#his brother is orange and named Jonesy
daughterofchaos · 22 days
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goldielia · 7 months
when jack met cassy
a part of: untouchable au
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when cassy entered the mclaren garage on sunday to start getting ready for the canadian grand prix, she firstly found their social media admin and one of her closest friends in the paddock, anne.
mclaren had a close-knit group of girls consisting of cassy, anne, her girlfriend sabrina who was one of two team photographers and charlotte, who was a law student currently doing an internship at mclaren.
it had become a routine for the four of them to sit on the step to the pit wall for a second to chat before any grand prix. it was also usually the time cassy got to ask anne about the vip guests of the weekend which she did first things first ever since she missed when tom holland visited.
“uh, there’s not much going on today. some hockey players should show up though, you know, charlie’s brother and them”, anne looped her in while staring at her ipad. “eh, alright.” cassy murmured, slightly disappointed.
with a last tap of her own papaya-coloured high top converse against anne’s white and orange air force she got up to start getting ready for the race.
jack couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. he was going to see his sister again AND his first f1 race. lottie usually worked for mclaren during the summer break of the academic year, being located in cambridge for her studies, so when she invited him to see both her and the race in canada he instantly said yes.
they agreed to meet just before the entrance to the paddock so she could give him, cole and trevor (who she graciously invited as well) their passes. jack had been jittery the whole way there, not having seen his twin since christmas.
leaning onto a lamp post in front of the gate was a blonde girl, wearing black mom jeans, a mclaren t-shirt tucked into them and orange old school vans. he instantly ran towards her, charlotte barely being able to save the binder she held before jack tackled her into a crushingly tight hug that she returned with equal force.
after she’d given cole and trevor a side hug each and handed each of them a garage pass, the group entered through the gate and lottie talked them through the paddock on the way to the mclaren garage.
after she showed them their spots and told them about the screens and headsets she caught up with jack for a bit before a whirlwind of red curls brushed past them, grabbed her wrist and whisked her away to the steps in front of the pit wall where anne and sabrina had claimed their place already.
“charlotte-i-don’t-know-your-middle-name-hughes! tell me your brother’s not the one in the middle, please” cassy looked at charlotte with wide eyes. “uh, my middle name’s ruby, actually. but yeah, that’s jack. left is cole, right is trevor.” charlotte answered, confusion evident on her face.
cassy only groaned, hiding her face in her hands. “are all your brothers that pretty? your parents must be like greek gods or somethin’” she mumbled into her hands. sabrina smirked, looking at them over her shoulder as she was walking back to the garage with anne, both of them having to work some more before the grand prix. “i think our cass just experienced love at first sight”
charlie gasped and smiled teasingly at that, prying cassy’s hands away from her face. “you gonna make a move?“
“would you like, be okay with that? and are you sure he’s single?” “of course i’m okay with that, cass! i’m not blind you know. also he’s been staring at you like ever since you grabbed me.” cassy tore her eyes away from charlie and towards the garage instead.
the pretty boy from earlier, jack hughes as she now knew, was indeed staring at her. “also, he’s definitely single. i can-” charlie’s sentence and cassy’s staring were interrupted by lando’s voice. “jonesy, hughesy, come on we need to do the rule run down!”
fortunately for jack and less so for cassy, her workspace wasn’t far from the guest area. which meant he could watch her and she couldn’t concentrate because she felt his eyes on her.
the grand prix itself wasn’t too eventful, 11th place for oscar and 13th for lando. both cassy and charlie were needed after the race though, to review the penalty lando had gotten for “unsportsmanlike behaviour”.
charlie’s department handled the rules for each grand prix as well as topics like filing lawsuits over penalties. cassy as one of lando’s engineers was tasked with reviewing all the video material she could get her hands on to find something that could have the penalty taken back, or at least reviewed.
on her way to the conference room though, when cassy passed by jack, she slipped a tiny piece of paper into his hand, catching his eyes quickly to smirk at him.
he wanted to chat her up at least but she was rushed along before his brain could form a single word. instead, he opened the note. it read “you’re really pretty. text me?” with a little heart and a number, presumably her phone number on it.
before he could even try folding the paper back up he was already fighting for balance, both cole and trevor having read the note and started teasingly nudging him with their elbows, matching excited grins on their faces.
