#his music is my favourite thing in the world. it's poetry
mchiti · 1 year
بعيدا عن كل رحلة لكم هي الهدف الأول إعادة لكم المذنب
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pineconnie · 5 months
Fave martin blackwood things:
- lied about a MASTERS in PARAPSYCHOLOGY in his cv. why did he choose such a niche study like how many jobs could that even get you (EDIT I now know what a CV is and that he’s not telling every job he has a masters sorry guys I’m very jobless 🙏)
- writes the most terrible poetry you’ve ever heard (said with love) and plays background music while recording it onto a tape recorder for the vibes
- when encountering a terrifying worm lady that tries to add you to her flesh hive, he MAKES SURE to keep some of her worms just so he can stick it in his bosses face
-the rudest guy in the world (said boss) does one nice thing for him that he didn’t expect and he immediately falls in love (this is real to me ok let me have this)
-wears video game shirts to work
-goes on rants about spiders importance to the ecosystem to a guy with the worst arachnophobia ever
-hides CO2 cans so that ‘the worms don’t find it’
-forces his boss to go on lunch dates with him so he doesn’t completely lose it to paranoia
-walked into his bosses office, found a DEAD BODY THAT WAS DEFINITELY MURDERED, and all he says is “oh jon 😕😕”
-has practically the same reaction later on when someone tells him his boss compelled them to relive their worst trauma
-gets told the guy he’s been in love with for multiple years treats him horribly and goes “yeah and”
-outsmarted an avatar of the lonely despite being in a horrible depressive episode with no contact to anyone else
-manages to make peter fully believe he’s dedicated to the lonely even as his crush of many many years is practically confessing his love at every interaction
s5 martin is my favourite id need a whole extra post for him loml
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theglasshatstud10 · 4 months
MY personal Laughing Jack Head cannons!!!!!
(Going off of his character wiki too)
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♧ LJ definitely has a fear of abandonment and is extremely touch starved, however he isolates himself because if no one gets close to him, they will never be able to hurt him.
♧ LJ definitely uses all terms of british slang but often prefers to use slang that the working class during the early 1800s used.
♧ He once tried to get "hip with the kids" by dressing up and acting like a road man, saying things like "I'm gonna chef you up fam" and "wag wan G" but because most of the pastas were born and raised in America, they didn't get what he was attempting, and he quickly got embarrassed.
♧ He used to go to a lot of goth clubs back in the 80s and took part in the goth scene when it was new, as he found the dark and gloomy lyrics of goth music to speak what he sometimes felt, best putting it into words.
♧ Despite him being a monochromatic clown, he loves colour. One of his favourite aesthetics being art nouveau and whimsy goth. Otherwise he simply wears gothic clothes.
♧ He can change clothes from his normal goth attire, however, as soon as he puts it on, it simply becomes monochromatic like him, no matter how colourful it is, but it reverts back to his colours as soon as he takes it off.
♧ He loves everything gothic.
♧ He makes his own candies and chocolates.
♧ Currently, his favourite candy bar is the Cadbury jelly bean and popping candy bar. (It's the best one hands down)
♧ He watches period dramas with the other creepypastas, just so he can laugh and point at all of the historical inaccuracies made.
♧ His sense of humour is increasingly dark, crude, and vulgar. Often referencing tragic events in recent history or within someone's life, as he sometimes doesn't always pick up on social ques, so he doesn't know what exactly is appropriate and what isn't (not like he'd care anyway).
♧ Contrary to popular belief, he's actually incrediblely intelligent.
♧ Due to his ability to telliport, he has travelled the world. When he's board he just picks a random spot on earth and kinda just sits there for a while. By doing this, he has managed to witness many things throughout history.
♧ He has witnessed all the crimes and sins of humanity since the 1800s, and he hates the existence of humans for it. However, sometimes he will come across a human or a few, who make him second guess his beliefs and opinions on humanity.
♧ After killing Issac, he went on a 26-year massacre. Killing a child, parent, or random person, every day or few. But slowly, over time, he slowed down. It went from killing every couple of days to every couple of weeks, then soon months, then once a year.
♧ this was when he went into a kind of depression. He didn't do much at all for a long time. He doesn't know exactly how long, and he doesn't remember how long he kept himself isolated in his carnival for.
♧ Eventually, he got back into the swing of it. after all, Issac imprinted that killers streak onto him. But this is when he began to travel.
♧ Seeing the world for what it was both made him more blood thirsty, and yet it kept him somewhat down to earth in a way. He had slowly matured. Although still very child like in nature.
♧ He would write poetry, study gothic literature, take part in the arts, and culture himself in theatre. All just activities to keep himself busy over the years. After all, he's lived over two centuries, and he'll live longer. You've got to do something from keeping you going mad with boardem.
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melodicbreeze · 10 months
What's your favorite Venti lore/references?
For me it's him guiding souls after death and being connected to istaroth. Also the whole prodigal son thing, What do you think it means for him? (Hope you don't mind getting asks like this, i couldn't help but be curious)
First off, I absolutely love his ties to death! Usually in media, when gods deal in the realm of death, they're all dark and dreary and either sad or evil. Venti, on the other hand, embodies more of the aspects of comfort. A final rest after a life well lived. Barbatos is said to guide the souls of the deceased to the afterlife on a wind, yes, but he also lets them live on through song! There is a belief that someone isn't truly dead until their name has been spoken for the last time, and Venti places importance of using names in his songs, as seen in the manga when he asks Venessa if he can use her name in a song.
There's also how heavily anemo ties into the concept of loss (gestures at the dead friend gives you an anemo vision joke), and the anemoi wind spirits from myths were also once a guide of souls to the afterlife.
There's also the post I made last night- "Not death, but his brother, sleep" (shout out to The Ra.ven Cycle book series). In Greek mythologies, which Venti does have a few ties to, Death and Sleep are brothers- and we all know of Venti's ties to sleep. Aside from his times of sleep, he was also seen singing the guards to sleep when going to free Venessa.
ANYWAY all this to say I think along with the wind, freedom, and hope, death is one domain that Venti falls into. (Which just makes him and Hu Tao even better buddies).
This is where I can more theory crafting rather than reflective. We've learned the the Thousand Winds were the Thousand Winds of Time. Now, I do not think that Venti is a son in the traditional sense- rather, I think that the Thousand Winds of Time form one being- Istaroth.
Venti also called himself a single breeze/wind, so I believe he was one of the thousand that made up Istaroth, only to rise up above the others in terms of power during the rebellion against Decarabian, and then becoming a god in his own right.
Do I have much evidence for this? Not at all! It's just my thoughts.
(Also, apparently prodigal means wastefully extravagant, which while I admit my first thought is his indulgences in drink and revelry, also make me wonder if it is perhaps that he has made Mondstadt into a home where people can act as such if they please- free to do so.)
