#hirunkit changkham
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7698 · 3 months ago
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crishel2 · 1 year ago
Nani Hirunkit 🥰 30/10/23
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Instagram @hirunkit_ GTWY 🤍✨ Pedindo licença ao dono da foto.
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jayudistrict · 2 years ago
Jayu District is looking for Hirunkit Changkham to be our newest residents!
Jayu District is officially open! Apply today to become a resident and find your peace away from your idol duties ♥
Jayu District is an idol based, Semi-lit/literate roleplay. A place for your famous status to melt away. Find your tranquility living within Jayu District. Distance your life from eyes of the public and media just to live free and happy. Interact with just the community without worry of drama and scandals. Apply to to reside in Jayu today!
»»—— ♥ General/idol based »»—— ♥ 18+ »»—— ♥ City theme »»—— ♥ Semi-literate/Literate »»—— ♥ All Asians accepted »»—— ♥ AU options included within the RP
♡ Rules ♡ Master List ♡ Apply ♡ AFF ♡ Mobile Navigation ♡
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lost-my-sanity1 · 23 days ago
Nani literally has bedroom–do–me–eyes 😭 He is so seductive. In shoots, he activates those eyes 😭 I cannot!
fuck foreal he's so so sexy and seductive in his photoshoots I can't for the sake of god stand him it's so annoying drives me fuckinh crazy and this picture of him will go down in history it makes my mind heart brain go brrrrr for a significant amount of time
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I need him to play a seductive role in a series for fucks sake
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binging-asian-dramas · 2 years ago
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F4: Boys Over Flowers. 7
Story: 7
Acting: 9
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to:  Meteor Garden (Taiwan drama) ; Hana Yori Dango (jdrama); Meteor Garden (cdrama) ; Boys Over Flowers (kdrama) ;
The best drama? Nope. The least one. Nope again. I’ve seen every rendition to this drama, it’s a classic even though the storyline may be troupe and cliche, but for some reason it’s always a much watch for me, especially with the original versions and Chinese version. All in all, each version actually has something special to it that is better then the other and also has something that is annoyingly bad. This version, the Thai one, has a bit of good and unfortunately a bit more on the bad side. For one thing it’s really hard to cram a big storyline like HYD into 16 episodes. Don’t get me wrong I really enjoyed how the Thai drama first started off. It was really great, but somewhere towards the middle it started to get jammed up, as those who are familiar with the anime could tell how the material was getting muddled together especially towards the end. On a positive note, the chemistry throughout the cast is one of my favorites out of all of the versions. The friendship between F4, and also the chemistry between the main leads were spot on. Then there’s always the Ren character, the Hua Ze Lei character, the Hanazawa Rui character, Yoon Ji Hoo character, and the Hua Ze Lei character. Why oh why, do they always have to be written in a damn so near perfect way. Always second male lead syndrome. *sigh*
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academyofbrokenhearts · 1 year ago
Everything about this scene is hilarious, from the accidental kiss to Kavin and MJ exclaiming "oh my God" in unison to Thyme's reactions.
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 Bwahahahahah! I especially love how it takes a second for his brain to catch up with what happened and you see his face go from his ready to brawl “what did you do to me” to giddy “what did you do to me” and then he bolts trying to hide a grin and ahahahahahah
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whumpily-ever-after · 29 days ago
High School Frenemy มิตรภาพคราบศัตรู Whump List
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Summary: When Siamwit School falls on hard times, the school administrator Paphada decides to merge Udon Phithak campus with the main campus, Thep Burapha. The two campuses have long been at odds with each other, and now they'll be sharing one roof for the next school year. Saint, the head of class M.5/2, doesn't care about school or anyone in it. In middle school, he headed a gang of bullies. Now, he's met with rebellious, temperamental and stubborn Shin. In the past, Saint and Shin were close friends, but something happened between them that put a violent end to their friendship. The friction between the two causes a classroom war and teachers Jan and Sung have to put their differences aside and come together to put an end to the fighting which will require a reconciliation between Saint and Shin.
