#hindi fairy tales
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storyteller-21 · 5 months ago
जादुई झील की कहानी | जादू और इच्छाओं का रहस्य | Magical Lake | Hindi Sto...
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craftyphantomconnoisseur · 8 months ago
चालाक बन्दर की कहानी | Hindi Kahani | Bedtime Stories | Stories in Hindi | Khani Moral Stories
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ajabkahaniyatv · 2 years ago
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indianmovielinks · 4 months ago
A man (Ranveer Singh) from a crime family falls in love with a woman (Deepika Padukone) who is resistant to her family's choice of a husband for her. Based on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
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kahaniyatoons · 1 year ago
पीले दातों वाली बहू |Saas Bahu Ki Kahaniya|Moral Stories Hindi Stories...
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what-even-is-thiss · 9 months ago
Some free or inexpensive comprehensible input, audio and video lessons, and listening practice stuff for popular languages because idk I felt like googling some stuff today
Arabic: Yale k-16 interactive reading, Arabic Comprehensible, Egyptic
Bengali: Bangla Shekho, Bengali Fairy Tales
Chinese (Mandarin): Comprehensible Chinese, hackingchinese.com, Acquire Mandarin, Comprehensible Mandarin, Blabla Chinese, Easy Mandarin, Mandarin Click
English: English Comprehensible input for ESL beginners, Dreaming English, EnglishClass101, British Council LearnEnglish, News in Slow English
French: French Comprehensible Input, alice ayel, Easy French, innerfrench.com, Little Talk in Slow French, Francais Authentique
German: DW Learn German, Naturlich German, Comprehensible German, Easy German, Löwenzahn, Deutsch Direkt, Learn German With Falk
Greek (modern): Natural Languages TRPS Greek, Helinka, Hellinic American Union, Easy Greek, Greekpod101
Greek (ancient): Easy Latin (Greek Course), Alpha With Angela (biblical [Kione] Greek), Chihon Teaches, Ancient Greek in Action, Athenaze
Hebrew: The Hebrew Adventure, Free Hebrew (Biblical Hebrew), Hebrew Time, thehebrewcafe.com
Hindi: Comprehensible Hindi, HindiPod101, Hindi TV, Easy Hindi
Hungarian: FluentBox, Magyar Hungarian, Speak Hungarian With Angie, Easy Hungarian,
Icelandic: Icelandic For Foreigners, icelandiconline.com, Ylhyra, Viltu laera islensku,
Italian: Italian For Americans, Easy Italian, Learn Italian With Lucrezia, teacherstefano.com
Japanese: Comprehensible Japanese, DailyJapanese, Akane Japanese Class, iroironanihongo, Japanese Immersion With Asami, Speak Japanese Naturally, Learn Japanese with Tanaka san,
Korean: Comprehensible Input Korean, Korean Patch, Immersion in Korean, Intuit Korean, Learn Korean in Korean, Hello Jadoo, MAVOCA, Storytime in Korean, Talk to Me in 100% Korean
Latin: Easy Latin, ScorpioMartianus, Quomodo Dicitur?, Found In Antiquity, The London Latin Course
Portuguese: Teach Yourself Portuguese, The Sounds of Portuguese, Portuguese With Leo, Easy Portuguese
Russian: Comprehensible Russian, Easy Russian, About Russian in Russian, Russian With Max, Russian from Russia, Real Russian Club
Spanish: Dreaming Spanish, Teacher Catalina. Hola Spanish, Easy Spanish,
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2dcreation · 2 years ago
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bookwyrminspiration · 22 days ago
🌟🎉Keepblr Wrapped 2024 🎉🌟
thanks for your patience and contributions! i've tried my best to get a good overview, but if I've missed anything you feel crucial, please do add on :)
this year was quite eventful. here's a few highlights (not in order):
Fintan Pyren won Keeper sexyman for the second year in a row
Sal (worldsunlikemyown) created a script for the Enlightened language!
