#hingashi rp
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mist-touchedxiv Ā· 9 months ago
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Rating: 18+
Name: Loksen Tyrwesfv
Race: Viera | Veena
Patron Deity: Oschon
Hometown: Skatay Range | KĆ³pavogur
Age: 75+
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 198 lb
Hair: Black with unusual natural blue streaks
Eyes: Aether blue
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Adventurer
Favorite Color: Blue
Smoking: Yes, occasionally. Prefers using a kiseru. Blends own tobacco, typically with vanilla. The smell of smoked tobacco can help dull his already potent Vieran sense of smell if he feels overwhelmed
Drinking: Yes. Loves Vieran aquavit and MjĆød, but hasn't encountered either in years. Due to spending time in Hingashi enjoys sake and often carries a flask, which he has been known to use as a weapon
Diet: Omnivore
Hobbies: Whittling, archery, drinking and eating, traveling, fishing, mahjong, reading Vieran poetry, camping
Personality: Reserved, almost aloof. Intense. Helpful. Honorable. His noble heart and wanderlust belies a quiet guilt.
Distinguishing Features: Viera male. Lotta blue. Speaks Eorzean with a noticeable but pleasant accent akin to Finnish. Faded scars across his back and torso. Brand on the back of neck to identify him as a Garlean prisoner, usually covered by hair.
Lƶksen was a typical Wood-warder many years ago, until the day the Garlean empire attacked Dalmasca. During a periodic visit to his home village, hearing disturbing rumors that Garlemald had set eyes on Dalmasca. Having proven to be a great archer, the leaders urged him and a small group of other Wood-warders to make a trip to Dalmasca to convince the Viera living in the city to come home.
Ultimately, they failed. Having scarcely arrived in the foreign city, it was overrun by Garlean forces and the other men were killed in the ensuing battles and Lƶksen taken prisoner for several years. During his imprisonment at a Garlean labor camp, Lƶksen was a target of fascination and sometimes ridicule as a rare male of an already elusive people. His Wood-warder background prepared him for the harsh conditions of the camp and helped him survive. His time in the camp also introduced him to a variety of people and cultures that he never would have encountered otherwise. Imprisoned Sharlayan scholars taught him the Eorzean language, an old Hingan woman taught him the way of the samurai, a pair of Lalafell smugglers regaled him with stories of Ul'dah, among others.
Eventually, the camp was inadvertently liberated by Bahamut's rampage and during the chaos, Lƶksen fought and killed the Garlean officer who had served as a tormentor and overseer and took their gunblade as a trophy that he carries with him.
Now he wanders Etheirys partly as an adventurer inspired by the stories of his fellow inmates about the diverse lands they came from, but also to try to escape a sense of guilt for failing his people in Dalmasca and trying to seek solace.
RP Hooks
Hey there, mun here. I'm pretty flexible on how to start interactions. I'm completely open to discussing things or just go with the flow, provided you start of course.
I designed Loksen to essentially be a support character. He's not a WoL, he's not blessed with Echo. Honestly, my goal with him is to bring texture and enhance YOUR story. I suppose I'm more focused on being a character than a protag, I guess.
He's got his own little stories, but I'm here to make friends and try my hand at a creative outlet that I haven't done in several years.
Anyways, here's some possibilities!
Yojimbo: A wandering warrior of no small skill. Something need doing? Body? Guarded. Bounties? Hunted. Monsters? Slain. Need a courier because you can't deliver through regular services? He's got legs.
Animal-lover: He will pet the animals.
Tarzan Boy: You can take the Wood-warder out of the woods, but you can't take the warder out... of... the... Well, Loksen prefers to be out in nature when he gets the chance and he can be a bit wild. Maybe you encounter him out in the Shroud climbing amongst the trees and foraging for food.
"Where'd You Get That?!": As a samurai, Loksen carries an extremely unusual blade: the gunblade of a Primus Ordinarius of exquisite craftsmanship. Sure to draw the attention of any Garleans affiliated character. It has been modified to be suited for fighting in the manner of the legendary Hingashi warrior tradition.
About the RPer
Cishet ā€¢ M ā€¢ 30+ ā€¢ North America Central Time Zone ā€¢ Weird, but well-meaning
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tetsuro-wulf Ā· 2 months ago
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Saturday, January 4th, 8PM EST [Coeurl] Shirogane W11 SUBDIVISION Akanezaka Markets šŸ®
That time to celebrate the fresh start of the new turn has landed this moon, and it'll be through the traditions of oshogatsu! The year of the Wood Snake has come to Hingashi, bringing creativity, personal development, and the conquering of this year's challenges!! Suiren Shrine will be opening the festivities with a blessing ceremony once again! Performances, Vendors, Diviners, Street Food, and Games await! We'll be bringing in the crowd of the Far East and beyond to observe our celebration!
