#himalayan hope trailer
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garageprojectmotorcycles · 5 years ago
A Step in the Right Direction
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The instruments said I had 7km of range left. This was going to be a problem as home was 9km away. The last 2km was downhill so maybe I would make it to the top of the hill and roll down. Setting off from Scarborough Beach in mode 1, which limited me to a top speed of 60kmh, I quickly became a mobile chicane for the traffic behind me on West Coast Highway. Flicking it to mode 2 upped my top speed to 80kmh but it'd reduce my range even further but at least I wouldn’t be a hood ornament for a Hot Rod doing bog laps of the coast road. I made the decision to remain alive and push the bike as I selected mode 2 and accelerated up to 80kmh, turning off into Trigg, a distance of 1km. According to the instruments, I had 4km of range left. I was optimistically hoping that the bikes computer would give me a false reading and keep a little bit in reserve but any hope of that faded when the instrument went from 4km left to 2km left in one foul swoop. I was still 5km from home. 2km became 1km and then as it hit 0 range the throttle became non responsive to which I instinctively started swerving left to right trying to swish the fuel around hoping it’d find a bit more. Electricity doesn’t swish about a battery apparently.
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The Super Soco TC Max is a step up in performance from the Super Soco TS which is an alternative to small capacity scooters with its motor in the rear hub. With international flights a distant memory, there isn’t much to do running Himalayan Heroes so I arranged an extended test ride with MotoMax. I picked it up and headed into Leederville to meet up with mates on their ICE motorcycles. The smallest capacity was a 750cc twin so I'd need a head start if I was going to keep up on our regular Fast Friday ride. The starting procedure is easy, press the unlock button on the remote, press the power button on the tank with the side stand up and then hit the start button which is in the usual position at your right thumb. While my mates fiddled with keys, fuel taps, finding neutral and annoying the outdoor diners on the café strip as they revved their noisy dinosaurs to warm them up, I Marcel Marceau'd away into the night. Pulling up at the lights, they started revving for a traffic light drag race. I did the same and bunny hopped into the middle of the intersection…ooops. When the lights turned green, I was with them all the way for the first 4m and then they were gone. The TC Max is not the Tesla Roadster of electric bikes, taking 7 seconds to get to 60kmh. It’s about the same as a Honda Grom but while the Grom will sound like Cardi B with a $10 loud hailer from the Reject Store, the Super Soco is like an elevator fart.
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The TC Max is incredibly thin and at only 100kg it was a breeze to flick between traffic and get to the front at the lights. Unlike the Super Soco TS, the motor in the TC Max is where normal motorcycles have them (and for the owners of Harleys, the answer is not “in pieces”). With no gears, your left foot has nothing to do, however your left hand is still busy as the front brake lever is where the clutch lever usually resides. The right foot also has nothing to do as the rear foot brake lever is removed and in its place is a linked front and rear brake lever at the right hand. It takes some time to get used to it but I found that I rarely used the left hand lever. I did grab it twice, once when I nearly Crutchlow’d a 90 degree left hand corner and the other when the lights changed on me while I was daydreaming I was on a MotoE bike. Brakes are good, acceleration is adequate for its intended purpose, handling is spot on and I got nods from all types of riders so it certainly looks the part.
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So, is it a replacement for a motorcycle? Not its close though. It’s a replacement for a scooter or as a 2nd bike if your daily total commute is less than 70km and you don’t need to go over 80km/h. I rode the bike as I would normally on a Fast Friday ride with lots of full throttle and I made it 58km from a full charge. If I had left it on Mode 1, I would have gotten 140km before needing a charge with the top speed limited to 60kmh. Mode 2 is 90km range and limited to 80kmh which is where I would leave it until I needed to overtake a bicycle. That's when I'd flick it into mode 3 which gives you 70km range with a 95kmh top speed. You can switch between modes on the go so it’s easy enough to manage your range. Interestingly, the different modes don’t affect acceleration, only the top speed. When driving my car and the fuel gauge hits empty, I know I still have 50km of range left, when the light comes on, I have 35km left and when it starts flashing it’s time to park it in the driveway and let my wife sort it out on her way to work. Like in a car, one would quickly get used to what the numbers on the clock really mean.
