#hiet frodynn
hfbeasty · 2 years
Hiet! How to you approach beauty/vanity as both a Jedi and someone not using their sight?
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As Hiet cannot see, apart from Force auras, she does not experience beauty as others. She finds beauty in sounds and texture especially. Hence why she walks barefeet and finds a particular Cathar attractive, you might know him idk.
Hiet = Mine, Tenja = @kiraia
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noktoraspali · 6 years
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An art trade I did with the wonderful @hfbeasty. I absolutely loved drawing her Hiet Frodynn. I am really happy how this turned out!
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hfbeasty-legacy · 6 years
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Was looking trough old video files and made this
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far-away-stars · 5 years
yES hoW dARe yOuUuu!!
Name: Astri
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Smollest plushest gray kit. Big beautiful pale gray eyes like two moons, unruly mess of black hair.
Personality: Never still or where you expect him to be. He's not a very talkative child, but he is very expressive. He's independent and was the sort of toddler that wanted to do everything on his own but made a mess and then pouted.
Special Talents: Stealthy, scaringly so. Tenja may have lost him for a couple of days when he was four. “He was fine,” calmy claims the Jedi. “The cookies and the juice boxes disappeared with him.” Hiet wasn't very impressed, yet very not-so-secretly amused. Also can basically climb anything.
Who they like better: Mama is so coooooool, he can't even. Has the best freaking tricks. Dad only, like, revived a plant of rosemary once. Boooo.
Who they take after more: I don't believe any of them was ever that hyper-active or cat-like (not even his father), but he certainly took a fair share from papa for the looks and from mama for the raw power. The mischief he got from both.
Personal Head canon: He's very, very powerful with the Force. Used to be able to make himself float as a toddler. Then, thankfully, he discovered he preferred climbing and seemed to forget the floating trick growing up.
Face Claim:
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hfbeasty · 5 years
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Hiet and Tenja <3 FINALLY THEY KISS
Tenja @theanaideialegacy
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hfbeasty · 6 years
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| A tiny Hiet Frodynn 🌸
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hfbeasty · 6 years
omg the NPC asssskkkk .....!! can I ask..... Di??? or Hiet??? or Baal?? damn my heart. the one that inspires you most??
ASDFGHJK I’m gonna try all three because fuck it i love my ocs
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1. Would they be recruitable?
Yep. Good luck with him.
2. Would they be a class specific character? (ie. Imperial Agent only. Republic character only)
He’s only available for Imp side characters.
3. When would you recruit them? Vanilla story? an Expac? Post KOTET?
I feel like he could fit in anywhere. He’s very simple, one goal and one minded person so where or when wouldn’t really have a big effect on his story or character.
4. Where would you recruit them from?
Anywhere but the Sith Academy. I imagine him meeting the player while already being in his thirties and very experienced yet still unpredictable.
5. What would their recruitment mission be?
Probably something you need to search extra manpower for. Di is that extra strenght.
6. What would be their original recruitment outfit?
Callous Conqueror armor without the mask (see picture). 
7. Would there be a character they don’t like? Would that cause you to choose sides?
Di doesn’t like anyone. If you chose too many options that don’t side with him this might have effects in the future. 
8. Are they romancable? Why/why not
Yes because I think he’d make for an interesting romance with him being goddamn dark sided and having to learn this weird thing called romance while also really wanting it. Also he’s Cathar so a romance with him is gonna be deep since you will be his lifemate. He’d both die and kill for you.
9. What would they say if you clicked on them?
“Don’t touch me.” “ *low growl…* “ “What are you looking at?” “My advice: Kill whatever’s troubling you.” “Did you hear the screams of that last guy? Hehehe..” “Just keep moving.” “Let’s move.”
10. Do they know any other in game characters? (ie. trained under Satele Shan during the civil war. Knew Talos before he went to Hoth)
No. He’s a hermit.
11. What weapon(s) would they have?
Cathar Honor Sword on his back and the Red Unstable Peacemaker Lightsaber on his hip. 
12. Are they better as a tank, healer or DPS?
Dps all the way trough. Good tank but sucks at healing. He’d rather tell you to get over it, that your wounds are proof of you being a warior, you shouldn’t hide them.