šŸŽWe are currently seeking security, vendors, fortunetellers, performers, and game stalls! Join the discord to sign up: https://discord.gg/TX2DCbQEjK
@ffxivrp @ffxiv-rp-events
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mimble-sparklepudding Ā· 2 years ago
Little OC Creation Ask List
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I am trying to help a friend with their creative block around creating a FFXIV OC. So I thought I might try putting together a quick Ask List on the topic and maybe they would find people's responses helpful. Also it might be interesting to learn about how people approach the creative process!
How did you decide on the sex and/or gender of your OC? Was it important that it was the same as yours? Or the same as what you personally find attractive? Or did it not make much difference either way?
To what degree is your OC a self-insert? Are they in any way an aspirational version of yourself? Or perhaps a way to explore feelings and behaviours you suppress in yourself?
Is it important to you that you "like" your OC (as in consider them likeable)? Or is it more important to create a distinctive character, even if they are unpleasant or evil?
Do what degree did you intend your OC to be canon-compliant? Did you end up sticking to this or did you veer off into unforeseen territory over time?
How important is it to you that your OC is attractive? Does that mean attractive to you personally (sexually or just for purposes of playing dress-up!)? Or do you aim to make an OC over which others will inevitably thirst?
To what degree do you use the OC creation process as a way of exploring your own strengths and flaws?
Is your OC based upon another character or person? Or aspects of several? Is this just in terms of their appearance? Or also their personality?
Do you create the OC first and then the backstory? Or do you have a backstory lined up and then create an OC that will fit this?
Have you ever retconned your OC's story or situation? What inspired this? Did you just fancy a change? Or were you bored with them as they were? Or did you regret your decisions on first creating them?
To what extent does your OC function as a mouthpiece for your own views when it comes to describing their opinions or reactions? Do you quite like exploring how someone with very different values to your own might respond to a situation?
What is your main focus when creating an OC - making a character for yourself and your own enjoyment? Or do you try to create a character that will be popular with others or attract a lot of attention?
How much importance do you attach to humour when creating a character? Are there inevitably comic elements? Or are you more focused upon angst or drama?
Does your OC need to be believable (within the context of the fictional world in which you place them)? Or are you more interested in pushing the boundaries of what you can invent?
How do you want other people to view or react to your OC?
Is there anything you regret about how you designed your OC or their backstory?
Do you have the same OC (broadly speaking) across multiple fandoms or settings?
Did you design your OC with a specific aspect of RP in mind? Such as shipping, NSFW things, attending in-game social events, hosting events or entertaining others?
Has anyone ever reacted badly to your OC? Why was this?
Do you want other people to become invested in your OC? What would this look like ideally?
Is it important to ensure your OC has flaws or negative traits? Or do you try to make an idealised character as far as possible?
Do you want or enjoy your OC having in-game interactions with other people's characters? Or do you prefer to keep things more distant (like Ask Games on Tumblr!)? Or is your OC private and just for you?
How do you feel about others making art of your OC or writing about them? Do you feel like you need to vet their creative process? Or does anything go?
Was there a location in-game that inspired your OC (like Ishgard or Hingashi etc.)?
Was there something in the MSQ or even a side-questline, that inspired you to create them? Perhaps meeting the Sylphs or the Namazu? Or visiting the Unsundered World? Or even something to do with crafting or gathering?
To what extent does their appearance in game match your vision of them creatively? Are there things you wish you could change about them in this regard? Or possibly do, if you knew of a way to do so...
Do you have a voice claim for your OC? Did you have this before you did anything else? Or did you decide on it later?
Which OCs that are not yours do you most admire? What is it about that character that you find impressive or engaging?
To what extent have other people's OC influenced your own? Perhaps in the sense of inspiring your ideas? Or giving you "permission" to create a character you might not otherwise have done? Perhaps a lore-breaking one, or an overtly sexy one, or a self-insert, or a villainous one etc?
What do you try to avoid when creating an OC? Are these things you dislike in other people's OCs? Or purely your own personal preference?
What is your favourite thing about your OC or OCs? Is there something about them of which you are particularly proud?
To what extent does it matter that you are being "original" when you create an OC? Or is it OK to base them on an existing character or celebrity, so long as you enjoy it?
If you're stuck for ideas when creating an OC, what do you do to inspire yourself? (if you never have this problem, then what would you advise to someone that did!)
Is there an OC you would love to create in-game, but currently you are unable to do so, perhaps because that race is not playable or that sex is unavailable (hello female Hrothgar)?
How many OCs do you currently have? If you have multiple OCs then how different are they from each other? How often do you create new ones?
What things do you most want to see in someone's OC? Or what do you always find the most interesting? Or stimulating, if you're in that sort of mood?
