#his first time with marvin is his first time... in general
ashtonisvibing · 7 months
if you don't have multiple (sexual) "first time"s for your ship(s) to explore every characterization of them...
i dunno, someone else can finish this sentence, i'm exploring characterizations of marvelsepticeye in a way that interests me
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this-tastes-lemony · 3 months
Falsettos Food Theory
Okay so someone asked what this is and I really wanna explain! So the falsettos food theory is that food represents love throughout the Marvin trilogy.
In the show, In Trousers, Marvin is very strict about what kind of food he wants, and he gets very upset when he doesn’t get it imminently or the way he wants. For example, in the song ‘How Marvin Eats his Breakfast” there is the lyric,
“No one looks busy in this kitchen
And my breakfast isn't ready
And my stomach aches.”
This is in reference to that no one at that moment is giving him the love that he wants, and that he aches for it. Later in the song he also says ,
“I don't want miracles from heaven
Just some eggies over spinach over toast
No, I will not apologize!
She should win a prize:
Very best emoting
That girl can't cook”
When he says the first line he doesn’t literally mean he just wants a basic breakfast, he means that he doesn’t want much, he just wants to feel loved. By saving “that girl can’t cook” he doesn’t mean she’s lousy at making food, he means that she doesn’t give him the kind of love that he wants. One of the other ladies says
“maybe she can’t cook, but have you seen her milk a cow?” Implying that sexually she “provides” to Marvin, even if he doesn’t romantically like her (obviously this means nothing, just because they can be sexually active does not mean that it is love).
Another one is in Whizzer Going Down he says,
“he hates my wife
I hate his food”.
He’s saying he hates when Whizzer shows him love because he is not ready to accept the fact that he can be loved and he can love another man.
There are many more references of this in the show In Trousers and if anyone wants to hear them I’ll gladly go into it in another post!!
The ones in Falsettos are even more obvious references to love. In the song Tight Knit Family, Marvin sings,
“We all eat as one
Wife, friend, and son
And I sing out as they cook
I love my tight-knit family
I love the way they cook linguine”
They all eat as one meaning they are all receiving love from one another, even if it isn’t good. The next line being “I sing out as they cook” (singing out meaning to say or shout something loudly, most likely implying the unhealthy relationship he’s in with his family) this line is saying that while they provide him love and what ever he asks, he continues to complain about it.
However, in the next line he says “I love the way they cook linguine” which is a considered normal traditional meal for a lot people. This is showing that he enjoys when they provide him with basic normal love, instead of arguing or disagreeing with him.
Another reference later on in the musical is in the ENTIRETY of the song “This Had Better Come To A Stop”. The first set of unique lyrics though is what I’ll cover.
“Whizzer's supposed to always be here
Making dinner, set to screw
That's what pretty boys should do
Check their hairlines, make the dinner
And love me”
This is saying that Whizzer is supposed to always be at Marvin’s command, loving him and giving himself to Marvin sexually at all times. He mentions making dinner twice in these lyrics, again implying that he doesn’t want Whizzers love unless it’s later in the day once he’s gotten his love from his other family ( breakfast specifically).
Another general reference to food equaling love is Cordelia’s entire character. All she does throughout the show is provide food and such to the characters, this being her giving them constant love. Since Cordelia was giving Marvin so much food (presumably) during the two year gap during intermission, we can assume that her unique and (sometimes) not so great food taught him that he doesn’t always get to choose what to eat, but that he should be greatful someone is cooking for him anyway. I think Cordelia is one of the most amazing characters in the story.
For all of the song “Days Like This” she’s trying to get Whizzer to eat something, meaning she’s trying to share her love with him.
In the song “Jason’s Bar Mitzvah”, Dr. Charlotte says
“She's cooked for some 200 guests
We number not that many
Actually... we're seven”
This shows that she has provided so much love for all of these people, even though there’s only seven. Only a couple lines later, she tries the food Cordelia made, and says that the food “tastes really yummy.” (in the pro shot Trina nods her head to agree).
This is important to me because it shows that Cordelia finally found a way to show/express her love with the rest of the characters, and have them reciprocate it for the first time on stage, showing that they are all at peace and finally love each other.
Just like in trousers there are hundreds of more references in Falsettos so if any of you would like me to go more into it I’d be happy to!
This is all speculation of course, we don’t know if any of this was intentional, buts it’s by far my favorite thing to talk about that’s falsettos related. Hope you enjoyed reading!
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charliedawn · 1 month
slashers(Jason,Michael and Brahms only) with beautiful undead yet friendly bride Reader who is like Emily(from Corpse Bride) and She refers them as Her "Victor" (btw,are you fan of Tim Burton? if not then that's okay)
(Here you go ! Thank you for the request and indeed, I am a big fan of Tim Burton. Hope you’ll like it 👍)
Jason Voorhees:
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Jason was scared half-to-death (see what I did there ? 😂) when he saw that rotten bride just sprang out from the very earth he usually buries the bodies of his victims in. Not gonna lie, he kinda ran back to his cabin when he saw you—‘cause if his mama taught him anything ? It was that dead people don’t come back to life for no good reason. The poor boy locked himself up twice. But, it wasn’t enough to stop you. You eventually came in and started haunting him. He tried to shoo you away at first because Jason likes his loneliness, his space. Actually, he doesn’t like people in general—dead or alive. So, Jason tried everything to get rid of you. He swung his axe at you and tried to catch you or trap you, but all his efforts were fruitless. He finally gave up and let you haunt him. But, he didn’t regret it. As you are a ghost, you could guard his home and warn him of any danger nearby. It was nice having someone watching over his back for once.
…But then, you saw it.
The machete that killed you.
On his wall.
You looked back at Jason and your undead heart squeezed in your chest. Had he…? Was he the one who had killed you ? On your wedding day nonetheless ? Wasn’t he your Victor ? And if not. Who was he ?
Brahms Heelshire:
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Brahms likes to play pretend. He dreamt of having that special someone he could one day propose to and have his happy ever after moment. He was thinking about it and had one of those gummy rings he had saved from his snack time. He was in the forest and had decided to have himself a little repetition for the unforeseeable future and that’s when he saw one peculiar branch that looked like a finger. He didn’t think more about it and did his little game of pretending…and when he put the ring on the finger. Well…He certainly didn’t expect some half-rotten bride to spurt out of the earth and shout:
"I DO."
But it did. That happened. And then, you wouldn’t leave him—not that he minded. Far from it. He was happy to have a wife (even though the kisses and hugs were a lil’ cold) He wondered about telling people about his…well…new ‘bride’. But, he thought better of it when he realised how lonely and sad you were. It didn’t matter that you called him Victor. Or Marvin. Or Hector. Or Derek for that matters…He would take any name if it meant you would stay and love him. And you had said ‘I do’. No takebacksies now.
Michael Myers:
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Michael was confused when he first saw you sprang up from the earth. Weird. His victims usually stayed dead. He tried to stab you but…Oops. Already dead. He quickly realised that you must be like Jack Torrance—a ghost. He also understood that stabbing you would be a waste of time. He tried to ignore you, but you would then appear at random times and tell him that you were married and that he was your Victor. As Michael doesn’t speak, he couldn’t rectify you.
Hence, he became ‘Victor’ to you.
At the end, he learnt to tolerate your presence. Especially at night when he would normally sleep alone with his regrets, he would feel your hand stroking his head and your voice singing him lullabies…Maybe having a dead bride wouldn’t be that bad…?
One day, you showed him an old picture of you. He looked at it and you could see that something was bothering him. You asked him about it, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t tell you he remembered you. He didn’t tell you he remembered your wide frightened eyes when he plunged his knife deep into your heart the day you were supposed to marry…or the way he mercilessly beheaded your betrothed.