Genre: Youth, drama
Year: 2024
Country: Thailand
Where to watch: YouTube
Note: This is a remake of the Korean drama School 2013. The lovely @love-me-a-lotta-whump made a list for that drama which you can check out here.
Possible spoilers ahead...
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Whumpee: “Saint” Thamnithis Nitiroj played by Sky Wongravee Nateetorn
Episode 1: Chased; takes a beating in place of his father; punched in the face, blood on his lip
Episode 2: Told his true nature is liking to hurt others; punched in the face, grabbed by the collar, threatened to be punched again, shoved back; grabbed by the shirt, manhandled, pushed around, punched in the face, slapped, blood on his lip, grabbed by the shirt, punched in the face, falls to the ground; held in place, punched in the face, kneed in the stomach, blood on his nose; pushed back, threatened, grabbed by the shirt; in a fight
Episode 3: Teary-eyed, takes the blame for something he didn’t do, lets the school principal insult him; takes a beating (mostly fine afterwards); (flashback) uses himself as a shield to protect his friend, kicked in the back repeatedly
Episode 4: In a fight, cut on his cheek
Episode 5: In a fight, threatened with a knife; slapped in the face, emotional pain
Episode 6: Lets others beat him
Episode 7: Pushed against a wall, grabbed by the shirt, punched in the face, worried about his friend; tells his class about how he beat his friend and ruined his life, crying; punched in the face, told if he gives up the most important thing to him, his friend will go back to school; decided to drop out of school, emotional pain; says he’s not giving up school but his friend
Episode 8: Teachers, friends, and family all concerned about him
Episode 9: None
Episode 10: Locked in a room with his classmates; makes a deal to steal a gang leader’s bike for his friend’s safety; shot at, chased; slapped in the face, told to stay away from his friend
Episode 11: Locked on the school roof, punched in the face, emotional, punched in the face, falls into a stack of desks, desks fall on him, unconscious, concern for him
Episode 12: (Flashback) scolded by his friend’s mom, tears, told to never let his friend see him again; (present) willing goes with the gang leader out to get him and his friend; kicked in the chest, falls to the ground, kicked in the head, blood on his head, held in place, punched repeatedly, grabbed by the hair, dropped to the floor, coughing, blood in his mouth, hit with a metal pipe, kicked and stomped on, beaten body left with the trash, concern for him
Episode 13: Wounds tended to, flinching in pain
Episodes 14-15: None
Episode 16: Shot at, chased, cornered, in a fight, threatened with a knife; kicked away from his friend, held in place, punched repeatedly, in a fight, knocked to the floor x2, helped to stand; crying
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Whumpee: Shin Naruebet played by Nani Hirunkit Changkham
Episode 1: In a fight, punched multiple times, manhandled, held back by a police officer, arrested; in a fight, chased
Episode 2: Grabbed by the shirt, pulled back from a fight; held in place, punched in the stomach, slapped, in a fight, punched in the face repeatedly
Episode 3: In a fight; (flashback) beaten, holding his arm across his stomach, struggling to stand, friend uses himself as a human shield, groaning in pain, helped to stand
Episode 4: Flashback to getting beaten by his friend; in a fight; ambushed, kicked in the face, falls to the ground, blood on his mouth, kicked repeatedly, grabbed by the shirt, punched in the face; beaten, held in place, unable to hold himself up, bruised and bleeding, grabbed by the chin, beating continues, stands as a shield in front of his friend, kicked in the chest, falls to the floor, concern for him
Episode 5: (Picks up from pervious episode) Stands as a shield in front of his friend, kicked in the chest, falls to the floor, concern for him, refuses to go to the hospital, helped to stand, helped to walk; pain in his leg, concern for him, limping, kicked in the leg, falls to the floor, helped to stand
Episode 6: A teacher calls him a delinquent
