#hgsn 11
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kisslatr · 1 year ago
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coloured this page from chapter 11
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entertext · 1 year ago
HGSN 22-1
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Tanaka: I just came thinking Grandpa here was in bad shape, and ah, how incredibly convenient!
Tanaka: Just in time to meet Indou Hikaru-kun
In order to hold on to tomorrow...
Yoshiki: Who-...ah...
Yoshiki: ? Dea- ?
Yoshiki: 'Hi- 'Hi- 'Hikaru'?
Yoshiki: ....
Tanaka: ....
(sfx: bwoosh)
Yoshiki: Ah!
(sfx: smack)
Tanaka: Hahahahahaha!!
Yoshiki: Hah...hah...
(sfx: fwhump)
Yoshiki: (stick on stick on stick on stick on stick on stick on stick on stick on stick on stick on stick on stick on)
(sfx: burble glorp)
Yoshiki: Shit. Why...!? It won't stick back together!
Yoshiki: Whoooaaaarghh!
(sfx: shpp)
(sfx: inhales)
Yoshiki: Hah...hah....
(sfx: dizzy)
??: How much time has passed since he lost consciousness?
??: About an hour...
(sfx: crowd murmurs)
Next chapter: 2023/11/21
Twitter Extra (link)
Biweekly updates until the end of chapter 22 and resuming weekly updates starting with chapter 23 according to twitter.
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medium5 · 2 years ago
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snalsupremacy · 2 years ago
hgsn theory: Tanaka is from Kubitachi, and is (probably) Rie Kurebayashi's son
now that Tanaka is back (FINALLY OMG) I would like to share this theory I have been thinking of for a while. Out of respect for the  ch 0-11 scanlators, I will not be sharing any screenshots of the pages I'm referencing, but listing them instead. It shouldn't be a big deal since I do describe all the important parts so u don't have to click on them every five seconds, its just to prove I'm not making shit up. Also, for those who don't know who Rie Kurebayashi is (I don't blame you, we literally only know her name based on Yoshiki's contact on his phone): She's the middle aged woman who can see the yokai, and urges Yoshiki to get away from Hikaru or else they'll get "mixed up"
• She mentioned in ch 6 pg 11 (Mangadex) that her dead husband left a scar on her son's body. Who of the cast of characters has a scar on their body? Tanaka. Feels very Chekhov's gun-ish to mention this very specific detail and then introduce a character with a scar right after. • In ch 9 pg 32, he says "Kubitachi is a dank, musty, miserable hole. Imagine if I just... didn't go...". Kubitachi isn't a well known place that has any reputation, yet he describes it with disdain. The only way he would know such things is if he lived there once. • The elders know Tanaka. Mikasa (glasses one) is the one who brings him up (ch 9 pg 31), and Takeda (angry one)  even says "I didn't want to stoop to joining forces with him" (ch 9 pg 32). On ch 12 pg 31, Mikasa even says "Still lookin' ragged as usual" when he first sees him. They know him enough to criticize his looks in front of him, unlike any employer-worker relationship. "As usual" implies that they have seen each other multiple times, perhaps because they saw him grow up in Kubitachi. • Tanaka probably has a special ability. HGSN puts a lot of emphasis in the eyes, especially of those who experience the supernatural. 'Hikaru' has red pupils, Rie has a white halo around her pupil, and Asako's has multiple circles. I'm bringing this up because we never see Tanaka's eyes. Sure, it's summer and the sun is bright, but even inside a car or a house, he never takes his sunglasses off. In this promotional piece, Tanaka is grouped together with Rie and Asako, who have special abilities. As seen by Asako's grandmother, the special ability is genetic. So If Tanaka is Rie's son, it would explain why he has it. • In ch 13 pg 19, Tanaka not only recognizes who old lady Matsuura was, but even asks of Takeda's father. He knows these people by name and face, another hint that he grew up in Kubitachi. • So ch 14 pg 3, is the elephant in the room of my theory. He says that he doesn't have any spiritual intuition, which would disprove my theory he has a special ability. He also mentions that he got the scar by being to "absorbed" in his work In ch 12 pg 29, we see that Rie's son was still a small child when her husband came back (assuming this flashback is from then, when else could it be?). I doubt his father coming back is considered him being absorbed in his work. If he is saying the truth, then he is not Rie's son (but could still be from Kubitachi). However, he could be lying. The elders don't trust him, especially Takeda. In ch 14 pg 2, he even says "Don't ya go doin' somethin' strange while I'm watchin' ya". He doesn't trust this grown man enough to even leave him alone at his work!  