That was a story he would rather never share with you.
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gl1tchrix · 3 months
Time to rant about falsettos racquetball.
In falsettos we only get to see two instances of Marvin and Whizzer playing racquetball. The second one serves as a segue into Whizzer’s sickness, but the first one, or rather the fact that they play racquetball in general is what I want to focus on.
They don’t outright say it but to me, and likely to many others, the two men playing this game together is a testament to Marvin’s growth as a character. In every way, racquetball serves as a direct contrast to the chess game towards the end of act one.
The chess game is Marvin’s desire for control. He wants to win, he wants others to follow him, he always wants to be right and be in charge. He wants to be smart, he wants to be the best. He’s arrogant and self centered.
Racquetball is the opposite. Even in the physical sense. In chess, one must sit down and think precisely about every move. Racquetball is fast paced and you’re constantly moving. But what it shows is that Marvin now knows that his love for Whizzer is more important than all of those selfish things before. He’s ok with being bad at something. He is jokingly disappointed when he loses or makes a mistake, but he’s also happy to do something with Whizzer that Whizzer will always win.
The racquetball games are proof that Marvin has a better understanding of love. It’s no longer self serving but instead a true partnership. He doesn’t expect to be treated like a king, but finally as an equal. It makes both of them so much happier and their relationship so much more fulfilling.
Not to mention, that’s what makes the second round of racquetball games so sad. Whizzer collapses while doing the thing that was so fun for him and Marvin. Their last happy and innocent memory is the game that helped them overcome their strongest relationship struggles.
Anyways this is too long I’m done now I’m gonna go cry about them.
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ginger-berrie · 5 months
So firstly I of course have to say this musical is fucking phenomenal and if u havent seen it even on youtube you HAVE to. onne of the best musicals ever wrutten. ignore any typos in this my hands r still shaking and im not editing htis. OKAY.
The actors. It was a college level production but the actors were so so talented. My favorite performances were from Mendel and Jason, who both pulled off their roles INCREDIBLY. Mendel was like a carbon copy of Brandon Uranowitz he had his mannerisms DOWN. All the nervous ticks, touching his face, being generally so awkward all the time, even his face was just perfec t for the role. And Jason was played by an adult femme-presenting person but they were so good as him!!!!! their voice fit him perfectly and she also perfectly encompassed Jason;s awkward childlike nature. The entire cast was incredible but those two really stood out to me!!!! Everyone's singing voices as well were fantastic, especially Trina's—she KILLED the high notes and even sung up the octave on a few lines !!!! including the "but still the bastard divorced me" and she still belted the "you must exorcise a devil" even AFTER Im Breaking Down. In fucking sane.
THAT BEING SAID THOUGH. Even though i enjouyed every second of it I do wanna make some more analysis-related directing critiques because im fucked up and evil about this show . im so sorry just let me speak here meaout. Stating right now though I've only seen the 2016 revival (about 2 dozen times) and not the original 90's version (been meaning to watch it just havent gotten the chance) so i reserve all TRUE judgement until after I see it!!! maybe some of these choices were in the original but tbh if they were i still like how the revival did it better. okay i swear im not just one of those ppl who is like "tHaTS noT hOw ThEY dId iT On BroADwAy" calm down. thanks <3
First of all. Some of the scenes lacked energy !!!!! Thrill of first love had no homoerotic choreography!!!!! they just kinda sat there on the couch looking morose and barely looking at each other as if they truly just hate each other and feel ANYthing towards each other anymore at all. But thats not the point!!!!!! They dont fully hate each other theyre just lacking the excitement that they once had and it's been replaced with nothing but disagreements and sex. When Whizzer and Marvin do their gay little dance theyre not just dancing and being gross and sexual theyre also FIGHTING!!!! they still care about each other they just dont know how to act!!!! and marvin's a bitch of course. Marvin was still very much a bitch. But because of the lack of energy in this song there was a bit of a lack of chemistry between the two as well, which carried through the whole show. I feel like it's important to see just how gross fucked up n nasty these two are about each other to see how its truly affecting the other people in Marvin's life. Even their chemistry during the chess game was lacking. They just kinda felt like they really hated each other. Which isnt the pointtttttt. Guh
Trina (or the directors idk) also made some choices I wasn't 100% on board with but they were more subtle. Mostly in her tone about Mendel. Up through Please Come To Our House she seemed to really really like Mendel. Like it was clear she was attempting to woo him. But then when he was proposing, and when they were maknig their home together, she just seemed. Unenthused. I know Trina truly doesn't really love her life, and just needs the stability of a nuclear family, but it was odd to see her not even attempt to keep up the facade on her own. Her and Mendel were similarly lacking in a lot of chemistry because of this, which, maybe to some of you makes sense but to me i do want to see them be close even if Mendel isn't absolutely the best.
LAST CRITIQUE OKAY. This one is BIG SPOILERS if u havent seen it yet but probably if ur reading this far youve already seen it okay. The fuckign bar mitzvah!!!!! There was no acknowledgement from Whizzer to Jason as he was reading his Torah !!!!!!! He just layed there in the hospital bed, facing AWAY from the audience so we could only see the very top of his head (which was on purpose for a quick change but) and he didnt get up at all to thank Jason or even acknowledge him :( for all the audience knows maybe he didnt even see Jason get bar mitzvahd. screaming crying throwing up.
OKAY IM DONE W BEING MEAN HERES A BIG CHANGE I REALLY LOVED !!!!!! as well as some smaller changes that i also really liked or were jsut neutral things i noticed
For most of act 2, up until Days Like This, They had this really cool circus imagery? Now once again idk if this is in the OG, but they had a picture of each cluster of characters set up on either side of the stage, and each of them was doing some sort of circus act both in the pictures and on stage, especially during A Day in Falsettoland. When a character was having their point in the song, they'd sometimes cut the lights briefly and suddenly the characters would be struggling to perform their little circus act, and each of them had a differnt one respectively and they all represented their immaturities/flaws/struggles:
Jason was on stilts, representing his need to grow up and perhaps his perceived mental maturity compared to the other characters
Trina was balancing/spinning plates on sticks, representing her need to keep balance and order in her life
Marvin + Whizzer were fencers because of their lingering animosity, yet newfound respect, for one another. Fencing isnt a dangerous sport, like you dont actually hurt your opponent in it, but it;s still a fight and youre still pointoing a weapon at them. guh. (AND BTW they did this during the racquetball scene and HOLY SHIT. I just gotta describe this one. Racquetball number 1 They had their little racquets as they were singing to each other but then when they got really into the game the lights would cut and then theyd be FENCING each other instead!!!!! and then the lights would cut again and itd go back to racquetball!!!! BUT THEN in the racquetball number 2 when it cut to them fencing ONLY MARVIN HAD A SWORD. WHIZZER STILL HAD HIS RACQUET. GIUUHUHGGHGHGHGHGH.;..,.,/;;'.';.;'[[[.)
Then the lesbians from next door were like a duo balancing/acrobatics act where they were always leaning on each other and picking each other up which was cute but also like. Charlotte would start falling in one direction and Cordelia would have to scrambke to catch her. I always hail them as the healthiest couple in the show but sometimes i forget they have problems too, like Cordelia;s insecurity and Charlotte's stress over the virus of course.
And finally Mendel!!!! was the fucking ringmaster!!!!! He had a hoop and a top hat and every time he was trying to calm down Jason (Everyone Hates His Parents), or Caroline, or Trina (A Day in Falsettoland), he would appear with his hoop and top hat, to show that HE is the one who needs to "control" other people's lives, or at least he feels the need to direct them. Mendel of course needs to feel like he's smarter than everyone else and like he's the only one who can help people. It really drove that home and it was an insane realization to come to. Phenomenal directing choice idk who came up with that but. bravissimo to you
Now miscellaneous stuff i liked or noticed!!!
