#himself I’ll never get over that that’s so fuckin’ badass
fuzzyunicorn · 2 months
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Btw babe guess who told me for years you’d forever be mine & faithful— Arch Angel Micheal
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Two Hearts, One Home (3)
part two
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summary: ben copes with the thought of losing you and just wants to hear your heartbeat
pairing: soldier boy x female supe!reader
rating: R for language, mature themes (?)
word count: 4.2k
warnings: pregnancy, labor, language, vought torturing supe’s | mentions of/alludes to - sex, birth control, infertility issues, miscarriage, loss of a child, and trouble breastfeeding.
timeline: set about twenty minutes after part two
author’s note: part three! this is the happy ever after version, so this will be the final part. however i may be writing a prequel series. <3 (definitely titled sweet creature keeping with the title theme)
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“Sir, I need you to get out of the room!” A nurse yelled, trying to push Ben out of the Supe-ER.
“B-Ben don’t leave me here!” you exclaimed between pained gasps.
“I can’t fucking leave her!” Ben shouted.
“Hey, hey, hey, just let the doctors do their job,” Butcher pulled Ben back and out of the room. “Just breathe, she’s tough as nails, she’s gonna be okay.”
“I- I can’t lose her, Butcher.” Ben shook his head. He ran a hand down his face and wiped the tears from his cheeks. “I can’t…fuck!”
In his fit of rage he punched the wall next to him, his fist going straight through it and peeking out into the other room. Suddenly everyone in the waiting room and the front office were staring at him.
“Weak wall,” Butcher muttered to a nurse who was now examining the hole.
“We get Supe’s in here all the time, that’s the fifth hole this week,” she laughed a little. “Just calm him down before he punches a person.”
“Will do.” Butcher smirked before turning back to Ben. “Let’s take a seat, yeah?”
“No, i-if I stand here I can still h-hear her h-heartbeat,” Ben said, tears streaming down his face. Butcher nodded a little.
“I’ll bring a chair over here for ya then.”
It was Ben’s turn to nod. “Thank you,” he said.
Butcher, true to his word, brought a couple chairs over to where Ben was standing so they could sit down but Ben could still listen to your heart. Ben put his face in his hands and his elbows on his spread knees. Butcher didn’t really know what to do, he’d never seen Ben this upset. Scared, even.
“About two years ago,” Butcher started, “Y/n and I were chasing this asshole who just stole this little girl’s backpack right in front of us. He jumped into his car and started driving off. But Y/n, being an absolute badass, flung herself onto the car, then managed to get in front of it. She stopped it with her bare hands, Ben. Lifted it off the fuckin’ ground. Or how about that time she saved half a dozen construction workers when that scaffolding started to give out so she held the damn thing together so they could all get out? She is the strongest woman on the fucking planet, you know she is.”
“But if that baby is stronger,” Ben said quietly, lifting his head to look at Butcher, “it might just tear her apart. I mean, this is my baby and her baby; it’s gonna be stronger than both of us. It might just kill her, Butcher.”
“What’s the worst thing Vought put her through?” Butcher asked. “I mean, what was something they did that almost killed her?”
“Nothing almost killed her. They stitched a bomb into her chest and it blew to bits inside her. Hurt like hell, but it didn’t come close to killing her.”
“This baby ain’t gonna kill her, Ben. She’s been through way worse than this and she’s still alive and well.”
Ben took a deep, long breath, trying to calm himself down. “Thank you, Butcher,” he mumbled.
“Of course, mate.”
“Mr. Barnes?” The nurse who had pushed Ben out of the room was now standing a few feet from where he sat. “Y/n’s okay, you can see her now.”
“Oh thank fucking god,” Ben exclaimed before hurrying to you. “You’re okay! You’re really- fuck!” He smiled when he saw you.
“Come meet your son,” you said, smiling.
“I was so worried about you,” Ben whispered before kissing you. “I- I thought I lost you!” He kissed you a couple more times, putting his hands on your face, before pulling away to look at the baby in your arms.
“He’s so little!” Ben gasped as you handed him the baby. “Look at you! So, so tiny! And you’ve got Y/n’s eyes!”
“Any thoughts on the name?”
“William?” Ben asked you.
“Really?” You smiled even wider, Ben nodded. “William it is!”
“Hello, William Barnes,” he said, once again looking at baby Will. He then looked back at you; your eyes heavy with sleep and a smile still on your lips. “How’re you feeling? Are you…okay?”
“I am now,” you replied, reaching out to take his hand.
“Everyone meet William Barnes,” you told the group (Butcher, Hughie, Annie, Frenchie, and Kimiko) when they walked in.
“William?” Butcher smiled widely. A real, genuine smile, which was rare for him.
“Yep, named him after William Shatner! We love Star Trek,” Ben replied. You slapped his arm.
“He’s kidding,” you laughed. “We named him after the man who saved Ben in Russia, then freed me from a Vought lab a couple days later.”
“Sounds like a stand up guy.” Butcher was still smiling.
“Wanna hold the baby?” Ben asked.
“Oh hell yeah!” he exclaimed.
“Now’s the hard part, right?” you said to Ben when the three of you entered the apartment; Ben holding a sleeping Will in his arms. “Now we’ve got this tiny little human to take care of.”
“Now’s the fun part, though, too.” Ben shrugged a little. “Now we get to watch the little guy grow up. We watch him start to crawl, take his first steps, hear his first words, hear his laugh when we make silly faces, all the joys of being parents!”
“And we get to watch him drink formula because I’m toxic and could kill him,” you scoffed a little, Ben’s smile slowly fading. “Sorry,” you shook your head, “I’m just tired. Could you watch Will so I can sleep?”
“It’s okay, I’ve got it,” he said, smiling softly again. “C’mere.” He pulled you into a tight, one armed hug and you wrapped your arms around him. “I love you so much, honey. You go sleep for as long as you want, I’ll take care of Will.”
“I love you, Ben,” you whispered as you pulled away. “So much!” you added, yawning widely as you walked into the bedroom.
You slept for almost fourteen hours before you stirred awake. You still didn’t feel fully rested, which was strange, but you chalked it up to the fact you’d stayed up for over 36 hours before you crashed.
You heard Ben singing very quietly to Will in the living room as an attempt to get him to stop crying.
As you listened closely you noticed he wasn’t singing a classic nursery rhyme. You quietly went to the bedroom door so you could hear better.
“Hush little baby don’t you cry,” he sang very, very quietly. “Everything’s gonna be alright. Stiffen that upper lip up, little baby, I told ya, Daddy’s here to hold ya through the night.”
“Are you singing Eminem to our newborn baby?” you asked, walking into the living room.
“Uh huh,” he mumbled. “Why? Should I not be singing Eminem?”
“Does it work?”
“Oh yeah, he’s out like a light!” Ben smirked. “Why aren’t you sleeping? You feeling okay?”
“I’ve been asleep since we got home yesterday morning,” you laughed a little.
“Are you still tired?”
“Weirdly yeah, but I’m sure it’s nothing.” You shook your head a little. “Mind if I go back to sleep? Or do you want a turn?”
“Go ahead, I’ve got this,” he said. You turned to walk back but he stopped you. “Wait,” he mumbled before you turned back. He bent down and kissed you, wrapping a now free arm around your waist. “I love you.”
“I love you.” You smiled back.
“Fucking hell!” you exclaimed loudly, throwing the breast pump across the room. Ben hurried over from the kitchen, a worried expression on his face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“The stupid pump isn’t fucking working! Or I dunno, maybe my boobs are fucking broken!”
“Hey, hey of course your boobs aren’t broken!” he replied as he took a seat next to you, not really knowing what to say. “I’m sure it’s just the pump, can I help you figure out how to work it?”
“Doesn’t matter,” you sniffled. “It’s all getting dumped down the drain anyway. What kind of fucking mother am I!?”
“Just because you have V in your system doesn’t mean you’re a bad mother?”
“Ben, how are you not more scared about all this?” You looked at him with tears in your eyes. “We’ve got a living, breathing, baby Supe in that room and you’re acting like this isn’t a horrifying situation! One wrong move and we’ll have the next Homelander! How are you so fucking calm!?”
“I’m freaking out too,” he whispered. “Every time you leave the room I let myself kinda go into panic mode because I don’t want to show you how scared I really am.” He took in a shaky, shallow breath.
“Ben!” you mumbled and took his hand in yours.
“I mean, you’re right! If we fuck this up, that kid could bring the whole world crumbling down!” He laughed humorously, putting his free hand on his face to hide the tears as he began sobbing a little. “I’m so scared I’ll be just like my dad, Y/n. I know I have it in me to be exactly like him. I drink more than he did, I’ve killed a countless number of people, I’m a fucking monster! When it comes down to it I am not someone who should be raising a fucking human being!”
“Ben, please don’t call yourself that,” you replied, a sob escaping your lips as well. “You’re nothing like your dad, you aren’t- you definitely are not a monster! You are a good person now! And now is what matters.”
“I don’t know, she just went to sleep last night and I couldn’t wake her up.” Ben’s deep voice slowly woke you up.
“Ma’am, can you hear me?” the stranger sitting next to you asked. You nodded. “That’s great, do you know where you are?”
“B-Ben?” you mumbled, knowing he’d hear you from the other side of the bedroom where he was talking to the other paramedic.
“Yeah, I’m here sweetheart,” he replied and hurried to you.
“Ben what happened?” you asked. “Who are these people? Wh-Why are they in our home?”
“Y/n, you weren’t responding when I tried to wake you and I got scared so I called Butcher. Hughie sent someone over to check on you,” Ben explained.
“Is the baby okay?” you asked.
“Yeah, Butcher’s got him in the kitchen right now. How’re you feeling?”
“I feel fine?” You shrugged. “A little confused about the random men in our bedroom but other than that I feel okay.”
“I think we better go,” the paramedic next to you said and stood up. “We’ll get her blood sample back to the lab - all kept confidential - and let you know if we can find out what happened.”
“Thanks,” Ben told him as the men left the room.
“Ben seriously, what the hell?” you asked, laughing a little. “I sleep in a little and you call Butcher? You get a doctor to take a blood sample?”
“Sweetheart, it’s nearly four in the afternoon. I first tried to wake you up at noon and you wouldn’t budge.” He looked terrified and your gaze softened.
“I’m sorry I scared you,” you whispered.
“I’m just glad you’re awake now. You are not falling back asleep any time soon!” he exclaimed.
“So… Butcher’s alone with the baby?”
“Yeah, I better go check on them.” Ben kissed you. “Get outta bed so you don’t fall back asleep, okay?”
“I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”
“So the blood tests came back…” Hughie told you and Ben through the phone. “Y/n, there’s no Compound V in your system. There’s no trace the blood ever had Compound V.”
“Wait, what?” You furrowed your brows. “I don’t understand, the blood was switched out? Where’s my blood then?”
“No, it’s yours—it’s just no longer Supe blood,” Hughie replied.
“Holy fucking shit,” Ben mumbled.
“Yeah… as far as anyone can tell, Y/n is the first reverse-Supe ever. With your permission they want to use it to make a sort of Anti-V.”
“Wait so I’m cured?” you asked, shaking your head a little. “No offense Hughie but I don’t believe you. Like, at all. Not for a second.” There was an awkward pause. “Sorry, that came off really rude. Thank you for everything but there has to be some mistake. Do whatever the fuck you want with the blood, but I gotta say there’s no way it’s mine.”
“I will get back to you guys after I have more information, okay?” Hughie said before you all said goodbye and hung up.
** twelve years later **
“C’mon kid I said get mad!” Ben exclaimed. He was teaching Will to throw a good punch but the kid wasn’t taking it very seriously.
“Mom said we should always try our best not to let anger fuel us,” he replied.
“And usually she’s right, but in this case you’re hitting a punching bag so it’s okay.”
“Alright, but if mom gets upset it’s your fault!” Will laughed. He threw a nearly perfect punch to the center of the hanging equipment.
“Wow! Good job, kiddo!”
“Is it true you used to be able to break these with one punch?” he asked.
“Who told you that?” Ben furrowed his brows.
“These kids at school said that Soldier Boy used to be super strong but then he got old and sick. You said you used to be Soldier Boy, right?”
“I- I was Soldier Boy, yes. But I didn’t get sick, Will, I- I gave up the super strength so I could have a family with you and your mom.”
“You gave up super powers!? Look, dad, I love you but that was really dumb!” Will laughed.
“Mom gave up her super powers too! You don’t call her dumb!” Ben scoffed.
“Mom had super powers too!?”
“Shit- Uh shoot, I wasn’t supposed to tell you that yet. Mom and I were gonna tell you on your birthday tomorrow, we had a big thing planned and everything!”
“If I don’t tell mom I know and I act all surprised when she tells me, can I get that Lego set I asked for but you said was too expensive?”
“Uh… yes,” Ben said, knowing the Lego set was already wrapped and hidden in the closet ready for Will to open tomorrow morning. “Don’t tell your mom you know, and tomorrow you’ll get the Lego set.”
“What’d you do?” you asked Ben that night, after tucking your son in for bed. “Will just said, and I quote, ‘mom I think it’s really cool you don’t have superpowers’.”
“I… may have accidentally let it slip.” He clenched his teeth apologetically, you scoffed, disappointed. “I’m sorry! He was asking me about Soldier Boy and it just kinda came out!”
“How much did you tell him?”
“Just that you used to have powers, that’s it!”
“So, the plan still stands then? We… tell him everything tomorrow?”
“Yeah, he’s old enough to know the truth, I think. If he hates us for how we handled it then that’s just gonna be worse if we wait to tell him.”
“Yeah, I guess,” you muttered, still disappointed Ben spilled the beans.
“I’m sorry!” Ben pouted a little.
“No, don’t do the face!”
“What face?”
“That face you do that makes me agree with whatever you say!”
“Does that mean you forgive me?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled.
“Thank you,” he replied, smiling and holding out his hand for you to take. He pulled you into him and kissed you, smiling against your mouth when you kissed him back. “I love you.”
“I love you, Ben,” you mumbled against his mouth, going in for another kiss.
“I know I say this every time Will has a birthday, but thank you, Y/n. Thank you for giving me all this.”
“Thank you, too.”
You were all sitting at the dinner table, it was the afternoon and Will had already opened all of his presents. (Including the Lego set he thought he was bribed with.)
“Alright, Will, your mom and I have something pretty big we want to tell you. Now, it might change how you see us as parents, so um, if you don’t want us to tell you, that’s okay,” Ben said.
“Oh do tell!” He faked an interested look.
You smiled, laughing a little when he put his cheek in his hand to listen.
“Kid, she knows I slipped up yesterday, it’s alright,” Ben said, Will letting out a breath of relief.
“Oh thank god, I have so many questions!” he squealed with joy, calming your nerves a little.
“Go ahead, ask away,” you said.
“One, what were your powers? Two, how did you get your powers? Three, does this mean I have powers too? And four, who was stronger, you or dad?”
“I had super strength, and I could kinda-sorta fly. It was just really big jumps technically, but in a big city it looked like flying,” you told him.
“Wow, that's awesome!” Will mumbled, smiling widely.
“We both got our powers from a super serum that was given to us. Your mom when she was a baby, and me when I was in my twenties,” Ben said.
“And I was definitely stronger than your dad,” you added. “I kicked his ass a couple times.”
“She definitely did,” Ben sighed, smiling.
There was a bit of a pause.
“So… do I have powers too?” Will asked.
“You used to,” Ben told him.
“Will, when I was pregnant with you I somehow lost my powers. Some scientists used my blood to make what they called the ‘Anti-V’ which was a cure for the people who were injected with the serum. You see, a lot of these people, including myself, didn’t choose to take the serum, our parents chose for us. They gave it to us as babies and it ruined a lot of lives.”
“I don’t understand, why don’t I have powers?” Will asked.
“We gave you the Anti-V when you were two-years-old,” you told him. His shoulders fell in disappointment.
“Why? I would’ve loved to be a superhero!” he scoffed.
“It was a tough choice, Will, but it was the right one,” Ben assured him. “Vought, the company that made the serum, they would’ve hurt us, hurt you. But, when you’re older, you can take the serum if you want to.”
“But,” you started, “we want you to really think about it because being a Superhero is nothing like the movies, Will. It’s nothing like Captain America or Spider-Man or Batman. There are so many sides to it, and there are enough bad sides to it that nearly eighty percent of the people who were given the serum ended up taking the Anti-V.”
“And that’s not counting all the kids like you who were given it because of their parents,” Ben added.
“Actually, Batman doesn’t have powers,” Will muttered, beginning to smile a little. “But Captain America is definitely similar to Dad.” He giggled, causing you and Ben to smile.
“So… you’re okay?” Ben asked.
He shrugged. “I’m not like, mad if that’s what you’re asking.”
You and Ben let out breaths of relief, smiling wider.
“Will, we love you so much.” You reached across the table to take one hand and Ben took his other. “So, so much. When you turn eighteen, you can have a chance to take the serum and get your powers back if you want, but not a day sooner. Okay?”
He nodded. “Thank you for telling me all this. Can I tell you something now?” You and Ben both nodded. “I don’t think I want to watch Marvel movies anymore. Feels kinda weird now.”
** another six years later **
“Y/n!” Ben shouted from downstairs, effectively waking you up. He ran up and into the bedroom. “He’s gone.”
You sat up, “What?”
“Will! He’s gone! He must’ve gone to get the serum!”
“No! Oh, god no!” you exclaimed, hurrying out of bed and putting on your clothes from the night before. “Ben! This is really bad!”
“I know!” he exclaimed back. “He must’ve left the second he turned eighteen! Fuck!”
“Alright, let’s just breathe,” you pulled his hands away from his face, “he wouldn’t take it without telling us. He’s been very open about his feelings toward Vought and Compound-V the last few months and he would not just run off and take the serum.”
“You’re right,” he nodded, “but if he has, you remember what that means for us, right?”
“We’ll have to take the serum too.” You smiled sadly.
“Exactly, we can’t let him go through it alone! He’ll need other Supe’s that love and care about him.”
You wrapped your arms around his torso and he wrapped his around your shoulders.
“We can do this, Ben. We’ve been good parents for eighteen fuckin’ years and we’ve raised an incredible young man. He will make the right decision, I know it.”
“You’re right, you’re right.” Ben nodded. “He’s not taking Compound-V.”
“Mom, Dad, I got the Compound-V!” Will called out, walking into the house.
“Uh, oh,” Ben mumbled, looking up at you from where he sat at the table.
“We’re in the kitchen, hun!” you called back.
He walked into the kitchen, carrying a small black container.
“I went to the bank today,” Will said, putting the black box on the table.
“Uh huh?” You furrowed your brows, putting a hand on Ben’s shoulder. He reached and held your hand, filled with worry.
“I took the serum,” Will said.
“No,” you whispered, eyes widening.
“Fuck,” Ben mumbled, bringing his hands to his face. “Will, why?”
“Will, we- we love you and we’ll support you in this decision, just-” you took in a shaky breath, trying to stay calm, “did you get your powers yet?’
“What? Oh! No, I didn’t take take the serum,” Will said. “I meant that I took it from the safety deposit box. It’s right here.” He opened the container on the table to reveal the three syringes of Compound-V.
Ben visibly tensed, so you put both hands on his shoulders.
“So… have you, um, have you decided what you wanna do with it?” you asked, mentally praying to anyone who’d listen he wouldn’t take the serum.
“I wanna throw it away. I don’t wanna be a Supe,” Will told you.
“Really?” Ben asked, Will nodded with a slight smile.
“I mean,” Will shrugged, “being a Superhero would be awesome hypothetically. But there’s no such thing. I’d be super, sure, but I’d never be a hero, that part’s always fake. Also, after everything Vought’s done, especially to you guys, I don’t want their serum coursing through my veins. So, I am dumping these vials down the drain…” He took the three vials and held out two of them. “Wanna help?”
Ben let out a relieved laugh as he stood up. He wrapped Will up in a bone-crushing hug.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” he exclaimed before pulling away and placing a kiss on Will’s forehead. He took one of the vials before they both looked at you.
“Mom?” Will asked, noticing the tears in your eyes.
“I’m so proud of you!” you choked out. You hurried over to hug him as well as take one of the vials. “I love you so much, Will, thank you so much for not taking the serum.” Ben put his arms around the two of you, resting his head on yours.
After a few blissful moments wrapped up in the group hug the three of you pulled away.
“We should probably dump these into the dirt, right?” Ben asked.
You shrugged, “Once it hits the air it’s useless. So, drain or dirt, I don’t think it matters.”
“Ooh, how about down the toilet?” Will suggested. “More poetic that way!”
“I like how you think, kiddo,” Ben said.
The three of you went to the bathroom and held the syringes over the toilet, needle side down.
“Three,” you all said together, “two,” you all put your thumbs on the ends, ready to push the Compound-V out of the vials and out of your lives forever. “One.”
As the blue liquid hit the toilet water, you smiled. It was over, you and your family were really free.
“Shall I do the honors?” Will asked, his hand hovering over the flush lever.
“Go ahead,” Ben said, putting his left hand on your hip, his right holding a now empty syringe. Will flushed the toilet and you all watched as the poison disappeared and was replaced with clean toilet water.
“The empty syringes have been properly disposed of,” Ben told you before plopping down on the couch beside you.
“I’m so glad he didn’t take the serum,” you breathed. “We were this close to losing everything-”
“Thank you,” Ben cut you off, you furrowed your brows a little. “It’s Will’s birthday, it’s the day that I always remember to thank you for giving me all this.” You smiled. “So, thank you, Y/n.”
“You’re more than welcome, Ben,” you replied before he kissed you. “And thank you, too.”
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bucky-barmes · 2 years
♥︎ Destined (To Fail?) ♥︎
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[ gif from @topgundaily ]
bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x f!mitchell!reader
in which you get called back to top gun to teach the next detachment. sounds like a dream gig until your two most hated men are there also
chapter one: here we go again
a/n: this is going to be relatively canon to the new film, just with lil tweaks here and there to make it flow smoothly. readers callsign is highness, thought it was pretty clever of me seeing as she's mav's daughter (also it just sounds badass af), reader also has a name as i felt it's just what felt right and flowed well with the story (and totally not just now realising that the first and last name start with the same letter like bradley so let's just pretend i did that on purpose) also i am but a humble australian writing about the us navy so if i got anything incorrect pls either let me know nicely or just deal with it bc i don't even know anything about my own navy let alone another country's
word count: ~3.5k words
contains: this story is gonna be angsty so hold on to your butts, already angsty af from the get go, swearing (are we surprised?), rocky relationship with father(figure), hangman being a flirtatious lil shit, reader being a badass, i think that's about it but pls lmk if i missed anything!!
as always, reblogs/comments/feedback/etc are always always always appreciated and wanted ♥︎ pls i crave external validation
my blog is 18+ only, minors dni
[ all my work is my own and not to be reposted or translated anywhere else ]
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You and Bradley Bradshaw were destined for each other. Growing up together, you were inseparable, seeing each other daily. Spending just about every second of the day in each others company.
After everything that happened with Goose, Maverick swore to never leave the family’s side. Even when his own relationship was falling apart. Nothing could come between Mav and protecting that family.
So, ever since Bradley was born, exactly 1 year and 2 months after you, you had been practically joined at the hip, impossible to separate.
