#hi tumblr sorry ive been gone for a little
sillybitchalert · 2 years
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the 2 spies hate the squirrel and the mole
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crystalkitty1220 · 20 days
Man I wonder where the leader of the fear realm could've gone, it's alMOST LIKE NEVIN HAS AN
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#had to re-edit the image real quick because the original edit was from a post I made about Drew years ago#and while the Drew thing is becoming less and less likely. Nevin havinv one has basically been canon since#someone mentioned Greg's (was it Britney's) aura being familiar in s2ch1. ive been putting together a list of every line#that points to Nevin's aura throughout the whole thing (most from s2ch1 but then s2ch10 came out and it was really canon at that point)#but clearly i'm running out of time to say ''i fucking called it'' before it's explicitly stated and i dont want to be in another situation#where somebody else will beat me to a theory and me posting anything about it will seem like copying them. sorry about that btw i had#thought i had already mentioned theorizing that nevin was possessed by a demon in that old theory i made but i had forgotten that one was#super old and was about sigma. so no copying there i just got extremely paranoid there was a mention of a cult and i was like ''nuh uh#that's way too specific and out there of a detail to end up in both our theories'' and i forgot the rest of my super old post was outdated#as hell. and echos had gone ''yeah they're so similar!'' and i took their word for it but now i'm realizing they were probably just trying#to be supportive. so yeah no copying there i was just beaten to the punch of saying something. but i will NOT back down from the aura shit#because i have been calling that shit FROM THE START or at least since i started reading ibvs back when ch20 came out.#also not backing down from saying chris was the worse friend because these past few chapters are the first time isaac has done anything tha#could knowingly upset chris meanwhile chris has. let edward drag isaac to the lair after isaac said edward would beat him up. chose not to#believe edward was holding the secrets over their heads because 'it was something isaac had said' and then immediately distrusted edward in#the next chapter because a random person he didn't know said to steal a book (might i mention how that entire scene proves chris' lack of#development and refusal to take responsibility because it perfectly alludes to when chris had brought those fireworks into his old school#and makes me wonder if charlie has actually gotten him in trouble with his past schools or if he's still just not taking responsibility#and if him following nevin to the woods to test out their powers is an extension of ''if something bad happens its not my fault''#like seriously this man would bring a mysterious suitcase onto a plane if he's told to). uh what was i talking about agai#anyway on a related note my mental state has only gotten worse since i left tumblr and the habit of thinking about chris instead of sleepin#or doing schoolwork has not stopped. so i was still failing for a while and might graduate now but am still staying away from tumblr.#so yeah this was a little update and im not going to linger this time im just going to leave tumblr again right after hitting post#addendum because i just can't let things go. and was thinking about chris again. i don't think his lack of development is because of bad#writing (anymore. i used to.). instead i'm certain his character arc is going to continue into him following someone (nevin probably) into#doing something really bad. and then he'll finally get actual consequences and go 'oh shit i fucked up real bad this time'#if you think that theory is reaching too far into the future you should hear mine about isaac dying at the end lmao
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love-bitesx · 1 year
Hey, luv ur last Hobie writing it was so good! so like as a request (sorry if my wording is a bit awk ive never requested anything on tumblr b4😭) hobie x fem reader (or not gendered i dont mind) on like what it would be like putting Hobie on music as a reader that listens to a ton of genres and not mainly punk rock- like would he be open minded on it etc. and also what falling asleep w him with music in the background would be like and stuff. like a little one-shot on that (or hc’s!)
gonna hug every anon/req ever i love u lot so much <3 this is kind of just a ranty headcanon one shot. thing. i think. we'll find out. i think im physically incapable of writing a short one shot, i just love this guy too much thank u for the req!!! love u also, this is strictly my headcanon and my opinion, if there's something canon that contradicts this, my apologies!! this is just a bit of fun :)
i think he'd be somewhat open-minded, but he'd have his strict no-nos. pop music being that, or anything on the radio, he tells you it's just propaganda from the 'system'. remember, this guy is an anarchist, plus so much more.
having grown up in england, london specifically, i think he'd be partial to uk hip hop, grime, garage, alt rock, alternative music, etc. anything that sparks a bit of controversy. anything from the streets, the people. plenty of those genres stem from rock'n'roll music anyway, so i wouldn't be surprised.
you're laying in your room one night, it's dark outside, the night crawling in as a gentle breeze drifts through your open window. headphones plugged into your phone, you scrolled through a newly made playlist, brows furrowed in thought as you tried to remember anymore songs you wanted to add.
humming along to the tune echoing in the headset, you were absolutely zoned out. it wasn't until a large pair of hands grabbed your waist, did you crash back down to earth. ripping the headphones off your head, you jumped back in defense.
"what did i tell you about leaving your window open, y/n?" hobie scolded you, a playful smirk on his lips, standing up straight, looking down at you, "could've been any dickhead coming in here, y'know?"
"not just any dickhead can scale 7 floors and climb in through my window, hobie," you rolled your eyes, fixing the mess you made when you threw your headphones and phone on the bed.
"yeah," he leant down, until his face was but an inch from your own, "only the really bad ones can."
with that, and a devilish grin, he pressed his lips against yours, using his advantage to push you backwards onto the bed, climbing on, making himself comfortable on the mattress next to you, holding you close to him. your hands went to his chest, feeling it rise and fall under your touch.
"i missed you," he muttered between kisses, his piercing ice cold against your lips, sending chills down your spine.
"i missed you, too, hobie," you whispered back, welcoming his touch on your waist.
pulling back with a smirk, he reached for the phone in your hand, opening it up.
"what were you listening to so intensely?" he quizzed, but his question was instantly answered at the name of the playlist you had made.
for hobie
to say he was stunned, was an understatement. this was new to him, no one had ever made him a specially made playlist before, no one had gone to the effort. his heart swelled. scrolling through, he saw an array of artists that he hadn't even heard of before, mixes of genres that he knew you loved.
"sorry, it's really silly," you dismissed, reaching for your phone at his blunt response, suddenly feeling a wave of insecurity.
his eyes snapped to yours, shocked at your reaction, "what? no, absolutely not."
though his stomach twisted slightly at the thought of listening to lana del rey? whoever that was, he wasn't sure, but the fact you listened to it, thought of him, and thought of him so much you made it into a playlist dedicated to him? well, he'd be an idiot to refuse that.
"i love it, darlin', thank you," his smile was soft, genuine, one you only see him give to you, which is why you loved it so dearly.
"baby, who's kendrick lamar?"
it was a late night, you were exhausted from working all day, and the 7 staircase climb wasn't ideal, now that the elevator in your block had stopped working. dumping all your stuff in the living room, quickly throwing on some clothes from the dryer and a quick bathroom visit, you nudged open the door to your bedroom.
you knew hobie was crashing at yours, it was more rare when he wasn't.
what you didn't expect was the sound of mellow, soft music coming from inside. continuing quietly, you peered around the door to see your boyfriend, barely under the covers, sound asleep on your bed. eyes scanning the room, you saw his phone, open on the mattress beside him.
silently stepping over, your heart melted at what you saw on his phone screen. the playlist you had made him, shuffled, playing through the speakers on his phone.
chest warm and full of adoration for this man, you leant down to place a kiss on his temple, smiling at the way his body reacted to your touch.
he was an angel, of sorts.
though you complained about it at first, hobie would definitely need music to fall asleep to. sometimes he was so tired that the second his head hit the pillows and his arms wrapped themselves around you, he was asleep. but mainly, he played music from the speakers in either of your rooms.
the only issue with this, however, is that his music was never stereotypical sleeping music.
whilst only on a low volume, just something to keep his mind from fuzzing too much as he tried to sleep, you weren't a stranger to falling asleep to the likes of ramones, dead kennedys, motörhead, sex pistols, etc.
he loved you for it though, beyond grateful with your patience with him.
a/n: golly gosh i love this man so much
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gaiathemexicanbeauty · 8 months
Imagine: Mike is back at his mall security guard job, and reader works at the support desk, but more specifically; is in charge of the lost and found.
1st time was because he found an forgotten phone (or something), and was told to take it to the lost and found, where he first met reader.
Then he starts being extra vigilent when walking around, looking for any item that looks misplaced or lost, no matter how unimportant, just as an excuse to go to the lost and found to talk to reader
(Ive never done this before, so sorry if i did anything wrong!)
lost and found | mike schmidt x reader
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word count: 1.2k
warnings: none! just a nice little fluffy piece about a sad sad man lol <3
to the asker, i hope you know that i saw this in my inbox and literally squealed, i was waiting for someone to drop a mike request
i hope that this is to your liking, i was going back and forth trying to decide how to start this off and coming up with tiny little ideas to add
also this probably goes without saying, but i have never worked at a mall nor interacted with mall staff if i can help it so if anything sounds off, feel free to correct me
to anyone who also writes on tumblr, pls tell me how you avoid using y/n, i tried to work around it as much as possible but some times just called for it
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you hold your polite (albeit strained) smile to the blubbering woman walking away, unsure what to do with yourself as whoever she stands with rubs her back in comfortable circles. another lost wedding ring, gone to the test of time as long as the mall shall live: it's not that you didn't feel bad but after wedding ring #120, you kind of start to get used to the routine of things. lost and found wasn't your first choice when you first started working here but as long as you were getting a paycheck, you weren't going to complain. your side of the mall was rarely visited anyway, giving you the opportunity to do plenty of people watching when you weren't rummaging through piles of lost sweaters and purses.
you let out a quiet sigh once the customers are gone, sitting back in your seat and picking up the book you had once been reading; not like there was anything better to do. fully immersed in your book, you don't even notice the footsteps coming up to the counter. "um, hey." you jolt a bit at the sound of a voice, your gaze snapping from your book to whoever is standing only a few feet away. you have to hold back your reaction when you meet his eyes, tired but trying their best to look interested; it takes you a second to realize this is security and not another customer. "shoot, sorry." you mumble with an awkward smile as you sit up, resting your book in your lap to give the man in front of you your full attention. "how can i help you?" with a thin-lipped smile, he holds up a purse; from the looks of the logo on it, it's obvious this is designer.