13. What gifts do they Love? Like? What would they say when you gave them a gift?
Love: Weapon. “Hey.. Thanks..” “That looks good.” “For me?” 
Like: Imperial and Military. “That’s nice.” “Alright.” “You got me this?”
14. What would they say if you sent them away/changed them out?
“Big mistake.” “ *angered growl* “ “Why must you keep me from battle.” “I will remember this.” “Fine.”
15. What do they say when they heal you? What do they say when they are attacking?
Heal: “Get. Up.” “Giving up is not an option.” “If you die I’ll kill you.” “That was dissapointing..”
Attack: “*deep chuckle*” “You think you can take me?!” “*violent growl*” “Get back here you coward!” “I’m gonna make you bleed…” “I’ll rip your troath out with my teeth.” “You’re gonna be dinner.” “When I remove your legs from your body you won’t be able to run!”
16. What’s their idle chatter like? Do they talk a lot (when you arrive on each planet) or do they suddenly say something in some strange places?
He’ll usually say something before a battle. “Di what do you propose?” “He won’t talk if we rip out his tongue…”
Or in certain areas.
Rural: “Yegh diplomats. Let’s get out of here.”
Outside: “I used to hunt here closeby, quite tasty meat they got around here I must say.”
17. What letter’s would they send post vanillia class story/SOR/KOTFE
Me: *hasn’t finished any of the vanilla class stories*
I’m not gonna let you go
- Di’taqt
Attachment: A rather bloody heart of something (or someone) you may not want to know
I could have known you weren’t dead. No one could possibly kill you. It drove me mad. Not being able to find who killed you. So I just murdered everyone that looked suspicious. Which was everybody I came along… How foolish I was. Should have known. No one is strong enough. You are the most powerful. Everyone else is weak. As am I, for you.
- Your warrior
18. If they are recruitable in vanillia story, where are they during KOTFE/TET? What are/were they doing?
I’m not entirely sure what’s happening during KOTET. But he’s probably wandering on his own again.
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1. Would they be recruitable?
Don’t think so. She’d probably one of the more important NPC’s walking around that you can go to for advice. She’s a Jedi Master for certain. More like an advisor that will continue to be in the story (like in Dragon Age Inquisition) and on a special occasion will be able to be used as a companion.
2. Would they be a class specific character? (ie. Imperial Agent only. Republic character only)
I feel like she’d be with both Jedi classes at the start and be available for all classes during KOTET.
3. When would you recruit them? Vanilla story? an Expac? Post KOTET?
Start of Vanilla stories for Jedi Knight and Consular. You’d meet her somewhere at the beginning and she’d guide you trough your journey. And for all classes during KOTET. She’s very accepting so I feel like she’d get along with all classes
4. Where would you recruit them from?
 Jedi temple.
5. What would their recruitment mission be?
You’d get sent to speak with Jedi Master Frodynn for advice maybe? She’ll occasionaly give clues about where you should be heading now and also is willing to help train you. But she isn’t your official Master.
6. What would be their original recruitment outfit?
A flowy and very simple yet comfortable mix between a white dress and Jedi robes. She usually has her hands folded in the sleeves.
7. Would there be a character they don’t like? Would that cause you to choose sides?
Hiet doesn’t hold grudges, is very open minded, gives everyone a chance and believes there’s light in everyone. Doesn’t mean she won’t fuck u up if ur gonna do evil.
8. Are they romancable? Why/why not
Yes because I say so. Romancing her takes time and can of course only be achieved if you don’t care as much for the Jedi rules as she does. It would be a little mischievous and very secret.
9. What would they say if you clicked on them?
“Hello my dear.” “How are you?” “You are doing well.” “ *giggle* “ “I’m here for you.” “Friend.” “ *soft humming* “
10. Do they know any other in game characters? (ie. trained under Satele Shan during the civil war. Knew Talos before he went to Hoth)
She knows most of the more well known Jedi personally.
11. What weapon(s) would they have?
Seven white lightsabers floating around her.
12. Are they better as a tank, healer or DPS?
She’s a healer but can do an enormous amount of damage. Not a great tank.
13. What gifts do they Love? Like? What would they say when you gave them a gift?
She loves Cultural gifts. “Oh my..” “This is wonderful, thank you my friend.” “I will cherish this.” She likes Imperial gifts.  “For me?” “Why thank you.”
