#hfw ocean
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robo-dino-puppy · 6 months ago
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horizon forbidden west | ocean shots 5/?
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dotcircledot · 7 months ago
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horizonlandscape · 1 year ago
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Yall know i love sunsets by now
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permanentlylatetotheparty · 10 months ago
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thunders-drum · 11 months ago
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Rising Tide
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horizon-series-details · 2 years ago
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Both of these are from roughly the same spot, with one view focused on the ground under the water and one above it. Here I wanted to specifically talk about the way the light interacts with the water. The fact that you can see reflections both on the surface and the sand, with the reflections changing depending on time of day and weather conditions is very impressive. Personally, I love how well it was handled by the developers. I think this kind of rendering is rather pretty and helps with the immersion factor significantly.
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xamiipholia · 1 year ago
okay y'all seemed to like the last one so here's a few more Horizon 3 thoughts:
Aloy won’t die. It would completely upend the series’ themes and just be really nihilistic.
Since Nemesis is a gestalt entity I think it’s a safe bet that we’ll see Sam Witwer, Carrie-Anne Moss, etc again. I’m curious how they’re going to do it because at least structurally, it’s basically a reaper. Maybe it’ll use different Avatars when communicating like the Leviathan in ME3. 
It's gonna take some work to make a flashback/dream/vision not contrived but I would love to see Varl and Rost again. I think we deserve that.
Minerva is gonna have its work cut out for it blocking access to both the dormant Faro Swarm and the ZD terraforming system. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if Nemesis has some sort of corruption function that becomes the equivalent of the corruption in HZD. It would be a really fun tech showcase if GG uses Zenith nanotech for machine corruption and leans into mechanical body horror.
If we’re going to Ban-Ur I really really hope they do the work to make the Banuk less problematic and more fleshed out as a culture. A quasi-Spartan society absolutely would not survive in an extreme environment, *especially* without megafauna to hunt. The Banuk characters are lovely and well-written; they deserve a society as well thought out as the Utaru or Carja. I’m honestly fine if there’s retcons or revamps to the cultural lore because the whole “outsider barges in and becomes chief” is rooted in racist, colonial tropes and we just don’t really need that imo.
The most recent footage of Death Stranding 2 (also running on Decima) has me SO excited for the visuals. GG’s gonna knock it out. The facial rendering and animation that Kojima Productions are doing looks industry-peak and I’m sure GG’s gonna match that. Aloy’s Gay Panic™️ scene on the beach in HBS is already top-tier nonverbal storytelling through animation. Digital Foundry actually just posted a really cool tech breakdown of the current Decima engine. I’m especially excited about the environmental stuff. The ocean simulations in HFW are already incredible and I hope they increase verticality in the world. I can’t wait to see the Sacred Lands in current gen graphics. 
I really love Kotallo’s DIY arm and it’s so so important to his development but Beta and Gaia now have access to Zenith nanotech, maybe give your buddy a sick upgrade hmm?
Speaking of, I can’t wait to see Beta come into her own. She’s one of the best parts of HFW and Aloy’s character absolutely shines in a sibling dynamic. 
I wouldn’t get your hopes up for a romance mechanic. Everyone’s feelings on that aside, it would be really odd from a game development perspective to just overhaul part of how the narrative develops Aloy’s character in the last act of the story. Yeah, there are flashpoints but I would argue that the presence of choice in Horizon is smoke and mirrors- cosmetic at best. Kentucky Route Zero (which you should play) does something similar where the player is given a certain amount of control over the substance of individual conversations and scenarios and it does absolutely nothing to alter the plot, by design. I think it’s the same here - this isn’t really a choice-based RPG, the flashpoints don’t really affect anything plot-wise or for Aloy’s character development. Olin is still out of the story, Nil lives, Regalla still dies one way or another. Aloy’s character development is pretty firmly on rails (think Jin Sakai, not Shepard - you get to guide some momentary character reactions but that’s it). I don’t think HBS is a testing ground either - If they were gonna introduce a romance mechanic I think they’d just do it, and not spend two years making a direct continuation of HFW’s main quest and establishing a specific romance hard-baked into the plot, complete with multiple leitmotifs for the character relationship (which is something they haven’t done before afaik) just to introduce a side quest mechanic coming in 5 years. I genuinely can’t think of any game or dev that has beta tested a major alteration to upcoming game mechanics that way - it doesn’t really make any sense in terms of developer resources, and these games are extremely time-consuming to make. I know this is a thing a bunch of people want and I can totally empathize with that! I just think it’s probably not on the table. 