you whistle as you take the purse from him, examining it with raised eyebrows. "well, you don't see this everyday. someone should come back for it, thanks." you say, flashing a grin at the security guard as he gives you a much more genuine smile. "no problem. if i had known lost and found got to see stuff like this, i would have put in to work over here instead." he says with a chuckle, folding his hands in front of him as he leans on the counter. "oh, we don't get interesting stuff that often, i promise you." you say with a roll of your eyes, putting the purse behind the counter; anyone in their right mind would come back for this thing. "enlighten me." before you can say something, the security guard outstretches a hand to you with a smile. "i'm mike, by the way. i work security." he says as you shake his hand, raising your eyebrows at him playfully. "(y/n). to give you some insight into how very little happens here, try and guess how many gachapon toys i have behind this counter."
and just like that, you've made a friend; not that you'd admit that mike wasn't sore on the eyes this soon. you just found it easy to talk to him considering you had never seen him around up until this point. after your first meeting, mike would regularly stop by whether he had something lost to leave with you or not: if you were lucky, he would even join you for lunch or walk you out at the end of a shift. little by little, you couldn't help but anticipate his arrival, the same relaxed smile always on his face much unlike the first time he'd approached you.
it's been almost a month by this point, you've had so many lost items deposited to you that after a while, throwing things away or reselling them (specific orders from your boss who was rather shocked at how many items you had in the back room) was required after a certain amount of time: not like anyone came back for them anyway. today was no different than the rest, the sounds of buzzing conversation in the distance from the more crowded areas of the mall. you pop the gum in your mouth as you paint your thumbnail a light-yellow color, scrunching your nose a bit at the smell of the nail polish. you blow softly on it, your eyes glancing up to scan your surroundings. what you see nearly makes you laugh. mike is walking over, seemingly at his normal pace before something catches his attention; whatever it is, you most definitely can't see it. when he stoops down to inspect it, he makes a face that you can only decipher as him being slightly annoyed. he catches you looking at him, an embarrassed smile on his face as he makes the rest of the walk of shame over to you when he realizes he's been caught.
"well, what is it this time? a broken watch? some cap with an unexplainable stain on it?" "what kind of person do you take me for? i'm just a faithful employee trying to do my job." mike says as he extends his arms with a playful smile, making you role your eyes as you abandon your nail polish to look up at the man in front of you. you close your eyes as you hold out your hand to him expectantly, waiting for him to drop something into your palm; after how often he came around, you made it something of a guessing game as to what mike was going to bring out. surprisingly, it's small, definitely plastic from the muted sound it makes when it lands in your hand. "it's a toy." "warm enough. you can open your eyes." you start to say something, opening your eyes and inspecting the item in your hand before you pause.
a small, plastic cat sits on a swing, it's paws holding on to the small chains attached to a brightly colored tab; it's obvious you could hang this off a shelf. your cheeks redden a bit as a sheepish smile grows on your face, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear as your other hand holds it up to inspect it further. you'd never actually stopped at the capsule toy machines yourself, starting your collection only a few weeks after starting your job when they popped up so frequently at the counter. "you like it?" you blink at mike as he smiles fondly at you, one hand propping his chin up; you swear you can see a hint of smugness in his gaze. "it's..yeah. it's cute." you say, unable to help the way you giggle a bit as you hang the toy on the edge of the counter. "good. better hope no one come's looking for it." he chuckles softly, his eyes dropping from yours for a moment as you stare in delight at the newest addition to your collection. "i wouldn't give it to them anyway. not knowing you got it for me." mike's lips part a bit in shock, a scoff of disbelief leaving him despite the smile on his face as you smile up at him knowingly. he tries to defend himself, stuttering to say something before you're called by one of your coworkers. "duty calls." you giggle as you rise from your seat, pretending not to notice the way mike is still trying to recover from being caught as you make your way over to your coworker, a smile tugging at your lips.
SECOND ONE SHOT IN A WEEK HOLY MOLY THIS IS NEW to the asker, i hope you enjoyed this, i tried to add my own little spin to things just to give it that little extra romantic flair lol BUTTT i hope that all of you are having a good rest of your day/night/afternoon and stay safe! :D
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p-antomime · 2 years
I MISSED YOU SO MUCH SO MUCH, missed you, your writing, your big wise brain, your lovely persona, you as a whole
btw, may i ask with my goofy silly ass if you have any hot take with breedng & cyno? im sorry ive been really into this man the last days...
yessss, god heard you prayers and i'm back gladly, even though i'm shaking on my bones with fear of tumblr letting me out again... let's hope this doesn't happen please...
and not you putting me and my ass to work only at the 2nd day i'm back here?? love that from you, i have a lot to say about mr. General Mahamatra.
७ tw: breeding!kink.
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Cyno loves breeding. And that's the truth, he's past the point of trying to lie to himself and also of keeping it under lock and key because he can't go one night without being more intimate with you without thinking about your legs wrapping around his hips while his cock shovels all his hot cum deep inside you.
he even thinks that maybe this is in his DNA beyond a biological thing, because he senses like it's beyond a regular, temporary obsession with it, with feeling your hot body glued to his in a climax that seems to suffocate you both and threatens to leave you and him breathless, with noticing how small you are from inside and how you can barely keep all of his cream without spilling it seconds after he's gone, with seeing your eyes rolling up in euphoria as you feel his creamy jets at the same time as your hips try to push against his to prolong the moment a little longer, as much as possible.
on the initial day that you give him complete permission to always cum inside you, it's a strike. Cyno will feel like he's won the lottery and will take you no matter where you both are at the moment; in such cases decorum and composure lose out to the urgency and needs of the General Mahamatra, and he's not the least bit ashamed to admit both that and the fact that as soon as he's finished breeding you, he's automatically already thinking about the next time he'll have the opportunity to do so.
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tiredmako · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering could we get either a Frank Morrison or Ghostface x reader story where they’re in a relationship and they find out either Frank/Danny got injected with Blights serum.
Reader is then worried about him and rushes to try help him recover from the serums pain? And maybe the other killers seeing that being shocked that a survivor is caring for a killer. If that makes sense and isn’t too much!
Thank you 🤍
⭒kisses for my killer ~ frank morrison⭒
woahhhh sorry this took like forever to right... my play that im in is coming up and ive been pretty busy with that, but tech week is next week so ill be extra busy then but after im free for like!!! ever but anyways 2nd tumblr fic! woohoo ALSO! i had to do a ton of research on blight lore but it was super confusing but i promise i tried my best.... sorry if shes not perfect ;( also not proofread
the woods surrounding the survivor's campfire were dark and lonely. it was an ideal place for some sort of horrible crime- a child to get snatched up, a murder, or in this case, a betrayal.
whenever y/n wandered into the woods in hopes of ending up in ormond, they had a heavy pit in their stomach. if they were caught by another survivor- or worse, ended up in the wrong realm, they were done for. other survivors were already beginning to get suspicious about why they were sneaking out so much, and the lie of 'looking for offerings' was beginning to fail as they often came back with little to show for their long disappearance. if the other survivors found out why they were gone for so long, y/n would never live through another trial. y/n would forever have to keep their dirty little secret. no, not that secret. not the 'i left you on hook because i couldn't get to you in time' while in reality they were just too scared type of secret. a secret dirtier then that.
frank morrison. y/n being romantically involved with frank morrison was their dirtiest secret. a survivor and a killer. somebody who would spend eternity killing, and somebody who would be a victim to it all. not exactly the best pairing.
despite the... not so good circumstances, they still found their ways to love each other in secret. whether it be frank giving them the hatch or y/n helping him recover from a frenzy, they knew that no matter how small their action was it meant worlds to the other. such as in their last trial- they were with susie. after she'd massacred y/n's friends, she allowed them to hop into the hatch without a scratch on their skin. y/n knew for a fact that frank had something to do with this, which is why they'd decided to risk visiting ormond to say thank you. what they didn't expect, was to see frank before they'd even wandered out of the gloomy woods.
"frank?!" they yelped as he stumbled towards them.  his mask was long gone, and a panicked look was etched onto his face."are you okay? what happened?" he was limping and tripping over his own feet- clearly not in the best shape. he practically collapsed on top of them, y/n doing their best to hold him up.
"that stupid.." frank coughed violently as y/n began to slowly rub his back. "the fucking freak. blight. he tried to..." he leaned into them, gasping for breath. "experiment on me, or something." he'd ran away from the blight as fast as he could, but obviously had some disadvantages.
"what was it?"
"i don't know!" frank snapped, hugging them tightly. "fuck." he breathed out heavily. "i... sorry."
"no, frank, i'm so sorry..." they murmured, squeezing him tightly. "i don't know what to say, god that's so horrible." they gently rocked him. "you don't have to worry, though. he's not here, he can't hurt you. where were julie, susie, and joey?"
"they were in their own trials!" he gripped onto the back of their shirt tightly, allowing y/n to sit them both on the ground. his body was draped over theirs as they peppered kisses along his cheek and neck in an attempt to comfort him.
"well, he's not here anymore, okay? he can't touch you, i won't let him. i'll... beat him up, or something."
"you? you'll beat him up?" frank snickered, slowly beginning to calm down in their arms.
"or something like that." they rested their chin on his shoulder as he relaxed against them. "either way, you don't have to worry about him. you have a little team of people who'll keep you safe, yeah?"
"yeah, guess i do." frank paused, thinking for a minute. he squeezed them a bit tighter as he quietly spoke- his voice nearly silent. barely above a whisper. "i love you."
y/n smiled. "i love you more, frank."
off in the distance, joey, susie, and julie were watching in surprise. they knew from frank that him and y/n were in some sort of relationship, but the last thing the three of them expected was for y/n to be this... sweet on him. frank was a ruthless killer, yet here he was being cuddled and cooed at by a survivor. it was shocking to say the least, but in a sweet way. seeing that two victims of the entity were able to still find a light in the entity's realm filled the other three with some sort of... hope.
a hope for something better.
like + reblog for kisses <3
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purplelupins · 2 years
Sweet Dreams
|The Black Phone|
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V
Part VI
Grabber/Albert x fem!reader
Summery: Getting away from her life as a human punching bag took her somewhere she never could have imagined. But it seemed that even a basement with a masked man watching her could become home.
Warnings: depictions of physical and verbal abuse, manipulation, pet names, power imbalance, sexual tension, mild swearing, mentions of medical trauma, nsfw
This is a nsfw DARK story so if you are a minor DO NOT ENGAGE. If you are offended or triggered by the mentioned material, DO NOT ENGAGE. Simple as that. Please note that I do not condone what the Grabber has done in cannon, and I am only using him as a character in my story. If you message me with negativity or harassment, I will not respond. This is Tumblr, not Twitter. Please block the Grabber x reader tag if you are disgusted.