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knox-xiv Ā· 2 months ago
The Gravekeeper - Knoxen Corvina
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THE BASICS ā€“ā€“ā€“
Name: Knoxen Corvina
Age: 56
Nameday: 1st Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Race: Veena, VieraĀ 
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic NeutralĀ 
Relationship Status: Single
Server: BalmungĀ 
Hair: Strawberry blonde with burgundy lowlightsĀ 
Eyes: Mint jade
Height: 6ā€™0ā€Ā 
Build: Ā Curvacious
Common Accessories: A small toolkit though what is inside remains a bit of a mystery, Filigree decorative earpieces, and a singular earring in the shape of a metallic bee. A small ritual dagger and scythe (each about 8 ilms long) are usually seen on her person hanging from her belt with other equipment.
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PERSONAL ā€“ā€“ā€“
Profession: Thanatologist, Gravekeeper, Embalmer, Reaper
Hobbies: Tending to gravesites, performing funeral rites and sitting with the birds often belonging to the Corvidae family.
Residence: Abroad though often seen in Kugane and Hingashi
Birthplace: Skatay Range
Patron Deity: Nophica, The Matron
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Mother alive and resides in the Skatay Range, Father unknown.
Siblings: None
Other Relatives: Distant cousin of Umari and Nami.
Pets: More like familiars, she tends to the local birds that frequent hollowed grounds.
TRAITS ā€“ā€“ā€“
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /Ā  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hardworking / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Smoking Habit: No Drugs: No Alcohol: Socially
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OOC Information
Looking for: Story-driven interactions mostly. Possible Romance (communication necessary). Pre-Established connections ( former lovers, friends, family, rivals, mentors, hateships.)Ā  I have a vast interest in stories and roleplay that is deep into storytelling and progression for all people involved. I enjoy being a supporting role to other characters as well!Ā 
Universe: FFXIV Server: Balmung
Roleplay preferences: In-game / Google docsĀ  ā€“ Tumblr is used for aesthetics, stories and more!
Preferred Type of RP: Progressive storytelling, developmental/character growth, slow burns, supportive, Dark/Macabre, paragraph and mirrored interactions.
Things I wonā€™t RP: Certain NSFW themes such as r*pe and harming children. I will not rp NSFW themes with minors and have a preference for 21+ writers/rpers only. Minors are strongly encouraged not to engage.
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paintedscales Ā· 6 months ago
FFXIV Write 2024 :: Day Nineteen
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Prompt: Taken Characters: Nomin tal Kheeriin, Primam Chorus, Tandem Chorus (brief, Echo) Word Count: 843 Notes: Non-canon to Nomin; more of a 'what if' scenario based on RP I had in the past regarding Primam and how I'd imagine Nomin and Primam interacting and really meeting one another.
Master List
Next (Bar) ->
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Murmurs and the sound of ocean waves filled the open atmosphere of the Shiokaze Hostelry. An occasional cry of a seagull pierced the chatter.
Nomin stared at the woman before her for a long time, her brow furrowed and her lips pulled taut into a line. She could feel the rising nervousness from the woman. After all, Nomin had been able to tell that the woman was weaving a lie: a well-practiced one, but a lie nevertheless. A lie though it was, however, the thing that struck Nomin was that the woman had no intended malice, simply that she wasā€¦lost.
The other thing that was strikingā€¦was that her aether felt different. Almost non-existent. Yet, she had a wealth of magic that she utilized in combatā€¦
ā€œIā€™ve been to Ala Ghiri recentlyā€¦ā€ Nomin mentioned. The woman in question was called Primam Chorus -- a very Garlean sounding name despite being from Gyr Abania. Her complexion matched well enough, but her explanations left much to be desired. Especially to one that could feel those shifts in aether when it came to emotions.
ā€œH-Have you?ā€ Primam asked, her expression turning sheepish. She drew her hands together over the tabletop, fidgeting.
ā€œAla Mhigans are returning to Gyr Abania -- to their home. Is there a reason you do not return?ā€ Nomin asked, hoping to press for answers from Primam who accompanied her during their time seeing to Hancockā€™s want of exploring Mount Rokkon. They had come back, a few extra notes and trinkets to show for their efforts that Hancock was pleased to receive.
ā€œIā€¦have a home here, now. In Hingashiā€¦ā€
ā€œFar be it from me to prod furtherā€¦ā€ Nomin said, grabbing her chilled bronze cup and taking her waterskin to fill it.
ā€œI was young when my brother and I had to flee.ā€ Primam brought her own cup closer -- unlike Nomin, it was a cup offered by the Hostelry itself, filled with water of her own. ā€œI hardly remember anything about Gyr Abania, let alone Ala Ghiri.ā€
Nomin took a sip. A lie vague enough to believe if circumstances were different.
A headache formed, one all too familiar as Nomin placed her cup back down and screwed her eyes shut and clenched her jaw. She heard the worried voice of Primam, drowned out by the hum of an entirely different scene unfolding before her.