They didn't have the big ol foam block. just some couch ends that they moved around to be diff pieces of furniture. If you've ever seen Waiting In The Wings' analysis on falsettos you might have seen a comment in the youtube section discussing how in the set design for the revival, the lack of real furniture through most of the show represents the lack of maturity of the characters, and as things get serious for them, more real props and set pieces get added. Like the chess board, the decor for Mendel + Trina's home, Whizzer's suitcase, the whole hospital room, etc. They didn't lean into that with this but i think that's fine! its not a necessary detail in my opinion and they did their best with what they had!!
Marvin didn't hand whizzer the suitcase after the chess game. He just grabbed it, and packed it himself. I was waiting for him to slam it into whizzer's chest or something. but no. Whizzer just picked it up and walked off. okay. Neutral bad change imo
Marvin's performances of What would I do and What more can i Say were. Breathtaking. Marvin actor if you're out there reading this your voice is lovely and carries so much emotion in your solo numbers. I Did Cry. a little bit
god their group number harmonies were AMAZING. All of the cast members' voices blended together so well and it was absolutely beautiful. the whole show was beautiful and i adored it i swear. I jsut need somwhere to put my feelings
Okay its getting late now and im fading quickly BUT IF U READ THIS FAR UR INSANE. This is for me and nobody else i just eneded to feelings dump. tl;dr: i fucking lvoe falsettos this was one of the best nights of my life i love you actors i love you pit i love you lighting i love you run crew i love you sound crew i love you musical theatre
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zahri-melitor · 29 days
Batman v Ra's Al Ghul, by Neal Adams: A Bronze Age fever dream of a comic, written in 2019-2021.
Neal Adams caps off his over 50 year career with DC comics by...them letting him write a book for the first time in a decade.
Now, Adams is famous for his Bronze Age artwork, not his writing, and it's deservedly so: this is not the comic you would pick up if you were interested in award winning writing. But I have to say, it's actually something far more fun than 'good writing'.
I think the easiest way to describe the incredibly wild vibes of this title are 'Adams writes a multiverse Bronze Age time travel AU fic', where the cast technically consists of a modern set of characters (Dick is Nightwing and both Tim and Damian are Robin), but all of the characters are drawn, talking and acting like they just walked off a page in 1974 or so.
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For assistance, that's: Dick in the yellow with the very 70s black vest; Tim in the blue t-shirt; Damian in the red t-shirt; and Bruce in the suit. You end up keeping track of them in this title by their haircuts.
Bruce and Damian here cannot remember anything about being Batman and Robin; Dick and Tim appear to have shown up with a fantastical story that cannot be proven (as I said, this has INCREDIBLE reality hopping AU vibes).
Some of the characters have been mindwiped. Some of the characters are robot duplicates. A whole list of characters Adams helped create show up largely because he created them (seriously Kirk and Francine Langstrom show up for a couple of pages mostly to give Dick and Tim an airlift into a difficult to reach entrance to the Cave). Nobody sounds particularly in character at any point, but that's not really a problem in this comic, because what it really is is a giant jolt of Bronze Age style writing nostalgia direct to the brainstem.
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They don't make comics like this anymore and reading one written in the 2020s like this reinforces why.
Deadman's brother Aaron and sister Zeea show up; his brother is busy pretending to be an alternate Australian version of Batman called Marvin O'Hearn, and his sister is a psychic running around in the most 70s outfit imaginable controlling things and mindwiping Bruce on Ra's orders.
(And yes, if you too just asked 'Boston Brand has siblings???' the answer is 'kinda sorta but definitely not these two', however given Adams was writing Boston in 1968 at one point he's got as much right as anyone else to claim there are additional siblings)
There's a group who PRETEND to be the Court of Owls but secretly are a group of industrialists called The Money who want to control the world via paying for legislators, judges and industry (and yes I realise that sounds exactly like the Court's thing, but Adams was almost 80 when he wrote this, he can have an expy Court if he wants one).
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Bruce pretends to be Matches for a good chunk of the back end of this comic and it actually acknowledges that Matches Malone was a real gangster before he died and Bruce stole his identity (something other writers and the fandom often forget), because Adams wants one more spin with the character he designed.
There's also a moment in the sixth issue where one of Ra's pet scientists tries to sell a panel of Gotham execs on a perpetual motion machine based on electrolysis as his replacement for the current Gotham power generators and at this point I lost it giggling at the portrayal of Ra's as a cheap charlatan.
(There is also a sneaky joke that only works if you know what British salad cream is; there's this sequence of the kids talking about Alfred making sandwiches with 'crappy salad dressing' instead of mayonnaise, only this tray has been made with mayo...and it's a hint that Alfred has been replaced by a robot. I laughed; I suspect it might be non-obvious to American audiences)
This is not a comic to read if you are interested in 'main continuity' or 'coherence' or even 'good writing'. However if you want some wild antics that feel like someone's 3am fanfic AU written in pure Bronze Age vibes and to see the last work of one of Ra's Al Ghul's creators? Give it a chance. You'll never be able to predict what's on the next page.
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Hello, Vod'ika. I couldn't resist and came here with another request. Most of the time music usually gives me a lot of ideas. I was listening to “Sexual Healing” by Marvin Gaye when a prompt came to my mind: “Do you know what can help me get better? Sexual healing.” I was tempted to ask this with Hunter, but I thought it would be fun for a Fives x shy F! reader (with an established relationship) where he comes back to her exhausted after a battle and she takes care of him, you know? Prepare a bath, etc. It's up to you if it's going to be NSFW or just a make-out session. Xx
Love Me Like Only You Can
Summary: Fives has been gone, deployed, for months now. But he's coming home tonight and you want to surprise him.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader
Word Count: 1395
Warnings: Spicy, but not smutty. Reader spends part of the story in her underwear.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I hope I got the general vibe you wanted with this request. Fives wasn't being agreeable for me, but it turns out that Crosshair was junking up the writing pipeline, so I had to flush him out first, lol. I also made a divider for this cause I needed something to do, I guess.
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You have been dating Fives for close to a year now, and while it’s true that he spends less time on Coruscant than a lot of people would be able to tolerate, Fives goes out of his way to make sure that you know that you’re always on his mind.
It’s surprising, really. Fives stands out, even among his own brothers. Loud and boisterous and so very clever. Not to mention funny and charming. 
The fact that he chose you out of all of the women on Coruscant is still surprising to you, even a year later.
Sure, you chose him back, but you choosing him is much less surprising than him choosing you.
After all, at the time, you didn’t even know that he knew you existed.
And yet, somehow, as if he has a sixth sense when it comes to you and you alone, Fives always manages to find you in a crowd of people. Even when you want to blend in. Even when you’re trying to blend in.
His gaze always finds you, and a bright smile crosses his face, and he’ll sweep you into a hug-
You love him. You love him more than you’ve ever loved anything in this world, or any other, and he feels the same way. He’s never hid that from you.
Which is why, since you know he’s back on Coruscant and you know he’s going to come straight to your home as soon as he’s done with work, you want to surprise him. 
And while you could make him his favorite dinner, and dessert, you feel like that’s something that he’ll expect. Because you’ve done it before, and you know that he loved it, based on the wide grin and the soft way he looked at you, you want to do something different.
Something a little outside your comfort zone.
Which brings you to your present for Fives.
Your gaze drifts to the gauzy material of the lingerie set you bought specifically for today. It’s sheer and lacy and a shade of pale purple that Fives loves to see you in…and it’s so far outside what you would normally wear that even looking at yourself in the mirror is kind of embarrassing.
Personally you think you look a little silly, like a child playing pretend, but you have a feeling that Fives will love it.
