headcanonsandmore · 1 month
Your specialty in fanfiction is exploring characters with quiet nobility/humbleness and letting them shine.
Awww, thank you! I do love characters with those qualities, it has to be said :)
Thanks for messaging!
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ff work in progress guessing game- "was"
Well this is a good one, because there are so many "was" 's within my WIP💀
Henry was counting on the fact that August didn’t seem to feel human emotions. Hopefully he couldn’t recognize when someone was clearly upset. Hopefully he couldn’t recognize that he’d just sent Henry spiraling back eleven years. 
send me a word and if it's in my WIP I'll post it
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kay-elle-cee · 1 year
13 and 27 for fanfic author ask! 😁👍
Ooh, thank you so much for these!
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
Answered here!
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Excellent question because I actually have a fic for Jily Week coming up that I'm a little nervous to post. It's definitely the most sensitive topic I've included in my writing, and I'm still trying to figure out how to summarize it. It definitely won't be for everyone, and that's okay!
Of the fics I've already posted, I was SUPER nervous about posting Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting), partially for the same reason! It's a heavy fic in regards to themes, especially for them all being 16, and it had been my first 'big fic' that I had spent months working on. Add to that that I had never really written from Sirius' POV and it was very much a Sirius-centric fic...I was definitely nervous at the reception! It's not my most popular fic by a longshot, but all of the comments on it have been so kind and lovely, it will always hold a special place in my heart.
Fanfic writer asks!
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hms-angst-bender · 1 month
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@lovelyelbowleech do you see the vision
aka me coping with the events of War Games ch. 41.
(Thank you to @hillnerd for letting me use their phenomenal Tu art!)
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jilyawards · 10 months
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Favorite Art
happy holidays by @allysketches
first dates, winternights by @aurithemoon
Bathtime by @backsurasy
James and Lily and colors by @blvnk-art
At the library by blvnk-art
Halloween 81 by @constancezin
Buying potions supplies  by Constancezin
inspired by Chasing Life by Mppmaraudergirl by Constancezin
Untitled 1 by Constancezin
Untitled 2 by Constancezin
Untitled 3 by Constancezin
Madam Malkin's shop robes for all occasion by Constancezin
Gelati in Muggle London! by Constancezin
When you're good in potion, you must be good in herbology by Constancezin
Horny Jily by Constancezin
Yes! by Constancezin
happy jilyober by @daiziesssart
Something about them makes me go feral by @hhartes
my first jily!!!! because it's lily and james' month 😋 by @hiholahullo
Lily 'caught' watching James by @hillnerd-art
Untitled  by @illyrianhighfaerie
Untitled by @kerahlice
silly questions by @maluceh
more jily! and jealous lily :3 by maluceh
another jily wedding pic, this time with Sirius by maluceh
Jily as Morticia and Gomez by maluceh
so if you will, please fall in love with me by @meriyart
And Then the Symphony Starts by mppmaraudergirl by meriyart
jily romcom au by meriyart
Jily x Grease AU! by @myartcloudsstuff
Gorrrrgous by @natinthe60s
what do you think they're listening to? by @ohouraphrodite
These days we remember James and Lily Potter by @perseblossom
Some Jily bcs they are so ✨c u t e✨ by perseblossom
soft and sweet kiss by @sayuri-liu
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andromeda-grace · 1 year
The Devil You Know- Out Now!
My short story is out through D&T Publishing. You can get your copy here.
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Anya is a witch, serving as the village healer and midwife. She’s fiercely independent, but she isn’t a loner. She cares deeply for her community. I had so much fun writing those moments of friendship and camaraderie.
When women have meaningful work and friendships, I feel it makes their romantic relationships that much stronger.
Enjoy a haunting original fairytale for your next Halloween read! You can find my story here.
Tagging: @hillnerd-art @suffrajett
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For the character ask- Remus 7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
Ooh thank you for the ask @hillnerd-art!
7. What fandom does that I like with Remus Lupin: I actually like Remus with visible scars. I know the text says premature lines and doesn't mention scars, but I like them.
22. As a fic reader:
What I like in fics: I like reading a very flawed Remus, one who you want to punch at least once. And not just because he's being sarcastic or a dick, but he's doing something so actively bad for himself and/or for other people that he's an inch away from ruining his entire life with his own neuroses. It has to be HIS fault, too. He needs to be the one that's ruining his own life, in addition to having the werewolf issues.
What I don't like in fics: hoo boy this list could go on forever. Let's go with a simple one. Remus isn't cool. Any attempt to turn him into a cool, edgy, outwardly-angry-at-the-world punk is just a big no from me. Remus is the furthest from cool. He is incapable of standing up to his friends. He pushes people away. He controls his temper to the point of denying himself any form of cathartic anger. He is a giant mess, the furthest thing from cool, and any attempt to make him hip or edgy is just not right. It doesn't mean he's a super soft boy though. It just means he's the lamest werewolf to ever werewolf.
