#high priest seto
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enneadau · 9 months ago
The night before his father's execution for High Treason and Mass Murder, High Priest Seth visits Akhenaden to try and understand why...
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hourly-yugi · 2 years ago
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headdresshipping · 9 months ago
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This absolute Creature that now lives on the yugioh autism shelf. Look at his dumb little face.
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Okay it's kind of a catch-all autism shelf but the left part is dedicated to yugioh (and kings Island I guess) okay
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k-aalia-old · 5 months ago
Seto doesn't know how the damned thing ended up in his possession, all he knows is that he'd very much like for it to disappear just as suddenly.
He stares at the Millennium rod and the unblinking eye of Horus stares back at him. Still real, still there, still confoundedly annoying.
"Staring at the thing isn't going to change anything, you know." The voice of his new hallucination scoffs at him.
Seto grits his teeth and pointedly does not snark back no matter how much he'd like to.
Just when he thought he was free of all this nonsense when Atem returned to the afterlife and Yugi lost his puzzle and the rest of the millennium items to the sands of Egypt. Somehow this thing ends up in his grasp carrying an uncomfortably familiar ghost with it.
"You may ignore me all you like, but neither me, nor the rod, are so easily set aside."
Seto knows that. He'd told Mokuba to give the stupid thing back to Yugi the minute he found it. Only for it to end up hanging off his belt again before it was halfway across the city.
He watches out the corner of his eye as the great Egyptian priest, Set, pokes at one of his Blue-Eyes figurines on display, intangible finger phasing through the solid object.
With a heavy sigh, Seto resigns himself to his fate of having to ask for Yugi's assistance himself.
When Yugi gets the call from Seto demanding he come to the Kaiba manor at once, Yugi easily reads the undertone of a desperate cry for help.
"I would... Greatly appreciated your... Assistance, with something." Kaiba had said through gritted teeth and Yugi was halfway out the door before he knew it.
Kaiba wasn't the type to ask for help. Whatever was going on had to be world-endingly terrible!
When he finally got to the Kaiba manor, he soon found it wasn't world-ending on a greater scale. It was just world-ending for Yugi specifically.
As Kaiba had explained his new problem, the Millennium rod held pinched between his fingers like it was something dirty and not a sacred, magical artifact made from solid gold, Yugi had immediately thought they should call in Ishizu for help.
But as a second option and a quick fix for the moment, Yugi had asked Seto if he could let the high priest speak through his body for a moment. At least so they could figure out if he knew anything about his predicament!
Seto hadn't looked thrilled about the idea, but he still conceded, probably weighing the benefits to outweigh the cons.
And now...
"It's an honour to meet you, Yugi Mutou," the high priest says, kneeling at Yugi's feet with his head bowed in reverence.
Yugi flushes a deep red. The image of Kaiba kneeling before him is sure to be burned into his mind for the rest of his life.
"Oh you really don't have to--" Yugi tries and quickly notices that the high priest barely even twitches. With a sigh, he kneels down to join him on the plush carpet of Seto's office.
"It's nice to meet you too."
The high priest looks awed and a little taken aback by Yugi's actions, the mental battle he must be fighting with Kaiba visible in the sparkling blue of his eyes.
"You guys okay in there?" Yugi asks hesitantly after a long moment.
"My modern counterpart is... Displeased to be on his knees," the high priest rolls his eyes, meeting Yugi's gaze with a fierce determination. "But we both agree that you are something to be worshipped, so I hardly understand his feelings."
Yugi startles at the forward comment, his whole body going warm at the implication. Before Yugi can even hope to come up with a response, Seto's body goes rigid and in the blink of an eye, it is no longer the high priest before him, but Seto Kaiba himself.
"So," Yugi trails off. "Want to talk about that?"
Seto glares at him fiercely, but Yugi's seen far more withering looks from Kaiba in his lifetime, he can easily tell that the annoyance is half hearted.
