#heygutlcss {riff}
ofyoungbamboo · 1 year
@heygutlcss has been found worthy
Nayotake no Kaguya-Hime sat dutifully behind the silk panels of the kichō as she listened to the translator list the solutions this foreigner had discovered to the riddles she had put to her suitors. A dark eye looked carefully through the panels at this foreigner. He wasn't sophisticated but looked like someone who'd spent a lifetime doing hard work.
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She breathed deeply and stood up, hesitating a moment before she she parted the silk panels so this stranger could look upon her himself. <<Ask him if he wishes to stay the night,>> She said expecting this foreigner to understand the implications. That was why he had come wasn't it?
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@heygutlcss asked: ❛ you’re not as bad as everyone says you are. ❜ ( Maria, for Riff)
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"Plenty would argue with that."
Actually, he's pretty sure just about his entire life history would probably argue with that, though he's given up caring a long time ago what people think. Mostly anyway, there are certain people whose opinions matter to him. But hey, if most of the world wants to see him as nothing more than a hoodlum...let them. Not like there's much he can do these days to change their minds anyway, even more so after everything that's happened.
Still, it's true that even just a few weeks ago he never would have envisioned spending any sort of extended period of time in the presence of a Sharks girl, but apparently the world has seen fit to test him once again. That and at this point, he's not actually sure he could get rid of Maria if he tried, she's been incredibly stubborn, despite his less than stellar behaviour.
That being said, she has helped him sneak a cigarette behind the nurses' backs, huddled on the fire escape and letting the familiar smoke fill his lungs. It's a blessing to his nerves, which quite frankly have been on edge from the moment he woke up in this damned hospital feeling like he'd been split in half.
"But with that statement you're either being overly generous or way too naive," he snorts, taking another drag of the cigarette.
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ircnwrought · 1 year
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@heygutlcss (riff) to maria !!
__________♥      SHE ENTERS THEIR HOME LATER THAN NORMAL. with the light in the window, she knows he's held up for her, which brings tears stinging her eyes from something other than the bruise on her jaw or split lip. ❛    no sé. he said he wanted my money ...    ❜ it's no secret what day the department store pays its employees. he must have waited, picked on her because she's the smallest of the bunch. her hand is shaking as she lifts it to show her split knuckles. ❛    i hit him just like you showed me ... i think i broke his nose. he didn't get the money.   ❜
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cagesings · 1 year
Your portrayal of Johanna is so so good. Tbh i'm convinced that everything you do is just canon now. All the research and the devotion you give to your girl has me so motivated to become a better writer. We've been friends for ages and I'm so happy to see you on my dash every single time your posts pop up. I look forward to all our AUs and our ooc discussions where we gush about all the trauma and the fluff we have. I'm just in awe of you fleur
i've told you this so many times before since words cannot express how i feel about you and your blogs, but you are literally my inspiration. i don't think i would still have this silly hobby anymore if it wasn't for you. your expertise in your historical eras inspired me to do more research into the victorian era and other things to do with johanna. your words got me through such a hard week ( ignoring the fact this got buried in my asks shh ) and having you as a friend is such an honor. i look forward to reading more of your writing and gushing about our children.
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gathersroses · 1 year
dynamics tag drop.
pretty words pretty words pretty words / rel: character & character (url).
there's love above love and it's ours 'cause i love you too much / rel: ellen marie & stephen (wrensfeatheredpen).
if you could let me in i could be good with you / rel: rhonda & action (whatsbehindthefacade).
i could stay awake just to hear you breathing / rel: karen & ice (whatsbehindthefacade).
how can i ever tell them this is not a puppy love? / rel: tessie & john (whatsbehindthefacade).
suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste it all revolves around you / rel: graziella & riff (whatsbehindthefacade).
would you wanna run away too? 'cause all i really want is you / rel: heather & dodge (soldwrecked).
hand in my hand and we promised to never let go / rel: graziella & riff (soldwrecked).
because you matter to me simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody / rel: pam & ricky (riickyjay).
to hold a violent man's face in your hands to set him and his blood aside / rel: graziella & riff (heygutlcss).
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grazziella · 2 years
 @heygutlcss​  /  riff  sent:  [  UP  ]:      sender  briefly  lifts  the  receiver  up  in  the  air  while  spinning  during  a  dance  together.
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 she  used  to  shriek  when  he  did  that.  it  was  something  unexpected  --  mostly  because  she  knew  how  his  back  was  and  knew  it  must’ve  hurt  him.  but  now,  graziella  just  smirks  down  at  him,  lifting  both  legs  while  in  the  air.  once  or  twice,  she’d  lost  her  shoe  while  dancing,  but  that  was  fine  with  her  as  long  as  she  got  them  back  by  the  end  of  the  night  (  those  shoes  are  one  of  the  last  parts  of  her  brother  she  has  left  ).  it’s  kind  of  like  flying,  she  thinks.  kind  of  like  pretending  she  doesn’t  like  in  the  slums  of  manhattan.    ❝  you’re  gonna  make  me  feel  like  ginger  rogers  doing  like  that,  ❞  grazie  says  once  she’s  back  on  the  ground.  her  smile  still  hasn’t  melted  away.  ❝  maybe  we  should  hitchhike  out  to  hollywood,  yeah?  get  a  role  in  a  movie?  bet  we  could  -  ❞  she  smirks  ❝  -  we’re  pretty  good  dancers.  what’s  fred  and  ginger  to  us,  huh?  ❞
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warriours · 1 year
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“What’s with you and Mercy?” He asked with an odd bluntness, his knee bouncing because he never seemed able to keep still. It didn’t help he needed a cigarette and bad. He’d have asked earlier if Dynasty hadn’t been on. He and Mercy watched the show religiously every Wednesday, with Ajax snapping whenever someone spoke specially if Steven Carrington was on. 
