forebodingprophet · 8 months
The Valentine's Festival
By the time they got off the boat, Anastasios was exhausted- mostly from having to deal with a cooped up Hikaze and an overly-excited Celia. Xander had at least been... reasonably well-behaved- at least compared to the other two, but even he'd been jittery.
"I feel like I'm the only one here acting my age," Anastasios muttered as they disembarked.
"You're acting like a stick-in-the-mud, is what you're acting like. My behavior is totally reasonable for a teenager," Hikaze retorted.
"Shut up, you! You're still in trouble for that stunt you pulled in Galar. Arceus, I hope no one recognizes us." Hundreds of people had seen that spectacle, and while travel from Galar to OKI wasn't easy, it was certainly being done for this festival.
"MOM!" The sound of Xander's yell caught Anastasios' attention, and he quickly found the person the fox had spotted.
"Uggghhh... I told her not to come get us," Anastasios muttered under his breath. "Now it's gonna be a whole spectacle."
Hikaze, blantantly ignoring him, also ran towards the figure.
"Nee-sama! Thanks for coming to get us!"
Anastasios trudged up last, holding onto an excited Celia like her arm as a leash and clearly already worn out.
"Can we just get somewhere I can be away from these three? Please?" Anastasios sighed.
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jkomaliondog · 11 months
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Hikazedragon felt somebody touched his tail so he looking back of him and found liondog touch his tail.
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daveydboi · 2 years
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Some giftart from a bit back for a good buddy! Orange dragon belongs to @HikazeDragon
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twizzthetoon · 8 months
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BHM pg 2
We're back with page 2! Things have been busy but we're making some progress! featuring Ursa, Polo, Hikaze, and Choco!
Posted using PostyBirb
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alchemistdetective · 6 months
KAKASHI SPIRIT NEWS Special Edition 2024!
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Welcome, dear reader, to the Kakashi Spirit News! This is a one-time special edition as Spring has graced itself into Gensokyo's doorstep on once again! Love is in the air, with picnics and dates abound!
In this edition, I'd be covering a few individuals you might be interested in visiting in this season, whether it's for a date spot, or a change of scenery!
Now, a word from the Herald of Spring, Lily White!
Herald of Spring Message
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Thank you, Lily White. Now then, first in the list!
Rainbow Dragon Cave
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Have you encountered one of those strange cards which gave you temporary powers based off abilities from others?
Of course you have, they're everywhere! And there's even an incident based off it!
But have you, dear reader, ever asked yourself how they were made?
Then it's time to take a trip! With Momoyo Himemushi the oomukade who's working hard deep within, she can tell you all about them, like how they're made, for instance!
Or if you fancy testing your strength against one of the stronger people in Gensokyo, then she's your girl!
P.S: Entering the cave may NOT be reccomended. Please contact Momoyo for information regarding the cave, or a brief overview regarding ability cards!
Old Hell/The Underground
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Does it sound scary? Of course it does, it's Hell, after all!
But do you know who isn't scary? Hikaze Fuwa! Blonde, and looks like she could throw a ball(and you!) up to 100 miles!
Usually seen roaming around the outsides to the Underground and sometimes practicing her punches and kicks, this Kasha is very friendly and outgoing, and a great drinking partner!
However, if you ever seek a challenge and a completely different culture, you can always try heading to Former Hell for the experience, but! Only if you're brave enough to pass the scary obstacles ahead, from a bridge princess, to a giant spider!
She… also claims herself to be illegally bleach blonde during swimsuit season.
Take that what you will, dear reader.
Forest of Magic
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You may know Alice Margatroid, the beautiful puppeteer who puts up shows and entertains others! But what you may NOT know, is that she's sisters (technically) with a certain Hakurei Reimu!
But to visit her, you would require to enter the Forest of Magic, which is filled with fairies and perhaps some other youkai in the way, and of course, the dangerous mushrooms which fill the area.
But if you manage to brave through the forest, you may get to know a new friend! And of course, a compeletely different world, which is that called 'Makai'!
Ask her for a sample of her cup of tea if you're ever in the area! It's a delight to try!
Also, if you ever see a black-haired fairy named Oberon... try not to provoke her. She has a dragon.
The Great Mausoleum
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Are you a Taoist or an avid traveler, dear reader? Then you definitely have came across this place once in a while! But have you ever stopped by at the gate just to say 'Hello'?
