"Sales Call" Andy x Reader Pt.3
You were soaked from the rain and you were quite cold as well. It had been 30 minutes and Andy still hadn't worked up the confidence to break the car window.
"Hey! What if we call Dwight? He always has a solution to stuff like this," you suggested.
"Sure. I give up." Andy said defeated.
You got Michael to call Dwight while you hung out with Andy. Apparently, it was gonna take Dwight around 30 minutes to get their because he needed to get his "special tools" to get the keys. Hopefully it would be sooner since you guys were standing in the rain.
Andy had migrated to the vacant side of the building, while Michael was leaning on the car. You went to find Andy.
He was sighting on the wet sidewalk with his head in his hands.
"Hey are you okay?" You asked.
"I don't know anymore. I mean, I can't ever do anything right," Andy said.
"Are you serious? Andy, you helped our company get one of its biggest clients ever today."
"You guys did all of the work. I just repeated everything."
"No Andy, you helped. Trust me."
"Thanks, I guess."
"You're welcome, I guess," you said jokingly.
Andy let out a small smirk.
You sat in silence for 10 more minutes, when Dwight finally arrived. You guys made your way towards the car, curious to see what Dwight was going to do.
"Oh hey Bernard. I'm sure you've enjoyed this," Dwight said smirking and occasionally glancing at you.
"Why?" Andy questioned.
"Isn't it obvious?! You told me the other day that you were in love with (Y/N). I assume that you would thoroughly enjoy a whole day spent with her."
You were shocked. You kinda thought that Andy might have liked you but you weren't sure.
"Umm..I don't what to say," Andy said breathless and obviously nervous.
You hesitated for a long 3 minutes before you went over to him and kissed him.
It was a short kiss, but it meant something. It meant that you loved him too. Although, you hadn't thought about it in depth until then.
After 10 minutes, Dwight had retrieved the keys, but Andy was missing a window.
You jumped into the passenger side of the Prius, while Michael went back to the office with Dwight. The ride back was silent yet comfortable ,but when you pulled into the parking lot, you grabbed Andy's hand, ending the trip how it began.
The End
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'Sales Call' Pt. 2 •Andy x Reader•
Andy parked his Prius in one of the parking spots at the gas station to let Michael use the restroom.
“Ya’ wanna go in and get a snack or something. Knowing Michael we may be here for for a few minutes,” Andy said.
“Sure,” you replied.
Andy opened his door and made his way to your side of the car. He opened your door in a swift manner. You could get used to having such a gentlemen around. As you got out of your seat, Andy offered his arm,for you to lock arms with him.
You playfully rolled your eyes and quietly laughed at the situation. Here you were, arms elegantly locked with Andy Bernard, who was wearing bright, salmon-colored pants, at a ran-down gas station.
Loud, obnoxious bells chimed as Andy opened the gas station door, keeping your arms locked.
You both headed for the chips and crackers aisle.
“Hmmm...I really want some mini pretzels but I don't think I can eat a whole bag,” you expressed.
“We can share if you want to,” Andy proposed.
“You like pretzels?” You questioned.
“They're okay, not my favorite. But, I'll eat some of yours so that you can have your pretzels without feeling wasteful.”
“Ya’ know, you are a gentleman in every way possible. Never change Bernard, never change,” you jokingly stated.
“I’ll consider it my duty (Y/L/N)” Andy said, in an exquisite British accent.
Michael had made his way back to you guys at the checkout counter. After an awkward moment with the cashier, (Michael saying that's what she said) it was time to finally pay for your items.
“Damnit, I forgot my wallet in the car,” Andy stated.
“I'll go get it!” Michael volunteered.
Michael ventured out the door, discovering fresh rainfall. You and Andy waited impatiently for Michael to return.
“Hey Andy, your car is locked,” Michael said out of breath. His clothes were now soaking wet.
“Here, I'll give you the-” Andy stopped his sentence after he discovered his keys were no longer in his pocket.
Now you guys were locked out of the car with no money to pay for your snacks.
“Let's just forget about the food and try to find your keys,” you told Andy, trying to calm his rising anger.
Andy nodded his head as he lead the way out into the cold and rainy Pennsylvania air.
You concluded that if the keys weren't in his pocket, it was possible that they were locked in the car. As you made your way over to the car, in search of the keys, Andy told you to stay back under the roof of the gas station. The gesture was meant to be nice, but it didn't really prevent you from getting soaked.
