#kirishima x jupiter
myherokatsuki · 3 years
my ask deleted help 💔💔 but for the event!! my self ship is w kirishima! (ofc) we met first year of college! we have the friends to lovers trope bc we did pine after each other for a bit. we are also the extrovert bf x introvert gf type. we often watch movies and cuddle together bc he’s busy and i’m more of a stay at home type person so when we’re together it’s mostly relaxing or if neither of us are too busy we’ll go out on adventures (usually not planned) and do whatever. or late night drives while we listen to music and go get ice cream or something. i hope this was enough! i cant wait and congrats again bb!! 🥺🖤
Thank you Jupiter!!  Hhhh you and Kirishima are so dang cute together.  >w<  I hope you enjoy <3
Event Status: Closed
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“You really wanna watch this movie again?” Eijirou asked, collapsing back against the couch, a hint of a whine to his deep voice as you changed the channel to the same movie you’d been playing the other day.
“What, it’s a comfort movie!” you insisted, poking him in the side to make him jump, laughing as he threw you the most petulant look.
“Alright fine, what would you rather do?” you asked instead, leaning your head against his shoulder and looking up at him.
A grin stretched across his face at your question and he twisted to press his lips against your forehead.  “Let’s go on an adventure!” he exclaimed, and you found yourself hauled to your feet as soon as you laughed your agreement.
Despite the chill in the air, Eijirou’s hand engulfing yours was nice and warm, and you walked as close to him as you possibly could without climbing into his coat.  “C’mon, let’s get some snacks,” he suggested, pulling you into the convenience store near your apartment.  The door chimed as it opened and you grabbed a basket, following your giant giddy boyfriend around the small store.
“Ooo, I’ve wanted to try this, and we gotta get some of these, they’re your favourite!” he exclaimed, tossing the treats into your basket.
If Kirishima was a dog, he’d be a golden retriever, easily distracted, and you would have sighed every time he stopped to point something new out if it weren’t so damned endearing. 
“What do you think, huh?  Aren’t these sunglasses cool?  Do they make me look badass?” he asked, poking his head out from behind the display, a pair of thick red rimmed glasses perched on his nose.
“Yeah, you look great,” you replied, giggling at the tag that hung over his nose.  “But isn’t it a little dark for sunglasses?”
“Only cool kids wear sunglasses at night!” he teased, his grin stretching playfully.  “C’mere, we need to pick some out for you too, babe!” he insisted, holding out an oversized pair for you, gently placing them on your face as you shuffled closer.
“What d’ya think?” he asked as you studied your reflection in the tiny mirror in front of you.
“Hmm, I like them.  Do you think they fit my face though?” you murmured, turning back to Eijirou.
“You look great!  But of course, you always do,” he exclaimed, his bright toothy grin filling you with affection.
“Alright, alright, we’ll get them.”
Once you were back outside, you looked up and down the street.  “Where to next?”
Kirishima pondered for a moment, his short brows drawing together in thought before he grinned.  “Let’s go to the arcade!” 
Slipping his hand back in yours, ridiculous sunglasses still perched on his nose, he took off down the street, pulling you along with him.
At this time of night the arcade was relatively empty and Eijirou pushed the dark tinted glasses up into his hair so he could see in the dim room, only lit by the neon lights of the games.  
Hanging back, he let you pick the game, unsurprised that you’d gravitated to the Dance Dance Revolution machine.  No matter how bad both of you were at it, you never failed to want to play at least one round.
“Hey,” Kiri said as you waited for the countdown, turning to grin at you, a softness in his ruby eyes.
“Hmm?” you asked, glancing over at him.
“I love you,” he said, leaning in to steal a kiss, his warm lips moving tantalizingly against yours.
Three, two, one, dance!
Taken off guard by his sudden kiss, it took you a moment to realize he’d already started, leaving you behind, missing several of the arrows already.
“You did that on purpose, Eiji!” you cried, though there was no heat to your exclamation, laughter taking over as you hurried to hit your marks.
“It’s not manly to cheat!  I just wanted a good luck kiss!” he gasped, and you couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not, though honestly he was probably being completely earnest and you loved that about him.
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sukiglycerin · 3 years
the scrapbook documenting denki kaminari and his experiences with love, subtlety, and volumes of manga || denki kaminari.
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* pairing: denki kaminari x oblivious!reader (gender neutral!)
* genre: fluff, normal conflict(??) but not much, uni!au, friends to lovers, mutual pining, idiots to lovers
* words: 4.5k
* warnings: brief scenario of intoxication, mentions of maidgirls (one of them has a gun because mey-rin from kuroshitsuji), reader has past bad experiences with relationships, bakusquad is supportive af, reader is oblivious (duh), i love sero, side kiribaku
* original request: Can you do a fluff Denki crushing on the reader but the reader is really oblivious to him just badly flirting and bakusquad gets annoyed and helps them get together 😳
* a/n: this turned out much longer than expected, but i’m satisfied with the turn-out! i call this a “scrapbook” because it’s like a collection of short moments. i’m experimenting with this writing style, so i hope you enjoy it! i started writing reader by basing them off of this one pretty girl i know (and very much like), but then reader started morphing into me projecting myself and oh boy. yeah. fun fact: i actually own the kuroshitsuji manga volume with the maidgirl on the cover (volume 22).
“please don’t like me,” is the first thing you say to denki kaminari. you don’t know who he is, though, when you say these words. all you know is that he’s presumably a college student like you and that he’s quite extroverted. behind him stand three of his friends giggling to themselves. it’s apparent they’re playing a practical joke. 
the first thing the blond boy said to you was, “hey, you’re cute, i like you.” that was thirty seconds ago, after you’d put your manga down when you noticed his friends pushing him towards you.
he cracks a grin upon your response. “alright.” he puts his hands up in mock surrender. “the point still stands - you’re cute.” his eyes fall to the manga you set down. “hey- is that detective conan?”
it’s an old, worn copy of detective conan’s first volume.
“oh, yeah,” you reply.
“can i see it?” he asks. you nod.
he picks up the book, surprisingly gentle with its fading corners and creased spine. 
"i used to read the series all the time," he says quietly, reliving a memory in his eyes. "i always tried to solve the crime before conan." 
you're not sure what to answer, but he introduces himself before you can.
"i'm kaminari, by the way." he slips a piece of paper in your manga, setting the book down on your table. "text me."
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“please don’t fall in love with me,” is the first thing you whisper to denki kaminari, hushed under the sheets in mina’s room. you're surprised he can hear you over the quiet murmurings of a ghibli movie playing on the tv; you're surprised he's awake.
“okay,” and it’s the first promise he’s ever broken, voice all low and hoarse from the after-effects of prolonged silence. 
(maybe he should've feigned sleep, he later thinks, as his heart stupidly falls and crashes clumsily into love. maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all.)
he turns onto his back, staring at the ceiling. it's dotted with glow-in-the-dark stars mina and sero had impulsively hung up one friday evening instead of studying. there's a couple moons, too, which bakugou had frowned upon, stating, "where are we, jupiter? there's only one moon orbiting earth." kirishima laughed. 
from the sound of shuffling sheets and a quick glance next to him, denki can tell you're now laying on your back, too. he almost makes a comment about you copying him. he stares at the faux stars overhead, not tired enough to close his eyes and allow sleep it's victory for the night. there's not much to do while awake at the moment other than strain his ear to decipher to the tv's audio. his throat feels dry, but he's not motivated enough to sit up to grab a water bottle. anyway, he supposes you and he are staring at the same sky, in a cheesy way. he remembers reading something like that in a book.
he kills the time and his aching mind by finding stupid constellations in the stick-on stars. there's a slightly distorted dipper of some sort, and a heart. there's a lot of squares. there's a shape he passes off as orion, but he knows anyone a tad more into astronomy than him would gasp at the abstract shape and completely dismiss its resemblance to orion. 
eventually, your breathing slows to a rhythmic pace beside him. the logical part of his mind tells him to sleep now that you, too, are sleeping. he doesn't know why he waited for you to be asleep first. one pentagon constellation later, kaminari allows sleep's gaze to wash over and envelope him. the ghibli movie is still playing.