First of all, are you aware of who Seiga Kaku is, that noisy neighbour? Of course you do! Now it's time to meet Yoshika Miyako, Seiga's little zombie! She's cute, adorable, and although she may look like she need a bath!
There's a bit of a rumor, but she may have a secret or two you might learn about that resident hermit! Who knows, maybe there's something she knows about Seiga which we don't know!
P.S: I am NOT fake News! I report the truth, thank you very MUCH!
Nyalter's Bakery
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And last in the list, when you've explored long enough and decided to take a break, why not stop by at Nyalter's Bakery! (Name pending(?))
Grab a bite for one of the best bread baked in Gensokyo! Funded by none other than Satori Komeiji herself who saw the potential after trying her food, you can get a load of bread for a sandwich, a nice muffin for an afternoon snack, or a hot pie for lunch!
If you would like to taste bread approved by Former Hell itself, drop by and get to talk with a certain cat!
(This is not a paid advertisment, your favourite tengu took a stop on the way back and it's one of the best bread she's had in a while)
Final Words
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Well, unfortunately, that's all the time we have today, dear reader! Thank you for the time on reading up on this Special Edition, and I wish you a festive Spring! Who knows? Someone might have an idea of making a Spring Festival, here in Gensokyo!
Until then, be safe, and be sure to subscribe to Kakashi Spirit News! See you again next time!
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gensokyogarden · 7 months
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"Ah, that girl looks fun to talk to... Let's see..."
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"Excuse me, Miss! Yes, the blonde catgirl over there!" HE'S TALKING ABOUT FUWA "Sorry to disturb you, but could you please tell me about yourself, and... what's in that cave?"
He means the cave leading to the Underground... and then, Chireiden-
Please give the tour explanation, Fuwa!
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Sniff Sniff.
Hmm. This bird smells oddly familiar. Oh well, that's probably nothing.
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"I'm Hikaze Fuwa!"
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"Two hundred and thirty third most popular Kasha!"
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"And the only kind of blonde I am is illegally bleach blonde during swimsuit season."
Oh dear Hatateri what have you gotten yourself into?
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"This cave here is one of the many entrances we keep to the kingdom of Old Hell. Recently reopened after the Imperfect Possession Incident. I thought you newsies would know a thing or two about all that. Marketeers ruined your little spy network thing?"
Her master had taught her to be rather suspicious of Tengu as a general rule.
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"This one is protected by two fierce gate guardians. A spider that's a master of diseases and a famous headtaker."
She intentionally failed to mention that the spider was on some form of extended vacation and that the headtaker had moved to the surface to become a shrine maiden.
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"And passed them? A bridge princess that will show you the anguish she felt in life!"
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droptix · 1 year
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With summer here, I like to get my boys in the summertime vibes. Enjoy these lovely pieces, courtesy of Hikaze.
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twinfoxtails · 2 years
"'If you're actually Satori, say 'Fate/Stay Home'."
Got to be careful in case that the woman in front of her is actually Eri, so she had to think of something ridiculous. Definitely one of Lilian's stuff. Either way.
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"Here you go, Satori. Pretty much the recent cases so far which happened a while ago. All I can say is, if you're still looking for any counter-evidence to clear the boy's name, you have alot of work ahead of you. A fool's errand."
And Anna's passing over a file as she puts her hands in her jacket. She's quite interested how would Satori tackle these cases, or… would she realize that the right thing to do is kick the kitsune out?
Either way. The file's right in front of the mind reader for her to look at… along with other video tapes for her viewing.
The video tapes on a glance has nothing but names written on the cover, such as:
Ran Yakumo
Reimu Hakurei
Alice Margatroid
Flandre Scarlet
Satori Komeiji
… Satori may have a good idea what those video tapes are.
"Take your time watching through this. And trust me when I say that I know if you burn the evidence, Satori. I'll know."
She does keep backups, after all. As for the files itself…
-- Kitsune cases report file summary --
-- CASE 1 -- Name of Reporter: Tsuga Iena Name of Victim: Komi Izuhara Clan: Wakasatsu Summary: Two months ago, Tsuga has yet another love date with her girlfriend, Izuhara. The both of them had been having sex for quiet a while, but on that one particular instance, Izuhara suddenly looks inexperiences. She forgot most of her techniques, she was wondering what was happening, and she's just… really bad, it was like fucking a dead clam.
