three of the thieves were knocked out, you both ducked out of the bank and escaped to another rooftop.
“God you make it so easy.” Bucky cupped your face and pressed a quick kiss to your lips and you kissed him back. “Please joi--” You kissed him again and he tried to reach for your mask.
“Quit that!” You smacked his hand away and he grumbled.
“I just wanna see the face of the badass girl I like kissing.” He pouted.
⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸
The bookstore was never crowded, so it was a good time to watch the news and see if anything new popped up. You sometimes texted Bucky, but he often had meetings and other avenger stuff that needed to get done. It was nice that he never actively tried to track you down, he established trust between the two of you, it was relieving to have someone to talk to about superhero stuff.
You pulled your phone out and sighed, when a loud explosion shook everything around you, the glass windows shattered and shelves fell over, spilling books and display items. You flew back and hit the wall behind you, groaning loudly.
“Is there anyone in here?” The familiar voice called, you whined in response and Bucky weaved through debris and jumped over the counter, landing beside you. “Hi miss, there’s currently a HYDRA attack going on, and I’m trying to evacuate the surrounding blocks. How hurt are you? Can you stand?” 
You rubbed dust from your eyes, Bucky didn’t recognize you thankfully, “Mhmm.” You replied and let him help you to your feet.
“Cool, that’s great, you really scared me for a second, I’m Bucky, what’s your name?” You touched the back of your head and looked at your hand to see blood.
“Y/N.” You mumbled while he helped you through all the scattered pieces of shelves and glass, “I’m okay Buck-y-you can leave me now. Go help everyone else.” 
“No can do, you’re injured Y/N, come on, come this way.” You pulled your arm from his grasp.
“No no, my car is this way, I can just--” You grabbed the wall to stop your swaying.
“You can’t drive like this, do you even have your keys?” He teased, grabbing your forearm.
“I’ve had worse, goodbye Bucky.” You pulled from his hold again and started back down the littered sidewalk, you could hear more booms in the distance. 
“No Y/N, just come with me, why don’t you tell about yourself?” You heard the distant moaning of someone in danger and didn’t hesitate to go right into one of the destroyed shops, finding a woman trapped underneath the rubble, “Here I got this Y/N.” Bucky reached her first and you used the opportunity to slip out and stumble to your car.
You drove straight to your apartment and put on your suit, ignoring the pain in the back of your head, slipping on your mask. You teleported to one of the neighboring buildings and helped Bucky from the rooftop, but there was too many men and you saw them take him down, trying to drag him onto a ship. you jumped from the building and opened a portal, landing behind them. You heard mechanical wings behind you but ignored them as you opened portals below the HYDRA agents’ feet, watching them fall to the ground from a high place. 
You ran to Bucky’s side and Sam Wilson himself landed beside you, a gun pointed at you, “Who the hell are you?” He demanded.
“A friend of Bucky’s.” You replied, staring at him hard until he lowered the gun.
“Bucky doesn’t have any friends.” He replied and you rolled your eyes, and the HYDRA jet turned on, “However for the time being I’ll allow you to help, because we kinda need to get out of here, they want him to make him the winter soldier again. You mind teleporting us somewhere safer?” 
“How far?” You asked as the ramp opened up again and more agents began to flood out.
“As far as possible, they aren’t gonna stop!” He raised two guns in each hand but the floor beneath you three opened and you fell to the ground in front of an old farmhouse you grew up in. “Where the hell are we!?” Sam yelled, guns still raised.
“My safe house, welcome to Montana.” 
⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸
You and Sam both lugged Bucky inside, everything had remained untouched but now dusty, you set him on the couch and held his face in your hands, “How do you know Bucky? And who even are you?”
“Well..” You took your mask off and set it on the table, “I’m Y/N, but Bucky knows me as Novan. We met on a rooftop like nine months ago and sometimes fight crime together.” You knew it was only the tip of the iceberg, but Sam didn’t need to know about the make out sessions, or the cuddling on rooftops, or late night talks, or all the epic team-ups.