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it seems that his friends have beat him, somehow, to the conclusion that denki kaminari has a bit of a crush on you. it's childish, really. he shouldn't like you, recalling your first words to him. they struck you apart from other people he'd met. back then, though, he never seriously thought about you like that. sure, you were conventionally attractive (enough for him to approach you to give you his number), but it was all in good fun. that's what you were, too, for the longest time: good fun and a friend.
until one day, glances lingered for too long while you weren't looking. one day, kaminari's jokes became more and more aimed for you, to hear your laughter in his ears. one day, kaminari realizes he has your usual coffee and bubble tea order memorized, when he can barely remember his own.
he pretends all of it is completely normal, but mina assures him differently. as does bakugou, which is strange, because he's usually not wrapped up in other people's affairs (when voicing this to the blond, he responded, "it's hard not to notice because you're too damn obvious"). it's kind of hard to ignore when bakugou calls it obvious (he's literally had kirishima pining over him since day one with no notice).
kaminari really does try to ignore the bubbling feeling rising at the bottom of his heart. he really does, but you keep on shaking and shaking his poor heart until it's all fizzy like a bottle of soda. he's weak, okay? one day, he’ll explode.
his friends are all urging him to confess to you already, but he cannot work up the nerve to do so. instead, kaminari drops you obvious hints that he likes you. he doesn't know whether you're completely oblivious to them or if you're deliberately ignoring them.
he's been so painfully obvious, he swears.
he's practically able to write a list of hints he's dropped. he's fairly confident he could publish it as an advice book with the title "how to tell your crush you like them without saying 'i like you.'" by this point, he's the king of obvious subtlety. 
the list would go something like this, in no particular order:
pick-up lines
"did it hurt, when you fell-" you were silent, "-from the vending machine? because you're a snack." 
silence. absolute radio silence. he was extremely tempted to run away from the sheer awkwardness between the two of you. as he turned to leave and freak out in private, he heard you mumble a belated "thanks," which made everything worth it.
he still left to freak out, though (and plan his next pick-up line to tell you).
manga references
"hey, y/n," kaminari had said one day, after a particular burst of confidence. you hadn't looked up from your book.
"if i were shinichi from detective conan, you'd be ran," he'd said, referencing the main love interests from the manga. "or maybe vice versa. you are the smart one in this relationship..."
you didn't bat an eye. "they never get together, though? shinichi and ran."
"they- they don't?!" he'd sputtered indignantly. he definitely needed to read up his detective conan lore. "but they both like each other?"
"true," you'd replied in typical you fashion, neither letting on whether you did like him or not. well, hey, kaminari had thought. you didn't deny it. progress.
hand size comparison (which was, in reality, just an excuse to kind of hold your hand)
kaminari had smoothly been planning this for weeks (which, according to sero, was a little sad). he'd bring up the topic of hands one day in your daily conversations, then nonchalantly slip a "oh, y/n, let's do a hand size comparison!" he high-fived himself mentally upon the formulation of this genius plan - you'd definitely fall for him (or at least, realize his feelings for you - this state of teetering between do they like me or do they not like me frustrated him for months on end). the perfect opportunity presented itself one day as the two of you lounged in mina’s room (which, at this point, had become you and your friends’ hangout spot) studying. 
“wow, you type fast,” kaminari remarked as he pretended to innocently look up from the “work” (changing his laptop wallpaper for the tenth time that day) he was doing. you were focused on your work, sitting on mina’s bed with your laptop propped up by a pillow on your lap. you’d barely registered his words, judging by the way your eyebrows scrunched and how you looked up at him after a slow beat. 
“oh, uh, thanks,” you replied. “i’m just copying some text down. i don’t usually type this fas…” you trailed off, eyes widening as you watched kaminari scooching next to you on the bed. he put his hand next to yours, whose fingers still ghosted the keys of your keyboard.
“look,” he said softly, bringing your hands up to eye level. “hand size comparison.” it was breathed out belatedly, but your crystalline eyes didn’t leave his. he started to curve his fingers in between yours, holding your hand so tenderly. he really, really didn’t want to let go. “we fit.” it was a whisper he wasn’t sure you could hear - did he want you to hear it? “like… a puzzle,” he added awkwardly.
you nodded, dazed, slowly bending your fingers over his. he rocked your clasped hands side to side, a fond feeling creeping through his limbs. it was warm and tingly - and maybe it was contagious. could you feel it too, buzzing past his fingertips to you?
precisely three minutes passed before kaminari’s arm started to ache. he didn’t catch your disappointed expression when he let go of your hand, but he did catch the smile that emerged when he held your hand as the sides of your fingers nudged the bed. you didn’t get much work done after that, sitting in silence with him. 
brushing your hand in a popcorn bucket
movie nights on fridays were commonplace at mina’s. the plan, this time, was created by kirishima, who said that it was manly with just the right amount of romantic. kaminari hoped so. the movie settled on was some romance flick, as decided by mina, kirishima, and sero’s pleading with a very begrudging bakugou.
he can’t remember much of the movie. what he can remember, however, is the very close presence of you next to him as the two of you shared a popcorn bucket (courtesy of sero’s very romantic ideas). your hands brushed a (purposeful, on kaminari’s end) dozen times throughout the film. the last couple were accidents. on the first time, though, kaminari watched with satisfaction from his peripheral view as you looked from him to the popcorn that obscured the place where your hands made contact. he was very satisfied by the time the movie ended. 
truth or drink (which just ended up with you and he both getting very, very drunk)
you didn’t particularly enjoy the taste of sake, but that night was an exception. according to your drunken explanation, you had a very rough day. your exam, first and foremost, did not go particularly well (“who cares about freud!?” you blurted. “i dooooon’t!”). kaminari didn’t have the heart to ask who this freud was. then, one of your close friends confessed to you (which almost made kaminari’s heart stop, when you first recounted it to him), and you had to turn them down. you adamantly refused any sort of relationship, you told kaminari. (“nuh uh,” you shook your head. “they’re not good.”) it was surprising to him that you opened up that night. your first couple drinks left you quieter than usual - which was scary, because kaminari was practically having a conversation with himself then. a couple more drinks loosened your tongue, though. 
“there’s someone i like.” you jabbed a finger at him. “but i’m not supposed to saaaay… and it’s scaaary,” you slurred.
“ohh?” kaminari asked, more focused on the burn in the back of his throat. “whooo is it?”
you looked at your arm outstretched to him, and the pieces fell into place slower than they should’ve. he first looked around, just in case he was covering the person you were really pointing to (of course, you and him were the only ones there).
“this guy?" he asked, flabbergasted and pointing to himself. "him?!"
you nodded solemnly. "but i don't like dating," you said stubbornly. "love is dead!" you announced, flopping on the carpet. 
kaminari watched the heaving of your breaths as you lay on the ground, and strained his ears to hear your soft, soberish murmuring.
"i really like you, denki kaminari."
a dopish grin formed itself on his face. "i really like you too, y/n." 
kaminari then promptly blacked out, but not before hearing you running to the bathroom to throw up.
as of now, he can’t recall anything he or you said that night. on the contrary, he can vividly remember the ringing in his head and the sickly feeling that overtook him the next morning.
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"you two are so frustrating!" mina declares over her sweetened iced tea. she points at kaminari, then to you standing with sero in the distance. you’re animatedly talking about some painting (“it’s renoir!” you mooned when you first saw it) while he and the rest of the group sit on a nearby bench. 
kaminari puts his hands up. “don’t look at me - i tried my best!”
“yeah, sure,” mina dismisses. “and i’m the queen of england.”
“i mean, they already told me not to like them!” kaminari counters. “what am i supposed to do about that?”
“shoot your shot!” mina urges. “c’mon, what’s the worst that could happen? …wait, don’t answer that.”
“yeah, kaminari, bro,” kirishima puts his elbow on kaminari’s shoulder. “flirt a little bit more.”
“that’s all you two seem to do,” bakugou grumbles from the other side of kirishima.
“you just need a little push,” mina says. kaminari isn’t sure he likes mina’s definition of push.
“i think i’m g-”
“hey, sero, come here!” mina calls to sero in the distance, earning her a couple dirty glances from others in the gallery. “kaminari wants to look at the painting with y/n.”
oh, god, kaminari groans internally. sero, already walking toward the bench, flashes a knowing grin toward him. 