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The charging is a little more complicated than it needs to be. On an electric car, you plug it in and a few hours later its charged. On the TC Max, you turn the key and lift the seat, lift the tank cover, take out the glovebox tray, flick the battery lead clip off, pull the battery lead off and then plug the lead from the charger into the battery. All up it take about 30 seconds but it could be easier. At least you don’t have to ride around looking for a petrol station, waiting behind Karen who hasn't worked out that the petrol pump hose is long enough to reach the other side of the car, remove your gloves and helmet, choose your octane, get your hands covered in corona virus, run the gauntlet in the rain across the oily petrol station forecourt into the bright lights of overpriced junk food and phone chargers. You then stand in line behind grandpa who can’t remember his PIN and Wayno who orders a packet of Winnie Blues, a diet coke and a sausage roll that has been sitting there since last week before finally making it to the counter to be asked for the one loyalty card that you don’t have, all the while hoping there is enough money in your account.
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While we have become accustomed to the inconveniences of ICE vehicles (refuelling, maintenance, noise and emissions), our grandkids will not fathom why we didn’t see the light earlier. The Italian manufacturer of the motorcycles used in the MotoE races – Energica, already sell a motorcycle that has hypercar acceleration, a top speed that I have never achieved and a range that is further than the vast majority of bikes. It’s not cheap of course but its early days and that will come will with time.
The TC Max is very popular with the electric motorcycle crowd, less so in the ICE motorcycle forums but I suspect that has more to do with expectations than reality. The future is bright for those that like to customise their ride, as there have already been people tinkering with the ECU to increase acceleration, top speed, continuous and momentary draw as well as regenerative braking.
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While I might not have made it to the top of the hill and I might have given the TC Max a lift home on a trailer and I might have had the piss taken out of me all night by my mates, I’m excited about the future of electric motorcycles. The Super Soco TC Max is a step in the right direction.
Not having to refuel
Sound of Silence
Looks great
50c for a full charge
Limited to commuting
A little too appliance like
Can measure acceleration with a sundial
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himalayanhope-blog · 7 years ago
Link to the trailer of Himalayan Hope. Film releasing on the 30th of December
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desymbol · 7 years ago
Danny Rand Gets Distracted by a Memory of a Violent Battle in ‘Iron Fist’ Season Two Teaser
Danny Rand Gets Distracted by a Memory of a Violent Battle in ‘Iron Fist’ Season Two Teaser
In the Iron Fist season two teaser trailer, a distracted Danny Rand becomes triggered by visual cues from a New York City street and steeps him within a memory of a violent battle presumably taking place in his Himalayan homeland of K’un Lun. When Danny’s girlfriend Colleen Wing notices his distress and asks him about the memory, he responds that he hoped it was was from his past.
Season 2 of Ir…
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swldx · 4 years ago
Radio New Zealand Int. 1355 7 Feb 2021
6115Khz 1259 7 FEB 2021 - RADIO NEW ZEALAND INT. (NEW ZEALAND) in ENGLISH from RANGITAIKI. SINPO = 55334. English, bellbird int. until pips and news @1300z anchored by Adam Cooper. More than 100 feared dead after Himalayan glacier bursts in India collapsing a damn and causing a flash flood. A former Pullman Hotel guest who had been isolating at home in Hamilton for a week tested positive for Covid-19 but the Health Ministry said the case was most likely historical. Dunedin City Council providing free fruit and vegetables during blood tests as lead water contamination scare continues. West Auckland is on edge after a man was taken into custody today after allegedly firing two shots into the air during a fight due to possible gang activity. @1304z trailer for "9 to noon" program. @1305z Weather forecast. partly cloudy in the south. north island mostly fine with occasional showers. @1306z "all night program" music DJ'd by Adam Cooper. he mentions a message from "Steve" describing the "magical" coast road of NZ. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 100kW, beamAz 35°, bearing 240°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 12912KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0659.
