#his fascinating boy 🤞
eyepatchoflove · 2 months
the only acceptable reaction to this kind of situation i fear
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stevie-petey · 3 months
making grabby hands and kicking my feet like a baby in a high chair at dinner time for more cute steve and bug blurbs im STILL thinking about the dream blurb 😔 i need more please bbg 😔😔😔🤞
because im feelin nice i will feed yall and i wanna elaborate more on why i consider steve bugs twin flame rather than her soulmate <333 (i actually have two angsty blurbs lined up sol this is to compensate for later)
enjoy <3
"did you just steal a brownie?"
steve stares at you, eyes wide, with crumbs all over his face. "no, why would you think that?"
you set the rack of brownies down and glare at the teen. you know hes lying, he knows you know hes lying, and dustin is a witness to it all. looking at your brother, you cross your arms and inhale deeply. "dustin, did steve take a brownie?"
"im not a part of this."
steve lifts his fist for a fist bump, which he accepts with a slight smirk on his face. seeing this, your annoyance only grows. youve spent all day baking brownies for mikes birthday, and you invited steve over to help since hes grown to like baking with you. however, for the last hour now youve been smacking his grubby fucking hands away from the first batch of brownies that were left to cool on the counter.
"steve," you exhale now, close your eyes and count to ten in your head. youre overheating, the kitchen is unbearably hot in the april spring, and your head pounds as it begs for water. trying desperately to cling onto your sanity, you open your eyes and look at the teen. "this is your last chance before i get violent."
dustins smirk quickly slides off his face at your words. he knows you mean them, he knows youll throw a spatula at the boys any second, yet in his panicked scramble to flee the kitchen, dustin notices that steve doesnt even flinch.
"violent, huh?"
your eyes darken and your hand slowly moves toward the spatula that rests against the counter top. dustin sucks in a breath, now out of spatula range, and watches with amazement as steve remains unphased. "you heard me, harrington."
steve notices the spatula now in your hand, and to dustins horror, he chuckles. "oh, like thats gonna hurt me, angel."
"did. you. steal. a. brownie?" you sneer at him, spatula raised and ready to throw.
"i. did. not." steve lies right through his teeth.
"you fucking liar!" a spatula flies through the air and dustin ducks as it collides against steves chest. "you know ive been working all day on them, youre supposed to ask me before taking anything that i bake!"
and there it is, the explosion that dustin had feared. he winces, youre terrifying when you shout, and yet steve only smiles.
"hey, i helped bake them. dont forget that."
dustin swears he sees your eye twitch. "im sorry?"
"apology accepted!" steve jumps over the counter and scoops you into his arms before you or dustin can even blink. he twirls you around, tickles your side as he spins you, and helplessly all you can do is giggle at his menacing attack. "oh, you dont sound so angry now, y/n!"
"s-stop!" youre breathless, and yet still you laugh as steve continues to dance you around the kitchen and tickle your neck with the side of his nose as he buries his face into your hair. you can feel him smile against your neck, and your heart skips a beat.
however, the fucker stole one of mikes brownies.
you shove against steves chest and free yourself from his grasp. you point a finger at him, stern despite your breathlessness from giggling. "no, im still mad at you!"
"im sorry, angel. i really am." steve grabs the finger aimed at his chest and draws you in yet again. he kisses the finger, soft and sweet, and you melt. the anger is gone, all thats left are your flushed cheeks. "i'll make it up to you, i promise."
dustin finds himself fascinated by this dance between the two of you.
it takes only a second before you accept his apology, which shocks dustin. if it were anyone else, youd hold this over their head all day, yet for steve your forgeivness seems to come naturally. "fine, but im making you crack all the eggs this time. my hands smell."
steve smiles at your demand, he agrees to the conditions, and silently the two of you begin prepping for the next batch of brownies.
dustin stands in the kitchen, completely forgotten about now, and hes baffled by whats just happened. hes never seen someone able to simultaneously anger yet maulify you so quickly. if it had been jonathan, you wouldve shaken your head at him and teased him, maybe flick your spatula at him, but the annoyance wouldve simmered for the rest of the day despite the forgiveness. there wouldve been no theatrical yelling, no ignited eyes and flushed cheeks.
but with steve, the anger diminishes with just a smile, a kiss to your finger. your cheeks are still red, your breathing is still slightly labored, and steve looks just as exhilarated as you do.
it strikes dustin, then, that hes never seen someone handle this side of you before.
its like steve knew how to push all the right buttons to get you to yell at him just so he could wrap you in his arms and make you laugh. distantly, dustin wonders if that had been steves plan all along; get you riled up just to leave you breathless with you in his arms to distract you from your exhaustion.
clearing his throat, dustin decides he should leave. youre whispering to steve softly now, more gigglings arising. "im going to my room, you guys are unbearable to be around."