It was like coming up for water when Nomin could finally see the land and setting around her. There were buildings she did not recognize, many of them on the verge of complete dilapidation. The lands had sparse foliage, and most strikingly, the sky was blanketed completely in black skies. It would have been darker than anything she had ever seen before if she had not been to the Thirteenth.
Nomin had the sense that this sky was something that had shrouded the land for years now at this point. Not unlike the First and how light blanketed the land in eternal daylight, and not unlike the Thirteenth bathed in eternal darkness.
A bright orangish-white light pulsed in the sky before it spread.
ā€œWhat is that?ā€ came a masculine voice. Looking over, Nomin saw someone who was strikingly similar to Primam. Her brother, no doubt.
ā€œI-I donā€™t knowā€¦ Nothing like this has shown up in the history booksā€¦ā€ Nomin was speakingā€¦or rather, she was an uncertain Primam. Shortly after her words left her, the light soon engulfed them and several others before the feeling of being submerged happened once more. But this was different -- it was Primamā€™s experience in traversing the rift.
Tumblingā€¦ Tumblingā€¦
Nomin gasped, a new scene before her. Though she normally did not experience an actual soaked feeling, she was absolutely drenched this time. Primam had ended up in a body of water, sputtering and coughing. Nomin could feel how the water burned her lungs, the desperation for air as Primam swam to the closest body of land to right herself.
When eventually Primam got up and looked around within the Echo, Nomin realized she recognized the area: Yanxia, just short of Namai.
ā€œWhereā€¦am Iā€¦?ā€ was the question that left Primamā€™s lips before the hum and chatter of the Shiokaze Hostelry started to come back, the vision fading as Nomin blinked her eyes and came back to reality.
ā€œNomin, are you alright?ā€ Primam asked, seeing that Nomin was shaking her head to rid herself of the feeling she just experienced.
ā€œDonā€™t worry about meā€¦just something that happens every now and thenā€¦ā€ Nomin explained, not wanting to get into the details of her Echo. However, she looked at Primam. She realized now that she was a woman taken to a land not her own. A familiar kinship began to bud within Nomin, even if the circumstances were a bit different.
Taking a long swig of water, Nomin thought of all the questions that bubbled in her mind. She wanted to know more about this land -- this place that Primam was from. Butā€¦she supposed she would have to save those questions for such a time perhaps a better friendship could be formed.
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furys-mercy Ā· 2 years ago
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Hello again folks!
Having finished my move and fully returned from my hiatus, I now find myself in search of some RP. But I am looking for something fairly specific.
While I have had no problem finding regency-themed and upscale venues and RP communities for Mercer's brother, Sebastian, I am finding it difficult to locate the opposite for Mercer within Ishgard. While I am happy to hear about dive bars and gambling dens outside of Ishgard, I am really looking to find a few corners of the Ishgard RP community that are centered around the experiences of common folk and Brume rats. While I love the upper crust as much as the next guy, Mercer is my main man, and I really want to find him places to be where he isn't viewed as inherently less by the nature of the theming of the group. With that said, here is a TLDR list of what I am looking for. This list is not all inclusive. If you know of a place that might interest me, please hit me up! Interested in: Ā»Ā» In-Game RP Ā»Ā»Ā RP Venues Ā»Ā» Dive Bars Ā»Ā» Gambling Halls Ā»Ā» Seedier/Dingier Venues Ā»Ā» Biiiig bonus if these venues are in Ishgard Ā»Ā» Discord Communities / FCs focused on Ishgard from the common perspective
Not interested in: Ā»Ā» Venues ICly located in Hingashi. Sorry folks. Mercer has IC reasons for never setting foot in Hingashi.Ā»Ā» Upscale Venues Ā»Ā» Venues or Communities focused on nobility or the upper crust of Ishgard (or any other city state).
How to contact me: Ā»Ā» Feel free to message me here on Tumblr, contact me in-game on August Mercer, Teo Linh, or Sebastian Vairemont or reach out on Discord (weezled). Ā»Ā» I am available for RP most nights starting at 7 PM EST until around Midnight EST. I do work and frequent other venues on Sebastian, so I will also be working around that schedule. But I am sure we can make it work.
