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newshawkers · 3 months ago
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eve-be-sleep-deprived · 5 months ago
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Hinsa. Bloodlust Personified.
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insightfultake · 5 days ago
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123lasure · 2 months ago
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newswatchindia · 1 year ago
Who can forget the violence that took place in Nuh in Haryana, how Nuh was burnt under the guise of riots. All limits of atrocities on innocent people had been crossed. Innocent people were put to death. For several days, Haryana Police and Haryana Government had imposed Section 144 in Nuh. One name was most discussed due to Nuh violence.
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sainathwadhai · 2 years ago
मणिपूर राज्यातील अविचारी कृती
A completely obscene footage of an incident in a state was circulated on social media and those who filmed the footage should be subjected to bizarre punishments.
मानव हा असा सजीव प्��ाणी आहे, त्याला सुख, दुःख, वेदना, आनंद अशा सर्वच कृतींचा गाढा अभ्यास आहे. या सर्व कृतियुक्त जीवनाचा गाढा अभ्यास असून सुद्धा आपल्या भारत देशात विचित्र घटना घडत असतात. भारतात अशा विचित्र कृतींना आळा घालण्याकरीता पूर्णतः विचित्र शिक्षेचा विचार भारतीय कायद्यात रुजायला पाहिजे. भारतीय कायद्यात विचित्र कृती करणाऱ्यास विचित्र शिक्षा न देता जर सर्वसाधारण शिक्षा दिल्यास अशा विचित्र…
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hindibits · 2 years ago
तमिलनाडु हिंसा पर फेक विडियों फैलाने वालों पर कार्यवाही शुरु - बिहार पुलिस
bearजाने बीयर पीने के फायदे क्या हैंExcerpthealth benefits of bear इन हिंसात्मक विडियो क्लिपों को लेकर बिहार के विपक्षी भाजपा के कार्यकर्ताओं ने बिहार सरकार की बहु��� ही आलोचना भी की है. जिसे लेकर बिहार की राजनीति में बदलाव लाने और अगले चुनाव के लिए वोट बैंक बटोरने का काम बिहार भाजपा इसी विडियो को लेकर बनाना शुरु कर दिया था.. लेकिन.. लेकिन क्य..? लेकिन .. केंद्र सरकार के द्वारा करवाये गये जांच और…
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pikahlua · 1 year ago
MHA Chapter 411 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 感傷には浸らない かんしょうにはひたらない kanshou ni wa hitaranai "Don't get sentimental."
tagline 1 語る継承者達… かたるけいしょうしゃたち… kataru keishousha-tachi... The speaking successors...
2 元よりこの戦いはもう"後継者"に託されてる もとよりこのたたかいはもう"こうけいしゃ"にたくされてる moto yori kono tatakai wa mou "koukeisha" ni takusareteru "From the beginning, this battle has been entrusted to the successors."
3 死柄木弔を討つ しがらきとむらをうつ Shigaraki Tomura wo utsu "Attack Tomura Shigaraki,"
4 今はこれが僕らの存在理由…… いまはこれがぼくらのそんざいりゆう…… ima wa kore ga bokura no sonzai riyuu...... "This is the reason for our existence now......"
5 っかし…このままじゃジリ貧さ再生の壁を打ち破る手立を見つけねーと っかし…このままじゃジリひんささいせいのかべをうちやぶるてだてをみつけねーと kkashi...kono mama ja JIRI hinsa saisei no kabe wo uchiyaburu tedate wo mitsukenee to "But...if things continue getting worse and worse like this, he'll have to find a way to break through that wall of regeneration."
tagline 2 No.411 史上最悪の敵 堀越耕平 ナンバー411 しじょうさいあくのヴィラン ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 411  shijou saiaku no VIRAN   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 411 History's Worst Villain  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 四ノ森さん‼︎ しのもりさん‼︎ Shinomori-san!! "Mr. Shinomori!!"
2-3 九代目を頼む! きゅうだいめをたのむ! kyuudaime wo tanomu! "I leave the Ninth to you!"
4 小僧‼︎ こぞう‼︎ kozou!! "Boy!!"
5 四ノ森さんがーーー しのもりさんがーーー Shinomori-san ga--- "Mr. Shinomori is---"
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1 "危機感知"が "4TH"が "4th (read as kiki kanchi)" ga The 4th (read as: Danger Sense)
2 奪われた‼︎ うばわれた‼︎ ubawareta!! was stolen!!