One of my favourite bits of lore comes from the Wings of Shimmering Galaxy lore. It's spoken from the perspective of Venti post Archon War! It goes to say,
"For he knew that someone must heal the hurts of the world, and thus someone needed to find a way to communicate with them."
From Zhongli's character stories, we know that Venti went to visit, bringing a gift of wine- and that that led to the 7 all meeting together regularly. He is a bard, and the god of the wind- music and poetry flow like the wind, after all. Of course he would facilitate communication! HOWEVER, this didn't work for a long, long time. In fact, the glider lore continues,
"But the poet knew this would happen. (...) Still, the poet did not give up, though not because he believed or anything. This was just the way he was."
Despite being called the god of Hope by Neuvilette, Venti didn't have any hope. He just... didn't know what else to do.
Anyway, I should end it here, before I ramble on for many more paragraphs about all the things I love about Venti.
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hilsonamore · 4 months
here’s a small little get to know me, since everybody’s doing it and i don’t want to feel left out-😔
Note: This is my personal blog full of HOUSE MD content, other hyperfixations and also personal rants. Mainly House Md stuff, though😵‍💫
I’m Vi, but you’re welcome to call me whatever you feel like suits me best✨ and my pronouns are she/her, they/them, but i prefer the latter :)
i’m a chaotic sapphic on the ace spectrum with a thing for unattainable old men i guess🤓
I love science and psychology and i want to become a doctor (and yes, i partially blame house for it, but it’s also because i have a mind-numbing curiosity that medicine manages to satisfy).
I love books and movies that rip my heart out, i love obsessing over shows and hyperfixating on one thing for a really long time, i draw and write poetry, i constantly play the same 3 songs on the guitar because i can’t bother to learn anything else, i hate listening to my music with other people because it just feels wrong, i bake cupcakes and cry a lot and i study hard and cry some more, i’m responsible but also pretty gullible, too sensitive for my own good and i value my alone time.
I’m an INFJ, overshare a lot, pretty perfectionistic but also prone to burn-out
currently obsessed with: house m.d, medicine related stuff and trying to ace rehearsal for my upcoming play😔
Top 3 Favourite shows (in that order):
I) House M.D
II) Stranger Things
III) Friends
Top 3 Favourite movies:
I) Dead poets society
II) But i’m a cheerleader
III) Pride and Prejudice
Top 3 Favourite books:
I) A little life
II) Six of Crows Duology
III) Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe
Top 3 favourite songs:
I) Punisher (copycat killer version) - Phoebe bridgers
II) I don’t smoke - Mitski
III) Who we are - Hozier
Fandoms: House Md, Dead poets society, Stranger things, pjo , pride and prejudice, the owl house, a little life + multiple others that i can’t remember right now
I love dark colours, the forest after the effects of rain, the smell of books and snuffed-out candles, Midnight comfort, soft lights and picture-covered walls, melancholic emotions and soulful music, the feeling of having achieved something, laying down and listening to my heartbeats, my best friend’s fingers playing with my hair, deep talks
I feel like an old, tired but also knowledge-thirsty soul in a world that values results over the pure enjoyment of the present moment (who am i to talk, i’m literally the biggest overthinker-)
Anyway, i’m tired, silly, have a lot to say, get morally outraged way too easily and dream bigger than what’s healthy (according to professionals, aka everyone)
DREAM BIG FOLKS, don’t let this mess of a world steal this private and sickeningly beautiful part of yourselves
Anyhoooo i adore anyone who’s reading this, don’t shy away from saying hi!!! Promise i don’t bite (well-)
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focusfixated · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
thank you for this! i think my favourite fics i've written are the ones that are basically like. my thesis statement. if you ask me about these characters, i will slide you one of these fics and say: here's my dissertation on the subject. everything you need to know about how i feel is in there.
can't get a life (if my heart's not in it)
libertines rpf | peter/carl | M | 20.9k
When Peter came to London, Carl was waiting for him under the hanging clock in the middle of Waterloo station. It had been romantic, in the way that Peter saw all their meetings as a little romantic – a song in the making, all Terry meets Julie and a sunset over the river. Or: the early days of Peter & Carl's love affair with London - and each other.
note: i wrote this one during my first year moving to london. inhabiting this story with these people and their music helped me settle there. this was also my way of taking every insanely romantic and toxic thing peter and carl did or felt about each other in those early years and weaving it into one point of reference.
on the wings of a nightingale
good omens | aziraphale/crowley | E | 11.1k
Aziraphale liked his body. He liked the shape of it, the way it moved and touched the world, a type of sensory feedback that made him understand the shape and extent of his corporation. Like he wasn’t just an ephemeral vessel. Like he was flesh. Or: Aziraphale gets a tattoo. Crowley is an accessory to this crime against good sense. Everyone’s kinks are very poorly disguised.
note: i think this is the one where i really got to grips with my authorial obsession with bodies, embodiment, sensation as existence. it's probably one of the most personal things i've written, too, in terms of its dissection of touch, and espousing thoughts on faith as tangible feeling vs abstract thought. this is the aziraphale that exists in everything else i've written in this fandom.
i hope i find my home
it chapter 2 | richie/eddie | E | 53k
The peak of summer is long gone, if it ever came, but the funk of stagnant air still hangs low over the suburban streets. Richie Tozier – sallow-skinned and puffy-eyed, wearing a too-small denim jacket that smells of sweat and mildew – hasn’t slept in several days, and he's trying to remember how he got here in the first place. Or: Coming back to Derry, Richie hadn't expected to live. Eddie hadn’t expected to die. In the aftermath of Neibolt, they’re both confronted by another shot at life.
note: possibly actually my favourite thing i've ever written out of all of these. features this ongoing obsession with bodies, though this is from a more confrontational perspective than the good omens one - there's an element of body horror, a sense of fear and discomfort about the body, and grapples with embodied repression. took me two years to write this one. it was a labour of love and hard work, and a proof of my commitment to getting this story about survival and recovery told.
le temps qu'il faut
disco elysium | harry/kim | T | 5k
Snow blows in from the east. It falls on Martinaise, thickening the frigid air like cornstarch, thick enough to chew on. Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi stands – quiet, watchful, an oddity placed at the centre of a racket – collar turned up against the weather. Or: winter is tough and so is Kim, but a lot can change in ten days.
note: a story where i feel like i got the closest to capturing the mood of the original media. it was such a fucking pleasure to write something that was almost pure atmosphere. felt right that the poetry came out of this cold and battered landscape, and really solidified my interest in capturing environments. (who needs plot when there are buildings and lakes covered in snow).