“You’re Novan? The vigilante?” You nodded. “I sent Bucky to find you nine months ago and you’re telling me that you two have been friends ever since? He was supposed to make you join the Avengers or stop crime-fighting.” 
“Bucky tried, give him some credit, it isn’t everyday you run into an enhanced that teleports..” You shrugged and felt around his scalp for any blood.
“You like him, don’t you.” Sam crossed his arms and you felt a blush creep up your neck. “He must like you if he didn’t bring you in.”
“Well yeah, that’s why we’re friends. I take care of the crimes the Avengers don’t have time for, and the crimes that police take forever to solve.” You touched the back of your head again, the small cut had scabbed over.
Sam started taking off his combat gear, “Thanks for taking us far, they won’t catch up anytime soon. Does this old place have food by chance?” 
“Or maybe clothes? Possibly a shower?”
“Slow down, yes there’s clothing, and a shower, I’ll have to get some food though, it’s been a while since anyone has been here.” You led Sam into your brother’s old room, “Can you pull some clothes out for Bucky too please?” He nodded and you went back to Bucky’s side. “Hey Buck, its Nov, everything is okay and you’re safe, I’m gonna get us some food.” 
Sam came back out wearing a graphic t-shirt and pants that were too short for him, “Maybe you can pick some clothes up?” He looked embarrassed.
“Sam, you can also check in the master bedroom, the closet will have more clothing, any requests for food?”
⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸
When you came in, lugging several bags of groceries, Bucky was still laying on the couch unconscious, Sam was sporting a pair of your dad’s old dress pants and had laid an outfit out for Bucky, “There’s more stuff in the car if you could help me.”
“Jesus what year is that thing from?” Sam looked at the rust bucket of an old car sitting out front.
“I don’t know, the 70′s?” You plugged the refrigerator in and started unloading the bags. 
After you both ate freezer meals, you showed Sam to the working shower, “We should probably let the water run for a lil’.” The water ran brown for a couple minutes before it became clear and Sam deemed it good enough.
“Hurt Barnes and its your head.” He threatened.
You glared at him and went back out to the living room, Bucky hadn’t even moved. You sighed and sat on the floor, leaning against his large shoulder, Sam cleared Bucky, saying he was only knocked out and would wake up tomorrow, but that didn’t change the fact that now two avengers were going to know your name and your secret identity.
⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸
You were up early the next morning and went outside to clean the old family car to keep your mind off the fact Bucky would be waking up today, and then he was going to know what you looked like, and your name, and know that he met you the same day. The front door opened and Sam stepped out, he had a mug of coffee in his hand and a muffin in the other.
“Mornin’, Bucky should be waking up any time now.” You put the hose down and nodded, looking at your feet, “Does Bucky even know what you look like?”
“No.” You answered, “He doesn’t even know my name.”
Sam pursed his lips, “And you still want me to trust you with both of us?” 
“He’ll know me Sam.” Sam nodded in response.
“That thing looks better cleaned like that.” He went back inside without another word and you turned to finish the car. By the time you finished fifteen minutes had passed, you went inside and heard voices.
“Sam where are we?!” Bucky’s voice was panicked, “Someones here.” His loud footsteps echoed over the squeaky floorboards. You felt your whole body stiffen and his crazed eyes on you before you could even react.
“Bucky hey hey, calm down buddy.” Sam grabbed Bucky’s shoulders, “She’s friendly, and saved our asses. I believe you two have a history?”
“Yeah, I saved her out of a bookshop that blew up, and then she disappeared.” Bucky had a knife in his hand.
“N-no, Buck its me, its Novan.” He pulled away from Sam and took a couple steps towards you.
“Nov?” He put the knife into a holster and waited, you shyly nodded, “Is your name actually Y/N or did you lie?”
