#hints of at least
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What if Serena and Misty met during XY saga fanfic
So I made up a scenario about these two meeting that I am pretty thought was pretty cool a while back. With Rachel Lill's having recently passed and people talking more about characters she voiced (I had not known that she voiced at least 3 of my favorite anime characters from my childhood) I thought now might be a cool time to post it. Since I am not currently on A03 I am just going to post it here. This fic is written to be like an episode of the anime, but is told from the point of view of a narrator, because that is how I write. It contains both Ash&Misty and Ash&Serena friendships, that can be read as Pokkeshipping and Amourshipping if you squint hard enough. But I am not focusing on either ship, as Pokemon was first and foremost a buddy anime.
Things open with the four friends sitting a car being driven by Ash's mom Delia Katchem. We learn that her birthday was the day before and Ash, along with the XY gang flew back to Pallet down to celebrate it with her. They are now on their way to Cerulean city's airport to catch a flight back to the Kalos region. Delia thanks everyone for visiting and then does her whole fussy mom reminder to Ash about remembering to practice self-care. Ash blushes. Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie all laugh. After Delia drops the gang off they go to look at the flight schedule and discover that they got the date wrong and their flight actually leaves at this time tomorrow. Clemont says that they should go check into the nearest pokemon center for the night, rest there, and make plans for when they arrive back in the Kalos region. But Serena see's a poster on the wall Advertising that the famous Sensational Sisters are doing a show tonight at The Cerulean Gym. Serena says she has followed video's of the sisters online and really wants to go see a performance live. When Bonnie asks if any of the sisters are single and looking for a husband, Clemont starts insisting that just going to the pokemon center for the night is the better, more practical idea. Serena huffs and says she wants to see the show. Ash interrupts and says that he has an in with the Cerulean gym, and if they go before the show he can get them a tour of it. This decides it for everyone.
Cut to the group getting to the Cerulean gym. They come up to Misty who is out front, holding her Azurill, and practicing land fighting with her Gyarados. Misty has not noticed the group yet. Gyarados twists around does wrap, watergun, and flamethrower. Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie are freaked out. Ash and Pikachu are impressed. Misty tells Gyarados it did great and they can break, putting it back in its pokeball. At this Pikachu jumps off Ash, runs up to Misty, climbs up to her shoulder, and starts nuzzling her in greeting. Misty, very surprised, starts petting Pikachu and asks him how he got here. Then she notices Ash and his new friends. Ash walks towards her saying hello and complementing Gyarados. They do that high five handshake thing where they lock hands in the air. Misty says she had heard from Professor Oak that Ash was traveling in a different region. He tells her that he has been in the Kalos region battling gyms and meeting all sorts of really cool pokemon. He tells her he has one new one she will love, and sends out his Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja. Misty immediately starts fawning over it, and suggests a battle of the frogs between it and her Politoad.
Serena, Clemont, or Bonnie one start to feel ignored and coughs behind Ash and Misty. Ash then turns and introduced Misty to all three of his friends from Kalos and vice versa. You see Serena get surpirsed when she learns that Misty used to travel with Ash. Ash says that he promised his friends that Misty would give them a tour of her gym. A nervous look crosses Misty's face as she stutters that she is not sure if she can do a whole tour. But upon looking back at Ash and Pikachu she concedes that she can at least bring them all in and show them her other pokemon. Pkauchu introduces Dedenee and Azurill and the three start to play together as everyone goes inside to the big pool in the center of the gym.
The Kalos crew take it all in. Bonnie asks Clemont if they can install a pool at the battle tower too. Suddenly Psyduck comes running up to the gang quaking hello to everybody. Pikachu greets Psyduck in pokemon, and Ash tells it it "Hey nice to see you again Psyduck". After this Psyduck goes over to the edge of the pool, yells very loud, before jumping in, and immediately starts to sink. Ash runs to the edge of the pool ready to jump in after it, but Misty gets in his way and holds him back. Ash exclaims that "it looks like Psyduck still cannot swim". Misty smiles and tells Ash "wait for it". A few seconds later Psyduck rises from underneath the water clinging to something blue in red. Misty proudly introduces her new Tentacool. She explains that Tentacool has one tentacle shorter that the other, and struggled to keep up with its group in the wild. But that since coming here it and Psyduck have become fast friends. It likes to build its strength by carrying Psyduck through the pool, and Psyduck is not scared to be in the water if it is with Tentacool. There is some collective comments of the group of "How cool" and "Friends helping friends".