“go get ‘em, champ.” sero pats kaminari on the back as the blond stands up, emitting a low, audible groan. 
the four on the bench watch as your eyes light up at the approaching kaminari, who’s sheepishly scratching his neck. he says something - then you start again, rambling something about “impressionism” then “salon.” mina watches with clasped, anticipating hands; kirishima’s hand accidentally brushes bakugou’s, who’s holding a juice box and watching the two of you; sero simply smiles with knowledge that the others are unaware of.
“well, what do you think?” you finally ask kaminari, gesturing to the painting. 
“uhh,” kaminari says. he was too busy staring at your face - the twinkle in your eyes, the curve of your lips - to pay attention to any of what you’d said. something about impressing and fleeting moments. he looks at the person depicted in the composition, then back to you. he remembers kirishima’s words - flirt a little bit more. it couldn’t hurt, could it?
“i think it’s pretty,” he leans into you, murmuring so he can be sure no one but you and he hears his words, “but it’s definitely not as pretty as you.”
you look down at yourself; then, for whatever reason, to sero. kaminari looks at sero, too, who’s wearing this stupid smile that sets unease in kaminari’s chest. he gives you two big thumbs-up. he’s so confused by sero’s behavior that he barely registers the light sensation of something on his cheek - a kiss. he looks at you, who’s looking away, then to the bench, where his friends are cheering despite the disapproving looks from those around them. he touches his cheek out of disbelief. light swells in his chest - it’s warm, so warm - but your aloof voice brings him back to reality (which really, isn’t much different from a dream).
“kaminari, you’re very red right now.”
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“the two of you,” mina exclaims with the two of her hands clasped together in excitement over skype, “should go to a manga cafe!”
kaminari blinks. “as a date?”
“i wasn’t thinking about it like that.” mina nudges him, a sly smile creeping across her lips. “but hey, that works too. i mean, they did kiss y-”
kaminari cuts the pink-haired girl off before she can finish. “is that something… they’d want to do?”
“mmm…. probably,” mina says. “they were reading manga when you first met them right?”
he can vividly remember the somewhat tattered volume of conan, the detective turned little boy who must solve crime while hiding his own identity. really, the wear was only on the soft cover, nudged and peeling on the corners with faded text splayed on the spine. the pages were in crisp condition, he’d noted one day as he (totally, completely discreetly) watched you read the copy again. the bookshelf in your dorm and the stack of books on your desk is littered with different mangas, ranging from the old classics (astroboy) to some newer works (your lie in april). he only remembers this fact because he really, really wants to borrow a copy of black butler (yes, it’s the one with the maid on it. she looks really hot with a gun, okay?). all your manga are well-taken care of, cared for diligently as if each book has a piece of your heart in it. besides, you rarely lend out any (sero once asked to borrow jujutsu kaisen and you very, very reluctantly handed it to him), so he doubts you’d trust him with it.
“hang on, lemme ask sero if they’d be interested in a manga cafe,” mina says, pulling out her phone. “they’ve been close lately,” she mumbles as she types out a quick text to him, a quiet ping letting kaminari know that she’s sent it.
after a pause, mina excitedly reads sero’s reply: “yeah, probably.”
well, that was a definitive answer. 
“there’s one nearby here,” mina offers. “hagakure told me good things about it, and she has a knack for finding the best spots in town. i’ll send you the address.”
“you think they’d like it?” kaminari says in an atypical bout of self-consciousness.
“of course,” mina replies instantly. “don’t you see how they look at you?”
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usagi manga kissa makes kaminari cringe. it’s not the bunny-themed logo on the top of the building, nor is it the wide assortment of manga lining the walls, nor is it the cozy, soft seats nuzzled in the nooks and crannies of the café. it’s not even the life-sized cardboard cut-outs of various anime maid girls (he actually particularly really likes that detail). it’s the name itself. usagi is fine - kaminari likes bunnies as much as the next guy. manga is fine, too - he wouldn’t be here if not for the manga. the kissa makes him cringe for the most immature of reasons, like a five year old just learning basic english vocabulary. kissa innocently shortens the word kissaten, for cafeteria, but suspiciously sounds like the english word kiss. he does not want to think about kissing as he walks into the café with you, and especially not when the lady at the counter asks if you want a couples’ discount (you say yes, solely because it’s cheaper). 
he does not want to think about kissing as he walks next to you, browsing the manga selection and passing the shoujo section that boasts illustrations of happy couples and romantic imagery. he doesn’t want to think about kissing as the two of you walk to a “couple’s” room, you rambling about the plot of the manga you chose and him with some shounen volleyball manga in his hand. kissing is the worst thing to think about as your knee touches his in the cramped apparent two-person room. he is not thinking about kissing at all when you offer him your water bottle, half full, and he’s definitely not thinking about indirect kissing or anything when he takes a sip. that would be crazy. 
fortunate for him, his manga is full of not-kissing, so he’s able to somewhat enjoy it without his mind bombarding him with the fact that your face is less than a metre away. as he finishes up the volume, he realizes how much of a middle school student he feels like. 
“y/n,” he looks up to you and says. you’re watching an old episode of neon genesis evangelion on the computer provided in the room, the manga you were reading sitting on the table beside the keyboard. 
“yeah?” you respond and pause the anime. out of his peripherals, he can see you turn to look at him. he stares at the wall ahead of him, lacking the confidence to face you head-on. 
“remember when we first met?” he reminisces. 
“the cafe?” you say. “yeah.”
“if… i can ask,” he musters, “why did you say what you did then?”
you pause, taken aback. “i… i don’t know.”
“because,” kaminari starts, and you flinch, “i like you. a-and i know you said not to-”
a ghost has crossed your face. your mouth is agape, as if you suspected his feelings but never thought he’d verbalize them. he wonders what the kiss was about. 
“i’m,” you gulp, breath stuttering, “i’m sorry.”
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kaminari lied. five days later of zero contact with you, he realizes he’s in deep. he doesn’t like you - he’s in love with you. they say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and here he is, sifting through memories he had with you like they’re books. he should probably be studying instead of lying spread eagle on his bed, thinking of you. he can recall a promise made one night and the moment it was broken; he can remember the plastic stars he studied that night, falsely shining and lighting hope within him. he can remember dozens of constellations, half of which were geometric shapes, that he fell asleep to with you at his side. his heart aches, alighting a dull burn within him like a protostar barely able to burn hydrogen. 
there’s a polite knock at his door, so he assumes it to be either kirishima or sero. mina always enters unannounced and bakugou is far too brash to knock softly. slowly - almost reluctantly - he sits up in bed, standing up and making his way to the door. he catches a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror, telling him that his hair is an absolute mess and in no way presentable. he figures that either kirishima or sero will comment about it, but he never needed to impress them in the first place. turning the knob and opening the door, he’s expecting either of his friends, maybe here to nag him or ask him to come and study or say “hey, why haven’t you spammed the group chat with memes in a while? i missed them.”
he definitely isn’t expecting you, face pulled into a worried expression and lips held in a thin, anticipating line before you meet his eyes. you’re pouring out a waterfall of apologies at a thousand words per second as soon as he opens the door, letting yourself in and hardly taking notice of his bird’s nest hair. he guides you to the couch, attempting to interject and ask you to slow down, but he finds that it sounds rude at any given moment. you’re sitting on the couch, lamentations and explanations spilling from your lips as you grip the plush material of the cushion you sit on, when you finally pause to take a breath. kaminari uses this opportunity to interrupt you.
“woah, woah, woah.” he hesitantly puts a hand on your shoulder. “can you back up?”
“oh, yeah,” you start to move back in your seat and kaminari stifles a laugh.
“no, can you start your story from the beginning?” he asks. “take your time, i’m not going anywhere.”
“i’m really, really sorry about what happened the other day,” you apologize, then look at him finally and ogle his hair. “i got… scared,” you admit earnestly. before he can make any question of it, you continue, “i like you too, see. and i never really, seriously acted on it - i didn’t want to. so when you did the inevitable and confessed… it scared me. the truth is… i’m not the best at romance or relationships. i don’t want to put anyone through that, again.” your voice wavers but finishes strong as you look kaminari in the eyes.