Yugi holds his ground easily, refusing to break their eye contact under Seto's glare. Tilting his head to the side as he patiently awaits his answer.
An answer which Seto gives to him as he leans forward and presses a kiss to Yugi's lips.
Good enough, he supposes, smiling as he kisses him back.
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white-dragon-girl · 5 months ago
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I was very interested in what Seto and Mokuba's biological parents must have looked like. Unfortunately, you don't see any of them in the manga. But the family must have been very wealthy. Otherwise, relatives of the Kaiba brothers would not be interested in their inheritance. The mother died shortly after Mokuba's birth and the father died later in a car accident. Seto Kaiba and Priest Seto look quite similar. The difference is the hair length, the skin color and the high cheekbones that seem to be typical of Egyptians. The same goes for Ishizu.So we can possibly assume that the parents of Seto's Egyptian counterpart were also his parents. But Aknadin is already quite old and his wife's hair was covered by a cloth. We know that Seto has brown hair and blue eyes. Mokuba, on the other hand, has black hair and violet eyes. If you look at the young Aknadin, his beard is a darker gray. In the manga he is even colored completely black. So I'm assuming his hair was originally black. This would also make sense because his brother Aknamkanon had the same beard color. And Atemu has mostly black hair. So his father must have had black hair too. However, in the picture I depicted Seto's father with the dark brown beard. Mokuba has violet eyes, just like Atemu. so it's likely that Aknadin and Aknamkanon also have violet eyes. So I give the father Mokuba's eye color. Aknadin has very long, parted hair. Since it's not common to wear hair that long in the modern world, I simply shortened it. Since I consider the family to be quite wealthy, the father was given a white suit. For the mother, the only hair color left was brown and the eye color blue. I based her hair a lot on Seto, because her father had a hairstyle that didn't really resemble Seto. Since I was thinking about their appearance, I wanted to think of appropriate names. Because Seto and Mokuba mean "seahorse" and "wooden horse", I thought of using a last name that also includes the word horse. I chose Umamoto, i.e. "horse origin". Aknadin is a derivative of Akhenaten. This was an Egyptian pharaoh. Its name means "Effective for Aton" and Aton means solar disk. So I looked for Japanese names that meant sun and decided on Hinata, meaning sunny place. The mother has no name. That's why I chose Himiko. Himiko was the name of an ancient Japanese queen. The name also means “sun daughter” and “shame queen”. This name is a reference to the name of Aknadin.
So the parents are called Hinata and Himiko Umamoto. And this is what they would look like if they were both still alive.
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x-aniparadise-x · 2 years ago
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Endless List of Favorites || {Ships 02 / ∞} →  High Priest Seto & Kisara | Yugioh :: Duel Monsters
After meeting Kisara, I’ve come to realize how much darkness there is in this world…and how dry everything is. And the light that shines through this darkness is love!
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bakawitch · 5 months ago
dark magician girl as the final ultimate villian headcanon?
Not exactly Dark Magician Girl, but I always liked the idea of Mana overthrowing/being the reason Seto's rule came to an end. Like the girl could literally be Zorc/Yami B's first host after TKB, since she does inherit the Ring after Atem's sacrifice. Idk, I just really like playing with the idea of Mana growing resentful of Seto because he turns out to be a shit ruler, and the kingdom is in bigger shambles than Atem left it in and Seto just refuses to listen to anyone. This eventually leads to her losing all hope and opening her heart to darkness. She'd finally start listening to the ominous whispers from the Ring, entertaining the treacherous harmful ideas a little more seriously. From this point on, she might have it in her to commit treason by herself, but if not, Yami (Sheut?) Mana could always just come to the rescue! She might succeed, she might fail, but I'd like to think she does. The situation already sucks pretty bad in Egypt, but after Seto falls, we'd truly start seeing the fall of the empire. Mana and the priests pick a heir that they can just puppet around as long as they stroke his ego (Abidos the Third, who I kinda hc as Seto's kid XD). While Mana thinks she's finally doing what Seto couldn't, the palace and the land is actually just going more corrupt, but she refuses to see this.