As Tentacool swims off with Psyduck, Misty leans over the Cerulean pool and shouts to all her other pokemon "Come out everyone. Show them how skilled and wonderful you are." We then get a montage of Misty's remaining pokemon jumping out of the water to perform for everybody. Goldeen and luvdisc have a who can jump the highest contest. Staryu and Corsola jump out and takle each other in a mock battle. Horsee sticks its head out and Misty points to a tarp on the wall and tells it to use sludge bomb. It then uses sludge bomb to write "Hello" on the tarp in Japanese calligraphy. Then Starmie climbs up onto one of the floating slabs, and Misty says that "Pikachu was actually the inspiration for Starmie's newest trick". Misty first has Starmie use bubble beam, then to everyone's surprise she tells it to use thunderbolt, which pops all the bubbles. After this Misty says she still has one pokemon left, and calls for a Surskit.
Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie all watch the show in amazement. Serena however only in part watching the show, and is mostly watching her friends, particularly, Ash react to Misty and her pokemon. When Ash had said he had a in with the Cerulean gym she thought that just meant Ash had battled there once before, and still had respect of the gym leader. She had had no idea that the current gym leader was a former traveling companion and close friend of Ash's from before she and he re-connected. She also did not know that Misty was both a well known mermaid and a powerful gym leader. The other's admiration and Serena's feelings insecurity start to build on her face, and boil over after Starmie's, pikachu inspired, performace. She has no desire to meet surskit, or to see whatever no doubt high quality performance it can put on. She sneaks away from the group and runs down random hallways trying to catch her breath and quiet her thoughts. When she comes to a random blacked out hallway she lets out a loud gasp.
Then it cuts back to the others. As it has only been a minute nobody has noticed Serena is gone yet. She also was maybe a bit to quick to assume Misty and Surskit make a skilled team. Misty keeps calling for Surskit and is getting more visibly frustrated with it not showing up. Ash asks Misty "When did you get a Surskit, and isn't that a bug type? Misty confirms that Surskit is a water/bug type. Her sister's gave it to her thinking that it could help her overcome her fear of bug pokemon. Misty then goes on to say that she is not scared of Surskit because, as she claims, "it does not have any of the creepy bug parts, or move in a scary bug way", but that "It still frustrates her to no end because it seems to have no motivation to battle, and will not listen to her in training". Suddenly Serena runs back to the group yelling for everybody. Clemont asks her "Where did you go?" and Ash asks her " Serena what's wrong". Serena shrugs them off and tells Misty "You needs to come with me".
Serena takes them to the hallway she went down and shows them the previously blacked out hallway. You can now see that it has been trashed, T-peed, and their is graffiti all over the walls. Misty is now red-faced, eyes closed, and stomping on the ground as she seethes "Oh no, not again, Uuuhhgg". When Misty is able to calm down a bit she admits that this has been happening for the past couple of weeks. Some one is trying to sabotage her gym for some reason. Her and her sisters have tried to catch the person but cannot, Officer Jenny also does not know who it is. She tells everybody how that lately she has been training some of her pokemon outside the gym entrance hoping to scare them away, but it looks like that hasn't worked either. If Misty cannot figure out who is doing this, and put a stop to them, then she will have to close down her gym. Ash says "No. What about all the trainers who want to come here to battle" and Serena echos "and fans who come here to watch performances". Clement goes over to some of the graffiti and sticks his fingers to it, exclaiming that "The paint is still wet and this is all freshly done". Bonnie says that "maybe that means whoever did it may still be in the building and we can still catch them". All five trainers search the building , checking hallways, closets, and cabinets but they come up with zip. They conclude that that the vandals must have snuck in through a window while Misty was practicing outside, trashed the hall, and then snuck out while she was talking to them. Misty sighs defeated and says she'll have to close the gym down and cancel the show tonight, because she is not going to risk putting it on just so these mysterious vandals can show up and ruin it.
Bonnie yells "No!"this time, and suggests that they still do the show but set traps for the vandals, near where they have been sneaking in. This prompts Clemont to do his whole "The future is now thanks to science" gimmick, and bring out a new trap based invention bot thing that he assures everyone will defiantly catch the vandals when sprung. Misty argues that she still cannot do the show and be waiting by the trap for the vandals to step in. Serena quietly whispers "What if I do the show in your place". The others all hear and turn to her. Ash immediately say that that is a great idea. Misty is not convinced and asks Serena "Have you ever been a water ballet before?". Playing with her fingers and staring at the floor, Serena admits "No". Ash jumps in again saying "Serena knows how to swim and is an amazing dancer. This plan is our best bet for catching the vandals and keeping the gym open. Give her a chance". Ash's faith in her gives Serena the courage to stop playing with her hands and turn her head up to look Misty in the eye. "I know ballet" she says; "And while I have never been in a water Ballet before I have always been able to pick dances up quickly. Give me a chance". Misty says that her sister "Daisy will be here in a little bit do do a dress rehearsal before the show. If Serena can learn the dance to Daisy's approval, and we can get the traps set up in time then we'll go ahead with your plan". Outside Team Rocket are hiding in a tree, spying on the "Twerps" with their binoculars. Meowth comes up with the plan to steel all of Cerulean's pokemon, and Pikachu, by taking advantage of the fact that everyone will be so busy being on guard to catch the vandals that none of them will remember to be on guard for Team Rocket.