Shannon announced we'd have a 9.5 instead of book 10, to mixed reviews
Unraveled's cover was revealed, and everyone tore into it. Is Keefe actually attractive? The world may never know
Tam cam. featuring months of about 10,000 different fake blogs, detectives, and accusations--to the point it needed it's own separate tag
wiityispb won the best kotlc quote bracket!
we started translating wiityispb into several languages (Punjabi) (Arabic) (Nahuatl) (Hindi) (French) (there's more, too)
people started making bingo cards for Unraveled
a handful of people tried to get kotlc trending, absolutely flooding the tag and rendering it unusable for a day or two
Lavacake (marella x fitz), and the ship name arguments it started
Roisin (camelspit) hosted a skribbli.io session!
abscourse, the neverending debate about whether Keefe has abs (he shouldn't), which also dragged asscourse back to light (whether fintan pyren has a fat or flat ass (it's flat))
Lady Cadence won the 2024 Keeper Sexywoman bracket!
the Fairy Tale AU Exchange! featuring 54 lovely works you should peruse <3
a second event, the Keeper Big Bang 2024! find the works under the ao3 collection and by perusing the keeper big bang 2024 tag!
kotlc and keepblr's Fanlore pages are now being updated by Catherine! (everliving-everblaze)
there were also several themed weeks, such as Ancients Week and Tiertice Week 2024!
the infamous Anti-Keefe Rant by Stria (the-way-astray)
Hethen, Elwin x Gethen, which also sparked ship name arguments
we tormented @/do-you-ship-this-book-couple with a million kotlc ships
Fitz Vacker won the best keeper character 2024 bracket!
During said bracket, Quil (bookwyrminspiration) developed a severe, ongoing loathing for Watson the Dog, which people torment it about to this day
We got brand new official art by chrissabug!
like half the fandom was accused of being Katie (myfairkatiecat)
Roisin (camelspit) hosted another year of Roisin's Reading Rumble!
Strieefe, the pairing between Stria (the-way-astray) and her least favorite character, Keefe Sencen. Now with 21 (and counting) different fics, 8 artworks, and 2 songs!!
A few Unraveled scenes leaked, sending the fandom into a panic--half from the contents of the leak, half from the scramble to avoid said contents
Quil (bookwyrminspiration) drew krocs, which Fin (fintan-pyren) actually made
Unraveled, book 9.5, was officially published!! (Quil, bookwyrminspitation's, notes from the tour) with canonical queer characters!! the fandom took this very well.
They did not take the timeline well. There were many debates about when the series takes place given pop culture references in 9.5
Finally, we started transing several characters genders again! Notably, Laith Vacker
This brings 2024 to a close, leaving us all still riding the high (low?) of Unraveled. Jesus fuck, y'all. what a year. can't wait to do it again <3
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yaeggravate · 1 year ago
suggestion: kaeya's name is taken from the hindi word छाया (chhaaya) for shadow
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arguments for:
the abyss (and possibly also khaenri'ah) is associated with mirrors and inversion; the inverted statue, the sign of apaosha, kaeya's vision is mirrored, the script around the ruin machines are mirrored etc. a shadow is a reverse projection of an object. we know kaeya is connected to the abyss and from khaenri'ah.
kaeya's character story says he lived in his brother's shadow for most of his life and that they were often likened to twins. twins in this game always seem to have a light/dark dichotomy. it's kind of like with makoto and ei, (ei's name (影) in chinese also means shadow.) and lyney and lynette (her title is "elegance in the shadows").
his alternative outfit is called sailwind shadow
he played the role of a thief who lived in a dark realm searching for light; this actually parallels the story of "the tale of those without shadows" that you can find in game.
shadow fits thematically with khaenri'ah as it was an underground nation. their last ruling dynasty was also known as the eclipse dynasty. an eclipse is defined as "the passing into the shadow of a celestial body".
in shakespeare's play midsummer night's dream, the character oberon is derived from kaeya's last name alberich. oberon is the king of fairies but in the play one of the characters also calls him the king of shadows.
it wouldn't be odd for kaeya's name to be derived from hindi. i mean just look at him lol, but one major hint is that his constellation is a peacock, an animal commonly associated and indigenous to india.
