#hint yukamitsu
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buckkyyp · 9 months ago
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im just gonna go ahead and dump some of my p3 stuff from insta over here
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incorrectp3 · 4 years ago
Any thoughts on the first Yukamitsu date? when, who asks, where they go/what they do...
Now this....this is a great question!
I'd like to think that they'd probably end up going on a date after the events of P4AU. When things kinda calm down between missions and film shootings.
Yukari ends up eventually asking Mitsuru after ages of dropping hints and Mitsuru being clueless when it comes to love she craves in and asks her out on a date to Chagall Cafe.
Minako and Junpei plan on spying on their date and end up dragging Minato along with them. They all sit in the cafe hiding behind newspapers the corniest and most obvious ways.
Mitsuru tries to be all smooth and fails miserably and wants to pay for the whole tab. Yukari tries to refuse but accepts anyways. But promises to pay for them both next time.
Yukari and Mitsuru end the date walking around Tatsumi Port Island where they kiss...which abruptly ended after they hear cheers from behind a tree.
Yukari had to hold Mitsuru back from "excecuting" the trio.
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princekirijo · 4 years ago
It's funny, most people like Yukari and then dislike her in The Answer, but for me, it's the other way around. Like, ngl Yukari annoys me, no special reason why, it's just characters with her kind of personality aren't for me. That's it. But I thought she was so well written in The Answer. Like, from the moment they learn about the possibility of going to the past where Minato is still alive, you see her go through all the stages of grief and I was genuinely pulled in by her story because you see how much his death affected her. And that scene where she breaks down after Aigis gets the key hurt me. I mean, she was there with him right from the start. She was there when he joined, they were in the same class for an entire year, he comforted her at Yakushima, etc, etc. I dunno how to describe it but Yukari just felt so real in The Answer. And not just her, I loved how they showed everyone dealing with their grief differently.
Oh wow I think you're the only person I've ever heard say this and I mean that in the best possible way. This is so refreshing!
You're absolutely spot on though. The way they handled Yukari's grief in the Answer was so real. The way she was dead set on bringing Minato back and her hostility towards the others was a very raw take on how some people process the death of a loved one. Regardless of how she loved the protagonist (although the game did very heavily hint towards it being romantic) you can see that she was so close to him. As you said he was with her from the start. Hell he saved her life that first full moon fight it's no wonder she felt so connected to him. So to see people just look at her hostility at face value and say "oh she's a bitch" I hate it because it's almost like they're trying to knock how she deals with grief? Which is like what? It especially hurts for me because when my grandad died I reacted in a similar way (not the whole oh turn back time thing but genuine hostility towards others) so it hurts when people knock her character just for that.
And it is really interesting that you didn't like her in the Journey (which I do get tbh I think a lot of my love for Yukari is rooted in Yukamitsu but I do love her) but liked her in the Answer. And if anything I think that's a true testament to how well written she is.
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ravenoftheskyes · 5 years ago
Mako-fam (a pq2 fanfic)
{Made another commitment to @thieves-in-the-palace so let’s go! (It’ll be a short fic I said, I’ll only hint at my ships I said. I might actually write a sequel to this focused on 20XX) Rated T, for strong language, “slight” (Ha, this thing is flooded with ship content) Okijuma, Yukichie, Souyo, Pegoryu, Annshiho, Yukamitsu, Junpei x Chidori and Akimina[just gonna shove a bunch of ships in here. I actually hit the tag limit.] and spoilers for Ticket 32}
Makoto Niijima, a girl with three families. One, the Phantom Thieves. Two, the Investigation Team. Three, SEES. Though she didn’t exactly know about the persona part. Until now.
They’ve just rescued the IT from Junessic land. Except for Yosuke. But they’ll have to find him later.
“Goro, can I speak to you for a second?” Makoto asks the brown-haired boy next to her.
“Yeah sure, in the theater?”