Albert had just finished his coffee, and was pulling on his uniform shirt when he heard Sampson’s bark.
He waited a moment, expecting to hear that sweet voice to tell Sampson to be quiet. For her to open the door and come find him; tell him all about her walk or an idea she had, and touch him like it didn’t turn her on until he had her folded in half begging for him to let her come…but the door never opened. Albert slowly walked to the front door, and looked out the window.
Fire erupted in his veins.
Sampson was there alone, barking and standing on his hind legs. Albert wrenched the door open and he looked around outside as fury filled him. His hands shook.
She was gone.
She had tricked him.
All this time, she wanted to leave.
Without a second thought, Albert pulled Sampson inside, threw the door shut, climbed into his van, and peeled out to speed down the road. He knew where she must have been when she ran, judging by how long it had taken Sampson to get back. He started there at the main road. Before that day, he loved that part of her walk when he went with her- she hated it. It made her feel exposed; like anyone could see her. But she also had a certain love for it because that had been the first time they saw one another. Normally he would have grinned at the memory of having his bunny run into his arms for the first time, but not that morning. That morning he began to wonder if it was all a lie.
He thought about her smiles, giggles, terrible jokes and tears that she had shared with him.
He hated how easily she had lulled him into her comfortable lies. Most of all he hated how he felt hurt by it.
Albert searched everywhere he could, but she wasn’t anywhere to be found, and he knew every place she could have possibly gone. He looked down every road possible, and finally went into town to see if she was stupider than he thought and tried to find safety in numbers. It wasn’t until he passed by the local coffee shop that he heard something that made him slam on his breaks.
He leaned out of his window to the three officers standing by their cruiser and plastered on his best friendly neighbour face. “Morning officers!” He called. They turned to him and gave him a nod. “Sorry to eavesdrop but I thought I heard you say something about a missing girl found, hey?” He asked as casually as possible.
One of them nodded though the others looked apprehensive. It didn’t matter, he only needed one rat to give in.
“Oh yeah. Heard it on the radio- they found her walking some dog like it was a normal day and took her right to the station. Apparently she took a fucking chunk out of one of the officers arms!” They all laughed a little.
He felt something shift inside him.
“She wasn’t running into the officer’s arms to take her home?” Albert asked joining in their laughter, though his smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“Nope…it’s for her own good though y’know…stupid thing doesn’t know what’s best for her.” An other one added.
Albert’s eye twitched. He didn’t know anything about his sweet girl. They needed to shut up.
“Christ…kids these days eh?” He rasped but he didn’t wait for a response before he took off towards the station.
Albert was sure his steering wheel would snap under the pressure of his grip. He was surprised he wasn’t pulled over for a ticket as his foot put the gas petal down to the floor the entire drive there.
He slammed the van into park outside the building and leapt out, marching up to the doors. He pushed them open, the door slamming with a loud thwack against the wall. The officer at the front reception looked up at him, then the two other officers standing by the desk.
While he knew he should keep his composure as best as possible, Albert could taste the adrenaline on his tongue and feel the anger he had in his skin. He took a long shallow breath as he approached the counter, ignoring the staring officers to the side.
Get to work for once you rats
“Morning. There’s a girl you brought in. Where is she?” He tried to stay calm, but it didn’t work.
The two officers standing exchanged a look. “Who are you?” They asked to the side of him. He sucked in an irritated breath.
“I’m her guardian.” He rasped.
The two men elbowed each other and it was then that Albert noticed the bandage on one of their arms.
One of these men took my y/n.
“Jesus…she took a chunk outta my arm.” The man held his arm up that was now bandage that had a red stain seeping through.
Something began to switch inside him at the first hand admission.
“She really fought back? Why didn’t she just go easily?” Albert found himself asking. He needed to hear what happened from a neutral party before he heard hers. If this had been to deceive him, she still might lie.
“She fucking bolted at first. We had to run to grab her and haul her into the car. She bit me and I’m pretty sure she got a couple jabs at my partner in the other room.” The officer said shaking his head. Albert hung onto every word.
The receptionist broke into the conversation, “We called her father already, he’s comin-“
“No.” Albert snapped, “No, she’s coming with me. Go get her. Ask her for the person she wants to see. She’ll say Albert.”
The receptionist looked at Mathewson and he nodded to tell Allans. He stood and walked to the door that separated the main lobby, then as soon as the door cracked open. Albert heard her.
He smirked at that. His fingertips buzzed.
That’s my girl…Give them hell.
A moment later, another officer came through the door. Albert thought he had seen him in the area before.
“Who’re you?” The officer asked.
Albert’s eye twitched. “Doesn’t matter who I am, let me see her.” He bit, slamming his fist onto the counter, before sucking in a breath and becoming eerily calm, “Go and ask her who she wants to see. If she says my name, she comes with me. If not, she’s all yours to continue biting officers who can’t defend themselves against little girls.” He said pointedly.
The officer who had just come out looked over at the three others, then back to Albert. “Name?” He asked finally.
“Albert.” He snapped, running an irritated hand through his hair.
The man nodded and slowly went back into the cell room, eyeing Albert wearily. Albert crossed his arms and stared at the door. His adrenaline was at a high and he was ready to explode.
If she didn’t come out those doors, said she didn’t want to see him, he wouldn’t care. He would find her. He would watch her until he could corner her and drag her back. She belonged to him, and if she didn’t want him, no one could have her.
A few moments passed, then the door opened and the officer walked out alone. Albert sucked in a breath and was about to turn and leave, but then stopped in his tracks when out came his sweet girl, looking around the room until her eyes found him; he watched her run up to him. She leapt into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist, not daring to let go. “They-they took me- I didn’t wanna go they just took me and I-“ she hiccuped and began sobbing into his shoulder.
Albert felt a foreign vibration in his limbs as he held her.
He let out a long sigh, and knelt to his knees to cradle her.
“Shhh…I’ve got you bunny.” He cooed for her so gently it might have seemed paternal to most, but underneath brewed a raging fire. Albert pulled away for a moment to look at her and held her cheek in one hand; he inspected her red eyes, her blotchy skin... His eye twitched when he saw the discolouration on her opposite cheek. A bruise. His eyes snapped to Mathewson, “Is that true?” He nodded to the bandage.
The officer scoffed.
“Sure as hell is. That bi-“ he stopped when he saw the look of murder in Albert’s eyes, “…that girl bit my arm. I was fucking bleeding everywhere and she threw up in my partner’s cruiser! Took the both of us to even get her in there too. She started runnin’ away with that dog of hers…if you raised her to be like that you oughta have a firm conversation with her.” His mouth ran out of his control, and it was all Albert needed to hear, though he was barely listening.
“Then why does she have a bruise on her cheek?” He asked, pulling her face from his neck again, and setting her down beside him as they slowly stood up. She was shaking and clinging to him as tightly as she could when she remembered being taken away against her will; but even with her red eyes, she glared at the officers. Albert tilted her head to the side to get a better look. She leaned into his touch and stared up at him as if he was the only other person in the world.
“Hmm?” He hummed, then looked back to the men in uniform, “If you were just upholding the law then why the FUCK is there a goddamn bruise on her cheek?” His outburst made the officers flinch. But she didn’t. She just stared.
“Hey now…it was self defence you know- she bit my partner!” Allans said defensively.
“Oh well that’s fine then.” Albert mocked them. “What’s your name?” He looked over at Allans, suddenly very calm.
The officer in question was rooted to the spot when he stared back into Albert’s eyes. That look he gave him was the same cold and dead stare he had seen from the girl beside him. Murderous.
“O-Officer Peter Allans.” He said finally, shifting uncomfortably.
Albert nodded. “And you?” He turned to Mathewson.
This one saw the look of fear in his partners eyes, and was even more hesitant, and Albert was running out of time. And patience.
“I said what’s your name, coward?” Albert seethed.
The man blinked and stared back into Albert’s blue eyes.
“Gilbert Mathewson…But look, hey, we don’t want any trouble sir. We were just-“
“Doing your job. Right.” Albert nodded, “Well now I’m going to do mine. Let’s go sweetie.” He pulled y/n to his side and she held him like her life depended on it.
To keep up with the charade, she even looked up at him and said, “Okay daddy.” And buried her face into the side of his chest as he took her out. She failed to feel him pause at the title, or see how his pupils dilated. It was so sudden that he almost didn’t process it.
It was like the air was sucked out of his lungs.Something about the sound of that word coming from her sweet mouth made a shiver run up his spine as he led her away.
But he couldn’t think of that now. He needed to hold her.
As soon as they were outside and away from view, he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. Tears ran down her face and she held him, moving her lips against his. It was quick, but sent the message they both wanted to.
He let her down, kissed her one more time on the head and pulled her to the van; started it up fast. His brain was already working. “Do you think anyone is at home?” He asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.
She blinked and pinched her brows. “…what do you mean?” Her mind was still playing catch-up.
“Your family’s home. Is anyone there? What’s their schedule?” He said.
Her eyes widened, “It’s Thursday…” she checked her new wrist watch, “8 o’clock…no. Mom is taking my sister to school and dad would have been just leaving for work…but he got the call…he’ll probably be down at the station for a while.”
Albert nodded sharply. “Direct me there.”
“Why are we going there?” She asked fearfully.
Albert reached over and took her hand in his.
“We’re getting you whatever you need, sweetie. Anything you’ve missed. Now tell me how to get there.” His voice was as calm as he could make it, but she knew he was still reeling from what those officers did.
Y/n was horrified at the idea of going back there, but she trusted him to keep her safe.
Albert walked down the side street from the van, and through the front yard. Just as she had said, there was a spare key under the doormat, and he let himself in. He felt a rush being in the same place where she had been…he knew that was the same door she threw open that night she chose him.
Albert found himself looking around for a moment. His eyes fell on the stairs, and he made his way up to where she said her room was. She had told him it probably would be renovated by then, but to his surprise it was just a little messy.
He stood there and stared at her bed. She had told him her father used to bend her over there and whip her until his arm was tired. Albert sucked in a breath. He drank in the space where his sweet girl had been tortured.