“Yeah its Y/N. Why else do you think I tried getting away from you yesterday?” Bucky sighed and nodded.
“Okay. So where are we?” You bit your cheek.
“Montana.” You replied, Sam left the room to leave you both alone. “How did we get here? And who’s house is this?” Bucky looked crestfallen. “I opened a portal, and this is my house, it’s just a bit outdated..Does your head hurt? You got hit pretty hard, and I bought some pain pi--” “I’m fine.” He answered curtly. “Are you mad at me or something? Because trust me I don’t find this ideal either, and I didn’t want to tell you about who I am or take off my mask unless it was my choice and I didn’t really have one and--” “Stop making this about you. Who’s house is this? There’s bedrooms with kid stuff and you don’t have kids.” Bucky grumbled, hand on the hilt of his knife. “This is my house Buck, my family and I used to live here.” You sat down, “If you could please not ask anything about them it would be great, Sam asked me to take you guys somewhere safe and far from New York so I did as I was asked. You were unconscious and right now I might be marked down as dead or missing in New York because I’m here and not at work and the bookstore is--” “No one is asking you to stay!” Bucky grumbled, “You have the means to leave so why don’t you just go. Sam and I can handle this from here, we don’t need you Y/N. We won’t trash your family home or whatever, just leave.” Your heart stung, the closest person you had didn’t want you around, “Oh.” You managed, “Yeah that makes sense.” You walked past him and said bye to Sam, wishing him luck. You didn’t spare a glance at Bucky, instead you went straight out the front door and into a portal leading to your apartment in New York. ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸  That night you found yourself patrolling again, trying to think about anything but Bucky, maybe he was disappointed in the way you looked, or maybe he was mad you left him in New York to get your car. The list went on forever, but you couldn’t help the sting of thinking maybe he thought you were less than average looking. Bucky had always said he didn’t care what you looked like, that he knew you deep down and that was what he liked so much about you. You were so deep in thought you didn’t notice the figure standing on the building across the street until he hit you with a tranquilizer, and you tumbled over into a heap on the roof. ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ “Where did you send them?!” He demanded again, you groaned as he tased you again. Your body was too weak to teleport, and your mind was almost ready to begin to give in to what the man wanted to know, where Sam and Bucky were. He asked again and sent another painful shock up your spine, your brain was so fuzzy.“I se-sent them to--” You groaned in pain, “To this beach house i-in North Carolina.” You choked out and he shocked you again. “You’re going to give us the address, and hope for your sake that they’re there.” He grabbed you by the arm roughly and put you back into the holding cell designed for someone as strong as Bucky. You pulled yourself off the floor and against the wall, pulling your knees to your chest as one of the guards watched your struggle with amusement, you swore the second you’d get your powers back to kill him right after the one who tortured you. The agent came back, this time with his boss, “She says they’re in North Carolina.” His boss opened the door, a large gun attached to his hip.“North Carolina, huh? What’s the address?” He sneered at you, kicking your shin, you whined in protest. “I need you to show me a map, and I’ll give you the address, it was a house we broke into. It’s not exactly beach season right n--” He slapped you and you reeled to the side. “Get a map.” He ordered the other agent, “I only want the address, not your reasoning for choosing it. Now why don’t you tell me why you aren’t with them?” You looked away shamefully, why on earth were you protecting Bucky? “I’m not an Avenger, this wasn’t my business, I just got mucked up in it, see what good it gives me to help Avengers? You think I want this?” You spat at his feet and he bent over once more, when the agent came back. The man in charge gave you a warning look but brought the map down to your eye level, handing you a pen.You dragged your eyes along the map until you found the little vacation town you visited as a kid, circling it, “That town right here, it’s on..” You studied the map closer, “Its on Cedar street, the only house on the street, you can’t miss it.”The boss eyed you for a moment longer and handed the map to the other agent, “Get this to the pilot, now.” He bent down to your eye level, “I think you’re more useful than you let on.” ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸  You were left on the ship with the annoying guard while all the other agents surrounded an empty beach house, and once they realized this was just a decoy, you were gonna die. It would be your final resting place, the same as your families’. The accident that killed them and gave IGH permission to mutate your DNA. Now you would be buried with them, and hopefully get to rest. You waited for what felt like ages, with no chance of your powers kicking in anytime soon. You began to hear several gunshots and furrowed your eyebrows, “They’re killing them?” You asked the guard and he laughed.“There’s no need for the soldier anymore, we have you.” He grinned maliciously and then there was a hole in his head. His body slumped over and you gasped in horror at the amount of blood leaving his body, “Nov thank god!” Bucky rushed in and broke the door open with his left arm.“Bucky?” He helped you up and you didn’t dare to meet his eyes, “How’d you find me?” “Sam and I came back to New York and I felt bad so I looked up where you lived and saw you weren’t home so I knew you were out Nov-ing it up and I saw you get shot and taken away so we followed in the Quinjet.” Bucky pulled you out of the cell and helped you walk to their jet. “Why did you take them here?” He asked and you looked away.“My family is buried here and I knew they were gonna kill me when they discovered that I lied, and I’d rather be buried with my family.” Bucky wrapped his arms around you and you didn’t move. “Y/N they wouldn’t have killed you. You heard that guard, they were going to keep you and use you as an assassin.” He paused, “I’m sorry about your family, I didn’t know.” You didn’t know what to say so you didn’t speak, and Bucky let you go, “I’m sorry about how mean I was back in Montana, I was upset that you didn’t get to do things on our own terms and I took it out on you. Thank you for saving me from HYDRA.” Sam came in and smiled at you.“Hi Y/N, nice to see that you aren’t dead. FRIDAY take us home.” The jet started and took off, Sam eyed you and Bucky and went into the medical room. “It’s whatever.” You mumbled, “Is there any food or water on this thing? I’m dying.” Bucky stood up without another word and grabbed a water bottle and a bag of chips, he sat away from you and didn’t say anything for the rest of the flight. You ended up falling asleep and not remembering ever getting home. When you got up the next morning Bucky was in your living room laying in the couch.“What’re you doing here?” Every muscle in your body protested every movement you made. “Making sure you’re alright.” He answered softly, he got up and guided you to sit down, “Let me make you breakfast.” You leaned back again the couch with no objections. “I thought you were being a dick because you thought I was ugly if I’m being honest.” You spoke up, Bucky looked at you and raised his eyebrows. “Y/N, you’re quite literally the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen, shut up.” You leaned your head back and looked at the ceiling, Bucky moved to stand above you and chuckled at you, “Havin’ fun there?” “My muscles hate me from all that shocking.” You frowned and Bucky bent down to press a soft kiss to your forehead. “You should’ve just given us up.” He rubbed the sides of your face affectionately. “I’ll keep that in mind next time I help you two hide.” Bucky grinned and went back into the kitchen. “Don’t worry doll, I’m here taking care of you until you’re better, Mr. Captain America himself gave me time off.” He winked at you and you rolled your eyes. “You better, like you said I should’ve just given you up.” Bucky glared at you playfully and walked a plate with an omelette.“I’m forever in debt to you Nov.” Bucky smirked at you and went back into the kitchen to get something for you to drink.“That’s nice to hear, you’re a good kisser.” ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸  You groaned in complaint as Bucky rolled over, nearly crushing you in the process, “Buck.” You tapped his head with your palm. “Buck get off your killing me.”“Mmm you’re a good pillow.” He hummed and moved to get comfier.“Bucky you literally weigh a ton, get off me.” You felt much more awake and portal-ed him onto his side of the bed.Bucky opened his eyes and looked at you, “That was the meanest thing you’ve ever done to me!” He turned away from you, taking all the blankets in the process.