14. What would they say if you sent them away/changed them out?
“Untill next time.” “Be careful out there.” “I’ll be thinking of you.” “Remember what I thought you.” “Be kind.” “Farewell.”
15. What do they say when they heal you? What do they say when they are attacking?
Heal: “Now now, come here..” “All patched up.” “Ready for another adventure.”
Attack: “I apologize.” “I am sorry our paths had to cross like this.” “Take that!” “I will not let you come closer.”
16. What’s their idle chatter like? Do they talk a lot (when you arrive on each planet) or do they suddenly say something in some strange places?
She usually has something to say about the areas you travel to. Some information on it’s history. Sometimes she’ll giggle depending on the dialogie choices you make or she’ll say something or make a face when you choose a dark sided option.
17. What letter’s would they send post vanillia class story/SOR/KOTFE
She doesn’t sent letters so it most likely will be a holocall in which she tells you she’s worried and that you should return safely to her.
18. If they are recruitable in vanillia story, where are they during KOTFE/TET? What are/were they doing?
I can’t say for sure as I’m not aware of what’s happening during KOTET, but she’ll most likely be helping the good guys and help the hurt.
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1. Would they be recruitable?
2. Would they be a class specific character? (ie. Imperial Agent only. Republic character only)
I think all classes would fit. She doesn’t get allong with most Force Sensitive ones though and will leave if you’ve chosen too many dark sided options.
3. When would you recruit them? Vanilla story? an Expac? Post KOTET?
Somewhere in the middle of the Vanilla story.
4. Where would you recruit them from?
Not a planet, but a ship in deep space. 
5. What would their recruitment mission be?
A Bounty Hunter has been causing trouble. Catch her. Instead you realize Baal was framed and together take the ones down that wanted to catch Baal. She joins you after you offer her a free ride and she sticks around for a while. Still very lonesome tho. 
6. What would be their original recruitment outfit?
RD-07A Vendetta armor set. 
7. Would there be a character they don’t like? Would that cause you to choose sides?
She’s very wary of Mandalorians, Imperials and force sensitive people. Also if you side with her family she’s gone forever.
8. Are they romancable? Why/why not
Yes she needs some loving.. I think it would be interesting trying to get the big bad lonely bounty hunter to trust you enough. You may even get some flowers.
9. What would they say if you clicked on them?
“Hmpf..” “What?” “I’m here.” “I don’t have anything to say right now.” “Y’know I appreciated the silent moments between us..” “… Take the hint.” “Hm?” “Stay on guard.” 
10. Do they know any other in game characters? (ie. trained under Satele Shan during the civil war. Knew Talos before he went to Hoth)
She knows all about Mandalorians and some may recognize her. 
11. What weapon(s) would they have?
Mischief and Anarchy pistol set and a sniper rifle.
12. Are they better as a tank, healer or DPS?
She’s a great tank and damage dealer and okay at healing.
13. What gifts do they Love? Like? What would they say when you gave them a gift?
Love: Weapon. “Thank… You…” “This is pretty cool.” “You shouldn’t have.. But I’m still taking it.”
Like: Luxury. “Oh, I don’t have anything for you though.” “Thanks.” “Haven’t seen this in a while.”
14. What would they say if you sent them away/changed them out?
“Bye.” “See ya.” “Don’t make me have to come back and save your ass.” “Stay out of trouble.” “Forget my name.” “I’ll go get some rest then.”
15. What do they say when they heal you? What do they say when they are attacking?
Heal: “Get up.” “The fight’s not over yet.” “Heal up.” 
Attack: “Got one.” “Get out while you can.” “Fool.” “This is nothing.” “Score says I’m hitting more than you.” “Another one for the tally.” 
16. What’s their idle chatter like? Do they talk a lot (when you arrive on each planet) or do they suddenly say something in some strange places?
She really doesn’t say much to be honest. Her dialogue exists more out of ‘hmm’s and dissapointed looks. 
17. What letter’s would they send post vanillia class story/SOR/KOTFE
She also doesn’t sent much letters. They’re more like text messages. ‘you ok?’ ‘text me when you get there.’ ‘look at this picture of a nexu i found. its funny.’
