#hiei and yukina have different mothers?
zombiemollusk · 5 months
the thing about fandom puritans is a lot of them are also into some weird shit but they'll either not know it (can't really blame them for that one, lack of education and all) or they'll come up with the most batshit, contortionistic mental gymnastics to try to convince everyone "mine doesn't count, so don't judge me, but you should bully those other degenerate perverts"
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redhatmeg · 4 months
You know, back when they rescued Yukina and she ran to wounded Kuwabara, he asked her to not think that all humans are evil just like her captors. And back then I thought that even if she felt that way for awhile, witnessing Yusuke and Kuwabara fighting for her, definately changed her mind.
Now we have bunch of misanthropic fanatics who want to kill all of humanity for, among other things, all the horrible things we've done for centuries. One of these fanatics targets Kuwabara, expecting him to be just a thug who will abandon his friends to save himself, but it turns out that this particular thug has code of honor and cares about people. Moreover, he decided to save his attacker too, just because he sensed the guy is hurting.
In a way, Kuwabara is a living proof of humanity's best qualities - loyality, kindness and instinct to help others.
And I do wonder if Seaman stumbled upon a different member of Team Uremeshi, it would have the same impact.
Hiei? Probably not, because not only is he a demon, he would probably agree and say he doesn't care what happens to humanity.
Kuroma? Maybe. He's a demon too but spent with humans enough time to get a fresh perspective on them, especially his human mother.
Yusuke? Probably. He admits to Seaman that he didn't understand at first why Kuwabara saved him, but after seeing how Seaman is scared of himself due to Chapter Black, he understands.
But Kuwabara has a unique brand of kindness to him. A kindness that gradually unfolds over the duriation fo the series.
At first he's just a deliquent who picks fights with Yusuke but mourns his death.
Then we see that he has some sense of honor and right or wrong, and is even willing to get beaten for the sake of others.
Then we see him being worried for a kitten.
Then we see him wanting to save a girl and wanting to protect her evene more after getting the vision of her torment.
And then we get to see him wanting to save his brainwashed opponents.
If someone in this team is to restore someone's faith in humanity, Kuwabara is the one.
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deathblossomed · 4 months
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( @thuganomxcs. )
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"I dunno how t' put this so I'll jus' come out and say it. WHEN my mother eventually shows up on the choppin' block..can ya tell me like a day in advance so I can have THAT day with her?" It's not like he'd take the years he has with her for granted, hell every hour he spent with her was something he cherished since they were both recovering.
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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐀 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐈𝐂. Botan's never shied away from the topics of death but somehow it's different with Yusuke and all their friends. Maybe it's because she's never had so many people expected to pass in her life time or because she's never been so close to someone.
And normally, it's against protocol to give information about upcoming deaths. But she's already broken plenty of rules with Yusuke, what's one more. Koenma will understand. So she nods, smiling softly.
"As soon as I know, I'll make sure you're there with her," she curls her knees up to her chest and rests her chin there. "And I'm already assigned as her escort, no matter what. I'll be with her the whole time, so she won't be alone. Actually, I'll escort all of you. Kurama and Hiei, the Kuwabara siblings, Yukina and Keiko... Usually, it's just luck of the draw who you get. But I made a deal with Koenma a while ago, as long as I'm still around, I'll be the one to bring everyone across the RIver. So none of you will die alone." In an effort to lighten the mood a little and turn her mind away from their impending demise, she bumps her shoulder against his. "So you better be nice to me, or I'm gonna make you walk the whole way~"
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thekingofthieves · 2 years
What's your most controversial opinion? Would you state it publicly? What's the most controversial opinion that you would publicly support, if it's different?
Well, my most controversial opinion amongst my best friends appears to be that if Hiei was an animal, he'd be a cat. 🤭 Even my mother has made the comparison without me mentioning it to her beforehand, haha! But both Hiei and Kuwabara completely deny there being any resemblance whatsoever (and Botan says he's "too scary" to be a cat)- but they're not the one to have found Hiei taking a sun nap by the back door, with Eikichi doing the same curled up right on his stomach! My, it was so adorable. ♡ Ah, though Yusuke at least agrees with me about Hiei being a cat- he even bought a cat-ear headband as a joke gift for Hiei one year! 😂 I managed to get him to allow me to take pics of him wearing it, though he's (rather adorably) grumpy through all of them. 🤭
Kuwabara also disagrees that he is much more like a dog than a cat, but the similarities are rather striking to me. Incredibly loyal, protective... easily excitable, and loud. 😂 Not to mention how he's like a lovesick puppy around Yukina.
Haha, but to answer you more seriously, I suppose whichever opinions of mine that'd be considered the most controversial would greatly differ upon worlds. I'd say my acceptance of humans and being content living amongst them would undoubtedly be the top contender in the Makai, even if it seems there's been a recent slow shift towards a more neutral mindset on humans from Yusuke's influence.
When it comes to the Ningenkai however, it's harder to pin down what views of mine may be the most controversial, as my travels across this world have been quite limited- especially in comparison to the vast amount of exploration I've done in the Makai to hunt down treasure. As such, my experience with human customs and ideologies have been restricted to very few regions- though I would like to change that someday and enjoy more of what the Ningenkai has to offer, especially with my friends and family by my side. And additionally, I don't often have much meaningful contact with humans aside from my loved ones, so I'm not well versed in what views are disputed more than others.
Though, one thing I've never understood about human culture is the often rigid structures and divisions around things like gender and relationships. It's quite stark in contrast with how things are in the Makai, but I suppose it's harder for pointless restrictions like that to form there when there's such a large biological variety among demons. Though it's not like the Makai is without its prejudices, but things like someone's identity, body modifications, choices for mates, and the like aren't really things anyone cares about... Well, body modifications that can aid in battle and boost one's power are more controversial (many view that as cheap grabs for power and is only for the weak and unskilled, while others are indifferent and view it much like using any ordinary weapon), but demons won't bat an eye at ones along the lines of alterations of bodily functions or aesthetic changes.
Though it seems these restrictions have been gradually easing over the recent decades in the Ningenkai, so I'm unsure if this would technically be my most controversial stance. But it's clearly still a prevalent issue with much contention in this world, seeing as I still deal with idiots from time to time who take issue with my relationship with Hiei, and- kind of amusingly- those who can't seem to agree on assuming I'm "a woman trying to be a man" or "a man trying to be a woman." Attempting to misgender me is quite futile when I consider myself a mix anyways.