“did jacky get himself a girlfrieeeend?” trevor sing-songed into his ear. before he could continue though, charlie apprared in front of them, index finger poking jack’s chest.
“i love you but if you fuck this up i’m not guaranteeing for anything” she warned, serious blue eyes drilling into his identical ones to make sure he understood her. he grabbed her hand, eyes just as serious as hers, and spoke “if i find a way to fuck this up, lottie, please make sure i regret it.”
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Cats of Ambrose
Part 2
Ambrose has stray/pet cats. They are:
Saint Bo-seph. Lester says it looks like Bo when he’s mad. Bo has denied it love, but the fluffy brown tiger cat sleeps in the shop at the front counter. The oldest cat you’ll ever see.
Pebbles. Vincent found her while he was walking with Jonesy by the river one day. The cat is missing a leg, but she is the fastest thing on the planet when she hears her food bowl getting filled. She’s a white cat with grey spots on her ears, and she has a heart-shaped spot on her nose.
Big Shit (BS for short). Bo found this tiger cat digging in the trash one night. BS then bit Bo’s arm while Bo tried to trap it. Honestly. BS would kill you for a Snickers bar. Now, it runs Wilson Avenue to Dallas Street like he owns the place. Attacks Jonesy because Big Shit can. Has killed a lot of birds and mice.
Little Shit (LS for short). Please pet her and hold her like a baby? Please, do it. She’s smaller than BS and so much more nicer, but she does dart around the shop when she has the zoomies, which she dumped HOT coffee on Bo’s crown jewels while he was under a car. He hit his head on the engine when he got burned, thus earning the name: Little Shit. You can find Bo cradling her like a baby if she’s stressed out if he thinks he’s alone.
Hoot. A black kitten Lester found while picking up road kill one morning. She sits on his shoulder like an owl while driving, meowing at every tree and leaf she sees. Biggest green eyes you’ll ever see. Hoot looks lost most of the time. No thought. Head Empty. Thinks of commuting tax fraud half the time ^•w•^
Lil Vinny (LV for short). This orange cat is missing half his face like Vincent (no ear or eye with a scarred face). The cat just came to Ambrose one day. Lil Vinny sleeps in Vincent’s bed, and sits on his lap while he draws at the desk.
Waddles the Wizard. Lester and Vincent named the black and orange turtle kitten this after it waddled out of Bo’s locked shop out of nowhere. Like, where the fuck did it come from? How did it get there?
Waffles. Honesty, Jonesy brought him home. An orange fluffy cat that curls up near the toaster and will steal cold and hot waffles if you’re not watching. He screams and screams until Bo or Vincent gives Waffles a waffle. Will attack if he doesn’t get a waffle right now.
Sweetie Bell. Bo named the little blind white kitten this after finding it in a victim’s hot car. He noticed it after towing the car to the shop, which was baking in the hot sun for 40 minutes before he could get there. When he asked the owner of the car why didn’t they tell Bo about the baby kitten, they responded with, “It’s broken. So, it deserves it for being a freak.” Let’s just say the death was slow and as painful as he possibly could make it. Once he got Sweetie Bell out of the car, he nursed it back to health and gave it all the love her could muster. He kept telling her that she’s not a freak. She is loved by all of the Sinclair brothers. (Bo will die for this kitten.)
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Wally Darling x Julie's Sibling! Gender nuetral Reader: may I request a part two? One where Wally realizes that Julie was the least of his worries and the reader’s three other sisters were what he really needed to worry about. If you want of course, I love your writing so much 🥹💓💓
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Hi dearie! I would love to write this for you, it's such a cute idea! And thanks for the compliments dearie!