18. If they are recruitable in vanillia story, where are they during KOTFE/TET? What are/were they doing?
She’s most likely back to solo bountyhunting and got hired by Teeg to help fight Arcann.
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hfbeasty · 6 years
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A study for my current college project! Added Lady Frodynn and @theanaideialegacy‘s Tenja because it looked like they just belonged there.
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hfbeasty · 6 years
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@failingnight @venomrevenant and everyone being sweet in the tags: yall making her and me blush
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far-away-stars · 6 years
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Venturing the Galaxy - Jedi Edition
aka Black&White Aesthetic
Tenja Rel and Hiet Frodynn ( @hfbeasty-legacy )
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hfbeasty-legacy · 6 years
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Hiet Frodynn screenshots!!
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hfbeasty-legacy · 5 years
Strongest to weakest of my SWTOR ocs
1 Hiet Frodynn (eyes open)
2 Hidaen
3 Hiet Frodynn (blind)
4 Di’taqt
5 Baal Estasze
6 Soranoah
7 Sykk Hyena
8 Teegra Bengal
9 Shere Rajj-Roque
10 Zach
11 Akira
12 Kidaesh
13 Duval
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far-away-stars · 5 years
Zholem Dhars seems pretty interesting can you tell me more about him? What does he his face look like? How did he get captured? Does he remember his Past?
oh dear, bless, thanks for the interest! ♡ (this has gotten long, please sip a cup of tea)
So! Zholem Dhars was captured by a squad under the control of Darth Abraxas, an hybrid group of people between military and Sith hand-picked specifically with the purpose to bring live Jedi to the Empire. He wasn’t chosen for any specific reason, if only that he was an easy target at the time (because he was young-ish -in his early twenties-, and something of a very idealistic and newly appointed knight), but he had been “studied” from afar for a while, to study weaknesses and mentality type, and eventually isolated and subdued.The project at the time had been mostly finalized on troopers and other non-sensitives, Abraxas being a popular “motivator” in the military first and foremost, but his purpose was to design a “training” that could make defective Sith and Jedi more.. obedient in the long turn. Zholem Dhars was one of his first catch, or at least the first one he planned to take his project on in its entirety instead of only making him a crash test like many others. So he took his time, and it did end up being quite successful for a while.
Zholem Dhars had been “broken” -thanks to alchemy, poison, torture and “talks” personally led by Abraxas himself-, enough to somehow reduce him to an obedient husk, and to nourish an alter-ego for the Jedi that the Darth had designed to his exact needs.Zholem Dhars hadn’t completely disappeared, but he was secluded to a secondary mental state, essentially passive/sleeping. His new persona was “Lord” Scretzio, who was basically a puppet, a blank state for Abraxas to mold. He wasn’t cruel or evil per se, but certainly “emptied”, devoid of resistance. His memories and ideals and such were somehow still present, but essentially dormant, put aside in a box where an unconscious part of the Zabrak could feed -useful to have a part of him knowing what he was being done was bad, was inhumane, but even better to have that voice being put to silence- but far from his conscious mind.
Scretzio was taught around, used here and there for all sort of things. He fathered two children during his time in the Empire, one born out of a violence he had been ordered to inflict to a servant (poke @trashmuh ) and the other from a Sith Lord enthralled by the pretty “game” that the brainwashed Jedi represented. He was in many ways like a child or a slave, but with the years this Scretzio truly started to become a person of his own, taking life as Abraxas creation but taking shape from experience -for as much as he was allowed in his “experiment” environment.Probably the building of an autonomous consciousness -even if distorted and limited and shaped by his surroundings-, that started to awake again his “original self”, Zholem Dhars, first as distortion of consciousness, his old persona fighting desperately against the bounds of his current active mind, lashing with personality disorders, lapses of consciousness, memory loss, hallucinations, etc- eventually breaking his brainwashing with heavy scarring.
