#hfth the instrumentalist
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would-you-punt-them ¡ 9 months ago
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Solomon Reed (Hello from the Hallowoods)
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purple-egg-yolk ¡ 4 months ago
Solomon being convinced the devil has taken ahold of his child is so funny when the actual devil is busy fighting cowboys and having an existential crisis over developing rudimentary bonds to other people, and probably doesn’t even know Percy exists.
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hauntedkeys ¡ 6 months ago
One of my favorite things about Hello from the Hallowoods is that arguably the most conservative character’s FEMALE WIFE is a DOCTOR like he really said #feminism for Abigail and Abigail alone the rest of you belong in the kitchen though
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tryanmybest ¡ 10 months ago
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i love explaining plots to my friends
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3y3-see-you ¡ 1 year ago
Everyone exists on a spectrum between “you were nice to me so I will turn you into an instrument” (Solomon Reed) and “you were rude to me so I will turn you into an instrument” (Hannibal Lecter)
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thisisworsethanitlookslike ¡ 1 year ago
This episode got me like: NOT THAT BITCH AGAIN!
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lorientours ¡ 2 years ago
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Percy. Percy you are a ghost who literally cannot change their clothes. How can you comment on others sartorial decisions. Also is this really the time. Percy.
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ratpyramid ¡ 2 years ago
Mort should get to go to a carnival.
He deserves it.
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kazthropology ¡ 9 months ago
the instrumentalist’s theme really slaps for being a conservative old man
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purple-egg-yolk ¡ 4 months ago
Okay I know I’ve already made this joke for the stormlight archive but I think it fits here too,
Spoilers for hfth season 1:
Riot on her way to the instrumentalists house to avenge Walt, looking at her reflection in his sword: I hope they play hot to go.
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roki-roki-roll ¡ 11 months ago
HFTH theory (So spoilers up to current episodes):
Honestly this theory has no substance but I was like lol what if so I'll share it
Lady Ethel is the instrumentalist impersonator.
Last we heard from her she was going back to get revenge on Oswald Biggs Botulus.
Last we heard of Oswald he got the info from Percy on the methods and bought all the items from the Reed house at the dry market.
Maybe she went after him got his stuff and to remember her "friend" (aka Solomon who is the person she spent all season 3 trying to find) is now getting revenge on the people who killed him.
Yeah even as I'm writing this it's not adding up lol too many holes in this one
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bones-edition ¡ 2 years ago
Hello from the Hallowoods is so much more queer than other queer horror podcasts. Like there's tma and stuff where there's queer characters and themes, but hfth is out here telling an actual queer narrative, and I really appreciate that. Also the fact that the main antagonist is just. A guy. I was so surprised when I learned that the instrumentalist was not some terrible monstrous horror, but just. A really fucked up homophobic Christian guy. And it makes him that much worse. The instrumentalist has immediately far surpassed Elias for the top spot as my most hated podcast antagonist. The utter visceral hatred I feel for Mr. Solomon Instrumentalist is insane. Anyway yeah I'm enjoying hfth.
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origami-butterfly ¡ 1 year ago
Favorite podcast episode ever! Go!
Very, very good question. Probably a hfth episode, because I absolutely love it, however there are so many breathtakingly profound moments from each one, it's very hard to decide. I think my favourite may be episode 26, Needles, I constantly go feral about the Percy story in that one. (Although each episode makes me go feral for different reasons.) I really love season 1 of hfth the most because of the instrumentalist, however each individual episode and each season of hfth has it's strengths and emotional impacts.
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caiiaxteiie ¡ 2 years ago
So I'm listening to Hello From The Hallowoods, Season 1, right now, and I don’t know if this is already a meme in the fandom, BUT
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The Instrumentalist really took one look at Olivier and said "You Have Blue Hair And Pronouns", and there’s nothing we can do about it.
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ratpyramid ¡ 2 years ago
I only just started Hello from the Hallowoods, but I have to say that the vast majority of the characters I love very much and hope nothing bad happens to them.
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pensiveday ¡ 3 years ago
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Subject: The Instrumentalist Art: Dev @littlebreadroll / @littlebreadrollart Writing: Claude (main entry) @SnarkyWallflower (added note)
[ID: An illustration of Solomon Reed from Hello from the Hallowoods taped to a page with black tape.  The page is titled ‘The Instrumentalist.’  Solomon is an old man with long, flowing white hair, a white beard, blank black eyes, a long red cape, and black trousers.  He plays a violin, with three doodles of wispy black ghosts rising from the strings.  A note on the page pointing to him says ‘asshole (good riddance).’  The page also has a drawing of a book titled “Church of the Hallowed Name” and a small bell.  There is also a scribbly doodle of a skull and crossbones and a pair of cracked glasses, which has the note “don’t forget I broke his glasses (loser)” pointing to it.  The page is smudged in red and black.  
The second page is written in blocky, all-caps handwriting, titled ‘Solomon Reed (The Instrumentalist)’ followed by the below text:
Dangerous?  Yes - On sight
Sentient?  Full sentience but unreasonable
Encounter location:  Lives in an old fashioned mansion near the Scoutpost, surrounded by close trees.
Description:  An aging man with long white hair.  Tall, wears round glasses and a red robe.  Carries himself with an air of authority.  (a note in red adds “because he’s a condescending mansplaining idiot”)  Often heralded by the sound of violins (from the enslaved souls of his victims).
Abilities:  Turns living humans into spirits by killing them and attaching them to instruments.  Done with the knowledge of some arcane art, presumably learnt through the Church of the Hallowed Name and the Books of Downing Hill Library.  Seems to use a baton to orchestrate their movements?  (more research needed)
Spirits have the ability to injure and kill, but cannot be touched unless their instrument is destroyed.  However, the spirits have been turned against their will, and victims are often previous residents of the Scoutpost.  They are not the enemy.  (A note in red adds, “Apart from Percy and Al, they were all set free after we killed the Instrumentalist.”)  The bottom of the page is spotted with red stains, like blood.
A key is used to control or potentially turn these spirits--key in question was previously stolen by Riot Maidstone, drawing the wrath of Solomon upon her.  Controls (the “s” is crossed out in red, with words added to make this “used to control”) the Mendies with Irene’s bell--likely stolen as I can’t imagine her handing them over willingly.  Could be brought back to our side.
Connections:  Church of the Hallowed Name, Downing HIll.  Has done business with Ethel.  Father of Percy Reed (spirit).  Employer of Olivier Song.  (a note in red inserts the word “former” before this, and adds “and Clara Martin” at the end)
Values:  Traditional Christian values of female submission, repentance and humility.  Believes his way of life is the only correct path and pushes these values onto others.  Is especially hateful towards gay, transgender, and pagan individuals.  (A note in red adds, “Seems to think murdering everyone he lays his ugly eyes on is the way to enlightenment.”)
The page continues in red:  Status: Dead, thanks to Zelda, Mort, and some sort of demon guy.  And me, of course.  This (all caps) fucking slimy rat man.  Rest in pieces, bastard. 
The last page is a note that says, “Riot, I figured you deserve at least a note from me, because I most likely won’t be coming back from this.  I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer for you, but I know the Hallowoods will be safe in your hands.  You’re brave, and stubborn, and I’ve taught you all I can.  Don’t let this job consume you.  Protecting the Hallowoods is work that needs to be done, but don’t let it become your whole life.  You’re going to be so much better than me.  I trust you, Riot.  Good luck.”  A note in red adds, “He knew.  How did he know?  I’m going to kill the Instrumentalist.  I’m going to kill him with Walt’s own sword. /end ID]
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