Cut to the dress rehearsal with Daisy teaching Serena and Bonnie the routine. A few of Ceruleans pokemon are there as well. Dewgong is Bonnie's new friend. Daisy praises the girls dancing. She believes they will do well in her show. Bonnie happily throws her arms around Dewgong. In the corner of her eye Serena see's a small figure peeking out from behind a corner. She crosses the room and kneels down in front of the corner and gently says hello to whoever is hiding there then asks it to "please come on out. Would you like to dance with me?". Out crawls the same Surskit that Misty was looking for earlier. Daisy see surskit and loses her smile. She tells Serena that "Surskit does not know the routine", and "Misty has already told me it is a bad listener and I do not allow those in my performances". Serena is now standing up, holding Surskit in her arms. She tells Daisy to "let Surskit try dancing in the rehearsal and that if it does not listen than you do not have to let it dance again". Cut back to Ash, Misty, and Clemont. They are going through the gym setting up noise based alarms at various windows and other secondary places the vandals could be breaking in through. They also assign pokemon at these spots to act as watchmen. Once they are done they go to lay Clemont's big trap out in front of an old back exit that Misty believes is probably what the vandals go through most of the time.
As they walk away Team Rocket (who have painted themselves the same color as the gym walls and are holding paintings and potted plants over their faces) sneak past them the trio and head to a room in the at the other end of the a long hall to try and start nabbing whatever pokemon they can. They step over the noise alarm and grab Misty's Nemo Tentacool from a fish tank it was sitting watch in. Tentacool calls for help and Psyduck comes running in, it trips the trap. Psyduck charges seemingly at Team Rocket but misses completely and rams itself into a wall. Jessie and Meowth both laugh at it. James tells them "Hold on. That is the original twerpets Psyduck. Why do I feel like their is something we are supposed to remember about its head?" Wobbuffet goes "Wuba wuba". Meowth more confused translated "Headaches make it stronger?". They all turn to Psyduck who's eyes have turned blue and its body is gathering strength. Suddenly it lets lose a massive confusion attack that picks all four of them up and throws them out the window and blasting off again. After this Ash, Misty, and Clemont run in, to see what all the noise was. They find Psyduck trying to put Tentacool back in the fish tank with a piece of the alarm stuck to its foot. There is no sign of team Rocket having been there , and all three think that Psyduck must have just tripped when coming to visit Tentacool.
Now Flash to that night. The crowd is starting to come in and fill out the seats. Misty's other two sisters, Lily and Violet are taking tickets up front and keeping a look out in case anyone suspicious is tries to come in form the front. All the alarms and traps are set, and pokemon lay in hiding places all throughout the gym ready to battle for its defense if the need comes. Currently the whole group is behind the curtain waiting for the show to start. Serena, who's is dressed as (not a mermaid) a Princess, is watching the crowd spill in and is starting to get butterflies. She tells Ash "I wish you could stay and watch the performance. I always feel better when I see you in the crowd". Ash reassures her that"You'll l do great, and I promise that we will catch the vandals really quick. Once that is done they will come right into the audience", he points to some empty seats near the top, "and watch You and Bonnie dance". Daisy calls for "everyone who's not in the show to get out and everyone in the show to take their places".
After this Ash Misty and Clemont, Pikachu, and Clemont's Chespin all go to where they Misty thinks the vandals are most likely to be getting in through and they set Clemont's big bot trap. Clemont is hides behind the his invention so he can activate it if/when the vandals come. Chespin and Pikachu are with him. Ash and Misty are behind a corner in case there are multiple vandals and one slips through. It is very dark in the hallway. Suddenly they hear the sound of the lock being jiggled and the door being banged on till it opens. Footsteps come in and a smug voice makes comments at how "stupid" and "flimsy" Cerulean's locks are. Another voice laughs and chims in that "it's like they want to be broken into". Suddenly pikachu lights the room up and Clemont pulls the switch for his Trap bot. Because it was built by Clemont is of course malfunctions completely and traps him, Chespin, and Pikachu instead. Pikachu is still admitting sparks from its cheeks to light the room and in the light you can see three intruders trash bags and spray paint. It is actually Kim, Kail, and Kai
Misty fuming storms into the light and yells "You creeps again"
Ash following Misty "You know these guys Misty?"