arguments against:
uhhh kaeya in game is pronounced with a hard k instead of a soft ch that's it (but in the japanese dub they pronounce his name as gaia so i don't think the pronunciation matters that much here)
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fairytale-poll · 1 year ago
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Mod's own propaganda under the cut:
Sasha as Red Riding Hood:
During submissions, I became so absolutely excited when I saw this pop up. I don't know who decided to submit it, but they unlocked some childhood memories for me. Back when I was a child, my family visited Pakistan (my parent's country of origin) for the entire summer. One day I, bored, asked for some movies to watched and my parents and uncle brought back some clearly bootlegged DVDs dubbed in Hindi/Urdu, and Bratz Kids Fairy Tales was one of them. I watched it so many times, you have no idea- I think that I might have wrecked the whole DVD with how much I watched it. (A similar thing happened later on when I obtained a clearly bootlegged copy of Bratz Fashion Pixie too but that's another, non-Red Riding Hood related story.) I wasn't surprised that it was eliminated right off the bat, but my childhood nostalgia dictated I put it here, or else I would be betraying the 7-year-old in me.
Shang, Tao, and Paotze:
Another childhood favorite of mine. This picture book has such beautiful art and I remember being very surprised by the story as a child. I found a PDF of it online to reread when the contest started and honestly it still holds up. The three sisters that are the Red Riding Hood in the story I feel are genuinely very clever. And for nothing else, look this one up solely for it's beautiful art which is just breath-taking whether you're a child or an adult!
Not going to lie I never played this game. My good friend who I adore submitted this to the poll and it immediately got eliminated and I just felt bad lol. But it does look cool & I trust their taste so I do think that this game is great. I want to play it but I am really bad at getting myself to play games.
Samurai Jack is a CLASSIC and I dare you to not watch this clip and crack up. Mako was a gift of voice acting and I miss him so much. Also this episode is just pretty amusing.
Amy Lee:
My sister was actually the one to submit this and I will use her own propaganda here: "Evanescence was a voice of a generation." Honestly this song is kind of just okay, there are better Evanescence songs, but got to respect the effort they put into the music video. Who can resist to choose Amy Lee anyway?
The Path sisters:
Like many people who know this game, I know it through Izzzyzzz's two video essays on it. I didn't play the game afterwards, but I did watch some play-throughs since I don't play many games + it seemed mostly like a walking simulator anyway so I felt like I got the same effect. It is AMAZING and has so much story and analysis and I love shit like that... In particular, Scarlet, Ruby, and Rose are my favorites whose stories really resonated with me, even if I haven't exactly gone through their life experiences. Ginger too. And there's some really horrific imagery in Robin's...I would recommend everyone find a way to experience this game-- whether that's playing it, watching Izzzyzzz's videos, or finding a walk-through/analysis of it, it's worth it!
So this manga is sort of obscure but it is also sort of nostalgic to me. Well, nostalgic by proxy. My sister read it when I was younger and told me some details about it and for some reason it stuck with me. Like??? For no reason. It's not even that good lmao. The first chapter right off the bat is pretty edgy & handles sensitive topics very badly. But goddamn if I do not think about random elements of the story for no reason. I don't really remember shit about Lisette but hey this picture of her looks really cool.
If you notice a theme among these being "nostalgia" you would be right, as this was another nostalgic offering from my childhood that I would watch semi-annually. I was also fond of the sequel, though I thought it felt like a different series than the first one. (Which isn't unusual with animated sequels to popular movies, but the fact that the sequel was set-up by the ending of the first one implies it was planned? Weird). But anyway Red is iconic and funny and voiced by Anne Hathaway and also her sad emo song "Red is Blue" sometimes still gets stuck in my head, so take that as you will.
I know absolutely nothing about this series. But it looks very cute so I like it. I love cute magical girls they deserve the world. Also I looked it up and apparently the Studio who did the Akazukin Chacha anime would later do the Yu-Gi-Oh animes from the 2000s and 2010s, so there's the obligatory mention of nostalgia.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 1 year ago
Pawpaw: How do you name your characters?
Sugar Maple: What's the sweetest part of your story?
Hello! Thanks for the ask! (From this ask game)
Pawpaw: How do you name your characters?
Hm. Vibes? Generally speaking I use Behind the Name and its filters. Sometimes I go elsewhere or look up specific ethnic names. I sometimes go for meaning.
But sometimes, here is my process:
The Secret Portal
Lexi was dubbed "Alexia" in my fourth grade (age 10) creative writing project. I remember I went through an extremely elaborate process to naming her until I fell on that name. Unfortunately I don't remember how I did. In Draft Three (age 13) I tried out the nickname Lexi used by her sister and occasionally her friends, but in Draft Four I just called her Lexi and I preferred that for her (though her name is still Alexia).
