#Oddly Specific Asks
nickalart · 7 months
2 15 33 34 48 57
I'm gonna answer these as if it's later in Ocha's story and she's already making googly eyes at her human love interest because that's fun for me (Iris still being designed). >:3c
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Answers under the cut! (I can type a lot of words.)
(No, really.)
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
Ocha was very lonely growing up. She had a very strange relationship (and power dynamic) with the people around her who were not related to her, and thus was isolated. Ocha uses the word "friend" almost exclusively for animals, or people of a species other than her own.
(TL;DR: extra strict)
15. What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home around her family, at work in public (no family), at school training, with friends, and when they’re alone?
Changed a few of the places because the worldbuilding context didn't quite fit. I am not actually sure if there is a formal education system in her home, and Ocha fled before she could properly take her place at her "job."
Around Family
Ocha almost completely shuts down around her remaining family. It's almost scary how much she'll go from her normal self to totally blank. And by "family" I mean specifically her grandmother/the whole unit. She would react to her father with cold anger/distance. The only living family member she has a positive relationship with is Gramps, a man that isn't related to her by blood or by marriage - he's a trusted family friend and Ocha's rock.
(TL;DR: mostly flat affect)
Ocha HATES the combat training her grandma is so fond of. It's one of the few times she'd get frustrated enough to be openly angry at her grandmother, or openly angry in general. The same goes for all of her training, with varying levels of frustration.
(TL;DR: uncharacteristically whiny)
In Public (without family)
In her new community (in public), Ocha is friendly and diligent in helping take care of the community. She's still got walls up, but much less than with her family. She's mostly just reveling in being a normal person.
(TL;DR: friendly and willing to help, but oddly distant)
Around Friends
Ocha's animal friends get a very unguarded version of her, but the friendship is far less complex with them. Her friendships with people are rarer, but they do happen. Ultimately, Ocha is friendlier with friends, but still oddly distant.
(TL;DR: has mile high walls that go down to building-high walls with friends)
Beware, when Ocha is alone is when she does the most reckless stuff. When she learned a school of magic by herself, when normally it would take careful supervision in an apprenticeship to start practicing, she was alone. If she feels trapped or bored, she WILL be a problem. Otherwise, she enjoys the peace and quiet. She also tends to talk to herself when she thinks she's alone.
(TL;DR: up to no good when unhappy)
33. How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
If Ocha dislikes a person, she'll be very stiff or formal with them, but still not unkind. Unless the person is a member of her immediate family. If it's a family member, Ocha is not above saying some really fucked up things out of anger.
There are very few people Ocha truly hates. Perhaps even only one. The supreme ruler of The Conclave has a lot to answer for, after all. For them, Ocha would react with smoldering anger under a thin veil of niceties.
(TL;DR: veiled animosity and avoidance)
34. How do they greet someone they like / love?
If Ocha likes a person, she makes a special effort to greet them. Ocha is a very touchy person, so hugs, holding hands, and shoulder pats are fairly normal for greetings.
Her biggest tell if she's got a crush on someone that she's obviously friendly with is that she'll be a bit more restrained with touching.
(TL;DR: she's a hugger)
48. Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
Children. Ocha would without question do something she absolutely hated if a child really wanted to do the thing with her (within reason).
After she starts developing feelings for Iris, Ocha would without question (and without saying anything about her own preferences) say yes if Iris asked her to do something she actually hated doing.
Ocha will also do quite a few things she doesn't like if she thinks it will truly help someone else.
(TL;DR: good with kids, and a bit self sacrificial)
57. What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
Despite Ocha's father being a tailor, Ocha's stitches are absolutely abysmal. It wasn't for lack of trying, he tried to teach her. At the very least, Ocha can repair something and it will stay repaired, even if the repair is a bit of an eyesore. It's a bit important when you live with people that don't necessarily wear clothes the same way as you, but you don't feel comfortable walking around nude.
(TL;DR: seamwork doesn't run in the family)
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bobapplesimblr · 2 years
18, 23, and 29 for the ask game :3
18. your boba/tea order?