Apart of him was still thinking about Al Corley’s big blue eyes and how the new kid reminded him of him for some reason. The new kid named Terry or Thomas or whatever. It was also another reason for him to ask about Riff and Mercy, get his mind off whatever the fuck was going on in his head.
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ekbatdesebat · 1 year
ANNA KARENINA (2012) Starters | accepting
@heygutlcss​ “i’ve got nothing left now except you.” 
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She nudged him with her shoulder. <<You are my fire,>> She told him in he divine language. <<But your world must be bigger than me. What if something were to happen to me? What then?>>
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greymoralities · 2 years
heygutlcss sent:   ❝  i  thought  i  lost  you.  ❞(Grazi for Riff) meme      /      accepting
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      the look in graziella’s eyes makes riff question every single decision he’s ever made up to this point.  he hates that he so severely worried her.  she doesn’t deserve that any more than he deserves her.  “cool it,  grazi.”  he places his palms against her cheeks and holds her gaze.  “i’m right here.”  calloused thumbs brush against her cheekbones,  leaving dirty smudges on her face.  he’s in rough shape,  but he ignores his injuries for the time being.
      “are you okay?”  he searches her face before pulling back a bit to get a good look at her.  he’s unsure how close she was to the action,  and the thought of a shark trying to take a bite out of her makes his blood boil.  “because if anyone so much as looked at you funny,  baby girl,  i’ll rip their goddamn head off.”  his adrenaline is still at an all-time high.  he’s sure she doesn’t realize how close she did come to losing him,  but there’s a part of him that wants to get into another fight despite the shape he’s in.
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sadauroras · 9 months
📜 (Riff and Jo!)
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse.
Person A: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve. Person B: I think you mean cards. Person A, pulling knives out of their sleeves: No, I do not.
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cannotflyarc · 10 months
If they had a kid meme ( Riff and Johanna workhouse AU)
if they had a kid meme.
name: faith alouette mcclellan
gender: cis female
general appearance: skinny little kid with knobby knees with shoulder-length blonde curly hair like her mama's. she has blue eyes with dark eyebrows and a strong jaw with a rectangle-shaped face.
personality: gets angry often and doesn't do well with managing that anger, however she really is a sweet girl. faith doesn't like being alone and once she caught onto what her parents do for a living, she loves to go out and help them sell the bread. she's bright and cheerful for the most part, but does feel quite lonely at times since her parents are so isolated from everyone else. she's the type of teenager to easily give into peer pressure because she's desperate to be included.
special talents: to deal with her tantrums when she was younger, johanna had faith decorate the piles of bread dough with little strands of spare dough. it was mostly little zig-zag lines at first, but later became flowers and even birds.
who they like better: johanna.
who they take after more: she gets her anger and desperation from riff, but her more gentle side from johanna.
personal headcanon: becomes alarmingly good at sneaking out at a young age ( like laura in the lighthouse au, but faith is more aware than she is ). johanna has mixed feelings about this since she's glad her daughter can remove herself from bad situations if need be, but is even more protective of her in this verse. riff, i assume, is not happy. faith usually only does this when she's seeking attention or wants to go out with friends after dark.
face claim: samara weaving.
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ofyoungbamboo · 1 year
@heygutlcss [bed] - Sender and receiver have to share a bed.
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It was almost morning of their second night together, and her sailor hadn't once tried too touch her. She'd assumed on the first night he'd been tired from his journey but tonight nothing. "Do . . . displease?" She asked softly gesturing to herself. "Not want. . . wife?"
She'd only just begun her lessons and was struggling badly to get her point across.She looked at Riff, pleading with her dark eyes o understand her meaning and explain.
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@heygutlcss asked: i know you think i'll leave, but i won't. not now. not ever. (Maria)
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"Everyone leaves, shortstop." Riff takes a drag of the cigarette in his hand, peering out the window where he's propped himself up on the sill. His eyes are on the horizon, but they're not really taking it in at the same time, lost in his own thoughts. "S'just the way of things. Sooner or later, everybody leaves. Even the ones who say they won't."
It's all he's ever known, after all. People leaving. His father had been gone by the time he'd turned seven, dragged off to jail or god knows what. His ma had gone before he'd turned ten. He doesn't know where his uncle is these days, nor does he want to know anything about that bastard. Tony's gone, been gone twice, first off to jail, and then off to that permanent sleep. The Jets are...well, he sees some of the boys around, but the Jets are done. They're all scrambling to figure out their lives. Sometimes he wonders if there's much point. Sometimes he wonders why the hell he's still here when Tony isn't. That doesn't seem right. It should be the other way around.