"love you too!" both you and steve shout back at him, a practiced ease to it after doing this for months now.
dustin cant help but smile; his sister has met her match.
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ricegobbler · 4 months
Hi I so happy your open can you do the tfa team prime react to sentinel prime falling in love with a female cybertronian who came to life by an allspark fragment , she is a kind and a total sweetheart to everyone but is very oblivious to his feeling
I know Sentinel is a jerk in the show. But he deserves love. Everyone does😢 (kinda)
Warnings‼️: well, I’m using ‘Y/N’ tho. So for ppl that don’t like that being used I’m sorry, idk what else to use honestly 😢
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-he’s so cute. Love him sm🤞
-At first he was surprised. He was surprised Sentinel could ever even fall in love.😭
-he’s happy for him though, watching an old friend of his that was a jerk fall in love. Deep inside Optimus would think you can do way better. But your life yk!
-when he first witnessed you and sentinel talking he noticed Sentinels actions.
One day Y/N and Sentinel were just talking, that was until Optimus walked in and saw the two.
He noticed Sentinels stance and awkward look on his face, he then realized the stammering he’d do when replying back to you.
-it was obvious. Especially to Optimus, he’s never seen Sentinel like that.
-Sometimes when you’re gone Optimus would just smirk at Sentinel, obviously he’d deny his crush on you but it wasn’t believable.
-I feel like Optimus would be the type to like Tease Sentinel or try to help out ykyk.
-he’d sometimes randomly ask you abt how you and Sentinel are doing, and the oblivious person you are, you just say you’re both fine.😢
-Sentinel won’t stop crushing on you though. He’ll be patient (sometimes)
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-yeah he can still hear guys😒
-at first he don’t gaf. Sure he’d be a lil surprise, but like he don’t care.
-he also thinks you can do so much better, he’d even say it out loud once. Of course, you didn’t understand what he meant since you were oblivious about Sentinels love for you </3
“she can do so much better..” ratchet grumbled. You then turn your head to look at him and raise an eyebrow, wondering what he said.
-when he’d see you and Sentinel talking he’d see how sentinel looks at you. It’s like a puppy in love🤧
-sometimes when you company Ratchet when you’re bored he tries hinting to you how Sentinel is acting with you. But, you're oblivious about it. :(
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-sentinel in love?? Impossible.
-he’s shocked, he never thought somebody like sentinel could fall in love with a fem so..much different then him
-just like ratchet, he thinks you can do better. Even if you and sentinel aren’t dating (bc you’re oblivious abt his feelings) he still thinks you can do so so so much better.
-he does watch the two of you though, romance is something that caught his eye since the bots arrival on earth.
“Fascinating..” prowl mumbled as he saw you and sentinel talk.
-he wouldn’t really intervene with your guys alone time, he just watches from afar like a lil weirdo.
-he’s just interested 😢
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-“SENTINEL COULD FALL IN LOVE?!?!” <- bees reaction.
-he’s surprised, and disgusted at the same time. He’s like a boy who saw his parents kiss😭
-he notices how sentinel stutters around you so he’d giggle to sentinel’s nervousness.
Y/N and Sentinel just talking, but Bee notices how shaky and stuttering Sentinel was.
“PFT. Scaredy cat.” Bee mumbled
-he wouldn’t intervene, he wouldn’t really care honestly. Just don’t kiss In front of him if y’all ever get together.
-butttt, if he’s ever bored he’d run to sentinel and give him advice. (His advice kinda sucks but🤷🏻‍♀️)
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-same reaction as bee😭
-“HE FELL IN LOVE?!” <- his reaction
-he’s mostly similar to bee, and they’re buddies for a reason-
-Instead of snickering or anything while seeing sentinel struggle, he’d feel a little bad. This bulkhead is to sweet 🥹🤍
-I feel like he would definitely try to make sentinel feel better if he had the chance.
Sentinel grumbling in embarrassment after stuttering infront of Y/N
Bulkhead noticing and walking over to him, “Hey, don’t be upset! I’m sure she didn’t care you were stuttering”
Sentinel giving him a confused face, “you were watching us?-“
-he wouldn’t intervene as much, but if he does it won’t really affect you and Sentinels relationship.
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it. Also there are too many shows on and something is always finishing or starting so a month is a lot.
BL - Currently Watching
1000 Years Old [2/12] - It's silly, and entertaining and makes me laugh. The friend group is delightful and I'm having a good time watching them. Was excited for a minute when Yo suggested a haircut for Pun because I cannot handle that wig. 🤞
Anti Reset [5/10] - This is one of the most frustrating shows I've watched in a while. The show doesn't seem to settle on what is actually trying to say about the AI of it all, and when it says something I'm not crazy about it. Why is it so frustrating? Because they are so fucking endearing when they're together on screen. I wanna love this show so much.
