#hirtia caldwell
carewyncromwell · 4 years
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“Ooh...I do, I do, I do, I do! Hey! Ooh...I do, I do, I do, I do! Boy, you got me helpless! Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit -- I’m helpless! Down for the count, and I'm drownin’ in ‘em...”
~“Helpless,” from Hamilton
accompanying aesthetic by @cursebreakerfarrier xoxo
Jackson Knightly (A.K.A. Jackie, Jacko, and Jack) is generally considered one of the “cool kids” in both his class and Slytherin house overall. The young Quidditch commentator is best known for his charisma, charm, lofty ambitions, and overall fearlessness, making him the perfect host for loud parties, an ideal partner for oral reports and debates, an excellent conspirator for any “bending-the-school-rules” kind of affair, and (of course) a very fun person to just hang out with. But those people who do get to know Jackson well enough that he gives them personalized nicknames -- such as his BFF Adelia “Addy” Selwyn @that-ravenpuff-witch and his other close confidantes, “his sweet Demiguise,” Hirtia Caldwell @cursed-ice-spirits and “his lady Vipertooth,” Orla Atkinson @hphm-brooke -- know that he’s not as shallow and easy to read as he first appears. Underneath that sociable, confident mask, there is actually a real sensitive side to Jackson, making him incredibly dedicated to those people he lets into his heart as well as affectionate to the point of fawning and even smothering. Therefore when old Jacko fell in love with his friend Montelimar “Monty” Bloom @cursebreakerfarrier in his later Hogwarts years, everyone who was not a close friend of Jackson’s was completely blind-sided and flabbergasted upon seeing this cool, suave charmer turn into a completely lovestruck, blushing, overly romantic dork about the subject of his affection.
In short, you could say when it comes to his brilliant Frenchman, poor Jackson is completely and totally helpless~💚
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HPHL Profile
Ninfa Altera Profile
Template made by @hogwartsmysterystory​
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Older Ninfa
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Name: Ninfa Ariadne Alessia Altera
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 4 May
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Ethnicity: Italian-Greek
Nationality: Scottish-Italian
Residence: Glasgow, Scotland
Myer Briggs Personality Type:  ESFJ-A/Consul
Wand: Sea serpent tooth, Hazel 12 1/2″
Animagus: Common Genet with a cross marking over the left eye
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Misc Magical Abilities: 
Altera family magic: Like the rest of her family, Ninfa can awaken hidden power in anything infused with their blood. Ninfa’s gauntlets increase her strength exponentially 
Boggart Form: Her loved ones dead, after Hogwarts:  David alive and standing over the dead bodies of her loved ones
Riddikulus Form: Dancing frogs in tuxedos and top hats
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) The sea, lemons, dark chocolate, plum jam, aniseed  
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) Cinnamon, fresh bread, old library books, ink
Patronus: King Cobra
Patronus Memory: Meeting Hirtia
Mirror of Erised: Her, David, Hirtia and Leone all happy together and alive. Ninfa rejects this entirely and is incredibly shaken when she sees it due to the presence of David
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Fissure spell(A spell she created that causes the ground to crack open under the target)
Faceclaim: Aj Michalka
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Height: 5′11
Physique: Buff
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Blonde
Skin Tone: Tan
Body Modifications: Water nymph tattoo on thigh, Lion-Sunflower tattoo on right shoulder, book tattoo with a nebula coming out of the pages on left forearm
Scarring: A scar cutting vertically across the left side of her mouth, a scar under her right eye. Missing left eye(After graduating)
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?): 
While at Hogwarts: wand, gauntlets, School supplies, Altera signet ring, hair ribbons, Homemade plum jam, 
After Graduating:  Sword with a place for her wand to go in, wand, gauntlets, Altera signet ring, hair ribbons, Homemade plum jam, Eyepatches, hard candy
Fashion: High class victorian clothes that allow her to fight without tripping up in big skirts
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Ilvermorny House: Thunderbird
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Altera Family
Professions: Auror
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Flying: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic:  A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O
Magical Theory: O
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Muggle Music: E
Alchemy: E
Quidditch: N/A
Extra Curricular: Dueling Club
Older Brother: Enzo Altera
Three years Older
Works as a bartender
Cares immensely for Ninfa and constantly worries about her when she is away doing missions especially after she loses her left eye. 