It was no surprise to anyone when you announced that you were officially dating in your teenage years. Although your father would say that he was less than impressed with you dating any boy, even Bradley himself. But he had accepted it, only after a thorough talking to from Carole Bradshaw.
There was only one thing that could come between you and your destiny. Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell. And boy did he really get in the way. Really took everything you held dear to yourself and threw it in the dirt, stomping all over it.
“I’m gonna kill him, I swear I’ll fuckin’ kill him!” Bradley stormed through the door, red with rage.
“Brad, what happened?” You were quick to jump up to his side, concern evident in your voice. The paper you eagerly held on to before now an after thought.
“Maverick! He fuckin’ pulled my papers.” There was venom dripping from every word Bradley spoke, anger coursing through his veins. “All of that work, down the drain, everything I’ve done is all for nothing.” He was pacing and throwing his arms in the air, unable to contain the pure rage running through him.
“I’m sure there’s been some sort of misunderstanding, dad would never-”
“No, Mia! You don’t get it, he’s ruined everything, everything I’ve ever worked for!” He was facing you now, yelling, basically spitting his words at you. “You’re his daughter, you’ll never understand, never have to understand. You’re gonna get everything in your life handed to you no questions asked!”
You couldn’t believe his words. Didn’t want to believe his words. They cut deeper than anything anyone had ever said to you.
“You think I have it easy because he’s my father?” You spat back, just as venomous. “I have to work twice as hard as anyone else just to prove that I’m not some nepotism baby. No one’s ever going to appreciate me for my own ability, I’ll only ever be the great Maverick’s daughter!” You threw your hands up in disbelief. Disbelief that he would even think that. Disbelief that you were standing in your kitchen screaming at each other.
“Well I guess we’ll never know.” Bradley chuckled cynically. “If he pulled my papers, there’s no way in hell he’d let you get accepted.” You clenched the paper in your hand harder instinctively, shoving it into his chest.
“That’s why I never told him, I’m not that stupid.” Your eyes narrowed at Bradley as his widened, smoothing out the paper to read.
‘We are pleased to inform you of your acceptance into the Naval Academy in the field of Aviation Welfare’.
Bradley could only stare at you, slack jawed, eyes darting between you and the letter.
“I can’t believe this shit.” He shook his head in disbelief. “This is so fucking bullshit!”
“What the fuck, Bradshaw? I thought we were in this together?”
“Yeah, we were, until your dad pulled my fucking papers.”
“That has nothing to do with me. I didn’t exactly ask for him to be my father. Hell, I would’ve specifically asked not to have him if I could, but I fucking can’t, okay. Are you really going to let this, him, ruin everything?”
“He already has, when he pulled those papers.” You stilled, all emotion draining from you at his words, going numb.
“So this is it? Everything’s over?”
“My life may as well be, thanks to him.”
“Get out of my house.” You had to force yourself not to scream at him, knowing that it wouldn’t help the situation. Bradley said nothing as he stormed out of you kitchen, letting the door slam on his way out.
That was the last time you saw Bradley Bradshaw, your boyfriend, before you left for training.
That was also the last time you referred to Pete Mitchell as your dad. You disowned him as your father and vowed never to forgive him for what he did to Bradley, and subsequently, you. From then on, he was only ever Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell to you.
It had been years since you had spoken to either of the two men. Pete had tried to insert himself back into your life, showing up at ceremonies and important events in your life, but you always kept it strictly professional, refusing to acknowledge him as your father.
Bradley, on the other hand, you hadn’t spoken to since the incident back in the kitchen of your family home. You’d never admit it, but you never truly got over him, and you made yourself a promise to never let anyone get close like that again. The two men you should have been able to trust the most destroyed you in a single day. You would never let that happen again.
That’s why you were surprised to receive a call from Admiral Beau ‘Cyclone’ Simpson. You had crossed paths when you attended Top Gun, (like father like daughter right?), but you didn’t think you had made much of an impression on him. You may have kept to yourself, but you also always made your opinion known, even if it was an unpopular one, and definitely put people in their place if they were out of line. But if anyone dared liken you to Maverick you’d have their head for it, as a couple of the men from your Top Gun squadron found out the hard way.
Clearly Cyclone appreciated your skill as well as your personality, because his call was to invite you back to Top Gun to teach the next intake. Something about a mission that was too classified to discuss over the phone.
Making your way back to Fightertown had you reminiscing on the ride. You had chosen your trusty Triumph Thruxton to fully enjoy the long journey, packing only your essentials in a large duffel bag secured across your back.
You and Bradley had grown up here. Just about every turn held a memory of the times you spent together.
You didn’t have long to reminisce however, as you were soon pulling into the Top Gun base, back at your old stomping ground. Now, memories came flooding back of your days flying there, coming out top of your squadron. That was potentially the best day of your life, knowing you finally beat Maverick, finally were better than him. That didn’t happen to be the first time you had proved yourself better than him, either.
The briefing for the cause of your return was long and tedious. There was an underground uranium plantation breaking NATO laws that needed to be taken out. You were assigned with teaching the best of Top Gun how to succeed in this, and most importantly, to teach them how to all make it back home. Your main task was to ensure the team became just that, a team. Easier said than done when most of the pilots that graduated top of the class had an ego to match. But you were always up for a challenge.
Seeing as you were now back in your old stomping ground, you thought it was only fitting to visit Penny at the Hard Deck after the briefing, you definitely needed a drink after the news. Maybe you could even scope out some of the class while you were there.
As you stepped through the door of the bar, you were greeted with the familiar buzz of chatter and music from the juke box. It was only mid afternoon, but the place was already lively.
You made a beeline for the bar, dodging already tipsy bodies moving around the room chaotically and thumped your hand on the bar twice to get Penny’s. You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your lips as she angrily turned to see who had the audacity to get her attention like that. But her death glare soon slipped to a shocked grin when she spotted you, dropping her cloth to give you a hug over the bar that was so tight you thought she might crack a rib.
“Mia! What the hell are you doing back around here?” Penny poured you a beer as she gave you a questioning side glance.
“Apparently they need some new life ‘round here to teach the new- well old new meat.” You flashed her a smirk over the rim of your glass she had handed you before taking a sip.
“Well, god help the poor souls that cross your path in that classroom.” She returned your smirk easily.
“Penny, my dear,” a tanned, blond-haired man approached the bar opposite you, a smirk on his lips that you just knew was there 98% of the time. “I’ll have another round on my tab, please.” He threw in a wink for good measure. Then, his eyes were on you, widening slightly at the sight of you as he chewed on the toothpick between his teeth.
“Well, well, well,” the blond made his way around the bar to stand next to you. He leaned an elbow on the bar and rested his palm on his defined chin. “And who do we have here?” There’s a glint of something, lust, surely not, in his eyes as they roam over your features.
“Who wants to know?” Eyeing him up and down right back as you took another long sip of your beer, only your look was one more of annoyance than lewd interest.
“She’s a woman of mystery, Hangman,” Penny placed his 3 beers on the bar for him. “Good luck.” Winking at you before she returned back to the other customers waiting.
“So, Hangman? You like word puzzles or something?”
Hangman couldn’t help the slight snort of laughter that escaped him. “Gotta admit, haven’t heard that one before.” He nodded to his friends as they came over to grab their beers, realising that they’d probably never make it to the pool table they were gathered around. “But,” he glanced back to you. “I guess you’ll just have to find out how I got the name.”
If you were being honest, you zoned out about the time his posse came to rescue their drinks. Your heart had sunk the second you saw his famous Hawaiian shirt walk through the front door, fear only solidified as you heard a voice call out “Rooster, that you?”. You gulped down the remainder of your beer and slapped down a $50 note to cover your drinks, plus some. Your eyes caught Penny’s and you gave her a silent plea of ‘I was never here’, she replied with a knowing nod.
Hangman just stared at you, confusion spread across his handsome features.
“Thanks for the chat, Hangman, but it’s time for me to go.” You spoke as you hastily got out of your seat, eyes flashing to where Bradley was now standing with his friends, his back to you.
“Hey, can I at least get your—” You were up and making your way out the door before Hangman could even finish. “Name.”
“Like I said, Hangman, woman of mystery.”
Training began the next day, with only 3 weeks until the uranium plant was operational, you had to get a move on if any of this was going to work.
You were stood at the back of the room, having entered after the candidates were seated, waiting for Admiral Bates to introduce you.
“And she’s one of the greatest pilots I’ve seen come through this program. I give you Rear Admiral Mia Mitchell, call sign Highness.”
Your heavy boots thundered on the concrete floor as you walked up the aisle between the tables to the front. You could feel every single person’s eyes on you, and if you had’ve looked, you would have seen a few staring a little more intensely than others.
You turned on your heel at the front to face the group, flashing Bates a smile before nodding to the team. Eyeing them over your Ray-Bans, you noticed Bradley clench his jaw, avoiding eye contact. Jake Seresin, on the other hand, was clearly trying to hold back his shocked expression and act cool. But you could see him chewing on his gum a little harder.
It was your turn, however, to try and mask your shock as Admiral Bates introduced the second teacher. He and Simpson had warned you that there would be a second person, but gave nothing away on who it might be. Now you knew why.
“His exploits are legendary, and he’s considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. I give you Captain Pete Mitchell, call sign Maverick.”
Your whole body stiffened, subtle smirk your lips just held falling slack jawed. The echo of his boots walking up the aisle reverberated in your ears.
He nodded at Bates and then you as he moved to stand beside you. Not him. Anyone but him.
You silently thanked yourself for keeping your Ray-Bans on, otherwise the whole room would have seen the sheer terror in your eyes at what was happening around you, and you couldn’t let the candidates see any weakness.
“I’ll let you two take the floor.” Admiral Bates stepped to the side, allowing you both the freedom to speak.
Pete held up the instruction manual for the F-18 aircraft. “I’m sure you all recognise this, and know it better than the back of your own hands.”
“Hell yeah.” “You’re damn right.” You were able to pick out the voices of Hangman and Coyote as you stared at Pete, wondering where the hell he was going with this. Obviously the team knew the manual, it’s your bible in Top Gun.
Pete dropped the brick of a book into the trash can beside him, and everyone gasped. “Well, so does the enemy. What they don’t know is you, the person in the box. Over the next 3 weeks we’re going to learn every single detail about you, anything we can use to our advantage to win this fight.” You’re sure he felt you stiffen beside him, you could feel his eyes on you from your peripheral.
Pete continued to explain the mission, a uranium plantation going against NATO laws that needed to be destroyed. All happening in 3 weeks. Everyone’s faces mimicked each other, pure shock and concern at how the hell they were going to manage this.
“Anything to add, Rear Admiral Mitchell?” Pete’s voice snapped you back from your mind wandering, you cleared your throat.
“Say again?” You turned to face him, the sound of the candidates in front of you chuckling filling your ears. You forced the red tinge away that was trying to make its way up your neck.
“Do you have anything you’d like to discuss?” Pete gave you a questioning look as he rephrased his question to you.
“Ah, right,” you cleared your throat again, turning to face back to the team in front of you.
“As I’m sure you’ve realised, Captain Mitchell here is in charge of prepping you for the flight and potential fight, the nitty gritty stuff. Well, I’m here to take this roomful of egos and turn it into a team.” You pushed your sunglasses onto your head, allowing your eyes to roam over the group in front of you, lingering on Hangman as you mentioned egos. “My job is to get you working and communicating effectively as a team, so if you have any plans on hanging your teammates out to dry, I’d suggest changing them. If you leave your teammate in a dogfight, 200 pushups; if you sacrifice them to make yourself look better, 200 pushups; if you do anything to put your team at risk, 200 pushups.” The room was silent, your authority bleeding through your words.
“I’m expertly trained in reading people, I can see straight through you if you lie to me, so just make it easier on the both of us and don’t try. I’m here to learn anything and everything about you, to build this team and make sure you all get everyone home safe to their families. Any questions?” The room remained silent, everyone staring at you with wide eyes, even Pete. “Excellent. Training starts at 0600 hours tomorrow, sharp. Dismissed.” The class stood, collecting the notes they had taken and filed out of the room, leaving you and Captain Mitchell alone.
“So are you going to tell me what the hell that was, Mia?” Pete was staring at you square on now, brows knitted together in a mix of concern, confusion and frustration.
“It’s Rear Admiral Mitchell, let’s keep things professional, Captain Mitchell. And to answer your question, that was what I wanted to discuss with the class.” You chose to ignore the way Pete’s body language deflated at your cold manner towards him.
“That was a bit much, don’t you think?”
“We have three weeks to make a team out of the best of the best, we don’t have time to fuck around here, Mitchell. Do you want these guys coming back or not?” Were you a little more blunt than you intended? Maybe, but you really didn’t care.
Pete just shook his head and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I suppose you’re right. You always did know how to win friends and influence people.” He chuckled to himself as he walked out of the room, shaking his head slightly.
The last night of freedom before shit got real. The Hard Deck was packed as usual, the whole team for the uranium plantation mission was there, all taking the time to get to know one another better. A fact you wished you’d have been warned about before you stepped foot through the door.
“Highness! Come have a drink with us!” Natasha Trace, aka Phoenix, was already pulling you in the direction of the of the pool table the team was gathered around before you had a chance to protest. Fraternising with the team, your students, wasn’t exactly what you had in mind for your last night off in who knows how long.
“Well, I’m glad to see everyone is getting to know each other better, especially outside of training.” You gave them all a tight-lipped smile, hovering at Bradley for just a touch longer than the others. He just stared at you blankly. Clearly he still wasn’t over everything that happened, you thought to yourself.
“Fancy a round with us, Highness?” Something about the way Jake Seresin spoke your callsign made you uneasy. Not in the sick to your stomach kind of way, just in the way that made you think there was something more beyond what he was saying.
“That depends, you talking pool or beer?” You could feel yourself easing up around them all quicker than you realised, even flashing Seresin a cocky smirk as you answered him.
“I’m sure we could work something out that involves both.” Seresin winked and the rest of the team could only stare in quiet shock at the not-so-subtle flirting going on between the two of you. It made Bradley’s blood boil.
Natasha could see the effect the interaction had on Bradley from a mile away and she nudged his shoulder with her own.
“You good?”
“I’m great.” He replied through gritted teeth, obviously the complete opposite of fine. He could only glare as you accepted the beer Seresin had just bought for you, noticing the trace of a genuine smile behind your usually professional smile. It made him sick. Out of all people, it had to be Seresin?
“And that’s a fuckin’ lie.” Natasha was facing Bradley straight on now, hands on her hips in a way similar to that of a mother concerned for her child.
“Quit it, Trace!” Something about the way Bradley bit at her name made Natasha wince, if he continued on like this, there was no way in hell he was making the cut and they’d be stuck with Hangman as lead. Over her dead body.
Bradley could already sense she was about to press further and cut it off at the source.
“Just fucking leave it, Natasha.” He turned on his heel and stormed off towards the exit before she could protest further, leaving her staring at his retreating figure.
Something about the way he snapped almost made you feel bad for him. Almost. But you weren’t about to let Bradley fucking Bradshaw ruin your night, or your career. He would have to either get over whatever his problem was with you, or pack his bag and walk off the mission. There was no way in hell you were going anywhere, even if you had to work alongside Mav. This was potentially a career-making mission, and nothing was going to stop you from what may be on the other side of it.
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perm taglist: @katieshook02
some moots i think might like it: @traitorjoelite @coyotesamachado @callsignvalley @ohtobeleah (pls let me know if you would like to not be tagged in future ♥︎)
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arrowflier · 3 years
Can you write Mickey be the whipped married guy in his friend group who always leaves early because he misses his husband 😂🥰
“Read ‘em and weep, boys,” Mickey said, smirking as he laid his cards on the table with a flourish.
The other three men groaned, tossing their own cards to the middle without even bothering to show them.
“That’s the third one in a row, Milkovich,” one of them complained. “You tryin’ to hussle us?”
“Ey! Shut up, Danny,” another hissed, whacking his arm with the back of one hand. “Kid’ll probably gut ya for sayin’ that shit.”
“Nah,” Danny said. “He wouldn’t dare, he’d get sent back to the can without his hubby.”
All three men broke out into raucous laughter, Danny making kissy noises until Mickey grabbed up a handful of cards from the table and smacked them right into his pursed lips.
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up,” Mickey said. “Just remember that Joe knows what he’s talkin’ about—learned a lot of ways to kill a guy in prison.”
“Not much else to do there,” Joe agreed with a nod as the other two men started to wind down.
“Unless you got a man!” the third man, Timmy, chimed in, and they were off again.
“Sure, sure,” Mickey said, letting them laugh. “But there’s only so much an ass can take, fellas, and once that’s done…”
He mimed slitting his own throat.
“Ugh, Mickey,” Danny groaned. “We don’t need to know that shit, man.”
“You’re the maintenance guy, Dan,” Timmy said. “Don’t tell me you never walked in on the two of ‘em?”
“Fuck no!” Danny exclaimed. “If their stupid little ambulance is in the lot, I come back later!”
“Lucky,” Joe sighed. “I was up there cleaning the windows once before they got curtains, and—”
“Whoa!” Mickey interrupted, holding out a hand over the table. “Let’s keep that shit to ourselves, fuck you very much.”
Joe grinned.
“Why should I?” he asked. “Not like you cared at the time.”
Mickey rolled his eyes.
“At the time, I had a more important issue to deal with.”
His phone went off in his pocket, the shrill tone cutting through the room loud enough to halt the conversation.
“Speak of the fuckin’ devil,” Mickey muttered, digging it out. “Ian just texted, he’s heading back up. Sorry guys, guess that’s it for today.”
A chorus of groans met his statement, a chair creaking as Danny leaned back too far.
“You always abandon us, man,” he complained. “As soon as he’s done, you nope outa here, even in the middle of a hand.”
Mickey raised his eyebrows.
“We in the middle of a hand now, genius?” he asked. “No? Then if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go meet up with my husband.”
“Fine, fine,” Danny said with a sad wave. “But someday you gotta at least bring him down here to meet us when we play, so you can’t go runnin’ off before you lose.”
Mickey snorted.
“I don’t lose,” he said dryly. “And you’ve already met him.” He looked around the table, meeting every pair of eyes. “All of you fuckers have.”
“Yeah,” Danny said. “I have. And you know what?” He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, let it go. “I don’t fuckin’ get it, man, I really don’t.”
“I’m with Dan,” Timmy said, sitting straight. “Guy’s an over-sized puppy dog, and you’re a badass, Mick. How’s he got you so wrapped around his little finger?”
Mickey waited a beat, then looked to Joe.
“Anything you want to add?” he asked the cleaner, but Joe just shook his head.
“Nah man,” he said with a snort. “I’ve seen exactly how he’s got you wrapped up.”
Mickey flushed.
“You shut the fuck up,” he demanded, pointing at the older man. “Or next time, I’ll open the window and shove you off your platform.”
“The windows don’t open!” Danny called toward Mickey’s back as he turned to walk away.
Mickey threw him a middle finger over his shoulder.
“And I’m not sure you’d get to them anyway if he trusses you up like that every time!” Joe added, and got the other finger added for his efforts.
The door to the basement slammed as Mickey left, and the three men were left alone in the pleasantly chilly employees-only room.
“Think he’ll ever bring him by?” Timmy wondered.
“Nah,” Joe answered him. “Only time he comes down here’s when Big Red is busy.”
They all nodded in agreement as Joe gathered up the cards again.
“Another hand fellas?”
Exactly a week later, Joe, Danny, and Timmy were down in the basement again, clustered around their little card table between the lockers that held their personal things.
“Too hot to be mowing, man,” Timmy complained, running a hand through his sweaty hair. “When I took this job, I thought it’d be cushy, but that Melanie bitch is demanding as fuck.”
“Your own fault for pickin’ such a stupid job, mate,” Danny told him with a heavy pat on the back. “It is hot as balls out, though,” he agreed a second later as he took a seat. "That weird lady on the third floor doesn't run the AC, and I was up there all mornin' fixin' her shower."
“Anybody know if Mickey’s joinin’ today?” Joe asked, shuffling the same deck of cards they used every week.
“Nah,” Timmy answered. “He only comes when his man’s at the gym, yeah?” Danny and Joe both nodded. “Well, Big Red was headin’ up to his place when I finished up; he must’ve decided it was too hot too.”
But before Joe could start dealing, the door above them creaked open, and they could hear heavy footfalls on the steps. From the sound of it, more than one person.
Mickey appeared first, a wide smirk on his face, followed immediately by Big Red himself.
“Hey losers,” Mickey greeted, making straight for the table. But instead of sitting, he just pulled out the chair, and motioned for his husband to take it.
“Uh, hi guys,” Ian Gallagher said as he obediently sat down. “I hope you don’t mind me joining.”
The three men just stared, then stared harder as Mickey, instead of finding a seat of his own, chose to plop right down on Gallagher’s lap.
“Figured you guys had bugged me enough,” he told them. “Might as well give you what you asked for.”
“Uh, yeah.” Joe was the first one to recover, offering a cautious smile to the newcomer. “Hey man, good to see ya. You know how to play?”
“Probably,” Ian said with a shrug, one arm wrapping around Mickey’s waist to keep him in place. “What are we playing? Five card draw? Texas hold’em? Seven card stud? High Chicago? Low Chicago? Follow the Queen?”
He looked around the table, and stopped when all he saw were stunned faces.
“Uh…or something else?” he added hesitantly.
“No, no, just…regular poker,” Joe answered, eyes wide. “None of that weird shit.”
“Oh, sorry,” Ian said with a little laugh. “My dad made sure we knew all the games, made it easier to help him cheat. I remember one time he tried to sneak me into a casino just to grab wallets while he played, but I ended up winning big at a high-rollers table until they found out I was only seventeen and chased us out.”
He sighed wistfully.
“Still wish I had managed to cash out first, would have set us up for a year.”
All the men, Mickey excluded, just blinked at him.
“Your puppy tellin’ the truth, Mick?” Timmy finally squeaked, but all he got from Mickey was a shark-like grin.
“Deal him in,” Mickey ordered with a nod to Joe. “And remember, you fuckers asked for this.”
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
can you hold your liquor? - tommy shelby x reader
a/n: yes that's right 2 fics in one night!! this one right here is for my tommy bitches it is very steamy and the reader is a badass bitch ok hope you guys like it :)
prompt: you're a businesswoman and tommy needs a favor.
warnings: nsfw!! smut, choking, daddy kink, slight degredation, you and tommy being assholes to eachother
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“Fuck off, Shelby,” was the first thing that left your red-stained lips as Tommy Shelby entered your office, looking like a vision, much to your chagrin, in a dark grey three-piece suit with a white striped shirt underneath. You were well aware of the Shelbys, as one of the only female businesswomen in Birmingham, and on occasion, had had drinks with both Ada Shelby and Polly Gray. You were around the same age as Ada, and you called her every so often to chat. From those conversations, you concluded that Tommy, despite his devastatingly handsome exterior, was nothing but trouble.
Tommy chuckled at your outburst, puffing from his cigarette as he poured himself a glass of whiskey from your bar cart. “I see my sister has told you about me, then.”