The next morning, Izuahra was gone, and it turns out, the 'real' Izuhara was actually out on a mission. When confronted about what happened last night, she had no idea what was happening.
If it were any other shapeshifter, they would not know Izuhara's name, nor where her room is, so therefore, the only explanation is that it's Eri Philomele.
-- CASE 2 -- Name of Reporter: Amiya Mori Name of Victim: Amiya Mori Clan: Kakuneko Summary: One month ago, while she was doing her chores, Amiya suddenly felt like there was a spirit entering her body. Filled with lust and an urge to have sex with most of the kasha in Gensokyo, and so, she did so with multiple kasha, walking around naked and flirting with the others, and even going so far as to make her own harem.
However, the next day, she recall not knowing anything about it, and when she came to, she found a keychain of a white kitsune in her pocket, implying that it was, in fact, Eri Philomele possessing her, as the keychain was originally from his room.
-- CASE 3 -- Name of Reporter: Yonezawa Muranaka Name of Victim: Umeki Kagiyama, Fuwa Hikaze Clan: Shurei Summary: A recent case. Yonezawa's friend, Umeki went into the training gym when she saw a 'new, blond beauty' who has been practicing her kicks often. When Umeki approached her, Fuwa let out a smile before pushing her into the ground, striping her, and started having sex with her all day long, inside the training gym.
Of course, naturally, Fuwa doesn't know anything about it, nor does she know who Umeki is.
It's been rumored that because Fuwa has been hanging around Eri lately, Eri impersonated her and began having sex with her body, taking advantage of his junior's reputation without her knowing. No one has seen Umeki ever since, presumably killed off by Eri Philomele. When talked to him about this, he naturally feigned ignorance.
-- CASE 4 -- Name of Reporter: Hana Yokoyama (Anna) Name of Victim: Hana Yokoyama Clan: Hachitsume Summary: This is irrefutable evidence because I was there, Satori Komeiji.
It was a long time ago, when I found Orin looking at me, winking. She invited me to have sex with her, and so I did. The both of us made out with each other in bed, but I realized something was wrong. Thus, it turns out that Eri was in fact, Orin Kaenbyou after he revealed himself.
Naturally, I pretty much gave him a good pummeling after that.
You're pretty much running a fool's errand if you're trying to defend him. His reputation as a kitsune is solid enough. But if you do want to fight for him despite the mountains of evidence against him… well. Good luck.
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"I already warned you, Satori. No use trying to fight against things which are already irrefutable. People like him deserve everything we throw at him. Not only is he a kitsune, he's also a boy to boot, the lesser gender in both Gensokyo and Chireiden. So what will you do?"
Well, even with Satori's mind reading, Anna clearly looks like she's telling the truth. The files and what she wrote have no biases at all. It's just reporting, plain as that.
Good luck!
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punyetakanichi · 2 years
the first time tora realised she was in love with hikaze, she dismissed it as a little crush.
even though she swore he looked at her the same way, even though his actions seemed different towards her, she thought "hes just being nice."
but she realises, the way he expects her at the shop everyday, and how she turns up everyday without fail. the short eye contact they make before she looks away, flustered.
"maybe, just maybe, he likes me too?"
"no, what am i thinking? hes just being nice. falling in love isn't something i should be doing."
but she does anyway, and she falls harder everyday.
the second time tora realises shes in love, she cries.
she cries in her room, tugging her bed sheets. her heart aches, knowing that she's a victim to unrequited love. still, she visits the flowershop, albeit gloomy and tired. not even hikaze can cheer her up.
it was then, that she realised, that she has to distance herself. if she stopped seeing him, maybe the hurt she felt in her heart would go away.
so she stopped visiting the shop.
"its for the best."
the third time tora realises shes in love is when she finally decides to go back to the flower shop after two months. she realised that distancing herself hurt her more.
but when she arrived, she saw.. him and a woman with purple hair inside.. laughing?
instead of going inside to join them, she stood outside the shop, thankful that there were multiple pots that were covering her small figure. she ponders to herself, "what would have happened if i stayed?"
it was then, that she felt a tickling in her throat, and something blooming.
but instead of a love blooming between her and the man she loves, she feels a love blooming between the two in the flowershop.
and the blooming of flowers in her lungs.