Apple assault
Pairing: Wally Darling x Julie's Sibling! Gender neutral Reader
Summary: Wally has a sister on his side but what happens when the two sister and one brother decide to have a chat with him?
Illustrated Au (basically my main Au at this point), absolutely love this concept! Picture by @eechytooru
For those who don't know, the orange one is Bea, blue one is Franny and the green one is Jonesy (brother)
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Wally's Pov
My relationship with Y/n is sailing quite smoothly, if anything these last couple of months have been sweeter than a honey crisp apple! I can't image anything trying to break is apart, well I didn't until today.
"You better stay away from our sibling!," Exclaimed a blue character.
"Franny! That is not the way to say it either!," Reprehended an orange character to the blue one who apperently her name was Franny.
"What Bae and Franny are trying to say is that we don't want Y/n getting hurt and you could be one of those reasons," said a green character to me while pointing at the orange character who I guess is Bae. I only sighted while looking at the three characters which made me drop my apples when they first approached me. My apples...
"I will never hurt Y/n on purpose," I said calmly while looking at the three siblings standing in front of me, the one in green seemed unconvinced while crossing his arms.
"Jonesy, I doubt you need to try and intimate him," said Bae while looking at the green guy whose name apperently Jonesy.
"This is a warning for you! Don't hurt Y/n or we burn you house down to a crisp," was all Franny said for me to nod in a rapid matter. Home should never be burned, they might leave locked out and I'll be Home-less for a week if fire such as graces their walls.
I walk away holding the now one apple left of the supposed full basket of apple's towards Y/n house. This was supposed to be for some apple cookies but now Y/n will think I eat them all, which would be a good guess most of the time.
"Wally, what happened? You have dirt all over you pretty face and there is only one apple," said Y/n while cleaning with a towel the spots of dirt I had making me blush softly at them.
"There was an apple assault...," was all I said before hugging them making them snuggle against my neck with a squeak.
Hope you like it @rainingdandelion
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envelopesofbadluck · 4 months
The Current Character List
~Mailmen of Misfortune~
Misfortune Eddie (OG)- He's been giving out envelopes a lot less now for obvious reasons. He has kids now, two of which are babies. He also promised to Ribbon to be more careful and he just has no idea how he can come up with not tame ideas and not make people pissed off at him at the same time so he sort of just rarely delivers envelopes now. His are marked with an upside down horseshoe usually however, Alternatively, if he feels like deceiving someone, he marks his with a three leaf clover. He's dating Ribbon and uh idk of one of them proposed yet or not my memory bad.
Reboot Misfortune- This Misfortune is based off of the Eddie from the Reboot AU. He's taller than the original, as well as much less careful and a lot more brutal and mischievous. He does not like Franks at all because before his world got emptied out, he was going through a rough patch with his Frank. This one will be delivering envelopes a lot more often, although I do not know what his should be marked with yet.
~Misfortune's kids (including the ones with Ribbon)~
Pom- This has to be the first kid this guy ever had, as well as the oldest, having grown to adulthood faster than the others due to originally being a Grow A Wally sapling. He ranges at about 7 ft tall and has one green eye and one red eye. His hair is green in the summer and spring, orange in the fall, and light brown in the winter. If he can ever get to feeling like himself again, he'll be back to being the devious prankster, but for now he feels sort of traumatized and invisible and such, not that he'll willingly admit this of course.
Emperor- The Howdy Pillar variant with hair that's turning purple, and purplish blue stripes on his back. He has this name because well, he's a purple emperor caterpillar, and a purple emperor butterfly in his past life. He hatched in Pom's hair, so by default, he wants attention from Pom the most. At least Pom knows how to deal with Emperor and younger kids now. Emperor is more known for angry tantrums. Emperor is also a kleptomaniac.
The new Latter- This Latter just showed up one day claiming to be Emperor's brother. Who knows if he means his brother from the past life or the brother that hatched before him and ended up losing him somehow? But anyways, unlike most Latters, this dude has a pinkish scheme going on with purple hair slowly turning pink, and purplish pink stripes on the back. Despite being a bit older, he acts sort of younger, being clingy to Emperor and such, but given how long he was alone, that's understandable. He cries quite a bit however. All I know about this guy's future is that he's going to be a moth.