Tanaka is just not a trustable person, even in the newest chapter, he seems to be texting a mysterious Satou person, showing that he's full of secrets. • Which actually leads me to the latest chapter! The translator has pointed out that both Tanaka and Satou are extremely common last names, and that combined with not knowing Tanaka's full name leads me to believe that that's not his real name. Why is he using an alias? I'm not so sure. A mysterious guy like him probably has many reasons to hide his real name. Maybe he doesn't want people in this town to recognize him? Obviously the elders do see to know him more than that, but not anyone else, including Rie Kurebayashi. Oof I think that's it! Would love to hear you guys' opinions, but please be nice about it😅 I seen how some of you guys tore that one hgsn reading that it was homophobic to shreds and while I disagree with op some of y'all were brutal! I mean, another day another slay ig but fr pls b nice I will cry🥺
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bispacecadet · 2 years ago
I was looking up when vnc volume 11 is supposed to come out and saw that volume 10 isn't even out yet in English? and the same goes for wha 11 and hgsn 2, all three of which are currently on my bookshelf
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levbolton · 2 years ago
HGSN Line game questions and answers
Volume 2 of Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu went out in Japan with a limited edition student card of Yoshiki with a special QR code for a Line bot. Moku said that they wrote almost all the answers, so let’s assume most of the information here is canon. I made a compilation of (I think almost) all answers, thanks to my dear moot Agnes that provided me the screenshots to the conversations (thanks a lot).
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1. When is your birthday
Yoshiki: April 20th
Hikaru: March 20th
2. How old are you?
Yoshiki: I am 17, Hikaru … 16
Notice: I am very troubled about this, because why are they the same grade then…?
3. Do you like dogs?
Yoshiki: I used to go to my mother's family in Tokyo every New Year's Eve. The dog on my phone's lock screen is the one they keep there.
4. Do you like drinking?
Hikaru: You're always drinking. That old man...
Notice: I do not understand this one at all…
5. What do you think about Asako?
Yoshiki: I've never won an arm wrestling match... By the way, I think she is secretly popular among the boys.
6. What do you think about Yuuki?
Yoshiki: Yuki and I have been friends since junior high school and have known each other for a long time. The obligation chocolates she gives me for Valentine's Day are to die for.
7. What do you think about Maki?
Hikaru: Maki is really loud, louder than me.
8. Cute. (just this word)
Hikaru: I think so. Yoshiki's cute.
Yoshiki: ... I'm not happy…
9. Are you friends?
Hikaru: I have a lot of friends, but Yoshiki is like half my family.
Yoshiki: Well, ...... I'm sure I did. I did.
10. What do you think about Kaoru?
Hikaru: Kaoru is like a little sister to me too.
11. What do you think about your mother?
Hikaru: My mom and Yoshiki's mother are very close. They often have tea together.
12. Do you like your father?
Yoshiki: I don't talk to my dad... I don't talk to him at all, so...
13. Do you like summer holidays?
Hikaru: Summer is for watermelons!
Yoshiki: All you talk about is food.
14. What are your hobbies?
Yoshiki: Eh... Watching YouTube, reading comic books... I used to make insect specimens.
Hikaru: Read comics or... Eating?
15. What do you think about MasterMaster?
Hikaru: I've read a lot of Master Master. But it's only 120 volumes (unfinished), so…
Notice: MasterMaster is a reference to HxH, but damn 120 volumes, jojo style
16. What is your favourite film?
Hikaru: I like to watch movies for no reason.
17. What are your fondest memories?
Hikaru: The summer festival was memorable~ but the mince cutlet might be the best memory for me
18. Who do you like?
Hikaru: What do you mean by “like”? I don't know, but I think my favourite living thing is Yoshiki.
Yoshiki: I have the right to remain silent.
19. What is the Indo family history?
Hikaru: Come to think of it, it's a strange last name, isn't it? What's the origin?
