#hikaru stonewall
sernik-krakowski · 5 months
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Collection of (mostly) Areori doodles ive made since beginning orion
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ornamentelle · 6 months
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Return to Lake Bresha
A redraw of an older picture I did for my KH OC Hikaru. Think of it as a... sequel of sorts!
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(Journey to Lake Bresha - the old picture from 2019)
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hcofatransmasc · 2 years
Ouran Host Club HC
Some general headcanons for the club!
Haruhi Fujioka
Uses They/He/She pronouns
Doesn't mind being referred to as a girl, but also doesn't associate themself with "being" a girl anymore
Asexual and Aromantic, but also isn't against being in relationships (sex and romance neutral, if anything)
Prefers to keep to themself at home, especially if their parent's around (not because they're against Haruhi being trans, but because they're almost too supportive of it)
Still really close to their parent, and openly asks for cross-dressing tips
Only realized that they were trans after being accidentally assumed as a boy by the Host Club, and they were also the first people they came out to (also to overwhelming and sometimes overstimulating support)
Starts on HRT after only a year or so, mostly because the other members bully convince their families to help
Prefers to wear jeans and hoodies, even after transitioning (just finds them more comfortable)
Tamaki Suoh
GNC (Gender Non-Conforming) man
Likes gendered terms but doesn't "feel" like a man in the traditional sense of the word
Uses He/Him pronouns mostly, but doesn't mind the occasional She/Her
If you asked what his sexuality and romantic attraction is, he literally could not tell you to save his Club's life
Was certainly the last one to realize that Haruhi wasn't cis, but was also the loudest in terms of support for them
Day after finding out, literally spent nearly three thousand dollars on new clothes and outfits for Haruhi alone
Refuses to use Haruhi's trans-ness as a "selling point", but does accidentally revere them even more
Has once thrown a bigot through a window because they were being transphobic to Haruhi, terrified everyone in the room
Dragged the bigot back up and threw them through another window (or five)
Kyoya Ootori
Masculine Nonbinary (still calls himself a man)
Uses He/Him exclusively
Doesn't really care about sex or romance (he would probably call himself asexual and aromantic if asked)
Went to Haruhi about the records before saying anything to the rest of the Club, and even helps them change it to M in the school's records
Definitely is the first Haruhi comes to about this, and is quietly supportive, mostly in correcting pronouns
Definitely gets what Haruhi means when it comes to gender, and both have long and deep conversations about gender
When Tamaki threw the bigot out the window, just starting grumbling about how much this would cost to repair
Has threatened people with fiancial ruin if they are shitty to Haruhi about their gender more than once
Eventually came about his own gender to help take some of the pressure off Haruhi
Kaoru Hitachiin
He/Them/She pronouns
Almost violently bisexual
Along with Hikaru, were the third group of people that Haruhi came out to about their trans-ness proper, and it helped them realize their own nonbinary gender
Went with Tamaki to help get Haruhi clothes (and definitely didn't get stuff for himself to steal from Haruhi when they didn't want it)
Was the first to shut Hikaru down about "selling" their gender to get more people into the Club
When he comes out, he ends up joining Haruhi and Kyoya in the deep gender talks
Was never comfy with the "Twins were Star-Crossed Lovers in Another Life" deal, and does end up getting that to stop
Has bitten someone because they said something transphobic
Hikaru Hitachiin
Man but in a queer sense
He/It pronouns
Couldn't tell you (uses bisexual, if only for ease)
Relates to Tamaki in terms of gender a lot
Suggested "selling" gender as a way to get more clients in, not out of malice but just because he thought it'd be a "good way to make more money"
Is insanely supportive of both his twin and Haruhi, and has done research and studying of queer history
Can and will go off on a rant about Stonewall and any queer riots he knows about
Made and hung up a sign after the others come out explaining what is and isn't okay to do in terms of questions about gender
Has purposefully poured scalding tea onto a client who called Haruhi an "it"
With that same client, said that one of his pronouns was it, but that only those close to him could use it
Also threw that client out and blacklisted her personally
Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka
Nonbinary (uses xenogenders, mostly Honeygender, Cutegender, and Cakegender)
Uses He/They/It/Cute/Candy/Cake pronouns
Cupioromantic and doesn't know his sexuality
Was actually part of the second group that Haruhi properly came out with about their being trans