If we go the fanfic route, Abidos might start seeing how he's actually not really doing much as a Pharaoh by some random insistent friends of his, and he'd start hearing rumours that there's a demon hiding in plane sight within his court. Sceptical, he'd try to look into it with what limited power he has, and he'd start seeing evidence of a demonic presence. He'd probably think it was the wrong person, though. Why would it be Mana? She just wants what's best for him, and she's always been like a motherly/older sister figure to him since he tragically lost his father. So he tells Mana. He tells Mana that he thinks his High Priest harbours a demon god. And Mana, like the Saint she is reassures him that she will take care of it. So the next day, the High Priest is publicly executed without a trial. All "evidence" against him was the Pharaoh's word and Mana's testimony of finding Shadow Magic residue on him. Abidos should feel relieved that it's finally over and things are finally going to change. But he doesn’t and they don't. He's still just a sitting duck, but now he's more paranoid than ever before. He can almost feel that it's not over yet. One night, when he goes to sleep, he sees a shadow over his bed. Before he could even react to what's happening, his ka summons itself and blocks a magical attack. Running on adrenaline, he tries his best to take on his assailant, but they're too strong. He sneakily manages to take the fight before his court and priests, where the assassin is revealed as Mana. Since she's been exposed with nothing else to lose, she casts a spell that turns her into a weird cross between Zorc and Dark Magician Girl, Necro(phades) Magician Girl, and she tries to destroy everything and everyone who's seen her so she can rebuild the monarchy from the ground up again. Despite everything, Abidos somehow manages to overcome her and seal her away into the Millennium Ring with TKB, adding another ingredient to the Yami B stew. He'd might end up sacrificing himself in the process (kinda like Atem) but his soul and body would be saved by his priests so he could make his canonical appearance in GX.
Anyway, Mana/DMG being one of Zorc's hosts, is a headcanon of mine that's actually a part of many of my aus, I just don't really have any posts where I get to mention it XD Also the thought of Necro Magician Girl literally has me melting! She'd get such a cool demonic design XD
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themattress · 4 months ago
13 things from the Pharaoh's Memories arc that the YGO anime changed for the worse
That aren't stupid additions like Kaiba's role and the Ancient Egyptian "Duel Disks".
1.) The character of Bobasa
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In the manga, Bobasa is the living personification of the Millennium Tablet, which is why he has imprints for all seven Millennium Items in his body. He is kind, but also wise and dignified. But in the anime, he's a random NPC that Yugi and his friends meet in the Memory World, with Shadi replacing him as the one who takes them inside the Millennium Puzzle before they get there. He is a bumbling childlike simpleton always talking about food (because he's fat, get it?), and has a truly baffling send-off where feeding him causes him to inflate like a balloon and take the heroes to the tomb where the Pharaoh's name is before fading out of existence while singing. Why include him at all if they were gonna change him so much?
2.) Domino City Museum
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In the manga, it was built up since the start of the Battle City arc that Yami Yugi had to hold up all three Egyptian god cards to the tablet in the Domino City Museum in order to unlock his lost memories and discover his destiny. Well, in the anime, he does do this....and magical interference by filler villain Dartz causes this ritual to fail. By the time we get to the Pharaoh's Memories arc, the tablet has inexplicably been moved to Egypt, where Yugi and his friends go and reunite with the Ishtar siblings way ahead of schedule, and it's just not as effective.
3.) The Diaha between the Priests
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In the manga, we get a chapter dedicated to a training Diaha (Ancient Egyptian monster duel) between 6 of the Pharaoh's priest, with his 7th serving as referee. Not only is it just fun on its own merits, but we also get to see more of Seto's character, which even leads into a Diaha between him and the Pharaoh showing their rivalry, which is more brotherly than antagonistic. However, the anime didn't adapt this chapter at all, which kind of screws up the pacing IMO.