20. What is the Tsujinaka family?
Yoshiki: My last name, I often forget to write the dots of Tsuji (辻)
If you mention Kohei, Tanaka, Takeda, Matsushima, Mikasa, Hikaru will answer like this: Eh?
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21. Stamp
Text: Cheer up today! Roudo Nyan
Notice: Stamps on Line are like the equivalent of Facebook stickers. I assume we have a name for the kitty now…
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22. What is your dialect?
Yoshiki: Our dialect seems to be often referred to as a mock Osaka dialect...It's not the same as Osaka dialect.
23. What are your aspirations?
Yoshiki: Leave the village...?
Hikaru: Eh~ to wipe my ass with a 10.000 yen bill
24. Happy birthday!
Yoshiki: Eh? Today is not my birthday.
Hikaru: Thank you! Today is my birthday!
Notice: It is not his birthday.
23. School festival
Hikaru: I'm sure I'll be a relay player, but I won't lose to the track and field guys~
Yoshiki: I'll probably be in charge of photography anyway.
24. School club
Yoshiki: After school, I basically study in the study room. The photo club is kind of a ghost club...
Hikaru: I practice with the football team, and when I'm done, I go home with Yoshiki.
25. Halloween
Hikaru: If I were to dress up for Halloween, I'd be a zombie! Ahahaha!
Yoshiki: It’s not funny…
26. Summer Festival
Hikaru: The summer festival was so much fun! Do you wear a yukata? 
Yoshiki: It's a hassle, I don't wear one.
Hikaru: I'd like to wear one at least once.
27. Sing
Hikaru: Ao~yama nakami ni~sozure tenbansan~♪ 
Yoshiki: I’s a school song 
Notice: Hikaru is singing the same song from chapter 13.2
28. Autumn
Hikaru: What's autumn like? Do the leaves change?
Yoshiki: The leaves turn red. The mountains turn red and silver grass grows.
Hikaru: Huh~ I'm looking forward to it.
Notice: I can’t he’s so... innocent....
29. Winter
Yoshiki: I don't like winter because it's cold. It snows here... 
Hikaru: The first time I saw snow with my own eyes, I was so moved. 
30. Ice cream
Hikaru: I think Mr Gachigachi-kun is the best ice-cream maker.
Yoshiki: Yamakyu always only has Papikko, but that's third in my opinion
31. Do you believe in Santa?
Hikaru: Hey, when did you realise that Santa Claus doesn’t exist?
Yoshiki: I've had a faint hunch since I was about 5 years old.
Hikaru: Yoshiki, you were a realistic kid...
32.  Shichi-Go-San
Hikaru: Yoshiki, did you do the shinchi-go-san?
Yoshiki: I did... It doesn't suit you at all.
Hikaru: Hmm. I want to do it too. But come to think of it,  I'm not even three years old yet.
Notice: I can’t he’s so...........
Tbh I think these are useful for… eventual fanfics… (pls someone write a multichap au)
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entertext · 2 years ago
HGSN 19-1
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Yoshiki: Um... Y-...yeah
(sfx: crickets)
(sfx: crunch crunch)
Tanaka: About the village here...
(sfx: electric lamp bzzz)
Tanaka: What's the local specialty?
Yoshiki: Huh? Uh. L-local specialty?
(sfx: crickets)
Tanaka: Yeah
(sfx: crickets)
Yoshiki: I- I guess shiitake mushrooms or something...?
(sfx: crickets)
Tanaka: Aw man, really?
Tanaka: I'm not very fond of shiitake, though. Doesn't it feel like it turns your saliva into soup stock? Do you like them?
Yoshiki: Well I don't hate shiitake, but...um...?
Tanaka: I'm a folklore researcher, see. I came to study the settlement here.
Tanaka: I'm usually lodged at Mikasa-san's place...
Tanaka: What should I call you?
Yoshiki: I'm Tsujinaka...from that house over there...
Yoshiki: (A folklore researcher? Not a Youtuber or something?)
Tanaka: Ohh, I see
Tanaka: Well, thanks, Tsujinaka-kun
Tanaka: I'll get over my pickiness and try some.