You make a face at yourself, and then turn away from the mirror to finish pulling on the dress you bought specifically for tonight. It’s the same shade of purple as the lingerie you’re wearing, as to not ruin the surprise too quickly. Though it’s also shorter than you would ever wear in public, the hem of the skirt hitting at about mid-thigh.
And then you run your fingers through your hair, letting your curls topple around your shoulders. Then, and only then, did you leave the bedroom to head into the kitchen to make Fives’ favorite dinner.
It’s nothing fancy, nothing that your parents would expect you to make if they ever deign to visit you on Coruscant. A simple stew, something hearty and filling. And something that you learned to make specifically for Fives.
And, before you know it, your apartment door is sliding open, and the sound of familiar footsteps, heavy only due to the armor he’s still wearing, reaches your ears.
You give him time enough to remove his armor, and then you poke your head into the hall, a warm smile on your face, “Welcome home, Fives.”
He glances at you as he sets his boots on the shoe rack, and a bright smile crosses his face, washing away the exhaustion that was there, “Well, don’t you look pretty.”
You step into the hallway properly, your smile widening. You give a small spin, allowing the skirt to flair around your legs. “Do you like it?”
“Ah, cyare,” He sets his duffle bag on the floor and walks over to you, sliding his hands around your hips, “You could wear a burlap sack, and still be the most stunning woman on Coruscant.” He leans in and bumps his forehead against yours, “I didn’t know you owned something so short though.” He adds as his fingers brush against the hem of your skirt.
“I wanted to try something new.” You reply, “Is it too short, do you think?”
“Mm, I think it’s perfect.” Fives replies, “Well, unless you want to go dancing around my brothers, in which case I’d have to blindfold them.”
You laugh, “They’re not allowed to look at me now?”
“Nope. They don’t deserve to look at you,” He tilts your head back with a gentle finger on your chin, and he kisses you quickly, “I barely deserve to look at you, but I’m definitely not going to stop anytime soon.”
You laugh again, before you slide your hands up his chest and wrap your arms around his neck, “I like you looking at me. It makes me feel pretty.”
“You are so much more than pretty.” Fives murmurs, his lips hovering just over hers, “So, so much more than just pretty.” He trails his lips from the corner of your lips down to your jaw, and then up to your ear, “If I spoke every language in the galaxy, I still wouldn’t have the words needed to describe your beauty.”
Your face heats, but you’re unable to tear your gaze away from his. “The things you say to me sometimes,” You whisper.
“You doubt my words?”
“Never.” You reply softly, “Never ever.”
Fives hums softly, “I missed you, mesh’la,” He whispers, “It was…such a long time to be away from you.”
“You’re home now.”
“I am,” He murmurs, “I missed you. So much.”
“If you’re exhausted, you should rest. Dinner will hold.”
“I bet you could give me some energy, cyar’ika.” He holds your gaze with a teasing little smile, “You know what would make me feel better? A little sexual healing.”
Your face heats a little more, “Wouldn’t you rather take a nap? Not make yourself more exhausted-?”
“No, I really would rather make myself more exhausted. ” Fives replies with a teasing little smile as his hand moves to the strap of your dress. “Because it’s you. And it’s me. And nothing else matters.” Slowly, painfully slowly, he drags the straps of your dress down your shoulders, and allows the material to pool at your feet. 
Only then does he tear his gaze from your face, to look down to make sure that you’re not in danger of slipping on the thin material.
And then Fives stops.
He blinks. Once. Twice. Three times.
And then he exhales slowly as his fingers slowly, reverently, trace the lace of your lingerie. “This is new.” He breathes out.
“I wanted to try something a little outside my comfort zone.” You explain, your voice hushed so as to not break the atmosphere of the room. 
“For me?”
“You make me want to do things like this,” You whisper to him.
“Oh, ner cyare,” Fives breathes out, “I need your hands on me. I don’t care how.” He lightly rubs the thin material of the lingerie between his fingers, “but I really want you to keep this on for a bit longer.”
You smile shyly, “How about a massage?”
Fives lifts you, just enough that he’s able to kick the material of your dress out from under your feet, and then he walks you backwards into the living room. 
He pauses only long enough to strip his shirt off, and then he flops on the couch, “Come here, cyare.” Fives pulls you down and positions you so you’re straddling his hips, and then, once he has you properly positioned so you’re both comfortable, he pulls you down to crash your lips against his.
His hands are everywhere, caressing and squeezing and tracing, even as he coaxes your lips apart with teasing nips and soothing swipes of his tongue. You tangle your fingers in his hair, trying to pull him closer and closer.
This is what you missed the most about Fives being gone. This closeness, this connection. The feeling that everything will be alright so long as his hands are on you and his lips are against yours.
And then Fives releases a quiet moan as you pull his hair a little too roughly, and you’re lost.
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darealsaltysam · 9 months
marvin's first scene being saving a bruce wayne rip-off is SO funny to me
i cant believe they made marvin british. hope he gets better soon
MARVIN'S HAIR TURNING GREEN WHEN HE USES MAGIC IS SO COOL ACTUALLY. and also it looks like he drew the electricity directly from his phone and the lamp behind him so i guess he cant produce it entirely on his own?
marvin is so sassy and tired(tm) i love him so much hes so me
THE TWINS. i like the twins. i cant wait to learn more about them
i wonder if marvin and chase exist in the same universe or if anti is fucking with an iris facility in a completely separate universe cuz that is SO him. maybe hes breaking out of this one in marvin's world and then moving across to chase's??
going off of that i wonder if every ego has their own universe they exist in or if some of them share universes. it all depends if this comic is going with the idea that all the egos are different versions of one another, cuz then they cant rly share one world together. i think schneep (??? possibly) is in jackie's world but thats shown later so ill talk abt it when i get there
forget the twins i like the whole magic circle in general. i want MORE. i wanna know about marvin's mentor figure too. is he. is he the cat. did he turn into a cat. whats going on here
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idk what to say here i just like this shot a lot
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okay now into the jackie section. the "doctor" they mention instantly made me think of schneep but that might just be me seeing what i want to see. i guess it could still apply that every alter has their own universe since what the doctor did was "felt across realities", so ??
the figure floating at the centre of the ripple. i got nothin. maybe its how anti was made?????
he's so silly
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the whole robot section. also so silly
jackie's whole side of the comic is just silliness ngl. marvin is over there investigating a body and then it cuts to jackie and he's just trying to deliver his uber eats on time
bonus points for the godslap bad egg ads at the back of the comic cuz by god have i been considering getting them this might just convince me
to summarize. i love this comic i love everything about it thank u seán i cant wait for more <333 jackie and marvin have my entire heart and im so excited to see their stories play out
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 3
Link for Season 1 Link for Season 2
I find the existence of filler guides quite amusing, since for some shows it makes sense (like Naruto), but for others (like Pokemon) it absolutely doesn't and they still exist. So here is an attempt to do an absolutely unnecessary one just for fun. 😅
The classifications are CANON (an episode with major storylines present), LORE (in which we get significant backstory or world building, but could be skippable)  and FILLER (completely skippable episodic storytelling, not connected to overarching story arcs)
PLS my analysis will have spoilers, if you're a first time viewer, just scroll to the bottom and read the list and only read full text if you are familiar with the content of the show already!
S3E1 Rainforest Shmainforest is LORE
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It's a great episode for developing the characters to be written more consistent, which will be a general trend in this season compared to the last one, however Kelly disappearing after this episode really doesn't help this one cement itself in the long run, however Craig's small scene and character introduction gives some context why Eric considers him the baddest boy in school a few episodes later, but that isn't needed.
S3E2 Spontaneous Combustion is FILLER
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Randy's early spotlight episode, it's fun and great, again, but nothing carries over from this one.