when we fight about love
our flag means death | multi | E | 41.2k
Bonnet took a dainty sip of rum, then put the mug down with a fussy finality. “Look, I’m not interested in deals and riches and who gets what from who. I want to find Ed, that’s it. You’ll come with us, and you’ll guide us to the Revenge, and when we’re done, you can have my other ship to do with what you like. Sell it, sail away, set it on fire, I don’t care. Do we have an accord?” Bonnet held out a hand. His nails were ragged, and there were blisters on his fingers. Somehow, he still smelled of lavender. With all the recalcitrance of reaching towards an open flame, Izzy shook it. (Or: after brokering an uneasy peace, Izzy Hands, Stede Bonnet and the rest of the Revenge’s depleted crew are thrown together for a mission: find Edward, snap him out of his terrible madness, and then – and then.)
note: this is the one. the story that sums it all up. "how do you feel about izzy? what do you think was going on with him? how would a coherent version of him, flaws and all, realistically interact with the people most important to him during this time?" well: like this. focuses on repression, again, a key theme for me. though the repression here is not just physical, but mental, too. this was an exercise in finding a way to present a dislikeable, misguided, unreliable narrator as a point of view character and still finding meaning and empathy in his perspective. one of the most satisfying things i've ever written.
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Round 3 Match 3
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propaganda below the cut! (wall of text warning)
"sooo pretty"
"Björk looks like her music sounds. Out of this world and beautiful"
"she's like the chipmunk who visits my window"
"She is mjother. She has the range, the versatility to serve any and every kind of beautiful you could ever want. She went from cute art pop girly to icy electronic queen in the span of a few years. She served cunt while dealing with the fallout of divorce. And then immediately pivoted to ethereality and fairies. An icon. Oh also, all of Vespertine exists. Need I say more?"
"She IS grateful grapefruit. No one is doing it like Björk she's so one of a kind and insane and very beautiful and everyone should vote for her. A vote for Björk is a vote for Icelandics everywhere!!!!!!!"
"Björk's voice had such a beautiful clarity and delicate chastity that has infused some of the loveliest songs to ever be written. She is an angel that came down from the Heavens to bless us all with her talent, her mind and her grace. Vespertine, with the most elegantly crafted songs of Pagan Poetry, Cocoon, It's Not Up To You and every other majestic opus on the album stands as the most mystical, tragic, and sensual exploration of love and the core of us that makes us human, our souls. And my second favourite album only to In Rainbows. And all her other albums are great too. Just Google I Love To Love by Björk which is a cover but still shows you that she was the most talented sweetheart ever, even at 6 years old. She is my fire, the one desire. I quoted Backstreet Boys, that should tell you how dedicated I am to this cause. If that still doesn't persuade you however, I'll have you know that Justine Frischmann burned my house to the ground, frequently urinates on my lawn, abducted my mom, pushed my grandmother down a flight of stairs on her trip to Manchester and chopped my dad's "you know what" off to use as a heirloom for her house. She is a nasty and crazy woman. Vote Björk, our Icelandic queen."
"bjork is sexy in a mind-expanding way. she would [redacted] and then teach u how to build a computer. my partner says she makes music for autistic people to have sex to. also history ot touches ??????? hello????"
"Have you seen the swan dress? She's an icon and she is the moment"
"swan dress. need i say more"
(the dress in question)
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Dave Grohl:
"multiple things to do to/with dave grohl (all affectionately) : 1.) shrink him, hold him in my hands and study him 2.) put him in a washing machine and watch him spin 3.) talk to him for hours on end 4.) wash his hair 5.) ask him about his hair routine 6.) give him a little forehead kiss 7.) bbq with him"
"HOW could anyone NOT pick 90s Dave? He was SOOO beautiful 😫😫 Especially in Nirvana,come ON"
"I mean- just look at the man. If I ever saw him in real life I think I'd unexplainably combust on the spot. I'd sell my grandfather at a garage sale for him."
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lucywritesagain · 29 days
The game of cat and spider﹕┈・𐑺 ‧₊˚໒꒱ Part 2
꒰ა ˚₊ ✧・┈﹕Miguel O'hara Masterlist ꒰ ᐢ。- ༝ -。ᐢ ꒱ Navigation ﹕┈・𐑺 ‧₊˚໒꒱ PART 1
Please note that this story is a repost from my old blog @lucywrites02.
Summary: You are a criminal and he's a hero. You don't know each other's names, never seen the person behind the mask. You aren't enemies- you are supposed to be but that didn't work out quite well. You liked each other a bit too much, but your relationship was strictly…. Professional?
What happens if you meet as normal people, with no masks and responsibilities in your way? What did the universe plan for you? And most importantly…. Will it last?
A/N: Here we are with another chapter! This bad boy *slaps the fic* can fit more than 3k words in it. This chapter is about them meeting as normal people UWU It includes: Miguel in a compression shirt, a cat who terrorises your apartment and coffee. *swings a pocket watch right in front of your eyes* "If you see any grammar mistakes... no you didn't xoxo Have fun and let me know how you liked it!
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Miguel woke up to the silence of his apartment. The very first sun rays of that day shone through the curtains the man forgot to close last night. The golden hues embraced his tired face, making the man squeeze his eyes and groan. The rest of his room was engulfed in darkness, just like Miguel liked it. The walls were painted the same shade of blue one could see in the clouds right before it started raining. He didn't have many things in his bedroom- just a queen sized bed covered with black satin sheets and a small nightstand table with an electric clock on it. Not even a lamp. O'hara only used this room for sleeping so he didn't have many things in there. He would only sleep in his own bed if he didn't fall asleep in his lab. Or collapsed on the couch after a long day. Some nights he didn't sleep at all. That's why he didn't see a point in decorating the place.
Miguel sat up, placing his feet on the cold wooden floor. The numbers on the clock read 6:30 AM and the man knew he wouldn't get any more sleep. He stood up, adjusting his white sleeping shirt and slowly walked to the opened window that he also forgot to close last night.
Thankfully no one would even think of breaking into his apartment since it's located on the 10th floor. He pushed the heavy grey curtains away, letting more light inside and just stood there for a while, looking at the city below him. Even though it was early in the morning he could see the crowds of people on the streets. He could hear the sound of cars speeding down the highway. Sometimes Miguel liked to make up stories about those people and their lives. Maybe the couple eating breakfast outside that little bakery just got married and decided to spend their honeymoon in Nueva York. What if that taxi driver that almost didn't stop at the red light is secretly a famous poetry writer? Miguel knew those stories were stupid and didn't make any sense whatsoever, but it was the only thing to get his mind off of his… loneliness. It never worked because watching people living their lives and being happy only made him feel even more alone.