Tanaka: This little rodent here is my partner
Tanaka: It's been I guess twelve years since I started taking care of it
Yoshiki: Huh?...You must be kidding, right? Isn't a hamster's lifespan only 2, 3 ye-
Tanaka: This one's special. 'cause it's a monster hamster
Yoshiki: .....
Yoshiki: ...nevermind, but thank you very much
Tanaka: Ah, sorry, it pooped on you
Yoshiki: That might be because I made it nervous, sorry.
Tanaka: (A scar on his arm...)
Tanaka: ....
(sfx: lift)
Tanaka: You know, you remind me of myself. See ya.
Yoshiki: (What a weird guy...)
Yoshiki: (But haven't I run into him somewhere before...? Nah...)
Tanaka: That boy from before. He's holding something, and he's "mixed up", isn't he?
Next chapter: 2023/07/11
Twitter Extra (link):
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Due to certain circumstances, Tanaka's hamster has the soul of a human child inside it. Although its conciousness is that of a hamster's, because of that, it can sense things not of this world.
Guess who doesn't have a twitter account!!! 🙃
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entertext · 2 years ago
HGSN 19-2
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Tanaka: (Is he himself "Nounuki-sama"?)
Tanaka: (No, there's no way)
Tanaka: (But he is holding onto something strongly related to it)
Tanaka: (He's definitely come into contact with it)
Tanaka: (There are probably only two kids around high school age in this village)
Tanaka: (The Indou boy who went missing...)
Tanaka: (As I thought, something must have happened...)
Tanaka: .......
Tanaka: (That thing doesn't have an ego much less any emotions)
Tanaka: (It should be more of a conceptual thing)
Tanaka: (Taking on a human form and living normally...)
Tanaka: (Is that even possible?)
Tanaka: ...Will the hound be able to find it soon...?
Hikaru: You're a real animal-lover, aren't ya?
Yoshiki: You don't like them, Hikaru?
Hikaru: Hm? They're okay. But they don't seem to like me much.
Yoshiki: It's not that I like animals because they like me. I like that they live by their own rules that have nothing to do with humans.
Hikaru: Ohhh. So you like their way of life or something?
Yoshiki: Yeah. I like the ones that can kill or eat humans too.
Hikaru: You know, that's just called hating people!
(sfx: suddenly awake)
Maki: Oh! Yoshiki, you're awake!
Maki: Huh!? Why are you crying?
Yoshiki: Huh?
Maki: Well, guess I gotta give you...
(sfx: in tatters)
Maki: my handkerchief...
Yoshiki: It's nasty, no thanks.
Maki: Sure...
(sfx: noisy crowd)
Yoshiki: By the way, is your arm ok?
Maki: It's awful
Yoshiki: How did it get broken anyways?
Maki: Ah... In the clubroom, my senpai started acting weird and flipping out...
Maki: Doesn't seem like people are talking about it much though
Yoshiki: Whoa...
Maki: ....
Maki: ...unbelievable, now I won't be able to play in the tournament, you've got to be kidding me, argh...
(sfx: scratch scratch)
Yoshiki: (Now that I think of it, Maki took his extracurriculars pretty seriously)
(sfx: clatter)
(sfx: school chimes)
Teacher: Ahem...It's only a short time until finals
Teacher: So, everyone, please make sure to study...
Teacher: In particular, regarding transitive and intransitive verbs...
(sfx: page flipping)
Yoshiki: (Nounuki-sama...there's still a ton of stuff we don't know)
Matsuura: Hajime's father, Grandpa Takeda. Why don't you try asking him?
Matsuura: He's from the same generation as my mother.
Yoshiki: He probably won't take us seriously if we just show up at his house. What should we do...?
Yoshiki: Would Hikaru's dad...
Yoshiki: ...have known something?
Yoshiki: *sighs*...
(sfx: cicadas)
Yoshiki: Nn...?
(sfx: cicadas)
Yoshiki: Something...is coming this way...
Yoshiki: Ah.
Twitter Extra (link):
Next chapter: 2023/07/18
Maki (11 years old)
Yuuki: Whoa, there's hair!?
Maki: It's not that suprising...It's not like I always had a shaved head...
I don't remember if its come up explicitly before, but Maki is on the baseball team according to the official website.
Twitter link should work even without an account (at least to view the image).
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