#hippa rules and regulations
alatariel-galadriel · 11 months
3 Common Misconception: HIPAA Edition
(aka I have HIPAA tattooed under my eyelids and I want to make it everyone else’s problem)
This is pedantic, but the act protecting your health information is HIPAA, not HIPPA. One ‘p’, two ‘a’s. HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, not the oft-quoted (and non-existent) Health Information Privacy & Protection Act. Not a huge deal, since it protects your health information regardless, but it’s a pretty decent metric to mark if someone actually knows what they’re talking about.
HIPAA protects you from employees of healthcare organizations sharing your information without your consent.  HIPAA violations occur when someone who has access to your medical information *as part of their job* either a) purposely accesses information outside of their job requirements b) shares your health information without your consent or c) puts health information in a position where it can be improperly accessed by others, purposefully or not. You can shout your medical information to the hills. People who you've told your medical information to can shout it to the hills, so long as they didn’t get that information through their job. People can demand that you share your information--but your doctor can’t hand it over without your consent.
Exceptions to HIPAA exist. There's quite a few of them, actually, and I’ve made a detailed list below the cut; but to correct the biggest misconception: yes, there are situations where health care employees are required to share your information with the government. This typically falls under mandatory reporting (think child abuse, gunshot wounds, or highly infectious diseases), but your information can also be accessed via warrant or subpoena for criminal proceedings.
Here is the government’s webpage breaking down the HIPAA Privacy Rule if you want to know more! I love love love HIPAA and will gladly talk about it for as long as anyone will let me (hence the cut below).
Detailed breakdown of HIPAA exceptions under the cut:
TPO: This stands for Treatment, Payment and Operations, because if your health info was on complete lockdown, no healthcare entity could function. Employees can access/share your info when that info is necessary for them to...
Provide treatment (ie: your nurse can share your info with your doctor)
 Receive payment (ie: giving your info to your insurance company)
Maintain operations (ie: health data/medical records staff. This is me--as a health systems analyst, I can’t do my job without access to the data within the medical records system)
Public Interest: ie: when required by law/governmental function. This includes:
Mandatory reporting (discussed above. Healthcare professionals are required to report infectious diseases like measles or rabies, as well as incidents like gunshot wounds or domestic violence.)
Health oversight activities. These are the organizations who evaluate and investigate whether a facility meets safety/performance regulations and standards. Trust me, you want your info shared with these folks!! 
 Law Enforcement. I’m going to be really specific here, because there’s been a lot of (justifiable) concern post-Roe v Wade. Your info can be shared if it is is…
Subpoenaed, court ordered, or court-ordered warrant by a court, judge, or administrative tribunal
 Requested by law enforcement to id a suspect, fugitive, witness, or missing person
 Requested by law enforcement for info about a victim/suspected victim of crime
 To alert law enforcement of a person’s death if the organization believes a crime has occurred
If the healthcare organization believes the information is evidence of a crime that occurred on its premises.
In emergency situations, providers can share information about the nature of a crime, the location of crime/victims, and the perpetrator of the crime.
Decedents: Funeral directors, coroners, and medical examiners all need your info to do their jobs, Being deceased, you can’t give your authorization, so an healthcare org sharing your info with them is not a HIPAA violation
Organ/Eye/Tissue donation: pretty self-explanatory. Some of your information as a donor might be shared to ensure a healthy transplant.  
Research (limited data sets): This one tends to freak people out, but if you’re on one of these, anything that can identify you is removed (name, address, etc.). Instead, details of specific conditions/treatments are stored to provide data for researchers. For example, every state has, by law, a cancer registry--used to identify sudden spikes that might be attributable to environmental factors.
Serious threats to health/safety. If a serious, specific threat is made against a person or the public, this can be shared with law enforcement and the person who the threat is made against. There’s a lot of grey area here in what counts as a specific threat, and this can get complicated quickly, but if someone tells a medical professional that they are planning on harming you, you will be notified alongside law enforcement. Likewise for a bomb or other public threat.
Essential government functions. If you are in prison or other correctional facility, you are not protected by HIPAA. Some government benefit programs will require the disclosure of health information. (It also includes national security and military missions).
And last, but not least: worker’s compensation. Healthcare orgs have to share parts of your information for you to receive worker’s comp, as part of the verification process. Fantastic!
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rcmhcs · 25 days
Custom Medical Billing Solutions for Healthcare Providers
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In today's rapidly changing healthcare environment, it is not enough to simply provide first-rate medical service. Any healthcare organization thrives and grows depending on financial management whether is it issue of medical billing. Outsourcing this function to custom tailored medical billing services company has become more than a trend among healthcare practices; it is seen as their solution. Their services also go beyond mere basic billing, they practicing specific custom solutions according to every practice.
What Are Customized Medical Billing Services?
What are custom medical billing services? Custom medical billing, unlike traditional one-size-fits-all services, is tailored to the specific needs of each practice (whether it be a small clinic or large hospital with several departments and multi-special existence on paper).
0 Shares Share on Facebook This isn't just your basic billing services (you know, coding, verification of insurance- yada-yada), but conclusion denial management that is 100% domestic for you patient processing claims and collecting *building funds (*the two most important things in RCM) all fully HIPPA compliant.
Customized Medical Billing Services – Advantages
1. Boosted Income and Efficacy
The most biggest benefit custom medical billing services bring is they are able to boost up the pay. Specialized medical billing companies can pin-point specific problems with a practice's full revenue cycle. For example, is the biggest issues recurring claim denials? These payers can also help providers improve their revenue cycle and get paid faster by fixing these problems, in addition to making the billing process more efficient.
Billers that provide personalized service understand the ins and outs of your practice, as well as how each internal team member you have works with a specific insurance network which results in more error-proof claim billing. This results in more efficient providers and less time dealing with administrative hassles instead of patient care.
2. Specialized Expertise
Medical billing and coding is a specialized, complex field that requires detailed knowledge of payer requirements, coding regulations and health care laws. They deliver the highest level of custom tailored billing and they hire certified coders, billing specialists who keep up with ever changing healthcare billing rules such as ICD-10 coding together with CPT codes.
They also are highly proficient in managing the complexities of various specialties — cardiology, oncology or orthopedics and mental health. Partnering with a team that comprehends the unique billing requirements of your specialty assists in minimizing claim rejections, generating compliance and optimizing reimbursements.
