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paintingbetweenbooks · 4 years ago
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Cats the world over prefer to discover things they like on their own and rarely go for anything that’s been provided for them. Hiro Arikawa
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mybookbath · 5 years ago
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Do you ever read any Japanese literature? 🔹 After discovering Haruki Murakami last year I have been on the hunt for other contemporary Japanese authors. 🔹 This search led me to find @osusumebookscom. They are a monthly subscription box with the best Japanese contemporary novels available in English. 🔹 THE TRAVELLING CAT CHRONICLES by Hiro Arikawa was the first book they sent me. It is a bestselling Japanese novel featuring a very independent cat with a very big heart who feels true loyalty and gratitude and would never abandon his loving human master. This novel is written in a very simple style but it comes with a deep message about friendship, family, loss, and grief. It was my first read of 2020 and I absolutely loved it! 🔹 If you are interested in this Japanese subscription box just log into their website and use the code MYBOOKBATH for 10% off. #thetravellingcatchronicles #hiroarikawa (at Joshua Tree National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B789r49nDhB/?igshid=1ilxq2mj3rpkh
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inge-universe · 2 years ago
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#newin #nieuwbinnen #bookmail #boekenpost #recensieboek Hiro Arikawa - De kat die bleef @hiroarikawa #hiroarikawa #hiroarikawabook #dekatdiebleef Wie heeft dit boek al gelezen? Wat vond je er van? ............ Bedankt voor het #recensieexemplaar #leesexemplaar @amboanthos ............ Inhoud: Een kat is geluk op pootjes. In deze ontroerende bundel De kat die bleef van Hiro Arikawa met zeven verhalen staat dit dier centraal. In het titelverhaal hoort lapjeskat Kota over een legende: katten die meer dan twintig jaar bij hun baasje blijven, worden onsterfelijke nekomata. Kota wil graag bij Hiromi blijven en hem volwassen zien worden. Hij zet alles op alles om een nekomata te worden. In een ander verhaal zorgt kitten Spin ervoor dat zijn baasje een goede vader wordt. De kat die bleef van Hiro Arikawa gaat over vriendschap en liefde, over de wonderbaarlijke relatie tussen mens en kat en de troost en warmte die beiden uit die relatie putten. ............ #instabook #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #bookstagramnl #bookstagrammers #instaboek #boekstagram #boekenwurm #booktrovert  #dutchbookstagram #dutchbookstagrammers #dutchbookstagrammer #lezenisleuk #verhalenbundel https://www.instagram.com/p/CmY7n3Tr4QA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zeynepbal · 6 years ago
Review about 「The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa」
Was awesome... altho you can guess why all those search is happening from the very beginning, you cannot give up on reading.. it is not only a cat’s perspective but the real life combined with past and now and future..
I remember started crying at some point
In the books of japanese authors I read till now (except murakami) the reality is purely given professionally ; mostly with a dark point of view..
What I was expecting was a similar stuff; however this time that pure reality if life wasnt served with a side dish of dark clouds
It s not related with if you like cats or not; but you should just read..
Since it s not a story of a cat as it s advertised but a life story of a man, and others with some spices of a cat’s feelings.
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fukuroukekinoto · 3 years ago
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Kehilangan maupun ditinggal gak pernah mudah. Tapi Nana, kucing yang ekornya bengkok itu, justru dengan cepat memahami situasi. Malah pada akhirnya menenangkan orang-orang yang disayangi Satoru. It was sad and heartwarming at the same time.
Saya sudah tahu buku ini menyedihkan. Saya sudah bisa menebak akhir kisahnya dari awal membeli buku ini. Walau tahunya dari film berjudul sama, yang rilis di Jepang kapan tahu. Dan pas di kronik-kronik akhir, saya jadi teringat kucing-kucing di rumah dan di kantor yang sudah mati 😔.
Buku yang diceritakan dari sudut pandang orang ketiga untuk Satoru dan calon pengadopsi Nana, dan sudut pandang orang pertama untuk Nana. Perpaduan yang menarik sih buat saya, karena jarang nemu buku yang ditulis dari sudut pandang hewan. Ada sih banyak, cuma sayanya aja yang belum baca dan nggak punya.