I would bet money the series will bookend itself and the epilogue will involve a) the naming of Zo and Varl’s kid and b) Lis’ pendant. 
Mostly I'm just looking forward to being surprised. One of my favorite things that Horizon does is use carefully established elements in the world to pull the plot in unexpected directions and keeping the world grounded while they lean into speculative science fiction. I can't wait to see what Guerrilla is cooking up
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themissakat · 10 months ago
sorry about taking so long to think of words, but i think i finally have good questions.
what are your guesses for where the 3rd game is going to take place? Visit a new location or return to old locations of the first 2? the forbidden west and carja and nora?
How do you think aloy and friends are going to develop? where could the game go to further the character arcs of the squad?
words are hard you're good
gonna put a readmore bc it has a lot of Forbidden West spoilers!!
My first guess would be that we'll see something related to the Oseram homeland, as its the only one of the main tribes (aside from the Quen ofc) where we've met their people but not been to their capital. I don't have 100% certainty on this because the Oseram are the most nomadic of all the tribes we've seen thus far, those guys are everywhere, so its hard to say if visiting a centralized leader would be applicable to getting their support, as opposed to getting in touch with individual groups like the Vanguard at Meridian or the group at Burning Ember.
I think it would be so cool to see the Quen homeland, and I've read some fics that propose the potential use of Zenith tech (like the shuttle, its just hanging out still) to travel those long distances faster. It would be interesting to see if they push the travel that far, as they played a little bit with that in Burning Shores and going to the San Francisco area, but Vegas to San Fran is a little different than crossing the entire Pacific Ocean.
as for the characters, I really hope to see Aloy continue to open up about accepting help from others and not shouldering the entire burden herself. One of my favorite arcs in hfw was how Aloy contended with Elisabet's "legacy", and how she, at first, accepted sole responsibility for it, to the point of pushing everyone else away from her. Her being the "key" to the facilities obviously put her in a place of "if i dont do this, no one else CAN", but I think that the introduction of Beta and the staunch support of her friends really finally pushed her into "it is okay to accept help".
I think that meeting Beta and contending with their differences despite their being genetically identical was a very needed push for Aloy, because it put a mirror up to her experiences and reinforced for her that she IS NOT just a clone of Elisabet, but her own unique person as well. I will keep saying it but their sisterhood breaks me and rebuilds me into a better human, i love them so much sdjfhsd
I do think we'll be seeing a lot of returning cast of course, including Avad and hopefully the Nora as well. I'm very excited for the introduction of Seyka to the greater group, because I'm curious how the writers will handle Aloy actually having a requited romance, instead of just being the subject of a lot of people's attention. ( my thread for talking about hfw is called "Flirting With Aloy Like It's An Olympic Sport" for a reason ).
Despite not being the main focus of the story, there are SO MANY moments where Aloy interacts with romance and attraction that I can't see them not resolving that plot point for her and Seyka. I, personally, expect it to be tied into the concept of "after", of the future she will have once the future of the planet is secured. I personally headcanon that Aloy will struggle with this concept, as she has been completely goal driven her entire life, and to finally achieve that goal is something she has never considered.
I want to meet Federa and Zo's baby ofc. I dont have too many other specific thoughts about character arc resolution for the rest, aside from that I hope Erend finds something worth fighting for, as he has lost SO MUCH and at times seems to be the most lost amongst the group. He has his heart in the right place, but I feel he is very deep in his grief for his sister still, whereas a lot of the other characters have more specific goals or people to inspire them onward.
I can't think of any more specific thoughts atm sjdfd except, Gildun beloved, Burning Embers crew beloved, good characters all around.
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amatchinwater · 2 years ago
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Picture is my screenshot from the game!!
Tell Me it's Gonna be Okay
Pairing: Ereloy
Characters: Aloy, Erend, Zo (mentioned), Varl (mentioned), Beta (mentioned)
Warnings: feelings of anxiety, painful memories, hfw spoilers!
Words: 1817
Ao3 link Masterlist
Fresh air unobscured by the crumbling, decrepit walls of Tilda’s mansion brushes against Aloy’s face. The Nora wishes that the cool breeze from the ocean did anything to quell the burning rage inside of her. Stopped the sickening sadness leeching her heart. No matter how miniscule of a change, she’d welcome it. Because right now, Aloy feels seconds away from a panic attack. 