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From: Rodney Johnson 
Date: Sun, Feb 7, 2021, 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: My Son and I catch your program every morning!
To: AllNight <[email protected]>
Hi Adam,
Aaron was inspired to draw a picture of his experience this morning and I have attached it. Also, if you are interested I made some phone video recordings of your show this morning if you care to hear some airchecks from almost 13000Km away! The youtube links below:
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Oh and I don't know if you know it but at 1259 GMT (1:59am your time, I believe) the 6115kHz frequency signs on with a bellbird interval signal before the top of the hour pips followed by the news. Both Aaron (6 years old) and Leonard (4 years old) loves the sound of that bellbird and here's a rendition of it by 4-year-old Leonard:
Thanks again for the shout out! Aaron is still beaming about it!
-Rodney, Aaron, and Leonard
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On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 8:38 AM AllNight <[email protected]> wrote:
Great photo Rodney, thanks for sharing! Must have been a bonus catching a nice clear sunrise in the middle of winter!
It brings back plenty of memories from my road trip down that coast. In fact that image suddenly made me think of the Bixby Bridges further south which were a highlight when I did the trip.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Kind regards
From: Rodney Johnson
Sent: Monday, 8 February 2021 3:26 AM
To: AllNight <[email protected]>
Subject: My Son and I catch your program every morning!
Once again with the photo!
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From: Rodney Johnson 
Date: Sun, Feb 7, 2021, 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: My Son and I catch your program every morning!
To: AllNight <[email protected]>
Hey Adam!
Yes we heard you mention us on air! You should have seen the smile on Aaron's face! Thanks so much, you made our day! And yes, very could here, the coldest day so far this winter by far! Thanks for warming it up a bit for us.
Thanks for mentioning the coast road in the pacific Northwest. Indeed a very rugged and beautiful place! I've attached one of my favorite winter sunset photos I took during a trip back in the 80s. It was at a place called Cannon Beach in Oregon.
(Sorry for all the typos, I'm all thumbs when trying to type on the phone!)
Have a great day, and enjoy your summer there. We're certainly missing it here!
-Rodney and Aaron
On Sun, Feb 7, 2021, 7:37 AM AllNight <[email protected]> wrote:
Good morning Rodney and Aaron!
That has made my morning to know you are tuned i. It’s great to have your company!
Yes, the West Coast road is quite a special road in a remote part of New Zealand’s South Island – they even have signs up telling you to fill up with gas as there is quite a distance between gas stations. Quite rare for a small country like ours! The land and geography actually reminds me of the Pacific Northwest road through Oregon and California which I assume you’re familiar with Rodney – the rugged coastline, harsh (but beautiful) sea conditions, and the occasional spotting of a seal or whale if you’re lucky!
I had a look at the weather forecast in Plymouth out of interest – MINUS 2 is your high today?!?! Goodness me, that is cold. (That translates to minus 19 Celsius in the way we measure temperature) – I cannot quite believe that after a day at the beach on New Zealand’s Kapiti Coast, just north of Wellington, where our high today was a very enjoyable 75 Fahrenheit.
I trust you’re keeping warm, and great to hear from you over the other side of the Pacific. If you keep listening, at about 0250 NZDT in about 10 minutes I’ll pass on my best regards to you both on air and share your note with our listeners.
Thanks so much for your continued correspondence.
From: Rodney Johnson
Sent: Monday, 8 February 2021 2:12 AM
To: AllNight <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: My Son and I catch your program every morning!
Hi Adam!
Aaron and I are Listening to you right now on the all night program! Great to hear about your memories traveling the magical  coast road in NZ!
You sound quite cheerful, keep up the good work!
-Rodney and Aaron!
On Mon, Feb 1, 2021, 4:33 PM Rodney Johnson <[email protected]> wrote:
Greetings from Minnesota, Adam!
Aaron and I were listening to RNZ on Shortwave this morning at 1300GMT (2 am NZST), and the signal wasn't as good as it has been, but I thought we heard Johnny Blades reading the news, maybe you were on the hour before? It is noisy shortwave, so I certainly might be mistaken! Yes, Vicki and John have been so nice, and Aaron treats all of this correspondence like gold because he's just learning to read. This reception report and letter were certainly the first correspondence he's written, let alone getting such a warm response. The whole thing has been a great experience for him and definitely gets us both up in the morning!
