#highest paid occupations
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linchet · 1 year ago
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oculusxcaro · 2 years ago
What's your love language?
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Quality Time™
In Quality Time™, nothing says “I love you” like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes you feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed activities, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful. Whether itʼs spending uninterrupted time talking with someone else or doing activities together, you deepen your connection with others through sharing time.
Tagged byStolen from: @gnarledbite and @the-rorschach-mask (♡) Tagging: Whoever hasn't done it yet?
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probablyasocialecologist · 2 years ago
The comprehensive study, conducted by researchers from Linköping University in Sweden, the European University Institute in Italy and the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, analyzed data from 59,400 Swedish men who took a military conscription test when they were young adults. The researchers then meticulously tracked their career trajectories, earnings and job prestige for over a decade, from when they were 35 until they turned 45. The results showed a strong relationship between intelligence and earning potential until the figure exceeded $64,000 a year. Beyond this point, the correlation became almost negligible. And at the highest pay scales, intelligence plateaued, suggesting that other factors, such as socioeconomic background, culture, personality traits and luck, became more significant. The study also found that job prestige didn't increase with cognitive ability at higher pay scales. In professions such as medicine, law and academia, more prestige didn't seem directly related to more income. The findings challenge the idea that success and higher levels of income are earned by superior intellect and talent. Instead, the researchers suggest that small initial success differences between individuals can grow into extreme inequalities over time. The study has limitations. It focused only on men, limiting its generalizability to the wider population. But it still provides a relatively large sample across a variety of pay levels and occupations. In a world where the ultra-rich continue to get richer and have more influence over global political, social and economic landscapes, the study's findings are significant. The argument that those taking home the most pay deserve it the most is one that needs to be challenged, the researchers point out — especially at the highest end of the scale.
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picklepie888 · 1 year ago
Since Dracula adaptations are so adament about making the main characters related to each other in some way, I'd kinda like to see an adaptation where Jack is Mina's brother rather than her father. Judging by their dynamic in the book, they're able to meet on common grounds with their intelligence, their shared love for Lucy, and whenever the two are together, they were always in sinc with one another. I would've liked to have seen more of that. Plus, I think making them siblings could add some interesting insight to how certain events play out. Maybe Mina had tried to play matchmaker by encouraging her brother to propose to her best friend as an attempt to make Lucy an official part of the family. Maybe the reason both Jack and Mina were able to obtain their occupations at such a young age was because their parents prioritized their education and paid for the highest level instructors available to teach both their children. It'd also give Jack greater motivation for hunting Dracula, because he had targeted both his love interest, and now his sister. I don't know, I just think its a better concept than making him her father at least.
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di--es---can-ic-ul-ar--es · 2 months ago
Super banger post on cost disease/licensing cartels/the core mysteries of medical econ
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deke-rivers-1957 · 4 months ago
Tickle Me Review
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Faced with bankruptcy Allied Artists made a short term deal with Elvis in a last ditch effort to save the studio. The terms were that Elvis would be paid $750k plus 50% of the profits. Tickle Me only had a budget of $1.5 million meaning Elvis' salary alone took up half the cost leaving only $750k for everything else. Therefore to save money, the soundtrack only had 5 measly songs (in the original US release) that were previously recorded across the years 1960-1963.
Despite the studio's financial woes the movie was a box office success making $5 million worldwide. It not only saved the studio, but was also the studio's 3rd highest grossing film at the time. Elvis himself won the 1966 Golden Laurel award for Best Male Performance in a Musical. Writers Elwood Ullman and Edward Bernds' effort proved to be their last hurrah as Bernds would retire later that year after a successful career with the 3 Stooges and the Bowery Boys. But did this last ditch effort provide a fresh take on the Elvis vehicle or was this nothing more than a Hail Mary for those trying to hold onto any semblance of success and relevance? Let's find out.
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We start off with Elvis in a travel bus singing "(It's A) Long, Lonely Highway". No idea if this was filmed on location or not. Song sounds pretty good. Lip-synching seems to be on point. I'll just mention this here but Tickle Me is a terrible title. I have no idea where they came up with that or why the working title "Isle of Paradise" was changed. There's no song with that name since no new songs were recorded. They should've stuck with the working title or better yet, change it to a song on the soundtrack called "Night Rider". That title fits in with Lonnie's occupation as a traveling rodeo star, the western setting, and the eventual shift into a horror film better.
He arrives at a western town called Zuni Wells. We get what's at first side conversation with a deputy sheriff saying that the sheriff went fishing far away (remember this later). We find out that his name's Lonnie Beale and is trying to find work before rodeo starts. Even though Lonnie got offered a job, the man ended up quitting. I love how we get some world building by having the bartender mention Prescott, Arizona which is one of the most famous rodeo cities in the US. So to make any money he has to sing in the saloon.
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"It Feels So Right" is distracting with how obvious it is that Elvis sang this a long time ago. The song’s echo effect is so noticeable too but we do have a Red cameo and a call back to when Elvis was a "dirty hip shaker". Red's girlfriend who is drunk starts flirting with Lonnie and for once a fight starts that wasn't even his fault. He didn’t flirt with her back or throw the first punch. If anything he was trying to make a point that he had no interest in her.
Assuming he’s about to get fired he goes with a woman in charge of the Circle Z ranch. We get some background that Lonnie was raised by his uncle and always had a good time with horses. If only we saw him actually put that to good use instead of just exposition.
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Lonnie's shocked to see that this is meant to be a Hollywood type of ranch meant to keep actresses and models thin. Watching how this is portrayed, you can make an argument that there's some social commentary in this movie. When you first meet Pam you wouldn't even notice a difference between her and the other women. It would be one thing if they showed these ladies as being slightly overweight, but that isn't the case at all since all of these ladies have an average body weight and general size indicating good health. It really shows how in their industry, expectations are so specific that these women who are already at a healthy state have to be even smaller and fitter to be beautiful.
Lonnie meets Pam while the women are stretching and I'm amazed they're even allowed in that part of the ranch. In modern day, men likely wouldn't even allowed to work at a place like that unless they're in a position that doesn't have close contact with the female guests. Lonnie then meets Stanley who tells us that the guests have to pay $500 a week just to stay there. The whole process of how these girls get down to "36-38-24" by giving them very little to eat really shows the culture of the 1960s where starving people was seen as the best way to lose weight. I won't get into the complexities of it, but you can see for yourself that the "diet culture" of today has completely shifted.
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Lonnie does his job despite getting advances by some of the female clients. He starts making eyes with Pam and you get the idea that they're interested in each other. He goes over to talk to her but she makes it clear that she's only interested in taking care of the guests. only to then immediately get jealous when the guests show interest in him. I don't like this because you don't get to feel jealous when you turned him down. It only makes Pam look bad as a character since this makes her come off as being possessive of Lonnie when they're not at all a couple. Lonnie is single so he should be allowed to interact with other women.
If she's upset because she takes Lonnie singing to the guests as unprofessional, I can understand that. However, her facial expressions don't indicate that all. "(Such an) Easy Question" at least gives you that context that despite Pam turning him down, she can't stand to see him being with other women. As for the song itself, I don’t like the echo effect for the middle of the sandy outdoors. I know that they didn't have the budget to really change the pre-recorded songs, but given that this is supposed to be outside, an echo effect doesn't really work. Brad meanwhile turns into a butt monkey by having his food dumped on him once Stanley stands up. I genuinely feel bad for him because even though he is jealous of Lonnie, he so far hasn't done anything that would deserve this level of punishment.
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Even the next day he can't catch a break as a woman he tries to help learn to swim, laps the pool when she sees Lonnie. He gets so upset he hits his hand against the concrete border of the pool. We get "Dirty, Dirty Feeling" as he works in the stables. Once again it doesn’t match the outdoor scenery. It’s actually very distracting to hear a 50s sound coming out of a 60s Elvis. If anything I'm very confused on how he's able to sing so that the entire ranch can hear him. It's not clear just how big or small this place is since it shouldn't seem possible that his voice can carry that far at that same level of clarity.