3. Better cashflow & financial health
The lifeblood of a healthcare organization is cash flow. By ensuring better claim submission, reducing delays and managing collections more effectively, customized resources can attract a stable flow of money for healthcare providers.
In addition to medical billing services, a number of companies also provide comprehensive reporting and analytics which help the providers understand how their revenue cycle is performing. When it comes to guiding better business decisions using data (which in healthcare is key – the margins are lean), providers can start by observing trends relating to types of payment delays, denials and where they see other issues.
4. Administrative burden lessened
Between coverage verifications ensuring that your healthcare providers will be reimbursed for their work, and waiting to see if insurance companies are going pay a fair share of the costs associated with those services, processes fulfilling administrative duties involved in medical billing can put significant strains on the staffs at healthcare practices. When practices outsource billing to a custom service provider, the administrative side of things will become easier. This frees healthcare providers and their staff to concentrate on patient care rather than waste countless hours dealing with insurance companies, coding or billing matters.
5. Scalability: You may increase or decrease the number of your containers Flexibility : Getting a customized environment for an application
Flexible Services – Custom medical billing services that grow with your practice. Regardless of whether you are a fledgling clinic or an experienced hospital, this service is geared to fit your dynamic needs; Not only will the service be capable of growing in scope with your practice or morphing to reflect changes you've made, so too can their billing strategies and operations adapt as required by a larger patient population and higher claim volume.
The other benefit of custom billing services is the flexibility. What is better for different providers are either hiring the full-service revenue cycle management or some support in certain billing areas like coding and denial assistance. This flexibility enables practices to receive the specific assistance they require, rather than be forced to pay for services that are not required.
6.Compliance and Security
Obviously for any provider, complying with healthcare regulations is the most important thing. These customized services ensure that all billing processes adhere to federal and state regulations, such as HIPAA guidelines. They apply robust security protocols to safeguard the confidential patient records.
They help providers save on legal issues, audits and penalties by staying compliant and secure. This peace of mind is crucial for healthcare providers who are dedicated to high-quality care.
Z Here, we uncover the different ways you can make sure to handpick a fitting custom-tailored medical billing service.
Because not all medical billing companies provide the same service, fellow practitioners need to ensure choose one that fit their practice. So let's go through some of the things you should look out for when choosing a custom-tailored billing service:
Experience and Knowledge: Make sure the company has experience in your specialty to understand nuances of billing unique to your practice.
Technology and Integration: You should try to find a billing provider that utilizes the latest technology, while also integrating fully with your practice management system and EHR.
Transparency and Communication – Look for a company that gives you clear communication, fair pricing & monthly updates on your billing health.
Extensive Services — If you need everything from insurance verification to collections and reporting, choose a vendor that does it all.
With the vast competition in health care, personalized medical billing services are what brings providers an opportunity to outperform. The delivery of individualized solutions by these offered services streamlines the revenue cycle considerably, which in turn reduce administrative burdens and enhance financial performance. When it comes to healthcare providers looking for ways to make their practices run more smoothly and boost revenue, a bespoke medical billing service can be the key enabling them focus on what they do best – providing superior patient care.
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projectcubicle1 · 2 years
Mitigating Security Risk in Medical Transcription with Firewalls and Encryption
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Mitigating Security Risk in Medical Transcription with Firewalls and Encryption
Cybersecurity is a way to protect the e-data by mitigating the risks and vulnerabilities of your system. It is an umbrella term that covers a wide array of different activities. The goal is to protect your data from all potentially dangerous occurrences, such as alteration, destruction, disclosure, and unauthorized access. We can all agree that this is a complex procedure.   It becomes more complex over time because of the new ways cybercriminals use to breach existing security. It becomes an important question in a world where people rely more on cyber technology than ever. Today, we want to talk about how you can mitigate the security risk in medical transcription by using encryption and firewalls.
Create an Incident Response Plan
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  The incident response plan is a set of instructions and tools to help your team identify all the threats and find the fastest way to deal with them. In this plan, you should also have measures you can use to recover your data in situations when it has already been destroyed. An incident response or IR plan is activated immediately after the incident occurs.   In more difficult situations, you can use this to minimize financial and literal damage. Creating this plan will help protect your data from ransomware, breaches, malware, denial of service attacks, and many other dangers designed to compromise the system's operation. Creating this plan includes several stages.   Identifying the critical systems Identifying all the potential risks Creating the risk handling procedures Defining responsibilities and rules Training team members Establishing communication guidelines Updating the plan frequently All these stages are essential, and you must go through them patiently.
Advantages of Firewall
We want to touch upon the advantages of using a firewall to protect your medical data. Monitoring Traffic The most important reason you should use a firewall to mitigate the security risk in medical transcription is to monitor the traffic. All the information that goes through the network is represented in packets. Therefore, the firewall will inspect all the packets to seek potential hazardous threats. Whenever harmful content is found, the firewall will block it immediately.   In most cases, the firewall can do the job on its own. However, when the updates are made, professionals must take care of certain aspects by paying close attention to the content inside these packs. An experienced team of professionals can seek out all the content that might put the whole system in danger. Safeguarding from Phishing Attacks Phishing attacks have become quite a hazard in the last couple of years. This is because there are so many websites out there that are linked with a social engineering attack like phishing. If you come across a website like that, the firewall will immediately limit access to that particular website and inform you about the dangers.   As you know, another way phishing attacks can occur is through opening emails. The firewall will analyze all the emails and point out the red flags like phishing. On the other side, most emails of this sort will not reach the inbox since the firewall will block them.   For the firewall to function as it should, you should also update the browser. Not using a firewall is dangerous since detecting phishing attacks is not the easiest task if you don’t have the software that can help. So, you can see a serious case for using a firewall.
Advantages of Encryption
Now that we understand the reasons for using a firewall let’s check out the reasons for using encryption.   Prevents Regulatory Fines Even though there are no specific requirements for data encryption, generally speaking, every medical institution must follow security measures, and safeguards must be put in place to protect patient's privacy. In some regulations, like HIPPA from 1996, you will find that encryption is one of the main requirements.   The institution or organization responsible for the data loss can be fined if the data is not encrypted. These fines are pretty hefty. To prevent that, you must encrypt the data to protect it. Even if the loss occurs, you will not be subject to a fine if you utilize this approach. Cheap Implementation   What many people don’t know about encryption is that it is a pretty cheap method to implement. Pretty much every system that we have today has some sort of encryption technology. The mobile phone or laptop you have just purchased will have encryption that protects the content on the storage.