So you stayed in British Columbia, Canada? I grew up in Eastern Washington State near a town called "Pullman" about 100km south of Spokane and about 500km east of Seattle. When I lived in Seattle (for about 12 years starting in the late 80s) I often make the trip to Vancouver BC for the Fringe Festival there. A very beautiful city!  I'm glad you had the chance to experience what we call "The Pacific Northwest". It really is a wonderful area. My reading about your trip makes me think you might have seen more of the country than I have! For Instance, I have never managed to make it down to New Orleans. I'm afraid we just moved to this area myself and between work and kids were just starting to explore Minnesota when the Pandemic hit. We have been meaning to make it up north to Duluth and what they call the "North Shore", we've heard a lot of good things about it, so you might try there. Also, if you enjoyed Yosemite (I have gone backpacking there a couple of times during my time living in San Francisco California from 2000 to 2015), You might also Try Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming (and also the Grand Tetons, if you find the time) and Glacier National Park in Montana. Both of these Parks are along the Rocky Mountain range featuring the continental divide (one side all rivers flow to the Pacific, the other side the Atlantic!). 
Great to hear from you Adam. We'll be listening for you on the air!
- Rodney, Aaron and Leonard!
On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 5:47 AM AllNight <[email protected]> wrote:
Kia Ora Rodney, Aaron and Leonard!
Adam Cooper here – one of the fill-in presenters on the ‘All Night Programme’ – I’m on this morning, so your message has come to me. Vicki actually mentioned your correspondence to me when I was out working in the newsroom the other night when she had received your message – it’s so nice to know you’re turning in all the way from Minnesota. It’s quite amazing the global community we have tuning into RNZ, either via traditional radio or online. I know when I lived overseas, in British Columbia, Canada, that RNZ was a perfect way for me to keep in touch with everything that was happening back home – and to of course remind myself what the New Zealand accent sounded like!
Vicki is on her rostered days off but I have saved your latest message for her so she will see it when she returns to work a bit later in the week.
I hope all is well in Minnesota – I have a real love of the United States, which culminated from a six-week road trip a friend and I did in a hired 25-foot long RV in the summer of 2016 – starting off in California, and going up and down the country across many states, and finishing up in Chicago (which would be the closest I’ve been to Minnesota) – before flying to Washington DC then catching the train up to finish in New York. It was a magical trip and everywhere was just brilliant. My highlights were the pristine Yosemite National Park in California and the vibrant live music scene of New Orleans. I managed to see a lot of Washington State and Oregon too when I lived in Vancouver Canada for two years between 2018 and 2019.  Once this nasty pandemic dies down, exploring more of the US is top of my list again – I’ll happily take any recommendations of “must-see” places around the Midwest or Great Lakes area!!
Thanks again for your note, it really is great to know you are keeping us company from the other side of the Pacific.
Take care,
Adam Cooper
RNZ All Night Programme
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xseedgames · 8 years ago
Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns Localization Blog #3
Howdy, everyone!
As you may have heard, Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns has a release date at last: February 28. We also have a brand new trailer--our first since E3! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be revealing more and more about the game’s North American version in a series of blogs and Facebook posts.
In this blog, I want to talk about animals. There isn’t much to report about livestock as the roster is mostly unchanged from the previous Story of Seasons game—the camel is no more and the “zebu” cow has been replaced with a buffalo—but Trio of Towns contains some interesting new features with pets and wild animals.
The previous Story of Seasons title had just a few kinds of dog and cat in several different colors. Trio of Towns has over two dozen types of cats and dogs. As in previous games, pets have abilities like herding livestock and finding items, and different pets will be adept at different things. Naturally, the way you physically interact with a pet will depend on its size, and different characters will react to the pets that you show them in their own unique ways. For example, here’s Lulukoko’s “jack of all trades” and Story of Seasons localization staff waifu Ludus being adorable:
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Here’s a full list of cat and dog breeds in Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns.