Lonnie gets in trouble with the other workers because the guests are so distracted by him. Lonnie isn’t doing anything wrong though as he doesn’t intend to interrupt everything. Meanwhile I'm very distracted by how this painting in the background was allowed to stay up since it's clearly a bunch of nude women. I have no idea how no one noticed that since it appears in multiple shots where you can clearly see the whole thing uncovered.
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The women all seem to love him despite the fact that he doesn’t seem interested in any of them beyond a professional relationship. As he should since he doesn’t plan on sticking around and it’d be unprofessional of him otherwise. Pam meanwhile goes on this long spiel about how she's figured him out as being this playboy looking for a "millionaire divorcee" and quite frankly she's unlikeable. Lonnie in the audience's eyes hasn't done anything to suggest that and it's unfair of her to think that.
Even when she tries to catch him in a "gotcha" moment, it just feels weird of her to do this. She's not his boss nor his girlfriend, so it's not her job to police his actions. The audience clearly sees that Lonnie isn't the one making these advances and because this is the 60s men aren't allowed to say no yet. It makes you wonder what on earth Pam's doing with her life when she should be working. She makes an innuendo that Vera would "give him an A for effort" and you just feel a little gross because she's making it off like this is his fault. Sexy sax music playing when Vera makes her advances on Lonnie also feels gross given the concept of a workplace relationship between a boss and their employee has become a very problematic issue given the unequal power dynamics that come from it.
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We get actual tension with a fight scene that in real life would’ve been genuinely dangerous. Lonnie had full reason to help her when she screamed even though we get a comedic moment of Pam hitting Lonnie by accident. The attacker immediately runs away as Lonnie's knocked silly. We find out it was because the guy was trying to find where her grandfather hid some money and the deputy sheriff advises her to lock all her doors and windows. It's not at all suspicious for the deputy sheriff to blame her for poking around abandoned buildings when she says she's entitled to any money that he left behind. I have no idea how this is such a mystery in their part of the world given that this is a ranch and a small town. The list of suspects shouldn't be astronomically high for anyone to not be able to figure this out. It's almost as if we're not supposed to know who did it until it's the perfect moment or something.
The next day, some men watch Stanley trying to look for footprints only to realize they're his own. Classic Shemp Howard moment. I have no idea who these two guys are but surely they'll have more to do in this movie right? Lonnie accidentally throws water on Brad and of course Brad gets upset. A fight breaks out as somehow all the women know to be there at that exact moment. Lonnie quickly wins and Pam appears out of nowhere to tell him off despite Lonnie literally doing nothing wrong. In an act of karmic justice to prove women are not immune from slapstick in this world, she gets her foot stuck in a bucket and instead of taking the L she keeps walking with it on.
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When Lonnie sees her go off on her own, he follows her to an abandoned building. I understand that Pam wants to prove that "she's a big girl", but going to an abandoned building without even telling anyone is just stupid. Especially when you just got attacked not even a day ago by people who want to steal your grandfather's gold. Lonnie following her doesn't even prove that he loves her since he was there when she got attacked. His actions more indicate that he's a good coworker who doesn't want to have Pam make a stupid decision that'll get her killed. It's not as if the letter she's got is all that helpful since we see what's said.
We get exposition that her grandfather once owned the biggest mine in the area, a fantasy scene about the building once being a saloon from the 1800s and an audio change makes me think they used ADR for Pam and Lonnie's lines. This whole scene feels like a love letter to the Shemp era westerns with the jokes that they use, down to the editing techniques they used when Lonnie threw his hat. "Put the Blame on Me" had a similar echo effect, but to me it's fine given that it's a fantasy sequence even though this is also unnecessary filler. We fade back and Pam’s laugh in response to the donkey braying at their almost out of nowhere kiss sounded so fake in what feels like another instance of ADR. I have no idea how we're supposed to believe that now Pam likes her.
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We get the luau and apparently Lonnie and Pam are together. I think on paper they wanted to convey that they did like each other and she was playing hard to get, but Lonnie meeting up with her at the abandoned saloon really isn't enough to make her suddenly love him. The Dabney's are upset when one of the female clients tries to steal their chicken because she’s starving. I thought it was funny how she tried to grab more food only to jab Mrs. Dabney. To try to appease them, the boss has Lonnie sing and entertain the guests. "I'm Yours" at least fits with the luau setting so I don't mind the vocal effects this time. In fact it's actually a very sweet song.
Meanwhile Pam almost gets kidnapped again and if I was Vera I'd be seriously considering upping security with how this could impact the other guests. If you have an all girl ranch meant to cater to models/actresses, you need to have security measures in place if it's going to be in the middle of the desert. Lonnie and Stanley try to save Pam and once again she tries to help only to hurt Lonnie. The deputy sheriff goes to find the men only to have an actually shocking twist that he’s in on it. Surprisingly we don't see the two lackeys meant to help him almost as if that's not meant to be revealed until later. Pam and Lonnie read the letter and based on what we see this time I don't get why they're struggling with it. It clearly says you have to pull the crowbar straight toward you to get the money out. Granted the diagram showing the wall isn't all that helpful.
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It’s the next day and Lonnie sings "Night Rider" and I have no idea why. This feels like nothing but filler since it comes out of nowhere and is quickly forgotten like it never happened. This should've been the opening song since it clearly doesn't fit here. You could cut right to one of his coworkers wanting him to talk to Vera. At least we don’t have an echo effect on this song.
Vera again tries to hit on him while he tries to turn her down. This is so gross to watch and even Elvis looks at the camera like this is wrong. Lonnie kisses her despite being in a relationship and you got to wonder why he would do that. It isn't as if Vera force herself on him because Lonnie willingly kisses her again. Pam is rightfully upset as she sees Lonnie kiss their boss and for once I'm on her side. Lonnie was in a relationship with her and knowingly kissed Vera back. I know it's a cliche to make it be a misunderstanding but I genuinely would rather have that be the case than to watch Lonnie do this only to try apologizing like he made a mistake.
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"I Feel That I've Known You Forever" is surprisingly haunting for a ballad. Him going to every window is so weird and you question why Pam is just as defenseless as before. If she was attacked twice, why would no one think to put some security around her house. This. is meant to be private property so Vera should be able to afford that expense. Pam of course breaks things off and Lonnie just quits the ranch offscreen.
Lonnie joins the rodeo and Pam rightfully doesn’t want to speak to him. If only Pam wasn't so unlikeable in the beginning where we can at least laugh at Lonnie's misfortune. We get a ghostly sound of Pam hearing Lonnie's voice which is pretty spooky. I get that she's meant to struggle with missing him or hating him, but based on the montage of Lonnie calling her for four months only for her to hang up, I don't think it was well executed at all. Stanley somehow knew where to find Lonnie despite not having any update. Lonnie is so down bad for Pam that even though he'd write to her, even his letters were rejected. At this point, I would assume the relationship is over. Four months is long enough to think that she's no longer interested. Stanley meanwhile convinces him that Pam is really playing hard to get and that he should tell her off.
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As soon as they get there she drives away. They chase after her and they all think about each other’s relationship. They finally stop at a ghost town when it starts to rain. Lonnie spanks her and I hate it. It doesn't fit with the style of slapstick violence we've seen. The writers don't spare women in their works from getting exposed to slapstick so to me I would've had this be a slap fight until Pam realizes that Lonnie does care about her as someone who's more than just a coworker. That way we get a genuine moment of chemistry between the two.
They end up in an abandoned hotel while it’s raining and keep getting spooked by the storm. It's surprisingly light outside for what's supposed to be a monsoon level storm. We get 3 stooges antics where Stanley keeps getting punched by someone through a hidden door. Even Pam gets scared to the point of screaming bloody murder. This is where the movie turns into a horror film as you feel a level of suspense and upcoming danger. Of course it's still humorous by making Lonnie the straight man and by having Pam make the dumb decision to turn the light off when she's clearly afraid of someone breaking into her room. Since no one is getting hurt, it still keeps the tone light for Lonnie to not believe anything's wrong.