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silversoulcreations Ā· 4 months ago
Kokoro Amatsubu
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=================== Basics Name: Kokoro Amatsubu Nickname: Koko, Dono Amatsubu Alias: River, Heart Other: Forsaken Melodies FC, Rainbow Rose FC Venue Age: Adult {322 Years old - Does not often share this information.} Race: Rava Viera Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual / Open / Non-Monogamous Alignment: Chaotic Good Relationship Status: Complicated ===================
Physical Appearance Hair: Black with blue tips {Same goes for his fur.} Eyes: Seafoam Green bordering on jade. Complexion: Deep Tan, bordering on a light cocoa. Height: 6'11" Weight: 245 lbs. Build: Muscular, Toned {Mesomorph} Tattoos: Black Tiger Stripes on his face. Scars: None Piercings: Both ears, near the base. Distinguishing Features: He has a tail {Black on the top with a blue heart-shaped marking on most of the underside.} and rabbit-ish feet {That he has to buy specialty shoes to cover-Most of the time.} Common Accessories: Pearl and silver hair clips in his hair. Nearly always wearing them. =================== Personal Information Profession: Adventurer, Escort, Gleaner, Bartender Hobbies: Stargazing, Gardening, Birdwatching, Craftsman Languages Spoken: Eorzean, Thavnarian, Hingan, Turali, Greenspeak Languages Written: Eorzean, Thavnarian, Hingan, Turali Languages Other: Has the echo. - With a bit of concentration can understand most spoken languages. Residence: The Mist - La Noscea / Shirogane Birthplace: Golmore Jungle Common Haunts: La Noscea, Old Sharlayn, Coerthas, Othard Likes / Favorites: Cherry Blossoms, Tea, Sake, helping people, crafting, Dancing, Entertaining Dislikes / Fears: Bullies, Needless Bloodshed, Forming lasting relationships with shorter lived races, fearing the loss he has experienced far too many times already. =================== Relationships Partner{s}: Ay'rees, Azrael Siblings: Rael Iryut {Deceased} Parents: Redacted {Deceased} =================== Mentality Social Level: Borderline between Extrovert and Introvert. Enjoys helping and pleasing others but also enjoys his personal space. Positive Personality Trait: Compassionate, Kind. Negative Personality Trait: Doesn't really let people IN often. Random Quirk / Tick: His ears twitch, and swivel during conversations, ever alert, IF he is exceptionally excited about something, his tail -will not- stop wiggling. Addictions: Caffeine, Alcohol Habits: Drinks perhaps a bit too much when he cannot otherwise seem to unwind. =================== RP - Hooks 1. If you are from the Hingashi / Othard Region, you may have seen this viera around, doing the odd job, defending those who cannot defend themselves, and occasionally enjoying just aĀ smidgeĀ too much Sake in one of the Bath houses. 2. You might be looking for a strong warrior, a gentle healer, or even someone who can dish as much damage as they can take. This man is quite skilled in all of the above, and will often aid others simply because it's the right thing to do. 3. Not in the need of a skilled adventurer? The man has a myriad of hobbies, not the least of which is learning the newest drinks and foods from around the world. He enjoys occasionally stepping in for bartending and cooking jobs when he cannot find other work. He has also been known to take coin for jobs most leave to their retainers, like the farming of various goods at a reasonable hourly rate. =================== Character Media
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newhorizonsxiv Ā· 2 years ago
Was there a location in-game that inspired your OC (like Ishgard or Hingashi etc.)?
Thanalan, specifically Southern Thanalan and the Sagoli desert. That bit of the MSQ really made an impact on me and informed a lot of the backstory for Lyneth and all my Lyneth attached alts like Ilthus and Shihan.
My very first character was a Highlander lady but she was really understood to be a placeholder for me to explore the game and its lore with while waiting for Balmung to be open to roll a character on for RP (this was long before server visits were a thing) As soon as I was able to roll an RP character on the RP server I pretty much rolled up an expy of my WoW character to go along with my roommates who were also rolling expys of theirs. Somewhere there is an alternate universe in which I had to wait an extra week or so for a Balmung opening and was able to get far enough into the MSQ to hit Coerthas and so Lyneth is an Ishgardian born elezen noblewoman instead of a desert nomad cat girl because that would have mapped much more closely onto the backstory of the blood elf noblewoman turned pirate that she is an expy of.
But the only elezen nation I knew about from those first 25 or so levels of MSQ was Gridania and I just couldn't make it fit the character. So she took a sharp left turn into weird lion pride themed cat girl territory and here we are and Lyneth is a much more unique character for it, I think.
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astrodynamis Ā· 3 days ago
just finished developing a pokemon oc to rp, but my brain immediately ran back to rilha. i kinda have an itch to expand further on her backstory + maybe add in some stuff, esp about her life in hingashi before she got disowned.
her backstory rn is very much just detailed facts ( mostly about her time in eorzea onward ) and thats ok!! but i kinda love the more flowery/story-telling backstory i wrote for the pokemon oc, and wanna rewrite rilha's to match the same style. i've had rilha for too long to settle for basics. i need her backstory to be like a 20+ page story.
if you are not strong enough to brave the pages and read her lore in its entirety, you do not deserve her. only the best for my cinnamon apple.
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lost-hingashi-princess Ā· 23 days ago
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Hello. Welcome to my page~
I'm Hanako, you may call me Hana.
28 years old - Bisexual, monogamous - Wealthy Hingashi noble who is haunted by past, companion Okuri Chochin 'Shrimp' is always following.