“Worse than the time I teleported bird poop on your motorcycle for April fools?” You moved to spoon him and get back under the blankets. “Much worse. Even if the motorcycle is my baby.” He scooted himself back to be more up against you. “What am I, chopped liver?” You buried your face into his short hair and sighed. “No, you’re just mean.” You giggled on his head and felt him laugh. “Fine. You can use me as a pillow, just gentler please?” You let him go and rolled back onto your own pillow and Bucky squirmed to snuggle into the crook of your neck and wrap and arm around you. You caged him in your arms and ran a hand through his hair slowly, “That’s more like it, you can be my baby again.” You rolled your eyes, “You know we have a mission briefing in an hour, right?” Bucky buried his face farther into your neck. “You also know that if we’re late again Sam won’t let us go on missions together anymore, right?” Bucky whined.“Five more minutes? Keep playing with my hair Nov.” You bit your lip in satisfaction and continued. “Five more minutes.” You said sternly, knowing Bucky would somehow turn the next five minutes into fifteen, and that you’d be ten minutes late to the briefing from getting distracted together in the shower. You also knew that it didn’t matter, because Sam knew you and Bucky made a great team, and that’s why you were celebrating your six month anniversary of officially dating when you got back from the mission. “I love you Y/N.” Bucky mumbled sweetly, pressing a tiny kiss to your neck. “I love you too Buck.” ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸ Fin !! A/N: I’ve been wanting to write this for a little bit now hehe, I hope you guys enjoyed it!!!
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I need to write about Alistair’s Shepard’s first hamster now that I’m thinking about him. This also leads into his second hamster too.
Starting off, we have Corporal Fluffytail, and orange and white crossbreed between a space hamster and an earth Syrian. He was a damn fine hamster who went too young at age 3. Space hamsters can and often do live to 10 in proper conditions, and hybrids like CF can make it to 7 in good care, but Fluffytail was a rescue. As in, Shepard literally rescued him from somebody who wasn’t taking proper care of him.
Literally, he rescued him. One day on the last ship he was on, he heard some of the crew whispering and trying to hide something. It’s hard to hide shit from an N7, not to mention Commander - fucking - Shepard, so he eventually found out. Someone had snuck their pet aboard the ship and was keeping them in a tiny little cage. His original owner had been worried about his sniffling and had been consulting people about what to do. That led to the hamster being discovered. They couldn’t keep him, but you know who could? That’s right. Alistair took the little guy as his own and kept the name Corporal Fluffytail. It was only right to keep his original moniker.
It didn’t take long for Alistair to set him up in some proper housing and he got a lot healthier and happier. His sweet lil personality really started to shine, especially when they both moved onto the Normandy. To say Fluffytail was a hit was putting it mildly; he was the damn mascot. Everybody loved Fluffytail, and there was often fights over who got to babysit him when Shepard went ashore. Kaidan won those a lot by luck or maybe by rigging it. Who knows.
Of course, his early years didn’t help, and his breeding was somewhat suspect to begin with. The poor little guy never was in perfect health. He still sniffled sometimes, but it was never serious until the beginning of the end for him. Sometime around Virmire, he started to lose weight and and began to show the signs of something Alistair had worried about. He had wet tail. Even in 2183, there wasn’t a whole lot he could do for his little buddy but keep him hydrated and hope for the best. 
The best wasn’t good enough. Corporal Fluffytail left this world sometime before Ilos. He lived from 2180 to 2183 and was buried with the military honor he deserved. Alistair carried his memory with him as he faced down Saren on the Citadel and saved the day. Well, along with lots of other good memories... can’t exactly admit to thinking about his hamster while he saved the world, now can we?
Thus ends Fluffytail. However, he was not the last hamster to be in Commander Alistair Shepard’s life. Enter one Saren.