She dispatches the machines around Tilda’s place with precision. Ease fueled by the fire and sorrow in her veins. Power she knows good and well that she possesses proved fruitless against the Zeniths. And Varl paid the price.
Aloy’s heart throbs in her chest, the memory of what was basically her best friend being murdered right before her eyes. GAIA and her sister kidnapped while the Nora lay helpless by the override. Not even whilst a literal outcast did Aloy feel as helpless as she did in Gemini. 
She promised Beta’s safety.
Assured Zo that Varl would come back.
Aloy never wanted any of this to happen. Not because of her. Never because of her.
She didn’t even realize she'd crumbled to the ground until her knees grew damp from a puddle. Aloy taps her focus, desperately needing to hear his voice. “E-Erend? You there?”
“Aloy?! Aloy,” he sounds choked up, “is that really you?”
“Yeah,” she breathes out the smallest sigh of relief, “it’s me. Where is everyone?”
“We’re all…we’re back at base,” the Oseram speaks mournfully. We meaning him, Kotallo, Zo, and Alva. Key components missing from what’s essentially their home. “Aloy, I-” Erend sighs, “are you okay, Darlin’?”
Her heart swells. That amidst everything, he cares to ask about her. Aloy can’t go back to the base yet. Not with the massive hole there. Can’t face Zo knowing she didn’t uphold her promise to anyone. The Nora just isn’t ready to handle that.
Or maybe just incapable. 
“Erend,” Aloy’s voice shakes. Her breath a stuttered gasp, more tears spilling from her eyes disguised from the rain. “I need you. Please, Erend, I-I need you.” Nothing has made the Nora feel more vulnerable than finally saying those words.
Because the truth is, there are multiple layers to what she’d just said. So many reasons behind telling him that. But right now, Aloy just needs Erend’s strong arms to wrap around her and tell her everything will be okay.
“Where are you?” The Oseram asks, sounding like he’s out of breath from running. “She’s alive, Zo. I’m gonna go get her. She’s okay,” he calls loudly.
She can barely hear the Utaru’s reply.
Is he already on his way?
Aloy checks the map on her focus, seeing a shelter not incredibly far away. If she runs and Erend is on a Bristleback, she should beat him by maybe an hour.
Possibly less.
“I sent you the coordinates.”
“Got ‘em. I’ll see you soon, okay? Soon.”
“Erend,” Aloy mutters through her tears, “please hurry.” Everything hurts and she just needs him. 
“I know, Darlin’,” Erend grunts, probably pushing his mount harder. “I’m coming, Aloy.”
As much as she’d like to stay on the call with him, Aloy doesn’t. Tapping the call away, the Nora picks herself up out of the mud, not bothering to clean her knees of the grime. The rain will do it for her just fine. Even more so when she finally finds the strength to run. The wind whipping the cold rain against her clothes has them mostly clean in no time.
By the time Aloy makes it to the shelter, the rain has stopped. Leaving her a shivering mess, numb fingers desperately trying to bring life back to the campfire. The Nora is grateful that this one is under an overhang from the cliff, so at least she isn’t working with wet wood. That’d just make Aloy’s task that much harder.
Once the fire is burning nicely and Aloy is mostly dry, she curls her knees to her chest. Tightly wrapping her arms around herself while she waits for Erend. But Aloy can’t help the way her mind trails back to a dark, dangerous place. To the tragic, hurt look on Beta’s face when she couldn’t get a clean shot. To Varl. Poor Varl, the way Erik plunged into his chest like it was nothing.
Her last connection to home, yanked away from Aloy in a matter of painful seconds. 
Tears spill freely down Aloy’s cheeks with no rain left to hide them.
But then the Nora sees the glow of a machine getting too close. Can hear the whirring of its legs. Aloy is already in position, arrow ready, half pulled back as a fire Bristleback comes into view. Aloy draws the arrow back fully, ready to let it loose the moment it notices her. Waiting for the blue lights to turn yellow. 
“Whoa! It’s just me, Darlin’!” Erend exclaims, rearing his mount to a stop. “It’s me.”