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enforcerhikaze · 3 years
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It has been a long time coming but My Villain Academia is 6 days away! Here is hoping for 6 awesome episodes. And now it is our round! 
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forebodingprophet · 1 year
Moirai || Clotho Interlude
It had been a week since Hikaze had reunited with his best friend from his previous life.  He hadn’t expected Anastasios coming back the next day, but he’d started getting anxious wondering if he should be the one to seek him out.  it’d only been for a couple hours, but he already missed horsing around with the other boy.  Just when he was thinking about it, however, who else did he find in the town square that day but Celia and Anastasios.  Hikaze couldn’t help the grin that came to his face as he ran over. 
“Stasi!” he yelled.  That definitely got the teen’s attention.  Too bad all it earned him was a death glare.
“I still haven’t given you permission to call me that!” Anastasios spat as he trudged up to meet him.  “I’m older than you, you know that right?  At least show some modicum of respect.”  There was no way Hikaze was doing that though, especially with the way the other boy was dressed.  When they’d reunited, Anastasios had at least been wearing something relatively simple that, while in no means letting him pass for a commoner, still looked very casual.  Today, however, oh today he was completely decked out in formalwear.  Hikaze was actually surprised that he’d wear something that fancy to town.  He was covered in decorative embroidery, gold jewelry, and even some light makeup.  Anastasios looked like a noble child’s exotic doll, and it was kind of awkward to see.  Not to mention, he looked even more like a girl than the first time they’d met.
“Oh come on, a life and death battle isn’t enough to earn the right to call you by your nickname?” Hikaze teased.
“I put up with Celia doing it because there’s no stopping her,” Anastasios sighed.  “My parents eventually started doing it too, and I didn’t have the heart to make them stop either, but they’re the only people who call me that... mostly.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”  Anastasios didn’t reply, his response trailing off into a series of grumbles as he looked away. 
Celia approached the two looking absolutely radiant.  Hikaze wasn’t sure even Kazuya had even seen her smile this much.
“Hikaze!  You’re coming over today!” she announced, pointing one of her childish fingers at him.
“What?”  He looked to Anastasios for confirmation, but if anything, the boy only looked more annoyed than he was before.  “Wait, why am I coming over?  I thought you had to get permission.”
“Praise me, for I have gotten you permission far more quickly than it would take the average guest,” Celia said proudly.  “There is an event at the estate today which you simply must be in attendance for.”  Hikaze vaguely heard Anastasios mutter profanities under his breath, then something about tissues and a flood.
“Why would I need to attend though?”
“A surprise,” Celia replied.  “You’ll know when you see it, if you truly are Kazuya.”  Celia gave him one of her knowing smiles, the kind that made her look absolutely nothing like the childish form she’d taken.  “Tell your family that you won’t need dinner tonight- that you’ve been invited to House Ofthalmós for an event and we’ll return you in due time.”  A brief flash of panic ran through Hikaze.  Given his family’s reaction the week prior, should he tell them the truth?  But if he made up a lie and they found out, there would be no hiding it after.  Anastasios seemed to catch on and started staring at him, no doubt picking his Ultrareality apart piece by piece.  For the first time, he understood what Esaias meant when he said that his eyes freaked people out.
“Something wrong with that?” Anastasios asked.  Anastasios’ golden eyes bored into him, and Kazuya reminded him not to lie.
“No.  Nothing,” Hikaze replied.  He couldn’t tell if Anastasios would be able to See that.  Was it a lie?  Hikaze wasn’t even sure himself.  “Yeah, uhh... I’ll let them know that I’ll be out for a bit and not to make me anything.  Give me twenty minutes or so.”
Hikaze didn’t see the look on Anastasios’ face when he turned to run back home.  He just didn’t want the other boy to See him right now.
“Something’s wrong,” Anastasios pointed out once Hikaze was gone.
“Indeed.  One needn’t have eyes to observe what just happened.  Though he may be Kazuya, we should monitor him closely.”  Anastasios stared quietly down at Celia.  He had no doubt the immortal abomination was ecstatic to see another remnant of some of her happiest years, but that was it.  She had never been nearly as attached to anyone else as she had been to Esaias.  Balia was probably the only exception, but it spoke volumes that Celia had continued to remain around Esaias’ family rather than go to stay with her when the job no longer amused her.  If Hikaze was a threat to House Ofhtalmós, she would eat him without a second thought.  Anastasios would have to prevent that by any means possible.  Even if he was a threat, Esaias would never let Kazuya die, and that meant that he couldn’t let Hikaze die either.