“Of course”
They walk over to the Kamoshidaman theater and plop down into the seats.
They screamed for about another five minutes before they calmed down.
“Okay so, we just have to act normal. We can deal with this. It’s just Aunt Chie and Aunt Nao.”
“Yeah, I mean what are the odds that Uncle Aki has one too?”
“Goro, can I talk to you? Please?!” Makoto almost yells out, letting the slightest amount of panic into her voice.
“Yeah... sure...”
As they walk back into the Kamoshidaman theater, Goro‘s eyes start to widen. He’s finally comprehending.
Another five (20) minutes of screaming later...
“Okay, so our entire family has personas. We can deal with this.”
“Makoto. Uncle Aki just used an honorific on you. He never does that. It’s always either Mako-chan or Makoto. Same thing with Aunt Nao and Aunt Chie. And the rest of the family.”
“...I still remember how proud Aunt Nao was when they started calling you “the second coming of the detective prince”. She literally screamed out “THAT’S OUR BOY” when you were on tv. She was so happy.”
“Ha, remember when on your 15th birthday Uncle Aki and Aunt Chie gave you brass knuckles? Sae was so pissed”
“And then they got me Steel-toed boots and taught me how to do a roundhouse kick!”
“Do you still have those?”
“I never go anywhere without them.” And she pulls the brass knuckles from her bag.
“We’ve just got to bite back a few nicknames, and we’ll be fine.” Makoto whispers.
“Yeah.” Goro says back to her, with a small smile.
*ticket 32*
Makoto’s talking to Haru.
“Mako-chan, you’ve got to be a little less reckless! I don’t have my grenade launcher here to protect you!”
“I know, Haru. It’s just that I can’t help it when I see someone hurt my family.”
“Hmm...” Haru says, with a contemplative look on her face. Makoto wonders how she got this lucky to have this beautiful and sweet of a girlfriend.
“I guess I have Ren to thank for that” she thinks
And then Elizabeth talks about a new special screening.
“Maybe this is our chance?” Akihiko says to Chie.
Oh god oh no oh fuck- Makoto thinks
“Huh?” Chie replies to him
“Remember what Makoto said?”
And suddenly, Makoto’s having a flashback.
“Makoto, learning close-combat battle’s all well and good, but you need to learn a proper diet. Don’t eat meat 24/7 like they do” Naoto says to a younger Makoto.
“Aw, come on Naoto! Steak’s delicious!” Chie fires back.
Makoto smiled, a rare occurrence since the death of her father.
“Hey, look! She’s smiling!” Akihiko said to the other two.
“Aww, you’re so adorable, Makoto!” Chie said to her.
“I’m 13! Not three!”
Akihiko laughed, and said “I think she’s been hanging out with Ken too much.”
“Now come on! Show me a kick that could punt someone into the stratosphere!”
“Watch me go, Coach!” Chie says, and Makoto’s violently thrown back into the present.
“Heh! My fists have been aching for some action. Time for a one-two punch into the finishing blow!”
“*sigh* Whatever you say. Let’s just get going for now.”
As they’re walking, Yukiko walks up to Chie.
“Chie, you’re starting to scare her. Calm down a bit. I mean, you barely know her and you’re calling her Coach!”
“I’m sure she’s fine!”
“...I still can’t believe you’re my Prince Charming.”
“Ha! No take-backs, Yukiko! You’re my princess and I’m your Prince!”
And then Yukiko falls into a laughing fit.
And right behind them, Goro and Makoto are having a panic attack conversation
“I can’t believe they’re asking you to train them. They taught you everything you know!” Goro says, shocked.
“I know!”
“...Don’t you already know their weaknesses?”
“Yeah, Aunt Chie moves just slow enough to sweep her stable leg out and if Uncle Aki gets riled up enough he exposes his stomach.”
“Then fight them!”
“That’s not actually a bad idea...”
“There it is! Let’s get in there and land the first strike!” Akihiko yells.
