#hiiii louis baby
autumn816 · 22 days
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edbluemel · 1 year
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lonelychicago · 10 months
hi :) 81 for the spotify wrapped drabble prompt?
hiiii :))) 81 was habit by louis tomlinson <333 (this might have gotten away from me oop)
You're the habit that I can't break. You're the feeling I can't put down. You're the shiver that I can't shake.
Buck and Eddie aren’t a thing, not really. They’re friends, best friends, in-sync on a level Eddie has never experienced with anyone else. Buck's his favorite second person after Chris and Eddie— he loves the guy unconditionally. That's the truth.
He doesn't really know how they got here or how has Eddie let it get this far, but they have sex. Occasionally.
There's also the fact that Eddie is pathetically, embarrasingly, stupidly in love with Buck and he would marry the man on the spot if he asked (he hasn't, much to Eddie's secret disappointment). But those are just tiny, insignificant details that he's been too much of a coward to let Buck know of.
Eddie tells himself he'll quit it. He'll call off whatever implicit sexual deal he has with Buck and walk away (figuratively, of course. he wouldn't really walk away from Buck— Eddie doubts he could even if he wanted to. As in, it would be emotionally and physically and spiritually impossible for him to or whatever.)
But he'll walk away from the sex part of their relationship. From this friends with benefits thing they kinda fell into without Eddie really meaning to.
He'll do it! He swears!
The thing is— Well... Buck is really good at sex. In a mind blowing, toe curling, Earth shattering, makes you come undone at the seams, ruins you for anyone else ever kind of good. (Maybe part of it it's that Eddie's in love with him but still, the guy has skills alright) And it makes the walking away plan kind of hard to pull off.
It all comes to a halt at Athena and Bobby's renewal of vows.
It's a small, simple ceremony they do for their seventh anniversary— It's really sweet, teeth rotting and all. Eddie is happy for them, truly.
It also reminds him of everything he wants and can't have.
It makes him so terribly upset that he can't even focus on Buck trying to quickly blow him in the bathroom while everyone is dancing outside. Which Eddie never thought would be possible but apparently it is.
He tries not to let it show but his mind keeps conjuring this picture of Buck wearing a fancy suit standing in front of Eddie with a ring in his hands and a beaming smile on his face. He keeps imagining him reciting wedding vows and then them coming home, a white picket fence, a tiny baby, a dog running in the garden and ruining their neighbor's flowers.
He sees their future, so clearly that it hurts.
"Stop. Buck, stop." He chokes out as he pulls away and quickly zips his pants up.
Buck looks up at him with wide, worried eyes. He's still on the floor on his knees and Eddie can't think straight but he also can't breath and he feels like screaming, like punching the wall (which he won't do because he has at least some control on his emotions, thank you very much— and also because he's sure Athena would absolutely kill him and get away with it.)
"Eddie? What's wrong?" Buck asks, a small crease forming between his brows and Eddie's gaze can't help but to zero in on his still wet with saliva and a little bit of precum, soft lips.
It's really not fair how beautiful Buck is.
"I can't do this anymore. The— friends with benefits thing we have going on or whatever." Eddie runs his fingers through his hair as he clenches his jaw and looks away from Buck.
"W-what? Why? Did I- I do something wrong?" Buck stutters out as he stands up, trying to catch Eddie's eyes with his.
"No, I just— I don't want this. I don't want it to be like this." Eddie makes a vague gesture with his hand between them.
"How do you want it to be, then?" Buck asks and there's a tentative, shy but hopeful tone in his voice. It's tinged with possibility, Eddie thinks but that might be wishful thinking from his part.
He might be a little drunk and too tired of holding back, though, so he just blurts it out.
"I want you, Buck. All of you." He licks his lips nervously. "I want to come home.to you and I want to wake up in the mornings with you, and I want to be able to kiss you and touch you just for the sake of it, without having it led to sex— Which is great, by the way. I just— I want more."
Buck looks stunned, gaping at him with his mouth hanging open like he wants yo say something but he isn't sure what. Eddie doesn't give him the time to figure it out.
"And it's okay if you don't. Want that I mean." He swallows thickly. "I'll get over it, we'll be fine—"
"W-what?" Eddie's heart stutters, fear starting to brew inside his chest.
"Please don't get over it." Buck says and takes a step closer. "Please don't get over me." He whispers and closes the distance between them.
This kiss tastes different than all their other kisses. Eddie realizes with startling surprise that Buck's been holding back— this kiss is a cosmic event on itself but it's also soft and tender and full of emotion. It isn't as biting or demanding as the ones they've shared before.
It tastes of promises and of future.
It taste like home.