Admiral- This is the baby that looks mostly like Ribbon, having the same body type but with curly reddish hair. He's the twin brother of Marigold (played by null). I know I didn't use him much yet, but well, it's hard to roleplay a baby that can't do all that much yet, let's be real.
~The Amalgam Timeline cast~
Stitches- The infamous Wally that originally gave himself extra arms and legs by taking them from others, that also did quite a bit of disturbing crimes like sewing Julie's three siblings together, which resulted in their deaths. He was also known for being quite brutal towards Misfortune and his other employees when Misfortune was actually still working for him. Like he locked his own employee in a dark room of hallucinations more than once. However this guy finally seemed to be knocked down a peg after the encounter with Burrow, which probably made him realize there are threats much bigger than him and he isn't as intimidating as he thinks he is. Now he just keeps to himself really, although he will let Ribbon and Ollie talk to him, and he has apologized to Misfortune months ago and will occasionally talk with Misfortune.
Amalgam Julie- Description coming soon
Amalgam Bea- Description coming soon
Amalgam Jonesy- Description coming soon
Amalgam Franny- Description coming soon
Ribbon's Tini Home- A sentient tiny model of a Frank Frankly house that has 3 eyes and movable antennas. It also communicates by making various bug noises.
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pepperbox · 5 months
— 15 Questions for 15 or maybe 5 or 6 Friends —
tagged by @mercifulmother !!! tyy
Are you named after anyone?
there is a joke in my family about how ohhhh you're named jade because your grandma is thai! when in actuality it's because my mom was obsessed with mick jagger and his daughter is named jade
When was the last time you cried?
a few months ago when i found out about my moms diagnosis and i was having a tiny little menty b about it
Do you have kids?
what are cats but perpetual children (no)
What sports do you play/have you played?
my work did a season of volo kickball which was hilarious because we were terrible and also the teams are up to 13 and we routinely only had 6 who actually showed
like, please imagine the always sunny crew playing kickball. that's the vibe
the same amount of skill (none) and chaos (high)
and alcohol (also high)
Do you use sarcasm?
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
clothes and hair
What’s your eye color?
blue/green/gray bullshit
Scary movies or happy endings?
why not a secret third thing (bittersweet endings)
Any talents?
drawing when i'm not struggling through burnout lmao. lore dumping about anything i've gotten somewhat into, including the golden age of piracy
Where were you born?
maryland where i remain lol
What are your hobbies?
drawing, occasionally video games, reading my little books, playing my little dnd games, yelling about ocs and aus for those ocs,
Do you have any pets?
accidentally accumulated another four cats after my 17 year old crew passed. the hazards of working in shelter med and then moving on to vet med (that also works with rescues) lmaooo
percival - one-eyed little ragdoll boy with many MANY health issues (foster fail)
jonesy - orange himbo, his husband, pins/bars in both his back legs from old, pre-me injuries (foster fail)
magpie - snowshoe baby, jonesy & percy's daughter, only intentional adoption of the crew. one of my coworkers adopted her brother and i didn't want her to be alone (thankfully my cats are all freaks who love other cats, and percy esp loves kittens)
theodore - persian, newest addition who has some fucked up breathing bc of course (brought in to clinic by a rescue, was going to be a clinic cat but then i took him for a weekend and. well,)
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
english or history. i liked art but i was bad at following directions lmao
Dream job?
i simply do not dream of labor
(more seriously i have been looking at mortician schools so there's that)
Tagging (if you want!):
consider yourself tagged?? I DON'T KNOW WHO TO TAG
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sketchesandcoolart · 4 years
Old and New Friends (ROTTMNT Fanfic)
Chapter 3
“Okay, skipping some of the boring parts and getting to when I met Casey for the first time,” April continues, the four turtle brothers and Sunita leaned in a little closer. They were already intrigued by their friend’s backstory.