“Erend,” Aloy gasps his name. Her entire body sags with relief, bow clattering to the ground as she stands up. The Nora barely gives him enough time to fully dismount before her arms fly around him. Throwing herself at the Oseram with a ferocious, biological need for him. In any capacity. 
Erend immediately hugs her just as tightly. “By the forge,” he kisses the side of her head. Something he’s never done before, but it coils a sweet warmth around the Nora’s heart. “Darlin’, I’m so glad you’re safe. I thought-” Erend’s voice trembles, “I thought I lost you too. I couldn’t bear the thought. To lose you- you? Aloy, that’d end me, sure as steel.”
Blame her emotions. The cornucopia of feelings coursing through her. But Aloy needs something good. She needs Erend. If he pushes her away after, so be it. But she needs it, just once. His words only fueled it, making her feel like it’s okay to try.
With wet, hazel eyes, Aloy pulls back just enough to look up at him. Without thinking, or giving herself a chance to change her mind, she gently presses her mouth to his. Chapped from consistent travel with no stops to take a drink. But they’re warm and inviting, Erend returning the kiss with passion, squeezing her waist.
Possessive in nature but gentle in touch.
“Fire and spit,” Erend whispers, breaking their kiss to gasp for air. “I never thought I’d get to do that,” the Oseram looks at her fondly. “Are you okay, Darlin’?”
“What?” Aloy asks after a beat, her mind stuck on him having wanted to do that too.
Erend chuckles softly, his smile not fully meeting his eyes, but he gives her another small peck. “I asked if you’re okay. What did you need from me? How can I help, Aloy?”
The Nora blinks at him once. Two times. Even after their first kiss, he’s still wanting to check in with her. Attending to Aloy’s original call before even mentioning the romantic milestone they reached. She’s never even admitted to having feelings for him to anybody but Varl. Aloy isn’t completely oblivious either, she knows the Oseram has been flirting with her since the first time Erend opened his mouth. 
But flirting with someone doesn’t equal wanting to be with them.
It also doesn’t help that Aloy doesn’t actually know how to answer that question. In the specific sense of it, the way the Oseram meant, no, she isn’t. But in an overall sense, now that Aloy is in Erend’s arms, she’s just fine. Because she knows that if she breaks, he’ll gladly help put the pieces back together. Just like she helped him about Ersa.
“Not exactly,” Aloy lets out a nervous laugh, knowing he could catch it if she tried to lie. “I just need you.”
“Come here,” Erend murmurs, carefully scooping her up in his arms. “I miss them too. You promised me a long time ago that we’d find my sister.” The Oseram’s boot gently nudges her weapons off the bed roll. Erend lowers himself on one knee, “I’m here to promise you the same. Everything is going to be okay, I know it.”
“But the Zeniths-”
“Fuck the Zeniths. They caught us off guard ‘s all.” Erend maneuvers them until he’s laying behind her. Arms firmly wrapped around the Nora to keep her close. “We will get Beta and GAIA back, I’m sure of it. You have my hammer, Darlin’ and I’ll stop at nothing, you hear me? Nothing until we get them back.”
Aloy smiles, eyes filling with tears at the lengths he’s always willing to go for her. “Thank you, Erend.”
“Always,” Erend squeezes her tighter, “always.”
“You let me kiss you,” the Nora sniffles, willing the tears to leave her now that she’s bracketed in the safety of his arms. “Then said you didn’t think you’d be able to.” Aloy shifts in his hold, looking up at the beautiful man glowing from the fire. “Why?”
Erend searches her face for a moment. For what, the Nora isn’t sure. But the Oseram finds it a second later, “don’t you know I’ve been in love with you since before the fight with HADES? The beautiful Nora that helped me when my own tribe wouldn’t.” Erend leans in, gently kissing her. “I owe you a life debt, but I fell for you face first. However you want me, in whatever capacity, Darlin’ you have me.”
This feeling she’s had blooming in her chest ever since the Daunt only worsened. Every time Aloy came back to the base to find Erend diligently reading, cooking with Beta, or joking with the others, the feeling intensified. Once he’d gotten there, it felt more and more like Aloy was coming home. To him. It didn’t fully click until Eren said it out loud just what that feeling was. 
“I love you too, Erend,” Aloy smiles at her blue eyed Oseram.