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twopoppies · 1 year
hiiii gina! can you recommend some fics with handful-spoiled-moody-babygirl harry in them? :) thank you so much!
Oh, I’m really surprised I don’t have a rec for this topic yet and I’m surprised I don’t have a bigger list. But here is what I can suggest!
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Allegro/Adagio by coffinofachimera (E, 9K) everything I’ve read from this author has been so beautifully written, and this is no exception. Yes, it’s filthy, but they give such depth to the characters’ reasons for the way they “play”. And this is one of the rare fics that really take us through the build up to the scene, straight through to aftercare. I really loved this one.
I Love My Hands Around Your Neck by @fournipplesau (E, 6K) Hello... this was really hot. I just loved the dynamic between the two of them—you really get a sense of the difference between them when they play and how they interact when they’re not. Also, just really hot. Did I say that already? Yeah.
babydoll blues by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain (E, 112K) At last, the full-fledged, dirty, sugar baby fic we needed. Harry's character is so layered and so beautifully drawn, I just fell in love with him. Louis is sexy and powerful and also tender and sweet, just how I imagine the actual Louis to be. This author wrote one of my favorite fics of 2021, so I was really excited to dive into this one. They really know how to set a scene and draw you in to their characters. Scorching smut scenes, excellent use of side characters, and some angst that fully made me cry. Definitely worth a read!
it's all for you, everything i do by moonshinelouis (E, 2K) This short little fic is made up of one of my favorite tropes: Louis feigning disinterest while Harry begs for his attention. I really enjoy the way this author is able make their fics feel more than “just” a PWP.
To Be The Friction In Your Jeans by orphan_account (E, 20K) Again, slightly dated characterizations because it was written in 2012 (no one writes OT4/5 orgies anymore, do they?), but I actually really like this one. It’s simultaneously funny, oddly believable, and really damn hot. Harry-centric.
pretty in pink by hereforlou (E, 6K) I love this author’s writing and they give suck a relative portrait of an established relationship in this one: Harry is whiny and needy. Louis is indulgent and loving. The whole thing is very sexy. Link is to a download.
redder than the devil by mercutionotromeo (E, 5K) This short fic has so many kinks and so much smut that I probably could add it to 10 different rec lists. I love this author and hope they keep gifting us with their writing.
Run and I’ll Give Chase by orphan_account (E, 25K) not exactly baby-girl, but I really liked the characterizations in this one; the way Harry wants Louis, but is afraid to want him and acts kind of bratty because if it, but then finally gives in? So good! Plus…there’s a second part Jump and I’ll Catch you (E, 13K) that I haven’t had a chance to read yet.
You might also like some fics on my Desperate Harry fic rec and, perhaps, my Feminization fic rec.
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Hi hello I watched all of carmilla in a weekend when I was 17 because a student teacher who in retrospect I had a bit of a crush on mentioned that she knew one of the actresses. also I am pretty invested in all your recent vampire stuff because I watched iwtv in 2 days last week because your edit intrigued me
oh hiiii 🫶 thank you for indulging me. thats so cool that you watched iwtv! did it live up to the expectation?
i also watched carmilla at 17! or like, 17-19. i found it when s2 had just started and followed it to the end. did something permanent to my brain but i think it was a good thing. on rewatch now im like, i was right to like this. like it's a solid show, it's good. it has its flaws obviously but it's well written, the emotional moments still get me, i can see why i liked it and i still like it now even when it's not anymore, you know, meeting every need that baby gay me didnt even know they had
what it doesnt reaallyy do though - i dont remember if i posted abt this or if i left it in my drafts but - is explore vampirism as a concept. their subject matter is more lesbianism than vampirism. which is great! thats what they wanted to do and they did it and it's very good. but reading interview with the vampire the book rn im realising how much potential vampires have to be metaphors for like so many things and i started wondering like 'wait, did carmilla just not really engage with it or did it all go over my head'. but it just didnt really engage with it all that much. which again is fine bc that wasnt what they were doing. im glad they were more about the lesbianism than the vampirism
but there's this interesting difference in framing, because in iwtv they keep calling armand 'ancient' right? and emphasising how old he is. and he's like 500? and i was like 'wait isnt carmilla like 400?'. she isnt, shes 340, but still, thats getting there, you know? and we know quite a lot about her history, but kind of just the Big Events. when she was turned, the events of the novella, coffin of blood, silas. thats sort of what we know. but none of the long lonely slog of history day to day you know? with armand i feel like we can really feel how much time everything takes. how every one of those years is made up of single days. with carmilla i dont feel that as much. i keep kind of thinking about daniel, when louis calls him a boy in the first episode, saying "im an old man, with all the triggers that come with it"