He is very protective of Ninfa and always kept an eye on her when they were younger which was not necessary most of the time which at times strains their relationship and leads to arguments which last until someone steps in
Younger Sister: Yvette Altera
Two years younger
Works as a healer
Always believes in Ninfa when she is doing anything at all and knew that she would still be alright when she lost her eye
She looks up to Ninfa and became a healer to support her indirectly by healing anyone brought back from auror missions
Father: Orazio Altera
Works as a healer
Went to Olympia School of Magic and was chosen by Asclepius 
Orazio much like Yvette lets Ninfa do what she wishes for the most part and knows she can handle herself but of course worries him when she is on very dangerous missions
Mother: Calliope Sideris
Works as a magical blacksmith
Went to Olympia School of Magic and was chosen by Hephaestus
Calliope trusts in Ninfa’s abilities wholeheartedly and always reassures her husband when he gets too worried about Ninfa being on a mission
She is also the one who used to stop Ninfa and Enzo’s arguments until Hirtia came around
Love Interest: Hirtia Caldwell
Formerly: David Michaelsen(Deceased)
Best Friends: Oriana Dartsby
Isolde Roissinn of Avalon
Merlissia Xenia Aetós
A granian named Ignia
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A great horned owl named Artiglio
A crup named Violet
MC Friends:
Unni Arcano @kathrynalicemc 
Oliana Arcano
Merlissia Xenia Aetós @aleksia-aries-hogwartsmystery  
Elyas Drakos
Visenya Stormr
Lithian Stormr
Hirtia Caldwell @cursed-ice-spirits
Isolde Roissinn of Avalon @no-moon-nor-stars
Pre Hogwarts: Ninfa was born in Ariccia, Italy as the second child of Orazio and Calliope. Ninfa lived in Italy until she was nine years old when her family immigrated to Scotland.  When she was 10 years old, Ninfa almost drowned when some seaweed got caught around her ankle when high tide was coming in which resulted in the water going above her head. fortunately Enzo noticed her in time and quickly rescued her, however this incident caused her to become scared of the ocean. One day after school, Ninfa was chased up a tree by a group of older children and she fell down it when she put too much weight on a branch, causing her scars on her face but she quickly got up in a blood rage and awakened her family magic using a nearby rock to try fight off the group, the end result was many of the bullies were hospitalised. 
Hogwarts Years: In her first year, Ninfa befriended Oriana and Hirtia almost immediately upon meeting both of them. Her mother starts teaching her how to work the forge which she quickly picks up like a duck to water. Ninfa meets David through Hirtia in year four and pretty quickly has a massive crush on him that is obvious to everyone but David Ninfa becomes one of the prefects of Slytherin and becomes an animagus. This is also the year where she forges her gauntlets Her last year at Hogwarts is when she and David finally begin dating and she forges the sword she stores her wand in when she graduates
Post-Hogwarts: After graduating Ninfa became an auror and married David after dating for 6 years. Shortly after their marriage Ninfa became pregnant with their son, Leone but once he was born, David became abusive to Ninfa which eventually resulted in Ninfa killing him mercilessly to protect Leone. 6 months after David’s death, Ninfa was caught in a trap facing 10 wizards by herself, she eventually killed them all singlehandedly but not without the total loss of her left eye Shortly after the loss of her eye, Ninfa is on the case of a serial killer with a long unused way of killing which Ninfa does not know enough about so she goes to consult a historian who happens to be Hirtia and once Hirtia provides all the information she can find, the two catch each other up on what’s happening in their lives. Eventually feelings blossomed and the two began dating each other. 