“that?” he asks. he’s afraid he’s crossed a line, but you reply all the same.
“i was in a relationship, once. i wasn’t… i wasn’t good enough. i didn’t do the things that people in a relationship are supposed to do, i guess.” you fiddle with the fabric of the couch, looking down at your fingers. your voice gives away the vulnerability of the topic, wrapped in a stiff disconnection; you’ve distanced yourself from it, probably once too familiar with the feelings you speak of.
“it’s okay,” kaminari says, almost too quickly. he slows himself down. “that’s… completely fine,” he admits truthfully. “we can go slow. i… i can wait.”
“can you?” you look up at him, hope shining your eyes. it dims quickly before you say, “you don’t have to. i don’t want to limit you…”
“the only person i want is you,” he reassures you, hesitantly taking your hand in his. “you’re not…” he struggles for words, “...limiting me if i don’t have eyes for anyone else.”
“are you sure?” it’s an almost inaudible whisper, clutching your hopes in three words that are held together by thin threads. 
“i’ve never been more sure,” kaminari replies confidently, giving your hand an encouraging squeeze.
“okay,” you breathe out, relief tingeing your speech. “i… want to be with you.”
it takes everything in kaminari not to kiss you right there. 
“oh, by the way-” you say, standing up from the couch and leaving kaminari to sit alone, “did you still want to borrow that copy of black butler?”
“the one with the maid who has a gun?” kaminari asks, eyes wide. how did you know about that?
“yeah. you kept staring at it before, so i assumed…”
“yeah. yeah, no, yeah, that’d be really great. amazing, actually. wonderful. stupendous-” kaminari shuts himself up before he can ramble on longer. 
“okay, give me a second,” you respond, smiling, and exit to the hallway to retrieve the manga. 
you return with the volume in hand, placing it in kaminari’s hands. 
“thanks,” he says as he glides his thumb over the glossy cover and mint condition. it’s heavier than kaminari thought, and it feels like the weight of a heart. he’ll be sure to take extra care of it, holding it with ginger fingers and a sweet, sweet feeling in his chest.
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quidfree · 3 years
tdbk camp half blood au?
well you’re in luck anon there’s a whole pjo x bnha zine i was a part of featuring my todo and baku focused pieces. anyhow i may post said pieces sometime if only to feature @swissyarts’s fantastic illustration (!) but since they can be read in tandem have a quick bonus scene set after them ig.
(narrator voice) the story until now: baku is camp half blood and a very bitter son of aphrodite (lol), todo is camp jupiter and a very vengeful son of pluto (endeavour) as well as a neptune legacy (rei was a neptune kid). todo is praetor, follows a prophecy to chb, fakes being greek for a while as he learns abt the impending titan war, the league attacks (shigaraki et co = luke et co), todo takes the escaping CHB crew to camp jupiter, big fight ensues, bakugou is kidnapped (lol). on bakugou’s side of things he’s held by the league and then picked up/rescued by miruko on a hunt for hawks, then after a brief road trip fucks off to join the final battle where he intervenes to save todoroki after the latter pulls a big heroic sacrifice moment. then they kick kronos’ ass alongside midoriya and whatnot. tldr post battle, aphrodite kid baku and pluto kid shouto ok let’s get into it
if he lingers for a minute around deku and his groupies, it’s only because if the self-sacrificing idiot drops dead now katsuki is descending into tartarus himself to kill him so good he never reaches elysium. deku, though, meets his eyes over the crushing hug uraraka is strangling him with, and there’s transparent exhaustion beneath the relief and joy and gratitude but nothing alarming- nothing that screams suppressed life-threatening injury rather than deku-typical self-destruction. deku’s stupid green saucers go big with emotion when he locks onto katsuki’s gaze, and katsuki grimaces because the last thing he wants to do after everything that’s gone down is drown in the effusive hysterics of deku and his posse, even though deku’s probably marginally within his rights to freak out since they haven’t spoken since he got yanked by the league. years of working together at camp and months of fighting a war that’s bigger than them have taken them beyond their old routine, though, because deku doesn’t shout him out enthusiastically, just nods his way quickly with a measure of understanding, expression slackening into a more subdued sort of thing with visible restraint. it means talk later, but katsuki can handle that, nowadays. he nods back, doesn’t bother too hard with posturing. it’s good to see everyone intact, even deku, deranged martyr that he is. when they have that talk katsuki is going to chew his ass out for going on some stupid suicide mission the moment his back is turned.
kirishima he’s already checked in on in the makeshift hospital the apollo kids have set up for the less seriously injured, and he’s doing fine, mostly drowsy from the drugs- if he’d been alone katsuki might have coincidentally wound up loitering around the tents until he fell asleep, but the other idiots are all camped out around him as is, so there’s no need. he’ll check back in later.
no, as it is he’s confirmed the usual suspects aren’t six feet under and laid eyes on everybody from camp whose name he actually knows, so there’s no putting it off- he has to go pay his dues to his aberration of a mother.
there’s no one around the altars, which is great, given that he wouldn’t be caught dead actually thanking the old witch for anything, but it’s a severe blow to his pride anyways. her shrine is so fucking gaudy, too, all hearts and glitter. why the fuck he had to be stuck with the worst godly parent in existence he doesn’t know- ares was right there. hell, ares and aphrodite are regular mythological fuckbuddies- in another life he could at least have gone 50/50, but no- that would have been too easy. sure, deku gets to be zeus’ chosen successor, but katsuki gets to have a godly parent who cares more about her milf status than teaching her offspring how to kick ass.
unceremoniously, he dumps what meagre scraps of food he’d held onto from the drive up to new york onto the altar, watches them shrivel as the flames burn hot and iridescent. there. job done. protocol says he should be thanking her aloud, but considering this is the one useful thing she’s done for him in the last fuck knows how long she better be able to know what this is for without his saying so.
of course, his mother has never been especially interested in playing fair or reasonable; he’s barely stepped back to brush sooty palms negligently against his t-shirt when her voice comes ringing shrilly from behind him.
“oh, absolutely not. you think some flat coke and a couple of chips is a worthy offering to your mother?”
“isn’t it the thought that counts?” katsuki snaps, turning irately to find the HBIC herself arms crossed and hip cocked where she’s faux casually leaning against the nearest pillar, hair billowing despite the lack of breeze. it’s adding insult to injury that aphrodite always chooses to present herself like his clone when she’s in a one on one with him- just to rub in that she’s cursed him to look like a fucking bishōnen if he doesn’t take pains to spoil the picture.
“first of all, diet coke’s better for your health and your figure,” aphrodite declares, wrinkling her nose, “and for the favor i did you? you ought to be delivering a gourmet meal.”
“i didn’t ask you to do shit! how is it on me that you stuck your nose into my business?”
“oh, so shouto todoroki’s your business?” aphrodite crows, like the she-devil she is. katsuki bristles violently.
“stop insinuating weird shit! i mean the fact the asshole was dying mid-combat!”
“well, exactly,” aphrodite sniffs, quirking a brow. “i intervened to spare you the distress of the loss. young love, and all that.”
“you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, you old pervert! i bet you just saved his dumbass because you thought he was cute or some shit!”
“hey, watch your damn mouth!” aphrodite snaps, losing the sultry pose for a second before she composes herself. “the boy is cute, i’ll give you that, but it takes more than a pretty face to get me to meddle in your messes. i learnt my lesson the first time around with helen.”
considering the amount of love-related violence that’s plagued humanity in the interim, katsuki highly fucking doubts that, but he curbs his snappy retort in the hopes that less confrontation will bore her faster. the longer he lets this go on for the more likely she is to say some stupid shit that’ll scar him for life.
“‘s not like you even healed him or anything- why’d you make me do that shit myself?”
“well, i had to make sure you could still use charmspeak, considering you refuse to use it,” aphrodite retorts, peevish. “and, of course, it’s a lot more romantic if you’re the one who wakes him up, you know.”
“for the love of zeus, there was nothing romantic about it! he spat poison all over my shoes!”
“really, katsuki, you have so much potential- you’re a natural at charmspeak, you know, you could really achieve something if you just tried a little. and you’re very promising face-wise, if you’d stop with the grimacing. your waist to hip ratio-“
“would you drop it already?!”