Character Ask Game
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acnelli · 10 months
HP Rec Fest – Day 7
Day 7 prompt for @hprecfest: A canon-compliant fic
*** *** ***
Australia by @tenpointstohufflepuff [328k+ | M | Hermione/Ron]
While grieving the loss of his brother and trying to figure out life after the war, Ron and Hermione go on a journey to Australia to find Hermione's parents.
I read this many many many years ago on FFN and just found it on AO3. Must have been one of the first fics I have read in this fandom.
*** *** ***
Waking Up by @hillnerd [WIP | M | Hermione/Ron]
The war is over, but there's still plenty of battles ahead for Hermione and Ron. Her parents are still in Australia, Ron is hiding secrets, and she has to wonder when she'll wake up and it's not from a nightmare.
This is still on my to-read list. I only heard good things about this fic and it’s written by someone immensely talented :) (Hilly is also an artist. Check out her art here: @hillnerd-art)
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princesserica84 · 4 years
Thank you @hillyminne
We all want to say thank you for everything you have done to bring us all together during this difficult time in the world. You have been amazing. Some of us have put a few things together for you as a way to say thank you. This is my contribution.
I have made a slide show of some of our favourite works of art you have created! It is set to Hedwig’s Theme by John Williams.
You are so amazing and talented. I’m so lucky to have a friend like you. 
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hillnerd-art · 3 years
¡Name change alert!
From hilly minne to hillnerd-art
You can still call me hilly or hill or whatever, but when I start posting art again it will be from this new name
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romioneficfest · 3 years
Romione FicFest 2021 - Kickoff Post
Good evening/afternoon/morning to everyone. Welcome to the FicFest 2021.
This year has a few additional upgrades including....
Gmail address for submitting all fics
Our own collection for Ao3
and currently working on headers and other décor as well as an updated FAQ. (This one is the one from Last year so working on a new update for it.)
If anyone needs audio in addition to alt-text for any graphics, please let me know so I can figure a way out to add it as well. But if no one does, then I’m not putting in the additional time which can be spent on other things.
This isn’t a sign-up kind of fest but a prompt one. Since so many lovely people submitted prompts - across 4 entry points! - there will be plenty to choose from for writers. There’s various tropes & genres, settings and situations, and prompt words/ideas/items.
Day 1 prompting starts tomorrow @ 6pm GMT.  Link to World Clock.
Pick 1 from the daily list. If you wish to incorporate more, more power to you. If there is something not on the list you want to write, there is a Free Day prompt going up sometime. Use it if there isn’t anything else you like.
Write it how you will - from the trope busting genre to using an object in an unusual way - heck, even take a prompt and crack it like Mary Wollstonecraft’s headstone - that’s fine for me. I love seeing the creativity in action.
For those who don’t speak English as a first language:
By all means, submit your work in English - but it doesn’t have to be perfect. No one (gives side-eyes to all entrants!) will hold it against you for not speaking perfect English (and if they do, they have to deal with me.)
Want to write 50 entries? Send them all in. The more the merrier. Only have time for one? That’s great too. I take any and all entries - if they are under 1500 words. (Though if it was like last year and an entry is over such, it will still be posted but not entered into the voting for the prize(s).) 
Only 2 things are exempt:
No Infidelity for the main couple. ‘Tis my squick - and my fest - so that’s my rule. It doesn’t mean anyone else isn’t open for such - but not Ron & Hermione. This is a fest for them, after all.
No bashing. Criticism is OK but not bashing. 
Also, like last year, I will submit at least one. It will be labeled and ineligible for voting consideration. I win because I get to read the entries first.
While they aren’t required, it does make for a more pleasant reading experience. If anyone needs a beta and doesn’t have one (or their normal one is busy) email/IM/DM me and I will post a need - and if no one reaches out, I will pinch-hit as a beta for you - and make note of it in the author’s notes for transparency.
Any rating is fine - from G to NC-35. I am the final arbiter on ratings & if I think that it’s rated too low, I will bump it up - or add tag warnings for it. Not everyone wants to read lemon citrus works or not safe for work items so active and ongoing consent is mandatory.
Also, if someone has a trigger warning they need me to keep in mind for any entries - no matter how embarrassing or strange you think they are - please let me know. Really. No judgment on my part on what is a trigger. No, I won’t ask why, either. That’s not my business. Your comfort for this fest is my business. That’s why Anonymous stays open.
Submission forms:
This year I have the email address up and running
[email protected] as well as the collection point on Ao3 up and going. But submitting it on the Tumblr form - and me doing the legwork - is there as well. If you email it in, it doesn’t have to be in Ao3 html markup. I have a script on Google Docs I use for that - and check it before entry. But if you do, it saves me much time on validation of the coding.
The less time I work on coding means more time for other stuff.