Very Confident with one exception
Very Prideful of her and her friend’s accomplishments
She is very self conscious about her fear of the ocean due to her almost drowning being the reason Enzo is so overprotective of her along with thinking people will think less of her for it
She makes plum jam regularly and bribes her friends with it
She knows how to play the harp
She knows English, Greek, Italian and German
She has a bear plush that she used to sleep with as a baby that she hands down to her son 
Her nymph tattoo look like this, her lion tattoo looks like this and her book tattoo looks like this
Will hug the nearest person to her when she falls asleep and will not let go until she wakes up
She only passed History of Magic thanks to Hirtia as she frequently fell asleep in the classes so never really learned anything in them
She hates blood supremacists 
Her family’s home also acts as a home for a herd of Granians that come and go throughout the years, this herd is also the one where Ignia came from
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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[HPHL] Dark!Jackson Knightly AU Moodboard
--Inspired by @cursebreakerfarrier’s Dark!Teddy Ellison AU--
“I've been broken by the Devil...
Justice is a waste of time!
I won't get to heaven...
Why not raise a little Hell?”
~“Raise a Little Hell,” from Bonnie and Clyde the musical
In an ideal world, the son of seedy Muggle conman John Eglinton and naive witch Cassandra Knightly was able to escape the control of his father with the support of his first friend, Adelia Selwyn @that-ravenpuff-witch, and return to his mother in Britain, where he could then attend Hogwarts, make more wonderful friends like Orla Atkinson @hphm-brooke and Hirtia Caldwell @cursed-ice-spirits, fall head over heels in love, and over time grow into a man both charismatic enough for and worthy of the title of British Minister for Magic.
But in a world far less just, John Eglinton took the extra step to poison his wife in her sleep before taking Jackson away. The vicious murder made Jackson all the more hostile toward his father, which in turn prompted John Eglinton to keep his son on an even tighter leash. Without Adelia there to help rescue him as a boy, Jackson stayed under his father’s thumb for the whole of his childhood, until the 18-year-old wizard eventually mastered his magic enough on his own that he was able to magically tear a chandelier off the ceiling right down onto his father, skewering him with a thousand shards of piercing sharp glass.
With his father dead, Jackson -- now calling himself “Jack Knightly,” so as to distance himself from his father completely, tried to make his way in the world. The Wizarding World in America, however, is even more “underground” than in Great Britain, and Jack, since he never got a proper education in magic, soon ended up getting in trouble with the MACUSA for his often violent magical outbursts. Jack was sent to prison multiple times over the years, which only hardened him further. Eventually it got to the point that the now fully adult Jack made a vow to himself that he would never be locked up again -- and so he rose to the top of the magical bootlegging business in New York City, wining and dining the most powerful MACUSA officials he could to keep his establishment open and himself out of prison.
It was not long after then, in the early 1920′s, that some supporters of Gellert Grindelwald, fresh off the boat from Bulgaria, popped up in New York with the goal of creating an organization in America that could help their leader spread his influence across the Atlantic. They called that organization “the Hallowed Society,” after the Deathly Hallows symbol Grindelwald had usurped as his own. When the organization’s founders tried to recruit Jack, however, the devilishly handsome wizard laughed in their faces.
“Did you hear that, Ike, my slippery friend? They wish to recruit me.”
All of the wizards and witches at the bar -- all “business associates” of Jack’s -- started to snigger and share smirks among themselves too.
“I must say...you’re quite the comedian, Mr. Burke. You request an audience with the most powerful man in New York City, and you think to tempt me with a lackey position in your little boy’s club? You think that you’re someone who can lord over me? You, a wizard who’s still resigned to playing around with your cute little stick?”
His eyes flashing a dangerous electric blue, Jack Knightly broke Mr. Burke’s wand with an unpleasant snap with a mere flick of his head.
“Let me make one thing very clear, Mr. Burke -- I am closer a match to Gellert Grindelwald than you could ever be, not just in magical prowess but in bringing people into the fold of my enterprise. And when I meet your master with the army I shall ensemble for the cause of taking this world back from the filthy Muggles who force us underground, I’m sure he’ll be pleased to know that he can do better than a pathetic creature like you -- a disgrace to the pure Wizarding blood your name boasts.”