Episode 7: School administration actively looking for a reason to expel him; emotional pain; (flashback) beaten by his friend, blood on his face, kicked repeatedly, leg broken, curling around his leg, crying in pain, in the hospital, cast on his leg, abandoned by his friend (the one who hurt him)
Episodes 8-9: None
Episode 10: Locked in a room with his classmates; shot at, chased, hit in the leg with a pipe, groaning in pain, helped to walk, limping; abandoned by his friend again
Episode 11: (Flashback) in the hospital, cast on his leg, watches his friend walk away, lashes out in pain and frustration; (present) locked on the school roof, confronts his friend about their past, causes his friend to be injured, calling for help
Episode 12: Upset his friend took a beating for him, crying
Episode 13: Punched in the face
Episodes 14-15: None
Episode 16: Shot at, chased, kicked in the stomach, falls to the floor, hit on the back with a metal pipe, pipe held across his chest, in a fight, concerned for his friend, kicked in the chest, in a fight, kicked in the head, falls to the floor, grabbed by the shirt, punched repeatedly, in a fight, uses himself as a shield, stabbed in the back, concern for him, passes out; wakes up in the hospital, emotional
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Whumpee: Ken Kasidit played by Kay Lertsittichai
Episode 1: In a fight, punched multiple times, manhandled, held back by a police officer, arrested; in a fight
Episode 2: Punched in the face, pushed to the ground, punched in the face, in a fight
Episode 3: Kicked in the chest, falls to the floor, punched in the face, kneed in the stomach; in a fight
Episode 4: In a fight
Episode 5: Grabbed by the back of his neck, scared, coerced into doing a gang leader’s dirty work
Episode 6: Subtly threatened, grabbed by the back of his neck
Episodes 7-9: None
Episode 10: Locked in a room with his classmates
Episode 11: Emotional pain
Episode 12: Grabbed by the back of the neck, threatened
Episode 13: Punched in the stomach, bending over in pain, grabbed by the shirt, held against a wall, slapped in the face x2, hit in the stomach with a wooden baseball bat, slides to the floor, grabbed by the hair, forced to stand, scolded for disobeying orders, punched in the stomach, slides back to the floor, kicked in the head, kicked in the repeatedly; father tells him all his does is cause trouble, scolded, grabbed by the shirt, pushed back, hit in the head, falls to the floor, kicked repeatedly, emotional abuse from his father, curled up on the floor, crying; friends concerned for him, in a fight, pushed to the floor, head hits a vase, dazed, bleeding on the back of his head; concern for him, punched in the face, emotional pain
Episode 14: Told he is useless, pushed back, grabbed by the chin, threatened; emotional pain, crying
Episode 15: Father says a guy like him will never make it far in life, pushed back, friends stand up for him, crying
Episode 16: Ambushed at home, held in place, punched in the face repeatedly, punched in the stomach, bending over in pain, slapped, punched, kidnapped, friends concerned for him; pushed around, punched and kicked, falls to the floor, grabbed by the hair, forced to stand, gun held to his head, hit in the stomach and back with the gun, falls to the floor, curling in on himself, groaning in pain, bruised and bloody, kicked and stomped on; in a fight, kicked in the head, falls to the floor, tries to help his friend, grabbed in a headlock, manhandled, thrown to the floor, kicked and stomped on, helped to stand
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highschoolfrenemy · 1 month ago
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NANI HIRUNKIT CHANGKHAM as Shin Naruebet Ittiwat
High School Frenemy (2024)
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sakurajjam · 7 months ago
Se está buscando fcs novos para seus personagens, por que não dar a chance para os fcs tailandeses? Existem opções lindíssimas para representar todos os tipos de personagens! Pensando nisso, após o cut, reuni 72 garotos tailandeses que permitem o uso de sua imagem; ia colocar se tinha resources disponíveis ou não, mas optei por colocar apenas o instagram já que muitos tem hunts, mas não estão disponíveis. Essa lista vai ser atualizada conforme junto novos nomes ou os atores ficam mais velhos, porque alguns são de 2003, então acho melhor esperar um pouco. 