3 連綿と受け継がれた力…… れんめんとうけつがれたちから…… renmen to uketsugareta chikara...... "A power that's been passed down repeatedly......"
4 先生が難儀した力か せんせいがなんぎしたちからか sensei ga nangi shita chikara ka "So this is the power that gave Master difficulty?"
5 まア maA "Well,"
6 執着はないけどお前を壊せるならいい しゅうちゃくはないけどおまえをこわせるならいい shuuchaku wa nai kedo omae wo kowaseru nara ii "I'm not attached to it, but if I can destroy you then it's fine."
7 こんな…呆気なく…! こんな…あっけなく…! konna...akkenaku...! "Like this...so suddenly...!"
small text イスが… ISU ga... "His chair..."
8 こじ開けてきやがったさ…!俺たち全員分の意志をーー こじあけてきやがったさ…!おれたちぜんいんぶんのいしをーー kojiakete kiyagatta sa...! ore-tachi zen'inbun no ishi wo-- "He was somehow able to pry open [his way in]...! All of our wills--"
9 軽く凌駕してるってのか! かるくりょうがしてるってのか! karuku ryouga shiteru tte no ka! "he's easily surpassing them!"
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1 (黒鞭 発勁)+変速‼︎ (5TH 3RD)+2ND‼︎ (5th (read as: kuromuchi) 3rd (read as: hakkei)) + 2nd (read as: hensoku)!! (5th (read as: Black Whip) 3rd (read as: Fa Jin)) + 2nd (read as: Gear Shift)!!
2 黒鎖‼︎ こくさ‼︎ kokusa!! Black Chain!!
3 へえ hee "Ahh,"
4 こりゃずっと凌がれるワケだぜ! こりゃずっとしのがれるワケだぜ! korya zutto shinogareru WAKE da ze! "so this is how you could stave me off!"
5 "危機感知"を使われてる "4TH"をつかわれてる "4th (read as: kiki kanchi)" wo tsukawareteru He's using "4th (read as Danger Sense)."
6 一番邪魔な��前からだ いちばんじゃまなおまえからだ ichiban jama na omae kara da "You are the one most in my way, so"
7 崩壊を始める ほうかいをはじめる houkai wo hajimeru "I'll begin [your] decay."
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1 「泣いてた」⁉︎「見なかった事にはしない」⁉︎ 「ないてた」⁉︎「みなかったことにはしない」⁉︎ 「naiteta」!? 「minakatta koto ni wa shinai」!? "'I was crying'!? 'You won't pretend you didn't see it'!?"
2 おまえまだ omae mada "Are you still"
3 敵を人間扱いしてンのか⁉︎ おれをにんげんあつかいしてンのか⁉︎ ore (read as: teki/VIRAN) wo ningen atsukai shiteN no ka!? "treating me (read as: villain) as a human?"
4 まだそんなとこにいるのか緑谷‼︎ まだそんなとこにいるのかみどりや‼︎ mada sonna toko ni iru no ka Midoriya!! "Is [that me] still there, Midoriya?" (Note: He means "Can you still see that crying boy there inside me?" basically.)
5 ちゃんと見ろ‼︎ ちゃんとみろ‼︎ chanto miro!! "Look carefully!!"
6 そこに俺はもういない‼︎ そこにおれはもういない‼︎ soko ni ore wa mou inai!! "I'm not there anymore!!" (Note: He means "That crying boy isn't there anymore!!" basically.)
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1-3 ハッ HA "Hahh" (Note: Speech bubbles #1-3 are all heavy panting/breathing noises.)
4 黒鞭を幾重にも巻きつけて防御だけに徹すれば…まだ致命傷は避けられる… 5THをいくえにもまきつけてぼうぎょだけにてっすれば…まだちめいしょうはさけられる… 5th (read as: kuromuchi) wo ikue ni mo makitsukete bougyo dake ni tessureba...mada chimeishou wa sakerareru... If I wrap 5th (read as: Black Whip) around me over and over and focus on only defense...I can still avoid fatal injuries...
5 ボロ… BORO... Crumble... (Note: This is the sound effect of Izuku's mask breaking to bits.)
6 あっマスクが a MASUKU ga Ah, my mask...
7 オールマイトが拾ってくれたマスク… オールマイトがひろってくれたマスク… OORU MAITO ga hirotte kureta MASUKU... The mask All Might retrieved for me...
8 高波に呼吸を妨げられないよう装着したのがついさっき… たかなみにこきゅうをさまたげられないようそうちゃくしたのがついさっき… takanami ni kokyuu wo samatagerarenai you souchaku shita no ga tsui sakki... "You only just equipped it so your breathing wouldn't be obstructed by the tall waves..."