He ran his hands through his messy brown hair and decided that he needed a better distraction. A good jog could probably make things better. There was a park 20 minutes away from his home that he liked to visit- a secluded area on the west side right by the river. It was one of his favourite spots in this neighbourhood. Miguel didn't even bother to eat breakfast or make coffee- he just took a quick shower, put on his dark red sweatpants, black compression shirt and a hoodie that matched his pants. Ever since he became the spider-man he invested in some good noise cancelling headphones because his heightened senses couldn't handle the constant stimulation that the outside world provided. He took them with him every time he left home- as a civilian, not a hero. Miguel wasn't in the mood for music so the only thing playing through the headphones in his ears was some white noise.
He shrugged and decided that it was good enough for now. The last thing he needed were his sunglasses- he would surely get a migraine if he got out in this sun with no protection against the light. He had a favourite pair that he took everywhere with him- ordinary wayfarers with tinted glass. They looked exactly like his regular reading glasses and Miguel loved them. The man sighed heavily when he couldn't find them and put on his black baseball cap instead. He has to start putting his things in places he can find them again, but that seemed like a problem for later.
"LYLA, I'm going out. Turn on the security."
The man called, not bothering to hear the robotic response of his digital assistant and closed the door behind him. He waited for the silent 'click' to make sure LYLA did what he asked. The artificial intelligence he created was in the testing phase and he still had to supervise it. It was a simple AI- Miguel gave it his vocal command and it did the job. So far the system has been running great, but there was still something missing, Miguel just couldn't figure out what. The AI was supposed to be his assistant, but Miguel felt weird when he talked to it and expected to have an actual conversation only to be met with silence. His social skills weren't the best and he knew it was stupid to even think that way, but he really wanted this AI- his creation- to be human enough to speak with him like a normal person. He wasn't sure how he could accomplish it. Maybe he would get some good ideas after his little workout. Now that he thought of it he cringed, knowing he was so desperate for social interactions he made an AI he could talk to. Even though the system wasn't that well developed yet.
He jogged at a slower pace down the road leading to the main area of the park. The mornings were getting more chilly as the seasons were changing. The trees were still green- it would take a few more weeks for them to adapt to different weather and turn different colours- and it actually made Miguel smile a bit. He wasn't a fan of fall. It was rainy and depressing. And he knew that winter came after fall which meant spending another holiday alone. Which caused more depression, of course. But now wasn't the time to think about the future.
Miguel jogged to the secluded area of the park and started running faster. It was almost a sprint as if the velocity of his steps could make the thoughts in his head disappear. It didn't.
What did make his thoughts stop racing however, was someone's body colliding with his broad frame. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Your day couldn't have started better. That statement was purely sarcastic of course because you woke up to the sound of a ceramic pot crushing into the tiled floor of your kitchen. You immediately jumped out of your bed, forgetting about the ache in your thigh and headed to the source of all that noise. The pieces of soil and terracotta were scattered across the room and you wanted to just lay down in all that dirt and cry. Your cat however was sitting down on the highest shelf in your kitchen - meant only for your poison ivies -looking pretty pleased with herself.
"I hope it was worth it because you just lost your snack privileges." You scolded your furry companion as you cleaned the floor. You took one of the biggest mugs you had and put the remaining of your plant in it. "She won't hurt you again, I promise." You spoke to the plant and gently caressed the leaves. The mug would have to suffice until you get a new pot. After throwing out all of that dirt to the trash and mopping the floor you finally took a glance at the clock hanging on your wall and groaned. It was barely 6 AM and you were already on your feet.
Well, you couldn't go back to sleep now. You weren't tired anymore. It would help if you had something to make you busy, but there was literally nothing to do. Your dishes were washed and your laundry folded. The cat has been fed and her litter box cleaned. You always did those chores at night so that your morning would be more enjoyable. But now you were yearning for some tasks.
You pushed the white curtains in your kitchen to the side, letting the morning sun into your apartment. The sticker you put on your window created beautiful rainbow areolas on the sage green tiles on your wall. You loved mornings like this even if they started on a more chaotic note. You went through your routine like always- it was your day off so you settled on more comfortable clothes. Sweatpants and hoodie was the best combination for a lazy day. Your wound didn't hurt as much as it did last night and it made moving around easier than you thought.
You spent months making your apartment feel like home and it really did feel like it. But in moments like this- sitting on the balcony all alone and looking at the people on the streets with a deep longing for some sort of connection- you felt lonely. You had Migsy who was more than happy to keep you company, but he wasn't a human being who could give you a hug after a long day at work or kiss you goodnight. You were desperate for a genuine and meaningful human connection.
People you called friends were actually just your co-workers or people you regularly interact with at the grocery store- people who had their own family and real friends to come back to after a long day at work. You gave up on dating a long time ago and the only person who made your heart skip a beat was a guy in a red-blue latex suit whose job was to send your ass to jail. It was fun to flirt with him- especially ever since he actually started to flirt back- but you knew it wasn't…. Real. It wasn't someone who would want a relationship with you. How would that even work? You always felt more confident behind your mask. But the person you were while wearing your costume wasn't really you. It was a character you created to make your life easier and if someone liked the black cat they would be so disappointed when they realise who has been hiding behind that mask. So if the spider-man harboured any sort of affection for the black cat, he wouldn't have the same feeling for the real you. That's why you would never take this 'relationship' seriously. You liked the flirting, but that was it. Because he wouldn't…
Your thoughts were entertaining a dangerous territory and you had to find a good distraction. You couldn't stay at home- this apartment even though it was your little sanctuary, reminded you of how alone you actually were.
Hmm, since your thigh wasn't hurting too much, maybe you could go on a quick walk to your favourite bakery in the park nearby. You could get breakfast there and maybe buy some flowers for yourself on your way back. Yeah…that sounded like a plan.
You made sure to pack some things into your little backpack before you went out- just the essentials like your wallet, the keys to your apartment and a sketchbook you always took with you. You styled your hair a bit before you left to look less messy and smiled when you were satisfied with the outcome.
"I'm going out, Migsy." You gave your cat a little kiss on the forehead before you put on your headphones. "Please don't terrorise any more plants while I'm gone" Your little angel meowed at you in response which made you giggle.
You left your apartment complex and chose a fitting playlist. You picked up your pace to match the beat of the song and headed to the park. There was a path along the river on the west side that was perfect for morning walks. There was a small coffee shop around the corner that you had to stop by before you could continue your little journey. You could smell the freshly brewed beverages from a mile and you knew your day would be bad if you didn't stop by to get a drink. Coffee was like a nectar for your soul and you couldn't deprive yourself of this small happiness.
The baristas behind the counter knew you and your order very well since you were one of the regulars so they started preparing your favourite drink the moment you stepped inside. They didn't try to start a conversation with you and it only evoked a deeper feeling of loneliness. Even though you interacted with those people plenty of times you still weren't worthy enough for them to even try and make some small talk. Maybe you were overthinking the interaction too much- they did smile at you when they saw you walk in and even waved at you. But you just couldn't help yourself and had to analyse every move of their muscles to make sure they didn't secretly hate you. You left the shop as soon as they handed you your order, trying to calm down. You hated when that happened- when the anxiety overwhelmed you so much you couldn't think properly.