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So, the software you use for medical transcription comes with its in-built system. Furthermore, there are numerous encryption programs you can download for free. You can find them all over the internet. Some of them have a limit on how much of them you can use, but they are nevertheless helpful.
Mitigating the security risks by using firewalls and encryption is a sure shot. These two measures are more than enough to handle your database, no matter how big. Here, we’ve discussed a couple of reasons why using these is useful. Read the full article
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hipaamart · 2 years
HIPAA Training Certificate in New York
HIPAA Compliance Training: What Does Your Company Need?
Any business that manages medical records or software that uses medical data must oversee the security of the patient’s medical records. Are these HIPAA requirements met by your organisation in order to receive HIPAA compliance certification? Here are some pointers for adopting various HIPAA training programmes in the workplace.
You must take proactive measures to make sure that your company and its personnel adhere to the rules for records management. An overview is provided below to assist you in choosing the best online training programmes for your team:
What is HIPAA?
The (HIPAA) was put in place to protect the handling of medical records.Any person that has access to sensitive medical records is required to maintain a certain level of compliance to keep those records private.
Common Types of HIPAA Training & Certification
You must pass the HIPAA compliance certification if you have only completed the foundational level of HIPPA training. This training is required for everyone who handles medical records. These regulations apply to all employees, including those working for medical software companies, insurance firms, and office staff.
Even though everyone must receive basic HIPAA certification training, some individuals also require further training. For instance, general medical staff must be aware of how HIPAA operates and the protocols in place to safeguard office documents. On the other hand, healthcare professionals must understand this information in addition to receiving instruction on how to apply the laws and maintain staff compliance.
Here are some of the other types of HIPAA training that might be required:
HIPAA Security Training
Why is HIPAA compliance training so crucial, despite two-step authentication codes, complex passwords, and increased controls on employee cloud downloads?
You are required by law to preserve any personal customer information that your business controls, including prescription information, addresses, and health data. Training for HIPAA compliance makes sure that you, your business, and every employee do all possible to protect the privacy of your clients.
Is HIPAA training mandatory?
The short answer is that yes, HIPAA training for employees is required for some firms.
Any organisation that requires it, regardless of size or annual budget, should receive HIPAA compliance training. HIPAA training regulations must be followed by everyone, from multibillion dollar healthcare enterprises to a rural doctor with a single administrative assistant.
Does HIPAA require annual updates? Is HIPAA training a yearly requirement?
Regulations governing employee HIPAA Training Certificate in New York state that all employees must receive HIPAA refresher training on a regular basis. Offering annual HIPAA training is recommended practise for the company, while being open to interpretation. Every year, federal laws and regulations change, and the company is responsible for keeping its employees informed.
With HIPAA training software to train them alongside, HIPAA online employee preparation is a clever solution to update the staff frequently. You may provide the information your employees need by setting up just-in-time alerts for laws and regulations.
A HIPAA Certification Training to Consider
You will discover that there are HIPAA employee training programmes created for particular industries as you search for HIPAA training for your business. The requirements of the various positions under particular job descriptions are covered in these training sessions. For instance, you can obtain information about HIPAA training for business partners, attorneys, and HR specialists.
Training in security and compliance is crucial for all businesses in the healthcare sector. Using an online training programme is the fastest and most efficient approach to complete the HIPAA compliance certification. You will gain knowledge about HIPAA in this training session, including what it is, how it applies to your job, and — most importantly — how to become HIPAA certified. You can also get additional training, such as HIPAA security training, if necessary.
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phantomtutor · 2 years
SOLUTION AT Academic Writers Bay UOPX Provide a Summary of A Current Law or Regulation that Impacted Lifespan Management UOPX Provide a Summary of A Current Law or Regulation that Impacted Lifespan Management First Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:Provide a summary of a current law or regulation that impacted lifespan management. How did it influence the facility and patients? Provide details. Then: Read and respond to the two discussion posts below. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions. 1.The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects individuals health information. An individuals name, social security number, date of birth, address, health or mental conditions in the past or present, admissions, treatments and procedures, and billing and payment information cannot be shared with people who are not involved in the patients care. Information can be shared for treatment and care coordination, for billing and payment to doctors and hospitals, with family members, friends, or those who have been identified by the patient, with regulatory bodies that ensure appropriate care, with agencies in order to protect the public (contagious diseases), and with the police. This requires facilities to provide HIPPA training for its staff. Patients information is now more confidentiality. However HIPPA has unintentionally created challenges. Professionals sometimes have problems with release of patient information. More clarification of the law and standardized instructions is needed. Reference How does HIPAA affect you, your health care system and seniors in general? (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.seniorliving.org/health/hipaa/ Houser, S. H., Houser, H. W., & Shewchuk, R. M. (2007, March 23). Assessing the effects of the HIPAA privacy rule on release of patient information by healthcare facilities. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2082070 2.A current regulation that has impacted lifespan management is the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, or HITECH Act. President Obama signed HITECH into law on February 17, 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), an economic stimulus bill. This act is important because it forces healthcare providers, merchants, and caregivers to implement a tougher access to security. It helps protect patient data which can avoid million dollar fines. This act cut down the cost of healthcare by changing the way protected health information was shared by doctors, hospitals, and anyone else using an electronic system. Healthcare providers were given financial incentives for being able to demonstrate meaningful use of electronic health records. If the Act was not passed, many healthcare providers would still be using paper records causing their patients information to be at risk. The HITECH Act helped facilities and patients with privacy and security with using computerized systems. The facility has to let patients know that if their information was compromised. This puts pressure on the facilities because leaked personal information can bring fines. Patients also can feel at ease knowing that there are security measures protecting their health information. Reference What is the HITECH Act? (2019) Retrieved from https://www.hipaajournal.com/what-is-the-hitech-ac… Need a 3 or 4 page paper Need a 3 or 4 page paper As a health care manager, daily management tasks include financial management. Financial management includes items such as labor cost, equipment cost, and a budget that controls the operations. Proper operations requires planning and control. The budget is created using the basic financial information and accounting principles that an organization uses in its monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports.After learning the basics of financial statements, it is very important for a health care manager to understand the basic five areas of performance that set the financial plan for the organization.