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We see guys in masks very akin to some 3 stooges shorts which might also act as a Scooby Doo predecessor. The guy in the wolf mask I'm amazed would even want to be outside in this bad weather. Stanley's very much a tribute to Shemp Howard. Seeing him get spooked by both the guys in masks and Lonnie is something I've seen Shemp do. Lonnie being the straight man by not seeing what Stanley saw adds to it because if you just replace them with Moe and Shemp you'd get the same results and it would still be funny. That's a sign that Elvis clearly understood how to convey that style of comedy. It's actually creative at how some of them even got inside since it's not like anyone knew Pam would be going to that hotel. When one of them gets into her room, Pam, for someone who can take cares of herself, doesn't fight back and instead faints allowing him to steal the letter.
Lonnie of course saves the day in an Elvis vehicle style fight scene. We get the reveal that some of the male staff at the ranch were in cahoots with the deputy sheriff. I don't think this twist was executed well because looking back at previous attempts to capture her, you can't help but raise an eyebrow at how she didn't seem to recognize her coworkers earlier. Sure they had their faces covered but we see how staff wise, it's not that big of a ranch for her to have never met them. Lonnie grabbing the knife only to have the handle come off is hilarious. When the man charges him he opens the door only to reveal nothing on the other side. I genuinely wonder what the purpose of that door was since this is meant to be a restored hotel or if it was just magicked into existence by the writers only to then disappear when it wasn't needed. Stanley falls into the storm shelter in a way that in real life I'm amazed didn't kill him since landing on old wooden furniture wouldn't have softened the fall. When they go to get him, they find a suitcase with Pam's grandpa’s initials on it. Stanley pulls the crowbar out trying to open the suitcase and despite the letter clearly saying that's what you need to do, everyone's shocked to see gold coming out of the wall. Why would they even think it's in a suitcase if grandpa specifically made a diagram of the wall?
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The deputy sheriff arrives and they find out he was the mastermind. Lonnie beats him in a fight after the running gag of Pam trying to hit his opponent finally works in his favor. I'm genuinely amazed that he was able to do that since Lonnie's an otherwise normal guy and policemen even in a small town would've had some type of training in physical combat. Brad shows up because Vera somehow knew Pam would be at this hotel and surprisingly had absolutely nothing to do with the deputy sheriff's scheme. It turns out that the two men Stanley was talking to earlier were the same guys trying to kidnap Pam. I'm amazed that we got a rare twist hero in the sense that on first watch you thought for sure that he would try to at least kill Lonnie. The only thing I don't get is what he talking to the cook about when almost Pam got kidnapped since Adolph was part of it too. At least include a line for Brad to explain what they talked about since that's a loose end that was never addressed.
Lonnie and Pam end up getting back together and eventually get married at the ranch. This romance felt so underwhelming and you can tell the writers aren't used to playing it straight. I'm not sure if it's the script or Elvis not having the chemistry with Jocelyn but I just don't see these two getting married. Even though Vera was so into Lonnie, she's apparently not at all upset to see them get married and you just wonder what the point of her making passes at Lonnie was. Nothing changed on her end to suggest she's over him or that she even felt sorry for partially ruining his relationship with Pam for many months. We end with "Slowly But Surely" while Stanley’s getting dragged behind in a wash tub. The lyrics actually fit Lonnie's perspective of trying to win Pam back. Why he's singing this when they're already married is an odd choice, but hey it's been almost a half hour since Elvis' last song so we need to end on one. The rear screen projection is so blatant by having Stanley appear in the rear angle shots but then have him be nowhere to be seen when Lonnie sings. A strange joke to end on as they drive off into the proverbial sunset.
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I'm very on the fence with this movie. On the comedy side, this movie is a complete success. Ullman and Bernds were masters of their craft regarding slapstick comedy and Elvis fit into that style well by having him play the straight man. Where they fall flat is the romance as I feel like they were told an Elvis movie has to have a romance so they only added one as an afterthought since an Elvis vehicle romance was never really their style. I wish that the other workers who helped the deputy sheriff had the same level of development Brad had it makes their reveal a little more shocking that Brad was friends with them yet still wasn't part of it.
My rating will likely change next time you ask me but for now it's a 7/10. At this time I don't think the comedy and Brad being the twist hero was enough to overcome a boring romance and awful song placement. If you had simply cut out a lot of songs and use that time to develop the side characters, I think this would've been a great movie. For a movie that really only had $750k to work with, I think they did a great job in capturing that western vibe yet also showcase other parts of the country with the rodeo scene in Phoenix. If you're a 3 Stooges fan that really loves the Shemp Howard era, I highly recommend giving it a watch. Even if you're not, I still think this movie is worth watching as it shows what Elvis could've been if the focus was more on physical slapstick comedy. After all, even Moe got hurt sometimes.
Tagging: @vintagepresley, @kawaiiwitchy, @mercsandmonsters, @jhoneybees, @thetaoofzoe,
@nicferg068, @lycan61-blog, @wildhorseinkansas, @hooked-on-elvis, @thelonelyheart,
@almightybigbrain, @i-r-i-n-a-a, @cherrycolaride, @stickysteve1388, @xs4lvtore,
@urbeatlemaniac, @eapep, @peaceloveelvis, @arrolyn1114, @smokeymountainboy,
@jupiterssparkles, @ssinnerplazahotel, @lilmisspeaches, @getyourpresleyfix, @an-americcan-trilogy,
@atleastpleasetelephone, @halieghhh, @tacozebra051, @xanatenshi and @bonjovipresley.
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blueabsinthe18 · 1 month ago
Okay, so, I ran across this anonymous ask, and because my brain latches on to silly things I decided to venture down a rabbit hole explore the comment a bit.
Soooo, here's some discourse based on the comment of whether Charlie and Sarah can afford the house they live in as of S7E02 (A Room with a Clue).
A few things to keep in mind:
Yes, I realize this is a tv show about a crime fighting dog, and not everything in it is based in reality.
I have a background in finance and lending, and I'm by no means an expert, but most of what I've compiled is fact.
This was very lazily researched. Sorry, not sorry.
H&R is a Canadian show set in the easternmost province of Newfoundland and Labrador, which is part of the Atlantic region. This post skews heavily to a Canadian view and is therefore, based on Canadian banking laws and standards. So, please, no comments like "That's not how it works in X country".
Yes, I am Canadian.
I've tried to keep this as high level, uncomplicated, and nontechnical as possible. Mostly for ease of understanding and also because I figure not everyone is interested in this.
I'm open to comments, questions, etc.
This was written entirely for fun and entertainment purposes.
Alrighty, first off, the SJPD is fiction. In Newfoundland, the provincial police force is known as the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary (RNC). You may be asking yourself, why is this important? And, I'm getting there, hang on.
Okay, so now that we've got that cleared up, let's move on to Charlie's job title. You may notice in H&R, Charlie refers to himself as Detective, which, okay, for H&R purposes is fine. HOWEVER, in reality, this is incorrect. The RNC organizational structure goes (highest rank first, to lowest):
Deputy Chief
Staff Sergeant
Yes, they do have a police dogs unit and a mounted unit (among others, but I've left them out for brevity's [hah!] sake).
All to say, for this post's sake, we're going to assume Charlie is the rank of Constable(*).
*please note, in RNC terms, all officers are addressed by the term Constable. Salary increases appear to be done by years of service.
Now, moving on to Sarah's occupation. For the most part, her occupation is largely unchanged. Although, I do think they've amalgamated forensics officer and coroner/medical examiner's into one for Sarah. Anyway, in RNC terms, Sarah would most likely work in the Forensic Identification Unit.
With me so far? Good. Let's move on to why I'm on a tangent about Charlie and Sarah's occupations...