Sure enough, when Jack Knightly arrived in France and met Gellert Grindelwald with his gang from the Cottonmouth Club (named after Jack’s Animagus form, the Cottonmouth, which is the most poisonous snake in North America), the Bulgarian wizard was very pleased. This American could indeed be useful -- quite useful.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
Hey i hope you're doing okay! lots of hugs. How about something for fluff. I'm torn between Hirtia and Jackson or Rebecca and Carey so it's up to you to choose ^^
Hey, sweetie -- I’m fortunately doing a lot better today, thanks in large part to the support of wonderful people like you. Thank you for caring. <3
Fluff is good! And honestly, I think we need both!
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Hirtia and Jackson are often study buddies. (What can I say, Jackson may be a Slytherin, but he adores intellectual people, especially intellectual Ravenclaws. Just look at his eventual other half, Monty @cursebreakerfarrier) Whenever they’re in the library together studying History of Magic, troublemaker Jackson sometimes like to do “dramatic reactments” of various historical events under his breath to make Hirtia (A.K.A. “Tia” or his “sweet Demiguise,” after the quiet, future-seeing magical creature whose fur is used to create Invisibility Cloaks) laugh, even though they both know full well they’re constantly playing with fire around the school librarian. If they ever do get kicked out, Jackson usually offers to make it up to Hirtia by treating her to some sweets or a pretty new piece of jewelry from Hogsmeade that he may or may not be able to smuggle in later that day under the caretaker’s nose.
Rebecca and Carewyn, both being bird Animagi, end up flying around the grounds together and bump into each other rather frequently. It is a very amusing sight, seeing this tall, foreboding buzzard perched on the roof of the Hogwarts greenhouses next to this plump little robin twittering Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on a Prayer” for all to hear -- it’s even funnier seeing the buzzard looking like she’s trying SO friggin’ hard not to start cawing with laughter at the smaller bird’s enthusiasm.
Send me one of my characters, I’ll give you a headcanon!
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cursed-ice-spirits · 4 years
About Hirtia
As a woman in the late 1800s and a woman who has ADHD and anxiety, Hirtia was unfortunately taken to a time where mental illness would be punished, especially a condition that wasn’t even known. All those issues combined with being a people pleaser and her struggles as a self-proclaimed muggleborn, it is not a surprise that she struggled greatly, both academically and in self-esteem.
Luckily she had friends who saw she can be smart in her own way and slowly lifted her up until she grew in confidence
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cursed-ice-spirits · 4 years
I already do this for Rebecca so might as well do the same to my other characters.
About Hirtia
As much as she lies about her background, Hirtia... is a terrible liar. She can do a half-truth, but any extent of that, you’ll know she’s lying. This is the opposite of Rebecca, as she can lie quite easily
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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“Pardon the way that I stare -- There's nothin' else to compare... The sight of you leaves me weak; There are no words left to speak, But if you feel like I feel, Please let me know that it's real... You're just too good to be true -- Can't take my eyes off of you...”
~“Can’t Take My Eyes Off You (cover),” by Joseph Vincent
For my next installment of my “Valentine’s Day” series where I feature each of my kids and some of the people they care about most, I present to you Jackson Knightly with his future love interest Montelimar Bloom @cursebreakerfarrier and Monty’s BFF, Orla Atkinson @hphm-brooke! I think this particular post fits @kathrynalicemc‘s wonderful Valentine’s Ball prompt perfectly, as well, since it takes place at a Valentine’s Day ball and features these babies in formal wear!
In Jackson’s fifth year, he still saw Monty solidly as a friend. That all changed, however, during a Valentine’s Day ball Jackson helped organize with his BFF Adelia “Addy” Selwyn @that-ravenpuff-witch and several other students.