You scoffed, taking a large sip from your gin and tonic. “What do you want from me, Tommy. I run a fucking bread factory. Only reason they even let me is ‘cause girls can work here. God forbid they’d let a woman tell a man what to do,” you snapped, crossing one leg over another as you took a drag from your cigarette. You were glad that you wore one of your shortest dresses today; a dark red silk number that played well against black tights and a pair of black 3 inch heels, the tallest you owned. A small, but noticeable pair of silver earrings dangled from your ears.
Tommy’s unmistakable blue eyes locked with yours as he puffed at this cigarette, taking a seat across from you. “I need a favor.”
You almost choked on your laughter. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” You gulped down the rest of your drink and stood to get another, hips swaying as you felt Tommy’s eyes on you. As much as you didn’t want anything to do with him, some part of you still wanted him to want you. You made your drink and sat back down, fingers tapping your crystal glass as you took another drag from your cigarette. “What is it?”
Tommy cleared his throat, lowering his voice and leaning in closer. As much as you hated to admit it, his cologne was turning you on. “I have 7 tons of opium I need to get to Glasgow. I happen to know that your bread factory does shipments to Glasgow, eh? Through the canals,” Tommy said, gesturing with his arm.
You took a drink. “Yes, and?”
Tommy groaned. “Fuck, woman! I need you to hide the goddamn opium under your fucking bread,” he whispered through gritted teeth.
You took a long drag off of your cigarette. “And what would I get?”
“20,000 pounds,” Tommy said, leaning back in his chair. “But you’ll need to come with. It’s a two day trip and I don’t trust your employees. Just you, me, and my men driving the barges, eh?”
“Fuck,” you exhaled smoke, weighing your options. Who were you kidding? You had to say yes. With that kind of money, you could buy four more factories. “When do we leave?”
Tommy grinned, knowing that you had a deal. “Tonight.”
“I’ll have something written up and I’ll need your signature,” You retorted.
“That’s fine,” Tommy said, standing and shooting the rest of his whiskey. “I’ll pick you up at 9, yeah?”
“You don’t even have my address, Tommy,” You replied, sipping from your glass.
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” Tommy grinned, opening the door. “I’ll find you,” he called, shutting the door behind him.
“Fuck me,” You exhaled.
You hadn’t been on a boat in ages, not since you were little. Most of your family had died or moved away when you were young, so you didn’t have many people to take you to do things like that. You had been born in poverty, but had worked your ass off to be able to get where you were. You were new to fancy things in that you didn’t find a need for most of them. Of course you indulged in small luxuries, like the newest Chanel pantsuit or silk underwear. You were an owner of an entire company, after all.
You didn’t want to wear a skirt, so you slipped on a pair of black trousers and a plain black blouse over a simple pair of black cotton underwear with a black bra. You put on a pair of lace up leather booties in addition to a tiny pair of gold hoop earrings and a few gold chain necklaces. You heard the doorbell ring, and your maid entered your room shortly, letting you know that a Mr. Shelby was downstairs.
You made your way down your spiral staircase where Tommy was waiting, glancing at his pocket watch before putting it into his pocket and looking up at you. “The driver put your bag in the trunk already,” he said before opening the door for you. He walked you to the car, ushering you through as the driver opened the car door for you while he went to the other side, sliding in next to you on the black leather interior of the Bentley. He smelled like cologne and cigarettes, and it was making your head spin. Something about him was irresistible, but you refused to give in.
The car ride was a short one, the three of you arriving at the canals quickly. The driver retrieved yours and Tommy’s bags from the trunk, driving off after speaking quietly with Tommy. An Irish man on one of the boats tipped his hat to you, grabbing the bags. “That’s Packy Lee,” Tommy said, stepping onto the barge and holding out his hand for you to take while stepping down. “He’s a good man.” You begrudgingly accepted it, stepping down onto the boat.
Tommy led you into the cargo hold, which was dimly lit by a few gas lanterns and contained a single makeshift bed. The small open area was surrounded by sacks and sacks of opium. You couldn’t believe the sheer quantity of it. “Me brothers are in the other ones,” Tommy said, sitting on the bed, gesturing towards the other barges that floated behind you in the canal. “And you’re sure they never check?”
“Not the way that my ships go,” you responded, slumping down a foot away from him. “I’ve never had a problem getting stuff through here, if you understand what I’m saying.” Tommy nodded as he lit a cigarette, puffing from it. He sighed, leaning back against the sacks and producing a bottle of whiskey, popping the cork and taking a swig. He extended his arm, offering the bottle to you, and you accepted, wincing slightly as the dark liquid hit your throat. You took a second swig anyways, your intentions impure. You were in the cargo hold of a boat surrounded by opium with Tommy fucking Shelby, of all people. Tommy abandoned his suit jacket, draping it over the top of the sacks, his sleeve garter chains glinting in the lamp light as he rolled up his sleeves. Getting drunk was a bad idea, but it was too late for that now. You took one last drink for good measure, passing the bottle back to Tommy.
“Can ‘ya hold your liquor?” Tommy’s voice echoed off of the curved wooden walls as you almost choked on your drink.
“Can I hold my liquor. Tommy Shelby, I’ll have you know I’ve been drinking since I was fucking thirteen,” you snarked. “I see why Ada likes you so much. You’re a lot like her,” Tommy chuckled, taking a long drink from the bottle and passing it back to you. You took another swig, starting to feel a little tipsy.
“What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?” The question left your lips before you could stop it. Thankfully, Tommy grinned. “God, to be honest? The first fuck I ever had when I got back from France. Purely because it had been so goddamn long,” he laughed, accepting the bottle and taking another drink. His ice blue eyes met yours. “What about you?”
You blushed a little, feeling slightly shy, but the alcohol got the better of you. “Probably this Spanish guy, what the fuck was his name - Raul or something. God, he was good.”
“I bet I could fuck you better,” Tommy grinned, passing you back the bottle. Your jaw dropped slightly. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” Tommy replied as you took another long drink. “I bet I could fuck you better than what’s his name.”
“Yeah. Roger.”
You snorted, biting at your bottom lip. “I accept that bet.”
Tommy’s lips were on yours immediately, his hands practically ripping your shirt from your limbs as his teeth nipped at your bottom lip. You rid him of his clothes quickly, flinging them behind you as you ran your hands over his shoulders, kissing him back fiercely. You rolled on top of him, slipping his cock inside your already wet cunt and bouncing up and down causing Tommy to groan.
“You look so fucking pretty riding me, I’m tempted to let you do this all night,” Tommy grunted, his teeth capturing a nipple. “But I promised you something, hm?”
Tommy flipped the two of you over on the bed, ramming his cock inside you at a rough pace as he flung your legs over his shoulder, making your eyes roll back into your head. You couldn’t help but let a moan leave your mouth, causing Tommy to smirk. “You like that, sweetheart?”
“Oh, fuck,” You couldn’t find the energy to form any other words, your head spinning at Tommy’s constant assault on your g spot, sending stars across your vision.
“Look at you, can’t even speak when I’m fucking you this good, can you?” Tommy growled as your pussy squeezed around his dick. “This is what you wanted, from the first thing you said to me, aye? Who knew you’d turn into a pretty little slut for me in bed.”
Your moans grew louder as Tommy fucked you even harder, determined on proving a point. Tommy reached up and wrapped his hand around your neck as you writhed against him, gasping for breath. “You love this, don’t you? I can feel that pretty pussy clenching around my cock.” You could only moan in response, your eyes fluttering back into your head.
“Pretty little thing, fuckin’ made for my cock, aren’t ‘ya? Come on baby, come all over Daddy’s cock, huh?”
“Daddy, fuck,” you moaned, head swimming with lust as you reached your climax.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” Tommy crooned, keeping up his insufferable pace as he fucked you through your climax. You couldn't help the sounds coming from your mouth as Tommy thrust harder, groaning.
“God, your pussy’s so wet,” Tommy grunted, hips snapping against yours. “Gonna make me fill you up with my cum, huh?” “Please, Daddy,” was all you could manage. “Please come in me. I want it so fucking badly,” you whined, shocked at the words that were leaving your mouth. Tommy growled, thrusting into you as hard as he could, causing you to cry out, scratching at his shoulders and leaving long red marks. Tommy didn’t seem to care as he took you, letting out a grunt as he finally released inside of you. You felt the stickiness drip down your thighs and you savored the dirtiness of it. Tommy kissed you roughly before slumping down beside you, lighting a cigarette. He took a puff before offering it to you and you accepted, taking a long drag.
“I promise not to tell my sister you call me daddy,” Tommy grinned, letting out a small ‘oof’ when you smacked his chest.
“Fuck you, Shelby,” You laughed, taking another drag from your cigarette as Tommy smiled at you. “We could definitely go again.”
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hangovercurse · 3 years
Colson talks about you on an Instagram live.
Request: “Hi! Can you do an image where mgk is dating the reader and she’s like really badass and like has a lot of tattoos and is maybe also a rapper, and he’s just talking about how much he loves her (maybe in an interview) and the fans think she’s cooler than Kells :)”
Colson Baker x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 755
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Kells was in the middle of an Instagram live when her name popped up in the comments. It was an innocent question,
@mgkfanz: How are you and Y/N?
But once her name was brought up, it never left the comment section. Colson could feel the heat rushing up his neck, awkwardly laughing. “Uhh, Y/N’s good, she’s in the studio right now, otherwise I would make her say hi.”
The fans were quick to notice the color of his cheeks.
He’s blushing!
Never thought I’d see the day mgk simped over someone
How does it feel to have a gf who’s cooler than you?
That comment made Colson laugh, his hand instinctively coming up to cover his face. “I would argue and say that she’s not cooler than me, but you already know she is.”
“If you ever got the opportunity, would you guys record something together?” Kells read the next question to himself, “for sure, one hundred. She’s too cool to work with me, though.”
What is your favorite song of hers?
“Oh, “Mindfuck” for sure. That song goes hard. I mean, all her shit slaps but that’s my favorite.”
Have you ever written a song about your relationship?
“Oh, hell yeah, she’s my muse, I’ve written a lot about her.” He read another question, “anything I’ve released? Absolutely, but that’s for me to know and you guys to guess.”
“This is a good one,” he said as the comment scrolled past. “If you could never rap again or you could never kiss Y/N again, which one would you choose? I’d lose rapping, no doubt.” The comments flooded in, enraged at his decision. “Guys, just because I can’t rap doesn’t mean I can’t still make music. I just can’t make rap music. I’ll just make Y/N rap for me.” He chuckled to himself.
Who has better style?
“Have you seen her? She does, obviously. But to be fair, she makes everything look good, so.” He shrugged.
Which tattoo of hers is your fav?
Colson thought about that one for a moment, “honestly, this is gonna sound lame, but she has a queen of hearts tattoo in the same place that I have my king of spades tattoo. But other than that one, I’d say the one on her arm that looks like a patch. You guys know which one, it looks like a patch with The Adict’s logo on it? That one is fuckin sick.”
Can we please stop talking about Y/N? This shit’s annoying                                                                                                                                        
Colson saw the comment and scoffed, rolling his eyes. Typically, he’d ignore the comments, but he’d been in a very proud mood today. “I’ll talk about whatever I want on my stream. Go watch something else if you don’t like it. My girl’s a badass and I’m gonna talk about it.”
The comment section flooded with support for Y/N,
Y/N is the best thing about this stream, loser
We stan Y/N in this live
It’s like you’re trying to get beat tf up. Send me your location, I just wanna talk
He chuckled as he read through what he could catch.
How did you guys meet?
“It was like fate or something, I swear to god. I’d known who she was for a while and I was like, if I ever meet her, I need to get her number, even though I knew there was no way in hell she’d go out with me. But one night we just happened to be in the same city on separate tours on the same night at the same club. I think I was staring at her for a good 30 minutes before she walked over to me and gave me her number. Like I was trying to figure out how to approach her because I’m awkward as fuck and then she just came up and started talking to me. I was in fucking heaven. Then when we both got back to LA after our tours we started going out and shit. Then the stay-at-home order happened so she started coming over and then she just moved in because it was easier than her driving home all the time.”
Whenever Y/N’s brought up he starts rambling its adorable
Can’t believe you were too nervous to ask her out
“Dude,” Colson raised his hands in defense, “she is so cool. Like, so much cooler than me. Of course, I was nervous.”
Y/N could tear me to shreds and I’d tell her thank you
He read that specific comment and laughed, “yeah, you would.”
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otomegema · 3 years
Do you think we’re going to get more Gojo stories :( I loved that series so much
I won't say never, but I have been focusing on my first draft of an original story!
My goal is to have a first draft ready for editing in two months, so unfortunately any fanfic will be on the back-burner until then!
But I do have a very short SHORT nsfw story that I have just chilling around so ya know what HERE YA GO--
title: competition fandom: jujutsu kaisen pairing: gojo satoru x reader rating: 🍋
It was a fact universally acknowledged that, upon achieving use of your reversal technique, you were a formidable force to be reckoned with. Never mind that you had managed to breeze through your probation to achieve grade one sorcerer status in under a year, your closing record for exorcisms was second only to one other sorcerer alive— Gojo Satoru.
It probably helped that competition had become like foreplay for the pair of you. The thrill of having someone alongside him, urging him on, giving Gojo something to strive for in a world that had become oftentimes monotonous and tedious...well. It definitely did things for him. To him. That he in turn did to you, so what was there to complain about?
Curses got exorcised. Numbers got tallied. Missions ticked off… and you and Gojo got laid. Repeatedly. Often before you’d even made it off campus.
You sometimes wondered when it would stop— the wanting. The yearning. The tingling ache across your skin from the absence of his touch, like the phantom pains of a missing limb. Gojo was hardly any better. His kisses were needy, desperate and hungry things. All teeth and grabby, bruising hands.
“You… are so… fuckin’...badass.” he panted, holding you back against his chest, lean body bent over you—clothes still mostly on and the fierce rock of his hips making you feel like your legs might collapse out beneath you. You grasped at the wall of the empty classroom, a moan ragged in your throat. One of his hands came to rest over yours, fingers lacing together tightly as his other hand dove beneath your skirt and found your center.
“More, more, m-more.” you gasped on the last word as your demand was met. You came first, your orgasm wrung from you until you wanted to cry from the relief of it, hips bucking and jerking away from the overstimulation of Gojo’s fingers, still diligently working you threw each spasm.
In a second, you were pulled away from the wall, Gojo’s hands around your wrists, holding your arms back and now the only thing supporting you from toppling forward onto the floor. He held you tight, pulling you into each brutal thrust until his grip was near painful and the snap of his hips became erratic and desperate.
He didn’t let you fall, gathering you back up against his chest and setting you up right before he slid out of you, the drag pulling a whine from your lips. Gojo rid himself of the condom as you tugged tissues from a box on the instructor desk, cleaning yourself up as much as possible.
“I almost beat you.” you said, still feeling a bit breathless as you held out your hand expectantly to Gojo. He grinned, eyes shrouded by his blindfold. From his pocket he produced your panties, tugging them away teasingly as you reached out for them.
“You were behind by forty-seven. How is that ‘almost’ beating me?”
You nearly snatched your underwear back, but one tiny movement of his wrist had you missing again. You huffed, cheeks reddening.
“Closest I’ve gotten! By next week it’ll be thirty. And in another? Twenty. And then you’ll have to eat those words, Gojo.”
“I’d much rather eat you.”
To emphasize his point, he lifted your panties up to his lips and bit the fabric between his teeth, tugging.
“That—” you gestured at all of him, “-—is so gross.”
The insult glanced off of him as surely as if you’d tossed it at his Infinity.
“I’ll remember that next time I’m suckin’ your clit and you say, ‘Oh, Satoru! Oh, please! Don’t stop!’”
“I have never said that in my life.”
“‘Cause you can barely even form one word sentences when I’m fuckin’ you.”
You shrugged, a non-answer that had him grinning victoriously.
“Can I have my underwear back now?”
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Thomas Shelby x Reader
Requested: Yes; I lost the original request, sorry :(
Warnings: Swear Words
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Sorry about the repost, for some reason the old version got deleted so I’m reposting it :) I tried to make the reader badass but like I don’t know how to do that so I guessed. I hope you guys love this!!
Summary: The reader storms into the Garrison which pisses off Tommy, but when he sees what has gotten you so angry and watches your response, he can’t help but be impressed.
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The Garrison seemed to be the hub of all the Peaky Blinders and the people that wanted to meet with them. People were walking in with friends on their arms and out stumbling, drunkenly walking their newfound date to the closes private space they could find. And in the midst of all that celebration, you had walked in with the biggest scowl on your face- a contrast that Tommy easily picked up on from where he was leaning against the countertop of the bar. “What’s got ya so pissed, love?” he asked you, sipping on his whiskey. You sighed. “Nothing,” you grumbled, signaling to Grace that you wanted a glass of whiskey. “Yet,” you said under your breath. Tommy caught that whisper but ignored it, opting to take another swing of his drink. He had noticed every time you walked into the Garrison, you walked in with a sour face instead of your usual bright one. It bothered him that you didn’t smile as much anymore when you were there, but Tom was never a man good with words. So he simply let you stew in your anger, but made sure to brush your hand every now and then to remind you that he was there if you wanted to rant. He might not be able to talk, but he could listen. “Why hello there, love!” you and Tommy heard a deep, baritone voice say from behind you. Turning around, you saw a man with crooked teeth smiling abashedly at you, his eyes lingering on your chest too long for it to be a casual observation. Your nose scrunched up from the smell of alcohol reeking in his breath. “What the hell do you want, Trevor?” Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Tommy’s eyebrows raise slightly in shock, but when you noted his slight scowl you knew he was irritated. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Trevor held his hands up in mock surrender. “Just askin’ how you’ve been after all these years, love, nothing more. Certainly nothin’ to get all feisty over.” You grit your teeth before smiling at him cockily. “Yeah, now that you’ve done that, can you fuck off?” You added a bit of politeness into your voice- just enough to patronize him. “Hey,” you heard Tommy say. “Calm down, will you love? I don’t need another bar fight on my hands.” His voice was laced with frustration and anger, although his face stayed neutral. The normal glint that was housed in his eyes disappeared, replaced by indifference. It was almost like the deep ocean of his blue eyes froze over into ice. You smiled at him the same way you smiled at Trevor: with a hint of condescension. Honestly, it was a miracle that Tom didn’t shoot a bullet in between your brows at your expression. “Why don’t you stay out of things that aren’t your fucking business, Tom?” Tom clenched his jaw before turning back to his whiskey. “If it’s under me bar’s roof, it’s me fuckin’ business, love.” Trevor chuckled, causing both you and Tommy’s heads to snap towards him. “You let him call you love? What are you, his whore?” You bit your lip out of anger so hard it drew blood, the tang of copper running over your tongue. You tried to focus on the taste in an effort to not cause a scene; if you did cause a bar fight, you’d have to deal with an angry Thomas Michael Shelby, which was much worse than what you were dealing with right now. “Look, Trevor, what do you want?” You arched your eyebrow. Trevor shrugged. “Just wanted to see ya, I swear-” “You never talk to me unless you want something from me, so how about you just tell me and I can be on my merry way?” Trevor’s eyes darkness slightly, his usual energetic (and annoying) bravado slipping slightly. “I need some money.” You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips. “What? So you can go and spend it on more drugs and tequila? No fucking way.” Trevor’s lip curled slightly, and you noticed his fingers twitched as if wanting to curl up into fists. “Don’t fucking humiliate me in front of Mr. Shelby!” Another laugh tumbled out of you, this one full of much more bitterness than the last. “Why? You saw no problem humiliating me in front of my father? Consider us even on that front, Trevor.” Tommy choked on his whiskey slightly, now
understanding why you were being so hostile and angry whenever Trevor was in the Garrison. You had run away from London after a man there- Trevor, apparently- had started the rumor that you recently had an attempted abortion that didn’t work, leaving you pregnant. Although you were only 19 at the time, you weren’t an idiot and eventually understood that he was making you unmarriable to everyone except him. He couldn’t raise his status, so he lowered yours. He would marry you, thereby securing all the riches your family had for himself. Thomas cleared his throat. “I think you need to leave.” His words implied that Trevor had a choice, but his deep and firm voice communicated what his words didn’t: if Trevor didn’t leave of his own free will, he’d be dragged out against it. Trevor gulped. “Please, love-” You shook your head no. “I gave you money that last time, Trevor. ‘S not my fault you can’t budget for shit. So if you want money, get a fucking job.” “If you give me money, I’ll go back to your dad and tell him I lied. I swear, love, I will just please!” Trevor practically begged, a tear slipping out the corner of his eyes. You took in a deep breath, placing your hand on top of Thomas’s when he made a move to get up. “Look, Trevor, I don’t want a fucking apology. I don’t want you to tell my father that you were lying. I want you to leave me the fuck alone.” You stepped closer to Trevor, letting your hand fall off the counter. “If I see you ever again,” you said threateningly, letting your breath fan out over his face, “You’ll only have one good leg.” You turned around and fidgeted with your now empty whiskey glass, tilting and watching the sunlight hit the glass. “If you want money, get a job. You’re smart enough to find you, I’m sure. If you were smart enough to manipulate my family, I’m sure you can get a fucking job.” You picked up Tom’s whiskey glass and downed it in one gulp. “Fuck off, Trevor. And remember my threat, because I will follow up on it. Starting in ten seconds.” You didn’t see Trevor run across and away from the Garrison, but you heard the quick clicks of his shoes against the wood. Turning around after ten seconds, you were pleased to find him gone. Thomas cleared his throat and turned to you. He eyed his whiskey glass that still rested in your hand but made no comment. “This is going to sound really fuckin’ creepy,” he began, “but that was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” You chuckled and then groaned. “I fucking hate that guy.” “I can tell.” You hummed. “Still pissed at me for how I talked to him? Or are we good?” Tom turned back to the bar, asking Grace to refill both of your glasses. “I want to give you a promotion, love. Your potential’s wasted as a secretary.” You sipped at your now refilled whiskey. “Hmm, wouldn’t people think I fucked my way to the top?” “If you’d scare them off like you did Trevor,” Thomas pointed out, “I don’t think a single person would voice their doubts.” You nodded. “Then I accept, Tom.” Thomas grinned and extended his hand. “You’re now Y/N Shelby, my second in command.” You laughed and shook his hand. “If screaming at Trevor was all it took to impress you,” you teased, “I would have hunted him down a year ago.” Tom sipped at his whiskey and chuckled. “You about done with that drink, love? I was thinking we could celebrate your promotion,” he said suggestively, winking at you when you side glanced at him. You felt hot, a slight blush making its way on your face. “What are we waiting for then?”