We're gonna circle back to the question that started this all: "Can Charlie and Sarah afford the house they live in?"
Let's get technical. *cracks knuckles*... Here goes nothing.
Assuming Charlie is the rank of Constable (I'm going to guess he's been in the RNC for 15+ years), his salary is governed by a Collective Agreement (CA). The most recent one is in effect from Sept 13, 2023 to June 30, 2026, after which time, bargaining would start (don’t ask me to go into union negotiation, that's a whole other beast, and one I don't want to tackle for a province I have no familiarity with).
Okay, getting back to Charlie's salary. I'm going to be fiscally conservative here for this post's sake (and also because I've done enough math today), and go with the latest RNC's CA saying a Constable with 15-19 years of service would be paid as of April 1, 2023, and that magical number is $108,627.85 annually.
Yes, the CA is public record, I didn't just pull random numbers out of my ass. Anyway, moving on.
As for Sarah, in H&R she is the Chief of Forensics. Closest equivalent I can think of is Forensic Medical Examiner, considering Sarah usually introduces herself as 'Dr. Sarah Truong', which implies she went to med school (off the top of my head, I can't remember if she ever mentioned going to med school). She probably has said she went to med school and I'm just drawing a blank (lol).
My half-ass research on this puts her salary at approximately $309,966 annually.
Phew. 😮‍💨
Let's get a bit more technical now, shall we? Feel free to stop reading now if you're not up for it.
Let's talk real estate now.
Newfoundland’s cost of living/standard of living is much lower than some other Canadian provinces, so it makes things more affordable. Yay? 😅
Anyway, judging by the views we get of Charlie and Sarah’s house in episode 2, and with my lazy research of the St. John’s area, I’m going to guess their house is in the Wedgewood Park - King Williams Estates area. This area is affluent, all residential, and some of the houses border Virginia Lake. It’s also fairly close by car to Charlie and Sarah’s worksite.
Seems the average range for houses in this area goes from $400K-$900K (on the high end). Let’s say Charlie and Sarah’s house is 4 bedrooms, around 4000 square feet, and close to the water. For this post’s sake, let’s say they were wanting to look for a house with a purchase price of $750K.
Here’s where it could get a little more technical (I’ll try to keep this high-level).
Let’s say Charlie and Sarah had gone for a pre-approval before purchasing the house. In Canada, the minimum amount you must put down to purchase property is 5% of the purchase price; there is no maximum. The loan you take out when purchasing property becomes known as a mortgage and is considered a secured loan (the collateral being the property being purchased).
Getting back to the down payment, min is 5%, no max. However, a down payment of anything less than 20% requires mortgage loan insurance. In Canada, this is obtained through CMHC (Canadian Mortgage Housing Corporation). The insurance protects the lender from the borrower defaulting.
To avoid getting into the weeds and in an effort to keep this high level, for Charah purposes, we’re going to assume they have a 20% down payment.
So, what comes next in figuring out affordability for our couple? Other than running their credit bureaus (let’s assume they both have great credit), the next thing we’ll look at is affordability for them.
Again, to keep things high level, I’m running on the assumption they want to take 25-years to pay back their mortgage (aka, amortization), and keep their mortgage term to the lowest interest rate available. Both are fairly conservative and don’t want to take a chance on a variable-rate product (again, I’m sticking to high level only; if we want to get more technical on other scenarios, I can, but that will be another post if anyone wants to see).
Time to do a bit of number crunching…
Currently, most mortgage lending seems to be leaning heavily into a 3-year fixed rate, so that’s what I’m basing this on.
The lowest POSTED 3-year fixed rate I’ve seen lately is around 4.89% (minus, any banks/credit unions doing internal promos for regular customers). We’re also not going to get into risk based pricing (because, again, high level, here), or penalties associated with paying off the mortgage early, etc.
What happens after the 3-year term? Simply put (AND HIGH LEVEL here), they’re eligible to renegotiate their mortgage terms.
Getting back to the affordability equation. I’m trying to keep this fairly general and as nontechnical as possible.
There are two things most, if not all lenders, use when determining affordability and it’s the GDS (gross debt service) and TDS (total debt service) ratios.
The magic number a person should be spending on associated housing costs and other obligations is tied to these two ratios. GDS shouldn’t exceed 39% and TDS is 44%.
GDS calculation is based on housing costs (in this case, just their mortgage payment) divided by monthly income. TDS is all housing costs (mortgage payment, heat costs, property tax costs) and any other outstanding debt obligation payments per month, divided by monthly income.
All right, for Charah’s affordability equation. They will also need to qualify for their purchase based on a “stress test rate”, which means they need to be able to prove they can afford their payments at a qualifying rate that is higher than the contract rate.
Of course, your next question is probably what is the stress test rate? Here’s how it breaks down in Canada:
It’s the higher of either 5.25% OR the rate negotiated with your lender plus 2%
For the Charah equation in this post, their stress-test rate will be 6.89%, and the one we’re going to use to answer “Can they afford their house?”
Let’s calculate their monthly income:
Using Charlie’s salary mentioned above, we get $9,052.32 (his annual salary of $108,627.85 divided by 12).
Sarah’s works out to $25,830.50 ($309,966 divided by 12).
So combined, the monthly income they have to work with is $34,882.82.
Next, let’s work out what their mortgage payment would be at the stress test rate of 6.89%. Assuming a 25-year amortization and their mortgage amount is $600K ($750K, minus a 20% down payment), we get a monthly payment of around $4,161.83.
TL;DR: Yes, Charlie and Sarah can very well afford their house.
*mic drop*
Jesus Christ, this got excessively long. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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guerillas-of-history · 4 months ago
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🟢 Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
"And do not consider those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead; rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision."
O sons of our struggling Palestinian people...
O masses of our Arab and Islamic nation:
The Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades exalts the ascension of the great martyr leader Yahya Sinwar "Abu Ibrahim", leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, who ascended, advancing and not retreating, in the most honorable of battles in defense of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and our people and their legitimate rights. It is a source of pride for our movement to present leaders before soldiers, and for its leaders to lead the convoy of martyrs of our people who gave their lives and blood for the sake of Allah and on the path to liberating Palestine, and for its leader to be martyred among his fighting brothers, a hero engaged in combat with the invaders who thought that Gaza could be an easy prey for their cowardly army.
The journey of our leader, Abu Ibrahim, was an honorable jihadist journey, during which he was from the founding generation of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, and its military and security apparatuses. He sacrificed the prime of his youth as a prisoner in the occupation’s prisons for more than twenty years before he was released with his head held high in the “Loyalty of the Free" deal. Once he was released from prison, he insisted on continuing the journey of jihad, refusing to rest. He supervised the movement’s military work in the three regions and had an important role in the path of unifying the resistance fronts on the road to Al-Quds. Then he headed the Movement in Gaza, and his leadership period constituted a qualitative shift in its advocacy, political and military journey that culminated in Al-Aqsa Flood and in the path of national relations and joint resistance work. He later led the movement at home and abroad following the martyrdom of the great leader Ismail Haniyeh.
When the resistance factions, with Hamas at the forefront, decided to enter this major, decisive battle in the history of the Palestinian people's struggle and our nation's journey, they knew the price of liberation was very high, a price all nations paid before freeing themselves from their occupiers. They were ready to lead the ranks of the sacrificers, offering both leaders and soldiers, refusing to submit to the enemy or remain silent about its oppression and theft of our people's legitimate rights. Our jihad will not cease until Palestine is liberated, the last zionist is expelled, and all our legitimate rights are restored. The greatest proof is that after a year of the Al-Aqsa Flood battle, our people have neither broken nor surrendered, despite the immense costs and the brutal genocidal crimes of the zionist entity.