You didn't even notice when you entered the main area of the park, too focused on your coffee and the music playing through your headphones. And you surely didn't notice a stranger running in your direction. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ "I am so sorry!" Miguel quickly apologised, ripping his headphones off his ears. "Are you okay?" He looked down at the person sitting on the ground right before him. He felt so stupid for running into you and if you paid enough attention you could see how red his cheeks have turned.
You looked up at the stranger and groaned in pain. You were thankful that the coffee wasn't hot because you would have to add burns to the list of your injuries. The drink ended up all over your clothes and you had to try your hardest not to cry in front of a stranger this handsome. Wait-
"I should have paid more attention, I am really really sorry." The man kept apologising. Miguel's face was burning with embarrassment. He felt so bad for bumping into you and he knew it probably hurt a lot- colliding with all those muscles of his surely wasn't the best experience.
"I'm good." You smiled awkwardly, readjusting your wet hoodie that stuck to your skin. Miguel gave you his hand to help you up. "It's okay, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been thinking about so many things at once..."
Miguel's brown eyes finally met your gaze and the man thought about something bizarre. Your face seemed familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He had the feeling he had met you before, but he wasn't sure, and it was driving him crazy. However, he shook his head and pushed the thought aside. Millions of people lived in the city and it was actually very possible that he had seen you before and simply forgot about it. But if that was the case why did he feel like there was something more to you than meets the eye?
"Are you okay though?" You asked, looking down at the coffee stains on your clothes. It will be a pain in the ass to clean later.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He gave you a small smile. "Are you sure you're okay? I kinda feel like you might have gotten hurt, it felt like a pretty harsh fall… and I'm sorry about the coffee, too…" He looked concerned as he looked at your face for a second, before looking elsewhere- anywhere but your eyes- as he scratched his neck.
Miguel could have sworn he has seen you before. Or maybe he didn't. But if you truly were a stranger how could he explain that weird feeling deep inside him. Or maybe you were just so pretty his brain had to somehow rationalise this foreign attraction towards you. Aaagh, he should stop making a fool of himself and stop overthinking this interaction!
"It hurts a bit, but I will be fine." You replied. The man standing before you was much taller and - you hated yourself for thinking about the person you just met that way- very very handsome. Which only made you even more embarrassed once you realise how you must have looked. "I can always get another coffee later so don't worry about that."
"I…i-i w-" The stranger stuttered, fiddling with his fingers as he spoke. He took a deep breath before he continued. "I feel bad for bumping into you. Could I maybe… make it up to you somehow?" Miguel's heart was beating against his chest like a hammer as he was stumbling on his own words. "I could buy you another coffee." He proposed and cringed, thinking he sounded desperate. "If that's fine with you, of course…."
He wasn't sure what took over him because he knew he wouldn't ever do something like that for any other person. He would probably just apologise again and run in the other direction, hoping he will never have to see that person ever again.
"I don't think I want another coffee right now" You giggled in response. "But thank you for the proposal, Mr…"
"Oh, it's Miguel." The man mumbled, giving you his hand to shake.
You introduced yourself as well and chuckled. "It was nice running into you." You joked and cringed internally. But the stranger- Miguel- actually laughed. Not giggled, laughed. He let go of your hand to cover his mouth and cleared his throat, trying to hide his smile.
"So, you were going for a morning jog, too huh? Where were you heading, if you don't mind me asking?" The man spoke. He really wanted this little interaction to last longer.
"Yeah, I wanted to relax a bit and decided to take a walk. I was heading to the bakery down the street" You explained. "I didn't expect to be swept off my feet like that though." You felt comfortable talking with Miguel. It's as if the two of you knew each other already.
"I am really sorry about that." Miguel repeated. "If there's anything I can do to make it up to you…"
"You could give me your number" You suggested and mentally slapped yourself. You had no idea where this confidence came from and you started to get nervous. "So that you can take me ou- BUY me another coffee." You continued your mumbling and chucking awkwardly. "Because you spilled mine." Definitely not because you wanted to see him again.
Miguel smirked down at you and took out his phone. He didn't want to admit it, but he was as excited as he was nervous. The one time he decided to go out he bumped into some stranger, making them fall down, spilled that person's coffee all over them and then somehow managed to get their number? Migiel wasn't sure what he did to be this lucky, but he certainly wasn't complaining.
He handed you his phone with his number on the screen, so that you could type it into your own. You saved his contact as 'the guy who owes me a coffee'. Miguel saw that and chuckled again.
"I sent you a text so that you can have my number as well." You cleared your throat and inhaled deeply when you noticed how close the two of you were standing. "I guess I will see you around, Miguel."
"I guess you will." He saved your number in his contacts before he showed his phone into the pocket of his pants. "It was nice bumping into you. And I hope the other people will pay more attention to the road than I did." He scratched his neck and took a step back to create more space between you. "Wouldn't want you to spend any more time falling down." Miguel winked at you and slowly jogged away, not waiting for your response.
He made sure that he was out of your view before he stopped to slap his forehead. He still felt bad for running into you, but thankfully he didn't feel any awkwardness like he did in the beginning. But for the love of God, why did he have to wink at you?
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anotherblondcompanion · 8 months
Introducing myself Hey so I am new in this app and I just wanted to put a few details about me out there.
Hey so ,I'm LJ and nineteen. I am from Germany.Besides being politically interested and active through demonstration (for LGBTQ+ rights, against the far-rigth) and similar things, I have a lot of other interests.
My favourite Fandoms are by far Good Omens and Doctor Who. But I love gathering cool information about the world of The Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit too. Additionally I recently re-entered into the Marauders fandom.
I have quite a few hobbies, I like creating art (my favourite materials are acrylics watercolour and fineliner), enjoy video games ( could play Skyrim for hours), like to read ( more to that at a later point) and I write poetry, which to be all honest isn't that good, but I love it regardless. Sometimes I even try to write my own songtexts but that is a bit difficult to me.
Speaking of songtexts and music, my favourite artists are Hozier, Elton John, The Oh Hellos, Florence + the Machine and The Velvet Underground. But I like to listen to some German artists to, especially Kraftklub, Alligatoah, Die Ärzte , Yu and Nachtkinder. The last one is pretty unknown, but they've got a bit of a Nirvana vibe going on and I can recommend listening to them.
I also love books and stories in general, especially Oscar Wilde or Neil Gaiman (my favourite of his is Good Omens but The Sandman is a close second). And as cliché as it migth sound, I adore Shakespeare. I've fallen in love with his works when I was 13 and saw a rendition of Macbeth, but I must say that I love the sonnets even more.