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ennoshawty · 3 years
i was bored and felt like doing a crackfic thing but i didn’t have any solid themes or good ideas
warnings: VERY LONG, slandering a crybaby oikawa (lovingly), mentions f!reader, shitposting, mentions of violence in kita's, (a bit) yandere!kita, cursing, unedited, me being an idiot
we are: vigilante/troublemaker
loving the enemies-to-lovers trope so much
nah bro you ain’t full criminal (bc my preppy ass could never) you just do the small vandalism things y’know like drawing peepees on government buildings and knocking over bins
u literally confessed to him by spraypainting the entire billboard by his workplace “I LIKE YOU” like way to go girl
He didn’t appreciate the creative graffiti but he rlly likes u so all u had to do was clean it and then next thing u know yall are out on a cute cafe date
but let’s talk about before yall got together
he’d CHASE u thru alleyways when he’d catch you writing “police sux” on the fuckin wall
bro is NOT AT ALL afraid to jump onto the roofs it’s FRIGHTENING to see this huge ass police officer storm after u
you’d almost always get away by a hair - he’s SO SO close
and it frustrates him but excites u oooooo arrest me shawty
and this would continue for a while
but yall have such fun fun banter - you’d tease him and he’d say something back and you’d bolt and he’d chase
some days he’d catch you. but in those times u slip away somehow
he’s having so much fun and doesn’t even know it
and then at one point he doesn’t even care about bringing u to justice anymore. he knows it’s bad for business and it’s unprofessional but he’s so attracted to u
he doesn’t even know it. HES IN DENIAL!!! his mind: “oh i’m just asking about her so that i know her motives” bruh no u just asked about our fav pastry this aint about crime anymore
and when he finally gets it,,,DINGDINGDINGDING SOUND THE ALARMS !!! MAN IS WHIPPED!! he’s more shy around u awww,,,doesn’t even want to chase u anymore but he will still engage in banter w u.
yall get a little peace treaty in the lil crush stage - you both are kinda aware of ur feelings towards each other but don't really wanna mess it up and jeopardize whatever's going on like bros PLEASE JUST KISS ITS INFURIATING
it’s more of a competition to see who will break the other first (and you lost he’s too hot)
he lets u joyride his cop car in an empty parking lot <3 he is the one <3 this is true love
u gotta marry him right now bro no excuses
u are no longer on the crime side of the law,,,u support him and only him fuck the rest of the cops (i’m jk of course...or am i)
u are his badass sidekick <3 unofficially of course until he marries u
u help him with the small things like helping lost children find their parents and helping old ladies cross the street
but you want to do the FUN stuff - chasing thieves and arresting drunkards.
unfortunately, he loves u too much to put u in danger so he keeps u from doing the dangerous things
after some protesting later, he trusts u to take care of urself. and now yall have a competition just like old times - whoever catches the most baddies at the end of the month wins (he WILL scold u if ur too reckless though)
but it’s much more complicated than that - it’s either ur the laidback one and he’s the strict one or ur the fiery one and he’s the person like “calm down”
PLEASE HE HATES BRINGING U TO INTERROGATIONS he’s trying to be serious but you keep making him laugh istg he has to kick u out each time
u still make him laugh when u pout-glare at him thru the glass
bro says he’s not the stereotypical cop but the moment u surprise him with donuts and coffee in the morning he will make out w u right then and there
even though yall dating he still won’t let u play with his equipment
but sometimes u grab his walkie talkie when he’s not looking and prank call the others
and his coworkers know by now they’re like “oh it’s daichis gf” and go along with it HAHAHAHA “this is alpha 1, daichi just contracted ligma, over.” “roger, but what’s ligma? over.” “*inhale* LIGMA-” *daichi takes the walkie talkie back*
his coworkers are chill lmaoooo they love u two as a couple THEY ARE VERY SUPPORTIVE they planned a surprise anniversary party of when u joined the force (unofficially)
the juniors tanaka and noya are jelly ooooo but they respect their captain <3
u loooooove hanging out w the starry-eyed new recruit hinata and he’s bouncing around asking u personal questions “how did you date the commander!!! what’s he like as a bf??” he also accidentally exposes how much daichi talks about u in the office before he drags him away and murders him off camera
he does get u a walkie talkie that’s just connected to his line, tho. for emergencies. it’s ur second phone basically that only has his number in it
daichi LOVES it when u massage him after he’s had a long day but his shoulders are stiff as a statue,,,he’s also super stronk and can carry u anywhere <333
IMAGINE HE HAS A POLICE DOG - he doesn’t, but he’ll get one of his buddies to bring u a k9 unit so u can pet it and when he sees how happy u are he considers getting one PLSSS IT WOULD FIT HIM HELPPP
bro is VERY strict on safety. bulletproof glass in yalls house. alarms + cameras everywhere. trackers on every device. underground bunker. (just kidding lol)
daichi teaches u self-defense and gets u a bejeweled taser for ur bday <333 MARRY THIS MAN RIGHT NOW OR I’LL-
in other words i love daichi and he is husband material WIFE ME UP BUDDY
we are: girlboss sugar mommy
somehow you tamed this bish to becoming your obedient malewife
and by obedient i mean whiny but compliant
sure, he’s pretty and gives affection sometimes but the only time he’s bein cute and snuggly w u is when a new fendi purse came out and he wants it
his specialty is cooking but he’s so lazy he’s all “just get the maid to do it”
please give ur workers a raise he’s so demanding
when you take him to ur business parties hes ALWAYS bragging about you and ur large house with this and that and his favorite: indoor hot tub. he always brings up the indoor hot tub.
only reason you bring him is cuz he’s pretty and he whines when you leave him alone for too long
yall cant even stay for too long - he’ll practically drag u out of the building and whining that it’s too hot and his suit is too stuffy and to call a limo
he’s not afraid to embarrass u if u dont give him what he wants and he will spit out food at a formal dinner if its not to his liking
probably in competition w househusbands! makki and mattsun about who gets the best house so he’s constantly begging u for an extension to the house “please babe!!! makki has-” “no.”
8/10 times throws tantrums in public and 1465/10 times throws tantrums in the house
he wants to cry for the sake of crying. one time he lost his shirt and he wouldn’t stop bawling for 15 min
please find him a hobby
crybaby . the moment u give him the glare of death it’s over. but he’s got a cute crying face which makes up for his annoying whimpering
like he made the mistake of throwing a temper tantrum in the mall only for you to glare at him with a look that said “we’re discussing this when we get home and you’re gonna get your ass beat” and walk away. immediately stopped what he was doing and he was running after u, sniffling and mumbling apologies
please humble him and have him sleep outside. the couch is too luxurious to banish him to. he made sure of it himself. it’s reclining and has charging ports. he will not learn his lesson that way
does NOT want you to get a pet or a kid or even another sugar baby/househusband - he wants to be the center of ur attention
speaking of which he HATES it when you work for too long or work overseas. when u come back he’ll pout at u and give u the petty silent treatment
don’t bother trying to comfort him he thrives off of it and he’ll keep going so u can keep paying attention to him. if u just ignore him back he’ll come crawling back to u. “WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME IGNORING YOU?? DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME ANYMORE???”
one time yall got into a fight and he was all like “since ur being a rude mommy i’ll just find someone else !!!” inside u were like “oh god finally” but instead u said “okay”
ohmygod he panicked. he was rlly expecting for u to fight for him,,, but he doesn’t want to admit defeat first so he tries to go thru with it but you literally dont care. even when he has his chanel luggage packed and he’s standing by the door ur just like “ok bye bitch”
So he’s trying to stand by the door and wait for u to say that ur joking. ur not.
“fine! I’m leaving now!” “okay.” “...*sniffles*” “tooru, go.” “WAAAAH NO IM SORRY I DONT WANT TO-”
u knew this was going to happen sadly. u even hid the keys to all of the sports cars u own just in case he was actually going to go thru with it
tries to get in the gossip circle with the neighborhood trophy wives but they don’t think he’s cool enough. they like u though. they think ur hot asf and oikawa doesn’t like them no more bc theyre hitting on his ATM. but thanks to that u know all the gossip and shit even though u don’t ask for it
Every time u pass by a store where he thinks he wants something he’ll just cling to u and give the puppy dog eyes. like it could be out of nowhere and u see it and you’re like “where. which store.”
bro once he went luxury he never went back. he wouldn’t EVER step foot into a grocery store ever again congrats he’s been bimbo-ified
beat him with ur gucci belt pls it’s so funny
also please please PLEASE discipline him. tell him it’s NOT okay to just randomly purchase the entire swarovski store or to throw a party at ur house just bc he’s feeling petty about u being at work for too long. ofc he’ll bitch about it but you need to be firm
but don’t worry,,,he’ll get the idea when u take away black card privileges and slap him around (lovingly)
now he has to ask permission like a good boy. he’ll kneel and hug u and give a lil pout and whine
you got a bigass man child i’m sorry maam u should’ve picked tobio or ushi
we are: secretary
bruh keeps it mostly professional during work hours
but that all gets shedded off like a snake when we on break
one minute he’s all “get these papers done by today or i swear on all that is holy i will destroy you” and then later he’s all “hey sweetheart wanna grab a cup of coffee”
but you’re less than impressed bc y’know when the time clocks out and its time to go back to work he’s ruthless once more
HUMBLE HIM FOOL only when you’re on break though
will NOT stand for anyone else in the workplace bullyin u - NO WAY. only HIM
he’s got TONS and TONS of dirt on everyone in the office - NO ONE is safe so they wouldn’t even dare
RIP janet from accounting
that dumb bitch made the mistake of insulting u to ur face and in front of him. never heard from her again
it’s not even limited to the other employees - he’s not afraid to go off on a potential business partner if they dared disrespect you
bruh tries to call u on ur off days for the most randomest shit and to get ur attention
*picks up phone* “sir?” “ah! my favorite secretary ever! listen, i need you to grab my pens from my desk at the office and bring them to my place.” “...with all due respect, it’s 2 am, sir.”
but u have to comply with his ridiculous demands cuz he’s the bank
and he depends on u completely. as much as he hates to admit it - u have his schedules, itinerary, provide coffee, performance rates, stock info, you name it.
once u were out sick and he had the worst management - he’s not used to working without you
def tries to get some of ur workload off of u bc he’s worried that the stress of working for him made u sick + he doesn’t want to go thru scheduling again
prolly gets bored in meeting rooms and sends u little smirks and wiggles his eyebrows and weird looks while he’s sitting and ur standing in the corner like bruh pay attention
maybe sometimes he’s secretly makin fun of the presenter and doodling on his spare sticky note something funny to make u crack a smile
he’ll tease u for it of course “oh, secretary! you should be paying more attention! what would you do if this was important?” bruh i can multitask now keep airdropping me ur selfies i’m saving all of them (news flash: u dont save his dumbass selfies otherwise his ego will inflate too much)
sometimes likes to pull u aside from work to hug u - you say it’s highly unprofessional but he says it’s his stress reliever
you ALMOST got caught by one of the newbies and he was kabedon-ing you
he tries to play it off (since u were embarrassed too) but u know better,,,DO NOT LET HIM FORGET ABOUT IT he turns red and embarrassed every single time USE THIS TO UR ADVANTAGE !!
never goes into an elevator without you bruh is so attached to u n holds the doors open for you
but you have to open normal doors for him if he doesn’t know how it works (hint: manual doors. “why isn’t it opening on its own?” “sir, there’s a handle.” “but?? what does it do??”)
bruh acts like a dumbass sometimes so you can baby him :/// wtf man just because you’re rich doesn’t mean i’ll- ...wait...how much did you say…? that many zeros? HAND ME THAT FORK YES I’LL FEED YOU COME HERE- HERE COMES THE AIRPLANE BITCH
brings u to overseas trips and he spoils u too
no matter how much you insist that you’re ok he gives u a lot of luxurious items. “think of it as a bonus from me.” NOW YOU JUST HAVE A COLLECTION OF NICE SHOES/BAGS/JEWELRY AND HE LOVES IT WHEN YOU WEAR THEM TO WORK IT MAKES HIM SO HAPPY UGHHHHH
BRUH just a sugar daddy at this point “you have to look presentable for the next focus group so here’s a nice rolex watch” “sir, i don’t need-” “ah ah ah - it’s my treat.”
it’s pointless to refuse him but he still teases u for it like what???? “if i didn’t know any better, secretary, i’d say you’re just doing it for my money and not my fabulous looks and personality.” “exactly.” “hey!”
yall go for drinking parties a lot. whether with the whole branch or just the two of u
KARAOKE W KUROO AFTER A LONG DAY OF WORK <333 becomes a ritual between the two of u
he’s so silly when he’s drunk lmfaoooo goofy ass mf
but that’s only when it’s the two of u. he controls his alcohol around others and his uncool side is only for u <3
also ur the only one he trusts to take him back to his place and handle him
it’s the other way around too - when u drink a lot he looks after you <333
you have a higher tolerance than him and sometimes u have competitions between the two of u on who can drink more but then yall always end up shitfaced
HES the one who has a crush on you
you know the drill - gaslight gatekeep girlboss
he’ll do anything for u but wouldn’t ever admit it he simp
offers u the keys to his estate and offers for you to LIVE with him
bruh just marry me already ok WAIT WE’RE NOT EVEN DATING YOU NEED TO WORK ON THAT SIR-
he’s so awkward tryna confess to u,,,he may be this big hotshot ceo but he’s acting like a schoolgirl in love
probably prints u a confession when he asks u to go to the fax machine lmfao what a nerd
in other words ceo!kuroo is a nerd and you need to top him immediately get that bank
dog hybrid!bokuto
we are: owner
Husky-malamute breed!!! BEEG DOGGIE VERY HAPPY N DROOLY <333
he’s well trained i swear but the moment he sees something of interest then i’m sorry you just lost him
please if a robber came in he wouldn’t even attack them he’d just tackle them w hugs
he loves loves loves snuggles <333 u busy? nope!!! hug time!!! cooking something?? oo lemme see!!! whoops look at all those tomatos on the ground. u got a deadline coming up and u really need to focus?? CUDDLE TIIIIIIME- w-wait - huh?? why are u shoving me off?? do you - do you not - huh?!?! WHY ARE YOU LOCKING ME OUT OF THE ROOM?? NO!!!! I LOVE YOU!!! IDK WHAT EXAMS ARE BUT I WANT CUDDLES!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME????!!!
the WORST things u could ever do to him is leave him and call him a bad boy
soso bummed when u go out of the house without him </333 waits by the door patiently waiting for u to come back </333 sob sob
the moment he hears the door unlock he LEAPS and his tail is wagging like CRAZY
he is SO STRONG. almost always knocks u over whenever he jumps on u
destroys EVERY toy u bring him. u leave him for 5 seconds and there’s stuffing all over the floor and whatever u brought him is nonexistent
tugs on the leash when u walk so much that it SNAPS
loves romping w the other dogs in the dog park but he needs to tone down on his friendliness he almost killed a lil orange chihuahua
gets distracted by EVERYTHING. ooh, squirrel! oo, butterfly! OOO HUMAN CHILD!! MUST EAT!!!
ok while he might be friendly, he still gets super super jealous. you both were outside and u were petting the neighborhood black cat and bruh almost swallowed his head
which u thought was weird bc the two are normally friends and are pretty nice around each other
so now he’s more feisty around him and any other cat that’d get ur attention
If it was a person, then that’s another thing. He’d be very friendly at first but then slowly realize that ur attention is more directed on them than him. then he’d go ballistic
but when u scold him for practically assaulting the poor dude and call him a bad boy,,,he’s lost it
u have to lock him in the other room and he’s crying and whimpering, scratching at the door. all he wanted to do was protect u from that bad bad man who took away his owner’s attention !!!
def snarls at the dude next time he comes into ur house/apartment...dude never came back
doggie bokuto rlly tries to be slick...it doesn’t work. like he tries to do that thing when he’s a total demon towards the guy but then act like an angel around u but it doesnt work bc he’s not smooth
doggie intelligence: 2 IQ. one time u got him a puzzle box and hid a treat in it but bruh couldnt figure it out just straight up monched the entire puzzle simply bc he smelled his fav bbq treat in it
speaking of intelligence - he only knows how to say a few words like ur name and incomplete sentences. speaks in barks and whines and sometimes a word
u had some delicious beef steak? oh dear, where did it go? there’s ur puppy kou with steak sauce all over his lips
big fan of hiking trips, sports, literally anything that involves going out
he LOVES getting dirty outside playing. boi cant control himself from rolling around in the mud
hates baths at first but then he likes how u spray the water on him and giggles awww he likes bath time now
we all know he’s not the brightest pup of the pack but,,,he’s somehow psychic. he knows when ur taking him to the vet
HE THROWS A BIG FUSS ALL THE TIME - sometimes he tries to hide but his huge tail under the couch gives it away
and he knows when ur thinking of taking him on a walk. he also begs u to take him outside by settling his head in ur lap and pouting until u give him what he wants
he likes the big ol doggie sweaters/pjs u buy him...but he always ruins them. no matter how much u buy him, they’re all ruined. he complains how scratchy it is and it feels weird on him
knows LOTS of tricks but if u teach him more than what he already knows he will forget one of them he’s like a damn pokemon
he feels ur emotions :((( if ur mood is down his tail droops :(( and he gives u cuddles and tries to make u feel better
he even likes to make a fool out of himself and be silly if it makes u laugh :((( he’s so precious
in other words i love doggy bokuto
we are: kidnapped
ah yes we’re are captives of the most fearsome pirates of the seas: shiratorizawa
just so you know, tendou was the instigator. he was all “let’s kidnap a noble’s kid and get the ransom money!” (whether you actually are a noble or not is up to you)
thing is, nobody’s willing to pay (if you aren’t a noble) or the pirates really pissed off the folks in charge and are now doing a manhunt
so yeah you aren’t going back anytime soon
but he’s a pretty good sport about it - very hospitable
he notices the little things u like and gets them for u <333 sighs <333
he saw you reading that book? wow look at that, there’s suddenly a stack of them and the same genre he saw you reading
but you definitely shouldn’t test him. he’s SUPER scary when it comes down to it
you saw how ruthless he was with the rogues that had dared to challenge him on sea
mf made them walk the plank
you help on the ship bc u wanna be useful and also shirabu keeps being mean
he asks u to teach the crew how to read cuz theyre dumb as shit and only know water and treasure
speaking of treasure - when he leaves u on the ship to explore a cave, he gets u really pretty jewelry <33 anything u ask for
“oh, welcome back captain. how was your mission?” “i brought back a few trinkets i thought you might like.” *reveals whole chest of priceless gems* “are they to your liking? if not, we can set sail for something else that might interest you.” “I-”
bruh got a pet eagle - u ask the crew and they dont even know how tf it happened
hell, even he doesn’t know how it happened wtf. “oh. one day it flew down to me and i fed it. that’s all.” wtf
equivalent to diluc’s bird - he didn’t even give it a name so he gives u the honors
U name him rigatoni (you got a great naming sense btw)
it was the first thing he did no cap - burst into ur room and scoops u up <33333
“what the-” “we need to get you to safety. we are under attack.” and holds u close to his chest AAAHSIDHFPSDHFN OH MY LORD YES
tendou tries to give u a sword but ushi says no “she could hurt herself.”
“but ushiwaka! we can teach her not to hurt herself” “...it’s my orders.” “c’mon, be more honest, ushiwaka! what’s the real reason?”
he goes quiet then looks at u “...i’ll always be there to help. she’ll have me.” AOISHSDHFSNDF
but the rest of the crew are like “then what’s the point”
but tendou sneaks u a dagger just to be safe
sorry ur apart of the crew now - but they’re like a family even if they did kidnap u
oh whatever your life before wasn’t as cool as this (no offense)
they are given orders to protect u at all costs
speaking of which - ushi isn’t all that great w guns
almost blew his own head off tryna figure out how it works before reon snatched it from him
he brings you with him to towns and cities and he likes taking u to the markets to get you stuff
ushijima tell me your love language is gift-giving without telling me your love language is gift-giving-
he finds out you’re pretty good at bargaining and brings you onshore a lot more
is mesmerized at how you absolutely BERATE the merchant who was tryna rip you off like sis where is this violence coming from??? he loves it??
he also likes to stop by some pretty islands and imagines just settling down in such a nice place w you <333 SIGHS <333 VERY <333 LOUDLY <333
no matter how much he likes you...he will NOT let you drive the boat under any circumstances </3 its his livelihood c’mon man
whenever you have to stay on the ship while he’s away he sends rigatoni to give messages and the two of u talk thru messages
speaking of which rigatoni is fierce and can definitely sink his talons and his sharp beak into any bastard that dares get near you while the captain is away
wakatoshi “swimming is for pussies” ushijima - he’s water resistant
bruh so powerful he walks on water
second coming of christ who
IM JUST KIDDING he does swim but we hardly ever see it
legends say (tendou says) he looks rlly awkward doing it and only knows how to doggie paddle
speaking of our homeboy tendou - he loooves spooking the team (and especially you) with scary stories . don’t worry tho - this is all a ploy to get the beeg pirate husband to comfort u at night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he is ur wingman u can count on him. but his suggestions are ridiculous
“Jump off the deck and see if he’ll catch you!” um excuse me- THOU SHALT NOT PUT BIG HUSBAND TO THE TEST
he’s got good intentions...i think…
but everyone literally knows he would dive after you
in other words pirate!ushijima is a softie at heart but goddamn he probably secretly has a pet shark so dont test him or u goin overboard
mafia leader!kita
we are: associate from different group/family
kita highly respects u and yall have been acquainted since u were young with the alliance of ur families
so in a way ur childhood friends but yall do have lil bit of friendly rivalry a bit
arranged marriage whuuuutttt...yeah thats what happened but u love him <3
nobody else knows about ur arranged marriage but you two
POLITE GENTLEMAN <333 !!! HNNNNNNNN his granny raised him right even tho he’s a mafia leader
he owns the majority of the underground casinos
and has lots of connections with others. countless, might i add.
you on the other hand specialize as an arms dealer so he cherishes your services the most
prob has the traditional tattoos allllll over his back and shoulders w like a dragon or sm and def a fox or kitsune
when u two were little he asked ur favorite flower and GOT THAT TATTOOED ON HIS BACK <3 probably secretly has your initials hidden in there somewhere
u both have a silent understanding of each other and he talks to u more than he does anyone
before he used to smoke but once he figured out that you didn’t like the smell of cigarettes he quit just like that
his underlings, the miya twins are so confused on how kita switches from totally brutal and ruthless to so soft around u
they can’t tease him for it, though, cuz he’d pulverize them
but they want to know more about u,,,you mysterious enigma,,,but kita would kill them if they dared asked about you
so they go to inarizaki’s most secretive informant/cyber mercenary, suna rintarou
and suna knows all about you. he saw you one time and he was curious about who you were and is now rlly scared of you because he dug too deep and you’ve got LOTS of history
he doesn’t dare tell the twins what he found no matter how much they bug him
until they bribe him at just the right price
and when aran finds out and tells kita?? ohhh boy it’s lights out for all three of them
oh my god ,,, would kill for u he loves u so much
one time you were kidnapped and held hostage
bro saw red
he got world record time
wiped out the entire conglomerate behind it - nothing and nobody left behind after that
and of course, made sure you were safe.
yandere? ofc not...i mean...just look at him...so innocent...he would never...sharpening that knife...with splattered blood all over him...
is now joined at the hip with u,,,no matter how much you tell him you’ll be fine now and that you have tons of reliable bodyguards he won’t let it go
“don’t you have to go back to your place?” “this is my duty as both a fellow associate and your future husband.” aww,,,ur so sweet...but BRUH PLEASE GO HOME ARAN IS DOING EVERYTHING OVER THERE
makes sure to build a headquarters DIRECTLY NEXT TO YOURS so that its faster
and it’s not long until he just signs a deal to merge ur factions together (since yall getting married anyways)
and oh my god...ur underground wedding is SO SO PRETTY
absolutely DOESN’T care if he’s smuggling jewels from different countries - he’s having your ring CUSTOM MADE and the way you want it. “the diamond is too small? sure thing, darling, i’ll have it 7 times that size.”
makes sure everything is perfect in ur wedding <333 its very extravagant and even though its not really his style he’ll do anything for you
he absolutely WOULD take your last name if you wanted. FIGHT ME ON THIS
takes you to his private island for ur honeymoon so that the two of you don’t have to worry about work
meanwhile aran is scrambling around the place trying to cover for the both of you
he’s a VERY romantic husband - NEVER takes off his ring even for security. he says its practically a part of him just like you are <3
the ring has a built in tracker connected to an app. possessive? noooo...
in other words this escalated pretty quickly but i aint complaining if it gets me married to kita
--EXTRA EXTRA!! other characters’ roles!!--
karasuno squadron consists of:
cops: daichi (duh), asahi (mostly patrol, he hates confrontation), tanaka & noya (mostly accompanied by ennoshita), hinata & kageyama
investigators/detectives: sugawara, ennoshita, yamaguchi, tsukishima, kiyoko, yachi
surveillance: narita, kinoshita, tsukishima too
makki and mattsun are also househusbands
iwaizumi is a malewife fhasodjkasdhf-
lev is the newbie that walked in on u two-
janet still a bitch
kenma is his fellow ceo buddy. he also owns a multimillion dollar company and kuroo’s and his have a sort-of contract so you see him a lot in meetings
yaku is like one of the top performing managers so whenever yall have branch meetings he’s there
dog hybrid!bokuto:
kuroo is the black neighborhood cat bokuto almost murdered cough cough i did that on purpose yes i did
kenma is also another neighborhood cat. you don’t see him around that often but now that bokuto got jealous he stays far away.
hinata is the orange chihuahua i briefly mentioned
i couldn’t decide whether akaashi would stay human and be his previous owner or also be a cat/dog/owl. so lets say he’s ur human friend that is your bestie and comes over a lot. bokuto likes him, though. still gets jealous a bit.
tendou is practically is right hand man
the rest of the team have something to give idk how to explain pirate team members okay-
BUT BUT BUT- they do have sea rivals which are the seijoh pirates. you ran into them one day and oikawa thought you were kidnapped (you were, but you liked it there) so he tried to do you justice and failed miserably. ushijima ragdolled him into the ocean when he flirted w you.
the twins are something akin to mercenaries basically. or just plain lackeys.
suna is an informant/cyber mercenary. he gathers information about ppl which is how he knew about you. and he’s a hacker lol.
aran is his second-in-command, omimi + ginjima are his bodyguards
a/n: im going to regret posting this
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Drinking Buddies
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--- If Jason ends up going home with someone, call me and I’ll come pick you up.