Realized that was an option and went into a deep dive
Came out of it incredibly gender-queer, and having at least three xenogenders, and probably more
Uses neopronouns and adores them, but only lets the Club use them
Is part of the reason why Hikaru had to make the sign
Went with Tamaki and Kaoru to the mall for clothes for Haruhi, and bought himself a lotta cute stuff
Once broke some transphobe's knee because they tried to get shitty with him and in response, it's elbow went straight into their knee
Gets into weird gender conversations with Haruhi and their parent
Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka
Masculine Nonbinary
Uses He/Them/E/Em, the latter two only being used by the Club in private
Aromantic and Asexual
Was not surprised when Haruhi (and later Honey) came out to him as nonbinary
Already realized his own gender, and helped Honey when he went on his deep dive
Helped Haruhi pick through the clothes Tamaki gifted them
While he lets the others have their deep conversations about gender, he's usually the one Haruhi goes to when they don't want to have deep and serious talks about gender
Has helped Haruhi with their binder more than once, and was also the one who paid for their top surgery in it's entirety when they started to look for a doctor who could do it
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biomic · 2 years
Hikaru threw the first brick at Stonewall
with the current state of revice's batshit retcons this might be next week's big reveal
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pulsingvoid · 5 years
that being said canonically gay hikaru sulu threw the first brick at stonewall
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putschki1969 · 7 years
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2017/12/13 Blog post by Hikaru 『ビブラート』
『Vibrato』 Hello everyone. My speed of walking depends on the situation and reveals my current state of mind. Any discrepancy becomes my new parameter. This is Hikaru. [“a-aruku-to walk”, “i-ima-now”, “chi-chigai-difference” => Aichi]
The same road that felt long back in the day, does it not feel short now? How is everyone doing? Today on December 13th , we held our 「Kalafina Acoustic Tour 2017 〜“+ONE” with Strings〜」 live @Aichi Arts Theater. Everyone who came to see us at the venue, thank you! Everyone who shared their feelings with us, thank you! This is the last tour-performance of our 2nd violinist Morimoto-san, he’s sad to go and hopes he will be missed ... This is why he is making this face (^ ^) It’s been 7 ½ months since we came to Aichi for our Spring Tour and it’s been about a year since our last Acoustic Tour. The sound was carried across the entire hall, up to the very last of its four floors! I was watching the audience enjoying each and every note carefully, when the heat amongst the audience reached its peak, it moved something deep within my heart. We shall forge yet another connection with today’s vibrations! Tomorrow, we’ll hold our Fukuoka concert at Fukuoka Symphony Hall! We’ll be awaiting you at the venue \(^-^)人(^o^)人(^O^)/ Here’s Aichi’s power meal...Nagoya Chicken Oyakodon ♪ It was very yummy and it had just the right amount of chewiness (*´꒳`*) Finally ...I went to see Nagoya Castle (Meijō)! Tokugawa Ieyasu had this castle built for Katō Kiyomasa. The castle tower and everything surrounding it were burnt down but they were completely reconstructed, inside the castle there are lots of interesting exhibits, they are definitely worth seeing! This is what is left of the stonewall. Last but not least...One of the first things that come to mind when you are thinking of Nagoya...the classic Nagoya “morning”!!! I enjoyed a simple morning set at a coffee shop (*´꒳`*) Well, until next time. ♪ Hikaru ♪
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ornamentelle · 1 year
KHOC Week 2023 Day 1: Introductions
I decided to participate in @khoc-week this year! My second time doing it, so I'm excited!
I thought I would focus on my character Yui, who I talked about a few years back. She's a mostly cool and composed and sarcastic big sister who sometimes lets her anger get the best of her. Beneath her stoic facade, she feels things strongly and is a bit of a lonely, broken mess on the inside.
Yui comes from a story I’ve started and restarted multiple times at this point, which primarily follows her younger sister Hikaru after their home world is destroyed by Heartless during KH1. Yui is sort of the deuteragonist of the story; where Hikaru learns how to carve out her own role in life, Yui’s journey is about claiming her own identity after spending her whole life haunted by her mother’s (more or less literal) shadow. 
The whole Stonewall family has a very special place in my heart, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a soft spot for Yui in particular. I never did get far enough into the actual written story to dig into Yui’s side, but hopefully one day I’ll be able to get there! For now, I’ll just share some ideas that I had for her later.