This criminal enemy is delusional if it thinks that by assassinating the great leaders of the resistance such as Sinwar, Haniyeh, Nasrallah, Al-Arouri and others, it can extinguish the flame of the resistance or push it to retreat. Rather, it will continue and escalate until the legitimate goals of our people are achieved. Martyrdom is the highest thing our leaders desire, and their blood will be a beacon that lights the path to liberation and a fire that burns the aggressors. Our leaders have left behind hundreds of thousands of fighters from our people and our nation who are determined to confront the zionist occupation until Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque are cleansed of its filth and it is swept away from our land, Allah willing.
Indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.
Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades - Palestine
Friday 15 Rabi' al-Thani 1446 AH corresponding to 18/10/2024 AD
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corellianhounds · 3 months ago
how would you rewrite tbobf?
Sorry that’s just the first part but really everything else will stem from that. Part of the reason it feels like Boba Fett just meanders around without really doing much until the story decides to put him somewhere new is because they didn’t actually give him a concrete Thing to do. What is he doing on Tatooine in Jabba’s palace? What does it mean “to rule with respect”? Rule who? He says he’s a crime lord, but what crime is he the lord of?
That’s the first and biggest mistake of the show. What is Boba Fett doing? Tell me what crime ring he’s in charge of and why. Boba’s background wasn’t one of a criminal, he was a bounty hunter. That doesn’t mean the law wasn’t corrupt (because the Empire was the biggest entity saying what was considered a crime), but that’s what puts him in the gray morality/antagonist section of prior Star Wars material. He does have his own personal code of honor and ethics, but his primary occupation and drive was taking jobs hunting down criminals. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Han Solo was not a good guy. He was a drug smuggler who dumped his supplier’s shipment when the space cops showed up and was on the run from his gangster employer who sent bounty hunters after him. He kills Greedo in cold blood. Boba’s entirely justified in tracking him down.
But back to TBoBF. What crime is Boba doing? What are the actual day-to-day things he’s doing besides “holding court” (?) and being paid tribute to (also, why? He’s one dude with a partner, a clerical droid, and two guards on his side. He doesn’t have the firepower to do anything significant in the beginning so why does anybody feel like they owe him anything?)? What goods and/or service is he providing?
It’s not the slave trade because he and Fennec freed all of Bib Fortuna’s slaves when they broke in and the only real palace inhabitants they have on staff are two Gamorreans and 8D8. They’re never in the market or smuggling people as cargo, and there’s nothing to suggest that’s in character for Boba Fett anyway. There’s no evidence of or reason for them to be arms smugglers. They’re not involved in the drug trade since the Tuskens have beef with the Pykes and Fett and Fennec aren’t working with them or the Hutts. They’re not taking merc or assassin work because they’re stationary now, and they’re not indiscriminately gunning people down in the streets. They’re not shown to have control over the water supply, charging outrageous prices or imposing taxes over it like Jabba did. They don’t have to steal anything because he’s Boba Fett, he was the highest paid bounty hunter for the Empire and everybody and their mom knows for a FACT he had capable control over his finances.
They’re not running a shady chop shop, they’re not smuggling exotic animals, they’re not highwaymen, they’re not producing or manufacturing anything that’s damaging the environment or displacing civilians, they’re not running some underground casino, they’re not bootleggers, they’re not mafia, they’re not even vandalizing public property. They’re also not doing any “crimes” that are actually morally good, beneficial things that have just been criminalized (Robbing from the rich to give to the poor, etc. etc.)
What is Boba Fett doing, why, and how?
If he’s also going to make it a point to say he’s not Jabba the Hutt, then he cannot in any way be a crime lord, especially if that implies he’s in charge of multiple different crime rings. You (the writers) cannot eat your cake and have it too.
On top of this, if he were a crime lord, the people of Mos Espa he keeps visiting and saying are under his protection are civilians— They’re the ones who would be directly affected by whatever criminals he’d be ruling in that area. Why would they respect him at all, and why does he want criminals to respect him in the first place?
Since the writers have him say he’s a crime lord but never specify what thing he is there to do, Boba ends up aimlessly doing “stuff” that feels like things we’ve seen in mafia or crime movies. Gathering five crime families for dinner allegedly under his rule (yeah Favreau we’ve seen The Godfather, we get it) doesn’t make any sense because they never specify what crime those people are doing either and they’re all forgettable NPCs who are just there to ‘betray’ him later. Having assassins sent to attack him, being gifted an exotic pet (a pet that is the exact thing Jabba the Hutt was known for feeding people to), “holding court” and being paid tribute to, going to the local casino/nightclub for plot checkpoints and bribes, sauntering around town with his gun in hand, introducing his second-in-command “Master Assassin Fennec Shand (Who Used to Work for the Hutts)™ ” by name, face, iconic outfit, birth date, blood type and astrology sign, hiring some rando teenage ne’er-do-wells to Give Them A Purpose—
All of these are aimless or outright foolish actions without compelling cause and effect within the story that aren’t tied to each other or given a concrete reason for existing. They’re clichés that exist to fulfill some genre quota the writer didn’t really have that strong of a grasp on because they’re copying what they’ve seen other people do, but they don’t actually know HOW to use those events or characters to make them work (Which is to say nothing of how watered down, wishy-washy, palatable and family-friendly they made a character who canonically, from the beginning, had to be reined in by Darth Vader. The ropes on his armor are made from the pelts of Wookiees he killed. Boba Fett was not a morally upstanding person, guys.)
To that end we end up with a lot of different characters and loose story threads vying for attention and diverting the focus. It’s only a seven episode season and there are over thirty characters or factions/entities in a show where brevity is of the utmost importance (especially since Boba is historically a taciturn character and capable man of action who accomplishes things very quickly in short amounts of time); if every new merchandising opportunity is given the same weight and screen time, then nothing feels important. It’s messy and scattered. You’ve got—
Boba Fett
Fennec Shand
The Hutts
The Pykes
The Order of the Night Wind
The Tuskens, with standout characters in the Chief and the Warrior and the Kid
The biker gang
Garsa Fwip and co.
Mayor Mok Shaiz
The majordomo
Five different faction families
8D8 and the Gamorrean guards
The Mods, with Drash and Skad having the most lines
Whoever Stephen Root plays who has some beef with the Mods
The cybernetic surgeon
Cad Bane
Cobb Vanth
The deputy, Jo, the Weequay bartender, and the people of Mos Pelgo
The rancor and rancor keeper
All of the droids in the final battle
And then Mando, the Armorer, Paz Vizsla, Grogu, Ahsoka, Peli Motto, the New Republic cops, and Luke “Main Character Status” Skywalker in their entire side diversion episode and a half that definitely felt like part of one of the other shows (in terms of production quality, camera work and directing style, tone, and relevance) that was shoehorned in to justify Mando AND the kid being there at the end
I may even be forgetting some but that is already a LOT of chaff amongst the wheat. We could probably do with maybe a third of those characters or groups, and some of them with incredibly pared down screen time.
We don’t need a dozen lengthy flashbacks spanning nearly every episode. We don’t need lengthy or unnecessary exposition given in boring conversations and monologues from Fennec. We entirely don’t need the Fennec flashback episode. We don’t need the Mods or the cybernetic surgeon. Nobody needs Mando’s new ship acquisition or the diversion to his covert members or to Grogu’s training in order to tell this specific Boba Fett story; cut out everything except Mando taking a crummy underworld job before showing back up on Tatooine in need of work, make him miserable about not having the kid, have him volunteer his help when Fett tells him what he’s up against because Mando feels like he owes him a debt for his help in Season 2. He should only be there to serve Boba’s story, and every scene with the two of them after he agrees to help needs to be framed and shot from Fett’s perspective. Make him a supporting character.
The third change that would allow the story to fix itself would be introducing the primary antagonist sooner. Cad Bane could have been hinted at and alluded to, speaking and working from the shadows, directing the actions of the smaller antagonists until we finally get his first proper intro midway through the season. You can’t just throw this guy in at the second to last episode and expect your audience to care when a good portion of that audience has never seen the cartoons he originated from.