Goro rolls his eyes and says “There he is. I was wondering when he was gonna go battle crazy.”
“Roger that, I’m ready to learn from the best!”
“And there she goes...” Makoto whispers
“...Wait, there’s no road!?” Chie screamed
Goro was barely able to restrain his laughter
“Calm down, you two. First, we need to assess the situation. See the enemy’s orientation. Gauge it’s speed, movements, and position. Observe, then predict its actions.”
This time it was Goro’s flashback.
“Come on, Goro. You need to observe. Predict their actions.” Naoto whispered.
“She’s right. Now, come at me!” Akihiko told him.
“Wait!” Minato walked in. “Use this!” And he handed him a wooden rapier.
Goro’s eyes glittered. “It’s just like the ones heroes from those movies use!”
“Très Magnefique!” Mitsuru exclamimed. “A one-handed sword!”
“Babe, Mitzi, come on. You know that the best weapon is a pair of fists.”
“You’ve got Makoto, let us have him!” Minato said to him.
“Come on, Lances are the best weapon to use!” Minako said, as she walked in.
Everyone in the room shot her down.
“You have Ken!” Chie said.
“What about me?” Ken said as he walked in.
“Nothing, we’re just arguing about weapons again.” Minato said to him, with a small smirk on his face.
“Nothing beats a Katana!” Yu said as he walked in.
Yukiko said, “You’re all wrong! Fans are easy to hide, and they can pack a punch!”
“Yukiko. My princess. I love you, but you’re wrong.”
The squabbles between them brought a sweet smile to Goro’s face. He had a family.
“Okay, come on! This is how you use a sword!” Minato said, and Minato and Mitsuru did a demonstration on sabers and swords.
“Let’s go, Chie! I’ll race you!” Akihiko said to the brown-haired girl, just as Goro’s flashback ended.
Makoto backed up to join Goro.
“Think we should join them?” She asked
“Of course we should, Queen.”
And they both bolted off to join them.
*after the ticket*
“So, a special diet, huh? You know they’re gonna cave. Aunt Nao’s been trying and failing for years.” Goro whispered to her.
“I know, but I might as well give it a shot, huh?”
Meanwhile, in the background, Minato and Yukiko are chatting.
“God, why is she so similar to both of them? They never told us what year they were from... Do you think that maybe they left us for each other or something and had her?” Yukiko said to him.
“No... that’s crazy. At least I hope not.” Minato replied to her.
“I mean, if they’d be happier with each other, then I’d accept it. Because I love her too much to not see her happy.”
“Yeah, same.”
“Ugh, I’m weirdly jealous. I mean, it might not even be true.”
And a few more battles in ??? later...
“Ugh!” Yosuke said, as he collapsed in a heap.
“Partner!” Yu said, as he took out the shadow and bolted to Yosuke’s side. “Yosuke, are you alright?!” His voice going a few octaves higher than it normally would.
Makoto gets another flashback.
“Partner?” Yu asks a half-asleep Yosuke, as they watch a movie. “Come on, we’re with Makoto and Goro. Weren’t you the one who wanted to watch this movie?”
Yosuke plants a sloppy kiss on Yu’s cheek
“Yeah, but I’m tired. I mostly wanted an excuse to spend time with you.”
Yu had the tiniest hint of a blush on his face.
Makoto and Goro stopped watching the movie in favor of watching the romcom taking place right next to them on the couch.
“P-partner please there are children watching”
“Aw, getting flustered already?”
“Mako-chan! Behind you!” Haru screeched out
Makoto dodged it and kicked it in the face to kill it.
“Thanks, babe!” She yelled to her as she got back onto her feet.
Akihiko walked up to her, and asked “Are you alright?”
“Yeah thanks u- Akihiko-san”
Phew, that was close she thought to herself.
Meanwhile, back to the salty s/os...
“She cut herself off. She was going to call him something different. It seems more and more likely that Akihiko’s her dad.” Yukiko muttered.