Misty "Unfortunately yes. They call themselves "The Invincible Pokemon Brothers. They tried to take control of the gym when I first started running it. But they failed big time".
Kim: "Well if we can't take the Cerulean Gym from you, then we'll make sure your unable to stay open". With that he and his brothers each bring out a pokeball and send out Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, and Hitmontop. "You have no hope of defeating us. We out number you three to two."
Ash: "We may be out numbered but you are outmatched." With that he takes out a pokebell and turns to Misty. "It looks like our battle this time will be us vs them. Are you alright settling for that".
Misty has out one of her own pokeballs and smiles as she replies "This is just like old times".
Ash throws out Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja, and Misty throws out Politoad. So the battle of the frogs becomes the battle of the frogs vs fighting types. The frog duo make short work of the three fighting types , and send them and their trainers blasting off into the night.
With that done we cut to Clemont, Ash and Misty now taking here seat to watch the remainder of the show. They are sitting near the top of the bleachers and look down to the stage. Serena is dancing around on one of the starmie water platforms, with Surskit as her dance partner. Dewgong is swimming circles around it, and Bonnie is riding on his back and using her arms to dance. various cerulean pokemon are either jumping out of the water around then, or using watergun and bubble beam to create special effects. Clemont and Ash start clapping. Ash even calls out "Go Serena, Go Bonnie!". Misty watches Serena and Surskit and she gets a look of realization that morphs into hesitation, that then morphs into reassurance after she glances back at Ash.
Now we cut to early the next day with Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, and their pokemon set to leave and head to the airport. Azurill is crying over Pikachu and Dedenne having to leave, which makes Dedenne start crying too, and Pikachu is trying to comfort both of them. Dasiy gives Bonnie some flowers as a thank you for being in their show. Bonnie tells her "Being in your show was a lot of fun. When I get older I am going to be in lots of battle, and lots of shows too". Clemont tells Daisy was overall very impressed with the Cerulean gym, but he thinks they can upgrade its tech. He tells Daisy to please call him sometime and he would be happy to send over some of his inventions that he thinks they would get optimal benefit from. At this Bonnie is side eyeing Clemont with big eyes because she thinks he may have a crush on Daisy. He does not. He is just being nice. Daisy chuckles awkwardly and, clearly lying, says that she will make sure to do that sometime. Misty then comes out to say goodbye. Ash and her do another high five- handshake and lock hand in the air. Misty wishes Ash good luck in his upcoming gym battles. Ash wishes her the same, then promises that he will come back again soon and they can have another battle against each other then.
Then Misty walks toward Serena. Serena is a lot more comfortable around Misty than she was the morning before. She tells Misty that she is glad the Cerulean Gym will be able to stay open, and that she really admires that Misty is able to juggle battling challengers as Gym leader and being in the Cerulean performaces. Both seem like such big roles, and Serena isn't sure she could manage a double load like that. Misty remarks that Ash told her Serena competes in showcases in Kalos, and that those involve lots of dancing and performing right?Serena tells her that is right, and that her dream is to one day be a Kalos Queen. Misty then tells Serena she has something for her as a Thank you for being in the show and reaches into her pocket to bring something out. Serena holds her own hand out , expecting at most to get a piece of paper with all four Cerulean sisters autographs. She is very surprised when Misty drops a pokeball into her hand. Serena presses the button to open it and out comes Surskit. "Surskit? Whhaatt?" Serena stammers looking at Misty.
Misty looks at the ground and Answers " I have spent weeks trying to get Surskit to train for gym battles and never cooperates. I thought it had no motivation for anything but last night proved it does love dance. The thing is that performing in the plays is only my side job. I cannot keep a pokemon on my team that won't also battle." Misty looks back at Serena and "So I think the figure the best thing for Surskit wold be to go to the Kalos region with you and work to become a Kalos star." Serena hold Surskits pokeball to her chest. She promises Misty that she will train with Surskit as much as she can and that one day they will both be Stars.
The End
Epilogue on how this would effect both Serena and Misty's stories (Because it would not really effect Ash, Clemont, or Bonnie's).
If I had written Serena's character in the XYZ series she would have had the same number of pokemon as May and Dawn ( I say that three pokemon is to little for a lead character who competes in tournaments). Another pokemon I would have given her is Kalos's regional butterfly (If that is not a thing I a making it one): Vivillion. Pokeball forum Vivillon to be specific I imagine Surskit would become good friends with Vivillion. Surskit would also evolve into Masquerain pretty fast with Serena, since it was finally training for something it was passionate about. After this Serena would use Vivillion and Masquerain together in showcases and they would flutter around her while she dances, using moves for special effects The crowds would eat it up. I also imagine that as a more experienced dancer, who shares its love for the craft, Masquerain might also develop a bit of a mentor type role to Sereena's eevee when it first joins the team, and is working on overcoming its stage fright.
