#highly accurate depth camera
sabrinatvband · 2 months
Notes on Comic Art #2: To Hatch or Not to Hatch, also some coloring stuff
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One of the most influential things I've ever read on the subject of comic art is a piece Jesse Hamm wrote on Alex Toth where he talks about flatpacking.
[I discovered while writing this that Jesse Hamm passed away in 2021. He was a brilliant educator, one of the best in the history of the comics medium, and will be sorely missed.]
In the piece Hamm basically discusses how over-rendering objects usually makes them function worse as comic art. Many other people have discussed how using thicker lines for objects closer to the "camera" is good practice, how colors can seperate shapes and create depth, etc.
The question is, where does cross hatching fit into all of this? Or rather, various methods of adding more detailed rendering to artwork? I'm trying to figure this stuff out as I'm doing layouts for my comic, because I want to know the answers before I start inking the final artwork.
I try/want to have an uncluttered, clean, easily readable art style. I occasionally add hatching to my drawings, because hatching is fun, but I often feel like I've slightly ruined my artwork when I'm finished.
I've decided to look at some of the art that I feel like my own work is trying the hardest to emulate, at least philosophically, to see how other artists "weigh in" on this debate. It's important to remember that inkers embellish artwork [hence the alternate title "embellisher"], and so I'm going to try and find inkers most representative of a given penciller's intentions when applicable.
As I was working on this piece, I read Hamm Tips vol 1.1, and I discovered this diagram, which seems to relate with what I'm going to discuss later:
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I think it's accurate to say that my desired approach is Uninflected/Deliberate; I think most people going for a clean and cartoonish look fall into that quadrant. Some people might describe Toth's work as being "clean", and so I should clarify that I'm talking about clean in the spirit of "lines meet neatly".
Some of the artists I'll discuss have lines that fall somewhere between being Inflected and Uninflected, and I think a lot of this comes down to inker approach. I feel like, in spirit, all of these pencillers are Uninflected, but some of the inkers use brushes, which creates a sort of middle ground. Brushes add different weights to a line, whereas crow quill nibs and pens have a uniform width. [The technical term for unweighted inked lines is "dumb line"; I believe this was coined by David Mazzucchelli.]
Let's first look at Adam Warren's work in the Dirty Pair volume Fatal But Not Serious. I'm a huge fan of how this comic looks; the flat, cel animation-style colors are very clean and easy to read. It's a very pleasant look, and I'm surprised more comics don't do this.
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There is some hatching here, but it's not "serious" hatching. Just a few lines on cheeks, hands, etc. 98% of the artwork is shapes delinated entirely by a clean line and color. The convention floor panel is able to have a ton of detail without really changing the visual "rules" of the comic. An artist who does things in a more highly rendered way may've, for instance, reduced the crowd to a series of heavily shadowed figures, or colored in a single expressionistic wash to paper over things, etc.
Warren's Magical Drama Queen Roxy used a very similar approach to Fatal But Not Serious:
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Let's now look at Rick Mays. I'm not a huge fan of Rick Mays, I've only actual read a single issue of a comic by him, but as I was reading Gen 13 he immediately stood out as being the best artist on that series, aside from Adam Warren himself [speaking only about issues Warren wrote]. It feels very telling that Rick Mays later did the final art for a graphic novel Warren laid out called Livewires.
These are from Gen 13 vol 2 #70:
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The biggest difference between this piece has nothing to do with Warren or Mays, and everything to do with the coloring approach. I don't think the coloring here is bad, but the gradient-y colors do create a vastly different visual effect than the cel look I highlighted earlier.
The inking approach feels quite similar between the two artists; while Mays's art takes one or two steps towards realism relative to the Fatal But Not Serious stuff, texture is largely used to the same degree [with the grass and tornado being understandable exceptions]. What's interesting is that this issue has three different credited inkers; Karl Story, Rick Mays, and Jason Martin. I'm assuming this happened for deadline reasons.
I feel like I'm maybe starting to sound a little repetitive, and so I feel like I should share an issue of Gen 13 that I disliked, and then we can move to things that aren't Adam Warren-adjacent. These are from #43 and #44, with pencils by Lee Bermejo and inks by John Nyberg:
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I'm not a big fan of this. The borderline chiaroscuro inking makes everything look heavily referenced, labored, and weird, and the "acting" in the comic suffers because of the over-rendered faces. It's a real shame the artwork is like this, because this two-part story is actually quite solid and would be a minor classic with better artwork.
I notice that many newer comic artists [which is to say, people who began their careers during the 90s onwards] put a lot of heavy shadows on figures in a way that feels too slavishly devoted to a certain kind of realism. I say a "certain kind" because the high contrast look of black spots being put onto a figure make the shadows way darker than they'd actually look in real life, so it almost makes the figures look dirty.
Look at comic art from the olden days and figures are largely defined by outlines/color. If a figure in an old comic has a lot of shadow on them, it's for reasons that are obvious and motivated; noir-y venetian blinds stuff, a mysterious villain being obscured, someone being underlit, or having half their face obscured, etc. There's a clear reason shadows are being used in these cases, rather than it being done to add usually unnecessary detail.
Anyways, let's look at Amanda Conner's work. Image on the left is from a Vampirella story called Fantasy Feast, and the image on the right is from Power Girl #12. Texture is used, like on the walls of the bathroom, but sparingly.
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Looking at Conner's work in this context makes me realize, I don't think I've ever seen Amanda Conner's stuff colored flat [at least after she fully matured as an artist]. I don't think the more three-dimensional rendering used in any of these panels is bad, but I'm not going to be doing that kind of coloring in my book, and so it's not quite as instructive to me.
That being said, I really love Conner's style. I've noticed that Marvel and DC are increasingly using artists with styles that are broadly similar to Conner's; I've included an example below. Maybe it's because the artist below is too lazy to draw a proper background, but their work feels so much more flavorless than Conner's in comparison. I think it's because the "acting" is not as impressive, and Conner brings a fun-factor that feels completely absent in the page below.
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I realize "fun" isn't always the order of the day, but this page doesn't really reflect . . . anything. It's completely bland.
Here's Kirby, who couldn't be bland if he tried. The left image is from the Young Romance collection Fantagraphics put out, and the right is from OMAC. The former is from the 40s, latter is from the 70s. [By the way, the Young Romance image is photographed from my own collection; there's no warping visible because Fantagraphics knows how to design a book].
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Looking at these pieces side-by-side really challenges a lot of my assumptions about Kirby's artwork, because in some ways his artwork changed less than I previously thought it did without direct comparisons. There are some things that are more abstract about the OMAC page, like the wiggly shadows. Someone unfamiliar with Kirby might assume these were drawn by two different people, but only because 30-odd years of growth seperate these two pages.
Kirby's style, in my mind, is highly geometric and defined more so by abstract shorthand squiggles than hatching or other forms of rendering, but there actually is a fair amount of hatching on the OMAC page.
However, that OMAC page I believe was inked by Mike Royer, or at least someone using a brush. I noticed that, by sheer coincidence, almost all of the Kirby art from my first post in this series was inked by D. Bruce Barry, who didn't use a brush and also followed Kirby's pencils perhaps more literally than any other inker he ever had. In those images, it's clear that most of the hatching in Kirby's work was added by his inkers.
When Kirby did ink himself [using a brush], his style was oddly clean. He did add in hatching, but it was never particularly dense.
Anyways, I want to close this by including some Jesse Hamm quotes from his instructional PDFs:
-Simplicity is great, but often you need extra texture to seel weirdness.
-Another sign of experience is texture. The pro-level artist has learned to give different textures to grass, hair, tree bark, bushes, etc. Meanwhile, the amateur uses the same one or two shading techniques on EVERYTHING, giving it all a samey feel.
-Open spaces of black or white may be "activated" with a bit of texture. A few pebbles/ripples/etc will spur the mind to fill what's missing.
-We talk often about spotting blacks, but spotting greys (i.e., details/texture) is also crucial to clear compositions.
The lesson in the bit of Hamm writing I most often revisited, the flatpacking post, was that too much texture and rendering can make a comic exhausting to read. But reading more of his work, it turns out he had a more nuanced, texture-inclusive view of things.
What's the lesson here? Discretion.
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New cosmic distance catalog could unlock the mysteries of universe formation
A new catalog providing information on millions of distant galaxies, which determines their distances with unprecedented precision over a field of view and depth never before explored, has been published today.
The catalog is the result of The Physics of the Accelerating Universe Survey (PAUS), an international collaboration led by the Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC), dependent on the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU), which involves 14 institutions across six countries—including the University of Portsmouth.
Collected over 200 nights between 2015 and 2019 using the PAUCam camera on the William Herschel Telescope in La Palma, this catalog is now available on the PAUS website and the CosmoHub web portal.
Covering a vast sky area of 50 square degrees, similar to an area of approximately 250 full moons, the catalog includes data for 1.8 million astronomical objects. These insights will enable astronomers to create more accurate maps to understand how structure forms in the universe and to study dark matter and dark energy.
Enrique Gaztañaga, Director of the PAU Survey and Professor at the University of Portsmouth's Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, said, "The PAU Survey offers a groundbreaking approach to creating cosmic maps, made possible through the design and development of a novel instrument and a dedicated survey to collect and analyze data in ways never done before. It has been a privilege to collaborate with such a talented and dependable group."
The accelerated expansion of the universe is attributed to dark energy, which constitutes about 70% of the universe, yet its nature remains a mystery. The PAU Survey offers new insights into this enigma, providing an accurate and comprehensive characterization of millions of galaxies up to distances of more than 10 billion light years.