Define and provide an example of what the following mean:Short-term solvencyActivityFinancial leverageProfitabilityValueDefine the following terms, and explain why they are important in a health care organization:Current ratioTotal asset turnoverDebt ratioProfit marginsInclude a minimum of 2 references. CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS CLICK THE BUTTON TO MAKE YOUR ORDER Related posts: Barstow Community College Fruits and Veggies Health Questions HIT 2700 Laramie County Community College Health Info Review Questions Barstow Community College Personal Diet and Health Discussion KIN 160 Parkland College Community Health Worker Occupation Presentation
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plutushealthinc · 2 years
Unique Obstacles of Physician Medical Billing
Medical coding for physicians is trickier than it sounds. Healthcare legislation and practices are constantly changing, which causes significant revenue losses and financial crises for some doctors. Medical billing errors cost the healthcare industry $125 billion a year. Physicians need to be meticulous with some of their key procedures, such as patient engagement, satisfaction, billing, and payment collection, to survive and be able to compete.
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There is a good probability that claims will be rejected or denied, even though the doctor has presented them with the utmost care and diligence. Annually, 200 million claims are rejected because of simple to fix invoicing or procedural mistakes. A few factors that have an impact on physician coding and billing include new government legislation, the effects of globalization, rising healthcare expenses, and technological development. Plutus Health has compiled and keeps track of a comprehensive list of specific difficulties with medical coding for physicians. Physicians can proactively prepare for and overcome medical billing issues by being aware of the problems. This brings in more money for healthcare providers.
Administrative Burden
Due to the nature of their jobs, doctors deal with a lot of work stress. To be compliance, they must stay up to date with the laws' continual changes. This continual tension is exacerbated by administrative and medical coding for physicians as well as patient care. Patient care, documentation, or both may suffer if providers are overworked or weighed down by the administrative obligations and ever-changing requirements.
Privacy and data security violations
All businesses experience cyberattacks, fraud, or data breaches, but the healthcare sector is particularly vulnerable because extremely sensitive data is at risk. Hackers compromise security and privacy by using cutting-edge technology to obtain patient information, physician coding and billing data, and revenue details. Healthcare data breaches affected more than 249 million people.
Constantly evolving laws
Physicians are required to abide by HIPPA laws, which were developed to safeguard patient data and privacy. These regulations establish communication between patients, providers, and payers, streamlining every process. However, these rules' confidentiality requirements are constantly changing, and doctors who violate them face severe penalties.
Rising denials
The most significant billing challenge for doctors is the rejection of payments or the denial of claims. Since doctors are constantly occupied with patients, they never have time to address claims, which leads to payment rejections. Denials of claims increase with changing patient demands and laws. Claims denials brought on by a small billing or coding error leads to physicians' financial insecurity.
Specialty billing procedure
Physicians or those in charge of their medical billing should be aware of all changes in laws and regulations to get the most out of the submitted claims. Physicians should be familiar with special handling, specialty billing, and authorizations as billing methods vary by specialty. All doctors must acquire the information or the time to explore the specifics of the process or stay abreast with modifications.
Obsolete or inconvenient EHR interface
Modern EHRs and technological advancements in the healthcare sector have enormous potential to enhance patient care and outcomes. If doctors do not employ the most recent, efficient, and effective software solution for medical billing and patient registration, it will negatively affect physician billing services. Patient billing is made more challenging when time is split between patients and computers.
Solutions to Medical coding for physicians Issues
Physicians' struggles with medical billing have an influence on their cash flow. Outsourcing your medical coding for physicians needs to a tech-savvy RCM provider like Plutus Health would be a smart strategy to combat these issues. Healthcare providers may spend more time caring for their patients since our team's physician coding and billing experts offer end-to-end services, freeing them from having to worry about medical billing issues. Get in touch with the physician coding and billing experts at Plutus Health right away to begin expanding your practice and generating more revenue.
Important Takeaways
HIPPA regulations are constantly changing, and doctors who don't comply suffer financial losses.
The best strategy to enhance revenue for healthcare providers is through effective administration of the medical billing procedures. Denials have a negative influence on revenue.
Physician coding and billing is significantly influenced by EHR software.
Since sensitive patient data and billing information are contained in physician billing, data protection is essential.
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mainssail · 2 years
Flmcsr medical file driver qualification hippa
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#Flmcsr medical file driver qualification hippa drivers#
#Flmcsr medical file driver qualification hippa update#
#Flmcsr medical file driver qualification hippa driver#
#Flmcsr medical file driver qualification hippa registration#
State motor vehicle record (MVR) at time of hire.
#Flmcsr medical file driver qualification hippa driver#
This list makes it easy to quickly understand what the DOT requirements for non-CDL drivers’ DQF are, and reflect the requirements as outlined in Section 391.51 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations for driver qualification files: What Are The DOT Requirements For Non-CDL Drivers’ DQF? Contact the state agency that regulates commercial motor vehicles to find out what rules apply in your state.
#Flmcsr medical file driver qualification hippa drivers#
For example, states may have different weight limits than those set by the FMCSA or may exempt certain drivers from some DQF requirements. Intrastate non-CDL drivers may have different weight criteria, because state regulations sometimes differ from FMCSA regulations.
Transporting more than 15 people (including the driver) with no compensation.
Transporting more than 8 people (including the driver) for compensation, or.
Transporting hazardous materials as defined by the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act.
(Once a vehicle reaches 26,001 pounds, a CDL is required in order to drive it.)Ī DQF is also needed regardless of vehicle weight if an interstate non-CDL driver is: Interstate non-CDL drivers of vehicles that have a gross vehicle weight (GVW), gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), gross combination weight (GCW) or gross combination weight rating (GCWR) between 10,001 and 26,000 pounds require a DQF. In reality, you must also keep a DQF for your non-CDL drivers if their vehicles meet certain weight criteria. If you think a DQF is only necessary for drivers who hold a commercial driver’s license (CDL), you’re not alone this is a frequent point of confusion. The DQF should contain records documenting the driver’s qualifications, including their employment application and prior employment verification, state motor vehicle records, road test certification, medical exam and certificate of examination, and an annual list of violations. What Is Required To Keep In A DOT Driver Qualification File? You must also maintain a DQF for each driver on an ongoing basis and be prepared to provide it in case of future audits. The DQF is among the documentation you’ll have to submit as part of that audit. Within the first 12 months of operation, new motor carriers must pass a new-entrant safety audit. The documentation the DQF contains helps to prove that the driver is qualified to drive a commercial vehicle safely. What Is A Driver Qualification File (DQF)?Ī Driver Qualification File (DQF) is a record the FMCSA requires motor carriers to maintain for each driver (including owner-operators who drive commercially). This article will explain what a driver qualification file is, when a DQF is needed for non-CDL drivers, and what records to keep in the DQF.