because carmilla might look 18 (or mid twenties at this point) but she has lived all that time. shes also seen her native land be claimed by like a succession of ruling powers, right? like armand. shes been buried alive, like louis. when lestat is born, shes already 80 years old, shes lived a whole human lifetime, and the entire adult part of it shes been a vampire. shes lived through 1680-1870 being a lure. i compared her to abigail hobbs in some tags on a post, i dont know if youre familiar with hannibal the tv show, but i do also kinda keep thinking about that comparison
if youre not familiar, in the first episode of hannibal the murderer of the week is this guy garrett jacob hobbs who kills and cannibalises girls who resemble his daughter. and later on it turns out she was made to be his lure. like they'd go places and he'd sent her to the victims to make friends and maybe get them back to their home or smth. not sure if they specified all the details. but that's what carmilla did for mother. and in s2 we hear from mattie that while every couple of decades carmilla had to lure victims for the fish god, she also seemed to just enjoy humans between those times, right? like the doctor, gets lonely, gets a new companion. but we've only sort of got mattie's mocking word for it ("dont eat him, hes a poet! or her, shes got such a wonderful voice. or that one, shes just too pretty to ruin"), we don't know exactly from carmilla's point of view what she was doing or why. if mattie's talking about stuff that happened after the blood coffin, 1950-now, then i think it's a fair assumption based on what carmilla says in the s1 sock puppet show that after she'd figured out what the real situation was and what her role in it was, when she'd started trying to save girls from being sacrificed, that she mightve been doing the same trying to save people from becoming mattie's victims. it's probably more likely that she was just trying to find excuses to stop mattie from sucking someone dry rather than actually having like an aesthetic based morality. but it might be a bit of both. im still trying to figure out what her philosophy actually is, like i dont know what existentialism actually means ghkfjghkj but i will
i also found it pretty striking in the movie when shes turning back into a vampire she says like "this was supposed to be done, you know? the blood lust, the self-loathing, the sleeping tied to a chair in my own bedroom". thats what defines her vampirism, wanting blood and hating yourself for it (the third part is a joke/reference to s1 but also i think meaningful for how she sees her relationship with laura when she IS a vampire. little bit of that 'she will reject me for my monstrousness' shining through). and thats what defines vampirism for lots of vampires across the genre obviously, but i dont know, it struck me. we dont get a lot from carmilla's pov, we know a fair amount about her, but the story is always told through laura. we get laura's diaries, but just snippets here and there from carmilla, what shes thinking, how shes feeling
and i love that shes a philosopher. i love that thats how she seems to try and find something to hold onto, in a world that kind of moves around her, having been murdered, kidnapped, turned and groomed to be a lure on the cusp of adulthood, never having been properly loved (the relationship with her father wasnt good she says in s3, and her mortal mother i dont think has ever been mentioned (like laura's)). the only good relationship she seems to have had for the better part of 3 centuries seems to have been mattie, and mattie seems to love being a vampire. i can imagine carmilla just sort of going along with anything mattie wants to do just because shes so desperate for that friendship. not like, against her will necessarily really. but more like, she hasnt even had the space to develop her own will, you know? and philosophy lets you do that. philosophy gives you frameworks to understand the world and to develop your own opinions on it. and by the 21st century she seems to have developed those opinions, she has a sense of her own values, but shes also still stuck in that same situation. shes jaded and cynical in the face of laura's optimism and strong moral code a lot of the time in s1 because she feels probably pretty powerless. like she does what she can to save some girls but at the end of the day shes scared of her mother and she has nowhere else to go really, right?
i like how she grapples with that over the course of the series, in tandem with laura grappling with her black and white morality. she sort of jumps ship from her mother to laura bc theyve fallen in love, but then laura still stuck in her hero thinking refuses to see her monstrous side. not literally bc i think the biological vampirism never seemed to be a problem for laura, but morally. the having murdered. carmilla needs laura to see that and love her while seeing it bc the last girl she loved rejected her for being a vampire.