“They're locked in the car,” Andy said defeated.
You couldn't help but be a little mad at Michael for having to stop at the gas station, but you kind of understood that the bathroom at Poor Richard's was atrocious. And it was Michael you were dealing with.
As much as he didn't want to do it, Andy was going to have to break the window of his beloved car.
To be continued...
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'Sales Call' Pt.1 •Andy x Reader• Imagine
You sat at your desk tapping your pen to the beat of the quiet music playing from Andy's worn-out computer speakers. You, Andy, and Michael were preparing for a vital sales call. It was a very high profile company, and Michael wanted two employees from sales.
The drive there was quite eventful, with Andy having to stop the Prius in order to let Michael vomit numerous times. And of course when someone else vomits, Andy has to follow suit. Considering all of this, it took you 45 minutes to get to a building that was only 20 minutes from the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch.
Michael had seemed to calm himself down after the adventurous car ride, but Andy was obviously still nervous. You felt bad for him. He made it clear that he wasn't confident in himself as a salesman.
“Hey, you're gonna do fine. Sure, it would be great to gain this client, but if we don't, we won't gain anything but we won't lose anything. It's not a big deal, okay?” You said consolingly. “Thanks. But don't you think it would be cool to say  'Andy Bernard and Y/N Y/LN recruited Dunder Mifflin's biggest client in decades!’?” Andy said, forgetting Michael was part of the pitch as well.
“Yeah, but it's not worth barfing over.” You earned a small, appreciative laugh from Andy as you walked into the sleek, intimidating double doors of what could be the turnaround of your an Andy's sales reputation. Before you opened one of those doors, Andy grabbed your cold hand into his warm one without making eye contact, just like a small child instinctively grabs their blanket when they are scared.
It wasn't a totally foreign gesture, but it wasn't something he did often, judging you were only friends. He had only grabbed your hand once before at the 2009 Dunder Mifflin Company Picnic.
••• ••• •••
It was after Scranton painfully lost a well-played game of volleyball. Michael had invited members of the Buffalo branch (ones that were willing) over to a campfire that he had poorly built, in an attempt to apologize for revealing their shutdown in such an inconsiderate way.
As various employees from Buffalo made their way over, Andy immediately looked nervous. He was sitting right next to you,and you could have swore he was shaking, but you blamed the cold Pennsylvania air. Before you knew it, Andy had swiftly grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers. No eye contact and no explanation of his action to follow.
He quietly whispered in your ear, while nonchalantly holding your hand, “You see that big, tall, guy in the cargo shorts over there? At last year's picnic, when I was with Stamford, I accidentally hit him in the face playing tennis. I got carried away and ‘woosh!’ the tennis ball hit him right in the left eye. He told me that next year, he'd make sure he paid me back.”
You were relieved to hear there wasn't an extreme reason why he was nervous, but you still weren't sure why he interlocked your fingers as a coping mechanism. Sure, you guys were great friends. You may even go as far to say that Andy is your best friend in the entire office. You guys have so much fun together and you care for each other very much. But why did he have this thing where he wanted to hold your hand. Andy could have held Phyllis’ hand if he was that nervous.
••• ••• •••
You sat in the lobby reading an outdated magazine and practicing in your head what you were going to say at the pitch. Andy was stuck in a stupor, staring at a distant wall, looking like a deer in the headlights. He still hadn’t let go of your hand. You weren't complaining though, it was actually helping you stay calm.
“Mr. Scott, Mr. O'Connor is ready to see you and your employees now. Third door to the right,” the woman said.
You an Andy walked hand-in-hand down the hallway following behind Michael. You were thankful for this position, for if Michael were to see your hands, he would make a big deal out of nothing.
As you sat in the intimidating office of Mr. O'Connor, a possible future client, Andy reluctantly removed his hand from yours as he sat on the other side of Michael.
Michael was in the middle of the three chairs, while Andy sat to the left and you sat to the right.
The sales call went surprisingly smooth, with Michael doing most of the talking while you and Andy elaborated on what he said.
As the meeting came to an end, Mr. O'Connor wanted a moment alone. The three of you stepped out of the office in a quiet, single file line.