“Earlier, I think she did the same thing to Chie.” Minato whispered back.
“I’m so fucking jealous”
“God, same”
“Ooh, my brother’s jealous, huh?” Minako said, as she popped in.
“Minako-!” He said back to her.
*back in the theater*
Hikari clapped her hands as she welcomed them back.
“Yeah! No sweat! Eff those shadows!” Ryuji said as he threw his fist into the air.
“I still don’t understand why you can’t just say fuck, like the rest of us.” Chie said to him.
“Well, you see...” Ren started. “My boyfriend here is a total momma’s boy. We love him for it. His mom told him to never say fuck, so he doesn’t. He loves his mom. And so do we. She’s basically all our mom now.”
“Yeah, I still remember the look of horror on her face when I said it around her!” Ann said to everyone else.
Ren planted a soft kiss on Ryuji’s cheek.
“Ugh, why is everyone so affectionate here?! I miss my sweet Chidorita...” Junpei exclaimed.
“Oh yeah, same. I miss Shiho so much. I should take her out for crepes when we get home.” Ann said.
And then
“Whoa, the room just got a bit colder...”
“I can feel it. Someone’s salty.”
“It’s coming from... over there!” And Junpei points to an obviously pissed off Yukiko and a Wildcard Mode Minato.
“Okay, what are you two so salty about?” Ann asks them.
And then Minato does his catchphrase. “I don’t care”
“Aw, are your s/os not paying enough attention to you two?” Ren teases.
Minato’s hand slightly curled and the other three protags show their shock.
“Guys! What has you all going insane?!” Ann screams out.
“That thing Minato did with his hand? That’s the wildcard equivalent of ‘I’m gonna cut a bitch’” Ren explains.
“...That little hand thing?”
“Okay, but that still leaves the question, why?”
“That, I don’t know.”
“I’m just going to say it!” Yukiko says, with barely restrained anger
“Makoto, what were your parents names?” She asks.
“Wait! Hold the fuck up! If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, you’re wrong! I’m Ken’s age! I’m not the child of anyone here!” Makoto screams out in a single breath.
“Oh. Well now I just feel like an idiot.” Yukiko says.
Minato rubs the back of his neck with his hand and blushes just the tiniest bit.
And Makoto gets another flashback.
“Hey! Uncle Mina! Didn’t you say that Aunt Mitzi and Uncle Aki were teaching you french? Could you help me with my homework?” Makoto asks.
“I’m... not very good, but alright.”
“It’s just a reading assignment. We’ll be fine.”
Goro gives a small smirk from where he’s sitting on the dorm couch.
“What is it supposed to be?” Minato asks the girl.
“I don’t know, just read it!” She yells out.
“Okay, okay!” He chuckles as he starts translating it
“My love, your hair is as soft as a flower’s petals, yet your heart is thorned. Never to let anyone too close. I’m glad that you let me and everyone else into your heart. I never thought I had an eye for beauty, until I saw your face. I’ve traveled the world, and yet I’ve always wanted to come home to you. You’re a warrior. And I’d like to fight by your side until the end. So, will you be by my side forever? Love-” Minato choked on the last word. He dropped the letter and slammed his hands over his mouth. He turned around, not quite trusting his voice. There, Akihiko Sanada sat, blushing so hard that it seemed he might pass out. Minato thought a nod yes would suffice. It did. The entire dorm went up in cheers and everyone was excited for the newly engaged couple.
Makoto loved that memory. She always thought it was romantic, the way he proposed.
So when she saw them on the couch, Minato asleep on his boyfriend’s shoulder, she was happy knowing that a couple who fights together, stays together.
But there’s something more important to do, soon. After Minato wakes up.
After he does wake up, Makoto finally challenges Akihiko and Chie to a fight.
“A fight?” Chie asks her
“Well, a training bout.” Makoto says. “Both of you, against me.”