Hikaze returned closer to thirty minutes later with Itsu mounted on his shoulders and wearing that stupid smile again like nothing was wrong.
“Alright!  Let’s go!” Hikaze cheered, heading for the town gate. 
“You’re late,” Anastasios spat.  Hikaze clapped him on the back, which almost earned him a punch.
“Aw come on, it’s just a few minutes, right?”  It was definitely not just a few minutes.  Hikaze looked okay, but his Ultrareality told Anastasios that he was desperate.
“Whatever.  We need to get going.  We’re running late,” Anastasios sighed and rolled his eyes.  To anyone else, Hikaze looked fine, but Anastasios could still see that he was pushing himself.  Still, he’d have bigger problems to worry about once they were at House Ofthalmós.  It would be a good distraction for him.
“So, any reason you’re all dressed up today?” Hikaze asked, noting Anastasios’ clothes.  “Did I need to dress up too?”
“There’ll be an esteemed guest for this event,” Anastasios sighed.  “Normally, I wouldn’t even be allowed to leave the manor, let alone the estate, but Celia kicked up a fuss to my grandfather saying that I had to be the one to accompany her to get you, so, despite the fact that I had already been prepared to be the one to welcome our guest, I had to come to town in my ceremonial robes to come get you first.  As for your clothes…”  Hikaze almost missed a step over the smug grin Anastasios flashed him.  “Your clothes have already been prepared. There’s no way the Ofthalmós could allow such an esteemed guest to be greeted in such cheap clothing.”
“Urk…  Wait, am I going to have to get as dolled up as you?”
“No.  I am the young patriarch.  It’s my duty to accompany our guest throughout their stay,” Anastasios replied. “My state of dress confers my rank. You won’t need to go through this much, but you will need to be dressed and possibly have some makeup put on you.”
“This totally doesn’t suit you at all,” Hikaze teased.  Anastaios definitely looked beautiful, but it was pretty hilarious to see someone so crass all dolled up like a well-behaved royal.  Anastasios snorted at his comment.
“If I start a fight with you right now, even I won’t be able to survive the lecture I’ll receive, so behave yourself.  For both our sakes.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”  Anastasios didn’t answer.
The two boys continued to chat idly until they reached the village gate, but, to Hikaze’s surprise, there wasn’t a horse-like Pokémon posted anywhere nearby.  Instead, there was a person who strongly resembled Anastasios, but with dark brown hair and emerald eyes.
“I see you’re back safely, young master.”
“I told you not to call me that,” Anastasios spat.  Hikaze pointed at the man and looked at Anastasios.
“One of my distant relatives.”
“A sixth cousin,” the man replied.
“A sixth?”
“Look, we have a large village’s worth of people at House Ofthalmós.  The estate has been added to significantly since Esaias’ time to accommodate new additions.  Not only do we have our own children and families, but House Ofthalmós still adopts any non-relatives born with The Eyes to See who’re born to the outside world. There are literally hundreds of us.”
“And young Anastasios here is set to be our next leader,” the man pointed out with an almost proud smile.
“I’m not doing it to be praised,” Anastasios huffed before motioning to the man.  “Anyways, this is my relative, Théo.  He does not have The Eyes to See, but he is, undoubtedly, an Ofthalmós.”
“Yeah, I mean, he doesn’t have the eyes or hair, but he looks just like you,” Hikaze replied.  His facial features were a bit different, but he looked a lot like Esaias. “He at least looks like more of a boy than you,” Hikaze teased.  Anastasios’ cautious judgement gave way to indignance.
“Just you wait until I’m allowed back in my casual clothes,” he growled.  “I’ll tear you to pieces.  Théo, teleport!  We’re running late!” Anastasios stormed over and stood next to Théo, tapping his feet. Théo had to bring up an olive-brown hand to cover his growing smile.
