#higher suppprt needs
zebulontheplanet · 2 months
Higher support needs disabled people needing help with things like eating, going to the bathroom, and showering isn’t gross or babyish.
It isn’t gross to have help showering, or using the bathroom, or any other bADL. Disabled people deserve not to be called gross for needing help with hygiene and things. Disabled people deserve to be seen as people if they need help with these things.
I’m a disabled person who needs help with showering, grooming, and sometimes eating (yes, physically getting the food from the fork to my mouth) and that doesn’t make me gross. That doesn’t make me babyish. That makes me a higher support needs adult. That makes me someone who needs help. Stop saying that these things are gross to need help with, or telling people that “you’re grown, you should be able to do this”. That isn’t helping anyone.
Especially with the autistic community constantly screaming about how we don’t need help with these things, when a lot of us do. A lot of us do need substantial help with bathing, grooming, and toileting. Some of us do need substantial help with all these things, and people need to realize that.
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What if in the blind au, Emily is Adams little sister and Eve is their elder sister. This might get a bit messy! So I hope you understand!
Adam saved Eve when they were kids. Eve was sick and needed either a bone marrow transplantation and after liver transplantation. Acute cortical blindness has been reported occurring 5-47 days following bone marrow transplantation and after liver transplantation. Reversibility within few weeks after discontinuation of tacrolimus is generally observed. But let’s say Adam never regained his sight and instead it went the other way and became worse.
Eve literally fucks off. She gets her transplant, gets healthier, makes a ton of empty promises like graduating from the top university and getting a great paying job to take care of Adam. You see, Eve, Adam and Emily all were from a high-end family but they lost their parents in a horrific storm when they were little. All they have are trust funds that they will either gain access to though graduation or marriage.
Since Eve was sick and it looked like she wouldn’t get a doner, her trust fund was separated into Adam and Emily’s with the thought they would suppprt and take care of her. Doctors told them without the transplantation she’d die. However when Adam found out he was a match and did the transplant for her, he became very sickly - basically on deaths door. Eve promised Adam and Emily that if they gave her their trust funds, she’ll be able to make it through university and support them. They believed her and…she fucked off with the remaining money after graduating.
This left Emily to take care of Adam on her own. Adam did eventually turn around and become better but he remained blind. Emily becomes a social worker in hopes to earn enough to support then. Their grandparents (only loving relatives) cut them out after the death of their parents.
Eden was the first thing good to happen to them. The moment they gained a support dog, their luck began to turn around.
Lucifer might be a nurse but he comes from an even bigger and more higher ranked family then Adam and Emily. He might even know Eve and disliked her already - they met at a business function maybe? Lucifer loves medicine and has always wanted to be a nurse but his father thinks it is a side hobby and that one day Lucifer will take over their family company (worth thousands!!)
Holy shit I love this!
Fuck Eve, what the hell?
That is so damn sad, Adam just wanted to help his sister and she fucked both Adam and Emily over.
Adam being blind means he can't work and he collects disability. Emily has his home set up with braille and everything is voice activated.
Lucifer not liking Eve to start with a professional way, but when he finds out what she did to Adam? Oh boy.
Yes he loves medicine and takes his job seriously. This is however, the first time he's fallen in love with a patient.
Adam Doesn't trust him right away he doesn't want to be seen as weak even though he's blind. Or god forbid Lucifer turn out to be like his last nurse Steve.
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zebulontheplanet · 17 days
Sometimes yes, people with meltdowns do need to be retrained. Sometimes yes, they can seriously hurt themselves. Yes, there is nuance. Restraint can be seriously harmful, but restraint can mean the difference between injuring yourself severely, and someone else hurting you from the restraint.
I’m an autistic person that has violent meltdowns with self injurious behaviors. And yes, this does mean that sometimes I need to be restrained.
I think that in the autism community, there’s a lot of people saying “never restrain!! Never do that!!” And they forget about people like me, who WILL hurt themselves severely if they are not restrained. Does this mean that I allow random people to restrain me during meltdowns? Absolutely fucking not. My caregiver is the ONLY person I trust to restrain me during meltdowns. Why? Because they know how to do it in a way that won’t hurt me, or lead to me hurting them.
I feel like within the autism community, there’s so many people telling us what we can and cannot do. And what our caregivers can and cannot do. YES! Restraint can be life threatening and harmful, but I am prone to hurting myself. To giving myself a head injury, to self harming. It is far more safer for me to be restrained correctly from my caregiver.
Please remember that those of us with higher support needs and more violent meltdowns, do sometimes need to be restrained. However, it’s important to remember anatomy. When my caregiver became my caregiver, that’s one of the first things we talked about, and we came to an agreement and I talked to them about the CORRECT way to restrain me during meltdowns.
Please remember those of us who do need restrained, and please remember those of us that this is the safest option for us.
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zebulontheplanet · 4 months
“There’s no such thing as level 3 autism, everyone’s autistic. Everyone’s the same level 😊”
Do you…do you genuinely hear yourself? You realize the levels are made to determine the level of support you need. Right?
There’s some nuance. Yes, everyone is autistic. But that doesn’t mean everyone is the same level of support. Not everyone is the same or at the same place. Some people need more support. And saying that everyone who’s autistic is at the same level is completely disregarding a LARGE portion of the autism community. If not the entire community because not everyone is at the same level. Everyone is at their own unique place.
Saying these things just make me upset, because I have plenty of friends with higher support needs and even high support needs, that drastically need more support then I see from the vast majority of the community. And they’re often ignored. They’re often fakeclaimed, bullied, harassed, etc etc.
Not every autistic person is going to need the same level of support. Not every autistic person is going to be at the same place. Not every autistic person is going to be like you. Yes, I get some people get confused. Some people say “well the levels of autism kinda feel like severity levels to me” and I get that. However, a lot of higher support needs autistic people have expressed that that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. That they do feel like their autism is more severe than their lower support needs peers. That isn’t a bad thing. Autistic people with higher support needs deserve to be talked about.
I feel like a lot of autistic people don’t realize that sometimes someone DOES have more “severe” traits than you. Someone does have more “severe” things. Why are we allowed to say this with any disorder besides autism? It isn’t invalidating you to say that someone struggles more than you. Some people just do. And for you to deny that, is just feeding more into your own internalized ableism.
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