Y/N read the text from her boyfriend with a smirk. He’d sent it 20 minutes ago, but she was just now seeing it.
It was the only message Dick had sent her all night, always trying to give her the independence and space she needed.
Dick was always amused by Y/N and Jason’s little “club.” It even became an ongoing joke within the family. But Dick also knew that there was something sincere underneath it, as well.
Dick realized early in their relationship that there were some things in Y/N’s past he could never fully understand or help her with. Yes, he had his own trauma. But it didn’t involve abuse. His parents had died, but there wasn’t a day before that when Dick felt unloved by them.
Jason and Y/N had parallel childhoods: abusive parents, fighting to survive on the streets of Gotham, robbed of a happy and sheltered adolescence. Unfortunately, they were both victims of the darkness that Gotham held. The same darkness that drove both of them to risk their lives to stop it from continuing.
Outsiders probably thought it was weird for a man to let his girlfriend go out with his younger brother alone. Especially when said brother was as tall and handsome and broody as Jason Todd. But Dick felt more comfortable doing that than when Y/N had girls’ nights. At least with Jason, Dick knew that Y/N would be safe.
But Dick also knew Jason needed a friend just as much as Y/N did.
--- I doubt that will happen. But I promise I’ll call you if it does. 
Y/N typed back.
--- You’re a freakishly good wing woman. Don’t underestimate yourself. 
Dick texted back instantly. 
--- Have fun. Be safe. I love you.
He double texted.
--- I love you, too. 
Y/N answered before slipping her phone back into her small purse.
“He’s so obsessed with you,” Jason commented without needing to ask who had her smiling down at her phone.
But Y/N wasn’t taking the bait that easily. “Good thing I’m obsessed with him, too.”
“He’s probably sitting at home and crying because he misses you so much.”
Y/N punched Jason in the arm. And it felt like punching a wall rather than a human being with skin, muscle, and fat. “Stop being mean. I didn’t come out with you to listen to Dick get ripped on.”
Jason gave her a crooked smirk. “You’re right. I wanted a drinking buddy.”
“Yes,” she agreed. But then she narrowed her eyes. “But you always wanted to talk to me about a woman.”
“I never said that.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “I have female intuition.” But her amusement and teasing faded. “Is it Artemis?”
Jason’s body tensed and gulped down the rest of his whiskey. 
“That obvious, huh?” He asked slowly, his embarrassment was easily caught.
“No, it’s not, actually. I’ve just been paying attention.”
“I told you I hated her and that she drives me to insanity,” Jason scoffed.
“Yeah, and I knew that was your sexual tension speaking,” Y/N teased with a tilt of her head and a smirk before taking a sip of her drink.
Jason chuckled at that. “You’re not wrong…”
“So,” Y/N leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms with interest. “Tell me about her.”
“She’s an Amazon. And a badass. She’s tall – taller than me, actually. Red hair. Doesn’t take anyone’s shit. Loves to pick a fight. Loves to get her way even more.” Jason sighed. “And…she’s beautiful,” he finished with. “Absolutely fucking beautiful.”
“OK. Now that you’ve basically given me her dating app bio,” Y/N ridiculed. “Get to the good shit.”
Jason glared at her.
But he took in a deep breath. “We’ve been…” he didn’t know how to put it politely.
“Fucking?” Y/N offered.
“Fine! Yes, alright?” He growled. “It was just casual at first. Friends with benefits – or whatever.”
Y/N couldn’t stop her laugh from escaping. 
“Jason, even though you try really hard to pretend to be a heartless hard-ass, you and I both know that you’re actually a hopeless romantic. So why you thought you were capable of having a fuck buddy, without falling in love with them, is beyond me.”
Jason rubbed his face in frustration. “I know. I fucking know, OK?”
Y/N finally decided to have some sympathy and gripped his shoulder. “You’re gonna be fine, bud.”
“Am I? I hate this. I feel like such an idiot. I don’t want to mess this up. But I also don’t want to keep pretending like I’m not in love with her.”
It was moments like these where Y/N truly forgot that Jason was also the Red Hood, one of Gotham’s most feared vigilantes. He was also a murderer, if she was being transparent. But right now, he just seemed like a lost young man, terrified of his own feelings.
“Why don’t you get us another round and I’ll put some music on the jukebox? And then we’ll figure out your shit,” she offered.
Jason smiled. “Deal.”
There were at one of the roughest dive bars in Gotham.
Jason was a regular – as was almost everyone else that was there.
He already made his reputation known. 
And even though on the outside he looked like a helpless pretty boy, the bar patrons learned rather quickly not to pick a fight with Jason Todd. Not that most of them wanted to, he was a perfectly polite guy and tipped far too nicely for the shit service he got there.
Y/N made her way to the vintage jukebox and started scrolling through her options.
“What are you picking? Justin Bieber?” A froggish voice said to her right.
Y/N paused to give him a glare. “Is that because I’m a woman?”
This was negging. And Y/N hated this pick up tactic more than any cheesy line.
The man shrugged. “Just wanted to make sure you put on something good.”
“Oh, I will,” Y/N snapped before turning her attention back to the songs.
“How about I help you DJ and then you let me buy you a drink?” He muttered far too closely to her ear.
It made a chill go up her spine and she suddenly felt ill.
“No thanks.”
“Come on. One drink,” he grabbed her wrist.
Y/N whipped her attention back to him and tried to tug her wrist away. “Don’t fucking touch me,” she growled.
But his grip tightened.
“Get your hands off her,” Jason barked suddenly from behind her.
Jason had at least 5 inches on the guy and was probably twice his weight.
It was enough to make the man immediately drop Y/N’s wrist. “Maybe don’t leave your girl alone…”
“She’s not ‘my girl.’ She’s my brother’s girlfriend,” Jason corrected with a glare.
He wanted to say more, but he could tell by Y/N’s body language that she didn’t want to start a scene, hating all the eyes that were already on them.
The man had given up. 
But not before both of them heard him mutter, “Fuckin’ whore.”
Without missing a beat, Jason punched him in the face.
The hit knocked the guy off his feet and possibly knocked out a few teeth. 
So much for not causing a scene…
“Say another word about her and I won’t use my hands next time,” Jason practically spit down to him. 
Then he slyly opened up his jacket to show that he had a gun on him.
The guy didn’t need to hear anything else. He jumped to his feet and tried not to run out of the place.
A beat passed before Y/N erupted into laughter.
“Oh, Jason! Oh, my knight in shining armor! You saved me!” Y/N put the back of her hand to her forehead dramatically as she mocked him.
“I should’ve let him grope you,” Jason mumbled as he led them back to their seats.
They both knew he didn’t mean it.
“Dick’s been showing me some self defense, you know.” Y/N beamed proudly as she took a sip of her new drink.
The bartender came over and silently offered them a free round of shots, proving that he’d seen the exchange. And this was his way of apologizing for their troubles.
Jason nodded his head in thanks before handing one of them to Y/N.
“Yeah?” He played dumb.
She nodded excitedly.
They clinked their shot glasses together before throwing them back.
“You know Dick would have my ass if I hadn’t intervened, right?” He asked her.
She sighed. “Yeah, I know. He’s overprotective like that.”
“I’d be the same way,” Jason agreed.
“Even if it was with an Amazon, who was bigger and stronger and had lived for hundreds of years?” Y/N teased, reminding him that she wasn’t done talking about his love life.
“Even then,” he smirked.
The night went on as normal. 
Y/N asked Jason a million questions about Artemis. 
And together, they came up with a game plan.
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Dick was working on his computer.
Gray sweatpants on. No shirt. A couple of empty beer bottles on the coffee table where his feet were propped up.
He wanted to lie to himself and believe he was waiting up for Y/N to make sure she got home safe. But he knew Jason would die before he left anything happen to her – especially on his watch.
No, Dick didn’t bother trying to go to sleep because he basically couldn’t when Y/N was gone. 
Even if he was in bed and she was still up working or walking around the apartment, it was like Dick could feel her presence and that was enough. He needed her to sleep, even if she wasn’t right next to him.
Dick smiled when he heard the loud clattering of keys failing to match with the slot of the lock.
Finally the apartment door opened.
“Special delivery for Richard John Grayson!” Y/N screamed in a slur before he even could see her.
“Shh!” Jason hushed quickly. “He’s probably sleeping.”
But when they rounded the corner, Jason relaxed at the sight of Dick being wide awake.
Y/N was piggybacking Jason with a drunk smile.
“Looks like you two had fun,” Dick commented with a laugh.
“So much fun,” Y/N agreed.
But then she was squirming and Jason realized she wanted off. He released his protective grip on the back of her thighs and carefully dropped her to her feet.
Y/N sprinted to her boyfriend and tackled him into a hug on the couch.
Thankfully Dick saw this coming and had quickly moved the laptop off his lap before she crushed it.
“Well hello to you too,” Dick chuckled as she wrapped her body on top of his like a koala bear.
He kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her hair.
“I’m very tired. And Jason wouldn’t get me Taco Bell,” she whined.
Jason looked offended and held his hands up in surrender. “I did try to get you Taco Bell, but it was closed.”
“He’s lying,” Y/N whispered.
“OK,” Dick managed to suppress his laughter. “How about we get you into bed and maybe chug some water?” Dick asked her softly.
She just nodded into his neck.
“Alright. Here we go,” Dick warned her before he managed to lift both of them off of the couch and carry her to their bedroom.
He helped her out of her clothes and then got her into one of his big t-shirts, not bothering with shorts or pants. He managed to convince her to take out her contacts before he handed her a makeup removal wipe. Then he very nicely asked her to drink some water for him.
“I’m gonna go say bye to Jason and then I’ll be right back,” he whispered as he tucked her into bed.  
Y/N sleepily nodded. “Jason punched a creepy dude for me. So be extra nice to him, K?”
Dick sighed.
Of course Jason did.
When Dick walked out of the bedroom, his younger brother was chugging a glass of water in their kitchen.
“You punched a dude?” Dick asked as he crossed his arms and gave him a suspicious look.
Jason shrugged. “Just another asshole who didn’t know the word no.”
“Thanks. For always looking out for her, I mean.”  
Jason nodded.
“You spending the night?” Dick asked.
They purposely rented a place that had a guest bedroom. It was rather common for someone from his family to crash. A lot of the time it was someone hiding from Bruce out of spite and needed some space from the manor.
“Nah. I just wanted to make sure she got home. I’m walking back to my place.”
Dick nodded, expecting that to be his response.
But Jason seemed to be lingering for some reason.
“You OK?” Dick asked him after a few moments.
“Yeah! Yeah, I just…Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“How do you make sure you don’t fuck it up?”
Jason didn’t need to clarify that ‘it’ was Dick’s relationship with Y/N.
Dick scratched the back of his head. This wasn’t a usual subject for him and Jason. They almost never talked about women with each other.
“I guess I just…” he thought about it for a moment. “I’m honest with her. So she never questions where we’re at. She always knows how I feel. And then it’s never scary for her.”
Jason nodded his head, clearly deep in thought as he mulled over Dick’s answer.
“I’ll see you guys later,” he finally said his goodbyes.
“Get home safe, yeah?”
Jason scoffed. “Always do.”
Dick locked the door behind his brother.
When he made his way back to the bedroom, Y/N appeared to be passed out.
But when Dick crawled into the other side, she instantly moved to him and placed a kiss on his bare chest.
“Hi,” she sighed sleepily.
“Hi,” he kissed the top of her head as he wrapped his arms around her. “What’s up with Jason?”
She smiled with her eyes closed. “Can’t tell you. It’s club business.”
Dick rolled his eyes and shook his head.
He tickled her sides. 
“Noooo,” Y/N whined as she buried her face into his chest.
Dick only stopped because her reaction was so adorable.
“I’m kidding,” she breathed her surrender. “Your brother…is in love.”
“In love, huh?” Dick said in awe, processing the idea. 
“And what advice did you give him?” He asked.
But when he looked down, he realized Y/N was now actually asleep.
Dick kissed her cheek and mentally reminded himself to run to the store early tomorrow so he could make them a greasy breakfast. He could only assume Y/N was going to need it with the inevitable hangover from a night drinking with Jason Todd.
Guess I wasn’t finished with them yet 😏
Let me know what you think. And I’ll see if I want to keep doing these. 
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idesofrevolution · 4 years
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Here y’all go. Hope you like it.
Look at him, isn’t he adorable? I’d been watching him and his college friends playing ball every Saturday from my balcony. Each time, I’m hearing him talk about “slamming pussy” and “playin’ the game” as if he knows what that means. Jock boys always think the world of themselves, and sometimes for good reason. Every now and again, I look back on my own days at that age, fondly remembering all the bullshit trouble got myself into. I’m telling you- once you hit a certain age, you just want to relive those debaucherous days again; and hearing this little shit wasting those years degrading the ladies... I knew I could do so much better with his assets.
So into my mind popped a little idea. We’re living in a world of infinite possibilities, and using a few tricks and a whole lot of ingenuity you can really access some more unattainable goals. For instance, knowing the local voodoo priestess can be an invaluable advantage. Miss Marie had lived across the hall for as long as anyone could remember, and she had the respect and fear of everyone she met. So for a few hundred dollars and debt or two to her, she gave me a little gris gris which she insinuated could help little old me up my game. 
With bag in hand, I had to make my move. That Saturday I watched with bated breath as the boys were shooting hoops and talking shit until the sun went down. When the streetlamps went on, one by one they departed and left the ladykiller waiting on his Uber. As he sat there flipping through Tinder on his phone, I whispered the incantation that Miss Marie had taught me. Three times I repeated it, never once breaking my gaze on him. Upon the fourth recitation, I saw him suddenly throw his phone on the ground in rage. He tossed the basketball across the street and started to pace back and forth. Calling down to him, I “checked in on him.”
“Hey! You alright?” He looked up to my balcony and grimaced. 
“Shut the fuck up ya fruity bitch! Phone’s dead that’s all! Mind your business!” I chuckled and leaned against the railing, watching my hateful prey unknowingly within my clutches. Thinking his Uber was on it’s way, he sat down on the curb and pouted to himself. Five minutes turned to forty minutes and with his ride nowhere in sight, he played right into my hand. “Ay! Fag! Got a charger or somethin?” A smirk crawled across my face and I waved him over to my building and buzzed him up.
Now truth be told, I had no idea what to expect. Marie didn’t exactly explain how the gris gris would work, nor did she break down how to initiate the plan. So when he knocked on my door, I’d be lying if I said I was entirely understanding of what I was doing. I swung the heavy old door open and there he stood. Glistening with sweat and a scowl on his pretty boy face with his beat up skateboard in tow. 
“So where’s the charger?” He looked me up and down, disapprovingly looking at my big belly and old biker tattoo sleeves. Back in the day, I rode with my crew from coast to coast, fuckin’ every stud, twink, and bear that came my way. But the years hadn’t been too kind to me, and from the look on his face he sure didn’t see me the way that those boys back then did. Convincing myself to swallow my pride, I tossed him an iPhone charger and pointed him to the living room outlet. Plugging it in, he plopped down on my couch, and completely ignored my existence. Muttering under his breath, I could tell his Uber had cancelled.
“You can stay here until your car gets here.” I leaned against the hallway arch, taking in his steaming muscles. He clearly worked out in addition to all the days and hours of basketball. And damn... did he smell like hours of and hours of basketball. It was my favorite scent- raw testosterone, absolute masculinity, untempered musk; and his was STRONG.
“Bet your ass I’m getting the fuck out of your creepin’ ass house when this car gets here.” He thought he was so hood, so badass. He had no clue. Soon, though, he’d learn how to be a real man. Soon he’d be more than just a basic pretty boy frat kid. He started coughing gently, trying to hide it behind his phone screen, but the coughs grew louder and heavier. “Yo, get me some water!” I smiled.
“Get it yourself, bitch.” He whipped his head in my direction and tried to jump up, but realized he could barely move. It was as if he had no breath. “Oh, you’re feelin weak, huh? Why don’t you call your friends and they can come pick you up.” He tried to reach for his phone, but his arm had all but given out. Panic set in behind his cruel, mean spirited eyes and for the first time I saw him for who he really was behind the muscles, good lucks, and put on swagger: a little homophobic bitch who was in over his head. I walked over to him and plopped down on the couch next to him. His smell was strong and virile, full of youthful pheromones that he knew were a gift straight from God. I tested the waters and lifted his limp arm, exposing his wet pits. Assaulted, I tell you, I was assaulted by the sharp fragrance that poured from the hairy confines. He could do no more than a whiny whimper as I buried my nose and tongue into his armpit. 
“Well, fuck, kid. It’s been a fuckin’ bitch knowing you. But it’s gonna be one hell of a good time bein’ you.” I saw the last of his pathetic consciousness fade away. Where it went I neither knew nor cared; all that was left was his empty, hollow husk. Curious, I brought my fingers to his plump lips and pried. A sound I can only describe as stretching elastic rang through the room as I pulled and pulled. Looking inside, he was hollow, albeit padded with slick flesh that outlined his impressive musculature. Letting go, his face snapped back to normal. He was ready.
I eagerly stripped, thinking of all the adventures I could relive from within him; thinking of the numerous opportunities that I could snatch with his glorious body and my confident mind. Laying him down, I stuck my toe into his mouth and pushed. After a few thrusts downward, my foot slid down his throat. It took a solid minute for me to weasel my second foot into the tight confines of his slimy mouth and down his throat, but they were soon both slipping down his torso, through his muscled legs and landing in his tight feet. I was several sizes larger than he, so his tiny size 7s felt like a pair of tiny, wet rubber socks to my size 13s. Yet, after a little adjusting, they looked amazing at my size. I brought one to my face, pressing the damp soles on my nose, taking in the salty, rank funk that emanated from between his toes. I stood up, his mouth around my ankles making my a little wobbly. I grabbed his waist and pulled up, watching his legs slip over mine. The sheer size of my pudgy calves and thighs seemed to be suctioned into his, adding my mass to his musculature. He would be so much better at my 6′2 than his 5′9.
After a hefty tug, my bloated ass was sucked into his, tightening and firming into an ass any stud would kill to plow, and anyone would kill to plunge their tongue into. Sauntering over to my mirror, I saw a toned, gorgeous lower half, with my tubby top pouring over our waist. My cock was pressed tightly against my groin, since I’d forgotten to slip it into his when my ass was... compacted. I stuck my meaty hands beneath our skin and tried to grab my shaft, leading it towards his. The kid wasn’t packin’ anything impressive. I guess his ladies didn’t have high standards for dick. But I’ll tell you when my thick rod was slurped into his, it was like I was thrusting inside the tightest fleshjack I’ve ever used. Looking down, I smiled at a girthy, 10 inch, uncut fuckstick. I swiped my finger underneath my new foreskin and took a deep sniff. Fuck. Yes. It was unreal. The cocksmell was so strong yet so addictive, it was as if it was dripping manliness in odorous form. 
I knew that there was building pressure from within, and that the midsection would be the hardest thrust. So, I readied myself. Getting my footing underneath, I took a deep breath and held it in. With as much strength as I could muster, I tugged upward and my bulging belly was gulped into his skin with a loud “shlorp.” This took my body a moment to adjust, with a hefty beer gut protruding from my stomach, but after a deep belch, a set of washboard abs was there before me. To my surprise, and glee, some of my tattoos had transferred to my new skin, which gave me hope for the sleeves I’d grown to love.
Speaking of which, it was time for me to thrust my arms into his, which seemed entirely easier than my stomach. I slipped on his arms like gloves, the sensation of touch returning to my fingertips as they slipped into his. Looking at the mirror, it seemed only a fraction of my sleeve transferred over. Oh well, better than nothing! His shoulders snapped over mine, and I stood there in all my nude glory- with his jaw around my throat. I was ready. I was so ready to begin anew. I grabbed the jaw, matching his bottom lip to mine, and pulled his face over mine like a silicone mask. It suctioned to my head and within seconds I opened my eyes to a new man. 
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I was incredible. My face was an amalgamation of both our likenesses, the best of both worlds. I winked at my new self, testing out my old cocky smoulder. I still got it, and hell, I would be using it a whole fuckin’ lot. A knock on the door woke me from my eyefucking and walked over to the door. Opening it, there stood Marie. She looked me up and down and rolled her eyes.
“Well, well, well. Look who’s a bonafide stud once again.” I smirked, and let her in. “Phew... Boy you’re fragrant. But then again, I’m sure the boys you fuck are into that sort of thing huh?” Smiling, I lifted my arms, and took in my scent. Better than poppers. “Now, let’s get down to business, shall we? You agreed to the terms, now it’s time to pay up.” I plopped down on the couch, preparing to hear the terms of my debt.
“What you need, baby?” She grabbed me by the cheeks, looking her straight in the eye. All color must’ve flooded from my face.