Zholem Dhars re-emerges from his brainwashing after five-ish years of Imperial life, almost completely “absorbing” the Scretzio persona as if taking back control of his own body after years, but the identity crisis that this all brings leads him very close to his downfall. What was “Scretzio”? The one doing all those horrible things? Where is “he” now? Who is Zholem Dhars? Were they one and the same all along? Can the former Jedi sleep knowing he may not be the same waking up? Was it “Scretzio” doing those things or was it really Zholem Dhars all along?The guilt, paranoia and general PTSD brought him to a point where, even back among the Jedi (having sent a distress signal while still in the Empire that allowed him to be rescued and Abraxas to be killed and his projects overthrown), he got pretty close to ending his own life more than once.All the outside help he received -from Master Vhan’Zham, Master Hiet Frodynn (poke @hfbeasty-legacy ), for example- helped him come to terms with at least part of all that, and despite ultimately leaving the Jedi, he did start on a route to be again at peace with himself. Went to Voss, Illum, went on to do some “vigilante” work.. The one real thing he truly closed himself from were his children, because he just couldn’t deal with the reality of that, so he only knows the child he had with the Sith Lord Lorvania had been rescued by the Jedi, but he refuses to see her. He knows nothing of the other child (honestly, probably doesn’t even know of his existence, since the servant had run from the Empire pretty quickly after being abused).
Those are his looks in game as Scretzio (the purple hue of his skin and the white hair are due to the “treatments” he underwent during Abraxas’ experiments, the yellow eyes are from the dark side corruption; originally he had brown hair and green eyes) :
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And those are his looks some time after being freed (the scarring he made to himself during a very bad nervous breakdown, the darkened skin around eyes and mouth is the second step of the violet hues after months of stopped “treatment” and may possibly go away with time) :
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In general I headcanon him with longer hair, and probably tattoos running down a bit more on his neck/shoulders but aside from that his looks on game are my main ref.
Sorry I may have spoken more about Zholem Dhars than his “Scretzio” persona, but honestly that is still partially WIP since I haven’t had the chance yet to build much around it, but those are the basis, I hope they satisfied! :3 Don’t hesitate to ask more precise questions if I skipped them over!
(btw most/some of the characters mentioned above (Abraxas, Vhan’Zham, Lorvania and his “mysterious” daughter) belong to a friend of mine! :3 So I may not be able to answer precise questions about them without consulting him first.)
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hfbeasty · 6 years
I love all your OCs and they are all precious. I want to know, which ones would allow me to hug them?
Daww thank you so much! Huggable ocs are: Rue (will jump u), Jop (softest hugs), Kida (so carefull!!), Teegra (for money), Zach (excited hugs), Hiet Frodynn (gentle mom hugs) and  Duval (long meaningful hug)!
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hfbeasty · 6 years
Hiet :💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others, Di :👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone, Zach :🏹- For a talent they wish they had, Sora :🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist !! :3
Hiet Frodynn💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
She has a very pure voice and can sometimes be heard softly singing/humming to herself when she’s on a walk. It’s not something she brags about or does around others.
Di’taqt👻 - For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone.
This man is literally not afraid of anything. I mean he was afraid of losing his only brother but we know how that ended DONT WE.
Zach 🏹- For a talent they wish they had
He’d like to be as asskicking in material arts as Baal.
Sora🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
Aside from the Empire? I really don’t know, he isn’t developed enough yet. And bounty hunters.
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hfbeasty · 6 years
what are ur ocs favorite animals??? just, all of your ocs, each and every one of them
TCWRue: Dogs (Shiba), hamstersJop: Birds, parots, flamingos and dolphinsBeast: Lions, Krayt Dragons and anything with sharp teeth/clawsJaig Eye: Turtles, falcons and walking branchesGrimreaper: Dead ones
SWTORBaal: Dogs (german shepard)Teegra: Cats, tigers (surprise) and vorn tigersZach: All animals but especially TauntaunsSoranoah: Ravens, moose and savanna kybuckHiet Frodynn: Owls, Sierra Grigna and Gloomlight vrake.Kida: Tiny insects like ladybugs, spiders and ants. Varactyl and Arbor Makrin.Di’taqt: Panthers and Hsiss’.Shere: Any animal turned cybernetic and tigers (surprise)
HfB:Juna: Pahini (Six legged predator horses)Aiden: DragonsHarry: HorsesYang: SlothsKaar: CheetahsJoshua: Ghalafine birds (phoenix birds without flames, can be used as transport)Lilith: DovesRonan: Cats and red pandas
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