#Flmcsr medical file driver qualification hippa registration#
If you fail, your registration will be revoked, and your business won’t be allowed to operate until you correct the safety problems specified by the FMCSA.Įven after you’ve obtained your DOT registration, you’ll need to maintain DQFs in case of an audit. If you pass the audit, your DOT registration becomes permanent. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the DOT arm that oversees commercial motor vehicle safety, requires DQFs from every new carrier as part of the new-entrant safety audits they perform. This includes maintaining driver qualification files (DQFs) for the drivers you employ. Our DOT non-CDL driver qualification checklist can help.Ĭommercial motor vehicle carriers registered with the US Department of Transportation (DOT) have to comply with many regulations to maintain their DOT registration.
#Flmcsr medical file driver qualification hippa update#
Learn why a driver qualification file is important, what records to keep, and how often to update the information to stay in compliance. To maintain registration with the US Department of Transportation (DOT), commercial motor vehicle carriers must keep driver qualification files for their drivers, including non-CDL drivers.
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Advice for Combatting HIPAA Noncompliance in 2019 | HIPAA Rules and Regulations
Conquer risk management, defend your PHI, and preserve the integrity of your organization with TCI’s complimentary white paper, Advice for Combatting HIPAA Noncompliance in 2019.
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aalt-ctrl-del · 3 years
I would not go to far in recommending how to battle the states rights to dictate how a person lives, or what medical treatments to undertake. However, I would say it is worth exploring such terminology in legal documentation regarding the battle between Roe Vs. Wade. As terminology is the most powerful negotiating tool, and to change the meaning of words is how we alter the state of a person’s comprehension.
For instance, people keep using the terms “what is right” or “regulations” and “pro-life vs pro-choice”.
What if we say, how far does the states power extend, to denote what is ownership of its citizens. In a society, we all know and accept the terms that we must follows,  the rules and regulations to conduct ourselves a certain way, or consequences will follow ill actions. In that regard, the state does not own what it can or cannot say a person does in the privacy of their own home, nor in a private business such as a doctors office or medical facility.
The state cannot tell nor dictate what medical treatment a person receives. This is between the Doctor and the person. I.e., if someone needs medical treatment for an internal organ or external body section, that is between the person and the doctor. Hippa Oaths protect the confidentiality of the person and the doctor making these decisions.
In the state of Texas (and eventually all Red States, I suppose), it is illegal to conduct medical treatments without first notifying the state. Doctors will be prosecuted for illegal practice, medical licensing will be revoked. Etc.
That is the sum of our current argument. Doctors in Texas, and to an extent red states, will be policed by the state on what medical treatments are open to patients.
Naturally, I am talking about abortion, reproductive rights, and the necessity of medical treatment following a miscarriage (among the psychological trauma one or more of these leave the person with). But that is the sum of it. The State (or Abott) has given power to the government, to determine what medical treatment a person can receive. To that extent, where does the line lay? Will the state interfere with other medical procedures? Will people be unable to receive wisdom teeth extraction, appendicitis removal? Sepsis intervention for gut infraction? Will a heart transplant, or other organ transplant, be outlawed, because it is seen as a heinous deviance from gods divine plan?
People should really think carefully about these things. The government of red states is far reaching, and will not recognize the division of state and religion. These are very real things we can see happening, and the smog lifting around the narrative, “We must save the children” could obscure eventuals.
There is also the topic of ownership. The government deems itself worthy to claim ownership of certain organs in a persons body, such as reproductive organs. Those cannot be removed, because you essentially kill unborn children. Hypothetical children. To an extent, the state of Texas has already laid claim to the hypothetical children. They, with a persons body, belong to the state.
Though the state will shear any ties or funding, in raising the children it claims ownership of. But such contradictions are to be expected.
This is what the topic of pro-life has come to. People wish to control and own another persons decisions, private or otherwise. Other people want a say in what you can do with your body, without prior conversation or before seeking others opinions. This ownership is not about what is best or healthiest, or to the best benefit of the person who seeks treatment - the intervening invader demands their opinions, ignorant and shortsighted, be heeded.
Rather than saying “Pro-choice”, perhaps people should find a mantra in, “I take ownership of myself.” Or “Pro-me”. My internal organs and skin do not take precedence above the factor of ‘me’. A person will always be worth more than the sum of all the eggs they carry, or all the squiggly things. People should never be subjected to the prospect of being viewed as nothing but an incubator, to make something that they did not plan for. There is nothing more stripping to ones identity than such narratives, or forcing someone to destroy their body and risk their health - to an extent their life and precious energy, both mental and physical - in making something that was either forced onto them, or accidental.
People are important. Your safety and health are important. You are here with us now, and people would like to help with that. What happens in private, and what people choose in regards to medical treatment, should be protected - ALWAYS - by Hippa.
These are all topics and terminology and perceptions to study through. Bodily autonomy, Ownership, State Invasion in the Medical field, the Persecution of Doctors, the Separation between Religion and Government. The States, and to that extent the government, should only end at property that can be traded and sold, due on part to its ties to the community and assets shared between citizen and the government, and the bank. The states reach of ownership and Eminent Domain should not breach a persons skin, and claim stakes in a persons body.
Otherwise, what the State is really saying is it owns the child (and the hypothetical, ambiguous child). When does this ownership, when does that contract expire? How far does the State demand its claim to this child? At some point, the hypotheticals of this relationship allow the state to do anything with the person, regardless of autonomy.
And you should probably be thinking about these sort of loopholes. Because the state (red states) really likes to exploit loopholes for its own benefit.