“Your big blue eyes aren’t gonna get you anywhere with me, son. You are to do as I say, do you hear me?” I nodded silently. “I need followers, boy. Followers. Those who are willing to do what I need done, and in exchange... I’ll add them to your little crew. When I tell you to get something done, I need it done, you hear me?” I nod. “Now when I say go get some more boys, ma cher, you understand what I’m saying, yeah?” I smile as she lets go of my cheeks. “Enjoy your immortality, baby. I’ll be in touch.” With that, she tosses me some clothes as she walks out my door.
It’s been three weeks since that day, and the old man in the flat is nowhere to be seen. His ‘son’ Sebastian has since taken over the lease, and become something of a staple in the community. Always makin the ladies swoon, and the guys drip. Always there to end a fight with a swift K.O. to the chin. Always happy to help a down-on-their-luck neighbor. But most importantly, always looking for new people call ‘family.’
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WELP. Introducing a potentially new recurring character: Sebastian the Voodoo King. Let me know what you think of him through asks, and what you’d like to see him to HERE. Have a dope day, kids. Hope this is everything y’all wanted.
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
All I Want For Christmas
For my Dabi Simps, Feast your eyes on this...I think I almost killed myself.🥵😍
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You, Touya, Toga, Shigaraki, Compress, and others all sat in the new hideout. It was after Thanksgiving and everyone was stuffed from the fake order that made earlier that day and the accidental killing of the delivery driver who ‘wounded up missing in a lake’
You sat on your boyfriend’s lap, looking at new abandoned places on your phone while temping sugar daddies and poor bastards to send you money while everyone else watched tv on the big screen that was stolen.
“Oh! Look, I remember this commercial!” Toga squealed in excitement while the infamous kisses commercial played. The mere thought of Christmas often made you sick but you were a generous soul for your lover.
“I can’t wait until it snows! I love it when it does!” Toga added as she smiled in excitement. “I love it when it snows too, I used to throw snowballs at old people. They hated it when I did.” You said, earning a soft chuckle from your boyfriend. “You were a little badass, huh?” He asked as you rolled your eyes.
“What do you want for Christmas?” You asked him, catching him off-guard a bit. He was never asked a question like you just asked in his life, which lets you know how sad his life was. “I dunno.” He responded, turning his attention back to the tv.
“Come on, what’s something you’ve always wanted. It can be anything babe, I’ll make it happen.” You offered, smiling at him as another commercial played. The red bow instantly caught his eye as he smirked. “I want to come home to you wearing nothing but a red bow, wearing those black heels that wrap around your legs. I want to wrap Christmas lights around your neck and pound you in a Santa costume.” He said as Everyone stared at him shocked.
“What the fuck?” Shigaraki said before standing up. “....You know most people buy presents for each other, like normal people.” Spinner commented. “Name a time when they’re normal.” Compress added, shaking his head as he walked back towards the kitchen.
“I think they’re relationship’s cute! I hope I can have one like this with Deku!” Toga said, smiling happily while you began to plot for the coming holiday.
The dreaded holiday soon arrived, Touya promised to visit his family after you insisted that he spends time with his siblings and not his father. You could hear him kicking his shoes off at the entrance before sliding into a pair of house shoes. You waited patiently, standing in the dark as the lights glowed on your neck and down your body. It was luckily LED lights and also blinked when there’s clapping..or slapping could be heard.
The doorknob turned as his bright blue eyes fixated on you. You stood in the middle of the darkroom, wearing two bows that covered your breasts and around your hips while multi-colored lights glowed off your body with the heels he desired you wear. His eyes stared at you for a minute before he stepped into the room, closing the door quietly.
“Fuck Doll, I wouldn’t think you’d do it..” he said, walking towards you. He lifted your hand and spun you around, admiring you as he smirked. “I’ve never been so excited to open a present before..” he growled as his hand touched your hip, pulling you close. His lips slammed against yours, lust, and passion made the room seem hotter while he took your breath away.
You were snatched close to him, your breasts touching his chest as his teeth bit onto your shoulder. “Mm...You’ve been a naughty gal, Doll. It’s a shame to give you coal in your stocking...I prefer to make you regret being this fuckin sexy.” He growled, before ripping the bows off with a simple tug.
The room's lights snapped on, your bare body now only slightly lit Christmas lights. Dabi grabbed the end of the cord, wrapping it around his hand as he pushed your knees. “Just be a good girl and I’ll see about putting you back on the nice list, alright Doll?” He said, placing the Santa hat on his head. How strange it was for him to act like the jolly man and pulled it off smoothly. His pants pooled at his ankles as you started on your work.
Your head moved up and down a bit before a harsh tug pulled him deeper in your mouth, nearly swallowing him as you deep throated him perfectly. He grunted softly, watching you before loosening his grip. This happened a few times while you gave him a mind-blowing blowjob. Your spit eased down your neck, coating between your breasts while your eyes stayed on him.
The cord was swiftly pulled up as you rose to your feet. Your matte red lips stayed perfect as your body connected with the grey painted wall in the room you two shared. It was a miracle that you and he found your place where no one could hear your cries. Your boyfriend loved to have you helpless, crying his name as loud as your voice could get. It fuels him to push the boundaries of what he could do.
Your hands were snatched to your back as the feeling of being tied made you even wetter. The cord stayed around your neck with your hands now glowing with the bright lights. “Why should Santa fuck you, Doll? What makes you think you deserve to be pounded?” He asked, making your fingers fist tightly.
“I-I promise I’ll be a good girl next year, P-Please!” You begged softly, obvious moisture between your thighs as he slipped himself between your thighs. His shaft pressed against your clit, teasing you. “God, Fuck me already!” You begged, the neediness starting to burn inside you. You craved him and simply demanded to have him inside you.
“You know the magic words, Doll. Tell what you are..” he said, smirking. “I’m Dabi’s needy little bitch!” You answered as he chuckled, wrapping his left around your neck and gripping it tightly. You let out a soft gasp as a deep moan followed feeling him slam deep inside you.
You stood on your toes from the slight height difference though he took full advantage of it since gravity made him slide deeper in your slick velvet walls. You wiggle a bit only to have him grab your hip with his other hand and slam back inside you, making you yelp softly. “Don’t run away from me, Doll. You won’t be able to walk because of it.” He whispered in your ear as he began to move at a hard pace. Your face never touched the wall though your breasts did while your ass clapped against Dabi’s thrusts.
With each thrust, the hold around your hands began to loosen before your hands became free. Almost immediately, you placed your hand on his chest to get him from being so deadly deep inside you, your legs were shaking as he suddenly paused. His calm look made you almost regret even being freed as he pulled out.
“Touya! Touya! Wa-Ahh!” Your voice said while you were found on the bed. Your hands tied, once again but to the headboard. The metal bars held your arms in place as your legs nearly touched your head. He slammed inside you with such brutal force while you cried out to the top of your legs. His hands held your thighs up while you buckled and struggled to keep them open.
“Fuck! Touya! God!” You screamed out, your hands gripping the cord tightly as your walls gripped him. He smirked at your withering body underneath him as tears streamed down your cheeks. “Imcummingimcummingimcummingimcumming!” You cried out, trying to warn him while he refused to show mercy. The release was intense as it burned your stomach. His fingers grazed your sensitive clit as he pinched it suddenly, making you squirt suddenly while you screamed.
He watched your blissful release while you coated his lower abs and down. You gasped for air, shaking still while trying to calm yourself down. His eyes glanced at the time before smirking, looking at you before he flipped you over onto your stomach, having you on your shaking knees.
“You’ve got two hours to prove why I shouldn’t take you off the nice list, Doll.” He whispered in your ear as he nibbled your ear lobe a bit, sliding back inside you.
“Merry Christmas, Doll.”
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gyroshrike · 3 years
Tell me why you love Gamtav; give me a whole rambling essay if you can. I like seeing people excited over the things and ships they like!
Oh, are you sure you want this? Do you really want to open Pandora's Box? Are you ready for the amount of rambling I can do about GamTav? How much time do you have? Because this is going to be a doozy. I haven't even started writing it and I can tell.
And before I get into it, people gotta know that most of this is based off of pre-murderstuck Gamzee
What do I like about GamTav? What do I like about GamTav??? One of the things that plays into me loving this ship so much is how much I love Gamzee and Tavros as individuals. Whenever I start reading a new piece of media, without question my favorite characters are almost always the really, really nice ones. Boku no Hero Academia? Kirishima. Anohana? Poppo. Legend of Korra? Bolin. And in the beginning of Homestuck, Gamzee and Tavros are just really, really NICE.
Oh, well, Gamzee is really, really nice. When we first see Tavros, he’s being a little shit to the kids, but that's because he was intentionally trying to troll. But once we get into Act 5 and we see Tavros interact with his friends, we realize he's generally a really kind person. His conversations with Nepeta, Gamzee and Aradia are all really sweet. His pesterlog with Vriska, which is the first one we get to see after he is revealed to us as a character, immediately paints a picture of him as someone struggling with his self-esteem and someone who is trying really hard to build himself up as a person. Way to fuckin’ endear me to a character IMMEDIATELY.
For most of the early comic until Act 5, we see all the trolls trolling the kids and even talking shit back and forth to each other. Gamzee was one of the first trolls who we see be purely sweet and supportive to his friends. His first pesterlog after we’re introduced to him is with Karkat and Karkat does nothing but talk shit. xD He does his usual song and dance of saying just the absolute worst things possible in that Karkat way of his and Gamzee just laughs and nods and basically says, “Yeah brother, you go, I love you, you're my best friend.”
We see Gamzee talk with Equius and we already know at this point that Equius is weird, but Gamzee is so jazzed to be talkin’ with his friend. He's just so supportive of Equius and even when Equius tells Gamzee that he must stop doing soper, Gamzee just says, “Okay, sure, you got it, I trust what you're telling me because you're my friend.” Now Equius is not actually ready for Gamzee to listen to him and backtracks and is like, “Wait, no, you don't have to listen to me, let's roleplay instead,” and Gamzee's like, “I don't know how to roleplay, but I'll try for you bro.” He’s just really fucking cute???
Short version: When we meet them, Tavros is someone you want to root for and Gamzee is just the nicest guy on the planet.
Gamzee loves his friends so much and from early on it's made apparent that he wants to love and support them, and would honestly do a lot for them even if he doesn't know what he's doing.
Also along with just being a generally sweet guy Tavros is the nerd archetype I love? He loves the troll equivalent of Pokemon and card games and other things like that. Also he just really loves animals? And I always love the characters who love animals. It's a really big weakness I have. Not to mention, talking with them? That's so COOL? So badass??? Like, UM???? He could control them, but he doesn't like forcing them to do bad things against their will. (Going off of how when suggested he control the imps to defeat them, but feels like that would be unfair/mean.)
SPEAKING OF THE IMPS. Of the twelve trolls, Tavros and Gamzee are the two of them who BEFRIENDED their imps. Isn't that so fucking rad????? They both started off fighting them at first, but then they both later mention that they are able to chill with their imps instead. Gamzee shares pie with them and Tavros communicates with them using his powers. I freaking LOVE that parallel. When I first noticed it I almost keeled over. See, I'm also a sucker for characters who like to attempt peace before conflict, so of course I'm going to love that both of them made friends instead of enemies.
So Act 5 Homestuck has already set me up to basically completely love these two characters. Now, I am a really big shipper. In almost every piece of media I go into I generally come out with ships and that's a big way that I engage with fandom. Now Homestuck, I actually didn't ship that much at first when I first started reading, which is pretty strange for me. I think I just kind of let the ships fall into my lap up until that point. I know my brain had really enjoyed the ideas of Karkat and Terezi, Dave and Terezi, and had even teased inklings of "What if?" and "Oh, I like them," about Rose and Kanaya. But for the most part I wasn't really into Homestuck for shipping at first.
The concept of GamTav, or PBJ as it was more commonly referred to then, was introduced to me by my friends. I had two irl friends who were reading the comic with me and they were ahead of me by some decent amount of pages at the time. At one point they started making references to PBJ and really liking PBJ and I was a little confused because I didn't quite know what they were referring to at first. I learned pretty soon that PBJ was Gamzee and Tavros and I remember being really excited for the ship because it was the first time I'd seen my friends get that excited for a ship. Which is really funny because now in the twilight years of the Homestuck fandom, of the three of us, I'm the only one gripping white-knuckled onto GamTav and breathing it like my life depends on it, while the other two have moved on to much different things. If I'm being honest, I'm pretty sure one of them doesn't even really like Gamzee that much anymore, but respects how much I love him and lets me rant and rave to her about him whenever I want.
It wasn't long after that that I finally got to the infamous "Make out a little" conversation between Gamzee and Tavros. I read the pesterlog and suddenly everything I had seen and heard from my friends made sense. I mean, not that I'm saying that's the ONLY reason GamTav makes sense. I just mean I understood what my friends specifically were talking about. Of the pesterlogs we've seen between them before that, Gamzee and Tavros obviously had a decent friendship. I'm pretty sure in the comic Gamzee was the first person to have a pesterlog with Tavros who is genuinely nice to him. (And this is conversation happens directly after Tavros’ conversation with Vriska, so it’s a wild contrast.) So as a friendship, I was already super down with Gamzee and Tavros-- you know what? Now that I think about it, I feel like I remember in [S] Make Her Pay being disappointed that Gamzee and Tavros were fighting alone and not with each other. Because a lot of the other trolls had paired up to be cool duos, you know? We had Karkat and Terezi, Feferi and Sollux, Nepeta and Equius, and I think I remember being bummed that Gamzee and Tavros weren't paired up. So I, at the very least, think I wanted things for these two even if I hadn't stepped into the realm of actually shipping them yet. I don't remember, this was YEARS ago.
Anyway, the infamous makeout conversation happens, and I'm sold hard for life. I have a lot of other Homestuck ships that I'm into and I enjoy, but none have ever, ever, ever, ever come close to GamTav.
I realize that I've written so much and I still haven't gotten to the meat of why I like them.
So I like ships where the parties involved are best friends. I love it when the characters in a ship are bros who love hanging out, who love doing silly things together. That awesome video "What your favorite Homestuck ship says about you" had me dead to rights. Called me out so hard. My ideal ship dynamic is "being stupid together"? Way to come for the throat. That's exactly it. At their core, Gamzee and Tavros are one of the funnest bro combinations I have ever seen. And what makes them so fun is both of them are huge dorks. HUGE dorks.
When we first meet Gamzee, he stares off into the colors of his miracle modus while making the most ridiculous face, tries to unicycle but just fuckin' pieruettes right off if it because his legs are too short, and just straight up reaches into his modus with his bare hands. Don't even get me started on how he scares himself with his own horns. That shit kills me.
We've already talked about how Tavros is a huge nerd, so that's covered. But like… have you heard him rap? This guy just gets so into it and has so much fun while simultaneously sounding so silly. He's flirty and awkward and ridiculous and has this shit eating grin on all the time.
They are those two friends who get up to shenanigans where everyone else around them just kind of shakes their head and thinks that they're so dumb (in an affectionate way), but they don't care because all they DO care about is how much fun they're having together.
One of my favorite things about Homestuck in general is it lets its characters be bad at things. John and Karkat suck at coding. Gamzee, Tavros, and Dave are bad at rapping. Rose becomes a prolific author, but I would argue she's bad at writing when she's 13 because, wow is it a slog to get through her wizard fanfiction LMAO.
And GamTav is a perfect example of two people who just have fun together being bad at things together. There's no pretense of needing to be cool or needing to be good at something or any type of shame or embarrassment. They're just so silly and they don't mind being silly around each other and they never make the other person ashamed of who they are. We even see some of that last bit in the comic. Gamzee never puts Tavros down. In one conversation, he acknowledges Tavros' disability, but doesn't taunt Tavros for it, doesn't make it a joke, or make him feel bad. It's just acknowledged and then they move on. Then Tavros mentions that while he doesn't share Gamzee's religious or spiritual views, he is supportive of them. I am such a sucker for shit like that.
In every way, shape, and form, Gamzee and Tavros are supportive of each other and just and totally uplift the other person. Both of these characters go through so much verbally (both jokingly and maliciously) at the hands of their peers for being who they are that Gamzee and Tavros' conversations were so refreshing to just see them be unabashedly themselves with another person.
And they make each other happy! Tavros' first conversation with Gamzee was the first time we see where Tavros is purely elated to be talking to the person he is talking to. And Tavros obviously makes Gamzee really happy. They just make each other so happy! And I love that shit!
Gamzee is, without restraint, supportive of everything that is Tavros. Gamzee is the type of person who would look at anything Tavros wants to do or is trying to do and put his whole heart in supporting Tavros and telling him, "Yeah bro, you can do this, you're amazing, I love you, go get 'em, you're the best, you can do anything you put your mind to,” and I love that for Tavros.
Gamzee was the friend I spent all of Homestuck wishing Tavros had. Tavros spent so much time talking to Vriska, interacting with Vriska, adventuring with Vriska. And that entire time I was just wishing that Gamzee was there instead, just so Tavros would have someone to be nice to him.
After murderstuck, I spent years waiting for Gamzee and Tavros to meet in a dream bubble. That was all I wanted. I wanted Gamzee to have to look Tavros in the eye and face what he had done, own up to everything to the person he loved most in the world. But of course, post murderstuck, Gamzee gets everything stripped away from him that made him the character he was in the beginning. It wasn't even a satisfying villain arc! It was just confusing! I feel like I could have dealt with it if Gamzee was a well-rounded villain. But instead his entire villain shtick was just surrounded by a bunch of question marks! I spent all of Homestuck waiting to learn what exactly was going on with Gamzee and then we never got that and that fucked me up.
And of course, oh, of course, up until the very end of the series, in the very, very, very last animation we ever see, Homestuck Act 7, Tavros is standing by Vriska's side, as he has had to do since the very beginning.
I haven't read the epilogues or Homestuck 2, so I'm not going to touch on anything that happens in those series and I would appreciate it if no one responded to this with spoilers. Don't even tell me things like, "Oh, you'll like Gamzee," or "Oh, you'll hate Gamzee," or anything like that. I don't want any hints. I already got enough. I want to form my own opinion when I finally get the energy to go in.
Nowadays, I stick almost exclusively to humanstuck AU's for my GamTav. Because even if canon GamTav wasn't so sad and depressing, there are other things that make me way too sad to think about. As a bronze blood, Tavros's lifespan is going to be significantly shorter than Gamzee's. No matter the good or bad context surrounding their relationship. Even if they were the perfect, fluffy, happy couple in canon, I can't deal with that lifespan difference. It breaks my goddamn heart.
I live in a world where I can rewrite the circumstances surrounding these characters and make it play out in a way that is much more to my liking. Writing them in humanstuck AU's lets me take away all of the things that make my heart hurt and instead repurpose them for really meaningful, emotional character building arcs and that's my main focus when it comes to GamTav.
Something I'm also really picky with when it comes to this ship is that I need the core of Gamzee and Tavros' character growth to happen apart from each other. I have found that I don't like stories that center Gamzee and Tavros or their relationship as the pivotal point of their development. I don't like when Gamzee is the pillar of Tavros' confidence. I do like when Gamzee helps out building Tavros' confidence by being supportive and saying nice things and encouraging him, but I don't like it when he is the main source. I don't want Tavros' growth to be hinged on Gamzee being in his life.
The same goes for Gamzee. I don't like stories where Tavros is the one thing keeping Gamzee from doing bad things. I don't like when their relationship is framed as being the one thing keeping Gamzee from going murder mode all over his friends again. I've read fics where Gamzee struggles either with murderous instincts as a troll or mental health as a human and Tavros is one of the only things that keeps him from going off the deep end. I don't like that. I want Gamzee's growth to be primarily on his own or at the very least not supported by his romantic partner. Of course, I love it when Tavros is there when he needs him to hold him or soothe him or say kind things or help him through his struggles. I'm not saying I don't want Tavros to comfort him at all or ever, I just don't want Tavros to be his sole anchor.
I just love idiot best friends in love.
Oh, OH! ALSO. Gamzee doesn’t give a FUCK about the hemospectrum. One of the first things he says to Equius is how he doesn’t get it, how he’s not better than anyone else, how he doesn’t even know how to ACT better than anyone else. How am I not supposed to love that?
Opposite sides of the hemospecturm relationships are so fun. I love the idea of Gamzee entering a room full of strangers and them being like “Oh no! :O !!!! Scary subjuggulator!!” and Tavros comes rushing over all happy and excited and they just snuggle all cute and gross and everyone watching’s jaw just drops.
This might sound weird, but I also think one of the things that endear me to characters is them getting misinterpreted and then me having fun drawing them more ‘accurately’? Tavros is so often depicted as uwu soft weepy boi and I love drawing him with a mischievous grin just as ready to do something stupid and get himself into trouble as Gamzee is. Equius TOLD Tavros not to go near the stairs with his new robo legs. What is one of the things Tavros does immediately? Go try the fuckin’ stairs. And he KEEPS DOING IT.
*lays down on the floor* I just… I just want domestic GamTav where they move into a nice wheelchair accessible home (modified in a similar way to Tavros' hive in Pesterquest) and Gamzee massages Tav's back when it aches and tells him he's the light of his life and in turn Tavros holds Gamzee close on his darker days and Tavros kisses his hands and brushes his hair out of his eyes and boops his nose and they laugh so hard together that they cry.
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Fake dating au where demetris on his third strike with the school counselor so when they're about to fight again he holds his hand instead. Hawk cant help but blush and counselor Blatt jumps to conclusions and tries to be overly accepting
PFFFFT okay this is fuckin great
Like I’m just imagining Demetri doing the PETTIEST bullshit to get back at Hawk for that destroying-his-science-project business, like he writes ���COBRA KAI SUCKS” all over his locker in sharpie in cleverly-disguised handwriting or pours soda on Hawk’s karate equipment and tough dude sportsballs (because come ON--Eli’s had the same locker combination for years, and just because he’s badass now doesn’t mean it would occur to him to change it) or steals his portable hair gel so that the ‘hawk will be sad and sagging by 6th period, and as soon as Hawk catches on to what’s going on, it doesn’t take long for him to figure out who’s behind all this chicanery. And he fuckin goes RIGHT up to Demetri during the next passing period (he knows exactly what part of the school that little nerd is in because he figured out and memorized Demetri’s class schedule SOLELY for harassment purposes and not because he likes him or anything) like “BRO YOU WANNA GO YOU WANNA FUCKIN GO” and Demetri gets ready to fight like “COME AT ME ASSHOLE” and Demetri’s getting ready to throw the world’s meanest punch to start the brawl (because his douchebag ex-best-friend ain’t the only one who can strike first) when the accursed Counselor Blatt rounds the corner.
She turns and fixes an icy glare right on them, and Demetri has to think fast. He unclenches his fist mid-punch and wraps a hand around Eli’s wrist. Eli’s hand flexes out in surprise, and before he can react, Demetri’s fingers have found their way up his wrist and laced with his own. Hawk’s face goes redder than his (already, sadly, beginning to sag) mohawk.
And fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Hawk was absolutely not prepared for this. He absolutely was not prepared for the same goddamn helpless sensation of vertigo to hit as that time he held Demetri’s hand during Red Rover in the 6th grade (how in the hell did a couple of losers like them get invited to play, anyways? The teacher probably made the other kids include them or something). And Hawk fucking hates how warm and pleasant Demetri’s hand feels in his own, and how it fills him with the same hopeless longing that he hoped he could punch away into oblivion as soon as Kreese started training him.