Then he remembered why he was there. Albert opened her nightstand, and found her small wallet there under some papers, just as she had said. Next he found her rucksack in her closet and went through her drawers, pulling out the certain items she had told him about, plus a fluffy little bear on her bed. He also kept a couple panties for himself.
Then he found a notepad on a shelf, and began writing.
“Your daughter is at 7742 south Irving St. Tell no one. Bring this note.”
He read it over one more time and nodded his head to himself before going to her father’s chair in the living room, and tucking it to the side of the cushion so it would crinkle when he sat.
Albert left the house, taking care to not be spotted by any neighbours, and walked calmly back to the van parked two blocks away.
As soon as he pulled the door open to the van, y/n almost jumped into his lap. “Did it go okay?” She asked, turning to him.
The engine revved and he wore an invigorated smile. “Peachy keen! The place was barely touched.” He said, and pulled away. “Just got in, got your things and got out. Oh I also found this little stuffed bear I thought you might like.” He pointed to the rucksack.
Y/n gasped.
“You didn’t! Really?” She gushed and grabbed the bag and opened it to find the very same stuffed bear that she had left behind. “You’re just a big softie!” She smiled and leaned over to Albert to kiss his cheek. He hummed.
She didn’t need to know about the note.
Not yet.
He helped her into the house and he watched her embrace the dog that was supposed to intimidate her. Albert took her hand and led her into the bedroom where he opened the bag and showed her each item. She smiled and kissed him again. “You’re the best. Thank you.” She whispered. But then, as he went to leave her to sort through her things, she wrapped her arms around his middle and squeezed. “I thought I wasn’t going to see you again.” She whispered.
He turned in her grasp. “Me too, bunny…thought you scampered away from me.” His voice was calm and light, but she knew his meaning was anything but.
“I wouldn’t…I couldn’t!” She pulled away to look at him, desperately trying to remind him that she was his.
And he knew it.
He nodded and kissed her forehead. “I know sweetie…I know. Why don’t I join you in the morning from now on hmm? I miss you anyways.” He purred, stroking her back.
Come on sweetie…come on you know you can’t say no to me.
She nodded quickly. “Yes please.” She smiled and kissed his cheek.
So polite. Such a good girl…I could never let you go.
Albert kissed her one more time, then walked into the other room to the phone to tell the shop he wouldn’t make it. He wasn’t about to leave her alone after what happened. While he did believe her on some level that she wouldnt leave, he needed to make sure she was truthful.
Besides, that evening they would likely have a guest.
Once he hung up, he heard her humming that song again, and he slowly followed the sound. He leaned against the doorframe of the bedroom and watched her fold her clothes neatly and stack her books and little items she wanted.
Then he remembered that moment in the police station. His pupils dilated at the thought.
“Bunny?” He said after a minute.
“Yes?” She replied joyfully.
“What was that you called me? At the station.” He asked casually, slowly walking into the room.
She thought for a moment, then remembered; it had just slipped out in the moment. But she couldn’t bring herself to say it now that her fear wasn’t clouding her mind and she wasn’t desperately trying to leave town.
“I…I don’t remember.” She lied, taking some clothes to the closet. He circled her, and sat down on the bed.
“You called me daddy.” He stated, leaning back on the mattress with his back against the headboard.
She froze. She had half hoped he didn’t remember and was actually asking her what she had said, but that was out the window. He could feel her cheeks heat up from there. “Well…I…I was just trying to tell them that you were my guardian. I didn’t want them to doubt you and take me away again.”
“Ahh I see…” he nodded in understanding, “Look at me.” He murmured. And she couldn’t.
He knew she couldn’t.
He sucked in an irritated breath. “Look at Daddy.” At that her eyes snapped to his.
He felt that serge of control he chased everyday fill him up at her compliance.
Seeing her so responsive to his demand made a part of his restraint with her snap clean in two. He sucked in another deep breath that turned into a growl and he calmly patted the bed beside him. “Come here sweetie.” He said gently. Her eyes were wide, and she felt like a deer caught in the headlights. He was never like that. He was always straight to the point.
This was new.
But finally, she started walking. She took the several steps towards his side, and while he wanted to grab her and pull her to him, this was a new game. So he waited, squeezing his fist so tight he thought his nails might break skin. Painfully slowly, she slipped one leg over his thighs, then the other so she hopped to his other side. She sat next to him, and smoothed out her skirt innocently, waiting for his next move.
His nostrils flared as he watched her- such a polite, sweet little thing. “That was quite the slap they gave you today, little one.” He murmured, moving to lean against the headboard on his side so he could see her.
“Slaps…they gave me two…they really hurt…” she said, biting the inside of her cheek.
God he loved it when she did that.
“Did they now? I’m sorry, sweetheart…want me to make you feel better?” He whispered, moving a little closer, and placing his hand on her thigh. He would store the two slap information for later.
He wanted to see what she would do. Was she going to give into this new game?
Albert watched her toy with her skirt’s hem, then finally she looked over at him. Her breath caught in her throat.
“Yes please, daddy.” She breathed.
There was barely any colour left in his eyes. The older man sighed through his nose and nodded. His calm exterior was the perfect mask to hide the carnal thirst inside him.
“Why don’t you undress for me, hmm?“ He cooed, brushing some hair from her face.
She nodded eagerly, and quickly rid herself of her clothes. Albert focused on his breathing to not snap, but as she slipped off her panties, a wet line of slick connected her pussy to the fabric. She was soaked.
That was it.
His eye twitched.
“Get the fuck over here.” He rasped.
She stared at him and threw the panties away before clambering onto his strong thighs.
Albert made quick work of unbuckling his belt, and she all but ripped his shirt off.
He irritatedly threw his remaining clothes away and pulled her sweet little body to his, and slipped inside her with a single thrust. He let his eyes shut momentarily and a groan slipped from him as he listened to her adorable whines.
“That feels good doesn’t it, bunny?” He purred in her ear as he held under her butt to rock her up and down his length.
She nodded helplessly.
“Is daddy making the pain go away?” His voice turned rough.
“Y-yes.” Her breath hitched. One of the best sounds she made.
Albert smirked and stretched one of his thumbs to rub against her little clit, and he was rewarded with her grip on his shoulder tightening and a violent clench of her pussy.
He chuckled darkly at the control he had over her body. Even she couldn’t do what he did.
“Are you going to be my good girl and let daddy make you come? Hmm?” He rasped as she started to meet this thrusts.
She whimpered and nodded, “Y-yes please daddy!”
Her mind began to go numb and ecstasy took over. All she could feel was him inside her. Him holding her.
It was all him.
His cock slipped so easily in and out of her that she would have felt embarrassed if it weren’t for her being completely intoxicated by the man beneath her. His thumb stroking her so perfectly, his hands holding her like a vice. His blue eyes boring into hers. His strong chest heaving as he ruined her for any other living being.
With her mind full of him, she let go. She didn’t have a choice- her body wouldn’t have listened to her even if she had tried.
“Atta Girl…that’s my girl. Fuck…” he growled.
He continued to rub her even after she came, and when she tried to pull his hand away when it became too much for her, he pushed her down onto the bed and buried himself inside her again. Tears welled in her eyes as another orgasm pooled inside her.
“Pl-please daddy...” She gasped.
“What? Is it too much?” He mocked her, “Feels too fucking good? Beg. Scream. You're just gonna cum a few more times for me.”
Y/n stared up at the man above her, and nodded again. “Okay daddy.”
And just as he had told her, she came three more times.
She came five seconds before he filled her up with his cum, and sucked a purple bruise onto her neck.
She came again when he cleaned her up with a washcloth, but was greedy and began tasting her. Sucking and licking her sweetness until she was a whimpering mess.
And she came one last time when her sweet little mewls were too much for him as he was buried between her legs, and he had to be inside her one more time. His cum dripped down her thighs for an hour even after they had showered. They laid in an early afternoon haze of euphoria. They barely even moved for the rest of the day.
The odd neighbour passed by, and looked through the slightly open curtains in the front room as they always did, but they didn’t see that girl they had started to notice inside. They knew Albert, but they didn’t know her. They supposed she was just a maid of some kind. It wasn’t until late that evening that the house looked to have any life in it at all, save for the odd bark from that big black dog he kept.
Around half passed ten that night, a brown and white 1970 Ford F100 truck drove past 7742, and parked up the road. A man with poor posture hopped out, and walked with an uneven gait towards that old brick house. He checked the note he had been told to bring with him, though in his altered state, it was difficult to read at all. He only had one thing on his mind: haul that bitch of a daughter of his back home to remind her of who she was.
What she was.
A worthless piece of trash.
The man stood at the front lawn, and checked the address one more time before harnessing his anger and marching up to the door. He rapped impolitely and crossed his arms as he waited. He could hear an old record by Ritchie Valens playing, and found himself distracted by it until the booming bark of what he guessed to be a massive dog came from right at the door. He heard some scratches too before it stopped and the door swung open.
He was met with a man far taller than himself, and perhaps a little younger, but not much judging by his greying hair.
“Can I help you?” The man asked from the doorway, looking out past the man on his doorstep.
“Uh…yea I got this note, shit-“ he quickly unfolded the paper, tearing it a little in his inebriated state. The other man stared at him in distain.
“You’re Stewart?” He asked.
“Yeah.” Stewart responded. “And you are…?”
“Al. Come in.” Albert said shortly and stood to the side to let the other man in. As the door shut, Stewart took a look around the living room, every hair on his sweaty body standing on end. If hadn’t drank that whiskey he would have noticed how stupid he was.
“She’s been hiding in my basement…my dog fucking found her. Sorry about the note…didn’t know what the hell was going on.” Al ran his hand through his hair and looked down shaking his head.
Stewart nodded and darted his eyes around, “Fucking sounds like her, that little whore. You know I’m pretty sure she fucked every guy in town? Good thing I fixed ‘er…” his words were slurred, and Albert could barely contain himself. He hated alcoholics. He hated them more than he hated himself. But he had a job to do.
“She’s down here, after you.” Albert took him to the door to the basement and opened it up before gesturing for the other man to go first. Stewart nodded and clumsily made his way down the stairs, rolling his shoulders as he readied himself to put that daughter of his into place.
“What is this some kinda bunker from the war?” He asked as they reached the thick door.
Albert laughed lightly. “Something like that. Just push on the door there, I had it locked so she wouldn’t run.” He nodded to the handle.