I actually tried boba this year!!! Not with tea or milk tea though. It was orange juice with passionfruit popping boba, and it was so goddamn good. I would have that every day if I could, but the place I went to is in another city :(
23.do you wear jewelry?
If I have to go out, yes. But mostly only earrings and only sometimes rings and necklaces. I love fun earrings, and I've only had my ears pierced for a year. And I am so happy.
29. preferred pasta noodle?
If ramen style noodles count, then that would be my favorite. If not, then I love fusilli (the spiral pasta).
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
Who are you Nonnie?
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Who are you?
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Also 5 and 29 for the oddly specific asks :>>
5.) favorite form of potato?
Mashed for sure, like all potatoes fuck but I love mashed potatoes
29.) preferred pasta noodle?
Rotini! I love the little spiral noodles so much
Thank you for all the asks!
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woklaza · 9 months
Mafia Soukoku headcanon: Chuuya was forced to learn to play the piano by Kouyou so he has better 'mind coordination'. So in their apartment, there's a piano in the living room. Dazai, being Dazai, would hide stuff inside the piano until it finally broke one day.
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Chuuya, practicing: Dazai, being a perfect pitch: Why did the song start with D instead of E? Chuuya: I guess the piano got old. *continues playing* A loud twang from inside the piano: Bwangggg Chuuya: What the...? *Checks the inside of the piano* Chuuya, abnormally quiet: Dazai. Dazai, all innocent-like: Yes? Chuuya: There are 12 cans of tinned crabs, a moulding sandwich, a pouch of diamonds, 40 bottles of painkillers and A WHOLE BOTTLE OF PETRUS-
The Petrus apparently broke the strings for being too heavy. Chuuya and Dazai decided to keep the broken piano and not discard it.
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nureyevs-worst-alias · 5 months
are you. are you arthur-lesters-right-arm
Before I answer that I'd like to plead the fifth and I'd also like you to know that I have plausible deniability and a deadly firearm
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frenzyarts · 5 months
It’s not enough for me to know people’s niche kinks. I need to know WHY they like them. I need to look into their brain.
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aeolianblues · 5 months
The weirdly life affirming thing about fandom and some of the adoration that comes with it, particularly as pertains to real people, is that fans will love all the parts of you. That what is deemed ‘marketable’ by the press release and everything else they left out. If you come from something, fans will keep it alive. A Sam Fender fan away in Nebraska, USA will learn the Geordie dialect to accurately write Sam Fender x reader fanfic. They will keep alive a dialect declining even in Newcastle. As long as someone knows it, it lives on. The more people into it, the more beloved it becomes; it has a resurgence, it carries on. A Kneecap fan in Indonesia whose third language is English decides Irish Gaeilge can be their fourth. The Eurovision fans decided they can learn all of Finnish after being drawn to one song about piña coladas (and the super endearing Käärijä!)
Fandom is so much more than some base lowly shit to be embarrassed about that people like to reduce it to. It’s a powerful mode of culture. It’s so much more than about writing ‘your silly little stories about your pathetic men’; fandom is the reason American Blur fans flew thousands of miles overseas to be at Wembley last summer. Fandom is checking your IG stories after that gig and seeing that other well-loved musicians also have the same story as you because they were at that gig too. It is months later hearing Grian Chatten from Fontaines D.C. say that part of their new song was inspired by going to that Wembley show, and knowing exactly what he meant by that.
It is about shared cultural moments, it’s about the realisation that nothing is ever strictly in the past, and that we are sharing and creating culture in the now. I don’t know where I’m going with this, I was just struck by the connection between culture and pop culture. Don’t let people tell you they’re different worlds, I suppose
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kaeyachi · 23 days
Have you all imagined the days where Kaeya would scream in frustration when he tries to create a Khaenri'ahn dish, but the dish just doesn't taste quite right?
How about the helpless feeling he gets when he barely remembers what ingredients go in his homeland's dishes?
And what about the cravings that have never been satisfied since he was a child because his father didn't teach him how to make them?