but you see her kind of swing back and forth in s2. she softens first with laura but then they break up and she leans back hard into the sarcastic cynic defense mechanisms, leans hard into "im a monster, dont expect heroism from me". but thats like, it's sort of learned helplessness i think. it's powerlessness, resignation. bc morally shes not a monster. maybe she doesnt have as strong a drive to help other people as laura does and is a little more selfishly hedonistic in that she just wants to enjoy her/their life, but she doesnt hurt people for fun, she never has. she just sort of didnt have another option for a Really long time. so she pretends she doesnt care. "im a vampire, this is what i do, this is who i am". but clearly from the way she talks about it when she turns back into one, she doesnt enjoy it
and i like how she goes even further in s3, where she starts swinging even more to the heroic side, bc she sees hope. shes like "wow if we kill my mother, i'd be free". theres hope and she becomes like a lot more active. and shes like that at the start of the movie too, a lot happier, a lot more relaxed, and then vampirism is back and bam depression gfhgkjh like shes immediately more gloomy, ashamed of her past and her self, retreats into herself
sorry i just took this as an opportunity to dump all the carmilla thoughts floating in my head on you. you didnt ask fhkghgjh consider this an open invitation to you or anyone else to come talk to me about carmilla
#just finished watching the movie and i had actually forgotten but at the end shes a vampire again!#they totally gave us a super great opening for more conflict to explore hollstein's relationship#bc carmilla sort of puts closure to her past by taking responsibility for her part in it and it makes her a vampire again#and laura is like 'dont give up on our life together' and shes like 'im not giving up on anything!'#and laura is like 'we're supposed to live and get old and have grandkids how are we gonna do that if you dont age'#so thats a great set up#im putting the fic im writing i think another 5 years in the future#bc the movie is 5 years from the end of the series and im doing another 5 years so it's 2024#but theres so much opportunity to play there. theres conflict. tehres problems to solve. but theyre in a good place#i dont think they ever specify how vampires are made in this universe#therees some posts on carmillas blog where she responds to asks abt why she doesnt turn laura or if she would#and she just says 'you have no idea how this works'#but that was still during the series and the writers obviously wanted to keep their options open and their writing cards a bit closer to#the chest#but at this point you could make laura a vampire#you could explore that. see how they both feel abt that. would bea difficult decision#theyre also not married yet in the movie#they celebrate carmilla's 'rebirthday' where she turned human again#you could do a thing where they turn laura on that same day. sort of make that their wedding#not an easy decision i think. i think it would take a lot of discussion to get them there but not impossible#and would be fun to explore. both their feelings abt all that. and like anotehr 5 years in the future where they are in their lives#idk idk. brainstorming#thanks for giving me an opportunity to infodump a little :)#carmillaposting
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louisisalarrie · 7 months
hiiii, did you read the articles that harry wants to "get settled" now that he is thirty with his girlfriend, and he even started looking for rings, what is your opinion about it, i mean im kinda scared
I saw the headlines but I didn’t bother reading or clicking that shit, it’s ridiculous. Let me start this by saying the entertainment industry as a whole is ridiculously ageist. Anon, welcome to the show.
So, it’s seen fairly often in tabloids and interviews and articles, women in their late 20’s/early 30’s and onwards, being pressured about settling down and getting married and having kids. Hell, women in their every day lives get pressured and asked about this constantly too. Slowly, the script is flipping as more and more people are choosing not to have kids, but the societal pressure is still there. Because that’s what women are good for, right? Can’t be dating around as a women, can’t be a slag, you have to settle down and give the public your offspring so they have something to coo about and you look even more successful. You are “complete”. You’re “normal”. You’ve done what women are meant to do.
So, we see it all the time with women, and we do occasionally see it with men. Which sucks, and no one should be under that public scrutiny and pressure about their personal lives. But, the term “settle down” in relation to male stars, is used particularly for, you guessed it, men who are “womanisers”. Why isn’t the headline “TR and Harry look to settle down”? Why is the headline “Harry Styles ready to settle down”? Because, not to mention he’s way more famous than her, but he’s also notorious for sleeping with any woman with a pulse (so they say).
So, this narrative being pushed gets way more traction, because if you use the first headline that they are both ready to settle down, it implies TR wasn’t ready to begin with. But she is. Because she’s almost 30 and needs to have some kids before her biological clock runs out. Duh. So she’s finally caught the lothario that is Harry Styles™️. What next?
Of course! Now that they’re speculated to be engaged, and that news dies down, there needs to be another little shock. Perhaps… a baby bump? Well, not one exactly, but maybe a photo of TR after she’s had a big bowl of pasta that they can sell to the tabloids. Because it sells. Harry not only “settling down” but also a potential baby Harry? The fans will go crazy. The public will click on that link. That’s how to sell a narrative. And a new album. And some tickets to a play.
Now, none of this is probably news to you. We’ve seen it all before. It happened with him and OW too. It’s the standard relationship timeline, and hey… didnt TR’s play just start on stage in NY from March 3rd - 31st? Isn’t that great timing for her name to be tied to Harry with a big story in the press! What a coincidence!