“Many thanks to you…” Stewart slurred, then paused as he pushed on the heavy door. “Say you look real familiar…”
Albert watched the door past him and sucked in a breath at the sight that Stewart had yet to see.
“I’m told I had that sort of face…” he murmured, and put a hand on the man’s back.
When Stewart finally turned away from Albert and faced the basement, he clenched his hands into fists at the sight of his daughter sitting on an old mattress, still in the same pyjamas as she had run away in.
His nostrils flared and he shook as his veins pumped with anger.
“There you are you bitch-“ Stewart was about to take a step toward her, but was cut short when his hands were taken behind his back, and the crack of metal cuffs echoed in the small space.
He tried to wrench his hands free, but it was too late. “What the fuck-“ he spat.
But the basement door was already being slammed shut, leaving the three of them to exist in their own dim little world under ground.
“Hi dad.”
Stewart whipped back around to where his daughter was sitting, but his pupils constricted when he saw her this time.
She was standing.
In one hand, she held a belt with a buckle that caught the light.
In the other hand was a well used axe- it’s blade a little dull.
But that wasn’t what made Stewart l/n freeze.
It was the demonic mask she wore. Horns protruding from her temples and a deep frown where her mouth should have been. He couldn’t even see her eyes.
But he wouldn’t let them see he was close to pissing in his pants.
He turned back to Albert who was fiddling with something in his hands. “What the fuck is this? Huh-“
Tsk tsk.
He snapped his head back to the young woman, watching him predatorily.
“Such language, Stewie…you know you always raised me to have manners…maybe you should listen to yourself for once?” She said sickly sweet, slowly approaching him.
He scoffed and looked around, barely noticing Albert, “What are you gonna do huh? Try and kill me, scare me? Well it ain’t gonna work-“
A searing pain made him lose his words as he fell to his knees. From behind him, Albert pulled out the knife he had stabbed into one of Stewart’s ankles.
This was his bunny’s game, but he wasn’t going to run the risk of that glutton hurting her.
“What the fuck!” Stewart screamed. The pain coupled with his state of mind made for a poor cocktail of confusion.
She clicked her tongue at him.
“Dad…you should really pay attention.” She was just a foot from him now. “What was it you always told me before you would beat me…? Oh! Or the time you took away my god given right over my body at that hospital? Hmm what was it.” She tapped her chin as she pretended to think, and threw the axe down beside her with a heavy thud.
“What was it?” She whispered, circling him. As she passed behind him, Albert extended his hand to her masked cheek, and stoked it tenderly before he walked to the wall on the side and crouched to watch. He too slipped on a mask- the lower half of the smiling one. He was watching her every move, entranced.
Stewart didn’t answer at first and he received a single lashing from the belt.
“I said, what. Was. It?” She seethed, grabbing a handful of his thinning hair.
He sucked in a breath, “This is for -“
“Bingo!” She released him and clapped, “This is for your own good. Well dad, this is for your own good.” She chimed.
Albert’s breathing became laboured as he watched his sweet bunny fulfil her desires. Her needs. He just wanted to help her, and when he told her about the note, she had accepted, and he had plugged her full with more cum than before. He was helping to set her free from her worst fears.
“Hey now…wha-what are you doing there pumpkin?” He eyed the belt as she raised it again.
She tilted her head to the side.
“Aww we’re using pet names now? That’s cute.” She came behind him and kicked his back so he fell forward. “Well then daddio, what this is…is retribution.” Her sweet voice lost its life, in its place was nothing short of a cold blade cutting into his mind, but to Albert it was music to his ears.
“Y/n honey you don’t have to-“ Stewart began to plead. Gone was the front he had put on. In its place was a scared little pathetic man who had finally peed himself.
“Oh but I do dad I-“ thwack,“ -really-“thwack, “-really-,” thwack, “-do!” She seethed, panting.
Albert watched her like she was the only person in the world.
Y/n could see the blood seeping through the tears in his shirt, but she wanted more. She pressed down hard on a particularly deep gash thanks to the buckle; it was right around where the one on her back that had refused to close forever was.
Snot and tears mixed together on Stewart’s face. “Please…y/n-“
“No. You don’t get to say my name. “ she rounded him and let him try to look up. “I don’t think you understand what it is that’s going to happen. And that’s okay. Just know that this is going to kill you. I could do it quickly…but Dad?” She stooped down so she was a little closer to his wretched face, and pulled the axe towards her, holding it in her hands.
“W-what?” He asked breathlessly.
She sighed, “I want this to really hurt.”
Not a soul heard what happened down in that basement that evening. There was a file opened for the missing man, which was closed as quickly as his daughter’s. What the city of Denver did know was he was not missed. Barely a blip. Barely a whisper.
His wife and daughter moved on. Quite happily too in a new town hours away.
No one questioned the vacant house across from 7742 or how one night there was a man disappearing inside with a bag of trash, and reappeared without it.
A few brows were raised when two officers went missing, but again, things happened and the cases were closed within five months.
A few neighbours were curious about the beautiful young woman who now lived with Albert. They would often see her tending to her beautiful garden that had seemed to sprout over night; she was even cheeky enough to wink at the old ladies who asked what her secret was to get her flowers to grow so vibrantly. She would tell them that it was a secret of hers that would die with her. It was a blessing that the flowers covered the smell.
At first they found her a little odd, especially with how she seemed to just appear, but after she visited almost every house in the block with fresh cookies, they stopped asking.
What the neighborhood knew was that Albert- the strange, quiet man who had lived there his whole life- seemed happy. On more than one occasion, that sweet young woman would run out after Albert as he left for work and she would jump into his arms for one last kiss.
They never went anywhere without each other except for work.
They took strolls through the neighbourhood with that big old dog of theirs, and people would always note the look of adoration in the older man’s eyes as he watched that sweet, sweet girl.
At the grocery store, people would stare and the odd emboldened person would ask them how they were so happy after seeing the gold bands on their fingers.
To which they would smile at one another and Albert would just say shyly, “Oh you know, common interests and communication.” And kiss her temple.
“And trust!” She would chirp and hold his arm.
Most of the families who saw them hated them. They would grumble about how they were probably faking it all. How it was like they were some happy dream.
They hated it.
They hated them.
But oh that couple really was just the sweetest.
The sweetest of dreams.
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kayrllylikesblitzwing · 7 months
hmm I wonder where kay has been
hi guys it’s my birthday and today I remembered that I have tumblr omg!!!! anyway. where has kay been?
sorry for not posting for like 20 years😭😭😭 i kinda stopped drawing for a little while cuz college applications were happening and that’s a preeeeeettttttttyyyyyy big deal at least for me so i vanished and didn’t post any Blitzwing 😵 can you BELIEVE IT? NO BLITZWING? On @kayrllylikesblitzwing?!(!?(?! Are you JOSHING me rn????
and then after the college apps had all gone down i had scholarshipss to fill out and my Apple Pencil DIED like it completely stopped working, charging, or even pairing to my iPad and I didn’t want to post my traditional stuff because Guys. Guys I’m such a FAKER my traditional is so BAD BAD BAD! so I just kinda forgo about posting but now here I am. New Apple Pencil. Posting!!!!
except it’s been a long year LOL and ive really started liking another show outside of transformers fandom. It’s a pretty small show, pretty niche, pretty undergrou—
it’s fucking chainsaw man
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here’s one of my chainsaw man ocs her name is ume and she’s like kobeni if kobeni had no skills whatsoever but lots of money and a closeted desire to be emo😭😭 ume is fun to shitpost even though she’s stupid and in the stupid lore I’m writing dies horribly oopsie-daisy
I have a BUNCH of csm ocs so I might post them sometime to get them outta my system so then I can go back to BLITZPOSTING YAAAYY it’s actually been so long the last time I drew Blitzwing was likiiike a few months ago
anyway I am cringe but I am free thanks for showing up 😭😭😭
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bunnieshoneys · 1 month
brocedes anon from earlier, im soso sorry if i made u uncomfy, i really didnt mean to word the ask to come off in a rpf way 😭😭
(also how r u feeling abt imola so far? oscar’s penalty had me in shambles bc he’s my fav but im also glad that charles moved up into p3!!)
hi anon!! it was mostly unrelated to your question, and you didnt make me uncomfy at all:)) its just something thats been on my mind for a bit, and something ive been wanting to say in one way or another for a while, because sometimes the lines get blurred, esp on tumblr where i have stumbled across quite a bit of rpf.
also, not on here, mostly in tiktok comment sections ive seen people comparing both itfs and stsg to real life driver pairings and… yeah that isnt my aim here. ive taken insp from a lot of real events but ive tried to be very deliberate about not basing drivers on irl drivers or pairings. ive gone to a lot of effort to do so, so its just something thats been on my mind a while. (the brocedes comparison doesnt bother me. those guys are already talked about a ton and i cant lie and say they didnt influence me. its the comparisons to current drivers that irk me a little more)
imola… im so fucked off!!! i need to find charles’ canal+ interviews cause i think he says it there but i need a translation bc im not french, but sainz decided to go rly fucking slow on the outlap and compromise the tyre warmup for charles behind. might not be on purpose but its still annoying as shit when the working windos for the tyres is so thin,,, and it cost charles big time in sector one, losing three tenths. three tenths would have been enough for pole, or at least a front row.
i dont think the ferrari has the quali pace issues we think it does, let me just say that. sainz has never been a good quali driver, leclerc was compromised by that shit outlap.
max’s tow helped him to pole, and the mclaren is fastest in imola. might put some money on norris winning tbh, since putting money on max is POINTLESS😭😭 goat tax
yuki p7 he can cook i know it trust
anyway. charles starts p3 due to oscars penalty, ill take what i can get!!
(just wanna reiterate anon, you didnt make me uncomfy at all!! just something i had wanted to say for a while, didnt know how to, and then ur ask made it easy!! sorry !!)
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dckweed · 2 years
can you do a hurt/comfort or angst/fluff with reader x jonathan byers? preferably the reader comforting jonathan after maybe something to do with his father or will going missing or something? maybe like the reader reassuring him its okay and that they will be with him through all of it?
sad gal hours with this one :( hope you enjoy babes! sorry this took so long, my last post took it out of me lol.
p.s. im low-key in a dark mood so this might come out a little bit darker than i meant it too and im so so sorry
p.s. i had a whole lot written, more than what was below and then tumblr glitched and didn't save my draft so now it's shorter than what i meant it to be.
warnings: no age limit bc no smut, mentions of death, lots of sadness. ive been told that i have an unfortunate gift for making people very strongly feel the emotions of my characters, so this is your official warning that you may slip tears if ive done my job correctly today. also i generally don't proof read or edit so sorry for any spelling mistakes.
