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fidjiefidjie · 3 months ago
Oups ! 🫣 🦛
Source: Delhi zoo news
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almostarts · 2 years ago
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François-Xavier Lalanne, “Hippopotame II,” Bar, 1978,
Patinated Bronze, Stainless Steel, Copper, Nickel Silver, Brass, Painted Wood,
100 x 200 x 80 cm (Closed) / 148 x 222 x 92 (Open)
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Hippopotamus distribution in Africa
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Tu viendras me rendre visite
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À bientôt alors
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Avant que je disparaisse
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2t2r · 4 years ago
Des trophées sans chasser: la taxidermie en tricot
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/des-trophees-sans-chasser-la-taxidermie-en-tricot/
Des trophées sans chasser: la taxidermie en tricot
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bearbench-img · 1 month ago
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grusik · 7 months ago
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Behind the hyppopotam by pascalcolin1
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photographe-a-roulettes · 8 months ago
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Hippopotame commun - Ses déjections modifient la composition chimique des eaux où il vit et favorisent la prolifération des poissons par les nutriments qu'elles contiennent.
Lieu : Zoo de Maubeuge.
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beleqme · 11 months ago
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Aqua bon!
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givemegifs · 2 years ago
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aigle-suisse · 9 months ago
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fidjiefidjie · 6 months ago
Oups ! 🦛 😁 💦 Salto arrière !
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ecoleplonevez · 1 year ago
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Aaron, GS raconte : "J'en ai marre d'être un hippopotame" de Pierre Cornuel.
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philoursmars · 2 years ago
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Revenons à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 55800 photos (environ).  On est en 2017. Oui, mon blog est né en 2017 mais je vais prolonger ce projet...jusqu’à l’année 2018 . Allez....
Au Louvre-Lens, il y eut une très belle expo : “Musiques de l’Antiquité” :
- claquoirs en ivoire d'hippopotame aux visages de Hathor - Egypte, Nouvel Empire, 1500 av. JC.
- sistre - Anatolie, 2200 av. JC.
- collier “menit” - Thèbes, Nouvel Empire, 1370 av. JC.
- décoration de lyre en tête de taureau - Girsu, 2500 av. JC. - 2017
- tube d'une paire de tibiae - Pompéi, 1er s. ap. JC
- étendard à grelots avec décoration de bouquetin - Anatolie orientale, début 1er millénaire av. JC
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rekkohane · 3 months ago
Basically what the sweaters that Glass Joe gave were saying (these get real rude prepare yourself)
Something extra for the punch-out catastrophic christmas night hcs I made a few days ago, now you'll know what the ugly sweaters glass joe gave were saying in french and in english. And yes I like to think that Glass Joe is kinda spunky in a way (and a bit sassy too) also as a bonus, have the way the boxers reacted to it
Von Kaiser: 'Oh mon Dieu, Monsieur le soldat, on a compris, vous avez fait la guerre, arrêtez de vous vanter tout de suite.' - 'Oh my god, mr. soldier we actually fucking get it, you were in the war stop bragging right now' (Kaiser actually speaks french and was OFFENDED by it, but since everyone was wearing the sweaters and didn't bother reading what they said, he didn't want to seem rude and just kept wearing it)
Disco Kid: 'Je vous assure que tout le monde se fiche que vous soyez si « bon » en danse que vous avez obtenu des trophées, ils sont vraiment stupides de toute façon.' - 'I assure you no one cares that you're so 'good' at dancing you got trophies from it, they are real stupid anyways' (Disco thought that the part where it says stupid meant that it was saying that it's stupid that they haven't gave him more trophies for his skills)
King Hippo: 'Que quelqu'un dise à cet hippopotame que ce n'est pas en mangeant toute la journée qu'on devient plus fort.' - 'Someone tell this hippo that eating all day is NOT how you'll get stronger' (Hippo didn't understand what it said anyways, and just wore it with no issue)
Piston Hondo: 'La récompense numéro un des chats effrayés revient à…' - 'The number one scaredy cat reward goes to…' (Hondo literally screamed when Joe surprised him with the sweater)
Bear Hugger: 'Littéralement Tarzan si la logique des dessins animés n'existait pas.' - 'Literally tarzan if cartoon logic didn't exist' (Bear thought it was hilarious)
Great Tiger: 'Si tu étais un magicien aussi « fort », tu saurais comment ne pas faire clignoter ta gemme, tu montres trop clairement que tu vas donner un coup de poing, magnifique idiot.' - 'If you were such a 'strong' magician, you'll know how to not make your gem flash, you are making it too obvious that you're gonna punch. You magnificent idiot' (It was a miracle to Joe that Tiger didn't speak french, otherwise Tiger would have released the wild animals)
Don Flamenco: 'Toujours en train de faire le maximum pour se mettre en valeur, je lui aurais bien fait un compliment mais je ne voudrais pas que cela lui passe au-dessus de la tête.' - 'Always doing the best to make himself look the best,would have gave him a compliment but I wouldn't want it to get over his head.' (Don got a little offended because he speaks a bit of french but was fine with it because it was the least spunky sweater out of every other one)
Aran Ryan: 'Crétin, putain de crétin, putain de bouffon, putain de pied absolu, idiot maladroit. Va te faire foutre.' - 'You dumb fucking cretin, you fucking foot absolute fucking buffon, you bumbling idiot. Fuck you.' (Aran loved it, will probably be keeping it forever)
Soda Popinski: 'Les sodas sont les siens ; le numéro un mondial de l'alcool.' - 'The sodas are his, the number 1 alcoholic in the world' (Soda doesn't know what it says, but had he knew he would still agree)
Bald Bull: 'Combien de temps avant que ce type ne craque et ne détruise le monde de ses propres mains?' - 'How long until this guy snaps and destroy the world with his own hands?' (Ironically, Bull didn't get mad when someone translated the sweater for him)
Super Macho Man: 'Voici une question : Quelle partie de Macho Man est la plus fausse ? Ses muscles ? Son bronzage ? Ses fans ? Sa personnalité en ligne ? Ou tout cela à la fois ?' - 'Here's a question: Which part of Macho Man are the fakest? His muscles? His tan? His fans? His online persona? Or all of the above?' (SMM thought it was praising him, and posted it online talking about that totally awesome sweater, got raided by trolls)
Mr. Sandman: 'Pour un champion invaincu comme vous, vous ne devriez pas perdre contre un jeune de 17 ans. Tu devrais avoir honte.' - 'For a undefeated champion like yourself, you shouldn't lose to a 17 years old. Be ashamed.' (Joe is so lucky that Sandman doesn't speak french, I think we all know what would happen had Sandman knew)
Little Mac: 'Imaginez que vous battiez des boxeurs vraiment forts, et que vous vous fassiez insulter par eux une fois que vous avez obtenu la ceinture de champion, parce que tout le monde est trop confiant dans ses compétences et ne se rend pas compte qu'il n'est pas si bon que ça.' - 'Imagine beating up real strong boxers, just to get insulted by them once you get the champion belt because everyone is too overconfident in their skills and don't realize they are really not that good.' (Mac just agreed)
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2t2r · 9 years ago
Un hippopotame se fait laver les dents [vidéo]
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/un-hippopotame-se-fait-laver-les-dents-video/
Un hippopotame se fait laver les dents [vidéo]
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jojobegood1 · 24 days ago
Scène étonnante entre un hippopotame et un rhinocéros en pleine nuit
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