I hope to find some people to talk about mutual interests on this app, and maybe even find some friends. I am a bit socially awkward but once I'm more comfortable I am pretty talkative.Anyway I hope everyone who reads this has a good day/nigth.
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dontcallpanic · 2 months
Hi there sweetheart! 🩵 as i said on my post, im turning this around
what are some of the things that never fail to make you smile?
and I'll also ask: what are some of the things/people that scream 'love' from miles away for you?
@gege-wondering-around I am so, so sorry this has taken so long – as usual. Life is chaos but I really appreciate the ask! You’re so kind and so lovely and your answer was perfect I hope I can do this justice! Diolch yn fawr iawn and here we go
Family. – One member in particular keeps wandering around singing Life is a Highway very badly and offkey and I just love it! It’s so cosy and fun and I just love it when things are calm enough that people can relax and be themselves. My cat (called Busy) also makes me smile. She’s a floozy cat and loves attention.
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Writing – I’m working on something for my absolute best friend which has a bit of a story behind it. It’s a Sterek Au that came about because I went back home. I grew up in among those strange rural small towns where everything is a bit weird and a little left of reality. I was in the local supermarket and for some reason in the back rooms they had this section absolutely chock full of plaid shirts so I snapped a pic and sent it to my friend for fun as a Stiles reference. And from that we just kind of ran with this strange Sterek, small town au where all sorts of strange, odd, supernatural things happened. So, of course I had to write it for her. But I write REALLY slowly. It’s not going to be finished any time soon but it’s 18000 words so far! Anyway, it’s purely for fun and full of joy and bittersweet things and it makes me smile SO much. Have a snippet! He can see it now. He’s going to become a cautionary tale. Parents everywhere will tell their children all about the dangers of running off to find themselves and all because he got lost in the woods and eaten by a bear. My what big teeth you have and all that. Wait – that’s little red riding hood. Maybe he’ll be eaten by wolves, not bears… That would be exactly his luck. Especially when there are famously no wolves in California. What was the moral of that story again? Something about not trusting strangers? Never leave the path? Something else about… not… going… for a walk in the woods… alone? Fuck. Stiles runs an anxious hand down the front of his favourite red hoodie. Double fuck. There was no way he was little red riding hood. The universe wouldn’t be that cruel, right? The colour of his jacket should have no bearing on the likelihood of him being eaten by a wild animal. Absolutely not. None, whatsoever. Nope. Incidentally, has anyone done any research on whether bears are attracted to certain colours more than others?
Adventures – I love exploring and just seeing new places, near or far. It doesn’t really matter where but show me a quiet road surrounded by tall trees and I am just giddy with happiness. I love driving too so that helps!
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Music – this is one of the things that I live for. I love how much music can give you, from inspiration, to pure feeling, vibes, joy, drama, beautiful poetry. It’s everything and it’s got everything! Here’s a link to my favourites playlist (that I'm still adding to!) but it’s full of all sorts of everything . Listen at your own risk!
Kindness - I’ll shout out to people on Tumblr too. I love seeing people be themselves and owning their weird, whatever it is! That always makes me smile – especially when something good happens for someone I follow. I loved what you said about kindness too. The words I try to live by are be curious and have compassion. Everyone’s going through something and the world can always use a bit more kindness!
Things that scream love from miles away (loved this question!)
Friends – I have two best friends who are the complete opposite of each other and I love them so much. They keep me going and whatever’s going on, they can always make me smile.
I’m moving away from them both which is breaking my heart a bit but something they both do which, to me, screams love from a distance is they’ll just send me things.
One friend sends memes and funny videos
The other shares her day and sends me pictures of what she’s doing.
I love this so much because its just I saw this and thought of you! It’s quick, it’s sweet, its thoughtful and it just means so much to me that they are going about their day and they take the time to think oh, I thought you’d like this! Now my phone is full of their lives and it makes me so happy.
I try to reciprocate  as much as possible but everyone always says my love language is bread. I’ll often bake bread for my friends to pass on when I see them although I realise that might be harder these days. Posting bread doesn’t seem like the best idea…
I’ll also do a small shout out to my husband here, as we’re talking about things that scream love. We met about 14 years ago when I was 18. I saw him across the room in a crowded bar on my first day of Uni and it was love at first sight. Still can’t explain it to this day. He was just my person.
Thanks so much for the ask! It’s really sweet and I had a lot of fun thinking about this one! It’s always worth spreading a little love and happiness and I hope your day is full of pure joy! You deserve it!
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legallybrunettedotcom · 4 months
hello !! :) today a friend of mine asked me this question and if you’re ok with it, i wanted to know your version: if you could host a party with your favourite artists ever (musicians, directors, writers, editors, actors etc) what kind of party would you organize & who would you invite?
oh what a fun question! feel free to tell me your own choices, anon! would love to know! i think i'll make it a dinner party. i can envision a beautifully decorated table, some candles, it's intimate, it's cozy. i don't know if all these people would mesh well but they are my favourites and i've connected with their artistry and work.
i definitely need fka twigs there. she's such a renaissance woman. so incredibly talented and curious. i remember when i first stumbled upon her back in high school, it was the two weeks music video and it was like finding a precious gemstone. even at that moment it felt like i just witnessed something important and crucial. everything she does is so cohesive and sturdy and idk how else to say it, but some music is like a snack, while her albums and everything that comes with them is like a five-course meal.
then i'll say trent reznor. he's a genius to me. i discovered nine inch nails when i was like 20 and it was the perfect moment. he gets me. he gets self-loathing like no one else. he wants to skin himself alive and you can hear it in his voice. there's so much variety in his discography, from industrial to these more ambient and atmospheric albums to his movie soundtrack endeavour. i think he also stayed true to his artistry, as much as one can, and i think he's funny, very no bullshit allowed type of person so yeah. and he has a super hot and talented wife that needs to come to my party too.
ok so another musician, david bowie. he's another renaissance person. i like re-invention, i like never staying the same, trying to fit as many lives as you possibly can in one life. he has that chameleon-like quality in his work and when i first discovered his music it was this moment of recognition, of someone getting the anxiety and passion that comes with creativity.
i need a painter now, and i'm choosing jean-michel basquiat. when i was a child, i used to catch this movie called basquiat from 1996 on tv all the time and i was so transfixed. looking back it's not a particularly great movie or like a super accurate depiction of his life, but at the time i didn't know that. i was just in awe. like as an idk 10 year old i've never seen someone so interesting and different and cool. it was a sort of entrance into the art world beyond those like classic old masters.
for film, well my favourite director is david fincher. i would say that everyone i list here gets my heart and the emotional aspect, while he gets my brain. his films scratch my brain and there is something clinical and sterile about his films that attracts me. he dissects things, he's a surgeon and an investigator, he gets research, all his characters are obsessive freaks who can't stop peeling the layers of the object of their obsession.