Ash was originally named Aurora, but when starting Draft Four I had another OC in the project that later became SOTL named Aurora (she doesn't really exist anymore lol) and to avoid this I picked the first "A" name I thought of: Ashley. But I tried out Ash and realized I preferred it, so kept it consistent.
Gwen was the first G name I thought of, named because the friend she was originally based on wanted her name to start with that. Noelle came out of an inside joke. Rose was on a whim.
Maddie was Maddie because my sister chose the name. She also chose Kelsey. The names stuck, and I really like them.
Robbie I called Robert for a long time, choosing the name for an embarrassing reason (14 yo me was obsessed with Tony Stark) but the nickname fits him much better!!
Akash was chosen because I wanted less English names and selected Indian/Hindi on some baby name site. Obviously being an A name it was close to the top, but it meant "sky" and I laughed because I'd made him a flyer and I liked the name so kept it.
Carla was originally Carly and I don't remember how I picked the name or why I changed it. George was named after my grandfather. Why did I choose it for a young guy idk.
Ewan, Jazlyn, Wade, Parker, Tyler, and Sam were all chosen on a whim and I liked them so they stayed. Liam was originally named Seamus and I didn't like the name for him so I just looked up popular names in Canada and picked the one I liked. Niri was Stephen but I changed it for a similar reason: it wasn't working. Both characters have improved since I changed their name to something I was comfortable with.
Same is true for Hye-Jin and Gabriel, but the main reason I changed their names was they were Lucy and Luis - and with Liam and Lexi I hope you can understand why I didn't want so many four letters, two syllable L-names.
Jedi I picked because I found it on a baby name site. Carmen was on a whim.
Most other names were like that for TSP so I'll stop now. Basically the gist is most of them I picked on a whim, but then I changed the ones I didn't want by usually going to Behind the Name and filtering by ethnicity and looking for something I like.
School of the Legends
Much simpler to describe/harder to choose:
1) pick the name that they are in the fairy tale. Example: Jack (all Jacks)
2) pick a name that means the same as the name in the fairy tale but in another language. Example: Bai Xue (Snow White)
3) choose an ethnicity and look at all the meanings and pick one that's close to the character they represent. Example: Saira (Red Riding Hood, means "traveler")
4) pick a name with a good meaning tied to the character they represent. Example: Azraq (Little Boy Blue, means "blue")
Sugar Maple: What's the sweetest part of your story?
Any moment where it's 2+ characters (usually 2) doing something really sweet for the other (e.g., Kelsey giving Maddie an amigurumi tiger for no reason) or comforting the other (e.g., Gwen giving Akash a hug and a kiss on the forehead when he's crying).
TSP is made up of nothing but corny comedy, angst, and soft ass moments. It's honestly hard to pick a favorite, which is kind of lame lol. But these silly kids loving each other just gives me a lot of joy!
Thanks so much for the ask! Sorry this was a long read lol
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester
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draconesmundi · 10 months ago
To the best of my knowledge, Nagaraja means Naga King/Dragon King, so I believe it's both a general title as well as a "proper" name when the story isn't specifying WHICH of the kings it's talking about, not unlike how fairy tales will have "The King" or "The Queen."
Ah gotcha! I might end up using nagaraja, I'm still going to see if I can find someone who speaks hindi/lives closer to the area and check their ideas
Quick question; female naga is nagini, female raja is rani, would a 'serpent queen' be nagarani or naginirani?
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craftyphantomconnoisseur · 8 months ago
सच्चे मित्र | Hindi Kahani | Bedtime Stories | Stories in Hindi | Khani Moral Stories
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ajabkahaniyatv · 2 years ago
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indianmovielinks · 4 months ago
Loosely based on the epic poem Padmavat by Malik Muhammad Jayasi, Padmaavat is the story of a warlord who is told he will never be defeated so long as he looks upon the face of Padmaavat, who is the wife of an enemy king.
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jollytoonworld · 6 days ago
Mermaid & Snow White fairy tale in Hindi | स्नो व्हाइट और सात बौने: एक र...
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