I enjoy crafting and challenging my hand to hand talent. Also love talking to new people, flirting shamelessly (until if my partner says no of course) and being sneaky.
No one knows what I really am or who I am truly. Will you?
Hihi! I'm looking for new RP partners after taking a short break from RP in general. I prefer dark themes, slice of life and romance. (Romance must be formed naturally and make sense.) I also do ERP but like previously, must be story and the other person wants to obviously.
You can message me here or in game @/Hanako Yukimura. I play on Cuchulainn but again, I don't mind data center hopping :D
Here is a link to her carrd must be 21+ to RP!
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mythriteshah Ā· 11 months ago
Igaku no Mizu Attire
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(MODEL: Hinata Reiki)
"Hinata Reiki of the Crimson Ravens Hunting Guild leaves her mark on the fashion realm. Inspired by a mischief-making Kitsune spirit from a distant star, this Far Eastern garb is becoming a fast favorite for those adept in the art of healing - especially those who blend their prowess with water-based magicks.
Loose and flowing fabrics invoke the image of a water dancer - light of foot with no wasted movement - with numerous enchanted orbs to aid in the conduction of water-aspected aether. Deep blue hues, wave-like designs, and kamon-style motifs help bring this attire together. Culminating with the addition of a bakeneko mask and other catlike accessories, you are sure to bring good fortune and succor to your next outing!"
[Attire sanctioned by the Crimson Ravens Hunting Guild.]
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sweetest--melody Ā· 7 months ago
tell us about shion!!
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so Shion Ayame is a Final Fantasy XIV oc! i made her a few years ago and have played her in a couple of ttrpg's and an rp server alongside my baby Cota who i also might do a writeup for? idk. bear with me there'll be some terms here.
tl;dr she's a revolutionary biker bitch from the heart of the evil empire and the boss of a gang / rebel group. also she's trans šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø
she's an Au Ra (race of humans with scales on parts of their bodies, horns in place of ears, and a scaled tail) Raen (subrace with cream-y peach-y white scales and horns that hail from Thavnair (south Asian / Indian inspired region) or Hingashi (east Asian / Japanese inspired region)) born in Garlemald (the capital city of what is essentially the game's evil empire, located in a scenic snowy mountain wasteland) to immigrant parents, of course in a space that wasn't very kind to them.
she didn't have the best childhood in the empire, her family was poor and the empire isn't a very welcoming space for "savages" like them. it took everything they had to keep a roof over their heads and fuel in their heater. her dad worked a grueling job as a ceruleum miner (oil but blue, fuels magitech which is Garlemald's whole thing) and her mom did clerical work for the Legion, all while raising Shion and giving her the best education they can at home - she wasn't allowed into any schooling there.
she learned her basic math, reading, and writing in a common tongue, along with some amount of history of her homeland including old tales of auspices and yo-kai and kami and those who worshiped them. they lived together like this for a number of years - surviving and as happy as they could be - until her father was taken from her in a mining accident, where the brutal working conditions took his life.
following that, her mother was conscripted into the Legion, and Shion was left alone - soon after with no home.
she was around her early teens at that time, forced to live and survive on the street under the heel of an oppressive government and culture. stealing, getting into fights, run-ins with the Legion, doing all that she could to live to see the next day. learning just how clear the divide in Garlean society is first-hand, and coming to the conclusion that any civilization that could treat a child like this didn't deserve to exist - or at the very least needed to change.
a few years later, after gaining a reputation as a thorn in the Legion's side and someone that other unfortunate souls living under the yoke of the Empire don't want to fuck with... she finds herself in prison after getting caught trying to steal a gun from a Legionaire. oops! anyway, that's where she actually met two other women being kept there - a couple of disgraced legionnaires named Ophelle (conscientious objector) and Alaqa (friendly fire) who turned out to be very like-minded individuals.
They - along with a very sympathetic fourth person on the outside going by the name of Zarara - all break out together and go on to form an alliance that eventually blossoms into a whole organization!
they called themselves Suzaku's Angels - inspired by the stories Shion was told as a child, with each of the four representing an aspect of one of the Four Lords at the group's head - Suzaku specifically being a scarlet phoenix, a symbol of rebirth, a burning passion, and warmth to run counter to the cold of their mountain home. the Angels started small, but quickly grew to be about 100 in number, as an organized crime ring that was more of a combination of that and local mutual aid and community organizing / a sort of grassroots resistance movement.
basically think of them like a modernized Robin Hood troupe, stealing from the rich and powerful primarily to give to the underrepresented members of the community - homeless kids, poor people, immigrants and other racial minorities, those who oppose the Legion and who have been punished for it, abuse survivors, disabled people. they would do their best to do right by them by any means necessary.