another film person. i'm choosing someone who is a menace and might create some commotion at the party and that's dennis hopper. his story, in his own words, is the one of great potential largely squandered by a rebellious nature and self-destructive hedonism. he's just an interesting guy and i think it would be so fun to hear his stories, but underneath all these crazy stories and like life ruining decisions is someone whose approach to life is very much create or die.
i think i need a writer there and tbh i don't really have favourite writers. i have my favourite books but i still haven't found my writer, like someone who i cling to, but i'll choose my favourite poet who is rainer maria rilke. he wasn't really religious but his poetry was doused in it, the way he talked about God was so beautiful and different. his art was his prayers and i feel like all i was supposed to get from religion i never did, but instead it was art and philosophy that offered that to me. he was someone who believed he was nothing if he wasn't an artist and he was this eternal spectator in life, you can really see his dedication to details in his words. i love the way he talks about nature, i am instantly there wherever his words are. i think he was just a very sensitive soul burdened by the search for truth that he'll never be able to touch.
i think i'll stop here. it's so funny bc i now notice 5 out of 7 of these are earth signs lmao.
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everydayzefron · 1 year
Some facts about Zac Which you may or may not know!:
1. He turned down a big record deal.
Jesse McCartney said Zac turned down a record deal, with six zeros attached to the end of it (huge $ offer) Due to his preference for acting. The deal wanted him to put out a solo album. Not sure how many offers he got, but it is known Simon Cowell of all people wanted to sign Zac.
Additionally it was Zac’s love for singing that opened the door for him into the acting world.
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2. He knows how to play the piano.
Growing up Zac has mentioned a few times very briefly that he knows how to play the piano extremely well. He took piano lessons as a kid, and it was his piano teacher who took notice of how talented he was and helped aspire his parents to get him involved in auditioning for roles.
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3. Taylor Swift herself taught him how to play guitar.
Even though he knew how to play piano quite well, Zac said he struggled with learning how to play the guitar. He stated his previous attempts have all been failures and nobody could teach him. Up until Taylor Swift of all people (who he calls a legend) volunteered to teach him. Since being taught by Taylor, Zac continued working on his guitar skills and has said he knows how to play almost every song with the four chords Taylor taught him. One of his go to songs he learned to play is Santeria. All thanks to Taylor Swift for being an incredible guitar teacher, according to Zac.
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4. He has frog hands.
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Picture is self explanatory!
5. He’s into song writing! Says he wants to write his own album one day or even a musical!
One thing a lot of people don’t know about Zac is his interest in songwriting, or rapping. While working on his comedy film, ‘Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates’ Zac wrote (and is credited on) for writing ‘Stang Life’ which is an offical sound track song for the film. Zac additionally raps on the track. The lyrics are understandable if you watch the film, as it’s film-based inspired lyrics. Zac also co-wrote his collaboration parody duet with Taylor Swift and wrote Vanessa Hudgens a song for her birthday.
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6. He likes to write poems, and loves to paint & draw which he does really well.
A Zac fact that most people don’t know but something he mentions often is his love for poetry & painting/drawing which he is good at.
His (now removed, or faded) feather tattoo on his bicep was actually designed (drawn) by entirely him. Which he once mentioned in an interview.
Quote: “I actually designed it (tattoo). I like to sketch - it’s my favourite medium. I’ve done drawings and paintings for girls, but mostly I do comic books. Sometimes it’s just nice to put thought.”
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7. He is super nerdy which was a big shock to Zendaya.
In an interview while doing press for The Greatest Showman, Zendaya shared her first impressions on Zac. She never expected that Zac would be what she calls a “super nerd” since he’d go on telling her about Stranger Things, which he’d passionately deep dive about. Growing up, Zac wasn’t the popular kid in school, and sometimes bullied. Although he did community theatre which was an escape for him. His teacher once described him as “shy and quiet” and spoke about his passion and determination for acting.
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8. He did extremely well in school growing up, with high grades and never slacked off. Leading him to be accepted into the University of Southern California (USC) & University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Pretty self explanatory. Zefron is very smart, especially since USC has a very low acceptance rate. Always has been. Zac not only was a top performer in arts but also academically. Friends of his past said he would take studying very seriously since he doesn’t slack off anything he does.
9. He is a huge animal lover! Who grew up with his Siamese cat Simon, and two dogs, Dreamer and Puppy.
This one is a more obvious fact! Since there are plenty of interactions with animals, since he is a big time animal lover. One of the very first pets he owned was a kitten he called ‘Cucko Kitty’ it was a kitten Zac found as a stray & rescued.
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10. He played on a baseball team while growing up and has a signed baseball from Dusky Baker.
Before he got into theatre, and singing & dancing. Baseball was one of the sports Zac would play growing up! Dusky Baker is also one of the players who signed his ball when Zac was only a kid. Promising after 35 minutes he’d return from church to sign it, which he did.
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11. He had a very large gap between his teeth while growing up, and has a whole lot of freckles!
His gap may be fixed nowadays! But time to time when he doesn’t wear his retainers his signature gap between his teeth makes a small comeback! Other than the bright eyes and gap, Zac also has a freckles all over his nose and freckles on his cheeks too.
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lapinpuff · 8 months
I don't use this world lightly but I think "Why Must I Be Sad?" from John Henry is such a shockingly underrated track. The lyrics are insanely clever. Actually, the whole thing is insanely clever imo!
I'll put my thoughts below :D
Though I don't know a great deal about Alice Cooper (the song is full of references to his work!), my parents are fans which helped me understand. The meaning of this song still rather speaks to me. Alice Cooper's song titles are used to portray little snippets of the speaker's troubled mind, and it works really well.
As confirmed directly by TMBG, the speaker of this song is a teenager who hears his pain finally voiced through Alice Cooper music. I've listened to TMBG for all of my teen years and I must admit I've often felt the same way about their music, which is partly why this song is so special to me. The lyric "No one knows these things but me and him" really hits the nail on the head.
In general, this track has a sort of hardcore parody angst thing going on, transitioning to these moments of sorrowful wonder at the world's beauty ("The rows of dandelions growing all around me"). Then the speaker's frustration at their own inability to appreciate the world around them ("Why must I be sad?") brings the tone and music right back to the angry angst...very reflective of the teen speaker's headspace.
My personal favourite lyrics are "So I'm writing everything down in a spiral notebook/In the hopes that some day/Other people will feel as low as this"—the speaker likely means that they hope other people will find comfort in their writing about their own misery. But of course it comes across more as 'I hope other people suffer just so they can relate to me.' A really cool double meaning! I think it's very teen-angsty to say something accidentally quite selfish. Perfection.