For an adventurous food lover... perhaps forever losing your nation's food might just be the most painful thing.
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blueskittlesart · 4 months
are there any taylor swift songs you think fit with zelda and link?
the prophecy and the archer are botw zelda songs 1 million percent. you are in love, timeless, labyrinth, everything has changed, peace, gold rush, invisible string, and daylight are all zelink songs to me to varying degrees. you see the vision
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miku-meeku · 8 months
does amy get rid of the whitney collar ™ whenever he puts it on her?
no, because it's a gift by whitney. why would she get rid of a lovely gift from her boyfriend? ^p^
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tho then again...if you think about it, she may be into it secretly so-
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bobapplesimblr · 2 years
2, 5 & 9 from the oddly specific asks? I love the questions in this! 😅
Sure!! These are fun!
2. thoughts on veganism?
I thought about going vegan actually. I have a really weird and strained relationship with food and animal products and I thought the vegan recipes seemed cool, but I ended up not doing that. Mostly because I didn't really have the resources and money at that time for it. And as for other people that go vegan, I'm perfectly fine with them as long as they don't make a scene out of it or try to guilt trip other people. Stating facts about how factory farming is horrible for the environment and trying to make someone regret their entire existance for eating a burger or a piece of cheese are two completely different things. Facts are important, and knowing how certain industries affect our planet is important, but destroying someone's day is not worth is and honestly the WORST way of going about trying to get more people to go vegan.
I wanted to go vegan because the cooking seemed fun, interesting, fresh and like an adventure. Because I discovered channels and people that made the lifestyle compelling. Not because of people like the vegan teacher and people like that who use their platform to try and make everyone feel gross and terrible about just living how most of us were raised to live, with meat and fish in our diets.
5. favorite form of potato?
I've answered this one before but it's a tie between homemade fries and mashed potatoes!
9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
I absolutely do not, and I never had acne. I never wash my face in the morning either. My mom tried to get me to do it over the years but I just never grew used to it :P I've thought of getting a multi step skincare routine but I don't think I'll ever get to it. Which I know I'm going to regret in the future!
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jules-ln · 2 months
My interpretation of Odysseus's personality is that in a modern AU he would try to study some kind of engineering because he always thought that was what intelligent people study
Only to be disappointed and drop out in the first year saying that it wasn't what he imagined
Then he would go on to study philosophy and he would start smoking weed
He would study all the career but drop out the last year saying "I don't need a paper to tell me that I'm a real philosopher!!!" And go on to write a bunch of really famous and very complex books about philosophy and some fantasy novels
But if you look at him he just look like a middle-aged stoner that lives in the basement of his parents
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Hey so, i kinda am a little confused at how things make more sense now, (referring to the post with tigers) how does it makes sense now?
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Okay, this is a reference to this post:
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I am cracking up at this meme format every time hdfshsdg I assume you both are referring to the last part and not just anon, since the first one is kinda simple: Marika's reactionary paranoia towards any subspecies that believes they are divine has backstory, former deifying of Crucible was part of her clever plan to screw Hornsent over as soon as she can since they mention her "betrayal" and snakes are seen as traitor of the Erdtree as Messmer and his simps were thrown under the bus blablabla we heard all this
As for Ensha: My friend @val-of-the-north made a better post on the topic here ( x )! I recommend simply reading it, but I will summarise anyway!
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So, the gold of the Erdtree and Scadutree are connected as they're two sides of each other, for starters! Ensha's bones are strangely golden too, and they even share the same passive power of slowly healing the wearer as gold of the Erdtree with their stones of tailsmans depicting the Erdtree sap! It is now very likely to suggest that he was a warrior blessed in a similar way, but brought back since he was a king, a very important figure!
