#hfth ep 51
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aro-geo-turtle · 1 year ago
Hfth ep 51
—awww fishing date. Jonah offhandedly mentions the possibility of moving and hector just immediately starts making plans lol
—hearing the shit that downing hill is up to from Olivier must have been so confusing for Jonah, I want to see that missing scene
—froglins, oh dear
—I’m glad Huntington and the others are finding their places! Looking forward to getting to know them better as individuals. Honestly hearing that Stitchery “walks around like a vampire” makes me like them more lol
—griffocaughs confuse me because I want to imagine them as griffin-adjacent when they’re really just fucked up deer
—I am extremely worried about our main four leaving the Hallowoods for their rescue road trip while the froglins are on the rise, leaving the scoutpost without several very powerful allies. …mostly Diggory and Olivier, really
—I think Bern’s working through some issues related to the next generation taking up the sword (literally in Riot’s case) and starting to do things their own way, which is a really interesting arc for her
—Polly and yaretzi really are just mort’s parents and it’s wonderful. I can’t believe how much my opinion on Polly has come around since his first episode, from “oh this guy SUCKS” to him genuinely being one of my fav characters. He wants to show mort a carnival 😭😭😭 and is trying so hard not to let him see how scared he is 😭
—Nik’s ending monologue this ep was really strong. Sometimes you have to be the one who creates the map for others!
—I think there’s an interesting parallel going with season one having started with all the characters is disparate locations and then slowly winding their way towards the massive team up battle all together. This season seems to be slowly splitting them back up onto disparate storylines. I’m ok with that, seeing everyone together was really cool but I also missed getting bits and pieces of three separate plots each episode
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vestaclinicpod · 2 years ago
Audio Drama Sunday - 10th September ✨
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! What a week of listening! These shows have snuck into my home and forcefully knocked off my socks. 🧦💥
Big Spoilers!!
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods (132) SPOILERS! OooOOOOHH My GOd. This is why HFTH is one of the absolute best shows out there. I thought (assumed) two things about the narrative here. One was that Walt was, truly, dead and his death (and staying dead) was what heightened the risk of everyone else dying - not everyone comes back! The show has also done a beautiful job of showing how the actions of a kind person can be their legacy and cause little ripples long after they’re gone. But, it would seem, I’m getting my favourite character back 😭 even only to make it hurt more when he goes off into the sky doom whirlpool. I sobbed like a fucking baby when I realised Daphne was there too. The other thing I thought I understood was that Riot wasn’t going to die. I don’t know why. She was just the first character we met and the final girl energy is outrageous. I don’t know if I can cope with hearing Clara and everyone find her body. Or, god, Olivier 😭. Help. 
Oh, there was just so much going on in this episode. Polly and Yaretzi being incredible as always and Jacob Wicker giving his mother the HARD TRUTH. (And then having a little arson as a treat) PLEASE, if you’re not listening to Hello From the Hallowoods, you really, really need to!! 
📻 @monstrousagonies (111) FINALE 😭 What a lovely, lovely, perfect end to one of the most lovely, lovely, perfect shows. I hope Hero and the rest of the Monstrous Agonies team are SO proud of the show and the community they’ve created. I don’t know what I’m going to do without it! 
Also, I thought I’d share my favourite line this episode (minus the bit about cuddles) because ✊🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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🌒 Moonbase Theta Out @monkeymanproductions I listened to the finale again this week because I’m still so sad that it’s over! The show has so many beautiful messages that are prominent in this ep: supporting one another and activism is still possible across distance and, even though it might seem overwhelming, even small actions can help big problems. And Alex and Roger 😭 I don’t think any of us ever imagined them going back to Earth, but the reality is still 😭 “Now I’m with you. That’s all I wanted.” 😭😭😭 AND THEIR NEBULA 😭😭. Please go listen to MTO!! 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula I absolutely love to hate this part of the book! Even the fantastic voice acting is NOT distracting me from the fact that you cannot just be transfusing blood willy nilly!! Have a meme: 
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 💫 Wolf 359 (51) Petition for the rest of the show to be UFOverview / The Hephaestus Files. That was fun!!
🥾@doyoucopypod (8) I love stories which tell the same events form another perspective, it’s so fun!! It’s all very peculiar, these oblique references to something listening in and nearly going too far . . . I need more pieces for my puzzle!!! 
Another week, another missed opportunity to listen to KILL FM. I really need to rectify that! Hope everyone has a really lovely week! 
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hello-archivist · 3 years ago
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Safe to say that I will be compromised everytime Polly shows up
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