(This is a criticism I’ve had since Season 2 of Mando. You shouldn’t rely on or expect your audience’s potential understanding of extended universe media to fill in the gaps of your story for you. Your story should stand on its own two feet. The live action shows are different from the cartoons and people shouldn’t have to watch nine seasons of two separate cartoon shows to understand who somebody is when they show up or why they’re there or what their presence implies, and you especially shouldn’t introduce that character at the end. We have no time to get to know that character or care about why they’re there. It’s weak storytelling to save whoever is at the crux of the main character’s emotional/character arc for the end, and your reliance on a “surprise” villain as a means of a story hook or audience retention is bad writing. If your main character has no idea what they’re working against and isn’t working to figure out who’s actually been against them all along, you end up with the aimless wandering and weak motivations and characterizations like we had in this show.)
It’s bad writing. Plot twists and reveals only work when you’ve foreshadowed and built that into the rest of the story from the beginning.
So to summarize: Give Boba Fett an actionable objective, write him as the capable and active character audiences know him to be, introduce your main antagonist and their own conflicting objective sooner, and cut out and consolidate every unnecessary side character so you can tell your story as tightly as possible. It’s a short season. Get better writers, be judicious with your script, kill your darlings, and get your characters moving.
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year ago
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Liz Smith (deceased)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
DOB: 23 February 1923 
RIP: 12 November 2017
Ethnicity: White - American
Occupation: Journalist, writer
Note: Was once reportedly the highest paid print journalist in the United States.
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frankscrank2 · 3 months ago
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Nerfe BACC Rules
The beginning.
This challenge takes place on an island or islands neighborhood.
Create as many as 8 sims in up to 4 households. Randomize everything.
Roll a d20 and a d10 (This maxes the amount of money each household starts with at 30,000 but can be as low as 2,000.) You can then use mortgage bushes for the rest of the cash.
I play my households for one season and then switch to another one, starting from founders cottage. This way it’s easier to remember when I should stop, pay taxes, etc.
- no electronics, like tv’s, stereos, computers, alarms, etc. Only cheapest stoves and fridges are allowed. Your Sims can have a phone.
- no running water, so this means no showers & sinks.
- no cars, services or delivery services.
- no hobby and community lots.
- No fertilising gardening plots. The land is wild and has never been tilled before, and it will take a while before it can yield good crops.
- no townies. So this means that future spouses must be found on University, Vacations or among the settlers/unlocked townies.
Unlocking neighborhood add-ons.
Running water - at least one sim or two sims must have 6 mechanical points and 3 logic points. 10.000 $ must be paid from town funds. On every occupied lot must be placed at least one water collector. +1 new townie
Unlocks cheap toilets, sinks, showers, etc.
Basic electricity system - at least one or two sims must have 10 mechanical points & 6 logic points.20.000 $ must be paid from town funds. On every occupied lot must be placed windmill. + 1 new townie.
Unlocks simple & cheap stereos, lamps, phones, cash registors, etc.
Basic airport - unlocked with basic electricity system. A small airline decided to take a risk and land on the island. They need a clean land and lots of fruit punch, so 50.000 $ must be paid from town funds.  + 2 new townie.
Unlocks non wood/stone wallpapers, furnitures, pets, etc.
Advanced electricity system & sewerage - available with basic airport. 50.000 $ must be paid from town funds for plans and skilled construction crew that will do all the dirty work. + 3 new townies.
Unlocks tv’s, computers, fancy lightning, stereos, toilets, showers, etc.
University - available with basic airport unlocked and every sim who wants to go on University must pay 10.000 $ from family funds.
Because this university is not owned by the town, you are allowed to create as many Young Adults, as you want/need.
Sims can build their own campus - 250.000$ must be substracted from town funds. With its built,  University is free.
Downtown - 500.000$ - big island with lots of space for future lots (15 or more). Unlocks 15 townies.
Shopping district - 250.000$ small island or islands, with less than 10 lots. Unlocks 10 townies.
Community lots - like parks, playgrounds, bars, etc. can be build by Sims with basic electricity system unlocked. Lot value must be substracted from town funds if it is an unowned community lot. The mayor should buy the lot and then donate it back to the public (I have this donate lot mod for that purpose). Otherwise have a playable Sim purchase a community lot and run a business on it.
Vacations - unlocked with basic airport.
Clothes - basic clothing is unlocked with silver badge in Sewing (so its rather important to start working on this skill as soon as possible or your kids will be dressed in something game chooses ;) ).
In most careers level 6 is the highest, before University is unlocked. I recommend using Cyjon’s Job Stopinator.
Some careers need special buildings to be built for certain amount of Simoleons. It can be either hood decoration or community lot. See list below for more details.
High priority careers.
High priority jobs means that when the specified condition occur one of available Sims must take a job & from now on in neighborhood must be at least one Sim, that works in such occupation.
Medicine - available when first Sim got sick and will spread his/hers disease to at least one Sim. 6 level is top, with Uni (Biology major) - all levels are unlocked.
When Sim becomes General Practitioner (6 lvl)  he must build a Clinic.
Clinic - 15.000$, Hospital (available at 10 lvl) - 60.000$.
Law Enforcement - available when first robbery occur. 6 top, with Uni - all.
Building - 30.000 (standalone). Can be merged with town hall, office, court, etc.
Education - first spot available when at least one kid in neighborhood hits child stage. 6 - top, with Uni (any major) - all.
Simple playground (6 lvl) - 15.000$
School (10 lvl) - 60.000$.
Private school - available with airport built and every Sim must pay a fee of 2.000$.
Early openings:
Science - when first sim gets obducted by Aliens - first spot is ONLY available to Knowledge Sims. 6 top, with Uni (Physics/Biology/Mathematics major) - all. Available to Sims with predistined hobby in Science.
No special building needed, school will do.
Business - available to anyone when first player-controlled business hits rank 6. Only one slot per business. (so if in neighborhood there’re 2 player controlled businessess, 2 slots are available).
Military - available when at least 3 obductions occured and there was at least one robbery. 6 top, with Uni (History/Political Science) - all.
No special building needed, town hall or police station will do.
Natural Scientist - first spot available to a Knowledge Sim when at least one sim becomes a plantsim. 6 top, with Uni (Biology major) - all. Later it’s available to anyone with predistined hobby in Nature.
Paranormal - available when sim was scared by a ghost at least 3 times. 6 top, 7 and rest available with police station built.
Law - one spot available when for the very first time one sim gets furious with another (but NOT with burglar). 7 top, with Uni (History/Political Science major) - all.
No special building needed, town hall will do.
Adventurer - available to one sim from a start, but 6 is top. When airport was built - all. Only one spot available.
Journalism - available to anyone when first robbery, fire, childbirth, death and obduction occur. Basic electricity must be unlocked.
Hobby/skill points limits:
Athletic - first spot available when first sim gets 6 points in sport and with predistined hobby in Sport or Fitness. Later available to anyone  with predistined hobby in Sport or Fitness.
Any sportground (can be merged with Gym).
Culinary - first spot available when first sim gets 6 points in cooking with predistined hobby in Culinary - he must build a restaurant to actually start this track though.
Restaurant - no money limit, after restaurant was built this track is available to anyone with correct predistined hobby.
Artist - first spot available to any sim with 6 points in creativity and with predistined hobby in Arts&Crafts with airport built. Later available to anyone with predistined hobby in Arts&Crafts.
Show business - first spot available when airport was built and to a Sim with high charisma AND creativity (at least 6 points each). Later available to anyone with predistined hobby in Arts&Crafts or Sport.
Music - first spot available to any sim with 6 creativity points and with Music&Dance predistined hobby with built airport. Later available to anyone with predistined hobby in Music&Dance.
Dance - first spot available to any sim with high creativity AND sport (6 points each) and with Music&Dance predistined hobby with built airport. Later available to anyone with predistined hobby in Music&Dance.
Population limits:
Criminal - available to anyone when population hits 20 playable sims and any aspiration failure occured.