4.) Seto the Anti-Racist
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This exchange between Seto and the assholes stoning Kisara was cut in the anime. Boooo!
5.) Bakura: Past and Future
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In one of the more convoluted alterations the anime made, Yami Bakura's shadow that he hid inside the Millennium Puzzle does nothing except re-merge with him as he follows Yami Yugi into the Memory World and possesses Thief King Bakura, only to then re-split from him when Bakura puts him inside of Honda who is possessed by him. In the manga, there is no such occurrence - Yami Bakura's shadow stays in the Puzzle and follows Yugi and his friends into the Memory World. He never possesses Honda, and no-one is possessing Thief King Bakura, which is how we get a great scene where Yami Bakura gets to visit his past life in a tavern, with some nice subtle foreshadowing of how Yami Bakura is different from the Thief King.
6. High Priest Zorc Necrophades (Part 1)
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In the manga, after being attacked by Bakura, Akhenaden is visited by his future self, the High Priest of Shadows, who is possessed by Zorc Necrophades' soul and goes by his name. High Priest Zorc then projects himself into the sky above Egypt and introduces himself to the Pharaoh and his friends before using his Memory Rewind ability to resurrect Bakura so that history goes back on its proper track. But in the anime, High Priest Zorc never appears. Akhenaden flashing back to how he created the Millennium Items is the only thing Bakura's attack causes, and the Time Rewind is used by Yami Bakura in an offscreen voice-over and image of an hourglass. This is especially baffling since the OP for the arc shows the scene of High Priest Zorc reversing time! I guess the writers never gave the animators the memo.
7. Early Confrontation with Yami Bakura
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As noted before, Yami Bakura's shadow had followed Yugi and his friends into the Memory World in the manga. After High Priest Zorc reverses time, he appears before them in order to stop them from interfering again. This is where he reveals that he, Yami Bakura, is actually a piece of Zorc's soul possessing Thief King Bakura's, and where he produces a modern day Duel Disk and Duel Monsters cards to go up against Jonouchi in a short Duel. Jonouchi is spared from death only because the Memory World blacks out when the Pharaoh falls unconscious. In the anime, this confrontation doesn't happen, and the Memory World bafflingly keeps going after the Pharaoh's fall so that Honda can punch Thief King Bakura and then have Yami Bakura's shadow implanted in him when he's subsequently grabbed.
8. Seto's Reaction to the Pharaoh's Survival
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Once again, a great moment for Seto is cut from the anime. What the Hell, Studio Gallop?
9. The Ultimate Shadow RPG
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In the manga, once Thief King Bakura is defeated he turns into sand rather than just dying as does Priest Kalim, all while time freezes as Akhenaden steals the remaining Millennium Items, with Yami Bakura appearing before the Pharaoh and telling him that the Memory World is a game. It's then revealed that Yami Yugi and Yami Bakura have been playing a shadow RPG in a back room at Domino City Museum the whole time, with the Millennium Puzzle suspended over the board and projecting the Pharaoh's and Zorc's memories. It's a huge full circle moment calling back to the Monster World RPG arc that introduced Yami Bakura.
But as that arc wasn't in the anime, what we get there doesn't make much sense. In the anime only Thief King Bakura turns into sand and it's because Yami Bakura unpossessed him and goes up to the table rather than because he's dying (though he comes back an episode later, so what was even the point?), yet Yami Yugi can somehow exist up on the table and inside the Pharaoh character piece at the same time, which made sense in the manga but not here given the possession angle with Bakura. And since Domino City Museum isn't where this whole adventure started anymore, the table is just floating in the Shadow Realm instead.