This catalog is a valuable resource for the astronomical community, aiding in the scientific analysis and calibration of other cosmological surveys.
The PAUCam camera was specially designed to accurately measure galaxy distances, enabling the study of the universe's expansion under the influence of dark matter and dark energy.
The project builds on existing deep images from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS), carried out with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii, and the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) carried out with the European Southern Observatory's VLT Survey Telescope in Chile. By combining these datasets, PAUS has achieved highly accurate distance and time information for deep space objects.
This catalog represents a significant advancement in cosmic research, with its extensive data offering photometric redshift measurements that determine the distances of galaxies as they appeared billions of years ago.
To achieve these measurements, the PAU camera employs 40 filters across different colors, representing narrow bands in the optical spectrum. This technique involves photographing the same field multiple times through various color filters. As objects move away from us, the light they emit experiences a redshift, shifting towards the red end of the spectrum. In astronomy, redshift is crucial for calculating the distance of an object from Earth.
David Navarro-Gironés, Ph.D. student at ICE-CSIC and first author of the paper, said, "The precision in measuring galaxy distances depends on the number of filters you use, as each filter provides different information about the galaxy.
"The great advantage of PAUS is that it combines information from 40 different filters, allowing for highly accurate distance measurements. This level of precision is crucial for the study of the structure of the universe, which in turn requires data from a large number of galaxies."
The release is detailed in two articles published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: one measuring distances and another one on calibration of the PAUS data.
In the coming months, the team will also present an ongoing study on galaxy clustering and intrinsic galaxy shape alignments, contributing to a deeper understanding of how our universe formed and evolved.
IMAGE: The William Herschel Telescope in La Palma, Spain. Credit: PAUS team
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Stand-up shows I’ve seen in the last few days:
David O’Doherty – hour-long set at Access Festival 2024
This was lovely, as I’d expected and looked forward to. I don’t think it matched any particular Edinburgh show he did, as it was a mix of old and new material. Or at least, it was a mix of stuff by him that I knew already and stuff I didn’t. I don’t know how new the stuff I didn’t recognize was, because I haven’t found a recording of any of his stand-up since 2020. So this had some stuff from his 2020 album (which was meant to be his 2020 tour show, but then wasn’t, because of you know, the thing) and some stuff from some general time more recent than that.
I enjoyed it so much. I think DO’D’s style, of being just easygoing and open and warm and all those other nice words (but there is an edge and a depth to a lot of his stuff, and almost none of what he does can accurately be called “whimsical”, as I’d like to tell some of the people who review him), is pretty nicely suited to Zoom gigs. Comedy shows that are just one person performing to a camera are often fucking awkward, but DO’D seems so comfortable with what he’s doing that it’s really easy to forget about the awkwardness of it and just feel like you’re sitting in his living room listening to his stories. It gives me the same feeling that I get when I listen to all his comedy albums, which is that something about the way DO’D talks make it impossible to have your guard up when you listen to him. You just relax and enjoy it, and sometimes he uses that to make it more of a surprise when he turns up the tension, and to create that effect he must be doing all kinds of things that I can’t even recognize but I enjoy it so much.
This show had a mix of things. He did his History of Ireland routine that he also did on that one Bugle episode and is excellent. Some stuff about his father that I’d heard before, but also some stuff that I hadn’t heard before, so that was interesting. A sprinkling of references to a breakup, but only a sprinkling. That mouse song from his 2020 album. I think my favourite part of it that I’d not heard before was a song about things being inconvenient that started out mundane and then went pretty dark and climate change-y, progressing at a DO’D-esque pace. A little bit of musing on cultural toxic masculinity stuff. A new one to add to his rolodex of stories about the weirdly specific level of fame he has and what it’s like to get sort of recognized sometimes. And closed with the beefs song, as usual. Classic DO’D.
He's one whom I really, really hope does week 1 in Edinburgh this year, as that’s when I’ll be there. Very high on my list of people I’d most like to see live. But in the meantime, I wish he’d do more recorded gigs because he really is good at it. Just sitting comfortably and making it feel like he’s chatting with the audience, as opposed to a lot of comedians who talk really awkwardly into the camera during Zoom gigs like this is the weirdest thing in the world (to be fair, it is the weirdest thing it the world, I can’t blame most people for not having DO’D’s level of charm). Not to mention any specific names of people who do that or anything, but this week I did also watch:
The guys from Crizards split an hour, each did 30 minutes of individual material while staring really awkwardly into their respective cameras – Access Festival 2024:
It was all right. They were both all right. I like the Crizards show on YouTube and would watch another if they put it up but don’t need to go looking for more of their solo stuff.
Sarah Keyworth – Access Festival 2024
They did their 2024 show, which they’ve been working on for the last few months, and it was fucking great, I highly recommend anyone who likes this sort of thing to check it out. They filmed this the same way as last year’s Access Festival gig, and with the same sort of intense energy. Not the DO’D ease with the webcam, but not the awkwardness of a lot of other comedians either, their strategy seemed to just be really earnest and acknowledge the circumstances get the audience on their side, and it worked well both times I’ve seen them do it (Access Festival 2023 and 2024).
I’d heard bits of the material from this show before, in more disjointed forms, and it had all made me laugh a lot on its own. But at the Access Festival they did the full hour, where they tied it together and gave it a bit more of a structure and ended on some really nice callbacks, and it was just great. Really consistently funny, all the way through.
The hour covers a bunch of topics: stuff about their parents and siblings, growing up, top surgery, family stuff, coming out as non-binary, ADHD, bit of culture war stuff but dealt with in a non-tiresome way, lesbian foursomes, a number of other things. They managed to connect almost all of it to these nice themes about acceptance and what individual identity means within a community, it builds to an ending that was really nice. It’s just great. Also their whole presence is really engaging and hard to look away from, even though the awkwardness of a Zoom gig, it’s pretty good that they could have that much stage presence while sitting alone in a room talking to a webcam (I really do mean… genuinely, it’s their captivating stage presence that I’m complimenting when I say they’re a performer that’s hard to look away from, the fact that they’re extremely attractive is a separate issue).
Jessica Fostekew – Wench (2022 show that was just released by 800 Pound Gorilla)
I wrote the other day about the giant comedy folder that lives on my external hard drive, and how I can judge how much I like a comedian by how many files are in their dedicated sub-folder. I also said this rule doesn’t apply every time, and Jessica Fostekew is an example of where it really, really doesn’t. Because I only have three files in her folder: her 2018 show Silence of the Nans, her 2019 show Hench, and now her 2022 show Wench. But they were all fucking fantastic. She has to be one of the comedians with the highest ratio of how few things I have in her folder, to how much I like the things that are there. I should really check out more of her stuff.
I think Wench is my favourite show of the three, which is saying something because the other two were great. This is the first show I’ve heard her do since coming out as queer, so that’s fun, and Wench has a fair bit about that in there. Both in the form of just domestic stories about her female fiancée, and some stuff about queer identity labels and coming out and dealing with blatant homophobia as well as well-meaning ignorance.
Oh, and she did a bunch of jokes on a topic that I happen to always find hilarious, which is people asking “How do lesbians have sex?” I’m not sure if that’s still as common a question as it used to be, but in my early twenties, I used to get asked that question so often that it happened three separate times within a few years that someone asked me “Can I ask you, as a gay woman, a question?” and I, having heard this many times before and knowing what it leads to, said “I can save you the trouble of asking, the answer is with their fingers” and on two of the three times I had, in fact, correctly predicted what the question was going to be. Which I thought was the funniest thing in the world. Oh, that was also the time when it was a really common meme, at least in lesbian corners of the internet (by which I mean the Autostraddle and After Ellen websites), to take any screenshot of any two women interacting with each other in any slightly weird way and caption it “This is how lesbians have sex”. Which I also think is one of the funniest memes to cross the internet in my life so far. I don’t why I’ve always found that such a funny topic, but it’s been a while since I’ve heard jokes about it (probably because the world’s gotten more progressive and people don’t feel as comfortable asking gay women that question anymore, which is good and all, but it’s a shame it had to come at the expense of queer women getting to make jokes about the daftness of that question), so I enjoyed Jessica Fostekew bringing it back.
Anyway. The comedy show was great. She is so sharp, so incisive, can jump so fast from jokes about spraying cats with water to jokes about sex to jokes about horrifically homophobic politicians, from funny stories about her neighbours to angry rally-crying feminist screeds, and I enjoy every bit of it. Her ability to jump from one of those things to another is a bit Kiri-Pritchard McLean-esque, I think, and I mean that as high praise. It all came together nicely, it was a great hour.
Christopher McArthur Boyd – Oh No (2022 show that was just released by 800 Pound Gorilla)
To be honest, I think I went into this one with expectations that were too high, because I’d read that he was really really good, so I was a bit disappointed when the beginning of this show was fairly mundane. But it picked up once I got into it, and I liked the second half a lot better than the first. None of it made me actually laugh out loud, but he hit on some good topics and said some funny things and I see why he’s doing well. I’m definitely interested in seeing more things he’s done.
By the way, to make it a very Glasgow day, I happened to watch MacArthur Boyd just after listening to Susie McCabe’s episode of the Comedian’s Comedian podcast, which just came out the other day and it was great. She’s excellent, I could listen to her talk all day and I wish she’d released more of her stand-up.