Political - available since the beginning for one sim to be mayor of the island, available to other sims when population hits 20 playable sims - then one Sim with highest charisma gets a job (preferably most outgoing).with Uni (Political Science major) - all. 
Town hall - 60.000, can be merged with office, police station, court, etc.
Slacker - available when population hits 20 playable sims and there was in neighborhood at least two sims who never got any job.
Gamer - available with unlocked electricity and at least 20 playable sims in neighborhood to a sim with predistined hobby in Games.
Entertainment - available to anyone when airport was built and there are at least 20 playable sims.
University only:
Architecture - available to anyone with finished Uni (Art/Mathematics major).
Intelligence - available to anyone with finished Uni (History/Political Science major) and with built police station.
Oceanography - available to anyone with finished Uni (Biology major) and with predistined hobby in Nature.
At the beginning households pay as much as they can, so neighborhood add ons can be unlocked. I don’t care if it is 500$ or 5.000$ per season. With basic airport build this thing is replaced with Nepheris’ rules:
Households are divided into tiers based on their total funds (check from neighbourhood screen): Upper Class (net worth $100,000+) Middle Class (net worth $50,000-$99,000) Lower Class (net worth $25,000-$49,000) Poverty (net worth below $25,000) Each tier earns the city tax per season based on the number of sims in that household: Upper Class: 1.000$/Sim Middle Class: 500$/Sim Lower Class: 250$/Sim Poverty: 100$/Sim
Sim Multiplier.
The SM is the number that you multiply your number of playable Sims by in order to get the city’s population. Servos count as playable Sims. Pets do not.
+1 for your first community lot
+1 when you reach a total of 5 community lots
+1 for every additional 5 community lots
+5 for your Business District
+5 for your Downtown District
+5 for your University
Rules are a mix of Kahlenas, Wildwoodheightsbacc, and Nepheris.
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kindred-spirit-93 · 3 months ago
story idea im never going to write (horror?)
every safety rule and regulation is written in someones blood.
its set not too far into the future nor too deep in the past, somewhere in the middle, somewhere familiar. the worlds nations have unanimously agreed to centralise global databases and archives & universalise regulations and law criteria to ensure better and more sustainable livlihoods for its citizens after what was recorded as humanities most disasterous decade.
it was to be a fresh start, a new page for the greater good of our kind, they all smiled and agreed. no one can know of the corners that were cut that lead to catastrophes far and wide. opposition was shut down and a false sense of peace befell all. save face. save lives. move on.
plenty of career paths could lead you to becoming an employee of the great archives. it has been dubbed as the worlds second library of alexandria, housing the entirety of human knowledge in every field imaginable. it was a grounding and deeply humbling occupation and a very honourable and much sought after position. yet it wasnt a job many could handle.
new intern at the archives, fresh out of university having placed the highest in the admission exam, applies for the hazard control unit of the workplace safety division. story starts off with them being shown around by one of the elder 'safekeepers', a dean if you will, who supervises several departments according to industry & occupation.
*world building and stuff*
over the course of the story said intern files throught what feels like millions of documents and protocols and union meeting minutes and more, all as part of their accreditation & quality assurance job.
the lore isnt too clear but in essence the read every horrific incident in the history of human kind and truly understand the extent of written in blood.
ofc our intern here is starting to have mixed feelings about it all. on the one hand they had no idea so much of the work would require handling and closely examining content this graphic, but at the same time they cant shake of the silly baseless feeling that theres something really sinister at play. how can they not when time and time again theyve seen how meagerly companies and governments handled tragedies in the workplace, bending all sorts of rules and finding more loopholes than fitting fineprint on their contracts.
unfortunately these discoveries are the culmination of over two years of grueling hard work, uncovering the darkest most damning secrets of industries new and old. and its high time for a well earned promotion. theres no turning back from here
*several moral dilemmas and identity crises all at once*
blah blah maybe a timeskip or something idk its pretty vague lol but the more le intern researches and follows up on leads and looks up restriced files & tracks down survivng families of victims if any, the more they start to find out their hunch was indeed correct...
long story short bc my brain is peacing out already, the "its all written in blood" is more literal than you would think. turns out that many tragedies are secretly staged to maintain the status quo of the higher ups, and in the advent of a law suit that actually works in you favour compensations paid are undisclosed and more often than not return to the offending parties. anyone who disagrees or dares to oppose is wiped off the census (this is where the universal archives really comes into play; sure every nation has its own heavily controlled copy of the world archive, but some things stay in the capital ig)
the safekeeper from before is a seasoned assassin essentially, they make sure everyone follows the rules and eliminates anyone who toes out of line (every department/ unit has their head hitman lol). the intern had managed to keep their head down for so long bc they were secretly compiling copies of evidence and was too busy questioning their life choices and ethics theyd stuck around for long enough to get promoted, which gave them access to their inner circles which opened another somehow worse door(s) of hell.
tl;dr intern at universal archives starts investigating serial offences across many fields and lines of work and learns the ugly truth about just how dispensible big corporations they think people are.
after the shock wears off and intern gets promoted the more sinister side of things are revealed and it turns out that osha is the source of all evil and wont just wait for accidents to happen; they will actively set them up and write their laws using the blood of the innocent to enforce restrictions and slowly seize control over every industry ever. also thanks to astronomical pr budgets the general public is none the wiser :)
and our not-intern is horrified beyond comprehension with this knowledge and has 3 crises about it at once lol.
story ends with the nice elderly safekeeper smiling at intern and covered in fresh blood :)
the end
i feel its important to let yall know i had visions for this while also thinking of a story where the titular character is called jack monterey.
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a-noone · 1 year ago
I frequently think about an AU where Ferengi are not a culture that never outgrew capitalism. They just managed to make it work. Like, really, really work.
There's a minimum and maximum wage for every profession. Working for free is illegal for both the employer and the employee. Every business and every product is highly regulated in terms of both price and quality standards.
Nothing is free (except for every citizen's first bank account) and there are no safety nets, but every ten year old has both school and a state-arranged paid apprenticeship. By the time a Ferengi finishes schooling at 20, they have a nest egg, and are on track to have a career. Every graduate can afford a basic standard of living.
"Theft of labor" is an extremely serious crime. People working for free drives wages down, meaning less disposable income, and less potential for profit. Hell no!
Moogie isn't naked and enslaved inside the home. She does housework and childcare. Moogie gets a paycheck.
It isn't, "you force your females to wear clothing!" It's, "you don't even pay your OWN wife to watch your OWN children! ..... diss-GUSTING!"
As the spiritual goals of the society include prosperity for all, and putting every citizen to their best and highest use, the idea that considerations other than your talents and ingenuity should dictate your fate seems simply irrational.
During the occupation of Bajor, the Ferengi, who run most of the quadrant's hospitality industry, institute extra taxes, fees, and embargoes against Cardassia, and Guls in particular. When the occupation is over, labor officers from Ferenginar cut people who did unpaid labor a check.
It's not a hand-out, or charity. That would be despicable. No, it's just back wages that they took out of Cardassia's hide.
A popular children's show on Ferenginar is "Bogie's Warehouse." In this show, a cartoon business person (Bogie) running a discount warehouse that sells everything, faces weekly challenges in making profit.
One week, wheelchair users can't get in to make purchases, and Bogie has to make the warehouse accessible to sell them things and get their money. Another week, visitors from another world who are allergic to snuff beetles are visiting, but the employees still want to take their snuff breaks! Bogie has to think up a clever solution to accommodate both the workers and the customers.
Does this society still have problems? OH Yes. But it's more nuanced and explores the potentials and failures of capitalism in a more nuanced way.
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ifjgh · 9 months ago
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Second girlie, is my silly little Roller Disco Queen, Patricia Molloy.