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finitevoid · 2 years
yukina is the ice, the freezing wind. yukina is a girl dressed in soft blues and with soft, wine-red eyes and she cries tears of crystal that make little pitter pitter sounds when they hit the floor.
yukina has a brother. he is everything she is not; he is fire, acid flame, sharp edges and danger. he shows off his fangs, covered in iron-blood, without a care if it’s his blood or his foes’.
she asked him once, why he relishes in the violence. and with wine-red eyes that match hers, he spat out the truth-- violence is all I know.
she smiled at him then, and it was a cruel smile. and she could tell how much malice danced in her eyes, in the curling of her lips, because her immovable brother took a step back.
all I have ever known is violence, hiei, she said, her words a spinning tapestry of past suffering, of spat blood. but your violence and mine are very different.
he said nothing to her, after that. because that was what her brother did, when he was blindsighted. he turned his back and ran-- and though his movements were slow, controlled, graceful, even-- his emotion was betrayed in the hitch of his shoulders.
just like when their aunt threw him off the cliff, to the song of their mother’s anguished cries. all he has known is to be cast off, and so when he is not thrown away, he throws himself away.
yukina was raised by that woman, who threw naught but a newborn babe off a cliff. rui was the only one who would even dare look yukina in the eyes, for none of the other ladies wanted to be around the tainted sister of a fire apparition.
child of an outsider. child of a traitor. child.
rui had unkempt hair and drooping eyes. her shoulders always hung with a cloud of guilt, and she held yukina throughout the storms. sometimes, yukina would catch her praying at her mother’s grave, fervently whispering, hina, hina, I couldn’t save your boy, so I’ll raise your girl. forgive me, forgive me.
rui would brush yukina’s hair with harsh, uncompromising movements, whispering to her. don’t trust the outside world, a hitch in her voice. don’t turn out like your mother, please, don’t--
yukina turned out like her mother.
yukina watches the violence with a detached neutrality. the blood, the suffering, she watches gladiators inflict it on each other with naught but a care in the world, feral grins splitting their faces.
yukina knows what blood tastes like. that tang, metallic iron taste that fills every inch of your mouth, so much that you have to spit it out to free yourself of the taste. but the taste lingers, steel-iron-heat on your tongue.
she hears bones crack, and she knows what those feel like. the sharp, stabbing pain, the gives away to a throbbing burning. the horror of staring down at your own limbs, bent at unnatural angles.
when a girl frets over the broken arm of a boy, the boy scowls. shrugs her off. and when yukina’s brother approaches the boy, they share that grin. that dark, animal grin, of a person who feels the pain and relishes in it.
the reason, yukina realizes, that this makes her so uncomfortable is this:
she could’ve been exactly like that.
sometimes she finds herself wishing that she did. wishing that she’d taken tarukane’s fat neck in her hands and watched as she killed him from the inside out, freezing his organs one by one. watching him writhe and scream and beg.
she thinks his face, lips turning purple, shaking hands clasped in front of his face, blubbering, please, spare me, I don’t want to die!
and she’d smile that cruel smile, and press her hand to his cheek and watch as it turned blue with ice, and then purple with cold, and then red with frostbite. why should I give you the mercy you so denied me?
often, yukina wonders if this instinct is her father’s genes. some carryover from whatever kind of man he’d been, once upon a time. if his unseen influence over her really did taint her with the violence, with the urge to spit blood and smile.
so she stills her hands. clasps them in front of her. dresses herself in baby blues and softens her red eyes. so that no one would suspect, never, that she had the same genetic violence in her as her brother did. that that fire, that ineffable flame they’d inherited from their outsider father was in her too, flickering among all the ice.
she prays sometimes, too. clutches a bag filled with her own tears, the pearls clinking together in the cloth bag. she closes her eyes and prays to her mother-- was it worth it? do you regret it? do you remember me, or him?
her mother’s hiruiseki sits heavy around her neck, the one her brother gave her.
do you cry pearls?
hiei startled, stared at her with eyes that matched her own in color. he didn’t know that when she wanted to, hers looked just as sharp as his, just as untrusting. just as dangerous.
he scoffed, covering his momentary surprise with put-upon disdain. why would you suggest such a thing? I am not an ice maiden.
maybe you are, she countered.
he ran this time, disappearing from the room in a flurry of speed. because ice is water, and water douses fire, until all that’s left is ash and smoke and scorch.
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fruiteggsaladit · 11 months
The fandom needs more aus so Im adding one I just made#2
Mp100 au - The whole basis for Reigen and Mob's mentor-mentee relationship is built on a lie that was good for the both of them. Mob needed to know a self-assured adult esper who understood that his powers can be dangerous and has thought about that constructively and productively, and Reigen needs a nephew-best-friend he can help teach and grow so he has a long-term social relation.
So it's a little difficult to think of who would fit the bill for Reigen - if I can figure that out, then I know who would be Mob.
Yusuke would be the one to leave the safe water bottle company and make his own office and lie about having ESP to a kid who needs guidance, I think. But would he break that character once he learned the kid DOES have powers? If he's an adult and assuming he grew up pretty okay (Reigen standards) then I imagine at most that he's having a moment of inner panic abt having lied abt this bc he thought the kid was fibbing. And then he looks at the kid being so hopeful and glad and he folds - he'll roll w it! The kid needs the lie right now.
Oh, Masaru could be a good choice? The very kid that Yusuke saves and dies for in canon! Another thought was Botan in a role-reversal au as well as mp100 au.
Suddenly entranced by the concept of Yukina in the role of Shou. "See you later!" She says with a gentle smile. Anthy Himemiya is that u--
In that case I could see Yusuke as Mob and Shizuru and Botan having dual roles as Reigen (being the mentor: Shizuru, being the goofball w crazy charisma rolls: Botan)
Kuwabara siblings sharing the spot for Serizawa would be neat! They're very sensible in canon, both practice and encourage a normie life of studying and working despite their powers, so Serizawa's problem of finding it extremely difficult to control his powers due to his anxiety feel like a sufficient background for what would push them into a terrorist organisation.
Hina as Soichirou... She's been dead too often in my aus and concepts, Rui usually taking the spotlight, it's time for "oh no it's worse when they Lived". Epic divorce-woman ftw. Rui fulfills Shimazaki's powers of teleportation and knows where Yukina is at all times. She would really like Yukina to just stop trying to convince her mother not to be a terrorist anymore. For plot reasons she'll sometimes help Hina out in her plans if it doesn't negatively interfere w the twins' lives.
Hiei as Takenaka who is distressed abt his sister repeatedly running away to pursue their birth mother who at this point kinda scares him and he's not seen her in years. Also very isolated in being an ESP-kid and having no one else like him to talk to, upset to learn the Telepathy club is a lie. We don't see him for SO MANY episodes and when he returns as the twin brother of the There-are-so-many-things-wrong-with-this-child (Yukina).
Kurama might be part of Claw to help out his mother... Perhaps he is a Serizawa? (Speaking like these are actors for a theatre production) Koenma is the child in claw w the wooden dolls who cries when they get OP-broken.
I love Yusuke btw but I can't stand when a MC from one series is transferred as the MC of a different series for an au simply bc the character is the MC. It's just so automatic. I personally also like to use Mob for drawing studies when deciding how to draw Yukina's expressions and write her thoughts and actions, but it also grates on me to spend more than 10 minutes to just switch all the character roles for the personalities most similar (why not just go watch the original...). This is the hater in me! Sometimes I find her.
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natsunoomoi · 9 months
Honestly, I think togashi used the term child to emphasis the fact that hiei is around the same age as yusuke and since hiei's character is based on the chuunibyou, I guess he must be around 13 - 14 when he first fought yusuke, in the three kings saga it was mentioned quite a few times that hiei is really young as he didn't knew much about the three kings and thought it was a fairytale. Personally I feel that yukina has the same level of maturity as hiei, I don't think her living with the ice maidens made her better at communicating with people cuz unlike hiei, yukina doesn't really have many close friends besides kuwabara in the manga, while hiei has yusuke, kurama and mukuro. Anyhow, yukina is hiei's twin sister, since togashi already called hiei a child there's no reason for him to call yukina a child too. Like you said hiei's development might have been stunted because of the circumstances but gaining friends made him mature by the end. I know i said too much but i find the idea of hiei and yukina being the same age as the rest of the yyh group really interesting imo it makes the perfect sense, don't you think?