“Oh my God. I think I might have actually been successful!” Michael exclaimed quietly, ignoring the fact that you an Andy had contributed. You brushed it off and continued the nervous action of rubbing the heel of your boat-shoe against the thin carpeting.
“Hey guys, you can come back in now,” Mr. O'Connor said. You returned to your seat and awaited the final decision.
“Well, I have decided to go with Dunder Mifflin for all of my paper needs. Mr. Scott, you and your employees have done an exquisite job explaining to me why I should purchase paper from your company and I thank you.”
“No, thank you! We will be in touch with you shortly Mr. O'Connor.” Michael explained.
You left the building managing to contain yourselves, but once you made it back to the parking lot, it was time to celebrate! Michael started throwing high-fives in the air, almost killing the mood when he accidentally hit Andy in the eye. Despite having a new black eye, Andy was ecstatic and you couldn't be more happy for him. Michael had returned to the back seat of the Prius, in order to call his mom, hoping that she would congratulate him.  This left you and Andy alone in the parking lot to bask in the excitement. In one quick motion, Andy picked you up and hugged you just a little too tight while spinning in a circle, but you didn't care.
“We did it!” Andy exclaimed.
“Totally worth barfing over.” You laughed at his reference to what you had said just a little over an hour ago.
Andy, always being a gentleman, opened the car door for you. Before you sat down, you gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.
“I'm really proud of you Andy,” you told him with a sincere smile.
“Thank you,” he responded appreciatively.
“Poor Richard's?” Michael suggested.
“Sure,” you responded.
“Andy, I need you stop me at a gas station. I gotta use the restroom.”
“Why can't you go at the bar? We'll have to go the opposite direction to get to the nearest gas station,” you questioned.
“Because...I don't wanna go in that contaminated shit hole,” Michael answered.
“I'll stop, it's okay. Not a big deal.” Andy interjected.
To be continued...
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Preference 2 : How You Met
Michael: You replaced Jan at Corporate. You were meeting up with the Scranton Branch for the first time at Chili's (their choice). You wanted to make a great first impression and you did. All of the employees seemed to like how easy-going you were, especially Michael. He instantly took a seat next to you and tried to impress you with somewhat inappropriate jokes. He made a fool of himself but you thought he was kinda cute.
Jim: You were recently hired as the new receptionist at Dunder Mifflin Scranton. Everyone in the office made poor attempts at flirting with you, but Jim seemed to be successful. The both of you became instant friends and he even tricked you into helping him prank Dwight on your third day working there.
Dwight: You had worked at Dunder Mifflin Scranton for almost 2 months before you were formally introduced to Dwight Schrute. You had worked in accounting at the Utica branch, but you were transferred to Scranton. A few years prior, at a company picnic, you had seen Dwight when your branches were paired into one team in a volleyball game and you observed that he was quite competitive. You thought it was kinda cute, and therefore, it encouraged you to help your team win. When you made the winning pass, Dwight was extremely happy, so happy that he picked you up and spun you around despite not having a clue who you were. When you were later transferred, you didn't recognize each other until 2 months later, when Michael held an interesting conference, wanting everyone to get to know each other better.
Andy: You had worked at the Scranton branch much longer than Andy. When he returned from Anger Management, and made his permanent seat next to Stanley and Phyllis, Stanley couldn't handle the eccentric personality of Andy Bernard. He decided that he wanted to switch desks with you (across from Dwight) and let you sit next to Andy. You were a little nervous because you knew Andy could be a lot to deal with, but he turned out to be a great desk mate. You got to know him in a short amount of time, and he proved to be a wonderful confidant.
Toby: When Toby returned from Costa Rica, he found that you were a new employee in the sales department. He thought you that you were cute, and you thought the same about him. Kelly had immediately wanted to be your friend, and you agreed, meaning that you were spending a lot of time in the annex. One day, when you were talking to Kelly, Toby introduced himself and you reciprocated. It was the start of a great relationship.
Ryan: On Ryan's first day as a temp, you showed him around the office and the warehouse. He was kind of shy, but he was really sweet. He had taken a liking to you and he thought you were very cute. You thought the same.
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Preference 1: Your Job at DM
Job at Dunder Mifflin:
Michael: Any job at Corporate
Dwight: Accountant
Jim: Receptionist
Ryan: Customer Service
Andy: Sales
Toby: Sales
Pam: Sales
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