'.. THICK AND THIN..' jonathan byers x reader
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It was a dreary, cold day in Hawkins Indiana. A large group of people clad in all black stood staring around a large, deep hole in the nearly frozen ground, a casket directly above it.
The Byers family were burying their youngest, a boy named Will, whom you had come to love deeply in your time of knowing him. He was like a little brother to you as well, you being a constant in their home as of late.
You stood next to Jonathan, your hand squeezing his tightly. You could feel how tense he was, you knew he was upset by his father's presence, he hadn't cared one damn bit when Will had first gone missing, so why did he even bother showing up now? Knowing Lonnie, and you knew the stories of course, it was probably because he wanted something, or was trying to take some kind of advantage of the distraught, heart broken Joyce.
You couldn't help but look around at all of the people who had showed up, the ones that actually did care about the boy and his family. You noticed Mike Wheeler just in front of you, tears falling from his eyes. You reached a hand over, squeezing his shoulder. You felt bad for the boys, you loved Will's friends, and it was clear how bad his bunch of goofball buddies missed him.
When the service was over, and everyone who came had finished saying their 'im sorry's' and had shaken Lonnie's hand, you and Lonnie managed to get Joyce and Jonathan to the car.
You didn't care for Lonnie, but you were thankful he was at least helpful in this situation. You say in the back with Jonathan has he drove, your hand gripping his tightly. You knew that he wanted to break down, but he wouldn't let himself because his mother was already a crumbling broken mess big enough for the two of them, you had told Jonathan that you didn't mind shouldering the job of picking up everyone's pieces, but he wouldnt let you do it by yourself.
Once you were back at the Byers house you helped Jonathan inside, laying your coat on his bed before sitting next him after shutting his bedroom door. You could hear the bathroom door close down the hall, and the shower kick on.
Jonathan was stiff, and he had a hard look on his face. You could tell that he was trying very hard not to cry. Not knowing what else to do, you take his face in your hands, moving so you're sitting on his lap.
"Hey, hey...it's okay to cry, Jonathan.." You say, giving him what you hoped was a reassuring enough look, you felt his hands on your thighs, squeezing so lightly you couldn't even tell they were there. You moved your hands down to your shoulders, pushing his jacket off of them and down his arms. "Come on, let's get you into something more comfortable."
You stood, moving off of his lap before going to his dresser, you pulled out a Tshirt and some pajama pants for him and moved back to him, he was still sat there unmoving. You give a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth, running your hands through his hair before unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it off of his shoulders as well.
It took you a few minutes but after a while you had him dressed in a green tshirt and plaid pajama pants, you straightened up after putting his pants on for him and immediately he engulfs you in a hug, his arms wrapping around you to the point where you feel as if you're suffocating, but you don't tell him to let go, you wrap your arms just as tightly around him, letting your head rest against his chest.
His mouth his pressed to the top of your hair, and you feel his body shake as he lets out a sob, and then another one, and before you know it, you're collapsed on his floor in a heap, holding on to him as tightly as you can, trying to comfort him as best as you can as he shakes and sobs and snots all over you.
It lasts for a while, you sit there happily until he calms down, moving his head into your lap as you go to play with his hair. You gave him a soft smile, looking at him almost sadly, you hated that he was going through this, that his mom was probably just as bad. You wished that you knew how to comfort both of them, that you could go back in time and fix this entire situation.
"Thank you..for everything." You hear him sniffle, his voice soft and quiet, laced with sadness. "You don't have to be here, Y/N, you don't have to care like you do, but you do and you have no idea how grateful i am every day that you're here.."
You smile, leaning down to kiss his head before tapping his cheek gently. "Hey, I made you a promise, remember?" You say, giving him a look. "I may have made it when I was drunk off my ass, but i still meant what I said...you're stuck with me, through Thick and Thin, remember?"
Jonathan shifts, looking up at you, his mouth opening as if he's about to say something, but he stops, both of you turn your heads towards his bedroom door as you hear shouting, and you both get to your feet immediately, the sweet moment ruined.
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stormwarnings · 3 months
i'll backtrack a bit!! hi this is eta (currently elwinged but i was also previously radiantsusan/phantomsjulie) and i don't think we've ever actually talked but we ARE mutuals on tumblr and i LITERALLY didn't realise until i was scrolling through my old posts (as you do) and went WAIT I'M MUTUALS WITH STORMWARNINGS (and the answer was YES) and the reason i was so surprised is because i've been bingeing so many of your fics on ao3 recently bc i got back into star wars and! they're! so! good!!!!
i have a special appreciation for 'bury me beneath the tree i climbed when i was a child', it's so gorgeously heartwarming and made me feel all the good feels because it felt so lovely and healing! (my ao3 bookmark says: oh!! oh this was so heartwarming i'm about to cry!!)
and then ALSO (sorry this is going to be a long one) your series 'how i long to grow old'??? THANKS I'M SOBBING????? like it's fix it series but also i am crying over how much these people have lost and yet they still keep getting up???? i love how you write cody and rex and their various interactions, their grief and burdens feel so so so real (also. hey. hey. *grips you gently on the shoulder*. fox. WHY. i am sobbing.) AND THAT TITLE???? YES THEY DO. THEY LONG TO GROW OLD. SCREAMING.
and then ALSO (i said this was going to be a long one) the one that i keep reading and not realising it's also by you, an author who has written many of my favourite fics ('come down from your moutnain')!!!!!! you got the commanders and their relationships with their jedi SO RIGHT!!!! like "are they all like that?" "like what?" and the answers being BEAUTIFUL CLEVER MERCILESS BURNING BLOODSTAINED UNNERVING and you've got them pinned down to a POINT you've got their characters dissected you write them so well!!! i am in awe (and also have that passage screenshotted and favourited)
and you ALSO have written one of my fave silm pieces ever (and i... also didn't realise that stormwarnings who wrote the silm piece and stormwarnings who wrote the codywan au were the same person until a couple months ago and i went. HUH. WAIT.), 'celestial bodies', which is such a gorgeous gorgeous explanation of idril and maeglin if they were a little bit kinder to each other. like--- "you knew my mother. would you tell me about her?" I AM LYING ON THE FLOOR FACEDOWN. and how you emphasise their age and how that shapes them differently!!! lomion is so young and idril has seen things that will never be seen again and it's THEM, it's how it SHAPES them, it's how they understand each other!! i am losing it.
anyway! sorry for the extremely long ask, i was just kind of going ??? the whole morning being like WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M MUTUALS WITH ONE OF MY FAVE AUTHORS!! so!! thanks for writing some of the absolute best works i've ever read + i hope you have a wonderful day!!
RADIANTSUSAN OMG I WAS WONDERING WHERE YOU HAD GONE!!!!!!!!!! eta this made me cry in my first class genuinely this is the sweetest message and such a nice thing to wake up to!!!!
i am SO happy that you (and so many others) were touched by 'bury me beneath the tree' because that fic was truly a labor of love and a little piece of my soul and it makes me so happy to hear how much it was enjoyed. also i promise there is more of 'how i long to grow old' in the works - i have probably ten other fics plotted out, ive just been so busy with college and work and life. as for my other fics, thank you! im still really proud of 'celestial bodies', and the art that my trsb partner made was so beautiful.
anyway NO YOU your art and edits are always so lovely! so happy to see you pop up on my dash again :) have a fantastic day!
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haejjoon · 1 year
had an absolutely bonkers day at work SO i reread the 5th chapter and immediately!! crops watered skin moisturiser anxiety gone im feeling so good now woah...........
moments i absolutely adore: goro knowingly utilizing gap moe, goro imitating ryuji and ryuji laughing with it, goro unused to being bickered over by HIS FRIENDS, the neat-o explanation for changing clothes in the metaverse, robin & ryuji, goro being a nerd and also loving the praise he gets but not allowing himself to bask in it for long, AKIRA
my bby is here again ive missed him 🥺🥺🥺 i love how nicely him appearing ties into with THE FOOL, because he sorta is one yeah? it's like a little nod to the canon p5 (where thematically akira can be said to be the fool, gaining enlightment and spirituality via his bonds as the game progresses; but also where yaldabaoth is the fool confidant AND is the one behind akira in the swap au). it's also a little 👀👀👀 with how goro unlocks the fool confidant the moment akira comes into the picture, like it's not just the ryuji-ann-morgana group who are the fool confidant for goro, akira is a necessary element there as well. also is goro suspecting something with those CLANG CLANG chains and cards? is he tying them to specific people in his mind and will he (mistakenly) tie the fool to akira?
um also i love love love what you do with the text formatting in those BREAKETH THY CHAINS sequences, it's very cool! and when you change the text in there a little bit, like turning "chains of captivity" into "captive" and then evolving it into "you are held captive" like woah...... foreshadowing!!
then the entire sequence of goro trying to understand why does he hate akira so much. lmao omg "he's so annoying and his smile is not ugly at all and also his lashes are soooo long. god what a fucking dick" goro babe please skdjeindosndj im very curious as to who will be the first to understand and acknowledge their feelings to the other. goro or akira akira or goro. goro is emotionally constipated akira is babygirl murderer place your bets
and then!!! goro immediately becoming suspicious bc of akira's slip up. it's going to bite everyone in the ass of course we know that but i can just FEEL how narratively satisfying it will be when everyone will write goro's suspicions off, like "nah goro's just got a hateboner for him" like ahhhh goro you're so correct but your actions and biases have led you here the cliff of your own doing
and then sojiro scene. the entirety of it. goro scrambling to fall back on some tried and true approach except sojiro's having none of that because HE. GENUINELY. CARES. poor monamona that whole breakdown and crying must've been so awkward for him
thank you again!!! ill keep saying it every time haha sorry this got so long im just. loving your work so much. truly a labor of love <33 hope you have a good day!!
before i say anything else, tumblr user nugylienshyd your asks are probably the very highlight of my days. i get SO giddy whenever i see your username pop up. im sorry i coudln't get to you until just now it's been such a day but (cracks knuckles)
GORO UTILIZING GAP MOE WAS SUCH A THROWAWAY LINE I WONT LIE HSKGLSD i was trying to figure out how to have him explain the difference between Pleasant Boy and Aspiring Axe Murderer and then i went wait. there's a term for this. gap moe. goro imitating ryuji also made me ugly laugh as all hell when the idea popped up into my mind because he would do that, wouldn't he.