“So, Recess rolled around...”
The children of Little Apple Preschool raced outside to the playground. Little April watched as her classmates climbed onto swings and slides, as if they were having the time of their lives.
“Hey weirdo!” She turned around to see a bunch of other kids coming up to her. The tallest one, whom she presumed as their leader, is a Caucasian with light blond hair, black eyes, and freckles that go across his nose. He is wearing a red sweatshirt with a fire-breathing Kaiju design on the front, jeans, and red sneakers that match his sweatshirt. 
“Can I help you...?” April backed away slightly, already sensing that this boy is trouble. 
“Yeah! A lot of us saw how you were kissing up to the teacher and agreed that we should do something about it,” He sneered, menacingly. Apparently, they saw how Mrs. Jones were praising the girl for her accomplishments on her first day. They were aggravated by the sight and decided to do something about it.
“Look, I don’t want any trouble, but-- HEY!” Two kids grabbed her arms and restrained. “Let me go!” She shouts, struggling to escape their grasps.
“THIS is what we do to teacher’s pets in New York,” Their leader brings up his fist, about to punch her. April gasps and braced herself for the upcoming blow.
“Hey, leave her alone!” The bullies turned around to see a Latin-American boy glaring straight at them with his black eyes. He has shaggy dark hair, tanned skin, and thick eyebrows. His outfit is a green T-shirt with a skull and crossbones design, jeans, and orange sneakers. A matching orange baseball cap is on his head. 
“Stay out of it, Jonesy! This doesn’t involve you!” 
“It is if you’re being mean to other kids,” He grabs a stray hockey stick that was laying on the ground next to a baseball bat. “So let go of her.”
“What makes you think we will?” The next thing they know, the orange-capped boy hit the leader on one of his legs with the stick. April sees this as a opportunity to fight back. She elbows the two kids who were holding her in the stomachs, letting go of her arms. 
She then grabs the baseball bat and starts helping her rescuer fight off the bullies, swinging their “weapons” at them. However, it wasn’t long after they finally had enough.
“AAAAHHH, you haven’t seen the last of us!” The leader shouted as he and his cronies ran away from the two.
“Are you okay?” The boy asks, turning his head to face April. She nods her head, her two pigtails slightly bouncing up and down. 
“Yeah--- wait, why did one of them call you, “Jonesy”, before?” She raises an eyebrow as he gives an embarrassed look on his face.
“It’s because of my last name. My real name’s Casey,” He introduce himself. “They like to called me that just to be mean.” An annoyed look hits his face as he scrunched up his nose.
“I’m April O’Neil... and thank you for standing up for me,” She smiles gratefully at him. 
“No problem,” He squeaked, returning the smile shyly.
“Casey!” The children turn around to see Mrs. Jones running up to them with a worried expression on her face. “What happened? Are the both of you hurt?”
“We’re okay, Mom,” Casey assured. April blinked in shock upon hearing what he had said. “Mom?!”
“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that my mom is our teacher,” He added, sheepishly.
After telling Mrs. Jones what had happened, she reprimanded the bullies for their actions by having them clean up the classroom after school.
Soon the day came to an end as Mrs. O’Neil arrived to picked up April. “How was your day, sweetheart?” She asked as they drove home.
“It was great!” The young girl excitedly told her mother about her little misadventure during her first day at Preschool.
“He protected you from bullies?” Donnie asks in disbelief. 
“Yep, that’s how we met,” April smiles, fondly. 
“Okay, can you tell us the sad part, while also explaining your friendship with him?” Leo asked, becoming slightly bored.
“LEO!” His brothers scolded him. 
“What? You know we have to ask eventually!”
*I’m going to end this chapter right here before it gets too long. The chapters of this fanfic will either be long or short, depending on how much I can write on the posts. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 3! The next one will either be released later on today or tomorrow.*
*I will also reveal the name of April and Casey’s bully in Chapter 4 as well.*
*Rise of TMNT and their characters belong to Nickelodeon. Mrs. Jones belongs to me.*
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Can you do a Dogs of Ambrose?