S3E3 The Succubus is FILLER
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So Eric now has Kenny's eyes? Anyway, that conflict wasn't introduced until now, and any other conflict introduced here gets an instant resolution.
S3E4 Jakovasaurs is FILLER
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It's a fine spotlight episode for Mayor McDaniels and a largely unimpressive episode for a lot of other reasons, that doesn't ever influence anything.
S3E5 Tweek vs. Craig is CANON
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Of course this one is canon! We learn more about how Kenny is aware of his deaths, fan-favorite ship Richard Adler and Pam Brady is introduced and Eric Cartman learns sumo from a grand master which all will be important later! And also some background kids get into a conflict or something.
South Park the Movie 1: Bigger, Longer and Uncut is CANON
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And not only is it canon, I hereby present you it in its true placement for anyone who didn't know when to watch it. Stan character development and romance with Saddam, more on Kenny and death, Sheila starts M.A.C., overall big events that will be influental to a lot of later episodes.
S3E6 Sexual Harrassment Panda is FILLER
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Matt and Trey have no memory of making this episode. Neither do we have any memory of it minutes after watching it.
S3E7 Cat Orgy is CANON
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Because of course, the Meteor Shower arc is a big thing, Shelley's boyfriend Skyler will go on to form a band called Lords of the Underworld. This one also explains where Shelley and Eric were while...
S3E8 Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub is CANON
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Stan had to befriend Butters. Also we learn of Dougie and that he is on friendly term with Butters. Pip is also here, but that one hardly helps this episode to count as canon, so I just won't mention it. Look, Kyle returns! We just need an explanation from where
S3E9 Jewbilee is CANON
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he was. Also Kenny was there with him it seems. This one's super canon because of Moses of course. That's enough. And it also pairs up with Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub. TBH I could easily say these two are canon and Cat Orgy is but lore, but it's intended to be a trilogy and I respect that.
S3E10 Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery is FILLER
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It's a strange episode with a Chewbacca ending. Kyle's grandma's body is here, but nothing else is consequential.
S3E11 Chinpokomon is LORE
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While the plot of the episode itself doesn't leave much of an impact, the Chinpokomon franchise still exists within South Park. S3E12 Hooked on Monkey Fonics is FILLER
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The Cotswolds' never reappear. Mark does in background roles. Butters gets a kiss that later gets retconned. I looove this episode, but this is a filler. S3E13 Starvin' Marvin in Space is FILLER
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This is a sequel to one earlier episode and nothing else. (It's a good time though) S3E14 The Red Badge of Gayness is FILLER
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The boys learn that the north won and slavery is now illegal. They have a bet which is also moot by the end. S3E15 Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classic is FILLER
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It doesn't seem fair to classify this one, since it's more of a company EP than an episode by design. S3E16 Are You There God? It's me Jesus is CANON
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God appears in this one. We learn more on his relationship with Jesus. S3E17 World Wide Recorder Concert is LORE
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Herbert's relationship with his father add to understanding his character.
Again, CANON means you should watch it, FILLER means you can skip it, LORE is somewhere in-between, any episode with the LORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not.
S3E1 Rainforest Shmainforest is LORE* S3E2 Spontaneous Combustion is FILLER S3E3 The Succubus is FILLER S3E4 Jakovasaurs is FILLER S3E5 Tweek vs. Craig is CANON South Park MOV 1: Bigger, Longer and Uncut is CANON S3E6 Sexual Harrassment Panda is FILLER S3E7 Cat Orgy is CANON S3E8 Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub is CANON S3E9 Jewbilee is CANON S3E10 Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery is FILLER S3E11 Chinpokomon is LORE** S3E12 Hooked on Monkey Fonics is FILLER S3E13 Starvin' Marvin in Space is FILLER S3E14 The Red Badge of Gayness is FILLER S3E15 Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classic is FILLER S3E16 Are You There God? It's me Jesus is CANON S3E17 World Wide Recorder Concert is LORE*** *If you want to see a scene of Craig Tucker to understand his status **If you want to know what Chinpokomon is, but it's pretty obviously a Pokemon parody every time it appears. ***If you want to know Herbert Garrison's complicated childhood traumas. CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13 S2: 3 out of 18 S3: 6 out of 17 Overall: 18 out of 48
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o-uncle-newt · 10 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 9: Ipswich
In my opinion, Ipswich heralds a really key moment in the development of not just Cabin Pressure, but John Finnemore's (solo) projects in general- it's his first really genius episode in terms of plotting, where he first utilizes Chekhov's Gun with pinpoint precision while also building a watertight and well-structured plot that incorporates great character work.
He shows signs of it earlier in the show, obviously, but this is the episode where he first does it basically seamlessly. Douz is the closest, for sure, but the culminating moment of the plan, however genius it is, still handwaves away a few inconvenient questions like "is it any more legal to drive a plane on the highway than to take off without clearance?" Other episodes also have some good moments but the Chekhov's Gun placements are a bit obtrusive (Cremona and Edinburgh, for example).
(I'll make a note about Gdansk- it has some great Chekhov's Guns, but the plot is basically constructed AROUND them. That requires a lot of its own skill in plot construction, but is different than here.)
What I think is so great about Ipswich is that
a) the Chekhov's Gun is not just planted seamlessly, it's also planted unobtrusively- the masterful way that the number "nineteen" is hammered into our heads at the beginning, only for there to be a red herring appearance of the question/answer that puts us off our guard, and then that final moment of realization and resolution... it's just so good. Smaller ones like Martin's inner ear issue are also handled super well- we hear about it in a very specific context that is relevant to the plot and we don't even think twice about, only for it to come back in a new way later out of nowhere. Chekhov's Gun blends in perfectly with the decor.
b) everything is directly in the service of the plot, and makes sense. This is where there's the difference from Gdansk- there, there wouldn't BE a situation in the first place without some of those Chekhov's Guns that were planted (like the seven dwarves game), whereas here there is a very specific plot (how does MJN do when they need to prove their skills in front of regulators) and all of the Chekhov's Guns directly relate to that. Douglas's use of the "hey chief" line is hilarious both the first time and the second, and is used in utterly characteristic ways that also fit in completely logically with what they've been doing in this episode. There's of course a certain amount of coincidence that you have to allow because that's what makes it a sitcom episode rather than real life, but everything is still done incredibly realistically. (At least, from a human perspective- I don't actually KNOW whether the trainings are like that, but from what others have said they seem to be at least somewhat based on reality so that's cool!)
c) everything is directly in service of the theme! There is also a theme and it melds perfectly into the episode- who is the alpha dog. From beginning to end, we know that this episode is about power struggles, and the fact that something that just seems like a (fucking hilarious) joke- Douglas's whole "hey chief" routine- ends up coming back in something that he addresses, in a certain amount of seriousness, to Carolyn is just perfect. It shows what is only confirmed in the next scene- that Douglas knows who the alpha dog is. And, incidentally, one of the reasons why he knows this is his own realization that if they don't pass, it will "make him feel unemployed." He HAS to concede and that makes the moment only more powerful. (I'd also add that the "Marvin and Dougal" convo serves as a kind of textual evidence for Martin and Douglas, in this episode's power struggle, really being equal beta dogs, but that's not a Chekhov's Gun, just close reading.)
Anyway, I may be overly reading into any of this, but the upshot is that I listened to this, after listening to the prior eight episodes, and was just so massively impressed by the structural quality in a way that surpassed any of the prior episodes- but which I know, as an obsessive listener, is only a harbinger of some brilliantly plotted episodes to come- and the next one is, of course, the fantastic Johannesburg tomorrow!
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iamvegorott · 4 months
Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt7
First: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
Marvin sat on the edge of the examination table, slumped over and finding it harder and harder to keep his head up and eyes open. He’d be allowed to go lay down soon, right? He had his measurements taken and he answered all of Henrik’s questions. The doctor seemed fairly chill considering everything else, but that might just be his ‘work personality’ since he seemed to match the chaotic energy earlier. 