Here's some basic info! <3
Goes By: Patty Nicknames: Patty, Clover DOB: Jan.10th, 1958 Age: 20 (Until her B-Day) Gender: Female, but isn't big on labels (She/Her) Sexuality: Bi/Pan Ethnicity: Irish Occupation: Student (Health and Medicine Major), Two Possible side-jobs Socioeconomic Status: Middle Class, never really had to worry about money, but isn't exactly the richest girl on the block Place of Birth: Cork, Ireland Family: Father's a respectable farmer, while her Mother's a stay at home type. Doesn't really get along with them though, she's happy to be a whole country away from them to say the least. Height: 4'10“ Weight: 125 lbs. Disabilities: None (?) besides being too short for things (Opposite problem as Manzo) Fashion Style: Clowncore, but in a good way, Flashy Roller Disco Queen, with added minimum safety gear Coordination (or lack thereof): Probably the most coordinated out of the Main 8, mostly because she's rarely not on wheels outside of class, girl's got balance for days Personality Type/Trait: Entertainer - Spontaneous, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Never a Boring Moment with her, Cheerful Introvert/Extrovert: More of a mix, but leans towards Extrovert most of the time. It really shines through when she's out on the rink Intelligence: Average, gets good enough grades, and knows enough to get by, but she excels in Street-Smarts more then Book-Smarts Self-Esteem: Slightly Above Average, She knows she's a Roller Disco Superstar and no one can even touch her skill, but she doesn't put herself above anyone in anything else (she can brag about one thing as a treat, otherwise she'd feel like an asshole) Hobbies: Roller Skating, Dancing, Singing, Thinking Up/Drawing new outfit designs and looks, Drinking, She'd try anything to keep her mind busy Skills/Talents: Autonomy, Ambition, Roller Skating, Creativity, Singing, Good at Standing-Up for Herself Loves: A good drink, Roller Disco, Up-Beat Tunes, Trying New things Phobias/Fears: Getting trapped in the same place forever, Conformity, Never Ending Boredom, Loosing her Reputation at the Rink, Lucya freaks her out a little (it's all due to vibes) Angered By: People who underestimate her, Short jokes by other people (unless they're really funny or she's the one saying them) Pet Peeves: Being the last person to know about something, Uncleanliness, Unreasonable people Obsessed With: Roller Disco, doing anything to stave off boredom really Bad habits: Talking over people (usually she just doesn't realize it), her priorities are kinda scewed (usually Roller skating takes up her highest priority), not the most concerned with safety, a bit of an Adrenaline Junkie Desires: True Freedom, Finding out who she is through exploring and trying different things, something or someone stable that she can rely one that isn't just Roller Disco Flaws: If she had to choose between Roller Disco or Saving someone's life, she'd choose Roller Disco. Wanders around aimlessly a lot, kinda of an outsider (still accepted by the group, but she doesn't feel like she quite fits in) Secrets: Second most likely to kill someone and get away with it. Feels like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders, and can't share that burden with anyone. Her disdain for her life back home. Not the biggest Disco Music fan. Regrets: That she couldn't ”fix“ her family, and instead kinda just, up and left them. Not giving it her all in school, despite her decent grades, she feels like she could, no should, do better. Accomplishments: She has her picture framed at the Roller Rink, and a few trophies from some of the past Roller Disco competitions, has had some request to design some outfits and got paid for it (other Roller Disco Fanatics probably) Languages Known: Fluent in Gaelic and English, and has picked up on Swedish (from being BeeDee's Roommate) and some Afrikaans slang (from hanging out with Shelby)
(Things are subject to change the more I get things fine tuned, I've also kept some things secret for the time being. - Crow <3)
Bonus! Basic Profile Sheet, for funsies! X
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medkit-official · 1 year ago
> > AGE?: 30 .
> > HEIGHT?: 5'9
> > OCCUPATION?: scientist DOCTOR .
> > APPEARANCE?: Medkit has two horns resembling antlers and a diamond-shaped crystal floating between them. A ring is hung on the brow tine of his right horn. He wears a diamond-shaped eyepatch that covers his left eye. Medkit's outfit is a trenchcoat over an undershirt and cravat, and checkered pattern pants.
He holds a revolver in his right hand and a suitcase with a cross in his left hand. Both of these items also use a checkered pattern.
> > PERSONALITY?: Medkit hates being a doctor yet was ironically created with the gift of healing. He finds more fascination with topics in technology and engineering and he misses when he could collaborate and make new things to help others. Medkit has a very sophisticated taste and only eats foods of the highest quality and sees consuming things like juice as childish.
" それを赦さないんだろう?"
> > NAME?: Kien/Mitch .
> > PRONOUNS?: He/They + Xenos .
> > GENDER?: Trans Male .
> > SEXUALITY?: Gay .
> > OTHERS?: Osdd-1a sys, polyam, taken, I post sometimes on @mikodouble (my main)
" ただ夢を見ていたんだよ "
> > # « How much will I get paid for this? » — Something Important .
> > # « I always have to remind myself that these bullets can save lives too. » — Mod Speaks .
> > # « Back to Crossroads, back to hospital bills. » — Magical Anon .
> > # « Hopefully nobody needs healing here. » — Angst Rps .
> > # « My, the exhibitions look incredible. » — Conversing With Other PHIGHTERS .
> > # « Why don't we just relax at the cafe for a bit. » — Conversing With Non-Rp Blogs .
> > # « Don't test my patience, Subspace. » — Conversing With PHIGHTING Ocs .
> > # « You can attempt doing that alone next time. » — Asks .
" "嘘付きだ"なんて言って "
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unkillablelittleshit · 7 months ago
CW: Lots of mentions to death, mentions of getting shot, death, like this whole thing is about death so many goddamn references
Name: AJ (Avery Johnson) Quin
Quirk: Unyielding Post-Mortem
His Quirk gives his body the innate ability to come back to life after death, The most amount of time it takes for him to resurrect is 30 minutes, his body may have the ability to come back to life but it is not without injures, injures will keep even after resurrection, though they will heal over time just slowly, the longest it can take is upwards of a month depending on the severity (like regrowing multiple limbs), his quirk comes with some drawbacks, the most notable being constant nightmares, every time he goes to sleep he’s subjected to nightmares of each time he’s died, along with nightmares he experiences almost pain from area’s where he revived a fatal blow, if he has to regrow a limb or anything very big it practically sidelines him the whole recovery process.
Nicknames/Aliases: Shorty (hates the nickname), coffee boy, (maybe more need to think of some)
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birthday: April 3rd
Height: 5 foot 3 (5 foot 5 with platform boots)
Looks: Has black hair, the tips of the hair on the right side dyed red, the right side of his hair covers his right eye, his eye color is a red- almost maroon, Has an eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow, ear piercings on both ears, and a nose piercing on his left nostril, A black choker rests around his neck, He wears a grey sweater that is perfectly fit for him(his mom made it but you didn’t hear that), he wears a pair of black jeans, small rips being around the thighs and knee area of the jeans, Fingerless gloves adorn his hands, a simple pair of white socks under his boots, protecting his feet is a pair of platform boots, adding around two inches of height to his small stature, Puppy-Liner is applied on his eyes, black lipstick covering his lips
Occupation: Cafe Worker (Side Job, Cafe is called “LUKES Cafe”) , his “main job” is him renting his uses out to the highest payer, willing to put morals aside for a bit of money
Backstory: Was born April 3rd to a nice family, his condition has always been decently well off, living with his parents until he turned eighteen, where his mom gave him the ultimatum of pay rent or move out, he chose to move out, he had packed only the essentials with him, enough food and water to last a few days, his phone, and obviously a bag itself, the first few nights were tough on him, he had met some bad people and got in with the wrong crowds, he met a man named “giran” at one of the bars he frequented for warmth, giran had set him up with a job to use his unique quirk, having to “play dead” and infiltrate an area, now it wasn’t pretend though and he was instead just shot in the head and delivered to the area, when he awoken he was confused before remembering the job, he got what he needed to and headed back to giran, he was paid quite well for such a simple job in his opinion, enough to rent out a small apartment for at least a month or two, not long after he picked up a job at a local cafe for some extra money on the side.
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