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ikill3dlaurapalm3r · 2 years
exercise 4 - MANDY scene recreation
our scene reaction began not as mandy, but as the piano teacher (michael haneke). it was the piano teacher for the majority of the assignment. but it proved to be difficult, a lot more difficult than expected. we loved the sublime final scene of the film, where the protagonist stabs herself and flees into the night.
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the piano teacher, 2001, m. haneke
we researched blood squibs, found locations and contacts, ordered costumes, sourced a promising female lead. however, we underestimated the technical complexity of the scene. technical in the way of choreographing a scene and how the camera swept through the space. we need a handful of extras and in an ideal setting needed a stedicam. albeit there were ways around these obsticles after consulting our ideas with tutors. another major obsticle in terms of choreographing the scene was the way the actors interacted within the space. set in a concert hall reception, it was a very specific space. we found a couple locations and looked around them. none were quite right in order to accurately recreate movement.
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mandy, 2018, p. cosmatos
when we orginally got together as group to discuss our scene ideas, we discussed scenes from the lighthouse, no country for old men and mandy. we were passionate to make the piano teacher work but it was just not coming together, especially in time for our deadline. we discussed how we could produce another scene and landed on mandy. the scene, although simple, is highly striking due to it's vivid lighting and morhping special effects. our shoot took longer than expected. it took a while to mix and select the gels for the lights that could create shadow as well as as an overwhelming amount of red. we had to pause inbetween takes to allow our actors to recover from the heat of the lights and their brightness. in this scene, the two characters faces merge and morph, mandy's face appearing on jeremiah's. for this effect we used two actors, lachlan and nina, for our scene. we filmed them both saying the same 2-3 minute monologue therefore in editing, nina's face could be emposed onto lachlan's.
i am very pleased with the final result. lachlan's editing of sound and effects is wonderful. i think to get closer to our original scene, more blue lighting could have been used on shoot to create more depth in shadow.
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skillsnomad · 2 days
The Impact of Technology on the 2025 Champion Trophy
The 2025 Champion Trophy is set to be a groundbreaking event not only in terms of the competition on the field, but also in the way the tournament is experienced and enjoyed by fans. With the rapid advancements in sports technology, the 2025 Champion Trophy is poised to be the most technologically advanced international tournament to date.
One of the most significant technological innovations that will be on display at the 2025 Champion Trophy is the use of cutting-edge video replay systems. These state-of-the-art systems, equipped with high-speed cameras and complex algorithms, will allow for instant, accurate, and comprehensive analysis of every play, ensuring that even the most contentious decisions are made with the utmost precision.
This technology will not only enhance the fairness and integrity of the competition, but it will also provide fans with a more immersive and engaging viewing experience. Spectators in the stands, as well as those watching from home, will be able to see detailed replays and analysis of key moments, giving them a deeper understanding and appreciation of the strategic nuances of the game.
Another technological innovation that will be showcased at the 2025 Champion Trophy is the use of advanced data analytics. Teams and coaches will have access to a wealth of real-time data, ranging from player performance metrics to in-depth analysis of opposing team tactics. This information will allow them to make more informed decisions, fine-tune their strategies, and ultimately gain a competitive edge over their opponents.
Furthermore, the tournament's official website and mobile app will be powered by state-of-the-art technology, providing fans with a seamless and highly personalized experience. Fans will be able to access live scores, statistics, and highlights, as well as engage with interactive features such as virtual reality (VR) match replays and augmented reality (AR) player profiles.
The integration of social media platforms will also play a crucial role in the 2025 Champion Trophy, allowing fans to connect with each other, share their experiences, and engage with the tournament in real-time. Social media will also provide a platform for teams and players to connect with their global fan bases, fostering a deeper sense of community and excitement around the event.
Perhaps one of the most exciting technological advancements that will be showcased at the 2025 Champion Trophy is the use of drone technology. These high-tech aerial vehicles will be deployed to provide breathtaking aerial footage of the matches, offering fans a unique perspective and a truly immersive viewing experience.
As the 2025 Champion Trophy approaches, the anticipation surrounding the tournament's technological innovations is palpable. Fans and participants alike are eager to witness how these cutting-edge advancements will enhance the overall experience and elevate the competition to new heights. The 2025 Champion Trophy is poised to be a landmark event in the world of sports, showcasing the power of technology to revolutionize the way we engage with and experience the thrill of international competition.
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catchasta · 4 days
Perfecting Your Acting Headshots on the Gold Coast
When it comes to building a successful acting career, one essential tool can make or break an actor’s opportunities: the headshot. For actors, having high-quality headshots is critical because these photos serve as their first impression to casting directors, agents, and producers. If you're on the Gold Coast and in need of professional acting headshots, you've come to the right place. In this blog, we'll dive into the importance of acting headshots Gold Coast, what makes a great headshot, and how to find the perfect photographer for your needs. We'll also cover tips to make your headshot session a success and how Actors headshots Gold Coast can be your stepping stone to a thriving acting career.
Why Acting Headshots Are So Important
Your headshot is often the first thing a casting director or talent agent sees when reviewing submissions for a role. It should showcase your unique features, personality, and versatility as an actor. An excellent headshot is more than just a pretty picture; it's a marketing tool that can make you stand out in a highly competitive industry.
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On the Gold Coast, where acting opportunities are growing thanks to the region’s booming film and television industry, the demand for quality acting headshots Gold Coast is on the rise. Whether you’re a seasoned actor or just getting started, investing in a professional headshot can make a world of difference.
First Impressions Matter
A high-quality actors headshot Gold Coast can:
Grab the attention of casting directors, especially in competitive markets.
Show the actor’s professionalism and commitment to their craft.
Highlight the unique qualities of the actor, such as their physical attributes and energy.
Provide a clear and accurate representation of what an actor currently looks like, which is critical for casting roles that require specific looks or demographics.
What Makes a Great Acting Headshot?
Not all headshots are created equal. While you may have a beautiful photo, a great acting headshot is about much more than that. The goal of an acting headshot is to convey your personality, emotional depth, and the types of roles you can realistically portray. Here are the essential elements that contribute to a standout acting headshot:
1. Focus on the Face
The primary goal of any headshot is to focus on your face. Casting directors want to see your expressions and features clearly. That means the background should be neutral or non-distracting, and the lighting should be natural yet flattering. Your eyes should be the focal point of the image, as they can convey emotion and capture the attention of the viewer.
2. Natural Expression
One of the most important things in a headshot is to show your natural personality. Avoid stiff, posed shots and aim for authentic expressions that reflect who you are. A great photographer will help you relax in front of the camera and bring out your natural charm and energy.
3. Wardrobe and Styling
When it comes to what you wear, simplicity is key. Choose clothing that complements your skin tone and enhances your natural look, without distracting from your face. Solid colors tend to work best. Avoid loud patterns, logos, or overly trendy outfits that might date your headshots. Bring a variety of options to your session, especially if you’re trying to show your range in different types of roles (e.g., professional, casual, or period pieces).
4. Professional Lighting and Composition
Hiring a photographer with experience in actors headshots Gold Coast ensures that your photos will have professional lighting and composition. Poor lighting or awkward angles can detract from your overall look, whereas a pro knows how to frame and light the shot perfectly to highlight your best features.
5. Up-to-Date and Relevant
Your headshot needs to look like you. If your appearance has changed significantly—whether it's a new hairstyle, change in weight, or aging—it’s time for a new headshot. Keep your portfolio updated with fresh shots that reflect your current look, as casting directors want to see an accurate portrayal of who they’ll be working with.
Finding the Right Photographer on the Gold Coast
The Gold Coast is home to a growing number of talented photographers specializing in headshots. But not all photographers understand the nuances of acting headshots Gold Coast. Here are a few tips to help you find the right fit:
1. Look for Experience in Actors Headshots
Not every photographer specializes in actor headshots, so it’s important to find someone who understands the unique demands of the acting industry. Check portfolios to see if they have a strong background in shooting actors headshots Gold Coast. Look for shots that highlight the actors’ personalities and versatility, as these are key indicators that the photographer knows how to capture the right elements for casting.
2. Read Reviews and Get Recommendations
Ask fellow actors or industry professionals for recommendations, and be sure to read online reviews. Good photographers should have positive feedback from actors who have booked roles based on the headshots they received. A recommendation from someone who has had a good experience with a photographer can provide peace of mind that you’re making a good choice.
3. Communicate Your Needs
Every actor is different, and the types of roles you’re auditioning for may vary greatly from other actors. Before booking a photographer, have a conversation with them about your goals and what you need from your headshots. Whether you're looking for commercial, theatrical, or more dramatic shots, make sure the photographer can accommodate those needs.
Preparing for Your Headshot Session
Once you’ve chosen your photographer, it’s time to prepare for your headshot session. Here are a few tips to ensure you get the best results:
1. Rest and Hydrate
Get plenty of rest the night before your shoot and drink lots of water in the days leading up to it. Hydrated skin looks healthier and more vibrant, and being well-rested will help you feel more relaxed and alert during the shoot.
2. Prepare Your Outfits
As mentioned earlier, choose simple outfits that enhance your look without distracting from your face. Bring a variety of tops with different necklines and colors that work well on camera.
3. Practice Your Expressions
You want your headshots to reflect your natural personality, so practice different expressions in the mirror ahead of time. Try a range of emotions, from happy to serious, to see how they look. This will help you feel more comfortable and confident in front of the camera.
4. Relax and Have Fun
Your photographer will guide you through the process, so there’s no need to feel overly stressed. The more relaxed you are, the better your photos will turn out. A fun and positive attitude can go a long way toward creating an inviting and engaging headshot.