Cherry Magic Th [11/12]– I love them so much. I'm fascinated by the choices that the show is making. As a big fan of the manga and the jbl I came into this with reservations and this show is just blowing my mind. This was the best episode 11 of all time and Tay/New are delivering. My heart is so full with this.
Cherry Magic Anime [7/12]– Another helicopter ride! Yay. The date song was hilarious. We're now getting to the point where they are dating and Adachi is feeling guilty for lying so I'm curious how the show will adapt the next phase of the relationship.
Dead Friend Forever [10/12]– Glad to see we are all on board with Tan's murderous impulses. It's been so much fun having more people join in on the fun. As for me, I NEED White to stay alive. That's really all I want. Getting curious about how Perth factors in to all of this.
My Strawberry Film[2/8] - I feel it coming. I see sadness in my future. But I'm bracing because I'm loving the look of this show. And pining boys are my favourite type of boys. I'm ready.
Ossan's Love Returns [8/9] - The videos messages destroyed me but then that ending made me annoyed. I don't know what to expect in terms of Kurosawa but I hope he's not actually dying and there's a really good reason for all this. Medical mal practice might be the thing. Although as @twig-tea pointed out to me, since it was said in show it might not actually happen. I want happy for the ending anyway.
Perfect Propose [5/6] . Why must I only have them for 6 episodes??? I need more. Kai is everything to me, and that back hug followed by that smile melted by cold heart. Hiro's boss needs something heavy to fall on him from a great height. And please Hiro,sweetie, I need you to eat better and sleep.
Although I Love You, and You? [7/10]- Sakae is letting me down. And by that I mean, the show is letting me down. Sakae needs to put his foot down with Mizuki and go back to being a fool in love with Soga.
To Be Continued [1/8] - It's not amazing. but I'm a sucker for second chance romance and there are two couples so there's a 50% chance I will like this. We'll see. Also, they need to start hiring younger actors for the high school flashbacks. This goes for A Secretly Love too. Having 27 year olds and up playing ten years younger just won't do. It's terrible.
Unknown [2/12] - I'm intrigued. Not completely sold yet but I'm liking it so far. Also nothing would keep me away from watching Sam Lin again.
Also watched the first episode of A Secretly Love and caught up with City of Stars but it's on the 'I need to shut of my brain' schedule so I'm not necessarily watching to weekly.
BL - Finished
Cooking Crush - I will miss all of them. I loved it so much. The whole cut/uncut version thing was annoying and the editing was weird at times but overall this was wonderful. Communication done right. Relationships and character growth was stellar and both couples won my heart. Aungpao really surprised me, considering he was surrounded my pros on all sides. Dynamite was a joy to watch. And OffGun delivering with all the kissing. Everyone should watch this.
The Sign - I mean, what they did to this show is absolutely insane. Not airing the finale like the rest of the show. Having to pay extra for happy ending is ridiculous (although I kinda predicted this and @lurkingshan is my witness. I said as a joke and it turns out reality is a joke.) Then waiting 2 whole weeks for whatever that was. Just the most unsatisfying experience. Go read this from Shan because I agree with everything said there. Also @bengiyo final thoughts here really echo how I felt about this show overall.
Happy Ending - 20 minutes split in 3. Why? No idea. Was it a happy ending? I think so. Was it cute? Sure. Was it great to watch Seong Hyuk again? You betcha. But I didn't love it. I need Choco Milk Shake S2, like, TODAY.
Playboyy - It ended.
Rose Watches OJBL - I feel bad about this. I didn't watch any of the ones I planned to. This might seem like whatever but I've been trying to catch up with awards season films, because since uni, me and a couple of friends always do it and finish it by watching the oscars together and so ojbl was were I dropped the ball. Gonna restart soon though.
Not BL - Watched this month
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Night Has Come Death's Game Shop for Killers
That's it for right now. As usual my ask box is open for gif requests and any other questions. All my gifs are under #rosygifs.
Have a good week💜
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cryptidanathema · 7 months
Why I like them: He's that guy that you THINK'S gonna be a total douche but is actually a really great guy once you get past first impressions. Liable to do something stupid trying to impress you. Dragon in human form. Canon fang haver. Brags about himself in the third person and should not be trusted with tapestries. Babygirl you need so much therapy /aff
Why I don’t: That hat that can't decide weather it's a sweatband or a beany. Seriously what is that thing on your head man
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Haven't watched any of his anime scenes tbh, kind of scared to after how dirty they did Leon. So I'll just use this section to show some love to the bit in Pokespe where he tries to take on Eternatus... himself. Not using a Pokemon. 
Favorite season/movie: See above 
Favorite line: ...I'm just gonna put "Especially you, Piers! The way you battled me in the Champion Cup... You really had my Dynamax Pokémon up against the wall!" and apologize profusely. Yes for ship reasons but also the fact that the guy starts hitting on a new rival in the middle of a Dynamax Pokemon rampage just feels weirdly on-brand? 