Jackson was greatly looking forward to the event. Not only did he pull out all the stops to make sure the place was decorated beautifully with swan-shaped ice sculptures, marble cherubs, and white roses, but all of his friends -- his “sweet Demiguise,” Hirtia “Tia” Caldwell @cursed-ice-spirits; his “lady Vipertooth,” Orla “Lala” Atkinson; his “brilliant Frenchman,” Montelimar “Monty” Bloom -- would be in attendance. Jackson had ended up inviting a fourth year student from Hufflepuff named Felicity Abbott as his “date” for the event, after finding her sitting in the stands alone after the recent Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw sobbing inconsolably into her handkerchief -- it was out of pity more than anything, but Jackson hated seeing the young lady cry all by herself.
Jackson came down the grand staircase toward the Great Hall in a set of gold-trimmed white dress robes and very slender, fitted gold slacks over a pair of black ankle boots, looking like a charming prince out of some Muggle fairy tale. No one had spotted him descending the stairs yet, so he scanned the room -- and what caught his eye first was a tall boy his age with spectacles, dressed in handsome grayish-blue dress robes with tails and a matching vest over a white shirt and slacks. It was Monty, chatting with his best friend Orla -- Monty was visibly flustered, but both of them were smiling. Despite himself, Jackson found himself smiling more softly than most anyone was used to seeing. Bloom had always been so modest, he thought to himself...even with how handsome he clearly was. The thought stuck in Jackson’s head strangely -- certainly, Monty was handsome, few would probably question it, but...well, it wasn’t exactly something men were supposed to think about each other, was it? His father certainly wouldn’t have approved if Jackson had ever verbalized such a sentiment...
Fortunately Jackson was quickly distracted by several members of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team coming up to talk to him, and ever the showman, Jackson put on his broadest, most confident smile and went about socializing. He then slowly made his way over to Monty and Orla, his ocean-blue eyes alight with good humor.
“Lala, my precious Vipertooth!”
Jackson took Orla’s hand and used it to twirl her around like a little girl playing princess.
“You look absolutely radiant, my dear,” he fawned over her.
Orla’s lips spread into a cool smirk as she rested her free hand on her hip. “I should hope so, considering you picked this dress out for me.”
“I’d like to think I have good taste, Lala,” said Jackson with a mischievous grin. “The lavender makes your eyes pop just so.”
His eyes trailed over to Monty, lingering briefly on the gold buttons on his lapel before moving up to his face.
“...I must say, Bloom...you’ve really cleaned up most handsomely. Is there a lady here you thought to impress?”
Monty flushed, but put on a modest smile all the same. “Oh no, not at all...I merely thought to try to dress for the occasion, as best I could.”
Once again, Jackson found his expression softening a bit. Even now that Monty was more confident than when they’d first met, the Ravenclaw still sometimes blushed like a shy schoolgirl. It was actually quite endearing.
Monty’s smile grew a bit wryer as he added, “I must thank you for the compliment, Jackson, considering that -- as always -- you have a knack for standing out.”
Jackson grinned. “I certainly try.”
Out the side of his eye, he caught sight of Felicity Abbott, her face bright with a smile and dressed in pink satin, waving at him from the top of the stairs.
“Please excuse me,” he said softly, “I owe the lady at least one dance tonight, as her escort. If you see Addy, tell her I’ll follow up with her shortly -- I’d like to add some twinkling lights to the roses trimming the windows, once it gets darker outside...”
He inclined his head to his friends before moving to greet the younger Hufflepuff.
Jackson had been nothing but a gentleman with Felicity Abbott, as he would’ve been for any other young lady he might offer a dance to. She seemed to be having a good time, and Jackson was grateful for it -- he didn’t know her at all and he quite frankly didn’t think that she’d be anything but an acquaintance for him in the future, but even so, he had a sensitive enough heart to hate the thought of someone not having fun at a party, especially a party celebrating Valentine’s Day. What Jackson had not expected, however, was Gryffindor’s tall, broad-chested seventh-year Quidditch Captain stepping right in front of him and Felicity.
“Torquil Travers,” greeted Jackson.
Travers’s eyes narrowed very coldly upon Jackson’s face. “Care to explain what the hell you think you’re doing, Knightly?”