10. High Priest Zorc Necrophades (Part 2)
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In the Domino City Museum back room where the shadow RPG is being played, Yami Bakura is seated next to a coffin carrying Akhenaden's mummy. He explains that he brought it to represent his partner, High Priest Zorc, who is playing co-op with him. Their goal in the game is to resurrect the full soul of Zorc that was shattered along with the Puzzle, kill the Pharaoh, and discover his true name that can be used to bring Zorc back in the real world. In the anime, however, there is no mummy since Dark Priest Zorc isn't a character here and the table is in the Shadow Realm, so instead the stakes are changed so that history will be rewritten if Zorc wins the game, with the threat of it happening even affecting the real world.
11. The character of Hasan
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In the manga, Bobasa is possessed by his own alter-ego, Hasan, once Zorc is resurrected. Hasan is revealed to be a spirit who left the afterlife at the Pharaoh's father's behest and bound itself to the Millennium Tablet, a feat made possible because the Pharaoh's father had used his soul to do so in a ritual as he was dying. In the end, he is also revealed to be Shadi. But in the anime, Hasan is, like Bobasa, just a fictional NPC who only exists within the world of the game. After he dies, Shadi comes in from the Millennium Puzzle and possesses him rather than having been him the whole time. So Shadi, Hasan and Bobasa are all totally separate characters in the anime, whereas in the manga they are all the same character.
12. The Resolution
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In the manga, Yami Yugi and the Pharaoh game piece fully merge once he recovers and announces his name, Atem, which summons Horakhty who destroys Zorc Necrophades (which also kills Yami Bakura off-screen). However, Dark Priest Zorc and the Akhenaden character piece he is bound to still live, so Zorc's dark power is still active. While there is no more threat to the real world, Atem insists on staying to save the Memory World since it's made from his memories and he holds responsibility to its memory-replicated denizens, reinforcing the message that friendship can cross any boundary. But in the anime, the whole confrontation with Akhenaden happened before Zorc Necrophades was even unleashed, so Zorc's destruction marks the end of things even though it creates a whiplash when we still close on the scene between Atem and Seto, who was nowhere near the battle with Zorc.
13. Akhenaden's Death
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In the aforementioned earlier confrontation with Akhenaden in the anime, Seto's character gets screwed over one last time. He fucking stabs Akhenaden as revenge for him killing Kisara, and Akhenaden then chooses to disintegrate his body so that his soul can possess his son. In the manga, we see how Seto's character has developed by him refusing to give in to the hatred he feels toward Akhenaden for killing Kisara, with him instead still trying to reason with him and break the darkness' hold on him. Akhenaden then commits suicide (implied to be one last move by Dark Priest Zorc whose memories are giving him life) by plunging into a fissure in the earth, his soul then possessing Seto. I get why events were moved around, since the battle with Zorc is more climactic and thus feels like a more traditional one to close on, but it misses the point of all the character work Takahashi was doing. Seto Kaiba was the first opponent of Yami Yugi's to get a two-parter rather than a single chapter and also the first to almost defeat the previous unflappable invincible hero, and the revelation of Atem and Seto as opponents was a huge part of the Battle City arc and progressing the overarching story further. And Akhenaden is both related to the Pharaoh by blood and the one responsible for the Millennium Items and the whole ensuing conflict. That's why this final confrontation holds more personal weight than the battle with Zorc, which is more plot-oriented. As with a lot of other things, the anime's writers just didn't seem to get it.