Jackie had snuck him two cookies earlier and Marvin had to admit the treats were really good. Maybe he’ll meet JJ tomorrow and put a face to the cookies. There seemed to be at least one more Septiceye. Who knew if Chase had more to that list before he got distracted by the missing one? How many Egos were there? Was it just the two groups or were there more? Did Jackie mention more? His head felt so stuffed that he couldn’t even remember anymore.
“Psst. Marvin.” 
“Hm?” Marvin turned his head at the whisper and saw Jackie peeking his head through the door of the room. “You dork.” He sighed at Jackie waving a cookie in the air. 
“You don’t want it? Cause I got two.” Jackie leaned over some more and showed that he had a cookie in each hand. “I mean, I know you’ve already had two, but you gotta get what you can when it comes to sugar in this house since it’ll be gone before you know it.” 
“Does every Septiceye have a sweet tooth?” 
“Pretty much.”
“Alright, I’ll take the cookie.” Marvin chuckled at Jackie’s excited giggle as he slipped into the room and gave him one of the treats. “JJ really does know how to make good cookies.” He said before biting down on it. It wasn’t as warm as the first time he was given the cookies, but it was still so soft and the chocolate chips still oozed. They had to be made from scratch to be like this.
“He’d had a lot of practice. JJ bakes a lot in general but he bakes even more when he’s stressed.” Jackie said casually and took a bite, getting half of the cookie into his mouth. Which was a lot considering the cookies were the size of his hand.
“Is he stress baking right now?” Marvin asked. 
“Kind of,” Jackie said through the mouthful of cookie. “A new Ego appearing is always stressful.” He chewed for a second before his eyes widened and he swallowed. “Not that you’re stressful or anything! It’s just that-like-you know-you don’t know. You don’t know the things yet, but it’s just that-it’s-it’s just a…a-uh…” 
“New things are stressful,” Marvin said.
“That.” Jackie’s shoulders relaxed in relief.
“I will just need a blood sample and then we are done for the day,” Henrik stated as he came into the room, not looking over to where Marvin and Jackie were as he went to a counter and started getting out the supplies he’d need. “I will also need you to come to my office first thing in the morning, do not eat or drink before then so that I can take another sample for comparisons and to know your-the cookies are for after the blood taking.” He sighed after turning and seeing Jackie and Marvin. 
“You’re taking blood?” Jackie’s voice nearly went up a whole octave. Marvin didn’t think that was possible and yet the other man sounded like a squeaky toy with that question. 
“Yes, I am.” Henrik had a laugh in his voice. Marvin could tell that he was missing something.
“Do you not like blood?” Marvin asked Jackie.
“It is not the blood that is the problem. It is how it is taken. Jackie does not like needles.” Henrik stated.
“Don’t tell him that, man!” Jackie shouted in embarrassment. “Heros aren’t afraid of anything.” 
“If that is true, then perhaps you can allow me to take a sample of your blood? The yearly samples are coming up soon and we can get yours done early.” Henrik suggested with almost an evil grin. 
“I-um…what was that Chase?” Jackie started backing toward the door. “I gotta go.”
“I did not hear anything.” Henrik hummed.
“Supersonic hearing and stuff.”
“That is not one of your-”
“Gotta go, bye!” Jackie turned and ran out of the room. Marvin watched Jackie go and then broke out into a laugh. 
“Last year we had to have six of us hold him down to get blood,” Henrik said with a chuckle, washing his hands, and putting gloves on. “And that was with the strongest among us.” 
“Everyone’s scared of at least one thing.” Marvin finished his treat as he waited. 
“I wish you the best of luck convincing Jackie of that. Despite having to literally restrain him, he claims endless fearlessness.” Henrik peeked over his shoulder. “Do you mind rolling your sleeve for me?” Marvin nodded and did as asked, more than ready to get this last part done and over with. 
“So, you and Chase are the ones in charge here?” Marvin asked.
“I guess one could say that. Honestly, Chase is more of the one that gives orders, I just try to keep everyone alive.” Henrik rolled a little tray over and sat in a chair next to Marvin. “Everyone mostly does as they please aside from being assigned a job from time to time.” 
“A job?” 
“We do freelance jobs, and depending on the Ego determines what end of the range that job is. Some are more…legal than others. It-” Henrik stopped when he could practically see Marvin wanting to explode from information overload. “It is something that you can be told about later.”
“Okay” Marvin sighed, being sure to look at anything but his arm as Henrik filled a vial with his blood. “So…I have a room?” 
“You do. The details of how it came to be can also be shared at a later point as well. The door has stayed locked since you have yet to arrive, but now you should be able to walk in. It is the door across from Jackie’s room. I will call for him to show you once we are done.”
“Is that the ‘connection’ Jackie mentioned? He said there was a reason why he was the one that had to get me to come here.” Marvin felt the bandage getting wrapped around his arm. 
“The…um…well that is much more complicated. That is something that will be explained after you begin to meet the others. I think some rest is what you need the most at the moment.” Henrik got out of the chair and stepped away with the collected blood. 
“Doctor’s orders.” Marvin lightly laughed as he fixed his sleeve. “Does that mean I can go now?” 
“Let me call for Jackie.” Henrik went over to a fridge and pulled out a bottle of apple juice, handing it to Marvin. 
“Thanks.” Marvin opened the bottle, getting himself a sip as Henrik stuck his head out of the door.
“Jackie! Come here, please!” Henrik shouted and Marvin choked on his drink. He was not expecting that kind of volume to come out. “He should be here in a moment,” Henrik said back at his usual level and smiled at Marvin. “You do not feel lightheaded, correct?”
“I feel good.” Marvin’s answer came out hoarse.
“Oh! I should have warned you. Sorry. I am used to the noise of the House, you will adapt quickly to it as well.” Henrik apologized as he went back to the counter. 
“Cool.” Marvin got off of the examination table. “I’m just going to wait for him in the-hi Jackie.” He opened the door and Jackie was right there. 
“What’s up?” Jackie asked. 
“He is finished. Could you show him to his room?” Henrik didn’t look away from his work. 
“Got’cha!” Jackie did a salute and stepped back. He did a little bow and gestured with his hands. “Right this way.” 
“I’m about this close to just passing out on the floor.” Marvin held up a hand to show the small measurement he spoke of, leaving the room and beginning to go down the hall. 
“I mean, if you do I can just carry you,” Jackie suggested.
“Don’t tempt me.” Marvin rubbed his face with a hand and stopped when Jackie was suddenly in front of him with his back to him.
“Up, up,” Jackie said as he slapped his back.
“I was joking.” 
“Up, up.” 
“I’m not climbing on you. I’m fine.” 
“You’re going to keep doing that until I agree, aren’t you?”
“Well, have fun with eternity.” Marvin went around Jackie and kept going down the hall. He couldn’t help a smile when he heard Jackie laughing and it was only a moment later that he was at his side again. 
“My room is right up here.” Jackie pointed and then jogged ahead, stopping in front of a door. Marvin was far from surprised at the decor on the door; printed pictures of superheroes and manga characters. There were some speech bubbles with text next to some of the characters and Marvin assumed they were quotes. “And that means this one is yours.” Jackie took a large step to be on the other side of the hall and pointed at the blank door. 
“I can finally get some sleep.” Marvin sighed. 
“If you ever need anything, don’t be afraid to knock on my door or, you know, do what Hen does and yell for me.” Jackie offered with a puff to his chest. 
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. Good night, Jackie.” Marvin placed his hand on the doorknob. 
“I’ll see ya in the morning.” Jackie gave another salute and Marvin rolled his eyes as he went into the room. 