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Name: Yui Stonewall
Age: 20 in KH3
Appearance: Short and uneven red hair, often dyed dark brown; bottle-green eyes; tawny skin; 5’7” (170cm)
Home World: Polaris
Personality: Distant, sullen, grumpy, protective, sentimental
Yui is a very reserved person. Around strangers, she is usually polite and distant, if a little curt; around her family, she can be grumpy and irritable. Years of having her actions scrutinized and being the target of her mother’s frustration has led her to close up emotionally and keep other people at arm’s length.
As the eldest child of the family, Yui takes it upon herself to watch over her younger siblings. As much as they frustrate her at times, and despite often berating them for their poor decisions, she believes it’s her responsibility to keep them safe and will go through hell to do so. As distant as she can seem, she is fiercely protective of the few people she has in life that she cares about.
At heart, she is a sentimental person who fears losing the things she cares about, which in turn drives her to keep her distance to avoid pain. But deep down, she desperately wants to connect with people and forge a life worth living.
A Very Brief Background:
Yui was born in the distant snowy world of Polaris as the eldest child in her family and had a tumultuous upbringing. Her family was frequently on the move, and the pressure of being skilled swordsmen was pushed on them all at one point or another in part due to their dad’s legacy in a world where sword-fighting was the biggest sport. For Yui specifically, it meant rejecting the path in spite of her talent because it wasn’t what she desired to do, and because the nightmares of a past that did not belong to her frightened her away from wielding a blade.
Her relationship with her mother had been poor and outright hostile at times, and though she cared deep down for her younger siblings, she often felt envious of them. The potent darkness she housed within her was only exacerbated as the years ate away at her.
Over time she became trapped in a cycle of resentment and guilt, which came to a head when the Heartless overran her world and unraveled her very existence—body and heart. While her sister Hikaru would journey to find their scattered family, Yui was left to stew in all the negative feelings that had plagued her for her entire life. Eventually she—or at least part of her—ended up in the realm of darkness, where she met a lost Keyblade master… and from there, things began to change.
Fun Facts and Miscellaneous Notes:
Yui dyes her hair to look less like her mother. The two have a poor relationship, and Yui naturally looks like the spitting image of her—a fact she dislikes greatly.
Yui has an extremely potent darkness that she inherited from her mother (or perhaps it's better said that darkness escaped through her). Her darkness is her main source of power, but also the source of a lot of heartache.
She is a pescatarian.
She eventually works at Le Grande Bistro in Twilight Town.
Yui is a passionate violin player, though she is self-taught and rough around the edges.
Yui is bi with a stronger preference towards women.
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ornamentelle · 4 years
KHOC Week Day 3: The Power Within
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Hikaru becomes adept at using magic as she continues on her journey. While she is capable of using black magic competently (after spending quite a long time struggling with it), she discovers a natural inclination towards white magic. Notable spells in her support arsenal include:
Cure: One of the first spells she masters. Cure is typically a re-energizing magic that can give a boost to energy and hasten the body’s natural healing process. Hikaru learned of a few ways she can manipulate Cure through experimentation, including creating a circular zone of generalized restoration, and casting a type of Cure spell that can linger temporarily after casting (much like Days Curaga and Cura respectively).
Reflect: Hikaru’s most trusted battle technique. She typically has a very sturdy stance, and Reflect was the perfect addition to her repertoire, helping her to develop as a sort of anchor in battle. She can also cast Reflect on allies from a distance.
Time spells: Slow, Stop, Haste, and the like. She can get creative with these buffs and debuffs, often using them to build or halt momentum for impactful blows—or to save their butts from a long fall. Because these spells usually take a lot of energy, she tends to use them in short bursts just for repositioning or strengthening a specific hard-hitting attack.
She uses a cane-shaped staff to help better channel her magic; but she is also capable of casting magic with her hands if need be. (Typically spells are weaker when cast without a conduit, with the exception being Cure under certain circumstances where using your bare hands can allows for more precision in healing.)
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Additionally, Hikaru gains an interesting ability early on in her adventure when she meets the Cheshire Cat. She didn’t quite realize what she was getting herself into, but she and the cat formed a “deal” of sorts that allowed her the ability to phase through physical attacks and objects (while still rendering her susceptible to magic). In exchange, she (quite unintentionally) becomes an “envoy,” acting as the eyes and ears for the mad cat who turns out to be much more than he appears.
This spectral phasing becomes part of her ability set for quite some time, though she eventually loses it and has it replaced with a different power after a fateful encounter with another mysterious entity with a close relationship to her home.
