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THE LAST CROISSANT @hollywoodfringe @thebroadwaterla 8 out of 10 - A Good Show! #theatre #comedy #hipster #uberhipsters #hff19 (at The Broadwater) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzqXmE2pyyS/?igshid=15zxcfkjj1p7e
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Meet the Cast of Falsehood: Jesse James Thomas as Henriquez

Please introduce yourself! Who are you playing in Double Falsehood?
I am Jesse James Thomas and I play the very noble Henriquez!
Please give us a brief summary of play from your characters point of view!
I am a very important prince. I have a friend named Julio who is into Leonora. Since he is not royal, I am sending him to court and I will get her father to like him. I have this crush on this hot girl named Violante. I keep trying to woo her, but she always sends me away! ME! I know she likes me, so one night I get a little "too intense". What I did was wrong and I feel guilty but it’s ok because she never screamed. However, now Violante is not a virgin, and I need to keep my families honor. Sorry but bye Violante. So I guess I’ll have to marry Leonora. Sorry Julio, its for the best. Her father is down because I am royal, but she is being very difficult and not going for it. How dare she!?! Things will be ok, because her father is making her marry me. On the day of the wedding things get a little crazy and Leonora runs off to a nunnery. Come on! Now I need my brother Rodrigo's help to steal her away. Now she is back with me and I’ll wait till she is over Julio. Why is my father here? Rodrigo is acting weird, why does that boy look so familiar????

Tell us a bit about your history with Shakespeare and the Porters.
I have been a Porters company member for about 6-7 years and done many shows with this great group. Beyond them, I have years of experience with Shakespeare. Shakespeare is the ultimate theatre actors joy!
Our production is a cutting of Lewis Theobald's adaptation of a lost play by Shakespeare and Fletcher. How much of Shakespeare's original work do you think survives? Are there any specific lines, scenes, and/or characters really speak to you in the "Shakespearean" voice?
I feel that this play is very inspired by Shakespeare works, but I don't feel he wrote it particularly. The crossdressing, the nunnery, the star-crossed lovers, and the situations are quite Shakespearean. The language is still beautiful and the situations are important to talk about, but while influenced by Shakespeare, I feel that it is more Fletcher and Theobald.

What's your favorite quote (or two) from the play?
If ever woman yet could be an angel, she is the nearest.
This is my wife; no other would I chose, were she a queen.
But pleasure is too strong for reasons curb; and conscience sinks overpowered with Beauty's sweets.
Finally, where can be learn more about you and what you're up to?
Until my website is up and running, you can find me on instagram under: Loone2n, Facebook as Jesse James Thomas and as a Porters resident, check out their website as well: Portersofhellsgate.com
Double Falsehood follows its successful Fringe run reopening in North Hollywood on July 7! Tickets HERE.
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Last show. Sold out. 7pm. Let’s go. 🤓😏👍🏽 #TheBullyProblem #HollywoodFringe #musical #performance #lastshow #closing #photography #stills #opening #work #NMI #hff19 #newmusical #stage #announcement #tickets #work #actorslife #theatre #singing #acting #dancing #nerds (at The Broadwater) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzUHV8gpOOh/?igshid=7ylgbzyhas4v
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🥂 what started out as an experiment in mobile interactive communion (aka fun times in limos), became so much more: An intertwining show, a jubilant audience Rorschach game experience, an introspection into when among strangers does a family begin; is it really just by a series of well timed decisions? “if so then, don't we all have that power to just make ‘family’ happen?” I'm grateful we all engaged in this together, this journey to connect and create a fun frivolous time exploring these momentous themes. It would have never happened obviously without @ktdidwhatnow @saraashleyb @kylejayson and @blairkarlie, the unstoppable cast of @wigsandkeys @imseanwill @tommybechtold @jmichaelsilver @danabenedictvariety & Elizabeth Gray, and, as always with these types of shows, most of all you! 🎮 We are all most grateful for all of you that joined us, roused and beared witness to these characters’ decisive night. Thank you all, thank you @hollywoodfringe. I feel we’re all like family now in the limo of life, and I'm excited to see where this journey takes us next.🥂🎭 #bestnightever #comedy #immersivetheater #pignwhistle #hollywood #limos #champagne #hollywoodfringefestival #hollywoodfringe #fringe #hff #hff19 #hff2019 #immersive #lathtr #fun #la #swipeleft #bachelor #bachelorette #party #lastnightoffreedom #onemorefishinthesea or #twomorefishinthesea #twomorefishtogo 🎏#metaforyou (at Hollywood Fringe Festival) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJWfvQpBEe/?igshid=5gcud8ppt4vr
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ghost town by written & performed by Constance Ejuma - directed by Jude Yong It was brilliant... educational, entertaining and emotional! and Misti Cooper & I got to meet and enjoy conversations with some of Constance's friends; Rochelle, Marie (who created some of beautiful clothing for the performance) and Nadia. If you haven't seen this show at The Broadway Theatre (Studio)...go. ❤ Photo by Rebecca Dru & Misti Cooper - get DRUified . . . #fringe #hff19 #ghosttown #constanceejuma #rebeccadruphotography #rebeccadru #druified #misticooperphotography #misticooper #theatre #fans #spiritualxtc #spiritualmixologists #spiritualalchemist #brilliant #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #chooselove #spiritualadventure https://www.instagram.com/p/By_cQQPByS4/?igshid=xft09od2vh4n
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Had the pleasure of seeing Pockets by @robot_teammate, directed by @improvisingpaul at @hollywoodfringe. Bravo!!! 👏 * * * #hff19 #pockets #robotteammate https://www.instagram.com/p/ByzGlQIpMT5/?igshid=zygk6ksdaciv
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Ran into my fellow #fringers on #TheatreRow #fringetv #HFF19. . . . #comedyforall #hollywoodfringe #fringefest #actorslife #hollywood #hollywoodlife #westcoast #comedy #burnsurvivor #mylife #mylifestyle #complex #complexhollywood #er7879 #erruiz #losangeles (at The Complex Hollywood) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByZYv2mgprF/?igshid=1dv2ualiv67bz
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The Klingon's are coming to Fringe!!! https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/6010 #klingon #klingontamberlaine #hff19 #schoolofnight https://www.instagram.com/p/ByOvP4Ahy5E/?igshid=c86svskkl5lz
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Coming to the Hollywood Fringe next month!