Marvin closed the door behind him, turned on the light switch and he couldn’t explain the strange sour feeling in his stomach at seeing how the room he entered was identical to his actual bedroom. Down to the exact same shade of paint on the walls, even the hand-drawn posters were there as well. You’d think seeing your home would be comforting, but instead, it made Marvin feel sick. 
But at least there was a bed. 
Marvin took a step toward the bed and froze, feeling a strange presence near him now. It caused a static feeling on his tongue, making the hair on the back of his neck rise. A giggle was enough to get Marvin to act. 
Grabbing the scissors inside of the pen bucket on his desk, Marvin turned and threw them, seeing the sharp points of the scissors stick into the wall next to a black, shadowy form. The shadow shifted and shades of green showed in the reflection of the light. The giggles came from the form as it slowly moved down to the floor and looked like a puddle before it stretched toward the air and morphed into a human shape, bright green eyes opened and a sharp, toothy smile grew into a grin.
“It’s not nice to throw things at your housemates~” 
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 6 months
Unpopular opinion: Dirty Dan shows should be banned
Okay, I felt this way for a long time but I feel like after that "Quiet on the set" documentary, we ALL know what Dirty Dan Schneider did to the children who worked on his nasty, perverted shows and movies. I'm sorry if these were your "childhood favorites" which is a bunch of bullcrap because it was part of my childhood too. My grandma and I used to think Cat was so cool on Victorious, and we liked the songs, although there were some moments that made us question why people would put such rubbish jokes in a kids show. The songs are great, but if you watch it for "nostalgia", which I can't do after knowing what Dan did, just search the songs up in the nightcore playlists on YouTube. Victorious should be BANNED along with all of Dan's sows and and movies. I think iCarly and Good Burger were the worst of all, and those of you who say otherwise, I think you don't realize how much abuse these kids went through on set and how disgusting the "humor" was in these shows. I think iCarly should get banned first, but everything that Dan Schneider worked on should be banned. and I mean EVERYTHING!
Okay, I'm 21 and hate adult humor shows... I know it's weird but I'm from the generation that had shows like Little Bear, Maggie and the Ferocious Beast, Marvin the Tap-Dancing, and ToddWorld (those last two shows you probably never heard of, look them up) and I'm not used to that Family guy/Ren & stimpy type humor. In fact, Ren & Stimpy is another show I think should be banned. John K was just like Dan Schneider in a way, he was a huge p*do too. I'm also not saying that dirty jokes in kids shows are a bad thing, subtle dirty jokes are okay, but don't take the "adult humor" too far. They take the dirty jokes way too far in those shows. I hope one day we will stop putting perverted, fetishy stuff in kids shows. Some example of subtle dirty jokes would be like the "Could you imagine teaching those kids how to ride a corndog?" thing from Marvin the tap-dancing Horse, and the "I'm trying to admire some heavenly bodies" "Wow you can see the beach through that thing? Let me look" from CatDog. Those were subtle dirty jokes for parents, but we know they were talking about something that wasn't for kids. The shows like iCarly and Ren & Stimpy just had the most perverted, fetishy crap ever that it wasn't even watchable.. especially since iCarly characters were underage. There's other Nickelodeon shows I do have problems with, but that's for a different day.
Jeanette McCurdy wasn't the only victim and just because she spoke out and wrote a book about it, doesn't mean that it only happened to her. The other girls were offered hush money. I do think Jeanette probably suffered the worst, though. I think Amanda Bynes (voice of Piper in Robots, if you don't know who she is) had it bad too. I'm sure she had fun voicing in Robots, but she obviously went through abuse on the Dirty Dan shows that she was on. Dirty Dan gave her "The Amanda show" so that she could be the star because that creepy jerk was obsessed with her. Also, Miranda Cosgrove (if you don't know who that is, she was Margot in Despicable Me and Sam in Mouse Tale) also went through abuse by Dirty Dan too. Practically everyone was abused by Dirty Dan Schnieder. He didn't just have a foot fetish either, he literally R*PED underage girls! He also held pool parties and refused to invite their parents... if that doesn't sound suspicious, I don't know what does.
I also have opinions on Disney movies I think we should cancel, however, those are old movies and I know more people have nostalgia for them, and they could be a good learning point for people to see how far we've come (like, Peter Pan and Song of the South absolutely disgust me, but they can be used as a learning thing on why we shouldn't make movies like this anymore). I'd like to see them get banned eventually though, however more people have nostalgia for those than iCarly and stuff, and I just think we need to ban iCarly (and Dan's other shows) first.
If you disagree I'd like to hear your opinion on why you disagree with me. If you agree, let me know your thoughts. I'm still mad that they removed an innocent episode of SpongeBob from Paramount plus, yet you can watch Victorious and iCarly on there. It doesn't make sense... we should start a riot or boycott for Paramount Plus or something. WE NEED TO COMPLAIN! I don't want any other kid in the world to see an episode of iCarly, Victorious, Sam & Cat, Henry Danger, All That, Kenan & Kel, Thundermans, whatever else Dan Schneider worked on! PLEASE! If you see your kids or younger sibling watching one of those shows, turn it off immediately and try to get those awful shows removed for good!
Yeah, sorry for the rant, again, if you disagree, I'd like to hear why. Try convincing me that these shows don't need to be banned.
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kalcifers-blog · 6 months
Okay so I yapped about this headcanon to a mutual (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE 👁️👁️) and now I need everyone to get on board with it
Okay so the general idea is that Jackie has been living on his own since the moment he legally was able too, so roughly since he was 17-18 and throughout this entire time Jackie has been a regular at a family owned restaurant. At first he caught their attention because this kid just shows up alone at least once a week, pays in what looks like pocket money, but is always super friendly to everyone and never says away from talking to everyone who serves him.
It's also worth mentioning that I've always seen Jackie as being either disowned/no contact/estranged from his family for reasons he's never told anyone. The most even the closest people to him know is that he just doesn't see them anymore and doesn't want too
A few years down the line and he's officially a known regular (and he's now a superhero) when the restaurant gets held at gunpoint and Jackie does his hero thing out of costume because he was just there to enjoy a meal and see the staff. It's kind of a turning point where the family are extremely thankful and start inviting him to events and give him a permanent discount whenever he shows up (Jackie still pays in full even if they just end up giving him his money back)
Now Jackie knows pretty much all the family that work there (plus other family members that he's met at events or has been told about) and is unofficially considered as part of the family !!!
I also imagined that the family and the restaurant are Italian??? For some reason I don't know why but that's just how I imagined it when first coming up with the idea. It's also because I just really love the concept of Jackie unknowingly picking up more and more of the family's language the more he becomes adopted into their family.
Anyway I need Jackie to have a loving family after spending his whole life being isolated in his own family because it's what he deserves <333
I also low-key see Jackie bringing Marvin to the restaurant the first time they ever hang out (before they start dating it's literally the first time they're hanging out outside of hero/magician business) and everyone in the restaurant is just like "Oohhh whos the lucky guy Jackie" and Jackie just buffers for a bit
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sneakerguybln · 3 months
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21 year old Marvin (left) is presenting his 19 year old disciple Damian (right) to other members of their fitness sect. Marvin is on his way to full membership. Members are fully brainwashed into building their entire life around gym and working out. The membership is organised in four stages: disciple stage, comitted mentors stage, full membership and presidency.
Disciples are new applicants. With their application they move into so-called congregation houses. A mentor is taking over to restructure the applicant's life. Marvin is Damian's mentor. From day one applicants are watching and listening to brainwashing hypnosis. Contacts to family and friends are under scrutiny and reduced if necessary. All sect members are wearing identical clothes. A mentor is monitoring a disciple's training routine, his nutrition and enforcing the hypnosis. Within the congregation houses the disciples are living in small cells. Applicants have to be without tattoos. Tattoos are forbidden within the first two stages of membership.