I'm not sure if it's interesting, as much as it just is and people are different.
Also, you don't have to have friends to know how to socialize. Even if everyone around you is hostile and you don't like your hometown, you learn how to socialize and be civil with the people around you. That kind of thing happens normally all the time. LGBT child grows up in the Bible belt countryside of the US with everyone around them, or at least most people around them, spewing hateful things about them. They are a child that is waiting and biding their time for their chance, their opportunity, to leave to go somewhere safer where they are free to be themselves. Even in that kind of a situation, you do learn to communicate better, but in a very specific way. I think you're greatly underestimating how much socialization a person can get from simply being around other people even if those other people suck.
Yukina is a very kind person, but her kindness is probably fostered by Rui who likely cared for her in her mother's absence. While Rui didn't actively act against the wishes of their leader or their people, it's made very clear that she agrees more with Hina and was not happy about throwing Hiei off. Rui very likely raised Yukina in a certain way, that allowed her to grow kindness, but at the same Yukina had to be around to be around everyone else in their home who is cold. She has to survive, so she also knows and learns how to have a certain level of outward politeness even if inside she holds deep resentment. That kind of outward attitude is also very Japanese and a trademark of Japanese customer service. The customer could be the most raving bitch of a Karen, and you still have to smile through it and pick your words precisely to balance what the customer wants and what you want/are able to provide, which can go up to doing things that outwardly seem humiliating, but are designed to bring the others' guard down so that you don't have to do something else more important. It's a game of social chess, and it's a thing that Hiei cannot do because he grew up in wildlands and after early childhood didn't spend that much time with the bandits that took him in.
Hiei in contrast is very blunt and straight and wouldn't have been in any place where people would talk or gossip. Even then for surviving purposes, he would fundamentally be uninterested in people's gossip, so the Three Kings wouldn't be a thing that made sense for him to know about and would logically become a fairytale to him because he spent so much time in the woods among the trees alone. Like he straight up is just not in situations or circles where he would find out actual news about them because he stayed away from everyone at a certain point.
Relatively though, you would know who's the leader of the place you're in, but beyond that it's of little significance to his everyday life. That's also a kind of life that probably people in 2024 now aren't aware of as much because the internet connects us all so much. But before fast communication, the common farmer or regular lay person could not give a shit about who the leader was in the castle or whatever. It's true in every country prior to modern communication and the printing press. Whatever the leader did, did not matter because their big decisions for the country didn't affect their everyday life. It's likely Hiei knew that the Three Kings existed, but it's more that he didn't know or needed to care about whatever issues they had between them because it was irrelevant to what he needed to do to live.
Yukina on the other hand is able to show her caution and able to handle difficult social situations mainly through her conversation with Hiei about "finding her brother". She might be a kind person, but that conversation in particular shows that she does have hidden strength and "darkness" (not the right word, but I can't think of the right one atm) of her own. I recall also, during her time at Tarukane, she tried to be cold to him and not allow him to get gems so easily, but like instead he killed people that helped her, killed her bird friends, etc. Other beings are essentially hostages since she can't be attacked directly to get the gems, and I think I recall Toguro being brought in specifically because they couldn't get gems out of her recently. Yukina shows a number of times she has skills to pivot her reactions to different kinds of people, and that is a social skill and a kind of maturity that Hiei doesn't have. It is also a kind of maturity that adults in Japan have, but kids do not as they are straight and blunt don't know how to "read the room" or observe other kinds of Japanese subtlety. The adults in their life and their parents teach this to them. They fundamentally do not have the same level of maturity as Hiei acts like a child that never learned how to do that, and that's more that what he means. You're taking the "child comment" way too literally to fit what you want and ignoring Yukina's skills and achievements to serve what you want to be true about Hiei.
Other than the above, Yukina's also just more able to join in on activities with Yusuke & Co, while Hiei in contrast is still looking out of a window and largely ignoring what's going on. It's not necessarily that he's completely uninterested, but it's probably really awkward for him so he'd rather be a bit away from the group instead of joining in and maybe looking stupid or whatever. Being able to join in with new people and dive into new experiences is a kind of socialization skill. It can come naturally to some people, but it also takes some practice. Yukina had to survive in her home, but she also befriended animals which are skittish and run away. Being more approachable takes practice and is something Yukina has from not staying away from interactions. Hiei basically focusing on survival for most of his life and was alone is not able to really navigate that kind of situation.
Also, I don't know if it's a translation error on the part of the interpretation from the translator in the English version, but I have the Japanese version of the chapter where Hiei says that he "thought it was just a fairytale" and in Japanese it's ambiguous actually whether or not he thought the Three Kings themselves were a fairytale, or rather the war between them was a fairytale. I've never read any translations. I have the whole series in Japanese and I can read it. He's comments in that page is that he's "heard about the feud between the Three Kings", and then in the next panel says that the thought it was just a fairytale. It doesn't say it was specifically about the Three Kings' existence, but more about their struggle for power. That can be a sign of youth, but only because youkai live for hundreds of years and if you are younger than the last time there was a war or significant conflict, hearing that nations don't get along is like a fairytale. If that nuance was taken out of the English translation, I don't know what to tell you. It's for that reason I don't really rely on translations so much. I've made translations of my own, and there's a lot of compromises made to the text to get the gist of it so that you can get it on screen or in a box readable that I genuinely feel bad for English speaking fans because they are *missing* so much context and nuance that was also there in the same sentence.
For a modern day example, right now we have a number of wars/horrific things happening in the world. For a lot of people who are younger right now, they were not alive when this conflict started and do not understand the history. There's a lot of misinformation going on about who's at fault and why, and it's easy to get misled if you don't know the history of how it started. I had the fortune of having a history teacher in high school that taught me the history and it's a fucked up situation for everyone, and basically everyone sucks. It's also a mess that we as the newer generations in the world inherited because the creators of the original situation were naive and real stupid and tried to solve a "problem" they perceived by ignoring people that exist now for their own agenda. But also because we are a newer generation, there's a lot of people who do not get taught this history and are taught by the adults in their life to blindly support one side or the other hence leading to the clusterfuck screaming match and actual war and war crimes and turbulence we have now. The conflict has been going on so long that people don't remember how it started. Strife and difficulty is just the modern reality, and the start of it and the actual source of the conflict is like a fairytale because it's so far in the past and not talked about.