Like a lot of TMBG songs, I think this one is pure poetry. I don't believe it's performed live, like, EVER, perhaps due to that one intentionally gross lyric towards the end. It's a bit of a shame. It's rare to see people discussing this song at all. But I do adore it </3
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mywifeleftme · 11 months
207: Atahualpa Yupanqui // El hombre, el paisaje y su canción
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El hombre, el paisaje y su canción Atahualpa Yupanqui 1969, Odeon
Atahualpa Yupanqui was a titanic figure in Argentine music. As an ethnomusicologist who formed a bridge between various forms of Indigenous folk music and the younger artists of the nueva canción (new song) movement; a first-rate composer; and a political revolutionary imprisoned numerous times for his beliefs, Yupanqui is a fine representative of that era of Latin American creators whose artistic quality was equaled by the courage of their convictions. Due to his Communist Party affiliation, Yupanqui didn’t record much until he was already in his 40s, which robs us of the voice of his youth, but also enforces his image as a fatherly figure, a living link with the past.
Once he started recording though, the torrent was overwhelming—between his remarkable productivity and the tendency of labels to constantly repackage his work, forging a semblance of a linear discography is beyond my skills. I’m not altogether sure of the provenance of El hombre, el paisaje y su canción (The Man, the Landscape and His Song), a 1969 record I picked up on a lark a few years back that became an instant favourite in the Wifeleft household. There was an album of the same name released the previous year that shares four tracks, suggesting my Hombre may be a compilation—on the other hand, he recorded many of his songs numerous times, so it’s possible these are from an entirely different session. The album certainly sounds as though it was recorded in one sitting.
No matter, this is my favourite of the handful of Yupanqui albums I’ve heard to date. He is presented solo, as usual, accompanied only by his own acoustic guitar, and over a scant 30 minutes or so draws the listener entirely into his world. I feel as though I am watching the master singing for a small audience gathered on his porch, his fingers translating the weariness of the day’s labours into something more somber and romantic, his voice that of a man who understands his role is to witness and recount. The lyrics often look directly at the travails of working people, as on “Trabajo, quiero trabajo” (“Work, I Want Work”) and “Campesino” (“Peasant”), but there is also that mystical element common in Spanish poetry, as on “Guitarra, dímelo tú” (“Guitar, Tell Me”):
Guitar, you tell me Men are dead gods Already long collapsed Not even his dreams were saved Only the shadow has remained
El hombre also includes a pair of instrumentals that show off the expressiveness of Yupanqui’s playing to great effect—“El llanto” (“Crying”) is as poignant as its title suggests, while “Malambo” (named for an Argentine folk dance) reminds me a bit of the American Primitive fingerstyle associated some distance north with John Fahey.
I doubt there is such a thing as a poor-quality Atahualpa Yupanqui album, and I think any collection would be enriched by his inclusion. He makes a great entry point to South American folk, some of the most timeless and impassioned music of the 20th century.
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dylanlila · 1 year
top 5 eleven/amy scenes plz
PERFECT QUESTION, but also so incredibly difficult to answer. (I'll try to keep the answer reasonably long. Whatever that means.)
As much as I admire 11amy dialogues, I primarily view them as... sort of indicators of how UNFIT 11amy are for language as we understand it. They're more about the primal reading of the word... language as an invention? The idea of building something as a means of exchanging for the sake of being understood (language isn't just words!!!!! like the language of trees!!! Tolkien could invent a language for 11amy I bet), they're like music!!!! Because even when music has lyrics, it isn't as word-centred (at least to me), and a similar argument can be used for poetry but just... Amy Pond is such a song of a girl to me for so many reasons, but I'll need a separate post for that. Anyhow. My favourite scenes are 100% those that acknowledge how... Of The World both of these characters are, more than they belong to themselves they belong to nature. (and this is because they share that sense of identity confusion and a state of being nameless... they are given titles... but who are they really?) Both of them have galaxies as stand-ins for flesh and blood... so it figures that their bodies are inclined to look for reflections of themselves in the outside. (it's all about love and loneliness, it's just mixed with sci-fi magic so it's brought to a greater scale, but it's essentially about finding someone like you, it's just that they see moons and planets when they look in the mirror) WHATEVER. THIS IS ALREADY GETTING OUT OF HAND. Here are my favourite moments. I suppose? I'm putting it under the cut djdjkdkd
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It feels wrong to separate this into sections because 11amy are mainly about being a bit of everything so I'll just present my jumbled thoughts on these as they are. Adding links to past posts/tag essays every now and then.
IF A GIRL LOVES SOMETHING, SHE LOVES FASHION SYMBOLISM!!!! She's holding his clothes.....in a universe where their roles are reversed... after an entire season of 0% True Amy Fashion (WHERE IS HER SCARF???? HER BOOTS????? MINISKIRTS???? COOL JACKETS????? they're telling us she's Mom Material now so no more funky trinkets) she gets to hold this symbol of individuality and give it back to her best friend..... (yk... 11amy are the equivalent of an early adolescent's relationship with their freshly discovered favourite song... or when you finally figure out a haircut that Feels Like You... or whatever... their entire arcs are so intertwined with objects that function as living things (it's the whole physical vs./+ cognitive theme)...... the bowties the suspenders the little TARDIS Amy made the scarf the mask from the beast below... they're all like little movies helping these characters exist in more places than one regardless of timespace restrictions... I always think of it as an example of a story having an independent heartbeat, no matter how much the writing team tried to reduce Amy to the epitome of Goodness & Sainthood & Motherhood, her reality stored the pieces of her that were too much for them to understand or hold. And isn't that a metaphor for girlhood in a way?
I'M A MED STUDENT SO I LOVE WHEN SHE RESTARTS ONE OF HIS HEARTS... naturally... This has been discussed on my blog, but Amy is an equivalent of the heart of the TARDIS in every way there is (universe pouring into your head! too bright to be looked at -> how the story prefers Amy to be a myth rather than a person) and just... THERE ARE SURGICAL IMPLICATIONS IN THIS SHOW... seared onto my hearts.... holding the body of her imaginary friend.... they are like trees or the circulatory system to me (see the last photograph) they are only real when together..... (check this post for similar themes)
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hucco-lotus · 1 month
I am not coping well. Have some headcanons on how my OCs cope with crises.
Jian Ling: binge watching his comfort anime over and over again, drawing his favourite characters saying nice and encouraging things to him
Jia Hui: going to the arcade, trying to visit and explore new places to take her mind off of things
Qiu Feng: write sad poetry that she posts online, lays on the bed and listens to depressing music while staring at the ceiling for five hours straight
Salem: cry hysterically and start plotting dramatic means to make the people who hurt him feel guilty, only to calm down after making an impulsive purchase of fandom collectible items
Kalpana: goes to the nearest water body and angrily throws rocks at the water, cursing the world and everyone who lives in it
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