And then for Yui.
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Yui was called a monster for much of her life, but the true reason behind it only becomes apparent once her entire existence thrown into chaos after the destruction of her world. She has some sort of aptitude towards darkness but no skill or finesse in control, other than sheer force of will—and it’s something she tries her hardest to smother down out of fear.
It’s not until very late in her story that her abilities really come into play, with the most iconic being a dark Dragoon-like entity that acts like an extension of her will and an armor for her soul, allowing her to take on a tank-esque role when the time comes to battle.
At her core, she is not a fighter, but that doesn’t mean she won’t protect what matters.
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ornamentelle · 4 years
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I’m excited to join in on @khoc-week for the first time! For the Day 1 introductions, I have the Stonewall sisters!
Name: Hikaru Stonewall Age: 15 (KH1 story start), ~16 (KH3, pictured above) Birthdate: December 2 Personality: Impish, rascally, playful, friendly, upbeat, impulsive Likes: Hot chocolate, gardening, exploring, traveling, camping, sweets, trying new food Dislikes: Studying, school, crying (especially in front of others), cooking, being called a baby, deep water Hobbies: Playing the piano, nature hikes, playing games, sleeping, movie nights with friends, people watching Background: Hikaru grew up on a small world known as Polaris and for most of her life was the youngest of three siblings. She and her older brother Akihiko spent their childhood being taught to sword-fight and use magic by their mother, though where her brother excelled, Hikaru floundered and could never live up to their mother’s debilitating expectations, which impacted Hikaru’s self-confidence greatly despite the cheery facade she constantly wears. When her world is taken by the Heartless, she winds up on the Destiny Islands and meets Sora, Kairi, and Riku, and thus begins her journey of growth and self-discovery, along with a not-so-healthy dose of uncovering secrets from her family’s past.
Name: Yui Stonewall Age: 19 (KH1 story start), ~20 (KH3, pictured above. Sort of. She loses a year in the Realm of Darkness) Birthdate: May 24 Personality: Quiet, reserved, sullen, grumpy, curt, careful, controlled, sentimental Likes: Quietude, nature walks, swing and jazz music, cooking, coffee with cream Dislikes: Crowds, egos, arrogance, meat, needless violence, losing control, loneliness Hobbies: Dancing, playing the violin, going to the bar, people watching Background: Yui is the eldest of her siblings, and despite her often unapproachable demeanor, she’s taken that watchful role very seriously. She’s always had a poor relationship with her mother, leaving Yui to feel isolated all throughout her childhood. Due to the abundant darkness that’s made up her existence for as long as she can remember, she puts a lot of care and caution in keeping her emotions under control out of fear of hurting someone. When her world is destroyed by the Heartless, a series of events eventually leads to her becoming trapped in the Realm of Darkness. There she is found by Aqua, and despite a rocky start, the two of them must learn to trust each other in order to find a way towards freedom.
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ornamentelle · 4 years
KH OC Week Day 2: Bonds of the Heart
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(The Stonewall siblings, from left to right: Tatsuya, Akihiko, Hikaru, and Yui)
Day 2 for @khoc-week​ for the Stonewall girls; better late than never!
For Hikaru...
For most of her life Hikaru’s strongest bonds were with her family. She didn’t really have many chances to make close friends due to moving frequently, and in her birthworld of Polaris, her family had a reputation that set her and her siblings as outcasts of sorts.
Akihiko: By far, her best and closest friend was her older brother Akihiko, who was something of a rival in certain regards, but more so a partner in crime for whatever mischief they found themselves in. Wherever Akihiko went, Hikaru was almost sure to follow.
Yui: Her relationship with her older sister Yui was much more strained in comparison; she always thought of Yui as needlessly grumpy and a source of a lot of their mother’s frustrations with the kids. Despite that, Hikaru does know that Yui is always watching out for them—no matter how prickly she can sometimes be.
Tatsuya: Their youngest brother and newest addition to the family, Tatsuya was taken in by them only a couple years before the story’s start after they found him alone in one of the cities they were living in. Hikaru finds him a bit strange, but likes having someone younger she can be a bad influence big sibling to.
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Hikaru does branch out and make some friends once her world is destroyed, however. Some notable ones...
Sora: Like two peas in a pod. Over the course of her journey, Hikaru finds a tight friendship in Sora, who she comes to see like a brother. His cheerful demeanor and competitive nature remind her quite a bit of her brother Akihiko, though Hikaru relishes in being the older one in this duo. They spend much of their adventure together and come to trust each other a lot.