So anyway, when we had the whole Louis and E engagement stories, we had way different headlines than Harry. Even though louis was an “off the rails party boy”, we got headlines that didn’t mention settling down at all. And that’s because, apart from a very short stint of blonde girls occasionally piling up in his van after clubbing and an “accidental child with a one night stand”, he’s always been a long term relationship guy. Always going back to E. So, he doesn’t have that narrative like Harry does. But also, everyone wants a piece of harry. He’s in high demand right now, so isn’t TR so very lucky!
Anyway, if there’s rumours two folks are engaged, the breakup articles sell even better. It means it was a super serious shocking split as opposed to TR being another one of Harry’s flings and he wasn’t serious about her at all. Hence the engagement articles. And we saw that with Louis, although louis seems to address rumours a lot more than harry, for image/PR op reasons. Remember his “no, no, no!” In that interview when being asked about his engagement? Ahhh… good times.
So, we can probably expect a BUA soon, when TR’s play finishes, and Harry announces something. So hold on for me, anon!
I also have a theory, that Harry’s narrative is slowly moving towards settling down, because when he comes out with/without Louis, it’ll look more serious when they get together. It’s not going to be “harry experimenting with sexuality”. It’s gonna be “he’s serious, he’s been wanting to settle down for a while, this isn’t a phase”. Well… more along those lines anyway. Maybe not straight away. But yeah, so that’s also why I think there has been a couple of engagement jumpscares, and also his narrative shifting from sexy womaniser to wholesome loving and doting man who wants to settle down.
Anyway, if you got this far, thanks for reading! Always fun to talk about industry stuff. xx
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hlficlibrary · 11 months
Do you have any recs under 10k that are just sweet and fluffy and overall feel-good?
Hi, anon! So the library does have these two fic recs to look through:
✤ Short Fics (pt 1)
✤ Short Fics (pt 2)
And then here are a few more that fit what you're looking for:
I Remember (The Distances We Covered) by @lululawrence
@ColleenisStylish: @LouisTomlinson my dad thinks he’s sat next to you on a train from Edinburgh right now, so if you could confirm that would be amazing. His name is Harry and he’s just had white wine and says you’re on red x
Louis glanced at the glass of red wine in his hand before taking a quick look around those nearest him on the train. Just across the aisle in a seat facing him was a man with graying, curly hair falling into his face yet somehow staying above his glasses. He was reading a book as he tapped his foot, seemingly oblivious to everything around him, and there sitting on the table in front of him was a half glass of white wine.
Court Wine by @enchantedlandcoffee , red_panda28 / @red-pandaaa
Accept. Harry had laid out accept. Louis felt like his cheeks were hurting, he was smiling so hard. Asking to court someone wasn’t as common anymore and these days it basically was just a fancy way of asking someone to date them but Louis had always liked the idea and practice of traditional courting. Giving his Omega little gifts and tokens of affection, finally getting to scent them properly and maybe even offering clothes to be added to the Omega’s nest.
Harry accepting was worth the world to Louis and he couldn’t wait to get to show his best friend, his Omega, how much exactly he meant to him.
after a misunderstanding during a scrabble game, Alpha Louis starts courting Omega Harry without the latter being aware of it.
you give me feelings that i adore by @alwaysxlarrie
Harry doesn’t mean to fall in love with Louis’ scent when they first meet after the Alpha joins Harry's study group, but after Harry leaves a sweater behind by accident and it comes back smelling like Louis, he can’t really help it. Nor can he really help continuing to leave his things behind in hopes that Louis will take them home and drench them in his wonderful, mouth-watering scent. He just has to hope Louis will play along.
Or, 5 times Louis scents Harry's things and the 1 time Harry returns the gesture.
seven, seven by @nouies
“Hello, baby girl,” Harry says as soon as the nurse places the bundle of joy into his arms. “We’ve been dying to meet you.”
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tommos · 11 months
hiiii i am finally doing this tag game the lovely @enchantedlandcoffee mentioned me in <3
louis tomlinson this or that?