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2019 Hiatus Announcement
It is with a solemn heart that See It or Skip It LA must announce our hiatus during the 2019 Hollywood Fringe Festival.
In 2015, See It or Skip It LA began a mission to help guide those familiar with theater to those who were convinced theater was a dying art, through the plethora of choices at the Hollywood Fringe. We felt passionate that anyone can be a “theatre person,” but just needed a way to find productions to match their taste, so we set out to be a source for those overwhelmed with all the choices.
The only way we knew to accomplish this was to be unapologetically ourselves. We saw more shows than we ever thought could be squeezed into a month, experimented with different reporting mediums, experienced individual and collective growth, laughed, argued, and hoped to accomplish even an iota of the gargantuan task that we set out to do.
For the past four years, it has been an absolute honor to be welcomed in to review shows and, subsequently, for potential audience members to take their time to read our words and listen to our podcast (especially back in the 1 hour or longer podcast days). We are very grateful for the interactions and experiences we’ve had.
So… though we might be back again (we have our website for a few more years) - we’ll leave you with this:
Chance It LA.
Chance It ALL:
From the well known Fringe staple, to the tiny gem of a 15 min show, to the immersive show that takes you outside your comfort zone, to the international production whose team arrived at LAX not knowing a soul. There is never a more beautiful or vibrant time than now to explore theater in Los Angeles.
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The Last Croissant playing @thebroadwaterla June 6 - June 27,2019. #theatre #hff19 #fringefestival (at The Broadwater) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzo83TZpTz1/?igshid=cag5hv62st4
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Meet the Cast of Double Falsehood: Susan Vesely as Violante

Please introduce yourself! Who are you playing in Double Falsehood?
Hello! I'm Susan Vesely - I'm pleased to play "the much injured" Violante.
Please give us a brief summary of the play from your characters point of view!
In this world Honor is everything. Honor = Life. For some, Honor is a given, a permanent privilege of birth. For others Honor is something that can be removed. Violante has her honor, and thus her worthiness and social standing, taken from her against her will by Henriquez, so, she imposes a self-banishment upon her person and leaves town. However, when she comes across others that are hurting she is convinced to take matters into her own hands, confront Henriquez, and restore her honor as best she can. In doing so she assists Roderick (Henriquez's brother) in stoping a sham of a wedding and aids in the reunion of two separated lovers, Julio and Leonora!