Back to our source material, Mukuro even asks if he'd heard about their conflict because it'd been 500 years. Like we know Hiei and Yukina are definitely less than 100, so their last conflict was a way long time ago and they were in a stalemate/truce for 500 years. We also don't know how their specific species ages either because they could both be 60 something and we'd never know either, but that'd imply that their trauma and living in strife and difficult situations lasted longer than if they were around the same age as the rest of the crew. That said, their objective reality and lived experience is not one of war and conflict, so hearing that battle is about to break out is like, what? Why? Kurama's comment after Hiei tells him his plan about going to Mukuro's though is that he "wasn't born yet" so "he doesn't know how frightening Mukuro is". There's 500 years of time for him to not know. It's not that he's a literal child or that he's "too young". It's that it literally happened *way* too long ago for him to know about it still being an ongoing grudge and how bad an actual conflict could be.
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yyh4ever · 2 years
Hiei and Yukina have different mothers (?)
Togashi's blunder? Yes it is, and it has been corrected in newer editions of the manga!
In this scene, from episode 26 of the anime, Hiei tells Yusuke that he and Yukina had different mothers.
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Source: Yu Yu Hakusho Episode 26 ~ "Invitees To The Dark Tournament" (1992). Rescue Yukina Arc.
But then, when the "Demon World Tournament Saga" begins, we find out that Hiei and Yukina are actually twins, and they have the same mother: Hina. How's that even possible!?
This wasn't a blunder from the animation staff, as this line was taken directly from the manga series, chapter 51.
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Source: Mangadex. This english translation is not a very good one, but the part about the mother is correct.
When episode 26 was aired on TV in 1992, the manga hadn't reached the Makai edition yet. The last saga began to be published in Weekly Shounen Jump magazine in 1994.
But, when the kanzenban, bunkoban and jump remix editions of the manga began to be published in the 2000s, this line about the "different mother" has been completely erased.
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Source: Chapter 51. "I Must Get Stronger!!". Tankoubon, volume 6 (1992) VS Jump Remix edition, volume 3 (2022). The SJR photo was shared by @naitemokawaii4.
Well, Togashi said in the Yoshirin de Pon! interview (1994) that he had asked the editorial departmental to finish Yu Yu Hakusho after Sensui's fight. He was obviously very tired, physically and mentally. I think that when he drew the Makai Saga in 1994, he had entirely forgotten about this "different mother" thing from the Rescue Yukina Arc, published in Weekly Shounen Jump in 1991.
However, it's surprising that even his editor didn't notice the error. A lot of mistakes are edited or corrected from the magazine to the comic books, but in this case, the error went unnoticed by everyone. An example is the obscene trees of the Demon World, edited in the comic book, check out the post about Shinobu Sensui Death Scene (Uncensored Version).
Anyway, it was corrected afterwards, and if the anime gets a remake one day, Hiei's speech will probably be cut. Despite the correction, I've always loved the theories about this issue. My favorite is that Hiei was lying to Yusuke to cut the conversation short.
Foreign Editions:
I was checking the chinese editions, and this error was corrected in the kanzenban:
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Source: Chapter 51. Tankoubon, volume 6 VS kanzenban, volume 5. Hong Kong chinese edition.
So, be sure to check if your local editor corrected it. Many countries have been reprinting the manga in new versions. In France, the 12-volume bunkoban has been released under the name of "Star Edition", by Editions Kana. Other countries like Mexico, Spain and Italy have published the 15-volume kanzenban. Sometimes, the editors just copy and past the old translations from the tankoubon to the newer versions, without revising them.
Other minor errors have been corrected in japanese reprints, but most of them are just chinese characters misspellings. For example, in one of the pages of volume 3 (tankoubon), Kurama's name is written with a different kanji. But, that kind of misprint is not noticeable when translated to other languages.
The Hiei's janken mistake was also very famous in Japan, but this one got an apology from Togashi himself in WSJ magazine.
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zymagines · 3 years
Main four of YYH + Koenma having a mermaid s/o (that can be a human or have feet for them) ?
Sure thing anon, and I hope you enjoy!(sorry this took long)
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Aw man, Yusuke and his s/o would tease the heck outta each other, but it's all in good nature. Seriously, there's never a dull moment with him.
Because his s/o is a mermaid, he'll be one of her biggest protectors. Even if she can handle herself, he'd let her know that he's got her back.
When she's able to come on land, Yusuke makes sure every moment counts. They'll be going to places like the arcade and Genkai's.
Yusuke is proud to be with his s/o. If anyone has a problem with his s/o or their relationship, then that's too bad.
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Like Yusuke, Kuwabara would be proud to be with his s/o. Just everything about her is so fascinating to him, which is why he's glad to call her his.
Lots and lots of compliments coming his s/o's way. He thinks her scales and fins are just so, so pretty.
On the days she comes on land, Kuwabara is introducing her to everyone. Much to his delight, everyone loves her as much as he does.
Basically, his s/o is his everything. Kuwabara would do whatever it takes to keep his s/o safe and if anything were to happen to her, he wouldn't forgive himself.
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Kurama and his s/o would be the definition of a picture perfect couple. He would treat her delicately as if she were porcelain and just be real gentleman like with her.
Since they both come from different worlds(him spirit world originally and her underwater), Kurama would hold interesting conversations with her. It's something that they can both connect to.
Kurama would bring his s/o to visit his mother since she loves his s/o as much as he does. Along with that, he would take her on strolls through the park.
Kurama would make his s/o feel like the luckiest girl in the world. He knows he can say that she makes him feel the same way too.
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Hiei's s/o would mean very much to him. She's one of the very few people he cares deeply for, right along with Yukina.
Just like Kurama, he and his s/o would discuss their different worlds. She really likes when he tells her of his time with team Urameshi.
When she comes on land, Hiei's gonna teach her how to defend herself if the time comes that she needs to. When he isn't teaching her self defense, then they'll sit in a tree and just look at the beyond.
Hiei's not gonna let anyone or anything harm her. So if anyone was dumb enough to then they might as well kiss their life good-bye.
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Oh my, Koenma would treat his s/o like she were royalty. She'll be treated like the queen she is to him, so compliments and gifts galore are coming her way.
She's the one Koenma can go to when he's having a rough day. He knows that he can trust her and that she always manages to make him feel better.
It's tour time for her when she comes on land. Koenma will take her everywhere in the spirit world headquarters not because he wants to show her off *wink wink*.
Koenma loves his s/o dearly. He's certain that she's the one that he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
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remembering every tear shed / a first insight in the yukina is an actual active character au ive been talking about
(this is long as hell so im putting it under a read more)
in this AU yukina escapes her capturers on her own and takes part in the dark turnament where she meets the gang for the first time (hiei still knows shes his sister and shes still looking for her brother)
Yukina has an actual arc here where she has to unlearn the emotional suppression she was expected to maintain growing up in the ice world. thats why she quickly becomes interested in the urameshi team (much to hieis dispair) who obviously display an emotional openess thats facinating to her. they become fast friends (w the girls too but that's a whole separate post....just know that if thinking about it) yukina is in an enviroment where she feels comfortable in experiencing and showing emotion for the first time in her life - this leads to a livechanging discovery: ice apparitions not only shed valuable tears when they cry in pain or fear but whenever they experience any kind of overwelming emotion (instead of the usual cool colours the resulting pearl will have a different colour (ex. yellow=joy, pink=love etc.)) and gently glow)
yukina keeps every tear (pearl) she ever shed and wears them on a necklace (the blue one in the middle is her mothers - hiei has the corresponding one) whenever she confronts someone whos responsible for one of her tears she scratches a cross in the pearl (now its no longer perfect and isnt of value to whoever violated her for it but its an important memoria for her: she has confronted and overcome someone who did her wrong) –> im not sure if i wanna have yukina killing ppl in this au so im keeping this p vague for now BUT she overcomes each pearl in her way i guess
–> also im sure its gonna be a source of conflict between her and yusuke bc one of the pearls on her necklace is meant for toguro who yusuke is meant to fight which becomes even more complicated once he kills genkai
for the new colourfull pearls she has thanks to the new positive emotions shes been experiencing she starts a new necklace but keeps it hidden under her clothes most of the time. they are only for herself and those she trusts to look at.