As for Misty well Surskit was originally given to her to help her overcome her fear of bugs. But that did not happen then. She would need to catch a different bug/water pokemon. I think that when she visits Alola in Sun & Moon the gang would tell her how Lillie used to be afraid to touch pokemon for a while, but that raising her from an egg helped her bond with her, and her bond with Snowy helped er stop being afraid. On the island Ash takes everyone to Misty would find an abandoned Wimpod egg, and Lillie's story would encourage Misty to keep and try to raise it. I would also have Brock and Misty show up as background characters in exactly one episode of Pokemon Journeys (which both are surprisingly absent from) Season 25, episode 22 "Helping the Hometown Hero". That is the episode where Ash and Lilli's family bring her father back to Alola and the town throws a party for it, as well as the fact that Ash made it into The Master's Eight tournament, during which he was representing Alola as their first Champion. Brock and Misty would attend both and while they would not play more than background roles you would maybe see Brock try to give Olivia some flowers at the party, then sit next to her at the battle brawl, to show he is still trying to get her to date him. Misty meanwhile would have Psyduck next to her and her Azurill and a shiny Wimpod would either both be on toddler leashes that they were holding (Misty holding Wimpods and Psyduck holding Azurill's), or if Japanese culture does not do toddler leashes Misty would have both her pokemon babies in a stroller.
#Pokemon Fanfic#Ash Katchum#pokemon Misty#Pokemon Serena#Pokemon Clemont#Pokemon Bonnie#Team Rocket#Pokemon XY sereies#Pokemon Chronicles#Ash&Misty friendship#Ash&Serena friendship#Pokeshipping#Amourshipping#hints of at least#pokemon Satoshi#Pokemon Kasumi#R.I.P Rachel Lillis#The Cerulean Gym#Pokemon Citron#Pokemon Eureka
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idk if I ever posted this here but I also happen to like dunmeshi
#my art#artists on tumblr#fanart#dungeon meshi#dungeon food#dunmeshi#falin touden#dunmeshi falin#falin dungeon meshi#falin#farcille#(hinted at least)#chimera falin#digital art#artist support#dunmeshi fanart
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A teaser wip of what’s to come because of a certain weird twist of fate (read: favorable pulls from a joke threat) made me obligated to go public. It’ll drop in full completed at some point idk, I will not go into detail until then.
#my art#leona kingscholar#twisted wonderland#Starting with redraws of old unposted work from the concept.#and the accompanying fic being written for it is also being edited.#Dont have high expectations.#At least on my end. feel free to have high expectations for the fic written by oddberryshortcake.#concept existed for a year prior as most of our stuff is.#okay you get one hint: jewel.
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It's not even actually their birthday
(Based on a conversation I had with a friend + Jamil's 2024 birthday present to the player)
#my art#twisted wonderland#twst#jamil viper#jamil viper x yuu#twst yuu#oc#twst oc#shiokawa mayu#jamimayu#bro made a discovery and had to share#why is he like this#hes very into chemical warfare against those pesky bugs#throwback to the first jamimayu post I ever made#I believe Jamil texts with like perfect capitalization and punctuation#but you can tell he's excited by#subtle hints#things you'll notice if you know him#for example multiple texts in a row is very unusual of him#you may interpret the timestamps however you wish#you may also wonder why I hand draw this instead of just typing#it's cause I drew the first post and now feel I have to commit#it's too late#at least I enjoy the stylized look it gets...#ALSO IM STILL WORKING ON HIS BDAY ART#ITS STILL IN PROGRESS#sorry jamiru i am so very slow
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Phantomish Rogues
Team Phantom get ripped from their home universe into the DCverse. With no money or real ID's in this world. Now thats a problem.
Another big problem is that Danny is badly injured and his core kinda put him into a deep cryo sleep. He needs to rest and gather ectoplasm.
Bigger problem Team Phantom have no clue how to get home because they don't know how to decode the Fenton Portal blue-prints, not even Jazz who at the time didn't pay attention to her parents portal work anymore by the time they finished it. The only one who does have an idea is Danny!
Biggest problem, they landed in a place called Gotham that seems to be overrun with actual villains and heroes? (vigilantes). And for some odd reason many of them seem to find them no matter where the Team goes to hide.
Until they can get their hands on a safe space, tech, and money, Team Phantom might have to go a bit Rogue/Villainous if they wanna keep Danny safe until he wakes up.