Tell us a bit about your history with Shakespeare and the Porters.
Shakespeare and I go way back. I knew of him and liked him, but it wasn't until my second year of college when he convinced me to partake in my very first audition and got me my first ever role -- Hermia in Midsummer Nights Dream -- that we truly became friends. Since then, we've worked together on many of his projects including (but not limited to): Measure for Measure, The Tempest, Twelfth Night, and MacBeth. The Porters, on the other hand, are brand new friends - this is my first show with them - I am thrilled to have met them and so glad they wanted to play with me!
Our production is a cutting of Lewis Theobald's adaptation of a lost play by Shakespeare and Fletcher. How much of Shakespeare's original work do you think survives? Are there any specific lines, scenes, and/or characters really speak to you in the "Shakespearean" voice?
Oh golly... Well, I'm no PhD holding scholar...but I guess you could say I like to think of this as Shakespeare Fan Fiction; written by a Super Fan who perhaps got his hands on an unfinished work and took it upon themselves to complete it as best they could. It's fascinating to be speaking (or hearing) the lines and go, "nah..." then suddenly you just feel it and go, "Hey, yeah, there he is!"

What's your favorite quote (or two) from the play?
Where am I? ... Not in the nunnery.
Men of your temper make everything their bramble.
Double Falsehood plays two shows at the Hollywood Fringe this weekend. Tickets HERE.
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Previews start tonight!!! 😱 Here are some production stills of @thebullyproblem during our tech run! Get your tickets now before they’re all gone! Only 6 chances to see this amazing show! Photos by @mattkamimura 📸 #TheBullyProblem #HollywoodFringe #musical #performance #photography #stills #opening #work #NMI #hff19 #newmusical #stage #announcement #tickets #work #actorslife #theatre #singing #acting #dancing #nerds (at The Broadwater) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByYd3xBJYhT/?igshid=yr6428wdepsa
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🎮 A goal I've always had with @metaforyou is to storify fun activities via immersive interactive narrative principles. This concept started from this simple seed: 'what if: limos??' 💡 I am grateful and excited to be working again with @ktdidwhatnow after working with her on last year's Paulie's Polymers office christmas party experience, and to be working now with @saraashleyb and @kylejayson, who's work I've admired for a while now, and as well as always working alongside the magnificent @blairkarlie 🖤 to create this wild thing for you 🎭 The cast is fantastic and I am so excited for you to meet some new folks as well as maybe see some old friends. Come check out what we've dubbed the bachelor/ette party experience: @bestnightever2019 Tickets are available at hollywoodfringe.org and are very limited due to this show happening just over the course of next weekend for the @hollywoodfringe festival, so hope you can make it! 🥂🎭 #bestnightever #comedy #immersivetheater #pignwhistle #hollywood #limos #champagne #hollywoodfringefestival #hollywoodfringe #fringe #hff #hff19 #hff2019 #immersive #lathtr #fun #la #swipeleft #bachelor #bachelorette #party #lastnightoffreedom #onemorefishinthesea or #twomorefishinthesea #twomorefishtogo?? 🎏#metaforyou (at Hollywood) https://www.instagram.com/terenceleclere/p/BynzoRlJ6aO/?igshid=15ltmzp2wsfk
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IN REHEARSALS!! So excited to be a part of this musical production loves! I missed doing musicals! Since Leave it on the Floor I have not done anything like this and I am so excited to be playing a villain as well! I get to channel my inner diva to the fullest and sing! Come hear and experience Hell's Kitty: The Musical in Hollywood This June 9-29!l at the The Broadwater as part of the Hollywood Fringe Festival 2019. It is a movie on Amazon and a web series and here we are work-shopping it as a musical! Links below! Tickets link: http://bit.ly/2JRdBs1 FB Link: http://bit.ly/2Jv76Mg #hellskitty #hff19 and #hollywoodfringefestival #MissBarbieQ #GratefulQueen #LifeIsGood #NonBinaryTransFemme #GenderNonconformist #NBVisability #GNCVisability #Flux_AHF #UWC #Project90 #P90 #KnowMyTruth #Light #Love #SpiritualCounselor #Healing #RIPNacho #MustacheForever #S&GForever #DTLA #ArtShareLA #DragQueen #DragPerformer #WeLoveYouNacho #StrongBlackFemme #TransIsBeautiful #SacredFoolsCompanyMember http://bit.ly/2JU8hEu
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