“ugh,” aphrodite huffs, releasing her thoughtful grip on his hair, which had gone alarmingly well-behaved under her touch. “i suppose i should console myself with the fact you at least have some sense of style.”
“don’t you have better shit to do than stand here trying to pull a disney channel original makeover moment on me?” katsuki gripes, tussling his hair protectively. aphrodite pouts in a put-upon fashion.
“i think you could still grow out of this narrow-mindedness, you know. it would serve you well.”
“for example, if you weren’t so blinded by bias, you might have noticed there’s a method to my madness,” his mother says, smugness creeping into her plaintive tone. “and all i’m really doing is stalling you.”
“for what? an ambush?” katsuki asks, hands immediately curling into fists. “if you’ve sent eros after me again, i swear i’m breaking more than his bow this time.”
for a brief hopeful moment, aphrodite looks more irked than smug. “no, he’s still mad about that. nice job scarring your own brother, by the way.” 
probably smirking at the reminder isn’t the best move, since in the next moment she’s pushing dramatically off the pillar to spin around him, witch eyes dangerously self-satisfied. “anyways, no tricks involved this time. i’m just making sure you’ll be in position for the big moment.”
“what big-“ katsuki starts, but then there’s a clap of thunder and rain starts abruptly pouring downwards, drenching the camp near-instantaneously, and at the exact same moment he spots todoroki emerging from the hills and making a startled beeline for the altars, seeking refuge. motherfuck. “this is not a shitty romcom, you meddling freak!”
“of course not,” aphrodite hums, all very pleased with herself. “and there’s totally no reason why i’ve had such an easy line to you since pretty boy came to camp, either.”
he’s not touching that with a ten-foot pole, but more importantly todoroki is still coming their way fast and he needs her gone, so he doesn’t even attempt to argue that point, just goes for the easier out. “newsflash, love goddess, that shit’s meant to be a two-way street. forcing a mr darcy moment isn’t doing shit.”
“i’m glad you’ve warmed up to the classics,” says his snake of a mother, and then more ominously winks at him. “some advice? ask him what i was like.”
“fuck off already!”
miracle of miracles, she does, just as todoroki sprints the last stretch towards them and ducks rapidly under the pillars himself, red-white hair plastered to his face and singed camp half-blood shirt sodden. an insidiously familiar voice in katsuki’s head takes great relish in noticing that todoroki somehow manages to make the drowned rat look seem more like conceptual fashion than wet dog.
“you look like you just got baptized in an olympic swimming pool.”
“i think it’s the delayed effect of midoriya’s cloud-punching earlier,” todoroki says, blinking water out of his stupidly long eyelashes. “was that venus just now?”
“oh. i’m sorry i missed her. i haven’t been able to thank her properly yet.”
“never thank her for shit,” katsuki warns, fixing him with a deadly serious glare. “not a single thing she does doesn’t have some fucked up secret agenda behind it, trust me. she’ll help you out one time and then in two months she’ll be knocking on your door in the middle of the night demanding you go bump uglies with mineta or some shit.”
todoroki’s perma-neutral expression slides into a mild grimace. “i see.”
he doesn’t want to ask, but there’s a high likelihood that aphrodite was hedging on his being unwilling enough to ask that he would obsess about the unanswered questions alone for long enough to actually snap and confront her again, and that’s not a risk he wants to take, so he grits his teeth and ignores todoroki’s disgustingly colin-firthy movements as he thoughtlessly pushes wet bangs out of his forehead.
“what’d she do when you were out cold, anyways?”
todoroki pauses, thinks this through. “just talked to me. she explained that she’s often around battles because of heightened passions. and she told me the thing about you getting wrinkles.”
fucking hell. “nothing else?” he guesses he might as well add for completion’s sake: “what’d she look like to you, anyways?”
todoroki blinks, then blinks again. “what do you mean?”
“you know, the whole appearance changing schtick,” katsuki handwaves. “what, lucy liu? rihanna? some weird old-timey japanese shit?”
“oh, no,” todoroki says, back to neutral. “i don’t think she was doing any of that. she just looked like you.”
pointedly, a loud clap of thunder underscores this perfectly oblivious statement, because zeus may be katsuki’s favorite god but he’s still a dick.
“she WHAT?”
“i assumed it was so i’d recognise her,” todoroki continues, slightly wary now. “it’s not like i’ve really seen venus around.”
fuck his entire life; he’s fairly sure his accursed disney princess complexion is bestowing a perfectly rosy blush all over his damn face.
“that’s not how that works, dumbass!”
“how does it work, then?”
“i- figure it out yourself!”
“but you clearly know what it is.”
“says who?!”
“bakugou,” todoroki says, fairly patiently, while katsuki is definitely not losing his shit and also making a really significant and underappreciated effort to turn his sudden awareness of a whole lot of underlying emotions floating around them back the fuck off again. fuck these stupid fucking powers. “can’t you just tell me what i’m missing here?”
“fuck off!”
“i’m going to have to try and guess, then,” todoroki decides, looking skywards. “does she just secretly look like that and you’re her truest heir because you’re the only child who turned out like her?”
“absolutely fucking not! just drop it!” katsuki grates, previously rebuilt defences folding like a house of very shitty cards under the sheer weight of the oblivious implications of katsuki being the truest heir of the goddess of beauty. god, icyhot is dense.
“okay. you’re the secret love child of-“
never mind, he does not have the restraint needed to go through with this.
“for fuck’s sake, half ‘n half, her whole thing is that she makes herself attractive to whoever she’s trying to schmooze!”
in the following beat of silence, as he prays violently for lightning to strike him dead and zeus sadistically does not comply, todoroki’s expression clouds, clears, clouds, then clears again, eyes widening a foreboding fraction.
the rain, naturally, chooses this exact instant to stop dead, plunging them into dead silence as a bird chirps distantly. a rainbow appears directly above their heads.
“real nice,” katsuki grits out, murderously. iris is next on his divine hit list. 
todoroki’s eyebrows are still slowly climbing off his face with delayed shock.
he should have just accepted the league’s offer. fucking love gods.
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Things I write for!
Alright! So here is the list of things I write for. Keep in mind that I will write smut and sexual themes, but If I don’t think it fits or if there is something that makes me uncomfortable, I won’t write it. I will write AU’s, romantic and platonic. I do not write characterxcharacter or any OC’s. I will write for female, male and nb readers, just let me know in your request.
I have also added a list of AU’s and tropes I like to write but if you have one in mind that isn’t on here, don’t be afraid to include it! The characters in bold are ones that I especially love to write for. 
Assassination Classroom- I’ll write for Asuno, Okano, Maehara, Itona, Kaede, Karma, Hazama, Mimura, Takebayashi, Justice, Kataoka, Nagisa, Hayami, Nakamura, Terasuka. Sugaya, Okajima, Yoshida, Muramatsu, Sugino, Kanzaki, Isogai, Fuwa, Kurro-Sensei, Irina, and Karasuma. Romantic, platonic, student/teacher/assassin reader is fine.
Attack on Titan- I’ll write for Armin, Eren, Hanji, Jean, Levi, Marco, and Mikasa. I don’t mind spoilers, so anything goes.
Fairy Tail- I’ll write for Cana, Elfman, Erza, Gajeel, Gray, Jellal, Juvia, Laxus, Loke/Leo, Levy, Lucy, Mirajane, Mystogan, Natsu, and Wendy(PLATONIC ONLY). I’ve read the entire manga so anything goes.
Free!- Just the main peeps; Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, Haru, Rin, and Souske. I haven’t watched any of it in a long time and I really don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Haikyuu!!- Everyone in Karasuno; everyone in Nekoma; Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kyotani from Aoba johsai; Bokuto, Akaashi from Fukurodani; Ushijima, Tendo from Shiratorizawa. I have not seen season three and four so no spoilers please! 
Hetalia- I’m not super into this anime anymore, but I’ll still write for it. I’ll write for anyone and I’ve seen everything so anything goes.
K-Project/K- I’ll write for anyone. I’ve also seen the whole thing so anything goes.