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ircnwrought · 1 year
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Reverse trace // @heygutlcss (riff) to maria !!
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__________♥      SILVER SCARS TRACE BENEATH HER DELICATE FINGERS AS SHE RUNS HER HAND ACROSS HIS SKIN. there are stories here, ghosts that have not found voice despite the presence on his body. they have both run from things, though she is well aware of the world he left she is not too naive to know there are scars on his soul too she hovers above one in particular, one of the larger ones, before drawing soft patterns into his skin. ❛   how did you get this one ??  ❜ she resolves herself not to pry if he doesn't want to answer her quite yet, but she is offering to share his burden. it is the two of them against the world now && she will not turn away from him for what the years before carry.
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cagesings · 2 years
@heygutlcss  /  riff  sent:  ‘it’s  okay.  i  couldn’t  sleep  anyway.’
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            she  didn’t  mean  to  get  caught.  or  to  be  outside  his  door,  leaning  against  the  wall  with  her  forehead  resting  on  her  knees.  arms  wrapped  around  herself  as  if  she  is  turning  into  a  butterfly  inside  a  cocoon.  it  was  not  a  pair  of  perfectly,  beautiful  symmetrical  wings  that  brought  her  to  riff’s  room.  it  was  loneliness.  johanna  is  no  stranger  to  the  feeling  rooted  deep  within  her  stomach  from  her  childhood.  she  thought  it  was  gone  once  she  had  anthony’s  fingers  wrapped  in  her  own  and  her  daughter’s  head  resting  against  the  crook  of  her  elbow.  
            and  then  anthony  was  gone  and  johanna  finds  herself  at  riff’s  bedroom  door  and  she  doesn’t  want  to  leave.  it  pains  her,  looking  up  at  his  tired  eyes,  knowing  this  is  her  cue  to  leave.  laura  is  asleep  in  her  little  crib  yet  she’s  come  with  the  wanting  to  feel  someone  else’s  skin  on  her  own.  the  brief  exchange  of  palms.  the  interlocking  of  two  fingers.  foreheads  pressed  together.  anything.  perhaps,  although  her  face  burns  from  embarrassment  of  getting  caught,  johanna  does  not  leave.  
            ❝  are  you  sure?  ❞  her  voice  is  barely  a  whisper.  afraid  to  wake  laura  and  almost  afraid  to  be  heard.  what  is  she  asking?  is  he  sure  he  knows  he  couldn’t  sleep?  people  know  those  things  about  themselves.  johanna  twists  her  hands  together.  ❝  i  just  .  .  .  i  can’t  sleep  in  there.  ❞  where  she  used  to  sleep  with  anthony.  where  anthony  took  his  final  breath.  where  she  refused  to  believe  it  at  first  and  cradled  his  limp  head  in  her  arms  for  the  final  time.  ❝  and  laura  is  asleep  and  i  can’t  wake  her  up  and  i  .  .  .  ❞  gaze  darts  down,  away  from  him.  ❝  sorry.  if  you  were  asleep,  you  don’t  have  to  lie  to  me.  ❞
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gathersroses · 1 year
@heygutlcss cont.
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he's a lot more defensive about something than she expected about she views as something lovely. there's always been a strange divide between laura and the rest of her family. her surname is hope, the man of a man who is, well, dead; while her mother and father's names were different. shouldn't he be happy about the change she wants to make? it'll only be for a few years anyway.
he's her dad. she chose him. she's choosing his last name, too. shouldn't he be happy?
laura doesn't remember "choosing" him, although that's the way her mama described it to her. family isn't who one shares their blood with, that's what she also says, it's who they choose. she's been calling him dad ever since she was little more than a baby. they chose each other to be their family.
lower lip pouts before she answers his question, ❝ no. i just told you: i'm only fourteen. mama didn't even get married until she was eighteen. then she married you! ❞ something that laura has only viewed as perfectly wonderful. not understanding the context of the situation nor their relationship prior to their marriage. ❝ besides, it's not a bad things if boys talk to me. i won't marry any of them yet. ❞ head tilts slightly to the side. ❝ it's a good thing. ❞
her pout returns with a stronger persistence. this is supposed to be good. she's supposed to be laura marianne mcclellan by the end of this conversation. that's a pretty name.
❝ mama doesn't yell, ❞ laura mumbles. ❝ that's not her. ❞ despite knowing well that this is considered a warning to get away, especially with the use of her first name instead of her nickname ( is it that bad? to the point he called her laura? ), she doesn't move. ❝ she always comes up. ❞
her mama is always stubborn. the closest laura has ever been described is strong-willed, but not quite as stubborn as she. usually, her mother tells her that she likes her father. but she never knew him. not her biological father. laura can be stubborn when she pleases and this is something she's choosing to be stubborn about. she wants to change her name. she will.
❝ i think it sounds pretty, ❞ she continues, in a gentle tone, ❝ with my name. you're my dad. i want to have your name. ❞
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