Using Your Headshots for Success
Once you have your new acting headshots Gold Coast, it’s time to put them to work. Here’s how to use your headshots to enhance your acting career:
1. Upload to Casting Sites
Most casting platforms require headshots to be uploaded as part of your profile. Make sure your new photos are featured prominently, and update any outdated images.
2. Use in Audition Submissions
When submitting for roles, always include a professional headshot. Casting directors will judge your suitability for the role based on your headshot, so make sure it's current and relevant.
3. Update Your Social Media and Website
If you have a professional actor’s website or a social media presence dedicated to your acting career, make sure your new headshots are featured there. They serve as part of your overall brand and help you present yourself in the best possible light.
Investing in high-quality actors headshots Gold Coast is one of the best decisions you can make for your acting career. With the right photographer, preparation, and approach, your headshot will serve as a powerful tool to open doors to new opportunities. Catch A Star offers professional headshot services on the Gold Coast, ensuring you get the best possible images that truly reflect your potential as an actor. Let your headshot speak volumes about your talent and passion for acting!
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dentist-in-noida · 4 days
Best Dentist in Noida: Why Nayar Dental Stands Out
Finding the best dentist in Noida can often be a challenging task, especially when it comes to ensuring your oral health is handled with the highest level of expertise and care. One name that consistently stands out among patients for its exceptional dental services is Nayar Dental. Known for offering advanced treatments with a personal touch, Nayar Dental has earned a solid reputation as one of the leading dental clinics in Noida. This blog will take an in-depth look at why Nayar Dental is considered the best dentist in Noida, covering various aspects of their services, facilities, and patient experiences.
State-of-the-Art Facilities at Nayar Dental
One of the critical factors that make Nayar Dental stand out as the best dentist in Noida is their commitment to providing state-of-the-art facilities. In today’s world, dental treatments are not just about skill and knowledge but also about the technology and equipment that aid these procedures. At Nayar Dental, the clinic is equipped with the latest tools and technology to ensure that every patient receives world-class treatment.
Cutting-Edge Technology
Nayar Dental offers a wide range of advanced technology, from digital X-rays and intraoral cameras to 3D scanning for dental implants. These technologies allow dentists to diagnose problems more accurately and provide treatments that are both efficient and effective. For example, the use of CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and manufacturing) systems ensures that patients receive perfectly fitting crowns and bridges without the need for multiple appointments. This high level of precision is just one reason why many consider Nayar Dental to be the best dentist in Noida.
Sterilization and Hygiene Standards
In the realm of dental care, hygiene is non-negotiable. Nayar Dental follows stringent sterilization protocols to ensure patient safety. The clinic employs advanced sterilization equipment, such as autoclaves and UV sterilizers, to maintain an impeccably clean environment. This attention to hygiene further solidifies Nayar Dental’s reputation as the best dentist in Noida, especially during a time when maintaining cleanliness and health standards is more critical than ever.
Comfortable and Welcoming Environment
Nayar Dental understands that visiting the dentist can be stressful for some patients. To address this, they have designed their clinic to be as welcoming and comfortable as possible. The clinic offers amenities such as free Wi-Fi, comfortable seating, and a calm ambiance, making it easier for patients to relax before and after their treatments. These small yet thoughtful details make Nayar Dental the top choice for anyone looking for the best dentist in Noida.
Comprehensive Range of Dental Services
Another factor that distinguishes Nayar Dental as the best dentist in Noida is their extensive range of dental services. Whether you require preventive care, cosmetic dentistry, or restorative procedures, Nayar Dental offers it all under one roof.
Preventive Dentistry
Prevention is better than cure, and Nayar Dental strongly emphasizes this philosophy. The clinic provides comprehensive preventive care services, including regular check-ups, cleanings, fluoride treatments, and dental sealants. These services are crucial in maintaining oral health and preventing more severe issues like cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay. This focus on preventive care makes Nayar Dental the best dentist in Noida for families and individuals looking to maintain long-term dental health.
Cosmetic Dentistry
For those looking to enhance their smile, Nayar Dental offers a range of cosmetic dentistry services. Treatments like teeth whitening, veneers, and smile makeovers are performed using the latest techniques and materials to ensure natural and long-lasting results. Whether you're looking to correct discoloration, close gaps, or straighten your teeth, the team at Nayar Dental is highly skilled in delivering beautiful, confident smiles. Their expertise in cosmetic dentistry further strengthens their position as the best dentist in Noida.
Restorative Dentistry
At Nayar Dental, restorative dentistry is handled with great precision. The clinic offers treatments like dental implants, crowns, bridges, and dentures to restore the function and appearance of damaged teeth. Whether you've lost a tooth due to injury or decay, Nayar Dental provides personalized solutions that ensure long-lasting results. Their proficiency in restorative treatments is one of the reasons why many patients regard them as the best dentist in Noida.
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Experienced and Qualified Dental Team
The skill and experience of the dental team at Nayar Dental play a significant role in making it the best dentist in Noida. The clinic is home to some of the most qualified and experienced dentists in the field, all of whom are dedicated to providing personalized care for each patient.
Expert Dentists
Led by Dr. Nayar, a renowned name in the field of dentistry, the team at Nayar Dental comprises specialists in various branches of dentistry, including orthodontics, endodontics, and prosthodontics. Each dentist brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table, ensuring that patients receive the highest level of care. The expertise and professionalism of the team are key reasons why Nayar Dental is considered the best dentist in Noida.
Continuous Learning and Development
In the ever-evolving field of dentistry, staying up-to-date with the latest trends, techniques, and innovations is essential. The team at Nayar Dental regularly participates in workshops, seminars, and conferences to ensure they are at the forefront of dental advancements. This commitment to continuous learning enables them to offer cutting-edge treatments, further establishing Nayar Dental as the best dentist in Noida.
Personalized Patient Care
One of the most appreciated aspects of Nayar Dental is their patient-centered approach. The dental team takes the time to understand each patient’s specific needs and concerns, providing customized treatment plans that align with their oral health goals. This personalized care makes every patient feel valued and cared for, reinforcing Nayar Dental’s reputation as the best dentist in Noida.
Affordable and Transparent Pricing
When it comes to dental treatments, affordability and transparency in pricing are essential considerations. Nayar Dental excels in this aspect, offering high-quality services at reasonable rates without compromising on the standard of care. This balance between affordability and excellence makes Nayar Dental the best dentist in Noida for people from all walks of life.
Reasonable Treatment Costs
Dental treatments can often be expensive, but Nayar Dental ensures that their services are priced competitively. They believe that everyone deserves access to top-quality dental care, and they work hard to keep their treatments affordable. From routine cleanings to complex dental surgeries, Nayar Dental provides pricing options that suit different budgets, making them the best dentist in Noida for cost-effective care.
No Hidden Charges
At Nayar Dental, transparency is key. Patients are provided with detailed cost breakdowns before undergoing any procedure, ensuring there are no hidden charges or surprises later. This transparency builds trust and confidence among patients, further solidifying Nayar Dental’s position as the best dentist in Noida.
Payment Options and Insurance
To make dental care even more accessible, Nayar Dental offers flexible payment options and accepts various insurance plans. Patients can discuss their payment preferences, whether it's through installments or utilizing insurance coverage, allowing them to focus on their dental health without worrying about financial constraints. This flexibility in payment options is another reason why Nayar Dental is the best dentist in Noida for families and individuals alike.
Patient Testimonials and Reviews
One of the best ways to determine the quality of a dental clinic is by looking at patient reviews and testimonials. Nayar Dental has consistently received glowing feedback from patients, which further confirms their status as the best dentist in Noida.
Positive Patient Experiences
Patients frequently praise Nayar Dental for their professional yet friendly approach, stating that the clinic makes them feel comfortable and well cared for. From explaining treatment options to providing thorough aftercare instructions, the team at Nayar Dental ensures that every patient feels at ease. This level of care has resulted in a loyal patient base, many of whom refer their friends and family to Nayar Dental, solidifying their reputation as the best dentist in Noida.
Success Stories
Many patients have shared their success stories, highlighting the life-changing impact of treatments received at Nayar Dental. Whether it's a smile makeover that boosted someone’s confidence or a restorative procedure that improved their oral function, the success stories speak volumes about the clinic’s commitment to excellence. These stories are a testament to why Nayar Dental is widely regarded as the best dentist in Noida.
Online Reviews and Ratings
In addition to word-of-mouth referrals, Nayar Dental has received high ratings on online platforms such as Google and Practo. With numerous 5-star reviews, it’s clear that patients consistently have positive experiences at the clinic, further affirming that Nayar Dental is the best dentist in Noida.
Community Involvement and Social Responsibility
Another factor that sets Nayar Dental apart as the best dentist in Noida is their involvement in community outreach and social responsibility initiatives. The clinic is dedicated not only to providing excellent dental care but also to giving back to society.
Free Dental Camps
Nayar Dental regularly organizes free dental camps in and around Noida to provide dental check-ups and basic treatments to underserved communities. These camps aim to raise awareness about oral health and ensure that even those who cannot afford regular dental care have access to professional services. This focus on community health strengthens Nayar Dental’s reputation as a socially responsible dental clinic and the best dentist in Noida for giving back to society.
Vist: https://www.nayardental.com
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blogbyahad · 5 days
The Impact of Big Data on Amazon’s Marketing and Sales Strategies
Big data plays a pivotal role in shaping Amazon’s marketing and sales strategies, enabling the company to enhance customer experience, optimize operations, and drive revenue growth. Here’s an in-depth look at how Amazon leverages big data in its approach.