Comitted mentors are sect members who are passed the first stage. They're already brainwashed. For them the sect is the family. Marvin entered the sect a few days after his 18th birthday. On his 19th birthday he became a comitted mentor. The ceremony is consisting of giving up his old life formally, ceding all possessions to their church. After the signature a comitted mentor is branded with a stylized dumbbell on the back of the neck. At the end of the procedure they get a vasectomy as church members aren't allowed to start a family. From that point on sex is allowed with other sect members only. They have to lead at least five disciples from application to comittment before being eligible for full membership. They sleep in three men dorm rooms in the congregation houses.
Full members are getting some freedoms back. They can leave the congregation house as they want. Their life is fully developed. They made progressing within their training routine the center of their lives and are fully brainwashed. They have a job that allows them to focus on gym but to earn money for the church at the same time. The result is that their schedules are consisting of working and working out. Within that stage the members get their entire bodies covered in the same tattoos like the church's founder and prophet. They're allowed to build up 'own' companies (in truth the church is owning their companies). They're electing some members of the presidency.
Members of the Presidency are the officials of the church. Each congregation house has two leaders. An administrative leader is elected every second year at every congregation house. Spiritual leaders are full members selected by the prophet. While the administrative leader is taking care of all house related matters the spiritual leader is presiding over the hypnosis and brainwashing routines. Ten congregation houses are forming a ward. The ten administrative leaders are electing an administrative ward leader and the prophet is selecting one of the spirital house leaders as spiritual ward leaders. These ward leaders are delegating disciples and mentors from one house to another if necessary. They're calculating the budgets of the houses within their ward. All house leaders - administrative and spiritual - are forming the General Assembly that elects the President, the Vice-President and the General Secretary of the church on the same day as the US is electing their president. They will be sworn in by the prophet on Jan 20 after their election.
The Prophet is a 47 year old bodybuilder who says that Christ appeared to him and dictated him the 'true' testament of Christ. The prophet struggled in life as he was younger. He married at 20 but was forced into a cuck relationship by his wife and his twin brother. They forced a vasectomy on him and marked his body with tattoos. He fled into bodybuilding to cope with the situation. He was 28 as he cycled home after gym and got his first vision of Christ. In that exact moment Christ promised him to set him free the later prophet's wife and brother had an accident.
Discipline and obedience are the strong pillars of this church. Misbehaviour will be punished with shame punishments like walking naked with a chastity device only within the congregation house or wearing sweaty clothes of other church members. For some more problematic cases of misbehaviour or clear disobedience against members of the presidency corporal punishment is administred. In some very grave cases members can be sent into the hole. Each congregation house has two holes in the basement. These holes are technically on floor -2. They can be entered via the ceiling only and members sentenced to the hole are lowered down into the hole and then the ceiling is closed with a heavy metal cover. The hole is pitchblack. Food and water are provided via a shaft in the wall. Marvin was sentenced to the hole for one week after giving his spiritual house leader a headbutt as they discussed Marvin's potential within the church. Hole sentences are always signed by the prophet.
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richie-shitlips · 2 months
darling can you please tell me about My High School Sweetheart. i am so normal about Sweetheart.
yes definitely absolutely
i feel like i've told you a lot of this but shhhhh no i haven't
as you know i see the show as marvin telling his story to whizzer (which i haven't actually said in these posts yet! just hasn't been necessary, but this is the one i have the biggest evidence for actually)
but it starts out in sweethearts perspective! marvin has trouble figuring out what's real and not throughout the musical (i'll make a different post explaining why i think he's schizophrenic at a later date) so the repetition of "i'm a person" is sorta a mantra for him. and in the process, he forgets that other people are real too (*cough* npd *cough*)
this whole song is confusing cause i also get the boys in the band vibes from the first verse ("Michael, you are a real person" "Thank you, and fuck you!") but that doesn't fit anywhere else in the analysis so it's going here
"i want to hold him, but he's not alive" is a line only in the 1985 version, and i think it's foreshadowing for I Feel Him Slipping Away! but also it just ties into the general metaphor of love and death in in trousers :)
"i say a person has her wants and needs, i'm not a greedy person! he says i'm just ridickalous!" i'd assume this is marvin calling her greedy for wanting/needing affection and love from him
"put me onto your bed, not a pedestal" is just a really good line in general but like. she's still saying to treat her like a person. even in bed, don't worship her, she'd be happy with just being treated decently. it's really fucking sad
then we meet miss goldberg for the first time in the show, and wow what a way to introduce a character! you get high expectations of her and also jealousy from sweetheart and also makes you wonder just what her relationship with marvin is?
"she gave me words to say" could mean just lines in the play, but i also see it as her telling him to lie about what happened between them. if you're new here, i see miss goldberg as a groomer, and i'll talk more about that if you ask me about set those sails or the r of miss goldberg...
unrelated but i like to think that marvin's moms name was nina and that's why he gets so happy about the boats! (in the dialogue. for fans of only the 1979 version, it goes as such: "Queen Isabella, as you recall, had three ships: The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. The Santa Maria being the best looking of the three, lots of gold and carved wood. Even the Pinta had its admirers. But it was the Nina Christopher was fondest of- for it was named after his mother, Nina Columbus!" which is a blatant lie but shh he's infodumping)
another interpretation of that dialogue is that it's a metaphor for the ladies, as in the trinity college production he gestures to wife, sweetheart, and goldberg respectively as he talks. which says that he sees goldberg in a sort of maternal way at first, which is really sad
then, after goldberg sings her part, marvin repeats it with her, which is what i say him telling whizzer about. bragging about what a good actor he was and such "i love the way marvin acts, i do"
the second dialogue is interesting cause goldberg is compared to isabella in a way, and marvin is obviously columbus, which implies that there was something romantic or sexual between them (which there was, no matter how you look at it)
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Okay in one of my first posts I mentioned that Mendel being bisexual is the only non-official LGBT headcanon that I fully believe, and due to popular demand (literally one person supporting the idea) I'm gonna explain more about how I imagine that going-
I made this post because of how I imagined Trina's reaction but then I just kept going and now its an essay I'm sorry-
First of all, Mendel is very casual about his sexuality and probably didn't have a formal 'coming out' to anyone. He'd just be watching tv or something and comment on how one of the male actors is hot, and everyone in the room who heard him just nod in understanding. Like I think generally everyone’s very chill with it.
I do, however, think that Trina had a brief moment of panic when she first overheard him say something like that, and honestly that's understandable. She's been with a gay man once and it did not go over well, I wouldn't wanna go through that shit again either- She probably brought it up to him later on that night, when he'd long since forgotten about the offhanded comment, and he tried to explain to her that "no no I promise I'm attracted to women and I love you so much, I just think men can be just as attractive, I mean tell me *insert actor* isn't hot-" and point is, he gets it through to her that bisexuals exists and that he would never leave her, and ofc she's completely fine with it (and in the future they probably bond over certain actors they both think are hot).
Meanwhile, Jason was in the room the same time Trina found out and also brought it up later, but in less of a panic and more just normal conversation. He was just playing chess with himself, as he often is, and said something like “hey so you’re not gay like my father are you? You seem to really love my mom so I’d be really surprised if you don’t like girls.”
No one else had much of a notable reaction. Marvin had known Mendel for years even when the musical started, so I assume he found out a long time ago. Although, I do want to specify that (and this might be bias from the character Christian played in Smash) he has dogshit gaydar, so the only reason he knew so early on was because Mendel would sometimes bring it up in session to relate to Marvin when he spoke about Whizzer and being gay in general. And of course, Whizzer has a functioning gaydar so he’s not at all surprised.
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