“If you insist.” Akihiko says, and he throws a punch that Makoto dodges easily.
“Too easy! Give me a challenge at least!”
Chie throws out a kick. Another dodge. And Makoto takes out her leg from under her.
“Huh!” Chie screams, as she collapses into a heap.
“Chie!” Yukiko screams from the back.
“That’s one down!” Ren screams from the back.
Another punch. Makoto pirouettes out of the way.
“That all you can do?!” She taunts him
Akihiko’s temper gets the better of him. Makoto smirks. He leaves his stomach exposed for a split second. Makoto throws as much force as she can behind a punch directly to his gut
Makoto shakes out her hand, as Akihiko goes crumbling to the floor.
“Damn. I’m impressed.” Mitsuru says from the back. “Are the two of you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine” Chie tells the redhead.
“Same here.” Akihiko says as he brings himself to his feet.
And then their eyes start sparkling. Makoto’s bombarded with questions.
Makoto and Goro have the same flashback at the same time.
“Alright, is everyone ready?” Minako asks the kids, who are holding wooden weapons. She kicks off a training match between Goro, Makoto, and Ken.
(Everyone knows Ken’s going to win, but it’s good experience for the others.)
Unfortunately, Ken forgets that this is a training match. He puts too much force behind his hits and accidentally knocks Makoto’s arm so hard that he dislocates her shoulder.
“Ow, damn!” She mutters out, not wanting to seem weak.
“Sorry, sorry!” Ken yells as he throws the wooden lance to the side and runs over to her.
Yukari runs over to her side and starts to examine it. She sighs in relief. “It’s okay, we just need to pop it back in.”
The entire dorm sighs in relief.
Yukiko plops down on Makoto’s other side, and grabs her hand.
“Look at me, alright?” She tells the girl.
Yukari pops here shoulder back in, which gives her pain for a split-second, until a cool, soothing sensation permeates her body
Looking back on it now, Yukari had probably used diarahan on her.
“-oach? Coach? Coach!” Chie’s voice snapped her back to the present.
“I’m sorry, I got distracted. What were you saying?” She asked the brown-haired girl.
“Makoto, are you feeling alright? You seem a bit out of it.” Akihiko asked her.
“I’m fine” she says. She’s a liar.
*another run in ??? later*
“Makoto-san, I’ve been wondering. How did you learn to be so good at riding a motorcycle?” Mitsuru asks her.
You taught me! She thinks
“Johanna taught me. She is a part of me after all!” Makoto quickly says, trying to act casual.
It seems to satisfy the red-headed executioner, as she walks away.
Flashback time~
“Mitsuru, I swear to god if you take her out on your motorcycle-” Akihiko starts
“She’ll be fine! We’ll be with her!” Yukari replies
“That’s what I’m worried about! Mitsuru, you once used a pileup as a ramp, and Yukari, you once took a sharp turn on an icy road so fast that we almost skid into another car!”
“Just because you can’t handle the way I drive-” Mitsuru starts
“You once told me ‘I paid for the whole speedometer, I’m using the whole speedometer!’”
“Exactly!” Yukari replied to him.
“...I’m not going to talk you out of this, now am I?”
“Not even close!” They both replied, in unison.
“You two are perfect for each other... just don’t get yourselves killed.”
And that was the day that Makoto learned how to ride a motorcycle like a maniac, with a crash course from Mitsuru and Yukari.
Makoto literally drives herself off a tree.
“Mafreidyne!” She screams, and takes out the shadows.
She returns her mask and walks with the rest of the group.
Surrounded by all three of her families, she thought that this alternate dimension thing might not be so bad after all.
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emiriwrites · 8 years ago
Persona Yuri Week Day 1
Title: Her Prince
Rating: T
Summary: “I’m here to protect you too, Yukiko!”
“...Thanks Chie. You really are my Prince after all…”
Or, in which Chie realizes how true Yukiko’s words are and decides on how to act on them.