ltwt or fitfwt? confidence-wise for louis i'd say fitfwt 100%, he just shines onstage and you can tell. but for nostalgia reasons id say ltwt because it really was special, you just had to be there. back to you or miss you? miss you hands down just like you or just hold on? i have extremely unpopular opinions about these two songs lol, ill go with just hold on though because she's the first solo song and has a nice message fearless or saturdays? fearless i love her walls or holding onto heartache? this question makes me want to die, hoth two of us or angels fly? i skip two of us every single time because it hits really close to home for me and makes me cry everytime so i'm going with angels fly we made it or the greatest? the greatest too young or common people? too young, that's my baby girl habit or that's the way love goes? i'm a larrie so guess only the brave or? i couldn't tell if this was a typo bc nothing is against her but then i realized that it's that way on purpose and that's so real kill my mind or written all over your face? i love louis moaning in waoyf but nothing will top doing the lights project in person for kmm, she's THAT bitch perfect now or face the music? :3 guess change or don't let it break your heart? change and i still haven't heard it live, i've been to four shows and haven't heard this one live still i will actually throw hands defenseless or silver tongues? DEFENSELESS the BRIDGE ALONNNEEEE, but silver tongues was so fucking euphoric live especially in the pit i think this one might be tied always you or all this time? ALL THIS TIME, this song is gonna be my number one song on spotify wrapped this year i already know it walls album or faith in the future album? i will say i love both albums equally but fitf is going to win for me!!!!
tagging @pop-punklouis @judevictorbellingham @greeneyesfriedrice @uwulouis @itsnotreal @complictedfreak @himboniall @cloudslou @louisarmpits @reputationvaults and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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wolfiemcwolferson · 9 months
end of year asks 12 13 18 kiss i love you
Hiiii babe
Talk about a new friend you made this year - oh my god where do I even begin? I have made sooooo many new friends this year and it’s hard to pick just one, but sometimes you meet people and it feels like they’ve been apart of you all along, and that’s YOU, baby 💙💙
How was your birthday this year? - well, I’ll paste my Instagram caption here:
I have so many unanswered birthday messages to return as I have genuinely been in a puddle all weekend.
Birthday weekend pictures feat:
Pierre Gasly’s P3 Sprint Race finish which resulted in me crying.
Barbie which resulted in me crying.
People being too nice to me which resulted in me crying.
Charles Leclerc’s P3 Race finish which resulted in me crying.
Going to get a very very important tattoo which resulted in me crying.
And the album which Carly Rae Jepsen released on FRIDAY taking over my monthly music wrap up because I’ve played it nonstop and it’s perfect and it’s resulted in me (let’s all say it together) CRYING.
Thank you for the birthday love.
I’m stronger, better, funnier, and weirder than I was last year and holy shit, I wouldn’t change a single second of it.
A memorable meal this year? - oh I’ve had a few!
Some of my favorites:
- I make a roast chicken as our “last meal” in every house we leave behind and I did it again this year. It was the first thing I ever cooked when Goose and I moved in together and now I use it to mark the passing of time
- the burrito I ate while driving to LA in Friday afternoon traffic because they canceled our train and I had Louis Tomlinson tickets at the Bowl
- the Cheesecake Factory I ate in a random hotel outside of Portland because I bought a last minute plane ticket to see two of my best friends in the entire world and by the time I landed, and we got to our hotel, everything was closed except for Cheesecake Factory??? And then we sat up and gossiped all night and my heart was full
- the breakfast I had with River and our flat Sol sitting in a restaurant that I directly reference in Blue Neighbourhood where we talked for far longer than we should have but it was worth all the missed work emails
- the sandwich and potato salad I ate at this cafe in the square in my hometown when I had a crashing realization that I didn’t hurt to be there
- the hot dogs and smores my kids and I cooked over a campfire in TN while on our cross country roadtrip after the most perfect day exploring a town and laying in the leaves
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likelarryfics · 1 year
Hiiii! Holding onto heartache please ☺️
"Oh no, no, no," Harry drops his head into his hands.
It's happening again. How is it possible that this is happening again? You'd think after the first time he'd learn his lesson but no, he somehow gets knocked up again.
He's been doing everything right; taking his birth control every morning, taking his suppressants, using a condom when they need to.
Harry sighs, sliding his back down the door till his bum hits the floor, staring at the positive pregnancy test in his hand.
They've only just bonded. Harry planned to wait at least a year before they try to have pups. Hell, Harry has still been two-minded about it which is why he wanted to wait.
He didn't lie when he told Louis back then that he didn't know if he wanted more kids because he can't picture himself having more.
Of course getting with Louis changed that. He knows he couldn't see it because no one else was Louis and he wanted Louis only.
So yes, he's been opened to it but definitely not right now. It's too soon, right? And they still have a wedding to plan for fucks sake. A wedding that's in nine months.
He'd either be heavily pregnant or have a newborn and that's definitely not how he pictured his wedding going.
"Fuck," he mumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Harry jumps, placing a hand over his heart.
"Your mate is looking for you," Gemma says, voice muffled from behind the door, "and your son is getting impatient."
Harry let's out a breath and pushes himself off the floor. "I'm coming," he calls out.
"Okay," there's a pause. "Are you okay? Was it the fish you ate last night?"
Harry wipes a hand over his face, throwing the test away in the trashcan. "Yeah," he says.