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Correcting the 3 Main HIPAA Misconceptions
(aka I have HIPAA tattooed under my eyelids and I want to make it everyone else’s problem)
The act protecting your health information is HIPAA, not HIPPA. The “Health Information Privacy and Protection Act” flat-out does not exist. (What you’re thinking of is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which does a bunch of stuff regarding insurance on top of protecting your health information. I know it’s pedantic, but this is the most useful thing to see if someone has actually knows what they’re talking about.)
HIPAA protects you from healthcare organizations sharing your information without your consent. Someone asking you to share your own (or someone else’s) health information is rude, but not a HIPAA violation (unless you gained that info during your employment at a healthcare org, but if that’s the case, you already know this. )
There are a lot of exceptions to HIPAA--you health information can be shared your consent in many scenarios. I’ve made a detailed list below the cut, but to correct the biggest misconception: yes, in some scenarios, your health provider may be required to share your information with law enforcement. This is typically mandatory reporting (think child abuse, gunshot wounds, or domestic violence), but your information can also be subpoenaed by a judge or requested by law enforcement.
Here is the government’s webpage breaking down the HIPAA Privacy Rule if you want to know more! I personally think its neat, but that is not everyone’s opinion. Regardless, it’s good information to have at family gatherings when someone starts going off on vaccination requirements.
Detailed breakdown of HIPAA exceptions under the cut:
TPO: This stands for Treatment, Payment and Operations, because if your health info was on complete lockdown, no healthcare entity could function. Employees can access/share your info when the info is necessary for them to...
Provide treatment (ie: your nurse can share your info with your doctor)
 Receive payment (ie: giving info to your insurance company)
Maintain operations (ie: health data/medical records staff. This is me--as a health systems analyst, I can’t do my job without access to the data within the system)
Public Interest: ie: when required by law/governmental function. This includes:
Mandatory reporting (think abuse, neglect, domestic violence, gunshot wounds)
Health oversight activities. These are the organizations who evaluate and investigate whether a facility meets safety/performance regulations and standards. Trust me, you want your info shared with them
 Law Enforcement. I’m going to be really specific here, because there’s been a lot of (justifiable) concern post-Roe v Wade. Your info can be shared if it is is…
Subpoenaed, court ordered, or court-ordered warrant by a court, judge, or administrative tribunal
 Requested by law enforcement to id a suspect, fugitive, witness, or missing person
 Requested by law enforcement for info about a victim/suspected victim of crime
 To alert law enforcement of a person’s death if the organization believes a crime has occurred
If the healthcare organization believes the information is evidence of a crime that occurred on its premises.
In emergency situations, providers can share information about the nature of a crime, the location of crime/victims, and the perpetrator of the crime.
Decedents: Funeral directors, coroners, and medical examiners all need your info to do their jobs, Being deceased, you can’t give your authorization, so an healthcare org sharing your info with them is not a HIPAA violation
Organ/Eye/Tissue donation: pretty self explanatory. Some of your information as a donor might be shared to ensure a healthy transplant  
Research (limited data sets): This one tends to freak people out at first glance, but it’s not sharing your full information. Limited data sets remove any information that could identify/be traced back to you (name, address, etc), but keep details regarding your condition/treatment(s). These can be used to supplement research data sets without your authorization.
Serious threats to health/safety. If a serious, specific threat is made against a person or the public, this can be shared with law enforcement and the person who the threat is made against. There’s a lot of grey area here in what counts as a specific threat, and this can get complicated quickly, but if someone tells a medical professional that they are planning on harming you, you will be notified alongside law enforcement. Likewise for a bomb or other public threat.
Essential government functions. If you are in prison or other correctional facility, you are not protected by HIPAA. Some government benefit programs will require the disclosure of health information. (It also includes national security and military missions).
Worker’s compensation. Healthcare orgs have to share parts of your information for you to receive worker’s comp
I hope this cleared some things up!
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rely-services · 4 years
Top 8 Reasons To Outsource Your Medical Coding
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Today's Medical Billing and Coding depends on getting the coding right. While any history buff will tell you the importance of using a code in government or military communications, the word has a different, yet no less critical use in civilian life. To a computer geek, code is at the core of making a computer work. In the Healthcare field, accurate Medical Coding Services are the basis for many critical transactions.
Simply stated, Coding allows for shorthand communication between the Healthcare sector and it's Insurance Partners. Each procedure and that procedure's component parts have a numeric code. Every medical, surgical, and prescription treatment has a unique code that is recognized as a description of that treatment.
So Medical Coding is the key to making sense of treatment to pay for the Healthcare Industry.
It's like a different language, and you better have a good translator.
Most In-house employees tasked with performing this function are not always up to date on the latest billing codes, modifiers, and insurance guidelines. In fact, in many offices, the receptionist or office manager also does the billing!
The majority of medical practitioners agree that their billing and collection processes have errors. These errors mainly occur because of incorrect Coding.
This is one of the reasons that more and more Healthcare Practitioners are turning to Medical Coding Outsourcing Companies for Coding Services. This means handing off the entire coding process to a partner that specializes in Coding. These firms eat, drink, and breathe Coding. It's all they do, so their training and experience are second to none.
And they can do it quicker, more accurately, and for less cost than anyone in your office. Period.
Here are Top 8 Reasons for Outsourcing Medical Coding
So we know that getting reimbursed by an Insurance Provider depends on accurate Medical Coding. Why not put this vital function in the hands of a Business Process Outsource (BPO) professional?
Today, Outsourcing Medical Coding is providing world-class service to its clients. Using the latest technical innovation and expertise, a qualified BPO can:
Significant Cost Savings
Outsourcing Medical Coding keeps billing flowing effectively, getting bills out quicker, getting payments back sooner, and with less expense. Outsourcing your medical coding and billing can save 40% and more than using in-house staff.
Improved Billing Accuracy
It’s a fact that BPOs are less prone to errors in insurance coding. Without a dedicated staff for Coding and billing, your practice can be more efficient and cost-effective. Your BPO partner will stay on top of the latest best practices and industry innovations that will save them time and your enterprise money.
More Focus On Patient Care
The money saved can be used to improve patient care and upgrade equipment and services. Your newly hired BPO can introduce new billing methods, including trans promotional marketing. This encourages better patient involvement in their care and adds a revenue stream to the practice
Certified Coding Specialists
Insurance, both private and government, seems to change their methods and requirements continually. To stay on top of the latest regulations that will impact the payment schedule was a full-time job in itself. With a BPO, your practice can leave that task to someone else.