Erend’s mutton chops pull at the corners of his mouth, his face lighting up at her admission. He kisses her passionately, facial hair tickling her cheeks but the Nora can’t bring herself to mind. “I’m glad you called me. I had to keep Zo at bay, she’s worried about you. But the second you said you needed me, I ran out of the base. You called me first,” he smiles sweetly.
“I needed to hear your voice,” Aloy curls her fingers into his shirt, “I needed you.”
“Anytime you need me, Darlin’, I’m here.”
Trepidation fills her without Aloy’s permission and she whispers, “and if I said I always needed you?”
He brushes their noses together, “then always is what you’ll have.” Erend kisses her forehead, coaxing Aloy to his chest, “now get some rest. We should head back soon, but they can wait a bit longer. Let someone take care of you for once.”
Aloy doesn’t have a single argument once she’s curled up with Erend. Falling asleep faster than ever before. 
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robo-dino-puppy · 10 months ago
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horizon forbidden west | ocean shots 4/?
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dotcircledot · 2 years ago
about me
hi! i’m aur! i am aroacespec and go by they/he. i enjoy drawing, reading, tv shows, movies, games (gacha games are taking over my life). I also really enjoy marine animals and stuff related to the ocean!
this blog is mainly an art archive and i will rarely do anything except post art here.
comms: https://aurscomms.carrd.co
other socials: dotcircledot on insta and twt
The Dragon Prince (s1-3)
Project Sekai
Good Omens
How To Train Your Dragon (httyd1, httyd2) (do not talk to me about that excuse of a third movie ty.)
Xingyun (genshin)
Horizon (hzd + hfw +dlcs)
Avatar The Last Airbender
probably some other fandoms i’m forgetting
i usually end up having very intense periods of each of these that last a long time where i’ll only talk about one, but i am still multifandom! don’t expect too much consistency
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foibles-fables · 2 years ago
tag game (Horizon)
stolen from @hellcheercaine!!! Thanks for the excuse to put off starting work for another few minutes.
1.ride or die ship (your otp): Aloy/Talanah. my rotten soldiers my sweet cheeses my good-time gals
2. most annoying ship: nah you know I don't play that game <3
3. second favourite ship: Aloy/Yarra
4. favourite platonic relationship: Aloy and Erend, Talanah and Milu, Aloy and Sylens
5. underrated ship: gonna say Aloy/Yarra here too. Also Fashav/Kotallo, Beta/Milu, Alva/Seyka (thoughts of an angsty Loyalist!Federa fic won't leave my brain ALONE)
6. overrated ship: see question 2 bls
7. one thing i would change in canon: Oh man. There are...many things, lmao. The clear and obvious one is having Talanah join the base (as we now know was the original intention [rolling_in_the_deep.mp3]). But since that one is a given--completely toss the Zeniths out of HFW. Ground the narrative conflict in gathering the subfunctions, the collapsing biosphere, and Regalla's rebellion instead. Bring GAIA back only at the very end. Save the Zeniths for the major H3 antagonist instead, negating the need for Nemesis as the Bigger Fish. How absolutely baller would it have been if the Beta reveal came as a post-credits stinger instead? (Gerard's voice: "Are you ready to finally make yourself useful, Beta?" and then a camera pan over the face of a Sobeck clone, GOD)
8. something canon did right: The entirety of "Deep Secrets of the Earth" in HZD was a masterclass in storytelling. Every part of exploring PZD HQ was remarkable. The datapoints, the juxtaposition of "The Bad News" with "The Good News," the latter of which as the culminating reveal of the mystery that's been building throughout the entire narrative--it's pretty much perfection.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: may I present to y'all my AO3 trashpile
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): ALVA. My personal shining star amongst the HFW companions. I'm also contractually obligated to say Talanah here, even if I want to shake her by the shoulders sometimes (affectionate)
11. the character i relate to the most and why: This is a tough one. I see pieces of myself in a number of the characters, but I'm not sure if there's one that I'm like, yes, that is ME. I could prrooobably say Alva again? But it's not a definitely one-to-one.
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: All the homies hate Ted Faro, that's for sure. But that's low-hanging fruit. So I'll give Amadis as well, though not for the seemingly-obvious reason--I cannot stand the sole purpose for which he was written, from the comic all the way through his weird unsatisfying ending in HFW. He's a repeated character with a repeated conflict that was already handled much more compellingly through Nil and is rendered useless and storyless by the end of Need to Know. Bringing him back in H3 would be the sorest mistake the narrative could make aside from a sacrificial ending for Aloy. He's just unneeded character bloat in an already-admittedly-bloated cast.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: You will make some of your very best friends here. Everyone is creative and hilarious and so smart. We all connect to the Horizon universe in a different way, and sharing your enthusiasm with others is what just makes the world feel even richer than what you could have imagined.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: I typically don't browse AO3 directly!