9 かと思えばこんなところに……何というデタラメな力だ… かとおもえばこんなところに……なんというデタラメなちからだ… ka to omoeba konna tokoro ni......nan to iu DETARAME na chikara da... (Literal) "If I think about it, in a place like this...that's a bullshit power..." (Contextual) "Thinking about it, in a place like this...[he's got some] bullshit power..."
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1 …富士山…こんな近くに… …ふじさん…こんなちかくに… ...Fuji-san...konna chikaku ni... "...Mount Fuji...we're this close..."
2 "変速"が切れる頃だ… "2ND"がきれるころだ… "2nd (read as: hensoku) ga kireru koro da... "It's about time the 2nd (read as: Gear Shift) is cut off..." (Note: He means they are reaching Gear Shift's activation time limit.)
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1 奪われたのは"個性"のみ うばわれたのは"こせい"のみ ubawareta no wa "kosei" nomi "All that was stolen was the quirk."
2 身体強化に影響はないようだな しんたいきょうかにえいきょうはないようだな shintai kyouka ni eikyou wa nai you da na "It doesn't seem to have any impact on your physical strength."
3 力自体は各因子ではなくOFAに蓄積されている…回復まで耐えるしかない ちからじたいはかくいんしではなくワン・フォー・オールにストックされている…かいふくまでたえるしかない chikara jitai wa kakuinshi de wa naku WAN FOO OORU ni SUTOKKU (read as: chikuseki) sarete iru...kaifuku made taeru shika nai "The strength itself is stored in One For All, not in each factor... We have no choice but to endure until recovery.*" (*Note: I'm not completely sure what is meant here by "until recovery." Maybe he means "We have no choice but to tough it out until you recover from the Gear Shift blow-back"?)
4 …��の力で…今の内に奴から逃げるべきじゃないか…? …そのちからで…いまのうちにやつからにげるべきじゃないか…? ...sono chikara de...ima no uchi ni yatsu kara nigeru beki ja nai ka...? "...With that strength...shouldn't we use it to escape from him now...?"
5 煙…‼︎ えん…‼︎ En...!! "En...!!"
6 さっきのは"危機感知"だったから俺たち助かったんだ さっきのは"四ノ森さん"だったからおれたちたすかったんだ sakki no wa "Shinomori-san (read as: kiki kanchi)" datta kara ore-tachi tasukattanda "We were saved before because of Mr. Shinomori (read as: Danger Sense)."
7 また九代目が一瞬でも触れられたら またきゅうだいめがいっしゅんでもふれられたら mata kyuudaime ga isshun demo fureraretara "If the Ninth is touched again, even for an moment,"
8 今度は誰も逃げられないかもしれない…! こんどはだれもにげられないかもしれない…! kondo wa dare mo negrarenai kamo shirenai...! "maybe this time no one will be able to escape...!"
9 全員奪われてお終いだ! ぜんいんうばわれておしまいだ! zen'in ubawarete oshimai da! "It's all over once everyone is stolen!"
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1 見えてるぞ幽霊!逃げる算段でも話し合ってたか⁉︎ みえてるぞゆうれい!にげるさんだんでもはなしあってたか⁉︎ mieteru zo yuurei! nigeru sandan demo hanshiatteta ka!? "I can see you, ghosts! Were you even discussing escape plans!?"
2 おまえたちは逃げて強くなってきたから おまえたちはにげてつよくなってきたから omae-tachi wa nigete tsuyoku natte kita kara "You all ran away and became stronger, so"
3 逃がさずに壊す にがさずにこわす nigasazu ni kowasu "I'll destroy you without letting you escape."
4 逃げる場所も壊す にげるばしょもこわす nigeru basho mo kowasu "I'll destroy even the places you would escape to."
5 俺がつくる"地平線"をさ…スピナ��が楽しみにしてたからさ おれがつくる"ちへいせん"をさ…スピナーがたのしみにしてたからさ ore ga tsukuru "chiheisen" wo sa...SUPINAA ga tanoshimi ni shiteta kara sa "The 'horizon' I will create...since Spinner was looking forward to it."
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1 富士壊してから沈める それこわしてからしずめる sore (read as: Fuji) kowashite kara shizumeru "I'll destroy that (read as Fuji) and then sink it."
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1 坊主…!こいつ…ワザとここへ…! ぼうず…!こいつ…ワザとここへ…! bouzu...! koitsu...WAZA to koko e...! "Kid...! This guy...came here on purpose...!"