#danny phantom#danny fenton#crossover#dp x dc#blue rambles#danny phantom dc#writing ideas#random idea#dpxdc#Team Phantom might have to go Rogue#they don't wanna but they need cash and a safe area#Danny's powers/aura is a bit like catnip to Gothamites because lets face it#that city is cursed and death touched#thats why they keep getting found#Team Phantom is trying to lay low but again they need money and someplace to put Danny to keep him safe#Sam totally wants to join Ivy though#when she finds out about her#Tucker gets into a tech war with Oracle and Red Robin once he gets his hands on some stuff#Jazz beats up Joker when the clown finds their current hideout and is getting to close to her sleeping/healing brother#with a crowbar#that Jason saw and is now swooning#hinted Anger Management#Dani decides she adores Catwoman when she see's how she works#and decides teasing a Bat(Robin) is what she's gonna do now#Dani loves Spoiler too#they both totally get into a glitter war#Danny is getting his sleep in now at least. ZzZzZz
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#im 99.99% sure at least one of the hinted projects is the recording of tit#but now there's more people are on phodcast hill!!#and knowing them! there's probably sooo much more coming ahh#phan#dan and phil#terrible influence tour#(given the quality of this please don't ask me how much time i spent on it instead of working on my three part final due tomorrow <3)#(thats private information <3)
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just thinking about how distraught mel looks when she sees the hextech weapons after promising jayce she wouldn't let the council corrupt his dreams, essentially making all her efforts vain
and viktor's blank face as he sees the blueprints for the weapons, showing that jayce broke his promise not once, by reviving him with the hexcore, but twice.
idk, something about paths diverging or whatever. They left him alone unsupervised for like one day and he does this shit
#feeling normal about jayce breaking their hearts yk#i get he prob did it for cait to make sure she'd at least be protected but i wish we saw that convo or more of his thought process#also after that meljay don't have scenes together until act3 i guess it was the writers' way of showing them drifting apart#do i think it was well portrayed? not really i still hate how isolated mel's arc is but there were hints at least that something changed ig#now how do i tag this#arcane#jayce talis#mel medarda#arcane viktor#star.txt#meljay#jayvik#not really ship-related this is more about the dynamics... why am i defending myself
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day 274/547 until joon returns
#btsgif#btsedit#bts#kim namjoon#namjoon#*#*gifs#*knj#*bts#*547nj#Where is BTS going (Hint RM’s comeback trailer)#HALFWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#lads i am not going to lie to u i did not think i would get this far considering Life rn#but we did it and no matter what happens i at least got to 50% without missing a day#anyway these have been the longest 274 days of my life it has felt like forever
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This show was 90% flashbacks and some people are acting like they’re not gonna show us how Daniel was turned just because they did a time skip.
#have a little faith#would you have preferred to have it rushed so it could fit in an episode who already had so many things to wrap up?#this was louis and lestat’s story#at least they gave us something to hint that there’s gonna be more in the future#trust and believe guys it’s so not over#iwtv#iwtv spoilers#armand#daniel malloy#devils minion#interview with the vampire
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rate ur innocence, NRC student meter
#twisted wonderland#twst#sebek zigvolt#twst grim#twst yuu#baul zigvolt#ace trappola#deuce spade#vil schoenheit#twst silver#fanart#book 7#hint of book 7 at least#yippieeee ! !#twst mc
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Core Gems
So when a ghost becomes injured, they have a last ditch defense where they retreat into their core. And I mean, injured badly where their body is rip apart to the point they can’t hold a solid form anymore. And they basically go into a hibernation state until they are strong enough to form again.
Ellie, Danny, and Dan are all injured in a final battle against the GIW. The organization was destroyed and the ghosts were safe but the halfas ended up being so injured that they reverted to core form and then went to sleep for a bit. When they woke up, they were still weak but at least recovered enough to gain consciousness. And realize…they are in some kind of auction…in the middle of a heist. It appeared that two furries (one in a bat costume and one in a cat costume) were ducking it out. And they…they were a necklace. All three of them had been turned into a necklace with their cores as gems accompanied by sapphires, pearls, and opals. And frankly gorgeous craftsmanship as the metal was crafted around their cores as if to cradle them and the other gems.

Unfortunately, they were too weak to take a form properly, they could still feel the strain on their bodies. But at least they could still communicate through their auras. Then the cat lady punched a hole in the glass container surrounding them and grabbed their necklace.
However, the bat grabbed the other end and it resulted in a sort of tug-a-war. Meanwhile, Danny, Ellie, and Dan were having a back and form commentary on the situation and what they should do. Completely unheard by the other party.