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: you're gonna make me pick ONE?? oh man, okay. so this changes by the day, and today I'll say Oceanator's "I Would Find You" is THEE Hawk and Thrush anthem.
tagging: since I stole this untagged, I challenge YOU to do the same! Choose your fandom and talk about it!
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horizonlandscape · 1 year ago
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duckyploprs · 1 year ago
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Horizontober day 2: oceanic
I wish that hfw was on pc already so i'd know better what to draw. Here is a fineliner marker-aquarell portrait of Aloy with her breathing under water device inspired on the official art
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pikapeppa · 2 years ago
I just wanted to let you know you are single handedly carrying the Aloy/Drakka ship for me. I went on to AO3 yesterday and thought "I bet there are more Aloy/Drakka fics than the last time I looked" but no! 26 in the tag! I'm pretty sure that's only a couple more when I first went into the tag like 6 months ago. And yours is my favorite. Please keep enabling my sudden Drakka thirst. I know it's only been like 11 days since desert blooms was updated but I keep rereading it!
shksfhgfh I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE ENJOYING MY ALOY/DRAKKA FIC 😭❤ I am also sad that he's gotten so few fics (at least where he's Aloy's only or primary LI) so I'm more than happy to aggressively give him as much love as I can! Fun fact: he's actually the first person in HFW who stole my heart. Within 30 seconds of meeting him, my sex drive heart was like "THIS ONE, THIS SHITHEAD, THIS IS THE ONE I WANT" 😂💀
I'm actually writing the next chapter as we speak! I'm sorry for the slow updates, I am/was working on 2-3 fics simultaneously while also watching my husband play Jedi: Survivor so the writing has been slow lately! 🐢 But here is an excerpt from the current chapter, in thanks for this lovely comment!
This is the chapter where Aloy and Drakka go on a road trip west, and Drakka gets his beautiful little mind blown by the Stand of the Sentinels and the ocean. 😂🥰
“What else did you bring? You’ve got more stuff than I expected you to have for a trip this short.” She eyed his saddlebags, which were both just a little smaller than hers.
“I’ve got a spare change of sandals in case these ones get damp, two pairs of fatigues for the same reason, I managed to get my hands on an Oseram tent in case it rains—”
“An Oseram tent? How—?” She wilted. “Drakka. You didn’t steal that from any passing Oseram, did you?”
“No, Aloy,” he said patiently. “I bought it from a trader in Arrowhand.”
“And did that trader steal it from any Oseram?”
He thought for a second. “Shit. I didn’t think to ask.”
She sighed. “Okay. So you have a tent and spare clothes… wait, why are you so worried about getting wet?”
“‘Cause it rains a lot in the jungle, and I don’t know what happens if you get rained on for too long. What if you can’t get properly dry? What if too much wet makes my skin rot off or something?”
She shot him a smirk, but her smile quickly faded. “Oh. You’re serious. Well, don’t worry about that. You’re not a sugar cube, you won’t melt in the rain.”
He grinned. “I’m not a what-now?”
She waved dismissively. “It’s a Carja thing. But don’t worry, your skin won’t rot.”
“Says you,” he said skeptically. “I’m still going to change my sandals if they get soaked. Besides, I worked hard to put this war paint on. I don’t want it washing off.”
“I don’t think a little rain is going to wash off your paint,” she said. “That stuff is pretty thick and oily. And are you really telling me you didn’t bring any extra paint with you?”
He gave her a chiding look. “Of course I did. What kind of soldier goes anywhere without extra paint?”
He also probably has his entire kit of sunscreen, lip balm and body perfume as per @galoogamelady's incredible comic, let's be real. 😂
For anyone who wants to check out my Drakka fic, it is here on AO3: Even The Hardiest Desert Blooms Need To Get Wet Sometimes! >100k words and counting, and NSFW, obviously. 🥰
-- love from your friendly neighbourhood Pika! xoxo
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werewolfteeth · 3 years ago
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Beta’s discovering the seaside for the first time.
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