AKIRAAAAA i'm glad you noticed the formatting ehe <3 ive said this before and i'll say it again, people need to utilize formatting more in fics!!! just because you're using words to create art doesn't mean you can't add a visual aspect to it as well!!! THE FOOL coinciding with akira's sudden appearance will forever be high point for my pride. i'm super happy with it. i'm glad you liked it too <3 (also your point about the phantom thieves somehow being incomplete and then akira appearing right when the bond formed is a neat one. i didn't mean to make it that way but damn thats an idea [writes down])
goro being a hater is another thing people need to use more often. listen its cute when he's like "akira :) responded to my date request hehe ok time to go to kichijoji" but its CUTER when he goes "look at this pathetic loser. he agreed to go on a date with me after Just One Text. this troglodyte. this buffoon" (asked him out in the first place)
and about goro immediately noticing akira's slip up!!!! of course he would. his entire thing is being Clever after all <3 iv ealso mentioned this in the past but i always found it so weird that ryuji and ann somehow picked up on pancakes so quickly? like these two are canonically the dumb blondes of the group..... and ur telling me... that they not only paid enough attention to morgana/akechi's words (ryuji SPECIFICALLY, who doesn't even like the two all that much at that point in time) to make the pancakes connection, but they ALSO remembered it enough to recall it to every new thief that joined their party??? really???????
im glad you liked the sojiro scene. it was honestly and truly such a long time coming, and they kind of... needed it? it was the only way goro could understand where sojiro was coming from, at least to me. goro's instinctive reaction to any unnatural behaviors is to lash out until the other person goes away or fights right back--both of which would be beneficial to him, at least in his perspective, because the strange threat is gone and he's back in his safe, lonely bubble. it's also why he was so taken aback when sojiro just... took it. he didn't expect him to agree. he didn't know what to do when he did.
thank you for such a well thought out ask, man <3 i did see this earlier last night, but i was in such a funk the whole day i couldn't collect my thoughts enough to respond to it properly until now. i hope your day's going well too. until next time <3
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vintage-bentley · 1 year
Thank you for your skepticism on the post abt Muriel being they/them’d. This whole thing might be what drives me off tumblr or out of fandom spaces as a whole because i just want one gnc woman in a live action show who isnt questioned about her gender or have it called into question by fans.
Optimistically, and if neilman understood his own work, Muriel could have her own arc of “becoming human” or falling in love with humanity like Crowley and Aziraphale where she decides “yes, i am a woman” rather than any “no gender because theyre not human” shit
Sorry this fell apart at the end but ive been following you and neiltheyrehomosexuals for a while and have been trying not to absorb too much stress from this. Much love <3
Of course!! 💕
I would suggest stepping away from major tags, and just curating a little space for yourself to enjoy content without sexism and homophobia. I haven’t gone in the main GO tags for a while, and my experience has been so much better.
I want the same. The sad thing is, Muriel isn’t even super gnc. She’s just…a woman without makeup (or at least as little as the male characters, considering this is TV and all the actors will have some makeup) who wears pretty neutral clothes. Technically that’s gender non conforming, but it’s so sad to me that women in their natural state is considered non conforming…and especially that it’s considered enough to make us “non-women”. Gender identity really did set us back years in regards to strict enforcing of gender roles.
I’d love to see Muriel break away from Heaven and side with humanity like the husbands. I wouldn’t even want any acknowledgement of the idea that she could be “no gender”…I just want her to be an angel lady and not have that questioned just because she’s not hyper feminine.
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orowyrm · 2 years
brooo do you have a laz lore master post i wanna see more about this guy . blorbo from my person i follow on tumblr
waaa im so glad u like him!!!!!! his lore is kinda.....scattered all over unfortunately hdsjnkfdjkfn im very unorganized. the main big posts that ive made about him in recent memory that i havent accidentally retconned are here (eternalism bullshit and how the his drifter and operator selves tie into the version we know and love) here (answering a bunch of questions about him) aaaaaaaaaand here (explaining a little bit about how his oculus and void echolocation works)
his tag is kinda sparsely populated cuz a lot of his character building has been happening behind the scenes and i havent shared much due to being forgetful as hell and for the longest time sorta just assuming nobody cared about him but me lmao BUT i can give you a rundown of everything ive got so far: (it's gonna be long, sorry in advance)
on the zariman, he was separated from the other kids and ended up hiding in a ventilation shaft to avoid the adults. he hid so well, in fact, that the orokin actually almost missed him entirely and nearly left him there when they were collecting the tenno after the void jump. he was so paralyzed by fear and pain that at first, they had assumed he was a corpse, and only realized otherwise when he freaked the hell out and blew a massive hole through the poor bastard they sent to go drag him out of the vents.
in the aftermath of the zariman and for most of the old war, he was sort of just... squirreled away and treated more like a feral animal than a kid. he was jumpy and uncooperative, his connection to the void was strong enough that he could do some serious damage when startled, and he didn't remember most of his life before the zariman incident at all, so he was difficult to reason with and in their eyes a waste of time. he didn't even remember his own name, so they called him 'Lazarus' as a reference to the fact that he was assumed to be dead when first recovered, and seemed to be pretty good at surviving against the odds. eventually he just accepted this as his name.
im not entirely sure if margulis knew about him or not... i feel as though she would want to help him, but he probably wouldn't trust her one bit. ive been tempted to go all in and say he couldve been the tenno who accidentally blinded her, which would lend credence to why the orokin felt the need to isolate him so thoroughly from everyone else, but i dont know if im gonna commit to that. as far as being a 'weaponized' tenno, he was treated as sort of a last resort.
he only had the one frame during the old war - he was paired off with a particularly uncooperative umbral ash that they weren't sure would even be able to be 'controlled', but despite most of the handlers assuming theyd tear eachother to shreds, they ended up sharing a really close bond. This ash is his primary frame, Styx! styx is like a father to him, really. they only ever had eachother for a very very long time.
he only ever saw combat once before the war ended. the orokin were getting desperate, and threw pretty much everyone they had at a particular area-- including laz. he had no idea what to do with himself, but he was suddenly outside of his 'room' (more of a holding cell, to be frank) for the first time in years, so he did what any sensible scared kid would do-- he ran for his fucking life. before his handlers realized where he'd gone and tried to interrupt his transference to his frame, he transferred out of his chair completely and essentially escaped for good. they assumed he wouldnt survive on his own and marked it down as a loss, but he was ultimately forgotten. one less little void demon to deal with, really.
he ran for a long time, just sorta trying to get as far away from anything and everything orokin as he possibly could, but too afraid of being recaptured to dare trust anyone he met along the way. at some point before the end of the war, he had a run-in with a lone sentient that cornered him, and he had no choice but to try and defend himself.
he lost this fight. the sentient very much killed him, but in his final moments, all of the void energy trapped inside his body was released like a bomb going off, which killed the sentient pretty much instantly. the implosion also created a weird little pocket void of sorts that pulled in his body and the bits and pieces of the sentient that were left behind. slowly, over the years, the void pieced him back together, replacing whatever was destroyed with pieces of sentient technology, essentially creating the first amalgam.
the entire time laz was in his void coma, styx was helpless to retrieve him. he knew he wasn't gone - he could still feel his presence - but he couldn't get through to him.... so he waited. and waited. and waited some more. eventually, the ruined old building they'd been in all but collapsed, plants began to grow through the foundation, his joints began to rust and his blades tarnished. grineer and corpus and infested alike discovered the place over the years and all were promptly slaughtered in fits of protective rage. by the time another tenno stumbled across his resting place, the old war was ancient history, and the lotus had already located and awakened most of her children-- but laz had never had a chance to form that connection with her. he barely knew margulis, let alone natah.
the tenno who eventually found him and woke him up was none other than @helmofhades' specialest boy Rigel! they have a very special relationship. i love them both deeply. by the time rigel had found him, he'd been mostly put back together-- but the somatic scars on his face had progressed to the point where his eyes were damaged beyond repair. rigel and the other tenno who eventually made up their little clan helped him get back on his feet and adjust to this strange new world he found himself in.
laz and rigel are basically married if it wasnt obvious already. they are boy best friends <3
he went through the main story quest more or less the same as happens in the game, although he never really had a very close connection with the lotus and was more wary of her and confused by her for than anything for a very long time-- at least until the new war, anyway
the drifter and the operator are two separate entities - but there's also a third, completely separate laz who is basically a conglomerate of all of his alternate selves. i call this special third guy 'laz prime' to make life easier for myself, but neither of them are any more 'real' than the others.
operator laz is him but in babymode. nothing much else to that. hes just a little guy, and its his birthday, hes a little birthday boy!!!
drifter laz i uh... kinda havent touched on much. im waiting for duviri to drop so i can really get into the nitty gritty of all the time loop bullshit. hes kinda a bitter asshole though. not that i blame him.
laz prime is the funny guy i post about so much!!!! after the cutscene in the new war where the drifter and operator meet, neither of those two actually LEAVE that dormizone, at least not in the version of reality we see-- their meeting causes laz prime to just sorta... start existing! he remembers being both of them, although only vaguely. it's him who finishes the quest, and it's him who eventually returns to the zariman for the angels update and all that fun stuff. im sure driftlaz and oplaz are still out there, doing their own thing, but i havent the slightest clue what that may be.
laz prime is more severely amalgamated than either of his counterparts-- while theyve got the horns, hooves, and claws, laz prime takes it up a notch with an extra set of arms and a tail! he's also absurdly huge.
he has a cane to help with the mobility issues caused by having to balance on those teeny tiny itty bitty stick legs-- it's actually a little sentient! he calls it a mobilyst. it's his little buddy. i really like it
laz prime can't really use amps in the traditional way, considering his sentient parts react very poorly to large concentrations of void energy. he pieces together makeshift weapons with cores and fragments he scavenges from other sentients or amalgams that he kills to make up for it. he can also breathe void-fire, but he doesn't do that very often because it singes his scruffy little beard :( love loses
his lack of ability to effectively channel amps makes him VERRRY very interested in traditional weaponry. he's especially fond of incarnons-- JUST because theyre cool weapons. no other reason. none at all. unrelated, but do you think cavalero likes men? asking for a friend.