“Yes, young master,” he replied, trying his absolute best not to laugh.  Théo patted the Espurr in this arms, and suddenly all four of them (plus Itsu) found themselves in a completely new place.  Wood-paneled walls spread out to form a small room decorated with tapestries from various cultures.  In front of a door stood several other individuals, one of whom quickly came over to brush off Anastasios’ clothes.
“Get this one something reasonable to wear, and help him put it on,” Anastasios said, motioning to Hikaze.  “I have a few other things to address before Lady Aria arrives, and we’re running short on time.”
“Who’s Lady Aria?” Hikaze whispered to Celia.
“Our esteemed guest of the day,” Celia replied.  “Her Highness, Princess Aria of Ray Isle.”
“That doesn’t answer my question,” Hikaze muttered.
“You’ll know when you meet her,” Celia said knowingly. Hikaze balked, but before he could say anything more, he was being lead away.
“You’re enjoying this far too much,” Anastasios stated, smoothing out the wrinkles in his sleeves.
“Well of course.  I’m sure Balia will love it.”  
“Least you can do is be the one carrying the mop,” Anastasios sighed and went to go take care of the rest of his part of the preparations (which was mostly just over-seeing at this point, making sure everything was cleaned and arranged properly for their guest.)
Roughly an hour later, the welcoming committee had been gathered, and Hikaze had been forced into a watered-down version of Anastasios’ robes, only where Anastasios’ were forest green, his were flaming red.
“So remind me again who this bigshot is and why they’re here? Celia was super unhelpful,” Hikaze said as they walked out to the estate’s gate.
Anastasios sighed in exasperation.  “Lady Aria is a long-time friend of House Ofthalmós. While Celia can and will devour an entire army, it’s Lady Aria’s backing that intimidates most nations into not even bothering to try.  She’s one of four rulers of an island nation that, while not as large as some others, still holds a great deal of power.”
“Okay, so she’s like a benefactor?”
“Something like that.”  The fact was, Anastasios had decided to go along with Celia’s whim to not inform either of them that the other would be there.  It was going to be a pain, but he would admit, he was looking forward to the spectacle.
The wrought-iron gates opened to reveal a moderate procession making their way towards them.  At the front was a woman with seafoam-green hair surrounded by soldiers.
“Now presenting, Her Highness, Princess Aria of Ray,” came the annoncement.
“… Why does that sound famil-”  Hikaze paused, blinking several times, before rubbing his eyes. “Hey,” he whispered to Anastasios, “is that???”
Anastasios nodded.
Anastasios almost laughed at how confused his face looked. Almost.  He was there as the Young Patriarch, he wasn’t allowed to do that. Not yet at least.  “Something to ask her, I suppose.”
And before anyone could stop him, Hikaze had raised his arms to give her a big wave.  “Long time no see, nee-sama!”
Several members of House Ofthalmós cringed.  At least one tugged on Anastasios’ sleeve to get him to stop.
“Just leave it,” Anastasios stated, literally brushing them off. “Lady Aria is benevolent.  She wouldn’t take issue with us over the insolence of a mere commoner.”  If anything, Balia was probably about to have the second emotional breakdown in as many visits.
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jkomaliondog · 2 years
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Hikazedragon was looking up the sky in the stars and wondering what dream to have when he sleeps.
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kbnarts · 6 years
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"Ready for a beat down?"
Big piece I did featuring @hikazedragon
And lots of shading!
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Kaixo Neskak! Ikusi dezute publikatu zenuten liburu horretan agertzen den Aita Gurea? Hikaz idatzita dago! Hori ba enuela espero. Berorika agian baina ez gaur egun horren informala den hikaz..
Aupi, anon!!
Bai, bai. Lehen Biblia euskaldunean (1571an idatzita) Aita Gurea agertzen da jadanik, hika erabiliz.
Hasieratik Jaungoikoarekin konfidantza handia daukagula dirudi xDD.
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wolfyellow0 · 5 years
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Hatsune Miku: ハッピーバースデーヒカゼ (Happy Birthday Hikaze)
Hikaze: Oh!!! Thanks Miku
A gift for @/HikazeDragon for his birthday and I must admit that it is the first time that I draw Hatsune Miku and I am very surprised.
Well I hope you like it
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droptix · 2 years
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Next, I adopted a character from Luis Huerta. His name is Tecali, and he is also a wrestling Dragonis. The first piece was Luis' creation. The others are from Hikaze and knockoffgoblin.
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