Kairi: In the short time Hikaru spends on the Destiny Islands prior to the world’s destruction, she and Kairi become fast friends. Hikaru really appreciates having another girl friend, after spending so much time around her brother and his friends. Kairi offers a certain level-headedness and understanding that Hikaru appreciates greatly.
Donald: One of her “surrogate parents.” Despite the duck’s short fuse and impatience with Hikaru’s shenanigans, he surprisingly offers something that Hikaru was always lacking in her home life: the confidence to persevere, and the encouragement to try her hardest.
Goofy: Goofy’s kindness and patience make him a much-needed father figure in Hikaru’s life, especially so soon after her father’s own passing. Goofy is understanding of Hikaru’s troubles and offers her unconditional support.
Significant other
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Hovering somewhere between close friend and something more, Hikaru and Riku form a relationship based on a patient understanding of each other’s mistakes, flaws, and pains. A tentative friendship at the start of KH1 takes a turn for the rocky once the adventure kicks off, quickly devolving into hostility and a growing spiteful contention. It isn’t until some time later that Hikaru takes a step back and tries to reconcile—and in doing so, finds one of her most trusted confidantes and closest bonds. 
And now for Yui! (Unfortunately I don’t have many pictures for her relationships.)
Yui has always been something of a loner. She spends much of her time by herself, seeking a haven from the stresses from her family life and making only peripheral acquaintances wherever she goes. Sometimes she almost dares to open up, but every time previous she’s run away the moment she feels herself growing too close to someone. There’s a conflict inside her, a fear of getting close to people clashing with a deep longing for trust and connection.
Akihiko: Akihiko is the family’s golden child, while Yui is the family black sheep; but they have an unspoken understanding and watch each other’s backs, even if they don’t spend a lot of time actually hanging out together. Yui takes it upon herself to keep her brother in line and make sure his ego doesn’t get the best of him, while Akihiko tries to mediate any tensions and disagreements between the family before they can reach a boiling point.
Hikaru: Yui sees Hikaru as a naive child, which isn’t completely wrong. It’s a source of frustration, but it’s also something Yui in some ways wants to protect. Yui shields Hikaru from the worst parts of life, and gods help anyone who decides to lay a hand on either of her siblings; because Yui has proven it before that any threat to her family will be met with rage and vengeance.
Luna: The darkest shadow in Yui’s life is the one cast by her mother Luna. The two of them have always had a vicious and hostile relationship with each other— a relationship that Yui calls cruel because to Luna, Yui is no better than a monster. They may not like each other, but there is at least one thing they can agree on: that Yui will always protect her younger siblings.
It takes a long time until Yui begins to make actual friendships. Of them, there are a few notable ones from the post-KH3 era.
Lea: Yui never asked to be Lea’s friend; it just sort of happened. Mainly it’s just going out for drinks, but hey, better than nothing. Yui finds Lea’s attitude and behavior a little grating at times, but her exasperation is one of mild amusement. Maybe. It depends on her mood.
Isa: Being friends with Lea means being hanging out with Isa, and Yui finds herself getting along with him more easily than Lea. Though they aren’t particularly close, she’s more willing to talk about serious issues with him.
Terra: Yui knew of Terra long before she met him, but she soon realized they were sort of like kindred spirits in several ways. Her blameless understanding of the things he’s gone through leads to some heartfelt conversations, and Terra has become one of the first people she’ll go to when she needs to talk to someone.
Significant Other
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A relationship that never should have been—or at least, that’s how Yui sees it. Because really, there was no reason she and Aqua should have ever become as close as they had, other than the circumstances that had forced them together. When they first met, it had been caution and suspicion. Aqua had no reason to trust Yui, especially as she began to discover the deep darkness lurking in Yui’s heart. But loneliness and the need to survive won out, and they agreed to work together. From there, they discovered more about each other and developed a mutual respect. An act of self-sacrifice and one rescue mission later, and that mutual respect began to turn into something more.
Thanks for reading!
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ornamentelle · 4 years
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Actually really proud of how this one came out. OC Hikaru in a... familiar place?
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ornamentelle · 5 years
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I HAVE FINISHED IT. A group picture of my OCs, the Stonewall kids.
(From left to right: Tatsuya, Akihiko, Hikaru, and Yui)
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