at some point though, during one of their raids, Shion just so happens to kill a high ranking member of the Legion and she's forced to run away - with the help of her Angels, she's able to take her bike through the mountain pass and into neighboring nations where she becomes a roving bandit.. and still a hero to the downtrodden. the Legion's hands are everywhere, and everyone is at the mercy at that point in time (this was pre ARR)
as far as her personality goes, she's a bit abrasive but overall cheerful and welcoming! she greets everyone with a smile and a punch on the shoulder or a fist bump, a slightly gravely "heyyyyy!" and some crude nickname. she loves animals, kids, learning about people and their cultures, loves a good drink, can play bass, but the thing she loves doing most is mechanic work! she's a grease monkey, picked it up during her time in the magitech-centric capital and took to it like a fish to water - even devising an alternative fuel source for her bike!
though she's a ranger in combat, she's also known to be very light on her feet and to have a NASTY right hook, but aside from those she's a rather wise individual and an inspiring leader - though she doesn't ever really see herself as a leader. all of her sisters are equal in her eyes, they all lean on one another, and she thinks the same in any ither group she finds herself in.
she's also VERY anti-authoritarian, and unfortunately she can be quick to anger if you push her buttons in just the wrong order, and she can be quite headstrong in her beliefs. which is why she got in trouble a number of times in the servers where i played her - and other people decided to play a legionnaire and a cop lmao
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tetsuro-wulf Ā· 5 months ago
The Wulf's Eye: RP Journal #138 | Winds Upon Us
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The Ochaya Meeting Nagisa ended up reserving me at the Moonflower to update me on what they had found since our investigations around Othard and Hingashi and our little... party with Itoh in the cell room. Nagisa detailed the three sealed pieces of Izanami as follows; one bit suspected to be in Yomi, which Emma-o has already nabbed, given its his domain. A temple of a fire deity which.. I have my guesses, but also, there are so many fire kami in this damn world. Nagisa and her group are seeking out the piece at that temple, while NightRaid has been tasked to find the Soul within the spirit realm. It's not the first time we've gone, so we have the experience of traversing such realms in our belt.. the unfortunate irony is that we've also stepped into Yomi. Nagisa proposed that once we acquire these pieces, we face Emma-o head-on. Imagine going against the Guardian of Yomi for his flimsy romance with Izanagi's leftovers. Such old times cannot become reality again, not when this realm of mortals has changed immensely. That's the thing about us immortals-- time feels stagnant. We do not see ourselves as age. We do not consider change over a great length of time. You'd think one who has lived centuries upon centuries would be able to grasp the concept more clearly, no? I certainly hadn't until I started living alongside mortals. Being coupled up in Hell doesn't do one good, now does it?
White Lotus Teahouse With all that ahead of us, I decided perhaps an outing would do us good. I invited Kayah and Aioux on an overdue double-date to a place I've visited a few times-- White Lotus Teahouse. There we sat in a traditional Hingan booth, ordered us four servings of steamed buns and all of us had our teas, coffees, hot cocos.. it was a lovely atmosphere, not too horribly busy. There we caught up, it was nice to just sit down and chat. One way or another I somehow ended up talking Aioux's ear off about the Five Rings-- how their disciplines also match the belief behind the elements in Godai's sense. That and I'll have to continue Kayah's lessons very soon..
Wind Training My wife and I are busy people, but alas, we managed to schedule the second lesson in training with the element of wind. Despite this, since the first session, I had been practicing with what I was given endlessly, so it's neither foreign to me nor difficult. I wouldn't call myself a master. It has been nearly a full turn of using it, and it feels like the second session set off the training wheels. Endless possibilities.. understanding wind more closely, something I had no exposure to utilizing, unlike Earth and Fire. It was.. nice. I have certainly come to respect it more. It makes me want to discuss it more in-depth with someone fully attuned to it. Several come to mind. All part of training, of course. I've already gotten ahold of replicating this western wolf character of a tale's ability to huff, puff, and blow whole houses down. Scilla mentioned I could collect the wind into my lungs if I managed to control and blow like a massive gale. Hah!
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thorneyes Ā· 2 years ago
Still accepting responses! But there's enough answers so far to represent some degree of the RP character population (definitely not all of it) so I'm rambling about what is and isn't a surprise to me so far.
Q1. Names
Honestly was expecting more people to have used the in-game name generator. I wonder it people are qualifying it if they used, say, the forum posts or the wiki as a resource, but maybe that's just me. Lore-compliant was the most popular, though.
Q2. Age
Mid-late twenties is the most popular age group by far, to (Iā€™m guessing) no oneā€™s surprise, but itā€™s not as overwhelming as I expected! Thereā€™s a decent chunk of characters in their thirties, and it tapers off from there. In terms of the over-eighties, mostly viera! with an outlier or two.