He doesn't want to talk about it right now. It's Levi's fifth birthday and there are people waiting outside and a very excited five-year-old and his Alpha waiting patiently for him so that they can celebrate.
He opens the door, surprised to see how close Gemma is standing.
"Jesus," he huffs.
She narrows her eyes at him. "Are you sure you're okay?"
Harry nods, avoiding her eyes.
"Let's go outside, yeah?"
Gemma stares but eventually nods. "Your son is just as fussy as you," she says as they walk to the dining room table.
"I think you guys forget Louis is fussier than I am," Harry snorts.
"That is true," Gemma says, "I love the house, by the way, didn't get to say earlier."
Harry looks around and smiles. "Thanks, took a while but I love this."
"Big garden, close to good schools, spacious living room and kitchen-- ticking off everything you've wanted," Gemma knocks her elbow to his.
Harry musters up a smile. It really is a beautiful place and they've saved up for a year for it, and everything they've both ever wanted.
"Levi can't stop talking about his new room," Gemma continues, "says he wants a rainbow painted over his wall."
Harry snorts, shaking his head.
"That kid of yours has a million and one different interests, I swear to god," Gemma mumbles.
Harry doesn't get a chance to reply as they reach the dining room. It's a long table, enough to sit eight people, beautiful mahogany wood and a baby blue throw over the middle. Levi is at the end of the table near the China cabinet with Louis by his side and Avery in front of him. Harry smiles, walking towards them.
"Hey, there's daddy," Louis cheers, extending his hand out for Harry.
"Daddy! Come on we need to blow out my candles so we can have cake," Levi says, bouncing impatiently on the chair he's standing on.
"Sorry, love," Harry says, taking Louis' hand in his. Harry stands on the other side of Levi.
Louis kisses his cheek. "You okay, darling?"
Harry nods, avoiding his eyes because he knows Louis will be able to tell as soon as he looks at Harry.
"Sing daddy," Levi says, looking up at him. Harry shakes his head.
He reaches down to kiss Levi's head. "Okay, let's sing!"
They sing, Levi blows out his candles and they cut the cake (rainbow cake as per Levi's request). Levi is fascinated by the different layers being different colours. He insists he wants a piece of every colour and a big piece at that too as Harry cuts slices for everyone.
The kids sits at the table to eat cake and Harry goes immediately to the kitchen to have a glass of water, managing to dodge most of the guests. He leans against one of the counters and sips on the water.
"Darling?" Harry opens his eyes. He didn't even realize his eyes are closed.
"Hey, love," Louis walks to him, placing his hands on Harry's hips, "you feeling okay?"
Harry manages to smile. "I'm fine," he lies.
"Look at me, baby," Louis cups his jaw so Harry's forced to look forward.
Harry finally looks at him.
"Whats wrong, love?"
Harry places the glass down next to himself on the counter. "I'm feeling better, just... a bit out of it," he says, placing his hands on Louis' shoulders.
Louis' eyebrows are pinched. "Are you sure?"
Harry nods but then he sighs because Louis will not relent because he can tell Harry is lying. "We'll talk a bit more later, yeah? But I am feeling fine now. I just need a bit of space, okay?"
Louis searches his eyes and nods. He presses a long kiss to Harry's forehead then his lips. "I've got the kids, okay? You do what you need to do."
Harry smiles gratefully at him. Louis is really amazing. Harry kisses him again.
"I love you so much," he says, resting their foreheads together. "Promise we'll talk later, okay? Let's just get through the rest of the day for Levi."
"Yeah, deal," Louis chuckles softly. "Did you eat anything? I didn't see you have breakfast because you were feeling sick."
Harry shakes his head. Before he can get a word out, Louis steps back. "I'm going to put a few things on a plate for you, okay? A little bit of everything. Maybe we'll avoid the seafood though," he winces, grabbing one of the colourful paper plates.
"Louis you don't have to--"
"It's okay. I'll get you something to eat, you do what you have to and come meet me in the dining room with the kids, okay?" He kisses Harry's cheek. "Take your time, love. I got this," he sends Harry a finger gun, walking backwards.
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hiiii aly how r you 😌🫶🏼🫶🏼
hiiiiii !!!!!! currently anxious waiting for louis’ set to start heheheh wbu baby?
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falsegoodnight · 2 years
Hiiii I made this question. Chicago is my favorite song on the album and as soon as I finished listening to it I knew I had to read a fic written by you. I thought it would obviously be an exes to lovers, maybe omegaverse, louis ended the relationship for a better job/study opportunity and he always regrets that, harry hasn't gotten over him either but he let him go because he knows that louis is fulfilling his dream, years later harry he is a single father but the relationship with the baby's father didn't work out, louis didn't being able to get over harry and he is always asking about h to their mutual friends, and with a happy ending. sorry if it was long hahahahaha lately I've listened to midnight rain by taylor swift (you should also be inspired by this song too) and listening to chicago has broken my heart.