1. Personalized Recommendations
Algorithmic Suggestions Amazon uses advanced algorithms to analyze user behavior, purchase history, and browsing patterns. This data allows the platform to provide personalized product recommendations, significantly increasing conversion rates and average order values.
Enhanced Customer Experience By tailoring suggestions to individual preferences, Amazon enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. Shoppers are more likely to discover products that match their interests, leading to higher engagement.
2. Dynamic Pricing Strategies
Real-Time Price Adjustments Amazon employs big data analytics to monitor competitors’ prices, demand fluctuations, and inventory levels. This allows the company to adjust prices dynamically, maximizing profit margins while remaining competitive.
Market Trend Analysis By analyzing market trends and consumer behavior, Amazon can forecast demand and implement strategic pricing changes to optimize sales during peak seasons or promotional events.
3. Targeted Marketing Campaigns
Segmented Customer Profiles Big data enables Amazon to create detailed customer profiles based on demographics, purchase behavior, and interests. This segmentation allows for highly targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with specific audiences.
A/B Testing and Optimization Amazon frequently conducts A/B testing on its marketing strategies, analyzing customer responses to different offers, visuals, and messaging. This data-driven approach ensures that campaigns are continually refined for maximum effectiveness.
4. Inventory Management and Demand Forecasting
Predictive Analytics By analyzing historical sales data and market trends, Amazon can accurately forecast demand for products. This predictive capability aids in inventory management, reducing stockouts and overstock situations.
Supply Chain Optimization Efficient inventory management supported by big data leads to better supply chain coordination. Amazon can optimize its logistics operations, ensuring timely fulfillment and delivery.
5. Customer Feedback and Sentiment Analysis
Review and Rating Systems Amazon collects and analyzes customer reviews and ratings, providing valuable insights into product performance and customer satisfaction. This feedback loop informs marketing strategies and product development.
Sentiment Analysis Using natural language processing, Amazon can gauge customer sentiment from reviews and social media mentions. This analysis helps the company identify trends and address potential issues proactively.
6. Enhanced Advertising Solutions
Amazon Advertising Platform Leveraging big data, Amazon provides advertisers with insights into customer behavior, allowing them to create targeted ad campaigns. Advertisers can analyze performance metrics in real time to optimize their strategies.
Programmatic Advertising Amazon utilizes programmatic advertising to automate ad purchases based on data insights. This ensures that ads reach the right audiences at the right times, improving return on investment.
7. Cross-Selling and Upselling Opportunities
Bundling Products By analyzing customer purchasing patterns, Amazon identifies opportunities for cross-selling and upselling. For example, customers who buy a camera may receive suggestions for related accessories, increasing overall sales.
Customer Journey Mapping Understanding the customer journey through data analysis allows Amazon to pinpoint moments where additional offers can be introduced, enhancing the shopping experience and driving sales.
Big data is at the heart of Amazon’s marketing and sales strategies, enabling the company to create personalized experiences, optimize pricing, and streamline operations. By leveraging data analytics, Amazon not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives significant revenue growth, solidifying its position as a leader in the e-commerce space. As data technology continues to evolve, Amazon’s innovative strategies will likely set new benchmarks for the industry.
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ankitab · 5 days
Vision Inspection Systems Market: Enhancing Quality Control Across Industries
The vision inspection systems market is experiencing growth driven by several factors, including stringent government regulations and compliance requirements for product quality and safety, the increasing need for automated inspection processes, and the widespread adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies. Despite these positive trends, the market faces challenges such as the substantial initial investments required.
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Additionally, technological advancements in inspection systems and the rising deployment of robot-assisted inspection systems are expected to create significant opportunities for market participants. However, compatibility and interoperability issues remain significant obstacles. Notably, the integration of AI technology is emerging as a major trend in the vision inspection systems market.
Vision Inspection Systems Market Growth Drivers
Stringent Government Regulations & Compliances Related to Product Quality & Safety
Government regulations and standards such as FDA rules, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), ISO standards, HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), EPA laws, OSHA standards, CPSC regulations, and CE marking are crucial in ensuring the safety and quality of products across various industries including food, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, electronics, and cosmetics. Companies increasingly rely on vision inspection systems to comply with these standards. These systems utilize advanced technologies like machine vision, artificial intelligence, and vision sensors to analyze products during production and packaging processes, identifying mechanical and dimensional defects as well as other safety risks.
The combined benefits of these technologies and the growing consumer demand for safe and high-quality products are major drivers for the vision inspection systems market.
Increasing Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technologies
Industry 4.0, characterized by the integration of advanced digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and big data analytics, is transforming traditional manufacturing operations. These technologies facilitate the development of intelligent inspection systems equipped with machine vision, smart cameras, AI, and IoT connectivity, enabling real-time quality control and defect detection.
For instance, in January 2021, Cognex Corporation introduced the In-Sight 3DL4000 embedded vision system, utilizing 3D laser displacement technology to conduct comprehensive inspections on automated manufacturing lines, contributing to the market's growth.
Vision Inspection Systems Market Trends
Integration of AI Technologies
AI-integrated vision inspection systems are revolutionizing inspection processes across various industries. AI's ability to learn from vast datasets continuously enhances the accuracy and capability to detect minor flaws. Leading companies are integrating AI capabilities into visual inspection systems to improve the efficiency of inspection, identification, and evaluation processes.
Browse In depth: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/vision-inspection-systems-market-5973?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=23-09-2024
Recent developments include:
In April 2024, Cognex Corporation launched the In-Sight L38 3D Vision System, combining AI with 2D and 3D vision technologies to address various inspection and measurement applications.
In June 2023, Advantech Co., Ltd. and Overview AI partnered to launch the OV20i, an easy-to-deploy AI vision inspection system that combines Advantech’s ICAM-520 edge AI camera with Overview’s deep-learning technology for a highly accurate vision solution.
Vision Inspection Systems Market Opportunities
Technological Advancements in Inspection Systems
The vision inspection systems market is expanding rapidly, with leading companies investing heavily in R&D to enhance their product offerings and market presence. Significant advancements in sensor technology, AI integration, and CPU processing rates have occurred over the past five years. Manufacturers are incorporating these advanced inspection technologies into their processes.
For example, in February 2021, Syntegon Technology GmbH implemented a verified AI-equipped visual inspection system in an automated inspection machine for complex products. Additionally, improvements in camera dynamic range and resolution, the use of color information, and the development of advanced machine vision and computational cameras are expected to be adopted soon in vision inspection systems. These advancements indicate a growing focus on investing in advanced vision inspection technologies, creating significant opportunities for market growth.
Vision Inspection Systems Market Analysis: Key Findings
By Offering: Hardware Segment Dominates
The global vision inspection systems market is segmented into hardware, software, and services. In 2024, the hardware segment is expected to account for over 59.0% of the market. This dominance is attributed to the increased adoption of machine vision inspection for ensuring product quality, optimizing workflow efficiency, and enhancing product quality during development and production stages. The hardware segment includes vision sensors, lenses, lighting, cameras, processors, and peripheral devices.
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By Application: Defect Detection Segment Leads
Based on application, the market is segmented into identification inspection, quantity inspection, dimension measurement, positioning/alignment, verification, defect detection, and appearance inspection. In 2024, the defect detection segment is expected to account for over 27.0% of the market. This is due to the development of advanced vision inspection systems for accurate defect detection, increased focus on improving production efficiency and product quality, and the integration of AI technology.
By Type: PC-Based Systems Lead
The market is segmented into PC-based, smart camera-based, and compact systems. In 2024, the PC-based segment is expected to account for over 49.0% of the market. The segment's dominance is due to the flexibility, power, and speed of PC-based systems, and their growing adoption in fast-paced manufacturing environments.
By Inspection Mode: 2D Mode Dominates
The market is segmented into 2D and 3D inspection modes. In 2024, the 2D mode segment is expected to account for over 56.0% of the market. The 2D mode's affordability and less complexity compared to 3D systems, combined with its widespread use for barcode reading, pattern recognition, and quality inspection in various industries, contribute to its dominance.
By End User: Food & Beverage Segment Leads
The market is segmented into electronics & semiconductors, aerospace & defense, healthcare, pharmaceutical, consumer goods, food & beverages, automotive, transportation & logistics, and other end users. In 2024, the food & beverages segment is expected to account for over 24.0% of the market. This segment's growth is driven by strict legal requirements, rising raw material and energy prices, and the need for high-quality and efficient production processes.
Geographical Analysis
Asia-Pacific to Dominate in 2024
In 2024, Asia-Pacific is expected to account for over 36.0% of the global vision inspection systems market. The region's dominance is due to the extensive manufacturing industry presence, increased investment in digital transformation, stringent safety regulations, and rising consumer protection requirements.
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Moreover, Asia-Pacific is projected to register the highest CAGR of 13.40% during the forecast period, driven by industrialization, growing adoption of automation systems, increasing demand for quality products, and expanding manufacturing activities across several industries.
Vision Inspection Systems Market: Key Companies
The competitive landscape of the vision inspection systems market includes key players such as:
Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (U.S.)
OMRON Corporation (Japan)
Optel Vision Inc. (Canada)
Cognex Corporation (U.S.)
Mettler-Toledo International Inc. (U.S.)
Antares Vision S.p.A. (Italy)
Recent developments from key industry players include:
In April 2024, Cognex Corporation launched the In-Sight L38 3D Vision System, integrating AI with 2D and 3D vision technologies for various inspection and measurement applications.