Jackson raised his eyebrows. “I beg your pardon?”
“You’re dancing with my woman,” Travers hissed through bare teeth.
His eyes flashed at Felicity, who trembled visibly.
Jackson’s eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly under his raised eyebrows. 
“Now, Mr. Travers...surely Miss Abbott at least merits being called ‘your lady,’ rather than something so crude?”
He spoke as pleasantly as he could, given the stink eye the Gryffindor was fixing him with, but he did take a subtle step to the side so as to create something of a physical barrier between Travers and Felicity with his body. This only served to make Travers angrier.
“Felicity is my intended,” he spat. “She is my wife in practice, if not yet by law, and therefore mine.”
“A person is hardly something to be treated like an object to possess,” Jackson said in a low voice that betrayed a sharp edge despite the cool calm of his expression. “Nor like a caged animal that follows a man’s direction.”
He glanced at Felicity, whose face had gone very white and scared. He immediately tried to comfort her with a gentle, reassuring smile.
“Come, Miss Abbott,” he said, “let us be off -- ”
But before Jackson could steer her away, Travers grabbed the back of Jackson’s robes, roughly pulling him backward and away from the younger girl. Felicity screamed. 
“You will not touch her again, you filthy Muggle-bred ponce!” snarled Travers.
Jackson amazingly responded to Travers’s fury with a broad, gleaming white smirk. “‘Filthy?’ Come now, Mr. Travers, surely you could come up with a more targeted insult than that -- these robes are clearly spotless.”
His tiny brown eyes widening with rage, Travers raised a fist --
Before his knuckles could collide with Jackson’s jaw, however, Monty had appeared out of nowhere. Dashing forward, he’d forcibly put up an arm and stepped right between Jackson and Travers so that the Slytherin commentator was behind him and Traver’s fist whammed right into his left shoulder instead.
Jackson’s eyes grew very wide. “Bloom...!”
The blow made Monty rock back slightly and clutch his shoulder, visibly winded, but he regained his footing quickly, his eyes narrowing upon Travers’s face. 
“That is enough,” Monty said in a very low, firm voice. “Travers...I think it would be best if you take a step back and a deep breath. A physical altercation is hardly a good way to settle such a dispute -- especially when there are teachers present.”
He indicated the Charms and Transfiguration professors, who were striding through the assembling crowd as if to discover the source of their interest.
Travers’s fists were shaking with rage, but he seemed to know he wouldn’t be able to get his way or evade punishment if he persisted. And so, shooting a venomous look at Jackson over Monty’s shoulder, he shoved past the pair and disappeared off into the crowd.
Jackson grabbed onto Monty’s robes from behind, almost cradling his back. His face was unusually pale.
“Bloom -- my -- you’re hurt...”
For once, he seemed to have trouble speaking coherently. His hand came up to the spot on Monty’s chest where Travers’s fist had landed.
Monty flinched ever-so-slightly, but smiled reassuringly at him. “Oh...don’t worry, Jackson. It’ll just be a small bruise, I think -- ”
“It should be dealt with straight away,” Jackson said in a strangely sharp and faintly shaky voice.
He looked at Felicity. “Miss Abbott...I see my dear Addy by the far window with Mr. Ellison. Please, remain in their company until I return: I’ll be back shortly.”
And with that, Jackson had escorted Monty out of the Great Hall and to an abandoned hallway a short ways away from the party. He’d insisted on Monty sitting down on a window ledge and removing his robes and shirt just enough to show his left shoulder, so that Jackson could work on healing the injury before it could darken with a bruise. Jackson hated the Hospital Wing as well as hospitals in general, so he’d gotten very used to treating himself whenever he was hurt.
Monty himself could see how tense Jackson was: tenser than he’d ever seen him previously. It truly hadn’t been that horrible -- certainly it would’ve been far worse if Travers had elected to take out his wand instead -- but Jackson still seemed very upset. And he was: Jackson’s emotions were very turbulent indeed.