2 崩壊が山に届いたら噴火しちまうぞ! ほうかいがやまにとどいたらふんかしちまうぞ! houkai ga yama ni todoitara funka shichimau zo! "If Decay reaches the mountain, it will erupt!"
3 与一さん… よいちさん… Yoichi-san... "Mr. Yoichi..."
4 こいつは…AFOの"後継者"なんかじゃない… こいつは…オール・フォー・ワンの"こうけいしゃ"なんか��ゃない… koitsu wa...OORU FOO WAN no "koukeisha" nanka ja nai... "this guy...is not the 'successor' of All For One..."
5 壊すことが愉悦ーーー… こわすことがゆえつーーー… kowasu koto ga yuetsu---... [He takes] pleasure in destroying---...
6 破滅そのものだ はめつそのものだ hametsu sono mono da He's destruction itself.
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1 それも全部 それもぜんぶ sore mo zenbu "All of that, too,"
2 連なっているんだろおまえの中の…どこかに…! つらなっているんだろおまえのなかの…どこかに…! tsuranatte irundaro omae no naka no...doko ka ni...! "is connected inside of you...somewhere...!"
3 私はまだ わたしはまだ watashi wa mada I still
4 あの"人"の"当たり前"を知らない あの"ひと"の"あたりまえ"をしらない ano "hito" no "atari mae" wo shiranai don't know what's 'obvious' to that person.
5 人だよ ひとだよ hito da yo "You're a person."
tagline 壊れゆく日本…デクはあきらめない‼︎ こわれゆくにほん…デクはあきらめない‼︎ koware yuku nihon...DEKU wa akiramenai!! Japan falling apart... Deku won't give up!!
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newshawkers · 3 months ago
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eve-be-sleep-deprived · 1 year ago
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"That's the fun part, Drifter... The only way out, is down. Unless you got a Kaithe in your pocket, you aren't going anywhere."
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insightfultake · 8 days ago
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123lasure · 5 months ago
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aslam-rp · 1 month ago
Plot Idea: Gharelu Hinsa Aur Anjaan Mard Se Dosti Ka Natija
Ishita (40 saal) - Ek school teacher aur do bacho ki maa. Wo apne jawaan aur suljhe hue vyaktitva ki wajah se aksar logon ka dhyan kheench leti hai. Uska pati ek ladke ki chaahat rakhta tha, lekin do betiyon ke paida hone ke baad se unka rishhta kharaab hone laga. Uska pati na sirf uske saath misbehave karta hai, balki kabhi-kabhi haath bhi utha leta hai. Ab uska pati apni naukri ke chalte jadatar ghar se door rehta hai, jiski wajah se Ishita ko ab thoda sukoon milta hai.
Aslam (45 saal) - Ek fitness trainer aur PT teacher, jo apni jawani aur charm ka pura fayda uthata hai. Wo shadi-shuda aur teen ladko ka baap hai, lekin apne affair aur flirt karne ki aadat ke liye mashhoor hai. Har naye shehar mein wo ek naye shikaar ki talash mein rehta hai aur apni muskan aur body se aksar auraton ko apna bana leta hai.
Background Story:
Aslam ek mashhoor fitness trainer hai, jo bade-bade shehro mein apna naam kama chuka hai. Uski personality ka asar har aurat aur ladki par hota hai, aur wo iska galat fayda uthata hai. Dusri taraf, Ishita apni shadi mein khush nahi hai. Uska pati uske upar shariirik aur mansik atyachaar karta hai. Wo apne bacho ke liye chup hai, lekin dil hi dil mein wo pyaar aur apnapan ki talash mein hai.
Story Beginning:
Ek din Ishita staff room mein apni classes ke baad baithi hoti hai. Tabhi Aslam ko naye PT teacher ke roop mein introduce kiya jata hai. Sab log uska swagat karte hain, lekin Aslam ki nazar staff room mein beti auraton par hoti hai. Uski nazar Ishita par tik jaati hai. Uske suljhe aur sharmile vyaktitva ko dekhte hue, Aslam usey fasane ka sochta hai, ye samajhte hue ki wo ek unmarried ladki hai.
Conversation 1:
Staff Room Scene
Aslam (dheere se): "Aap yahan ke senior teachers mein se hain na?"
Ishita (halka muskaan dete hue): "Ji, kai saalon se yahan hoon."
Aslam: "Aapko dekh kar toh lagta nahi... matlab, aap toh kaafi jawan lagti hain."