Kuroko no Basket- I will only write for the generation of Miracles. I haven’t seen anything past season one, but I don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Log Horizon- I will write for anyone. I have only seen season one so no spoilers please!
Magi- I will write for Alibaba, Morgiana, and Sinbad. I don’t mind spoilers, so anything goes.
My Hero Academia- I will write for Bakugou, Hagukure, Iida, Jiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya, Mina, Momo, Ojiro, Sato, Sero, Shoji, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Uraraka; Kendo, Monoma, Tetsutetsu; Shinso; Mirio, Nejire, Tamaki; All Might/Small Might, Eraserhead, Fat Gum, Hawks, Kamui Woods, Present Mic; Dabi, Shiguraki, Toga. I haven’t read anything past Hawks being introduced, so no spoilers past that point in the manga. Other than that, anything goes.
Naruto- I’ll write for Asuma, Choji, Deidara, Gaara, Hidan, Hinata, Itachi, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Kakuzu, Kankuro, Kiba, Kisame, Kurenai, Lee, Minato, Naruto, Neji, Obito/Tobi, Sakura, Sasori, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Shino, Temari, Tenten, Tsunade, Zabuza. . I haven’t seen/read all of it but don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Sailor Moon- I’ll write for Sailor’s Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Tuxedo Mask and their normal counterparts.. I’ve seen all of it, but a long time ago. I don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Seven Deadly Sins- I’ll write for Ban, Diane, Escanor, King/Harlequin, Meliodas, Merlin; Arthur, Elizabeth, Gilthunder, Howzer. . I’ve seen what they have of the anime on Netflix and the movie. No spoilers from the manga, but everything goes other than that.
Harry Potter- I will write for Cedric, Dean, Draco, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ron, Seamus; James, Lily, Remus, Sirius; Newt, Queenie.  I’ve read and seen everything so anything goes.
Lord of the Rings- I’ll write for Aragorn, Boromir, Faramir, Frodo, Legolas, Merry, Pippin, Sam. I’ve read the books and seen the movies so anything goes.
Narnia- I’ll write for Caspian, Edmund, Eustace, Lucy, Peter, Susan. I’ve read the books and seen the movies so anything goes.
Percy Jackson- I’ll write for Annabeth, Bianca, Clarisse, Leo, Luke, Nico, Percy, Piper, Thalia; Frank, Hazel, Jason, Reyna. I’ve read all the books up to Magnus Chase. I don’t mind spoilers and will write for anyone so anything goes. 
The Hobbit- I’ll write for Bard, Bilbo, Bofur, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Legolas, Tauriel, Thorin. I’ve read the books and seen the movies so anything goes.
BTS- Hoseok/J-Hope, Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon/RM, Seokjin/Jin, Taehyung/V, Yoongi/Suga
KARD- Jiwoo, Taehyung/J-Seph, Matt/BM, Somin
MonstaX- Changkyun/I.M, Hyungwon, Jooheon, Kihyun, Minhyuk, Shownu, Wonho
GOT7- Bambam, Jackson, Jaebum, Jinyoung, Mark, Youngjae, Yugyeom
TWICE- Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Mina, Momo, Nayeon, Sana, Tzuyu
BlackPink- Chaeyoung/Rose, Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa
Mamamoo- Hwasa, Moonbyul, Solar, Wheein
Big Hero 6- I will write for Fred, Go-Go, Hiro, Honey Lemon, Tadashi, Wasabi
How to Train Your Dragon- I will write for Hiccup, Astrid, and Eret.
Hunger Games- I will write for Katniss, Gale, Peeta, Joanna, and Finnick.
Jumanji- I have seen both 1&2. I am doing a rewrite of the first movie (and the second later on) but will write for any of the characters.
The Meg- I will write for Jax, Jack Morris, DJ, and Jonas Taylor. I’ve seen the movie so anything goes.
Pirates of the Caribbean- I will write for Jack, Elizabeth, James, and Will. I’ve seen everything so anything goes.
The Purge- I’ve seen all of the movies, but not the TV show. I’ll most likely use this as an AU but I do have a rewrite of Election Year and Anarchy in my WIP’s
Star Wars- I will write for Anakin, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Finn, Han Solo, Hux, Leia, Luke, Obi-Wan, Padme, Poe, Rey
Flash- I haven’t seen past season one, but I don’t mind spoilers so I’ll write for all the characters and anything goes.
Justice League- I’ll write for all of the heroes. I haven’t seen a lot of the cartoon shows, but I’ve seen the live action movies and Young Justice (Season 1&2 ONLY). Anything goes.
Suicide Squad- I will write for Boomer, Deadshot, Diablo, Harley Quinn, Katana
Young Justice- I will write for Aqualad/Kaldur, Artemis/Tigress, Beast Boy/Garfield, Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes, Impulse/Bart Allen, Kid Flash/Wally, Miss Martian/Megan, Nightwing-Robin/Dick, Robin/Tim, Red Arrow/Roy Harper, Superboy/Connor, Wonder Girl/Cassie, Zatanna Zatara. I haven’t seen season three, so please no spoilers!! 
AntMan- I will write for Hope, Luis, Scott 
Avengers- I will write for Bruce, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, Peter, Sam, Steve, Thor, Tony, Wanda
Black Panther- I will write for Erik, Everett Ross, M’Baku, Nakia, Okoye, Shuri, T’Challa
Dr. Strange- I will write for Steven Strange
Guardians- I will write for Gamora, Nebula, Peter, Yondu
X-Men- I will write for Bobby/Iceman, Hank(old and young), Jean(old and young), Kitty Pryde, Logan/Old Man Logan, Marie/Rogue, Ororo Munroe(old and young), Remy LeBeau, Scott(old and young), Victor Creed; Alex Summers, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Jubilee, Kurt, Peter Maximoff, Raven(young only)
Avatar the Last Airbender- I’ll write for Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Zuko, Azula, Mei, and Ty Lee. I’ve seen everything so anything goes.
Dr. Who- I have seen everything up to the 12th Doctor. No spoilers for 12&13 please! Other than that, anything goes.
Game of Thrones- I will write for the Starks(Arya, Brandon, Jon, Robb, Sansa), Tormund, Sandor, the Lannisters(Jaime, Tyrion), Daenerys, Brienne, Gendry, Podrick, Bronn, Oberyn, Sam, Theon, and Yara. I have seen the entire series and anything goes.
Legend of Korra- I’ll write for Korra, Mako, Bolin, and Asami. I haven’t seen anything past season one, but I don’t mind spoilers. Anything goes.
The Mandalorian- I’ll write for Cara, Mando, and Paz. I’ve seen everything so anything goes. 
Sherlock- I will write for Sherlock, John, and Greg. I haven’t seen past season three episode two so no spoilers please! Other than that, anything goes.
Supernatural- I will write for Sam, Dean, Cas, and John. I haven’t seen past season 6 but don’t mind spoilers, so anything goes!
The Walking Dead- I’ll write for anybody. I’m only at the beginning of season nine, so anything past that please don’t spoil it!
Video Games:
Assassins Creed- I’ll write for Altair, Ezio, and Connor. I’ve played some of the games and don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild- I have beaten the game and will write for Link and Zelda. 
Coffee Shop
Pet Shop
Soulmate- Colorblind, tattoo(name of soulmate/first words spoken, etc.), watch countdown, whatever you write on yourself ends up on them.
Tattoo Artist
Human from our world dropped into their world and vice versa
Only one bed
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ariesgamesandminis · 6 years
Another Behemoth Cargo Dropship has landed!
TOUCHDOWN! Another Behemoth Cargo Dropship has landed! Sadly the GenCon stuff is held up, but will be on the site the moment I can get them.