Dogs of Ambrose
Jonesy. You know her. You love her. The Sinclair Brothers worship her. She is the pack leader and the mayor of this town. If she doesn’t like the dog that comes to town or is attacked by another dog, the Sinclairs will get rid of it. No questions asked.
Indiana Bones (Indy). He’s a brown and white pit bull with the biggest heart ever! Vincent and Lester came up with that name and Bo loves it! He loves digging and digging and digging and digging and digging. He comes home with bones like deer bones and skulls. Indy and Jonesy are married.
Bo-utiful. She’s a white and black hound dog that sits in Bo’s shop. She hangs out with Bo all day either by playing, sleeping, or just being there with him. She’s the sweetest doggie ever.
Beaver. This light brown lab-German Shepard mix was found by Lester while he was beaver hunting up north. He decided to bring him home after Beaver jumped into his truck and barked at him.
Peach. She’s brown, grey, and black mut that always brings a smile to anyone. Bo’s having a bad day? She’ll do a little dance. Vincent is sad? She gets him to smile. Lester having a bad day? She’ll run and bring the biggest stick every! A tourist taking their last breaths and scared? She’ll lay next to them and put her head on their chest, staying until the heartbeat fades.
Sunny. He’s a sweet little golden retriever that Lester found in the kill pit. Shy at first but will love you until the end. Will steal your food.
Alaska. She’s a red husky that Vincent adopted after he killed her owner for tying it outside in the heat (it was 102 that day). He takes her on walks and lets her sleep next to him between Jonesy and him.
Canon. Just as the name implies, he’s a canon. He’s Bo’s hunting beagle, and he’s good at bird and gator hunting. He runs fast, kills fast, and eats fast. Play fetch with him! He loves it!
Pepper Flaks. Vicncent’s not a fan of little dogs, but this grey and gold Chihuahua won his heart after she did a little dance. Her favorite food is pepper jack cheese, grilled green pepper, red peppers, bell peppers, pepper flacks— if it has peppers in it, she’ll eat it.
Cyclone. The oldest sausage dog you’ll ever see. He’s been alive longer than the twins, so that should say something. He hardly walks or moves around, but moves just enough to show he’s alive. Survived 3 heart attacks, a broken rib, 4 coyote fights (he’s won all 4), and has killed snakes. His back legs don’t work, going blind, and he can’t hear well, but he’s a happy boy, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t outlive the Sinclairs. 
Bluey. She’s a blue and grey puppy heeler :3 . Lester found her and is forever happy with this little girl. She loves going on adventures with her sister and hanging out with Jonesy.
Bingo. She’s a golden and orange heeler. She is sisters to Bluey. She loves running in circles and “singing” with Indy.
Now, the strangeness of the 3 Black German Shepherds and how they were found:
Demon. This one-eye black German Shepard is silent and scares everyone. Vincent found him curled in the back of the church under a destroyed cross, sleeping under the Virgin Mary statue. He stays near Vincent most of the time and attacks victims if they fight Vincent. (If you squint real hard, the dog looks like Vincent.) No one knows where he came from or how he got into the locked church.
Devil. Looks exactly like Demon, but has all of its eyes. He’s loud and friend, but don’t get him mad or in a corner; he will bite. Bo took him in as his own. Devil walks along side Bo and only answers to him and no one else. (If you squint, Bo and him are the same). Again, no one knows how or when these pups got in the church or how the cross got burned. But does anyone know why the Virgin Mary statue had water coming from her eyes?
Saint. A black German Shepherd with a little white cross on his head. Lester found her on the same day when Demon and Devil were found, but Lester didn’t know about it. He learned about them when he brought Saint over a day after. Lester woke up, made coffee, and and looked in his living room. Underneath the ram skull on his wall, Saint laid asleep. The doors were locked and there was no way Saint could’ve just came in. Saint is the sweetest, happiest, cutes puppy every! He loves people and being around Lester. Enjoys the roadkill pit, too.
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