Now, what with being dead for two years and all, Alistair didn’t really have time to go searching for another pet. Really, it was kind of like Saren found him. This was during his first trip back to the rebuilt Citadel when he happened to stop by the gift shop. The sight of a little black and white space hamster with such strange blue eyes seemed to call out to him. Plus, he was in such a tiny cage that it couldn’t be good for his health. Once again, Alistair rushed in and wound up with a second hamster.
Saren didn’t really like his new owner at first. In fact, he pissed on him. Maybe it was his coloring, maybe it was the face he tried to bite him and then went to the bathroom, but he reminded him of a certain someone. Maybe it was ... strange... but the name just came to him as they were heading back to the Normandy with supplies.
Let’s just say some of the crew didn’t really... like... the new name at first. And Saren didn’t really like Alistair. For a chunk of time, he just stayed in his cage and wouldn’t come out when his new owner was in the room. Honestly, there were times that people thought he had escaped. There were jokes of Saren sighting, and they went over like a lead balloon with some of the older crew. Our little hamster friend did warm up to Alistair, however. 
It was during one of his anxiety attacks that they connected. It wasn’t anything too special that triggered it; they happened pretty frequently early on as Alistair grappled with having died and been rebuilt by Cerberus. That’s a long time without his anti-anxiety meds, even if they did rebuild parts of his faulty ass brain. So, he freaked out a lot in the privacy of his quarters, where a certain someone could see. Hell, maybe the hamster felt bad for the guy curled up in a ball by his cage.  At any rate, after a particularly bad one, Alistair saw Saren out of his little hiding hutch looking at him. Shakily, he reached out and managed to pick him up. For the first time, Saren didn’t bite him. Nor, amazingly, did he piss on him. They were cool now, and the hamster started coming out more to socialize with Alistair. Turns out, he’s a cuddler. 
Saren’s primary cage on the Normandy is in what used to be the fish tanks. Alistair hates fish, so replacing them wasn’t a big deal. In fact, he did it himself one afternoon when they were just drifting through space with only minor help from Garrus after seeing him nearly use his biotics on part of the tank. He made sure it was all ventilated properly and it’s great for his hamster to dig and play. Of course, a part of the floor is also his too; there’s something of a hamster playpen in Alistair’s quarters for when he wants to hang out with his owner. He’s partial to hoodie pockets and sleeves, but anyplace to hide and cuddle is nice. 
Like his predecessor, he’s a big hit on the Normandy. Everyone except Miranda wants to babysit him whenever Alistair isn’t on the ship. She’s out because he pissed on her when she suggested maybe the commander shouldn’t keep a space hamster on the ship. It’s a legendary story that gets told with varying amounts of exaggeration depending on who you hear it from. At any rate, that made him incredibly popular with Jack. However, his favorite person besides Alistair is probably Tali. He’ll happily cuddle with her any day when she comes to visit him, and she’s always one who can get him out to play. Second closest is Garrus, though - Saren can see chemistry when it’s going on.
In a move that surprised everyone, Saren survived the suicide mission. Maybe it was a faulty mass effect field, or maybe just dumb luck, but Alistair found him in his cage perfectly fine. His position of good luck charm and mascot on the Normandy was forever cemented in that moment he appeared in Alistair’s upturned helmet as he carried him down from where he had been. Talk about a badass. Pretty sure he was unofficially made a commander right then and there to match Alistair. It was one hell of a morale boost after what had been literal hell in space; one small creature that managed to survive the odds. Maybe it was a metaphor for something.
He’s not with Alistair at the start of Mass Effect 3. When the shit was about to hit the fan, Saren went with his sister and niece for safekeeping. So, he lived on the Citadel during the time between games, vexing Spectre the kitten and reminding Anora and Kelly Reynolds that Alistair wasn’t a fucking liar and did what he thought was right. They kept Saren updated on his owner’s progress, partially because they were worried he’d die of a broken heart before Alistair got free.
There will be no dying here, though. Saren Shepard is a tough little badass and he’s living to see Alistair again. Maybe that’s on the Normandy, maybe it’s after Mass Effect 3. But he’s gonna see him again, come hell, high water, or reaper invasion. 