Favorite outfit: Shout out to that slightly douchey waistcoat ensemble with the Flygon shades from Masters...which he has a matching stupid, stupid hat for. 
OTP: Raihan/Leon/Piers and Raihan/Piers both qualify. Leon just straight up hits the "you don't even have to Ship It, some characters having had sex is just objective truth" threshold and they're often really sweet together, I just have to throw an alt boy in there too to get into it because my brain craves them like a body craves air. And Piers...they get tragically few scenes together but the ones they do get are so weirdly charged? Like someone else said there's a certain "should we be watching this?" energy to them lol 
Brotp: Leon also goes here, mostly because coming up for platonic explanations for the sheer depth of Raihan's brain rot in regards to that man leads to some FASCINATING relationship dynamics. I'm a big believer that romantic vs platonic indicates a relationship type rather than inherently implying a hierarchy of importance and these two are a great outlet for mentally rotating those themes. Also he and Gordie are fun in Masters, I like to think that they became friends while having shared sadboy time in the locker room. 
Head Canon: Probably my biggest is that with the way there's some pretty depressing shit left unsaid about the way he views himself, the occasional signs of anger issues he shows, and how he's the only member of The Rivalcule you don't meet the family of, the guy did NOT have a good childhood. On a lighter note, the guy has absolutely dogshit music taste. Like we're talking Skrillex and below here. The fact Piers doesn't strangle him over it is testament to the depth of his affection. 
Unpopular opinion: Don't really have one? 
A wish: Gigantamax Archaludon whenever the Galar remakes come out in 10-15 years, he deserves to just summon a wholeass suspension bridge (that notably has a weather-related signature move at that). And, well, just more of him in general. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Same as Piers, please don't throw this man into spacetime GameFreak 🤞
5 words to best describe them: Selfie boy kinda worries me 😔
My nickname for them: Rai, Rai-Rai...💖🐉
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staysuki · 3 years
watdafuq felix 👁 👄 👁 really thought it was abt twix but okay. me simping for slc felix was a cover up for my deep admiration for seungmin, yes 👍 “sometimes i wish…. nvm” 👀 🤔 🤭 bibi and wonpil kinda sus 🤥 otp jake x ryujin hands 🙌
for the halloween special, ig just post it all at once 😌👌 and 🗽 anon, good luck with your classes! we re still having online classes here, suks 100/10! 🦄 anon, you ll get used to it soon lol we love spamming ash <3333
IDFK Y BUt deep inside i m still hoping that the group knows someone s out there stealing hyunjin s work and felix was sent as a spy or smth. don t do this to felix 😠😤 but yeah if ever felix really is a 😶 ,, i m hoping it d be jisung just for the drama ✨ i doubt it s seungmin tho! biaz tingz 🤩 but really, i wholeheartedly believe the “won t make another mistake” ! and ash loves seungmin too much :<
THE FELIX, JISUNG, SEUNGMIN BEING IN CAHOOTS THEORY IS 👌👌👌 THOOO. UGHH BUT IDKKM, i really feel like seungmin s character is not the type to u know 🤥 rebel phase but still has morals (towards his friends) , yes let s pls forget them using weeds 👀
i also like the revenge for y/n theory. maybe felix and bibi are buddy buddies and they just really hate hyunjin s guts LMAO
my brain kennat handle everything 😔💔
- bs
DID YOU REALLY THINK IT WAS ABOUT TWIX PLS 💀💀💀. so many revelations in chapter 12 eh? v v exciting 🤧✨
yes, i might make it a two-parter and then post it all at once like someone said, makes bookmarking easier + it’s a pretty heavy fic so it’ll be nice to take it in one at a time and put some space in between for some breather (trust me, ya’ll will need it). love the spamming too~
IS THAT A HEIST PLS 💀 are they secretly masterminds hm? though tbf, felix is insinuated to have very high IQ (mmm we stan an intellectual) so who knows 🤔 interesting theory. i love how you think biases makes them exempt from being bad guys 💀💀 seungmin’s literally the first one introduced as a criminal JSHWJSHES. so spicy honestly ✨
i feel like your seungmin bias is shining through and you’re deflecting it onto me 💀🤞. my writing has ZERO biases 😤. also i honestly how everyone’s like 💓💘jisung🥺😍 and then we see the secret felix criminal pair and then now some people are like 😒jisung is sus😡 HSHSHSHSHS. i get what you’re all going for though, some people like the secretly shitty sweetheart boy, but people seem to be forgetting that he’s not the only sweetheart boy in the fic~
and yes, me too, i honestly like the out-of-the-box theories~ 💓 interesting how so many people perceive the story so differently. it’s fascinating.
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