Ishita (sharmate hue): "Shukriya. Par meri betiyan mujhe jawan rehne ka mauka nahi deti."
Aslam (surprised): "Betiyan? Aap mazaak kar rahi hain, hai na?"
Ishita (halki hansi ke saath): "Nahi, sach. Do betiyan hain meri."
Aslam ki chaal:
Aslam apne charm ka istemal karta hai aur Ishita se baatein shuru karta hai. Wo usey halke-hulke tareefon aur casual touch ke zariye apne kareeb laata hai.
Ek din, jab Ishita apne pati ke saath hue jhagdon ke baad school aati hai, Aslam uske chahre par udaasi dekh leta hai.
Conversation 2:
School Campus
Aslam: "Aap theek toh hain na? Aaj kaafi udaas lag rahi hain."
Ishita (thoda chauk kar): "Nahi... bas thoda sar dukh raha tha."
Aslam (soft tone mein): "Aap mujhse baat kar sakti hain. Kabhi kabhi mann halka karna zaroori hota hai."
Ishita (dheere se): "Kya farak padta hai... ghar ki problems hain. Kisi se share karke kya hoga?"
Aslam: "Farak padta hai, Ishita ji. Shayad aapko pata nahi, par kabhi-kabhi ek ajeeb sa insaan bhi aapka sabse bada dost ban sakta hai."
Bechari Ishita Ka Vulnerability:
Ishita shuru mein Aslam ki baaton ko ignore karti hai, lekin dheere-dheere wo uske kareeb aane lagti hai. Uske tareefon aur saath ka asar us par hone lagta hai.
Ek school trip ke dauraan, bus mein baithe hue Aslam Ishita ke kareeb aata hai aur students ke beech Ishita ko chhedne ki koshish karta hai. Ishita sharmati hai, lekin chup rehti hai.
Conversation 3:
Bus Scene
Aslam (Ishita ke kareeb): "Aapka pati aapko kabhi appreciate karta hai?"
Ishita (muskaan dabaate hue): "Mujhe lagta hai aap zyada questions poochte hain."
Aslam: "Jo insaan itna khoobsurat ho, uska appreciation hona chahiye. Aap deserve karti hain."
Ishita (sharmate hue): "Aap galat baat kar rahe hain."
Aslam: "Galat ya sahi toh tab hota hai, jab insaan samajhe. Abhi toh bas main jo feel karta hoon, woh bol raha hoon."
Climactic Scene:
Ek raat school ke ground mein, jab parents late ho jaate hain, Aslam Ishita ko kone mein le jaata hai. Uska pati usse phone pe daant raha hota hai, aur wo Aslam ki baaton mein aakar uske kareeb aa jaati hai. Aslam usey apne moh ka shikar banata hai.
Ye kahani ek shikshit aurat ki vulnerability ko dikhati hai, jo apne dukhi jeevan se chhutkara paane ki koshish mein galat faisle le leti hai. Kahani samajhati hai ki emotional weakness ka fayda uthana ek bade sankat ka kaaran ban sakta hai.
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balbir88525 · 3 months ago
Jeev hane hinsa kare, prakat paap sir hoy. Nigam puni aise paap se, bhist gaya na koy.
Those who commit violence are considered sinners according to Allah's law. And no one can enter heaven after committing such terrible sins.
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nidhikaundal09 · 1 month ago
God did not decree that we should eat Meat!Kabir-jeev hanai hinsa karai, pragat paap sir hoy. Nigam puni aise paap ten, bhisht gaya nahin koy.Those who commit violence against living beings (whether it be a cow, pig, goat, chicken, human, or any other creature) for selfish reasons are great sinners and can never attain liberation.
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sainathwadhai · 2 years ago
मणिपूर राज्यातील अविचारी कृती
मानव हा असा सजीव प्राणी आहे, त्याला सुख, दुःख, वेदना, आनंद अशा सर्वच कृतींचा गाढा अभ्यास आहे. या सर्व कृतियुक्त जीवनाचा गाढा अभ्यास असून सुद्धा आपल्या भारत देशात विचित्र घटना घडत असतात. भारतात अशा विचित्र कृतींना आळा घालण्याकरीता पूर्णतः विचित्र शिक्षेचा विचार भारतीय कायद्यात रुजायला पाहिजे. भारतीय कायद्यात विचित्र कृती करणाऱ्यास विचित्र शिक्षा न देता जर सर्वसाधारण शिक्षा दिल्यास अशा विचित्र…
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