A man and his space hamster is a beautiful thing.
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juniperhillpatient · 8 years
Thoughts on The Last Picture Show
*I’m glad we’ve established Geraldine/Jennifer as a villain and antagonist. Thank YOU for real 
*Jennifer’s story to Archie about being abused was one thousand percent a pile of lies. She’s shady as hell
*I hate Alice more every time she appears on screen for more than two seconds like no wonder Polly had a mental breakdown, I would have too with a mom like that 
*Anyway, where is Polly really? What’s the deal? Why isn’t Betty allowed to see her? 
*I guess we know why Betty has this whole “she thinks she’s Polly sometimes” thing going on. Her mom is psychotic and is giving her an identity crisis 
*Betty and Veronica are queens and I love seeing them work together to look out for Archie. Betty using the stuff she learned in Nancy Drew to be a rebel detective is just the perfect mix of adorable and badass 
*Um when are we going to get more of a focus on Jughead? He’s living in a theater and his dad is in a gang? I know Cole Sprouse is Daddy but keep in mind that in the context of the show he’s a sophomore in high school. Why aren’t more people in Riverdale such as adults including teachers concerned about/aware of this situation? 
*I haven’t been too happy with Kevin’s characterization so far but this episode was much better than any others so far imho
*Joaquin is interesting although I almost never end up liking ships that get together right away because I like a build up. The whole secretive, he’s in a gang and Kevin’s dad is the sheriff thing is pretty hot though tbh. Plus like...a love triangle with Kevin/Joaquin and Kevin/Moose??? (If Moose ever comes back? lol) That would be amazing. I love love triangles so much idc how cliche they are, fight me. Also we pretty much never get same-sex love triangles so that would be cool to see 
*I loved Kevin’s scene with his dad. More supportive parents for gay kids on TV (and in life duh) 
*Veronica and Kevin’s friendship is so cute. Platonic cuddling at the drive in? Sign me up. 
*Cheryl can step on me and I love her, she’s a bad bitch, but also...Sometimes I kind of hate her. A lot 
*Kevin’s face when Veronica sat down at the drive in with them had me weak af
*Sometimes I just think wow, Fred is a great dad, and other times I’m...not so sure. Yes, he told Archie none of this was his fault but he also didn’t stand up for Archie as much as he could have when they were all arguing and yelling in the music room. I’m not sure what he could’ve done though so maybe I’m being too critical 
*Again, the Fred and Archie hug scene was so touching. Why aren’t we talking about this more? 
*Archie breaking down broke my heart. That scene hit close to home as I’ve been in a situation that was sort of similar to his in the past. Without going into detail on that, let’s just say I think KJ Appa is phenomenal and he really nails the delivery on all the emotions Archie is going through. It was just a great scene like all of his scenes are. 
*Betty is the best friend in the world and Archie is so lucky to have her. 
*Honestly Archie and Betty are just lucky to have each other and I’m so proud of both of them for standing up for their friendship
*I love every scene at Pops. To be honest I’d probably be happy with an entire show set at Pops. 
*Veronica saying "girl" is the cutest thing. I don't even know why it just melts me. 
*I like that we're seeing this sort of rich bitch side of Hermione. The family is one thousand percent like that in the comics and I'm fine with seeing a nicer side of Veronica on the show (in fact I love this version of her!) but I like the sort of callback if you will to who these characters originated as and what part of them is still sort of like. Maybe that makes no sense 
*Can we not have Fred and Hermione date. IDK it just really bothers me 
*Again, my main takeaway from Alice is that she can choke 
*I'm intrigued by the mayor being corrupt, but at the same time isn't that a little cliche? A small town mayor is corrupt? Really? Plus it makes me sad because it takes away the value of that scene where Josie was talking about how hard her mom worked to get to that point 
*The whole Southside Whatever gang thing is a little bit corny, am I right? 