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sarayashikidays · 4 years
even more of my oldest shitty little ideas!!! kurama and hiei editions 
Kurama only went on those Reikai missions with Yuusuke and Kuwabara because he's just too old to pretend these dumb babies could do it on their own
pays off Kuwabara's student loans w/ selling some old artifact he’s got laying in his mother’s attic he stole in his olden days
Kurama slowly getting Bigger as he ages because he slowly stops restraining his youki is my most enjoyable headcanon so far, Then has fox ears + tail and his co-workers don't really say anything, just 'oh, something is different about Minamino-san today,"   (( although tbh I don't think Kurama would continue working in the public sector his WHOLE life, with his personality I could see him starting his own tiny accounting firm just to have a bit of control over powerful people in the region. he’s now a mommy’s boy but still Kurama (  Kurama, carefully filing away dirt on powerful human beings: :) I just like to have fun. )
breeds roses for fun when he’s gotten older, makes up species just for his friends and never tells them
he's not stoic at all. He just doesn't speak Japanese very well... Kurama can't get him to shut up in Makai language 
his stupid scarf is part of every outfit because it's his baby blanket/those cloths he was wrapped in when Rui dropped him off their island  
if not for the Jagan would probably have had Kuwabara instantly in his head the first time they met, just like Kuwabara was with Yukina!
absurdly good with cats and when kuwabara’s middle aged he finally looks at Hiei and goes, out loud “oh shit you’re a cat”
Yukina, after marrying Shizuru: i would like 10 children  Shizuru: sounds good to me  Hiei, at the window: Here is an infant I """"found""" for you to raise 
would be far nicer to Kuwabara once his sister marries Shizuru, but absolutely burn kuwabara’s eyebrows off the first time he calls him ‘bro’
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intobarbarians · 4 years
part nine to clothes
It should have taken ten minutes. They’re at thirty and counting.
Hiei lounges on Kuwabara’s bed, drinking all of Kuwabara’s juice and refusing to put the pullover back on. Kuwabara wouldn’t change a thing about him. “A little more to the left.”
Kuwabara inches the watercolor left. The world must look different with three eyes. “Uh.”
“The dresser is in the wrong spot.” Hiei demonstrates by lifting the dresser like it’s an empty cardboard box--goddamn, that’s hot--and centering it under the watercolor. “Do you see?”
Hiei’s forearms are a little distracting. Kuwabara’s critical thinking skills are proportionately diminished. “Why didn’t you just move the dresser in the first place?”
Hiei drags him to bed--platonically, of course. He bullies Kuwabara onto his back and waves at the watercolor. “Well?”
It was never about the dresser or finding a place for Yukina’s mirror. In a reverent hush, Kuwabara says, “Oh.”
The watercolor, perfectly hung across from the bed, greets Kuwabara first thing in the morning.
Kuwabara rubs his knuckles into his eyes and smiles. The first watercolor his father ever made is orange brushstrokes balanced atop an emerald triangle, an auburn spring beneath patiently waiting to catch the sky. That one is Kuwabara’s favorite, but his father will never part with it. He painted it the day before he met Kuwabara’s mother.
His father made one for Shizuru: black smoke twirling like petals on a stem, gashes of scythe-like pink woven into the dance. Somehow it reminds Kuwabara of peonies.
“For you,” their father said.
Shizuru held the frame like it was gold. “I know.”
He gave Kuwabara his own painting just before Kuwabara moved out on his own. “You’ll understand eventually.”
Like all of his father’s paintings, it’s a vision encoded.
There’s a message in the art, but Kuwabara hasn’t yet cracked the cypher. All he sees is blue, boundless and free.
The pouches have cousins.
Yukina coaches her brother on the finer points of a label maker and sets him upon the jars that have not so mysteriously invaded Kuwabara’s kitchen counters. “I’m glad he’s found a hobby.”
Hiei has managed to scrounge up a short sleeve t-shirt. Kuwabara’s brain can function at maximum capacity again. He pops off the cork lid of an amber-tinted jar and cautiously sniffs the contents. “Is this stuff allowed to be here? Legally speaking?”
Hiei stabs a few words into the label maker and plops the resulting message onto the jar in Kuwabara’s hand: MASI LEAVES. EXTREMELY POISONOUS TO HUMANS. “I won’t tell if you don’t,” he purrs.
Kuwabara trades the jar for one that says ‘ALLEGRA BERRIES. SUITABLE FOR OAFISH CONSUMPTION.’
He pops one into his mouth. Oh, that’s good. Sweet with a little tart kick at the end.
“He’s kidding, Kuwabara.” He tips the jar into Yukina’s waiting palm. These berries would be delicious in scones. “There’s nothing here a demon on earth couldn’t purchase at a well-connected herbal shop.” She chews on a berry while inspecting the counter. “A wealthy demon, at least.”
“It’s good to have a few staples on hand.” Hiei plucks a thin curl of bark and holds it out for Kuwabara to try. The texture is surprising. He expects a bite to it, but it’s as delicate as a wafer. “Do you like it?”
Kuwabara hums. “I think I’ve had this in Tourin before.” The monks love feeding Yusuke and his friends all kinds of concoctions.
“It goes very well with the grapes there,” Hiei deadpans.
It’s on the tip of Yukina’s tongue to ask what Hiei means. Because he has zero intentions of talking about his dick, Kuwabara hastily says, “Have you always been interested in--” Forest litter? “--botanicals? Or have Kurama and Yusuke rubbed off on you?”
“You give them too much credit.” Which means yes. “I’ve always had an appreciation for nature, for the ways it provides, the way it achieves balance.” Hiei flashes a lazy smile. “The way it kills.”
That scary act bullshit doesn’t work on Kuwabara anymore, not when Yukina is gazing at her big brother with adoring eyes across the kitchen sink. “Which do you want to grow up and be: a florist or a chef?”
Kuwabara throws Hiei off guard. He glances at Yukina. “I have everything I want.”
“There must be something else you want,” Kuwabara insists. “Some grand ambition you’ve yet to achieve. Don’t say winning the Demon World Tournament--we know.”
Hiei looks around the apartment like he’s hidden the answer here and forgotten where.
Yukina settles a hand on his shoulder, encouraging. “You can’t stay under Mukuro’s wing forever.”
Hiei tilts his head toward Kuwabara. He answers, “I want you to get a new couch.”
The couch is on the to-do list, which unceasingly expands every time Kuwabara acknowledges the ongoing home renovation he’s found himself pursuing since he hung the watercolors.