But here comes that stupid-ass counselor, and something tells him that now is not the time to yank his hand away and slam Demetri into the lockers behind them, no matter how much he would like to.
“Demetri? Eli?” Counselor Blatt looks back and forth between the two of them, perplexed. “What’s this?”
“What’s what, Counselor Blatt?” Demetri pulls Hawk closer and swings his other arm around the shorter boy’s shoulders. Hawk can only bristle in barely-concealed rage.
“Did I just...see you about to punch Eli?” she continues. “When you’ve been to our seminar on respectful alternatives to physical aggression?”
“Oh no, you misunderstand!” Demetri laughs, and Hawk wants to smack him. God, his laugh is annoying. He’s annoying. Hawk wants to scream into a wall and he’s not sure why.
“I was just in a hurry to hold my boyfriend’s hand,” he goes on gleefully. “I haven’t seen him all day! Is that okay with you, Counselor Blatt?” He gives the counselor a challenging stare, and Hawk almost feels sorry for the woman and how utterly lost she is.
“I thought you were upset with Mr. Moskowitz here for ruining your science project,” Counselor Blatt says slowly.
“Oh, that?” Demetri snorts. “We were just on a little break. I think that was my indication that good ol’ Eli wasn’t taking it too well. But we worked everything out, and it’s alllll good now!”
He gives the counselor his most winning grin, and Hawk just turns to gape at him. Out of all the absurd directions Demetri could’ve taken this thing, framing him throwing a soccer ball across the cafeteria to smash Demetri’s project as a couple’s fight was one Hawk had not seen coming.
But then again...that did kind of let him off the hook, didn’t it? If all of his messing with Demetri was nothing but silly relationship drama. After all, Counselor Blatt hadn’t lifted a finger when the utter spectacle that was Kyler and Sam LaRusso’s breakup had ravaged the school’s gossip chain.
“You know, you really should be more accepting of LGBT relationships,” Hawk says, making a point to pull out the kicked puppy expression. “It’s hurtful enough that my boyfriend and I get as many stares as we do from other students.”
“I...! Well! I mean!” Counselor Blatt splutters, looking everywhere but their eyes. “I think it’s great you boys are able to...express yourselves so freely! I want this school to be an environment where students of all sexualities are able to be themselves. I’m so happy West Valley High is such a diverse place!” She smiles, brightly but still very confused.
“With all due respect, Counselor Blatt, we’re not just some token gay couple.” Hawk doesn’t let up on the puppy dog eyes. “We’re just two guys who love each other. That’s all. All we want is to be accepted for who we are.”
He feels Demetri stiffen beside him with surprise, but the grip on his hand and around his shoulder doesn’t loosen in the slightest.
Demetri’s really acting like he doesn’t want to let go. He’s really committing to this façade.
Makes sense. When they were in middle school, Demetri always tried to be the class clown--not that it ever worked. Eli would always cheer him up by insisting he had a natural talent for improv. The kid isn’t half bad at acting, he’ll admit.
“And...you are accepted!” Counselor Blatt reassures awkwardly. “I’m...sorry I misunderstood your relationship, boys. I should be better about checking my heterosexual privilege.”
“Not to worry!” Demetri says cheerily. “Anyone who works at being a good ally to the community is always appreciated!”
Hawk resists the urge to roll his eyes. What was this, a fucking gay Sesame Street episode?
“Sorry again, Demetri. Eli. Have a nice day.”
As soon as Counselor Blatt shuffles around the corner and out-of-sight, Hawk tears his hand away (as...reluctant as he admittedly is to do so. Feeling another hand curled around his made him feel calmer and safer than he had in months, no matter what utter pussy’s it was. Disgusting. Kreese would never train him again if he found out, that was for sure.). He shoves Demetri hard--not into the lockers, not in any way that’ll make a noise to be noticed, but enough to knock the wind out of that fucking runt.
“What the fuck was that?” Hawk snarls.
Demetri crosses his arms and glowers at him. “I just saved both of us from a month of detention. It was only so long before she figured out Cobra Kai’s the aggressor around here just as much as Miyagi-Do is.”
Hawk surges forward and tries to shove him again, but Demetri is ready this time and quickly blocks. “What the hell was your grand plan, anyways?” he scoffs. “Pick a fight with me in the middle of the school day?”
Demetri sighs, starting to back away. “Eli, Eli, Eli. I know you’ve got a good brain in there, buddy. Maybe start using it, if all the punches to the head haven’t messed it up too much.”
He taps his head a couple times before turning and disappearing into the throng of students around them. Hawk groans.
Mitch doesn’t make matters better as they walk away. “Dude, were you blushing?”
“Shut the fuck up, man! I was just fucking embarrassed!”
Bert sniggers. “I’ll say. Should I start planning the wedding?”
“Don’t make me fucking deck you! Look...he wanted to stay out of trouble, and I realized I could spin it to our advantage. So I did. We’re in the clear for now.”
“Yeah, only took a bit of...hand-to-hand combat,” Mitch snickers. “What’s next? Judo wrestling him in the janitor’s closet?” He and Bert break out in giggles, and Hawk shoots them both his most seething glare.
“If you mention any of this to Sensei Kreese, I will kill you,” Hawk growls.
“Fair enough,” Mitch says, shrugging. Bert nods in agreement.
Hawk reminds himself to wail especially hard on both of them during practice today.
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Boys Who Speak With Silver Luck
Joe Liebgott x Reader
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Ok, so THIS is more what I was intending to write for you, @itswormtrain​​! Hope you can learn to forgive me!!
This one is a soul sister/unofficial sequel to ‘You’ve Been Sad (Because I’ve Been Lonely)’ bc I’m bad at doing one shots 
Warnings: SMUT, domesticity, fluff, healthy dynamics, poetry being an aphrodisiac, feels(?)
All poetry mentioned is from the anthology No Thanks by ee cummings, and the title is from the song (inspired by 44 by ee cummings) comes from The Boys Are Too Refined by The Hush Sound
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“I still don’t see how you can read those things.”
 You smirk to yourself, nudging his thigh with your foot as he sits at the foot of the bed. 
In retaliation,  Joe lightly traces the tip of his finger up the arch of your right foot and chuckles when you flinch at the tickle of it, the chuckle becoming a laugh when you lower your book and frown at his mirth.
“And here I thought you were actually wanting to do something nice for me,” you tease, letting him pull your foot back into his lap and watching him smirk as he returns to massaging the sore muscles there. “Should’ve known you were gonna betray me eventually….”
 He scoffs at your theatrics, mumbling a soft apology when you hiss in discomfort as his thumb works on a particularly tight knot just above your heel.
 “Why do you wear those things if they hurt your feet so badly?”
 You furrow your brows at him, resting the book on your stomach as you let a smile play on your lips.
 “They’re called heels, and I wear them because they make my legs look amazing.”
 Joe tilts his head to the side as his face takes on a contemplative expression.
  “‘This is true…” he says with a nod. “You look fuckin’ gorgeous in ‘em.”
 You offer a hmph in smug agreement, picking your book back up and continuing where you left off.
 Tonight had been the night of Chuck’s family’s yearly holiday party, the one night where both you and Joe dressed to the nines and got to rub elbows with people Joe and Chuck lovingly referred to as ‘rich snobs with inherent mommy fetishes’. 
Joe never failed to leave you starstruck when he wore his nicest uniform, and even though you didn’t wear yours, Joe always managed to convince you to pin your Purple Heart and as many unit citations you could fit to the breast of whatever dress you picked out. 
 “Fuckin’ love watching those ignorant fuck’s faces when they realize what a badass my wife is,” he had growled in your ear as you had gotten ready that night. “Gets me harder than a goddamn rock, you got no idea…”
 The two of you had danced and drank and laughed over some of the most amazing food you’d ever tasted. It had been perfect.
More and more things were becoming perfect as time went on and the dark horrific shadows of war began to shrink away under the bright California sunshine. 
It was heartbreakingly nice to see Joe happy, truly happy. He deserved it- you all deserved it.
 A groan of frustration is the only warning you get before Joe crawls up your body and plops himself atop you, the suddenness of the action making you release a grunting giggle. Undeterred by the obvious fact that you’re trying to read, he kisses at your chest through your shirt.
 “Pay” kiss “attention” kiss “to meeee” kiss
 You take one hand from the book to scratch lightly at his scalp, smiling at the sound of him humming in annoyance.
 “What’s in that dumb book that’s got you glued to it, huh? What can big words give you that my big—OW.”
 You cut him off by clunking the book gently against the back of his head, giving him a soft smile when he looks up at you with a frown.
 “You’re so needy,” you chastise hollowly. “Never thought you’d get jealous over something as silly as poetry—”
 Joe rolls his eyes. “Poems are for kids and nerds, don’t get what it is about-” he sits up a bit more so he can see the cover of your book. “Whatever an ee cummings is that’s got you so gaga over it…”
 You raise an eyebrow at him. “Believe it or not, Joseph, I think you’d actually like this guy’s poems—”
 Joe snorts before bringing his head back down to rest on your chest. “Yeah, okay—”
 “Hey,” you challenge, scooting up on your pillows so you can sit up, the movement bringing his head to your ribcage. “I’m serious! If you were to like any sort of poetry, you’d need it to be as sexual and swear-y as you are…. Here, listen-”
 Before he can protest, you flip to the one you had in mind: 44.
 “the boys i mean are not refined 
they go with girls who buck and bite 
they do not give a fuck for luck 
they hump them thirteen times a night
 one hangs a hat upon her tit 
one carves a cross on her behind 
they do not give a shit for wit 
the boys i mean are not refined…”
 “Gimme that!”
 Suddenly, the book is ripped from your hand- and before you can protest you are shocked to see Joe turn the book so he can bury his nose in it. Careful not to be smug about it, you bite back a smile as you watch him mouth the words as he reads. 
 The fact that you’re able to hold in a laugh when his eyebrows shoot up in surprise should make you eligible for another Purple Heart.
 When Joe’s eyes flick up to meet yours, he’s looking at you as if you’ve just done some suspicious slide of hand- intrigued but still somewhat cautious.
 “Well?” you ask. “What did you think?”
 Joe flicks his gaze down to the book again, like he thinks it may have changed somehow when he wasn’t looking.
 “Are they….all like this?”
 You do smile now. “Well, I’m not sure- I haven’t read them all yet.”
An idea pops into your mind as he flips through the pages of the book.
 “If you give it back, I can see if I can find another—”
 Joe suddenly smirks, and when he lifts his face so you can see him, he’s looking like the cat that ate the canary.
“Read this one.”
 Now you’re the hesitant one, taking the book back from him as if it could suddenly turn into a snake.
The poem he’s picked  is one you haven’t read yet, but if it’s one that Joe picked out you can only imagine what the subject matter is.
 “Okay then,” you say slowly, clearing your throat as you cast him a brief look of suspicion before beginning.
 “may i feel said he
 (i'll squeal said she 
just once said he) 
it's fun said she”
 (may i touch said he
 how much said she
 a lot said he) 
why not said she….”
 As you read, Joe’s hands come up to hold your sides as he kisses slowly across your chest, your stomach. Every so often, his thumbs smooth upward to rub across your shirt-covered  nipples, and you can feel him smile as he kisses at you.
 Your shirt has bunched up, revealing your hips and the sensitive skin between them. Your cheeks feel hot, and your mouth suddenly becomes dry as his lips drag between your hip bones promisingly.
His hair tickles your skin when he begins mouthing lower, to the waistband of your underpants.
 “Yeah?” you sigh, tongue wetting your bottom lips as you begin to breathe heavier.
 “Keep reading.”
 Oh. You hadn’t realized that you’d stopped.
Clearing your throat, you blink a few times before finding the place you left off.
 “Uh, (let's go said he 
not too far said she 
what's too far said he 
where you are said she)
 may i stay said he 
(which way said she 
like...like this said he 
I-if you kiss said she- shit, Joe….”
 Joe’s warm hands have worked your underwear down your hips and around the swell of your bottom, and the heat of his breath across the thinner skin that he’s exposed has you losing focus again.
Because he’s nothing if not a consummate tease, he doesn’t do anything more than kiss only a sliver of the newly revealed skin.
 “Y/N…” he reminds you, nipping lightly at you when you groan in frustration. “I think there’s still some to go—”
 Your heart is thrumming in your chest, and it takes you a few seconds to find where you left off this time.
 “M-may i move said he
 is it love said she) 
if you're…..uh, if you’re willing said he 
(but….. you're killing said she….”
 The words have started to dance across the page, a whine coming from somewhere deep in your chest at the first touch of his fingers to the slick lips of your sex.
You’ve officially lost your place, now. You just pick the stanza your eye catches first and hope for the best.
 “(tiptop said he 
don't stop said she
 oh no said he) 
go slow said she- fuuuuuck…..
 I-(cccome?said he….goddamn it Joe, please!”
 You throw the book off to the side, sweat beading on your brow from how deliberately cruel Joe is being as he continues massaging at you. When Joe sees that you’ve started to shake, he lunges up the bed to wrap a hand around the back of your neck and kisses you messily- your teeth clacking together briefly as he buries his fingers inside of you and immediately finds the place that never fails to ruin you.
 Clinging to the front of his shirt, you squeeze your thighs together as a delicious tremor rolls up your body from where you’ve trapped his hand. You’re so worked up you almost want to cry, the heat in your lower belly almost bowing your back.
 “Does that feel good, Baby?” he mumbles against your lips. “Who is it that’s making you feel this good, huh?”
 You make an incoherent noise, quickly wrapping am arm around his shoulders to try and bring his mouth back to yours, mewling in frustration when he refuses to do so.
 “Ungh! Joe, I’m begging you!”
 “Say it again,” he says darkly, and if you had the strength to open your eyes you’d see just the power-drunk way he is looking down at you. “Do it—”
 “Joe! Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe….”
 You chant his name like a prayer, your voice dying in your throat as he starts using his palm to stimulate your neglected clit.
 With a silent scream, you come apart, head lolling back as he continues to coax you through your orgasm, dimly aware of the praise being kissed across your chin as he refuses to relent the punishing paste he’s established.
 Your face is throbbing with the strength of your thudding heart when he finally starts to slow down, your body still bowing and writhing as he begins to coo down at you sweetly, capturing your lips with his as your shaking starts to subside and your sweat begins to cool.
 “Good girl,” he sighs into your mouth. “You’re such a good girl for me….”
 You don’t reply- can’t reply.  Joe’s reduced you into a boneless mess of a woman.
 When you do eventually open your eyes, Joe is smiling down at you with an obvious affection that threatens to get your heart racing once more. Not taking his eyes from yours, he gently slides his fingers from your still-fluttering sex and makes a show of licking them clean. 
 With a mischievous wink, he uses his other hand to smooth your hair from your forehead before carefully rolling so he’s laying beside you, his shoulder pressed against your as he chuckles.
 “Huh, whaddaya know,” he says after he releases one of his fingers from between his lips with a lewd pop. “Guess poetry isn't that bad.”
 Using all of your energy, you turn your head to give him the weakest glare you think you’ve ever given.
 “When….when I can breathe witho’ havin’ to think about it so hard, I’m gon’ make you cum til you pass out.”
 Joe gives you a smiling kiss.
“And I’ll let you….once we finish round two.”
 Well, looks like I’ll be going back to the bookstore sooner than I thought.
~ ~ ~ Taglist: @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando​ @teenmagazines​ @liebgotttme​
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baepsaesbae · 4 years
Heal Me, Kill Me Ch.5 (Final Chapter)
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x female reader
Genre— Vampire!Taehyung x Vampire Hunter!reader, SMUT +18, angst
Warnings— Unprotected explicit sex, fingering, blood mentions, death, oral (f and m receiving), creampie, overstimulation 
Word Count— 6.3k
Summary— You’re one of the best vampire hunters in the world. That’s to be expected when your parents are the best of the best. Your life had solely revolved around ruthlessly killing vampires, making you a cold blooded machine. However, things take a turn once you meet Kim Taehyung, your latest target.
A/N— Huge shoutout to @dee-ehn for this beautiful banner! Thank you to everyone who has given this series a read. It’s very special to me and it’s bittersweet that it’s now over. Please let me know what you guys think!
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“Let me get this straight, the VEC HQ is completely gone? Wiped out?” you questioned as you tried to grasp the situation.
“Apparently they were hit with a massive ambush. A huge horde of vampires led under a single commander, it seemed like. I got a call during the middle of the raid. All I could hear were screams and the caller’s laugh. I was given a time and place for a meet up,” Yoongi explained further. 
“Perfect, let’s go burn the sons of bitches,” Jungkook got up energetically.
“There are only four of us,” Taehyung observed with a judgmental glance towards the young man. 
“There are only THREE VEC members left. The only reason you’re still alive is because ___ insisted on it. Mark my words, one slip up, and you’re dead. Got that?” Yoongi corrected him. Taehyung solemnly nodded. 
“So, what do we do? HQ is gone, but surely we can contact the other agencies around the globe,” you suggested.
“Already tried that. They saved the best for last. There is no one we can ask for help,” Jungkook shook his head. 
“I can go. Alone, I mean. To the rendezvous point you were given,” Taehyung offered. 
“And do what? Join forces with them?” Yoongi glared. 
“An attempt at diplomacy would be ideal. Should they choose violence, then so be it. If I die, I die. But at least you will be safe,” Taehyung looked at you while he said that last sentence. 
“Sounds good to me--”
“Absolutely not,” you interrupted Yoongi, “If we really are the last people qualified as vampire hunters, I say we go down swinging. I can’t just sit by knowing there are murderous vampires on the loose. We all took an oath to protect mankind. I intend to keep that oath.”
Yoongi and Jungkook exchanged looks. Jungkook was all for it, eager to let out his rage. It took a bit more to convince Yoongi, but he reluctantly agreed. He really took to heart what you said about the VEC oath.
“Here are the coordinates I was given. We have three days to get there,” Yoongi brought up the site on Google Earth.
“What the hell? That looks like an abandoned castle. That’s kind of badass. Major Castlevania vibes,” Jungkook gawked as he zoomed in closer.
“I know this place,” Taehyung said quietly. 
“You do?” the remaining VEC members asked in unison.
“I believe so. And if who I think is involved truly is involved...I fear we may be in deeper trouble than I thought,” he said ominously. 
“Fuckin terrific,” Yoongi grumbled. 
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“Thank god Yoongi brought the private jet over here,” you sighed as you watched the trees below you grow smaller and smaller.
“Thank god I have the credit card for the VEC funds. I would be remiss if we lost all that money,” Yoongi called back using the intercom. 
“Flying via private jet is probably one of my favorite parts of the job. Hey, you good over there, Fangs?” Jungkook coined a nickname for his new vampire acquaintance. 
You looked over to see Taehyung’s face paler than usual as he tightly gripped the armrests of his seat. He slowly looked over towards the pair of you and nodded, though he was clearly lying. You couldn’t help but chuckle at him. His fear of flying was adorable, who would’ve known that an undead creature could be scared of planes?
“I’m gonna go join Yoongi in the cockpit, I love the view from there,” Jungkook said to no one in particular as he stood up once cruising altitude was reached. 
You unbuckled your seat belt and went over to comfort Taehyung, who looked queasier by the minute. You handed him a bottle of water.
“Sorry, we don’t have any blood bags on the plane,” you joked.
“I appreciate the gesture, darling,” Taehyung meekly smiled.
“I didn’t know you were scared of flying,” you said with an amused grin.
“I’ve never been a fan. People traveling in the air? It’s just not natural,” Taehyung shook his head in distaste.
“I don’t think you’re one to talk about what’s natural, but I get that. I wish there was a way I could get you to unwind. We have quite a long way to go before we reach our destination,” you straddled his lap and ran your fingers through his hair, “I can get off if you feel like you need to puke,” you quickly added.
“No, I think a distraction is exactly what I need,” Taehyung’s eyes darkened as he unbuckled his seat belt and gripped your hips.
Your hips began to move on their own as they grinded against him. You could feel his clothed erection growing under you, which only spurred you on more. Taehyung leaned forward to kiss you, and accidentally bit your lip in his excitement. He quickly lapped up the small dribble of blood that surfaced, and that alone seemed to make him more ravenous. Taehyung started to guide your hips, pushing you harder and faster against him.
“You want me?” Taehyung exhaled against your lips.
“I need you. Take off your pants, Tae,” you instructed as you climbed off of him.
“The others won’t intrude?” Tae asked with a smirk as he tugged down his pants.
“Yoongi is flying the jet, and I don’t give a fuck if Jungkook walks in on us,” you answered as you sank to your knees. 
You wasted no time in taking a firm hold of Taehyung cock. Your now ice cold hand caused Taehyung to shudder, a feeling he would now have to get used to. Luckily, the friction from your quick pumping warmed him back up, and he was able to fully enjoy himself. How could he not, when he sees your eager eyes gazing up at him with your lips wrapped around his tip. Your tongue swirled around his sensitive head, making a small moan escape from his lips.
“You have to be quiet, or else I’ll stop,” you warned him. It felt good to hold somewhat of a dominant position over him, but also you would rather not be walked in on. Taehyung nodded his head and licked his lips as you returned to the task at hand. 
Drool dripped down his long cock as you bobbed your head up and down. You tried to fit as much of him in your mouth as you could, but his sheer size made it damn near impossible. Taehyung couldn’t help himself as he grabbed the back of your head and shoved his dick further down your throat. You gagged as he took control of your mouth, but he stopped as soon as he saw tears welling in your eyes.
“I’m sorry darling, did I hurt you?” he asked with concern as he stroked your cheek.
“I’m fine, it’s an involuntary reaction. You’re too sweet,” you smiled as you stood up and unbuttoned your pants, “But since you made me cry I guess it’s only fair for you to make it up to me.”
You straddled over Taehyung, teasing your bare pussy over his hard cock. You wanted him to feel how wet you were before he even penetrated you. As much as you wanted to milk this moment, you really would rather for Jungkook to NOT walk in on you in the middle of getting down and dirty. 
You slowly lowered yourself onto Taehyung’s dick, softly gasping as he stretched you out. You both let out a blissful sigh once you reached his base. You took your time fucking him slowly, as this was one of the few times that you had control in an intimate setting. Taehyung gripped your hips harshly; his eyes begged for you to go faster. Lust took over and you gave in. You began to ride him harder and faster, and soon it was a struggle for both of you to stay quiet. 
Lewd wet sounds echoed around the cabin as you hid your face in the crook of Taehyung's neck at a poor attempt to muffle your moans. Taehyung in turn could barely hold back his deep grunts since he took control with a tight grip on your ass as he fucked upwards into you. With Taehyung drilling into your sweet spot with inhumane speed, the intensity made you clamp down on his neck hard enough to draw blood. Taehyung came quickly after you bit him, releasing his load into your ravaged pussy. 
You licked at his wound, his blood only adding to the euphoria pulsing around your body. Taehyung kissed you passionately before you hopped off in search of napkins to clean yourself off with. The sound of the cockpit door opening sent you and Taehyung into a frenzy. Clothes were put back on in record time and you both were sitting properly in your respective seats when Jungkook came to rejoin you.
“You’re looking better, Fangs,” Jungkook observed. 
“I just needed some time to adjust,” Taehyung said smoothly. 