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birdybirdnerd · 2 years
birdys super awesome writing advice for longfic: stolen from someone on tumblr who deleted the post and i cant remember their username. please god if this sounds familiar shoot me a message so i can properly credit you
alright so you wanna write a longfic but you have a chronic problem where you run out of steam partway through and/or you forget where you were going with things. weve all been there. its one of the reasons why there was a three year hiatus in my fic somewhere else. sorry yall but this shit literally changed my life, so im gonna do my best to explain the process ive adopted to keep myself motivated and on track for multi-chaptered fic
you start out with an idea, a concept. you have some pieces you know you wanna turn into a longer story 
write that shit down. go full word vomit in a doc. brainstorm to your hearts content, but, and this is crucial: use bullet points. that way, if you have an idea for something that wouldve gone in earlier, you can skip back up, hit enter, and have a new bullet point to add it in
feel free to get as detailed as you want here, as you think of little things you know youll want to include or connections or foreshadowing youll want to make. keep in mind though, that this phase is exclusively to Get The Idea Out. get the story from point a to point b, etc 
ALSO. while you do this and while the characters develop during your brainstorming, or before if you already know the characters well enough to do this, you should have a separate doc where you go through and describe all major characters. not physically (unless you want to), but rather their personalities. their motivations. their characters arcs that theyll go through during the story- and thats another reason to do it along with your brainstorming, so you can go in and add these things as you think of them
for this demonstration, ill be using my fic fate or a fools errand as examples. wouldve used somewhere else since i mentioned it earlier but i lost the brainstorming doc and also its gone through like. three revisions so whatever
so well start out with my character list: 
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(ive redacted a couple things for spoiler reasons, but if youre caught up with fate as of july 3rd then everything thats left is spoiler free. wouldve used bobby as the example but his is. very full of spoilers and would be basically all redacted)
so here, you can see where i gave a brief description of loors personality, and then detailed her place in the story (since fate is a crossover). her backstory, her reasonings for doing things, all of that is laid out. a few things have changed while i wrote, since this was made, but most of it still holds true (and you can see the gdocs comment highlights where i went in and changed my mind; i like to keep the old versions there in case i change my mind again or want to use that idea for something/someone else)
and onto what i have dubbed 'outline: the lesser'
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ive taken the part literally from the very beginning of my brainstorming doc. at this point in the process, dont worry about splitting things into chapters; youll come to that later. just get those ideas out, point a, point b, etc etc. 
you can see where i had the idea for the prologue, then skip ahead to bobby in modern day. boom boom boom, idea idea idea. just get those things out and onto the (metaphorical) paper, you can worry about making it flow better later. 
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another one, so you can see again just how condensed this is. the events in these four bullet points spanned the course of what, just as many chapters? that wasnt intentional i swear, but yeah. suuuper condensed
so anyways. after youve gotten to the end of your fics brainstorm, take a break. please god, take a break. come back to it in the morning, with a clear head
then when you do, make a new document, turn to a new page, whatever. new space, and title it 'outline: the greater'
now, you go through that super vague bullet point list, and expand upon things. scene by scene, beat by beat; dont try to make it look pretty, dont worry about dialogue or descriptions just yet (unless its jotting down something you might forget later, but even then Dont worry about making it a pretty description just bare bones)
this is where you really connect things. looking back over your lesser outline, connect the dots. insert that foreshadowing. do it bullet point style again, so that if you have an idea you want to incorporate or if a great line of dialogue pops into your head, you can add a new point and indent it and jot that down for later. but other than that, just write write write. this is also where you separate your rambling into chapters, as you write and find those perfect places to split things up
if you do this step right, your greater outline should end up looking halfway like a suuuuper rough first draft. again, no actual dialogue for the most part, but rather 'they have a conversation about this and this. character a has this opinion, but character b disagrees for this reason. character a argues their point, but character c interjects and then this even happens and their conversation gets shelved for later'. same with basically all events
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here, you can see ive expanded upon what became the beginning of chapter one. establishing bobby as the protagonist, establishing his mindset at the start of the story. i set up the inciting scene, and leave some notes on indented points to myself about things i need to look up, or details i should include, or expansions for scenes and interactions i can use
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more expansion, more elaboration. you can see other places where i changed my mind after writing this, while writing the chapter itself, and plain forgot to make the relevant note here: originally i had bobby and spader actually help out the nomads to get the sunstone, but then i decided against (things were dragging along too much anyways) and also, i realized i wanted to insert more conflict between the two of them to mirror their canon troubles
anyways. after your greater outline is done, once again i insist you take a day or so, a night at the very least, to sit back from it and not look at what youve done so far. let it sit, let it marinate and come back to it with a clearer mind, because if youre like me then youve spent the last few days frantically planning shit out and frustrating yourself to hell and back with the ending. sit back, drink some tea, rest your eyes. itll be there in the morning
now, for the actual writing part: what youre gonna wanna do is make Another doc (i know, im sorry) for chapter one or the prologue or whatever. copy that entire section from your greater outline, paste it in the new doc. hit enter a few times at the start to give yourself a little breathing room, and then go back to the top and start writing, using your pasted outline as a guide. that way, you dont have to constantly switch between docs, and also you can delete bullet points as you go along, having written whats there
another piece of advice thats something i did before i adopted this method, regarding editing: 
when it comes time to edit, what i do instead of going through and editing like that, is i copy the entire chapter into either another doc or like my notes app on my computer or whatever, and then rewrite the entire thing. i know, its a lot, but that way i can edit as i go. if i realize a certain sentence or paragraph doesnt flow the way i want it to, its a lot easier to just rewrite it from scratch than try to edit individual parts of sentences and stitch them back together, worrying the whole time about the format and grammar Like That instead of on making the paragraph actually good
so uh. i think thats it. let me know if you have any other questions, im happy to answer to the best of my ability. using this writing/outlining style genuinely changed the game for me, allowed me to get a better grasp on what i wanted from the story before i actually started writing and ended up writing myself into a corner. both outline stages can feel kind of stagnant, but at least with this, youll have a frame you can work off of and figure it out
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junietuesday · 6 months
so far in bg3 ive beaten the goblin camp and am holding off on doing the tiefling party until i get more affection. (im TOO indecisive and aroallo and polyam for this what do you MEAN i cant just sleep w any of the characters i want without having to get into their full on romance routes. dont tell me every single one of these characters wants that deep emotional connection or w/e like come on 😭) and i have id say. more than half the companions now? so recording my thoughts. normally i make little posts while i game but bg3 is so addicting i couldnt even open tumblr to talk abt it. i played it for almost 12 hours i think today (with breaks in between but STILL). which is why this is so long im rambling abt everything since i started the game
i feel like me and shadowheart have a good thing going rn if she were more physically my type i think id be certain on romancing her. im attached to her we’ve been together since the start of the game (i didnt find any of the other companions until after i went to the druid grove and had made it to the goblin camp LMAO i didnt realize they were all just right there). shes very pragmatic but i also notice she approves occasionally when im nice. i like her <3 we’re besties we’re a Team
i found astarion second and. yeah i get why hes tumblr’s favorite. hes an evil flirty fruity vampire. he has white hair and pronouns. that bloodsucking scene might as well have just been a sex scene. i enjoy him in my party (actually hes my fav character to play as, i love dashing around and stabbing and vampire biting people. i originally thought id have him as kind of a spellcaster but i even paid to respec him to have more mobility spells/traits. also hes my go-to for picking locks and disarming traps, w items and keeping him fed ive gotten him up to +7 sleight of hand, it was 9 before but i think i might have accidentally removed a bonus when respeccing him lmao. hes like the most useful of my party outside of combat. anyway) and im a lesbian but im literally torn on whether or not i should accept his proposition at the tiefling party bc hes just so entertaining. i might full on romance him in another save. but the thing w him is that im a monsterfucker sure (karlach 💞) but i dont like his moral compass it makes conversations w him so difficult to navigate it stresses me out. like im playing a self-insert and kind of just choosing the options i choose right. but he probably thinks all my dialogue options are too soft and weak and wishy-washy💔 like sorry i dont think idolizing absolute power is a good thing bro. even if i get why hed be obsessed w power after 200 years of utterly lacking any. doesnt mean i have to agree w his cynicism
on that topic thats why im utterly enamored w karlach💗💗 i love her. like of all the romancable characters i genuinely would enjoy dating her. if it werent for my emotional attachment to shadowheart after being w her so long itd be a no brainer. like at the beginning i just wanted her in my party bc shes a hot buff demon lady. but shes such a joy??? her zest for even the little things in life like her dialogue w shadowheart abt nature. her just cheerfully dancing in camp. shes boisterous and passionate and enthusiastic. also shes the only one of the characters i like who approves when i go out of my way to help people and when i brainwashed this monster into cannibalizing its pack (fucked up but i didnt wanna fight the whole horde And it) shadowheart and astarion approved but she Disapproved, and idk it just feels like a breath of fresh air to see someone who’s more openly just held on to goodness after everything shes gone through, after shadowheart’s and astarion’s disregard for other people. i need to find her a mechanic to fix her engine but i dont think i can go to the tiefling camp without triggering the party scene so. 💔
i dont really like gale tbh. i mean i dont Not like him he was fine to have in my party but as soon as karlach came along it was an easy choice to kick him out. his storyline is interesting from what ive seen but i feel like. im just not charmed by him lol. i failed a roll while he was trying to teach me magic in this probably romantic scene but he just cut it off there and i didnt bother savescumming to reroll. i also have met wyll but yeah hes fine. kind of the goody type from what ive seen and hes nice enough im also just not charmed. truly i think its just that im a lesbian but i find these two boring in comparison to the three above. ive also found halsin and hes abt to join my party but i made my character a druid already so hes kinda redundant😭 i googled it and hes the only one whos down w polyamory which is so sad bc i can see why people who like men find him hot but i dont, why couldnt any of the three companions i actually like let me date multiple people 😭😭 sadness. i wish it was like sdv where you can date everyone w no consequences as long you exclude one person. i dont like any of the guys except astarion please bg3😭😭😭
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