Q3. Character race
Hrothgar are severely underrepresented in the results so far, which does not surprise me but might just be the parts of ff14 tumblr Iā€™m reaching. I expected at least a few. Most popular are miqoā€™te and au ra, with a relatively even split between the subgroups. Viera are a bit biased towards Rava, and hyur are extremely biased towards midlanders. Surprisingly, a lot more dunesfolk lalafel than plainsfolk? Guess people donā€™t like pupils, lol.Ā  A decent amount of mixed-race characters, kind of wish Iā€™d given people the option of saying what mix, but ah well
Q4& 5. Where did they grow up?
For character homes, thereā€™s a decent spread among the eorzean cities. A lot fewer folks from the far east than I expected, tbh. Hingashi and Doma were pretty underrepresented, Doma in particular. It might just be that people have culturally Doman/Hingan characters that emigrated to other locations. Some people have time/world traveling characters, some people were from places like the Cieladas, or regions technically around the zones but not quite represented by a clear game region. (Ilsabard makes this so hard, SE please). I'm pretty sure most Dalmascan characters are viera, just because of the way I included their homelands there.
When putting together the survey I waffled a bit over including a question about whether their family was from the place they grew up, but I couldnā€™t quite find a way to do a non write-in for that. Maybe another time.
Kind of wish there was a way to do a "pin your character on the map!" kind of survey :|a
Housing cities take the prize here! Coerthas is the most popular, followed by La Noscea. Hingashi lagged behind again, which surprises me because I feel like I see a lot of hingashi-centered rp spaces? Maybe it's just venues based there.
Jobs-wise, Red Mage is by far the most popular one, which I wasnā€™t expecting, but makes sense. Followed by Dark Knight, which wasnā€™t a surprise at all, white mage, and dragoon. Most of the rest are pretty evenly distributed. I wonder how many people were answering for their WoL vs their "just a guy" versions and characters, since the in-world commonly accessible jobs are a bit underrepresented.
In terms of individual people, most characters either single- or dual-classed, but there were some people who went really ham, selecting up to five, or even ten jobs. Iiii'm guessing a number of those are WoL-players. If I did this again I might limit the number of choices picked the same way I did the last question, but I'm not sure
most common category of write-in jobs were combos or slightly modified flavors of existing ones, but we got a few necromancer and witch characters, and some far eastern talisman mages. No geomancers, which I was kind of expecting!
Botanist is by far the most common crafter/gatherer, followed by fisher, then weaver. Poor armorer got the least love, but it's not nonexistent
Results here are.... just about what I expected! Adventurer led the way by far, followed by scholars, with other popular categories being healers, merchants, and treasure hunters. I probably could have separated out gleaners into their own category, but in-character I honestly think the two types serve a similar function (gleaners basically are just in museum acquisitions anyway, right?)
The write-ins were interesting! A surprising number of specifically dads. Also a couple engineers. I like seeing the ones that slot into the world in interesting places. It's fun to see where people think their characters would fit. I wonder too how people might distribute themselves in the large category answers.
In general if people want to comment on the results either in a reblog or in a response, please do! especially if you have an answer that you want to explain, or would have explained further but couldn't because of the limits of the survey.
another informal survey
Occasionally I get curious about the spread of rp characters in the community and decide to send surveys out into the ether to indulge it! No tumblr poll this time because there are a couple different questions with a lot of answers.
Just a brief batch of questions about character name lore, race, hometown and IC professions! I've set it so that it can be taken multiple times for different characters, and the results will be visible to everyone, so that I don't have to go back and share a bunch of pie charts later.
As always I tried to account for everything but because these are informal there may be options that slipped my mind.
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fae-fire Ā· 5 years ago
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ishgardianrepublic Ā· 7 years ago
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The Ishgardian Consulate Shirogane 4-59
Maybe itā€™s a symbol of the diplomatic efforts of a nation returning to the world after a war that defined an era. Maybe itā€™s a symbol of the determination of a small few Ishgardians to bringing what makes the Sky strong to the whole world. Maybe, just maybe... itā€™s where the Lords send folks they donā€™t want to deal with. It probably depends on who you ask.Ā 
Located outside the city proper of Kugane, in the forth subdivision of Shirogane, the Consulate is a pale shadow of Garlemaldā€™s and Thavnairā€™s land. Very few coins from the Republicā€™s coffers flowed across the ocean, and fewer still resources, but the Foreign Minister, Iris Blanchimont, was not deterred!Ā 
The Consulate features a small, comfortable meeting space, a desk for Temple Leves to aide the Far East (and do odd jobs for the short-staffed Consulate), a small chapel to Halone the Fury and several offices and meeting rooms. It also boasts a state-of-the-art airship hanger and a chocobo pen cared for with love and grace by a squire of House Blanchimont, Rex.Ā 
Itā€™s also armed to the teeth. A millennium of war will do that to you.Ā 
The new diplomatic mission is not without struggle, and has a lot to prove both to Hingashi and to the Lords back home. But as they reach out to the world, the goals, ambitions and hearts of Ishgard reach ever heavensward.Ā 
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