*Veronica yelling at a gang and people clapping is my new aesthetic though 
*Overall this was my favorite episode so far. This show has been really good and I've been loving it, but this episode just really did such a great job characterizing everyone, and it was also a really interesting plot. The scenes in the movie theater and in Pops when they were just being friends were my favorites. 
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itbedead · 8 years
Aaah if you are still doing the ship thing I'd love to give it a shot! ❤ Interests: baking, philosophy, collecting little trinkets, my dog, and insult comedy Dislikes: cleaning, closed-mindedness, pointless busy-work Personality: talkative, opinionated but flexible, brutally honest, swears a lot, loves making people laugh, doesn't care but also low key does lmao Looks: short but got a commanding presence, short blonde hair, big glasses, resting pouty face 24/7, quirky fashion sense
Gladio~🌸  He would adore you~ 🌸Gladio will enjoy your shortness and tease you for it. He might be a little protective too. I mean his job is to protect and when he's in love that goes up by a lot. You would probably have to tell him to relax. He knows you can take care of your but he can't help it sometimes.Gladio is such a dog person and he loves to get little trinkets from his travels to give to you. He would be surprised and impressed with your commanding presence. He loves it when a person brings presence to a room. He would love your sense of humor. I'm sure you hear him constantly roasting Noctis and even Prompto. If you two go back and forth it would be pretty funny to watch.Gladio can handle your brutal honesty and won't hold a grudge if you say something to him that may hurt. When Noctis saw Luna die and he was acting pathetic, Gladio told him to get over it and move on. It was the truth and he said it harshly but it what was needed to be said. I believe he would respect you for that. So yeah he can handle that when he's on the receiving end.Now being interested in philosophy will intrigued him because he's more than just some muscle head. I think he would take quite the in it and hearing what you have to say as well as giving own his point of view on it.Your resting pouty face would make him laugh. He would probably think something's wrong the first few times he see's it. Then realize you're fine. He would get used to it.Gladio will love just chillin with you. He's affectionate but I don't see him loving cuddling as much as the other chocobros. He's the type that would sit you in his lap and let you lean on his chest if you're tired. I feel like Gladio is the type of boyfriend that loves to feel needed. (Just ask him for help when you don't really even need it'll be enough for him knowing he's a help to you.)  The badass couple no one wants to mess with😎💚💚 As for cleaning that's where bae Iggy comes in( truly they were tied for you in my mind.) He would do it but but you're gonna help. Iggy has that same sense of humor and you two will laugh it up. Ignis is classy, cool and calm . He would be up for a classy breakfast date or he could always cook you something himself❤He would love talking of philosophy and would probably teach you something new about it. Ignis is busy with the prince and hopes you understand that he can't always Be around. He would call you night and send you “Good Morning.” Text in the day. When he does see you the chocobros will have to take a back seat. He love romance your pants off,literally!😉 if he has a little off time of course he'll spend it with you.Prompto has pictures of you two wearing the “resting face” and he thinks it's hilarious. Ignis gives you tips on the best things to use to clean your glasses.He loves that your short but can give an intimidating aura. Thinks it's hilarious. ( In a good way like. "Try her if you want to...")Ignis will help you go shopping to buy unique trinkets. He always holds his arm out for you to take when you go shopping.Your fashion quirks he loves because he's wearing a leopard print shirt and a suit and still looks fine. He'll encourage your style. He can handle brutal honesty too. Mostly it's Ignis dishing out the truth to the chocobros,so he's fine with it. (Though sometimes somethings you say might hurt. He knows it's not of ill intent.)He will love baking with you. You two would probably have a unexpected date in the kitchen cooking things up and just enjoying each other. Spa dates are a thing with him and so is randomly giving you gentle pecks through out the day. Iggy loves all animals. So your dog is more then welcome to tag along for a walk😉the couple you can't believe is real cuz they're both awesome😃 it's too much awesomeness.
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