Bab-bab yang diletakkan berurutan berdasarkan perjalanan dan waktu Satoru mengenal calon-calon pengadopsi Nana, membungkus alur maju mundur kisah hidup Satoru sendiri dengan baik menurut saya. Sehingga semuanya nyaman sekali untuk dinikmati.
Cuma satu hal yang saya sayangkan, beberapa kata tercetak miring seperti susuki dari rumput susuki atau rowan dari buah/pohon rowan atau birch dari pohon birch, tidak dijelaskan di catatan. Karena tidak adanya nomor catatan kaki di tiap-tiap kata itu, yang mungkin mendeskripsikan bagaimana rupa mereka, saya akhirnya mencari tahu sendiri. Sekedar untuk memuaskan rasa ingin tahu, demi imajinasi yang lebih tepat. Hehe.
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readwithsera · 7 years ago
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Trying out a different edit. I recently picked up this book from the library. For all you cat lovers out there, you’ll love this one. It’s a small novel about how acts of love, both great and small can transform our lives. It makes a great rainy day read.
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tudorblogger · 3 years ago
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#currentlyreading #tbr #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookbloggerish #readersofinstagram #bookblog #reading #book #books #hiroarikawa #travellingcatchronicles #translatedbook #japanese #bookintranslation #cat https://www.instagram.com/p/CYzMhWOLrlH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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poorinnocentguiguitab · 4 years ago
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#commeundimanche #hiroarikawa #sundaymood☀️ (à Square Maurice-Gardette) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRMOOZXLot6Cti9IcUkXbBibh3GXygTZ3yywok0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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princesswind · 5 years ago
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I finished this book over the stormy weekend, and found out the book as good as the movie that I watched 2 years ago. As much as I teared when watch the movie, I found myself sobbed in the last few pages. . The story is about Nana, the male cat named by his-crook-looked-like-number-seven-tail, なな (nana : seven in Japanese) , who accompanied his human mate, Satoru, in a journey to find a new house for him, across the Japan. It followed Satoru’s childhood memory, which each turn revealed each history of his friendships. Nana narrates almost the whole story and turn into omniscient narrator who tells us how loving and cheerful Satoru despite his hardship. . It is beautiful, loving but also heartbreaking. . We cannot have a pet for now, but we have regular visitor nowadays. The boys called her Kamer, because she is a (new)Comer in our household or she always come and go as she pleased (I don’t know exactly why they called her that way). The color almost the same with Nana in the movie, so maybe that’s why while reading the book, I can imagine her she narrates the book. . . . . {book} recommendation from @bbbbookclub . . . #book #bookreview #bookstagram #cat #bookcat #thetravellingcatchronicles #hiroarikawa #hiroarikawabook #hiroarikawathetravellingcatchronicles #bookandcoffee #japanesebook #buibubacabuku https://www.instagram.com/p/CESM2lVgt4r/?igshid=x8x4froe5az
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itstwads · 7 years ago
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If anyone is in need of a good cry, I suggest giving this book a read! You don't have to be a cat person (i'm not) to enjoy this book - a tale of family, friendship, love, life... Put aside any preconceptions and soak up this good old fashioned storytelling. #travellingcat #hiroarikawa #book #bookworm #Japan #thetravellingcatchronicles
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i-lie-when-i-smile · 5 years ago
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🐈 Hiro Arikawa: Az utazó macska krónikája 🐈 Az e havi #minikönyvklub - os olvasmányunk egy igazi, japán, bőgős regény. Pechemre utána még megnéztem a filmadaptációját (ami szintén bőgős)... Idén már nem olvasok szomorú könyveket az tuti. #ilovejapan #muveltnepkonyvkiado #mutimitolvasol #bookish #bookstagram #hiroarikawa #book24challenge #book24hu https://www.instagram.com/p/CDT2ZCigeAB/?igshid=19nrhzjl1tv8g
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arcdreamer · 5 years ago