Monty had protected him. It wasn’t out-of-character for him at all, really, but he’d never physically protected him quite like that before...allowed himself to get hurt, in order to shield him from harm. Jackson hadn’t really had anyone do something like that for him before. Sure, perhaps Adelia would scold someone’s face off on his behalf or Orla would hex someone into next week for having said something, but those were entertaining. This was decidedly not. This was different. It made Jackson’s heart swell with concern and yet also such pride and warmth and admiration and caring...and yet for as new as the feeling felt, it truly didn’t feel unfamiliar. It felt second-nature...almost...like coming home...
“Jackson?” said Monty gently.
Jackson was brought out of his thoughts, but he didn’t look up from Monty’s shoulder. Instead he finished the Healing spell he was casting and then helped pull Monty’s shirt back on.
“There we are,” he murmured, as he fastened Monty’s buttons. “How does your shoulder feel?”
“Better,” admitted Monty.
He watched Jackson’s face carefully. “Jackson...I’m grateful for the help, but I’m all right, truly...”
He brought a hand onto Jackson’s buttoning his collar, making the smaller man halt.
“You don’t need to worry.”
The two’s eyes met. Although both men’s eyes were blue, it was like a calm freshwater lake meeting a rushing ocean: both beautiful and cool, and yet completely different in attitude. Monty’s cheeks were slightly flushed, but his face was very composed. Jackson’s face was anything but, especially when his own cheeks actually started to redden too.
“I...suppose I have lost my composure somewhat,” he said, his eyes falling back down to his hands on Monty’s shirt almost self-consciously.
He finished buttoning up his collar and then helped him pull his grayish-blue robes back on, trying to plaster on one of his charming smiles.
“...What can I say, I’m...not used to some dashing hero coming to my rescue,” he teased. 
Monty smiled. “Well, I couldn’t very well do nothing, seeing you face off against a mountain troll like that, could I?”
Jackson couldn’t bite back a laugh. He looked up at Monty, his ocean-blue eyes and smile alight with more of that strange, unique softness he’d felt -- the sort that, truly, only a precious few ever were the subject of.
“Of course not, my brilliant Frenchman.”
And it was that day that Jackson Knightly’s heart knew what it took a lot longer for him to admit aloud -- he loved Montelimar Bloom with everything that he was.
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Oriana Profile
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Name: Oriana Autumn Althaia Lasair Dartsby
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 13 September
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ethnicity: Greek-Irish
Nationality: Greek-Irish
Residence: Dublin, Ireland
Wand: Drakon scale 10″ Hazel
Animagus: Wolverine with a rain drop fur marking on stomach
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Misc Magical Abilities: N/A
Curse: Curse of Prometheus
Oriana was cursed since birth to burn up from the inside, causing her skin to glow and crack whenever she feel negative emotions like anger, sadness, doubt etc, with each successive ‘attack’ being more volatile until eventually it explodes out of her, killing her unless she can break it for good
Boggart Form: Her curse having overcome her resulting in her turning to ash
Riddikulus Form: Until she breaks her curse she cannot successfully dispel any boggarts, after she does break the curse it will be her friends hugging her
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Smoke, charcoal, Creme Brulee, Bananas and cherries
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) Oranges, Apricots, cinnamon, hot chocolate and the sea
Patronus: Sarcosuchus
Patronus Memory: The moment she broke her curse
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Mirror of Erised: Herself as an adult with a family
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Aqua Eructo
Faceclaim: Keira Knightley
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Height: 6′4
Physique: Curvy
Eye Colour:  Green and Glowing Pink(Sign of her curse)
Hair Colour: Caramel brown
Skin Tone: Peach
Body Modifications: A tattoo of a woman made of a waterfall on her back, a tattoo of a chain of stars on her wrists and a red, orange and blue butterfly with pink flowers on both sides tattoo on the middle of her chest
Scarring: One scar over her left eye, a scar going vertically down her right cheek to her jaw. A jagged scar going the length of both upper arms, Faint crack-like marks going across her whole body
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?) Ice packs, school supplies, eyepatches to cover her glowing eye, multiple water bottles, wand, bandages, handkerchief which is enchanted to look like the night sky
Fashion: Clothing that is made of a magical material that is flame resistant
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Ilvermorny House: Thunderbird
Hogwarts School of WItchcraft and Wizardry
Dartsby Family
Shields Family
Professions: DADA Professor at Ilvermorny
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Flying: P
Herbology: O
History of Magic: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Magical Theory: A 
Ancient Runes: A
Music: O
Ancient Studies: E
Quidditch: N/A
Extra Curricular: N/A
Brennan Dartsby
Bernice Dartsby
Cillian Dartsby
Daphne Dartsby
Ophelia Dartsby
Father: Blaine Dartsby
Mother: Aretha Dartsby
Love Interest: Marcus Shields
Best Friends: Ninfa Altera
Dormmates: (Who’s in your MC’s dorm with them?)