AJ Chayapol Jutamat, ator, 2001 (Gêmeo de JJ Jutamat)
Aou Thanaboon Kiatniran, ator, 2000
Apo Nattawin Wattanagitiphat, ator, 1994
Bambam Kunpimook Bhuwakul, membro do GOT7, 1997
Bible Wichapas Sumettikul, ator, 1997
Billy Patchanon Ounsa-ard, ator, 1994
Book Kasidet Plookphol, ator, 1996
Boss Chaikamon Sermsongwittaya, ator, 1999
Boun Noppanut Guntachai, ator, 1995
Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree, ator e cantor, 1997
Chimon Wachirawit Ruangwiwat, ator, 2000
Dew Jirawat Sutivanichsak, ator, 2000
Drake Sattabut Laedeke, ator, 2000
Dunk Natachai Boonprasert, ator, 2001
Earth Pirapat Watthanasetsiri, ator e cantor, 1994
Fluke Natouch Siripongthon, ator, 1996
Fluke Pusit Ditaphisit, ator, 1997
Force Jiratchapong Srisang, ator, 1997
Fort Thitipong Sangngey, ator, 2000
Frank Thanatsaran Samthonglai, ator, 2000
Gun Atthaphan Phunsawat, ator e apresentador, 1993
Heng Asavarid Pinitkanjanapun, ator, 1997
James Supamongkon Wongwisut, ex-ator e cantor, 1999
Jeff Satur, ator e cantor, 1995
Jimmy Jitaraphol Potiwihok, ator e doutor, 1994
JJ Chayakorn Jutamat, ator, 2001 (Gêmeo de AJ Jutamat)
Joong Archen Aydin, ator, 2001
Junior Panachai Sriariyarungruang, ator, 1996
Kao Noppakao Dechaphatthanakun, ator e modelo, 1994
Khaotung Thanawat Rattanakitpaisan, ator, 1998
Lay Talay Sanguandikul, ator, 1995
Louis Thanawin Teeraphosukarn, ator e cantor, 2000
Mark Pakin Kuna-anuvit, ator e ex atleta de badminton, 1998
Mark Sorntast Buangam, ator, 1992
Max Kornthas Rujeerattanavorapan, ator, 1993
Mike Chinnarat Siriphongchawalit, ator e economista, 1993
Mile Phakphum Romsaithong, ator, 1992
Mix Sahaphap Wongratch, ator e cantor (ex membro de boyband), 1998
Nani Hirunkit Changkham, ator, 1997
Nat Natasitt Uareksit, ator, 2002
Neo Trai Nimtawat, ator e jogador de basquete, 2001
Net Siraphop Manithikhun, ator, 1997
New Thitipoom Techaapaikhun, ator, 1993
Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul, membro do 2PM e ator, 1988
Nine Naphat Siangsomboon, ator, 1996
Nodt Nutthasid Panyangarm, ator, 1993
Noeul Nuttarat Tangwai, ator, 1999
Non Ratchanon Kanpiang, ator, 2001
Nunew Chawarin Perdpiriyawong, ator e cantor, 2001
Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee, ator, 2000
Ohm Thitiwat Ritprasert, ator, 1997
Pavel Naret Promphaopun, ator, 1997
Peat Wasuthorn Chaijinda, ator, 1997
Perth Nakhun Screaight, ator e modelo, 1994
Perth Tanapon Sukumpantanasan, ator e cantor, 2001
Pond Naravit Lertratkosum, ator, 2001
Prem Warut Chawalitrujiwong, ator, 1998
Satang Kittiphop Sereevichayasawat, ator, 2001
Sea Tawinan Anukoolprasert, ator, 1999
Seng Wichai Saefant, ator, 1999
Sing Harit Cheewagaroon, ator, 1997
Tay Tawan Vihokratana, ator, 1991
Tonnam Piamchol Dumrongsoontornchai, ator, 1996
Toptap Jirakit Kuariyakul, ator, 1994
Tor Thanapob Leeluttanakajorn, ator, 1994
Tum Warawut Poyim, ator, 1993
Tutor Koraphat Lamnoi, ator e youtuber, 2000
Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, ator e cantor, 1999
Winny Thanawin Pholcharoenrat, ator, 2000
Wynn Pawin Kulkaranyawich, ator, 1996
Yim Pharinyakorn Khansawa, ator, 2000
Zee Pruk Panich, ator, 1992
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thegreatdandilion · 21 days ago
Saint had a different reason for leaving
Guys I updated this fic to 11 chapters from the 4 chapters I posted here. Drama, fluff, cute romance bromance, hurt and comfort, and hella lot of whump.