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ultraericthered · 3 months ago
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My Yu-Gi-Oh! OG Era Character Tier Ranking
S Tier = Absolute Peak Perfection - Atem/Yami Yugi, Joey Wheeler, Seto Kaiba, Yami Bakura, Maximillion Pegasus, Thief King Bakura, and High Priest Seto. A Tier = Fully Solid, Almost Nothing To Dislike - Yugi Motou, Tea Gardner, Solomon Motou, Mai Valentine, Bandit Keith Howard, Marik Ishtar, Ishizu Ishtar/Priestess Isis, Odion Ishtar, Priest Akhenaden, Mahad/Dark Magician, and Mana/Dark Magician Girl. B Tier = Good Characters, Even If Not Great - Tristan Taylor, Ryou Bakura, Duke Devlin, Mokuba Kaiba, Serenity Wheeler, Rebecca Hawkins, Arthur Hawkins, Yami Marik, Dartz, Kisara, and Zorc Necrophedes. C Tier = They Got Some Problems, But I Still Like Them Dammit! - Tomoya Hanasaki, Miho Nosaka, Shadi Shin/Priest Shada/Hasan, Weevil Underwood, Rex Raptor, Mako Tsunami, Rafael, Valon, Vivian Wong, Zigfried Von Schroeder, Aigami/Diva, Sera/Prana, and Mani. D Tier = So Okay They're Average - Diesel Kane, the Kageyama Sisters, Bonz, the Paradox Brothers, Mr. Clown, Espa Roba, Arkana, Anubis, Alister, Leon Von Schroeder, Alex Brisbane/Alexander the Great, Bobassa, and Priest Karim. E Tier = The Mediocrities And/Or Unlikabilities - Ushio, Shougo Ayama, Hobson, Gozaburo Kaiba, Chief Kuwabara/Scott Irvine, Saruwatari/Keemo, Mr. Croquet, Player Killer/Panik, Cyndia/Cecelia, Rare Hunter, Lumis And Umbra, Mr. Ishtar, and Noah Kaiba. F Tier = Total Shite - Every Generic Asshole Of The Week (special mention to Kokurano), the Chopman, Puppeteer Of Doom, Mimic Of Doom, Johnny Steps, Strings the Quiet One, Jean Claude Magnum, the Big Five, and Gurimo.
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rosalind-hawkins · 1 year ago
It's 2013, give me your top 10 Yugioh characters and their theme song.
Oh man, be prepared to cringe. I'll number them according to my rough estimation of what my favorites were back then. Most of these song associations came from AMVs, and I was in high school, don't judge me.
Ryou Bakura: Sanctuary by Utada Hikaru
Marik Ishtar: Pain by Three Days Grace
Seto Kaiba: Who I Am Hates Who I've Been by Reliant K (but even then I had SO MANY angsty Kaiba songs)
Mokuba Kaiba: Young by Hollywood Undead
Priest Seto: Already Over by Red
Kisara: Sacrifice by t.A.T.u.
Joey Wheeler: The Reason by Hoobastank (because of a Polarshipping amv)
Duke Devlin: Sexy Back ofc I was YGOTAS trash
Ishizu Ishtar: The Voice by Celtic Woman
Yami Bakura: Remember the Name by Fort Minor (it was the song for the first Y B amv I ever watched, I told you it would be cringe)
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aquaburst3 · 3 months ago
I was doing some research for my fics, and came across an article saying that most of the YuGiOh animes aired on various Disney channels in the US. So, yes, there's a super high likelihood of the YGO anime and card game existing in the Twisted Wonderland universe, including my and @stormkitty97 fics. (Along with Doctor Who, Cardcaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon among numerous other properties loosely tied with Disney.)
I sent some asks to @avionvadion after they did a drawing of El playing Duel Monsters with Idia. They brought up some excellent points in their replies that I’d never thought of before. Credit for some of these ideas goes to them. So…
What would their version of the anime be like?
It would be pretty similar to the real-life version, with a few differences. The most notable would be that some of the protagonists would be either beastmen or half-fae:
Yami and Yugi would hawk beastmen, thanks to the ancient Egyptian belief of the pharaoh being the reincarnation of Horus. (Though, in my and @stormkitty97's story, they would have to be lion beastmen, because bird beastmen don't exist in our worldbuilding.)
Seto and Mokuba would be aardvark beastmen, because of Priest Seto's ties to Set.
Ryo and Bakura would be jackal beastmen due to their ties to Anubis.
Joey would would be a dog beastman.
Jaden would be a cat or dog beastman.
Yusei would be a half zmej (Slavic dragon shapeshifter) thanks to his connection to the Crimson Dragon.
Aki and Carly would be half fae of some kind as well, but ones that don't have good control of their powers.