10-033 Sword and Dragon Mech Pack I 20-211 Archer ARC-8M 20-220 Longbow LGB-12C 20-251 Arctic Fox AF1 20-326 Loki "Hellbringer" Prime 20-337 Thor "Summoner" Prime 20-346 Crimson Hawk 20-444 Atlas II AS7-D-H 20-480 Defiance DFN-3S 20-491 Striga WOB Heavy Omni Fighter 20-5013 Eisenfaust EFT-7X 20-5022 Blade BLD-XL 20-5054 Mjolnir MLR-B2 20-5060 Pack Hunter II 20-5069 Stiletto STO-6S 20-5079 Banshee BNC-1E 20-5114 Zeus-X ZEU-X4 20-5119 Cave Lion (Standard) 20-5123 Wendigo Prime 20-5128 Highlander HGN-732 Resculpt 20-5133 Gotterdammerung GTD-20S 20-5134 Juliano JLN-5A 20-5141 Shadow Hawk SHD-2H 20-603RE Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Prime 20-674 Falconer FLC-8R 20-753 Schrek PPC Carrier (2) 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-800A Hex Base (BULK) 20-811 Mercury MCY-99 20-812 Lancelot LNC25-01 20-814 Zeus ZEU-6S 20-861 JagerMech JM6-S 20-864 Hatchetman HCT-3F 20-876 Dervish DV-6M 20-888 Grasshopper GHR-5H 20-899 King Crab KGC-000 20-902 Charger CGR-1A5 20-935 Axman AXM-2N 20-942RE Atlas AS7-K 20-971 Thanatos THS-4S AR20-161 FOX CORVETTE AR20-166 KIRISHIMA CRUISER AR20-168 CAMERON BATTLECRUISER AR20-189 KYUSHU FRIGATE AR20-195 MJOLNIR BATTLECRUISER AR20-196 INAZUMA CORVETTE AR20-254 GLORY FIRE SUPPORT VEHICLE AR20-255 HEIMDALL MONITOR TANK AR20-258 SCIMITAR MEDIUM HOVER TANK (2) AR20-276 Striker STC-2C AR20-311 Jupiter Standard / 2 AR20-431 Ocelot AR20-607 OMNIMECH DAISHI (Old Version) AR20-685 BANDIT HOVERCRAFT (2) AR20-694 TOYAMA TYM-1A 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-500 Small Bunker 99-502 Large Bunker 99-600 Small Missile Launcher Turret 99-601 Large Gun 99-602 Large Missile Launcher BT-125 Star Lord Jumpship BT-160 Elemental Battle Armor Point BT-188 Nighthawk Battle Armor BT-198 Tengu Battle Armor BT-315 Chimera CMA-1S BT-316 Chimera CMA-2K BT-332 Phoenix Hawk LAM MK I PHX-HK1 (Air Mech) BT-346 Griffin GRF-1A BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft BT-374 Roc Protomech BT-391 Fenrir Battle Armor (1) BT-399 Shadow Hawk SHD-2K BT-401 Bakeneko BKN-1K BT-407 Orion ON1-H BT-419 Wolverine WVR-1R BT-425 Uziel UZL-8S HTMLTD-09 Jumping Hatchetman HCT-6D OP-041 Black Hawk A Arms OP-058 Masakari C Right Arm SUPGRFJP-13 Limited Edition Super-Griffin Jumping TDRLTD-10 Jumping Thunderbolt TDR-10M 20-200B Griffin Arm Sprue 20-200D Griffin Gun / Missile Pod 20-201F Warhammer Gun / Missile Pod 20-233C Warhammer IIC Missile Sprue I 20-233D Warhammer IIC Missile Sprue II 20-316D Goliath GOL-2H Guns 20-316E Goliath GOL-2H Missile Pack 20-320G Ryoken Variant Arms Sprue 20-347F Galahad Right Arm 20-408F Raijin II RJN-200-A Weapon Sprue 20-5136E Hound HD-2F Weapon Sprue 20-607G Daishi Prime Missile Launcher 20-618C Hellfire Arm / Weapon Sprue 20-644LGW Barghest Leg / Weapon Sprue 20-674ARM Falconer FLC-8R Arm Sprue 20-675LG Nightstar NSR-9J Legs 20-679C Raptor RTX1-O Weapons 20-685PD Bandit Hovercraft Pod Sprue 20-686WP Mackie MSK-6S Weapon Sprue 20-694ARM Toyama TYM-1A Arm Sprue 20-705FN Stingray F-90 Fins 20-715GNL Jagatai Guns (Large) 20-715GNS Jagatai Guns (Small) 20-758WPS Cauldron-Born (Omni) Weapons 20-780AGN Hussar HSR-200D Arm / Gun Sprue 20-790MSA Salamander PPR-5S Missile Arm 20-793GN Hollander BZK-F3 Gun 20-810B Hatamoto-Chi Fin / PPC Sprue 20-815B Jagermech Arm / Gun Sprue 20-972ARM Uziel Arm Sprue 20-987A/WP Locust Arm / Weapon Sprue 20-992C Raven Weapon Sprue 20-994I Marauder Small Gun Sprue 20-995B Legacy Shoulder Gun www.ariesgamesandminis.com
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linkspooky · 7 years
The Many World Serpents
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The serpent or the snake is one of the oldest or most widespread mythological symbols. Snakes have been associated with the oldest rituals of humankind, and therefore can represent dual expression of binary ideals, ie, good and evil. 
There is no one single culture which is the origin point for snake symbolism we witness in mythology, rather several concurrent cultures came to a general set of meanings about snake on their own. One theory for completely separate cultures arriving to the same general meaning for the same symbol without interacting once is put forward by Carl Jung, called “The Archetypes”. The Psychologist used the concept of the archetype in his theory of the collective subconscious. He believed that universal archetypes represent fundamental human motifes of our experience as we evolved. 
Being unconscious the existence of archetypes can only be deduced indirectly by examining behavior, images, art, myths, religions, or dreams. Certain archetypes were universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious. Jung postulated that we all inherit these evolutionarily, as a sort of counterpart to instinct in less developed animals. Archetypes are almost exactly what they mean if you were to discuss them in a literary context, “The Mother”, “The Child”, The Trickster”, “The Flood.” Almost every culture has a story of a flood, and one possible explanation for that is because the archetype exists in our collective subconscious and therefore every culture having witnessed flooding will come to write a general tale about it. 
This has great meaning for not only mythology but also symbolism, in basic terms it means unconsciously our culture will create hundreds or even thousands of symbols your brain will be trained to recognize. However, not only does each culture create its own symbols but these symbols tend to reoccur between cultures in the archetypes listed above. So not only do these characters reoccur, but the meaning behind those characters reoccur to an almost universal extent. The mother is always nurturing, the child is always innocent, the trickster is always challenging order, the flood wipes the slate clean but brings new life afterwards. That means between archetypes there is not only a degree of shared imagery, but also of shared meaning. 
[These are really quick sources, the first is super super light and breezy x, x, x For more examples Tarot, works with the idea of Jungian Psychology. Most people recognize the fool as symbolically innocent, so when that card comes up in a reading it’s easy to relate that to their own lives in some form. Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” is another expression of archetypes that for the hero’s journey. Perhaps the reason Star Wars is so popular is because it speaks to a universal understanding of what the hero’s journey should be like.]
The chapter itself seems to even be giving some hints at universality, this chapter after all features a japanese teenager singing a song from Singing in the Rain. A musical that also features this song, [x].
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The theme of singing in the rain is that entertainment and laughter exists even in hard times, or even especially to get through hard times. That’s a movie produced by the american culture, but it’s not really culturally specific.
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Touka reads from the Wilow, the Wren, and the Bear, a european fairy tale created by human beings but read to a bunch of ghoul children. 
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Even ghouls who live underground, referring to themselves, breathing, standing on two legs, and thinking sentient beings as human beings, and also able to come up with the word “Serpent” for the snakelike objects which seemed to have coiled themselves around the city. 
The question is then what is the meaning to all this universality? It could simply be that, despite how different humans are, they are also kind of the same. In the same way that humans and ghouls despite being wildly different, both exhibit the same psychology, emotions, tendencies, etc. 
Of course in order to display this message we now have Ishida, drawing from several mythological stories to display the archetype of the snake. With the rest of the post I am going to attempt to connect as many as possible. 
The Washuu name itself may be connected to the tale of Vasuki. Source x, and also @hysyartmaskstudio​, and @karnasofsun on twitter.]
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Nagaraja, or king of the naka or snakes, is a hindu mythological word associated with several separate king dragon/snakes. One of these is Vasuki, which in japanese is rendered as Washuukitsu. Vasuki has several myths about being tied to a mountain or holding things together. [x]
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The chapter entitled “Saved from the Web” also featured this nod to hinduism, but at the end the characters who showed up, in spiderweb imagery on the background of their panels was V. Either as a reminder that Urie had not truly escaped from the Web, or they had been the ones who maintained the web by setting up the conflict that drove him there in the first place. 