In the corner of their eye, the three halfas finally noticed a third contender. Some kind of clown who was…hold on…holding a gun?! And it was pointed straight at the two fighting furies who had yet to notice him. The ghosts’ protective instincts went into overdrive and they frantically tried to shout, yell, move. Just do something to warn the two but their cries fell on deaf ears. All they succeeded in doing was faintly glow which immediatly caught the attention of the fighting duo. The two turned to look at the strange necklace but right at that moment, the clown fired and a gunshot rang throughout the auction room. Having no other options, Danny and the others poured every ounce of ectoplasm they had to try and phaseshift, making the two furries intangible as the bullets passed right through them, but in their shock, the two jumped away in opposite directions and accidentally ripped the necklace apart. Gems and pearls went flying and the three cores bounced along the ground.
Luckily, the two finally noticed the clown and went to deal with him and his minions who had appeared. Seemingly putting their fight on hold and forming a temporary truce. The three halfas could only watch as the battle finally wound down, ending with the cops barging into the place and arresting the clown and his grunts, the cat managing to escape with half the scattered gems and pearls from the broken necklace along with a few other jewelry pieces (none of their cores though) and the bat leaving through a skylight.
The auction continued and in the end, despite being broken, their necklace seemed to have caught someone’s interest. A man named Bruce Wayne bought up every piece of the shattered jewelry wear. The auctioneers appeared relived that the item managed to sell in the end and gratefully gave it to him.
Bruce had no idea what happened at the auction, but he could have sworn that some of the gems faintly glowed right before he and Selina were shot. If the necklace was some sort of magical item, then he needed to understand exactly what has been brought to Gotham. It was unfortunate that Selena had taken some parts of the necklace but he utilized his vast wealth to make sure all the other parts ended in his possession. Now he would take them back to the mansion for examination.
#Dpxdc#dcxdp#kizzer55555 ideas#Bruce thinks the necklace is magical. He’s technically not wrong.#When he gets home he immediately puts each gem in a glass container to examine them. For the longest time though nothing happens.#They all look like normal gems except for the main three of the piece. He can’t identify what kind of gem they are.#The gems are perfect spheres with various shades of blue (with hints of green and white) swirling around.#The colors almost look like they are moving in slow motion. Still. Nothing happens as he examines them and no strange events happen.#That is until one day he decided to take the gems to be examined by a professional and a villain attacked.#A piece of building was about to crush him when a wall of ice appeared as a shield over him. After that he took them back to the cave.#Bruce looks up thousands of documents about enchanted necklaces and artifacts but finds nothing. He even calls in favors from JLD.#Zatanna doesn’t recognize them but feels some kind of power coming off the gems however it doesn’t feel malevolent (at least for 2 of them)#(The last gem is neutral.) Also Constantine was unavailable (*cough* hiding from responsibilities *cough*)#The other bats get interested in the gems. Tim has a theory that they are some kind of protective charms. Damian agrees.#(Everyone is shocked Tim and Damian agree on something). So while Bruce is continuing his investigation the other bats decide to do some#‘Field testing’ and take the gems out. Consequently the gems end up saving their lives and they discover a few things they can do like make#The wearer invisible. Intangible. Create green barriers/constructs. Create ice. Vibrate when an enemy is coming. And much more.#The bats fashion them into new individual bracelets/necklaces and think they are the coolest thing. They have powered up protective charms!#The halfas just wish these kids would STOP PUTTING THEIR LIVES IN DANGER! What are they MORONS?!#Most of the ectoplasms they recover is used to protect the bats and nearby civilians.#(Dan also trolls people and is mostly protective his siblings though)#People notice the new power ups. A rougue gets his hands on a gem and tries to use it ONCE to attack something but the gems didn’t respond.#Then it froze the rough’s legs to the ground.#Much time later the gems are swapped between the bats and alternated and have just become a new item in their belt#(batman was not pleased but eventually got used to it and begrudgingly accepted that they were useful. Especially when they save his kids)#They come to a Justice league meeting and Constantine finally sees them.#His mouth drops in shock and he frantically asks where they got GHOST CORES?! And this is when the bats finally realise what they have.#And are horrified to realize EXACTLY what they are holding and that these ‘gems’ were technically ALIVE.#Meanwhile the three Halfas have been kinda chilling but also working their butts off to keep this family alive. It was a fulltime job.
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Alright so I found another reason to hate the flashback in s2. Crazy right? Well tbf, it's not about the flashback in particular this time, but rather wasted opportunity. After rewatching some of Silco's scenes in season 1 I caught myself thinking: "Huh. This guy sure mentions sons and daughters/brothers and sisters a lot. Interesting thing to do for a character who treats people as resources". And then it hit me. There's just a GOLDMINE (heh) of untouched inner conflict to explore within Silco.