Yusaku would be a half Yuki Ona (Snow Woman, but there are male types as well like their are with Rusalki and Vily).
I'm not sure about any of the others.
How would the characters in universe see that franchise?
Idia is absolutely a huge fan of both the game and the anime, owning multiple decks. I imagine he plays the game a lot with Ortho and Azul at their club. Azul casually enjoys playing the card game, but isn’t a huge fan of the anime. Idia's main deck would be focused on mechanical monsters and Magician Girls, while Azul would have a "Shaddoll" deck, being like a modern version of Bakura's from the anime.
Ace is also a big fan of the card game and anime, particularly the first few series that his older brother adored when he was younger. Deuce has a deck and enjoys playing the card game occasionally, but he's not as passionate about it as Ace. He might know about the anime through pop culture osmosis, especially since he’s partially coded as Japanese and has spent a lot of time in that country, but that’s about it. Deuce would have some sort of mechanical deck while Ace would use a "Frightfur" one.
As for the rest of them, most of the others would likely be indifferent, think it's weird, or have never heard of it, depending on how into anime they are, since they were born around the same time as Addie. The exception to this would be Leona. He’s big into chess, so I could see him enjoying similar complex strategy games like Duel Monsters. He’s also a few years older than her, so he might have grown up with the anime. I imagine Leona would use a "Beast Warrior" deck of some kind.
What about Addie, my version of "Yuu"?
To be honest, I don't imagine that she would ever be interested in either the anime or the card game.
Addie was born in 2005, right after the original anime wrapped up in the West, so she wouldn't have grown up with that series. She would be like how @stormkitty97 is with YGO as a whole irl, thinking those animes are super weird and not understanding the appeal.
The card game would be too complicated and confusing with all the rules for her to get into it. I can imagine her trying it out with Ace or Deuce’s deck when they’re playing one night, but then rage-quitting after a few rounds.
However, if my fics were more like the YGO universe, I imagine she would be like Yuma from Zexal. At first, she would be a shit duellist. But then, over time, she would force herself to learn the game and become better at it, because she has to in order to fight for those she cares about. Since my fics aren't like that, too bad for her, I guess.
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enneadau · 10 months ago
Some seriously fun when looking across the series:
Ancient Egypt: First meeting between Seth and the Nameless Pharaoh and Prince Atem at the royal court: Not knowing that they are paternal cousins
“He has one son, two years older than I am, but both he and his mother went missing during the war, just after the Millennium Items were created, and no one ever found them again.” The Princess in Kemet
Japan, 3 000 years later: Seto and Yugi (and Meisa) first meeting each other as fellow students at Domino High school: Not knowing that they are maternal cousins
“So, Yugi’s name was never on the Takamoto koseki, and there would’ve been no way myself and Mutou Yugi could’ve met before we had our first school day together, correct?” Seto asking Junko in The Bishop
History did really repeat itself there XD
It really did XD
Seto never knew he had a cousin until he did the background checks on Yugi when planning out Death T, and Seth only found out about Atem being his cousin when they were talking about family history...
The main question is, with Seto reveal the connection to Mokuba and Yugi?
Wait and see XD
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hourly-yugi · 2 years ago
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 2 years ago
Yu gi Oh! Seto Isekaied au
Young CEO Seto Kaiba is killed by a business rival with a grudge against his adoptive father.
The man is captured, but for Seto there was nothing to do. Dying, the only thing he regretted was leaving Mokuba.
But something happened that he didn't expect: Seto woke up.
Not in his world, but in a kind of fantasy world with an ancient Egyypt theme.
He discovers that he is in the body of a sort of high priest, much feared at the Pharaoh's court for his character and his power. Above all, Priest Set wanted to become Pharaoh. Seto has none of that. Magic? Mysterious realms? He doesn't care.
He wants to go home to his brother.
Many don't notice the change, but the Pharaoh does. And he starts to get interested.