Flexibility and Scalability
When working with a BPO, your coding department is scaled to fit the workload- on a daily or weekly basis. No employees will sit idle, with pay, if they’re not needed. If there are seasonal busy (like the end of the calendar year) or down times, a BPO can seamlessly adjust the workforce.
Transparency and Security
Always Transparency and accountability between the BPO and the medical firm will be maintained. BPOs have a very stable and secure billing process, and they pride themselves on the security of their systems, protecting the client’s sensitive information from any hacking or unauthorized access to their database.
According to Federal Government rules, all patient data must be safely and confidentially stored, so the BPO must have the infrastructure for a client’s confidence. And look for a BPO that’s HIPPA compliant, protecting patient privacy.
Maximize Revenue
Many healthcare providers concentrate on their patients- staying on top of the latest treatments and medications. The majority of their staff does as well. Using a BPO for the Coding and billing allows more time for staff training and using new procedures
Since the turn of the century, the technology to Outsource Medical Coding Services has boosted the profits of those businesses forward-looking enough to use it. Leveraging qualified, experienced professionals, to process and maintain your valuable data, and stay current with Insurance Coding Practices has become an art. For such a time-consuming craft, outsourcing these services makes total sense.
Rely Services is a leading Outsourcing Medical Billing and Coding provider in the USA. Let them show you how partnering with them can improve your customer base and profitability. Contact Rely Services for a free, no-obligation analysis of your business.
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6i · 6 years
Can you suggest me some good old hip hop songs?
i got you
• Dr. Dre // Still D.R.E (Ft. Snoop Dogg)• The Notorious B.I.G // Juicy• 2Pac // Ambitionz As Ridah• Dr. Dre // Forgot About Dre (Ft. Eminem)• Coolio // Gangsta’s Paradise (Ft. L.V.)• 2Pac // California Love (Ft. Roger & Dr. Dre)• Mobb Deep // Shook Ones, Pt II • Luniz // I Got 5 On It (Ft. Michael Marshall)• The Notorious B.I.G // Big Poppa • Ice Cube // It Was A Good Day• Dr. Dre // The Next Episode (Ft. Snoop Dogg)• The Notorious B.I.G // Hypnotized• 2Pac // All Eyez On Me• Ice Cube // Check Yo Self; Remix• Fugees // Ready or Not• Black Star // Definition • Queen Latifah // U.N.I.T.Y• LL Cool J // Hey Lover (Ft. Boyz II Men)• Dred Scott // Duck Ya Head• Eric B & Rakim // Don’t Sweat The Technique• Smif-N-Wessun // Wrecknoize - Remix Vocal• Guru’s Jazzmatazz // Keep Your Worries • Group Home // Livin’ Proof• Compton’s Most Wanted // Streiht Up Menace• Pete Rock // They Reminisce Over You• Onyx // Slam• Das EFx // Real Hip Hop• Big Pun // Still Not a Player (Ft. Joe)• DMX // Ruff Ryders’ Anthem• Method Man // Da Rockwilder (Ft. Redman)• Ol’ Dirty Bastard // Hippa To Da Hoppa • Big L // MVP • KRS-One // Mortal Thoughts • Nas // Life’s A Bitch (Ft. AZ) • The Notorious B.I.G. // Gimme The Loot • Warren G // Regulate (Ft. Nate Dogg)• Dr.Dre // Keep Their Heads Ringin’• Diamond D // Day One (Ft. Big L)• N.W.A // Alwayz Into Somethin’• EPDM // Da Joint• A Tribe Called Quest // Electric Relaxation• The Roots // You Got Me (Ft. Erykah Badu)• Method Man // Bring The Pain• Souls Of Mischief // 93 ’Til Infinity • Q-Tip // Vivrant Thing • Cypress Hill // How I Could Just skull a Man• The Pharcyde // Runnin’• Gang Star // Work• Lords Of The Underground // Chief Rocka • Mobb Deep // Quiet Storm• Junior M.A.F.I.A. // Player’s Anthem • Public Enemy // He Got Game• Wu-Tang Clan // C.R.E.A.M.• Kris Kross // Jump• LL Cool J // Doin’ It• Eazy-E // Real Muthaphuckkin G’s • Mobb Deep // Hell on Earth (Front Lines)• Nas // N.Y. State of Mind• KRS-One // Sound of da Police• Eminem // Just Don’t Give A Fuck• Dead Prez // Hip Hop• The Pharcyde // Passing Me By• Fugees // Fu-Gee-La• Warren G // This DJ • Mase // What You Want (Ft. Total)• Gang Starr // Full Clip• Naughty By Nature // Feel Me Flow• Eminem // Guilty Conscience • Nas // Hate Me Now (Ft. Diddy)• Westside Connection // Gangsta Nation• Ol’ Dirty Bastard // Shimmy Shimmy Ya• OutKast // ATLiens• Cypress Hill // Insane in the Brain • Eminem // My Name Is • Naughty By Nature // Hip Hop Hooray• Busta Rhymes // Gimme Some More• A Tribe Called Quest // Can I Kick It• Junior M.A.F.I.A // Get Money• Rakim // Waiting For The World To End • Mos Def // Ms. Fat Booty• Bone Thugs-N-Harmony // The Crossroads• The Notorious B.I.G. // Warning • M.O.P // Ante Up (Robbin Hoods Theory)• Mase // Feels So Good• Outkast // Rosa Parks • Nas // Represent • Run-D.M.C // Walk This Way • Beastie Boys // So What’Cha Think • OutKast // Git Up, Git Out • A Tribe Called Quest // Oh My God • Dilated Peoples // Worst Comes To Worst • Ms. Lauryn Hill // Doo Wop (That Thing) • 2Pac // I Get Around • LL Cool J // Hollis To Hollywood • Ice Cube // You Know How We Do It• Mobb Deep // Survival of the Fittest• Nas // If I Ruled The World (Ft. Lauryn Hill)• Snoop Dogg // Who Am I ( What’s My Name)?• 2Pac // Hit ’Em Up (Ft. Outlawz) • The Notorious B.I.G. // Mo Money Mo Problems • OutKast // B.O.B • Salt-N-Pepa // Shoop • Wu-Tang Clan // Wu-Tang Clan Ain’t Nuthing Ta F’ Wit• Limp Bizkit // N 2 Gether Now (Ft. Method Man)• Busta Rhymes // Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See• The Notorious B.I.G // Notorious Thugs (Ft. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony • Gang Star // Above The Clouds (Ft. Inspectah Deck)• Blackstreet // No Diggity (Ft. Dr. Dre & Queen Pen)
Follow me on SoundCloud for more playlists & songs
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phantomtutor · 2 years
SOLUTION AT Academic Writers Bay UOPX Provide a Summary of A Current Law or Regulation that Impacted Lifespan Management UOPX Provide a Summary of A Current Law or Regulation that Impacted Lifespan Management First Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:Provide a summary of a current law or regulation that impacted lifespan management. How did it influence the facility and patients? Provide details. Then: Read and respond to the two discussion posts below. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions. 1.The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects individuals health information. An individuals name, social security number, date of birth, address, health or mental conditions in the past or present, admissions, treatments and procedures, and billing and payment information cannot be shared with people who are not involved in the patients care. Information can be shared for treatment and care coordination, for billing and payment to doctors and hospitals, with family members, friends, or those who have been identified by the patient, with regulatory bodies that ensure appropriate care, with agencies in order to protect the public (contagious diseases), and with the police. This requires facilities to provide HIPPA training for its staff. Patients information is now more confidentiality. However HIPPA has unintentionally created challenges. Professionals sometimes have problems with release of patient information. More clarification of the law and standardized instructions is needed. Reference How does HIPAA affect you, your health care system and seniors in general? (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.seniorliving.org/health/hipaa/ Houser, S. H., Houser, H. W., & Shewchuk, R. M. (2007, March 23). Assessing the effects of the HIPAA privacy rule on release of patient information by healthcare facilities. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2082070 2.A current regulation that has impacted lifespan management is the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, or HITECH Act. President Obama signed HITECH into law on February 17, 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), an economic stimulus bill. This act is important because it forces healthcare providers, merchants, and caregivers to implement a tougher access to security. It helps protect patient data which can avoid million dollar fines. This act cut down the cost of healthcare by changing the way protected health information was shared by doctors, hospitals, and anyone else using an electronic system. Healthcare providers were given financial incentives for being able to demonstrate meaningful use of electronic health records. If the Act was not passed, many healthcare providers would still be using paper records causing their patients information to be at risk. The HITECH Act helped facilities and patients with privacy and security with using computerized systems. The facility has to let patients know that if their information was compromised. This puts pressure on the facilities because leaked personal information can bring fines. Patients also can feel at ease knowing that there are security measures protecting their health information. Reference What is the HITECH Act? (2019) Retrieved from https://www.hipaajournal.com/what-is-the-hitech-ac… Need a 3 or 4 page paper Need a 3 or 4 page paper As a health care manager, daily management tasks include financial management. Financial management includes items such as labor cost, equipment cost, and a budget that controls the operations. Proper operations requires planning and control. The budget is created using the basic financial information and accounting principles that an organization uses in its monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports.After learning the basics of financial statements, it is very important for a health care manager to understand the basic five areas of performance that set the financial plan for the organization.
Define and provide an example of what the following mean:Short-term solvencyActivityFinancial leverageProfitabilityValueDefine the following terms, and explain why they are important in a health care organization:Current ratioTotal asset turnoverDebt ratioProfit marginsInclude a minimum of 2 references. CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS CLICK THE BUTTON TO MAKE YOUR ORDER
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staceyingram-blog · 5 years
Impact of non-compliance on organizations
Compliance refers to rules, regulations laws and policies that an organization has to abide by. These compliance standards are very important and protect an organization and its stakeholders. Compliances are particularly in alignment with the industry and the organization objectives. Compliances may be organization specific like labor laws and quality standards or like safety guidelines, government regulations, etc.
Managing compliances has evolved through the years with the increase in the complexity of compliances. Compliances these days are more dynamic in nature. With the increase in a number of compliances, monitoring and predicting violations is now a major concern among businesses.
The cost attached to compliances is increasing. The cost can be either monetary or non-monetary in nature. The consequences of non-compliance can affect a company negatively.
Following are some of the consequences of. 1. Penalties- Each non-compliance has some monetary penalty attached with it which a company has to pay. Some non-compliances can be very costly for an organization. 2. The reputation of the company- A non-compliance issue can put a company in trouble and show it in a bad light. The brand value and reputation can take a serious hit based on the severity of non-compliance. This can also lead to further loss of opportunities. 3. Increased audits- Audits may have to be conducted to uncover the reason for non-compliance. Conducting these audits can be time-consuming and require a lot of efforts. 4. Imprisonment- In some severe cases, when critical compliances are violated, the business owners may be imprisoned. 5. Company shut down- Governing authorities may sometimes order companies to shut down or completely dissolve them in case of serious non-compliance issues. Failure to comply is considered as illegal and the governing bodies may take any relevant action on the organization.
Here are some recent examples of how non-compliance impacts companies-
Hippa non-compliance in the healthcare industry- Hippa violations are highly risky and can prove to be costly to organizations. Hippa audits were delayed which led to non-compliance from many organizations. Non-compliance led to an increase in cyber attacks and loss of private confidential records. Anthem Inc data breach exposed 80 million records and the total cost was estimated to be more than $ 1 billion
Bank of America had to pay a penalty fee of $ 30 million violating the non-home loan compliance. remediation had to be provided to around 73,000 customers.
There are also various human resource violations that have costed companies dearly. Wrongful termination, age discrimination, racial discrimination are all regulated by policies and non-compliance in this regard can lead to hefty fines.
Companies have begun to realize the importance of investing in compliance and are moving towards platforms that offer help in managing them. Vcomply is one such unique compliance platform that is hassle-free, easy to understand and easy to use.
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hipaatraining-blog1 · 5 years
HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). It is commonly misspelled as “HIPPA” when individuals have not taken training or completed HIPAA compliance initiative. It is a federal law passed in 1996 as an attempt at incremental healthcare reform. It was revised in 2009 with the ARRA/HITECH Act, meaningful use, in 2013 with the Omnibus Rule and additional minor changes.
Regulation’s goal is to reform the healthcare and Insurance industries by reducing paperwork & costs, simplifying administrative processes, burdens and improving the privacy and security of patients’ information with easy accessibility of their records. Enforcement rule and breach notification rule has lead to fines and penalties due to a violation of rules.
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