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The great book to read for thecat lovers and for the ones who appreciate good emotional stories. Took itupon me to read this book, but it was a good decision. The story was so well crafted - it gave the heart needed warmth, fuzz and emotional whack. #bookclub #thetravellingcatchronicles #hiroarikawa #readinglist https://www.instagram.com/p/B9HkcK7l5NJ/?igshid=1lt7a9ym5ruxv
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0nce-upon-a-tome · 5 years ago
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I know Valentines is about celebrating romantic love. But some of the best kinds of emotions are ones that are formed between two friends or platonic partners in life, or even a human and an animal. The Travelling Cat Chronicles is such an enigmatically powerful tale of an unbreakable bond of love, respect, compassion, and friendship between two lost souls who found one another and helped to give each other such a beautiful existence through companionship. It should be read by all who are seeking comfort, albeit quite bittersweet, and those who are in search of something that isn’t about romance but the intimacy of a shared life. You will cry. You will smile. You will realise that the bonds that tie us are so much more than we ever could have imagined. 🌸 • • • • • #thetravellingcatchronicles #hiroarikawa #japaneseliterature #japanesefiction #diversebooks #ownvoices #ownvoicesbooks #weneeddiversebooks #bookrecommendations #contemporaryfiction #bookstagram #bookphoto #booktography #bibliophile #bookworm #booknerd #bookgeek #bookreview #bookish #bookobsessed #有川浩 #旅猫リポート  https://www.instagram.com/p/B8iMS4WJYWR/?igshid=18k3q8jlieesw
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mybookbath · 5 years ago
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Do you ever read any Japanese literature? 🔹 After discovering Haruki Murakami last year I have been on the hunt for other contemporary Japanese authors. 🔹 This search led me to find @osusumebookscom. They are a monthly subscription box with the best Japanese contemporary novels available in English. 🔹 THE TRAVELLING CAT CHRONICLES by Hiro Arikawa was the first book they sent me. It is a bestselling Japanese novel featuring a very independent cat with a very big heart who feels true loyalty and gratitude and would never abandon his loving human master. This novel is written in a very simple style but it comes with a deep message about friendship, family, loss, and grief. It was my first read of 2020 and I absolutely loved it! 🔹 If you are interested in this Japanese subscription box just log into their website and use the code MYBOOKBATH for 10% off. . . . . . . . . #thetravellingcatchronicles #hiroarikawa #osusumebooks #japaneseliterature #catsandbooks #japanesebooks #booksaboutcats (at Joshua Tree National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B76lwBRnkif/?igshid=15oquxiynmadw
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matososorio · 5 years ago
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The Travelling Cat Chronicles o A cuerpo de gato como se tradujo al español, es dulce, triste, esperanzador, divertido y desgarrador al mismo tiempo. Les va a arrancar muchas lágrimas, pero tambien los hará amar más a sus gatos. Si no tienen, es una gran ventana a la cabeza de uno. Nana es el gato más gato que he conocido en la literatura y a Satoru le quiero dar un abrazo. #hiroarikawa #thetravellingcatchronicles #contemporary #cat #adultfiction (en Bogotá D.C) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7l0oK7p2qs/?igshid=1qizokuy4iy52
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myordinarydeardiary · 5 years ago
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Aku dah dapat agak kenapa Satoru nak tinggalkan kucingnya, Nana kepada sahabat2 nya. Hinggalah Nana dibawa kepada ibu saudara, Noriko yang menjaganya selepas kematian ibu bapa Satoru dalam kemalangan. Walau pun Noriko bukan pencinta kucing tapi demi anak saudara dia cuba menunaikan permintaan terakhirnya. P/S : pencinta kucing mesti suka buku ni 🐈 . . . . #donereading The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa #readingisfundamental #readingislife #readingisfun #readingissexy #readingismagic #readingchallenge2020📚 #readingebookschallenge #goodreads #emabaca #thetravellingcatchronicles #hiroarikawa #malaysiamembaca #bangsamembaca https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Jd-I-AHNp/?igshid=usg0pa73ljth
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