Link is below
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มิตรภาพคราบศัตรู | High School Frenemy (TV)
Saint Thamnithit (High School Frenemy)
Nani Hirunkit Changkham
Sky Wongravee Nateetorn
Shin Naruebet (High School Frenemy)
Ken Kasidit (High School Frenemy)
Eve (High School Frenemy)
Peeta Peechaya (High School Frenemy)
Jan (High School Frenemy)
Sung Sirawit (High School Frenemy)
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Wednesday Club (2023, THAILAND)
Episode 1 Airing Monday & Tuesday (GMMTV)
Post 2 of 2
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Kong (PAWAT CHITTSAWANGDEE aka OHM) arrives at the condo and is joined by Phali (HIRUNKIT CHANGKHAM aka NANI) who is also naked but with a reason.
Apparently he was with a woman with a boyfriend. A boyfriend that caught him with his lady and wants retribution.
Borrowed towels ends this naked run. Well the running continues but at least now they are partially covered.
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7698 · 7 months ago
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jayudistrict · 10 days ago
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Jayu District is looking for Nani Hirunkit Changkham to be our newest resident!
Jayu District is an idol based, Semi-lit/literate roleplay. Find your tranquility living within Jayu District. A community of friendly and neighborly residents. There's always something to do at Jayu, whether it be biweekly activities or have fun in our chats. Make a home for yourself and apply to be reside in Jayu today! We can’t wait to meet you! 
»»—— ♥ General/idol based »»—— ♥ 19+ »»—— ♥ City theme »»—— ♥ Semi-literate/Literate »»—— ♥ All Asians accepted »»—— ♥ AU options included within the RP
♡ Rules ♡ Master List ♡ Apply ♡ AFF ♡ Mobile Navigation
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rippedfromsplt · 1 year ago
Like for a starter from
M.J. / Methas Jarustiwa~Nani Hirunkit Changkham~Vampire(Mafia)~Computer hacker~🖲️
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academyofbrokenhearts · 2 years ago
Absolutely, 100%, none of them are okay. Ren is just extremely passive, and even if he disagrees with what's going on, he prefers walking away rather than voicing whatever objections he might have. Gorya clings to him because he's the only F4 member who shows a bit of humanity towards her, but she should be furious with all of them.
Only one episode in, but I'm really digging this adaptation.
F4 Thailand is everything Hanadan adaptations should be!
Take that, China and Korea! Their Makino is awesome and their Domyouji can compete in a psycho-off with Matsujun and Jerry Yan. MY HEART IS FULL!!!!
I love her but her hair is giving me OCD and I want to sweep those two strands off her face something fierce!
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I love how they updated it for the digital age. When the manga came out in the early 90s. CCTV was not a thing.
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Also, the bullying in this is FUCKED UP INTENSE!!!! Probably the only version I’ve seen that can compete with the Taiwanese one.
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I love the way they introduce the F4 here. It’s not walking through the hallways adored - they are still adored and girls are still screaming - as they walk to beat the hell out of an innocent kid and ruin his life. Ooof.
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Domyouji (called Thyme in this version) clothing taste is appropriately awful. Those clashing leopard prints are as big a crime as his bullying club. But also, I have never seen this actor in anything (I know he became famous due to 2gether which was a huge hit of a BL series, but I don’t do college fluff, not my thing) but I love him for this role. He’s got the great “psycho who would knife you for kicks” vibe.
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Seriously, he is THE WORST! And it’s glorious. No studious bridge player here.
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He is gonna get athlete’s foot walking in that dirty warm water.
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Good luck, kid!
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And he walks off with his posse, leaving this whistleblower to be beaten within an inch of his life (one of his buddies off-hand mentions “leave him alive.”) That is why I never thought any of the four were OK and Makino’s starry-eyed crush on Rui was delusion - sure he doesn’t beat people up himself but neither he nor the rest of them stop their buddy from running a reign of terror and actually assist him. Also mmmm the hypocrisy!