Oliana Arcano
Lithian Stormr
A labrador named Ruby
A beagle named Charlie
Five Beagador puppies named Lila, Stella, Cinnamon, Sasha and Roxy
Tumblr media
Closest MC Friends:
Aila Cresswood
Unni Arcano @kathrynalicemc
Oliana Arcano
Merlissia Xenia Aetós @aleksia-aries-hogwartsmystery  
Elyas Drakos
Visenya Stormr
Lithian Stormr
Hirtia Caldwell @cursed-ice-spirits
Isolde Roissinn of Avalon @no-moon-nor-stars​ 
Leander Asterio
Akane Fukui @lgvalenzuela​
Angelique Campbell
Oriana's family many many generations before Oriana’s birth was in a bitter, bloody feud with another pureblood family known as the Phillips, the feud lasted until Oriana’s great great grandmother was born, the end result was the complete eradication of the Phillips family but their victory came at a cost, the last member of the Phillips cursed Oriana’s family so that the youngest child each generation is fated to burn away from the inside
Oriana is the fourth person to have the curse which caused much strife for her and her family, she frequently had curse attacks, by the time she started Hogwarts, the cracks that would eventually go across her whole body were on the entire length of her arms and her chest
When Oriana starts Hogwarts, she laser focuses on the subjects that she believes could help her break the curse to the detriment of most of her other subjects with the exception of Music which was one of the few things she felt she could truly forget about the looming threat of her curse
By the time she graduated Hogwarts the cracks had spread to the rest of her body a sign that she was very close to her death and she needed to break the curse fast.
In a last ditch effort Oriana travelled to America where she met Marcus Shields, a famous curse breaker with the ability to instinctively sense curses in his surroundings, who wanted to help Oriana as she was innocent in the conflict that resulted in the eradication of the Phillips family and so he ‘legally’ gained access to any record of the Phillips family and with the help of the records managed to break Oriana’s curse however her glowing eye stayed.
After her curse was broken, Oriana truly felt free for the first time in her life and she kinda felt lost in life until Marcus suggested she become the DADA professor at Ilvermorny which after quite a bit of considering it decided to go for it and luckily she got the position.
Soon after Oriana started working at Ilvermorny, she asked Marcus out and many years later they were married.
Oriana is a very empathetic and excitable person who always tries to make all of friend’s days better to the best of her ability. She can be unintentionally blunt when it comes to debates and arguments which often results in a lot of misunderstandings when she gets involved. She is incredibly defiant of any and all odds set before her no matter what.
Oriana is a descendant of Queen Maeve on her father’s side who before Hogwarts was founded helped teach young witches and wizards in Ireland
She is also a descendant of Andros the Invincible on her mother’s side
All of her family have extinct animal patronuses since her great great great great grandmother
She is fluent in English, Irish Gaelic and Greek
She knows how to play the violin
Her Tattoos look like this, this and this 
The scar over her eye is from a snallygaster, the one on her jaw is from a time when she tripped while carrying a pair of scissors and the scars on her arms are from a hippogriff 
She has a fear of Snallygasters and an aversion to scissors due to the above incidents
She is very self conscious of all her scars and tries her best to always cover them including the ones on her face
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