In October 2023, KEYENCE CORPORATION introduced the VS Series, a new smart camera vision system line incorporating advanced lens control technology within an IP67 smart camera.
These developments highlight the ongoing innovation and focus on advanced technologies in the vision inspection systems market.
Contact Us: Meticulous Research® Email- [email protected] Contact Sales- +1-646-781-8004 Connect with us on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticulous-research
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rising3drendering · 12 days
A Full Guide to 3D Architectural Aerial Renderings
In today's competitive real estate market, stunning visuals are essential to captivate potential buyers and investors. 3D architectural aerial renderings offer a unique and immersive perspective of a property, showcasing its grandeur and potential. If you're a rising 3D rendering studio looking to make a mark, understanding the intricacies of aerial renderings is crucial. This comprehensive guide will delve into the world of 3D architectural aerial renderings, covering everything from the basics to advanced techniques
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Understanding Aerial Renderings
What are Aerial Renderings?
Aerial renderings are highly detailed, photorealistic images created using 3D modeling software to simulate an aerial view of a building or complex. These renderings provide a bird's-eye perspective, allowing viewers to appreciate the overall design, layout, and surroundings of a property.
Why are Aerial Renderings Important?
First Impressions Matter: Aerial renderings create a strong first impression, showcasing the property's scale and architectural beauty.
Marketing Tool: These visuals are invaluable for marketing materials, brochures, and websites, attracting potential buyers and investors.
Design Visualization: Aerial renderings help architects and developers visualize the project's impact on the surrounding environment.
Pre-construction Planning: These renderings aid in site planning, identifying potential challenges, and optimizing the design.
The Aerial Rendering Process
Site Survey and Data Collection: Accurate data, including topography, existing structures, and surrounding environment, is essential for creating realistic renderings.
3D Modeling: Detailed 3D models of the building and its surroundings are created using specialized software.
Texture and Material Application: Realistic textures, materials, and lighting are applied to the models to create a lifelike appearance.
Aerial Perspective: The camera angle is adjusted to simulate an aerial view, capturing the desired perspective.
Rendering and Post-production: High-quality renderings are generated, followed by post-production enhancements for color correction, image composition, and final touches.
Tips for Creating Stunning Aerial Renderings
Attention to Detail: Accurate representation of the environment, including vegetation, water bodies, and roads, is crucial for realism.
Lighting and Shadows: Realistic lighting and shadows enhance the overall visual appeal and depth of the rendering.
Camera Angles: Experiment with different camera angles to find the most captivating perspective.
Post-production Magic: Enhance the final image with color grading, atmospheric effects, and other post-production techniques.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Inaccurate Data: Using outdated or incorrect data can lead to unrealistic renderings.
Overly Complex Models: Excessive detail can slow down the rendering process and impact quality.
Poor Texture and Material Selection: Low-quality textures and materials can diminish the overall visual appeal.
Neglecting Post-production: Skipping post-production can result in a flat and lifeless image.
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futuroindia · 26 days
A time-of-flight 3D Depth Camera S111D | CUBE EYE
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The CUBE EYE ToF 3D Depth Camera S111D is a high-performance camera that uses Time-of-Flight (ToF) technology to determine the distance between objects in its field of view. This allows the camera to create precise and detailed 3D depth maps of its surroundings.
The S111D features a 100-degree field of view with a resolution of 640x480 pixels. It handles frame rates of up to 30 frames per second, making it ideal for real-time applications. The S111D is also compact and lightweight, facilitating easy integration into various devices. Its dust and water resistance makes it suitable for use in harsh environments.
The S111D has numerous uses in a variety of industries, including:
Machine vision: The S111D helps machines identify and classify objects.
Security: It creates three-dimensional security systems that detect and track intruders.
Surveying and mapping: The S111D creates accurate and detailed 3D maps of the environment.
Robotics: It helps robots navigate and avoid obstacles.
Augmented reality (AR): The S111D creates realistic AR experiences by accurately tracking objects' positions and orientations in the real world.
A time-of-flight 3D Depth Camera S111D Specification:
Type: Board
Operating Range: 0.2 ~ 2m
Depth Pixel Count: VGA(640x480)
Field of View (H, V): 90°(H) x 68°(V)
Output Data (bit):  Amplitude/ Depth Image 10bit
Accuracy:  <±1% by Distance
Illuminator: VCSEL 940nm x 1
If you are looking for highly accurate depth cameras, you can find them at Cube Eye.
Click here to contact Cube-eye.
View more: A time-of-flight 3D Depth Camera S111D
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techtired · 30 days
The Future of 3D Visualization: Emerging Trends and Innovations
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3D visualization has transformed from simple hand-drawn sketches to highly immersive, interactive digital environments. This evolution has revolutionized industries like architecture, gaming, and entertainment, setting the stage for future innovations that further blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds. As we look ahead, it’s clear that 3D visualization will continue to play a pivotal role in designing, communicating, and interacting with digital environments. Let’s look at the future of 3D rendering software and animation and some of the most innovative trends. Historical Milestones in 3D Visualization The journey of 3D visualization began with rudimentary tools and techniques that laid the groundwork for today's sophisticated digital environments. Early milestones include the development of perspective drawing during the Renaissance, which introduced a more realistic representation of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional plane. This revolutionary technique gave artists and architects a more accurate way to depict spatial relationships. The advent of computer graphics in the mid-20th century marked a significant leap forward. Ivan Sutherland's 1963 invention of Sketchpad, the first computer-aided design (CAD) program, was a groundbreaking development that allowed users to create and manipulate geometric shapes on a computer screen. This innovation laid the foundation for modern 3D modelling and rendering techniques. As computing power increased, so did the complexity and realism of 3D visualizations. In the 1980s and 1990s, software like AutoCAD and 3D Studio Max became industry standards, enabling professionals to create detailed models and animations. These tools were instrumental in architecture, engineering, and entertainment, allowing for the creation of complex structures, products, and visual effects that were previously impossible. Enhancing Realism in 3D Environments Today, 3D visualization technologies have reached unprecedented levels of realism, mainly due to advances in rendering techniques, texture mapping, and lighting simulations. Photorealistic rendering, which aims to create images indistinguishable from photographs, has become the gold standard in many industries. Ray Tracing Technology: One of the most significant advancements in enhancing realism is ray tracing. Ray tracing simulates the behaviour of light as it interacts with objects in a scene, accurately rendering reflections, refractions, and shadows. This technique, once limited to high-end movie productions due to its computational demands, is now becoming more accessible thanks to the development of more powerful GPUs and optimized algorithms. The result is a level of visual fidelity that brings virtual environments closer to reality than ever before. Advanced Texture Simulation: Another critical factor in achieving realism is texture simulation. Modern 3D visualization tools with incredible accuracy can simulate various materials, from rough concrete to shiny metal. Techniques such as bump mapping, normal mapping, and displacement mapping allow for the creation of detailed surface textures that react dynamically to lighting and camera angles, further enhancing the illusion of reality. Sophisticated Lighting Techniques: Lighting is crucial in perceiving depth and form in a 3D environment. Global illumination techniques, which simulate how light bounces around a scene, have greatly improved the realism of 3D visualizations. Coupled with physically-based rendering (PBR), which ensures materials respond to light in a manner consistent with the laws of physics, these techniques create lifelike images virtually indistinguishable from real-world scenes. Predictive Analysis of Technological Advancements The future of 3D visualization is not just about creating more realistic images; it's also about harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to predict trends, optimize workflows, and open up new creative possibilities. AI-Driven Predictive Visualization: AI and ML are set to revolutionize 3D visualization by enabling predictive visualization. This approach involves training AI algorithms on vast datasets to forecast trends and outcomes in various fields. For example, in urban planning, predictive visualization could be used to simulate the impact of new infrastructure on traffic patterns, helping planners make more informed decisions. In product design, AI could predict how different design choices might affect a product's performance or appeal, allowing designers to iterate more efficiently. Automation and Optimization: AI is also streamlining the 3D visualization process by automating repetitive tasks. For instance, AI-powered tools can automatically generate 3D models from 2D images, reducing the time and effort required to create complex scenes. Additionally, ML algorithms can optimize rendering settings to achieve the best balance between quality and performance, ensuring that even highly detailed scenes can be rendered quickly and efficiently. Generative Design: Beyond optimization, AI enables entirely new forms of creativity through generative design. This technique uses algorithms to explore various design possibilities, generating forms and structures that human designers might not have conceived. In 3D visualization, generative design can be used to create complex environments, architectural forms, or product designs that are both aesthetically pleasing and functionally optimized. 3D Visualization in Big Data and Analytics As data grows in volume and complexity, traditional data analysis methods are becoming increasingly inadequate. 3D visualization is emerging as a powerful tool for making sense of big data, transforming abstract numbers and relationships into intuitive, spatial representations that are easier to understand and interpret. Advanced-Data Visualization: In fields like finance, healthcare, and logistics, 3D visualization creates advanced data visualizations that reveal patterns and insights that would be difficult to detect in traditional 2D charts and graphs. For example, a 3D financial data visualisation might reveal correlations between different markets or identify trends that could impact investment strategies. In healthcare, 3D visualizations of patient data can help doctors identify potential health risks or track the progression of diseases over time. 3D Geographic Information Systems (GIS): One of the most exciting applications of 3D visualization in big data is in geographic information systems (GIS). 