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whumpily-ever-after · 2 years ago
Home School นักเรียนต้องขัง Whump List
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Summary: Deep in the woods lies a mysterious school where only thirteen students are allowed to attend at a time and their parents are the ones who must take an exam for entrance. This school does not have a typical curriculum, however. The students are forced to take unprecedented tests and face harsh punishments if they fail or refuse. The school also hides a darker mystery with a missing former student at the center.
Country: Thailand
Year: 2023
Genre: Thriller, mystery, youth
Watch it on: YouTube
Spoilers ahead...
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Whumpee: Run played by Gun Atthaphan
Episode 1: Chased, falls to the ground, grabbed from behind, demanding to be let go, in a chokehold, forced to eat something, falls to his knees, disoriented, passes out
Episode 2: (Flashback) Crying, covered in blood, apologizing for killing his father
Episode 3: No appearance
Episode 4: None
Episode 5: No appearance
Episode 6: Locked in a room by himself, a bag placed over his head
Episode 7: On his knees, hands tied behind his back, bag over his head, manhandled, yelling for them to let go of him, told he must be cured; locked up somewhere underground, asks when he will be set free
Episode 8: No appearance
Episode 9: Tied to a chair, a device wrapped around his head, forced to watch a video of him and his sister, crying; told his sister will be hurt if he does not cooperate
Episode 10: None
Episode 11: (Flashback) pushed down repeatedly, uses himself as a shield to protect his sister, hit in the back with a book multiple times
Episode 12: Failed escape attempt, scared, his sister is threatened
Episode 13: Crying
Episode 14: Hands tied behind his back, bag over his head, manhandled; tied to a chair, escapes
Episode 15: Betrayed, teary-eyed; crying, goes to his knees, begs his mentor for help, in a chokehold; threatened with a gun; locked in a room; fails to save one of his teachers, crying
Episode 16: Crying, told he is responsible for the death of his teacher; crying; (flashback) tied up, chains around his ankles, on the ground, nail torture, screaming
Episode 17: Locked in a room; emotional
Episode 18: Holding his dying sister in his arms, begging her to hold on; crying; stopped from killing someone, crying; grieving the loss of his father figure
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Whumpee: Tibet played by Nani Hirunkit Changkham
Episode 1: Drugged, dizzy, passes out
Episodes 2-5: None
Episode 6: In a fight
Episodes 7-8: None
Episode 9: Told they will have to compete for food; locked up; forced to kneel until he feels remorse
Episode 10: Told to run away; eats a cookie he knows is drugged; crying, discovers his mother passed away
Episode 11: Upset after learning a secret about his father, grieving
Episode 12: None
Episode 13: Forced to kneel for many hours as a punishment
Episode 14: Wakes up in the infirmary
Episode 15: Threatened with a gun; locked in a room; fails to save his classmate
Episode 16: Learns one of his teachers is dead
Episode 17: Learns how his father really died, crying
Episode 18: Concerned for his classmate
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Whumpee: Nai played by Dew Jirawat Sutivanichsak
Episode 1: Drugged, dizzy, passes out
Episode 2: None
Episode 3: Scared, locked in a classroom, told they can’t leave until they finish the assignment, upset
Episodes 4-5: None
Episode 6: In a fight
Episodes 7-8: None
Episode 9: Told they will have to compete for food; locked up; forced to kneel until he feels remorse
Episode 10: Told to run away; eats a cookie he knows is drugged; crying
Episodes 11-12: None
Episode 13: Scared
Episode 14: None
Episode 15: Threatened with a gun, punched in the stomach x2; locked in a room; fails to save his classmate
Episode 16: Learns one of his teachers is dead, held back (after punching another teacher)
Episode 17: Confronts his father; shot at, chased, concerned for his classmate
Episode 18: Concerned for his classmate, uses himself as bait; kicked in the stomach, falls to the ground, kneed in the stomach, falls to the ground, curling around himself protectively, punched and kicked repeatedly; on the ground, weak from a beating, punched and kicked again, coughing; covered in blood, breathing heavily, classmates tending to his wounds