Pairing: Yukichie [Chie/Yukiko]
Notes: [throws confetti] Happy start of Persona Yuri Week! I’ve been excited for this since I saw the ad for it about a month ago and hopefully it’ll be a good week for all of us!
Truthfully, I only have two ships for this week (so far, who knows it might change when I get around to playing Persona 5) and I prefer yukichie over yukamitsu (though I love them both a lot!) so have some confession fluff~ Enjoy!
Word Count: 735
[AO3 Link] [FF.net Link]
“I’m here to protect you too, Yukiko!”
“...Thanks Chie. You really are my Prince after all…”
Was Yukiko being serious with her words? Sure, back when they had gone to rescue her from the TV World all those months ago, her shadow had called her a prince, a prince that could take her away, or something like that.
Truthfully, it had made her happy that Yukiko called her a prince. She was strong like one of them, and she had always been there for Yukiko when she needed it, so she wanted it to mean something.
It didn’t help that all those months ago, when Yukiko was kidnapped, Chie realized that her feelings for Yukiko went beyond those of friendship. She didn’t want to say anything, not until they had caught the killer, which they had done only days ago. Yukiko had said those words when they had been split up from the others, and Chie had felt so happy and proud that those words had been spoken to her. That her best friend and the person she cared about the most could say those words to her, and mean it. Well, at least she thought Yukiko had meant it, or at least there was more meaning there.
She’d gone to help from Souji when she was struggling with her feelings, and told her to trust herself and Yukiko. That if Yukiko cared for her in the same way, then she had nothing to fear. Still, the fear was there that Yukiko wouldn’t feel the same way, but since that day the two of them had become closer in a way than before. She’d been able to be more open with Yukiko, and she had been doing the same, so could it mean something more than friendship?
Chie hoped so. She really had hoped so.
So she had asked for Yukiko to come over, because she had resolved herself that after they caught the murder, that she would confess her feelings for Yukiko. There was nothing to fear, if what Souji said was right. And if not well, she didn’t want to think about what would happen otherwise.
There was a knock on her bedroom door and she moved from her position on the bed to open it, revealing Yukiko smiling at her.
“Hey Chie. You said in your text you wanted to talk?”
“Ah, yeah. Come in, make yourself at home.” Chie moved away from the door to let Yukiko in as she walked over through the room to sit on the bed, looking at Chie. She closed the door and sat next to Yukiko, who was looking at her expectantly.
“So what did you want to talk to me about Chie?” Yukiko asked.
“Ah, well about that…” Chie trailed off, feeling her cheeks heat up a bit. She could do this, everything was going to be fine, she was strong enough to do this.
“You remember how you, or well, your Shadow had called me your prince right?” A nod.
“And you’ve been calling me at as well, so…”
“Has it been bothering you?” Yukiko interrupted. “I can stop calling you that if you want me to.”
“No, no it’s fine!” Chie waved her hands frantically as if to clear up the misunderstanding. “It’s just…” She took in a deep breath before continuing.
“I want to call myself your prince for real. I want to be able to protect you and be with you.” She reached over and took one of Yukiko’s hand in her own and squeezed it. “I love you Yukiko and want to be by your side as your prince, for as long as you’ll let me.”
“Chie…” Yukiko squeezed her hand back and when Chie looked at her, she was smiling with flushed cheeks. “I’ve been wanting to hear you say that for a while now. I love you too, my prince.”
Chie smiled back, face flushed as she moved her other hand to stroke Yukiko’s cheek. “Can I kiss you?” She asked, voice light with a hint of nervousness.
Yukiko nodded and Chie captured her lips in a soft kiss, eyes fluttering shut. Yukiko’s lips were soft, pressing back against hers when she did, a bit tentatively, but gentle as well. The two broke apart, faces flushed but smiling at each other, with all the warmth in the world.
“I love you Chie.”
“I love you too Yukiko.”
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