3D GIS allows visualising spatial data in three dimensions, providing a more comprehensive view of geographic relationships. This is particularly useful in urban planning, environmental monitoring, and disaster management, where understanding the spatial relationships between elements is crucial. For example, 3D GIS can simulate the impact of natural disasters on urban areas, helping planners develop more effective response strategies. The Integration of AI with 3D Visualization Integrating AI with 3D visualization enhances the realism and efficiency of visualizations and unlocks new creative possibilities. AI automates repetitive tasks, generates design suggestions, and creates 3D environments based on simple inputs. AI-Enhanced Creativity: AI is being used to push the boundaries of creativity in 3D visualization. For example, neural networks trained on vast libraries of images and designs can generate new ideas and concepts, offering designers inspiration or new directions for their work. This is particularly valuable in fashion, interior design, and architecture, where innovation is critical to staying ahead. Procedural Content Generation: AI creates procedural content in the gaming and entertainment industries, where environments, levels, and characters are generated algorithmically. This allows for building vast, complex worlds with a level of detail that would be impossible to achieve manually. Procedural content generation is also used in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications, where the demand for large, immersive environments is increasing. The Future of 3D Visualization in Various Industries The impact of 3D visualization extends far beyond the realms of design and entertainment. As technology continues to evolve, it is poised to revolutionize various industries, from healthcare to education to manufacturing. Healthcare: In healthcare, 3D visualization creates detailed human anatomy models, allowing doctors to plan surgeries more precisely and educate patients about their conditions. AI integration enables even more advanced applications, such as predictive modelling of disease progression and personalized treatment planning. Education: In education, 3D visualization transforms how students learn by providing immersive, interactive experiences that enhance understanding and retention. From virtual dissection labs in biology to 3D models of historical landmarks in history, these tools are making learning more engaging and effective. Manufacturing: In manufacturing, 3D visualization is used to optimize production processes, improve product design, and enhance quality control. By visualizing complex assembly processes in three dimensions, manufacturers can identify potential issues before they arise, reducing waste and improving efficiency. Get Started Today with 3D Rendering Software and Animation. The future of 3D visualization is full of exciting possibilities that will continue to transform how we design, communicate, and interact with digital environments. Whether you’re an architect, a product designer, or a game developer, embracing these emerging trends and innovations will be crucial to staying competitive in an increasingly digital world. If you’re ready to take your projects to the next level, contact a 3D rendering software and animation company today. With state-of-the-art 3D visualization technologies, you can enhance your work's realism, efficiency, and impact, opening up new opportunities for creativity and success. In conclusion, the future of 3D visualization is bright, with advancements in AI, big data, and rendering technologies driving new levels of realism and innovation. As these technologies continue to evolve, they will undoubtedly play a critical role in shaping the digital landscapes of tomorrow. Whether you're a professional in the field or simply an enthusiast, staying informed about these trends will be essential to fully leveraging the power of 3D visualization in the years to come. Read the full article
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vanita95 · 30 days
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Marine Surveyor vs. Boat Inspector: What You Need to Know in Jacksonville
If you're a boat owner or plan to purchase one in Jacksonville, you need to be familiar with the services of marine surveyors Jacksonville and thorough boat inspectors. But what's the difference between these two professions? This article will break down what marine surveyors Jacksonville do and how they differ from boat inspectors. First off, marine surveyors Jacksonville are professionals who conduct detailed inspections of boats, yachts, and other types of vessels. They assess the condition of the vessel, its equipment, and systems. In contrast, a boat inspector will only do a general overview of the boat and might not have as much experience or knowledge as marine surveyors Jacksonville. Marine surveyors Jacksonville work closely within the category of "marine surveyors in Jacksonville Florida". They are hired by individuals looking to buy pre-owned vessels or insurance companies that need an accurate valuation for policy issuance. A boat inspector falls under a slightly different category. While they can provide some level of inspection, their focus is typically on ensuring safety standards are being met. Marine surveyors Jacksonville have more extensive training than boat inspectors. As experts, marine surveyors Jacksonville understand the intricacies of nautical construction and design. This detailed knowledge enables marine surveyors Jacksonville to provide more comprehensive reports that are valuable for negotiations during the sale or purchase of a vessel. One prominent company in this field is Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting. With seasoned marine surveyors Jacksonville working there, they offer both pre-purchase surveys and insurance surveys. In comparison, a boat inspector might miss critical areas because they aren't as well-versed in marine construction elements. Therefore, relying solely on a boat inspector could lead to costly repairs down the line that could have been identified earlier by marine surveyors Jacksonville. Marine surveyors Jacksonville also have advanced tools at their disposal. These include moisture meters, infrared cameras, and ultrasonic testing equipment – things a typical boat inspector may not possess. This allows marine surveyors Jacksonville to conduct more detailed examinations, yielding more reliable results. Unlike boat inspectors, marine surveyors Jacksonville can also assist with vessel appraisal. Marine surveyors Jacksonville have the necessary skills and background in maritime law, insurance, and casualty claims, making them an invaluable asset when it comes to establishing the value of a vessel or dealing with insurance claim settlements. Boat inspectors are important for maintaining safety standards and basic inspections. But, for in-depth insights into a vessel's condition, employing the services of professional marine surveyors Jacksonville is highly recommended. In conclusion, if you need a thorough inspection on a vessel you plan to purchase or if you're considering selling your boat, hiring marine surveyors Jacksonville should be your first step. Companies such as Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting offer high-quality services within the category of "marine surveyors in Jacksonville Florida", ensuring that your investment is sound and well-secured. With expert marine surveyors Jacksonville at your service, they can guide you through every aspect of owning a vessel. So whether it's for personal use or business needs, choosing marine surveyors Jacksonville over a simple boat inspector provides peace of mind knowing your vessel is in good hands.
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trendingreportz · 2 months
On Shelf Availability Solution Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
On Shelf Availability Solution Market Overview
The global On Shelf Availability Solution market size is forecast to reach $4.7 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 7.2% from 2022 to 2027. The on-shelf availability solutions are deployed in various end user industry verticals, such as Warehouses, E-Commerce Websites, Digital transformation, Response Time Analysis, Internet of Things, Retailers and more to enhance the overall inventory management of the organization. Therefore, on shelf availability solutions eliminate the risk of out-of-stock situations by monitoring and tracking each and every Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) in real-time position. In addition, the solutions can also help identify if an item is misplaced within a facility, thereby further improving the overall efficiency of the end user’s operations. The rapid surge in the adoption of online shopping after the COVID-19 pandemic is anticipated to play a major role in driving the market as the sudden growth in demand faced by e commerce websites is increasing the need for enhancing supply chain efficiency. Through the use of on shelf availability supply chain management solutions and radio frequency identification technology, key players in the e commerce sector will be able to reduce the time and cost necessary for monitoring inventories.
Report Coverage
The report: “On Shelf Availability Solution Industry Outlook – Forecast (2022-2027)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the On Shelf Availability Solution Industry.
By Component: Hardware, Software, Services By Technology: Fixed Cameras, Mobile Applications, Others By Deployment: On-Premise, Cloud By Application: Equipment Condition Monitoring, Store Performance Assessment, Customer Pattern Analysis, Product Identification, Detection of Misplaced Products, Planogram Compliance Verification, Inventory Management, Others By End Users: Warehouses, Suppliers, Retailers, E-commerce Websites, Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Manufacturers, Others By Geography: North America (US, Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, U.K, France, Spain, Italy, Others), APAC (China, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, Philippines, Hong Kong, Others), South America (Brazil, Argentina and others), RoW (Middle East and Africa)
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Key Takeaways
The hardware segment in the on shelf availability solution market segmented by component accounted for the largest market share in terms of revenue with 46.03%, in 2021.
North America accounted for the largest market share in on shelf availability solution market in terms of revenue with 37.5%, in 2021. Surge in the North American E- commerce sector after the COVID-19 pandemic and the presence of a highly developed retail and supply chain sector are some of the key factors contributing to the growth of the segment.
Growing instances of supply chain disruptions is anticipated to be a key factor driving the market for on shelf availability solutions for inventory management applications as such solutions provide end users with automatic inventory monitoring using technologies such as sensors, cameras and Radio-frequency identification (RFID).
On Shelf Availability Solution Segment Analysis- By Component
The shelf availability solution market by component has been segmented into hardware, software and services. The hardware segment accounted for the largest On Shelf Availability Solution market share in terms of revenue with 46.03%, in 2021. The rapid growth of the segment can be attributed to the large volume of various hardware systems necessary for the implementation of on shelf availability solutions in retrial stores and warehouses. For instance, sensors are required to be placed at the back of each individual shelf of retail outlets in order to accurately determine shelf availability. Hardware can help with inventory management in situations where ceiling and shelf-mounted cameras cannot. SmartSight machines, for example, can automate the process of identifying misplaced items on shelves and sales floor quantities, as well as alerting employees when certain items are running low. Amazon goes a step further with its Amazon Go Grocery model stores, which are powered by Just Walk Out. Deep learning, sensor fusion, and computer vision are all used in this project. The store's extensive network of cameras and IoT sensors can detect when a customer removes an item from the shelf and places it in their shopping cart. When a customer leaves the store, their credit card is charged for the items they purchased. Amazon.com alone has increased its monthly traffic from 2 billion in 2019 to 2.3 billion in 2020 and a record 2.8 billion in February 2021.