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nevertem · 1 year ago
Mahad is actually the only priest who comes from common heritage.
Priest Seto has Akhenaden keeping him from being derided of course.
Isis and Shada are relatives of the old priests, Seth is Iry-Pat at the suggestion of Akhenaden (but his mom was noble anyway) and Karim is an overseer official's son.
Mahad comes from tombkeeper lineage himself at Dier El Medina. That's why he's usually stuck with gravekeeper duties.
Except Shimon who designs them of course
He's the second youngest to become priest. Seth is a year younger than him. Hence why Seth bullies him as he's got a lot to prove.
Mana is a nobles daughter
A lot of bullying also comes from the fact that Mahad wasn't TECHNICALLY ready to become High Magician or a master. He was promoted by necessity when his master died. He didn't go through the inheritance ritual. The Ring was just put on him and he was told to get to work.
He also didn't go through the selection process with the Items. The Ring had to have someone holding it though so here you go, kid, have the demon Item.
Compound that with the new Pharaoh's obvious favoritism to his friend over the technically more qualified Priests to be the fan-bearer of the King's Right Hand, and you get a lot of accusations of incompetence and nepotism.
Priest Seto more or less sees Mahad as a slap to the face for his hard work, utterly oblivious to the favors and personal tutoring he gets because of his father.
Karim, Shada, and Isis are all like 19-25 by the time of the events of Memory World. They were all only teenagers at most during Kul-Elna. It's ridiculously tragic that literally nobody in the court was there except Akhenaden. Something about bad people dying without facing consequences.
Shada genuinely considers Seto his friend. Nobody knows how he can stand him. Shada is just genuinely a patient and kind person.
The one who gets into the Royal Beer Storage and asks for the pretty girl entertainers? Isis. When you see everything all the time sometimes you need some cute girls and booze.
Isis has more than three girlfriends at all times. Yes they smoke blue lotus.
Karim is down with the people most often as the construction overseer, and is thus kind of the face people think of the most. He also just kind of doesn't bother him with pomp and circumstance. He's busy. Go away. He doesn't want the palanquin. He can walk.
He's just kind of a straightforward guy.
Seto can't fucking stand him because he just doesn't rise to provoking.
He just kind of says "k"
Besides Mahad, Karim is Atem's favorite because he's got such a dry sense of humor.
"I believe they call that back on his bullshit, sire."
"Rest assured Seto, it will be recorded how mad you are that you lost this Diaha."
All with the most flat expression possible.
Shada is constantly trying to get people to be nice to Seto.
Shada just thinks we should all be friends.
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amrsalehauthor · 8 months ago
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Setu, the Clerk 📜
If you ask me who is my favorite character in Treasures of Egypt: The Spear & the Scythe I simply can’t think of anyone other than Setu.
The characters of my debut YA fantasy novel are deeply flawed individuals who mostly operate in the gray zones of morality. So much in fact that I believe that in any other story they would simply be the villains. But not Setu. He is genuinely a great guy.
Fun fact about Setu: His name is a nod to Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh 😂
Here is Setu‘s introduction in his own words:
Um... hello. I’m Setu. Not a god like Set or a great warden like Nefiri or even a brave thief like my brother, Khafset. I’m just, you know, a regular guy. Maybe not too regular. On account of me being a clerk at Set’s temple. So maybe, just maybe, you’re talking to the future high priest of Set. Probably not. Definitely not. Sorry if I got too full of myself. I’m just a regular guy. Setu, the clerk. Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, regular guys get thrown into extraordinary situations. When I found myself caught up in this whirlwind adventure with Nefiri and Khafset, I... well, I was scared. Confused as well. But mostly scared. But along the way, I discovered that even if you’re not the biggest, the strongest, or the bravest, you can still make a difference. You just have to believe in yourself and make the right decision at the right time. But I don’t wish to spoil the tale. Come. Visit me and my brother at the Tavern of Avaris, and I will tell you the entire story. I think you’ll like my tales. At least, I hope.
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