Back-stage administration:
All behind the scenes items are open for inspection so anyone saying I have my scaly talons on the voting/nudging anything will see that isn’t my objective. I win because A) I get to read these works first! and B) I get to watch healthy drama unfolding.
If there are any criticisms, I gladly accept them. I won’t bite if you put your name to your criticism and will take it in consideration. I have some amazing Romione writers who have already reached out to help the behind the scenes administration for this fest whom will help if there are any ethical or moral concerns. Come in blasting on anonymous and.... well, that never goes well. There’s ample rusted chainmail in my caverns from those who tried and failed. I have zero qualms blocking via IP address. So, please, be civil & cordial.
Yes, there will be voting again this year. I will, once again, put up a grand prize. While @hillnerd​ is too busy being amazing for art, I will find another suitable prize for the winner - and some prizes for the top 4. What they will be.... remains to be seen. Yes, this goes for everyone - including those internationally (I have my ways!)
I’m finishing up the links, updating headers, and other goodies. Stay tuned for further updates.
And if you want to turn on notifications, that’s brilliant too.
Sincerely from the bottom of my stone primed scaly talons,
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ehud1564 · 3 years
Harry Potter blocklist
For batch blocker:
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hillnerd · 4 years
Could you list all 11/break down what they are for (only if you want to of course. I 100% understand if you would rather not. Just ignore this ask if you don’t want to)
It’s fine! I’m not listing them all as I’m on mobile and honestly I can’t remember the names of them all but
@hillyminne for my art
@hillnerd for all my fandom stuff that’s not art
@ilustrationinspiration for art inspo
@suffrajett for politics/current events/activism and some general ‘real life important equity things wildly varies from memes to serious articles
@arsetscribere for writing advice stuff
Have one for random funny/cute shit
One for reblogging things to read later
One for reblogging lifestyle stuff (makeup/baking/household stuff)
One for inspiration for my pride and prejudice comic
One for gif/cosplay inspo
And... I know there must be another but I can’t think of it right now 😩😝
I hate tagging things and like being able to find what I want quickly, thus my system. I
Only make original content in 3 of them (hillyminne, hillnerd, suffrajett (that one only ocassionallt)— the rest are pure reblogs
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andromeda-grace · 1 year
The Devil You Know-Completed Work
This is a novella I've been submitting the last few months and should have some exciting news in October!
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Genre: Fairytale, Romance, Horror
Anya has built a quiet life for herself, trusted as the village healer as long as she keeps her magic hidden. All of that changes when a strange traveler arrives at her doorstep. The man looks human, but Anya senses an old and powerful magic within him.
Intrigued, she allows Owen inside. He claims to have been an apprentice to a witch, and Anya, despite her suspicions, finds him to be a kindred spirit. They begin a romance, both finding comfort in one another.
Their peace is broken when a family comes to Anya in crisis. Their child has been cursed, and is transforming into a monster. Desperate to save the boy, Anya asks Owen for help. He can grant her the power to break the spell, but it requires blood and forbidden rites. Knowing that she can’t break the curse alone, Anya faces a choice with deadly consequences. 
What it's got:
We get to explore Anya's daily life and the relationships she's built in the village. Everyone knows she's a witch, but they turn a blind eye because she listens and cares for them. I like seeing women engaging in meaningful work, with fully developed lives outside of their romances.
On the romance side, our love interest, Owen, was a treat to write. He has a tragic backstory with a soft exterior. He's vulnerable and upfront with his emotions.
I'm going to try out taglists for the very first time, so if you are interested in news for this story, please let me know in the comments!
Tagging folks to share, won't be added to a taglist unless you ask:
@hillnerd-art @deanwax @innocenthedgehog @aalinaaaaaa @druidx @starknstarwars @frankensteinshimbo @scribe-of-stories @athenswrites @starrbeez @sam-glade
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✨ A fic you wish you could read again for the first time
😭 A fic that ripped your heart out (but it hurt so good)
Thanks for the ask @hillnerd-art!
✨ A fic you wish you could read again for the first time
Not Your Heroes by Vemodalen. I stayed up until 5 am to finish reading this, the night before I made a wedding cake for my in-laws. It's a crack fic and I could NOT put it down.
😭 A fic that ripped your heart out (but it hurt so good)
Chapter 31, "Facts" in Pluto by @bikelock28. It's 19 words that ripped me apart. If you read it you'll understand.
Fic Recs (Ask Meme)
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lytefoot · 3 years
Last night, I dreamed that @hp-art-by-nanse intended to embark on some sort of quest involving the Yggdrasil. I am not sure whether they intended to locate the actual Yggdrasil or draw a life-sized Yggdrasil spread over several thousand pages, because dreams are unclear sometimes. @hillnerd and @abradystrix offered them excellent advice (I do not remember the advice), and I was left in awe of the fact that I know people who can complete long-term complex tasks.
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