The term 'soulless' is otherwise used exclusively for the Demigods that died in the Night of the Black Knives; Godwyn and those who are now buried in Mausoleums and guarded by their headless knights! Ensha is not only called that, but also his "weapon" is a literal skeletal arm latching onto him 🤔 Him having been one of the warriors blessed upon death, but having his death somehow disturbed after Shattering works naturally! Maybe other corpses instinctively crawled towards him because the healing power still lives in him. I also like to think that this golden energy was what deceived D's radar x) Besides, Roundtable Hold welcomes not only Tarnished because Dolores, stated to once have been a part of the Roundtable Hold, wasn't one for example:
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Radiant golden eyes are not the thing that happens with Tarnished, with the exception of Anastasia who became monstrous upon eating many people ( x ) Hers are closer to the effect of eating Dragons' hearts on the eyes than grace
(P.S. Mentioned already, but Ensha can't talk and Alberich, who was driven mad by people talking shit about him, coincidentally drops a Tainter's Tongue which is also golden! Alberich was heretical from the Golden Order standpoint, so Ensha's backstory being linked with it would explain speaking not kindly of him.. and paying I guess 💀 )
As for Dung Eater: Apparently, sun-face is connected with the Fell God!
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I need a button on my keyboard that just says 'sorry I forgot to copy a screenshot' fdshdfhsd Okay so, I did kinda think that 'the guidance he once saw' was supposed to refer to being called by Grace, especially since Gold has subtle connection with the sunlight. But even back then it didn't make much sense because all Tarnished depicted in the intro were shown to be raised from their deaths by Grace (except for maybe Fia but overall it is complicated how deathbed mechanics works)! And so he already had the sun symbol before:
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Besides, according to Boggart, who shared jail with him (weird flex to put a thief together with a serial killer but sure), he was already doing.. whatever he was doing. So I decided I didn't have enough braincells to understand and left it for later, and I was right I guess fhhdfsd
Apparently, Fell God has connection with the horns, so, Crucible! It is like a missing link in why two of Marika's children were born Omens and why Leonine Misbegotten, the ones with red manes, are internally known as 'children of radagon' ( x )! Also, one of the Leonine has Radagon's sword!
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Omens also are haunted by Wraiths, who are both fire creatures and have horns:
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^ a kind of 'fire' Omens with uncut horns can summon, fire Morgott explodes into upon stage transition, and also Dung Eater can summon wraiths too! The wraiths do respond to the bells of wraith-callers as well!
The nature of these spirits is for another tangent (and yes I do have a guess fdhfds), but yes it seems like that the "guidance" he envisioned was actually about Fell God, and not Grace! His goal is and already was to curse everyone with Omen stuff, whatever is the reason. He might have came in contact with a weird power and decide it was a good goal to pursue, much like Gowry and Shabriri (Flame of the Fell God states that Fell God still lurks even after death). Or maybe he was strangely in contact with the wraiths despite not being an Omen himself, and their own yearning for curse upon everyone descending from Marika rubbed onto him? (could also explain why he feels like he should have been born an Omen) Or maybe he himself just researched a lot, in simple terms, he is Just Like That xD In any case there is finally some extra context to it!
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eeedoodlez · 4 days
Hello, pleasure to meet you, friend.
I really like your doodles about Lies of P ,and I have some ideas to share.
Say,if it's possible,can you make some doodles with Pino hanging out with Claudia (Red Fox),as a couple?Also,try to make Pino slightly taller than her.
The source of my idea is,Pino absorbed the memories and energy within Nameless Puppet(Carlo),became a human man,and being able to protect Claudia and Lucio,like a family.(Sort of like he made up his choice,chose people he wanted to protect,and created his own path of life.)(A better timeline,or a True Ending,you can say.)
If you need some references,go check out the artworks of DMESCA,she also posted several fantastic pics about"P X Red Fox"in Tumblr due to my requests.😉
Thank you again for hearing me out,have a nice day.🤠
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Would.... surely✨️
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tideswept · 8 days
On one hand, genderbent obianidala is very fun (even if obi-wan is still a guy). On the other hand, I don't think that Obi-Wan would let Anakin out of his sight; she looks at a guy and he starts having heart problems. When she goes out with Padme, Obi-Wan texts her every five minutes and is like "Are you dead. Are you okay. Do NOT have intercourse w/that man. Love, Obi"
how dare you be this funny
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