Ps: english is not my first language, i'm so sorry 😭😭😭
first of all, pls your english is amazing!!
and oooo wait i actually really dig that! exes to lovers is forever my fav because of the ~angst~ and this sounds like it'd be the perfect amount of angst!! and midnight rain... ugh </3 i already wanted to write something based on it after hearing it for the first time.
anyways, no promises that i'll ever write it but thank you for sharing your ideas with me!!! i always love to hear them :) <33
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houseoflennoxx · 2 years
Ask you back! What are your OCs' favourite painting/mural/sculpture/any piece of art?
hiiii, love. tysm for asking me back this! I love art as much as I love music so I'm so excited to answer this.
For Avalon, the artistic expression of romanticism and neoclassicism are the pinnacle of art. She loves to walk through galleries looking for artists like Goya, Delacroix or Jacques-Louis David. Of this early style, her favorite work is The Execution of Lady Jane Grey, by Paul Delaroche. It has always been a painting with a lot of meaning for her and the first time she saw it, she was entranced by the colours, the use of light and its expressiveness.
Alistair, however, although he also adores painting above any type of artistic expression, prefers a much more sober style, with a more marked expressiveness: the late Renaissance. For this period, the artists that he likes to highlight among his favorites are Nicholas Hilliard, Alonso Sánchez Coello or, his favorite, El Greco. Among all the work of the latter, his favorite painting is The Burial of the Count of Orgaz.
Finally, and because I don't want to teach an art history class today (we can talk about this another day if you want), let's move on to Elliot and Cameron. The latter adores sculpture, especially in the Italian neoclassical style. Among his favorite sculptors, of course, Pigalle and Antonio Canova stand out. His favorite work is Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss (one of the most beautiful sculptures ever carved).
For Elliot, because I want to and I can (and he's my baby and deserves more attention), I'm going to talk about sculpture and painting. His favorite sculpture is The Winged Victory of Samothrace, since he was little he has always adored its expressiveness and the mystery it hides. The fact that it's just a torso and legs with a pair of wings on its back, with no face, no facial expression is fascinating to him. For him, the art of Ancient Greece is absolutely superior and he does not admit any kind of discussion in this regard.
And, as a good lover of ancient Greece, and as a 16 year-old gen-z queer, his favorite myth is the story of Achilles and Patroclus. What do you want me to tell you? My child is predictable and discretion does not work with him. For this reason, his favorite painting is Achilles Lamenting the Death of Patroclus, by Gavin Hamilton. In this family, neoclassicism freaks them out, it is what it is.
sorry about the rambling, babes
pictures below the cut. you have to see them, c'mon
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greeneyesfriedrice · 2 years
Harry is sweating. Why did she decide to do hot yoga right now, in the comfort of Louis' living room?
Her stomach is cramping, and the humidity from outside is making everything feel sluggish and slow. Louis went to grab groceries so they would have actual food to eat this week, rather than just boxed mac and cheese and takeout.
She must either fall asleep or pass out, because next thing she knows she's being jostled by someone.
"Harry, baby, you're bleeding all over my carpet." A familiar voice says.
When Harry realizes what the voice says, she forces herself awake.
Louis is staring down at her with concerned blue eyes, hands comforting where they hold her waist. Harry looks down and, fuck, she started her period, and it's bad.
Her yoga pants are definitely ruined, and maybe even Louis' carpet. It's not a huge blood spot, but it's definitely noticeable enough.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry. I had fallen asleep doing yoga, and I-"
Lips cut off her rambling, Louis kissing her mouth slowly and perfectly.
"It's okay, I've been looking for a new carpet anyway." Louis winks, holding out her hand to help Harry up.
send me a number and I'll write a drabble using that sentence
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harrysmaison · 2 years
heyhey <3
for your fic wip game: lips, waist, baby 🌸
1. His lips curving more and more, the light behind his eyes glowing brighter and brighter and the crinkles at their corners getting deeper and deeper until he's nothing but a human embodiment of sunshine.
2. Now, he just smiles back, arms worming around his lean waist in a secure wrap, and says, “Yeah. You’re here. With me.”
3. "Stop pouting, you big baby," Louis laughs.
1 and 2 are from my vampire au, 3 is from christmasfest au!
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shiningstarlight · 5 years
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They’re (happily) married.
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