Home is a funny word. It’s tussling with Yusuke and reading gossip mags with Kurama and calling his sister at two in the morning because he knows she’s still awake. Lately, it’s been pouches and handmade diamonds and fucking demon berries he keeps snacking on like chips, which have a funny little side effect no one bothers to warn him about.
He texts Yukina a mirror selfie. why are my eyes yellow????
The first response is quick and not particularly helpful. No idea! theyre pretty though
The second text comes a minute later. oh wait are you still eating the berries?
The convenience store clerk compliments his sunglasses. “They suit your face.”
“Thanks.” Kuwabara unloads the orange juice and the whipped cream from his basket. He’s just glad the clerk doesn’t think he’s a creep for wearing sunglasses after seven p.m. “I got them from my sister’s girlfriend.”
He scrolls through photos of an estate sale. There’s one couch available. It looks plush and comfortable, but Hiei’s acute design tastes would never tolerate the white and green striped monstrosity within ten feet of his presence.
The clerk swipes his card. They nod at the picture of the ugly couch on Kuwabara’s phone. “Have you been in the neighborhood up the road from here?”
That’s where the rich people live, so no.
The clerk hands Kuwabara the groceries and his card back. “You find a lot of interesting stuff set out on the curb for garbage pick up.”
Is that so? Kuwabara pockets his phone. “When is pick up?”
The clerk grins. “Every Tuesday afternoon.”
He adjusts his plastic, pink heart sunglasses. Tomorrow, Kuwabara will redeem his sidewalk shopping choices in Hiei’s eyes.
Maybe he’ll pick up few shirts, too, while he’s at it.
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illucons · 4 years
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𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟐: 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭/𝐀𝐔
“There’s a boy who I’ll never forget. I was raised in a district where you had to learn self defense in order to live. I am capable of protecting myself, but that night was different. I didn’t know what I was dealing with.but then that boy came, helping me to flight from the event that I hadn’t figured out until the next day. That was our first meeting and the last. If he wasn’t appeared, I might not live today. I am forever indebted to him. That’s why I choose to be a detective... to prevent the same tragedy happened again.”
ᴵ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ᶜʳᵉᵃᵗᵉ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᵍʳᵃᵖʰᶦᶜ ᵈᵉˢᶦᵍⁿ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐʸ ᵖᵒʳᵗᶠᵒˡᶦᵒ ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵ ᵒⁿˡʸ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵘᵖ ᵈᵉˢᶦᵍⁿᶦⁿᵍ ᵐʸ ᴼᵀᴾ ˢᵒ ᶦ ᶜʳᵉᵃᵗᵉ ᴼᵀᴾ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᵍʳᵃᵖʰᶦᶜ ᵈᵉˢᶦᵍⁿ ᵃᵉˢᵗʰᵉᵗᶦᶜ ˡᵐᵃᵒ.
Soo this is AU where the bois and Botan are detective in Tokyo Police Department but Yusuke is older than them and their senior, adding some clan conflicts i guess(?). I was inspired by one of my favorite drama series, You’re All Surrounded. Been wanting to do this AU  ᵇᵘᵗ ᶦ ˢᵘᶜᵏ ᵃᵗ ʷʳᶦᵗᶦⁿᵍ. 
Botan finally became a detective in Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Along with Kuwabara, Kurama and Hiei, they entered as freshmen in violent crime unit under Urameshi Yusuke’s supervision, the number one detective in Tokyo. Hiei entered police department to discover the truth behind his mother’s death, he suspected that Yusuke had something to do with it. 
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*ᵀʰᵉ ⁿᶦᵍʰᵗ ʷʰᵉⁿ ᴴᶦᵉᶦ ˢᵃᵛᵉᵈ ᴮᵒᵗᵃⁿ ⁽ᴴᶦᵉᶦ ˡᵒᵒᵏᵉᵈ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵏᶦᵈⁿᵃᵖᵖᶦⁿᵍ ᴮᵒᵗᵃⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵃˢᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᶠᵒʳ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ʳᵃⁿˢᵒᵐ ˡᵒˡᵒˡᵒˡ⁾
Full Details:
Botan lived in Mushiyori City where the crime rate is high. She was famous for her deadly swings (she used to be baseball club members) in her school.
Hiei also lived in Mushiyori City with his mother and Yukina. They lived in seclusion, avoid having too many contacts with others.
Hina, Hiei’s mother, was murdered in the night when Hiei saved Botan. At that time, Hiei was hiding from the murderer but Botan happened to be at the scene. Don’t worry, Hiei had made esc route for Yukina so Yukina was safe and sound when it occured.
Botan didn’t know Hiei was the one who saved her, she only remembered her lifesaver had a dragon tattoo warping around his right hand.
Their weird sense of fashion on picture ⁽ᵉˢᵖᵉᶜᶦᵃˡˡʸ ᴴᶦᵉᶦ⁾ had nothing to do with the plot lol but the sword and bat do.
They became detectives in their 20s, the murder event happened when Botan was a student in Sarayashiki Junior High.
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toogayforthistoday · 4 years
Hi Gabe! Oddly Specific Ask Prompts to Learn More About Your F/O’s- 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 31, 38, 40 & 48 for Hiei ~ wingheroxsunshine
@wingheroxsunshine Hi Rebecca! Thank you for an ask about Hiei!!
3. Is your F/O the type to be giving or to take?
Hiei is actually pretty giving, but if you bring attention to what he’s giving, he will vehemently deny having anything to do with the gift. He usually just leaves it somewhere we’ll find it. Yukina, Yusuke and Kurama all play along, Kuwabara legitimately doesn’t know they’re from Hiei, and I’ll usually catch him later to at least thank him~
4. Does your F/O have any battle scars?
His healing ability is pretty thorough, so he has quite a lot of them, but they’re all very faint, with the exception of 2. One is where he cut off his arm during the fight with Shigure, he was so damn proud of how he won that fight, he requested Mukuro pull him out of the tank before the scar fully faded. The other is the Dragon of the Darkness Flame. Fighting with that kind of power left deep scarring, and the Dragon sleeps in that scar.
9. What is your F/O’s blood type?
... Do demons have blood types? I don’t think so, I think it’s just ‘Demon’.
11. Does your F/O know how to cook? If so are they good at it?
Hiei knows how to cook large slabs of meat over a camp fire, and it’s usually unflavoured, cause who needs taste buds when you’re constantly fighting for your life?
But don’t worry, I’ve been slowly teaching him that food does not have to be so damn bland.
12. What is your F/O favorite flavor?  (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savory))
His favourite flavour is surprisingly sweet! He especially likes vanilla ice cream, and yes, I have bribed him into going out with our friends using it.
14. What type of aesthetic does you F/O have?
Hiei’s style is generally practical and comfortable, as he is always geared up to protect himself, me, or Yukina. Usually Yukina, cause he doesn’t trust Kuwabara to do it himself. He’s started relaxing, since the barrier came down, and the threats aren’t nearly as often as they once were, so he’s started wearing more casual clothes, usually borrowed from Yusuke or Kurama, so he’ll either look dressed up (Thank you, Kurama!) or looking like he wants to start a fight out behind the bar (Thanks, Yusuke...)