Great Pyrenees
(German) Shepherd
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Bull Terrier
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Tibetan Mastiff
Border Collie
Jack Russell (Terrier)
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Shorthair Cat
Tabby Cat
Black Cat
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Maine Coon
Scottish Fold
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White Cat
And, of course, we can’t forget about our game’s mascot, the adorable capybara (aka Capy or Capy-san in our office). I asked longtime Story of Seasons fan Danielle, an animal-lover, to get a screenshot of a plump capybara (walk your pets, guys) and she replied, “I don’t want to abuse an animal.”
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With a pet, you’ll also unlock the game’s StreetPass function. Register your pet with Dessie, and it’ll visit the games of players you StreetPass with. Your pet will bring back items from their worlds, and it might even show up in their game. Other pets can show up in your game too, and talking to them reveals some information about the farmers who’ve raised them.
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Once you meet Tsuyukusa’s guardian Inari, the foxy deity can form a bond between you and a favorite pet, designating it as your “furmiliar.” This will give it an adorable bow and will trigger special cutscenes. The word “furmiliar,” which is translated from “sourumeito (soulmate),” was Danielle’s handiwork, and makes me groan-smile every time I read it.
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Protip: If you’re feeling spoiled for choice and can’t decide on a pet to raise, check out the inside of the game box’s cover sheet for a cute quiz.
Wild Animals/Strays
Walking around the three towns, you’ll notice several dozen animals wandering around. These range from stray cats and dogs to wild animals like a bear (Westown), foxes (Tsuyukusa), and monkeys (Lulukoko). As in previous games in the series, the bear will charge you, but thankfully he can’t do any actual “damage” to you.
If you fulfill certain conditions, you will get special cutscenes featuring these animals. Befriend them with gifts and they might leave presents for you. And if you have a designated furmiliar, things can get a little weirder. I don’t want to give away too much, but I will say that many of the wild animals have hilarious personalities.
Finally, A Dearly Departed Hamster
One question I keep seeing on forums, Facebook posts, and Twitter is, “Will Hamtaro be in the game?” For those of you who hadn’t heard, the cute hamster character is featured as a pet in the Japanese version of Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns, complete with a little voice clip.
Sadly, Hamtaro will not be in the North American release of the game. I can’t get into the specifics of why—the reason is more complicated than the usual licensing fee problems you might expect—but I will say that you’ll be hard-pressed to find new, official Hamtaro merchandise on sale in this part of the world. While many remember the character from his TV debut over a decade ago, Hamtaro doesn’t really have an official presence in North America anymore.
It goes without saying that we were gutted by this development and tried to keep Hamtaro in. We hate releasing a game that doesn’t have all the features of the original version, but in this case our hands were tied. For those of you who were looking forward to raising Hamtaro, I’m very sorry. But even without the little guy, there are still more varieties of pet to raise than ever before. We hope you enjoy all the different ways animals play a part in the world of Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns.
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rumblecade · 8 years ago
Rockabilly Beatdown Update 1.2
Hey there Kats and Kittens! Rumblecade is proud to announce Rockabilly Beatdown Update 1.2 is live today!
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In addition to the punching and pixels you’ve come to enjoy, here’s a rundown of all the new features in 1.2:
Android Release! Yup, Rockabilly Beatdown is on the Google Play store. iOS users can of course still get the game through the Apple App Store.
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New Free Hero, Manny Switchblade! If you play a few rounds of the game with any of the included heroes (or purchased IAP heroes of course), you can unlock Manny and set yourself up for some slice-and-dice. We’ve wanted to add a new free hero for our players since launch, and we know you’ll have a blast racking up your T.C.P. with our latest addition.