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Also important, if V is named after Washuukitsu they also take a large roman inspiration. Eagles were symbols of Jupiter and used in the roman army, the word Quinque is based off of latin for 5, whose roman numeral V is the symbol of their organization. (So, continued shared cultural space). 
Hindu mythology also shows a war of binary opposition, between devas and asuras (angels and demons respectively), when one side became weakened they sought a ritual stirring of ‘Kasian Samut’ which is the ocean of milk, which thickened and concentrated will become the nector of immortality. (In Greek mythology the gods also drank a nector of milk and honey known as Ambrosia which was reserved for immortal beings, in Judaism the promised land is referred to as one of Milk and Honey). 
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Vasukira, king of the naga had to bind his massive body around Mandra the mountain, into Kasiam Samut in order to mix it. The devas also used the asuras into stirring for them, by saying they will share it with them when the ritual ends. However Vasukira grew tired and released poison by the end of the ritual. 
The connections to tokyo ghoul then, are a bit obvious in this chapter alone we are given a small sampling as to what might be the source of the ghoul’s extended vitality. 
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Not only that but the Naga themselves seem to be made of structures of Rc Cells that are capable of dividing infinitely on themselves past leaving the body of their owner, achieving immortality technically the same way that Henrietta Lacks did. 
There are already pieces of foreshadowing in place to suggest that either V, or humanity at large is seeking immortality through ghouls, or at least at the labor and behest of ghouls the same way Asura labored for the immortality of the Devas at the cost to themselves. 
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V already also has in their possession, a way of preserving their grown up garden children who are destined to only live half lives, and also the members of the Oggai operation who were revived via ghoul cells. It’s likely that this medicine may just be the dissolved ghouls, pure rc cells then packed into liquid bottles and traded in secret by V. They also use a giant grinder in order to make them, and oh so conveniently, have a war going against the ghouls which provides them with a near infinite supply of dead ghouls in order to continue making this medicine if it really is concentrated Rc Cells. 
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V has also, already disposed of the main head of this brewing process in Furuta’s hostile takeover. Perhaps modeling the same way Washuukitsu, in order to make his immortality elixir did so at great cost to himself and his own body. 
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Achievable immortality, the mixers are definitely V, but they were born with half lives in the first place. They’re probably desperate to extend their lives by any means possible not rule over humanity forever with immortality. It’s more likely that the race of angels, the humans in this metaphor will be the one to reap the benefits of the conflicts created by ghouls and half ghouls. At least if things were to continue to spiral uninterrupted. 
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There is also a cleary mthological parallel to Jormungandr, the world serpent of Norse mythology. This is once gain related to the events of ragnorok. Howevere it’s not actually Jorrmungandr that gets bound to the mountain - That’s loki, Jormugandr’s father/mother. Jormugandr is a serpent that wraps around the entire edge of the world in the void ocean at the edges which is related to some other myths described. 
It’s been suggested before that the world tree, that which connects the heaven and the earths in Norse Mythology could have symbolic connection to Aogiri Tree, and the ambitions of Eto Yoshimura. (I’m the one who suggested it here x).
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The man who hangs on the world tree, and loses one eye in his search for knowledge is Odin. The one eyed king therefore with explicit parallels to Kaneki. Odin is also the hanged man, and the archetype of the hanged man one who hangs upside down on the tree for knowledge, or perhaps simply a seeker of knowledge is another of Jung’s archetypes. 
The figure that eventually does battle with Jormugandr is Thor, who is Odin’s son. Thor was a god of lightning. Kaneki right now, is creating another one eyed ghoul, one with the Kirishimas a ghoul family capable of generating lightning with their Ukkaku. 
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Loki is an adopted son of Odin who is actually the son of the gods enemy race, the Ice Giants. He’s a trickster god and the one who eventually brings about the ragnarok. He is also a father, one who gives birth to many creatures which end up playing a roll in ragnarok.
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The oggai are obviously Furuta’s children and a parallel to Loki’s children, and the instigators of what he is threatening to make as a world ending conflict. One of the initiators of Ragnarok is the death of Baldur, that is a beautiful god who is loved by all. Loki does not kill Baldur, but he does lead a blind man (Kaneki) into killing him by tricking him into throwing holly.
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Remember, Kaneki’s first thought when facing Arima is not of death, but in that he’s beautiful. 
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Ragnarok is a conflict that shakes the entire world tree, one of the first thing that happens is Jormungandr, who has until now been biting his own tail lets go and strikes out at the sky. The obvious parallel lies in the naga, who as of now exist underground as sections of RC Cell that undisturbed only seem to feed on themselves to self sustain. 
Imagine what will happen though when the CCG finally starts rooting around in the 24th ward in search of the last ghouls that hide there. The world serpent starts a fight with Thor, Thor lands a killing blow but not before being poisoned. (Look at that there’s the poison again). He takes 9 steps before dying.
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During ragnarok, all hell breaks looks quite literally. This includes even the dead in Hel coming back to join the fight, even Baldar himself who is one of the only gods to survive the entire thing. 
Therefore, the dead threatening to return, a world snake slumbering underneath the surface, all of these brewing elements are signs of a ragnarok or some metaphorical equivalent brewing within the plot of Tokyo Ghoul. 
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The Dragon itself which is said to be the final boss of this conflict (Dragons are really just serpents by another name, or really big slippery tube dudes).
The dragon has many mythological parallels including christian ones. Kuzuryu is a close figure to a nine headed dragon in revelations, one of two figures referred to when talking about The Beast, a seven headed dragon that again rises up from the sea. It’s either the devil himself or allied with it. There are a million and one satan allegories, including a final war between angels and demons that signals the end times much like ragnarok but I’ve already gone into it here [x] and somebody else covers here [x]. 
Basically though, the way that the ghouls are right now hiding underground parallels the way that satan’s own forces had to bide their time until one final battle at the end of days after losing the initial war and being kicked out of heaven. This is an idea from paradise Lost, which Shuu specifically references when he says that all of them are kicked out of Eden. The point is both Lucifer, and the Humans were kicked out of their own place of birth and comfort, heaven for Lucifer, and Eden for humanity. In the same way Furuta’s actions are leading to both sides being struck from their areas of previous comfort, the ghoul’s lose the surface and the humans lose the idea that the CCG’s actions cannot harm them in any way while they turn against ghouls. 
There’s also the idea that Hide himself might be connected to the dragons “Nagaraja”, “Naga”, “Nagachika”, and before you go saying this is too obvious this is Ishida the guy who spoiled his own manga in the calendar by having Tatara and Takizawa appear together on “Betrayal day.” Jeez I wonder what is going to happen on betrayal day. 
The underlying point is, that all of these symbols are universal. Many cultures have come up with their idea of a world ending snake, perhaps instead of trying to tie direct parallels between the story and one specific mythos it’s good to sit back and appreciate the similarities between all these stories. That is the point of using books as a metaphor for connection in Tokyo Ghoul after all, if both humans and ghouls can enjoy and understand fictional stories which for the most part are written for humans and were intended only for humans, if they can agree and understand each other’s literature how far are they exactly from understanding each other’s hearts? 
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herald-adaar · 7 years
I have noticed a trend when it comes to my favorite characters from whatever fandom I am invested in at the moment:
Sailor Moon: Sailor Jupiter - Good Girl
X-Men Evolution: Quicksilver - Bad Boy
Naruto: Gaara - Bad Boy then Good Boy
Static Shock: Specs and Trapper - Bad Boys
Naruto: Gaara - Good Boy
Homestuck: Gamzee - Motherfuckin’ both :o)
Steven Universe: Jasper - Bad Girl
Dragon Age: The Iron Bull - Good Boy
Overwatch: Junkrat - Bad Boy (too comic relief to count?)
Boku no Hero: Kirishima - Good Boy
By this pattern, the next fandom I dip my toes into will have a “bad” character surrounded by an exhausting amount of discourse that I will immediately glom onto. I am preemptively annoyed.
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