17. If you could get matching tattoos what would it be?
Probably a pentacle, with the outer ring being a red eyed, black dragon. But I think the only way Hiei would agree to getting it done, is if I did the tattooing myself. Guess I should start practicing...
31. What type of scent does your F/O remind you of?
Fresh-cut pine. He has a tendency to sleep in trees, no matter where he is, even though he has a perfectly good bed to sleep in with his mate! Old habits die hard, and I can’t argue that much when he smells that good.
38. What’s a song that reminds you of your F/O when you hear it?
‘Iris’ by The Goo Goo Dolls. An oldie, but a goodie.
40. How long have you been with your F/O? (or at least been interested in them?)
I have been with Hiei for 17 years now. We’re in it for the long haul, boyo! Our anniversary is on May 17.
48. What’s some advice your F/O would tell you?
"This hurt you feel, is to remind you that you survived the loss. The hurt anyone else feels, is to remind them that they survived. You don’t need to explain why, it’s none of their business. Everyone hurts differently, so stop comparing your pain. Your mother would be proud you made it this far without her, but that doesn’t mean you should stop. Keep fighting."
...Fuck, I made myself cry, I’m sorry. Thank you again for the ask, Rebecca!
~ Gabe
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thekingofthieves · 2 years
92.A. Do you speak multiple languages? Which do you dream in? What language would you want to learn? Also does the makai have its own language or is it an amalgamation of many different human world languages?
I do indeed! For human languages, I know Japanese, English, and small amounts of Chinese and Korean. I learned English as a subject in school, but the rest I had mostly picked up before my time as a human.
You see, the most prominent gateways between the Makai and Ningenkai are in or near Japan, so there's significant mutual influences in culture and language in those areas. They're sort of like variants of each other, with some shared or similar words, but not entirely alike. The influences have lessened over time though, what with the Reikai imposing more barriers in recent centuries. I didn't get to cross to the Ningenkai as much as I used to then due to being a high class demon, and as such, some of the Japanese I knew when being born in this human body was... a little out of date. I had to pay attention to the words I used often, to not appear out of place in conversation... Apparently I've only been mildly successful though, as with that and my mannerisms, my mother has joked about me "having the soul of an old man" a few times. 😅
Ah, but to return to my earlier point- the farther from the gates in the Makai, the less resemblance you'll find to any human languages. Additionally, there's not many strictly-defined languages in the Makai- you'll find more of a gradual change in dialects as you travel across the lands. There is a few outliers, however. Many isolationist regions have developed their own lexicons from scratch (or for the most part, at least), or their separation has caused their language to develop over time to the point of being unrecognizable to the outside. From what I've learned from Yukina (and a bit from Hiei), Hyouga falls under the latter. Though, some more rebellious Koorime learn outside vocabulary enough to read books smuggled into the village- Yukina being one, having gotten some books and was taught to read them from the same Koorime who eventually told her of her brother.
There's also some groups that have exclusive languages to identify each other or to share secrets, and its seen as a betrayal worthy of death to teach any of it to outsiders, but that has mostly fallen out of practice. Youko used to have such a thing, which I rarely engaged in aside from learning information for some of my heists. I wasn't keen on sharing my own secrets, but I was certainly interested to gain any knowledge I could, particularly in relation to treasure. Honestly, that's likely why the language fell out eventually- there's not much sense of unity among us Youko anymore. Also, I've taught some of it to Hiei for the hell of it, haha. I would've done so even if it wasn't practically a dead language by now, I've never really cared to respect the rules of it.
Aside from that, there's some races of demons who have entirely different forms of communication, though it's extremely unlikely to cross paths with them. Demons that have such unusual biology where they dont even use speech like most others are typically found in more unusual areas deep in the Makai, or places that are simply uninhabitable to other forms of life.
As for what I dream in, it's usually a mix of the vernacular in the Makai and Japan, but more so the former. Since they're already related, they flow together easily.
And as of right now, I don't desire to learn more languages anytime soon, as I'm happy to simply spend my time where I live in Japan for now. Though, I would like to travel the Ningenkai at some point so I can experience more of what this world has to offer, so eventually I'll learn more of the different lexicons around the globe. There's not really any in particular I have in mind to start with, however. Perhaps I'll begin with Chinese, since I already know a moderate amount. I have been to China, but it's been much too long, and few too many times. The styles in clothing have particularly left an impact on me, though- it's inspired a lot of my designs for my tunics.
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unlockthelore · 4 years
The benefit of building a resistance is being able to withstand deprivation but Hiei isn’t sure he’ll ever grow accustomed to being without this. From the fic Fluent on Ao3. For more updates, follow the fluent yyh tag on this blog. 
“Well, don’t you look handsome?”
Hiei snorted at the compliment as slender fingers adjusted the collar of his uniform. To his dismay, the closeness needed for Kurama to fuss over him rendered him unable to look ahead or upward without accidentally meeting the fox’s gaze. Time had given him an unfair advantage in beauty and wiles, gifting inexhaustible methods of disarming Hiei much to his chagrin. Though he’d hoped being in such close proximity to Kurama would’ve given him some resistance, recent changes to the nature of them left him at a loss.
After finally getting the collar tips to stay, Kurama cupped the underside of his jaw delicately and brushed a kiss to the Jagan’s ward. A muttered grumble passed through Hiei’s lips just as a pleasant chill crept down his spine, barely resisting the urge to lean into the kiss when their room door creaked open. Immediately, Hiei whipped his head to one side, catching the faint sliver of pale blue and crimson streaking from the doorway. Tiny footsteps becoming soundless as they hurried down the corridor. His shoulders slumped the further they went. Kurama patted his shoulder sympathetically, and Hiei looked up to him.
“If you speak to her, perhaps you’ll be able to discern the meaning for her discontent.”
Hiei grimaced. While he wasn’t thrilled to leave for the Rites of Succession, it was common knowledge that he would have to depart. However, common knowledge didn’t lend to understanding much to his dismay. No matter how much he tried to will her to understand, he doubted they would see eye to eye before he parted. Kurama’s hand slipped from his shoulder, brushing a trail along his lower back, stifled by his overcoat.
“If you don’t speak to her, you’ll regret it.”
Hiei whipped his head back to him at the assumption and met kindly green eyes lined with steel determination and knowing. Swallowing the lump of words gathered in his throat, he sighed. Ticking filled the silence and as it stretched on, Hiei felt the need to do or say something growing. Yanking at the wide pink collar of Kurama’s sweater to bring him closer, a sharp kiss almost on the verge of bruising beginning. Noses brushing uncomfortably, teeth nearly clacking but with a firm hand to his jaw and a whispered word, the wrinkles between them smoothed out in exchange for pleasure.
Kurama’s lips finding his own in a gentle embrace and the collar relinquished from his vicious grip. Their separation never going far, the Jagan burning beneath the touch of Kurama’s forehead to his own. It shouldn’t have been this hard. Frustration impatiently lapping at his insides like the tide. And if it would stop time, he would destroy that incessant clock ticking away. But it wouldn’t and it would hardly aid him in this. Sharing a lingering look with Kurama, the fox whispered a soft word in a Youko dialect Hiei had only a half-understanding of from his copious and at times joking lessons.