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New IAP Hero, Kondo Kazuki! This is our big content update for 1.2. Kondo comes with two new levels, each with new enemies and bosses. Players who have picked up Goldie Luxe or Jenna Von Jett should have a good idea on how much new content is included. You can take a look at all Kondo has to offer in his very own trailer video: Kondo Kazuki Trailer on YouTube https://youtu.be/9wT18BSs4G0
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More Hero Unlocks! This update we’re introducing Devil Red unlocks for Manny Switchblade, Jenna Von Jett, and Kondo Kazuki. These costumes offer a cosmetic alternate with deep red duds and devil horns, sure to spice up any play session. Many players wondered why our IAP heroes didn’t have unlocks, so we included them specifically here for Devil Red. Goldie Luxe joins the original cast with her own unique Jet Black unlock, which is actually is a new sprite with pants and boots!
Flyer Frenzy Unlock! Knock out enough flyers and you’ll get access to this crazy level unlock that features flyers only. We know they drive you bonkers but that doesn’t make the attacking swarm any less fun to hit.... and hit... and hit!
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Bat Cave Unlock! On a similar note, knocking out even more flyers unlocks this special challenge. New level art takes players deep below the earth where bats, bats, and more bats come from every direction. We have to admit it’s intensely satisfying to survive even a short time among their maddening flight patterns.
Gameplay Tuning! Instead of a singular pattern for enemy generation, every individual level now has its own. We’ve upped the spawn rate and mixed up some spawn timing depending on what level you’re on and how long you’ve been playing. It’s nothing drastic but we feel it makes things more interesting and gets you into the more frantic areas of play much faster.
New Music Tracks! Jogurt has composed two sweet rockabilly-inspired tracks specifically for Jenna and Kondo’s IAP levels. There’s one for Creepy Catacombs and Himalayan Hideaway and another for Jigoku Station and Bushido Bullet. As a reminder, if purchased all heroes have access to these levels during play. Remixed tracks from Benjamin Briggs for select levels are also retained from Update 1.1.
EFIGS Localization! While punching remains a universal language, the Option menu now includes a toggle for English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish. We hope our players abroad will enjoy seeing the game’s menus in their local language. Any players from these regions are welcome to contact us wth errors or corrections in our translations. While we have additional languages being prepared, it will be some time before they appear in a future update.
Art Updates! There are many tweaks here and there that will go mostly unnoticed, but all in effort to add that extra polish to the game. Of particular note are unique sprite palettes for different flyer types, adjusted environment lighting, and several animation touch-ups for Jenna Von Jett.
Bug Fixes! There’s a lot of work behind the curtains to make the game run smoother on both iOS and Android. We encourage all our players to get in touch if they find any technical issues by visiting our support page.
Thanks to all our current players and welcome to all our new ones!
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bongreadersneha · 6 years ago
#qotd: Would you like to live a real life version of FRIENDS or a real life version of Game of Thrones? . . Hey folks..the book 'Kalkoot' is already out so don't forget to check it out on amzon and grab a copy.Also the video trailer is so amazing and gave me the chills. Here is the blurb of the book: *KaalKoot brings together a forgotten Himalayan legend, an internationalconspiracy and nail-biting suspense in a gripping thriller. * January 1944 - Holed up in a Himalayan hideout, freedom fighter Manohar Rai has to take a chilling decision – one that could mean life or death for millions of people. His only hope is a mysterious young man, who goes into hiding hours before Manohar is shot dead in cold blood. June 2018 - A forgotten legend from the upper reaches of the Himalayas is rearing its ominous head. The world will be brought to its knees. KaalKoot will strike again. Only three people have a clue about the horrors that are about the unfold. The only hope for survival lies buried deep in the remotest corner of Himalayas. But a terrible fate awaits those who seek it. Is it already too late? Is KaalKoot – the primordial plague – unstoppable? (at My Silchar) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzQDMHoA1oj/?igshid=1p9ixbdannzpz
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himalayanhope-blog · 7 years ago
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A Behind The Scenes moment from our shooting of Himalayan Hope on a not so cold June night in Kedarnath, this year. This priest had a lot to tell us about those two days of another June, back in 2013, where only death and destruction were to be found in the temple town. Seen here are the priest - Bhagat Prasad Bagwari, the Director - Chandramauli Singh, Producer - Anirudh Thapliyal, DoP - Varun Rajput and Sound Recordist - Darshan Singh
The trailer of Himalayan Hope is coming soon.
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