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Whumpee: Penneung played by Chimon Wachirawit Ruangwiwat
Episode 1: Drugged, dizzy, passes out
Episode 2: Tripped, falls to the ground, threatened by a classmate, begs not to be locked up; punished for failing an assignment, told he will be locked up
Episode 3: Manhandled, says he doesn’t want to be locked up, scared, forced to eat a pill
Episode 4: None
Episodes 5-7: Holding his hands over his head, begging his classmates to stop fighting
Episode 8: None
Episode 9: Told they will have to compete for food
Episode 10: Eats a cookie he knows is drugged; told to go back to school where he will be safe from his father
Episodes 11-14: None
Episode 15: Threatened with a gun; locked in a room; manhandled; poison injected into his body (not shown); tied to a chair, weak from the poison; on the floor, concern for him,
Episode 16: Threatened with a knife; hit in the face, falls to the floor
Episode 17: Locked in a room
Episode 18: None
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Whumpee: Hugo played by Kay Lertsittichai
Episode 1: Drugged, dizzy, passes out; punched in the face, in a fight
Episode 2: Slapped, pushed
Episode 3: Locked in a classroom, told they can’t leave until they finish the assignment
Episodes 4-5: None
Episode 6: In a fight, held down on the ground
Episode 7: Believes his brother died because of him, says his parents hate him; manhandled, almost locked up, runs away; lost, picked up by a police officer, trapped in the police car, forced to go back to Home School, manhandled
Episode 8: Locked up for a week, begging to be let go, told he is not ready, locked up again
Episode 9: Brainwashed after being locked up; told they will have to compete for food
Episode 10: Eats a cookie he knows is drugged; at gunpoint
Episode 11: None
Episode 12: Chosen for “treatment”
Episode 13: No appearance
Episode 14: Hooked up to a machine, brainwashed, scared, breathing heavily
Episode 15: No appearance
Episode 16: None
Episode 17: Brainwashed (hypnotized)
Episode 18: Knocked to the ground, at gunpoint
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Whumpee: Mek played by AJ Chayapol Jutamas
Episode 1: Drugged, dizzy, passes out
Episode 2: None
Episode 3: Hit in the leg (might have been JJ); locked in a classroom, told they can’t leave until they finish the assignment
Episodes 4-7: None
Episode 8: Manhandled, locked up (not shown)
Episode 9: In a fight; told they will have to compete for food, forced to fight his brother
Episode 10: Eats a cookie he knows is drugged; his father tells him he was forced to take custody of him and his brother in the divorce, crying
Episodes 11-12: None
Episode 13: No appearance
Episode 14: Found unconscious
Episode 15: No appearance
Episode 16: None
Episode 17: Locked in a room; pushed to the ground, threatened with a baseball bat
Episode 18: None
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Whumpee: Mork played by JJ Chayakorn Jutamas
Episode 1: Drugged, dizzy, passes out; punched in the face
Episodes 2-7: None
Episode 8: Pushed, manhandled, locked up (not shown)
Episode 9: In a fight; told they will have to compete for food, forced to fight his brother; falls to the ground, punched repeatedly, dazed; helped to walk
Episode 10: Eats a cookie he knows is drugged; his father tells him he was forced to take custody of him and his brother in the divorce, crying
Episodes 11-12: None
Episode 13: No appearance
Episode 14: Found unconscious
Episode 15: No appearance
Episode 16: Threatened with a knife; kicked, grabbed by the hair, strangled
Episode 17: Locked in a room; pushed to the ground, threatened with a baseball bat
Episode 18: None
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Whumpee: Jean played by Indy Thanathat Tanjararak
Episode 1: Drugged, dizzy, passes out
Episode 2: None
Episode 3: Locked in a classroom, told they can’t leave until they finish the assignment
Episodes 4-7: None
Episode 8: (Flashback) slapped by his father, shaking
Episode 9: Told they will have to fight for food
Episode 10: Eats a cookie he knows is drugged; says he is an unwanted son
Episode 11: None
Episode 12: Chosen for “treatment”
Episodes 13-16: No appearance
Episode 17: Brainwashed (hypnotized)
Episode 18: None
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