“This is part of being an uncle,” Kurama said as she smiled and kissed the corner of his lips then ushered him toward the door.
Needling aside, a swell of emotion fit Hiei close to burst as he descended down the steps and found his boots, customary of Mukuro’s uniform design, missing. The trail of youki was diffused but lingered enough to lead him to the sprawling grasslands surrounding the back of his and Kurama’s home. Treading through the grass dyed a light brown from the afternoon sun descending across a honey gold sky, he found himself at the base of one of his favorite sleeping trees. Its trunk had split into two winding boughs, one stretching higher into the sky with thick bushels of leaves while the other was a bit lower, housing dozing birds and their nests. Butterflies taking to circling its base and entertaining themselves on the flowers Kurama planted.
Hiei knelt down, brushing his fingers along translucent petals. A jolt of youki and the petals glowed, reflecting the sun’s light and filling out in color. Tipping his head upward to the shadows of the tree’s boughs, his eyes softened and he laid a hand against the tree trunk.
For a second, there was no response and he half considered dirtying the uniform to climb the tree. It wasn’t as if it wouldn’t be destroyed by the end of his trip anyhow. Yet, to save him the trouble, two small legs appeared from beneath a tree branch followed by a small hand clutching the laces of his boots tightly. Hiei bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling with pride as she descended from the tree, once cautious step at a time, finding footholds in the aged bark.
The groove where the boughs separated allowing her to stand, looming at least a head over him, despite her small stature.
“What are you doing?” Hiei asked in spite of the redundancy he felt, unfazed by wide expressive crimson eyes narrowing at him exasperatedly. “Give those here.”
She scowled. “No.”
On a face that so closely resembled his sister’s in her youth, he would have hardly expected such an angry expression. However, he’d seen Yukina when she was discontent and even more when she was angry. While his niece had decades before she reached the epitome of her mother’s skill in glaring, she was well on her way.
Raising a brow curtly, Hiei motioned for her to explain and Hinata’s bare foot stamped against the wood. Frost gathering along the moss and catching his eye as some of the butterflies scattered.
“You won’t come back.”
Hiei scowled. “Why would you say that?”
The only way he wouldn’t return is from death. Did she really think so little of him? Her expression crumpled and the anger she seemed to hold onto so desperately was beginning to leave her. Averting her gaze, she clutched the boots tightly to her chest and crouched down in a curled ball.
“You like it better there…”
Hiei’s eyes softened and he glanced over his shoulder, finding Kurama’s silhouette in the doorway. If there was any wisdom for him to be given to combat this perception, the fox didn’t seem to be keen on sharing. Perhaps he was interested as well — learning how deep the change had run in Hiei’s heart and mind. His reluctance to leave in determination to launch into a fight.
For Kurama who’d known of his ways, it would be easier to understand.
For Hinata who knew him as her uncle, there was a different kind of want in presence.
Hiei sighed and stepped forward, his socked feet brushing against the moss-covered tree roots. Using one of the footholds to pull himself up and reach her, brushing his fingers across her hair.
“I like the ginkgo tree outside of the temple, I like eating your uncle’s cooking even if he won’t let me reach into the pot, I like watching you catch fireflies past your bedtime —” Hiei was hard pressed to keep his voice calm, hoping his desperation to not see her cry wouldn’t betray him, and as her head whipped up to look at him, he sighed catching the familiar scowl.
“You promised you wouldn’t tell.”
Hiei chuckled, stepping back and lowering himself to the grass, opening his arms to her. “Then come here and I’ll whisper it to you.”
She seemed to think it over for a second. Nursing the boots to her chest and shifting from her perch, peering down at him with trepidation. Resisting the urge to fidget, Hiei almost exhaled in relief when she leapt down into his waiting arms. His hold on her shifting to a cradle and the boots were forgotten as they fell from her grasp, her arms slipping around his neck. Years ago, he might’ve found the hold restrictive and fought against it but this was neither here nor there.
And he would never raise a hand to her.
“I like it there,” Hiei murmured, stepping back into the grass to hide his stumble as he turned back toward the house’s veranda where Kurama awaited. “And I love it here.”
Hinata shifted in his arms, looking up with tears glossing her eyes and his heart threatened to shatter. “Can I come with you…?”
“Not this time,” Hiei said as he hugged her close, letting her head rest against his shoulder.
“Then when…?” She murmured against the side of his neck and the cool touch of her small hands reminded him of how easily he could be killed. And how unafraid he felt.
“Someday,” Hiei sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head then setting his lips against her crown. “I promise.”
Pulling away enough to look at the soft rounded features, sharp eyes boring into his own observingly, Hiei nodded firmly and Hinata smiled.
“… Okay, but you promised.”
Another change, Hiei thought as he lowered her to the grass and let her lead him by the hand after his boots had been gathered. It was almost comedic. Her tiny hand grasping his own and tugging him across the field to the veranda where Kurama greeted her, congratulating her on eluding him for so long. Promises, entertaining the whims of a small child, of a man who just as easily vexed him as he did endear him.
Sitting down on the veranda, Hiei barely looked up as a chilly press to his cheek preluded Hinata’s departure inside. Kurama taking his place and not saying a word when his movement to tie his boots slowed. Unconsciously brushing his knuckles to his cheek and redirecting the heat in his body to keep the cool touch for a while longer.
Could he really call it a mistake?
Looking to Kurama and catching the sunlight on crimson hair, amused green eyes and a smile so familiar yet new as if he were seeing it for the first time —
Hiei hardly noticed when he had moved. When he fisted Kurama’s sleeve and tugged him forward, kissing him again soundly.
“You have to leave,” Kurama said breathily when the first kiss ended, his cheeks flushed pink reminding Hiei painfully of their first kiss.
“Shut up,” Hiei demanded, tugging him closer to kiss him again, screwing his eyes shut.
After the second, Kurama sounded bemused and spoke in an almost lilting tone. “Kirin will be irritated with you.”
Hiei wanted to say he cared less. Why would Kurama not stop talking? Let Mukuro come fetch him if she liked or for Kirin to come and complete the Rites here. He wouldn’t mind showing his niece or his friend — partner — husband —
So many new words in such a short span of time but each one set his heart aflame.
“I said silence.”
“No you didn’t.”
“Kura— ” Another kiss was pressed to Hiei’s lips, effectively cutting him off and drowning him in sensation all at once. Gentle fingers brushing along the underside of his chin to the curve of his neck before settling at his collar. Touches he wouldn’t have allowed before but felt himself aching for with how close they were coming to being without it for a time.
Parting with a light kiss pressed to the corner of his lips, Kurama’s signature, and his smile in view of Hiei’s lidded eyes. “I’ll miss you too.”
It wasn’t long after, Kurama’s forehead touching to his own and Hinata squeezing him tight around the neck for one last hug, that Hiei was set to depart. Mukuro waved from the forest line where a waiting portal would be on a trail where the connection between the Ningenkai and Makai was at its strongest. To take him back to a land away from this idyllic peace.
Hiei stopped by her side and if Mukuro had an issue with his dalliance, she said nothing. Looking back down the winding paths that would lead to his home, he thought of how he had gotten here. The fate he had been bestowed, the path he tread.
And the realization he could come back home.
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