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On Shelf Availability Solution Segment Analysis- By Application
The on shelf availability solution market by application has been segmented into equipment condition monitoring, store performance assessment, customer pattern analysis, product identification, detection of misplaced products, planogram compliance verification, inventory management and others. The product identification segment accounted for the largest On Shelf Availability Solution market share in terms of revenue with 25.9%, in 2021. The higher share of the segment is attributed to the growth in the use of laser sensors, RFID tags and shelf monitoring cameras in the retail sector. Such devices monitor and identify individual products within the store shelves, thereby ensuring that out of stock situations does not take place. The retail business will be greatly impacted by implementing automatic product recognition in grocery stores using photos. Businesses are increasingly focusing on how to employ artificial intelligence technology to transform the retail industry's ecology and connect online and offline experiences as retail evolves at a rapid rate. Merck KGaA, a German pharmaceutical company, is pioneering the use of AI and predictive analytics across its entire supply chain. They're also conducting research on Aera Technology Inc. analytics software to "predict demand spikes, identify bottlenecks, and alleviate supply shortages for 100 products." According to Retail TrendsPlaybook2020, "the software collects supply chain data from Merck KGaA's various planning systems and, after the data is uploaded to Aera's cloud infrastructure, is analyzed by machine learning algorithms.“
On Shelf Availability Solution Segment Analysis- By Geography
By Geography, On Shelf Availability Solution Market has been segmented into North America, Europe, APAC, South America and Others. North America accounted for the largest market share in terms of revenue with 37.5%, in 2021. Surge in the North American E- commerce sector after the COVID-19 pandemic and the presence of a highly developed retail and supply chain sector are some of the key factors contributing to the growth of the segment. For instance, according to Forbes, the US E-commerce sales in 2021 increased by approximately 14.2% and represented around 13.2% of all retail sales in 2021. However, Asia pacific region is projected to be the fastest growing market over the forecast period 2022 to 2027, owing to the rapid rise in the implementation of new digital infrastructure such as 5G networks in emerging economies such as China and India. In addition, robust growth in development of AI Research and Development in China is another key factor contributing to the market growth.
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On Shelf Availability Solution Market Drivers
The growing number of supply chain disruptions is expected to the drive the market growth for the on shelf availability solution market
Growing instances of supply chain disruption is anticipated to be a key factor driving the market for on shelf availability solutions for inventory management applications as such solutions provide end users with automatic inventory monitoring using technologies such as sensors, cameras and Radio-frequency identification (RFID). This enables organizations to accurately account for existing inventory and forecast when reorders need to be placed to eliminate out of stock situations. Besides, the accurate data provided by such systems give end user industries more time to switch suppliers in case supply chain disruptions take place, thereby reducing the risk of out-of-stock situations. Some of the major causes of supply chain disruptions that took place in 2021 include COVID-19 pandemic, the blockage of Suez Canal and extreme weather events. For instance, numerous companies were left without inventories owing to the shutting down of Vietnam’s major manufacturing hub due to rising COVID-19 cases. Meanwhile, large scale lockdowns in China to combat COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine conflict were some of the major factors that disrupted the global supply chain in 2022. Furthermore, on shelf availability solutions enable suppliers and retailers to manage and account for safety stock more efficiently. Safety stock management is a proactive approach to inventory management that establishes a minimum volume of inventory to keep on hand. This inventory acts as a buffer to compensate for demand surges or supply shortages. The real time visibility provided by on shelf availability solutions also significantly reduce the time taken for decision making processes.
The growing application of AI in a wide range of end use industries is driving the on shelf availability solution market
Rapid growth in the adoption of AI technologies among end user industries such as retail stores and e commerce websites is anticipated to boost the adoption of AI enabled on shelf availability equipment and software during the forecast period. According to a recent study conducted by KPMG international limited, around 90% of retail business leaders stated that their employees are prepared and have the skills for AI adoption in 2021, up from only 47% in 2020. An estimated 53% of retail business leaders believed that the COVID-19 pandemic increased their company’s pace of adoption. Such growth in positive outlook towards implantation of AI in the retail sector is acting as a major boost for on shelf availability solutions. Furthermore, with advancements in AI technology, numerous retail chains are implementing autonomous retail outlets and checkout free stores. For instance, In January 2022, Aldi opened its first checkout-free supermarket where people can shop without having to scan a product.
On Shelf Availability Solution Market Challenges
The decline in global retail sales is a key challenge for the on shelf availability solution market players
Reduction in customer footfall into retail stores and overall decline in sales through retail outlets in several regions is projected to be a key factor challenging growth opportunities during the forecast period. The decline in retail shopping can be attributed to the high inflation levels in regions such as the US and Europe. For instance, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics report, the consumer price index (CPI) increased by 8.5% for the 12 months ending March 2022. The CPI was the largest 12-month increase since the period ending December 1981. In addition, the two categories that had the largest impact on the rising price index were food at 8.8% and energy at 6.9%. Such growth in the prices of essential items meant that spending on other non-essential items were greatly reduced, thereby directly impacting the retail sector. For instance, according to Forbes, department stores sales in March declined from that of February by approximately 0.3% in the US. Meanwhile, according to data from the British Retail Consortium (BRC), retail footfall in the UK decreased by 15.4% year-on-three-years (Yo3Y) in March 2022.
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On Shelf Availability Solution Market Landscape
Product innovations, acquisitions, Partnerships and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the On Shelf Availability Solution Market. On Shelf Availability Solution top 10 companies include:
ATLAS Technology Group
IBM Corporation
Retail Solutions Inc.
Mindtree Limited
Retail Velocity
BeMyEye Holdings Ltd
Shelfie Pty Ltd
Enterra Solutions LLC
Recent Developments
In January 2019, Retail Solutions Inc. Entered into a partnership with CROSSMARK, a key sales and marketing services company, to develop a new On shelf Availability solution, called the OSA 360. The solution is an Industry first, and combines RSi's proven on-shelf alerting technology with CROSSMARK's unparalleled in-store services and execution support.
In July 2021, BeMyEye Holdings announced the release of a new upgrade for their Compass App. The new upgrade comes in the form of a real-time image recognition tool, for store audits. The tool can scan shelves for products and provide related store insights for sales representatives, thereby cutting down audit times.
In April 2022, Retail Velocity announced an Upgrade for their VELOCITY Pro platform. The VELOCITY Pro 10 comes with new improved dashboards as well as an improved user interface and control centre. The new version is also capable of Item price history management and management of item hierarchies in shelves.
In April 2022, Retail Velocity announced the launch of its VELOCITY Essential platform, which is a toned-down version of the VELOCITY Pro platform. VELOCITY essential provides consumer goods manufacturers with an alternative to the more robust and expensive VELOCITY Pro. The new platform provides on shelf availability solutions to SMEs with less brands and geographical presence. 
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mavdrones · 2 months
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What Does Oblique Aerial Photography Mean In Drone Terminology?
The field of drone photography has been revolutionized by oblique aerial photography. Unlike traditional aerial shots taken directly overhead, oblique photography captures images at an angle. This angled perspective provides a more comprehensive view of the landscape, showcasing details and dimensions that top-down shots can miss.
Why Go Oblique?
The angled shots are particularly useful for mapping, surveying, and 3D modeling. They offer a more realistic and detailed representation of the terrain. You get a better sense of the height and depth of structures, making it easier to create accurate 3D models.
How It Works
Drones equipped with oblique cameras fly in a pattern, capturing images at various angles. These images are then stitched together using software to create a 3D map or model. This method is highly efficient and cost-effective, especially for large areas.
Applications Of Oblique Aerial Photography
Urban Planning: Helps in designing city layouts and infrastructure development.
Construction: Provides detailed site surveys and progress reports.
Agriculture: Assists in monitoring crop health and planning irrigation systems.
Disaster Management: Offers critical insights into affected areas for rescue operations.
Why It Is Popular
The popularity of oblique aerial photography is skyrocketing. It all comes down to obtaining that in-depth, practical perspective. For instance, in real estate, these photos can make a property look more appealing by showing it in context with its surroundings.
The Best Oblique Camera For Drones
When it comes to choosing the right oblique camera, the FOXTECH 3DM V4 OBLIQUE CAMERA stands out. It is designed for high precision and excellent image quality. Whether you are into mapping, surveying, or 3D modeling, this camera delivers top-notch performance. Easy to use and reliable, it is the best choice for capturing stunning oblique aerial photos.
Final Thoughts
Oblique aerial photography is an essential tool in the drone industry, providing detailed and realistic views that top-down shots cannot match. If you are looking to step up your drone photography game, the FOXTECH 3DM V4 OBLIQUE CAMERA is the way to go!
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3D Image Sensors Market Unidentified Segments – The Biggest Opportunity Of 2024
3D imager family consisting of extremely integrated time-of-flight (ToF) sensors. These single-chip imagers are sunlight-robust, highly ascendable and ready for integration into a large range of consumer, automotive and industrial applications. Image sensors enable electronic devices to amass a real 3D map of the scene before of the device. The environment, objects and people are remodeled into the digital space in real time. Algorithms use that data to measure distances and sizes, to track motions and to convert the shape of objects into 3D models. 3D Image sensing element is designed to be integrated into the tiniest 3D ToF camera modules, accurately measuring depth in the short and longer range at the lowest power consumption.
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Latest released the research study on Global 3D Image Sensors Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. 3D Image Sensors Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the 3D Image Sensors The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are STMicroelectronics (Switzerland), Intel Corporation (United States), Texas Instruments (United States), AMS AG (Austria), Microchip Technology Inc. (United States), Infineon Technologies AG (Germany), Sony Corporation (Japan), Microsoft Corporation (United States), Qualcomm Technologies Inc. (United States), AsusTek Computers Inc. (Taiwan)
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