“You guys know we have cameras and microphones rigged around this cabin right? And it’s all viewable from the cockpit?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow.
Taehyung’s eyes grew large and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Neither of you could make eye contact with Jungkook, who was looking at both of you expectantly. 
“This is why I do not appreciate modern technology. Personal privacy is a thing of the past,” Taehyung confessed.
Jungkook burst out into a fit of laughter, clutching at his sides as he tried to talk.
“I was fucking with you. I mean yeah there are cameras and shit but security is in the back and gets sent directly to HQ. Which no longer exists. Fuck, you guys are so horny,” Jungkook laughed.
“Fuck off Jungkook,” you rolled your eyes and turned away to hide your reddened cheeks. 
“How’s it feel being part of the Mile High Club?” Jungkook slung his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders from behind. 
“I am assuming that has something to do with intercourse in the sky?” Taehyung questioned. Jungkook nodded excitedly.
“In that case, I rather enjoyed it,” Taehyungn concluded thoughtfully.
“Tae! You don’t have to indulge this idiot,” you cried out.
“Thanks for being honest. Yoongi and I made a bet. He’s gonna be so pissed,” Jungkook sing songed as he walked back towards the cockpit.
You and Taehyung quietly listened as you heard Jungkook say, “Hey Yoongi, time to cough up that $200!”
“Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell ___! God dammit,” Yoongi exclaimed loud enough to be heard clearly through the door (and with your heightened sense of hearing).  
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The decrepit castle basked in the pale moonlight as the four of you peered at it through the bushes. The rest of the plane ride was awkward and Yoongi hadn’t been able to make eye contact with you since. He kept shooting death glares at Taehyung while Jungkook kept making funny faces at the both of you. You sighed knowing odds were that the castle was filled with bloodthirsty vampires guarding the strongest one of them all, and the only ones going up against them was your ragtag team. You suddenly made peace with dying...again. 
“So what’s the plan again?” Jungkook asked.
“I can go and try to reason with them. If you hear the sounds of an altercation then that would indicate your cue to join the fight,” Taehyung offered.
“I’m not risking you turning over to their side just to screw us over,” Yoongi sneered. 
“Yoongi he wouldn’t--”
“That’s reasonable. What other plan do we have then?” Taehyung interrupted your oncoming protest.  
“We go all at once. A cool final last stand thing. The grand finale. I don’t want to go into hiding and spend the rest of my life trying to pick these suckers off one by one. They’re all here. Or at least, the one that matters most anyway,” Jungkook gave his input, “Oh, but you matter to me, Fangs,” he shot a smile at Taehyung, who gave him a small polite bow to show his gratitude. 
“So we go in guns blazing?” you asked to sum up the plan. The men all nodded in agreement. It was now or never. Jungkook was right, this was a prime opportunity to take out the ring leader. 
All of you sported long black trench coats that concealed many weapons. Guns with blessed bullets, blessed blades, and water guns filled with holy water (Jungkook’s favorite) were among the vast assortment. You subtly left out wearing crucifixes as you normally would, hoping that no one would notice. Taehyung didn’t need any fancy weaponry, but Jungkook gave him a coat so that he could “match the team in its kickassery”. 
Yoongi was staring at something in his hand away from the others. You approached him slowly. You didn’t know what to say to him on the potential last night of your lives, but you hoped something would come to mind.
“Whatcha got there?” you questioned, peering over his shoulder. 
“An old picture. Have you ever seen this before? Here,” Yoongi handed you the picture. It was old, and the camera quality was not the greatest. However, you were able to make out a smiling Yoongi off to the side.
“Wow you look the same,” you joked.
“This was my VEC graduation picture. See anyone else you know?” he asked. You examined the picture a second time.
“Mom and dad…” you trailed off. They were practically strangers to you. It was odd seeing them like this; young and happy, not knowing their grim future. Before you knew it, you were crying. You didn’t realize it until Yoongi called your name with concern.
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s going on,” you apologized while wiping your tears away, “I guess I just don’t want to lose you too.
“I couldn’t bear to lose you either, ___. I promise I’ll do everything I can to protect you. But knowing you, you’ll probably be the one saving my old ass,” Yoongi chuckled as he patted you on the back.
“Guys! We gotta go!” Jungkook beckoned.
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If this were a movie, the scene where the main characters walk in slow motion like badasses towards the enemy would be playing. However, this was not a movie, and you were scared shitless. Sure, you technically were a vampire now, but that won’t stop them from killing you again. 
“I know I said this place was cool before, but now it’s giving me the creeps,” Jungkook whispered as you all followed the rugged path that led to the stone bridge in front of the main gate.
The once grand door was now ripped off its hinges, laying a few yards away from the entryway as if it was carelessly cast aside. You took a deep breath as you followed Taehyung into the castle. Beams of moonlight illuminated the castle in rays as it shone through cracks and holes in the walls. The castle was oddly bare, most of its belongings were probably looted a long time ago. All that was left was memories of the past that no one cared about and a few rats that have lived there for decades. 
Your party made it to what must have been the throne room. There was not a single sign of life. It was eerily quiet, and the only movements you saw were those of the vermin that dwelled within the decaying walls. The throne room was dark, and Jungkook led the way with a single lighter. 
“What the hell? Is this place really empty--”
“Welcome, honored guests!” a loud voice boomed as braziers suddenly lit up the room. 
You cowered at the sudden brightness. Once your eyes adjusted, you saw a single figure sitting in the throne at the front of the room. One of his legs was slung over an armrest as he rested his chin on his hand over the other. He depicted a spitting image of a cocky King drunk on power. 
“I’m so thrilled you all could join me this evening. Oh, what’s this? An old friend? How serendipitous,” he sat up straight now as he leaned forward to get a better look at his visitors. 
“Why did you summon us here?” Yoongi cut right to the chase. 
“Very blunt and straight to the point are we? You must be the failed VEC’s headmaster. Min Yoongi, was it? I wanted to talk business. But I must say, this is a rather odd bunch you have here,” the man chuckled, “Are you aware that there are vampyres amongst your company?”
“Yes, this one--wait, vampires? With an ‘s’?” Yoongi’s face scrunched up in confusion. 
“Oh yes, that girl over there,” the strange man gestured towards you with his chin.
“What?!” Yoongi yelled with incredulity, “Taehyung, if we get out of here alive I’m gonna murder you myself!”
“It was my decision! I asked him to do it!” you admitted while jumping in front of Taehyung to protect him from a furious Min Yoongi. 
“Hah, I knew it,” Jungkook said with a devious grin.
“You know what? I’ll beat all of your asses after this,” Yoongi hissed before turning his attention back to the man on the throne, “Anyway, what do you want?”
“I simply wanted to negotiate with you Mr. Min. But I believe we’re all in for a rather interesting night,” the man licked his lips, “Tell me, how long has it been, Taehyung?”
In an instant, Taehyung was strangling the man on the throne. He was so fast that you didn’t even register his movement until you heard him yelling.
“You bastard! You ruined my life! Over and over again! Now I can finally kill you with my own hands,” he growled with a murderous look in his eyes that you have never seen before. 
“Taehyung stop! You’ll have your chance with him, but for now we need answers,” you pulled Taehyung away as Jungkook put the vampire in blessed restraints. 
“Ouch, that hurts,” the vampire pouted, “Still just as dramatic as ever I see, Taehyung. I like your spark though. Almost the same as the night we met, all those years ago.”
“I will kill you,” Taehyung threatened. 
“What did this guy do to you, Fangs?” Jungkook asked.
“He’s the one that turned me,” Taehyung admitted. 
“Can you believe that? It feels like it was just yesterday when I slaughtered your little village. How silly was it that all the men were in the tavern, drinking and fucking whores while their families were left unattended. That didn’t sit right by me, I’m a man of morals. So I killed everyone in the tavern after I had my fill of lonely housewives and innocent children. Except Taehyung. He was the only man who was ever able to put a scratch on me. I forgot I could even bleed, it was honestly a refreshing sight. In the spur of the moment, I rewarded him with eternal life. Could you believe my surprise when he said he didn’t want to be my henchman?” the detained vampire explained. 
“You killed my family and everyone that I knew! Of course I wouldn’t want to be your stupid sidekick, you daft idiot,” Taehyung rebuttled in disgust.
“It was a shame. Poor sweet Maggie didn’t deserve what happened to her,” the vampire looked down at the ground somberly.
“You...you did what?” Taehyung interrogated with a shaky voice. 
“I managed to catch a glimpse of you and your happy life in London. Excuse me for being a little petty about you declining my offer to be my travel buddy. I get lonely, you know. Every other vampire I turn becomes such a drag and I end up killing them myself. So I gave a little tip to the VEC and the rest is history,” the vampire shrugged. 
“Hoseok you snake! You’re the scum of the Earth! I’ll tear your throat out,” Taehyung screamed as he shook off Jungkook and lunged at the captured vampire. Taehyung slashed a giant gash in the middle of Hoseok’s chest, spewing blood everywhere.
“If I die, so do they,” Hoseok said nonchalantly as Taehyung was about to sink his fangs into his jugular. That made Taehyung reluctantly pause and shrink back.
“Taehyung, you can have the honor of killing this piece of shit after I’m done talking to him,” Yoongi stated, “Your name is Hoseok?”
“Jung Hoseok, at your service. I’m thinking of J-Hope as a street name if I decide to make my dancing skills public. Not to brag, but I’m also the strongest vampire to ever live. I normally don’t bleed this much, it’s embarrassing,” Hoseok looked away bashfully as blood flowed freely from his chest.
“Why did you say that if you die we die?” Yoongi asked with urgency. 
“Well because there are roughly 100 vampires who haven’t fed in a month waiting at my command. My dominion over them is the only thing keeping you safe. With me gone, they’ll be free from their invisible leashes,” Hoseok smiled.
“Nothing is stopping us from dragging your sorry ass away from here,” Jungkook snarled.
“You think they’ll idly sit by and watch their master be whisked away in shackles? I can tell who wasn’t top of their class,” Hoseok giggled. 
“What was the deal you had in mind?” Yoongi kept up his stoic act.  
“Total immunity. I’ll even have all 100 henchmen kill themselves as a show of good faith,” Hoseok flashed a sly smile. 
“No can do, I already promised Taehyung he could kill you,” Yoongi sighed.
“Is he part of the VEC? The deal would have to last for the rest of eternity between me and the VEC. If I die in a vampire fight then that’s on me,” Hoseok tilted his head in confusion. 
“Give me a minute to discuss this with my colleagues,” Yoongi said before leading you and Jungkook to the opposite side of the room, “What do we do? His offer seems too good to be true.”
“It seems fair since he said he’d kill off his henchman on his own. I’m sure Taehyung can kick his ass,” Jungkook added. 
“And if Tae loses? Then we have nothing that’ll stop him from killing us. It’s too risky. I don’t trust him one bit,” you concluded. 
“We can’t possibly win against him plus 100 starving vampires. We’ll be dead meat in seconds,” Yoongi argued. 
Meanwhile, Taehyung looked down in disgust at Hoseok as they had their own conversation.
“I think we were fated to be together. I never thought you’d be here,” Hoseok batted his eyes at Taehyung.
“You’re lucky they’re here to stop me. Otherwise you’d regret letting me live,” Taehyung snapped.
“So why are you here? I’m guessing it has something to do with that girl. Don’t tell me, did you turn her?” Hoseok’s eyes grew large, “Wow, you’ve grown stronger than I could have hoped! If we combine our powers we can rule this world.”
“You’re delusional if you think I’d join you after all of this.”
“Then I’ll enjoy tearing apart your plaything in front of your eyes,” Hoseok smirked. 
“If you lay a finger on her then I’ll--”
“We’ll accept your terms after a few more clarifications,” Yoongi interrupted, “First of all, we don’t think we can trust you. After all, you wiped out the VEC HQ. I have no doubt that the global branches have fallen as well. There’s nothing stopping you from killing us as soon as we let you free.”
“We both know that you never would have agreed to meet with me if I hadn’t done anything drastic. I needed to get rid of the grunts to get to the King, simple as that. Believe me, if I wanted you dead you all would have been slain the moment your fancy plane landed,” Hoseok shrugged.
“Then why did you let us live? Why go through the trouble?” Jungkook questioned.
“For the drama of it all, dear boy. When you get to be as old as I am, living gets boring. I’m not sure if you could tell, but I live for theatrics and thrill. Oh and I’m planning on taking over the world or whatever,” Hoseok admitted happily. 
“And you think we’d let you get away with that?” Yoongi scoffed.
“I’m simply offering you a little peace offering. Of course I wouldn’t hurt you three, and you’re all welcome to kill any vampires that come across your path. It’s more of a mutual immunity actually. This benefits you people more than me. If you disagree, you’re dead anyway,” Hoseok smiled wide enough to show off his fangs.
“Fine. The VEC accepts your terms. You have my word that the VEC will never harm you,” Yoongi declared, “But first, we must see your troops fall with our own eyes.”
“Pleasure doing business with you, I knew you’d be smart. And that’s fair,” Hoseok whistled and the ground began to rumble as an army of vampires came running into the throne room. 
The soldiers made orderly lines and awaited their orders. Some of them salivated at the sight of your party, but they didn’t dare move an inch without permission. They were the most ravenous vampires you’ve ever seen, and would want to avoid fighting them at all cost.
“My dear underlings. You have all served me well. You’ll be in my heart as I create a new world. I ask one last thing of you. Rip out your own heart to show your devotion to me. May your souls rest in peace,” Hoseok gave a short uninspiring speech.
You watched in horror as the army chanted “Long Live Hoseok” along with random whoops and hollers. They were extremely lively and hyped up as they plunged their own fists into their chests. Fountains of red erupted across the room as they ripped out their own hearts. You let out a sigh of relief as you watched the last soldier fall. 
“That was wild,” Jungkook said with a deer in headlights expression. 
“Really makes you feel something huh? A deals a deal,” Hoseok chirped up expectantly. 
Hoseok was tackled to the ground as soon as he was released. Taehyung yelled with fury as he reopened the nearly healed gash he inflicted earlier. Hoseok reacted by hurling Taehyung into the opposite wall. 
“I haven’t had a real fight in ages. Don’t disappoint me, Taehyung,” Hoseok laughed as he spat out blood.
A rock was hurled at incredible speed from where Taehyung landed. Hoseok was quick enough to dodge the rock, but not Taehyung. Once again, the vampires were on the ground and Taehyung was aiming for Hoseok’s throat. Jungkook shot a blessed bullet into Hoseok’s leg, causing him to howl out in pain.
Hoseok tossed Taehyung aside with newfound strength as his eyes glowed red. He set his sights on Jungkook and his lips curled up into an evil smile.
“You dare to break the contract, boy? I’m gonna make you regret that,” Hoseok warned.
Another blessed bullet lodged itself into Hoseok’s back, making him crumple to the ground. He turned in distress to see you wielding the gun with a cocky smirk plastered on your face. Yoongi kicked him onto his back, and spat in his face. With a quick motion of his arm, a wooden stake peeked out of the opening of his sleeve. With a yell, he plunged the wooden stake into Hoseok’s chest.
“Filthy liars,” Hoseok sputtered as blood dribbled down his chin.
“We agreed that the VEC would never harm you. However, you singlehandedly dismantled the company and the establishment is no more. I was the headmaster, but now I’m just a jobless son of a bitch,” Yoongi said triumphantly as he pushed the stake deeper.  
“We did it Yoongles!” you cheered before you heard the sounds of bones breaking. The smile dropped from your face instantly as you zipped over to Yoongi.
“An eye for an eye. Well played, Mr. Min Yoongi,” Hoseok croaked with his hand buried in Yoongi’s chest.
Taehyung quickly decapitated Hoseok with a strong kick. Hoseok’s body turned to dust as his head rolled across the floor for a few seconds before it also reverted to nothingness. 
“Yoongi! Yoongi!” you cried as you cradled him in your arms. Warm blood gushed out of his chest as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Jungkook sank to his knees beside you and held onto Yoongi’s hand. 
“Taehyung, go start up the jet! We have to get him to a hospital!” you demanded with tears running down your cheeks.
“He doesn’t know how to,” Jungkook said softly, trying to comfort you.
“We have to help him!” you sobbed. 
“___,” Yoongi whispered weakly. 
“Shhh, you’ll be okay. Don’t speak,” you begged. 
“Love...you...Be...happy…,” Yoongi rasped before gagging on his own blood. 
You and Jungkook cried over Yoongi’s body for a long time after it had gone cold. Jungkook held you as you cried into his chest as you soiled his clothes with tears and snot. To be fair, his tears and snot ended up all over your hair. Taehyung wanted to comfort you, but he knew Jungkook was a better fit for this job. Afterall, Yoongi was special to both of you. He was the parent neither of you had, and always took care of you guys in his own special way. 
After the sobs subsided, you and Jungkook stared blankly at the body before you. You’ve always been surrounded by death, it never bothered you. You didn’t need emotions in this line of work. You never thought you could feel pain like this. 
“He was a hero. I’m sorry for your loss,” Taehyung finally spoke as he placed a hand on both of your shoulders to show his condolences.
“Thanks, Tae.”
“Thanks, Fangs,” both you and Jungkook said in unison. 
Yoongi was buried outside of the castle, in the clearing where the private jet landed. There were no fancy rituals or blessings. Only a few words of gratitude uttered by both you and Jungkook. It was still too soon to say much more before either of you would start crying again. The feelings were there, and that’s all that mattered. 
The sun began to rise as the three of you sat inside the private jet in silence. You were lost. The VEC was truly no more. The biggest vampire threat (that you weren’t even aware of until a few days prior) was defeated.  Now what?
“What are you going to do now?” you asked Jungkook. 
“No clue. I guess I’ll travel. I have nothing else to do,” he shrugged, “What about you guys?”
“I think I want to open up a flower shop,” you said absentmindedly.
“A flower shop? Like the one Yoongi set up for you?” Jungkook was confused. 
“Yeah. I can either try to make that one work or start up my own elsewhere. I don’t know. I just think that would...make me happy,” you answered softly.
“Would you like some help with that?” Taehyung asked as he interlocked his fingers with yours. 
“Who else is gonna teach me how to make such beautiful bouquets? Plus I don’t have a green thumb so I’ll need you to help keep the plants alive until we can sell them,” you answered and squeezed Taehyung’s hand. 
“It’ll suck now that we don’t have a job but--wait,” Jungkook scrolled on his phone, “___, check your bank account.” 
You stared in disbelief at the obscene amount of extra zeros that had magically appeared in your balance. Yoongi must have transferred what was left of the VEC funds to you and Jungkook at some point. Thinking about Yoongi looking out for you one final time made you tear up again. 
“I’ll drop you guys off wherever you want. I’m assuming neither of you know how to fly so I’m calling dibs on the private jet,” Jungkook stood up.
“Bold of you to assume I don’t have a piloting license, but you can take it since Taehyung hates flying,” you rolled your eyes at Jungkook before continuing, “Tae do you want to go back to your estate?”
“We don’t have to. I like the idea of starting anew,” Taehyung smiled.
“How does Paris sound?” you offered. 
“C’est magnifique. I’m sure we’ll find a way to start a successful flower shop there,” Taehyung nodded in agreement. 
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It had been five years since the VEC was destroyed. You never knew what a normal life was like, but now you wouldn’t trade it for the world. Sure, your new “normal” still technically wasn’t normal since you needed to consume blood to live and the sun was your mortal enemy, but you made it work. 
Business was booming. “Min’s Blossoms” was the name of your flower shop, and every day was an adventure. Having Taehyung as your business partner proved to be more beneficial than you thought. Other than his floral expertise, his appearance is what really got the business off the ground. Apparently, rumors of a mysterious and handsome man who worked at a local flower shop were being spread around the city. Women flocked to the store to catch a glimpse of Taehyung, and soon they all started buying flowers just for a chance to talk to him. Taehyung was worried that that might upset you, but you reassured him that you were happy that the store was doing so well so early on.
Now Min’s Blossoms had become part of the Paris landscape along with all the other little fancy boutiques. Taehyung was in charge of putting together orders, while you handled most of the business side. Your teamwork was impeccable and made even the busiest days enjoyable. 
“Are you happy?” Taehyung asked one morning while in bed.
“Honestly, I didn’t think it was possible to be this happy,” you rolled over to kiss his forehead.
“Do you ever miss your old life?” he prodded.
“Why so many questions today? As much as I loved brutally murdering monsters and constantly putting my life on the line, I would say no. This life is more pleasant. How ironic is it that I had to die in order to truly live,” you stared off into the distance as you uttered that last sentence.
“My apologies, I only wanted to ask since I know you tend to get pensive during this time of the year,” Taehyung stroked your cheek. 
“Thanks for always being so sweet to me. I love you, Tae,” you whisper before leaning in for a kiss. 
What started as an innocent kiss soon turned into something more tainted when your hand found its way to Taehyung’s already hard cock (who knew vampires can still get morning wood?). He didn’t let you take the lead as he pushed you flat on your back and pressed his thigh against your cunt. You giggled as he kissed a trail down your neck and over your collarbones as he fondled your breasts. He latched his mouth onto one of your breasts and his tongue swirled around your nipple as his free hand ripped off your panties. 
Taehyung’s fingers slipped inside you easily since you were already sopping wet for him. He smirked as the curl of his fingers made you moan and squirm beneath him. Taehyung pulled away from your breast with a satisfying “pop” and slid down to face your bare pussy. He licked shallow stripes along your folds to tease you, and let out a low chuckle when you whined for more. He placed a finger on your clit and started to rub it rapidly, not giving you any time to adjust to the intense sensation. It only took a few seconds before you were moaning and shaking at his touch.
Taehyung wasn’t finished. He went back to eating you out while pumping two fingers inside of you. The overstimulation had you seeing stars. You cried out as you came again, drenching his chin with your juices. Taehyung gave you a satisfactory grin as he rose from between your legs to align his dick with your dripping pussy.
You groaned as he filled you up. He went slow at first, his eyes closed with pleasure. You gazed at him fondly while he fucked you. He was so beautiful even when your cum was on his chin and his sweaty hair was stuck to his forehead. Taehyung opened his eyes and looked down at you with a smile. He leaned forward to kiss you once more as he snapped his hips against you. 
“You’re gonna make fun of me for cumming so soon. But I can’t help it when you’re wetter than usual,” he panted as his strokes became sloppier. 
“I won’t complain, you already made me cum this morning, now it’s your turn,” you answered between moans. Taehyung grunted as he came inside of you, his hot semen filling you up. He gave you one final kiss before collapsing beside you. 
“You know, you never told me how I saved your life,” you said after a while.
“Hmm?” Taehyung hummed.
“You mentioned it the night you turned me,” you clarified. 
“Ah, yes. My life had been meaningless for a long time before you came. For a while I was contemplating on ending it myself. But you came along and rescued me. You gave me purpose again,” he explained.
“Wow. Not to be cheesy, but you did the same for me. Honestly my life was mundane before you,” you blushed.
“Surely the best vampire hunter in the world led an exciting life,” Taehyung teased. 
“I suppose I did, but I would take a lifetime with you over it any day,” you smiled, “I love you, my little vampire.”
“I love you too, ___. There’s no one else I’d rather spend eternity with.”
Published December 14, 2020. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2020 Baepsaesbae.
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