Just think about it. He probably went to work in the mines as soon as he was capable to and was raised by people there. Like he mentions in a dialog with Finn, they were a tightly connected community who always looked after each other, making sure everyone survived on the sparce resources they had. So wouldn't it be better to focus the flashback on that community rather than one specific person? We already know that Silco and Vander were the closest people to each other, so to introduce another person to the equation doesn't really make sense. The flashback can still happen at The Last Drop, but a party could be happening there. Maybe not even to celebrate something, but to just have a good time with everyone. And we could be shown how Silco interacted with all these different people, knew their personal struggles and goals, excitedly discussed what they're gonna do after liberation with them, what everyone is going to do once they'll be fully free of the mines. To really show us and emphasize the fact that BOTH Vander and Silco built the Lanes. Vander wasn't the only one to value the community, he just wasn't the one who was ready to sacrifice it for their goal. And this is very important too!! Because it's easy to think of Silco as a ruthless calculating machine that never cared for the people. But he clearly did. And we could be shown how desperation broke him, because even after everything he and Vander did their friends and adoptive family were still dying. Some from the accidents in the mines, some from diseases caused by the Grey, some from enforcers' brutality etc. So it was REALLY hard for him to cross that line and place the cause above all else. And a parallel can be created there: in ep3 Vander says that he cooperated with Grayson because he "didn't have another choice", so maybe Silco thought the same when he made a decision to stop valuing his people above else? A really interesting conversation can be had there, but "bLiStErS aNd BeDrOcK" is cooler apparently.
#arcane critical#silco arcane#vander arcane#arcane season 2#arcane#and they could've at least hinted at how the lanes dealt with one of their leaders dissappearing. bc no matter what vander told them it's#pretty hard to stop caring about a person a lot of them probably knew from when he was still a child/teenager#man. poor silco lol#vander fumbled you hard so true
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some concept stuff (nova worldbuilding)
#project nova#second is of my uni last week but i think i’m going to use it as a city/astute campus ref….#this is slightly (?) related but i love symbolism. so much…this means almost everything i draw (esp oc stuff) has symbolism in it whether+#it’s body language or looking at the camera etc…i try to make parallels for like guilt and innocence that will hopefully (!!) make sense +#altogether at some point. anyway just thought i’d mention it bc i never have so i do want to like hint that i try to make compositions more#than just fun angles and colors...at least for stuff that isnt just sketches bc its sooo cool frfr#this isn’t really related to that since they’re enviro stuff but you know it’s in the same alley#oc#concept art#environment art#kokoart#environment#drawing#ocs#background art#city
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bingge vs bingmei
#i think this is a popular headcanon already but i totes think bingge straightens his hair while bingmei keeps it curly for maximum head pats#and i think bingge tends to stray towards the darker side when it comes to clothing with no hint of white at all#but binghe always has at least a little white on him#umm ok i'll stop yapping in the tags#but pls feel free to drop your own headcanons !!!#svsss#scum villian self saving system#scum villain#luo binghe#luo bingge#luo bingmei#my art
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javier, gathering every molecule of subtlety in his entire body and holding onto it for dear life and a deep desire to be trusted: and just so we're clear, i trust you. no matter what you say, no matter how crazy it is or how insane it sounds, i will believe you. you have earned my full trust several times over and i will follow you anywhere you go, in this world or any another. so you can tell me anything. whatever you want. no matter what it is. i will trust and support you. just so you know.
lloyd, absolutely keeping a secret that sounds crazy and/or insane and that has been eating him alive for several years now: what a funny and weird thing to say that does not concern or apply to my situation beyond the most superficial of levels at all. anyway. i'm so glad javier doesn't suspect a thing about me :)
#i talk a lot <3#tged#the greatest estate developer#lloyd frontera#javier asrahan#sorry i was talking to myself outloud about how stupid they are about each other (fr 💀)#and i got amused all over again by how not-subtle-at-all javier is in the latter half of the novel#this man wants to be trusted soooo bad. and he won't come out to say it. but by god is he giving the least subtle hints ever.#they're so funny i love them <3
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Eldritchrune - Rainy Day
Story Setup Eldritchrune Masterpost
Probably around here is when Kris really felt like they were actually friends with these things. Somewhere around Queen's kingdom, the gang spends the night sheltering from an acid rainstorm. Kris is a little homesick, but also...strangely comfortable!
#lynx art#Eldritchrune#deltarune au#kris#susie#noelle#a few other small hints of what's going on with Noelle as well!#but at least this is a bit of a softer moment
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